Thursday, September 10, 2009


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by the way the debate yesterday was great Anderson sat in the middle and Rhoades and Hopkins to his side. Rhoades was off and so was Hopkins. Anderson came in first.

Does anyone remember the judge in the Dinius Case scolding Hopkins for releasing his letter while the jury was still being selected? I heard Hopkins is twisting this story to say the jury had already been picked-it wasn't-the jury selection was still going on.
anyone see a report on the debate? LCN where were they? RB where were they?
With the light of day and all that is known about Mitchell and Hopkins those of you that would diatribe officer Rivero, your love for those two is apparent.With respect for your view I'm at a loss your support after the Dinius case.That willingness of those two to send a person to jail to cover for someone else. It sets well with you? Could you not understand it could be you or one of your love ones? I see no remorse from those two, only excuses for their intolerable actions,I would like to add this, This was not a error or a mistake over the law but to rail road another for one of their own.So please excuse my lack of understanding and please explain your thought process why I need to get over it or I just need to move on. Thank you, please indulge I would like to know why we keep Mitchell over Rivero.
Hopkins can spin all he wants, the fact of the matter is the State Bar has him under full investigation, and their first order of business is his court house steps admonition, period, Hoppy it's time to stop the games the truth is out.

By the way the reports from the Rivero Upper Lake town hall were excellent, Frank did a great job, and the little odd fellows hall was packed. Great job Frank
Vote tally is done by machine, cross checked by human's with people from both sides able to watch the process to make sure there is no Mitchell or Hopkins sneaky stuff going on. We should also have people placed at each of the polling places to ensure no voter gets turned away.
James make sure you check your e-mail.
I think it is great we have penetrated the Google search engine so well, that when you go to Mitchells campaign on the search engine, guess what is right below his listing....yaaaa it is our sheriff mitchell corruption watch listing...LOL
Rob Brown usuallly helps Diane and the gals in elections with hauling and counting the ballots
I think that it may be a mistake to delete all posts that do NOT support Rivero. That smacks of censorship and exclusion. IF the post is somewhat intelligent and not just slinging BS than it should remain. The same would apply to garbage posts FOR Rivero. Treat all the same. This forum cannot be run in such a way that people percieve it to be discrimatory to those who support (intelligently) a different campaign. How can someone who wants to support Rivero contribute cash annonoumsly (sp)?
857 Donations? Go to the site, it has the information there for you.
Vote for Rivero/Anderson
the shear ignorance was a man operating a speed boat in darkness and going 60mph. Purely dangerous. Lied about being at Konocti Harbor, lied about the speed he went, lied about the sailboats lights. Abused his badge and accessed the RIMS system knowingly he was wrong to do so. Lied in court testimony. What more can you say about this man? I know, he killed a woman named Lynn Thornton who worked as a peace officer for 28 years. Perdock blamed an innocent man for what he/himself did? Thats what I can say about that man.
You certainly have the right to your opinion however, you just don't know anything about the law. THE LAW says that you can travel no faster than is safe. I don't care if there was a full moon out that night, it is not safe to be doing 40 + MPH on the lake at night. Further, a sail boat ALWAYS has the right of way. I don't know what experience you have with boating, but with all due respect, you are so misinformed. If YOU or I had been drivng that speedboat, we would have been in jail so fast it wouldmake your head spin. This was simply a matter of the Sheriff covering for one of his top guys. Why, we will probablynever know. Than the D.A. wimped out (or wqs threatened by the Sheriff or who knows who) as the Lake County Network kicked in. This really isn't any different than most other places. In this case though, the whole thing blew up in their faces due to public outrage and some local folks deciding that enough was enough.
928 close your eyes and run as fast as you can when you run into something blame that thing , then call all your friends that it was operating illegally and shift all blame. perdock should have been a man and took the blame .RUSSELL PERDOCK MURDERED LYNNE THORTON AND NEEDS TO GO TO PRISON . Look at the officers that have lost there careers for perdock , hoppy will be disbarred and the county is going to spend millions to defend itself . then there will be the settlement . All because perdock could not man up .
Post 9:28 All the wrongs of the sail boat is not a excuses for Perdock and his speed boat or the actions of Mitchell and Hopkins.There are rules who is in charge of a boat or ship and there not the same as a vehicle on the road. The wrong person was charged and with that awareness tried to push it through. Their arrogance got the better of them and that is what power will do,when someone will not tell them their not God. That's just the way it is. all the spinning from the other side will not make their words true.
i heard perdock was drinking doubles at konocti .
Post 10:28. Very well said! Perdock in my opinion is starting to like a Pyhcopath with the events that have gone on. Denying responsibility for killing Lynn Thorton not giving a damn about the effect on Lynn Thorton's family or others affected by his negligent actions.
If I only had a dollar for each of Perdocks lies .
9:28 The lights were proven to be on in the civil case and the criminel case two of hoppy's witnesses stated the lights were on . Everybody involved in this case is a vintem of perdock . Perdock and his arrogance have changed a lot of peoples lifes . You must have some relation to perdock , mitchell or hoppy because the rest of the world see's through thier lies . Talk to any one that was involved and ask who was to blame .
The 14 year old on perdocks boat saw the sailboat three seconds before impact . Perdock never saw it he was to busy looking at his gauges . According to his own testimony .
Ask any one of the twelve jurors who gave up a month of trier lives for perdocks crimes .
10:04, Right On! If you or I had been driving that speed boat, we would be sittin in prison right now! The media would haved twisted it to say:
"Speed Boat Driver _______ Kills Retired Peace Officer"
mrs mitchell your husband is guilty of numerous crimes while hoppy made the call to charge dinius it is the phony baloney investigation that your husband is responsble for that led to that decision . It was mitchell who went back and changed the whole report and then put it on the internet .
If Perdock wasn't responsible.Why did he have to lie and try to influence the investigation? In the civil trial everyone got money except Perdock as it should have been.
Sheriff Mitchell says in his FAQ video that even if he had a "unending stream of money" he would not increase the size of the department? I can understand that if you don't have the money you can't increase the size of the department. But if you had a "unending stream of money" I wonder In whose best interest it would be to have the crime rate increase at the rate it has been? After all the increase in crime has been on Mitchells "watch?"
Post 12:18. I have been sitting in silence wondering the same thing. I am just as outraged about Mr. Weber not being charged as I am about Mr Perdock not being charged. I do not understand it. Does Mr. Weber have connections to the DA or Sheriff? I do not remember hearing of any, but may have missed it if he does. If he does not have connections, then this whole thing points to someone in the DA office not knowing about boating laws and who is at fault.
1:34 are you not also 12:18 and what is your relation to mitchell ?
hey hoppy somebody in the mitchell camp has been throwing your a-- under the bus all morning .but i guess you are used to it .
April 26th at 7 on the Glen Goodman show 88.1 Rivero listen in to your new sheriff and what should be a great conversation.
The bottom line is Russell Perdock killed Lynn Thorton and with help from Sheriff Rodney K. Mitchell and D.A. Jon Hopkins. They tried to cover up her death at Perdock hands by blaming Mr. Dinius. If Perdock was a man he would have stood tall. If Sheriff Mitchell was a true leader, he would have had another L/E investigate the boating accident. If Hopkins and former D.A. Gary Luck were leaders and not friends of Mitchell and Perdock, they would have NEVER filed anything on Me. Dinius. This was an accident !!!! Mitchell and Hopkins problems starting when they allowed Perdock to cover up this accident.
Change for just change is not my goal. One thing I do know officer Rivero was not part of the Dinius cover up. Mitchell and Hopkins was. That is enough for me. I have said for nine years how dishonest the system was in Lake county Then you have Mitchell and Hopkins proof it. Now you have found out about the Board of supervisors and grand jury how their fingers on the same hand.
Added to the above: The DA office approves and reads all complaints before they go to the Grand Jury; only submitting the ones they feel should be submitted.
Isn't that convenient? All investigations approved first by the DA...very fair system; joke?
I think I must have been 12:18, but not sure as it is gone now. I didn't post 1:34. Why was my post deleted and not 1:34? My post said exactly the same thing. I am not related to Mitchell. Glad to see I am not the only one that thinks both Weber and Perdock should have been charged. It appears that Weber must have some connection or relation to the Lovelace group. My post did touch on one more thing than 1:34. Webers insurance had to pay half and Perdocks paid half in the Civil suit. That means the were found equally responsible. So why isn't anyone also outraged that Weber was not charged? Someone obviously covered up for him too.
Here is my deleted post. Must have been accidentally deleted.

