Thursday, September 10, 2009
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Oh very simple post 407. Sit on down screw your wig on tight and let me tell you the story of Frank and what he will do. Citizens oversight committee's, Citizens review board, both these entities with teeth and funded by the BOS. Sub-station operation of the force, with remote substations set through-out the county, for quicker response time and money savings. Actual promotion reviews and awards based on performance not on connections. An idea of the citizens and the LE working hand in hand in concert with each other, working with each other for the mutual goal of transparency and cooperation. Do want me to go on, because I could type 10 paragraphs, what you need to do is educate yourself, have you looked at Rivero's webpage, have you seen or heard anything, we are not going to do all your homework for you, go out get informed then come back and talk to us.
Sorry post 4:10 - The only bad taste that was left in anyones mouth out there today was that of our manipulative Mitchell. Another nice try and a attempt to play the role of more than one person! I personally made it a point to walk around and hand out Riveros Election material. Each and every person was Thankful to not only recieve it but had a word or two to speak about it. Wrong again! I ask, are you paid to have this split personality on this and any other blog? Your feeble attempts are hilarious! G4X
Frank was at the Tea Party event last week, and had to be shut down by the moderator (a Tea Party person) for being too confrontational. Yeah, I heard his ideas about substations around the county with sergeants in each and deputies assigned to each. How is he going to do that? Theres NO MONEY to do what he proposes. Believe me, I like the idea. But it's not realistic given the current budget and economy. It would cost thousands (if not more) than currently allocated for law enforcement. He's also against the take-home car program (even though he had one and took it home) because he wants those cars available around the clock, which will add more miles, more maintenance and cost more money because the cars will wear out much faster. These sound good, until you look at the reality and the dollars.
Not going to work corruption boys, you guys shine like a lightbulb when you are posting your propaganda for Mitchell, if you got facts post e. Tell us why you love Mitchell so much, tell us why this isn't a ploy on Mitchells part. We know you make up stuff, like I was standing on the outskirts and heard people talking, LOL give it up, You guys need to post exactly why Rhonda is such a great gal, why now on this attempt by Mitchell. Look we know you guys are stung hard by this event, you know it spells your boys doom, you know this is going to be broadcast across this state and nation, you know CNN is picking it up. Guys save yourself, get off that ship!!!
Well here is your problem post 419 you say can't can't can't. You have limited vision and a total lack of understanding of the monies and where and how they are spent, oh there is more then enough to move in the right positions and implement a great number of changes, you know you have not thought it thru, and you know you don't have a clue about the money. Stop saying no to change, and think outside the little box you have yourself stuck in.
Batman, you can't tell me what I heard or saw. If you don't believe it, fine. But I was there. I heard the comment and saw the reaction. How that may be less than the popular view, but it happened. This does not mean anything about whether Rodney is good or bad, or whether Rivero is good or bad. Only that the message is getting lost in the rhetoric and demeanor. That was the point. Not about who's the best candidate at all. A deep breath and a reality check are in order. Support your candidate, if you believe he is the best. That's fair. But denying the views of others isn't. If you support Frank, fine. Just be honest about it.
Oliver, I was in county government back in the day. I know a thing or two about government budgets and how they work. I did not say can't can't can't. I said, or inferred, I haven't heard a plan about how to do what Frank says he wants to do. Right now, there is no money to do what he wants to do. Sure, he could chop off the entire head of the organization and say admin money, leaving no one at the top. But even that wouldn't generate enough funds to pay for three or four substations and staff them as he has said he wants to do. So how is he going to do it? Fantasy is fine, but let's hear some concrete administrative ideas about how he will implement and finance his vision. That's not supporting Mitchell, it's asking Frank to flesh out his plans.
Mitchell does not want transparency he wants to control everything. That way
he can tell us, what he wants us to know and not the true. Frank you did a super job at the press conference today. I just talked with three people and you got three more supporters/votes. Mitchell talked B.S. to them, so I told them the truth by Mitchell and his failed leadership, his cronyism and favoritism. Go Frank !!!!
he can tell us, what he wants us to know and not the true. Frank you did a super job at the press conference today. I just talked with three people and you got three more supporters/votes. Mitchell talked B.S. to them, so I told them the truth by Mitchell and his failed leadership, his cronyism and favoritism. Go Frank !!!!
Post 429 you just don't get it, our page is about the removal of Mitchell and Hopkins, you can spew all you want about what you think you saw and heard, but what you don't do is take up our challenge to tell us why you think Mitchell is such a great guy. The fact that Frank is our choice for who to vote for is not the issue, you follow. The reality check needs to be in your court because you cannot follow the train of thought and events we are discussing. If the person Mitchell was going after which by the way would be anyone who went aganist him then the message from our site would be the same. Now if you want to say that more attention needs to be given to certain areas of the demographics or types of people whom Frank needs the vote of that is fine, we all agree on the model of what needs to be done in this election. Again that is not the point, tell us why for example this idiot move to discredit Rivero given the already known facts is a solid and smart move, waiting for your reply.
So post 436 first lets see if we have this right, you support Rivero, you do not support Mitchell and all you are looking for is a model of how money will be moved changed and brought into the county to accomplish the changes Rivero has in mind? If that is all it is you can get much of that information without having to post it here, via Rivero himself and by the way he has all of that documentation and a model of how it will be done. Now before we go on and point you in the direction you need to go in to see that level of accounting, tell us again, all you want is an accounting of the money in fine detail and that's it we have you as a solid Rivero supporter? I mean just make that statement and we will send you in the direction you need to go in. As well we will get the more exacting detaisl as it seems you want, and get some of it posted here as long as we don't take up to much space doing it. Balls in your court.
4:36 Did you read Baxters plan? He wants to DOUBLE the force. Go read his plan and beat up on him, there is plenty there for you to be concerned about. Unless of course you don't think Baxter has a chance.
by the way post 436 many of us in the Lovelace group have run business's and budgets far bigger then our local little county government. So I wouldn't go down the road of thinking we don't have a great understanding of how this works, and how it can work.
See, Oliver, I get it, and I think most people do. I never once said anything in support of Mitchell, but you assume I think he's a great guy (I don't). I'm only asking for reasons to support Frank instead of, for example, Baxter. Don't confuse questioning of the rants here with support of Mitchell; they're two different things. Debate is good, and voicing opinions is always good, when the reasoning is sound and the ends are just. That was the entire point, thus the request for a "reality check." I live in the real world, that's why I question funding, ideas, and how-to's . That's all that was being said. It's questioning, not arguing. So again, take a deep breath and let's agree to disagree about the way things need to be changed.
Hey 419
The take home a car program costs us the taxpayers money. I don't drive my bosses car home, I have to pay for my own gas, tires, etc,. So why should a deputy drive home on our dime. I've seen Deputy, Sergeant, Lt. take their kids to school, shopping etc in the County car. They get paid very well for Lake Co. plus by stopping the take a car home will help the budget problem.
The take home a car program costs us the taxpayers money. I don't drive my bosses car home, I have to pay for my own gas, tires, etc,. So why should a deputy drive home on our dime. I've seen Deputy, Sergeant, Lt. take their kids to school, shopping etc in the County car. They get paid very well for Lake Co. plus by stopping the take a car home will help the budget problem.
X please call me, in regards to the e-mail we exchanged today. :-} If you don't have my number you know where you can get it.
I didn't realize there was a budget. Where has all the monies gone? Garzolli (Helicopter) paid leave, Perdock paid leave, fighting all the law suits that should have never been in the first place. Hopkins when asked about the accounting of trials, can't even show accountability for monies spent. Oh, I know, in the pockets of the famous Sheriff, DA and boys!
Rivero said the allegations are untrue; Sheriff Mitchell said he can't discuss the specifics of the complaint, but that it is standard protocol to investigate such complaints when they're made by citizens.
LCN release tonight
LCN release tonight
4:48 BTW If Rivero wasn't a threat to Mitchell no one including you would care, or question anything about him. Just like Baxter, No one including you thinks he has a chance so you ignore him in your quest to make a informed decision. BTW Gotta give you credit for trying tho.
