Sunday, September 26, 2010


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You smoked a protected species of bird? I'm calling PETA! LOL, Based on your description you're not talking about any candidate in this election.
I sure ain't talking bout your boss.
hey, who wants to bet Mitchell winds up with more felonies on his record than Rivero?
11:59, you need to find a way to leak what you've got before the election.
I used to have a lot of respect for Rob Brown until I found out about his actions lately. He has a huge truck on 11th St. a couple weeks ago and it had huge Mitchell signs all over it and the property. Did anyone know that his position in office keeps him from not being able to support a running sheriff or anyone else. They all signed a petition saying that they would not endorse anyone and it would be unethical. So he is now showing his side. He got in trouble and was told to take it down and he did but I'm sure not after a fight. He knew he was allowed to do that but he did anyways. Have much respect does he have for our county?!

He has also protected his son Steve Brown for years now since he was in high school from rape charges. Where has all this gone? I would like to know how he could rape a girl and his friends watch while she is passed out and there was a video of it. When the video was eventually shown at the same party later a couple kids said it wasn't right and told their parents and the girl and her parents. Somehow it was swept under the rug and he is still hiding it. Mitchell has helped him I'm sure.

Chris Salmina who also went to Kelseyville High School and was friends with Rob Brown's son Steve Brown has also had some rape and statutory rape charges against him. I believe the count was 19 cases. They were also swept under the rug. This can't keep happening! We need to put a stop to these young kids getting away with rape because of who their fathers are and who they know. It makes me sick. If this happened to my daughter and found out it got swept under the rug I would probably hurt someone. This is a horrible thing and it needs to stop. I used to have a lot of respect for Rob Brown until I found out about his actions lately. He has a huge truck on 11th St. a couple weeks ago and it had huge Mitchell signs all over it and the property. Did anyone know that his position in office keeps him from not being able to support a running sheriff or anyone else. They all signed a petition saying that they would not endorse anyone and it would be unethical. So he is now showing his side. He got in trouble and was told to take it down and he did but I'm sure not after a fight. He knew he was allowed to do that but he did anyways. Have much respect does he have for our county?!

He has also protected his son Steve Brown for years now since he was in high school from rape charges. Where has all this gone? I would like to know how he could rape a girl and his friends watch while she is passed out and there was a video of it. When the video was eventually shown at the same party later a couple kids said it wasn't right and told their parents and the girl and her parents. Somehow it was swept under the rug and he is still hiding it. Mitchell has helped him I'm sure.

Chris Salmina who also went to Kelseyville High School and was friends with Rob Brown's son Steve Brown has also had some rape and statutory rape charges against him. I believe the count was 19 cases. They were also swept under the rug. This can't keep happening! We need to put a stop to these young kids getting away with rape because of who their fathers are and who they know. It makes me sick. If this happened to my daughter and found out it got swept under the rug I would probably hurt someone. This is a horrible thing and it needs to stop.
8:54 PM I have said in jest " dont confuse a good story with the truth" guess you practice that. according to calif bar assoc website. Donald Arthur Anderson became ineligible to practice law on 9/1/10 for not getting enough continuing education (MCLE) then was reinstated 9/9/10. Just creating BS out of nothing.
Why does Mitchell and his Boys, keep bring up Rivero background? Mitchell hired Rivero, knowing all of Riveros background. Mitchell needs to pay attention to the issues facing Lake Co. and the Department. or is Mitchell asleep at the wheel again?
Might I ask you Mitchell supporters, where did all this animosity for the person you back come from? For me I found him dishonest to is oath. You know the one that said to defend and protect the Constitution. He was willing to defend and protect the lies of employees with this local government just as he did for officer Perdock. He could find no reason to tell the board of supervisors they can not allow dishonest persons in our government. I state again all this venom is not just from the Dinius case but allot is from those abused by a system geared for them rather than the citizen. So I say if you keep the same ststus quo the problems will get worse that is the nature of arrogant bureaucrats.
6:50 Because we do not want a criminal as our sheriff. Or a man who was willing to hide that fact. It doesn't bother this site because a lot of the crew have been arrested and some are criminals. A lot of people directly involved here sell pot for profit and that makes them a criminal also.
Mitchell hired Rivero, are you saying Mitchell failed to investigate Rivero background before hiring Rivero? and yes you right right, "We don't want a criminal as our Sheriff" because that's what we have now!
James a lot of us are sick and tired of hearing about Dinius. Let the court take care of it. You sound like a broken record. Your aligned with liars and drug dealers and what you say does not carry any weight with me as I'am not either and work hard for my money and pay my taxes. I don't take aid nor do I have a 215 card to give Tom to grow pot for profit. I'am not retired like you and can spend every hour of the day trying to remove somone I hate. Your a sad case go to the senior center and help do something good.
7:22 If Mitchell failed then slap his hands for a mistake but don't make a bigger one by electing a criminal for our sheriff.
Let me say it again!
We have two hands, one hand is sheriff Mitchell, that hand is very painful, it hurts all the time. It's very costly, it like having cancer, Now the other hand is closed, you can't see inside. theirs no pain, it works,
etc. So which hand do you cut off? the hand that hurts, it's called Sheriff Mitchell.
Hey 7:50 am, you are going to open that closed hand and find something much worse than anything Mitchell could ever be.. Just because it's unknown, dosent mean it's good. You are going to find a hand full of crap. So, just keep your blind fold on. Rod may not be a Choir Boy, but Rivero is a Wolf in Sheep's Clothing. Im voting for Bad, instead of Worse. Thats why Im voting for Mitchell.
Hello 808 AM

Mitchell is the devil himself. Talk about deception.
Really? Lets not forget that on top of the Dinius screw job Mitchell did and the "asleep" supervision of Garzoli, we still have four EEOC complaints on Mitchell and now the lies he did at the last debate! Even Mitchell's own wife was shocked at Mitchell's conduct at the end.

Maybe Mitchell needs to sleep in his own bed for a change and not all the court employees.
9:02 He did not hide the fact he was arrested like transparent Frank did.
Here we go again about Dinius and the cover up. Its old and a civil trial means nothing if you are not family. No criminal charges will come from it and Garzoli was fired thats all that he could do. Frank should be fired for shooting at someone not holding a gun but the way Frank shoots all that can file suit now is the door frame. Lucky us.
9:14 I don't know who you talk to but every one I talk to is disgusted with Mitchell and thinks he ordered the cover up of Lynn Thorton's murder by perdick and want Mitchell and company to pay for their crimes.
Post 7:27 you are not the only person on this site that work pay their taxes and do not do drugs or have been arrested. As I have not lumped all offices as dishonest, only those that I now it to be so. I say who I am unlike you. I take a stand and I tell you who I am.I state again Mitchell is a liar and he backed all the other liars up. The bureaucrats in this local government are no less arrogant than those of bell California Over stepping their power. I would bet you Mitchell supporters would be tired of the Dinius case. Here is the facts officer Rivero did not start all the lies it was Mitchell. Those that know me will tell you It is not my way to call names without telling them to their face first. so you can take it from me you hero is a liar and cares less about the citizens right over that bunch in local government.
9:22, how come you retards never look up the definition of murder before you spout off about it? It just adds to people's perception of rivero's supporters as being uneducated bozos that can't spell.