I don't get why everyone blames the sheriff for perdock not being charged. Is that not the DAs responsiblity? Don't they thoroughly investigate things, and would have discovered anything perdock was covering up? And why is no one talking about Weber? He is obviously in the Mitchell network according to Lovelace phylosophy because he was not charged either and should have been. Hi insurance had to pay half the civil claim. He is just as guilty as perdock. Why is it that no one is outraged about that? Even the juror said that all three should have been charged.
Correction. According to the Civil trial, Weber and Perdock were equally responsible for Lynn's death.
You guys are full of Canal Water; give it up; you perdick lovers. Weber paid because it was his boat;
his boat had insurance coverage; it was only a legal technicality that his insurance had to pay damages. Duh,
like car insurance; follows the vehicle is insured.
Injuries took place on his boat; he is responsible because it was his boat. So, what, you want to re-open the case and charge Weber cuz his insurance paid a claim.
That was a civil case; not a criminal case. Get serious.
Help put a end to corruption.Vote sheriff Mitchell and Hopkins OUT!
Weber part in Lynn Thorton death was very small. Perdock disregard for human life was the major cause of the accident. Perdocks speed was totally unbelievable 40-50 MPH on a totally dark night. Perdock should have been a man and taken responsibility for his action, for once in his life.
This is the Lovelace group, good posting this morning and afternoon, our bad on some deletions we think two of them. One of our folks was new at working the system, so if you had one deleted then sorry about that. Now we don't want any whining corruption supporters re-posting unless you have some actual content to post, you know with some intellectual content.

That having been said a lot of information to put out, but let's start with the Dinius discussion that has been ongoing today. The post concerning Webers insurance is exactly correct that is the only reason for the insurance payout, nothing to do with fault in any fashion, The Dinius situation is quite simply actually. If you want to know what the worse case thought process of the jury was, and we mean the worse case, here is how they saw it. First of Mitchell/Hopkins had no credibility with the jurors, none what so ever, several of them said that after the trial. Second, think of it this way, a good person is crossing a street but not in an official crosswalk, but a car going 100 miles an hour with a totally drunk guy driving it runs over the person, guess what the person driving the car drunk at 100 is going to be charged and convicted of vehicular murder. Period. Running lights on or off, moving at 1 mile an hour or less still in the docking area and getting slammed by a drunk cop driving in the dead of night at 40 to 50 miles an hour? Of course they went after the wrong guy, of course Perdock is guilty of killing Lynn Thorton, of course Mitchell after giving Perdock a big hug on the dock covered for his own boy. The jury saw through all that crap, they saw through Hopkins, and his games. Now when the civil trial comes about, there is going to be more scathing evidence against Mitchell and Hopkins then you can even imagine. Remembeer the OJ trial well think of Mitchell and Perdock and Hopkins as OJ the amount of evidence and information that is allowed in a civil suit is huge compared to the games played in a criminal trial. When this is said and done, both Mitchell and Hopkins better hope they lose this election, as they will not want to be in office when the berkeley lawyer is done whipping their ass. The good news is when both Mitchell and Hopkins are out they still will have to go to the trial and get their ass destroyed. Imagine what it is going to be like to see both those yahoo's up on the stand getting hammered by this attorney, it is going to be something great to see, get your tickets now you will not want to miss this one!!! We can't wait!!
The juror thought Perdock and Weber should have both been charged, and the judge explained all the laws to him. Think he would know better than you.
Please be sure you send a non-stop stream of e-mails to our corrupt BOS members and to Mitchell and Hopkins, send them the questions you have, ask Mitchell what the hell he is doing, you can as well send a single e-mails and simply put all names on the sending line, either way you want to do it. Let them know we are mad and we will not stand for this crap any longer! The e-mail systems of the internet is now the same as the old letter writing campaigns of the past and they are effective. Send them out lets roll!!
Here are the addresses: .......Comstock ..........Hopkins Rushing Smith Farrington Cowboy ........Mitchell
Maybe Court t.v. can cover it? I would love to see Mitchell and Hopkins faces. However they will settle it out of court and We the taxpayers will never know how much money was given to Dinius. Mitchell and Hopkins will not admit to any wrong doing.
Alright a little inside information, remember the other day when Lenny was putting the hammer on Mitchell and he was trying to interrupt her when they were about the Helo funding...Well as noted Anita Grant stepped in and put Mitchell down and told him Lenny was speaking within the context of the discussion, and Mitchell shut up. Well members of the Lovelace group gave information to Anita and part of that information was the Garzoli Helo internet forum discussions, you know where Garzoli admits he was breaking the law, we also demanded that Anita give the information to Hopkins for his investigation(if you can call what he is going to do that) at the same time we through several supervisors under the bus and suggested to Anita you might want to bring your kids in cause they are going to cost you a lot(the kids being the supervisors) we handed off a copy of those Garzoli forum communications to her. Therefore she is getting a little bit tired of having to defend the county against these dummies such as the likes of Brown etc. this is essentially why she shut Mitchell down, because she is starting to see the problems these ignorant ass's are causing the county. By the way the supervisors thrown under the bus were Rushing, Brown, and Farrington as well as Mitchell, and what these three did was really stupid, we will put that out at a later date as there could be something filed as a result of those dummies actions a couple of months ago. hmmmmmmm stand by. :-}
I don't think so, Dinius has the opportunity to own this county, I doubt the county or the insurance companies have the kind of money is going to be due Dinius. At least we hope so, and isn't that something you post about Court TV, we can just about assure you that when and if there is a trial they will be there. Just a little inside action being taken by the Lovelace group!
Next also be aware of our earlier post concerning the Grand Jury, as reported the Lovelace group recently testified before the Grand Jury, we cannot say concerning who or what, but just to let all of you know we are staying quite busy and working a lot of different angles. We will keep the pressure on, and we will fight for transparency and justice in this county, like no one has ever done before. The citizens will have a voice in this county, and the elitist of the Mitchell regime will no longer rule the day!!!

Also be sure to look at the Redwood curtain website and the LA copwatch website, as we making connections to them and working on some of the same themes and concepts as you see them working on.

