Tuesday, June 1, 2010


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11:39 - My error, sorry. I should have known better then to think the government would giver us any kind of write off for supporting the candidate of our choice.

Rivero has never gone out to strong arm people for money as Mitchell has. Those who do contribute do so voluntaryil with no strings attached and no promised of favors. I don't think Rodney can say the same.
As Chief Deputy and a member of Team Dui Russell Perdock knew of the conseqoences of his reckless behavior and the fact he lied and concealed evidence should have led to murder charges . In protecting Perdock others committed the following crimes accessory to murder ,obstruction of justice , perjury , witness tampering .
Twelve defendants have yet to be named could your name be on that list and are you willing to be charged with the crimes committed by the defendants ?
Our elected officials including the Sheriff must be pro-business and do everything they can to welcome business to our county. This is good for all of us.

Mitchell smears an Upperlake business man who has put a lot of money back into the community to make iot a better place. He openly shows his distain for our Native American community and the casinos who are some of the biggest and most important businesses we have. What does this tell us? It's time for him to go and the sooner the better.

Mitchell have shown himself to be a sleeze professional politician at its worst. He would be better suited in Chicago then here in Lake County. Let's help his political career and see to it that he's sent somewhere else.
There was an article posted in the Outlook that talks about this "elitist" network written by Bruce Forsythe, and it really states the case for what has happened in the county. People like Borgi at K-ville lumber and Kathy Fowler are part of this network. The article quotes Borgi saying "We don't want you kind in our county"...And boy that tells the story doesn't these people are in collusion with sheriff Mitchell and they do not want the apple cart upset!!
San Quentin is a good place for Mitchell !
Perdock and Dinius have done us all a favor and a service to Lake County. Unfortunately it was at the cost of an innocent womans life. It also cost both men their livelehood and reputation. What they did was expose the corruption within our local government by the DA and the Sheriff. Now its time we did our part and see that this mess is cleaned up.
11:59 - That does say it all. Its people like that who are the pseudo big shots in Lake County. They think because they are wealthy or have lived here all their lives that they know more then the rest of us. Like the government they think they are better qualified to say what we need. They are the "good old boys". What they forget is that the majority of our Lake County residents have been here less then ten years. Most are transplants from the bay area who moved here becuase it is a beautiful place to live and raise a family. They are not fools and will not stand for the elitist BS spouted by the old time special interests that Mitchell has been doing favors for since he got in office.

To the special interests and GOB's you do not run Lake County and you are not as important as you think you are. You are just one vote just like the rest of us. If it were not for us giving you our business who would be out of work like many others. Tone down your arrogance or you too could be on the street along with Mitchell.
Kickoff for the Rivero for Sheriff Campaign this evening (Saturday) from 5 PM to 8PM at Konocti Vista Casino in Lakeport. This is free, with complimentary appetizers. Please come and bring all your friends, we would like to see a big crowd for this kickoff event to start building momentum for the November 2 election. Kickoff for Frank, kick out for Rod!
Pay attention BOS, you could be next.
Wake up Borgi and Cathy. We may not need your kind here either. We can easily take our business elsewhere.
Speaking of hatchet face Cathy F. She's the one who got drunk and had a Mitchell melt down in the middle of the street at Library Park during a recent Corvette Club show when she saw a Chevrolet dealer from Redwood City and sponsored the program and send their own Vette. What a laugh watching this woman make a fool of herself and she's a respected business person in our community.
I'm rich, I'm beautiful, I own a car lot so I'm better then the rest of you so stuff it. I'm going to tell Rod and he'll get you.
Watch out CF, Rodney might give you the old rod like he's been doing to us for the past 15 years.
Cathy do you have a job for Rodney selling used cars? He has experience as a crooked politician so being a used car salesman would actually be a step up and he's going to need a job.
The above posts to 11:55; You people are so right on....thanks for the honest
information to remind everyone that Mitchell has been here way too long; along with the rest of these bandits.
Mitchell and his pets have been here way to long. Get out and spread the word. Not everyone read the LC Manifist or follow this LL Blog so it's important that they here it fron us. We still have lots of people willing to vote for Mitchell because he's been here along time. Others who are afraid of new ideas and others who know some fool who knows someone else that voted for Mitchell so that's good enopugh. Wake up your neighbors who have been snowed by Mitchell's lies or who are free of independent thought.
It's up to all of us. If Mitchell is returned to office then we have no one to blame but ourselves and believe me he will pay us back in spades. Send a clear message to the community that we will not stand for his dirty dealings anymore. Shout out that we've tired of Mitchell and we won't take it anymore.
This is what can happen to a community that for so long has been under the hypnotism of the Mitchell regime. As the years go by, more and more come into the Mitchell fold, including Rob Brown and other members of the BOS. Then contracts are signed and "favors" are given. And cars are bought for government use on no-bid contracts. The GOB's grow in numbers and the corruption gets deeper and deeper. A stagnation begins to occur, and control of the power base is furthered by government entities participation such as the BOS and county counsel. In a short period of time no one can move against the regime as the connections are to great and the control through nepotism to entrenched. The citizens, as this process unfolds are kicked to the curb, because it is not about right and wrong, it is not about the need for transparency and justice it is about protection, it is protection of the web of influence that then governs the communities system of government. At this point it is only the citizens who can split the ranks and force the change. As we began the Blog site almost 12 months ago, we knew through the model we created,that the attacks would happen, that they would try to protect the GOB and elitist system at all costs. But we also knew that if we were able to persevere and keep the stage open for the citizens we could bring change. Hopkins and Mitchell were determined to be the first that must be brought down, that they were the lynch pins holding the system together, and if we could pull the Hopkins and Mitchell legs out from the Mitchell elitist foundation, it would then begin to fall. After November there is much to be done, the BOS must be changed out, and they will be. There will be a full overview of these members and their activities. All information will be presented to the public and transparency will be the rule not the exception, many others will come under the citizens microscope, the questions will be asked the force of the citizens will be felt and we will demand answers and change.
I'm still wondering where all the Mitchell thugs are today but then it dawned on me that it's Saturday and they are off work. They don't have a county computer or public time to piss away so why bother. They can wait until Monday when they go back to work It does show how dedicated to Rodney some of his gang really are..
When Mitchell is unemployed and finally ends up in his own jail will Rob Brown post his bond?
Kickoff for the Frank Rivero for Sheriff Campaign this evening (Saturday) from 5 PM to 8PM at Konocti Vista Casino in Lakeport. This is free, with complimentary appetizers. Please come and bring all your friends, we would like to see a big crowd for this kickoff event to start building momentum for the November 2 election. Kickoff for Frank, kick out for Rod! And, the campaign needs volunteers, so look for the volunteer table near the front of the room and sign up! Go Rivero!!
Are you kidding, Buffalo Brown will not touch Mitchell with a ten foot pole once he's no longer useful. If Brown were out of office and Mitchell is do you think for one minute Rod will be his pal? He won't need him and Rod is just a user and definately no ones friend. He's proven that over and over.
Naw Rob will still be right at his side or under his desk .
I hear that Rob Brown and his wife don't even like Mitchell. The reason he has come out to support him and provide his truck for parades is that we pissed him off. Some people thought they would tell him what to do while constantly insulting him and he got his back up so to flip us all off he sided with Rod. Maybe if we had left him alone he would have been a silent Rivero supporter like many others.
If Ron is under Rod's desk then were will Cecil, Martin and Dutra be?
Job hunting
When Peter Elmer was on the stand he made it very clear that he did not see what perdick hit at 500 - 1000 yards from the accident it would have been impossible to have seen the non moving sailboat lights against the lights of the shoreline . Anita Grant check the transcript from the trial . Peter Elmer also testified to that in his deposition in the prior civil case .
So you are saying Napa Sheriff's did Rivero's IA? Now how can that be since Mitchell had publicized Sgt. Basor was assigned the IA and he was in Haiti for four months. That was Mitchell excuse of why it took so long to do the IA.

Now you are stating that was a lie and Napa had the IA all along? Listen, if Napa had the IA it would have been the fastest IA done in history. They would had just talk to the other deputy and look at the booking photos to see it was bullshit. The end.

