Tuesday, June 1, 2010


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The likes of Brown,Mitchell and so many others That are in charge. Then one would wonder why all the dishonesty. They get lost with their oath and Its a personnel matter. Protect them or the citizen? I'll give you odds.
12:18 I agree with a lot of what you said with the exception of Hall. All his arrests were video & audio recorded all the way back to the early 90's. There used now as training videos for new recruits? You must be one of the old NTF guys who were embarrassed by the all the crank Hall seized back then.
Sheriff Mitchell why did Sacramento Co. Sheriff Dept. refused to hire you?
Mitchell is the Glen Beck of Lake Co. !!!!
I feel an uncontrollable urge to bring up the motorboat/sailboat trial again. Although I personally believe that the deputy sheriff was drinking (he was off duty) and that the sailboat lights were on (preponderance of witnesses), it just does not matter. All we need are the Boating Laws. He was going too fast, in the dark, and rear-ended a sailboat, resulting in a death and other major injuries. If this had happened on the highway, he would be in jail or at least on probation and attending AA meetings.... Lynn got no justice. Period. Mitchell is the boss, so he is at fault as well as Perdock. He let it go unpunished. Do you think that would have happened if you or I had been driving the motorboat? I don't know how he sleeps at night. Please don't give him the chance to let this happen again. Vote for Frank Rivero! Thank you. Sandy Bayles, Paranoid Drama Queen
Sandy what difference would it have made? Would Frank have changed the states boating laws? Would he have told all his officers that on their own time they need to slow down. Would he have been out on patrol on the lake at that time? Or is just him in office enough to stop any bad thing from ever happening. You thinking process was a lot better in school.
Grow your own pot and boycott the big growers and their phony businesses. Run the criminals out and restore the respectability, safety, cleanliness and property values, Upperlake once had.
Frank would have done the right thing. Call in an outside agency to do an investigation, remember Slaybaugh has twice testified that he was not allowed to interview any witnesses other than perdick. Peter Elmer made a dozen calls to Slaybaugh and finally gave his statement (which was changed to saythat he saw perdicks well lit boat hit an unlit object). Sandy you are right and there will be lots more coming out about the cover up. These bozos are in a lot more trouble than they think and what they fail to realize is that the counties insurance company WILL NOT REPRESENT THEM WHEN THEY FIND OUT ABOUT THE CRIMES COMMITTED.
9:16 is correct Upper Lake always had a little pot just not the greedy people that are trying to own the area you have now. There was no heat all the time because no one was struting around acting like a king.
It would not have changed the accident only new boating law will help that.
Wow, some of the ways people think astound me. There are laws in place, but if the person whom the public are supposed to be able to trust doesn't uphold law and order and is so corrupt and power hungry, we then live in a Fascist state. This is the land of the free and home of the brave, I guess we have to be brave to stand up to corruption. Thomas Jefferson said we'd have to have a revolution about every 20 years to keep our liberties and stave off the powers that corrupt. It's been a lot longer than 20 years as far as I can tell. If you like and appreciate your freedom you will stand up and fight for it when things get scary, like they now are. Whether you love, hate or don't know who Tom Carter is your freedom is also on the line. Tomorrow it could be your family, friends, or yourself. Think about it.
So can anyone tell me why Record Bee won't let you make comments on Jeff Markham's bull shit piece on why he supports Mitchell? Talk about afraid to hear the truth, how is it Markham said all that stuff about Mitchell being a bad manager prior to his appointment as snoop cop, and now he has re-evualated his position after hearing/seeing the hate ad and all of a sudden Rod is great again? What did Rod do that changed your mind Markham? Oh that's right he gave you something to do other than be bored in your retirement. You were nothing but an ass kissing asshole before retirement and apparently you haven't changed. Watch what you say and do because we don't like you, you Kippy wanna be.
to 8:55...what I have always done in this case is change players. Put Dinius in the power boat going 45 mph in the dark slamming into off duty Perdock's sailboat, killing one individual onboard.

Pretty clear who would have been arrested and charged!
RB doesn't want people to post comments on Markhams letter in support of Mitchell. Censorship Record Bee.
You know Record Bee My Family fought to keep freedom of the press alive. You Record Bee and LCN should move to Russia where people have to fear what they say about the government.
We have seen with all the rules,regulations or laws if the bureaucrats put their fingers on the scales of justice it will be for them. That is what we saw with the Dinius case. Dishonest bureaucrats using the legal system to protect one of their own. But that has been going on with a lesser degree with other citizens of Lake County. It truly has become them or us and their winning. Where is the attorney general of California?
Guess who?
Chief Probation officer is Steven Buchholz.

Now Steven Buchholz son-inlaw is David Garzoli. Can you guess who Dave Garzoli's best friend is? It's DEA Brandon Burkhart. You know Burkhart who raided Carter's home.

