Tuesday, June 1, 2010


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Good bye Rodney
Good bye Rodney
Good bye Rodney, it's time to say good bye.
(Sung to the tune of Mitchell's out)
Mitchell can't fight crime, he is crime !!!!!! He's a criminal in uniform.
He's a politician, that sums it up....

We apologize for the inconvenience but our website is under re-construction.

The following links of essential information will remain available for public access until the reconstruction is completed.

Thank you for your patience and understanding.

Rodney K. Mitchell
Sheriff/Coroner/OES Director
Our Mission is to:


Well so much for the trust part.
Where's the money Rod, Mr. I never go over budget. Hell no, you just misappropriate funds and redirect grant money to cover your tracks.

Remember boys and girls. Even once Mitchell's oput of office it's still not to late to open an investigation on his dealings and perhaps send his to prison if something is found. I'm sure the SO shreaders will be working overtime.
If Mitchell needs money, he can always rent out, the between his ears.
After fifteen years, it's great to hear the taxpayers/voters are watching
sheriff Mitchell. Yes we will need an investigation into Mitchell years as sheriff and our money, he spent on his toys and things.
If Mitchell dropped out would Rivero win and take over by default? Since Mitchell fired his #2 Capt. and there is no under sheriff Who would take over for him? Pat McMahon?
Pat McMahon aka McAss, No way. McMahon is just like Mitchell. No leadership, lies, Pat would appoint Mitchell as Undersheriff. We can't afford Mitchell or McAss.
Any news on what happened in Nice at the park on 20 today around noon? There was a ambulance,SO, Cal fire. Then on my way to Lake Port There was 3 Hy patrol, another ambulance and a firetruck headed to Nice.
Hopefully after the election, Mitchell will become Inmate Rodney K. Mitchell
in some State or Federal prison. His employment can be inmate worker, tank boy, etc.
Mitchell can also have his new wedding in prison too!!!
A very interesting article about Smith. Did he actually tell you he was denied a Skelly Meeting? If so, Mitchell and Brown are dead wrong on doing that. Once again, we the people will end up paying for Mitchell and his incompetent staff. But what do you expect from a deputy who is promoted all the way to Captain in just four years and had never supervised deputies as a sergeant.

Oh just one correction, it is POBOR not Probar. It stands for the Peace Officer's Bill of Rights. It is also common to just see POBR. Just a little correction.
250, 244 Was referring to real Marines. Real Marines know who they are and don't feel the need to brag, They lead by example. You might try that.
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : August 7, 2010 3:08 PM /QUOTE

Speak for yourself. You're the one running off at the suck right now. I bet all you wore was a gray sweatshirt and unbloused cammie trousers...

What was your MOS and what unit(s) were you with? What division?

Is this a poser? OWD? Common... using the name of the Marines to manipulate and connive support for Rivero on this site? This is messed up. I mentioned who I am and stated my service, not embellishing. You're an anonymous post which means nothing. Leave the Marines out of it. you have no credibility.

Has Mitchell shown any remorse about the Dinius case? Hell NO!!
Has Mitchell admitted his mistakes as Sheriff? Hell NO!!
Has Mitchell admitted his affairs publicly? Hell No!!
Has Mitchell ever shown any kind of leadership? Hell No!!
Does Mitchell have any credibility with the Public? Hell No!!
Has Mitchell and the DSA killed our support of the Sheriff's Dept? Hell Yes!!
Did Mitchell and some others attempted to cover up Perdock Crime? Hell Yes
I can't think of one thing that Mitchell has done right!!! can you?
Well I will say it and I'm proud the be a former Marine. My MOS was 1811, I was in platoon 2086 in San Diego and I left with an honorable discharge. You?

So here is my opinion. Mitchell is the worst excuse as a leader. Read your NCO manual (I don't know what the Navy and Army call it). A Leader leads by example. A leader takes responsibility for his/her mistakes and applauds his man/woman when that do good. He/She does not take take appreciation for work his/her men have done, but is proud of their work. Now do I need to point out the page that is from?

Mitchell said he came up with the LCSO website idea when it was really Garzoli.

Mitchell said first to the BOS that he knew about Garzoli's piloting, but later said, "Not to that extent."

Mitchell failed to make any mention of Ski's shooting.

When Markham was in charge, if a deputy did good, his name was on the press release. Since then, Mitchell refuses to applaud those deputies that did good work.

Mitchell couldn't handle Garzoli or Perdock.
Mitchell hides from the Public !! You don't see Mitchell out in Public with us the voters. Mitchell has turned the LCSO into the "Jerry Springers show"
and he's so proud of it!!
What time will Rivero be on the radio sunday?
2nd Battalion, tanker. OK thanks.

Honorable discharge. Me too. I was 0351 and 9916 assigned to the 02 shop.

Please look at facts; Garzoli or Perdock are not there anymore.

Your right about he NCO manual, but why do you have such an axe to grind? My whole deal is not necessarily against Rivero. I just don't like how the whole thing is being conducted. This site and all the attacks. Seems unfair.

Truth is fair, again a total lack of leadership, a total violation of Mr. Smiths rights, a total lie in the newspapers, and all in front of the publics eyes. LCN or the RB did not catch this the Manifest and Lovelace did. We are lucky to have you guys on top of this stuff.
How do you know about the termination papers being backdated? I am still on the fence and if I am going to believe that, I need more than some anonynmous person saying it is true. I need a little more substance. As you all know, anybody can say anything, but that does not make it true. What is the source of that information?
Go to bed Pat.
On patrol in the Lake County hills
thought I'd pop myself a few pills

drugs and liquor in my trunk
drivin' around, I'm a little drunk

vision now is not too clear
red lights flashing in my mirror

I have a badge, they won't arrest me
oh sh*t, Chippy does field sobriety

Perdock, Garzoli and now this clown
Mitchell's cred sinks further down

I end my message on this note
I hope this guy, don't own a boat.