And the end of Mitchell too.
You folks have no idea how many influential people you have alienated that might have helped change leadership at the SO. The election is lost for Frank as the season moves forward. Pity that, he might have had a chance if weren't so addicted to talking out of the side of his mouth, publicly associating with known criminals and ner do wells and lying to everyone. All that race-baiting he's done is so freaking offensive and has only harmed him. Just because someone recognizes him for a lying scumbag doesn't make them a racist. That and the fact that the whole Dinius thing has jack to do with the Sheriff and everything to do with the DA just points to a complete lack of qualification for the job.
The election is locked for Mitchell but don't take my word for it, wait and see.
Who isvestigates the Sheriff?

When a Deputy does something wrong or someone complains about a Deputy the SO IA is supposed to do the investigation. But, who investigates complaints against the Sheriff? For months we've been reading about complaints aimed at Sheriff Rodney Mitchell but has there been an investigation? I think not. Does this mean the Sheriff can do what he wants and not have to worry about having to justify his actions? In this county that is exactly what happens. You can moan and cry, you can compain until you are blue in the face and nothing will be done. You may as well bend over and complain to your own backside for what good it does.

Who investigates the Sheriff? We do and our only way of correcting his wrong doing is by voting him out of office which is way overdue.
Their back, the Mitchell thungs finally got out of bed and are spouting their venum.
Unless it is criminal, nobody investigates a Sheriff. At least a Chief of Police can be investigated by the City Manager or Mayor, but not a Sheriff. I think it is about time PORAC looked into pushing a bill that would address this issue.
1:12 the only thing locked for Mitchell will be his cell .
The people being alienated are the Mitchell gang. People of Lake County are waking up to your scare tactics, your lies and spin and we aren't buying it. Mitchell himself alienates everyone he meets by his slippery, phoney politician attitude that we are all sick of. Go back to bed.
Was it the Judge who's son is a deputy or the Judge who performed perdicks wedding or was it the Judge with ankle bracelet that did the preliminary trial .
PORAC is labor oriented. A bill must be pushed by their fellow politicians and that gets to close to home.

We need a massive letter writing campaign to both the state and federal Departments of Justive demanding someone look into Mitchell's activities. He should be out of office and go directly to jail. Do not stop at Park Place.
Kickoff for the Frank Rivero for Sheriff Campaign today from 5 PM to 8PM at Konocti Vista Casino in Lakeport. This is free, with complimentary appetizers. Please come and bring all your friends, we would like to see a big crowd for this kickoff event to start building momentum for the November 2 election. And, the campaign really needs volunteers, so look for the volunteer table near the front of the room and sign up! Go Rivero!!
The bos has the authority to investigate Mitchell and by not doing so they are asking to be named defendants along with Anita Grant .
Judge Martin's son is a Sergeant at LCSO. He had been a Cop in Morrow Bay or Pismo Beach, one of the major metropolitan centers in central California. The Judge apparently greased it for Mitchell to briong in his kid as a Sergeant here without ever having to take a test or work as a deputy. That's why Sergeant Bryan Martin is the sheriff's mouth piece always singing his praises, marching in his parades and selling his T-shirts. Bryan Martin sees himself as a future Sheriff and he will do anything he has to in order to get ahead. Remember Martin is the guy who presented the phoney questions on Mitchell's video interview posted on his web site. He's the same guy who recorded the message asking people to support Rodney Mitchell then sent it out on the counties reverse emergency 911 telephone system. County time and tax payers dime. Martin is the same guy who goes out to lean on people and try to convince them to vote for Mitchell while attacking Rivero. Martin is cut from the same cloth as Mitchell.
There are no supporters of Sheriff Rod Mitchell who are as is posted, seems when your blog adds all those adjectives, pro nouns it puts a ribbon on you postings, too bad you have locked onto Rivero who by the way is only out for Rivero, not the change You think You may want, You who back Him are living in a bubble otherwise you would see his true agenda.

Let's see along the next few weeks who else distances themselves from Rivero as has Kip who too late smartened Up to the real Rivero, Kip thought He was doing Rivero a big favor by standing down and allowing Him to run instead of himself, got screwed to the Max, and now wants to spill the beans on Rivero, nothing better than people scorned by those who they think are something they are not when put to the test.

I have seen some good progress with Sheriff Rod Mitchell making some changes as the public input has suggested, untimely for some of you but then it would not matter if he did or did not do them, I still say Mitchell is the most qualified for the job.
Don't think we aren't wise to you too Martin. You fellow officers see you as a kiss ass and a back stabber.
Who do you think Mitchell is out for?

Ringen leaving when he failed to get what he wanted, big loss. Ringen didn't stand a change of being elected to office. He would have been lucky to get two votes and the second would be from the bald cat queen.

What has Mitchell done to make any change? We may live in a bubble but we still see what's going on. You have your head somewhere else and the sun doesn't shine. You see only what Mitchell tells you that you should see. Mitchell is not qualified to be a deputy mush less a Sheriff. He has had 16 years to prove himself and he has fallen on his face time and again. He is a laughing stock and a disgrace to his office.
1:36 - You validate what I said earlier. You condem the man and convict him without a trial. Innocent until proven guilty unless you are in Lake County. The man was arrested and charged with a crime, not convicted. He has the right to a trial just like you and I unless you think that is not necessary.

If after receiving a trial he is found guilty then he will have to pay for his crime. If not are you going to appologize to him? You could be next and will you be alright with people convicting you without a trial?

I'm assuming you have had the opportunity to review all the evidence and interview all the witnesses against him and that's why you have the inside scoop of his guilt. You may me sick you schmuck and its attitudes like yours that Hitler relied on to bring in National Socialism. Come up with a reasonable argument.
Unlike yourself and Mitchell I'm not Bruce's butt boy or anyone elses. I'm no doper and really have little use for them. I pay my taxes and try to obey the law although I did get a parking ticket in Lakeport. I did pay it right away because I was wrong and admit it.

You people who work for Mitchell share his arrogance and you too are a disgrace to your community. You are the reason the people of Lake County are raising up and demanding change and you will see it come.
Supposedly Mitchell's people are the conservative intelligencia of Lake County while Rivero supporters, Bruce, Ollie, Lovelace and the LC Manifest are dopers, criminals and uneducated morons. What arrogance. How can you look at Mitchell's track record or lack of any and still say he's the best man for the job? He has no ideas and is not willing to have any. He has run his office into the ground. It makes me question what he has on you or can do for you. What are you afraid of if we get a new sheriff? Will you be unmasked and your own sins come out without Mitchell to cover for you?
Mitchell is the problem and he has recruited like minded weaklings around him. I hope Frank Rivero is the solution and a change is needed. If he doesn't work out we get rid of him and get someone else. It own't be Bryan Martin or Ringen.
Go back under your rock Martin.
Martin a sergeant when he got here? Hell no he was just a motorcycle cop in a town almost as small as Lakeport. He couldn't handle larger departments like LCSO and jumped to the state BNE. Then he found it was easier being a LCSO cop, sit in his room and do nothing. He kissed ass and now is a sergeant. MARK MY WORDS, Since he is on Mitchell's election campaign, I'm sure he will be lieutenant before the election.
112 says the Dinius trial was all the DA's responsibility? I think not. The way the justice system works is that law enforcement presents the case file to the D.A. who prosecutes...... why wasn't a case file built on Perdock? And don't you dare tell me he didn't do anything wrong......
1:48 He has not had his day in court but it is costing a lot of weed cash to stay out. He will at some point either cut a deal or take his chances with the court. All that pot growing still does not make him an outstanding person even in Upper Lake. Is that what people like you hope that your children become at some point, a drug dealer? What about the other things that hurt that hero image we mentioned? We didn't even talk about past child support or hiding property in other names because of the IRS or a few other things that do not fit the mold of the upstanding person you keep throwing our way. Come on give us a break don't talk about Hitler when you have your own Jim Jones thing going on. Are you going to say the same about Joe S or Joe F or the rest of you upstanding dealers?
1:12 There in lies the problem with you and Mitchell. You think that The influential votes are better or superior to the average citizens vote. As long as you and Mitchell work to keep the division between the citizens there won't be equal Justis under the law. If as you say the influential voted for Mitchell then The result of the primary was a indication that the lowly near do wells wanted their votes counted too. All walks of life are welcome to help and share in the new ideas that are coming not just the Mitchell elite. You have shown your true colors not only to the Rivero supporters, But you have dismissed the Baxter supporters as well. You can say a lot of things about the voters but when you look down on them and assume that you know what is best for them they will soon let you know how they feel about that.
Well the Mitchell supporters have finally come out of hiding today. As usual their posts are more funny then anything. The one I like the most is post 112 which states in the beginning of the post this: "You folks have no idea how many influential people you have alienated that might have helped change leadership at the SO." This is the typical attempt by Mitchell, we know who is in the elitist network, and when Rivero takes office he will own no one a thing, this is the beauty of the campaign. Those that are currently "influential" we do not care about nor do we want nor need them in anyway. This is grass-roots this is about the citizens and this the Mitchell gang cannot change. Now we know Mitchell is sneaking out and hitting the senior centers as he did this morning in Lucerne, you should have heard the comments after he left,"what the hell is he doing here" he has never been here before, and now he is trying to reinvent himself!!!!

