Tuesday, April 13, 2010


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Way to go Tom, the Lovelace group has picked the right people to be on their team, and it shows this group has done more to cause change in this county then anyone or anything I have seen, and I have been here a long long time.

I think you GOB's have bitten off more then you can chew.
Your a good man Tom, the citizens appreciate it alot.
No tell me they didn't screw with Carter, not to smart boys, he knows everyone in this county and Rivero just got himself a few thousand votes!!! Great!!
We re-posted Tom Carters important message on the page break.
Houston we have a confirm Garzoli is gone!!!!!

By the way thanks Tom!!
Wait till he starts naming names, then your all up the creek. LOL Oh and he will, timing is everything with Tom, he bides his time, but when he hits he hits hard....
To begin with, let me state that my name is Tom Carter. As many of you know I was arrested for medical marijuana by the Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA). I am not allowed to discuss this case, but when it is over, win or lose, I will have my say.

However, there is another story I can tell. There is not enough space for all the details but it started several years ago when I was falsely accused of being a deadbeat dad. Before I could bring my evidence to court I was arrested by the sheriff’s department. I had $2,000 stolen out of my briefcase by one and possibly a second deputy. I will withhold their names for now. Neither one is employed as a deputy any longer due to suspicious circumstances.

After I posted an excessive $50,000 bail with Rob Brown, I went to Rodney Mitchell’s office. I was told that Rodney was in, but wanted to know what my inquiry was about. I told the receptionist that one of his deputies had stolen money from me and that I wanted to make a report and get my money back. The receptionist came back and said Rodney was busy, however he would send someone out to talk to me.

A few minutes later Dave Garzoli came out and talked to me. He listened to my story and when I asked to fill out a complaint he said, “Let me talk to Rodney and we will get back to you.” I gave him my phone numbers. I received no phone calls from the sheriff’s department. Inquiries were made by my attorney, who was told that I had no money in my briefcase.

My complaint was not made anonymously; it was made in person, to their faces. I got no response. I moved on.

A few years passed and another deputy sheriff began to tell people things about me that weren’t true, I will withhold his name for now also. It had to do with medical marijuana. He was on the task force. He started telling people not to do business with me because I was going to be busted soon.

I went to see the district attorney, Jon Hopkins. I told him I was reluctant to come to him because of the stolen money incident. I told him I knew of other stories of the same deputy stealing money from someone else and being fired over it. Hopkins replied, “He worked for me in Family Law, but he wasn’t fired, he resigned.” I said, “I don’t care what you call it, he got caught and he’s gone.” I then told him about my relationship with the task force deputy. I told him the things he was saying about me. I thought since he was new to Lake County maybe he was unaware of some of the corruption that existed in the sheriff’s department. I told him of some of the illegal activities of the deputy who was talking about me. I told him about another deputy who is currently on trial for charges brought against him.
(to be continued)
# posted by Anonymous Tom Carter : May 18, 2010 3:45 PM
I said, “And you think your task force is tight? You have so many leaks in your task force that people get phone calls from the airport telling them where the helicopters are going before they even take off. When my name was mentioned in a task force meeting, I heard about it. All of this came from the mouth of Dave Garzoli.”

I told Jon Hopkins that I grew medical marijuana, and I invited him along with Rodney Mitchell to come to my house to look at my marijuana plants. I told him that I had the legal paperwork required by law. He told me that they didn’t have time to come and do that. As long as I had my paperwork they didn’t care. I told him he didn’t have to come to my house; he could Google my address and see my plants next to my house. He could count my plants from space. I said we need to quit spending all this money on helicopters and hire some computer geek and count people’s plants on Google to see if they were breaking the law.

He said he would talk to the head of the task force and find out what was going on. He would get back to me. He sent me two messages that he was working on it and would let me know soon.

Two months later the task force deputy was removed from the task force and asked to resign or be fired. He resigned. I assumed it was over.

Two years later I was arrested for growing medical marijuana and as I stated earlier, many more details can be said later.

One Lake County supervisor knows part of my story. Two others were personally told, by me, the entire story. Denise Rushing told Anita Grant my story. She said Anita suggested I come forward and make a complaint. I would like to know who else there is to make a complaint to.

I spoke with a member of the grand jury, but was told they won’t talk with someone under indictment.

The Attorney General won’t investigate Lake County. The Department of Justice won’t investigate Lake County. The DEA closes its case on the scandalous helicopter incident it is involved in. Who is left to investigate Lake County?

I contacted Elizabeth Larson from Lake County News. She came to my house and we spoke for over three hours. She was going to investigate my story, help me with some information that she had in her possession, and get back to me. She didn’t call me back.

I spoke with her on other occasions but received no help from her. Now my name is slurred on her website, the Sailing Anarchy website, and the Sheriff Mitchell shadowy blog, by her and her husband, John Jensen.

After hearing part of my story, does anyone wonder why I would support the only candidate attempting to clean up the corruption in this county? Francisco Rivero is the only candidate who has the courage to take on the corrupt element in the sheriff’s department.

This is not about him however, it’s about me. There comes a time in a man’s life when, even at great risk, he stands up for what he believes in. I want to affect a change in this County where I live and your children and my children live.

I know there are good cops and deputy district attorneys working here, and I commend them. I believe that with new leadership the good will become better and that some of the bad can even become good. I look forward to that moment, when others will join me, even if it means risking all that they have, to make Lake County the best it can be.

I have proven to myself and my community many times in the past and I will do so as an example to my children, my friends, and even to my foes.

I’m still here, I’m still fighting, and like Bismarck Dinius, I too will have my day in court.
# posted by Anonymous Tom Carter : May 18, 2010 3:45 PM
I have proven to myself and my community many times in the past and I will do so as an example to my children, my friends, and even to my foes.

Yes you have Tom, now John that is a man talking, Rob Brown you hear that you are both two bit chumps.
LCN does a fake befriending of Carter, and then does this to him. LCN, you made a bad error, can't wait till Tom starts putting out a few of those names and really takes them down.

Tom is a good man, a good family man, and a solid member of the community, Upper Lake would be nothing without him...Way to go Tom.
people you need to be very afraid of the corrupt politicians in Lake County . I am a witness to the murder of Lynn Thorton by Russell Perdock . The lies and cover up is disgusting . Read john Flynn's interview of perdick .
Thanks Tom, thanks Lovelace group, Good bye GOB

From a 30 year resident
When you think of your father on fathers day, Think of your uncle, brother, brother in law,cousin, best friend, neighbor, and or your self. Then substitute your name and or theirs with Bismarck Dinius. Think about it for a minute. Then Try to imagine what Lyn, Lyn's family and Dinius and his family was put through. When you cast your votes for Sheriff and D.A. Remember that neither Lyn, Lyn's family, or Bismarck thought it could happen to them. Rivero was the first one to step up and say that it will not happen again when he is elected. A vote for Hopkins and or Mitchell is a vote for the same. Under Mitchell and Hopkin's The question isn't "if" it will happen again, the question is when.
This is day 131 of Mitchell's failure to resolve his politically motivated I.A. against Francisco Rivero.

