Thursday, September 10, 2009


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I was reading the blog when the Rully leak was posted. The blog admin. took it down fairly fast but it was there for all the world to read. It was strange reading but now that this has all come to light, it all makes sense. I believe that "fair is fair" and believe Mr Rivero is being railroaded! They went after Morshed for a "supposed" file being leaked, so now they need to go after who ever leaked this crap. Who is the DSA's shop steward or their union pres. those persons would have had knowledge that this action was taking place and/or had a copy and everyone is aware that there is no "love lost" between the DSA and Rivero.
Since when does Myra have a tattoo? That cute little thing? As far as a few pounds,that girl has been lookin good since I've known her...You've got the wrong girl.But than again smells like a jealous ex so I'm sure of what you say is BS and I'm sure running your mouth has no efect on Myra and shows how sad your life is
Right on dutra, you lucky dog!
LCSO/Rivero arrests the woman in 2008
The woman plead guilty.
The woman filed charges 1 1/2 years later.
The woman stated Rivero hit her in the head, but the booking photo clearly shows no injuries.
The woman stated she had blood all over, but again nothing in the booking photo.
The woman had a prior history of making a false complaint on cops.
Mitchell assigned the IA to Basor in January.
Mitchell knew that Basor would be out of the US for at least a month.
Mitchell waited an additional four months before taking any action.
Mitchell knew that this would be a political nightmare and should have spoken to Rivero.

Rivero came forward because if he is elected Sheriff he wants clarity. If not elected, he is resigning anyway so what's to loose.
Love Lost, You cannot lose what You never had
I hear they have a new Tat Parlor opening up soon on Cobb maybe next door to Mommie Dearest place WHO KNEW
Rivero supporters don't even know what friggin country they are in. LOL

Cute old Hispanic guy carring a Rivero sign chanting "Vive Mexico" Anyone else notice him?
# posted by Anonymous : April 6, 2010 12:38 PM
only a couple years here and already wanting the top job, you have to pay your dues and work hard not just make alligation of racial profiling and then run for Sheriff
Why are we talking about tattoo's? Who cares WHO has one
You have a problem with tattoo bitch? say that to my face you dirty hag!
Seems a lot of people saw Franks speach last night. Word out on the street today isn't good for Frank. Appears he lost a lot of respect in the community thinking the rules don't apply to him. It's sad. Why did he have to do that. He had to know how bad it would make him look. What was he thinking? Has he decided he doesn't want to be sheriff, but afraid to bow out gracefully?
Flash Flash Flash seems Mitchell went to take some of his anxiety pills and grabbed the blue ones instead . Perdock and Garzoli have been under Mitchells desk all afternoon but nothing will soften the problem . Please send anyone that help poor Rodney out before things get to sticky !
Word out on the street is that this move is just a political move. Mitchell has four months to act on this but did not. Mitchell had prior knowledge that this woman enjoys filing false reports but took no action. It is a crime to file a false police report and she should have been charged (unless Dutra actually did it!).

People are upset. I spoke with cops in Santa Rosa and Napa. Wow they couldn't believe Mitchell took this type of action. I found not one person who blamed Rivero, only Mitchell.

Once again Mitchell's management is shown to be incompetent. Almost every blogger in here has pointed on the same things. She filed a false report before, booking photo's shows no evidence of a crime and she waits 1 1/2 years later to do something. Then Mitchell's management waits an additional four months!

It's time for change.
When was the story leaked and where, cause the rally was set up way before 4/2 @ 7:55 p.m.??? As for post 4:04 you guys say the corruption supporters are childish...
So when Rivero gets fired for willful insubordination/violating a direct order and files a wrongful termination suit will the LCSO become an anarchist colony?
Will I get to pay for that too? Can I send my bill to Rivero?
Will things get better or worse at the Sheriff's department if deputies can ignore direct orders and do what they please?
How expensive was the permit for the event anyway? You did get a permit, didn't you?
Mitchell is getting handed is butt over on topix. Only supporters over there are JJ Jabermouth Jensen and AOL/Wow Pat Mc. Word on the street is that Mitchell put his foot in it and it smells like chit. LMAO
Oh I forgot his other supporter Clint "white power" Fitz, he likes the way Mitchell's boys have handled some of the local hispanics. You know, slaps to the back of the head and all. Why hasn't Mitchell added Clint to his endorsment page?
Well, Mitchell has lost my vote. I was at the press conference Monday and I gotta say, I just can’t convince myself that this is anything more than a scam by Mitchell that didn’t go the way he’d hoped. I give up on him.
Word on the street today is we have a very dirty Rod Mitchell and people know it is BS
Thats Funny 3:54 - After the News I got several phone calls letting me know that people are now ready to donate to Franks campaign. You must have been talking about the streets as in the parking lot of the SO office. Furthermore, I don't want to hear about disobeying orders, when Mitchell and you lil boys don't follow such orders. Were you not ordered to stay off the blogs? Yes, you were and where are you playing, on the blogs. so all of you can need to just back off before we openly show the world that some of the bloggers on this site and others IP addresses lead right back to the LCSO as well as the County Court House! Don't think we haven't already exposed a few already! G4X
Goth Girl - got the message! You know where to find me now. Touch Base and fill me in. G4X
4:16 When Perdock was ordered to stay out of riims and it was proven in court that he did Perdock wasn't even demoted. He is still Capt, Getting paid since Aug. 09? Why the double standard? If you feel there is good reason for this, Let's hear it.
4:16 At the same time Perdock was under investigation for misconduct, What happend to that? Is that investigation still going on? Is that a example of Mitchells investigative style?
Rivero is Mitchells best campaign asset! Keep up the great work Frank. Mitchell can sit back and watch while he wins by a landslide!
This notion that Rivero should have remained silent is absurd and those Mitchell supporters that are whining about “breaking orders” (or, by God, not having a permit; really?) are demonstrating directly the very reason why it was so important for Rivero to come forward right away.

Mitchell clearly hoped to control all the press around this matter. He raised a bogus complaint (I believe we can all agree on that much at least) and then ordered Rivero not to speak about it. Francisco has campaigned on the platform of honesty and transparency. So, Mitchell was hoping that Rivero would cower and try to hide this fact. Instead, Rivero stepped up and called it for what it is, B.S.

If Rivero had said nothing, Mitchell’s cronies would leak rumors right up to the election. Then Mitchell would have released the information right before the election and feigned surprise (“What? Rivero didn’t tell you about this? He’s known about if for two months!”). Mitchell says that it wasn’t a priority because Rivero is on an unpaid leave of absence (as opposed to all the staff that’s on paid leave). That’s absolute crap; this is relevant to the election and nobody buys Mitchells act.
5:36 do you think your being cute? Do you think that’s funny? Sarcasm is the childish response of those who have no valid argument. If you’re going to post, have some point to make. I’m so tired of Mitchell’s henchmen making little snips without contributing anything to intelligent conversation.
Very nice 5:54! You should post this over on topix too or even a letter to the editor but be careful. I think you touched on all the points most of us here already know! Thank you!
Mitchell never lost anything from me, for he NEVER had it! Let it be known, that The Powers of Positive Thinking will put all the negative that you boys have created in our county to rest. Honor and intregrity of these citizens will outway by extreme the deceit, fraud, and shame you have brought. Babble all you want, rant as you have, words are just that WORDS, Actions speak much louder than words. For every Action there is a reaction. This was on my sign as a protestor at the Dinius Trial and that I truly believe!
can someone please post the mugshots website? thanks.
I just saw the ABC video (Wow) "Help me Rhonda" she is the Lake County Poster Woman for sure! Congrats to you Mr. Rivero! This backfired on Mitchell and was low. This helped your VICTORY and not at all hindered it! The voters of Lake County are intelligent they are "WELL INFORMED AND KNOW THE FACTS" They see that Mitchell went low on this one! Congrats to you again Mr. Rivero!
Oddest thing how Rivero's campaign is about everyone but Rivero. Not impressed.
I am considered very much open minded and see things objectably, if you care to read fine, if not pass this on by. I think that Rivero knew full well what he would be causing going against a direct order, his agenda fo Lake County is really not to become Sheriff, but to just look for some slanted revenge upon the Sheriffs Dept in memory of Lynn Thorton's death, and then to have Dinius' former Attorney standing tall and advising him.