That's right we know what Mitchell is trying to do, we know what the new approach is going to be. He is going to try and reinvent himself, why you may ask is he going to make this feeble attempt? He has no choice, he and his corrupt followers have realized that the "network" no longer will win him the election!! The citizens are now up in arms and he must make a last ditch effort to win the citizens back. It is not going to work, the effect this will have will be to further alienate him. Also the reason you have seen the Mitchell bunch come on the site this afternoon is because the post of 1240 went up on the copy cat site and it just stung the crap out of him, as it describes the very issue he has. They must now be reactive to the citizens and their anger, but it is to late in the game for Mitchell and his shrinking supporters. Mitchell also has a huge issue with exposing himself, he can only do it by stealth, no announcing it, and sneaking into places like the senior center, but those folks and others see the fallacy of the attempt, bottom line it is to late.
For those who don't know how the substations work and Rivero's plan, let me point out a few things.

Since 1997, there has been no chain of command for the deputies on the south end. Lt. Jones (who later self demoted to sergeant after Mitchell's harassment's) was the only manager responsible for the substation. What happened since then is one sergeant is responsible for the entire county shift. Sometimes two sergeants will work and argue over who is north and south. There is no manager responsible for the south end. McMahon was the last but it was for only 2 months.

If you are a south end deputy, you must first check into the Lower Lake substation before starting your shift. It is very common that there is no sergeant there when you start because they mostly like to start at the Main Office.

As for buying substations, LCSO already has substations in Lucerne, Middletown and Lower Lake. Deputies are not required to work out of those substation, only Lower Lake.

Tell me when is the last time you saw a business have chains and no managers responsible for it. Look at the deputies you complain about and what do most have in common? They work on the south end. Ski, Gregore, Dutra, Ward, Frace and others.

Rivero wants permanent sergeants and lieutenant's to supervise deputies at those substations. The deputies will work only north or south or out of a substation that has a solid chain of command.

Since I can remember, Mitchell keeps his managers in the Main Office so he can watch over them. Even the new Lucerne Substation does not have a lieutenant managing it. In fact most of the deputies and sergeant just drive by it.
Oh by the way corruption supporters, you keep trying to throw the dopers card out there...LOL you must at this point understand the futility of this effort, it lost you the primary and you will lose the election keeping that phony attempt. Come on, really I am trying to be as serious as possible with you. The dope card is a dead end for you. You cannot hope to win an election because you are going to try and throw that card on the table. Again listen carefully, you cannot hope to do Mitchell any good, by trying to continue to drag people down, to discredit people and attack them. Do you understand this? It appears you do not actually understand this most basic of concepts. Now we are fine with you continuing this approach, as we are intelligent enough to understand how much it is hurting you. Many of the Lovelace group are quick sharp and articulate people far far beyond the likes of who you have with Mitchell. You do not have even close to enough of what it would take to just have a conversation with these people, your not even close.
Let's talk about the total non-issue of Kip Ringen. The posting of yesterday by a citizen describing the meeting that took place between Mitchell and Ringen and Rob Brown and Joe Ford is the perfect example of a man who was in this for his own good. Everyone deserves a chance to be honest and participate in these elections and this campaign. Kip is a right wind conservative we all know that he never denies that fact. But in the end when the true colors came through he joined hands with the likes of Joe Ford and those it appears are two pea's in a pod. The reason that Ringen is a non-issue is that he has a following of very few, and now it is even far less. The anger that has come in concerning this meeting and what it showed Ringen to be is stunning. In fact it should now be noted that Ringen will be seen as a negative to any campaign, he has well in more ways then one shot his wad and it is party over for him or any significant influence he may have had. So let's be sure we keep this in perspective as to the validity or non-validity a person has in this campaign.
Mitchell has tried to set up a plan where his hench men and women are trying to do the attack work, and he is trying to lie low and reinvent himself. It will not work.
2:46. If you were describing Rivero, your comment would be accurate. Otherwise it's kinda hard for the Sheriff of a county to lie low.
Mitchell was recently at an event that Chief McClain does once every couple of weeks, and guess what Mitchell is a supporter and staunch supporter of McClain, that says it all for Mitchell and McClain also. Again we are trying to help you corruption idiots, you already lost the city of Clearlake in the precinct votes Rivero crushed Mitchell in Clearlake, and now he joins hands with McClain? You cannot be any more stupid then that can you? Let's look at the precinct votes, the entire Hwy 20 corridor is owned by Rivero, from Spring Valley to Upperlake and Pillsbury. Add to that the city of Clearlake and it is not a pretty picture for Mitchell. The stupidy of the Mitchell campaign team is amazing, now is this the result of Rob Brown's influence? It could very well be, Brown is not the sharpest stick in the tool shed, if he has to much influence on the campaign it will be and actually already is deadly. Why are these guys not smart enough to see this basic concept? Because they are out of touch with the street and the citizens.
It seems the copy cat site is dead!!! So very few posters now, believe it or not they are just hitting the 500 post mark after several months!! Time to shut it down totally boys, it was a nice attempt but got you nothing but headaches and heartaches. What a silly little attempt to copy what this site is all about. You forgot one thing, you have to have the citizens posting!!! The what appears to be 6 or 7 people if you include Red C could not make it happen, you should have known this. Your site is dead, and now as has been the case you have to come here to try and touch the public, and that is not going to work. So tell Jensen he might as well take it down, unless you want it to live on as the Mitchell legacy and a symbol of his last gasping attempts to keep his job..;-)
Rod loves the name Rhonda Rully he thought she could help him win in June but it Backfired on him and made people see it was bogus BS! Rod does not like the word Bismarck Dinius because it will be the reason he is fired by the voters in Nov. Now the word Perdock makes most of Lake County angry because Mitchell let Perdock get away with murder! You can't reinvent yourself we have seen it all in 15 years. Vote for change
I have seen some good progress with Sheriff Rod Mitchell making some changes as the public input has suggested, untimely for some of you but then it would not matter if he did or did not do them, I still say Mitchell is the most qualified for the job.
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : August 14, 2010 1:34 PM What county do you live in? What are these changes that the public input has caused Mitchell to change? Did Mitchell rearrange the furniture in his office? Mitchell has made no changes and you know it. Any changes Mitchell will or won't do have already been suggested by Mr. Rivero and Mr. Baxter. Why would the voters vote for someone that has to piggy back on others ideas when they can vote for the real thing.
Oh please 317 ok lets do this. Dinius......So you think the Perdock hug the no PAS the cover-up all centered around Mitchell was good for the public?
Ok so you think Mitchell's total lack of leadership the low moral the loss of officer after officer, Beland, Garzoli, Perdock, Morshed, Wright, should I go on is a positive?
Ok so you think Mitchells infidelities toward a wife who has MS is right?