Garzoli to Burkhart to Buchholz to Mitchell. Wow I see another lawsuit coming and it's going to be a big one..
Carter vs. Lake County, Lake County Sheriffs Dept, Rod Mitchell, and the DEA.
McMahon to Garzoli to Burkhart to Mitchell.Weren't they all involved with the Eddie Lepp project?
Wow, Rodney made it another week without the knock on the door! Think he will make it one more week?
11:26 Jenny Craig?
Damn jj you need to get another computer to look at your porn on! Stop getting the viruses on LCN's. How areyou going to get Rodney elected when your site is down!
LCN is down?
Still no word on Bryan Smiths Toxicology report from his dui while on duty?
I think you mean Gary Buchholz is Garzoli's father-in-law. There is a big difference.
LCN is up, I'm reading it now.
Gary was chief investigator for the Lake County District Attorney's office prior to retiring he has lacoinvestigations.com.
Speaking of in-laws, I heard that Dutra, who despises Rivero, is the DA Candidate's son-in-law. Is there a conflict when the DA (possibly Doug Rhoades) has a law enforcement officer son-in-law who works for Rivero, cause that's gonna happen whether he likes it or not.
909, sorry I was getting ready for household guests, which led to delay in my answering your questions, but here we go: What difference would it make if it was Frank? Frank is not only a licensed coroner and Coast Guard licensed Captain, therefore understanding the Boating Laws and such accidents better in my opinion, but I've watched him work and he is great a documenting the truth and expecting others to do the same. Change the boating laws? No, they didn't need to change, they needed to be enforced, which Rivero would have done. Told Officers to slow down? He would remind them that when off duty they are examples to the community and must be held to a higher standard....Out on patrol at night? Not necessarily, but would have listened to the eyes and ears who were, including retired law enforcement from the East Bay, and would have ensured the boats were guarded, the evidence documented and protected, and he would have been as sympathetic to the injured on the sailboat as he would have to Perdock, maybe more so..... Good one 1015! How true, how true. Sandy Bayles
Do not count on what you write to the Record Bee appearing in the paper just because you sign your real name. I wrote a letter, in fact predicting the Sept. 4 ad that the Family and Friends did, but it didn't make the cut. After they ran the full page illegal ad (No FPPC number and without the required Paid Political Advertisement) I asked them how they decide what ads to print, because Rivero tried to pay for and run one when he was cleared of the Internal Affairs Investigation, and they wouldn't run it, but printed this Sept. 4 piece of garbage that isn't true. People supporting Mitchell are not playing fair, and the Record Bee doesn't care. They won't get my money anymore. I hope the Manifest reprints everything of relevance they write, so that we can all refuse to support them until freedom of the press means both sides are covered. I don't mind if they have their personal opinions, but to not cover both sides or to use the Editorial Board like Liz Larson at LCN did means that the only fair source of news for our residents, the only way for us to inform others or share the truth, is with the Blog and the Manifest. Lovelace has done our community a great service. I know that a lot of what is said is childish and negative, but sift thru it and you will see that they are right on, and the other side is acting ugly because they are losing. What they don't see is how good it will be for our community when we come out of this on the other side and residents are treated respectfully and equally by a Sheriff who knows what it is like to be treated in a manner that isn't just, and the law enforcement officers and their families are respected and valued for the services they perform, like other police officers and firefighters are......hopefully, soon. Sandy Bayles
Sandy, Was this document presented to the jury http://dig.abclocal.go.com/kgo/PDF/061009-perdock-transcript.pdf The interesting part is it came right after the statue of limitations ran out on perdick.
I'm not a computer wizard, and couldn't get that to appear when I typed it in......but I started with www. let me try http:// and see what I get. back in a few. sandy
Sandy the one thing I really hoped the jury would get to go out on the lake at night but the judje would not allow it. That was the darkest night I have ever seen on the lake you could not see ten feet and to be doing 60 miles an hour is insane.
Sandy, have you contacted Dinius' lawyer and told your story to him?
Mitchell is in the process of creating a new Bureau in his dept. He is labeling it, “ The Village” and he needs some volunteers. He needs a Cowboy ( BRR), a Construction Worker complete with a jack-ass hammer, an Indian with full headdress and a biker lookin’ dude…
I met Dinius's Attorney after the trial, and he thanked me for serving as a Juror, one of twelve plus extras who did. I'm sure if he felt a need to reach me, he could..I am not unlisted and not hiding, but I don't see a need. He has plenty. In regards to the question about the jury seeing the particular document mentioned above, I wasn't given a copy, but there was testimony about Perdock's whereabouts and the time frames and such...that document may have been in the stack they gave us with the maps and such when we went in to deliberate, but I don't remember it. I wish we could have gone out on the lake at night too, but I have since done it with a friend in a similar boat during the daytime at 50-55, and the hair on my arms stood up straight just from thinking about the damage that could be done by doing that in the dark and hitting something. I'm telling you, this was not a tragic accident. Many consequential mistakes were made, but the person who most should have known better and the person who committed most of the errors was Perdock, not Dinius. I don't blame him for suing us, and I wouldn't blame Lynn's son either, for loss of income and affection and yadda yadda. I just hate that the taxpayers are the ones who have to pay for this not only with our money, but the distraction and lack of other services being met because they are tied up with this....and our reputation, don't forget that. If you don't believe me, sign on to Boatus.com or Sailing Anarchy or any other boating magazine and google Bismarck Dinius. See who they feel is guilty. Sandy Bayles
Sandy Bayless, Frank is not a licensed Coroner he is a licensed Mortician and Funeral Director. The Coroner is an elected or appointed position.

If Rivero had been Sheriff at the time of the Perdock/Dinius boat collision you would have seen tings handled much different. You would not have command interfefrence from the Sheriff himself. You would not have Captains or Sergeants ordering deputies or investigators to change their official reports. You would have had a good basic criminal investigation strictly supervised and monitored with proper evidence handling and interview of all potential witnesses. You would have seen the SO employee involved placed in administrative leave right away and the invesytigation would have been conducted fiarly and impartially. When the case was submitted to the DA he would have all the facts not just what the Sheriff wanted him to have. You would have no hint of a cover up or special treatment.

With Rod Mitchell you had none of those.
A serious question, is there any good, competant and fair commanders (Lieutenants or Captains) in the LCSO?
As earlier reported on the Blog we had some names of those responsible for the Rivero hate ad that went in the Record Bee. Here is some of the information and an overview. The individuals names will be given below. We contacted each of these individuals and asked them for a comment they refused and said they would not discuss it. We will also tell you that they had to report their names as a political committee and we found the information as once they, as a committee collected more then 1000 dollars they had to report, in fact they had 10 days to report legally, they waited as long as they could in up to the last day today. And bingo, we were waiting and we have these names to present to the public.

Gillian Burnett is calling herself the Treasure
Robert Jordan is calling himself the Principal Officer

These two individuals were contacted by phone and they refused to give any comment.
Also as a side note did all of you know that the Rully's had a family law case today. Do not know the details of this, but thought some of you might, given this is fine and reputable individual who Rodney placed before the public as his key witness for Rodney to slander and attack Frank Rivero.
I don't want to split hairs on the Coroner thing, because he will be one soon anyway.... I totally agree that everything 409 said is also true. Gotta go now. Bluegrass Festival and out of town guests. See ya there or be square.
To 2:12 If you had been in court (as I have) anytime a case comes up where Dutra is a party to the prosecution, Rhodes has excused himself so he's not a party to it in any way. That speaks volumes to me, that he doesn't want anyone to suspect collusion or an improper participation in the court action. I assume he would do the same if elect
DA. That's the way it should be.
Revero is a Deputy Coroner, it is part of his title as a Deputy Sheriff.
4:26, Yes, you are quite right as a LC Deputy Sheriff he is also a Deputy Coroner. My mistake.
There is a sign on the corner of Mellor and 11th posted on a Peterbuilt truck, is that truck Rob Brown's? Number two question is one side of the sign said Mitchell is endorsed by the Police officers association along with the DSA some are wondering about this peace officers association. Anyone with any information?
There is no reason Rhodes should be disqualified from becoming the DA if he is elected. The fact that his son-in-law is a LCSO Deputy Sheriff means nothing. If they had a case together he would probably be wise to excuse himself or deligate it to one of his deputies but he really wouldn't have to.
The truth is Lakeport PD refused to endorse Rod Mitchell. Clearlake PD ignored him and is not endorsing him. If he says they are it's just another lie from Pinocchio. He is endorsed by his own DSA and CO's union all who work for him and are afraid not to. Their endorsement is tainted by accusations of a fix and his exerting his influence over them to force them to back him. Pay no attention to Rod's endorsements, they are either made up, bought or intimidated.
I hope Mitchell's rolling political billboard is legally parked. If not please do your duty LPD and sign him up.
Pinocchio, your nose is getting longerrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
But it's Don Anderson who is going to be DA not Rhoades sorry Rhoades.
Jeff Markham's endorsement of Rod Mitchell is just another joke. He refused to support him during the primary and has been saying for years that Mitchell is arrogant and out of control. Mitchell would not listen to Jeff when he was working there and he won't listen to him now. He's using Markham who is just a tool for the fool.