Must be because the word 'murder' sounds so much better than accident, right? Rivero needs all the sensationalism he can get.
9:34 what is negligent homicide? I guess on November 2ND when Mitchell is voted out you will see how relevant Lynn Thorton's murder is.
Why don't you read this.
James you have to much hate and to much time on your hands. As long as you hook your wagon on to the train of shame what you say just takes up space. You have had some problem with someone as long as I can remember. Lewis, then Ron which was your choice in contractors , The Bos, Mitchell the list goes on. A lot of us know you and this is what you do and have always done.
Here is my favorite
9:51 We all know this will be about money and let them figure it out. Old news to most of us we are not involved in this suit and the only thing it does for you is give you something to blame Mitchell for. I feel sorry for the woman that was killed but do not care about the trial as everyone was to blame.
perdick lied and Mitchell ordered the cover up. This is about more than money it is about the abuse of power and corruption.
You missed one about the boating incident. google Bismarck Dinius.
Sandy Bayles
And I believe the jury would have convicted him of manslaughter if the Sheriff had let the LCSO build an honest case and gotten Hopkins to prosecute it (yeah, 2 big ifs...)
948 The voters spoke and Hopkins lost in the primary and Mitchell came in Second. If mitchell was/is as good as you profess him to be he should have won in a landslide no mater who or how many ran against him. In Nov. mitchell will be running against the same Ideas,Plans,programs,Ethics, and principles that beat him in the primary. It's too late for mitchell to adopt all of the Ideas,Plans,Programs,Ethics and Principles that he rejected in the primary.
987-4467 this is the campaign phone number for Frank Rivero, we need all citizens to volunteer to help the Rivero campaign. They need people to walk door to door, they will give you the materials you need and the ideas to focus on. Please do not take this lightly, all hands are needed in many different areas. You must plan and take a weekend, take a day when you are off, or after work. Anyone who is going to cast a vote for Frank, the vote is not enough, they need your help in volunteering. Please do not say to yourself oh someone else will do it. Do not be complacent, do not think in terms of this being in the bag. There is a long way to go, and we cannot let Lake County die because of the election of Mitchell, if you Love this county if you care, then you know how important it is to help the campaign team. Olga is a great and dynamic individual a wonderful person, she and the other members of the campaign team will give you all you need to help. It is critical that for the next month we get all the help to the campaign team possible. If Mitchell is re-elected, we can kiss our county goodbye it will never recover, the state, country and the world will wonder who is it that lives in this county and allows someone like Mitchell to remain in power. Please do what you can every minute of your time is crucial and helps.
1031 How about it Pat, Why did you leave Lake Co for Napa Co? Couldn't have had anything to do with the trial did it? Hmmm
this is Jim Steele opinion piece he submitted to local media, well written.

Steele: Why I’m involved in the district attorney's campaign
Written by Jim Steele
Monday, 27 September 2010
After a recent campaign debate between Don Anderson and Doug Rhoades in Hidden Valley I was asked to share why I was helping in the race when I didn’t know any of the candidates personally, had a science background and am very non-political.

I know everyone has their own views on politics, but here’s mine for what its worth.

When my wife and I moved to Lake County we watched as the sheriff and district attorney made what seemed to be poor decisions in the Dinius and Perdock boating accident that resulted in a death.

It seemed neither could find a reason (or a valid reason why not) to bring to justice the person that caused the accident.

Speeding at 35 to 50-plus miles per hour in the black of a moonless night is the same as speeding during fog conditions or any other unsafe vehicle operation. There are many precedents in maritime law. So I asked the three district attorney candidates about this in the primary.

All three people in the race were very nice, intelligent and well spoken. You would invite them for dinner.

All had management experience and good educations in law and life. In fact, if I were to rank them on speaking qualities and maybe criminal law experience I would say 1. Jon Hopkins, 2. Doug Rhoades, 3. Don Anderson.

But after questioning them on the Dinius case it becomes very clear that only one has the clear judgment skills to see through the clutter of opinion and know that it was incumbent on the boat operator with the steerage way and higher speed to slow to a safe speed and navigate so damage would not be caused.

Even today, Hopkins and Rhoades cannot find a reason to charge Mr. Perdock or know he could have prevented the situation.

But yet, Anderson has no problem with clear logic and can explain his judgment for bringing an involuntary manslaughter charge for the speeding boater and operating under the influence against the sail boater.

The good judgment ability rating clearly goes to Don Anderson and a tie for very distant second goes to Hopkins and Rhoades.

It takes more than smooth speaking skills to make the right choices as district attorney; Mr. Hopkins demonstrated that more than once. I just don’t want us to make that mistake again with Rhoades.
"The fight for justice against corruption is never easy. It never has been and never will be. It exacts a toll on our self, our families, our friends, and especially our children. In the end, I believe, as in my case, the price we pay is well worth holding on to our dignity."

Frank Serpico
So I"m the problem and not the liars in this local government post 9:48. The dishonesty is to be excepted? I will state again the allowance of all that cover up for each other in our government are the problem not me that protest those that are corrupt. All you that would think that the government can lie and cover the lies up are putting the knife to our throat.
No, james, your problem is that you only see lies when and where it's convenient for you.
"I said this to the Knapp Commission over 25 years ago...We must create an atmosphere where the crooked cop fears the honest cop, and not the other way around."

Frank Serpico
I think one of the greatest mistakes Mitchell has made so far in the election is announcing the endorsement of the DSA to the community, it cost Mitchell a huge amount of votes and then when the LPPD refused to endorse him even after his pleading with them for almost an hour it was classic. The majority of the citizens no that the DSA is run simply by those being pushed by Mitchell or their job is at stake, or those supporting Mitchell and "leaning" on other members to vote for Mitchell. We know all this happened and then to see the terrible relationship Mitchell has with our local CHP it is no wonder the DSA endorsement backfired so badly on Mitchell. A sad mistake for him, but this is as Frank pointed out the first time Mitchell has really had to run of office, and the mistakes are killing him.
It doesn't matter what either side says or does, the voters have already madeup their minds. Rivero voters will vote Rivero. Baxter voters 3/4 will vote Rivero. Mitchell voters will vote for Mitchell. Rivero will win.

You talk about the name calling that has been done against the wive's of deputies. What about the name calling of ANY Rivero supporter e.g. drugy, loser, lowlife, doper etc.? You expect for people to forget what has been said here by deputies and their wives, family and friends. Who drew first blood? I can not support a group of people paid by my tax dollar who think so little of the public.

In a month this election will be over but I for one will not forget the name calling done by the Mitchell bunch against the citzen who support Rivero. I refuse to be bullied by those who never gave service to our country, who never carried the pack for their family. The abuses suffered by citzens during this election process will be vindicated, wait and see.
To dismiss the Dinius trial and the Thornton family as old news as if it has no bearing on the current election is just nuts!! For me, my distrust of the current Sheriff and his administration began and ended right there. I know lots of stuff has been put out to make us believe that Mitchell did everything right and there was no collusion or cover-up, but hey, if it walks like a duck and quacks like one... it is. Try as I might, I have been unable to get past the thought that Dinius could have been any one of us and to vote for Mitchell is to continue to be part of a problem instead of the solution. Being a responsible voter,I have made it my business to become familiar with Rivero and can honestly say I believe the man is capable as well as very genuine. My vote is not just opposition to Mitchell but truly based on confidence in Rivero. I am grateful to him for being willing to take on the challenges of this race.
I think Mitchell's biggest mistake was running for re-election. He really needs to focus on all these lawsuits and what life in prison is going to be like.
Feeling the heat? The other day this site was saying 99% of Baxter's voters were for Rivero, now it's down to 75%. That is almost a quarter lost since Monday, Rivero better hope he doesn't lose the rest in the next three weeks. Ha Ha.
Mitchell in prison is all about loony toons. It's a civil case...