So Rivero is superman and he's gonna stop accidents from happening? Or is he magical mortician gonna bring Lynn back to life? How ghouly!
I thought he was just going to stop the fly overs so Tom could get away with growing as much weed as he wants.
It was no accident that the wrong man was charged Pat and you know it.
7:36 How's that bitter pill taste?
Well JJ, Hopkins admitted he was under investigation after all. Does that mean he lied to you and Ron Green? Maybe that story had legs after all. Better run with it John, get them legs movin!
It might be bitter but it is better than the fact your not coming back.
How can Jon Hopkins be the one to investigate Garzoli after what has been said here today? The Fox gaurds the chickens again.
Hopkins doesn't know how to investigate when it comes to protecting one of their own. The only way to get justice is to break up the team of Mitchell & Hopkins.
John Jensen said they notified the Sheriff about the threats to his wife. Produce a copy of the sheriff's report John. More s**t talk hey John. The LL group is not violent, but it sounds like you are.
"Citizens of Lake County, we have just received information from a source within the SO that Frank Rivero has been cleared of all charges and claims against him in the Rully IA.

All interviews have been completed, including John Rully and Deputy Bill Djernes as well any and all others associated with this fabricated trumped up attempt by Mitchell. Again the IA is closed Rivero is officially cleared of all charges and claims in the Rully IA.

All citizens call sheriff Mitchell at this number; 262-4200 and ask him directly. Mitchell is attempting to hold this information until the election is over with.

Message to the LCN and the Record Bee you need to report on this asap, you have access to the confirmed information we would expect to see articles in your papers ASAP. This is rock solid and their is no question about it.

To the citizens of Lake County it is now time for you to stand up and demand accountability, make those phone calls, and send e-mails to the Record Bee and The LCN. If the response is they don't know that this is true, tell them the answer is only a phone call away. This IA was reported on in full disclosure in their papers when the claim was made, and now it is time to report on it in full disclosure that it is closed and Frank Rivero has been cleared in total.

This is the Lovelace group
# posted by Oliver Wendell Douglas : May 16, 2010 5:59 PM"

I thought R4S was your inside source with the SO, so why's he still counting? One of you is not telling the truth.
The Record Bee is reporting that Lynn Thornton's son endorses Rivero. Read the article, it is very good. http://www.record-bee.com/ci_15112735
Because Mitchell refuses to go public with it.

May 18, 2010 7:36 PM
So which one is just an accident? Perdock, Morshed, Garzoli, Harvey, Brown or signing the DEA grant without reading it. Or are you saying ALL were accidents?

Pat you better step it up a bit maybee even bring Wow back . How is Napa Treating you and what do they think of your plans of coming back to Lcso ?
I didn't think Mitchell can go public with it. Wouldn't it be up to Rivero to release the findings.
Or better yet have Dan Noyes report on it.
Good posts Rivero for sheriff, Th e IA is done,the investigation is done, so why still hold on to it, and why with that information is it not investigated by good journalist, go ask the question of Mitchell.do what you should do as a media paper. We talked about the State Bar and Hopkins two weeks ago, and now it just gets printed, after we asked for it over and over.

The counting post 800 is because Mitchell has to step up and announce it.
So if Rivero knows and he told you guys then he will likely go to Noyes. Just my prediction.
Great post John Thorton, sincere, although we cannot know the grief, we can do our part by remedy to your family through justice. That was a wonderful post, and you are to be commended for writing it. Thank you
lol 842, you are dumber then a lightbulb and totally transparent.
In reality LCN has helped get the word out about this site. Now more than ever people are coming on and reading. If you are new to this site, please take the time and skim through older posts and you will read some very interesting stories. Hey thanks LCN, JJ & EL, way to get this site out there to even more people! That which you tried to prevent, assured it's fruition! ROFLMBO!
I never said Rivero or even Ringen told me. In fact that did not.

Hi Pat.
opps..7 with pat!
To confusing guys re-post with something we can follow.
Post 608 Tom great post man. Anyone hasn't read it do so, Thanks
Post 848 we do want to thank the LCN for their kind assistance in furthering our exposure to the citizens, The past two days have some of our biggest numbers ever.
Hey Boys and Girls... I know of someone who has a picture of Pat passed out in the dirt after one too many, and falling off the waggon at a Wedding. Maybe I should get that and post it... PRICELESS...Mitchell's Campaign Boy. one class act!
As far as John Boy Jensen is concerned, we just got conformation that he has had many run in's with the LCSO for Drunk & Disordly Conduct.. Imagine that..Would be interesting to do some research and see if he ever committed domestic violence on Liz? Someone get the guy a Gift Certificate to the Betty Ford Clinic! Quick!!
Gee, XX and myself were busy in every town in this County, and the feedback from the public is amazing! We ran into one 85 year old woman who would like to see Public Hangings re-instated.. And guess who she wants to be the first one to try it out on....None other than Ol Rod. I don't think the Good Ol Boys have a clue as to the discontent among the Citizens in Lake County. But they will get the message loud and clear after the Ballots are counted. And EVERYONE we talked to who has already sent in their absentee ballots, have voted for Frank. Then I get home to catch up on the Blog.. Way to Go Tom! Hope to see everyone at the Lunch Time Debate tomarrow. We are bringing 2 Special Guests with us.
Its been a great day! Keep up the Good Work
Goth Girl
post May 18, 2010 9:47 PM ... I say post the pic! I double dare ya!! ; )
John Thorton, just want to say thanks for the support, I'm sure it was a difficult letter to write. Maybe we'll meet after the election.

Hey Tom Carter, appreciate hearing your side of the story, or at least the part you can tell us. Thanks.
I triple dog dare ya!! Please
9:47PM Wow, now you really pist off Pat=Wow Pictures tell the truth. Anyone see him driving the Napa cruiser lately?
Well, I might just make all of your days brighter with that Priceless Pic of Pat....I'll see what I can do for you guys tomarrow, as you know how much I love to see the GOB's Squirm. So, while I round up the Picture... The rest of you need to come up with your suggestions for the "Priceless" Captation we will put on it.
Sweet Dreams
This is why I love you Lovelace....you are honest and true and most of all, I call you my "friends"! Regardless of the outcome of the election, I will always be your friend! Tom, I admire you as I do Robin as a True friend! Be safe my friends.....thank you for protecting me and my family...always...HSF!
*****Hey Boys and Girls... I know of someone who has a picture of Pat passed out in the dirt after one too many, and falling off the waggon at a Wedding. Maybe I should get that and post it... PRICELESS...Mitchell's Campaign Boy. one class act!******

Is this the same picture where his bud's stuck a tampon in his mouth then shot the photo? Oh yeah then when Mitchell heard about it he had the audacity to demand all copies of the picture from his employees who were at the party... uh no, he couldn't get personal photos, taken on personal time, with personal cameras..... boo hoo for you Mitchell and Pat, yes that photo is still out there. What else is there to say but HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
Don't forget the Debate May 22, 2010 from 4:00-6:00 P.M. on 88.1 FM.
RIVERO, Baxter, mitchell
Notice neither paper bother to put this in because this
way they LIMIT the amount of people who know about it.

