Wednesday, November 3, 2010


Lake County Government Watch

                                           REST IN PEACE LITTLE MIKAELA
                                                          MAY 15TH, 2013


Muhammad Ali...The Greatest RIP

July 11th, 2014(updated)

This is the Lovelace Group of Lake County and this is our Blog page. This Blog is dedicated to the good citizens of our county and with their help and dedication to change and transparency. This site now has 6 years of existence. It started several years ago dedicated to the removal of two public officials holding office in our county. Sheriff Rodney K. Mitchell and District Attorney John Hopkins. As our group began to look at the actions and incidents of corruption, elitism, and crony-ism that was entrenched in our local governmental system it became clear that something must be done to change the course of the past 15 years. Lake County is one of the lowest rated counties in the state from health criteria to water quality. Meth is still a severe issue, tourism is dying, and housing value is stagnant. Our lake is dying due to total government mismanagement.  Change is needed.  A model was created, this model was based upon the use and concept of social communications and Internet dialog to promote public awareness and further the cause of radical change in our community. By various means we brought our site to the attention of the citizens and public officials in our county. Now approaching  one million comments, several elections, and an amazing county, state and country wide audience we are pressing forward for even greater social change and policy restructuring within our county. Environmentally and from a governmental failure, our county is dying.  

What has been accomplished thus far would have been hard to imagine 48 months ago. Sheriff Rodney K. Mitchell has been removed from power, District Attorney Jon Hopkins has been removed from power. One of the driving forces for the exposure and removal of these two corrupt individuals is a terrible incident involving a boating accident on our local lake when a sheriff's deputy named Russell Perdock drove his speed boat at high speed in the middle of the night over the top of a sail boat just leaving the docks with running lights on killing at a far to early age a beautiful women name Lynn Thorton, at the helm of the sailboat was Bismarck Dinius. What followed is hard to imagine. Then sheriff Mitchell and DA Hopkins charged Bismarck Dinius with the death of his passenger Lynn Thorton and protected their deputy Russell Perdock, charging him with no crimes. During the course of the criminal trial cover-ups, illegal actions, jury tampering, and a host of other issues spelled the doom of Mitchell and Hopkins and the total unanimous jury acquittal of Bismarck Dinius. A federal civil rights trial of massive proportions has been settled in San Francisco federal court with several million dollars going to Mr. Dinius. Both Mitchell and Hopkins were key individuals in the attempted prosecution of Bismarck Dinius and cover-up of the truth of the accident. With this incident in mind we launched the sheriff Mitchell Watch Blog, of which our URL remains the same but our Blog name has now changed to Lake County Government Watch. During the adventures of our first year we were able to elect Sheriff Frank Rivero into the sheriffs position.  For 4 years running the GOB network has attacked sheriff Rivero. A phony Brady process by DA Donnie Anderson, a Trumped up recall attempt by Brian Martin and Rob Brown, and a vote of no confidence by the BOS were some of the constant attacks by this elitist network.  Now in the recent election, the local media showing no journalistic integrity has assisted in taking our sheriff out of office, he is being replaced by a Good Old Boy who is directly connected to former sheriff Rodney Mitchell.  Although we will have one or two new supervisors in district's 2 and 3, we are saddened with the loss of sheriff Rivero. Sheriff Rivero was of Cuban blood. The severe racism still embedded in the power brokers of Lake County and their family and friends remains a major issue.   However we are steadfast in our dedication to you the people of this county and of  furthering transparency, honesty, and government integrity in our county and beyond.  

What we have found during the course of our own investigations in the county is stunning to say the least. It was discovered that a local Internet paper called Lake County News run by Liz Larson and her husband John, in our opinion were in collusion with local government officials. We then exposed this paper for its biased and fascist operations discrediting their reporting and any semblance of credibility they once had. The Record Bee has done no better and due to a massive amount of pressure local editor Mandy Feder is leaving the paper. Both papers outright attacks on Sheriff Rivero scraped the bottom of journalistic integrity.  One of the more significant discoveries also exposed several of our local Board of Supervisors to the citizens scrutiny. Most significant is Rob Brown, whom we continue to bring the light of transparency and exposure to his actions and Neanderthal approach to governance.  

As together we continue our Blog and our efforts towards community awareness and change we want to thank the many citizens from deputies current and former to just good folks helping and offering assistance.

This process of change in a county or government system run through an entrenched multi-generational nepotistic, wink wink, system of government(GOB's or Good Ole Boys) is difficult to accomplish, new ideas and change are not embraced. Those that have the power and control will not give it up easily.   Thank you for joining us here, we are the voice of the voiceless of which in today's world there are far to many whose voices are not heard.