Markham doesn't want to work he just wants to play golf and hang out being a local pundet. The person who said earlier that Jedd is bored was right and Rod has paid him off by giving him something to do to feel important. Once the election is over it's take a hike time for Jeff and all his words and work will be for nothing.

Only a fool would believe that Rod Mitchell has suddenly changed since the primary. He's the same old Rod just trying on a new mask in public. He got his ass waxed and it scafed the hell out of him so he trying to reinvent himself.

Remember Jeff what Rod Mitchell said about you when you came out in support of Baxter? Remember the last minute lies he told about Joe T. in 94 just to scare the public? Remember all his dirty deals and back stabbing of anyone who would disagree with him. You beat your head into the wall until frustration made you retire. You can't seriously think that man has or ever will change.

We like to think people can change for the better and we would like to give them the benefit of the doubt. In Mitchell's case this will never happen and you knnow it. Do your community and the deputies a favor and rescent your endorsement. Don't side with the very man who has run your deloved department into the ground and made it a disgrace. You have always been a stand up guy so stand up and do what in your heard you know is right.
“Hello Mrs. Mitchell. Can Pinocchio come out and play?” “ Run along now children, you know Pinocchio is in his workshop, grinding down his nose from today’s lies, grinding and grinding.”
Pumpkin Butt's blood pressure is so high, he gets a nose bleed every time he steps up on the wieght scale.
Don Anderson, DA and Frank Rivero, Sheriff of Lake County.

Rhodes back to private practice and perhapos you can try again another time. Mitchell it's back to Safeway or you can shovel buffalo dung for Rob Brown. If you work hard maybe he'll promote you to skip chaser. Of course when this is over and RKM is out then Brown will have no further use for him.
Mrs. M should go into his workshop and grind down his little Rod.
Did someone mention Rotney preforming bestiality? Are we missing a petting zoo?
From the info I have heard, there is certainly no sure thing About Anderson. The stuff about defaulting on loans or money to Piedmon and KV Lumber doesn't help him at all. then there's his statements that the money owed wasn't his,but his girlfriends does help much. So throw your girlfried under the bus to avoid your own obligations? Please. And as for your "new ideas" just what are they. Seems you didn't have any until Rhodes got into the race and you grabbed his ideas and new ideas. Sorry, but I don't think Anderson is the best guy for this job. Sure, nice guy. But that's not nearly enough. How about actually being able to take that agency in a new direction, while almost everyone there can't follow anyone but a gut with new ideas and real leadership experience. Sorry, but I'm supporting Rhodes.
I was all set to give my vote to don anderson until i asked him point blank who he supported for sheriff, he said he tried to stay neutral, and yet he is palsy walsy with Rivero, no longer got my vote
I'll bet MGM never thought when this got started that she would be sharing her anti-depressants with Rodney himself. They don't work but its fun watching his face turn red and his head swell to match his fat butt.
Hey Pat, aren't you worried when you are away at work in Napa leaving your wife alone with RKM on the job.
Both DA candidates would be wise to remain neutral since they may one day be working with one of them. I can see them leaning toward Rivero after seeing what Mitchell did to Hoppy.
Rhodes has my vote chatted with him at the fair and I like the guy seen him in action in the courts and he is a straight shooter, regardless of who he is related to has no bearing on his job performance, many relatives work in the city and local government, if you have the brains to work at a higher paying job than min. wage......go for it
I was all set to vote for Rod Mitchell until a flaming kay came running out of Clint's house. Now I'm voting for Rivero.
502 this is confusing which one is disabled? Is it Pat or MaryGrace?
I couldn't see any disability but next time check out the trucks plates.
hell hoppy did what he did to himself.....wiener
5:02 SHHH! Pat thinks they are just doing Bible studies and working on the campaign.
Pat and mary grace must really impact your life you talk about them so often
those who put down Gods' Children, eventually pay the price for their actions
Both are disabled. Pat due to acute alcoholism and MCM due to Pat.
Lovelace this may explain it.
The California Peace officers Association made a list of it's members in Lake County. They are as follows.

Kevin Burke LPD
Brad Rasmussen LPD
thats it.

What a crock of ...to make it look like all LE want MitHell
Critical information is needed regarding the above post concerning Robert Jordan, as listed in post 420. To the citizens, please use all of your available resources to find out about these two individuals. Backgrounds, former positions, Lake County connections, this is very important. Post information ASAP on the thread, or e-mail if you feel more comfortable. Send all e-mails concerning this situation to lovelace.wwwireless@gmail.com
Yes Rev. Rod.... Fear not, you too can be saved and forgiven once you are out of office. That's by the Lord not the good people of Lake County that you've lied to for 16 years.
509 Ok ...I can that. Thanks
LOL well there ya go folks this is the tactics the Mitchell Regime is using since the DSA endorsement backfired, they now try to make it look like they have some big-time LE endorsing him. This regards to post 509, thanks for the information, it is great to be able to use this site with the citizens to gather information, together we cannot be stopped, Please to the same for Robert Jordan, and Gillian Burnett.

This is the Lovelace group
Burke came out to endorse Mitchell because he thinks he owes him something. Rasmussen is just a chump follower who is afraid to go against his boss.
5:09 Rodney is not one of God's children. Rodney lacks a conscience, ethics, morals or any thing the Bible teaches.
Did the group[ who p[aid for the dirty trick ad in the Record Bee turn out to be a legitimate PAC, registered?