That in and of itself should not have been dragged into his campaign but runner will do what they do for leverage, that being said, Rivero knows He does not have any Friends in the dept because of the disdarn he caused and to add to the problems he decided to look for another platform to stand upon when he aligned with a former deputy would could not cut it here and of course Kip who also was looking for some sort of revenge against Mitchell.

I am not an insider but know what I know because I do what I do for a living. So Rivero spilling the beans early on to this blog master and the people running this show knew full well longer than they care to admit,henceforth the Leak of the investigation that would have just floated on by except for you guessed it Rivero.

Rivero did not do himself any favors infact he tossed all of the bloggers on here who support him under the bus how can they follow him after his blunder, trust me I tell you He really doesn't want the Sheriff position just some revenge, besides he doesnt need the money think about what motive he has for being here in Lake County.
BTW, 7:03 BTW, I'm not McMhone,
You guys are smoking dope and using up space. Continue to puke you B.S. No one is believing what you are saying.
I noticed something that is very troubling, and no one has commented on. In the L C N article, there's a one sentence paragraph;

"A second internal affairs investigation, not discussed specifically on Monday, involves an allegation that Rivero provided information from an official investigation to a witness who had not been interviewed, in violation of a direct order, according to documents released through Rivero's attorney, Victor Haltom of Sacramento."

I didn't hear Rivero claim this one was false and it seems there's pattern here. Maybe he likes to corrupt investigations that might make him look bad. At least we know he has a pattern of failing to follow what should be pretty clear orders.

Ed Robey, why are you endorsing someone like this? Do you think this is appropriate behavior for a county employee? I realize the investigation isn't complete and that we're unlikely to ever hear more than Rivero's side of the story, but I'm confident that there's some evidence out there to back it up, otherwise we'd have a soundbyte of Rivero stammering out some hard to understand statement about how he's being railroaded again.

I wonder if Rivero will claim this was also leaked by the department.

Oh, and about the leak...If there ever was one, it came from Rivero or his campaign. There was an announcement about a "press conference" long before there was ever any vague references to a deputy committing any such acts, and in the one I read, after the press conference was announced, no names were mentioned. It's impossible to know if they are even recounting the same incident.

This is the kind of transparancy you'll get with Rivero. Like Obama, you can keep your change.
"mitchell your fired" is just around the corner. "Rivero will be victorious", Vote mitchell and hopkins out.
You 5 rivero supporters are going to look pretty dumb after the election. LMAO!! wha wha wha all the way out of the county
7:13 you are ignorant. If you cared to be informed, you’d have attended the press conference where Rivero plainly said that he wasn’t going to sue. Get informed and learn to use lower case letters.
everyone can see your true motive here. you don't want to make anything "better" in this county. you are staight up out for revenge because you are a criminal the got caught. now you have to cry about it. if you truely thought sheriff mitchell played by his own rules (GOB) and think he is wrong for doing so, then you would also think frank was wrong for playing by his own rules and you would be rallying for someone else that is honest. you truely are transparent. not so bright, but indeed transparent.
did franks speech even revult lovelace. all the pro mitchell posts are staying up now.
7:29 Is that all you got?
7:29 please think before you post. The second I.A. document is Mitchell reacting to Rivero’s press conference. Rivero could not have commented on that at the press conference because Mitchell hadn’t filed that I.A. yet.
7:36 Go to bed Pat.
Pull your head out fellas, if Rivero wanted to sue he could have already. Just like Gudmunson did. He's not interested in suing, he's interested in change. He's interested in cleaning up the county where his son is going to grow up. So am I. Corruption is everywhere you go. You can't outrun it.You can't move away from it. You must fight to change it. Make your stand now. Vote Rodney and his dogs out!
OMG 7:36 are you actually trying to say that only criminals are supporting Rivero? WTF are you talking about? Disagreeing with the way Dinius was treated is now some kind of criminal offence? Mitchell is playing by his own rules because he allows his friends to commit criminal acts without repercussions. Rivero is playing by his own rules because he doesn’t let Mitchell get away with lying to the public. There can be no denying that Mitchell has abused the whole I.A. system; a system that is incapable of looking into Mitchell’s crimes because he is, in fact, above the law when he oversees the entire I.A. process.
7:29, I don't think so....I doubt there was time to prepare something like that and according to Victor Haltom the allegation is about communicating information to a witness who had yet to be interviewed...Did Rivero talk about this investigation to one of the witnesses then?
Rhonda and Rodney can take a long walk off a short pier. I don't care about her cocking bull story.
Rhonda is a whining criminal just like the rest of you whining rivero supporting criminals. wha wha wha all the way out of town, will ya?
here's a thought... be a law obiding citizen. then you won't have to wha wha wha when you get caught breaking it!
Good Evening Boy's & Girl's!
Seems Not much has changed since I left!
Lets see, Today I was at a Coffee Shop, The Hairdresser's, and a Grocery Store.
And Guess what everyone was talking about?! That they knew Mitchell was bad, but had no idea how bad! He is Dirtier than a pair of Rhonda Rully's week old underware! So, for the idiot who posted above saying that the "Word on the Street" was that Frank is a bad boy... It must have just been on Martin Street!!!

One Old Timer, looked to be about 80 years old, born and raised here said never in all of his years had he ever seen such dirty politics by a Sheriff, and such an "Explosive" Campaign. His final comment was "Too bad this isnt happening back in my day, we wouldnt be letting all this nonsense happen, as we would have gotten a Posse together and had a Public Hanging with that Dirty Bastard Mitchell". I then asked him... Sir, are you a registered voter? He replied "Of Course I am little Miss, and Im kicking myself in the ass for voting for that son of a bitch last time, wont happen again". I smiled, handed him one of Rivero's Cards... He looked at it, and replied "This is the Man Im voting for, I want to shake his hand for standing up against that crooked bastard". There were about 5 people behind me in line, who had been listening to the conversation, AND THEY ALL CLAPPED!! And I handed each one of them a Card!

So Sorry you Mitchell Clones... Thats the TRUE REALITY on the "Streets"!!! Not your Delusional World. Rod is going to continue to Brain Wash the WEAK, SPINELESS AND DE-NUTTED Clones thinking all is right in the Land of Mitchell. Nothing could be farther from the truth! BE WORRIED, VERY WORRIED!

Once again, if you morons support Rivero violating policy and direct orders then you support only obeying laws when you feel they apply. What a wonderful world that would be for you then. You guys have no concept of reality. Rivero will sink and if you have a brain in your head you will see this. If not, then the five Rivero supports can cry on each others shoulders after June. Rivero is crooked corruption himself and he proved that by talking about an IA after being told not to, just to build on his "poor me" campaign.
Send the ABC News Video too all those who do not reside in this county that you may know. Just ask them to view it. Do Not give them your opinion. Get their response. You would be surprised how transparent just with Mitchells statement.

1. Rivero was ordered not to speak of the IA. Why was the victim not ordered to not speak on this claim?
2. Is Rivero crazy going up against a county that claims there is so much corruption? Doesn't he realize what could be in store for him at this point? I give the guy kudo's for showing the courage he just showed!
3. They (meaning family) must be living in constant fear now. So Sad, please be careful and watch your back.
4. ________ God, what the hell is going on up there. It use to be a wonderful place to visit you. We really are staying away until this all blows over and the elections are done. Our experience with just the way these guys talk down to you is enough to know they would go to any lengths to get what they want. (Boating Violation Sticker).
5. I can't believe these idiots waited this long to put in motion such charges. To top it off they said there was another case involving the same (I would say lady, but lord after seeing that photo its obvious she is a druggie). It was thrown out then and obvious with the elections coming up just what this Mitchells motive is!
6. Wish I was up there, I would be standing right by you fighting for the justice within your county. to bad I can't vote it would be for another canidate other then Mitchell. He must really think you guys are stupid hahaha if he only knew you!