Listen I could go on and on, you cannot possibility make that statement with a sound mind and clear thinking. It is impossible. Please you have to come to the table with much more then that. Do we want to talk about Garzoligate, and the helo crash? Do we want to talk about the scam with Rhonda Rully, again I could keep listing for days. Really don't you see the fallacy of your comments?
Kickoff for the Frank Rivero for Sheriff Campaign today from 5 PM to 8PM at Konocti Vista Casino in Lakeport. This is free, with complimentary appetizers. Please come and bring all your friends, we would like to see a big crowd for this kickoff event to start building momentum for the November 2 election. And, the campaign really needs volunteers, so look for the volunteer table near the front of the room and sign up! Go Rivero!!
Uh can I ask a question? Mr. Baxter is well liked in most circles, he hit Mitchell hard toward the end of the primary campaign. He is a sharp player and if I guess right it will not be to long before it becomes official that he and Rivero will take this campaign down the stretch run. Now in my eyes Rivero is winning no matter what, but with Baxter as a player that is it for Mitchell, no way to overcome that mountain. Corruption supporters what hope will be in your hearts once that announcement is made? You will have none, you do see the end game already correct, if not you are all fooling yourselves. But go ahead if it makes you happy..lol
It is getting close to campaign kickoff time at Konocti Vista, 5:00 is the start time, it will be good to see everyone there. This is the start of the final step towards Mitchell's removal. Let's roll!
Baxter is so old He Farts Dust................really would have to nudge him to keep him awake during any long meetings.

Rivero and His LoveLace club are in session tonight.
The GOBs must working swings, they have access to computers again. LoveLace, you guys really know how to tear their sh** up. LMAO
Alright alright we are back from the amazing Rivero campaign kickoff what a great night it was. Let's fill everyone in on the details. The first thing to report on is amazing. The place was so packed that they had to bring in extra tables and chairs, so many showed up that there just was not enough room. While everyone was beginning to sit and eat some of the great food guess who had creped into the room with a video camera? That's right one of Mitchell's staunches supporters KKKClint was caught sitting against the wall. Here is the great part, Frank Rivero approached KKK and told him racist are not wanted in this room and Frank told KKK he was going to have leave and leave now. KKK said well why don't I video you while you make me leave, Frank said you do what you want now let's go your out of here! LOL Frank escorted him not only out of the room but out the door of the casino!!! Bye Bye KKK thanks for stopping by!! More to come on the next post!
Great speech by Rivero tonight. I think if any of the deputies would have been there, they would have had all there answers. Rivero proved how he will pay for things, budge answers and moral boosting recommendations.

Now as for Cliff Fitzgerald, he comes in with a video camera and you can tell he is ready for a confrontation. So, Rivero walked him to the side and asked his intentions. He refuses to answer. Rivero then offered him a one on one interview before the meeting but still Fitzgerald refuses to answer. Several people then asked him to leave. What a joke...
First I want to say we saw so many great people some of which we had not seen in a while and it was great to see everyone. You know who you are we talked and laughed, I won't use names on this post, but just letters, Corruption supporters don't bother trying to figure it out. Anyway C & A, and M, and D, and B, and James, and so many I cannot list them, to our sweet friend who we love so much that gave us a contribution to the paper, thank you so much! To all of you we talked to and saw again great night and what a launch. Frank took questions for the audience, he talked about change and the agents for change. Olga was great as well, she is professional and a wonderful person. Frank has a top notch campaign team and Mitchell better be very very very worried. This is going to be a great run to November.

The other news of the night is Don Anderson was there, and yes Mitchell supporters grap your crying towels, Jack Baxter was there, and he got great support and showed great support, he got a great round of applause and Frank was gracious and thanked him for his help and communications and conversation.

Ron Green was there and doing a great job, thanks Ron for all you are doing, and we are grateful for everyone's support and good wishes. This was a night to remember and the beginning of the end for Mitchell and his gang
It was a great night, I saw so many great people, and many whom we had not seen there before, all I can say is Mitchell you have some serious issues now. Listen you are up against the wall and the wall is tumbling down.
Your right the copy cat site is about dead. no new posts since 11 in the morning, they should just close the door on that farce. Guys you should put your energy somewhere else, oh I have an idea, like thinking about coming on board, or what will you do when the end has come, you have responsibilities, families, bills like the rest of us. A decision is going to have to made on your part in a short period of time. Change is coming and you will have to react, do not make the mistake of thinking you are going to fight against the new leadership and a whole different way of operation. It will take place, you must set anger and ego and the old Mitchell system aside, Mitchell covers his own ass, you may think he has been covering yours, but right now you hooking up with him, is going to hurt you if you don't see the not the need for a better system, but the necessity.
The Rivero kickoff was great. Lots of people and a wonderful time. The highlight of the event was when Rivero bounced the racist pig KKK Klit out of the event. Rivero told him that racist klansmen were not welcome at the event. Klit, who was shaking like a little girl, replied, "but you invited me." He scurried away with his tail between his legs. That was a classic, I hope he puts it on youtube.
KKK Klint is a tube.
225 sounds like Beetredrob's-just change the location to Kelseyville-some upstanding individual. The Notice of Defaults have been cancelled but the IRS liens are still is active. Can any citizen request county helicopter, sheriff officers to come on there property and do a pot growth cleanup of 5000 plants, free of charge? Public wants to know?
This local government is like a basket of rotting apples,hard to be one of them with out decaying.
Good morning gullible people. Enjoy your Sunday!
So Mitchell and Ringen are back in bed together. Ringen has lost all his creditably.
Sorry but I my opinion Ringen has gained creditability when he recognized Rivero for who he really is, not the phoney man so many of you believe in. I get it that many feel we need change or improvement but Rivero is not the answer.
Post 7:49, would that be us that believed in this local government? those that lied and all covered the lies up and tried to hang Mr. Dinius and that was after they knew errors had occurred. We are not gullible anymore just upset.
Good morning Lake County, it was a excellent night at the Rivero fundraiser event, great people and thanks go out to the great folks at Konocti Vista, they brought in extra tables as the crowd grew, the food was good, and everyone was ready to roll last night. KKK got his butt booted out, Rivero gave a great speech, lot's of question and answers and a good campaign launch.

The low down on Rodney is he is trying reinvent himself into a new image...lol not much to work with and the history says "Rodney this just ain't going to work."...It is reported he is going to sneak around and try to slip into places without announcements to the public so he does not get confronted, and try to steal some votes. he he

As already reported the copy cat site is dead in the water, one post in the last 48 hours they can go ahead and shut that site down, it is done!

A beautiful Sunday everyone enjoy the rest of the weekend. and keep on posting!!
Hey 918 AM
Mitchell has fifteen years to change and improvement the department and he failed period. Mitchell is truly not the answer, he's the cancer!!!
Rodney Mitchell, true or false, do you have mental health issues? Are you taking anti depressents or mood altering drugs? Do you smoke marijuana in the privacy of your own home for medicinal purposes? Do you have a permit to do so and do you grow your own?

These questions and many more are what the people want to know. They are very simple and straight forward. Since you refuse to answer any questions about your management or leadership which you find to hard we are hoping you will come forward with the easy ones.
Rodney Mitchell, how do you stand on Prop 8 and 16? What is your stand on the Arizona law on illegal aliens? Where do you stand on the Patriot Act and on the Smith Act? Do you believe in law enforcement's execution of writs of attainer? Do you believe it is proper for a law enforcement official to alter or to direct someone else to alter official reports, lie in court, make false and misleading statements to the media?

What is your opinion of a department head who would condone any of these things?

You're full of shit. I've worked out of that substation for years and it is a piece of shit. From the old wooden evidence cabinets to the busted up AC. It is either on or off and the thermometer that doesn't even work. How about the so called interview room. Maybe once in while a volunteer will work during the day for a few hours answering the phones and window but that is it. If someone knocks on the door most likely nobody will answer it unless a volunteer answers it or a sergeant. Oh and how about calling the substation. If just deputies are there, nobody will answer. Tell me I'm wrong and you're full of shit.

As for volunteers', I'm no volunteer, never been one and if you want to meet me just name the place. If I'm wrong lets see your name or shut the #@%)%*! up! I don't see Ringen, Gregore or even past deputies denying my comments.
1:55 - You sum it up the way it is without the RKM spin and BS. Good for you.
Has anyone noticed that Mitchell has ignored the volunteers for years until he found he had someone running against him. His opponents all welcomed volunteers and would appreciate their generous effords so Mitchell decided he needed to play catch up. He had a volunteer appreciation night a passed out a couple of cheap plaques, had his picture taken, patted them on the head and off he went thinking he had them in the bag again. Just how stupid does he think these people are? I say they are not stupid and I hope they have seen through his scam.
Rodney had his campaign kickoff last night at Bill Kearney's house. I don't think to many people could have showed up though, because KKKlint and several deputies constantly patroled Konocti Vista to see who was showing up at Rivero's event. I tried to look one deputy in the eye but his head spun around so fast it reminded me of the exorcist. I don't think Konocti has ever had so many sheriffs show up since they've been open.
Mitchell is, has always been and will always be a user who doesn't give a hoot about anyone but himself.