Finally as of this editing, we are but a few days away from 2,000,000 page views in 6 short years, in this a county of 60,000 and change. All of you are the reason we hit that milestone.

The Lovelace group of concerned citizens

Comments: «Oldest ‹Older 4801 – 4994 of 4994
So... Trump is smart enough to take legal tax breaks? Sounds smart to me!
Hillary Clinton is under FBI investigation for her private email server and now the Clinton Foundation too? Wow! Its got to be pretty bad when Obama allows the investigstions to continue?
FBI states 4 foreign governments hacked Clintons private server in her homes basement!
Measure C was written by the board of Supervisors (Brown and Farrington) for the Board of Supervisors.
We need to pay a tax on the usage of Marijuana but it needs to be paid at the retail level like all other taxes, not as a cultivation tax. The real problem the Supervisors refuse to address is that they don't allow any retail sales in Lake County. They want their cake and eat it too.

People of Lake County, you need to wake up. Read the ordinance and realize how your rights will be taken away. You will pay for Law Enforcement to come on your property and inspect your grows and premise without due process. You will allow them to examine your books, records, and tax returns whenever they feel like it. You are giving away your rights! This goes for you non pot farmers too, you are also giving away your rights if you allow this precedent to take place.

You non pot framers think of the money that will help Lake County and I agree, however think of what that number would be if our Supervisors would allow retail sales?

Wake up Lake County, read the ordinance, spread the word on social media, come out and vote, and


This county is a Criminal conspiracy.Look into Micheal Lockets Job app to start.
Dang, Yet another member of the Wife Beater Shirt costume clan meeting at their favorite meeting place.

,,,, 11/6/2016. 08:59

Check out the latest spokesperson.

#yet another


Another Wife Beater Shirt costume clan member?


# Yup!


Hell No on C and 64.
Nobody is even in the county's grow map.
Look what our increased property taxes have given us...
Wa you butt hurt? LOL It's fecal Frank round 2 all over again.
Dang, Yet more members of the Wife Beater Shirt costume clan meeting at their favorite meeting place.


,,,, 11/8/2016 21:32. & 22:32

Check out the latest spokespersons


Wa, you moving out of the country with Miley? Cya!

Anonymous : November 9, 2016 at 7:05 AM

Ha! Ha! Ha! And miss watching you wallow around in the $hit storm that you helped create?

# Not a chance!

;-) LOL! ;-)

The Liberals screwed themselves with the DNC corruption and standing behind a canidate thats a liar and a criminal. To lose to canidate the like of Trump says a lot about Obama's failed presidency and Clinton's credibility. Now we will watch what Trump can do? If he fails, we will throw his ass out next! We have to hold politicians accountable for their policies and actions! We have to stop following party lines for the sole purpose of defending our politics.
Poor Obummer. He will now get to see all of his shit policies reversed. Wa won't have enough tears to cry out after he see's this done. Poor wa. You've been Trumped dumbass. Just another failed election for wa.
Liberals are acting like Trump is going to kill all the gays, make slavery legal again, and take away women's rights....

Like he's a Muslim or something.
The Blog is dead...
Long Live the Blog!
Who do you think you are?
I know who I'm not...
Bigot Racist Fascist Bully Politician Cop Snitch Sympathizer Judge & Sheriff Martin Rob Brown Anthony Farrington Patrick & Mary Grace McMahon Don Andersen Ed Borg Russ Perdock Joey Louis Clint Fitzgerald John Jensen and fundamentally not your ally or friend.


Looks like we have more competition for leader of the Wife Beater costume Clan position.

Dang, Yet another member of the Wife Beater Shirt costume clan meeting at their favorite meeting place.

R.V.S.P For Your space.SO Recent arrests.
Check out the latest member,,,
,,,11/20/2016 20:28

# B.Y.O.B

Wa, you have killed this site. No one, and I repeat NO ONE, wants to hear anymore about your wife beater shirt costume clan crap. Maybe you think this is cute stuff. It is not! It is pure garbage and you are wasting space here and driving people away. You could not be less relevant. Please stop it and just GO AWAY!

Anonymous : November 21, 2016 at 9:58 AM

,,,Please Confirm your 'User ID'

,,,@ arrests...
,,,9/1/2014 08:55...

You don't spit into the wind,
and you don't step on Superman's cape,

And you don't mess around with "Wa"
"Wa siktir !" That is. LOL!