We knnow the money came from Mitchell and that Pinacchio was behind it with his stooges.
ROT-NEE needs to lay off the Fruit Loops and start consuming Lucky Charms.
It's so hard to believe that someone as smart as Kevin Burke would endorse a crook like Rod Mitchell. The evidence of his wrong doing is out there and his past history is clear to everyone. He is a corrupt petty little politician. He is one to many sop lets get rid of him then move on to the next crook.
Whats wrong with you Jeff? Have you no idea of what Mitchell says about you. He hates you for not sucking up before and for making him look bad. If your new job wasn't a non paid volunteer position he would be doing an IA on you and you'd be holding hands with Goldenboy Garzoli.
Is Mitchell on the Radio today at some time or do I have the day wrong, would like to ask him about these two folks Lovelace mentioned.
You are right, the Record-Bee is not allowing anyone to log in and Blog their opinions of Markham's roll over for Mitchell. Plus they printed the same things two days in a row just adding a few useless words. Free political advertisement for Mitchell so we know where the RB stands.
Speaking of yellow journalists, how's things Liz. Hubby still spanking you when you get out of line? Domestic violence and spousal abuse is against the law. Go report it to Uncle Rod so he can ignore it too. Why hang in there with the little wimp jj. We know the prospects of your getting a man are slim to none but there are lots of very nice women out there who would not knock you around.
How do they know?
Boycott the Lake County News and the Record-Bee. Get your news from the wall in the toilet stall, it would be just as accurate and much less biased.
Oh Oh, there they go again, those terrible people on the LL Blog threatening me and dear jj. Rodney can we have a CCW permit? I don't have the usual $10,000. fee but we print anything you say. Can we make a deal?
If Rodney ordered the dispatchers to not take witness names or statements that is a federal obstruction of justice crime. We know they refused to take names and statements.
What about Rod Rooter on the radio, when and which one, I would like to ask him a question too just to hear which story he'll come out with this time.
Somebody needs to ask Rodney if he was at the scene and gave perdick a big ahug after he murdered Lynn Thorton. I bet he denies it.
This is the Rodney Mitchell Show coming to you from Rodney Mitchell's office with your host Rodney Mitchell brought to you by Rodney Mitchell reaching out to a vast Lake County audience of five.

Hello folks, Rod Mitchell here. I can not lie, I'm the Sheriff you know. I wasn't aware of that, I didn't see anythiing, I don't know anything about it, it's not my fault it's the deputies. I didn't know, no one told me its Garzoli's fault. My nose is growing, what's happening to me.

Time out for a pre-recorded word from our sponsor Rodney Mitchell. Buzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
Yeah, I know this blog has endorsed Andrson But he's really and empty suit. Talk to him for 30 seconds and he's a nice guy. Ask him about his plan or anything of substance, and there's nothing there. I talked with Rhodes at the fair, and he had answer I liked, and plans that make a lot of sense. That's why I'm voting for Rhodes, and so are my friends...
Yes, I talked with Anderson at the fair also. Who wrote that book for him? Seems he paid for the publishing, as he didn't sell it to any know publisher. I think that's call "vanity press" when you self publish a book that not pushiser will buy.
Seems interesting niether Gillian Burnett or a Robert Jordan are listed on Rodneys endorsement page. Are they membersin KKKlints group?
Why allow the publishers to get royalties on a book you yourself worked so hard on. Makes sense to me!
Robert Jordan is Retired and lives in Kelseyville. LCN did a write up on June 1 st I believe!
Jun 1, 2010 ... Latest local news from Lake County California. Serving Clearlake, Clearlake Oaks, Glenhaven, ... Robert Jordan, Kelseyville, retired, $200 ...
lakeconews.com/content/view/14258/919/ - Cached
While crime has risen throughout California, Lake County stays livable. ... Sheriff; Ray Benevedes; Former Lake Co. Sheriff; Monty Byrd; Deputy; Robert Malley, Sr. Deputy; Jeffrey B. Markham ... Bob Jordan; Daly City Police Dept. ...
www.sheriffrodmitchell.com/endorsements.htm - Cached
Was Robert Jordan a deputy or is that another Robert Jordan?
I will put money on the bet that Robert Jordan and Gillian Burnett were never involved in this until it was brought into question. It WILL come out you know, the persons involved in this smear campain..
OOOPs, betting in California is illegal, right Mitchell??
The Jordan Family History goes way back ....from Law Enforcement to Vineyards to Waste Management!
Great, have them bring a gigantiac dumpster to 1220 Martin St.
Has Rodney obtained Susan Jordan (Criminal Atty.) Lake county?
638 Welcome back.Just can't stay away can you?
Gillian is probably related to if not married to Bill Burnett RES. Deputy on Mitchells endorsement page!
Yep welcome back 6:38- What kinda beating would you like tonight?
Markham endorsement of Mitchell is nothing. Just one of the GOB. Mitchell and Markham are alike no leadership, just alot of talk. One more reason to support Rivero. Mitchell had fifteen years to put the department back on track and failed.
Bob Jordan is a 900 hour employee (retired from Daly City PD) of the Lake County Sheriff's office hired to do background investigations. He was Rivero's background investigator. His disclosure of information provided in Rivero's background packet is a misdemeanor, if he conspired with someone else to do so, that's a FELONY.

Penal Code Section 832.7
(a) Peace officer or custodial officer personnel records and
records maintained by any state or local agency pursuant to Section
832.5, or information obtained from these records, are confidential
and shall not be disclosed in any criminal or civil proceeding except
by discovery pursuant to Sections 1043 and 1046 of the Evidence
Code. This section shall not apply to investigations or proceedings
concerning the conduct of peace officers or custodial officers, or an
agency or department that employs those officers, conducted by a
grand jury, a district attorney's office, or the Attorney General's
(b) Notwithstanding subdivision (a), a department or agency shall
release to the complaining party a copy of his or her own statements
at the time the complaint is filed.
(c) Notwithstanding subdivision (a), a department or agency that
employs peace or custodial officers may disseminate data regarding
the number, type, or disposition of complaints (sustained, not
sustained, exonerated, or unfounded) made against its officers if
that information is in a form which does not identify the individuals
(d) Notwithstanding subdivision (a), a department or agency that
employs peace or custodial officers may release factual information
concerning a disciplinary investigation if the officer who is the
subject of the disciplinary investigation, or the officer's agent or
representative, publicly makes a statement he or she knows to be
false concerning the investigation or the imposition of disciplinary
action. Information may not be disclosed by the peace or custodial
officer's employer unless the false statement was published by an
established medium of communication, such as television, radio, or a
newspaper. Disclosure of factual information by the employing agency
pursuant to this subdivision is limited to facts contained in the
officer's personnel file concerning the disciplinary investigation or
imposition of disciplinary action that specifically refute the false
statements made public by the peace or custodial officer or his or
her agent or representative.
(e) (1) The department or agency shall provide written
notification to the complaining party of the disposition of the
complaint within 30 days of the disposition.
(2) The notification described in this subdivision shall not be
conclusive or binding or admissible as evidence in any separate or
subsequent action or proceeding brought before an arbitrator, court,
or judge of this state or the United States.
(f) Nothing in this section shall affect the discovery or
disclosure of information contained in a peace or custodial officer's
personnel file pursuant to Section 1043 of the Evidence Code.
6:34 Rodney needs to hire a whole team of lawyers!! He better be better on the stand than perdick. Rodney it is not to late make a run for it you aint going to make it in prison.
Bob Jordan is a 900 hour employee (retired from Daly City PD) of the Lake County Sheriff's office hired to do background investigations. He was Rivero's background investigator. His disclosure of information provided in Rivero's background packet is a misdemeanor, if he conspired with someone else to do so, that's a FELONY. There are also severe civil penalties.