These are just a few comments I rec'd back. See what you get!
Anyone notice Batman and Lovelace have been awful quiet today, come out come out wherever you are.
FireMan are you here to night?
Obviously one can not believe what Rivero says. He violates rules and disobeys orders. Not very trustworthy. For those of you that support someone with these morals and values, you have shown your own. Rivero deserves to be fired for what he did, and to think, all he was trying to do was build on his "poor me" campaign. What county is next?
Your right 8:42, not one but MANY can believe and we do! I know how that just chaps your ass but sorry, you just keep on sucking up to Daddy and see where it lands you!
Pull your head out of your pappa mitchy's butt 8:42, we've seen what he gave us and we are tied of it. Even if Rivero wasn't a great guy, ANYONE would be better than mitchell!
And under rivzero, she won't even have the right to make a complaint. How cool is that! I can't wait til we can just target people and things we don't like with no consideration for the rule of law.
giving out the ladies name and arrest date.........what the hell, never should put her name out there mercy sakes alive and now splashed across the web with the item on the kgo site. Good ole Dan Noyes always ready to tamper with a out of town story.

it doesn't matter what a person looks like, not everyone is anyone's cup of tea but this blog always screams about profiling, think about it would you feel different if she was a raving beauty bringing charges.

had Rivero never leaked the story on tv no less no one but the IA would know about it at all Seems Ironic he took a leave with pay at the time he did makes a person question his real motive
8:57 You must be happy then because that is what Mitchell has been doing all along.
9:12, Rivero is on an unpaid leave, get your facts straight.
8:57 you’re orating out of the wrong orifice. Rivero has promised a citizen’s review board which would handle such complaints rather than the current system where Mitchell can abuse the I.A. process to persecute those who oppose him. Suppose you had a complaint about Mitchell, who do you talk to about that? Right now it’s Mitchells call whether your complaint is valid and I’m betting he wouldn’t file a complaint about himself.
8:57 you guys already do it. Why do you think this blog was created? Oh, you have never felt it because you are part of the "in crowd" "GOB and/or their "family". You have screwed with too many people and/or looked away while others did their dirty deeds. However, slowly and surely people have seen the crap that goes down and are tired of it. You have taken people and messed with them because you thought you could. Everything in this life comes with a price and the time has come to pay that price. Rivero has become the "hope" of those who want change. The only person to come forward to provide justice for those who have been waiting for it. Wheather Mitchell has done anything personaly to anyone or just sat back and allowed it to happen is one and the same. Mitchell is done, you can write all you want but no one will ever look up to the LCSO again unless Mitchell is gone. You know how you feel everyone eyes on you when you go places, that horrible uncomfortable feeling. That will only continue as election time grows near. You want to get a beer but don't because someone may blog about you. You or yours have made this bed, now lay in it. We are not going to feel sorry for you.
Rivzero? Really 8:57? Mitchell supporters are resorting to making fun of his name now? That seems a bad tactic for someone whose candidate is named “Rod”.
845 and 850, you guys are morons too. He is a liar. Go ahead and stand alone by each other in the voting line then go to the bar and drink away your sorrows. He'll lose, now more so than ever. Birds of a feather boys. Did you hear me once say anything about go Mitchell? No, you guys are just pathetic Rivero supporters dwindling away to nothing trying to turn things around. Get off your lame horses.
My Horses are far from Lame, You GOB's are just running your mouths, and running scared. If you only knew what was about to hit you all upside the head.
Its always about whats next. Well, if what is next is anything like what just happened, Rivero will finally be done. Good ridence! Tired of the "poor me" crap. Try this: Follow the rules, test well and earn your place in line...
Pot calling the kettle black you peeps on her have maligned over and over three of the ranking officer time and time get used to getting it back

Rivzero? Really 8:57? Mitchell supporters are resorting to making fun of his name now? That seems a bad tactic for someone whose candidate is named “Rod”.
# posted by Anonymous : April 6, 2010 9:26 PM
Quit posting from your phone, makes you look stupid!
All the great revelations you have fortold on this loser site have been a tempest in a teapot. Every "just you wait" statement you utter turnes out to be another nothing. You make your boy look stupid. Not that he needs any help after that "nail in my coffen" stunt yesterday. Face it Rivero has run his bid out and he is all finished. If we only knew what was about to hit us upside the head? Ya, how many times have we heard that crap.
9:46, It's past your bed time.
You are rattling on.... And your woman is pissed because you set out the little blue pill, forgot to take it, the dog ate it, and is now humping her... But Im sure the Dog could out perform you anyday!
Mitchell you ran up way to many bills, had way too many accidents, had way to many problems with deputys. You suck as sheriff, your record proves it, now go away and start packing. Vote mitchell and hopkins out.
Now Now 10:01.. First try learning to spell correct!
And as with playing Poker, you dont reveal all the cards you hold!
By All means, Continue to feel free to think we are "loser site"
And if we were a "loser site", why are you wasting your time here?
Now, Dont go away Mad, Just go away.
Maybe you can help 9:46 with his issues, Oh, thats right.. Sorry, we forgot, she was already rotated around to you on the monthly wife swap, and she said she would rather have the dog and a jar of peanut butter than bed down with you again!
it tis a waste of time because You peeps refuse to wake up to the fact you have been used
10:25 The Only people who have been used, are those who Mitchell decided to throw under the Bus in a lame ass attempt to make himself look good. The only way Mitchell is going to look good... is to consult a very talented plastic surgeon!!
If you cant articulate something intelligent, then go off point and diss me for my spelling, and then utter vulgar and childish nonsence. You got nothing but jokers in your deck 10:15. Nite sweetie, I am done with your bs.
Sweetie? Uhhh... That means you think you are dealing with a female? Or do you play on the other Team? Sorry... Not one Joker in the hand I was dealt! Keep Guessing!!
The quote below from the Bee raises an interesting question. What is the timeline on this? Did he fail his sergeants test then file a complaint? That's kinda troubling if it is true. Somebody over there should get Mr. Rivero to address this. Can he release his test score? How does the sergeant's test work anyway? Is it all subjective stuff or is it quantifiable?

"Up until March 6, 2009, Frank Rivero supported every aspect of this department and how it was run," Mitchell said. "Following the outcome of the sergeant's test he chose to begin maligning the department and accusing us of racial profiling and other things. It was at that point that he decided Lynn Thornton's death was important to him."
Well it was at that point that he and Ringen put their plan into action. I doubt Lynn's death is important to him at all other than a means to an end.
of course it is Sweetie up on Cobb with the Tats and a Mommie Dearest NUFF SAID or shall I go on...How is that Ap for the Truck Driving job coming any word on your being hired,you got the guns for em Sweerie
Yes I am he, the great and wonderful. I control all aspects of every investigation, I can censor whatever I want from this site.

We are now entering phase 22 of our most current investigation, this like all the others will have absolutely no substance and very little fact. We are trying to determine if Myra is just getting fat or is she with child, does she had Joe Dutra's name tattooed on her cellulose covered a$$ or is just the swastica? We will be communicating secretly, using our Capt Crunch decoder rings so that you "corruption supporters" can't find out who we are....What? What's that, you mean they aleady know who we are? Oh %^&*, unplug the site, quickly now!

That's right, I am SMATMAN, leader of the smattering! Fear me, tremble at the command of keyboard...Haven't you seen my picture? My huge muscles and Fabio like hair? I am to be reveered because I support the candidate brave enough to break rules at his whim, disregard orders and play victim. You shall all perish if he isn't elected.
If you were only as smart as you think!
Lets hope your title isnt that of Detective!, you are just another Barney Fife
So, You want to add Kip to the equation? Conspirory Therories Abound
What a Wild Imagination you have. You sound Jealous & Desperate
Im sure you have always wished you could be as good as Kip is.
You are way out of your League! And Im not sure if you were referring to Kip or Frank in regards to Lynn Thornton's Death... Well, as usual, You are wrong again. Her death weighs heavy on BOTH of their Hearts... So, I will give you a Hint, since you are too stupid to figure it out...I am not Myra, I am a very close friend of Carol Stambuk, you know the kind of friends that go to each other's homes, send Christmas Cards & Gifts to each other, talk on the phone every day?!.. So, I can confirm that Frank is part of our extended Family. So, now that I have Spoon fed you some information... maybe it will be easier to digest! I dont live on Cobb, and Im not over weight... And the only person that Lynn's death is NOT important to is... RUSS PERDOCK who killed her, and ROD MITCHELL who helped him get away with murder....YOU GUYS ARE JUST A BUNCH OF COWARDS FOAMING AT THE MOUTH AND TALKING OUT YOUR ASSES.. So just keep doing what you do best (Nothing) You aren't tall enough to get on this ride!!! Best place for you to hide is under Rod's Desk! (If you can get Rhonda to move over)