359 the first complaint turned out to be nothing. The second complaint did not appear until 13 months after Rully's guilty plea. When Rully made the complaint Rod Mitchell should have asked Djoures who was present with Rivero the night they arrested this woman Rully. Did Mitchell ask Djoures, no. Did Mitchell speak to Rully's husband? No. Why didn't he, because he knew it wasn't true. Rivero has picked up a lot of voters and Mitchell feels threaten. Thats way the cocked up story is coming out now. Thats why the IA investigation to silent Rivero, but it didn't work. Now it's out in the open after tonight more egg on your face Rod.
Ok post 4:48 now you are coming around, you tend to underestimate our organizational acumen, our business sense and understanding of budgets and planning. Now that we are clear on that we do appreciate the exchange, we also have no issue with your looking at Baxter or Rivero, Now the fact of the matter is at this point you do not have enough to look at with Baxter as he is not been doing much. But we say feel free to explore all of that if you want to. The reason we ask you to first state your alliance with Mitchell or not is we have to deal daily with undercutting Mitchell supporters who can never say why they support Mitchell and deal in facts and the issues, Your original post was less then forth coming in where you stood, you might want to open your dialog with a better overview in the future. So based on your last comment in agreeing as to how things need to be changed not what needs to be changed we indeed are on the same side of the fence. No deep breaths needed by the way we have been doing this for 8 months now and have a pretty good handle on how we operate and what our model is and its excecution, we would like nothing more then for you to send us an e-mail at and come on board with us, as we move into the next phases of this election and what will come after we have a new sheriff.
Dan Noyes at ABC always does a great job when reporting on corruption in lake county. Tonite should be good! I still laugh at the time on camera when little Rodney was trying to run and hide from Dan Noyes out side his house. That was so funny he could not escape Dan. Thanks ABC
First, I am not a Mitchell supporter, in fact I will not vote for Mitchell. Still not sure about Rivero. Now, if this woman in fact filed a complaint against Deputy Rivero, by law it must be investigated. If she filed complaints against other deputies in the past, by law they had to be investigated. If in fact she has a history of filing false complaints against deputies I see no reason for this one to be determined to be anything other than false also. Perhaps this could have been avoided if she had been prosecuted for making a false report before.....I find it difficult to believe that even Rod Mitchell would try to use this as a means of setting up deputy Rivero. Too simplistic, too easy to shoot down and disprove. I assume that deputy Rivero was told not to say anthing about the complaint so that nothing could be used against him or more importantly to Mitchell the Sheriff's Office. Regarding the threat of termination if he said something....who knows what may be tried there. If Rivero just said that it was happening and did not disclose supposed details, I don't think he did anything to get fired for...but that is for the legal geniuses to decide.
Just a glance at the booking photo is enough to convince me as to whether this complaint could have any validity......omg!!!
I know it will be able to be watched after the broadcast you can download it on the I-team section on the channel 7 internet page, I do not know how long before it goes up after the broadcast, but I think it is pretty fast. Hope that helps.
Post 523, it is not a legal question as to Rivero being able to be fired, that is policy and is in stone. Mitchell hung his hat on him being able to leak this out as he saw fit during the remainder of the election. Alas he was wrong, and in fact he was called by C. Brown and told not to do it, 30 minutes before the press conference started. Mitchell was trying to bluff Rivero into silence, and it did not work, now the question will be is Mitchell willing to take that step as it would mean his total demise in the election. Remember this is now moving to statewide and national coverage. So not a lot of wiggle room here for Mitchell.
5:23, I think that was Rodney’s objective; get the accusation out there and none of the details so that people don’t know if there’s any truth to it when they head to the polls. Any time a startling revelation is made this late in an election, it should be suspect. I don’t think Rodney thought about how easy it would be to disprove because he didn’t think Rivero would have the courage to make a public statement. He didn’t provide a name in the I.A. because he didn’t think it’d come to that. Rodney wasn’t smart enough to think this through completely and now he’s having to create a back story that meshes with the lies he’s already made.
By the way everyone the new printing of Flyers has been handed off, and will be distributed at the court house in mass tomorrow. Nice timing and we are very thankful to our friend James for taking that task on. Go get em James and thanks for helping.
By the way those flyers have a phone number on them, it is a number we have set up for phone contact with the Lovelace group. It is a hotline and a number to be able to report to us any situation that arises with the sheriff department, and the citizen or citizens needs a way to get information to us in a hurry or who does not have the internet. Also it will be used for those that have stories that need to be told, who may not have internet access. Stand by we will be posting the number by tomorrow.
By the way those flyers have a phone number on them, it is a number we have set up for phone contact with the Lovelace group. It is a hotline and a number to be able to report to us any situation that arises with the sheriff department, and the citizen or citizens needs a way to get information to us in a hurry or who does not have the internet. Also it will be used for those that have stories that need to be told, who may not have internet access. Stand by we will be posting the number by tomorrow.
Mitchell will retire and have Cecil Brown run for Sheriff. You know Mitchells ill wife and family problems. Supervisor Rob Brown will be C. Browns big supporter. That way Rodney can be called up for help, I wouldn't call on Mitchell for anything, but Cecil Brown would.
No Kidding About her Booking Photo!!!
If someone had beat in her face, atleast it would have been an improvement!
And as far as someone sexually assaulting her? She could only wish!
Hell, a Pitbull wouldnt even hump her leg!
Husband hasnt commented?! Can you blame him? Would you admit you were married to that!?
Dont stare at her picture for too long, you boys will either go blind, or go gay!
Rod, you are such an idiot.
But Thanks for the Entertainment! It's Priceless
And Rod.. why didnt you come on down for the event? I know why... cause at some point, you know Carol Stambuk is gonna put a stiletto Heel up your Asssz!
Im honored to have her as a close friend, and that Petite 5' Cute Italian Gal is going to make sure Lynn Thornton Haunts you for the rest of your life.
Sucks to be you Rod!
Goth Girl
If someone had beat in her face, atleast it would have been an improvement!
And as far as someone sexually assaulting her? She could only wish!
Hell, a Pitbull wouldnt even hump her leg!
Husband hasnt commented?! Can you blame him? Would you admit you were married to that!?
Dont stare at her picture for too long, you boys will either go blind, or go gay!
Rod, you are such an idiot.
But Thanks for the Entertainment! It's Priceless
And Rod.. why didnt you come on down for the event? I know why... cause at some point, you know Carol Stambuk is gonna put a stiletto Heel up your Asssz!
Im honored to have her as a close friend, and that Petite 5' Cute Italian Gal is going to make sure Lynn Thornton Haunts you for the rest of your life.
Sucks to be you Rod!
Goth Girl
Looks like you are right post 550, I see where it shows on their webpage that it is a live stream at 6:00...Thanks
Anonymous : April 5, 2010 4:19 PM
I've never heard Rivero say he was against the Vehicle Take Home Program. As for precincts, the offices are already in place so what cost are you talking about. Middletown has an office on Calistoga (Hwy-29), Lower Lake is currently being built, The Lucerne office is on Hwy-20 next to the fire department and the Main Office has always been up and running. We could also use the jail admin building.
The North Shore would answer to Lucerne, Middletown and Cobb would answer to Middletown and Kelseyville and Lakeport would answer to the Main Office. If needed, Upper Lake and North Lakeport could report to the Jail admin office. As you see there is no cost (well maybe some furniture). As like a military organization, deputies should have a solid chain of command and work directly to a specific sergeant in that area. This is just a reorganization problem that again costs nothing.
I've never heard Rivero say he was against the Vehicle Take Home Program. As for precincts, the offices are already in place so what cost are you talking about. Middletown has an office on Calistoga (Hwy-29), Lower Lake is currently being built, The Lucerne office is on Hwy-20 next to the fire department and the Main Office has always been up and running. We could also use the jail admin building.
The North Shore would answer to Lucerne, Middletown and Cobb would answer to Middletown and Kelseyville and Lakeport would answer to the Main Office. If needed, Upper Lake and North Lakeport could report to the Jail admin office. As you see there is no cost (well maybe some furniture). As like a military organization, deputies should have a solid chain of command and work directly to a specific sergeant in that area. This is just a reorganization problem that again costs nothing.