Take a minute, close your eyes and invision in your minds eye a phoney, two bit, sleazy, corrupt politician and Rodney Mitchell's picture will pop right up.
since it has been YERARS ya better go down to the sub station and check out the window monday through friday there are volunteers there from 7 am until noon, they are trained to answer questions at the window and allow entrance to the sub area such as lawyers or interveriees, and answer phones Oh yea FYI a new air/heat system has been installed this last couple of months, so now who is full of what you have in your mouth. I work in one of the offices so I am well aware of who is where. And I have no desire to meet you and seriously deputies do not have time to waste on this blog.
job announcement for a San Francisco Police Officer:



So once again the PRO MITCHELL supporters are wrong. Have been and always will.
1:55, I agree, I remember having to work summers with the back door open, totally exposed to anyone who wanted to walk in. I was trying to get reports done with all the gear to include the vest. this went on all summer but the South end was not the priority.

1:35 I know at least a throw phone for SWAT was taken out of those funds. I could not believe it when the SAR was trying to keep food for the call outs to eat.
I remember the hell and torture Mitchell’s secretary, Margie Andrews went through, fielding phone calls from Mitchell’s girlfriends and their disgruntled husbands. I actually saw her crying. She was trying to transfer to CHP to get away from Mitchell. She ended up out at the jail and away from all the drama. How many people’s lives will you ruin, Mitchell, before your terror runs it’s course. Mrs. Mitchell should phone Margie for the details.
That's for the update on Mitchell's campaign kick off. My invitation must have been lost in the mail. I didn't notice it in the LCN or Record-Bee. I can only assume he didn't want anyone to show up and hear that he had no ideas and nothing to say. Once again he ducks questions so how the heck can we know what his position is on anything but himself.

Is Bill Kearney on of Lake Counties pseudo big shots, special interest guy. He he on Rod's Sheriff's Advisory made up of local would be big shots who do nothing? What's up with him?
2:08 - Good to hear the volunteers are trained to answer questions. Mitchell himself needs to attend that training so he can answer some. Of course if he did it would not be truthful but we can only expect so much.
Has anyone noticed that Mitchell has ignored the volunteers for years until he found he had someone running against him. His opponents all welcomed volunteers and would appreciate their generous effords so Mitchell decided he needed to play catch up. He had a volunteer appreciation night a passed out a couple of cheap plaques, had his picture taken, patted them on the head and off he went thinking he had them in the bag again. Just how stupid does he think these people are? I say they are not stupid and I hope they have seen through his scam.
# posted by Anonymous : August 15, 2010 2:04 PM

it was a full department recognization dinner for all who continute their time and work day to the Sheriff's dept. not just Volunteers, you obiviously never got of of them there awards sour lemons is the song you keep singing. Don't forget the Sheriff also does a dinner for them at Christmas too no awards just dinner and good time, you are a sad little man Kip Ringan
I really do appreciate those generous and concerned citizens who volunteer their time to work in the sub station. You are providing a valuable service to your community and as a tax payer i thank you. At the same time I feel you for whatever reason have been snowed by Mitchell. It is obvious to me that you have no idea how a professional police agency is run or what you should expect from the department head. Believe me you are not getting it from Mitchell.
Rodney had a fund raiser last week at the Sawshop. Now an event at Bill Kearney's house. Why doesn't Rodney advertise these events? Smacks of the Bohemian Grove. Accept in this case it's the Good Old Boyhemian Club.
Don't worry Rod, we won't send a racist to spy on you, we don't have any, they're all in your camp.
I'm not Kip Ringen. I've never been a LC Deputy or volunteer. No, I've never received a Rodney award and never deserved one either. I feel no sour grapes but I do think you fail to see things for what they really are. I do not think for a minute that the volunteers and the employees don't deserve positive recognition. Lord knows those who are left and have not yet been cast aside by Rod deserve something for their good work. I must ask you, who pays for these volunteer appreciation dinners and christmas parties that Mitchell takes credit for. I ask this as a concerned tax paying and voting citizen of Lake County.
You just responded to what I said 208. The volunteers only work a few hours but not every day. The new AC? You mean the one that took what? TEN YEARS TO GET!!!! Get ready because winter is not here yet! Oh and why does the thermostat not work and why does the that new AC fail at night?

As I said, the substation is a piece of shit, just like the main office. Don't you just love it when the sewage system backs up, the man's room floor damaged, the tiles broken and stained by the leaking roof.
It was funny, watching Rivero escort KKK Klint out last night. Poor little Klint had his tail between his legs.
Why is it that whenever someone disagrees with Mitchell and his supporters they must be a doper, a Riviero man, Kip Ringen or just a chump? Is it not possible for some people to see things differently then you do. Perhaps they even see things more clearly but who's to say.
The volunteers do a great job but Mitchell and his GOB's abuse them so much that they leave after a few years. Hell a few even went to Lakeport and Clearlake Police.
Is KKK up from his little nappie yet?
I am a North Korean Diplomat who the dear leader has generously granted the privilege of using one of his summer homes in the Rivera. I've been very interested in the debates posted here and even though I can't vote and I'm not a US citizen I do pay attention to current events. I can tell you that Sheriff Mitchell makes our Dear Leader, Chairman Mao and Uncle Ho look like boy scouts when it comes to being a tyrant. Thank you. Mr. Rod Phuc Yu
The sub station has a leaking roof and Rodney's boat is also leaking. Jump ship gang before he takes you down with him.
I think KKK Klint is dreaming about being under Mitchell desk with Ringen
Answer the questions Rodney, the people want to know..........
These clowns come on like gang busters spouting their hate and fear of Rivero, get shot down then slink off to lick their wounds.
Sounds like the old windbag went back to his recliner for a nap too
Someone get Klint a towel, he just wet himself. Must be one hell of a dream!
We know the BOS keep a close eye on this Blog always hoping it will go away. I really hope they will begin to see the big picture and realize this is not just any one group (Lovelace). It's not a bunch of pro dope weirdoes rather its a good cross section of our community. We are all unofficial LOVELACES and we are trying to send a message the only way they you will listen. One day you too will be up for re-election and no one is going to forget the fact that you refused to take a stand and stood back wringing your hands and doing nothing about Mitchell or the many other issues presented here.
Where is Rod Rooter today? Has anyone seen him?
This just in from the Mitchell camp it seems there is quite a feud developing between Pat and kkklint over the budding bromance between kkklint and Rodney . Rodney asked kkklint for one of his hot oil massages and Pat went beserk saying he has been Rodney's butt boy and warned kklint to stay away . more updates as information comes in ...
A serious question concerning shooting incidents involving the LCSO. This is not aimed at any of the deputies or the recent incident we've read about.