Many angles that can be attacked from and we will find everyone one we can.
We have sent a ton of letters and e-mails today, so don't worry about Lovelace's writing skills today, our fingers are getting a bit tired!!!:-}
Did Mitchell ask Napa Co Sheriff Koford for help in the Perdock "incident?" Is Sheriff Koford too honest to want to get involved with Mitchell? Sheriff Koford hasn't endorsed Mitchell. Does Doug know something about Mitchell that we don't?
Wow Kip, talk about jeckyl and hyde. I have known you for years and thought you to be somewhat intellegent. Who the hell cares about spelling on this blog, its all about false predictions concerning Rivero. I consider myself fairly intellegent as well, and have worked with Rivero. How could you possibly be fooled by him and believe that he could run the S.O.? You would do a far better job. I turely believe that you have just jumped on his band wagon to bash Mitchell, knowing full well there is no way in hell Rivero will ever win. You just want to make your point about Mitchell and the department. Rivero is a bufoon ( I like that spelling). And, yes, Obnoxious and loud when he tries to talk. Should have found someone else.
And, yes, Kip, you will find Mitchell signs in my yard soon.
Post 6:37 pm, we can sit here and banter back and forth all night, something I don't think you want to do and I know I don't want to do. I appreciate your kind comments about me, but, I have some very good reasons that I am supporting Rivero.
If you are within the S.O, you have access to my phone #. Please give me a call and we can discuss it. I will not tell anyone who called me. But I think I can put your mind at ease of why I am supporting him. I do not expect to change your mind, just let you know why I support him.
This has nothing to do with the "bash Mitchell" band wagon. Mitchell does that all by himself.
I patiently await your call.
April 21, 10:36AM Mitchell who tried to stop a female from talking!
Mitchell has done that everytime somebody is talking against him at the Supervisor's meeting; 16 years of promises kept.
One example out of many. Record-Bee Feb.3,2004:Old guard politicans
During January 13, 2004 Board meeting Brown again showed the power of his newly found gavel when a Lake County citizens had the courage to question Brown's long-standing friendship with Sheriff Rod Mitchell. Mitchell was questioned on his department's careless spending of taxpayer dollars. For a moment it was unclear if Sheriff Mitchell's arms would fall off before Brown's gavel broke. The Sheriff on a number of occasions waved his arms to Rob Brown trying to silence the speaker. Thank goodness the speaker prevailed over the objections of Brown, and the hammering of his gavel and the frantic arm waving of Sheriff Mitchell. Signed: Gary Schalchii
Rob Brown and the Sheriff remember this letter to the Editor like it was written yesterday, the real writer was none other than our Supervisor Anthony Farrington. Anthony, way to go! Demand Rodney Mitchell's resignation it will help your political career in the future.
Send them an e-mail post 707
Kip, at some point I hope we do. We have been frineds. But I think I will wait until after June. I'd rather not get toooo involved in this blog crap. Just enough to remind people of Rivero and his short comings before the primary.
Job preservation?
Jurry nullification. It's easy to say. They are all three guilty. Dinius only got off because the other two were not charged and the jury felt sorry for him.
Post 637, let me ride the coat tails of Ringen for a minute. You profess that Kip is on the Rivero band wagon, which in fact history will tell you that Kip has always challenged Mitchell, long before Rivero was even here. He also knows Frank quite well, and understands the model and plan that Rivero has to re-shape the SO when he becomes sheriff. The funny thing about your statement is it works in reverse, you suppoort a failure, a total leadership failure, A man who if you really make the statement I am voting for Mitchell and follow it with any reason you lose credibility of having any intellect. So it appears you are supporting Mitchell just because you don't like Rivero, that my friend is the pot calling the kettle black, you should call Kip.
Again post 806 are you saying that you actually will vote for Mitchell?
Don't say it 806, please don't say it.
813 If they were all guilty why didn't Mitchell arrest and charge them?
I have "LaidLaw" embossed on my forehead, courtesy of Rivero. Thanks Frank!
I find it real funny that at no time the night of the accident perdick identified himself as a police officer . I also find interesting that not one of the deputies informed anybody at the scene that a deputy was involved . Nobody that called 911 was told that a deputy was involved . Could this be a coincidence or was it an orchestrated order by mitchell and the beginning of a massive cover up. I also find it quite interesting how many people all claim to have made statements to deputies and there is no record of it . Hell Micthell he even had the fact that he was at the scene removed from officers reports .
Post 254, James Henderson: Deputy Rivero was absolutely involved in the coverup. He was working for the Sheriff's Office when Perdock ran over the top of Weber's sailboat and killed Thornton, yet he did not say anything... he kept his mouth shut because he was a part of the conspiracy. He had the chance to say that there was in fact a coverup for Perdock, and he CHOSE to remain silent. He is every bit as guilty as the rest of the S.O. in that regard. It is just politically convinient to ignore that particular item. Rivero NEVER spoke out about Lyn Thorton's death.
James Walkers insurance paid 100000 the same amount as Webers so I guess he should he be charged in the murder of Lynne Thorton . He definitely played a much larger part than Dinius or Weber ! he was perdick's lookout who failed to see the well lit sail boat .
Post 254, go back and take your med's because you're going off the deep end. Rivero didn't start with LCSO until 2007, the Dinius case happened in 2006. Rivero not only spoke out about Lyne Thorton's death, but if you go to Rivero's website under endorsements you will see the Thorton family has endorsed Rivero.

Go back to you crank.
Post 836 LOL you are a total idiot, who was standing with Rivero at the press conference with channel 7, LOL Although those associated with Lynn Thorton and Dinius support Rivero. You know it is amazing how weak the pro Mitchell supporters are in trying to find an angle to try and get to Rivero. That's fine try that, but can't you try and pick something that is not so far off track that you look like an idiot?
836 you dummy ha hahahahahahah
April 22, 2010 8:31 PM
Listen to the 911 tapes on the LCSO website. Perdock himself called 911, identified himself and reported the accident. It wasn't hard to put together that Perdock was a cop. Mitchell pulls up, walks up to the sergeants and talks with them. He then goes and hugs and comforts Perdock. It does not take a brain scientist to figure Perdock was a off duty cop.
check out the poll on topix . Is hoppy under investigation by the state bar .
You talk about Rivero having a big mouth? How about when Bean was at the substation after his shooting. Mitchell wanted a report, but Bean wanted an LDF lawyer first. You could have heard Mitchell from inside Walmart. Kip had to calm him down. Yep I can name other situations where Mitchell has blown his top many of times.
perdick called dispatch and told them but nobody else ! Besides half those tapes are missing .
Nobody at the scene put two and two together . They were more concerned about Lynne .
9:05 what is a brain scientist . Are you seething
post 9:01 Pm, it doesn't matter when Rivero started with the S.O., he did not say ANYTHIG about the perdock case until after it was decided. People can not keep their mouths shut, so if there was a coverup involved with Perdock, somebody would have said something to somebody, and if Rivero was on top of it he should have come forward then, not afterwards. Just because the Thornton Family supports Rivero in his race AGAINST Mitchell, does not mitigate the fact that Rivero did absolutely nothing to blow the coverup. He was willing to let it ride until it was politically convenient, then he opened his mouth. He is as big a slime ball as Mitchell....maybe bigger! At least with Mitchell, you know he is a liar and opportunist.

Vote Baxter!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Did anybody mention that that at the DA forum yesterday Anderson walked in at the last minute? Seems he told someone he didn't know where the Middletown Methodist Church was. Maybe he should get out into the community more often.
Post 8:36 pm, so what you are saying is that even though Rivero was not involved in any way with the investigation of the boating accident, he is part of the cover up? So that would mean everyone that is employed with the S.O., whether or not they were working that night, if they were on vacation or days off, are also involved with the cover up. Is that right?

remember it took over a year to charge Dinius and we all thought it was a no brainer that Perdock murdered Lynne Thorton . It was not till then did we realize how corrupt mitchell and gang is .
928 With "ALL of Baxters out of county High profile endorsements." Why didn't Baxter call on some of them to join him in his OUTRAGE of the injustice that Baxter now claims was done to Dinius at the time? How convenient for BAXTER to now Jump on the Self serving Band Wagon.
does anybody else think this lonely corruption supporter is grasping ? by the way mitchell has achieved transparency . we see right through his b.s.
this is corruption supporter, it is the usual attempt, but funny you can really pick them out, it is different angles they try most quite funny, this doesn't cre about Lynn 5thorton is rel dumb one, but let him get it out of his sysgtem it is good to bet on these guys for a while...:-}
As an officer of the law you have an obligation to uphold the law and if you know a crime has been committed you have to come forward , if you don't that is a crime . Who came forward ?
The buck stops at Mitchell. He is expected to lead by example.
pOST 9:50... That would be correct. I have seen posters on this blog state that everyone in the S.O. that has not spoken up about Mitchell's corruption is as guilty as he is. Taking that a step further, if Rivero waited until the tv cameras were rolling to talk about racial profiling and not the Perdock coverup, then Rivero must be as guilty as any other S.O. employee that has not spoken up regarding the Perdock coverup. Either Rivero knew there was a coverup, trying to protect Perdock or he was unaware. Either way, he is not fit to be Sheriff, especially since he thinks it is ok to follow direct orders only when convenient for his political ends.
Ha ha ha ha ha post 1003, lol ya ask Beland what happens when you do the right thing, aks Kip what happens when you do the right thing, ask Rivero what happens when you do the right thing, ask Morshed what happens when you do the right thing now put yourself in these poor guys shoes, and add a kid and a wife and a mortgage or possible retirement. Don't you dare put in any blame on the good cops on the inside under the regime of mitchell, you would do all cops a dis-service.
The buck stops at Mitchell. He is expected to lead by example.
1035 a new angle you are gtettingt boring. Nicve tr4y on the spin on the Mitchell
rully nightlmare!!! LOL you are such a total idiot, do you really think that kind of phoney posting is sworks??? lol go away you are simply getting boring now.
Well 1035, you just called a lot of good cops and family men assholes, nice job way to put your foot in your mouth. Why don't you get off the blog before you hammer anymore good cops.
Kip Ringen calling someone a liar. Someone call the irony police.
10:56 10:35 Francisco Rivero can be contacted
via email at

Or by phone at 987-4467

Or by U.S. mail at:
Elect Sheriff Rivero
P.O. Box 214
Middletown, CA 95461

Or Visit Deputy Sheriff Francisco Rivero on
FaceBook by clicking here.