Penal Code Section 832.7
(a) Peace officer or custodial officer personnel records and
records maintained by any state or local agency pursuant to Section
832.5, or information obtained from these records, are confidential
and shall not be disclosed in any criminal or civil proceeding except
by discovery pursuant to Sections 1043 and 1046 of the Evidence
Code. This section shall not apply to investigations or proceedings
concerning the conduct of peace officers or custodial officers, or an
agency or department that employs those officers, conducted by a
grand jury, a district attorney's office, or the Attorney General's
6:56 Why do you think they are calling him punkin butt!
6:59 wow! Looks like more SO on the way to jail.
6:12, no kidding the crime has dropped in Lake County (except for the SO). What percentage has the population dropped? Last I heard the unemployment rate was in the 20% range.
I heard Bob Jordon was a Lt. with the Daly City PD, retired and moved to Lake Co. I've heard he was a good guy and well thought of when he was a Cop. He is or was a temporary SO employee thus beholding to and under the influence of RKM. Do you think Rod would hold the temporary job over his head or that Jordon would roll over to Rod to keep his job?
6:59 Are these hillbillies really this stupid? What's next Deputy KKKlint? Rodney you need to make a run for it. There are people who can make you disappear off the face of the earth and you can live happily ever after.
Hell you could put Alfred E. Newman and Moms Badley on the form but it's still Rod Mitchell behind the scenes pulling the strings so someone else does his dirty work. Mitchell knew about the slam ad, he was an active part in it and his campaign probably paid for it. Mitchell is a dirty sleaze bag politician who can not win anything without lying, cheating and back stabbing his way to office.
I know a lot of people who would love to help Rod disappear of the face of the earth.
Is Jordon going to be Comadore of the boat patrol or Chief of the car wash crew? He got Markham to roll over for free so what did he promise to give Jordan One of Kip's Kats?
7:22, let us not forget the chosen few AKA the Good Old Boys, how can an honest Deputy compete. If mitchell is re-elected the citizens deserve what they get. The honest Deputies will continue to leave or worse yet, get canned for some reason.
Excellent information thank's to all of you for the information, it is really amazing isn't it. We can work together and we can get what ever information is requested, this is the power of the citizens, this is transparency, this is the reason sheriff Rodney Mitchell finished. The games are ending now Rodney, there is no where for you or those that illegally support you to hide. Based on post 659, I believe Mr.Jordan may be in severe legal trouble.

Here is the kicker, Mitchell admitted on the Radio he knew who the people were and he agreed with what was done. Mitchell may have just committed a Conspiracy Felony, with his activity with Bob Jordan!!! This is very very serious, and it is going to be sent as well to the FPPC ASAP. There may be the need for other agencies to be involved in this as well. These people appear to have no basement when it comes to how low they will go, this is serious, very very serious. We will update you with further information as we proceed.
This just confirmed after the post of 728. Bob Jordan is a total GOB Bastard, a couple of years ago he did something to Frank Rivero, that is even below the basement level of conduct. More to follow on this aspect of Mr.Jordan's conduct in the due time.
Jordan passed Rivero's background check and is now condeming him???? WTF
Smells like someone fell into the dung heap.
One should ask, " What dirt does Mitc-hell have on Jordan?"
7:31, OK, let us pass the blame onto someone else, Lord help me this is a Mitchell tactic, but for arguments sake, lets go with it. How many agencies "Over looked the information". Lets say for some reason they did, how many of us were law abiding at 18. I know I wasn't nor will I pretend to have been. We all make mistakes, the key to life is to learn from them. The problem comes from not learning from them and continually making those mistakes.
Now everyone knows why they tried to spin that this information was gotten aside from people who broke the law in doing so. They wanted to spin it so that the citizens would think it was just by chance that an Internet search or just looking around found it. Wrong again. He (Mr Jordan) was the background investigator of Rivero's!! This is going to get ugly. This will turn out to be a damaging if not criminal action and participation on these peoples part, potentially including Mitchell going down in a felony conspiracy crime. Wow!!

Didn't Lovelace tell us it was going to be a very interesting week, and wasn't it just yesterday where they said the words I love to hear.."There is more to come"!!!

Great job to the citizens and this site!! Oh but heck no one looks at the Blog. I bet money Jordan has been here today in fact in the past hour or so!!! Gillian you here also???
This type of egregious violation is no different than violating HIPPA rules.
It will not matter if Jordan leaked this information. The fact that he had access to this classified information and he was involved in promoting the distribution of this information speaks volumes. I will bet he is reading this right now and having chest pain...
Oh by the way there is more to come! ;-) Said it just for post 740. ;-)
Hey Bob, do you remember hitting on the wives and girlfriends of the recruits whom you were doing background investigations on? I do.
This Blog is amazing, I have been keeping tabs under, Constant Reader, and get frustrated with the Mitchell supporter's BS, not to mention a very long grave yard stint which I have recovered from. I have to admit, you guys have Mitchell's number. It is a shame many Deputies had to loose their jobs in the mean time. The public has no idea what alot of them went through in the name of Lake County Citizen's.

I know this won't be answered, but ask the people supporting Mitchell this question, has Mitchell or Kathy Ferguson made professional counselling availlable to the Deputies yet? When I was with the SO, it was paid out of the Deputies pocket along with their retirement.