put the bong down and go out into the sunshine...
hey if they lose 24% a week they'll be done by the election.
Post 151 you are dumber then most KKK Mitchell supporters but that is alright we will help you out. Your looking at different peoples posts on the subject, you cannot be so stupid(well guess you are) to think all individuals would estimate the same percentage. What your posts really says which is most funny is you are watching what we are saying and then you are happy or sad based on the various numbers that come forth. We like the fact that your are so scared and feeling the heat so bad that you are hoping you will find some hope through this Blog. LOL
Now let's talk about the civil case. What has been said in the past and it is true, is that there are many agencies that will be watching the facts that come out of the civil case, when criminal illegalities come out, after attorney Masson destroys Mitchell and Hoppy on the stand the criminal acts that will be exposed can by law and will by law be prosecuted. Ask your self a question, if in a civil case an individual was found out to have robbed a bank, do you think the criminal authorities would just say oh golly that was a civil trial so we will not move on that? Come on you can't be that stupid. We look forward to the civil trial and the illegal exposure that will come out, then phase 2 will be Rodney and Hopkins at risk of going to jail. This is of course another reason why Mitchell cannot be re-elected, the county cannot have a criminal in the sheriffs position and then have him go to jail during his next term,
Sterling Welsh Hello, I would just like to let people know that I served on this case as a Juror and there seems to be all kinds of crazy information flying around about this case, mostly mixed up facts. However I would like to know about peoples thoughts about the seemingly miss conduct on the part of the LCSO and LCDA office. I wou...ld like to give my best wishes to the Dinius family and Lynn's family, Russ Perdock should be brought to trial in regards to reckless endangerment and the death of Lynn. We can make a change to this community, we have the power of the vote and these such people can be removed from office.
See More
August 28, 2009 at 3:16pm · View Feedback (7)Hide Feedback (7)
Wow great post 216 and well said, it is amazing how the Mitchell supporters simply cannot grasp reality. Welsh another Dinius Juror who did the right thing. It is getting hot Mitchell boys, getting to late to run for cover.
Ha ha ha the Record Bee article comes down!!!! Mandy and the kkk Mitchell supporters were again called out and the comments are shut down. What a Joke that paper is. No posting of comments...he he
Oh ya the public is speaking out and the local rags and Mitchell supporters do not like it.
Thank you so much Mr. Welsh, Juror at the Dinius Trial...........thank you for posting here; and thank you for your service in bringing justice to Lake County.
Unfortunately, the Dinius mis-conduct by the DA and Sheriff Mitchell's (gang)
was not the first incident; this has been going on for years and years. Dinius trial just brought all of this out into the light; the straw to break the camels' back, you might say. I have known many people who did not have a fair investigation, in fact there was no investigation of the "other side"....and these people were given jail time. People who would not ordinarily stand up for themselves, and never had a chance because the PD's here in Lake County aren't given the time of day. The sheriff Mitchell exaggerate charges and make things up. It has been such an unfair system for so many years.
The people who hold these offices only want a "conviction" they don't care if they get a fair's one way....their way. No longer can we allow these people to be above the law and thereby abusing the rights of ordinary people.
Thank you so much for your involvement in bringing corruption into the light.
Hey Jim Steele, you forgot to mention that your wife is Don's campaign manager. That might shade your views a bit, don't you think? I thought and still think that justice wasn't about revenge or persecution, but based on the law, not on whose involvede. Still voting for Rhodes, who clearly has the more level head, not to mention criminal law experience. Oh and by the way to a more recent post, internet anonymous posts aren't the basis for criminal charges, nor are comments which pander to populist views. It's supposed to be about the law and what is right, not a desire to "get" some former member of the Sheriff's Department. You might want to check out the actual statements of the candidates as posted on their websites, as opposed to just rumor or any one person's opinion.
The investigator from BoatUS (Weber's insurance company) recieved a witness list from LCSO which contained witness names of witnesses that saw the sailboat lights on. None of those witnesses names were on the witness list that was recieved by the district attorney. Can you say obstruction of justice?
I need to clarify that the post earlier from Sterling Walsh was one he made on this website, LATITUDE 38 following the trial. Perusing these other sites helps remind me that others all around the world that heard of the Dinius case were as outraged as the citizens of Lake County. We must show them and ourselves that the behavior and actions of Sheriff Mitchell were and are unacceptable by voting him out in November.
248 yes his wife is Don's Campaign manager, and no it doesn't "change" his view I would say it means that a husband and wife have the same view. Little different then for example a Mitchell supporter who because they have a contract as in no bid, or someone who Mitchell is protecting or someone Like Rob Brown as part of the elitist network. So not really a good point. Don't mind your vote for Rhodes, the fact of the matter is nearly everyone in the county says that neither of these two are the high end of people we want in that position, but it is what we have to choose from. Did all you Mitchell/Rhodes supporters hear that both Rhodes and Anderson have been said to smoke weed. Yup and some say Rhodes is a bogart, when the joint gets in his hands you don't get it back!! There have been certain houses in Lakeport said to have been the venue of card games and these "smoke outs"...I don't now personally if this is true, but have heard it many times. Mitchell and his KKK supporters don't seem to get it, and are totally out of touch with the street and reality.

Oh by the way, our state governor signed a bill today into law, that an ounce or less of post is now just a 100.00 fine, and no record. This in combination with prop 19 will be the end to harsh DEA and sheriff Mitchell practices of attacking people whom they think know to much. Or are against the continuing Mitchell racist regime.

Times are changing Mitchell boys, better get a clue and figure it out!!
That is pot not post in 319.
In a civil trial you are under oath just as you are in a criminal trial.
Perdock lied in both.

This is the kind of people we're up against.
October 1, 2010 7:17 AM

Um...he didn't hide it.

Pat, Why don't you tell why you left Lake co. for Napa? Something to do with the trial? Hmmm
Notice to all people sending e-mails to us, send all e-mails to:

If you have sent e-mails in the past week or so to the Lovelacewwwireless account please resend to the sheriffmitchell account. We are using the various e-mail accounts for different purposes and this is the account for now that we want to receive all e-mails into.

3:17 Good thing "that others all around the world that heard of the Dinius case" don't vote here eh?

I wonder if they've also heard of criminal immigrants from other countries? Not that that matters either...
4:35 I think he left for twice the money, much better medical coverage and 3% at 50 retirement. He make more money as a Napa County Deputy then he did as a Lake County Sheriff's Dept. Captain.
I bet he won't get away with pulling a gun on one of his fellow officers. (Rob Howe,while drunk in SF)
Rob Howe. Didn't file a complaint against Pat McMahon for the gun incident. Didn't file a complaint when Dave Garzoli land the helio in Scotts Valley and gave the kiddie rides.
I guess that is how you make Capatain in Rod's Regime.
Also look for an interesting article on Mitchell's choice to assist him, at this point it looks like it will be published in both the Outlook and in the Middletown Star. Quite interesting and asks a number of questions concerning Mitchell, his choices of men he brings into his regime and why.
hey Robbie where are those pictures, hey Mitchell why didn't you do anything about that, and you said you did not know Garzoli was flying for training on the publics money? Rodney Rodney come come now, you are lying again. Pathological lying seems to be one of your personality traits....More to come on this.
I didn't lie to get this job. And I won't lie to keep this job. RKM
But in between I lied about Perdock, Garzoli, Beland, Morshed, Wright, Smith, Gregore, Paul, Tim, Sandy, Casey, (I told the truth on that one finally), Matt, Frank, Oh hell I can't remember them all. Vote for me I'm a changed man.
Dropping out? Do you live on the same planet we live on. Jack didn't drop out, he came in third. He was an unknown and he almost beat your boy. He's a straight up guy who tells it like it is. If there is an undersheriff I hope he would consider the job. I bet it wouldn't take him long to figure you out and hopefully send you packing.
517 You left out the part about the trial, How convenient.
6:01. What trial are you talking about? Or are you just making things up again.
Com on Pat don't play dumb. It is too becoming to you.
So, did Gregor get the AX or has the dust settled yet??
7:13 That's what I thought you have nothing. There is no "trial". You have been exposed for the liar you are.
Every law enforcement agency that I know of with the exception of Rodney Mitchell's LCSO has a firm policy stating if you lie you get fired. It does not matter if you were innocent of an accusation but if you lie for any reason you get fired.

If this were the case here I think a lot of people would have been canned long ago.
Has anyone else noticed that so many of Rodney's new ideas and plans were listed on Baxter's web site long before and were adopted by Rivero again long before Mitchell decided to come up with them.

Mitchell has no new ideas of his own and he won't tolerate independent thinking by any of his commanders of staff. That would be the kiss of death in Rod Mitchell's office. It's no wonder no one is willing to speak up or rock the boat.
Hello Pat, we all know you were treading on thin ice here at LCSO because of one screw up after another and even Rod couldn't cover everything. Good think he gave you a good recommendation so you could go to Napa County for more bennies. A old business ploy used to get rid of poor and problem employees. Give them a good recommendation and kiss them off on the other guy.

It seems Napa County has finally gotten the picture and although they have not canned him yet they have placed him on the dead end track. The things he was able to get away with in Lake County are not tolerated in Napa who actually practices supervision and accountability. It seems he is not liked or respected by his co-workers who don't care for his arrogant big shot attitude learned from Mitchell himself.

Now Pat and Mrs. Pat are working overtime to support Mitchell. Tearing down and stealing Rivero signs, making up and spreading rumors and going door to door trying to scare Rivero supporters into switching to Mitchell. Do you think Pat has been promised something under the table should Mitchell win?

I'm afraid Pat that you and your wife are spinning your wheels for nothing and in the end Mitchell will lose and you too will look like no class fools.
Mitchell's attitude and true feelings came out loud and clear last night when the candidates spoke before the local attorneys. When he told the audience he was not talking to them he was talking to the attorneys that said it all. This shows what he thinks of us. This is the hostile arrogant attitude that runs down from top to bottom on his office. It sure isn't the attitude of a professional committed to public service.

If you noticed everything from his mouth comes out dripping anger and hostility. He tries to be slick and like any professional politician he does speak well but under it all is a very biitter power mad man with no class. If this man can not act like a gentleman and treat people with respect at a public gathering imagine how he is behind closed doors.