Media Blackout by RB and LCN
618 ??? There's no debate on Sat May 22?
Well hell, while your showing off the pics, why not post the Facebook pages as well. Oh, just another LE officer bragging about losing his high while driving down a windy road at night. Yep, for the world to see until Carl Miller was ordered to take it off and make his page private lol. Oh but wait, how many friends do you think you have? Hmmm, which one is truly not a friend!
While we're at it, let's post arrest records, names, addresses, family members and phone numbers for the LL folks! hahah Think I will start.
1007 What do you mean "WE"? You got a turd in your pocket?
1022 What ever you do, DON"T pull your gun, You will get in trouble THIS time.
Thats why cops have the highest rate of alcoholism and divorce . If he is bragging about drunk driving on facebook he is dumber than dirt .
10:22 where's the cruiser .
Hey Lovelace. It's getting bad again. Lots of name calling. Stupid comments that have nothing to do with the goal of this blog. I was starting to get interested again...until this crap. If these idiots keep this up, people like myself who come here to get information and updates on what's happening, will give up the blog. I know it is difficult to keep track of all the nonsense, but please just edit out the stuff that does not add information that this blog is about. That is..get Mitchell out, and Rivero in!
Where is the debate today in Middletown? Ive heard the luncheon club. But, in what building?
Too late it started at 10:30
At your age you still can't tell time Pat?
Sorry. Wrong. called the Record Bee. The debate starts at 12noon at the Methodist Church in Middletown.
Thats why cops have the highest rate of alcoholism and divorce . If he is bragging about drunk driving on facebook he is dumber than dirt .
# posted by Anonymous : May 19, 2010 10:26 AM
have you ever seen a dead body covered with maggots,or woke up a family to tell them their underage driver was just killed in a head on or gone to a domestic violence call only to have the wife defend the guy who just kicked the crap out of her? or even did a well fair check on a person relative only to find multiple dogs running loose in the home with the deceased laying on the floor amist fecal matter....get the picture what is your limit that keeps you from getting off duty and kicking back to try and rinse off the days demands............not every day is just like that, but I think you get the picture. The Cop has chosen to protect and serve and not all parts of the job are what he signed on for,the burn out rate is high some areas....I respect cops and that is why, they are not super human but they are human with feelings
or that a chief deputy was drinking at a bar and got in his speed boat and left at an fatal speed on a pitch black night and murdered a lady and that murder was covered by the department . the the chief deputy tells so many lies that even he can not keep them straight .
Pat you must be home again? What's going on, I haven't seen your cruiser in a while. My thoughts about the picture. The 1st picture is called: Mitchel's trouppers, 2nd, L.C. finest in action. 3rd, weapon training at S.F.Bar, 4th, Mitchell's evidence team.
He must be on the way to the debate . hopefully he has calmed down , boy does he have temper .
11:26, Cops are suppose to be held to a higher standard. I don't care about their private lives. I have no problem with kickin back with a few beers and rinsing the days thoughts away. Except: I resent that if I have a few drinks, I am targeted as a drunk. If I drive with a few under my belt, its a DUI. If I drink and act the fool, I get a drunk in public. When cops drink, they are just "rinsing the days thoughts away". If they drive with a few beers in them, they get a pass, no DUI for them. If they get drunk and act the fool, someone just takes them home. If the job of being a cop is so bad, get a different job. Don't take your hangover or bad temper out on the public that you swore to "protect and serve".
obiviously if the officer was passed out..........then he was not driving so that is a mute point,from what you say you sound like you are not smart enough if you are drinking dont be driving and you appear to think that if a person gets a ticket it because the cop is just recouping from a hang over and you are getting the results...........come on get real, and yes cops do change career after meeting their retirement requirement and either drop to 900 hours or get into a new line of work I know of five that comes to mind right now.
142 is that you beetredrob? Must be?
So beetredrob are you getting a permit to grow your own?
Rob don't need no stinkin permit. He has Mitchell,Hopkins and the Grand jury to cover for him if he gets caught.
This is the Lovelace group, lot's of great news today from the debate, first we had to clean up the corruption supporters diatribes of caps, and profanity, as usual, guys really when you use caps we can't hear you yell, I swear it is true, no watch this HEY, see it did not get any louder. No caps or your post comes down, no profanity corruption boys or your posts go down. This is not brain surgery guys we know you can do it.

Post 1054, ya we got your back, just did a sweep through of the corruption crap and threw out the trash, all is well again, corruption supporters, come on you can get this we know you can. Post content and have some intelligence to what you are posting, don't use the caps and no profanity.

*Note: Lovelace reserves to the right to accept or reject caps or profanity, if the purpose served furthers the cause of bringing down Mitchell and Hopkins, oh corruption supporters that is because we run the site not you. We tell you what you can and can't do, get it now?

We will be putting up an important post on the end of the debates, and others will add to it after their arrival from the debates. Yes the Lovelace group has communication links to the debates where some of us are and others are on the system. So stand by for that.

If you read the GJ report, Rob invited the GJ to his property for a sight seeing tour. The GJ accepted Mitchell's investigation and did not do one of their own. Without Hopkins Permission they couldn't do anything because Hopkins has reduced them to a "CIVIL" Grand Jury. There more than a couple of changes that are needed in Lake county.
Alright here we go ladies and gentleman it was a big day at the debate, let's give ya some of the highlights and they did not happen at the debate, the debate was fairly calm, with the exception of a few stupid statements my Mitchell, so let's start with those shall we.
Rodney explained that the one of the reason the crime rates can go up and why they went up so high in 2008 and continue to is, because even 2 14 year old kids fighting in school can cause the rate to go up. Yup there you have it, according to Rodney the reason the crime rates went up is because of 14 year old kids fighting in school, and you want this guy to be your sheriff!!!

Next we have the real picture of why Rodney did not sign the ethics statement both he and Hopkins were given to sign, which they have now signed, Rodney explained it was because back then the statement said they would not be allowed to lobby for supervisors and they wanted to be able to, and oh now they are not concerned about it. Well well here is the real reason, back when the last election was held with Farrington running and guess who was running against him, it was Cecil Brown Senior, and Mitchell wanted him to beat Farrington, Mitchell did not sign it because he wanted to oust Farrington by helping Cecil Brown senior!!!! Hopkins as well knew this and did not sign!!! Well well that cat is out of the bag now.

More posts to come stand by.
Alright here is the big news, Today Frank Rivero served Mitchell deposition papers signed by John Rully stating there was no incident, Rivero is clear, and Rivero caught Mitchell in the parking lot, and served him the papers, he got up and in Mitchells face Mitchell was trying not to take the papers, but he had to, and there were a number of witness's from the Lovelace group who were watching and and Frank said these citizens are witnessing this being served to you.!!!!!!! Wow another nail in the Mitchell coffin!!!!

Now what we have been demanding will be in the Media as they will not have a choice, and if LCN continues to remain silent, it will spell their demise. We would suspect it will be run by the Record Bee. This is big and an amazing turn of events.

Next Garzoli is gone we have reported on this over and over the local Media has yet to post it, but they and Mitchell cannot hold out for ever. Time to slam the door on this one as well.

Big day and a great day at the debates today!!!!!

To our two great friends one of which confronted Mitchell today point blank just prior to Rivero serving him, you know who you are and we are proud of you for coming out and taking Mitchell to task!!! We all were watching. We can tell your fear is gone now and both of you are coming on strong, great job!

More to come!!!
None of the siicone 7 nor there sidekicks were there today, guess they got to much heat for their walkout the last time that cost Mitchell alot of votes. Oh we know they are all on day shift working ya sure and the reason their wives couldn't go to it???? Oh ya that's right they can't do anything without having the hubbys in tow with them.

We hear the fat lady warming up her voice and it isn't one of the silicone 7 either!!!

You know the song they sing when a team is losing on the teams home court...
na na na na ....na na na na... hey hey hey goodbye...let's all sing it now
na na na na....na na na na...hey hey hey goodbye.....

Sounds great doesn't it!!!!
Let me see if I have all this right in the last few days:
Mitchell gets served papers today by Frank Rivero and puts another nail in his coffin
LCN makes complete fools of themselves with an opinion piece that destroys their credibility and places them firmly in the Mitchell camp.
John Jensen goes off the deep end what appears to be signs of paranoia/schizophrenia.

Lovelace writes a response piece that crushes the LCN opinion piece and points out a set of lies and mis-representations by LCN that takes them out of the league of an actual newspaper.

Tom Carter presents a report of corruption and activities that includes Hopkins, Mitchell Garzoli, supervisors and others, and hasn't even named all the involved parties yet.