When a deputy is involved in an on duty shooting which we assume is justified and a reasonable use of deadly force for the incident why does Mitchell send them to a Psychiatrist (MD) in Santa Rose for phychiatric evaluation? Why has he in the past used this evaluation against deputies? To me it seems an over kill when I would thing a mental health professional, MA or PhD speciaslizing in this type of incident would be more appropriate. I thought the purpose was to assist the individual in understanding and coping with a very difficult situation and not to screw them over.
If you stand against tyranny and corruption you are an official Lovelace member.
Well, now we know where Rod Rooter is now and why we haven't heard from kkk for a while. Watch your backsides boys Pat may be lurking in the woods and he has priors for brandishing a weapon.
How about if we just stand against ignorance and Rodney Mitchell, can we still join the group?
I hope MGM (Mrs. Pat) and Mrs. Rodney aren't on this afternoon like they usually are. I'd hate to have them think that people in the community have no respect for their husbands.
If Pat and Rod were to spawn would the result be KKKlint?
If Kipper & his cat woman were to spawn would the result be a hairless Joe Ford?
Wake up Red C we miss you.
If Red C and a squid were to spaun would the result be a Marine? That should get him going.
wake up kkk Klint we miss you too.
Mrs Pat and Mrs Rodney have no respect for thier husbands . Hell Rodney has more lays than a plane full of tourists arriving in Honolulu .
You mentioned the poor lady who used to have to field calls from Rod's lady friends and finally had to transfer from the hostile work invironment to the Jail. He did learn his lesson from that unfortunate incident. He now has two cell phones on his oversized belt and an ear piece that makes him look like a fat BORG. "Resistance is Futile Rivero" Now he can screan his own calls using his special squeeze phone. He did have to move his gun to his sock. I hope it doesn't go off prematurly and hit an innocent party.
If you go to the copyca t blog and hit onto their followers link you will come to KKKlint and other white suppremacist web sites.
Are they proud of this? Why would Rodney allow his deputies and their wifes to operate a site with these links? It would appear that you truly are racist. There is no place in modern society for people like you. Just so you know I'm white.
3:02, I know you are kidding. Not even his Mom/Sis misses him.
Jesus, is KKKlint is an example of white supremacy I'm going to eat my gun. Wake up black people we are the master race. What a joke.
Remember this is just a few deputies and their wives. They are Mitchell supporters because they realize we have their number. I suspect they really don't know who they hate they are so confused. Its interesting to see their leaders are Mitchell and KKKlint. What does this say for Rod and his thugs. We don't need you and it's time to go. You've worn out your welcoome and you all need to move to your own little haters compound preferably in Mendo County.
2:52 If you stand against ignorance then you realize tyranny and corruption is ignorant, so yes I guess you are a member.
I'm a white person, no I'm a black person, well actually I'm Asian or is it hispanic, maybe I'm native American or pacific islander. Hell I don't know what I am for sure but I do know I'm an American. As such I have no time or patients for the likes of KKKlint, Rodney Mitchell or any of the other like minded punks who spout an attitude or superiority.
Thanks 3:13, I guess that leave you out Rod & KKK. Sorry. Well truthfully I'm not sorry and you can KMA.
Well it's been fun and enlightening boys and girls and those of you who are still not sure which you may be. Time for some tax paying voters to go to work to pay the salary of our corrupt and incompetant politicians. Keep up the good work.
The concert in the park this last Friday was great. By far the biggest crowd of the season. Gotta love those Lost Boys!! I thought a little levity was needed.
Mitchell, Red C and Klint was playing doctor right now. Mitchell has Klint pants down and OMG Red C is !!!!!!!

Can you guys play now?
The saddest day in Lake Co. was the day Rod Mitchell took office as Sheriff.
Aug.14 2:25 This post was written by Jon Hopkins.
Noooooooooooooooooooooo not the Lost Boys we are sorry but this is where Lovelace takes a stand, Lovelace cannot support, endorse, listen to, record, or in any other manner associate with or be associated with the Lost Boys, hope we don't piss to many off, but boy bands are not our cup of tea...And frankly, give us the Floyd any day.
I wish the "lost boys" got lost. I would try to find them. I heard that the Lakeport P.D. gave them a police escort, on our dime.
Why did they just return from a "world tour" and are back from Ukiah?
If the State bar investigated hoppy for the Courtroom Step speech . Would the findings be used against him in the lawsuit .
They got lost in Ukiah, along with Mitchell son, smoking pot.
1:29 said "What's up with Kippy's bald cat woman who got her butt whupped by hubby when he caught Kip skulking out his back door. Did he go do jail for DV? Maybe that's why Kippy wanted to jump back in bed with Rod to learn what to do when a husband catches you with his wife. As the world turns here in Lake County."
no he did not go to jail for DV, dirty little tricks like injuring herself knowing the cops are coming attempting to get him arrested. and yes it was witnessed. speaking of dirty tricks, does Jerry Spitler know who turned in her grow to DEA?
4:07 Tell us more.
359 there is a whole set of circumstances that will cause federal and state agencies to keep an eye on this lawsuit, as they reserve the right to file their own charges depending on what the trial digs up. This is going to be a long and drawn out process, none of it good for Hoppy and Mitchell and a lot of others. Now the fact of the matter is neither one will hold their office by the time the trial takes place, Rivero will be firmly in position, and what he will do is call in state and federal investigators to look at all the dirty dealings with Mitchell and Hopkins, this is where it could get real bad for those boys, their next few years are going to be a real pain in the arse.

This is also one of the biggest reasons Mitchell feels he must stop Frank, because Mitchell does not want to be looked at, and Rivero has already stated he will call for a full scale investigation when he assumes command.
You know, if one sits back and analizes Rivero's supporters you will find the majority are drug use supporters. Marijuana growers and seller who have not been registered to vote since Prop 215 was on the ballet. They are also the nieve (no offense) elderly who are bullied by an abnoxiously load man spouting off about stuff he can not change without Board and DSA approval(which he wont get), and hispanics who really dont have an understanding of county government to begin with, (again, no offense). It is interesting that someone above feels it best to raid an ilegal operation without trying to arrest somone. Does that mean I can rob a bank and then accidently leave the money where it can be recovered and then everything is o.k.? There truely are a lot of idiots on this web site and, suprise, the mojority support Rivero. Come on real world, the real world is out there, not on this site, and will support the current local governmanet, ie, the current Sheriff. Rivero can't even pass a Sergeant exam better than last, and you idiots want him as a Sheriff??? Kip, glad you saw through Rivero, finally!
Does anybody really believe not one of the defendants is not going to make a deal and testify that Mitchell round up the troups and told them that the sailboat lights were off and make sure all witness statements said they saw perdicks well lit boat hit AN UNLIT OBJECT . The chances of all witness making the same statement is impossible . The only question is how many deputies want to save thier ass .
5:12 Talk about idiots, You take the cake!
5:12 looks like you need to lay off the bottle
Most Hispanics I've meet have a better understanding than you.
512 As usual you mitchell supporters have to play the pot card. It's old,tired and a true sign of desperation. I myself don't indulge in alcohol or marijuana, but I also don't judge others who do. Many people who do criticize pot smokers drink alcohol which makes them hypocrites.
As for the seniors in the county being naive and bullied thats just a load of crap. You obviously have never met my elderly mother (who happpens to support Rivero) cause she'd set you straight on the whole naive thing.
Your comments about hispanics not understanding local politics will come back to bite you in the ass, as I am hispanic and understand plenty. I understand that Mitchell must go and come November he will. Way to alienate so many people with one post. I will be sure to direct all of my voting friends and family to your post. Some are still on the fence believe it or not, your post should help push them off on to Rivero's side. So thanks you may have helped convince a few people I know to vote Rivero.
512 (No Offense) But I think you are stupid (No Offense). BTW You proved my point. (Again No Offense)
4:04 - I don't know anything about Mitchell's son and am not quite sure how The Lost Boys became a topic at this site, but I know each and everyone of those boys very well and they are each some of the most wholesome and fun loving kids you could ever know. Don't start vicious rumors like that. There music may not be your cup of tea and that is fine, but do NOT attack their character. That makes you the jackass and supposedly this site is about restoring integrity. Mean spirited comments like that makes me question the character of people like you and one very small examply of why people should fact check and why you should always question what someone says and not simply believe it because some random person said it was true.
Oh my the pot card again, you know Mitchell/KKK supporters you lost the primary, let me repeat that, you lost the primary. Now usually what that means to sharp campaign people is you don't keep trying the same thing that made you lose. Ok since you tried the Pot thing till you guys were blue in the face and lost the primary, maybe, just maybe you would be smart enough to see it don't work. Ok now you keep playing the pot card till you lose in November then what will you say, oh there are just a bunch of pot heads in charge of the city now. I mean really get over your stigmatization and pre-occupation with pot. It really isn't getting you anywhere. But I don't know maybe you just are not sharp enough to see it.
Whoa there is no vicious rumors on the Lost Boys, just a little jabbing, hell if they are going to make it the venue they are trying to make it in they have to take a little ribbing. Ain't no big deal, Look a lot of us come from the days of Pink Floyd, and Camel, and Yes, and well anyway you get the point. We are not "Boy Band" people, I am sure they are real nice boys, got no problem with that. Hope you see the light hearted nature of this don't take it so serious. I am sure they would laugh and I am sure they would agree with what we are doing here on the site to change our county for the positive. Peace out.
I guess KKKlint woke up from his nap he's over on topix crying about how Rivero trampled on his first amendment rights. He also said something about Rivero sizing him up as if he were going to assault him. Jesus KKKlint stop being such a pussy. What are you gonna do when the race war you have been waiting for comes, curl up in the fetal position and cry in your mommies basement. Pathetic
5:12 I was at Rivero's kickoff event last night. Doctors, lawyers, business men and women, ex-deputies, presidents of homeowner ass., professionals, Head of tribal police, Shriners, 2 CL City Council candidates, Meg Witman's campaign manager, Jerry Brown's campaign, News Reporters, politicians, TV reporters, White Supremacist, community activists, Nuclear physicist, accountant, and many other fine folks. Out of 120 people, maybe 5 known Pot smokers. Like usual you are full of shit. (whoops, add 1 cusser) Sorry Lovelace
5:12 - If All Rivero's supporters are dopers and weed fiends who aren't registered to vote and stupid Mexicans who can't vote not to mention ther nieve and gulible senior citizens who can't remember where the polls are or what they are voting for then why are you people so worried? Your man is bound to win just by relying on the well informed intelligencia like yourself like he did the last time. Oh, I forgot he didn't win did he?