And they give these guys guns?
Post of August 7 at 1:155PM: There is a saying that goes like this "The enemy of my enemy is my friend." I have not seen one person in this local government try to clean this mess up.Lovelace is allowing those of us that have been abused a place to vent. Mitchell and Hopkins have shown this County how bad it is. All the bull crape from the GOBS just will not cut it any more. I am not proud to say those in this government are dishonest or looking for my 15 minutes of fame. I tell what I know, so that this government is more for the citizen and less for the bureaucrats. I will say this. you that are Mitchell supporters I not only found his actions deplorable but yous for backing him.
404 If the BOS did anything it would take them ALL as a unit, but you have the likes of Rob Brown who would vote no. That's why nothing has been done, his backers are people like "Ski" and Brunetti, Martins.
SKI should undergo some counseling lets see if he gets it.
Brown became a captain in just four years wow. His nose must be really brown.
You would like to know 1052. Nice try though, tell Mitchell to try something else that ain't gong to work.
Mitchell and his so called supervisors failed to supervise deputy Smith. Sgt's and Lt.s got paid to supervise Smith. I'll bet that Smith's Performance elevations are satisfactory, With no mention of any problems. Mitchell is just trying to protect his own butt now. To little, to late!!!
Mitchell is holding a fundraiser today BBQ of buffalo meat. HA,HA
All those that knew that officer had a problem and did nothing, to see that he received help. needs a readjustment session. The leader needs to be let go.Leadership 101 tells you to know your people. Hope he is helped now.
They were doing it with him . Where is the Dsa ? OOh yea they are busy covering SKI's a@#
Can someone find the Smith booking log information on the Sheriff site, I do not see it perhaps I am looking in the wrong spot. There is a report that someone has photoshopped the original arrest photo to make the eyes more wide open???? But I thought the arrest was on Thursday, and now I cannot find it. Am I just missing something?

stop making more of it than it is, no one photo shpped anything get real, the list is what it is.

He is no longer as of last wednesday employeed by the LCSO
Ha ha ha ha ya as of last Wednesday, with the backdated paperwork and not presented to him till the 6th, directly after the 2nd arrest, not a pretty picture for Mitchell and his corrupt boys.
How any other documents are backdated to protect Mitchell and his gang of Criminals? If it happened once, it has happened before.
I see a corrupt Mitchell supporters wants to play today, so let the game began. Mr. Forsythe paid for his mistake. Mitchell has not, he only blames others
ahhhhh we love the corruption supporters trying to discredit the Lovelace people, we actually get a great laugh out of it. It is a great compliment that they advertise our names everywhere, it not only shows their fear but their ignorance as well. The continued attempts at discrediting us is funny stuff. We think they actually believe it bothers us. LOL anyway, nice try corruption boys, we have been down that road a thousand times, we would even leave your posts up, but this site is not the focus point for your weak attempts...But hey corruption boys have fun. It let's us know we are doing our job.
Ha ha ha ha ha ha my God these Mitchell supporters are stupid, they have been trying this for mon.ths and months, don't they realize that it is already been done, maybe they are new to this Blog and don't understand their attempts are futile. They are going to go down in November kicking and screaming. What will they do then, when the new group of citizens are in charge? I can't wait to find out. The Lovelace group has so many supporters you guys just don't have a clue, and so many working for them now. How do you corruption dummies figure the Blog and the Manifest were able to get all the information on Smith and the visit to his house and the back-dating of the termination, and the lack of a skelly interview, and the information about Ski? Think about it idiots, they have more inside people then you have corruption supporters on the inside. Duh.....or maybe you just can't think that profoundly? Keep on them Lovelace this is great to watch.
You have them on the run now Lovelace great job on Ski and on Smith you guys posted all of it first, I don't know who you guys have, but you are driving these guys crazy, I bet they are so paranoid wondering how they can't keep a single secret anymore it is driving them nuts!!!!
11:06....0.08 is a "wobbler" reserved for the GOB. For the average citizen it only goes one way. All that shows is that Bruce is not a GOB. That's enough for me.
I can tell you right now Batman whom I talked to yesterday, get's a kick out of these GOB's. After talking with him for about 30 minutes I realized how far ahead of these guys he is. I am not just throwing insults for the heck of it. This guy is sharp, I mean really. I had never had the opportunity to talk with members of the Lovelace group since this started, but I will tell you I was impressed, I myself am no dummy, and I will tell the GOB's this. If you think you are dealing with a bunch of nobody's you better think again, they are way,way, ahead of you Mitchell scam artist's. Haven't the Mitchell boys seen that Batman and the rest are miles ahead of them at every step? it is to late for them now, but they should have figured that out a long time ago. idiots you are sealing your own fate, go ahead try to cover-up something again and see what happens. From what I was told yesterday,(which I was ask not to revel) you boys better head for cover. This is going to get real edgy in the next 2 months.
That was not Pat who posted the question at 10:52 last night about wanting validation of an accusation other than somebody saying it is true. BTW: That question has yet to be answered. I am not against you, but if I am going to be with you I would like some validation of the information passed along as fact. I don't think that is unreasonable.
Hey thanks everyone for your kind comments, we appreciate everyone's support and kindness, we really are grateful for all the great assistance inside and outside the system. This has been a wild ride and the models we experimented with implementing before opening the Blog pointed to exactly what was going to happen. But the fact of the matter is Lovelace only set up a stage for the citizens. Build it and they will come! Boy did the citizens show-up for the game. Thanks to all of you, much work still to be done, much has been accomplished, but our resolve is high and our goal will be realized not just in November but in the work that will be done in the city of Clearlake, the BOS, and the totality of transparency which they must be trained and taught what it really means, and how it will be a part of our local government and LE in the future...thanks everyone!
your not going to get the details of how we get this information post 1136, that simply cannot be done, we have many people to protect, and many who are assisting us. In due time once the job is done, there will be a complete overview of what has taken place in the past 11 months. We have seen many attempts (not that yours is an attempt) at the GOB's trying to figure out how we are doing this. But that will not happen, and we claim clearly and with conviction that we never have had a single information source, entity, or system outed and we aim to keep it that way. This is to important for the citizens and the sources assisting us.
Is Rodney your inside source ?
Take a nap Pat
Yes you are correct it is Rodney. Almost seems like it doesn't it. ;-)
It's been a few weeks now. I just checked Mitchell endorsement list and still no former Captains, Lt's from the Sheriff's dept. has endorsed Mitchell. They know Mitchell's failures!!!!
We have been telling everyone Rodney is the inside source for months now. Rodney is the source of everything wrong and mistakes made in his department.
Do you really think Perdock would endorse Mitchell?
Do you really think Garzoli would endorse Mitchell?
Do you really thing Buckholtz would endorse Mitchell?
Do you really think Markham would endorse Mitchell?
Do you really think Hall would endorse Mitchell?
Do you really think Ostini would endorse Mitchell? Yeah he was a Lt.
DO you really think Jones would endorse Mitchell? Yeah another former Lt.
Do you really think McMahon would endorse Mitchell? Well there's always some drunk idiot in every list!
If Mitchell holds a elected position, How can he belong to the employee union?
No!!! Rodney can't be the inside source, nobody believes "a word that comes
of his mouth" all lies. Rodney lives in his only little World.
Fighting soldiers from the shy
fearless men who jump and die
Men who mean just what the say
The brave men of the lovelace group.
The poetry lately has been great we really have some decent poet's as supporters, We are going to repost the 146 post if you let us know the first line 5th word is to be sky instead of shy, let us know and we will change it and re-post for you, or you can re-post and we can just remove the first one. either way. Thanks.
August 9, 2010 3:16 PM

Grow up 3:16!