To all you that read words not said I'm not for Mitchell, know hear this If officer Rivero violated the law he needs to answer for it I would not be for one crook over another. I give officer Rivero the doubt because Mitchell is involved. And we have seen his MO.I say I would not like to be in the hands of Mitchell or Hopkins after the awareness of the Dinius case As you status quoers I am looking out for my best interest.Officer Rivero I would think he choose to fight Mitchell now the next move is Mitchell's. Let me say this What would make you think that if Mitchell would try to railroad Mr.Dinius that he would not do the same to officer Rivero? You that love Mitchell cut him allot of slack but Rivero is a low life. How do you reason with that? I say you can't.
what a waste of verbiage, you think for a moment Russell Perdock cared about the death resulting from the accident on the Lake, You are sadly mistaken, it is a tradgy what has happened to many who know both family's,

Don't water down his emotional state following that unfortunate incident that night, we can argue ligths were off or on but dead is dead and it would seem you want to take another life to make it all even, Russell Perdock has had much to get through,You count him as without feelings very false statement

Some of You are out for blood, hasn't enough of it spilled. It was a life changing event for many, as long as you relive day one over and over You will never get through the grief process, I have lost family members and until I put it in the past, I could not move on and try to live my life, different, but am living it without hurt,revenge, hate.
is that all you got?
repost for correction to add the word DIDN"T

what a waste of verbiage, you think for a moment Russell Perdock didn't care about the death resulting from the accident on the Lake, You are sadly mistaken, it is a tradgy what has happened to many who know both family's,

Don't water down his emotional state following that unfortunate incident that night, we can argue ligths were off or on but dead is dead and it would seem you want to take another life to make it all even, Russell Perdock has had much to get through,You count him as without feelings very false statement

Some of You are out for blood, hasn't enough of it spilled. It was a life changing event for many, as long as you relive day one over and over You will never get through the grief process, I have lost family members and until I put it in the past, I could not move on and try to live my life, different, but am living it without hurt,revenge, hate.
The corrupt officers are acting like rabid dogs covering there asses-can't wait for the new sheriff in town.
Rid it's payroll of Perdock, Garzoli, Wells, Ostini, Davidson, Mitchell and Hopkins and add Brian Martin for shooting his neighbors dog.
AIN'T GONNA HAPPEN.........................
It is gonna happen, all you will win, is being fired, and your own personal jail cell, in your own personal jail. Rodney Mitchell is a crook, vote him out!
Sorry Miss Millie
I beg to differ
As an extended family member of Lynn Thornton,
I can tell you that Perdock has never told any of us that he is Sorry for this Horrible "Accident" HE CAUSED.

I guess you didnt have the pleasure of seeing his arrogance at the Civil Trial, then seeing him at the Dinius Trial Testa-lying. It was proven beyond a Shadow of a doubt at both the Criminal & Civil Trials, that the lights were on.

And that's the down fall of Michell's Empire, If Perdock would have been man enough to admit he was part of this horrible "Accident", and act like someone who cared, had remorse, instead of using his Badge to start covering up the incident, with Mitchell's help.. and the case would have been handled correctly, and immediatley by an outside agency, with no bias... We would not be having this conversation right now!

And.. since It's such a small world, One of the Former LC Investigators that was involved with the Thornton case just happens to be a close family friend of 45 years.. back to when we were kids. This is one of the reasons he got the hell out of dodge and now works else where. For Captain Perdock to walk into his Office, and tell him what to put in his report, instead of letting him do his job.. That opened his eye's right then and there.. and yet, once again, Lake County has lost great Employee because they refuse to be part of the Corruption. I talked to him after the Trial, He said in all of his years on the job, he has never seen anything more obvious, than what we already know.... COVER UP!!

So, Millie, We dont want blood, we seen too much of that inside the Sailboat where Lynn was sitting, We want Justice & Accountability!

So, Id love to stay and play with the Clones today, but I have some undercover work to do.
under who's covers?
Looks like since its such a nice day out the kiddies are out playin in their sand boxes. Now we can get back to business at hand. Goth what you got goin on today? Any recent updates?
Gotta love the "Thoughts From Jim" on the opening page...

I'm still trying to find the web address for that site posted a while back that had donna perdock's mug shot on it. Thanks
(I AM from Cobb and I'm NOT fat!)
You don't want blood, just to suck the life out of him to pay back, that is called revenge not justice, it is My belief anyone who in involved in an incident that is life changing, life changing is exactly what it does that for the survivors.

No one ever forgets, but life is for the living and it is time for all people to move on, to me it is like Lynn death over and over, that is not healthy for anyone.

It would seem just because someone did not apologize you cannot stop...well can you put yourself in Russell Perdock's shoes for a moment..just a moment....What could he possibly say that would suffice Your pain and anger,heartbreak for all that has happened. If it were me I think I would write a letter and express it as to face someone would just devastate Me. By the way I am not related to Mr Perdock but I am someone who has in My life been a bridge for many to cross over and heal the heartache of losses such as Yours.

When Rivero spoke to the group yesterday about the charges, he said, "That's a bold face lie." Mitchell had FOUR months to conduct a review of the complaint and did not. I have reviewed numerous complaints. Some went to an IA, but some were so out to left field that it was unfounded due to lack of evidence, support or the person was untruthful from the start. In those cases, I contacted the deputy, told him of the IA and that we were closing it without interviewing the deputy. This also happened to me me.

Remember, she waited 1 1/2 years after the event, said she had an injury to her head, but not even a scratch on her forehead and she has done this in the past.

Management should have jumped on this at the start, not four months later. It should never had been assigned to Basor (who was out of the US). You got Macedo sitting on his **** doing nothing, Ostini not busy because it's winter and that two are very well experienced sergeant's who could have done the IA.
russ perdock who with the help of his lover rod mitchell escaped prosecution for murdering lynne thorton .they are criminels and need thier life sentences . then healing will begin .
Don't be a smartazz Smurfette.... I'm not looking for the LCSO's booking site. There's another site that was posted several week that had Donna Perdock's mug.

By the way, looks like the GOBs been busy today. Judge is locking lots of losers up!
Well well, one of the Lovelace group is out of town for a day and the corruption supporters think they have a coup!!!LOL Great job moderating G-girl, easy to handle these knuckleheads isn't it. corruption supporters listen each time you think, we want you to stop, for example don't think this site will ever come down, till the job is done, Don't think that we don't know exactly what John Jensen is doing. Don't think for a minute that Mitchell hasn't just spelled his demise With what Frank just did to him when he stepped up to the plate and outed Mitchells plan. In fact just don't think, we know it gives you headaches anyway.

We could have thought of a hundred different headlines that should have been on the Record Bee front page, the best way would have been. Mitchell plot to steal the election discovered!!! You now have a clear view of why we have such a problem with our local media, these guys can't even write a decent headline. Such a joke they are. Well in due time they to will have to change there ways.

So for the comment above of where is lovelace and Batman, in all your hope and glee, you see all members are still here and we are going strong. James is handing out our new flyers, Mitchell has been exposed.

By the Millie I think you are forgetting what happened with Perdock, you know the hug on the dock from Mitchell going into the evidence room and we could go on and on. Come Millie we know you are sharper then that. It is not your call as to how much pressure the Thorton family continues to put on the whole mess called Mitchell and Perdock, who by the way is running his own business and still on payed admin. leave. let's let the family decide when they think the job is done not you.

Great day of posting folks let's keep the pressure on!!! By the way Rivero signs are going up everywhere, and the bumperstickers are in. If any can find a way to place one on each of the sheriffs car, we would really pay bucks for that!!! LOL
Let me get this straight:

Perdock gave false statements to investigators and interfered in the investigation and it took over a year to get an IA.

Garzoli screws up and it takes the entire BOS to get an IA started.

Morshed (as a sergeant, who cuts Mitchell's grass and helped him get elected) has sex on duty and only gets suspension.

Morshed is accused of leaking a report while supporting Rivero that gets him into an IA in one week.

Rivero gets an IA after 4 months and 1 1/2 years after to incident?