Watch the broadcast and see how many mitchell/hopkins crones you can pick out in the crowd e.g. DDA's, SO deputies, families and wives. Let see who can spot the most! LOL!
Wow what a complete scam, this women didn't say that did she!!! Who in God's name would want to do that to her. And the door slammed into her head!!! LOL how come no marks on the booking photo? What a joke, it is hard to imagine Mitchell is going to go forward on this one. Thank you channel 7 for showing her booking photo. Unreal.
Why is it if you close your eyes when Mitchell speaks you see Hopkins? They have been practicing "Double Speak" together for so long now you can't tell them apart.
I love how Mitchell said to Dan how important it was that this does not get out into the public yet we caught them posing on our site, the overview of this nutcase. Yes we got a copy of it. This whole thing just unraveled for Mitchell, none of it adds up. What a bogus attempt, and then to say her original complaints were unfounded but this one is!!!LOL Hard to imagine he is even trying this.
"My face was covered in blood"! Sorry honey, I saw no blood in your booking photo and only a "dream girl" like you could of picked out that shirt. "He put his hand down my pants" Last time I saw Rivero he still hand his hand, so I doubt he went anywhere near that "snaper". Your hubby should be so proud, the whole world knows you beat his a**! Hows that anger management class goin for ya?
So lets pluck an 18 month allegation out of the wind, throw it at Rivero, don't interview Rivero's partner, and oh, I guess Mitchell forgot not to tell the accuser that she can't talk about it either. Wow wouldn't it have been fun to be a fly on the wall in Mitchells office when he was going over the gameplan of how he was going to try this stunt.
Watching Dan's Report right now... She is a Tweaker, she is Spun while giving the report to Dan! Maybe she should kick it up a notch, she could stand to loose a few pounds! Sorry Rhonda, someone already beat you with an ugly stick. And guess what... Im gonna make sure I get the word as to who your "supplier" is... And I will make sure you both get caught in a compromising position and get taken down. As I like to say.. Evidence doesn't lie, People do.(That includes Ol Rod) And you will be exposed for the BIG FAT ASS Liar you are. Enjoy your 5 Minutes of fame.... And it wont be the LCSO arresting you.
It's our duty to followup on citizens complaints. Yet another one of his lies. He certainly didn't follow up on a complaint made against a elderly abuse case that was filed. Why, because I wasn't Rivero! Now that would have been a case they would have won. Why? Because a detective and I did all the work and gathering of all the evidence. Was it filed? Hell NO!
Yes siree Frank, keep up the good work. We know there would be no way your hand would even fit down those pants lol. I certainly would want revenge if she accused me of something so outrageous! You are above the law Frank and thats because the law in Lake County doesn't apply to Mitchells regime. We know your well above that GOB Mentality! Now everyone does know just how low Mitchell is willing to stoop to get what he wants! We are with you Frank and now many others are as well!
Looks like google/blogger is having some issues right now, they are up and down, usually they get it back within an hour or so if you are having an issues, stand by and they will have it back up correctly soon.
I have a question for those who pay taxes in Lake County. (not those that sit home and blog all day collecting money from the tax payers)
When Frank gets fired and then turns around and sues for wrongful termination, do you think he should be awarded a boat load of our money? Seems to me this is his end goal. Just like in the bay area. He wants the easy money.
When Frank gets fired and then turns around and sues for wrongful termination, do you think he should be awarded a boat load of our money? Seems to me this is his end goal. Just like in the bay area. He wants the easy money.
Blogger/Google is having problems right now, so we are waiting for them to get it fixed, we hit the server hard with a lot of posts, so we may have overwhelmed them, they will get it right in a bit we hope. will keep you updated
Looks like they are starting to get it back, if you put any posts up and you do not see them re-post and we will get the thread back on track. Any one having issues posting be patient, let us know if you have had a problem with a code that comes up. It generally means the blogger system is re-booting or got overwhelmed.
Wrong again 7:06. I take nothing from the "taxpayers" and I pay a lot more in taxes than you do. If Frank gets fired and sues the county, I stand by his right to do so. Then maybe the rest of the taxpayer will learn not to trust just anyone with our county goverment.
So lets see if we have this right, she got a door slammed into her head, and not a mark on her, but Mitchell says all these things are looked at. But wait Dutra never got put on IA. She says she had someone put their hands down her pants, my god they would come back half eaten off. She has made these claims before but determined not to be vaiid, and based on what she said this one is valid. Stunning really.
Anyone having issues with the site being up and down send a messaage to the g-mail account we are working with blogger right now.
7:06 What an ignorant statement. You sound like Mitchell. Bloggers don't pay taxes are you crazy? I think so! yes we even own many propertys gee imagine that!
Sheriff Mitchell, what a bogus acusation, and waiting this long to come forward. You obiviously did not care to do anything when the lady first filed a complaint. There is countless complaints that have been filed against the LCSO, Sheriff, Mitchell, why have you done nothing with all the complaints that were filed against your dept. I think you are insane Mitchell and Hopkins, and should be removed from office immediately. Keep chipping away at mitchell's yahoo's, something is bound to bust wide open. Good Luck, frank, and vote mitchell out!
Why is it that the incident happened 12/2008 and is just now being investigated? Seriously. Doesn't anyone else see that as a problem? Is she only coming forward now or did Mitchell not see it as something to investigate until now. Really, Rod? Seriously? Are you kidding? Do you not know that this "investigation" will push anyone who was on the fence over. And it won't be on your side.
How do you know Dutra never got an IA? Is it because he never called a press conference to refute her allegations?
If Frank would have attempted to pat her down on her crotch as she claims, he would have had to hold back Fat Rolls..One, Two and Three, (so thats impossible with just 2 hands!) and then slap a 2 X 4 on his back so he wouldnt fall in and get lost!!! Her Crotch must be like a Monster of a Venus Fly Trap that you could park a compact car in! Missing Pets? Children?
Dan... Did you have to replace your Camera Lens after that interview? And then go take a really Hot Shower with lots of Soap?? I went and jumped in the Shower after just watching her on TV, and cleaned the screen with Windex!! So much for Dinner... that was Nauseating!!!
Goth Girl
Dan... Did you have to replace your Camera Lens after that interview? And then go take a really Hot Shower with lots of Soap?? I went and jumped in the Shower after just watching her on TV, and cleaned the screen with Windex!! So much for Dinner... that was Nauseating!!!
Goth Girl
7:51, McPherson.. don't you have some "tail" to go chase... Yawn... quit boring us.
No One has any respect for you anymore after you shoved that knife in Rusty's back.
Now go play in the street, run with Scissors, or make sure all your "Big Guns" are well hid. And Im not talking about your Biceps!
No One has any respect for you anymore after you shoved that knife in Rusty's back.
Now go play in the street, run with Scissors, or make sure all your "Big Guns" are well hid. And Im not talking about your Biceps!
I like the sexy, off-the-shoulder blouse and that come hither look in her eyes! ha ha ha
Is Supposed to be broadcasting their Footage of todays events.
Goth Girl
Is Supposed to be broadcasting their Footage of todays events.
Goth Girl
Isn't this what Sheriff Mitchell did to Morshed? He made up some bullshit criminal case which was going no where and then fired him. Holly crap people! Can't you see what this public paid employee of your's is doing! "Here he goes again" Rivero didn't do anything wrong other than calling Rod Mitchell out back in September. Poor Sheriff Mitchell dosen't know how to fight back other than to use his position to destroy careers and lives.
"WHAT AN ASSHOLE"! Vote this prick "GONE"
"WHAT AN ASSHOLE"! Vote this prick "GONE"
This would not be a big deal if "Poor Me Rivero" didn't make it one. And now, you guys are making it bigger along with "Look at me Noyes". This would have blown over but now, Rivero should be fired for disobeying a direct order. Then he will try to sue and get money. In his mind anyway. Probably what he wanted to have happen all along. The only truth is probably that he should be fired.