Why don't you give your contact information so Frank can get in touch with you?
1056, everytime you Mitchell supporters go after Kip he kicks your ass's why do you keep asking for that punishment, we don't mind it by the way it is fun to watch.
Did anyone read the R/B Thursday about the robbery in Middletown. I didn't know that under Mitchell leadership we have a "MAJOR COMES UNIT."
Any employee of the Lake Co. Sheriff's Dept. that stands up to Sheriff Mitchell, will be punished. It may cost them their job or Mitchell will make their life a living hell. Perdock got away with MURDER PERIOD. Mitchell and Hopkins helped Perdock cover it up. Long after Mitchell and Hopkins leaves office we the taxpayers will be paying for it. As for Kip Ringen, he was a good cop. Like some others, he stood up to Mitchell and Mitchell hated it. I hope someday a Federal Grand Jury looks into Mitchell Admin. and fines all the Corruption.
It appears that Mitchell is drunk with power after fifteen years being in office. No one should serve more than two teams in any office.
You know what troublesome is that Hopkins reads and approves complaints before they go to the Grand Jury and then it's Hopkins who gives HIS interpretation of the law to the jurors.
I have not said that ever officer is under the rob with Mitchell and Hopkins,only those that knew or know after the fact and then say nothing.Who was leading the charge to protect officer Perdock? Was officer Rivero part of the Dinius investigation? I have said before I am one that met Mitchell and Hopkins on their way up now I am one they are meeting on their way down. Vote for officer Rivero
POst 7:53AM lets not omit MS. Grant of the Board of supervisors a true bureaucrat. She is part of that grand jury process.Good people that serve but led astray. I ask you again did that body out Gary Lewis when he miss used the County phone They had to ask him to pay the money back but no notice of who the supervisor was.I have come to know them "the grand jury" as part of the GOBS.Just Part of those that thing is okay to lie after all is a "personnel matter" Lake County government is of them,by them and for them.
Yes I agree with you James, lake county government is totally out for themselfs. This is why we must fight corruption. The Dinius fiasco should be a "wake up" for the citizen's, it was wrong to prosecute Dinius, and not charge purrdick with manslaughter. What the hell lake county, the funny thing is, your salary's are paid by citizen's, so let the citizen's FIRE you! Send Mitchell and Hopkins packing, VOTE them OUT! Shame on you sheriff mitchell, you are no better than the criminals you have in your jail! Soon you will be OUT!
Mitchell did a very wrong thing. According to deputies I have talked to, they have never heard of an investigation taking place four months after the sheriff knew of the complaint. Lets take for an just an instance that these complaints the female filed were true (hard to believe by bare with me). How can any supervisor hold his head high knowing that a sexual abuser is wearing a badge, working the street with a gun and management did nothing about it for four months.

Now you see the problem us in the public look at. Mitchell starts this investigation only two months prior to the election. He had several very experienced sergeants who could have done this case. The female goes on a rampage to the press and the local radio station. Mitchell still does nothing to protect the deputy who's son and his former wife (who lives just a few block away from Rivero) is know hearing of these accusations from the public. Rivero had no choice but to stand up, declare his innocence and demand a just investigation. It has been almost 100 days and still Mitchell refuses to clear Rivero.

Remember, the female was not taken to the jail by Rivero, there were no makes on her booking photo, there were no other female complaints or any signs of any other female injured that day in the jail (I looked at all the booking photo's including the next day).

Mitchell could not handle Perdock, allowed Garzoli to on a rampage, refused to take a hard stand on Morshed the first time and now Mitchell again can't even get this investigation handled correctly. If Frank doesn't sue Mitchell over this I would be surprised because I sure would.

Everyone should vote for Rivero and kick Mitchell out of office. Put an end to the GOB's.
And add also that Mitchell let Derik Navarro walk the streets in uniform knowing what kind of pervert he's Mitchell's Custom and Policy; he had alot of complaints about Navarro before he finally got rid of him; put lots of citizens at risk for a long time; because of Navarro's criminal activities
overlooked by Mitchell.
How does the rully woman's complaint get investigated? When I called and wanted a complaint of misconduct, I was yelled at into the phone, and told to shut up. I guess if the sheriff is running for office, then you will get your complaint taken. What a piece of crap mitchell, and by the way, I was complaing of serching my house WITHOUT a search warrant, or any kind of warrant. Guess you allow your deputies to conduct these illegal search's, someday, sheriff, your KARMA will come and bite you really hard. Then I will be watching, and LOL, and saying you deserve every bit of it! Sheriff Mitchell your day's are numbered, the citizen's WILL vote your lying ass out! Vote mitchell and hopkins OUT!
8:31pm. why would they tell people calling 911 that a deputy was involved? it is none of the callers business who is involved. deputy or not. when multiple people call in to report the same incident they do not take time to have idle chit-chat with each person calling in to give them the details. they are busy getting the appropriate personnel to respond. think about it. really now.
As long as Rob Brown is helping count the votes will anything really change?
12:03 Good to see you have to go back through the posts just to have something to comment about. Nothing new going on in your life? BTW I'm not Pat!!!!!!
The sitting grand jury does not need the D.A.'s review. Just a clarification.
The Grand Jury, in cooperation with the District Attorney, In Lake County, the Grand Jury generally performs only civil functions. Response to Citizens' Complaints
The Grand Jury receives letters from citizens alleging mistreatment by officials, suspicions of misconduct, or governmental inefficiencies. Anyone may ask the Grand Jury to conduct an investigation. All complaints are confidential. The jury generally limits investigations to the operations of governmental agencies, charges of wrongdoing within public agencies, or the performance of unlawful acts by public officials. The Grand Jury cannot investigate disputes between private parties.

Criminal Investigation

The Grand Jury, in cooperation with the District Attorney, may investigate allegations of criminal activity. Criminal cases commonly presented to the Grand Jury by the District Attorney include, but are not limited to:

* Cases involving multiple defendants;
* Cases with special witnesses, such as children, informants, or undercover agents;
* Cases involving public officials;
* Cases in which adverse publicity could hurt the accused, and
* Cases in which the statute of limitations is about to expire.

If it is determined that there is probable cause that the accused has committed a crime and to hold the accused for trial, the Grand Jury issues an indictment. An indictment is only an accusation, not a finding of guilt. A minimum of 12 jurors must vote for an indictment in any criminal proceeding.

In Lake County, the Grand Jury generally performs only civil functions.
Does anyone think Hopkins is going to cooperate with the Civil Grand Jury to investigate anything Hopkins doesn't want investigated?
Had a great week of promoting an outstanding athelete/performer. Makes her Mom proud. Family comes first in my life, getting rid of Mitchell is my #2 Priority. So, it's back to playing "Whack A Mitchell Mole". I see not much has changed.
I see we dont have the sharpest crayons in the box posting crap on Kip Ringen..Not a very smart move! Kip, I wouldnt even bother responding to them, it's like trying to teach a Pig to Sing And as to the defaced Anderson sign's.. Rumor has it, that it's Mrs Hopkin's attempting these covert night time missions dressing up all in black, with her Black can of Spray Paint in hand... I hope thats true, as a few of those signs now have Camera's on them that are motion sensored. Maybe she should take up "huffing" atleast then she would have an excuse for being married to the worst DA in California's History! Id love to see her Mug Shot!!

And XX, we got some work to do, bring that mighty fine Sledge Hammer of yours, and let me know when you want to go play.
And to the Lovelace Group... Keep up the good work, and posting all the debates and appearance times, as this seems to be the best place to find out who is "in the know".
Goth Girl
Does anyone know why neither paper covered the debate and why they pick the questions to be ask an not someone from the audience?

1. Use of company vehicles and county vehicles are the same. Give examples of how some restrictions you would enforce on your employees given company vehicles.

2. Would you prosecute someone who perjures themselves.
3. Would you prosecute someone for filing a false report on an officer?
4. Someone has stated that they will not plea bargin a felony case yet Paul Winamucka who was murdered and man responsible was allowed to plea bargain why such a light sentence for such a brutal murder.
5. Would you ever approve paying with county monies to clean up a homeowners pots garden? For instance Rob Brown's 500,000 plants.