Your post is offensive. I support the Native American Tribal Communities 100%. I am white, however I was raised by and with Latinos and Native Americans. Showing lack of support for them is the one thing that would make me re-evaluate who I support for Sheriff ; )

I hope you're just some random post.

As I understand it Garzoli was fired, right? Right??

Doesn't the fact that almost 100% of the Native Americans support Rivero, since you claim that as some aspect of your upbringing your vote is a simple one. I think underneath it all we have you on board Red C. I think inside you know your just playing a game you can't seem to stop, and good news is you really are going to vote for Rivero, you may deny it a while still, but you have to many personal morals and societal outlooks that mirror Rivero's and these citizens. Step up to the plate Marine, time to stop hiding behind your pretty pink dress of denial, join us, you know its the right thing to do.
So...,if Andy Davidson heard a shot, and ran up to break in the window, the guy couldn't have shot himself while driving. the cars had to be stopped.
That would be a Mr. Chwialkowski who shot the grow guard in the head.
Ahhhhhhhhh thanks LCM
How did he know that he wasn't being shot at or going to be shot when he went up to break the window?
who is the former Correctional officer/Dispatcher that was arrested a few years back, and Mitchell and his boys withheld his/her from the media? Can anyone help and is he/she getting the old medical retirement?
post 11:51...please be more specific. do you mean Larae Santos that was married to bill?
Batman : August 9, 2010 3:37 PM

I have strong personal morals and societal outlooks. I just think these attacks are unfair and I know Mitchell as a stand up guy.

I might have supported "giving a new guy chance" thing, but the accusations just don't equal out.

Lighten up. Frank should just campaign based on what he can offer. Stop the attacks.

redc you and perdock used to be lovers
Wow Rod Mitchell a stand up guy? He is the biggest embarrasment ever to this county and will cost Lake County more money then any other Sheriff. Most of the county can't wait for him to begone like his buddie Hopkins!
Well Red I just don't buy it, sorry stop the attacks, if a Marine does something wrong is he held 100% accountable if discovered? Can that Marine adversely effect others lives? Red C it is fair to say that the leadership of Mitchell has cost lives, literally, from unmanaged jail conditions to a part of his deputies who have gathered around him in cover-up and deception. You tell me Red C, could you run a Marine unit with that kind of leadership and not cost lives? Not a chance, your foot is in the door Red C just come on in.
Just a small correction. The uniformed officers that you see in the casino are security guards, not police, but I think they appreciated the comment. The Robinson Rancheria now have Bureau of Indian Affairs Police Officers. They are not Tribal Police.
It must be convenient to be both the sheriff and coroner you know you get the same story .
Stop teasing me . Please post the pictures of Pat with the tampon in his mouth and tag him on facebook . mgm will be soooww proud
643 Just close your eyes and there it is. The next time you see Pat blink three times rapidly and it will appear in real time.
Why don't you people leave "Ski" alone. None of you were in his shoes during this incident and if you were you would probablyt have a bullet betwewen the horns. This man is going through a difficult time because of this major critical incident. Let the system work and we'll see what happens.

Mitchell is responsible for everything. If mistakes were made in the raid or the investigation its his fault. Poor or no supervision and zero knowledge of how these things must be run.

The victim here is the deputy not the man who aimed a gun at a Cop. His death is tragic but it was his own doing.

Mitchell's organization needs to be brought up to current professional standards and it will not be under his command. Face it, he doesn't know what the hell he is going and he's not willing to learn. His incompetance runs all the way down hill to poorly trained deputies.

Again don't step on the snakes rattles, cut off its head.
I have strong personal morals and societal outlooks. I just think these attacks are unfair and I know Mitchell as a stand up guy. Red C

Red C, you are a moron. Mitchell is a back stabbing weisel who cares only for himself. Get your head out of the sand before a gopher takes a dump on it. If he's your man that's your business and its OK to be a fool. That's how Obama got in.
Red C was a pogue.
Bateman - excellent point but one correctionj. With Rodney K. Mitchell there is no leadership.
7:40, Very good post. Thank you for supporting the Deputy involved and redirecting everyones attention to Mitchell's incompetance. Ski no doubt is having a hard time and will be dealing with this the rest of his life. From my experience with working side by side with Ski, I know he would not have wanted the incident to unfold the way it did. One thing everybody needs to remember is people in Law Enforcement leave their house on a daily basis, work their shift thinking about the posibilty of never returning home to their family.
Why are you people picking on poor old Red C? Give the man a chance, he has no life and no common sense which is why he's a RKM dude. Marine, I dout it.
Originally, the term was a sexual insult, as "pogue" was slang for a young male who submitted to sexual advances.
Remember this, the vast majority of law enforcement officers never get involved in a shooting incident. Must of it depends on your assignment and where you work. At the same time you just never know if the person you stop for having a tail light out isn't an armed robber or a nut case with a gun.

Cops talk big among themselves. A lot of bluster which is a way of coping with the extreme stress of the job. Those who have actually been in an OIS will tell you that was the last thing they ever wanted and they would hapily trade places with a desk jocky like Mitchell.

You do your job, you do everything right and according to the book at still someone who wasn't there will tell you a better way to do it. People who sit back on their fat asses second guessing Cops make me sick.

Most professional departments do an excellent job or policing their own and doing fair and impartial investigations. Unfortunately Mitchell's department does not which hurts the good people who risk their lives every day.

I am happy that during this shooting incident the deputy came out on top. Remember this, the man with the gun who was involved in a criminal enterprize was the suspect not the victim. The officers who he threatened with the gun were the victims. I would much rather see a crook burried then a Cop, any day.
Sorry Red C, I didn't mean to infer you submitted to sexual advances. The term "POGUE" which is not meant as a compliment refers to a company clerk type of REMF who stays in the rear making "Top's" coffee and putting themselves in for medals.