A press conference was smart for Rivero to do. Transparency is what the people want. Unlike Mitchell who wants to hide everything and hope we don't find out about it. Mitchell gives our county a bad name. Time to get rid of him.
713, you wish you pay more taxes than i do. you are forgetting, i know you. you don't know me. i pay more taxes than you make, loser. say hi to sis rhonda for us.
818, that is exactly rivero's MO. he did it in the bay area now here. he knows he won't get elected sheriff. doesn't want the job anyway. he wants the easy money so he can hang out with bruce all day and do nothing but blog
8:06, McPherson has tail to chase? I heard Rivero was chasing some fat ugly tail. Touched her vajayjay too, yuck! I heard rumor he was a chubbychaser. Maybe that's why he like Myra Martinelli
8:15.. McPherson I told you to go chase cars, or go to bed. Of course with your Chicken Legs, Going to bed would be the wiser choice. Yawn.
Go Mitchell! Better say thanks to frank for helping your campaign today. then fire his ass!
think i will force brucey into mod mode? LOL
think i will force brucey into mod mode? LOL
unbelievable perdock murders lynne thorton and mitchell is on the scene kissing perdock and now this .
This is par for the course in lake county law enforcement. Trying to frame an innocent person to discredit them, or simply get them out of the way of the corruption. Look at what happened to Dinius.
Mitchell is going to have a hard time covering up the corruption up once he is out of office. I would think he would want to leave the county after he is out of work, I can;t imagine what kind of job he would get in lake county, or law enforcement for that matter, with his reputation aftet this mess.
Mitchell is going to have a hard time covering up the corruption up once he is out of office. I would think he would want to leave the county after he is out of work, I can;t imagine what kind of job he would get in lake county, or law enforcement for that matter, with his reputation aftet this mess.
8:21 Yep, Vote Mitchell all the way... Vote Mitchell ALL THE WAY OUT OF OFFICE and kick him and his goon squad to the curb.
Goth Girl
Goth Girl
There is no framing someone who violates a direct order. Did it himself. Neds to be fired. See ya Frank, and good luck with the "Poor me" law suit. Next time, unerstand basic chain of command and direct orders..... And be sure to thank Dan for saying you were a sargeant. Thats the closet you are going to get. Unless you TEST better at some other department.
don't think that is dave. but if it is... hey dave, what's happenin' bud? miss ya. sorry about exploiting macaque a while back. too funny to pass up. this is the best entertainment in town.
In truth, as a candidate, I think it's likely Frank gets a pass on this one for talking out of school. Still, I'm confident he'll do something even more stupid that will justify a firing. Anyone notice how he tends to stutter whenever he's on the news. I'm thinking there a chromosome problem somewhere in there. Maybe a shallow gene pool.
8:23/8:24.. What's a matter.. your a little to trigger happy tonight with your Multiple Posts. If you F'Tards think today helped Mitchell, you are bigger idiots than we thought. Sorry Darlings, Id love to see things from your point of view, but I cant shove my head that far up my ass. Of course you boys all do that so well, except you have your heads up Mitchell's Ass. This is great tonight! We have the Don and Dave Show!
And Dave, did you ever get that Career Advice? Maybe you could go help Perdock with his Janitorial Biz... You could be in charge of the Toilet Scrubbing Department. Isnt that great, we are paying Perdock to be on leave, and against Policy... he is out working a new Biz... But, since he is Mitchell's Golden Boy, the rules dont apply to him!!
And Dave, did you ever get that Career Advice? Maybe you could go help Perdock with his Janitorial Biz... You could be in charge of the Toilet Scrubbing Department. Isnt that great, we are paying Perdock to be on leave, and against Policy... he is out working a new Biz... But, since he is Mitchell's Golden Boy, the rules dont apply to him!!
Your statement makes you sound like you are from "maybe a shallow gene pool". Your own quote! LOL LOL
Wait one minute. LCSO policy is that an investigation will be started immediately. She filed the complaint in January, she was arrested in December of 2008 and plead guilty. She said she was hit in the head while pointing at her forehead, but not a scratch in the booking photo.
Due to the political nature, Mitchell should have called Rivero personally, informed him of this half wit complaint and agree to keep it low. Instead he assigns it to Sgt. Basor who was not even in the United States in January yet he has Sgt. Martin in the office as well as Macedo, Samples and others.
Rivero said he would resign if Mitchell won and Rivero took leave without pay to run his campaign, so he has nothing to loose coming out about this. Mitchell really screwed up this time and it just might be the nail in the coffin.
Due to the political nature, Mitchell should have called Rivero personally, informed him of this half wit complaint and agree to keep it low. Instead he assigns it to Sgt. Basor who was not even in the United States in January yet he has Sgt. Martin in the office as well as Macedo, Samples and others.
Rivero said he would resign if Mitchell won and Rivero took leave without pay to run his campaign, so he has nothing to loose coming out about this. Mitchell really screwed up this time and it just might be the nail in the coffin.
where did you go fellow "corruption supporter"? I was just starting to have fun. please come play with me some more.
OK, sounds to me like Rivero is making a mountain out of a mole hill. State law requires taking the complaint and investigating it fully. From what I can see the lady is desperately in need of some mental health attention. Are Rivero supporters suggesting that because of this there is no need to investigate her complaint? Or that because of this there is some reason to conduct a less formal investigation?
Rivero clearly doesn't understand the internal affairs process. It is standard procedure to order the officer who is accused not to talk about the case, yet he violates that direct order, on TV no less??? Wow! I guess in Rivero's department it will be OK to refuse orders. It also seems like he thinks the department head (Sheriff) should be able to pick and choose which investigations to conduct. This is the person some of you want elected to that position?
He claims it's politically motivated to damage his campaign, yet as far as I can tell no one from the Sheriff's Department (Other than Rivero) released any details. Kinda hard to damage someone politically when you don't publicize the allegation. Dan Noyes alleges that there was information posted on blogs, but I've never seen it. Can someone who's gone over them more closely point out where that is true?
Sheriff Mitchell came off pretty good in that news segment. Rivero came off angry in my opinion. YMMV.
Rivero clearly doesn't understand the internal affairs process. It is standard procedure to order the officer who is accused not to talk about the case, yet he violates that direct order, on TV no less??? Wow! I guess in Rivero's department it will be OK to refuse orders. It also seems like he thinks the department head (Sheriff) should be able to pick and choose which investigations to conduct. This is the person some of you want elected to that position?
He claims it's politically motivated to damage his campaign, yet as far as I can tell no one from the Sheriff's Department (Other than Rivero) released any details. Kinda hard to damage someone politically when you don't publicize the allegation. Dan Noyes alleges that there was information posted on blogs, but I've never seen it. Can someone who's gone over them more closely point out where that is true?
Sheriff Mitchell came off pretty good in that news segment. Rivero came off angry in my opinion. YMMV.
Now that Rivero has made a fool of himself, all of you Rivero supporters can jump on the Mitchell band wagon. Woo hoo, vote Mitchell!
i think someone broke the blog. oh well, had enough fun for tonight. gnite mitchell fan! wooo-hoooo!
Morshed gets a suspension for having sex on duty.
Garzoli only has to appoligize to a female after sexually degrading her.
Garzoli is allowed to self demote after the DEA/Grant incidents.
McMahon promoted 18 months after pointing a loaded gun at Howe.
Perdock had no action taken for false statements and interfering in an investigation.
Perry only transferred out of Detectives for improper conduct with a witness.
Pick only given a warning after harassing several female deputies.
Fry only given a transfer after refusing to investigate a homicide that cause another death.
And you wonder why people are demanding a new Sheriff.
Garzoli only has to appoligize to a female after sexually degrading her.
Garzoli is allowed to self demote after the DEA/Grant incidents.
McMahon promoted 18 months after pointing a loaded gun at Howe.
Perdock had no action taken for false statements and interfering in an investigation.
Perry only transferred out of Detectives for improper conduct with a witness.
Pick only given a warning after harassing several female deputies.
Fry only given a transfer after refusing to investigate a homicide that cause another death.
And you wonder why people are demanding a new Sheriff.