# Thank You.. B.Y.O.B.....


I will give Wa some credit here. It would seem that he is deliberately trying to kill this site.

Coming here now is like clapping with one hand.

Anonymous : November 21, 2016 at 10:00 PM

You can show all the interest in me you want but I won't join your Racist,Bigoted, Sexist clan.

# Sorry to disappoint you.


Coming here now is like clapping with one hand.
posted by Anonymous : November 21, 2016 at 10:00 PM

Not hard to do

# Being sober would be to your advantage.



Kudos to The Record Bee for helping a prominent MD hold the gun to his head this weekend. By publishing his photo this year after involvement in a domestic fight, you essentially destroyed a man who expertly brought thousands of babies into this cruel world. Despite his demons, he was a good man who didn't deserve to have his career, and life destroyed by The Record Bee. Can't seem to find anything about his sad demise in The Record Bee, though.
The Wretched Bee is best suited for use in wiping the unwashed asses found in LC's summertime port-a-potties. Use of JJ's rag requires handwashing both before and after.
Dr John destroyed his own life and didn't need any help from the Record Bee. He cheated on his first wife, then his second wife; she cheated on him. Don't blame his dysfunctional life on any newspaper.

Anonymous : November 23, 2016 at 8:11 PM
Appears to be a spawn of the R.B.

# Well trained. LOL!


Live! Bob Blackmoore & Phil Murphy "Pushing Buttons" every Monday 7 to 8 pm, repeated Wednesdays @10am On KPFZ 88.1 F.M. Lake County Community Radio, after "Democracy Now". Studio phone# 707 263-3435. Internet
Nobody gives a fuck about blackhead or pill. Those two old men are about as useful as a buggy whip or 8 track tapes.

Rob was going down Cob Mt. at a pretty good clip when at the bottom Rob made a hard right and broke jj's nose.

# not the first time.


Good to see their biggest fan is still here.

Anonymous : November 24, 2016 at 2:56 PM

Good to see you agree with the story going around Cob
@ : November 24, 2016 at 2:35 PM


# believer.


I tend to agree with Blogger Bud Wiser : November 20, 2016 at 11:22 AM with his partial list of vermin in Lake County.


9:37 Most of those people haven't been in the news for over 6 years. Is that how far back one must go to find enemies?

Sooo? Anonymous : November 25, 2016 at 2:32 PM
A leopard "can" change it's spots by staying out of the "news" for six years?

# Only in LC.


Fidel est finis!
Has it been that long since Perdock killed the last tourist?
Anonymous : November 25, 2016 at 2:20 PM. Lives in Hitlerville
More to the story of DV than the Record-Bee reported. That second wife has a long history of cheating - she cheated multiple times on her first husband, cheated on her second husband with the Dr. when she worked at the hospital, and then cheated on the Dr too. More likely she got caught and got physical, then cried victim, by the looks of his face. Real prize that trophy wife was.

What do you think the odds are that jj over @ LCN will ever show any support or solidarity with the Native Americans at Standing Rock?

# So far "O"


11/25 at 2:32 Most of "those people" you refer to have quietly remained on the public's payroll for the past six years and are doing fine. No need to look towards Washington DC or Trump Tower to find an enemy. LC has its own collection of narcissists, sociopaths, bigots, racists, drunks and buffoons clinging to power and pulling their very short strings. Such people are not able to let go of the soft, warm, pink and sugar-sweet public teat in order to stand on their own or play the power game elsewhere. It's easier pickings here where nobody pays much attention and survival is way more important than how badly you are being honked by the ruling class.
So what Dr. killed himself?


: November 27, 2016 at 9:08 PM

# Waiting.




Update report on Standing Rock.