Can anyone eles add a question or two to the list.
Could it be? Pat gave up a Lieutenant position in lake co to go to Napa co. as a Deputy right? Could it be that Pat can't get promoted in Napa co.? Could it be that Pat sees a Capt. and Lieutenant position open in Lake co.? Could it be that if Pat can help Mitchell get reelected that Mitchell has promised Pat a position back in Lake Co.? Could it be that Sheriff Koford knows something about Mitchell that we don't know?
Has anyone else noticed that on Mitchell's Site, EVERY "Business Owner" that supports him, only has their names, but NOT their Business's Name???
So, boys and girls, lets play match the name to the Business.
I know Marie Ady owns Lakeshore Feed in Clearlake...
Inquiring Minds want to know!
Goth Girl
PS.. XX..Got a grip on that Sledge Hammer yet? Lots of Rivero Signs to be put up.. And I need those other things we talked about.
The Rodophiles seem to be arguing that Hopkins had the charging decision rather than Rodney. Don’t get me wrong, they’re both dirtbags. But, Hopkins can argue that he never received a criminal complaint against Perdock. If Mitchell had given Perdock any kind of siltation, he could now be saying “Hey, I filed the complaint and the D.A. didn’t act on it”. But he didn’t file any complaint. The D.A. doesn’t file complaints; they act on the complaints filed by LE or a Grand Jury. By failing to find any fault with Perdock’s wreck less actions, Rodney assured that justice would not be done.
If you believe Morshed did the right thing, then you support corrupt cops! He broke the law!
This is Lovelace, good to see one of our members back, Goth, welcome back! glad all went well, as you can see we have had a great time hammering the corruption supporters, we are starting to get the idea that these guys are not going to be able to keep up with us for the next 5 weeks, they already appear to be losing their heart for the battle!!! LOL

Listen we need a couple of things posted up on the site as soon as you get the chance, the locations of the phone banks and those address's where people can pick up signs, we are also trying to keep up on the schedule of Franks during the course of the next several weeks. We also post all of the e-mails of the supervisors and Hopkins as well as Mitchell and we are asking all citizens to send e-mails out to all of those address's. Well so much to go over, we had a great time watching Kip whip these guys arses as usual. :-] More to come a little later today. Good to have you back!!
343 as usual a corrupt cop is what you must be, as you are the typical post calling the kettle black. Morshed did the right thing, we all know it, and Morshed was going down under Mitchells reign of corrupt terror we support Morshed for trying to help the citizens and the good cops in the force!!!!
Great Lovelace is out in force and the tide is turning, I see a big wave crashing down on Hopkins and Mitchell real soon, in fact it is a tidal wave of justice just rolling in on the beach of lake county now!!! Thank all of you in the lovelace group!!
As to Mitchells website.
I don't see much of anyone other than people that don't count for instance Los Angeles, Hillsborough, Daly City, San Francisco ALL THAT DON'T COUNT in this election.
Big deal Denise Hinchcliff PD and wife of Rich Hinchcliff who works along with Jon Hopkins. Then you have the ONES WHO HAVE NO OTHER CHOICE
Wells isn't he named in with the civil lawsuit? What about Buckholz isn't he the father-inlaw of Dave Garzoli? Chwialkowski he's been accused of racial profiling right? Then you have Von who works as an investigator who is Morsheds EX-WIFE.
I wouldn't go bragging about any of these people.
So is Bill Burnetti a reserve officer? Isn't he Mitchell's Campaign Manager? He use to own the old Bruno's Market in Lakeport and rents the shops within that area.
It'll be a tsunami and justice will finally be served. GO RIVERO
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Take note LCN and Record Bee, posted below is a brief overview by the editor and staff of CNN on the model of journalistic reporting that you must learn and understand it is the model the lovelace group and the dedicated citizens of this county will demand frem their media outlets as the necessary changes to transparency and total reporting honesty happen.

Editor's note: The staff at has recently been intrigued by the journalism of VICE, an independent media company and Web site based in Brooklyn, New York. VBS.TV is the broadband television network of VICE. The reports, which are produced solely by VICE, reflect a transparent approach to journalism, where viewers are taken along on every step of the reporting process. We believe that this unique reporting approach is worthy of sharing with our readers.
"I have been told on good authority"? Plus, such a personal attack that has no bearing on professional demeanor or trial experience sounds petty. Stick with the issues. Should we talk about Don Anderson's past infidelities or three marriages? I don't think that really matters any more than whether Hopkins has been divorced before or not (he has). If you want to complain about issues, that's one think. But such slams should be above anyone willing to talk about issues. I will probably vote for Rivero, and quite possibly Anderson. But not because of that kind of stuff. It really has no place in the discussion, unless you want to talk about how someone broke the law or violated some professional ethical code.
POST 3:48 - Ah everyone is assuming Morhsed leaked the RiMS report, right? Well where's the proof poeple? Maybe Martin should keep looking. That is if they ever really wanted to discovery who really did it.
Post 850 we agree with you, in regards to the fact that the information should be available presented in a general way, the question always becomes should names be used or not. We know that Libel cannot be applied if the statement is true. But we are not so sure that just because a libel definition cannot be applied it is appropriate to use names. For example you stated that Anderson has been without his infidelities in the past. You did not use the names of the other individuals. However there is another angle, if you talk with those on the inside of the SO you will know that person for person each and everyone will tell you Mitchell has been on more flings then a hooker in Vegas. This is important for the public to understand, and on this blog names have been used in connection to Mitchell. In that case and with this individual we feel it is corrent to get all the facts as long as they are facts out in the open...In the end it is a fine line, and we think you are right in that those types of facts will not make or break an individuals potential of winning an election.
Yup right now it looks like the Morshed situation is another Mitchell attempt at getting rid of someone who was going to help bring him down. With or without the alleged RiMS report leak, Morshed was going to go down, because Mitchell was going to make sure of it. You are correct in that they never did find a thing on the RiMS allegations, so Mitchell in true fashion creates other issues to keep him from coming back to the force.

By the way we have talked to guite a few people today who are not so involved in the election, just folks who have been in the county a while, and they read Rivero's letter in both the papers, and they said it woke them up and he has their vote, so that letter is already paying off. Great Job Frank.
I talked to some people today and they said Rivero is a worthless piece of Mitchell.
To all corruption supporters ; I would like you to google rico act and do some reading . all defendants can be charged with all crimes committed . That means if perdick can be charged with murder ,mitchell hopkins ostini and anybody involved can be charged with murder . so all involved hope to get the best deal and start talking . DO YOUR READING AND BE PREPARED . we know the truth and we know who said what when .
"Morshed did the right thing" yep, commiting a criminal act is the right thing.....
"Denise Hinchcliff PD" get this right, you embarrass yourself
"Buckholz isn't he the father-inlaw of Dave Garzoli" guess it depends on who you are talkin about, not the one endorsing Mitchell....

Hurry and take this post down, because it does not praise Rivero, but points out some facts.
Once again you don't see the big picture.
1. Rivero filed an EEOC complaint against Mitchell. Although the independent investigation is complete, Mitchell refused to release the findings.

2. Mitchell could not control Garzoli, his mouth, his sexist remarks and the grant mess.
3. Mitchell could not control Perdock, his lies to investigators or interfering in the investigation.
4. Mitchell NEVER or ANY LCSO employee has come forward stating Morshed was the person who released the unauthorized report.
5. Mitchell could not control McPherson, who's poor supervisor let to Wright (a simple jailer) stealing LCSO equipment, modifying guns and shooting assault weaposn on LCSO property.
6. Mitchell received a citizen's complaint from a female stating Rivero sexually battery her (a violent felony). Mitchell sits on it for almost four months. Than two months before the election, Rivero is informed on the complaint.

Lets see now, how many prior employees of Rivero has spoken out against him? NONE!!

It's time for a change and that's Rivero. Mitchell is going down.
1053 The embarrassment stands with Hinchcliff and Buckholz because they are suppose to know the law. When you do an investigation you obtain information from both sides, to restrict Slaybaugh to only Perdock's version was wrong and a lie from the start.
How could Hinchcliff and Buckholz think it's ok to operate a speeding boat hauling 60mph in the dark smash into another boat kill a woman and blame it on a passenger is plain disgussing to me.
Oh look another DDA whining about losing another case they should have never gone to court with. Hoppy not only can you not try a case and win, but no one else in your organization can either....Boy between Mitchell and Hopkins they have a real handle on filing bad cases, but all the real crooks go free. LOL...this was in the Record Bee this morning.