Oh come on, even a kid could see this is dirty politics.
It was good to hear Beland brought up yesterday as well, this pattern of Mitchells is to easy to spot, Now will the BOS step up to the plate and recommend Mitchelll step down, the answer no of course they won't what a bunch of lightweights this group is, did you see this lady, did you hear what she said, did you guys get the basic drift of what a scam this is, come on BOS we had channel 7 here exposing the corruption, and still you dipsticks sit on your hands, what a shame!!!
The public always wondered how a IA worked because Mitchell kept it so secret. Rivero wants transparency and will quit if not elected. By challenging management, he is showing by example just how the IA process works and how management can manipulate an investigation. Since he plans on quiting if not elected, what does he have to loose by coming forward to the public? Mitchell should have seen this coming a mile away.

You watch, Mitchell will fire Rivero now just for talking during an IA and not even do an IA about the aligations by that woman.
Here is the link to the Press Democrat article on the press conference, Now listen Record Bee and LCN this is the way to run an article, she includes the comments of Rivero and his lawyers, she brings up the connections to Garzoli and all the other crap in Mitchells Department, she brings to light how untoward this whole thing is, if any of you get the chance send Glenda an e-mail thanking her for a well written article and a fair accounting!! Great Job!!
Is there anyway to recall newspapers!!!! LOL We could sure use someone honest like Glenda here in our county!! And I bet she doesn't have a husband who tries to screw with a blog site!! LOL
Hey check this out, this is the first line of a response from an e-mail that came from Rob Brown, this was an e-mail sent to the board of supervisors asking them to put out a decree that Mitchell and Hopkins need to step down, and that there was much more to come. The name used to send the e-mail was Marcus Jackson, and here below is Rob Browns first sentence in response:

Your new moniker of Marcus Jackson reminds me of Michael Jackson, I suspect the two of you have a lot in common. Oh, I am sorry,

Here are 5 questions that need to be asked based on Mr. Brown's response, we will let the citizens answer yes or no to each of them and we will take a poll!!

Is this guy a racist? He apparently does not like African Americans.
He does not like good dancing and singing
He does not like the KIng of Pop
And he thinks it is bad to be each of the above, because he says in the end of the sentence I am sorry to have compared you to an african american?

This is Rob Brown, this is one of your supervisors!! Wow stunning!! Is this guy that stupid, that he would send that out, and oh by the way he cc'd all the other supervisors and his buddy Rod Mitchell. Well there ya go!! A member of your fine core of supervisors!!

Your new moniker of Marcus Jackson reminds me of Michael Jackson, I suspect the two of you have a lot in common. Oh, I am sorry.
Yes, lake county is up to it's konocti, with problems. It was great to see Dan's follow-up, we all saw exactly who this rhonda is. Now how about some proof, not just a claim. It is quite funny to watch the county, and all of it's yahoo's. Great job Rivero, got to see first hand, the work of mitchell. Vote Mitchell and Hopkins out!!!
Also did you notice he says "I suspect the two of you have a lot in common" What is it about Micheal Jackson and or African Americans that he thinks people should not have in common with?

This nut needs to get out early, resign now Brown, you are looking really bad for the county!!
What's the count now?
Sgt. Beland
Capt. Perdock
Lt. Garzoli
Sgt. Morshed
CO Wright
Deputy Rivero

All in just over a year. You should be very proud of yourself Mitchell. You can't control your managers or even a simple correctional officer.
109 PM There's no comparison with the Press Democrat and Lake Counties 2 newspapers Glenda Anderson is her own person not run by GOBS, thats the difference.
Mitchell is right. His biggest problems going forward is the media and those "Shadowy Blogs" Now it appears that he has control of the local media and he has put all his attention on the "Shadowy Blogs," I wouldn't venture to guess how he gained control over the media only to say you can fool some of the people some of the time. For those of you that are on the fence about Hopkins and Mitchell, Take a few min or hrs if you find it interesting. Google Sheriff Mitchell and see the negative impact they have brought on Lake County. Is that what you want from your leaders? It is one thing to try to shut down one little local blog. It is quite another to shut down the internet. In the Mitchell supporters attempts to shut this blog down it only shows the "world" what Lake County and its citizens are trying to change. If you choose to Google Sheriff Mitchell and you find something positive, other than his self serving web site I'm sure that we would be open to look at it. Good Hunting.
You know who's next don't you? It would be Rivero's partner and Rod Mitchell and his gang most likely have targeted him.
What about the other IA investigation? What is that one all about? Is it the same thing or is it something different? I get why he scorns the Rully matter but why doesn't he address the other one in detail?
Anyone know what 2:32 is talking about? Wow no GOB's here this afternoon, excelllent looks like their getting a little bit worn out. Come on boys this thing has just started, you guys calling it quits like your buddy Mitchell now that his scam has been "outed"....And nothing from Brown on that other post either, looks like the GOB's are running out of steam.
There are two current IA investigations under way, he mentioned the other one but didn't explain it. Anybody else know?
Will be undergoing a page bump in a little. By the way congratulations on reaching and passing 10,000 posts on the website, That is well over 1000 posts a month, far exceeding both the Record Bee and LCN and topix on their respective comment sections and pages. Thanks to the citizens this site has become the number 1 site in the county for your news and corruption information. We here at the Lovelace group are very proud of that and very proud of the supporters (even you corruption guys)for making this such a success. And they thought it would just go away. LOL...........Hey BOS take note, hey Mitchell take note, and Hoppy don't think we have forgotten about you Hoppy, you might think you are hiding under the Mitchell turmoil, but alas we are watching you. By the way Hoppy, how is that Garzoli investigation going? You got the forum transcripts where Garzoli admits to training on the public dime right...Hoppy you did listen to the Garzoli career audio we have up on the sight right.

Great job job everybody, the net is starting to close on the corruption supporters!!!!
Hey Lovelace i like the new look on the front page with the stupid picture of Mitchell! I enlarged it and printed it out and now it has become our new dart board cover. Thanks Lovelace
No problem 358, just doing what we can, by the way those enlarged photos are also good for the cat litter box, problem is our cat scratched through the cat litter saw the picture of Mitchell, and now all he wants to do is crap on the photo!!! Cat litter or not!!
Smart cat ya got there!! LOL
4:05 I have a cat also, and i like your idea to use it in the cat litter box. I hope its not to scary for my cat but like you said they will just crap on it. Thanks
Jennifer Amanda Ford, please contact Attorney Gloria Allred in connection with the felony cover-up commited by Sheriff Rodney K. Mitchell,Jail Commander, Esberg (aka Eierly and Sgt. R. Townsend. This happened at the jail facility, 4913 Helbush Dr., Lakeport early in 2007. Also included Sgt.Doug Harvey as a witness & participant for possible lawsuit against the County of Lake. Your chances are very good since it makes no difference whether or not you concented. To Sgt. Moreshed, please include this chapter in your possible lawsuit against the County. Good Luck to you. As you see the shit keeps pouring in. To all your Mitchell supporters, ask Rodney or your Supervisor how much of a settlement did the county paid out for the Sheriff mismanagement and insanity decisions the last 16 years of promises kept. Just because he gave you a gun permit.
Is there an email address which we can use to contact Lovelace?
There’s certainly a smidgeon of validity in Rodney’s claim of “16 years of promises kept”. After all, he kept his promise to protect Perdock. He kept his promise to destroy the careers of anyone who opposed him. What promises did he keep to the voters of Lake County? Did he keep his promise to protect and serve? He protected his buddies and served himself. Mitchell is giving nothing but platitudes; I find his slogan ironic and offensive.
The e-mail address is This is a secure address, and we invite as usual everyone to post information or other details of corruption from both our good friends on the inside and all the citizens, the information has been pouring in.

Thanks to all of you for your support and help.

Post 451 interesting post, please give us further information, as we had heard of something like this being in the wind, we were holding for details, You can use the g-mail account if you do not want to post on the public thread.