KPFZ 88.1 FM now


I listened as they called my President a Muslim.
I listened as they called him and his family a pack of monkeys.
I listened as they said he wasn't born here.
I watched as they blocked every single path to progress that they could.
I saw the pictures of him as Hitler.
I watched them shut down the government and hurt the entire nation twice.
I watched them turn their backs on every opportunity to open worthwhile dialog.
I watched them say that they would not even listen to any choice for Supreme Court no matter who the nominee was.
I listened as they openly said that they will oppose him at every turn.
I watched as they did just that.
I listened.
I watched.
I paid attention.
Now, I'm being called on to be tolerant.
To move forward.
To denounce protesters.
To "Get over it."
To accept this...
I will not.
I will do my part to make sure this great American mistake becomes the embarrassing footnote of our history that it deserves to be.
I will do this as quickly as possible every chance I get.
I will do my part to limit the damage that this man can do to my country.
I will watch his every move and point out every single mistake and misdeed in a loud and proud voice.
I will let you know in a loud voice every time this man backs away from a promise he made to them.
Them. The people who voted for him.
The ones who sold their souls and prayed for him to win.
I will do this so that they never forget.
And they will hear me.
They will see it in my eyes when I look at them.
They will hear it in my voice when I talk to them.
They will know that I know who they are.
They will know that I know what they are.
Do not call for my tolerance. I've tolerated all I can.
Now it's their turn to tolerate ridicule.
Be aware, make no mistake about it, every single thing that goes wrong in our country from this day
forward is now Trump's fault just as much as they thought it was Obama's.
I find it unreasonable for them to expect from me what they were entirely unwilling to give."
Author unknown.

RIGHT ON!!!!!!

7:56 According to Obama... everything was Bush's fault.

Obstruction? You still don't get it. The reason Trump beat 16 other Republicans is because no one tried to stop anything Obama wanted for fear of being called a racist.

Rave on.
December 2, 2016, at 7:56 PM:

What a bunch of garbage from a sore loser!

"The Ministry of Peace concerns itself with war, the Ministry of Truth with lies, the Ministry of Love with torture and the Ministry of Plenty with starvation. These contradictions are not accidental, nor do they result from ordinary hypocrisy: they are deliberate exercises n doublethink." George Orwell 1984
Anonymous : December 2, 2016 at 9:39 PM
JJ: “If you want to keep a secret, you must also hide it from yourself.”
George Orwell was describing Castro's regime.

Breaking: President Obama rejects the Dakota Access Pipeline route.

# Winning!


What was once called Cuba is part and parcel of greater Oceania!
E. Goldstein, Public Enemy No. 1
Ha, ha, ha, Wa is calling the game in the first quarter. Lets wait and see when the game is over in 2 months shall we? The coach just got fired and there is a new sheriff in town.

@Anonymous : December 4, 2016 at 11:00 PM

The game might be already be over.

# Thanks for you doing your part.



@ Anonymous : December 4, 2016 at 11:00 PM
"The coach just got fired and there is a new sheriff in town."

Please explain how the term limited President can be fired by a candidate that didn't run against him?

# Twisted


Very simple indeed. Obama and his agenda were totally repudiated in the last election. People don't want that crap anymore. His "legacy" is now a joke.
Obama wasn't on the ballot and Trump lost the popular vote on a historic scale in an election marred by fake news, unprecedented FBI intervention and foreign intrigue.
That isn't called repudiation, that's called a coup d'etat.
Out of curiosity, can you identify one campaign promise of Trump's you desire?

@ December 5, 2016 at 4:33 PM
Had to educate you on the electoral collage
and now term limits?

Monday, December 05, 2016
The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Monday shows that 54% of Likely U.S. Voters approve of President Obama's job performance.

...Donald Trump Favorable Rating...

# what next Math?


Ha, ha, ha, you need to talk to Obama Democrats that voted for Trump in droves 552. BTW you don't win the presidential race by popular vote. Billary and everybody else knew that and played by the same rules.
all I'm saying is that none of the four presidents who have won election after losing the popular vote lost the popular vote on this massive scale, its really bigly.
I'm not contesting the election, Jill Stein is.
What I'm curious about is which of the many campaign pledges he made to working class folks across the country resonates with you?

Drumpf said there were three million illegal voters that kept him from winning the poplar vote....

# more Drumpf lies.


Looks like we have more competition for leader of the Wife Beater costume Clan position.

Dang, Yet another member of the Wife Beater Shirt costume clan meeting at their favorite meeting place. SO Recent arrests

R.V.S.P For Your space.SO Recent arrests.
Check out the latest member,

12/5/2016. 22:27

# B.Y.O.B.


Dang, Yet another member of the Wife Beater Shirt costume clan meeting at their favorite meeting place. SO Recent arrests

R.V.S.P For Your space.SO Recent arrests.
Check out the latest member,

12/7/2016 10:01

# B.Y.O.B.


Dang, yet another stupid, insipid post by Wa!
Is there a website you can go to that shows salaries of Public Officials in Lake County? We heard the Director of Public Health here makes over $100,000 a month! And this county is a disaster! We the public, who pay her salary through our taxes want her to show us what has been accomplished. This is absurd in the poorist county in Calif.