Abelson said she's disappointed people are using the fact she lost a case for political gain.

"It's being used as an attack against my boss, someone who is very supportive of my cases," Abelson said.

Rhoades said he wasn't aiming for political gain when he sent out a press release, which he does every time he gets a not guilty verdict.
Hopkins is supportive of your cases!!!LOL ya like he supported the DDA's in the Dinius case, oh uh "I didn't take that case over till the last couple of weeks"..Ableson wake up he throws you guys under the bus on a regular basis. LOL
Rodney Mitchell has been using, the department web site, for his campaign (despite the fact he has a separate web site built for the purpose).

D.A. Jon Hopkins has yet to investigate Rod Mitchell for misuse of public web hosting.

D.A. Jon Hopkins has yet to investigate Rod Mitchell for allegations of gross misconduct while under county employ.

D.A. Jon Hopkins has yet to investigate Rod Mitchell for anything.

Rod Mitchell has stated that all ALLEGATIONS against LCSO employees must be investigated fully.

So far, the only internal investigations pursued by Mitchell are against Frank Rivero and Michael Morshed.
Gregore, Monkey Boy -Ski, C.Brown, Martin, and a few others............. better start filling out those applications! Rivero/ Lake County Sheriffs Department will have NO place for any of you. WalMart - start there.
One would think you might not need a citizen review board for the sheriffs department with a grand jury. Not true the grand jury is a corrupt part of the GOBS, Its used to give cover,in fact when the truth is know It will be in favor for one of their own You all need to look at what that liars did to hide for Garry Lewis. Their "Its a personnel matter" allows for dishonesty I knew Officer Rivero is telling the truth. because I have come to know the GOBS in Lake County. Not one of them has told me to stop or they would sue me for slander. With out those to over see. the lying just goes on. I would remind you that the jury in the Dinius case in fact said they did not believe what Hopkins was telling them.Now allot of citizens thing so as well.Those in this local government think I'm the problem when its them that lied and covered up the lies and I did not lie to them ,they took my money and cheated me.Vote for officer Rivero, Do Lake County a favor,Get rid of Mitchell and Hopkins.
Jim, had you considered there might be another reason no one tells you to stop? It might be that they are respecting your right to free speech regardless of how groundless your claims. I know for a fact that your claims have been investigated numerous times by multiple agencies. Either everyone but you is corrupt or you are obsessed with a unicorn. I suspect the latter.

And no, I'm not one of those awful, ethereal Good Old Boys - I've just been acquainted with you for years.
I have seen Mitchell's retaliation from Beland to Morshed and now Rivero.

Beland was terminated for his testimony in the Dinius case.

Morshed did wrong a few years back and got demoted. He did his time and retested for sergeant. With a now clear personnel file, a good evaluation, a prior supervisor of the entire Investigations Division and a former K9 deputy with SED, he should have had no problem getting his rank back. But for some reason he did not. Kenner, who was recently kicked out of detective for poor performance, was promoted instead. Now you tell me, was it his race? Morshed filed an EEOC complaint and, as we have heard before, Mitchell refused to release the findings. Remember, this is before the unauthorized report release.

Rivero is almost a carbon copy. He had a clean personnel file, had been a temporary sergeant and a former detective for SFPD. SFPD's force is large than Lakeport, Clearlake, Probation, DA's Office and the Sheriff's Office combined. Here is a surprise that most don't know, Cecil Brown was in charge of that testing. In the last 15 years, nobody has failed the sergeant's test, but several have tested low. Rivero filed an EEOC complaint and once again Mitchell refused to release the findings. Rivero decides to run for Sheriff. What happens next? Here comes a citizen's complaint that had been sitting on the Sheriff's Office desk for almost four months based on a 1 1/2 year old incident. The accused vicious felony act is not even investigated until 2 months before the election. Almost 100 days have gone by and still no outcome.

Reasons to kick Mitchell to the curb and elect Rivero.