Constant Reader
You are so right constant reader, they have no human resources in the Mitchell Regime, Look at Ski he kills a man and is out doing raids in a week or so. People, good people have come to both Mitchell and Ferguson on many occassions asking for help and get booted out the door. The fact of the matter is the world has passed them by. They really haven't a clue. Great post!!
Anyone notice how quiet the BOS has been lately? Hmmmmmm They are hunkered down behind their desk's wondering when it is going to come their way. I can see their little eyes peeping out above the top of the desk!! LOL In due time, in due time eh!
The Friday night party at the Lake has moved to Dutra's place, near Rob Brown. The GOB's are having a good time. I wonder if there are any County cars there? And CHP, be ready when the party is over and they all leave. Of course, they could be drinking sodas! LOL
Felicia do your coworkers know you post so much information on this website?
Now they do..Thanks a lot VON. I thought you were my friend.
What are you all over at Dutra's taking turns posting.
While Dons away Von will play
LCN is a respected news source? Ha ha ha ha, ho ho ho! What are you on tonight?
Yup we are all over at Dutra's and we will be brainstorming on why Mitchell is great leader. Pat will you take that out of your mouth!
9:01. Fair play? That went out the window when Mitchell and his henchmen lied, cheated, stole, and destroyed good honest deputies. Wake up.
Hey what about Bam Bam Vanoven? I heard he is a good guy?
Mitchell did not destroy "good honest deputies" they destroyed themselves.
Markum and Mitchell had a meeting of the minds. That must have lasted about two seconds.
Please could you learn how to spell the names of the people your trying to trash? What a bunch of six toed banjo picking idiots! If you are going to live off the system, at least take a spelling class!
Buchholz Steven, you know Chief Probation Officer his wife Peggy is on as MitHell endorsement.
Take a Midol jj
It has been said over and over by the Lovelace group, it is for the good honest people in law enforcement that this kind of change and work is done. Not just in Lake County, and we all know we have some damn good cops, hiding, waiting for Mitchell and this whole nightmare to be over. We know there are good, people in the DEA, and in all manner of LE. However we also know some are corrupt, some to the detriment of the citizens overstep the bounds of moral and transparent rights and decency.

Activism for change is never easy, remember in the mid 60's when "environmentalist were called communist, druggies, tree huggers, nutcases, and every profanity one could speak. The right wing hated them the left wing didn't know what to think. But now we see that there would not be a redwood tree left to view if it wasn't for those radical hippie nuts.

We respect all manner of individual, at the same time things must be exposed and it is the citizens that are doing it. All the investigations and information have come from the citizens. This is not a 10 man operation, it is thousands. We urge everyone to see just a little deeper into the reality of what we are trying to create. The citizens working in concert with the LE, problem solving, interaction, cooperation, and it will happen.

The Lovelace Group
918 pm the only one I know who shoots dogs is Martin. Deputy Martin.
Post 922 Lovelace does not disparage, spelling, sentence structure, sentax, nor any concerns for grammar, there are many of us here, the message is what is important, people come from all walks of life, we respect the words and the message.
9:22 I can over look a few misspelled words and grammar. It's the sniveling whiner that I look forward to for a laugh. Thanks
Do Bob Jordan and Jeff Markam work together?
952 Oliver Wendall Douglas is the name of the main character in the sitcom Green acres. Oliver Wendall Holmes was an author. And you idiots have the nerve to call other people stupid and trailer trash. Glass houses.
He has to can't pass as a dude
Rodney want to get away?
You guys going out on the lake tonight?
Oh you mean like Rivero has he hasn't helped carry his load at the SO for nearly a year, great example
Hey guys if you guys drink and drive tonight don't turn on your lights, that way CHP will know it is LCSO and will not pull you over.
Wow you guys/gals really can pick on Bruce. Is that all you got? Run away from the facts. Hide from the truth. Bury your head in the sand. Run away, run away.
hell crazy person I am home not sure where you are talking out your ass
Dedicated to Lake County: Sheriff Mitchell is proud to be a part of a county filled with good and hard-working people. He appreciates that agriculture is the primary fuel for the county's economic engine -- not merely some quaint fixture of a rural community. Sheriff Mitchell diligently defends Lake County from those who would paint it with the broad brush of stereotype
that is why he says "Lake County is a great place to live, come join Us"
10:28 MGM right that. It is typical Mitchell Bs. Mitchel better prepare to defend himself diligently in a court of law.
Dedicated to Lake county? Dedicated to finacially ruining Lake county?
Mitchell is a defendant for his involvement in the murder of Lynn Thorton by perdick. How is that a good man? He is a criminal and needs to be charged!!!
When the Dinius lawsuit gets going Rodney Mitchell will become infamous for his involvement in the murder of Lynn Thorton. This case is going to ruin him and land him in prison. Let us see how many testify to the fact he ordered the cover up.
I guess they just don't realize that Dinius has filed a civil suit. He's after money and that is it. The county's insurers will handle the whole affair.
I wonder if Frank can prove he paid his fine? Wouldn't that be a hoot.
Where in Mitchell's report does it mention that perdick was boozing at konocti or that nine witnesses would testify the sailboat lights were on.
The counties insurance company will not pay out if indeed criminal acts were committed under the color of authority. Why do you think insurance companies make so much money read the policy.
Lynn's Death was an accident, no one murdered her, all on board that sialboat were well over the limit of being intoxicated, Lights off and a boat going a little too fast continuted to the crash, stop saying she was murdered that is so unfair to Russ Perdock, who was a victim of that night, he lives daily with the outcome of that night, but all you hate mongers see is someone to hold up as a cause to persue, let Lynn rest in peace, it is like you are killing her over and over with all the hate, if she was the person you paint her to be she would not want all the hate.
as for the Sheriff hugging Mr Perdock, that was a normal thing to do, I have seen SO's who greet each other that way, they are a boned group of Brothers and sisters.

this is all from Me I have some important things to do for tomorrow memorial.
I can lay my head on my pillow and know that I have no hate against anyone, the Love Lace Group members cannot do that, not from the postings I have read.
Do you think Saybaugh wants to spend his golden years involved in a lawsuit he knows he will lose everything.
perdick knew the consequences of his actions. He was on team Dui so he knew the risks of drinking and driving. It is murder! Mitchell ordered the cover up and that will proven in this lawsuit. Trust me this lawsuit is going to ruin Mitcell.
Watch The mav interview with the couple on the sailboat they were sober. Lynn Thorton was sober. THE LIGHTS WERE ON. Perdick a victim of his own arrogance and ignorance he deserves everything he gets wait till he has to go through this next lawsuit.
perdick has yet to be charged with the crimes he committed, but that will change no more hillbilly judges.
Why is Markham considered a great guy with good insight when he agrees with you, but when there is something he does not agree with you on he is a GOB. Is your opinion the only correct opinion?
Is the county going to pick up the cost of representing perdickor is he going to have to pay his own legal costs? They easily could run into the hundreds of thousandsof dollars. Perdick have that kind of money?
Amazing Markham bad mouth Mitchell and the department for years.
The events that transpired that night have been forged by years of abuse and no accountability by those that work for this local government. Mitchell did not need to tell his bunch to be dishonest. It has been built into the system. To take care of their own is the rule of the day. No conspiracy just a dishonest system. I say it again with no accountability this local government is awash with corruption.
11:06 I was involved in an accident in 1990, I had made a serious mistake of judgement. I allowed my sister and ex stepbrother to ride in a boat on a trailer on a highway. At the exit to the marina, I asked them twice to get out and into the car. They were adults and wanted one last ride in my dad's boat as we took it to put it up for sale. On the highway the trailer became detached and they both had serious injuries. In the ER, after the highway patrol took all the information, he said they would charge me with either felony endangerment or manslaughter depending on if my sister lived or not. That they would be in touch.