If I were only there I would show em, I'd be a real hero but I'm more important to the mission staying here typing the morning report.
Now now Red, don't start ranting and raving about the Corps and what everyone else's MOS or duty station was. No one cares and its all in the past.

Admittedly I was no Marine with a capitol "M" but I do have the upmost respect for the USMC, its tradition of leadership and expecting 100% out of everyone. I rant them equal with Special Forces both Army, Navy & AF and the French Foreign Legion. All outstanding examples of professional soldiers. I was in the US Army and proud of it. I never had a need to wear it on my sleve and myown accomplishments pale in comparison to our true heroes. Still I was never a Pogue, a REMF or a RMS. RMS=Rodney Mitchell Supporter.
please be more specific. do you mean Larae Santos that was married to bill?
I'm not sure who she was married to but Mitchell was all over her like stink on bait...Oh.. about 15 years ago...If she wasn't a victim, he sure made her one...
Mitchell suffers from a weakness of the flesh and blames his poor wife for leaving him feeling alone and unwanted. At least the woman is in line with all the rest of the clear thinking voters in Lake County.

Lock up your wives, daughters and old socks Lake County here comes big Rod.
Be alert LCSO since Rod's been outted by a PO'd hubby he has no one to screw but you and he's off and running.
RedC, I would like to meet with you. If you would like to meet with me, please send an email to this site on how to meet and they will get it to me.

Jim Beland
If a LC Deputy Sheriff got busted having sex with someone else's wife he would be gone in a flash. His actions on or off duty would bring discredit on the department and crime fighting, straight arrow Rod would can them then crow about what a tight ship he runs in the LCN. Yet, he is still in office, lying, cheating and throwing stones at everyone else. Wake up Lake County voters, its time for a change.
Jim Beland, another unfortunate victim of Comrad Mitchell the "stand up guy's" tyranny.
How many people has the dear leader, Mitchell canned in the last three years? I've never heard of a police agency of that size that's had so many Cops bite the dust. It makes me wonder who is to blame. Are these people really afforded their rights like any other citizen or just kicked off the boat if they make waves.
A thought. When Rivero is elected Sheriff in November is Mitchell going to fire him too for the last humbug before leaving office?
8:34, That assuption is incorrect. A married Sgt. had an affair while on duty with a married coworker and got caught. He was not terminated for the incident. The affair went on for months before it was discovered. Granted he was disciplined but not terminated nor was he charged with misappropriation of gornment funds.
Well in that case I appologize to Big Rod, I was misinformed and wrongfully accused you of being a rat. You may go out and continue to chase Mr. Happy all you want since no one will ever charge you.
Rumor - Rod Mitchell was seen today pushing an icecream card around Clearlake asking for campaign donations.
Rodney, what happened to all the campaign money in your war chest, the $10K processing fee for CCW permits at the money left o SAR that you used for something else? Is that legal?
Goodnight Red C. Goodnight John Boy, Goodnight Chesty, where ever you are.

It's 9: PM (2100 hours) do you know where your sheriff is?
8:22. It would be interesting to know if Santos dumped him, or the other way around. I wonder is thats why Mitchell has such a hard-on for the Santos family in Upper lake. Mitchell just won't let sleeping dogs lie.
"I'm proud of the job I've done." I love Lake County"."I'm proud to say that in 16 years I've never gone over budget" by Rodney K. Mitchell. Thank heaven for special funds to misappropriate and dopers to rip off.
Mitchell only loves Mitchell. He is a user who is not capable of the truth or of being fair. It's all about ME.
Does Mitchell use his county car to drive to Santa Rosa to meet his lady friends? Surely he doesn't do these things while on duty. Does he?
In spite of what they say and what they would like us to believe the BOS does read this Blog. You people need to wake up. Do other California Sheriff's get such a bashing from the community? I don't think so.

This man is a disgrace to his profession, to his badge and his oath of office. You people, our elected officials need to cut him off at the knees and stop him from ruining what's left of the office. Put the #2 man in charge until after the election so RKM can do no more damage. You need to start an official investigation to look into the many charges being presented here and determine if they have substance.

Where there is smoke there is fire a hoseman once told me and in Rod's case the county is burning. If you can't control this guy then one day you may find some other agency or the court coming in to do it for you. More of our tax dollars down the drain because you would not listen to what the people had to say.

I wonder of the federal court has to come in and issue an conscent decree against the SO what's going to happen. They broke LAPD, SFPD and NYPD the same way and this department is ripe for a major clean up and over haul. DO YOUR JOB.
Of course he used the county vehicle. Who do you think owns the icecream card he was pushing?
Out with the weak BOS. Out with Mitchell. All should walk the plank from Perdock's boat.
I thought being Sheriff was a 24 hr. job?
It is but Mitchell likes to work undercovers . The taurus parked in the motel 6 parking lot is just a decoy .
Mitchell leadership philosophy is "ok guys let's screw the taxpayers and I'll blame someone else", "It wasn't me", "I didn't know that was happening", You can't blame me.
338 Do you think someone who wants to take his life by suicide would fire a gun 3 times and missing his head twice? Question is: Did Williams fire all 3 bullets that witnesses said they heard fired. If jaws of life were needed to extract Williams from the vehicle then question is: How was this at all possible?
Where are the results of the investigation and whom was the investigator?
Think: If you had to shoot yourself in the butt could you position your arm, hand and fingers in a way to hold and point and press an imaginary trigger. I've tried it and it's not possible. Questions unanswered by the Sheriff's office in the death of Williams.
Sounds like one more cover-up by Mitchell and his crew.
6:45 yes I have seen someone empty a revolver into his mouth ( small caliber) and miss critical areas. nothing like that to make you feel like a success!
jaws of life to free him very possible crash bending door so it would not open or steering wheel pins him in yet hands free to use a gun still.
but this is all speculation until investigation is over and report is released.
remember not every sheriff's deputy is a murderer with the entire dept covering for him. If you have HARD evidence of wrong doing then take it to the DA or state dept of justice otherwise let them do their frakin job
When does Tom go back to court for his pot raid?
When will Mitchell and his crew go to court for crimes committed?
This all goes back to the board of supervisors.That is where the buck is to stop. They have allowed, when complaints came to them, go unsolved. With that not only the citizens trust was shaken but emboldens those that miss use their authority. It starts out small then you have the actions of Mitchell and Hopkins. If those that are employed knew that there was a price to pay for their malfeasance.It would be a cleaner government.This lack of trust starts with them. one place it starts is "Its a employee matter and they can't talk about it." With that law, is it any wonder we have all this crap going on. Now the citizen has to take charge because those we pay didn't.

so the state law is the BOS fault? when the "citizen" takes charge does he or she ignore the law? are you advocating anarchy?
Good morning Lake County that was a hell of a day of posting and great comments. Just to give you guys an idea of what you are accomplishing on the site, you the citizens are averaging over 90 posts a day. There is nothing in this county that touches that level of communication and citizen participation.