Someone mentioned earlier that people are not going to forget the attacks and dirty campaigning conducted by Mitchell and his gang and I believe that to be true. Everyone knows who these people are and once it's over and Mitchell is gone they must still come back to work with those they have tried to run over for a year.
This is Lovelace, we want to send a message out to all of you. This message is in regards to an article we posted several months ago called the curious case of John Stoddard. We will be reveling and posting significant information on Mr. Stoddards situation in the next few days, it is almost hard to believe. It will include a scathing report on the Rivera Homeowners association, local sheriffs department personal, the DA, and lots and lots of Money. Mr Stoddard is currently in an epic battle that we have been following for many months, and he is to say the least kicking ass and taking names, and does he have names and he has crimes and he has collusion. We will let you know when it is posted
I'm sure most people are not in a position to notice that so much of the pro Mitchell hasarring emails have been circulated by the following addresses. (Pat & Marygrace McMann) and who seem to be spending every waking hour doing Rod Mitchell's dirty work while thinking no one has really identified them. They try to portray themselves as concerned citizens who want only what's best for Lake County and that's hog wash.

Many of us have asked before what's in it for them. Although they portray themselves as close friends of the Mitchell's they are just stooges for the Mitchell campaign. You don't have to be a rocket scientist to know Mitchell has no friends other than Rodney Mitchell himself. He is a user who leads a parade of fools around by their noses and has therm do his dirty work so he can stand up and say, it wasn't me, I didn't know anythng about it.

This election has unmasked a number of very petty back stabbing people who will lie, cheat, steal and stop at nothng to see their man wins. It's also demonstrated a close connection between these Mitchell supporters some of whom are actually Deputies and a group of radical white supremist racists one being Clink Fitzgerald, aka Kkklint.

This same group accuses Rivero of being a criminal supported by dopers and feather headed seniors. We need to take a close look at these people and at Mitchell himself. What are their real motives and why do they get behind a man with such a shameful record of deceit and incompetance. They has crowed that "Birds of a feather flock together" in reference to Rivero and his supporters. It's time they looked in the mirror and pulled their own heads out of a place where the sun doesn't shine and see the real world. People are sick and tired of crooked politicians and lying incombents and Rod Mitchell is exactly that. The voters will be firing him in November.
Sterling Walsh is a burnt out meth head. He couldn't stop fidgeting during the trial. How Hopkins let him stay on the jury only speaks to Hopkins aboility as a DA. First it was Sandy Bales and now Sterling trying to prolong his brief flirtation with fame.
Doug Rhodes and Rod Mitchell have climed in bed together and seem to be practicing similar campaign tactics. Do both now employ Mr. Joe Ford as their campaign dirty trickster. It seems Rhodes lasted out at Anderson and made up a story about his not having a teaching credential which Anderson said he had. Anderson promised to produce it at the next debate and demanded Rhodes give a public appology.

Sure enough the next day Anderson produced a valid documentation leaving Rhodes with egg on his face again. Again Rhodes ended up looking like Mitchell and getting caught in another lie.

During the Sheriff's debate Mitchell told the audience that Rivero's attorney had sent him an email asking to hold the results of the Rhonda Ruly investigation until after the election. Rivero stated this was not true and sure enough the next day produced the email showing Mitchell was a liar.

What a sad day when local politics has sunk to such a low and dirty campaigning is the norm. Shame on both Doug Rhodes and Rod Mitchell for allowing themselves to lose their self respect and sink to such unprofessional campaigning. These are not the kind of men I want holding public office.
Rivero is a liar and a backstabber, so what is professional about that? He will use anyone and any tactic an attempt to win the Sheriff's Race. Does anyone think a man with less than 7 years total in Law Enforcement (and anyone who attempts to dispute that is a liar) is really what we want in Office? Yes, Mitchell has screwed up on more than one occasion, but Id rather have 4 more years of Mitchell than Rivero.
924 Rivero has stayed on the high road in his battle against Mitchell, While Mitchell is using every dirty trick in the book to keep his power to continue to lie, cheat, and R E A LL Y backstab his own people. I think 7 years of honorable and distinguished service far outweighs 16 years of slow destruction of the LCSO. Check out tomorrow's Record Bee, and you will see what I mean.
Did Perdock really get fired or did he take a medical retirement?
Did I see a helicopter flying around towing a Mitchell for sheriff banner?
Lets just hope Crash Garzoli wasn't the one flying it...
You guys are predictable. Late every night, you come on with the same old emptiness. Nothing meaningful to say, just mean. Can't you find anything better to do with your lives? Like, wake-up, and understand that if you don't get on the winning side, Rivero's, your days will be numbered. I guess that's why you're scared...?
We are not smart enough to be scared, besides this sure beats patrol and some of us get overtime.
heck I can't even spell skard properly. Nobody is afraid of the rivero corruption train we've seen your kind before and once again we repel you. Now get your ass back to frisco francisco. buh bye.
Predictable as in yep, we can predict who will be Sheriff in three weeks and it ain't you Frank.
Looky at that, the frisco crowd is back to deleting all mention of Tom Carter the dude backing frank. What a surprise.
Come on now, that little old post only pointed out what everyone knows and that is that mr. high road frank is backed by a major grower hence the 'high' road.
Mitchell actually will be Frisco bound for all the lawsuits. hope he has a good legal team.
Mitchell's legal problems? Never heard of those though I hear the county's insurance company is up to bat and that's all she wrote. It is all about cash. Just like francisco.

MY PREDICTION: frank loses and sues and loses again. I'm taking bets. Text me at to get your piece of the action.
Helicopters pulling banners with Mitchell banners. Wouldn't the rotor blades cut the rope? Planes pull banners, Nimrod. You guys are dumb as rocks. No wonder dave crashed the helicopter.
Rodney make sure you bring your DOJ report. You know the one you forget to mention that perdick was boozing at Konocti or that nine people testified the sailboat lights were on . Rodney you got some splaining to do.
One thing is for sure, Tom is good at everything he does. And when you get your ass kicked, you will find he's good at that too.
For jury trial only.
Do you really think the counties insurence company will pay out millions because a couple bozos committed crimes? Hell no they won't Insurance companies are smart like that.
Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh looks like we have a couple of Mitchell KKK supporters on the Train tonight. This is the Lovelace group just touching bases with the crowd. You know we asked you guys and spelled out the true reality of the situation but first let's get a few things on the site tonight.

987-4467 this is the campaign phone number for Frank Rivero, we need all citizens to volunteer to help the Rivero campaign. They need people to walk door to door, they will give you the materials you need and the ideas to focus on. Please do not take this lightly, all hands are needed in many different areas. You must plan and take a weekend, take a day when you are off, or after work. Anyone who is going to cast a vote for Frank, the vote is not enough, they need your help in volunteering. Please do not say to yourself oh someone else will do it. Do not be complacent, do not think in terms of this being in the bag. There is a long way to go, and we cannot let Lake County die because of the election of Mitchell, if you Love this county if you care, then you know how important it is to help the campaign team. Olga is a great and dynamic individual a wonderful person, she and the other members of the campaign team will give you all you need to help. It is critical that for the next month we get all the help to the campaign team possible. If Mitchell is re-elected, we can kiss our county goodbye it will never recover, the state, country and the world will wonder who is it that lives in this county and allows someone like Mitchell to remain in power. Please do what you can every minute of your time is crucial and helps.
Let's see Murder, accessory to murder, perjury, witness tampering and an ongoing conspiracy to obstruct justice. Sorry guys you better read your policy if you commit crimes you are on your own.
NimRod, The Federal Court house is at 450 Golden Gate Ave in San Francisco. Maybe you guys can use the prisoner transport van to commute there. It'll save use taxpayers some money.
Ok so yesterday we posted the actual situation that exists with the Mitchell supporters and they could not respond, it really hits home for them. Now here it is again, and we will keep pushing this concept and model right to the end. This is your reality. Take careful note for at some point it the near future you will have to recognize it.

Listen guys, you are fighting for a cause yet you have no cause. What you have is an inability to promote your own man. You know your only hope as we have said over and over is to make the often used attempt of bringing Rivero down to Mitchell's level. We have never ceased to be amazed, at the lack of comments which the Mitchell supporters have ever provided taking in a positive manner about Mitchell. Only 1/10 of a percent at best of the total comments in one year have been a positive post about Mitchell. Yet let us remind you of the cause for this site, you may have missed it at the top:

This is a forum for detailing the corruption in Rodney Mitchell's Lake County Sheriff's Department and other local offices.