There Once was A Sheriff Named Rod
He thought he was a God
He was one of the True Original Good Ol Boy's
and turned a blind eye to Garzoli & his Toy's
Then comes along a Great Deputy named Frank
Mitchell tried to ruin his name with an Ugly Skank
The People of Lake County seen right through..
And at the Polls, they knew just what to do
Rod Mitchell's Empire came Crashing down
and the Good Ol Boys got ran out of Town!
Goth Girl
(now be nice oliver, XX & G, this was only my first attempt!!)
He thought he was a God
He was one of the True Original Good Ol Boy's
and turned a blind eye to Garzoli & his Toy's
Then comes along a Great Deputy named Frank
Mitchell tried to ruin his name with an Ugly Skank
The People of Lake County seen right through..
And at the Polls, they knew just what to do
Rod Mitchell's Empire came Crashing down
and the Good Ol Boys got ran out of Town!
Goth Girl
(now be nice oliver, XX & G, this was only my first attempt!!)
You Mitchell supporters need a little enlightening.
The woman was arrested in December "2008".
The woman plead guilty and made no such claim to her lawyer in court.
The woman filed the complaint in January.
The IA was assigned to Basor.
Mitchell knew Basor wasn't even in the United States!
All Mitchell had to do is interview the husband and the other deputy and closed it "unfounded".
The woman was arrested in December "2008".
The woman plead guilty and made no such claim to her lawyer in court.
The woman filed the complaint in January.
The IA was assigned to Basor.
Mitchell knew Basor wasn't even in the United States!
All Mitchell had to do is interview the husband and the other deputy and closed it "unfounded".
Wow if you are a captain you can kill a boater. If you are a sergeant you can have sex on duty, get flying lessons on duty and harass females. Oh but if you run for Sheriff and have a habitual liar accuse you of sexual battery, you are toast.
Mitchell you just flushed your job down the drain.
Mitchell you just flushed your job down the drain.
O.K. Goth Girl, that was pretty good for a first go. But I guess I will have to hold your hand when it comes to past and present tense. We can work on it together.
You know, all that matters is that Rivero violated a direct order and violated policy. He should be fired. And it is justified! Oh, and Mitchell for Sheriff!
You know, All that matters is that Perdock violated a direct order and violated policy. Perdock should be fired!
"This is par for the course in lake county law enforcement. Trying to frame an innocent person to discredit them.. "
That's their M.O. They're no good at convicting the REAL criminals, so they go after anyone they can to make themselves look like winners. What they call people like that are COWARDS!
Habitual liar = narcissist
That's their M.O. They're no good at convicting the REAL criminals, so they go after anyone they can to make themselves look like winners. What they call people like that are COWARDS!
Habitual liar = narcissist
Yea baby and WTF has happened w/garzoli and purdick?? So Rivero needs to be fired? Shut the hell up DW!
Sure, Rivero is being framed. The moron went to the press. No one would have known and the situation would have been investigated and most liekly cleared. But no, Rivero went and violated the order after just receiving it. Fire him!
You know, All that matters is that Perdock violated a direct order and violated policy. Perdock should be fired! Fire Him!
At 3:12p.m. today you said that info was released "by Mitchell" on this blog on Friday at 7:55p.m. Rivero said he only called the press conference because the info was leaked, yet you guys were talking about the press conference all the way back on the 31st of March.
fire him? I thought he was out on unpaid leave already.... who cares, you know mitchell wants him out, LOL @ all of you fools who follow orders from rodney, idiots!
Mitchell = Hitler tactics. Keep the pressure on. This is NOT a police state like in Nazi Germany, is it? Keep the pressure ON Lovelace.n If Mitchell is voted out REAL candidates cam come in. New regime, sand in the gears. Mitchell MACHINE stops. Hey... with enough pressure, maybe Hitler will do a repeat with the cyanide. Why would ANYONE care? Keep these issues on the top and turn up the heat. There is MUCH more to come and YES, at the time Frank Rivero committed "career suicide" it appears, but WAIT... wasn't Beland fired for telling the truth??? Think about it.
Give it some time... and the truth about the corruption will be front and center and "things" are happening as we speak! Good work Lovelace. Don't hesitate, and keep the course. Say hi to "rainbow man" for me. LOL!
Give it some time... and the truth about the corruption will be front and center and "things" are happening as we speak! Good work Lovelace. Don't hesitate, and keep the course. Say hi to "rainbow man" for me. LOL!
Dutra, Dutra,... banana fanna fofanna fee fi fo fanna.. Dutra! Hey dude, does your wifey still "dance the pole" for ya?? Hey Dougy Rhodes, how PROUD you and the wifey must feel over your daughter Sarah the "pole dancer". You know her ol' boss man says she can still get her job back with him over in Sacto.
If I was Rivero I would have gone public because Mitchell was out to defame Rivero. Mitchell you are a loser and everyone knows it. You hire sub-standard personell. Your underlings do crap behind your back to make you look bad.
I will take you up on that...
Between our 2 Warped Minds, that Span many decades, and knowing what we know.. Im sure we can roll around some better verses & ideas. After All, you are the one with the very Nice Sledge Hammer!! Hopefully you can fill in the blanks!!
Goth Girl
I will take you up on that...
Between our 2 Warped Minds, that Span many decades, and knowing what we know.. Im sure we can roll around some better verses & ideas. After All, you are the one with the very Nice Sledge Hammer!! Hopefully you can fill in the blanks!!
Goth Girl
1014 I would have gone public too. bs on Mitchell he needs to go and take those 8 buzzards with him.
Noyes said Rivero was a seargent. I thought he was a deputy. That video didn't seem too good for Rivero, he kinda came off bad.
Way too defensive and angry. Mitchell looked good, Noyes couldn't rattle him. I saw Ringen too, boy has he aged! All that hate in his heart isn't good for him.
OK Boy's and Girls...
It was a Great Day for Frank, And as XX, G, Myself, Oliver, Batman & Co said over lunch.. Politics makes for strange Bed Fellows! But we have all came together for the good of this cause... Which is to get Frank in as Sheriff, and Rod headed back to Safeway to stack heads of Lettuce. Till Tomarrow.... Same Time, Same Bat Channel!
In the 1980's We had Regan, Johnny Cash & Bob Hope
Now we have Obama, No Hope and No Cash, and it sure would make the world a better place if we could add Mitchell to the list of things we dont have!!!!
Goth Girl
It was a Great Day for Frank, And as XX, G, Myself, Oliver, Batman & Co said over lunch.. Politics makes for strange Bed Fellows! But we have all came together for the good of this cause... Which is to get Frank in as Sheriff, and Rod headed back to Safeway to stack heads of Lettuce. Till Tomarrow.... Same Time, Same Bat Channel!
In the 1980's We had Regan, Johnny Cash & Bob Hope
Now we have Obama, No Hope and No Cash, and it sure would make the world a better place if we could add Mitchell to the list of things we dont have!!!!
Goth Girl
Hey 10:50
Atleast Ringen HAS a Heart & a Conscience
Unlike Adolf, whoops, I mean Rod.
Hate?! He's Retired! He's loving life.
Ringen looks mighty fine & happy.
Its Adolf, whoops again, Rod that has aged!!
Nice Try... Now quit screwing off on County Dime Jack Ass.
Goth Girl
Atleast Ringen HAS a Heart & a Conscience
Unlike Adolf, whoops, I mean Rod.
Hate?! He's Retired! He's loving life.
Ringen looks mighty fine & happy.
Its Adolf, whoops again, Rod that has aged!!
Nice Try... Now quit screwing off on County Dime Jack Ass.
Goth Girl
Great day??? for Rivero and his criminal supporters...Including Kip "Theft of public funds" Ringen??? Maybe if you enjoyed the company, but to the public you came off as angry and defensive.