As you can see folks this is just getting started, and we keep telling the BOS, to tell Mitchell to step down, I hope they get the point before the county loses everything, it is going to get bad bad bad before this election is over!!!!!
Article written by American Observer March 30th, 2002
Rob.Brown said: "It will be non stop till November"
Quote: Those at the State level are not really in touch with the needs of the community. Are you in touch at the county level?
Before you write your comment, No.1- take a tranquilizer, No.2- ask your shrink for help, No.3- ask Kim, she is a lot smarter than you
What about the other IA investigation? Its all well and good to congratulate yourself on 1000 posts and such but isn't this an issue you'd want to sort out? The quiet is near deafening and people know there is another investigation under way aside from the whole Rully mess. Doubtless it will all come out in the news soon but wouldn't it be intelligent to head em off at the pass?
Post 453 use the e-mail address, This is our secure e-mail account and we urge everyone inside the organization and the citizens to post information to us using that system, if it is something you do not want on the public thread. We are getting a lot of input on the g-mail account and we appreciate it very much.

POST 451 Can you send more information, we had heard something was in the wind, and did not have any details, please post or send to g-mail account anything details or information. We keep telling the BOS and Mitchell there is more, and they keep sitting on their hands they better wake up and issue a statement or their hands will have blood on them as well.
I think what is being indicated post 511, is that there is not an issue in regards to another issue, sorry that sounded odd, and I don't think you are talking about the EEOC complaint, as far as everyone understands there are no major issues at this time, in regards to other IA's...You can let us know if you hear different
Alright citizens, if you remember at 7:55 a post went on the site, detailing the IA with Rully on Rivero, we took that post off and we went to mode mod for the weekend the post went up on Friday. Well that is a leak of an internal IA from the sheriffs office, the exact same thing that Morshed is said to have done on the Rims report, which by the way they could not prove, nor can the DOJ. However it is time to call Mitchell on this one, shouldn't he have opened an investigation on this internal leak. Of course he should have so, we are going to be getting the original post and we are going to re-post it we are going to send it to Mitchell and ask him why he hasn't opened an investigation, it did not take him long to do so in the Morshed case did it. I think folks we have got him on this one, another mistake by Mitchell as he attempts to discredit Frank and gets caught. We urge all of you to send e-mails to

And ask him this very question, lets see how he responds!!!
Rivero was on the Harold Riley's Radio Show. Did anyone record it?
515 I'll wait to read it in the news I suppose. I'm certain there was mention of a second IA investigation that Rivero blew off and failed to address with any substantive detail. I got the impression he'd rather not address it at all.
I watched the video twice. Rivero commented that he was "expecting" another IA investigation for talking about the current one. He, nor his attorney, made no mention of a currently outstand IA. Mitchell did not state anything either.
Rivero is a pompous arogant a** that thinks he can promote through his "poor me" campaign. He violated the department's policies and a direct order. Fire him and let him add that to his "poor me", "I am allowed to violate rules if I think it will help me" Campaign. Get out of here and let the SO serve and protect without your false accusations! Hypocritical P.O.S.!
5:55, the leaks started on Friday the 5th, Rivero called for the press conference on Saturday. Regardless of your indifference to the facts, the leaks preceded any discussion of the press conference.
6:39, perhaps a bit of anger management would curb that. It is right that a candidate should stand against corruption. Would you have remained silent if such bogus and politically motivated accusations were leveled against you? The fact is that there is no mechanism for an I.A. to review Mitchell so he is de facto “above the law”. This was nothing more than a desperate gamble on Rodney’s part to distract the voters from his own shameful abuse of office.
hey 639.
Rivero may have violated policies and a direct order, however anyone with common sense would have done the same thing when running for Mitchell's office. Mitchell held this I.A. for months, that's insane. Mitchell was just playing one of his little games. Rivero has gotten more support from the voters I've talk to after the press conference. Mitchell is afraid that the true is coming out and it is.
I believe that someone from the Exc. board of the DSA was the person(s)who leaked the "rully" issue here on this blog. The DSA would have had knowledge of the IA, possibly even before Rivero would have known. Everyone knows that there is no "love loss" between Rivero and the Exc. board of the DSA.
Hey 701
Yes you beg to differ, and you should beg for your job one day. Rivero will put your butt to work doing your job.
If the leak came from the sheriff dept. I feel that confirms they are corrupt on a daily basis. Mitchell is crazy thinking that nobody is on to his cut throat tatics, lying, and cover-ups. The Dinius case alone should get Mitchell voted out, how can you continue to run a corrupt orginization, and on and on..... Reel in the corrupt of lake county, start by voting Mitchell and Hopkins out.
We don't trust Mitchell,
We don't trust the (some)Deputies under Mitchell,
We don't trust the D.S.A anymore,
We don't trust the D.A.'s office,
Mitchell protected Perdock and refuses to fire him.
Mitchell failed to review Garzoli's grant,
Mitchell failed to supervise the Range Masters,
Mitchell promotes only those that kiss his butt,
Mitchell protects only those that kiss his butt,
so on and so on............ the list can go on and on
722, lets see, Ringen and Beland were Sergeants and Rivero was a sergeant for a day, does that mean they got lip stick on Mitchell's backside? You are an idiot. Prove that you don't need to test well to promote or shut up! You sound like a moron preaching about something you know nothing about. You'll be fine this time next year after Rivero is gone and you have some other band wagon to jump on.
127, are you as dumb as a rock? Jackson molested little boys! Rob's comment has nothing to do with African Americans you idiot.

High five Rob, for not taking Guano Mans BS!
Here is something to think about and I would surely like to hear the PRO MITCHELL supports response.

It took almost 4 months to serve Rivero. Why could it not wait two more, which would be after the election?

POBR rules gives an agency up to one year to complete an investigation. What would two months matter? To me, a 10 year veteran of LCSO, this case would be easy to investigate. If there is any criminal charges, management can even go further than the one year clause. This is why I believe Mitchell did this as a political move.
April 7, 2010 7:02 PM
Very interesting question since Martin is on the DSA Board, is in charge of issuing all IA's and he and his family have been the subject of many comments in this "pro Rivero" blog.
7:47, the difference is Rusty Wright wasn't running for sheriff and he had already been fired when the story "hit" the blog, media.
741, The Sheriff answered that already by saying the SO has a back log of IAs and this one finally came up and was assigned. Very legitimate answer. Good question on your part. I am sure some of the opinionated people on this blog will suggest otherwise, but that is how it works.
7:55 that’s just another example of a Rodney fabrication. I was at the debate in Lakeport where Rodney told everyone that “there were only 6 internal investigations in the last year”. That doesn’t sound like much of a backlog. Of course, what Rodney said there was a lie too (there have been 10 in the first three months of this year alone) so nobody can base anything on what Rodney’s saying at any given moment.
"A second internal affairs investigation, not discussed specifically on Monday, involves an allegation that Rivero provided information from an official investigation to a witness who had not been interviewed, in violation of a direct order, according to documents released through Rivero's attorney, Victor Haltom of Sacramento."

This doesn't sound like the same IA. Wonder what the scoop is here.
8:12 PM Mine was one of those investigations. End result...nothing done. SO claims that the deputy involved can't remember what he did.
8:37 or I mean John Jenson, go ask Mitchell since you're such good buds.
I see you asking the same questions over on topix. I can spot you a mile
away. You like to come on here and topix since no one wants to post on your
nazi IP capturing comments section @ LCN. Get over it already.
No that is not the way it works. IA's are assigned almost immediately. There are over 15 sergeants, a lieutenant and three captains and there is no way all are doing IA's. We also have retired managers working part time who can do an IA if needed. During my time as sergeant, I averaged an IA once, sometimes twice in one year. You also have sergeant's like Ostini, who's job is slow during the winter months or Macedo who just walks around the courthouse. Both are very experienced and have done some pretty extensive IA's.

Remember, Mitchell already waited four months, what would two more matter since Rivero is on leave until after the election?
9:14 Wrong guy but nice try. Still doesn't answer the question very well. Always so defensive, attack hungry and ill informed. You capture IPs just like everyone else, it was posted on this very board. Why lie about it?
IA's are assigned almost immediately. There are over 15 sergeants, a lieutenant and three captains and there is no way all are doing IA's. We also have retired managers working part time who can do an IA if needed. During my time as sergeant, I averaged an IA once, sometimes twice in one year. You also have sergeant's like Ostini, who's job is slow during the winter months or Macedo who just walks around the courthouse. Both are very experienced and have done some pretty extensive IA's.