Post 9:50AM why would I believe they would respect my rights to free speech when they respected none of my other rights. You get no Investigation when their not looking for the truth only putting me through a process. It was the same type of Bureaucrats that oversaw the Dnius case, Bottle feed dishonesty. You claim to know me. If that is true then you would know why I protest as I do, You only make excuses so we have more Dinius cases. SO come and tell me I'm full of crap not from the sideline What I would call you that do that I thing you know. You are just one of the reasons we have this type of government in Lake County.You except the dishonesty.As time and their abuse goes on more are knowing what I say is true.
Didn't Lloyd Wells write the statements of two girls who testified that they din't see the sailboat before perdick hit it . But in both of thier written statements he clearly wrote that perdick hit an unlit object . Wonder if this is why he is named in the lawsuit .
oops that was paul simpson and he almost underlined unlit . It sure is amazing how everybody stressedcin their statements how lit up perdicks boat was .
Yes, but it was four other persons including a retired boat patrol officer who said the lights were on. Also other statements were made indicating the cabin lights were on.
My point is all witnesses statements to lcso were changed by lcso , as testified to in court .
10:54AM You claim to know me
James, the writing shows it's Kim, Roberto Buffalo Brown's brain, or Rodney's wife. Please keep rattling the nerves of the Lake County crooked politicians with the help from the Lovelace group. Keep it up change will come soon.
Jordin Walker testified she saw the sailboat three seconds before impact at perdicks speed that would have been 150-200 feet away . The only way she could have seen the sailboat is if the lights were on . Hell perdick even testified that he saw the green reflection on the water which would have been the sailboats running lights . The lights were on which was established in the civil trial ask perdick .
Hey all just so you know the supervisors are on here all the time, the two posts the one above at 950, and the post mentioning Tom are both Rob Brown. Hey Rob we appreciate the fact you are on the site. Your a cowboy Brown and you are a liar, you know you watch this blog along with all the other supervisors who say they don't. The problem with you is you are not sharp enough to post with out being able to read between the lines. You have some issues coming your way by the way, and sooner rather then later. Stand by for that it was a mistake you made when you were playing your usual cowboy routine you oh shall we say made a few mistakes in your anger.
That having been said a lot of information to put out, but let's start with the Dinius discussion that has been ongoing today. The post concerning Webers insurance is exactly correct that is the only reason for the insurance payout, nothing to do with fault in any fashion, The Dinius situation is quite simply actually. If you want to know what the worse case thought process of the jury was, and we mean the worse case, here is how they saw it. First of Mitchell/Hopkins had no credibility with the jurors, none what so ever, several of them said that after the trial. Second, think of it this way, a good person is crossing a street but not in an official crosswalk, but a car going 100 miles an hour with a totally drunk guy driving it runs over the person, guess what the person driving the car drunk at 100 is going to be charged and convicted of vehicular murder. Period. Running lights on or off, moving at 1 mile an hour or less still in the docking area and getting slammed by a drunk cop driving in the dead of night at 40 to 50 miles an hour? Of course they went after the wrong guy, of course Perdock is guilty of killing Lynn Thorton, of course Mitchell after giving Perdock a big hug on the dock covered for his own boy. The jury saw through all that crap, they saw through Hopkins, and his games. Now when the civil trial comes about, there is going to be more scathing evidence against Mitchell and Hopkins then you can even imagine. Remembeer the OJ trial well think of Mitchell and Perdock and Hopkins as OJ the amount of evidence and information that is allowed in a civil suit is huge compared to the games played in a criminal trial. When this is said and done, both Mitchell and Hopkins better hope they lose this election, as they will not want to be in office when the berkeley lawyer is done whipping their ass. The good news is when both Mitchell and Hopkins are out they still will have to go to the trial and get their ass destroyed. Imagine what it is going to be like to see both those yahoo's up on the stand getting hammered by this attorney, it is going to be something great to see, get your tickets now you will not want to miss this one!!! We can't wait!!
Perdick has made some pretty self incriminating statements that if I was a prosecuting attorney I would call a confession to murder . He claims to Know there are lots of unlit boats on the lake at night which establishes that he knew of the danger of operating his boat at such insane speeds . Perdick also claims 10 feet of forward visibilety . Every time perdick has told his story it has been a different one and all of them have been recorded . If you read his interview with John Flynn you can see his frustration can you imagine how many more times he is going to go through this . I would love to have all his statements in front of me and get to question him . Nope Russ thats not what you on date . Nope Russ thats not what you said on this date . Oops Russ once again not what you said here . Russ seems you change your story more than I change my underwear .
Damm I hope hoppy does not represent the county ( that is if he still has the right to practise law ) . Hoppy you had better look up civil rights because you did not honor Dinius'
Bend over Hoppy mitchell is not through with you .
If I was Dinius I would expand the list of defendants Paul Simpson ,Anita Grant , The entire bos , All the dispatchers and all deputies that were at the scene . Under federal law The Rico act states any one involved can be charged with all acts committed by anyone involved . So if perdick is charged with murder you all can be. under the rico act police departments have been ruled criminal organizations
Yes the Rico act Also covers civil cases and it really ups the settlements . Google rico act and do some reading .
Garzoli little incedent could actually fall under the rico act .
Perdock got away with MURDER PERIOD.
it aint over till rully sings
Baxter, The first thing a retired cop does when he moves to a new town is introduce himself to the sheriff and his deputys. Cops hang out with cops. I'm here from the big city, if there's anything I can do let me know. I've seen you a few times now. It seems obvious to me you are a shill for Mitchell.
Jack, if there is a decent man inside of you, I ask you to think of the good people in this county, who have been wronged for so long by Mitchell. Don't be the spoiler. Please, drop out now.
Hey, Buffalo Breath, I spoke with the man who used to sell your weed for you. He said he had to quit because you wouldn't pay him the money you had agreed to. He didn't want me to use his name, but he said you would know who he was. He took it to the club. We'll leave their name out for now too.
You should know the first rule of business, Buffalo, never burn the hired help.
You need to drop out, and take Jack with you!
731 Jack is going out with Mitchell and Rivero will be moving into the Sheriffs office to clean it up thats for sure on June 8th. Start looking for another job because Rivero wouldn't want a crooked officer working for him.
After many delays, "Lovelace" T-shirts are finally in.
For now we will deliver them to you. Send your request to our G-mail and we will deliver them to you.We have small, medium, and large with other sizes coming soon. We are selling them for $20.00 and the money will be used to offset some expenses that some Lovelace members have kindly taken from their own pockets. If there are merchants who would like to sell them from their stores, please contact us. We understand the risks, but it's times like this that we must take a stand for what we believe in. And yes, we have a complimentary shirt for you Rod. What size would you like, perhaps a small.
I think you should give Rob Brown one too.
Buffalo man the same man on cole creek and bottle rock? Isn't that property going to auction soon or was it paid?
Isn't that the same property that his Rotary brother went before the BOS and got approval for the power plant to continue? He being a Board of Supervisor sat discussed this with the other BOS don't they know he has a valid interest? I mean he just happens to own the land why was he allowed to say anything isn't this a conflict of interest here?
Same Buffalo Man. Did you say conflict of interest. You mean like sitting on the committee to draft the Medical Marijuana planning ordinance for Lake Co.
Keep the prices high, Buffalo, you'll be able to pay that property off.
Post 1:44 isn't quite accurate with the analogy. It would be a sober person driving 55mph on a dark night runs over a drunk (or "hammered", to quote an old friend of mine that was actually on the sailboat that night) guy laying in the middle of the road. Although the speedlimit is 55mph, the law says you are not supposed to drive faster than is safe. Seems apparent that 55mph was too fast on the dark night since the driver ran over the drunk guy in the street, but would he be charged? Don't know the answer to that. Just wanted to make the analogy a bit more accurate. You can come to your own conclusion.
Message to O. My MB friend is starting a pool for how many LL Tshirts are sold. Let me know if you want in.
9:21 I guess that is why 6 people testified to the fact that perdick was at konocti . It is also obvious that you have never been on a boat . You must be quite close to perdick .
post 921 you said the same thing I did, in your description the drunk guy would not get charged, and it is as if the drunk guy in your idea was actually walking on the side walk, like at the dock. I think they are one and the same, and the analogy is more like the drunk guy driving the car was going 120 mph because that is what is equal to the speed in the water that Perdock was going. So till the proper way would have been to charge Perdock period! We all know it, there is not question, you can be positive had Perdock been in Dinius place and a women died by Dinius hitting Perdock they would have charged Dinius and won big time,and you can bet Mitchell and Hopkins would have damn well gone after Dinius in that case... Come on lets not play games we all know the truth of this.
Lloyd Wells didn't he refuse to take a witnesses statement who claimed to have seen the stern light and cabin lights turned on and then tell the witness that the lights were proven to be off and this was the morning after the accident. Would that be obstruction of justice , maybe witness tampering . Wondering if this is why he is named in the lawsuit .
After many delays, "Lovelace" T-shirts are finally in.
For now we will deliver them to you. Send your request to our G-mail and we will deliver them to you.We have small, medium, and large with other sizes coming soon. We are selling them for $20.00 and the money will be used to offset some expenses that some Lovelace members have kindly taken from their own pockets. If there are merchants who would like to sell them from their stores, please contact us. We understand the risks, but it's times like this that we must take a stand for what we believe in. And yes, we have a complimentary shirt for you Rod. What size would you like, perhaps a small.
Does anybody Know how many times perdick accessed RiMS I know his initials appear when he does ?
What Mitchelll and Hoppy fail to realize is that the truth is a whole and parts of the truth do not make up the whole truth .
What statute are they running the clock on thus time?
to all you corruption supporters google preponderance of evidense as opposed to beyond a reasonable dought . Dinius is looking GOOD !!
there is no statue of limitations for murder . the trial ended 8/2?/2009 any crimes committed during the trial are still within the statue of limitation . There is a 4 year statue of limitaions in Rico act cases .
Preponderance of evidence , Rico act . Lake county please hire a real lawyer who can explain what these two phrases mean to you . Mitchell and Hoppy have exposed the county to one one of the most expensive lawsuits in history and that will just be in legal fees . Remember Haltom had three thousand pages of evidence every time he walked into the courtroom .
The two boat insurance companies that paid out were Boat Usa (Weber) and Safeco (perdick) . Boat Usa has published scathing reports against perdock and the lcso . Has safeco done anything for perdick ? Remember this is Weber's insurance not bismarks
rob brown isnt the only one who is watching this site. rushing has a vested interest too!
It gets better
"to all you corruption supporters google preponderance of evidense as opposed to beyond a reasonable dought . Dinius is looking GOOD !!"

LMAO! I know spelling isn't important to some of you folks, but this was too funny not to re-post. With people like this on your side, there isn't much to worry about.
Kip or Rich, I think F.R. should go to Relay For Life of Lake County. Sat 10am to Sun 10am, May 15-16, 2010 at Kelseyville High School ... Lots of people...
why ?
Can someone Confirm or Deny that Perdick got Axed for good, this last Friday???
Goth Girl,XX,G and the rest of crew have inquiring minds~
Goth Girl
Isn't it amazing that on the courthouse steps there was only ONE individual on that first peaceful demonstration against Perdock and the "gang" that had a sign with a directive. All other signs vague, but ONE sign with a directive. Seems that ONE of the peaceful demonstrators for truth and justice has no qualms AT ALL for pointing out the obvious. What happened as a result of this directive? Does anyone know or care that this person was victimized for this CLEAR and present danger that the directive posed for the individual. Lake Count law enforcement has a reputation even in the neighboring state of Nevada for its outward corruption. It makes Las Vegas, built obviously by the MOB of yore look like Disneyland. Of course what goes on in Vegas STAYS in Vegas? If you report crime in Lake County that involves law enforcement you won't be leaving Lake County unless it is in a body bag. Tag 'em and Bag 'em? Someone commented that is Mitchell and his mob and Perdock going in to the business of haz mat clean up. Blood on these boy's hands? That and a whole lot of other things, but then the dynamic of Lake County is that of Tahoe AND Vegas and closer to milk the resources of the greater Bay Area. Air fare to Vegas? Lake County is 2.5 hours away from SF and now the ground work has been done for many "investors". Does anyone know how much land Congressman Thompson has bought? Do "they" call that a win-win situation? Follow the money and the "culprits" will be exposed one by one. It is conflict of interest that is the issue. WHO exactly is funding and has funded the Mitchell campaign?
Paul Simpson was store "Dick" at Safeway while Mitchell was stocking produce. Together they did some "jobs" on various people, and it was Paul Simpson's own handwriting and falsifying of testimony of two girls that will bite in the butt hard. It was on the internet (courtesy of Dan Noyes of ABC7 News) and he can't blame anyone for this falsified testimony that Simpson wrote to get his little buddy Perdock off. This gets Simpson "off" sexually along with his porn connections. He thinks of himself as the silverback of the troop. Mitchell thinks of himself as a "ladies" man and Simpson thinks the is his own parade. Fools.