Now that Frank Rivero LOOKS like he has lost everything he has NOTHING to lose and come forward with a "boat load" of evidence to put the nails in Mitchell's little coffin. Mitchell's little creeps will start stabbing each other in the back and Rivero can watch them all unravel. Then because he told the truth and came forward the political coup, watching Mitchell taking care of the people who will lie, cheat and steal becomes formulaic. It is CLEAR who is "stroking Mitchell" and clear who is not. The "fired" ones aren't playing his games. The medical leave ones ARE playing the game and after all, Perdock is SOOOO good at killing people he wanted to go in to a biohazard business, that after all, is cleaning up dead bodies. Yep, the old you Tag 'em I'll Bag 'em business and as LONG as Mitchell is in power Perdock will have LOTS of business and being the coroner and Head Sheriff Mitchell can call ahead to Perdock who his next victim will be. How cute! I suppose they call that the win-win situation, but then again we KNOW that Mitchell and Perdock are the ultimate losers. They just haven't figured out that their goose is cooked and NO ONE will want to goosestep with them. Mitchell IS NOT going to be Sheriff. The public will NOT CARE that Rivero got fired, IN FACT, they will see this as a flag to forge ahead for a man brave enough to be truthful even under fire. Fire Rivero? You will be IN the fire, Mitchell. ROFLMAO!!!
Truthful? Rivero's whole campaign is based on lies. First the department is racist, then it's just a few deputies (When he wanted the DSA endorsement) and now according to his own website it's a corrupt organization with racial profiling and pre-text stops (Which by the way are legal according to just about every court decision ever published.). This guy can't pick a platform and stay with it. His comments smack of sticking his finger in the air to see which way the wind is blowing. No real thought, moral compass or character behind them.
If he had a "boat load" of evidence we'd have seen it by now. All he has is lies, rumors and innuendo.
Come on guys. I hear there's a fire! Can I bring the marshmellows? Are they too sharp for Mitchell and his little pull up pants boys? They aren't too sharp and they don't need nuthin sharp or 357's or one of those pointy badges with a pin. They are a bunch of dummies and we should throw the book at them. The Bible and all those "thou shalt nots" you know the ones that Mitchell as a diety does, ya know like adultery, lying, cheating, killing and stuff... Huh? Come on, come on, I wanna roast a few of them on the fire. Can I? Can I? Come on... I really wanna see them roast... you know the marshmellows... Oh come on! You never let me have no fun...
OK 11:10..
Id love to see things from your point of view, but I cant shove my head that far up my ass. Angry & Defensive? Thats funny, you just described yourself! You arent very observant are you!? You shouldnt drink and blog at the same time. I dont even know why Im responding to your comment, other than for my personal amusement! Nobody cares or believes what you have to say, as you are just another Mitchell Clone with a screw loose.... So go get Screwed! But the Sheep are off limits! Good Luck with that!!! Maybe Ol Rhonda Rully can take care of your needs. If she takes out her teeth, you can have a Gummer instead of a Hummer! But just do it off duty! Have a Great Time!! Be sure to let us know when you and Rhonda get engaged, so we know where you are registered at. We will be sure to send a wedding gift!
Good Night All!
Goth Girl
Id love to see things from your point of view, but I cant shove my head that far up my ass. Angry & Defensive? Thats funny, you just described yourself! You arent very observant are you!? You shouldnt drink and blog at the same time. I dont even know why Im responding to your comment, other than for my personal amusement! Nobody cares or believes what you have to say, as you are just another Mitchell Clone with a screw loose.... So go get Screwed! But the Sheep are off limits! Good Luck with that!!! Maybe Ol Rhonda Rully can take care of your needs. If she takes out her teeth, you can have a Gummer instead of a Hummer! But just do it off duty! Have a Great Time!! Be sure to let us know when you and Rhonda get engaged, so we know where you are registered at. We will be sure to send a wedding gift!
Good Night All!
Goth Girl
Well hang on sailor post 11:25 that ship is on its way in!!! Just because you didn't SEE Hitler kill any Jews doesn't mean it doesn't happen, AND the world isn't flat. Get a clue, sailor, before you sail off the edge of the world. You sure aren't all that bright about the order of things, are you? As far as his sticking his finger in the wind poster 11:23 it looks like a Nor'Easter and a gale warning. Batten down the hatches, it's going to be a rough ride. When you get wind of the "boat load" you might produce a load of your own.
Racist? Ask the pastor at the Edge Church in Lakeport who his guest speaker was in June or July of 2007 and then get back to me. This gentleman, better spoken than ANY LSCO was a man of color. He had a little stay that was illegal at the expense of the taxpayers, lived to tell about it and came forward. Let's not play pretend to the KKK in the ranks of the LCSO. It is COMMON knowledge and documented and a whole congregation saw and hear this brave man who came BACK to tell all. Vote FOR anyone, but don't vote for Mitchell. Rivero has come forward and you should back him.
Oh so Rivero has more allegations that he's failed to report and kept hidden so he can claim he's a victim when the time is right. Well golly gee, color me surprised. Hey I hear Myra was looking a little heavy these days. Perhaps a little too much time at the buffet lately?
Im Sorry, I just have to get one more word in here for the night...I know whats wrong with all the Mitchell Clones!!!!!!
Stockholm syndrome!!! is a term used to describe a paradoxical psychological phenomenon wherein hostages express adulation and have positive feelings towards their captor...
Do you think we could get lucky enough that Rod will start making them drink Purple Kool-Aid????
Goth Girl
Stockholm syndrome!!! is a term used to describe a paradoxical psychological phenomenon wherein hostages express adulation and have positive feelings towards their captor...
Do you think we could get lucky enough that Rod will start making them drink Purple Kool-Aid????
Goth Girl
Cobb Mountain Cutie is putting on some pounds, hey I heard she is a biker dude with Tats is that true? My old man calls those Tramp Stamps
Yes this is Politically Motivated it has Mitchell's fingerprints all over it. This shows how low Mitchell will go. If Mitchell's is willing to do this to a member of his Department, What would Mitchell do to a citizen? to wait months to investigate this is insane. I saw it posted on this blog Saturday. I'll say it again "Yes his was Politically Motivated" by Mitchell and his failed leadership. Mitchell keeps Perdock and Garzoli on the County pay roll for months (Perdock more then 10 months at Captains pay) yes it is Politically Motivated.
This BS has to stop in the county. We need to get rid of the king of BS named Rod Mitchell. Didn't he say he would destroy people for running against him before. Well lake county here is the proof. He will not touch Baxter because he is not a threat and has no chance of winning at all. Baxter has not made any real efforts to do anything.
Well, to some.. A "Tramp Stamp" or "Bitch Bagde" is considered Art, a living Canvas. And you know why only women have them? Because you tough guys couldnt handle the pain in that area!!
As long as its not a Prison Tat, or Cheap Amatuer Work, To each their own! And who gives a Sh*t if you think someone has put on a few pounds? She is still cute, Atleast she can loose the weight! No matter what you do, you will still be ugly, on the outside and the inside. It's whats in your heart that counts!
Sorry Darlings...
Thats how we can spot you Mitchell Clones so easy...
No Heart, No Spine, No Balls & No Conscience
Hey Adolf, Whoops, I mean Rod... Did you remember to take your High Blood Pressure Medicine this AM?
Hey! There is Blue Sky! Another Great Day has Dawn.
Goth Girl
As long as its not a Prison Tat, or Cheap Amatuer Work, To each their own! And who gives a Sh*t if you think someone has put on a few pounds? She is still cute, Atleast she can loose the weight! No matter what you do, you will still be ugly, on the outside and the inside. It's whats in your heart that counts!
Sorry Darlings...
Thats how we can spot you Mitchell Clones so easy...
No Heart, No Spine, No Balls & No Conscience
Hey Adolf, Whoops, I mean Rod... Did you remember to take your High Blood Pressure Medicine this AM?
Hey! There is Blue Sky! Another Great Day has Dawn.
Goth Girl
Hey 6:51... And not only is Perdick getting paid Captain's Wages while he is on leave, he and his daughter have started a Janitorial Business.... He is never home.. What he is doing right now "Double Dipping" is against Mitchell's own Policy for those on leave... but as usual, Adolf Rod Mitchell turns a blind eye to some and then burns others at the Stake. Perdick can do anything and get away with Murder! (litterally!!) Must be nice. And he just smiles.... Keep Smiling Boy's... Karma is right around the Corner!