Your only course of action has not been to trumpet the virtues of Mitchell, but to attack, as has always been the case, any potential claim to the power. You see Rivero as a threat to that network, selfishly regarding only your own position not the publics not for what is right. There are some young, 4-7 year deputies, that have done nothing wrong but followed their leader down the wrong road. Others are simply waiting to see if the change will come. Others fight against it.

The die is cast as to the reality your campaign could never try to win by highlighting the leadership, honesty, character, and employee relations skills of this sheriff. you have lawsuits from former deputies right and left. We highlighted Garzoli's earlier. Race relations are dismal at best. Dinius is on the horizon and the beat goes on.

We think there is room for change with reconciliation in the end. When it is all said and done the idea of the citizens working in an open and participatory relationship with the LE is the goal and model. Working not as in the antagonistic relationship as currently exists, but far more open and transparent, solving the counties crime and issues working with the deputies.

That is a vision far greater then you trying to maintain the status quo,
Brothers and Sisters, we have One Month until the Election. Let us Pray.

Dear Lord,

Thanks be to You for Lake County. Thanks be to You for the fertile hills, the oaks, the manzanitas, and the ponderosas. Thank you for Clear Lake and all the creatures that dwell in and around it. Thanks be to You for our neighbors and for our community, and Thanks be to You for the rich harvests of the farmers.

Dear Lord, thank you for Sheriffs Officers Rivero and Baxter. Please bless them and guide them with Your lessons of tolerance and mercy as you herald them into our county's Sheriff's Department. Please guard them from temptation as they deliver us from evil.

Dear Lord, please forgive Sheriff Mitchell and guide him with Your wisdom. May he seek repentance for his crimes and forgiveness from those he has harmed. May his tenure end swiftly so that he is no longer tempted with avarice and the fruits of corruption. Bless his family and spare them from unnecessary embarrassment as his crimes are further revealed in the light of Your Truth.

In the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost,
NimRod just walked thru, the supporters had to turn their computers of for a minute.
Thank you good Friar for your potent and heart felt evening sermon in the attempt to help them heal, and become good citizens again. ;-)
Bong hits to our heads. Won't you join us, your wives already have.
Hey Joe, where does Sarah get her weed? You can't see the Forest for the trees.
Condemning your fellow brethren? You'll burn in Hell for that post.
At least with them posting tonight they aren't in the evidence room or out planting evidence on some minority.
11:03 No, I was speaking figuratively. I was speaking about court. You know the same place Dinius is going to kick your ass. The same place Morshed, Wright ,Garzoli, Smith, Beland and the other ten Federal lawsuits are going to do it. I bet your name is among the ass kickees.
I have a wager. I'll bet when Frank wins you will shave your head so you can't give a hair sample to be tested for drugs.
I'll bet Tom's court case is over before Rod's is.
For you that find that I'm the problem because I find it offensive that those in our government abuse their power. I will let those that read this site judge you that would snip from the dark. Yes I have been at this a long time and that would not be so if there was not so many of you dishonest bureaucrats working in this local government. I say to you people that think that our government can lie and cover the lies up and that we should except that as a fact. I find that view highly agitating. And unlike you I say who I am so post Oct.1 2010 9:51 AM and Oct.1 2010 1140 AM If your peeved at me, that gives me some pleasure so you might see how I feel. Mitchell and Hopkins did what they did because all was going to lie and cover the lies up and its is the citizens that are asking for accountability I see no bureaucrat.
If indeed there were nine people who saw lights on the sailboat it is probably because they saw the lights before they were turned off to enjoy the moonless starlit night.
8:12 you go ahead and beleive what you want, but those on the boat never said they turned off the lights to "enjoy the moonless starlit night"
and not one person testified they saw the lights off before the incident.
Good morning Lake County, A great day of comments yesterday. First a word to the Mitchell supporters. Get over your loss and what it displayed in the Dinius trial, a jury of Perdocks peer, and people from our county directly, found Dinius not guilty of any crime, and if they had been given the opportunity would have nailed Perdock. This will not go away you can cry about it from now till the next Dinius trial, to which Mitchell and Hoppy and a host of others will be on the chopping block. Deal with it, the lights were on you lost the trial, and you will lose the next one, with the follow-up ramifications being potential criminal charges, and that is going to hurt.

Sheriff Mitchell were just asked recently about why 3 years ago you set up a sting operation with ICE to try and get some people of the Hispanic community? How is it that right after that and the night before the last debate you got a small rebuttle in the Record Bee? Hmmmmmm no on saw it and it wasn't included in the online version of the paper. Quite curious, do you hate as KKK does the wonderful Hispanic community that much? We are sure they will make their thoughts known in November.

Hey Hopkins when was it that someone came to you and gave you poof some deputies were stealing money from citizens, why did you do nothing? Who were you protecting and why. Why did you let the sheriff know and not act on it? That one is going to come back and haunt you and slick Mitchell eh?

Hey Mitchell what happens if Tucker comes forward and throws you under the bus for another situation to which you said only happened once in 8 years. Oh hey Mitchell remember the wine event when you hit on someone who you asked to step outside the tasting area outside and then hit on them, wonder what you would say if they come forward? That would be interesting wouldn't it.

Sometimes you dig holes so deep you can't crawl out of them eh?

Why given just these simple examples, would a single person ruin their reputation and standing in the community by casting a vote for you. Only the sad and desperate ones would do that. Your days are numbered and rightly so.
Post 8:12 the point is that all statements are to be taken by the officers. Their not to choose what to report or not. Then if your going to use the attorney general as proof of your honesty,then all statements should be in the report. It started with dishonesty and remains so to this day. I would remind you the jury on the Dinius case founnd for him not for Mitchell or Hopkins.
this is a great piece of reporting by Joan Moss, that will be going into both the Outlook and the Middletown star. It raises many questions and again the credibility of Mitchell. Let it also be known that despite the fact all you see below is documented court documents and pure fact, none of the local rags would print it, yet did they not print Markham's garbage piece he wrote? Can you say fascism? Can you say bias, can you say collusion and the elitist network at work again to suppress negative information concerning Mitchell and those surrounding him?

September 28, 2010
Dear Editor,
I am sharing here with your readers my question of the Sheriff’s candidates regarding background checks by Sheriff Mitchell:
Sheriff Mitchell stated Wednesday September 22 during the Candidates Night at Calpine Center in Middletown that he sent two investigators to Florida to investigate candidate and Deputy Frank Rivero’s criminal background.
Did Sheriff Mitchell conduct a background check of Jeffrey B Markham before Mitchell appointed Markham to a position of responsibility within his department?
Is Sheriff Mitchell aware of C93 4385, a federal suit filed by plaintiff Denise D Smith who complained about about discrimination and harassment by Markham and Sheriff James Wright while working for Markham as his secretary during 1992 and 1993 in the administrative office at the Lake County Jail?
According to the file I have due to a freedom of information search by our county counsel’s office, Lake County paid Smith $51,970 in attorney’s fees as a settlement.
I believe this lack of a background check of a prospective volunteer may show favoritism of one person over another by Sheriff Rodney K Mitchell.
I wanted to ask this question at the Candidates Nights but I was prevented from doing so because of the format of each event.

Joan Moss
Great editorial on Don Andersons book that is just out. This is a review done by Joan Moss, and again is asking the right questions.

September 23, 2010

Dear Editor,
I want to commend Don Anderson on his book 408 LAKEPORT, which he wrote about the May 1981 killing of Sheriff’s Sargeant Richard Helbush and the arrest of his murderers, William Cox and Annika Deasy.
What stands out in this book is Author Anderson’s honesty and depth as he shares with us the danger, the immediacy of the emergency, and what he and others did.
This is not fiction. This really happened. I will never drive by the Dry Creek Cut Off again without remembering Don’s account of what happened there.
As he writes about the aftermath of his experience and the experience of other officers there, I feel grieved that there was no counseling available for post traumatic stress disorder that I feel Don and his fellow officer at the scene experienced.
I am saddened that others among Anderson’s colleagues heckled him unceasingly for not shooting Cox and Deasy dead at the scene.
For many of us, writing is therapy, and I am grateful to have had the chance to read this book about a real event, and one man’s struggles with the consequences and grief caused by the event. I believe the book is a catharsis for Don Anderson.
Being an election year, we who have attended the debates for sheriff are learning more than we ever knew before about how law enforcement is supposed to work. Anderson’s book goes into detail about Dispatch and procedures that I have never been aware of up to now.
The book depicts real life for a deputy. There is despair. There is drinking. There are mistakes. There is courage. There is the man with the courage to tell the story for real. The friendship of Vern Huggins stands out. There is the rap sheet and history of Annika Deasy. Was Cox’s death in the Lake County Jail really a suicide? I will always wonder, and Don’s book does not stop me from asking that question.
We need people with the courage to ask the hard questions and tell the real story. Don Anderson is that kind of man. 408LAKEPORT is for real.