The Lovelace group, has the first information on the end of the Rully IA
The serving of Mitchell
The truth behind Mitchell and Hopkins not signing the ethics statement
The Lovelace group has news and facts posted and online consistently far before any other outlet is reporting it.

well well well, yup I would say the Lovelace group has arrived and the citizens have been awakened.

Jezzz did I leave anything out??? Feel free to post more.

By the way from what I can tell the Group members of the Lovelace group number 30 to 40 people and that's just those directly involved, not the citizens as a whole, but the founding members and those that have come into the group since then. Great job guys. Oh and I read where a newspaper is in the works...Great Job, I love it!!!
Noticed today that someone slashed through at least one of the huge illegal Mitchell campaign signs on 175 today.
Heads up everyone we wanted to test a few ideas concerning Jensen, first of all even if this is a bit techy, Jensen is a linux guy, which for some who may not know is a different operating system, different then windows or apple, and what a lot of hacker type folks dig. Our tech people are quite familiar with it. Now for the other news, LCN is blocking and tracking IP's. We decided to run a test as when we were sending our response to LCN using e-mails we have used before we got an immediate rejection of the messages as undeliverable. Then we changed our IP and bingo the message goes through. So keep it in mind, they are tracking IP's across the board and from all different input points article comments as well as e-mail messages.
I removed their tracking cookies along with 13 from and related to record bee. A good anti virus program will find them.
So I take it this is why Franks Email was supposed to have never been rec's? They blocked his IP address? Ok if they have not rec'd it yet, why not have everyone who would like them to receive it send it. Don't think they can block everyone now can they?
Yes post 418 you can delete the cookies, but those are more designed to allow you quicker access to websites you are going to and true it is a tracking mechanism. An IP tracking is built into the receiving system of the papers or organizations system, so even with removing cookies if you hit the site again, not only will you have a new cookie but if your IP is the same their tracking will remain intact. If any of you want to change your IP you can go to several sites that will tell you what your IP is, then if you unplug your modem for 5 to 10 minutes and restart it you will have a new IP, this works for 95% of the internet access systems most of us use. So just a general heads up for everyone.
4:06 Post those rejection messages so we can see what they are doing. Did Frank get a rejection message too?
I have voted absentee today I waited 8 years for this and it is my happiest day in a long time. I have voted Rivero and Anderson.
No Frank's e-mail was received, no doubt about it, that is just LCN trying to cover themselves. At this point it is a mote point as with what Frank did today that little hide and seek game is done for. As well at this point could LCN ever report on the elections, they are firmly in Mitchells camp, so it would seem they can do nothing unless they come clean and start posting on the debates, on the Rully IA, on the Garzoli firing all of it. If they have learned their lesson and play by the citizens rules that is the only way they can continue to do any journalistic reporting.
MWNW - Sitting here having a glass of wine and I raise my glass to you!
Here is the rejection message and you can bet Frank did not get one, they got his e-mail I copied this right off the message we sent that was rejected.

This is an automatically generated Delivery Status Notification.

Delivery to the following recipients failed.

Cheers MWNW....Great Job and thanks for the vote!!!!!
So am I to take it that this paper has now become the Lake County Inqury? What a disappointment. And here I thought all this time that the reporter was neutral and fair in her reports. Guess this has put the Outlook one step higher eh!
Post 11:26AM I really feel sorry for you and your $95,000. a year income where everbody else earns $25,000. to $35,000. max. Of course the extra money you can buy a lot of booze. You are playing 95% God and 5% cop. If you can't handle that 5% than it's time to look for another job. San Francisco sewage treatment plant has plenty of openings for guys like you.
Medicom is a static and no matter how long you leave your modem unpluged it will not change your IP address. FYI
This is true post 4:46 - Yet there is a way around it. Switch your computer to wireless mode and see if you can pick up from someone around the neighborhood. I did and it works!
All true and helpful. My browser is set not to accept cookies without my permission. there are a couple of sites that require cookies to access them and it is then up to me if I go there. If you have a static IP the router trick doesn't work. In that case there are proxy IP programs that will do it for you.
If it is static you are correct. But there are other methods of doing it if it is static you can check those out on the net. I would not use Media-com myself, we use other ones such as AT&T, and they have some great deals including internet access no phone for 40 bucks a month or so.
Lake County Grand Jury and Mitchell as a foreman for the past 8 years is only good for cemetary and water companies complaints. Any other complaints would be rejected by Mitchel the dictator and shredded by Judge Herrick. Just read The Grand Jury Final Report Lake County Deputy Sheriff and jail alledged Misconduct Complaint it will read over and over Findings none, Recommendations none. No action taken. So folks, you have wasted your time the past 8 years, vote for change, Rivero and Anderson.
Exactly 449 you are right, I like the wireless idea, and in fact if one can get a non-locked wireless feed from someone in the area that is consistent, then cool. You take away a little of the neighbors bandwidth, but no one would notice I don't think...;-}
The Lovelace group is testing this years Grand Jury, when we see the results we will let everyone know. Our confidence is not to high right now.
4:44 I get those from that email from time to time too. They usually also say that the mailbox is full so I call Liz and tell her to empty out the mailbox then I don't get them anymore.
I asked medicom (a friend there in the know) about my privacy concerns e.g. IP address and tracking etc. He assured me it would almost take an "act of God" for anyone to find out who I am from them, via my IP address. Was he right?
I have mine secured but I get a message when anyone tries to access it.
4:57 Maybe not an act of God but a lawsuit naming John/Jane Doe's 1-### will result in a subpoena that compels cable companies to release IP information. Even the cable companies have to comply with the court system.
Mitchell was so smoked today, when he was talking to the citizen who tracked him down, and Frank came up, Mitchell tried to avoid taking the papers, and said are we going to do this in front of her, and Frank said ya I want her to be the witness that you got the papers!!!! The look on Mitchells face was priceless. Then several other citizens came up and they were witness's as well. Beautiful, just Beautiful...

We can't help it....na na na na... na na na na...hey hey hey...Goodbye
Unless your into kiddy porn or threaten the president, stuff like that I don't think you have to worry.
It is very hard to get and track the IP's by court order, well case in point Google told China to f-off..That should tell you something. To get an actual court order to do so, is an expensive and difficult proposition through the courts. But the point for us isn't that, it is simply the information if LCN or someone else is doing it you want to know about it. For example we set up our account specifically with the idea in mind that we do not want to get IP's and we cannot through this blog site or through Google and that's the way we like it, so everyone can post freely and without concern. Geee what a concept, freedom of speech with out concerning big brother is watching.
To get that information from your server you have to BE somebody, Not just THINK you are somebody.
Exactly 502
Sorry lost the train of thought there 507, doesn't make any connective sense to the thread.
Toast to a great day-
3:13 I don't get it. I thought Frank had already been cleared? What is the point of the papers if he'd already been cleared? Is he double dog cleared now?
Indeed 510, In fact this has been a great last 3 days!!! Cheers.
I live in an appartment complex. I leave my wireless open on purpose so if anything ever comes down, prove it was it was me! LOL
511 you don't get the idea is all, it must be announced by Mitchell out loud and to the public, he did it when he launched it he has to do it now. This is the force of the citizens and the information has to come out of Mitchells mouth he now is compelled to do so, and he will have to answer correctly when asked.
The way LCN gets your information is you give it to them when you register and or subscribe to their online news. Hardly any one reads the terms and conditions. Read them sometime. It's a good read. Like FOX says I give you the news, You decide.
5:13 Mitchell announced it? I thought Frank announced it at the old courthouse that day? When did Mitchell announce it was that before or after Frank went public?
There’s an example on LCN of the dishonesty that typifies the Mitchell camp. Kevin Burke, the Lakeport Chief of Police and Mitchell supporter/endorser/co-conspirator wrote a letter to the editor in which he carefully steered around the truth about why the Narcotics Task Force was disbanded. He failed to mention that an officer directly under his command was caught writing fake receipts for money that was supposedly paid to informants. He failed to mention that the BNE pulled funding for the task force because Rodney Mitchell failed to appoint a sergeant to the task force as per their requirement.