These are salaries from 2012.
The only disaster in LC is the ignorance you show by thinking somebody with a government job is making 1.2 million a year. Did you really think someone makes 100 grand a month working for LC? And who did you hear this little gem from anyway?
Heard this from a reputable source.
I heard it on the Ray-deo! K-P-has-fleas...
Lakeport is giving Clearlake a last-minute run for the finish line in the 2016 Lake County Murder-Mayhem-Madness Marathon...

@ Anonymous : December 8, 2016 at 9:24 PM

Just for you jj.LOL!

# Ha! Ha! Ha!



One More..

# Drumpf loves the Uneducated.


December 8, 2016 at 11:07 AM
That sounds more like the Wretched Flea or a Loosely Considered News story by Mr.Larson. Way to go JJ LCN made the Fake News list. Drunk sailor story, lakeslide heights homeowners fault, killer deputy Perdock named mayor of Clearlake CA. The last story is true it's just another nail in the coffin of tourism in Lake county Ca.
Luckily those two will never propagate.
Does anyone remember the children the Good Old Bigots had marching around the courthouse? During their failed attempt at railroading an innocent man for LCSO deputy Perdocks killing of a tourist. Some of the signs were about alcohol legal limits which were obviously above the children's intellect. Some carried quotes from the DA's open letter in the local paper "lying drunk sailor".

We elected Donny to rid the DA office and county of corruption,Remember? and instead Donny fit right in.

# Sad


Rivero didn't realize just how many racists live up here.
You're right 520; because Rivero fooled all of them the first time they voted for him but not the second.
Dang, Yet another member of the Wife Beater Shirt costume clan meeting at their favorite meeting place. SO Recent arrests

R.V.S.P For Your space.SO Recent arrests.
Check out the latest member,

12/10/2016 03:30

# B.Y.O.B.


December 9, 2016 at 7:26 PM Spoken like the Alt-human you are.
If you suspect that there's a problem with corruption in County government remember that suspicion alone does not make a case. Try electing supervisors who are committed to following the law and demand that they hire competent employees. Don't accept another "we're sorry we fucked up again..." or "the fire(s) made us do it." Don't expect a former deputy/union steward to be tough on crooked cops. Don't expect anyone who's already kissed the king's ring to look sideways at the king's court. Stand up, speak up, and put some money where your mouth is- miracles rarely happen for free...
Way to clear a room. Corruption is what everyone wants to get in on, so it gets the blind eye. It's the opposite of law abiding public servants. Competent is way over their heads that would mean they aren't the sharpest tool.
"Fight As One" (whatever that means) with Attorney Anthony Farrington. Our little Anthony (he's really not so little) has finally left the nest... and the times they are a changing....
Anthony's replacement is no liberal. Maybe times will be changing for the better.
RIP LCGW... the BLOG is dead, muerto, fini and no longer worth paying any attention to...
Here's what Rob says,

"Brown proposed adding another step in the permitting process, which he said will not slow things down very much".

Yea Rob, your right about this point, its' impossible to slow the process down anymore than it already is.

"Brown's plan included requiring people who are rebuilding to give proof (what kind of proof Rob?) that hazard trees have been removed. They would need to present evidence (what kind of evidence Rob?) that they had contacted neighbors with such trees on their property and asked to have them felled.

If the neighbors don't respond, Brown – who volunteered to help handle such issues so as to keep more work off of already busy staff (as if Rob is not to busy) – said he would forward information about the property to Giusti (he's not to busy either), who has agreed to go and examine the trees himself." Of course, none of this will slow down the permit process, according to Rob.

"If it's Giusti's professional opinion that the trees are legitimately hazards, county code enforcement staff would then do a 48-hour abatement notice on the trees, Brown said. If there is still no response, the county would hire a contractor to remove the trees and then lien the property." Can you say Gestapo, land grab and lawsuit?

Rob, we know there is a problem but you need a better solution. Don't do more harm to the people who have suffered enough, the fire was not their choice. You may want to have some conversation with the insurance companies, as they are the ones that will be ultimately be responsible.

Rob, while heading into the forest, learn something from Forest Gump, "Stupid is as stupid does."

The U.N. has fulfilled prophecy today,"And in the end the whole world will stand against Israel"

The only thing I can't figure out is, which one is the Antichrist, Putin or Trump?


It don't matter, The Antichrist is Racist too.