There is a new article up on the Manifest it is on the Middletown shooting and a good overview that raises a lot of questions concerning this killing in the pot grow of last week. Take a read when you get he chance, except of you JJ, we don't know if any of you have noticed but each time a new article goes up on the Manifest Jensen goes to the article as fast as he can and post a negative comment. We actually watch as an article goes up and sure enough Johnny boy will put a post up, We thinks John boy is a bit worried about the Manifest. lol
Good moring Lake County citizens and voters. By now you've had your morning cup of coffee so you Mitchell supporters can get off your county computers and go back to work. The clock is ticking and soon the tyrant will be gone and you can go back to reallt enjoying your work day without having to look over your shoulder.

Take a moment every time you walk by Rod's closed office door and give it a good knock, keep him awake and off his county computer.
Sure is funny that Ski is the only one to shoot . Was he drug tested or was he given the perdick pass ?
Is it true that the guy who was killed had an ar15 registered to the SO ?
How do you know Ski was the only one to shot? The paper said the suspect was killed by one shot.
One shot killed the suspect but nothing was said about missing shots. I've seen and read about several police shooting where numerous shots are fired but only one hit the suspect. It's not like shooting a deer, remember that guy was going to shoot Ski and/or other cops.
JJ you need to change your website to the mitchell report .
Memo to Blog
No county computers can access certain sites on on the internet this along with many other questionable ones are blocked,the BOS has made that possible. SO any refrence to county workers reading or posting during their work days is a total misleading statement.
9:22 Not true as you are posting on county time . We all Know Rodney let's the corruption supports post on county time
lol 920 that is funny. Ya we know about the "lockdown at the court house, cannot access the Blog, cannot access the papers, oh my what censorship at the BOS level, where are we in a Chinese social state? Where scared of what they are saying about us so we will lock the employees out, they are not sharp enough to be allowed access...ha ha ha Oh by the way the people in the court house can access the sites, they have their methods, and what does it really matter they will jump on it the minute they get home.
Good article on the Middletown shootings. Now who is it that conducts the investigation? Is it the same group that was on the raid, is there an outside agency brought in? Should have been already. Oh no not another Dinius cover-up. Rod has got to go.
No whining at Lovelace, no caps, no profanity with the exceptions we have already listed, no cut and pastes, simple rules corruption boys, see if you can stick to them today.
Wtf why would Swat come in stealth that is asking for trouble . Who authorized this ?
That is the question I have 937, they know they only catch an illegal or two on these grows, what is with the Rambo crap, announce your coming in, the illegals tending the site take off and you cut down the plants pretty basic, and why is it only Ski took a shot? Usually if officers lives are in danger they unload their weapons totally, this is how they are trained, so no one else thought it was that dangerous to shoot???
Where are the Fed's in all this "National Forest" activity, it is obvious our local boys don't have the skills to carry this kind of thing out. Do the Feds do anything to assist and make sure these guys know what they are doing? This whole thing needs to be reviewed, and where is Rodney in all of this? I think he must be clueless.
Ski must be a good shot. The national was shot six times with a "Hell Fire" trigger. Once in the head, twice in the chest, and three times in the stomach. There has been cameras in that grow for the last three years. The joke among the Swat team is that someone comes back and grows there, year after year, even after they bust it. Steve (They're all scumbugs) Brooks spoke of this at the Lake Co. Fish and Wildlife public hearings. They have a lot of intel, but they don't seem to use it wisely.
Who supervised this raid? What was Rodney's participation? Was Matt Knudson from BLM involved?

And now someone is dead. Very sloppy work, Gentlemen.
All these questions should be answered by Rodney . His campaign's lack of funds seem to be more important than his department .
Very sloppy work indeed.
Rodney Mitchell " My ignorance is my responsibility " . Rodney take responsibility another death by LCSO and way to many questions with no answers .
Here is a portion of the Middletown article on the Manifest that we did not include with the report, as it is a set of questions and ideas that are interesting and will be part of another article on the process of these raids, however we feel it is important as a tool of opening ideas up to the citizens for their review.