What happened to everyone in both boats that night was a horrible accident. No one intended to kill or hurt anyone. But even Mr. Hopkins first three witnesses said the sailboat lights were on. I believe that the sailboat lights blended in with the shore lights so Perdock didnt see it. Perdock I have no doubt has remorse for his part every day. But he has not answered for his actions that night. His reckless speed in the dark is the reason he failed to yield the right of way to a sailboat and killed Ms Thornton and almost killed many others. Was this murder? of course not, was it manslaughter I believe so.
But it is what happened after the accident that has so many people alarmed. How the accident was investigated by the sheriff's dept. It should have been turned over to the CHP to be the investigating agency that night. To exclude Russ from access to the investigators, the reports in progress and evidence.
That night has been a life changing event for many people, but Mr. Dinius was but through legal hell while Russ, who played a bigger role that night has not.
Mark Burkdoll
Why did Sacramento Co. Sheriff Department refused to hire Rodney K. Mitchell?
Mitchell what happened in District 4, in Sacramento?
11:06. I think you are right. From all the "sex-capades" we keep hearing about perhaps "they are a "boned" group of brothers and sisters".
Lies can go around the world twice while the truth is just getting its shoes on. What Officer did as a kid I can over look youth and all but what Mitchell did was as a adult. he used the legal system , the arrogance of power unchecked and its going on as of yet. Mitchell needs to go and the voters need to say so as the State attorney general is not. Vote for officer Rivero I would rather take a chance with Officer Rivero than Mitchell. To leave in office what I know is insanity.
Great news this morning, take a look at what is posted in the Record Bee this morning. This is the Lovelace group, and now the citizens will read the truth. Great job by the Rivero Campaign team, and good to see them fire back and Mitchell and his gang of thugs. With the negative loss of votes the Hate ad of Mitchell got him and now this, it turns out to be a double positive for Rivero and a double negative again for the Mitchell camp. What a great way to start the day.
Bob Jordan is a 900 hour employee (retired from Daly City PD) of the Lake County Sheriff's office hired to do background investigations. He was Rivero's background investigator. His disclosure of information provided in Rivero's background packet is a misdemeanor, if he conspired with someone else to do so, that's a FELONY.

Penal Code Section 832.7
(a) Peace officer or custodial officer personnel records and
records maintained by any state or local agency pursuant to Section
832.5, or information obtained from these records, are confidential
and shall not be disclosed in any criminal or civil proceeding except
by discovery pursuant to Sections 1043 and 1046 of the Evidence
Code. This section shall not apply to investigations or proceedings
concerning the conduct of peace officers or custodial officers, or an
agency or department that employs those officers, conducted by a
grand jury, a district attorney's office, or the Attorney General's
(b) Notwithstanding subdivision (a), a department or agency shall
release to the complaining party a copy of his or her own statements
at the time the complaint is filed.
(c) Notwithstanding subdivision (a), a department or agency that
employs peace or custodial officers may disseminate data regarding
the number, type, or disposition of complaints (sustained, not
sustained, exonerated, or unfounded) made against its officers if
that information is in a form which does not identify the individuals
(d) Notwithstanding subdivision (a), a department or agency that
employs peace or custodial officers may release factual information
concerning a disciplinary investigation if the officer who is the
subject of the disciplinary investigation, or the officer's agent or
representative, publicly makes a statement he or she knows to be
false concerning the investigation or the imposition of disciplinary
action. Information may not be disclosed by the peace or custodial
officer's employer unless the false statement was published by an
established medium of communication, such as television, radio, or a
newspaper. Disclosure of factual information by the employing agency
pursuant to this subdivision is limited to facts contained in the
officer's personnel file concerning the disciplinary investigation or
imposition of disciplinary action that specifically refute the false
statements made public by the peace or custodial officer or his or
her agent or representative.
(e) (1) The department or agency shall provide written
notification to the complaining party of the disposition of the
complaint within 30 days of the disposition.
(2) The notification described in this subdivision shall not be
conclusive or binding or admissible as evidence in any separate or
subsequent action or proceeding brought before an arbitrator, court,
or judge of this state or the United States.
(f) Nothing in this section shall affect the discovery or
disclosure of information contained in a peace or custodial officer's
personnel file pursuant to Section 1043 of the Evidence Code.
As earlier reported on the Blog we had some names of those responsible for the Rivero hate ad that went in the Record Bee. Here is some of the information and an overview. The individuals names will be given below. We contacted each of these individuals and asked them for a comment they refused and said they would not discuss it. We will also tell you that they had to report their names as a political committee and we found the information as once they, as a committee collected more then 1000 dollars they had to report, in fact they had 10 days to report legally, they waited as long as they could in up to the last day today. And bingo, we were waiting and we have these names to present to the public.

Gillian Burnett is calling herself the Treasure
Robert Jordan is calling himself the Principal Officer

These two individuals were contacted by phone and they refused to give any comment.
I hope Dinius takes this lawsuit in front of a jury. Then the truth will be known how much has been covered up and the depth of the corruption. I know as of now perdick not been charged with anything and had I been in perdicks place they would have arrested me on the scene and there is a good chance I would still be in Prison.
Robert Jordan a 900 hour a month County employee, employed by the Sheriff's office. Hmmm Mitchell knew so what's the deal Jordan? You broke the law for Mitchell what was he gonna give you a promotion?
Bad cop, whatcha going to do bad cop now?
Good morning this is the Manifest, we want to welcome 3 more new members to the newspaper who have just signed up. They are:


Thank you for signing up as a community member to the paper,our membership is to say the least exploding, and has increased dramatically as the events of the past week have gone by. The citizens are looking for a truthful and transparent place to find the real news and information in our county. We reject the collusion and years of entrenchment that have plagued our county. We ask all of you to sign up if you have not yet.
To the citizens of Lake County this opinion piece (free speech) was rejected by the Record Bee and they would not post this great and straight forward opinion of Sandy Bayles. We are happy to post it for the public to see, and we thank Sandy Bayles for writing it.