Kevin Burke could have simply identified himself as the Lakeport Chief of Police but he further claimed to be the President of the Lake County Police Chiefs Association. Since there are, in fact, only two cities in Lake County with Police Chiefs, that association could have, at most, two members. It’s a blatant falsehood intended to establish false credibility. Police Chiefs Associations are typically state-wide organizations (i.e. Florida has a Police Chiefs Association). In fact, no “Lake County Police Chiefs Association” exists (go ahead and Google it). If anyone wishes to dispute that this is anything more than a bold-face lie, I welcome you to post here a link to any site that indicates that such an association exists and existed before he submitted that letter last night.
5:16 is that you hoppy . not a clue on how the law works but you should be getting served soon .
508 I was directing that to JJ sorry, You give LCN all your information when you register and or subscribe to their online news. People seldom read the terms and conditions. It's a good read. Like FOX I give you the news, You decide. To unsubscribe or not? Decisions, Decisions.
516 Mitchell announced it when it hit our blog, before Franks, get a clue man. Mitchell had to have it done that way. How do you think it was posted since only the investigating officer and Mitchell has knowledge of it. You got to think and remember the chain of events. alright try again!! No better yet don't.
No problem 529 we just got lost on it.
Let me see if I have all this right in the last few days:
Mitchell gets served papers today by Frank Rivero and puts another nail in his coffin
LCN makes complete fools of themselves with an opinion piece that destroys their credibility and places them firmly in the Mitchell camp.
John Jensen goes off the deep end what appears to be signs of paranoia/schizophrenia.

Lovelace writes a response piece that crushes the LCN opinion piece and points out a set of lies and mis-representations by LCN that takes them out of the league of an actual newspaper.

Tom Carter presents a report of corruption and activities that includes Hopkins, Mitchell Garzoli, supervisors and others, and hasn't even named all the involved parties yet.

The Lovelace group, has the first information on the end of the Rully IA
Reposted this one for everyone good overview

The serving of Mitchell
The truth behind Mitchell and Hopkins not signing the ethics statement
The Lovelace group has news and facts posted and online consistently far before any other outlet is reporting it.

well well well, yup I would say the Lovelace group has arrived and the citizens have been awakened.

Jezzz did I leave anything out??? Feel free to post more.
This all the terms and conditions they have? Are there others? Have they been doing a lot of post removal on the editorial?

It is advisable to write your post down on a text editor prior to posting. If you take too long to post while writing you may be required to re-logon. The comments section is not to be used for stating falsehoods, personal attacks or axe grinding. LCN reserves the right to fact check and remove posts without notice. Posts we deem inappropriate will be removed at our discretion. Posting under your own name is advised.
That's interesting he doesn't saying anything about collecting your IP's nor does it say we won't allow certain organizations to post, nor does it say, we will block out certain IP's we don't like. etc etc etc. Jezzzzzzz if we had that on our site we would not get any posts..LOL
What is "Axe grinding" oh ya Opinions, of course why would you want that posted.
To log on you need a password? What was that about giving them your E mail address? Isn't your IP part of your e mail address?
11:26 am "...they are not super human but they are human with feelings"

ohhh no no no noooo. They don't all have feelings. Narcissists don't have feelings. Just pity on the poor, poor convicts going back to prison/jail. No feelings for the victims as they claim to have. Ohhh no no no no!!
Personally, I don't care if LCN has my IP or email. They can't get past everything. bwaa ha ha haha!!!
Post 648 yes you need to sign on with LCN before you can post, or sign up if you will. Name rank serial number the usual. The e-mail aspect of it was if you do send them an e-mail they will capture your IP address. Your IP is not a part of your e-mail address, you IP stands for Internet Protocol which is the tracking address of the link you have to the internet via your modem and provider. Hope that helps.
Oh Rob now we don't want you getting hooked on this shadowy blog site. Now you chill out for a bit, and let's just relax, we know which posts are yours Rob, tsk, tsk, tsk, does Anita know you are out playing? She already called you on the carpet once, based on information submitted by the Lovelace group, we don't want to see mom do it again to you, now you be a big boy, get up to your room and do your homework, your assignment is, to write an essay paper on "How to not make a fool of myself in public"..We also want you to write 100 times on the court house black board. "I won't support Mitchell so openly cause it hurts my credibility and that of my other supervisors." Now up to your room!!
OWD... putz personified. LTGOB
Post 502 about kiddie porn. Is it true that the report of child porn in the ranks of the Mitchell regime could get you killed?
I mean Mitchell has no remorse for covering for the death of Lynn Thornton and spitting in the face of her son and family and friends.
Heaven help anyone who exposed child porn in the ranks.
With Wiley and his child porn the LC courts barely took notice. Makes you wonder just how valuable our children are and what would happen to anyone "crazy" enough to report it and then go up against Mitchell. No wonder MIA was MIA.
721 I don't know. All I know is Garzoli got tired of looking at it and nothing happened to him.
Goth Girl....do you happen to have red hair or work at Sutter? I am just trying to see if we used to work together...
Well post 709 for the sake of humor which is important and to showcase your child like compositions we will leave your post up.
721 All I know is Garzoli got tired of looking at kiddy porn and nothing happened to him.
any relatioship ? http://www.kcra.com/news/23178079/detail.html
here's an interesting site http://www.judicialwatch.org/
Mary Grace Mcmahon has been writing responses to John Thorton's letter any relationship to Pat ?
7:09, Dave your not a LT anymore. In fact you don't even have a job anymore.
6:46 So nice to see you there. Is it true that Mitchell told you to get an out of town lawyer that the Judges from Lake County would not know? Wow even Rodney doesn't have any faith in our Judges.
What a command staff Mitchell made. Lets look at his good present and past picks for managers.

A lieutenant who is drunk who pulled a load gun on another deputy.

A lieutenant who never supervised a deputy as a sergeant. Then made Captain.

A lieutenant who misused federal funds for his own personal gains.

A Deputy Chief CO who couldn't even run the jail and is now in an office supervising 2 persons.

A Deputy Chief who lied to investigators, gave false testimony and accessed reports without permission.

A Sergeant who had sex on duty and took unauthorized reports from the office.

A Deputy kicked out of Detectives for poor performance is promoted to Sergeant.