Goth Girl
Goth Girl
In the Lake Co News Mitchell said, "Mitchell said it was appropriate to investigate the matter but the complaint wasn't pushed to the head of the line ahead of other investigations."
How many more deputies are under investigation or should I say how many deputies are NOT under investigation? My god Mitchell can't you control anyone in your department?
How many more deputies are under investigation or should I say how many deputies are NOT under investigation? My god Mitchell can't you control anyone in your department?
So Rully reported this to Brain Martin. Is this the same cop that shot his neighbors dog for chasing his cat??? Oh please what a bunch of crooks!!
Rhonda Rully HACIENDA CT
Husband John Rully (poor bastard)
Previous Address's in Sacramento, Sebastopol & Middletown
Now lives in Lower Lake (un-confirmed)
Drives a Black Honda.
And a face only a Bulldog could love
Husband John Rully (poor bastard)
Previous Address's in Sacramento, Sebastopol & Middletown
Now lives in Lower Lake (un-confirmed)
Drives a Black Honda.
And a face only a Bulldog could love
so Officer Rivero was to take orders from those that would cut him off at the knees? The word was out about woman and her accusations and officer Rivero is to tell us Its a personnel matter and he can't talk about. Now remember Officer Rivero said he would tell us the truth and let fall what would fall.Would anyone trust your life with Mitchell,Hopkins and their group? OUR smattering has grown and that is due to Lovelace. For officer River to obey that order he would have broke his pledge to us. "Being open and tell us the truth."Officer Rivero has shown by his actions that his word is his bond.What a far cry from what we have now. I thank the Lovelace group Remember if the GOBS would do it to MR. Dinius they would do it to you. Lovelace I will hand the fliers at the court house every tuesday. Thhank you again.
I saw Supervisor Rob Brown at the rally yesterday. I would trust a rattlesnake before trusting Rob Brown. He's a Mitchell boy.
His word is his bond? His word is going to be a lie. That's something you all should clearly se by now. Everything out of his mouth has been proven false and now, he violates orders and should be fired. See ya Rivero, now find a new candidate before its too late.
I beleive the SO will investigate Rivero rationally. And the allegation will most likely be proven false, who knows. However, Rivero even said that he blatenantly violated the direct order, which is common place, to not talk about the investigation. That is wrong and his integrity is deminishing. He should face the consequences and most likely be fired for his actions. Add it all up people and then decide if you still want Rivero for Sheriff. If you do, then all you stand for is go ahead and make up lies if it helps you get what you want and violate rules if that helps too. Any moral issues tehre??? You guys make yourselves sound bad. but thinking what Rivero is doing is right.
Hey 821
We have had sixteen years of Mitchell lying about almost everything, if not everything. I believe Frank did the right thing and violated the order. one thing the Counties not paying him like they are Perdock and Garzoli. Franks running for Sheriff again a man that is so corrupt he smells.
We have had sixteen years of Mitchell lying about almost everything, if not everything. I believe Frank did the right thing and violated the order. one thing the Counties not paying him like they are Perdock and Garzoli. Franks running for Sheriff again a man that is so corrupt he smells.
843, so they are both bad and you aer supporting the lesser of the two evils? What is wrong with you and that philosophy? Doesn't it make sense to throw Rivero in the same pool as any other liar and support an honest candidate?
Hey guys,
I moved out of lake county becuaseof my first-hand experience with police corruption. But the funny thing is. The corruption is everywhere.
A recnt sentencing of a local california drug cartel highlights the world we live in now. Look at the artcile below with a cartel who got off with 2 years prison and a $300k fine for what was a 15+ year drug dealing ring with a tunnel to mexico for smuggleing cocaine by the ton, laundering millions in cash on a monthly basis, and who knows what else.
Looks like there will be another job for Mitchell if he leaves the county! pleny of corruption to go around.
I moved out of lake county becuaseof my first-hand experience with police corruption. But the funny thing is. The corruption is everywhere.
A recnt sentencing of a local california drug cartel highlights the world we live in now. Look at the artcile below with a cartel who got off with 2 years prison and a $300k fine for what was a 15+ year drug dealing ring with a tunnel to mexico for smuggleing cocaine by the ton, laundering millions in cash on a monthly basis, and who knows what else.
Looks like there will be another job for Mitchell if he leaves the county! pleny of corruption to go around.
So Officer Rivero is to take orders from someone that would cut his legs off I remind you these are the ones that tried to railroad Mr. Dinius. He was looking out for himself and family what would be the reason to cover any of this up? This had nothing to do with his duties to pull his gun but you would have him take it in the shorts for Mitchell. That goes along with the rest of your insanity, If Mitchell fires officer Rivero it will not be long,he will be the new sheriff and Mitchell will be fired. Its refreshing to have someone tell the truth and not hide behind "Its a personnel matter."
So if you rob a bank to feed your family, it should be justified and there should be no punishment. Sir, you are a fool. Mr. Henderson, if you truely believe that Rivero should be allowed to violate policy and a direct order and receive no punishment then you are no better than he or any other criminal who feels justifed in breaking the law. It sounds to me like there are several on this forum. The law is the law and it is usually spelled out in black and white, or in this case, voiced directly to Rivero. Good luck with you , uh hum, candidate.
It's a sad day when you lose a officer like Rivero. Mitchell wants Rivero out it's clear. Typical lake county gossip/false reports even, it's a deliberate attempt to discredit Rivero. I am sure Frank can find a far better dept. who would welcome him, and appreciate him. If Mitchell is not stopped, I am sure more people will move away, and come to visit, LOL. What if a police car slammed into me, killed my passenger, then I am charged with a crime? Your lake county is sinking, because of who is running it. Get rid of the cheap gossip, & unprofessional, yahoo's. Vote Mitchell Out!!!!
No other department will hire Rivero now. He is a proven liar and S**t disturber. False allegations follow you everywhere. Good thing he is able to retire. This should all finally catch up to him and put an end to his "Run Amok" campaign. Good ridence!
10:44 Mitchell has been a proven Liar over and over and over.He has made false allegations and now the county has a law suit coming up because of him. Mitchell's bad name is getting world wide attention so it is pretty clear no one will want to hire him. Remember true allegations will follow you everywhere! Good Ridence Rod it will finally catch up to him! LOL! LOL!
1114, so you are saying what about Rivero. I am not preaching Mitchell, I am spelling out what I see about Rivero. This isn't a tit for tat. Its all about Rivero being a liar and as some earlier put it, running his "poor me" campaign. If you don't support Mitchell, how the hell can you support Rivero? Aren't you a little hypocritical?
RIP runner up of an election in June, opening Your mouth when you were ordered to keep it shut not once but twice shows how you follow policy, this being an indication of what would be if you made it to the office of Sheriff which you will not transparency is something you can have but not with confidential matters within the department, You cut Your own Throat The smathering will embrace you, but that will not get you elected and Your plans to leave anyway if you could not make it seem certain.
Rivero is caught in a Catch 22. It isn't a poor me scenario OTHER than the fact that Hitchell (Hitler/Mitchell) will put in front of the firing squad anyone who doesn't march his way. You have NOT seen the last of Rivero and he will come out with more information now, perhaps, that he is on the firing squad end. This information can be checked and verified as all of the other "coming out" statements. Someone had to do this and I give kudos to Rivero for staing facts.
In the olden days all one had to do is accuse a woman of being a witch and she was taken to the lake and thrown in. If she sank she was not a witch, and if she floated she was retrieved and burned at the stake. Either way she lost her life and Hitchell has this same scenario for ANYONE who comes forward. There are interests bigger than Mitchell here and the machine is bigger too. That is obvious, but with Mitchell out they are going to have to "retool" and now that Rivero has made a commitment he will continue with it. He is just a little "pregnant" and Frank Rivero isn't through. He may be a lot more information up his sleeve that is irrefutable and damning to the "powers that be". There is a clear pathology and Mitchell does NOT act alone. One the code of silence is broken the cleansing can begin and Rivero seems to me the kind of man that will sacrifice himself for the larger picture and come back at a later date to be a part of a cohesive team. Thanks to Lovelace we can get that ball rolling and bless James for handing out information to educate the public. I have faith in our system and the adjustments that we make will be good ones to keep us on course. Carry on Lovelace, carry on!