Numerous questions arise concerning the method of a “sneak attack” on the grow. Anyone who has been on a pot grow raid will tell you that the only people ever found on these grows are a few illegals, who will run like a deer to their stash of hidden clothes a mile or so from the grow and take off for the boarder or other safety. Swat officers wearing 100 lbs of gear do not take off running after them. An officer could just as easily been shot that day as the individual who was. You never get a high ranking cartel individual on a grow, they are in Mexico directing operations from there. You can't hurry up an outdoor grow, the “budding” process is predicated on hours of sunlight, there were still several months of growing left on this site before the plants would be ready, so what was the rush? It should also be noted that with the knowledge that you are only going to get one or two illegals on the site, there is no need to take risk, pre-announce your entry to the site, the individuals will run for the safety of the mountains, and you can clear the crop and move on to the next one. There is no need for Rambo tactics, were talking about pot here not the manufacturing of nuclear weapons. There is much to be discussed in the coming days and weeks concerning this incident and the death of a human being. It seems that there should be open and full disclosure of the methods and conditions that resulted in this death.
In the last several years, a number of medical marijuana growers have been busted. Not one Mexican national was busted. They all just ran away, according to Steve Brooks, the head of the Lake Co. Sheriffs task force. Now all of the sudden the Mexican Nationals are taking stands with rifles and wanting to have shootouts with swat teams? It doesn't make sense, unless your trying to scare the public with your propaganda.
Steve Brooks answers directly to Rod Mitchell.
Oh It makes perfect sense . Ski got one , to bad he can't stuff it and mount it on the wall .
10:13 that is what they do here spread lies, promote fear, look for conspiracies where none exist
10:48 What an easy cop-out. So much has been revealed on this blog, where have you been?
11:06 it is all they got left .
10:48 What lies would that be? Prove me wrong. Fear exists, it doesn't have to be promoted. And yes, when there is lies and coverups, that's what I call a conspiracy. Do you think Mitchell will release any facts? No. However when the coroners report comes out, let's see if there are six bullet holes. This information is not made up, it comes from the inside. There are lots of people on the inside who are sick of this too. They are helping as best they can. The corruption supporters (like you) never seem to answer any direct questions. They just attack, and raise innuendo. There is no substance to your defense. The truth will come out, wether you like it or not.
1048, you are responding to a post that is hammering Mitchell and his boys and their propaganda, that was not a negative comment to the Lovelace group, dipstick! But thanks for agreeing. ;-0
We have just received from our inside sources on the number of shots and the method. The Swat team uses a gun that when the trigger is pulled 3 shots fire from the gun, in this case the trigger was pulled twice and 6 shoots entered the man. After the first 3 hit his head and torso, were three more then necessary? It would seem that the first 3 with at least one hitting him in the head would be enough. Hmmmmmmm smart money says we are going to have to rely on inside sources to get all of this out in the open, we don't think this is going to come to light during the campaigning.
11:20 remember Mitchell is the coroner .
Mitchell is the coroner, but we have our ways. Stay tuned.
Heads up for those in Clearlake, it appears Frank Taylor of the Outlook is going to run for a council position, and Brady is taking out papers to run as well. This may depend on the outcome of his last appeal. But the point is change is coming people are stepping up to the plate and the county in the next year is going to see a total turnover of the GOB's the council, and the BOS, the elitist groups are done!!
If you feel you need to shoot to defend yourself you shoot to kill, it is not a game with a prize for sportsmanship. It is the protection of your fellow officers that may not see the danger and of course your own safety. If you are gowing to grow and have a wepon on you then you are taking the chance of being killed. If you try to rob someone or a bussiness with a gun and not just a note then get ready for what can happen. If you try and rob me at home or in public expect to have a problem on your hands. And if you do not understand that then it is true that you can't fix stupid
Blog overview; As the months have gone by the communications on the site have been evolving and moving in a very positive direction, as everyone knows with a site like this you are going to have various comments and people who may post in a manner that is not conducive to good dialog, that is the nature of the beast, and those of us that run the site try to keep it within bounds and work toward a positive and proactive communication process. To that end we want to thank everyone for participating and helping to change our county. There are many people viewing the site now, in fact it is in the thousands throughout the county, this includes all the BOS member's and as a matter of fact just about anyone who says they don't! Even a name that has not been heard of much lately Mr. Baxter we suspect is watching the site. We hope he and others now can see the importance of this site and the evolution to the Manifest as well. We hope as citizens these people see the value of what we are trying to do in our county, and join the Rivero campaign and the citizens in helping us to start a new day and and a new way of operating not only our county but the Sheriff's organization. We value the opinions and ideas of Jack Baxter and believe he and others can be valuable assets to the community, and we want to thank them for watching and participating in this amazing process we are undertaking as citizens.
1147, again you totally miss the point. You do not have to rush in with guns blazing, the process and methods are what is in question. You should remember that officers could have been shot in that incident, because of the rash and rushed manor which this raid was undertaken. We are talking about method here and time, and execution without risk, it can be done, and there was no rush. There were camera's in that grow, everyone knows it. They also did not find a single other person there just the one, and you can bet they knew that going in.
11:47a These SWAT guys are supposed to be well trained to handle a combat situation. They also do not have to put their lives at risk for a minor arrest such as this. Give fair warning and the suspect always runs. He is not looking to get killed or arrested. Even with a weapon, he is not going to risk his life against armed men. The arms these guy carry are to keep people away from their crop, whether they are there to steal, or just by chance. My question to you is...have you ever heard of a shootout with authorities on these grows? I think not.
That is the other problem with our local Swat guys. They think their sh** don't stink but their farts give them away. This is just an elitist group of deputies who are on the in with Mitchell, they are not more qualified then any other street cop. They have a real issue within the department with these guys and most of the street cops do not get along with them because of their attitude. Take a look at the members of the "Squat" team they are all Mitchell GOB's!!! Martin, Davidson, Ski, Frace, Dutra...hello is anybody home!!
Very rare on the shoot-outs oh some things happen every once in a while, but if done correctly and if risk is eliminated they don't happen. Oh you will hear the terrible tales of death and destruction to human life, it usually is a result of the Rambo mentality. They will tell you oh no, those guys manning the site are told to protect the site with their lives...Bullsh** they may be told that, but when you know that 15 Swat guys are going to hit the grow, they are gone, don't listen to the GOB propaganda, there are better ways to do this and as another poster already said, sloppy work gentlemen!!
Word has come in that the National Guard has been put on special alert, if the local Swat teams continue to have killings they are going to be brought in to assist or to take it out of their hands. One more killing and word says they are going to come into the picture. Let's see what happens.
Is Rodney out campaigning ?
Did Bryan Smith have his first court date yesterday ? What happened ?
ollie your bs gets deeper by the day
Thanks post 1242 now what discussion would you like to have on your perception of BS, go ahead and step up to the plate, let's hear your grandiose ideas, it is real easy to simply say everything is BS, but you don't seem to have much in the way of facts or ideas. So some advise, if you are going to come to play here bring something more then your childish comments. It gets quite boring.
By the way next time spell Ollie with a capital O, not that Lovelace hammers on spelling or sentence structure etc. but in your case it is a requirement so you show the proper respect for the citizens and the actions of the site. For caps it is the key to your left in the middle of your board that says Caps Lock, try it, it really works.