Yeah this is what I call a fine outstanding management. NOT!!
WOW !! Mary Grace McMahon posting on lcn she even gives rodneys website . Not one not two but three posts . Now that is class .
Mary Grace McMahon is Pat McMahon's wife.
I understand their is a supporters breakfast in the Nice area at The Marina Grill Sunday at 7:00-9 am anyone wishing to attend is welcome no reservations needed, I got the invite in an email today.
WOW I guess they have her campaigning now . Writing replies to John Thortons letter WOW .
Mary Grace McMahon , Russell Perdock murdered Lynn Thorton and Rodney Mitchell ordered the cover up , he committed the following crimes Accessory to murder , Obstruction of justice , perjury . Your Husband is his campaign manager so do you think it is appropriate to offer condolences to John Thorton , I don't shame on you .
under the rico act all involved can be charged with all crimes committed by group and yes by perdicks testimony he was well aware of the danger that his speed was fatal . he has diaria of the mouth .
let us all remember that as chief deputy perdick is held to a higher standard .
There is no way in hell that Pat McMahon will ever wear a Lake County Sheriff Badge again . The citizens will not allow it .
9:30pm hello trusted friend. My conversation with Mitchell was a private one, and I would like to leave it that way. It had nothing to do with the current politics. He did know that I am a Rivero supporter.
To Love lace I have met the grand jury of lake County, its not about the citizen but about the DOBS for the DOBS.All one needs to do is check on the phone misuse of Lewis and their action with that.
beetredrob must not be sleeping. Hey, do you know Dennis Aguilar of Kelseyville? The Wyoming Highway Patrol ran into him. They pulled him over and found 3 pounds of marijuana in his trunk. They say it's worth about $24,000.
738 Hopkins or Mitchell? You protected your man, you helped him evade charges. We have denounced you, we are the citizens from all over who called it what it was. Corruption.
Lovelace should have been GOBS not DOBS.Sometimes the brain will play tricks on me. Sorry to you that labor with my words.
Wow the media black out continues, this is amazing really, imagine what is going to happen to LCN, when Rivero wins, it could go as far as folding up the paper itself. This level of fascism is unbeliveable, to place your paper right in the middle of supporting Mitchell, to write a terrible opinion piece with lies included to disparage Rivero is stunning to say the least. We remember when Marty McCarthy decided to run, and Liz Larson told us on the phone what a good friend Marty was of John's and how Marty was now the frontrunner, and they were supporting him. This is a newspaper folks. Hard to even fathom this level of corruption flowing from the likes of Rob Brown through the sheriffs department and to the local LCN publication is like something we have never seen before.
My understanding of Mary Mcmahon is dumber then a lightbuld, heard her talking a couple of times and got the impression she was not the quickest thinker out there, seems to ramble and loose the train of thought quite easily. Not sure if someone may have written those responses for her or what, but believe me she is a few bricks shy of a full load, seems a great number of Mitchell supporters are that way, maybe this is how Mitchell gets his supporters, find the lowest of the IQ levels and recruit them.
Remember the facts:
Mitchell did not supervise Perdock that lead the the biggest embarrassment for the entire county.

Mitchell does not take internal security measures seriously. Had the RIMS report been locked to only investigators, Perdock could not have accessed it.

Now some people tent to remark that Rivero is riding on the shirttails of the Dinius case, so here is some other examples not part of Dinius:

The famous Garzoligate! Mitchell promoted Garzoli from deputy to leiutenant. Mitchell took no action to stop Garzoli's sexist remarks or bullying (that he self admitted too).

Mitchell took no action and signed the DEA grant without reading it or having a captain review it. Garzoli wrote the grant for his own personal gain. That resulted in a crash.

Although Wright stole LCSO property and tampered with weapons, it could have been stopped. With two sergeants present, they caught Wright in possession of stolen property, a felony, and did nothing.

To finish, we have the famous Rivero investigation. Mitchell received it in January and sits on it until four months later. Now I don't know about you, but if I made a complaint that a cop sexually battered me on duty, I would expect that investigation to start immediately. It as been 133 days since Rully filed her complaint and still nothing yet.

This is why Rivero is the person for Sheriff.
"imagine what is going to happen to LCN, when Rivero wins, it could go as far as folding up the paper itself. This level of fascism is unbeliveable"

Boy it sure sounds like fascism, if LE tries to shut down a media outlet it will be national news.
Letter in response to the LCN opinion piece posted on May 17th

Fm: Bruce Forsythe a member of the Lovelace group

Re: Response to Lake Co. News opinion piece of May 17th 2010

On May 17th 2010 Liz Larsen of Lake Co. News posted an opinion piece in their Internet newspaper. This is our response to that editorial and those opinions expressed by Ms. Larsen. We will let the other individuals in this opinion piece speak for themselves and concentrate our response to those ideas expressed directly towards some of the individuals of the Lovelace group of citizens. We will deal with this overview in a point by point discussion of the alleged facts and opinions of Lake Co. News. But first let’s discuss the deep and detailed relationship between the Lovelace group and Liz Larsen, as much has been left unsaid by Ms. Larsen.

The Lovelace group has had a long and involved relationship with Lake Co. News since the launching of the Sheriff Mitchell Watch citizens Blog site. What Liz has chosen to omit from her opinion piece is this deep and involved connection. The Lovelace group from its inception has had well over 100 direct communications with Liz Larsen since our beginning. We have met with Liz on many occasions in person. We have had a great many phone conversations with Liz Larsen. In those conversations we were working directly with her in information gathering for stories in her paper, and over and over Liz contacted us to gather information for her, and, over and over she provided a great deal of information to us that we had asked for. Much of this information sharing has been posted on the blog site, and much of the information in her articles has come from us. We can produce these phone records, and bring witness’s to bear on these matters. As an example in both the Morshed and Wright incidents we were in constant and direct contact with Liz Larsen, at one point Larsen called our group and asked if we could get her the search warrant numbers and documentation she could not get or indicated she did not have access to. This is just one example of many many coordinated efforts that occurred between LCN and the Lovelace group. It appears that Ms. Larsen has somehow forgotten this deep and involved relationship between our two organizations.

Now let’s briefly address the supposed connection to Mr. Rivero that Liz has tried to create. The citizens who launched this important avenue for information and a “voice for the voiceless” did not even know who Frank Rivero was, our stated purpose and goal as can be seen on our Blog site is the removal of Mitchell and Hopkins from power. We did in the course of the campaigns starting and after a complete review of the candidates endorse Frank Rivero for sheriff. This is each of our rights as citizens, and a freedom that is afforded us by our constitutional rights as citizens. In fact, our efforts have been so focused on removing Mitchell and Hopkins as our goal that many of us have only been to a couple of Rivero events. This attempted connection to Mr. Rivero simply put, does not hold water. Many on our site support Rivero and indeed we have become the conduit for those who are supporting Mr. Rivero. Mr. Rivero has never contacted us, nor given any input as to content or function of our Blog. This is by design and has always been an important aspect of keeping the proper separation between what we do and what the various candidates in this election do. We have been contacted by Mr. Baxter directly as an example when he first entered the race, we had many conversations with him, but the separation was foremost in our actions and this was made clear to him as well. He was getting a lay of the land and needed input as to what that picture was. We were happy to do so and made no attempt to further that connection in the same way we have done so with Mr. Rivero.
Post 2

Now let’s go to some specific points in the opinion piece written by Liz Larsen.

It appears that Liz was unable to make any connections to our citizens group and Mr. Rivero except to say that “Tom Carter and Bruce Forsythe have been seen in close proximity to Mr. Rivero at his campaign functions.” We would have to say that is less then convincing investigative evidence. By the way you will also notice Bruce Forsythe is not on Frank Rivero’s endorsement page, nor any other candidates, this was done to ensure correct political acumen and practices of separation between media and the supporters of a candidate. This appears to have eluded LCN as their support appears to be directly connected to sheriff Mitchell, or at minimum they have come out against Rivero directly, which of course is totally against proper journalistic practices. Liz then proceeds to indicate that Bruce Forsythe was seen discussing documents with Victor Halstrom. I can tell you that brief conversation had nothing to do with Mr. Rivero and I am sure if Mr. Halstrom were asked and he even remembered the brief conversation he would confirm this point blank. So again this is LCN journalism at its worse.

For whatever reason Liz choose to again bring up the DUI of Bruce Forsythe, I have no bone of contention with that statement, I have already come forward clearly and directly on this situation and the great lesson and education I got from that mistake. It is important to note that I am a family man of 34 years of marriage, with two wonderful children, and a spotless record, as I am sure has already been checked out.