Joan Moss
Due to a security change please send all e-mails to the account, if you have sent any messages to any other account in the past week please re-send to the sheriffmitchell account.


The Lovelace group
Moore family winery big fundraiser for Frank Rivero, starts at 4:00 got a great band playing and should be a fantastic event, please plan on attending it is going to be a great time, so get out their and support Frank Rivero. Remember if Rodney were to be reelected it is the end of our credibility as a county and we will for years be remembered as the citizens that voted in a racists and corrupt criminal again into our county. At that point we can just close the doors on the county and its reputation. Get out and support Frank today starting at 4:00.
This just in from Bismarck Dinius, thank Mr. Dinius good to see the citizens finally able to hear from you and hear the truth!!! Great Job!

Written by Bismarck Dinius

The sheriff’s job is to protect the innocent and bring the guilty to justice. In my case, Sheriff Rodney Mitchell did neither.

The Lake County Sheriff’s Department, led by Rodney Mitchell, failed me, Lynn Thornton, her family and the citizens of Lake County by protecting its own interests.

At the risk of losing his job to do the right thing, Frank Rivero spoke out against the actions of the Lake County Sheriff’s Department to assist in justice for Lynn Thornton, her family and me.

Do what is right, not just for me, Lynn Thornton, the citizens of Lake County, but the rights of all. Not just serving special interests or maintaining the status quo.

I have been watching this election with great interest. Clearly by the primary results, the people of Lake County are ready for change.

I think Frank Rivero is a positive change for the county of Lake. He has a history of fighting for what is right, he fought for my rights. That is why I endorse Frank Rivero for sheriff.
A Question for anyone connected with the Scouting program in Lake County. Is Mr. Perdock still involved in your local organization?
Although He states that he is an Eagle Scout on the internet, Do any of you feel he has lived up to that honor? or in any way has shown honor to the basic Scout oath? Is this the sort of person you want to have as an example to your children? In Court testimony it is stated that the first thing he did after the collision was to attempt to place blame on those on the sailboat. Not ask about injuries, but to place blame. He still has'nt admitted fault. The lights were on, He just was'nt looking.
A Bay Area Lurker
Great comment from Bismarck Dinius, and we are thankful for his speaking up, and firmly stating the facts of this election. Mitchell must go or the county is doomed to be seen as a backwards community with no redeeming value, it will plummet to even worse levels then now exists. I have also heard that because of the actions of Mitchell and the true facts coming out of how bad this county is from the BOS to the Grand Jury's they have left or are leaving the county now. That is terrible.

By the way reading about how troubled the supervisors were of the Grand jury report, you mean to tell me they really did not know how bias and basically stupid those on the jury are and have been in this county? My a little late to start understanding that isn't it.
great questions post 135, not only was he not looking, but was drunk, and was traveling at night at 40-50 MPH that is not living up to the scouts honor by any stretch of the imagination. By the way the Perdock family hates Hoppy and Mitchell and did not and will not vote for Mitchell.
Why Mitchell kept perdick out of prison and on the payroll for four years after his reckless abandon of life caught up to him. He knew better but still went drinking and drove his boat at insane speeds on a pitch black night.
Let's see of those that were deputies let's name those and their families and close friends who will not be voting or casting a vote for Mitchell, this way we can see how Mitchell cut his own throat. Beland, Wright, Moreshed, Smith, Garzoli, Perdock, now that is just the very short list of major deputies, who along with family and friends will not be casting a single vote for Mitchell, there are more of course, including the entire Rivero family and all us voters, of course that is a given, what about former officers like Baxter, again an entire family of friends and 27% of the vote. This is the prime example of finally history catching up with Mitchell, I think when you add up all those votes taking the Baxter ones out of the formula, we are looking at close to a thousand total votes Mitchell has lost. And this is from deputies. You see when you do not get the troops behind you, you will lose power, and Mitchell my boy, you have done yourself in. Would anyone else like to add to the list of former deputies and their families who will not be voting for Mitchell, it's fun.
“Every dictator is an enemy of freedom, an opponent of law”

This is the Mitchell quote for the day
Mitchell's xdeputy thugs,Al League and Stacy Barker are two bad apples (think stolen porn, lies, and much much more). Nonetheless they are heading up Mitchell's strategic disinformation campaign being waged against Rivero. Why? Mitchell is holding lots of dirt on them. Just happened to be in Florida and did a background on Rivero? The official records about his detention are marked as destroyed but these two bozos find microfilm? Come on. Lake county residents will see right through this for what it is, more of Rodney's BS.
Ya amazing that the LCN piece actually quoted these two monkeys like they had credibility, and they just happened to be in Florida!!!!!! Ha hahahahahah What a joke, well you can see the network Mitchell has had in place, he can pull dead beats from anywhere and get them to do his dirty work, imagine how ignorant these people must be to do Mitchell's bidding for him. Actually scary to think their are those that stupid out there that will do what Mitchell says.
Well a good example is LCN and the Record Bee, just clicking right along on the fascism parade. Sad for Lake County and sad to think these lowlifes running these papers really think in little po-dunk ville that they are actually journalist...LOL
Thank you 11:03PM Oct. 1st.2010 for Jury Trial only.
The best reading I had in a long time, especially from Court House news at 450 Golden Gate Ave., very powerfull evidence.
Pat, now I will use your favorite word.
To all Mitchell's gang and supporters, you will be floating in a big lake of raw sewage!

Imagine what Frank Rivero is up against. Both local papers against him, fighting hard to bring him down, biased and unrelenting, trying with all they have to disparage, and the mouth pieces of the Mitchell campaign. Still Rivero pulls out the win in the primary.

The elitist Network set up by Mitchell for 15 years, and Frank fighting against it, and winning the primary. The numbers of people who by collusion and corruption, business's and ugly mean people alike trying to bring Frank down, and still he wins the primary.

A supervisor fighting against him with all he has supporting Mitchell, attacking Rivero at every step of the way, and still Frank fights on. Idiot people following the lead of Mitchell to attack Rivero, those that for some strange reason, fighting against Frank, and trying to keep Mitchell in power, and still Frank wins the primary and fights on.