12:42 it gets deeper everyday , but it is the water in Mitchell's sinking boat !
The first court date on Bryan Smith is very basic, the charges are read, a plea is asked for it is determined if he needs a PD or has his own lawyer, based on that another court date is set and the process continues, I do not know what the next court date is.
post 12;23 Olive that is total crap and you know it. First of all most of the team is feds and most of the local support officers are members of the guard. And no team is going to allow anyone to escape if they can catch them. It is really simple just run don't point a gun. It just is the same old garbage you throw out to people that belive this group won't lie to reach their goals. And 11;47 is mostly right and if you do not belive it take a gun to your gardens and test it out.
1:27 Why was Ski the only shooter ? Why go in stealth ? Was Ski drug tested ?
127 sorry to disagree with you, and total crap is way over the top. Your version of letting anyone escape is filled with holes. Now if a person is within reach or a in sight with a ways to go to get to cover in the forest ya someone may give a short chase, that is about it. You know the numbers of local Swat boys that are on these things, so don't try to play that off. Know if you can come up with something else that you take issue with bring it up.
He must have felt his life or the lives of his team members at risk and it gives no time to ask someone what to do ,you have just a split second to do the correct thing.
Wrong post 154 you know what the training is, it is quite simple you unload everything period and that means all officers, everybody doesn't just stand by and let one guy pull off shots. Ski has a very edgy record with Hispanics as it is and none of that can be denied, so there are many many questions to be answered and your post is not serving much but an attempt at an emotional reason for the actions, that is far from dealing with facts.
Is Ski on leave or his he still working ?
Has Mitchell learned from all his mistakes or is he going to let Brown do the investigation . Then say well we investigated and we did no wrong .
You guys are all idiots, no wonder Ringen keeps his distance.
Ski is on leave, originally he was not put on leave but then when questioned said he would be placed on leave.
Why does Mitchell surround himself with idiots . Pat is the brightest of them all .
Well post 304 you are calling the very people who helped put Anderson and Rivero in first place in the primaries. So what does that really say about you. And what will it say about you when in November the results are the same which they will be. You know to simply come on a post a whine like that is very typical of Mitchell supporters no content and out of touch with the citizens. Uh by the way what does Ringen have to do with anything. He is a nice man, and is not running for any office or position, there was talk of a write in attempt, but we think the best move there is to bide his time, let 4 years go by Mitchell will be gone and then the door would be open for a real chance at running at that point he can really do a full scale campaign and not cut himself short. The only thing he would get out of trying to enter now would be causing a minor vote split and nothing more the results would still come out the same. So setting that aside, your idiot post is again just another whine with no content.
August 9, 2010

Community Announcement


The committee to elect Don Anderson for District Attorney invites everyone to attend the official launching of the campaign to elect Don Anderson as Lake County’s next District Attorney. The event is on August 21 from 2 – 6 pm at the Lodge at Blue Lakes, 5135 W. Hwy. 20, Upper Lake.

Don will present his plan to restore the confidence of the people of Lake County. The free event is open to anyone who wishes to learn more about Don, supporters and those who might want to get involved with the campaign. Complimentary appetizers will be served. There will also be music and some low key fundraising activities for those who wish to support Don’s campaign in that way.

Anyone who has questions of Don may contact him at 707-263-1775 or visit his website at www.donandersonfordistrictattorney.com.
Hey you have got to see the new cartoon on the Manifest we just put up, oh my God it is great. It comes from our good friend in Hawaii Jurgen who use to be an avid Mitchell attacker here in the county. Mitchell use to just hate Jurgen. Anyway he provides our political cartoons on the Manifest, and this one is great. It depicts Mitchell goose-stepping in the Middletown parade, with his Swat vehicles in the background, and he is blowing a fart out his ass..(no other way to put it)..Take a look good stuff!!
We have more new articles going up on the Manifest, there is a new one on the filing of a Writ against the jail conditions and a request for video coverage of the trial. Which changed the sheriffs mind on wanting to keep an inmate in jail.
3:22 Your not even a human being You are disgusting the way you get joy in your writings. Vomit My innerds out reading your tripe
3:42 Are you speaking for all corruption supporters because you need to chill out remember nobody reads this Blog and nothing said here means anything .
3:42 are you suicidal ?
Pat you just figure out you are stuck in Napa ?
Lets see, you want the SWAT guys to walk up with their guns down, and yell "police" as they approach. Are you idiots! Do you really think the bad guys are just going to stand there and smile?

Camera's are placed to get intel. How many suspects, damage to the forest, trashing the area, ATV's, dirt bikes etc..

When SWAT goes in, they get as close to the scene as possible. They try to get close so that the suspects don't have the chance to run. The job is "catch the bad guy" not allow them to run away. Those men damage the forest and need to be brought to justice.

The investigation is done by the DA's Office and not LCSO. If there was something wrong Ski would be charged. Sine he was not, than the shooting was justified. Now if we find Brown did the IA, than I have a big problem with that.
411 you are way off the mark, they don't care about the illegals, they don't want to process the paperwork, there have been 100's of bust's where illegals are trimming or working the fields and they will either write them a quick citation or simply send them on their way. Again you guys fail to address the faulty approach, the sneak attack move is dangerous and there is no need for it. And when those guys run they are not chased in any way shape or forum.

And yes the so called "bad guys" are not going to engage in a gun battle with Swat you are an idiot to post that it simply does not happen. You know that.

No one is saying the forest should be taken back, we all know the damage that is done, do not post as if that is only the opinion of the LE, it is not. Also the investigation is not over with at this early stage in the process, to say it is is a fallacy. And your post is a problem in and of its self because you are stating that Hoppy is doing the investigation, that is a real problem and we don't need to post why. Try again.
Where's the video of the shooting boys, where is the video's of the grow site? Must be a lot of tape on this one eh? hmmmmmmmmm wonder if we will ever see it?
Bad boys bad boys what you going to do when they come for you . Think Mitchell is going to stand up for Ski or throw him under the bus .
Let's see , less than three months until election , Ski get ready here comes the bus !
Who was the officer that got drunk and was given a ride home by the PD ?
Who were the officers in belands complaint that showed up to work intoxicated ?
My my all the questions and not a single answer from the corruption boys...hahahahahah
Why didn't they shoot the gun out of his hands?
They did. I'm pretty sure that he dropped it.
11:47a - Shoot outs with people assigned to secure marijuana grows are not at all uncommon and we are seeing more incidents all the time. Several departments in California have been involved in similar incidents just within the last four months.

A note. Many of these armed guards are illegials placed there by the Mexican cartels. There families in Mexico are being watched to make sure these men do what they are told. One thing they are told is that if they fail to properly guard the site their loved ones will be killed. Now they have to worry about the Cops, marauding weed thieves to lazy to grow their own, opportunistic weed fiends and people tripping through the forrest.

Most often they do try to escape when they know the law in on their way. Most have an excellent surveilence system going not to mention ingenious bobby traps.

Now and then you are going to come one some of these guys by accident or some that think you are just a hiker easily intimidated. These are not expecting the Cops. Now you have a crook or crooks with a gun vs armed LEO's. You may also have a language barries to go along with panic or stupidity and you are headed for a tragic end.