You are just the kind of arrogant AH that Rod Mitchell sucks up to because your racism and prejudice blinds you from the truth. It will be nice to see Mitchell gone and perhaps people who think like you will move away and leave beautiful Lake County to we dummies.
hello 512
Your not just an idiot, your a total dumb ass.
Kip is out for kip, he has no creditably today, an that's a fact!!! Kip has bad mouthed Mitchell for years saying how incompetent, he is. Oh and now Kip just loves Mitchell again. Kip got Mitchell elected and unfortunately, we the taxpayers will be paying that bill for many years to come.
Mitchell lives in a fantasy world, He believes everything is alright, Kip only helps him to believe in that. Just look as Mitchell and his command staff. Kip has often said that Mitchell's command staff only adds to Mitchell's problems. The citizens of Lake Co. don't trust Mitchell an can't believe anything Kip says today
Is it true that both Anderson and Rivero plan to investigate the murder of Lynn Thorton By Russell Perdick and the cover up .
612 PM
I don't know but they should. Look out Calif. Prisons system. Your population will go up with Mitchell and his boys.
5:12 - Another one of Rod's boys strikes again and as usual makes Mitchell look like an AH, not that he needs anyone elses help. I too attended The Rivero campaign kick off and it was certainly not the usual suspects in attendance. I met many people who were there to see what this candidate had to say. They were not for any one candidate and hadn't made up their minds yet. This is the type of person who wants to be informed and is willing to give both candidates a fair chance to convince them who the right man is. These same people came away quite impressed by Rivero's ideas and plans for the department. They liked his openess and willing to study the issues and be flexable.

I heard several comment from people asking when Mitchell would come out and do the same thng so they could heard what his plans are so they can judge him fairly. Many expressed disappointment that he appears unwilling to do so and when he does he is an angry man.

Then again what do I know, I am just a stupid Mexican senior but I am registered to vote and I do pay my taxes.
Hey ya all, been reading the Blog on & off all day and FYI post 5:12 and other posts earlier is none other than LCSD Gary Frace Pres. elect of the local DSA. I can see his writing style a mile away. Hey Frace now that we have you on here why don't you tell all the kind people WHY you are so afraid of Rivero? What do you DSA board boys have to hide? How do you plan to make Frank Rivero Sheriff Elect's life hell when elected? Sour grape? Your wifey sure likes to yell and act in a unpleasant manner at debates. Got that one on video. Maybe if she didn't draw attention to herself, no one would notice and not take "pot shots" at her on blogs-no pun intended! Yucky, yucky when the union slips into bed with management and leaves certain rank & file members out to dry. Looks like ol' rod rammer isn't the only one who won't get re-elected this year! Have a nice day off...brother! FYI, KKKlint is for a fact a racist pig, but that pig call spell. Can't say the same for certain union presidents!
I don't know about Anderson but Rivero has promised to review the investigation to determine if there is any way of making things right.

This is not a murder according to 187 of the Ca. Penal Code and I wonder if there may be a statute of limitations issue here at least as far as perjury is concerned. I do think Rod and some of his thugs may be in jepardy here for a major civil action. Now, if Mitchell were to be elected Sheriff (God forbid) and he has to go to his own jail can he still run the department from in side the slam?
Sorry, I mean't "that pig can spell" or he has spell check on his browser for topix!
Ok 621
This is Mitchell's plan, Please read it, please:
Same old thing, more lies, more cover ups, more misinformation to the citizens, more protecting his butt kissers, Family and Friends. Now you have Mithcell's plan. Please rate it 1 to 10 thanks!!
KKKlint has spell check and his Mommy checks it before he sends things in. Admittedly he does better then I do when I'm in a hurry.

Leave Frace's wife out of things it don't mean squat. We all know the DSA officers rolled over for Mitchell and the endorsement was rigged from the start. Still it too means nothing since you are just talking about a small group of frightened people who are to scared to go against Mitchell. This I can understand. What bothers me is that these same yes men keep making fools of themselves with their attacks, false rumor spreading and sucking up to Rod. You are pissen in the wind and it's blowing your way.

If the DSA had been wise they would have gone neutral and given all three candidates a fair chance to present their cases without leaning on the members for Mitchell. I think that will come back to bite them and the good deputies will get tired of them and give them the boot. The DSA needs reasonable, well meaning people as officers who are willing to work with the sheriff whoever that may be for the betterment of their membership and the citizens. Rivbero has pledged to work with you while Mitchell will ignore you if he gets in just as he has all along. Wake up DSA and gag your officers. They make you look like racist fools and you are not.
6:31 - I rate Mitchell's plan a zero just like him.
16 years ago Joe Totorico beat Mitchell in the primary. A week before the election Ringen spread the rumor that Joe had heart disease and only wanted the job so he could go out on disability on the county dime. Fast forward 16 years, same players, same dirty tricks.
Don't be fooled people, many lies will come out of the Mitchell camp in the last days.
If Mitchell were to be re-elected its just a matter of time before he shafts the same people who suck up to him here. If they should get into some hot water which is quite common in that office he'ss dump you like a ton of s**t and will think nothing of it. You can't be stupid enough to believe he will take care of you. He only takes care iof Mitchell and other guys wives from time to time. He has n o loyalty to anyone but himself. Just ask his poor wife who contimnues to support him for fear of losing her health insurance. Stand by your man, that's what Hilery saig when slick Willy got caught getting his knob polished in the Oval Office. Of course he got away with it, "At no time did I have sex with that woman" "Define sex"? Try those with your wife Rod Rooter.
Rodney Mitchell would not make a pimple on Joe Totorico's backside. Joe would have been an excellent Sheriff and this department would not be where it is today if he had been elected. Please note that Joe is still going strong. He's healthy, active and a fine man who is a credit to our community. To bad Mitchell can not say the same thing.

Speaking of health issues what about Mitchell dropping anti depressents and fat pills like candy? True or false, how about it Rod?
Sometimes I wonder if KKKlint wouldn't make a better sheriff then Mitchell. He's just an ignorant racist while Rod is an evil racist.
This county is full of well respected retired law enforcement professionals all of whom could straighten this department out in a flash if they chose to run. Joe Totorico, Alameda PD, Jack Baxter, San Jose PD, Kevin Burke, LAPD, LPD, Lou Riccardi, San Mateo SO, Jeff Markham, Ted Moudakas, Redwood City PD instantly come to mind. Of course Mitchell likes to refer to them as those people from the bay area like that is some type of insult.

I guess we should have seen Mitchell as that guy from Safeway.
I checked Mitchell's endorsement list and saw retired Captain Jeffrey B. Markham name on it. WOW now that's another one that has bad mouthed Mitchell for years. Markham even endorsed Baxter for Sheriff. Markham's endorsement of Baxter was an endorsement for charge. So Markham and Ringen has no creditably.
What the hell is Markham thinking!!
Markham is a good man. I am surprised if his name is on the list. He is afraid of Rivero and may see Mitchell as the lesser of two evils. To bad he didn't take time to give Rivero a chance to make his point. He knows what Mitchell's point is and that business as usual and no change plus screw everyone else.
August 15, 2010 10:44 AM

Ya, some us see through it all. You guys are not alone.

The attacks and misinformation(random bull shit) is what keeps me coming back.