Paul Simpson, in reality is a skank. Mitchell and Perdock are also skanks.

Any law enforcement official in the county knows this as fact and Simpson is the lowest form of scum skankdom. He is Perdock's butt buddy and was the senior officer of the Clear Lake Boat Patrol. How convenient.

Simpson is from the Fairfax police and had a fake back "injury" that landed him in our community. He took his prescription meds, it is widely known, and distributed them.

He entertained the troops (more like an entourage of idiots) like Mitchell at his 40 acres on Morgan Valley Road outside of Lower Lake until outraged neighbors decided the only way to get rid of him was to burn him out. They were tired of the target practice and outwardly drunk and disorderly conduct that was typical of the gatherings. The neighbors were intimidated and of course were tired of being treated as if they were criminals when the true criminals congregated at Simpson's place.

Now if Simpson really had a back injury how can he possibly be the Clear Lake Boat Patrol? Wouldn't the operation of the taxpayer's boat on a rough lake pound on his back? It's pretty obvious that the injury was no injury at all!!!

Simpson should be at the top of Holtom's list of people to go after for Dinius, but then again, perhaps this is saved for the second wave. There will be a second wave and that is when it is going to get very interesting and there is much more to come I am sure.

Any of us could be the next Dinius and several of the good citizens of Lake County have been victimized with falsified reports and most do not recover. It is a travesty of justice. If there is money to be made the corrupt of the LCSO will be there in spades to cash in. Follow the money as poster 5:54 states? Follow the money and the ties to the corruption and see where it ends up.

Mitchell went to a hanging and brought his own rope. How is it hanging now Mitchell?
no i think ostini is at the top of the list . his name is on every paige of mitchell's foney baloney report . did you see how proud he was sitting up there with hoppy .i think they were touching each other under the table . hopefully he has a good laywer .
Mitchell takes too corruption, like a fish to water.
I loved when Haltom read the basic speed law to Ostini and Ostini couldn't even acknowledge that it was indeed the basic speed law . How many lies did Haltom catch Ostini in .
It is kind of sad most people think Ostini is a good guy . Yet he is resposible for the whole investigation and he will be hit as hard as perdick .
Mitchell screwed Ostini years ago. Just maybe Ostini screwed Mitchell this time.
Hopefully Ostini does the right thing if for no other reason to save his ass .
This is the Lovelace group, first off this morning, those that have been named in the Dinius civil lawsuit are listed in regrds to the lawful connection to the issues with Mitchell and Hopkins, since in this case Hopkins and any connection to Mitchell that any of these individuals may have is the reason they are listed. None of them including Ostini will be charged with any criminal intent, as this is a civil suit. This is a civil suit against the county and it will be Mitchell and Hopkins that will be the king pins in this trial. None will go to jail, and the positive outcome of the trial will be the extensive exposure of the methods and actions of Mitchell and Hopkins to cover-up and protect Perdock. The individuals called to the stand, such as Ostini will be at no personal risk money or criminal wise as this is not how a civil suit works. The county will be the agency hit and hit hard by the suit, and it will all rest on Mitchell and hopkins back....That is the good news. Watching those two squirm.
I have been amazed that those that know of the Dinius case,all that has transpired and after the fact information would find fault with us that would hold our system to a higher standard than what we are receiving at this time.This local system is a culture for dishonesty and feeds on "Its a personal matter." This system has covered up for employees that was malfeasance. That would be the board of supervisors, grand jury, Mitchell,Hopkins. I have met their arrogance I'm hear to tell you that its them for I have no control over any citizen I do not take your money We are all losers with this system in place now.You can call me any name you care to, I will take it as a badge of honor But with Lovelave,officer Rivero more now that I tell the truth I would like to also state I have done this in the open and to their face and not from the light of day like so many of you.Again you that say you know me,then you would know why I protest. Lastly You can bet that if those anal openings thought they could get in my pocket ,they would but the truth would come out then like the Dinius case.
The answer to the report of Perdock being fired, is the same Mitchell MO as usual a lack of transparency, and 2 practices of exposure and discipline, you will notice that upon Morsheds termination it was out in the media and to the public instantly. With Perdock or Garzoli, there will be a total lack of transparency, the BOS is aware of their status but they to feel they know better what is good for the citizens. They will do all they can to keep the Perdock and Garzoli status under-wraps. This is an example of the transparency that will be put in place as the system changes, Once a month there will be a report that is published listing the status of any personal on Admin leave or other leave. This is the publics money being spent and we are due a monthly accounting of where it is being spent. These concepts are foreign to the supervisors and our local LE management, they all will have to be re-trained...
We have just received some inside information that is quite interesting. Have all of you noticed that out of nowhere the questioning format at the debates has changed? Yes that is right now everything is a write in or e-mail question, interesting, since we know Mitchell and Hopkins do not like the negative focus on them, and the majority of the citizens calling in are hammering both of them, they have found a way to get the LCN and or the Record Bee to change any of the debates to this format. We can tell you for sure that conversations took place with Mitchell and Hopkins and our local media to change the format. They do not think in terms of saying to the public what format would you like? No they have decided they will do it for you!! You see how it works the media to is part of the elitist "network" controlling the content that you see and how the debate format works, and what is the Admin status of public payed employees etc etc.How does that make you feel? What does that say about how the BOS, the media, and the LE management think about you the citizens? I think we know the answer to that question!
Rivero is showing the public exactly what Mitchell does to deputies behind the public view. Rivero has NEVER filed a complaint against any police or sheriff's department. His only law suit was as a store owner fighting a corrupt San Francisco politician over a 15 year court fight. Frank had to lay off employees and almost went bankrupt but never gave up. After winning, he built his business, expanded and sold it for a profit. Even his divorce went smooth. His ex-wife even lives in Middletown just a few blocks away from him and they get along well.

Rivero never filed a suit against any other police or sheriff's and to this date has no case against LCSO (just an EEOC complaint). He had no problems with SFPD or his past employees. To prove this, the Anti-Rivero supports to this date have failed to bring not one SFPO officer or former employee of Rivero that talks bad about him.

Do I agree with all his proposals? No. The assigned vehicle program is the one I completely disagree with. It took LCSO a long time and the puchase of used cop cars to get to this point. You can call a cop at home for overtime and he is ready when he started his car. LCSO also does not have to build locker rooms saving office space. That so far is the only thing I disagree with.

Citizen's Review Board.
Frank's proposal is based on this GOB's gone a muck. It is based on citizens with past law enforcement management experience. Rivero uses retired DDA Investigator Brown as an example of one of the persons who could be on that board. People think LAPD and SFPD's version was federally mandated. If you go to their website, you will see it's history. LAPD was started on federal overview, but the voters later made that agency permanent. SFPD's board was adopted by the BOS but later the voters made it permanent. I support this proposal.

Get Mitchell out and Rivero in.
1257 - I heard RP was getting axed after his lawyer ran out the clock on appeels. Maybe that has happened already. To bad MM didn't have a lawyer or he'd have been on paid leave to.
As soon as Garzoli made Lieutenant here he applied for a job in Rocklin? Something to with being a big fish in a small pond? Garzoli is soon to be a fish out of water.
1148 I just checked and it has been 12 hrs and no replies to your comments on topix. When are you going to learn that you have nothing interesting or believable to say? It is the same thing here, Like you and your group you will soon be fish out of water.
1148 13hrs and counting.
My comments on topix? I'm unfamiliar with those, what comments are you referring to?
1207 BTW I'm not 1148 And your not very smart.
948, i did not say the same thing you did. I said I don't know who would be charged. I just made your analogy a bit more accurate is all.
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