The terrible racists like KKK Klint and deputies, attacking people left and right who might support Frank, scare tactics being used. Name calling, all of it pointed at Frank Rivero, and still he and we fight on. This is an amazing story citizens, and we must continue to the fight. We are the underdogs, we are up against a machine of corruption and attacks coming from all sides. It is the true citizens, and the good people of the county fighting against the machine. And fight we will, but we need everyone to understand the importance of what we are doing and the battle that still remains. To save this county Frank Rivero must be elected, it is time. Never give up, fight on and support Frank in every way you can.
Sheriff Rodney K. Mitchell, former Lake Co. deputies Stacy Baker and Albert League has no credibility!!!!
You guys are now the underdogs? You keep bragging about how Rivero OWNS most of the county. Feeling the pressure? I thought you were bragging about Frank's huge vote from the primary and you add Baxter's votes, you should be saying Rod is the underdog. Flip Flop and Fly! Don't get overconfident!
We speak of the battle we are waging 551, it is an amazing story of battling against the worst of the evil and darkness this county has ever seen. It is and has been an uphill battle which is the amazing story that is being told. Your position is weak from the perspective of what you stand for which is hate and racism. But if you can live with yourself then by all means go for it, we will keep battling right to the victory, and you will keep trying to destroy the county with your support of a dark and hateful man.
Indeed it is 555, and through it all in the Mitchell racists and hateful people we see the worse of humanity, even in our small little community, these people spout their hate, make their small childish posts, and somehow mange to live with themselves, one wonders when that put a comment up like that do they giggle to themselves are they funny to themselves, or can they even look at what they do. I wonder at times if these people had ever gotten any kind of education, or had ever lived anywhere but in Lake County, they seem unable to be able to relate to the normal mix that is our society. Is it really that they are so ignorant, so unable to see reality, that this kind of thing is really seen by them as something neat to do. Very strange indeed, and this is what the good and normal people of the county are up against, they cannot be taught, it is doubtful they could actually be educated, I don't suspect there really is the capacity to learn. Such a shame.
I know what you mean post 647 earlier yesterday, my wife walked up and looked at the site, and she does not comment on here. She is well educated and a good person, she said oh my God who are these people? It was hard to try and explain, and she watched the posts go up a few times, and said this is the worse of humanity, it is hard to believe these kind of people actually exist in this day in age. I said well they do they are some of the Mitchell supporters.
dehumanizing language is something fascists use in warfare. it has never worked and it won't work for frank.
Of course you are right post 656, still it is sad to see that we have these people here, and that a sheriff is supported by the likes of them and KKK and the rest, it is a tough battle, but in the end Rivero will win, and we will begin to heal this county and go after the likes of KKK Klint and the rest.
And to see that Liz and John are the same type of people and running a newspaper, suppor.ters of Mitchell and supporters of KKK and others, it is so sad to see a paper stumping for such hateful and sad people, but they to must be sad deep inside that they are actually supporting this sheriff with the make up of those who are as well. You would think they would be ashamed of themselves and who they are
Oh no doubt in my opinion Liz and John are racist, this was part of the rift as to why John blew out of the Record Bee. Not only that you will hear the corruption supporters say give me proof those that support Mitchell are racist, then we reply KKK Klint, and they just shut up and go away...LOL They are such idiots it is amazing.
No doubt a sad bunch of people, and they cannot even see their own selves, you know people that ignorant, must have got it from parents who passed it on to them, racism is that way, your dad was a racist, so was grand-daddy so these guys are to, in some ways it is sad, because they are really like small children unable to control their actions. Very sad.
OK, give me proof that Clint is racist. Giving him a nickname is not proof. Seriously, I am curious, I see him called KKK on topix and here but frankly nothing he says on topix seems that bad. What's the deal?
LOL gezzzzzzzzzzzzz post 728 go on the internet go to u-tube look up Clint, check around, you dummy check the groups he says he belongs to, good lord, don't ask such stupid questions, your kidding right, you really didn't ask that question did you??? LOL
KKKK isn't a racist, oh my good does this guy mean it??? Wow. Get grip 728, is that how you guys decide to vote for Mitchell because you what do no research you don't look at anything check anything out. I guess Dinius, Garzoligate, Beland, Wright, Moreshed, and well we could go on on didn't happen to huh. Man can you guys even look at yourself in the mirror? LOL
Sorry i was so stunned at the stupidity of post 728 I was stammering when I typed. No wonder Mitchell can get votes he has guys like this he can fool!!!! Scary
I remember the u-tube video showing Rivero calling him the mexican Blank Blank and then saying 1000's will die in the county if he is elected. Ya this guy is a nut case, and he is a Mitchell supporter, that tells the whole story.
Any normal person who is in this county and can with a clear heart cast a vote for Mitchell is fooling themselves, or they have a lot to lose when he loses.
Amen post 738!!! But can they see it!!!!
I noticed one of the Mitchell dopes came on this morning sayong Rivero only has 8 years LE experience therefore Rod is more qualified. Remember this Mitchell himself only has 7 yeards when he was elected so it's what the voters want at the time. Mitchell says he has 30 years of LE experience which is not true unless you allow him to credit himself with his unpaid volunteer reserve time in Sacramento. Mitchell loves to stretch the truth and embelish everything thinging no one will notice.
I disagree with 802. I believe Rivero is going to win this election by a landslide since people are tired of Mitchell. You can call Rivero whatever you like because he stood up and said there is racism and racist policies in the LCSO. Mitchell himself is the cause of any riff within his department because of his dictatorial management style and special treatment of his gang. His own racist attitude has trickled down to his people and since the boss does it why not us? It must be OK. Well, it's not OK and the people who pay the bills are no longer going to put up with it.
Interesting point 8:02. Has Rivero ever evidenced the high moral position of volunteerism? I'm impressed, I wasn't aware that Mitchell was so into service that he did it for free. That says volumes about his character.
Has Rivero got any volunteer experience on his resume? Or is it all for pay and/or lawsuit money?
Clint Fitzgerald aka kkklint is not onlyu a racist nut case and a Mitchell supporter he is one of Rod's little gang. I wonder why that is? Why would any Sheriff align himself with the likes of kkklint? The answer is because Rod is a user and he surrounds himself with weak yes men and dopes to do his bidding. People like Clint and Pat Mcm & wife do his dirty work so he can deny knowledge which no one believs.

I think if we take a close look at Rod's GOB's which includes many of his DSwat team thugs we'll find a number of racists. Who all has a Nazi swatstika tatoes on their bod?
Why did you guys censor this? It looks very well written and considered.

7:28 Yah I'm thinking Clint has a pretty strong euro-centrist streak that could be called racist. However I also perceive a very similar outlook from Rivero. Only Rivero don't like white people. This is the world we live in and the onus is on us to try to enlighten these types. Rivero is more advanced than Clint in a particular way. He uses his brand of racism to extract sums of money from 'the white power structure' here in the world's only ethnic melting pot while Clint just rails against the melting pot. Two sides of the same coin with significant differences.
Clint is doomed to being marginalized because he'll never ever be able to sue while Frank has dreams of legitimacy. Course Frank may not become Sheriff so he'll sue again and become all the richer.
I can't speculate as to what sort of Sheriff Rivero might be as that could be something he's never planned on. Might be he does well, mends the rifts he's created in the department and earns the trust of his team. More likely thought is that he'll find himself in a pitch battle with all the LE that opposed him, learns he can't fire a single one and lives out a single term at most. Probably would get voted no confidence and stabbed in the back like he's practiced but we'll all see come November.
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : October 2, 2010 8:02 PM
While we take a look at Rod's gang of thugs lets talk about the two former Deputies thar Rod sent to Florida to manufacture dirt on Rivero. Rodney Mitchell paid for their trip plus expenses and his talk about them just happening to be their on other business is just bullshit and everyone knows it. Another lie from Sheriff Paniccho who's nose grows by the minute.

What's the story on these two> I'm hearing that neither live in Lake County anymore and that both were actually dismissed by LCSO for some dirty dealings. True or false and if true what was it for. Or, did Rod allow these two to resign rather then be canned? What kind of people are these men? You knnow they aren't here for love of Rod Mitchell so he's paying these thugs too as he is the southern California political advisors. Is Joe Ford and the McMann's being paid or what are they getting for their dirty work?
There have been questions on this Blog asking Mitchell to comment about why he left Sacramento SO as a reserve and why they wouldn't or didn't hire him. Also the intimation that he may have done somethng or been involved in something on duty as a reserve that he would not want to get out.

We all know Rodney didn't move to Lake County because he loves it here. So, what happened in Sacramento? If there is something then put it out or forget it and go one to something factual. Wishing that Rod got caught with his pants down is Sacramento is not good enough. That's the way he works so either he did or he didn't, which is it?
doofus, 8:25, attacking the messenger does not change the message. Seems those two guys are investgators, were in FLA on business and looked that stuff up since we've all be wondering. Thanks to them, sorry it wasn't better news for fank.
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Is this troubling to you folks? Delete away!! I saw it and thought it was pretty darn good so I've saved it. You best man the monitor carefully to keep this one from getting read. Course it's already been screen scraped and is on the record. Don't matter what you delete, it's all still there. The problem is that the more you delete stuff the more it shows up in the record. I guess you don't get that part... I guess you don't get much. Now who's dumb?