Remember, Mitchell already waited four months, what would two more matter since Rivero is on leave until after the election?
The IA was delayed four months.
The election is just two months away.
Rivero has been on leave for a while and was not planning on returning until after the election.
The female clearly lied (at least about being hit in the head).
The female has a history of filing false police reports.

So why couldn't Mitchell just wait two months and avoid the press problems?
On LCN they state that Rully accused another LCSD of raping her. We know now that this officer was
LCSD Joe Dutra. As much a I hate to defend Dutra's dumb a** I will. Dutra may have bad days but never
that bad of taste. Okay Brian Martin can you say woof, woof. Where are you when we need a "dog" shot?
UPDATE: I wanna see a show of hands outta all you Mitchell supporters. Our undercover work for today reveals this:
There was at least 5 of you sitting down at the sub-station today together. Open door pounding away at the computer. Just so happens we had our computer with us and it revealed your posts to our blog. This couldn't get any better. Think we don't have the photos to go with the posts, guess again. This is what you continue to use our Tax Paying dollars on. Payroll to Post after being ORDERED not to go on these blogs. Now Now don't get all worried just yet, think we will hang on to this evidence for a wee bit longer! Now you know who you are, you know what you did, and you now know we know! Remember, although this site says Mitchell Watch, we are also watching you! LMFAO you guys are about as dumb as a mule and as bright as Rully!
Post 10:02- are you serious? 5 SO hanging out and posting. No wonder I was able to get away with speeding today lol, was wondering where in hell they were all at. Thanks for the update!
You dont think they will just come back with, what you dont think we have appearances to make for our arrests? Betcha!
Funny stuff>>>>>keep up the good work! 10:02!
Spoke with a friend today. She said that at the new stop signs on Olympic and Hwy 53 there was a rear ender. There was a guy turning from Olympic onto Hwy 53 and got rear ended by a female CLPO. Although, there is a yeild sign when turning onto the Hwy, the driver came to a complete stop and thats when the CLPO rear ended him. My friend stated that she could not believe that the cop got out of her car ranting and yelling at the guy she just rear ended. Called him a idiot because there is no stop sign when making a turn. She said Can't you read, it says Yeild not stop! Unbelivable!
Thats kinda like the story I heard the other day. Guy speeding and loses control of his car. Runs into and up onto the front porch of a house ending in fatal accident. Next day News Headlines read: Fatal Accident - Hopkins prosecutes homeowner for not having his lights on!
Wasn't that what Perdock did after he rammed the sailboat from behind and came to rest on the other side?
LMFAO thats a good one post 10:22. And do you know to this day he will still state it was proven that the lights on that sailboat were not on! Amzing with all the crediable experts there who sat on the stand and testified that they were on! The guy is in such denial that I think its time for the guys in white coats to take him away. Vote for DON ANDERSON If you want a guy that lives in reality!
I think they were trying to make a point and the point is that the wrong man was charged for Perdocks irresponsiblity!
Hey Jack, I want to commend you on a job well done! I can actually say I saw ONE sign for canidacy for Jack Baxter today. That must have taken a whole lot of effort! Can't Mitchell find anyone to put his up? Not a whole lot of campaigning going on. Rushing, Smith and Rivero seem to be on the ball this year. Oh I did see one or two for Lewis.
Mitchell will have his flunkies posting his signs at night when he thinks no one is watching. Of course we the Tax Payers will be paying for that too!
Where are all the Mitchell wannabees tonight? Oh, I know do you? Come on guys post, please, please purtty please lmfao
On April 2nd an anonymous post on this blog leaked information about the I.A. investigation, three days before Rivero’s press conference. It’s clearly written by a cop and it contains accusations that were known only by the sheriff’s department at that time. It is one example of Mitchell’s plan to file a false I.A. and then slowly leak rumors to the public while ordering Rivero to remain silent on the matter. The original post is as follows:

In all fairness, what is the disposition of the woman's complaint against Rivero
for beating and sexually assaulting her? Is this under investigation? From what I
understand this is a valid complaint currently under investigation.

This is very important make sure all of you send an e-mail to Mitchell and let him know he has been caught here is the e-mail, it is not bugged so you can post and not worry about any tracking.
I agree with the above post by Lovelace, here is the overview of what Mitchell did

Alright citizens, if you remember at 7:55 a post went on the site, detailing the IA with Rully on Rivero, we took that post off and we went to mode mod for the weekend the post went up on Friday. Well that is a leak of an internal IA from the sheriffs office, the exact same thing that Morshed is said to have done on the Rims report, which by the way they could not prove, nor can the DOJ. However it is time to call Mitchell on this one, shouldn't he have opened an investigation on this internal leak. Of course he should have so, we are going to be getting the original post and we are going to re-post it we are going to send it to Mitchell and ask him why he hasn't opened an investigation, it did not take him long to do so in the Morshed case did it. I think folks we have got him on this one, another mistake by Mitchell as he attempts to discredit Frank and gets caught.
That was a good night of posting, I tell you it is hard to imagine that these guys are so willing to get beat up like this everyday. Did not Mitchell tell his kids not to play anymore on the site, he he.
Press Problem is Mitchell's problem. He had FOUR months to conduct this investigation. There is only TWO months before the election. Rivero is on leave until the end of the election. If he already waited four months, WHAT'S TWO MONTHS? He has an entire year to conduct an IA.

Someone leaked the IA out prior to Rivero being served the IA notice. Now if you don't know, ONLY management issues IA's. Why give it to Basor since he is out of the country?

This is a set up by Mitchell. All you have to do is look at the facts. If Mitchell takes any action on Rivero talking, Mitchell will be called into court by Rivero to answer why the IA was leaked. Since it is about an election, this case most likely will be in public court, not a closed hearing.
Channel 8 Rivero is on at City Hall now
I wish it could be said that Mitchell and Hopkins was a anomaly within this local government but the truth is that once a lie is spoken all ethics,morals and the oath is out the window.Their is no one with enough clout to take action to set a wrong right. Thus the system is dishonest with those that would like to do something not knowing where to go or how to correct.Officer Rivero is trying to make changes to the status quo and you see what he is going through. how many of you would like your fate left in the hands of Mitchell or Hopkins? I am trying to tell you how bad it is but without Lovelace IT would only be me. I thank Lovelace and now more know.
10:32....You have a very deep seated emotional would be better off working quietly at your county computer looking up information on some "new" people; and would make you look better if you chose another more meaningful topic to report on which might even be more rewarding for you.
Sure but just because they were planning a rally doesn't mean thay new why. So it was a leak from a mean 'ol GOB.
If beating and sexual assault aren't serious enough to investigate for four months, It makes you wonder what could be more serious? What and how many IA's could they be investigating that is more important than this poor woman's complaint. When women see how poorly this poor woman's complaint was handled they will be less inclined to file their complaints. Maybe that is the message Mitchell is sending. If you are female and filing a sexual assault complaint charge you will be put on the list and have to wait until your number comes up.
10:22- J Jensen, don't you have something else to do like work on your web site with the wifey? Boy you've been beating that dead horse here and on topix. Dude, no one cares already, they "outed" you here and over there. Why don't you write a letter to your wife, the editor of LCN instead of boring us to death here.
Mitchell leaks the IA complaint.
Mitchell waits four months to do anything.
Mitchell's complainant lied on camera (Show me the wound on your head).
Mitchell sent Brown to Rivero in an attempt to bully him into not talking.
Mitchell only had to wait TWO months. If he won, Rivero would be gone anyway.
Mitchell could have just asked Dejurnes what happened that day.
Mitchell needs to go.

Mitchell needs to go to prison 4 life .
639 pm Rod Mitchell violated the departments policies back on Apr 29, 2006 and so did 8 others-and you know who you are.
DSA? They said the Rhonda Rully-Straub complaint was taken by the dog shooter, Officer Brian Martin LCS.
I heard that Mitchell is in cahoots with a collective.
Wow, lots of information here. I was hired as a cop in 1986 and am still working, not in Lake County. I noticed one fact that most people don’t know. Out of thousands of arrests over the years, only two (2) people ever told the truth to the people they called from the booking area about why they were arrested. Most people in for felony drugs always make up some silly excuse like “I had a stick in my car and they called it a “Billy Club” and I got a felony”…. Moms, Dads and friends want to believe the BEST out them so they accept it and call the system unjust.