Mitchell fired allot of folks. He hired allot of good ones. It isn't easy training a cop for this kind of patrol. You need to have keen senses, but not stress the small stuff. The deputies here are proactive, whoever said there just sitting around is out of the know. Maybe back in the day when the bitter old timers ran things and people like me got harassed for wanting to walk around the city parks, make traffic stops and book people. Give hugs to crime victims and be a general pain in the ass. No, trust me; it's way better now.

If Frank had more time in the saddle up here and stayed working at the S.O. Didn't launch all the attacks I dunno, I'd say give him a chance. Six years SFPD. A long break in service and then three years up here. Three years up here and then decided these dumb country folk need true leadership. That happens allot up here. Someone from "someplace" gets up here, takes a look around and "bam" instant expert on how it aught to be from now on. Ok.. Back in the day he wouldn't have made it past the oral interview. Mitchell hired him. Mitchell gave him a chance. You guys get breaks handed to you they never gave us back then.

Whatever happens this election Lake Co is a great place and the natural evolution of law enforcement keeps improving. Back in the day this place was like a Rob Zombie film. It's way better because of guys like Mitchell and McClain. CPD is way better. I miss seeing Brady, I dunno what's up with that I hope he wins the appeal.

Write my name in for the election. I'll have Mitchell and Rivero on my staff. I have been going over the budget I think we can do some great things...

You are right, Markham is listed on Mitchell's endorsement page. To bad because he is a good man and he knows Mitchell for the incompetant man he is. I'm surprised he didn't take a neutral position here because he's made no bones about the fact that Mitchell has destroyed the integrity of his office and disgraced his badge. Well, that is his right to support the candidate of his choice just as we do.
August 15, 2010 6:44 PM

That's the kind of random bull shit I'm talking about. Back in the day people up here would keep rumors going like that. You're basing that on nothing. It is made up. People see past that now, give it up. You guys will say anything true or not. That aspect of this site detracts from your movement and from Franks campaign.


Markham is a good man, But why would he endorse Mitchell? He's afraid to Rivero why? Rivero has a plan and Markham should endorse it, unless Mitchell promise Markham something? Yes business as usual and just screw everyone else.
Red c you like to say back in the day alot. Times are changing whether you like it or not.
Red C, welcome back we missed you and only had KKKlint to pick on this afternoon. I hope you had a good weekend.

I do think you are way off base if you see Mitchell as the answer. He was a Deputy for 4 years and a Sergeasnt for three. He doesn't know squat about being a Cop or a detective. Real Cops laugh at people like him.

Rivero has ideas and some good effective plans for the future. Mitchell has the same old thing which has proven to be a failure. Why not try new ideas especially those that have been successful is departments far more progressive and professional then any here in our area. What's wrong with new ideas coming from people you see as outsiders? They have just as much right to be here and to share their ideas as you do.

You are a Marine and you understand good leadership. You must admit there is no such thing from Mitchell. He has proven himself to be a poor manager at best and has no leadership abilities. Why do you think his office has had so many proplems over the last three years when things finally came to light?

What I hear from you is that everyone he fires was a bad Cop eventhough he hired them in the first place. Those he hires to replace these "bad Cops" are now good Cops until; they too cross him then they become bad Cops. It's confusing to me.
I seriously dout Markham is foolish enough to believe any promised Mitchell makes. He knows this guy for what he is. Remember this the department really went on the down hill slide when Markham retired and Mitchell was left with only his gang of yes men. Even if Mitchell offered Markham the Under Sheriff spot which Mitchell repeatedly says he doesn't need and would have it would only be to get votes from those who know and respect Jeff. Hell, you should have elected Markham sheriff not Mitchell and we wouldn't be in this spot.

Markham knows Mitchell for the vindictive lyar he is and he has no respect for the man.

I think Markham didn't like what he saw as an angry man when Rivero and Mitchell were slugging it out. I do hope he'll take the time to talk to him and see what he has to say before he votes in November.
It is not a matter of answering Red C with logic, he cannot comprehend that aspect of conversation, we still think he is solid in the Rivero camp, how does the old saying go "I am not going to believe that you are so stupid that you believe what you just said".
I know Frank is no dummy. He is extremely bright. I never accused him of that. I can't endorse him based upon how things went down, sorry. I have to stand by my ideals.

Please stop bringing up the military. Sounds like you read Zig Ziglar sales books.

What I hear from you is that everyone he fires was a bad Cop eventhough he hired them in the first place. Those he hires to replace these "bad Cops" are now good Cops until; they too cross him then they become bad Cops. It's confusing to me./QUOTE

Oh, way cool. I wasn't actually fired so I can go to the front of the line? Can I get back pay?

word has it that Markham is a very confused individual right now, he is fighting right and wrong within his own head. He know's Mitchell is not right and does not deserve to stay in office, yet he is caught and cannot get out of it. He cannot risk the ire of the rest of the corrupt GOB's, but you can bet in the voting booth he will be checking the Rivero box.
Back in the day, when I was a real Marine. Those were the good old days, these kids just don't know what real police work is all about. What archiac thinking which is just why the LCSO has never progressed beyond a second rate law enforcement agency from the 60's. You can't live in the past Red C. Even the Corps has modernized their thinking and tried new ideas which have made it the finest professional arm of our military today. That would never happen if we relied on old curmudgeons like yourself who are set in your wauys and unwilling to listen to anyone but old fools fools like yourself.

Werte you ever a Cop Red or are you just a resident expert because you've lived around here a long time?
RedC Dementia is setting in and you are bi-polar. When you post on the copycat site you talk completely different. Then you tell them you are coming to this site just to mess with people. You are part of the problem. Most of the time you make no sense and the rest of the time your just an idiot.
So Red C @ 7:07, are you sayin that "It's always been done this way in Lake County and there is no room for change and oh I don't know...Improvement" I get so sick of this attitude and it is especially prevelant in LCSO. Yes you're right, outsiders move to our beautiful little county and once they realize how backwoods and GOB things are run, the first response is shock that these things are tolerated in this age and then they feel they can change things for the better by getting involved whether that be getting politically involed or simply taking a stand by something as simple as a blog. It's because just about everywhere else departments are progressive and suscribe to the community oriented policing mentality. As an "outsider" myself and ex LE for the LCSO, I can assure you there is PLENTY of room for improvement in that department and in their management.
August 15, 2010 7:32 PM

Living in the past? WTF? I got fucked over by GOB's (plus one conniving ass kisser who was appeasing them). But I'm not bitter..

I don't think Jeff gives a hoot about risking the irr or Mitchell and his GOB's who he knows are thugs. He's stood up to them many times before and he has no problem doing it again. Why he's gone to Mitchell after all that he's seen I can't say. I would be interested in knowing myself.

Rember this a lot of good people voted for Richard Nixon and look what happened. We can all make mistakes however in this case a mistake could return Mitchell to office and we don't need that.
August 15, 2010 7:35 PM

No, I'm not saying that. Always room for progress and improvement. Do they teach reading in school these days? WTF??

Red, you are not bitter, hell no. It sounds like you've met Mitchell before.

So, you've been treated unfairly by some AH so why would you support another AH with a proven track record do doing to others what was done to you. I don't understand.

I'll ask you again were you ever a Cop or are you just a student of human nature and resident expert on Cops and Squids?
Back in the day people owned slaves and women could'nt vote. Change is a good thing.
They do Red but sadly they don't teach common sense.
Hey 727
If Markham knows Mitchell for the vindictive liar he is and has no respect for the man, why would he endorse him?

Rivero is not an angry man. Mitchell is afraid of us the voters. Markham should have called Rivero, like I did. Rivero has the plan. Mitchell is no leader i.e Perdock, Garzoli and many others. We the taxpayers will be paying ffor Mitchell's cover- up for years/
Back in the day Cops thumped you on the head routinely and took pay offs. This no longer happens in most places but I still wonder about LCSO.
7:23 - I'm glad you took the time to call the man before making up your mind. I was against him at first and I must admit I was swinging toward the status quo. I too took the time to meet Rivero and talk to him. I've listen to both men and come to realize that change is needed here in Lake County. Mitchell will not do it and Rivero says he will so I am willing to give him a chance and see what happens.

Who is the best man for the job? Mitchell, definately not and his record proves it. Rivero? Quite possibly but these are the only two choices we have so think long and hard before casting your vote.
Dead Sea
Lowest point on earth
We wish RedC's momma
Would have never given birth
In my day men were men and sheep were nervous. Cops were real Cops and the people were nervous.
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