# Twins.


Hiring contractors for abatements has never been a problem has it? Better listen to Anita Grant on this one Rob. The County does not need more lawsuits.
Especially when the contractor has no licence, or permits. court order, or even an ok from the BOS? and the big thing is NO NOTICE!!!! Contractor=Ground Control, Officer= Micheal Lockett and Rick Coel. Date 3/15/2014. Family made Homeless, Everything taken or destroyed.The county did not do it's job on this one. The county does not work with it's citizens, Just throws them in the street with a threat of arrest.Did not impound anything, told contractor he could have anything they wanted.Took the family's ways and means of making a living.
Don't worry, Rob has plenty of time, he can check your trees while he is examining your IRS returns and collecting your pot tax.


Don't let Rob shoot into what's left of your bushes while he inspects your trees.

Old habits are hard to break. LOL!

#Press One for Russian.


Dang, Yet another member of the Wife Beater Shirt costume clan meeting at their favorite meeting place. SO Recent arrests

R.V.S.P For Your space.SO Recent arrests.
Check out the latest member,

12/28/2016 09:01

# B.Y.O.B.
Press One for Russian.

LCGW zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
FUCK YOU WAZOO. WOW it even rhymes.

@ Anonymous : December 28, 2016 at 10:01 PM

You can show all the praise and interest in me you want with your limited vocabulary guest but I still won't join your Racist,Bigoted, Sexist clan.

# Sorry to disappoint you.
#Press One for Russian.

When will you peeps put this decrepit pound-hound to sleep?
Notice... New Year's Day celebrations have been postponed this year until noon January 20.
@December 31, 2016 at 10:45 PM

#Press One for Russian.



GOOD MORNING, WELCOME TO THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, a Christian nation, land of the free and home of the brave.

How may I help you?

Press '1' for English.
Press '2' to disconnect until you learn to speak English

And remember only two defining forces have ever offered to die for you, Jesus Christ and the American Soldier.

One died for your soul,

the other for your freedom.

A Nation of Sheep - Breeds a Government of Wolves!


@ Anonymous : January 1, 2017 at 6:24 AM

Little kid got on the school bus today wearing a T-shirt with the slogan
"Proud to be a Democrat." Bus driver asked why he was a Democrat and the kid
said "Because my parents are Democrats." "So," said the bus driver, "What if
your parents were lying, biblethumping, perverted hypocrites? Then what?" The
kid replied: "Then we'd be Republicans."

# Ha! Ha! Ha!
#Press One for Russian.

Nice try, Wa. The original and more accurate joke went the other way around. Try being original instead of stealing humor.
Does anyone know why the LCTHC sees fit to close their clinic for two weeks to serve their employees versus the native population they are supposed to be serving? I don't think the tribal health centers closed in other nearby areas. Are these places employment agencies or clinics? I'd like to hear from the board members who sanction this shit.

@ Anonymous : January 2, 2017 at 8:04 AM

********Nice Try????*******

Post intended for you.
You read post.
You responded to post.
Wa.pulled your strings.
Ha! Ha! Ha!

# No ring in Wa's nose.


Fail? No problem. Just redefine what it was you were attempting to accomplish and call it a success.

Dang, Yet another member of the Wife Beater Shirt costume clan meeting at their favorite meeting place. SO Recent arrests

R.V.S.P For Your space.SO Recent arrests.
Check out the latest member,

1/3/2017 22:26
#Your guess?
# B.Y.O.B.


Did you know?... that the county had to buy 2 new bigger chairs for Moke, one for the bench and one for his office desk, which also had to be raised a bit for him? He is a very large fellow.
So glad Moke won. It's about time there was a Native American on the fucking white boys and girls club aka the Lake County Board of Supervisors. Moke will show the rest of them up as I am sure he will keep better hours than the rest of the sycophants that collect a cool 65K and go play like Farrington did when he went to Cracker Jack U for his online law degree on the taxpayers dime.

Right On!


Build that wall!
Build that wall!
Build that wall!

# Make "Those" that pay taxes pay for it!
# Not Drumpf!


It's called Concord Law School at Kaplan University 7:31 a.m.- accredited, on-line, a cool $ 12K a year, and I'll earn double or triple my Supervisor salary if I hustle even just a little toi happy guy? Whose couch are you sleeping on?

In order to double will require some work and more than 3 days a month.

# Big difference.

#Press One for Russian.


7:31 So... the most important thing to you about Moke is that he happens to be Native American and the worst thing about the rest of the board is that they happen to be Caucasian? Who is the racist here?
As the saying goes, like rats leaving a sinking ship...'cept here the rats are happy to watch the green water rise as there's no dam place for them Lake County rats to go to...
9:56 Yes it is very important that the Native Americans of this area finally have representation on the historically "Whites Only" Board of Supervisors. That we have a town named Kelseyville after an Native American murderer belies this premise. This area is racist. Now the board is finally integrated. That's a very good thing. If you want to call my approval of that fact racism, go right ahead. I don't give a shit what you or other dumb asses like you think. I'm just glad that dopey thief Farrington is history.