Let us clear the air on the phone calls to Kelseyville lumber, there was no issue in my direct on the phone communications with the owner of Kelseyville lumber, in fact I used an unrestricted phone number and had no issues with it being known. When the owner indicated to me he had my number my quote was that is great, now let’s move forward with why I am calling you. Rob Brown did not figure out a thing as reported in Liz’s article my name was already known, and Rob’s grandstanding is little more then his usual egocentric diatribes.

The reported e-mails to the supervisors and other individuals: We have posted on our site nearly every e-mail that has been sent by the Lovelace group, we have no reason to defend those important and detailed communications. We know that the elitist powers in place may not like them but their importance and content is, has been, and will continue to be a method and effective way of communicating the citizens positions in the many issues that face our county. This is America and we might suggest a little thicker skin in these matters would be in order for these public officials
Post 3

Now lets go to Denise Rushing, no we were not evicted from her property, I would find it hard to believe that Denise made that statement to Liz. There was no eviction, we gave notice of our moving, and did so within the timeframes described, leaving the orchard in good order clean and ready for other tenants to occupy the space. If Denise can produce any documentation associated with an eviction we would invite her to do so. Now why did we leave that location, we did so to protect Denise, we did not want her being associated with our activities and felt it was better to free her of that burden as we moved forward with our work at exposing the corruption in our county, we did not feel it would be fair to her to stay there and therefore we gave notice of our moving and executed it flawlessly.

The attacking of the LCN website by the Lovelace group? Pure folly ask John to show an ounce of proof of this allegation we would be happy to see it. We can guarantee you will see no evidence in that regard.

Let’s talk about the advertising on LCN, here is our position on this matter, we do not believe LCN or the Record Bee should accept any monies for advertising in a small county campaign such as this, it lends itself to bias or non-reporting, as the revenues become more important then proper reporting, we expressed this to LCN very clearly. And we maintain that position.

We have no idea what these alleged physical threats were. In fact John Jensen placed a post on our Blog page indicating this. A citizens called him on it, and he wrote back indicating nothing was posted on our site and gave no further proof of this silly accusation. We invite John or Liz to show us the proof of the Lovelace group doing so, we would be happy to see it.

We believe this covers the main aspect‘s of the opinion piece we wanted to address. The remaining ¾’s of Liz’s write up is LCN’s concerns about Mr. Rivero and others who will speak for them selves we are sure. To close we will continue our efforts across the board, this group which now totals nearly 30 actual members and over 60 posts a day on average is continuing to grow and expand. We will continue our focus on documentation and investigation of the corruption in this county, we invite all citizens to join us on the blog and are grateful for all the support being given.
To begin with, let me state that my name is Tom Carter. As many of you know I was arrested for medical marijuana by the Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA). I am not allowed to discuss this case, but when it is over, win or lose, I will have my say.

However, there is another story I can tell. There is not enough space for all the details but it started several years ago when I was falsely accused of being a deadbeat dad. Before I could bring my evidence to court I was arrested by the sheriff’s department. I had $2,000 stolen out of my briefcase by one and possibly a second deputy. I will withhold their names for now. Neither one is employed as a deputy any longer due to suspicious circumstances.

After I posted an excessive $50,000 bail with Rob Brown, I went to Rodney Mitchell’s office. I was told that Rodney was in, but wanted to know what my inquiry was about. I told the receptionist that one of his deputies had stolen money from me and that I wanted to make a report and get my money back. The receptionist came back and said Rodney was busy, however he would send someone out to talk to me.

A few minutes later Dave Garzoli came out and talked to me. He listened to my story and when I asked to fill out a complaint he said, “Let me talk to Rodney and we will get back to you.” I gave him my phone numbers. I received no phone calls from the sheriff’s department. Inquiries were made by my attorney, who was told that I had no money in my briefcase.

My complaint was not made anonymously; it was made in person, to their faces. I got no response. I moved on.

A few years passed and another deputy sheriff began to tell people things about me that weren’t true, I will withhold his name for now also. It had to do with medical marijuana. He was on the task force. He started telling people not to do business with me because I was going to be busted soon.

I went to see the district attorney, Jon Hopkins. I told him I was reluctant to come to him because of the stolen money incident. I told him I knew of other stories of the same deputy stealing money from someone else and being fired over it. Hopkins replied, “He worked for me in Family Law, but he wasn’t fired, he resigned.” I said, “I don’t care what you call it, he got caught and he’s gone.” I then told him about my relationship with the task force deputy. I told him the things he was saying about me. I thought since he was new to Lake County maybe he was unaware of some of the corruption that existed in the sheriff’s department. I told him of some of the illegal activities of the deputy who was talking about me. I told him about another deputy who is currently on trial for charges brought against him.
(to be continued)
# posted by Anonymous Tom Carter : May 18, 2010 3:45 PM
I said, “And you think your task force is tight? You have so many leaks in your task force that people get phone calls from the airport telling them where the helicopters are going before they even take off. When my name was mentioned in a task force meeting, I heard about it. All of this came from the mouth of Dave Garzoli.”

I told Jon Hopkins that I grew medical marijuana, and I invited him along with Rodney Mitchell to come to my house to look at my marijuana plants. I told him that I had the legal paperwork required by law. He told me that they didn’t have time to come and do that. As long as I had my paperwork they didn’t care. I told him he didn’t have to come to my house; he could Google my address and see my plants next to my house. He could count my plants from space. I said we need to quit spending all this money on helicopters and hire some computer geek and count people’s plants on Google to see if they were breaking the law.

He said he would talk to the head of the task force and find out what was going on. He would get back to me. He sent me two messages that he was working on it and would let me know soon.

Two months later the task force deputy was removed from the task force and asked to resign or be fired. He resigned. I assumed it was over.

Two years later I was arrested for growing medical marijuana and as I stated earlier, many more details can be said later.

One Lake County supervisor knows part of my story. Two others were personally told, by me, the entire story. Denise Rushing told Anita Grant my story. She said Anita suggested I come forward and make a complaint. I would like to know who else there is to make a complaint to.

I spoke with a member of the grand jury, but was told they won’t talk with someone under indictment.

The Attorney General won’t investigate Lake County. The Department of Justice won’t investigate Lake County. The DEA closes its case on the scandalous helicopter incident it is involved in. Who is left to investigate Lake County?

I contacted Elizabeth Larson from Lake County News. She came to my house and we spoke for over three hours. She was going to investigate my story, help me with some information that she had in her possession, and get back to me. She didn’t call me back.

I spoke with her on other occasions but received no help from her. Now my name is slurred on her website, the Sailing Anarchy website, and the Sheriff Mitchell shadowy blog, by her and her husband, John Jensen.

After hearing part of my story, does anyone wonder why I would support the only candidate attempting to clean up the corruption in this county? Francisco Rivero is the only candidate who has the courage to take on the corrupt element in the sheriff’s department.

This is not about him however, it’s about me. There comes a time in a man’s life when, even at great risk, he stands up for what he believes in. I want to affect a change in this County where I live and your children and my children live.

I know there are good cops and deputy district attorneys working here, and I commend them. I believe that with new leadership the good will become better and that some of the bad can even become good. I look forward to that moment, when others will join me, even if it means risking all that they have, to make Lake County the best it can be.

I have proven to myself and my community many times in the past and I will do so as an example to my children, my friends, and even to my foes.