7:28 Yah I'm thinking Clint has a pretty strong euro-centrist streak that could be called racist. However I also perceive a very similar outlook from Rivero. Only Rivero don't like white people. This is the world we live in and the onus is on us to try to enlighten these types. Rivero is more advanced than Clint in a particular way. He uses his brand of racism to extract sums of money from 'the white power structure' here in the world's only ethnic melting pot while Clint just rails against the melting pot. Two sides of the same coin with significant differences.
Clint is doomed to being marginalized because he'll never ever be able to sue while Frank has dreams of legitimacy. Course Frank may not become Sheriff so he'll sue again and become all the richer.
I can't speculate as to what sort of Sheriff Rivero might be as that could be something he's never planned on. Might be he does well, mends the rifts he's created in the department and earns the trust of his team. More likely thought is that he'll find himself in a pitch battle with all the LE that opposed him, learns he can't fire a single one and lives out a single term at most. Probably would get voted no confidence and stabbed in the back like he's practiced but we'll all see come November.
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : October 2, 2010 8:02 PM
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I look at my old dogs hind legs and it reminds me of Rod Mitchell. Crooked.
Gary Dickson, Editor of the LC Record-Bee published his column today stating that people have lost trust in the media. Much like our own SO. He wonders why then prints pro-Mitrchell material he knows is false or misleading. Wake up Gary, this is why we don't trust you or the media in general.
I'm an NRA lifetime member. You have a problem with that Frank? Come and try to take my guns pal. You have any idea how many of us are here in Lake? That approach won't win you any votes.
Where are the McMann's tonight? To much wine or are they busy stealing Rivero signs. What a great example you two are for your children, two hypocrites marching proudly in the front rank of Rodney's parade. Save the shoe leather he is going to lose and whatever he promised you will never come to pass.
8:41 We who? I trust LCN, they send me daily news updates and keep me informed during the day about stuff going on in the county. Stuff I can see and relate to.
You guys don't trust them and you are blind to your county. Your minds are a terrible thing to waste. Get straight.
I don't recall Rivero ever saying he wanted to take anyone's guns or that he has any issues with the NRA. He too is a life member. If anyone is saying he's going to take your guns they are blowing smoke out of their ass which is just what Mitcvhell does and you believe him. I too am a life member of the NRA and I can tell you no one is taking my guns either but I'm sure not going to allow any petty little politicial like Rod Mitchell frighten me into thinking an opponent of his will.

Call Rivero and ask for yourself and don't let Mitchell snow you about how much he loves his guns and he love Lake County. Call Mitchell and ask him with his NRA membership number is and I'll bet he'll crash and burn caught in anbother lie.
847 If you rely on the LCN for your updates and news you may as well bend over and talk to yourown butt for all its worth. Everything they post is copies from the Record-Bee and their news is always slanted. They are intiomidated by Mitchell and his 16 years of running roughshot over everyone including you.

Of course there is always the question, can you read? Are you capable of indepentdent thought or are you following the piper over the cliff.
Rivero is opposed to the second amendment. That is a fact.
843 - Not to worry Rivero has said publicly he has no intention of revoking anyone CCW permit and he is willing to issue to anyone who passes the background and training as required by law. Unlike Mitchell he is not going to ask for letters of recommendation from special people before issuing a permit. Don't let Mitchell scare you, after all you have a gun.
855 - I suppose he called you to tell you that? You are a dimwit and an lyar and you know it.
I guess we now know where the MCM's are tonight. Back spouding their BS for Mitchell.
8:52 If LCN copies stuff from the BEE then somebody has a time machine because news shows up first all the time on LCN and the BEE publishes once they read it in their news alerts. Are you retarded or just don't know what day it is?
Say, Mr. & Mrs. MCM, aren't you the people who said Mitchell was a good Christian family man and a credit to his community? Nuff said on that one of course what would you know about that Pat. You never heard of Jesus until the Mrs. caught you up short.
Sure jj. You are so full of shit your eyes are brown. Go back to beating your wife and leave the adults alone.
Hide in the corner jj, the big bad weed fiends might threated you and your wife again. Another little bit of misinformation put out by the LCN which has been shown to be bogus.
Good evening Lake County. It's 9:03 PM, do you know who's back window your sheriff is crawling through tonight?
Here it is again, hard to imagine that these guys would think they could defend in anyway the biased crap that has been in the local rags. We already know the history. From those that are afraid of change. Those who are in the media that choose to engage in keeping information away from the public, and forming unprofessional "close" relationships with local LE and government people, beyond the norm of decent "working" relationships that are a sign of a good journalist, not being in bed with them as is the case with our local media. If you want to deny that, then there is no where to go with you.

If you can deny that this sheriff department has a horrible relationship with the Tribal communities and the Hispanics, and has literally alienated them by his actions. Something KKK Klint revels in. If you can deny that racism does exist, then there is now where to go with you.

But every time we ask you to remind us of what a great leader and what a great record of performance with his deputies like Beland, Moreshed, Wright, Garzoli, Perdock, you could go on and on. The issues are real man, the performance if Mitchell was in any organization or business as a CEO or VP etc. He would have been thrown out on his ear years ago.

Time and time again we tell you to defend him, of course you can't so your only choice is to try and bring Rivero down to your level and it is not going to happen. Can't be done. Tell us about your great leader.
Word Lovelace!
Some people call Lake County the red-neck county of Northern California, gee I wonder why? Mitchell supporter anyone?
Rodney Mitchell is a devoted family man with good Christian values. With almost sixteen years as sheriff he has demonstrated his leadership skills by treating employees fair and with respect. Mr Mitchell has worked very closely with the community which he serves with honor.
Somebody needs to interview Charles Slabaugh and find out how independent his investigation was. Twice he has testified that his investigation was based solely on perdick's word. I bet now that he is retired and named in the lawsuit he would be more than happy to throw Mitchell under the bus.
Rod mitchell admitted during the Middletown debate that he cheated on his wife. Where was that that in the "news" coverage or did I miss it. Maybe I'll go door to door with that bit of info, like Mary Disgrace McTurd and Mr. Head are doing with the flier that says frank was responsible for the Dinius coverup. Mary Disgrace whatever happened to you pot smoking hippy first husband?
917 A devoted family man with good Christian values is what you should be when your wife and family aren't watching.
B-Gal is said to be a drunk, hell she smelled like a bottle of whiskey at the CalPine event. What a piece of work she is. She should really just crawl back under the rock.
Amazing how easy it is for Mitchell to lie flat out. One time in 8 years answer to the set-up question, with the set up audience saying don't answer it over and over. Then we get one time in 8 years, let's here from Tucker, how about the lady that said he hit on her at the wine event a couple of years ago. Rodney Mitchell you are a joke.
Rivero talks about his three arrests not being any big thing and then at a debate intimates that it might not be him but another Francisco Rivero. Which is it Frank?
Mary Disgrace, what's up with the new guy in your Jazzercise class? Walking the neighborhoods for Old Rod huh?
I've seen the flier it says nothing of the sort. You're all perfect examples of why Rivero shouldn't be elected. If people of your lack of character support him, it must reflect on his lack of character.
You're all perfect examples of why mitchell shouldn't be elected. If people of your lack of character support him, it must reflect on his lack of character.
the Mitchell supporters are running scared these tactics are the sign, if they could tell you how worried they really are, and well they should be. The ivory tower is falling down, and the emperor has no clothes.

If the rate of change on the outside exceeds the rate of change on the inside, the end is near. "

Heed those words if you can grasp them Mitchell clones.
"I'm an NRA lifetime member. You have a problem with that Frank? Come and try to take my guns pal. You have any idea how many of us are here in Lake? That approach won't win you any votes.
# posted by Anonymous : October 2, 2010 8:43"

Both Rivero and Baxter are NRA Lifetime Members, Neither has said anything about taking anyone's guns. Are you starting a new lie for Mitchell? If not, who fed you this BS?
Hey post 8:43, why do you continue to repeat the same stupid challenge to Rivero. You embarass all of the NRA members with your stupid childish remarks and challenges. Noone cares about your guns and you are looked at as being a big mouth asshole who thinks that you are a big strong gun hero. Your stupidity should even embarass the Mitchell gang, but I doubt it does. It's simple minded ignorent followers like you that are helping to sink Mitchell. You seem to think that if anyone was stupid enough to take you up on your simple minded threat that all of the NRA members in Lake county would be stupid enough to stand with you, not a chance. I like to pick on ignorent loud mouthed jerks like you because you ask for it. Next time turd head, if you want to challenge someone, sign your name so that the rest of us will know who you are and what a great big Hero you really are. Hurry up and answere this so that I can pick on your stupid ass. Nighty night idiot.
Can anyone tell us, if former Lake Co. deputies Stacy Baker or Al League live in Lake Co. Ca.?
Al League does not live in Lake Co and I am relatively certain the same can be said for Baker. Al used to live here and has been a friend of Rod for many years, I think even going back to Sacramento. What difference does any of this make? None that I can see.
700 AM
So League and Baker don't live here. It's just more of Mitchell and his dirty politics. Rodney K. Mitchell "king of dirty politics"!!!!!!
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