In the olden days all one had to do is accuse a woman of being a witch and she was taken to the lake and thrown in. If she sank she was not a witch, and if she floated she was retrieved and burned at the stake. Either way she lost her life and Hitchell has this same scenario for ANYONE who comes forward. There are interests bigger than Mitchell here and the machine is bigger too. That is obvious, but with Mitchell out they are going to have to "retool" and now that Rivero has made a commitment he will continue with it. He is just a little "pregnant" and Frank Rivero isn't through. He may be a lot more information up his sleeve that is irrefutable and damning to the "powers that be". There is a clear pathology and Mitchell does NOT act alone. One the code of silence is broken the cleansing can begin and Rivero seems to me the kind of man that will sacrifice himself for the larger picture and come back at a later date to be a part of a cohesive team. Thanks to Lovelace we can get that ball rolling and bless James for handing out information to educate the public. I have faith in our system and the adjustments that we make will be good ones to keep us on course. Carry on Lovelace, carry on!
Gee, I go take care of some things, come back, and look out all the Little Mitchell Clones that have been posting crap. (And we have a way to tell that there really isnt that many.. there is just a few, and Rod) ** Hey Rod.. Did you remember to take your Med's this AM?
Mitchell has been running this County like he was Hitler reborn... And Thanks to MANY Former & Current Employee's, along with feedback from Citizens who have been targeted by these clowns/clones, Help from the LOVELACE Group...... By having the Balls to say, ENOUGH OF THIS BULLSHIT! And come forward to tell what really goes on behind the Castle Walls.. It's soon to come to an end.
I love it everytime I get a threat from one of the Clowns, All it does is give me more impowerment, and more desire to keep up doing what Im doing. (Which is undermining the Empire that is about to Fall) Idiots. If they only knew who was watching my back!!
And 10:44.. Run Amok Campaign? Uh.. If you only knew... I think of it as the days when I was a Jockey.. I know when to hold and rein a Horse back.. And I know when to hit the Whip, givem their head and leave the others in the dust. But this is an EASY RACE because Frank is running against a Jack Ass! But I am Good, really GOOD with a Whip.
So look on the bright side, if they are blogging, atleast they arent out on the streets being stupid! Rod.. your Coffee is getting cold... better go get a refill. Did you hire Rhonda Rully yet? Im sure she would make you a Wonderful Sexetary! A Ton of Fun!!
Well, Id love to stay and play with Clones, but I've got some work to do. (-"
So, to the Mitchell Clone's, just keep playing with yourselves until I get back this evening.
And G, XX, Oliver, James, all the other X's, ***Rivero4Sheriff***, and anyone else helping us.. HAVE A WONDERFUL DAY!!
Mitchell has been running this County like he was Hitler reborn... And Thanks to MANY Former & Current Employee's, along with feedback from Citizens who have been targeted by these clowns/clones, Help from the LOVELACE Group...... By having the Balls to say, ENOUGH OF THIS BULLSHIT! And come forward to tell what really goes on behind the Castle Walls.. It's soon to come to an end.
I love it everytime I get a threat from one of the Clowns, All it does is give me more impowerment, and more desire to keep up doing what Im doing. (Which is undermining the Empire that is about to Fall) Idiots. If they only knew who was watching my back!!
And 10:44.. Run Amok Campaign? Uh.. If you only knew... I think of it as the days when I was a Jockey.. I know when to hold and rein a Horse back.. And I know when to hit the Whip, givem their head and leave the others in the dust. But this is an EASY RACE because Frank is running against a Jack Ass! But I am Good, really GOOD with a Whip.
So look on the bright side, if they are blogging, atleast they arent out on the streets being stupid! Rod.. your Coffee is getting cold... better go get a refill. Did you hire Rhonda Rully yet? Im sure she would make you a Wonderful Sexetary! A Ton of Fun!!
Well, Id love to stay and play with Clones, but I've got some work to do. (-"
So, to the Mitchell Clone's, just keep playing with yourselves until I get back this evening.
And G, XX, Oliver, James, all the other X's, ***Rivero4Sheriff***, and anyone else helping us.. HAVE A WONDERFUL DAY!!
All the corruption supporters should be thankful Mitchell is as dumb as he is. If Mitchell was any smarter he would have fired them a long time ago. That's why they support Mitchell, job security. With all the attention on Mitchell they can carry on their dirty work in the shadows.
anything More Deputy Rivero has to say will only add to his persona of poor me they are picking upon Me..................think twice open mouth once only applies if you want to live smart. He is not a SGT why does Noyes keep referring to him as that. well smatterings, You Lose and Myra and Mommie You already lost when You got those Biker Dude Tata ewwwwwwwwww hey I know a place looking for a truck driver and you qualify.
I should come up to Martin Rd... You need your ass kicked. Not for what you say... BUT FOR BLOGGING ON MY TAX DOLLAR!!!!!!!!!!!! Speaking of Cutting Throats... You just slit your own.
AND FOR JUST RELEASING Confidential Information. The same thing you just accused Frank of!!!
HYPOCRITES!! Cecil Brown Nose, I swear, you are getting dumber as the years go by. You should Check your Sh*t Stain Self into an old folks home before you get lost and cant find your way to work!!! And Im sure this is where Friday's 7:55 pm "leak" about Frank came from. Cecil, Please do tell us, as Stupid as you are... How do you from Deputy, Detective, Sgt, then to Captain so fast, when you are so stupid??? Oh, I forgot, you have your head up Mitchell's Ass.
I should come up to Martin Rd... You need your ass kicked. Not for what you say... BUT FOR BLOGGING ON MY TAX DOLLAR!!!!!!!!!!!! Speaking of Cutting Throats... You just slit your own.
AND FOR JUST RELEASING Confidential Information. The same thing you just accused Frank of!!!
HYPOCRITES!! Cecil Brown Nose, I swear, you are getting dumber as the years go by. You should Check your Sh*t Stain Self into an old folks home before you get lost and cant find your way to work!!! And Im sure this is where Friday's 7:55 pm "leak" about Frank came from. Cecil, Please do tell us, as Stupid as you are... How do you from Deputy, Detective, Sgt, then to Captain so fast, when you are so stupid??? Oh, I forgot, you have your head up Mitchell's Ass.
I see that Mitchell has gotten the endorsement of the white supremacists but he hasn’t gotten around to adding that endorsement to his web page for some reason. Das in mein Sheriff, eh Rod?
Crud, I’ve said the same thing twice in a row because there was some glitchyness there. Well, at least I’ve done what Rhonda could not.
Gee LCN says that our little friend Rhonda Rully says she was "raped" by another LCSD sometime before the incident with Rivero. So wasn't it comfirmed that this deputy was none other than LCSD Joe Dutra? Seems to me that charges of "rape" are much worse the charges of "cop-ing a feel" (forgive the pun) Of course the whole thing is made up and as much as I love to defend Rivero and hate to defend Dutra, Rhonda is a complete nut job and needs to be charged with filing a false police report.
my only concern is the link between military and law enforcement...oh so close & "following a direct order". I just don't want this one to come back and bite Frank in the rear from the voters, those that r past and present military and law enforcement. I love "questioning authority" and standing up for what I believe is right...but I respect and realize that there are those that do not believe that is your right to do under certain situations, and you "follow orders" without question.
This is a grass roots campaign...get off your computer each day and get out there door to door or at the market parking lot and begin to put Franks name out there...bumper stickers are avail for free. Put up campaign signs, especailly along the main hwys...
The blog is great but it takes work to effect change....go for it!!! I have and do daily. This County CANNOT take another 4 years of the same....and probably worse now that we've all stood up!
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This is a grass roots campaign...get off your computer each day and get out there door to door or at the market parking lot and begin to put Franks name out there...bumper stickers are avail for free. Put up campaign signs, especailly along the main hwys...
The blog is great but it takes work to effect change....go for it!!! I have and do daily. This County CANNOT take another 4 years of the same....and probably worse now that we've all stood up!
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