Right On!

Moke did not replace Farrington.
Beginning RIGHT NOW Lake County has a new mix of Supervisors and a new mix of planning commissioners. The County has also shed most of its old-school planners, code-enforcers and drug-war zealots. In just two years the voters will be asked to elect, or re-elect, a Sheriff, a District Attorney, two Supervisors and perhaps even a Superior Court Judge... As the saying goes, the darkest hour is just before the dawn, and the next two years are looking plenty dark. From Trump on down, all the way to the bottom of the political food chain our great leaders are offering the public nothing more than falsehoods, fantasies and big buckets of warm spit to salve the public's festering wounds. If you have enough biscuits and gunpowder in your basement to make it through to 2018 there might still be some hope. If not, Lake County is one more wildfire away from the economic abyss. Count your blessings, count your friends and count your bullets. It's that serious out here.

Right On!

Jeff Smith is not running again in 2018 but anyone else who does will get re-elected with no problem. Don't worry, you will make it through the next two years with your friends and without the bullets.

In the meantime, think of it as rape; you can't do anything about it, so you may as well just enjoy it.

Anonymous : January 10, 2017 at 10:16 PM

For your information.....
Men and children are raped also.....

Is your advice and belief that since they also can't do anything about it that they should "may as well just enjoy it"?

# One sick puppy.


No kidding? Men and children are raped too? Well, dog my cats!!


@ Anonymous : January 11, 2017 at 4:08 PM

Is your advice and belief that since they also can't do anything about it that they should "may as well just enjoy it"?

# 4:08 PM One sick puppy.


Rape is not a democratic institution...
But the BOS does have two vaginas on board... let's see which one's tougher, Tina or Jeff.
There used to be a Mormon on the BOS. Now... well now... there is still a Mormon on the BOS.
5:30 Yes, I am aware that Moke did not replace Goofy on the BOS. He was replaced by hand picked Tina Scott whose red white and blue signs were as big as roadblocks, in case you missed them. Moke will teach these folks what someone with a real work ethic looks like. Too bad you don't filter vile comments, Mitchell Watch. This blog is tainted with gross irrelevance of late.
Its mostly just gross.
But yet here you are.
Yes, some of us folks can't stop looking at this ridiculous train wreck. We remember when it seemed to have some meaning. What fools we have become.
Yes, "become". There was a time when reasonable people posted here with some interesting information. Now, a few of us are indeed fool enough to keep coming back expecting what used to be.
Looks like we have more competition for leader of the Wife Beater costume Clan position.

Dang, Yet another member of the Wife Beater Shirt costume clan meeting at their favorite meeting place. SO Recent arrests

R.V.S.P For Your space.SO Recent arrests.
Check out the latest member,,,
,,,1/13/2017. 18:25

# B.Y.O.B


Hey there Wife-Beater-Shirt-Guy! Someday too your Prince will come. Keep on searching though, don't give up hope, your next boyfriend is right around the corner. Dang.

@ Anonymous : January 15, 2017 at 7:13 PM

You can show all the interest in me you want guest but I won't join your Racist,Bigoted, Sexist clan.

# Sorry to disappoint you.



Right On!

Man is this site hoppin'
....Up date on the Wife beater clan.....

1/16/ 2017 10:38
1/20/ 2017 00:44

R.V.S.P For Your space.SO Recent arrests.
Check out the latest members,

#Press One for Russian.


Bullshit RIP as there's nothing left worth watching here...
@ Anonymous : January 30, 2017 at 6:08 PM

That's what I call a alternative fact. LOL!

#Press One for Russian.


Have all the birthers creationist deniers liars racist from the Talibrown finally stopped coming here? A little conversation from 2010 between Phil Murphy, Adrian Vance, Lowell Grant and some other LC luminaries.

Right On!


...Contender to the founder of the Wife beater clan?

SO recent arrests.... 2/1/2017 13:18

#Press One for Russian.


Looks that way.
Sup Nathalie? That's good for what?
I see the link to LCM is still extant. Sadly, LCM is no more. Looks like they finally pulled the plug. I guess posting press releases is not a sustainable business model.
You know who's thriving? Lake County News.
I rarely go on LCN. I doubt they are "thriving" LOL
Well 7:54, LCN posts new content daily, an has a substantial amount of advertising. LCN has a lot of traffic on social media too. None of those things was ever true about Lake County magazine.