I’m still here, I’m still fighting, and like Bismarck Dinius, I too will have my day in court.
# posted by Anonymous Tom Carter : May 18, 2010 3:45 PM
boat us was webers insurance company and their investigator received a witness list from the sheriffs department on that list there are names that the sheriffs department has no record of . Reports that were forwarded to the defense have since been changed all of this has been documented . Rodney Mitchell denies his department did wrong but the evidence clearly says otherwise he will soon be served papers and will get his day in court .
We cannot wait for that headline post 1015, well if any local media will report it!!
In Rodney Mitchell's report to the department of justice he fails to mention their are nine witnesses that saw the lights on the sailboat on the only three witnesses that claim the sailboat lights were off are the three people on perdicks boat . perdick has told so many lies his testomony would convict him of murder . James Walkers insurance company paid 100,000 to Lynn Thortons estate , Mark Weber , and Bismark Dinius . His fouteen year old daughter also testified to seeing the sailboat three seconds before impact which if perdick had been paying attention and not watching his gauges as he testified he would have had plenty of time to change course . he also does not mention the fact that six people testified to the fact that he was drinking at konocti . He does not mention that Lloyd wells wrote two witnesses statements both testified that he fabricated their stories .
Oh, And as Ol Pat likes to comment about Kip, Morshed, & Renee being former "low class" LCSO Employee's over on the LCN, I seen them ALL there at the Debate yesterday ALL sitting together smiling like Cheshire Cats. I was watching this closely, and when Mitchell spotted them in the corner, he made it to about 7 on his Red Face Scale. It was also interesting to see the public seek them (The above mentioned 3)out, asking around to see if anyone knew who they were, then go outside and talk to them. I dont know about what they talked about, but there sure were lots of handshakes and hugs. Oh, and Renee witnessed the serve on Mitchell from about 20 feet away. Mitchell didnt have any of his thugs there, and did quite a bit of stuttering, and got one comment screwed up by saying there was 4000 Burglary Cases.. Gee Crime has gone up! When I think he meant to say arrests. He was a little hard to follow. His eye blinking is at 2 second intervals. Frank Spanked Mitchell's Butt once again. And I think Pat, who is Mitchell's Campaign Boy should start keeping his mouth shut (in more ways than one) as I doubt there are any Pictures of the above 3 passed out DRUNK with a Tampon in their mouths!
Does anybody have minutes from yesterday's debate?
hey pat you got the wifey posting over at lcn mitchell make her promises to . Do you really believe Mitchell can rehire you . Mgm you rock
You know by the time this election is over BeetredRob's friend is gonna be without a job.
and BeetredRob is gonna be called BeetBlueRob.
When this election is over our court system will be over loaded with slander cases.
Has anyone received any of those calls from Mitchell supporters saying Steve Brooks and the DSA want you to vote for Mitchell? I did and as soon as that absentee ballot came in it was sent back.
Rivero for change/Anderson restore confidence.
231 I know some who deserve to be sued and one is JJ.
Yeah I bet LCN doesn't have any documentation or proof to back up their claims. Oh wait, those are all court records... On second thought I'll bet you've got attorneys lining up to have their asses handed to them.

Come on Ron, Victor take one for the team!

All you have to do is prove:
Defamation, did it harm your reputation?
That you were personally harmed
And the biggie: Prove that it is false
Almost forgot, if you lose you get to pay all costs for the boondoggle.
Great esponses both Bruce and Tom, why to kick it right back at them. I think you have them scared and wondering what the hell is going on..LOL
Sorry thats way to kick it back. :-}
Do I have it right that LCN as a newspaper would allow no response on their opinion piece. Those were some of the most well written responses I have seen in a long time. My God that is scary.
I'am waiting for Rod to say those words come on Rod, I want you to say your dismissing Rully's complaint. Say it loud and clear. Even better say, Mr. Rully was deposed and has cleared Rivero of all charges. The complaint was false.
322 but if I win you pay my attorney fees. Tom, has a good case, he was screwed but in the long run he'll be cleared and have a money judgement against them.
Tom has a good case with whom? The Fed? He's got nothing on LCN since he's been in the news for his arrest.
BTW I'm not who you think I am.
LCN is only good to wrap fish in today. It's a feel good newspaper. No real investigative reporting, No real covering the story from start to finish, just fish wrap.
I've never tried wrapping fish in a website but if you say so. But you're part right they could do more investigative. I hope they do. Bottom line is they are the best we've got. And I bet Mitchell and Hopkins sure weren't feelin good about them during the Dinius trial when Liz broke the story on the 'missing' 911 tapes. I'll bet animal control was pretty miffed over those recent stories as well you know that musta taken some hide. I'd like to see more of that kind of journalism.

Oh and I'm not who I think I am but I play one on radio.
The funy thing is LCN recorded the basic facts of the Dinius trial that broke nothing new and nothing they had to investigate, the reason they are now pissed is the Lovelace group exposed them for what they are a bunch of shills, they had a lot of people in LC fooled and now that the people see it was all a ruse they do not like it. Well I say to bad, now that they have come out in favor of Mitchell, and they along with Rob Brown have exposed themselves to this fact, it is getting worse. They know it, they don't like hearing it, but that it is not the point, they had to be taken down a notch or two, and I for one am glad they got their asses handed to them.
Funny that is.
Lovelace group and sheriff mitchell watch the best thing that has happened to the county in a long time, good job to the all those in the Lovelace group, a lot of people were scammed by these two bit liars, and now their true colors and showing.
Agree post 515, it is good for them as they got on a bit of a high horse, and taking a hit like this will, if, they stay viable cause them to be more determined to investigate and report for the citizens not to their ties to the LE or the BOS.
By the way filing an FOIA is not investigative journalism which is what the situation was with the 911 tapes, very simple very easy to do, a 5 year old could do it. Let's talk about real investigative reporting. Not the lightweight stuff, such as the Rully incident, or the Garzoli situation, we could go on and on. Not only that but the withholding of citizen information which they receive to cover for the local government and the LE is hardly a good stance for a newspaper to take.
FOIA is all about investigative nutcase. Public records searches are investigative, making stuff up and not providing evidence is tabloid.
Wrong 622 get a clue an FOIA is a single piece of paper that you submit, period. No great shakes if that is what you want to hang investigative reporting on, you need to read the weekly reader in the Sunday comics. LOL
By the way breaking a story is not investigative, the Garzoli helo information was already out there, it was just a matter of putting the story together. Now breaking the Wright story, breaking the Rhonda Rully IA, breaking the current John Rully deposition, or if you will getting the search warrant infor for the LCN when they could not get it now that is investigative reporting. Really the weekly reader might be your cup of tea. Or we might add that Garzoli is gone, now remember once those are in the paper, that you saw them here first. Ok now go read your weekly reader.
6:27 You got a lot to learn about the topic. Good luck with that, the first thing in investigative is to know you don't know. Then you try to figure out what to ask and where to ask it to find out what you don't know and get proof. Try it sometime.
Breaking the John Rully deposition? That's a political stunt that's not even a news story.
That is the worst run-on sentence I have ever read, and I still don't know what it means. You know you should know what you don't know and then know that you should know it, then you can know what you need to know, by knowing what you don't know. Boy now we are all real clear on that one.
Oh is going to be a news story 639 when it has to be announced, and it will be announced, Then what will it be something that was known that Mitchell did not want known, and that LCN did not want to have known so refused to publish any of it. Oh like the debates which have been on black out for the last three, can you answer that one. Or do we not need to know.
Your really losing bad to me right now on this conversation, but if you want to keep getting it kicked in, go for it.
This is Lovelace we are watching the conversation, we will let it continue but no profanity or silly name calling, you guys are going at it fine, but keep it under control.
Love lace check this one out http://www.judicialwatch.org/
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