Now a days when I heard weirdness about why someone got arrested, I always ask the person relating the story if that really makes sense. Most of the time they agree is doesn’t sound right. That’s how rumors get started.

I know that I have never falsely arrested anyone and have given thousands of breaks over the years. I seriously doubt all those justifiable arrestees would say they deserved to go to jail. I can only imagine what they told their friends after the fact. If there was true corruption going on, anyone could get rich blowing that whistle. That’s just the way things are. The facts may show favoritism, but that is human nature and not illegal depending on the reasons.

The AG lives for taking down corrupt cops. If there was truth to all this, Mitchell would have been gone a long time ago. Let the present facts speak for themselves.
right on Tillie about who can do what on the county computers i would have posted what you did last night but i wanted all the folks to see what as you called it DUMBASSES do they spread crapola and I have done a ride along and there is no way anyone can see into the offices of the deputies so now it is very clear MONEY TALKES AND BULL CRAP WALKS, so much for spying on the SO's

Here's a prime example of LCSO & the DA's incompetence...

First, here's the guy that got arrested on Jan. 22, 2010 for whacking on his female partner.

Now, not even 3 months later, he's back at the LC Jail for his Morrisey hearing to see if he'll be released. I'm sure he sucked up in Quentin and will be out too soon to recommit again.

Thanks again Mitchell & Hopkins!!
does anybody know if any of rhonda rully's family members just got a sweetheart deal for her coming forward . someone got a deal and we know it was'nt rivero .
1:14 You are so full of IT...........I can tell you are a GOB Cop.....sorry your
story is totally un-believable and certainly one-sided. Get off the Bull
times have changed since you were a booked all of those 1000 people ?
Yeah, Hah
2:10 I know you think that Rivero started this blog but that is far from the truth. I know certain players on this blog made your hubby mad and now he goes back and forth from this blog to RB topix site posting anti-Rivero crap for everyone to read. This blog got started because people were tired of the antics of LCLE and want change....period! If Love Lace grabbed on to Rivero, it was because he has been the only one providing any hope to changing what has been happening here in LC.

I am glad the you and yours have been spared (so far) from being a target for the corrupt LE but it can happen at anytime to anyone, just piss of the wrong person. There are good men and women out there in the LE but there are some that use their badge like a club and then hide behind it, they are no better than the "gangs" they are paid to protect us from.

After this election, regardless of "who" wins, I believe this site will continue as a sounding board where people can come and tell what they believe was poor treatment at the hands of LE anonymously. Then maybe just maybe people will read these posts and those LEO's who committ these types of offenses will clean up their act. I have notice a drastic change in LE just since this blog was started...for the better!
2:10 You think Kip was looking for revenge? You're so out of it even to think your perception is keener than others? Oh wow; you must have the gift of insight. I suppose you would have taken the same abuse that Kip had to take; and just eat it because Mitchell was your superior..hardly..Not revenge; he finally can speak about what really happened..he was threatened by Mitchell..and if you are an active officer you have no such privilege,of speaking out.. do you?
Thank God, Kip finally got his time to tell his story after sitting on it for years.
Yay, for you Kip; you're awesome and I'd be wearing a smile if I were you also.
Nice job finally able to tell it like it is.
Very nice post 114. Thank you for the true insight.
1:14PM Thousands of arrests over the years
Pat, you are so full of it or did you find a friend bloging for you?
Hey 210
Rivero, Ringen don't really want revenge. The voters/taxpayers do. We'll be paying tons of money for Mitchell mistakes as Sheriff. We the voters/taxpayers are tried of hearing his lies. Every time Mitchell opens his mouth another lie comes out. Someone should have keep track of all Mitchells cover-ups, his failings, his lies, his refusal to do the right thing and FIRE Perdock and Garoli. Mitchell has no leadership abilities, Mitchell set no direction for the Department.
414, If you think Ringen mistreated other cops, than answer me this? Why was Ringen voted in as president of the SDA more times than any other deputy. Why was he elected PORAC Vice President and President of the Redwood Chapter. Only cops vote for board members, not managers or even civilian employees. Just cops.
This is Lovelace, we have a number of things to post on and will start with the dummy post 1:14. This guy has got to be a plant. To even say that the AG lives for bringing down corrupt cops is a joke. What an idiot. Lets just look at a few facts, lets, look at the AG with the Garzoli helo crash, yes the crash did happen, you might want to find a way to say that it did not but it did. Not only once but twice did it get sent to the AG and not once but twice they said nay we are not going to do that. Mitchell has been brought to their attention several times, they say nay we ain't going to touch that. 2 times The BOS asked them for help, they said nay we are not going to touch that. Oh and let's top it all off they wouldn't touch the Perdock Dinius situation, nay we ain't going to touch that. Don't try to spin a bunch of crap on here knuckle-head, You look so stupid when you post that kind of garbage. You are going to have to sharpen up a lot more then that to get that over on the citizens. Now go back to your knee-pads Mitchell is waiting.

More to come from Lovelace, just had to beat the punk up a bit stand by for other posts.
Ringer did his job and was a good deputy, management didn't care for him, but how cares what management thinks anyway. Mitchells no manager of our money, He only cares about Mitchell. One sick man, power hungry and he abuses his power.
Alright just getting warmed up. John Jensen, does your wife know what you are doing, we can say you didn't have a clue when you found out the amount of information that was passed on to Liz and the connections that were in place. We figure you all don't talk to much and are willing to bet she doesn't know what you are doing on the blogs. But then again maybe she does...Hmmmmmmmm interesting would she really risk her precious internet paper on the likes of a dumb ass like you posting as transparent as it is. Maybe, but with the information that is being gathered I would say that is a big risk. Liz seemed quite forlorn at the press conference the other day, hmmmmm trouble in paradise????
post 3:40 you are exactly right, and many have noticed a change in the sheriffs officers and the approach they are now taking. Oh by the way, we want anyone who gets pulled over or otherwise bothered by the sheriff who has a Rivero for sheriff bumper sticker on their car or signs up to post it on the blog, we are watching very close to be sure the GOB's are not making shall we say a special effort towards those good folks.

So back to 3:40 in fact it is true, the effect lovelace, this blog and the citizens are having is far greater then the LE corrupt boys, or the BOS would like to have you think. The changes are actually quite amazing, just clearing the ground for Rivero boys just plowing the rough ground for the new sheriff in town.
April 8, 2010 2:10 PM
If you consider yourself an open minded person, than you should consider the facts first.

Take away the extreme time delay in filing the complaint and no visible injuries on the woman (or signs of blood), lets just focus on the IA handling.

The female filed the case in January. The IA noticed was given to Rivero at the end of March. If the female was credible, the IA would have been started right away. If not, this could have waited until after the election? We are only talking about two months.

Basor asked Mitchell for time off to go to Haiti, so he knew exactly that Basor was not available. Basor would have also been a poor choice since he has never handled an IA like this (if the complaint was true). Macedo and Ostini are the most experienced and both sergeant's had little going on during the winter. Either could have been assigned to this case. You also have Poulish and Perry who have worked as detectives and had handled most likely a hundred sexual assault cases and homicides. Davidson's experience in NTF proves his ability to handle a major investigation. Martin was most likely tied up in the Morshed incident. As I see it, only Ward, McPherson, Ski and Basor lacks the experience to conduct a heavy investigation involving a cop sexually assaulting a prisoner.

POBR requires an agency to recommend discipline within one year. If the case involves a crime, that statue does not have any weight. I'm guessing that management already knew the complaint was bull.

I believe you are either Pat McMahon or a LCSO supervisor. If true, think back to a heavy weight deputy accused of sexual battery. That IA started almost immediately and he even had to go through the humiliation of a sexual assault kit. That was done even though almost every deputy knew that female was a liar. The end result? That deputy was cleared of any wrong doing.

So why wasn't Rivero's case handled with the same speed? Because it was just a political move. By doing this, Mitchell would get people questioning Rivero. I don't think that Mitchell expected the female to get interviewed on TV. Had we not seen that female, her booking photo and her wild comments people might have had a slightly different opinion of Rivero. Now you will see that the entire situation was a scheme conjured up by Mitchell and his (or your) group.

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