Someone mentioned warning these guards that the Policia is coming to give them time to run. That's one idea but no guarantee they will and no guarantee they will not be waiting to bushwack you. You just never know so I say its better to be safe then sorry since they choose to confront armed Cops with a gun so what choice have you?

You have only to look at the violence involving the organized drug cartels in Mexico to see what their mind set is. There they kill Cops all the time and think nothing of it knowing the chances of getting caught is not likely. They have no respect for the law, the police or for human life. If you don't believe this type of useless violence has moved to Lake County then you have your head in the sand.

In Mexico this is a war. The war had moved into Arizona, NM and Texas and now its at our own door step. Support our Cops because they are all that is standing between the real criminals and your family.

If you have an issue with Mitchell and his lack of leadership and mismanagement voice it loud and long but embrace those in the field who go in harms way to protect our own.
OWD You are right on and I aplaud your intuition which is right on about who may be lurking in the grass reading what the community has to say. We must all be informed and although some of the posts may be BS, others are humerous and others are stupid, where there is smoke there is fire. I see a marked improvement in what is being said here and we are getting some excellent arguments.

I do not like the annonomous postings that attack indioviduals who really have nothing to do with the purpose of this Blog. I do understand it and why it must be. I said some time ago I support your right to do what you are doing and I see a service being performed for the community. Rest assured one day we will all see Rodney Mitchell voted out of office and a new day dawning at that department. I predict it will be a good thing for everyone. Keep up the good work.
4:11 If the shooting investigation was done by the DA office from the start then why the hell do we need the SO Detectives? If this incident occurred on federal property and the SO was supporting BLM Officers then why isn't the FBI doing the investigation? Food for thought....
I just had an opportunity to read "The Outlook" and say Bruce F's excellent article, he hits the nail on the head.
When has Rodney ever done the right thing ? They will do aphoney baloney investigation in which they give no facts answer no questions call it a justified shooting and hope it goes away . If Rodney were smart he would call in the fbi as this was on federal land and let them do the investigation but we all know that will never happen .
I see Frank Taylor ("The Outlook") is also asking Mitchell to account for the money donated to SAR which seems to have disappeared when RKM got his grubby thingers on it. A bequeath by an individual, a trust or an estate to be used for SAR only not for Rod Mitchell or the SO. Mitchell as the head banana must be the trustee since SAR comes under EOC but it's not there for him to use as he sees fit or to balance his budget so he can boast never going over budget. Where's the money Rodney?
Rod should have no choice on who conducts the investigation since the FBI has primary investigative jurisdiction on all crimes committed on federal land. I suspect he nevert bothered calling them since that would shine a light on him during an election year.
If Rodney were smart he would not be under the gun today. If Rodney were a competant manager and leader we probably would not have to be here discussing these issues. Bottom line, he is not and we are here. We are not going away and we want answers not excuses or BS.

The clock is ticking and soon the door to Mitchell's office will open and he'll slither out. A new sheriff will be in and the door will remain open to all of us.
Did Rodney Mitchell pass the math test posted on the "Lake County Manifest"?

Let's see 18 + 0 = ? Oh yes, 142 days left in office.
Good post 616 it is an excellent counter argument to the position we took. There is much truth in what you describe. We believe there is a middle ground here that should be based on caution and should include the understanding that several cops could have been shot just as easily and it just is not worth several hundred immature plants. We do understand the methods employed by those as it where holding families hostage, However that is to keep the tenders honest more then to tell them to kill yourself in protection of the crop. There is an understanding even if it is from the big cartels that a person or two is not5 going to stop the Swat team from taking a grow. I think people are under the impression that is the case, the cartels want these guys to run like hell if the site is found out because they know it is a lost cause. They do not want these guys getting caught as they don't want the risk of exposure if they talk.

This is a little different twist to it then what you have described, but we do agree with you in general terms. We also do not want officers hurt in the line of duty, this is why we so directly say this could be done better, given the fact this grow was months away from maturity.

The big boys in the cartels in Mexico do kill cops all the time, but that is not so germane to an illegal keeping an eye on a grow and tending it. There is indeed nothing good to be said for these vicious cartels and those associated with them they are as mean and nasty as the Taliban. We agree 100% on that fact. What in the end is very important is full disclosure that the citizens can believe, video's if they are available, how many shots and who, there are a number of questions to be answered, and we believe an open discussion could in fact save a cops life the next time around.

We want to thank you for your well thought out post and please continue to engage us as to much of the time we have the Mitchell supporters not showing your level of intelligence and acumen. We hope you continue to post here and participate in the conversations.
Thank you Bruce and you are quite right, I agree they would rather have the guards run then shoot it out with the Cops. I believe the primary reason for them being armed is to protect the weed from the marijuana fiends (I love that term) who can't or won't grow their own coming in and ripping them off.

Look at recent history where we've seen garden tenders on federal lang murdered execution style during a dope rip by unknown persons. This happened in Madera Co. and I think one of the other valley counties within the last year. It's a dangerous job being a weed farmer for the cartel.

I see no reason why the facts of this case should not be presented to the public once the criminal investigation has been completed and the DA has made their findings. This is especially true here where people lack trust and confidence in the SO and want answers. You would think the Sheriff would make a point of answering all our questions since he says he's always open, above board and runs a transparent organization. Ya right........
ya good point 704 on the tending of these gardens to protect them from those that would come and steal the crops, most people forget that is the real purpose, they don't want nor invite the general public from stumbling across their grow. They choose these locations to not be found, that however does not always happen. This is the saddest part of this situation, this effects the general population who by chance might happen across a grow. Now its not going to Mary and John with a baby stroller who ends up in one of these remote locations, but there still are the times when it is someone from the general population, and yes their lives could be in danger. That is a sad fact.
The investigation is being done by the DA's office and the LCSO is happy about that. Because when Ski isn't charged and nothing is done, the public will be upset with Hoppy and his crew and Mitchell can claim he had nothing to do with it. Hoppy doesn't care what people think of him, they already told him what they think, and Mitchell can do what he does best - point fingers at every one else. Mitchell's SODDI defense.... Some Other Dude Did It.
That is so true, it needs to be an outside agency period!!!!
So, what you are saying post 7:24 pm, is that Ski is guilty and the DAs office is going to say that he did nothing wrong. Is that right? So, you are telling me that even though you were not there you already know that Ski is guilty. You guys amaze me!! You have not a clue of how investigations are done or what is right or wrong. It is only what you believe in your simple mind that is right!
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