When I saw jj for what he is I did a in depth spam,spyware,malware check on my computer.
What I found was unbelievable.
Since I left jj inc. and installed latest protections NO! more problems.
Thanks to jj I not only have protection against him but I have protection against many "other threats"

# Thanks jj
# #Press One for Russian.



What do you think the odds are that jj over @ LCN will ever show any support or solidarity with the Native Americans at Standing Rock?

# So far "O"


I wouldn't put it past jj..

# jes sayn


Was Rick Coel ever arrested or charged with child pornography charges?

Martin Jr.....Sheriff
Martin Sr......Judge.

# LC JUST-US system


R.V.S.P For Your space.SO Recent arrests.
Check out the latest member wife beater shirt clan.

2/6/2017 02:57

# B.Y.O.B


Rick Coel who? Of course not. He would not have been the only one to have gone down,therefore No! Remember Mia? Remember Garzoli? King Solomon said it best, "There is nothing new under the Sun."

What will you do ?

I hear Frank lost his tug boat gig and is learning to drive a wrecker now. Guess he's testing the limits on how far he can fall. lol

@ Anonymous : February 8, 2017 at 12:52 PM

,,,Please Confirm your 'User ID'

,,,@ arrests...
,,,9/1/2014 08:55...

# Thank You.. B.Y.O.B.....



...Contender to the founder of the Wife beater clan?

SO recent arrests.... 2/8/2017 19:21

#Press One for Russian.


Right on! Nancy Pelosi and Maxine Waters are going to lead the Democratic party into the future! Right on!

Ridiculous twats...

@ Anonymous : February 9, 2017 at 5:27 PM

# drumpfs best words.


Wa did you want around as a pussy head a few days ago?

@ Anonymous : February 9, 2017 at 6:13 PM

# 3-0

;-) ;-)

@ Anonymous : February 9, 2017 at 6:13 PM

# No gain in lusting after Wa.

You can show all the interest in me you want guest but I won't join your Racist,Bigoted, Sexist clan.

# Sorry to disappoint you.


I thought so. Ha, ha, ha, you did walk around as a pussy head! You need to move to a safe place Wa and it's not LC.

@ Anonymous : February 9, 2017 at 6:55 PM

If you are so sure?

Why didn't you step up?
# All talk coward?


2018... Al Franken and Julia Stein... the Dream Team... Frankenstein.

,,,Humpty Drumpfy built a Great wall,
Humpty Drumphy sat on his Great Wall,
,,,Humpty Drumpfy had a great fall,
All his Republican supporters,
...and even the Speaker of the house,
Couldn't put Drumphy together again.

# You heard it here first...


2020 Dream Team
2016 Nightmare Team

R.V.S.P For Your space.SO Recent arrests.
Check out the latest member,

2/11/2017 09:02

# B.Y.O.B.


So, I looked "irrelevant" up on-line, and the link led here.

Mandy Feder?

There's a sad tale: a hysterical creative writing student of modest talent is forced to earn a living as a journalist/editor. . . in one of the least literate places on Earth. . . newspaper free Lake County. If the story didn't have angst, sticky GOBS of emotional goo or flying unicorns there was no story there. Mandy's glass bunker was her jail cell . . . good thing that silly unicorn has flown away. . . zzzzz

Mandy is still entrenched in the county gov tho.

# payroll position?



R.V.S.P For Your space @ SO Recent arrests.
Check out the latest member wife beater shirt clan.
2/16/2017 10:12

# Space limited livestock barn



R.V.S.P For Your space @ SO Recent arrests.
Check out the latest member wife beater shirt clan.
# Space limited livestock barn


Why did the Lovelace Group discontinue this blog ?

What ever happened to

# discontinued?



John Jensen I've got other plans Zane Fitzgerald check out for the next big thing.
September 6, 2013 at 10:43pm · 1
Zane Fitzgerald
Zane Fitzgerald Is it going to happen?
September 6, 2013 at 10:45pm
John Jensen
John Jensen Yes.
September 6, 2013 at 10:46pm
Zane Fitzgerald
Zane Fitzgerald Good ! The sooner the better.
September 6, 2013 at 10:48pm
John Jensen
John Jensen Haste makes waste. We're on track. Lightning did crumble some gear but its on its way now.
September 6, 2013 at 10:50pm ·

# On Track?


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