On Nov. 2, our Sheriff’s election will be watched world-wide, yet local media reporting is minimal and biased, in my opinion. Boaters and former tourists are following it because of a trial on which I served as a Juror. If you aren’t sure what I’m talking about, just google “Bismarck Dinius”.

“What do I care, you may think?” “I’m a law-abiding citizen and everything is fine.”
I am almost positive that you have friends or relatives who have needed help, or will someday, so you should not only care, but generate discussion and share information. On the campaign trail, I have run into folks who don’t know much about the election… they are busy with everyday life.

Our incumbent Sheriff has been in office for almost 16 years. He ran mostly unopposed. One of the candidates in this election withdrew after threats, and fear of reprisals is common. Our Sheriff stands accused of civil rights violations, racial profiling, poor management, waste, favoritism, corruption and more. The lawsuits stacking up against the county are going to cost the tax payers a great deal of time, money, and resources. Our reputation is going back to being a county “for probation or vacation”. We have numerous vacant positions because he is “cleaning house” to improve his image. He even finally fired the Chief Deputy who was driving the speedboat that caused the death of Lynn Thornton 4 years ago. The county is being sued for wrongful prosecution by Bismarck Dinius, with a possible second suit to follow because the appropriate person was never charged for Lynn’s death. I heard that the Sheriff is finally saying a big mistake was made, but is trying to pin it all on the D.A., who was unseated in the primary election. Several former Deputies with numerous years of service are also filing for wrongful termination, one of them being Jim Beland, terminated after attempting to give a PAS (breath test) to former Deputy Perdock at the scene of the crime (not an accident).

We anticipate more mud-slinging at our candidate, Frank Rivero, against whom the Sheriff filed an Internal Affairs investigation during the primary. He didn’t take Frank’s badge and weapon, although he was charged with assault on a female…then he never publicly announced that Frank was cleared. Unethical? You bet. A local on-line newspaper accused Rivero of instigating “credible threats of physical violence” (which Rivero has also received) and said it was his supporters who made numerous attempts to hack their Website. This is outrageous behavior on the part of a newspaper, not only because Frank was placed on public trial (power of the pen) without evidence, but also because the piece accused him of silence in response to questions, when I saw proof of his attempts to reach their editor. More importantly, it was unfair because it was signed as written by their News Editorial Board, without the disclosure that the Board consists of a husband, wife and father. Please……!!! I beg you to encourage the people to register to vote if they are not, seek out the debate videos on www.velocityvideoonline.com, and talk to people who have lived here for a long time. Ask about Frank Rivero, and check out his website at www.sheriffrivero.com. Ask about Sheriff Rodney Mitchell too. Then ask them to please VOTE on Nov. 2. This is important to three generations of my family who live in Lake County, and to our tourism, economy, and quality of life issues. Thanks so much. /s/ Sandy Bayles
Boys and Girls
You just don't get it.
Rivero is a Slime Bag
Mitchell is a Slime Bag
You just have to figure out who is the lesser evil (they are both evil)
Lake County is screwed either way for another 4 years
All we can do is hope that in 4 years, we get a qualified canidate.
In the meantime, expect the same, either way the Dept. will be out of Control
And I know first hand
I wear a Badge
Someone said Perdock lives daily with the outcome? I'll bet he does, too, because he got caught. He tried everything he could to put it on Dinius. Perdock deserves more than he got!
Post 932, that sounded like a line from the old TV show Dragnet. Please stop with the old and tired attempts and discrediting Rivero along the same lines as Mitchell, it does not fly. Rivero, his morals, his ideas, his understanding of the new world, the need for change, and transparency, from citizens groups to honesty in government far outweighs Mitchell and his 15 years of failures, lawsuits, and corruption. A new day is approaching your simpleton approach at trying to equate Mitchell to Rivero, simply will not work.
We all have to live with the tragedy perdick caused unlike the rest of us perdick escaped justice. I bet if he would have done the right thing and accepted responsibility for his actions he would be much better off But perdick is a coward and has ruined a lot of peoples lives because of his reckless behavior. Perdick created his hell and he still has not faced justice for his crimes.
Mitchell is a defendant for his involvement in the murder of Lynn Thorton by his best friend perdick.
946 Who? 9,706 plus voters that voted for change, That's who.
Rodney, It is not to late to make a run for it. A life on the run is better than a life in prison.
Was the record bee a news report or an ad taken out by the rivero campaign? Post it here.
Have you seen Rodney daily he makes his run to the border then to McDonalds then kfc and finally the motel 6.
So that's what's been happening to LCN. Thanks for explaining it Sandy. In hindsight I don't recall that site ever going offline before the election cycle. I hope the authorities have the logs since if that is true it is a major deal.
Thanks to the Blog for printing my letter that the other newspapers rejected. And I wrote it before the Sept. 4 ad came out... I have one other comment regarding the boat incident, then I really gotta get to the Bluegrass Festival with my guests. I for one never said it was murder. However, Perdock drove that boat with reckless abandon and total disregard for the potential to harm others (including the teenager on his boat). Therefore, it was manslaughter in my opinion. There certainly is no way he was a victim. And because of Hopkins and Mitchell, the statute of limitations has expired and he probably will get away with it. Think about that the next time you go boating in the dark in Lake County. Sandy Bayles
The record bee wouldn't post that opinion piece because it's filled with errors and or deliberate lies. No wonder there wasn't a conviction in this case with a jury containing even one person like Sandy. She clearly has difficulty separating rumor from fact.
The piece in the Record Bee is the campaign Ad placed by the Rivero Campaign, not an article, so can't be seen on the Internet.
Ha ha ha ha ha 1008 is talking about errors and lies. Oh my maybe they made a mistake and were talking about the Mitchell hate ad. Or ignorance is bliss!
What the fact perdick was boozing at Konocti or nine people testified the sailboat lights were on. Or that perdicks initials were all over the RiMS report. If I were one of the defendants or potential defendants I would call the Law office of Lawrence Masson on Monday morning and offer my testimony. The ugly truth will come out on this one and it will ruin each and every defendant.
Rod was overheard at the Fair saying," I derailed Tom Carter's Train all by myself. It just pulled into it's last depot."

I think you missed the" boat" Rod, the Train has two more stops to make. One is in November, which I'm sure you'll miss, the other is in January, which I'm sure you'll be on. We have a special seat for you in the caboose.
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