Thursday, September 10, 2009


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To the citizens of Lake County the following 4 post's are communications sent to us via our e-mail account, These are communications that were exchanged between Joan Moss, as you will see based on word usage and name calling in these exchanges it is difficult to accept the word professionalism as part of LCN's responses to Joan Moss.

March 19, 2010

Dear Editor,

I am writing in response to Elizabeth Larson’s story entitled “State Leads Investigation of Sheriff’s Deputy Alleged to have taken reports, data.”

This rambling and confusing combination of paragraphs seems to fail the standards of objective unbiased journalism which I thought Elizabeth Larson’s Lake Co News online news publication is noted for.

It would seem Ms Larson listened to Sheriff Rodney Mitchell’s side without checking the facts and the law concerning internal affairs investigations, and the sheriff himself violated legal and ethical considerations in “leaking” biased information to Larson to further his own political position.

Francisco Rivero, who is running for Sheriff, was asked his opinion about this story during a recent fundraiser at Rob Roy’s Golf and Country Club

Rivero said Elizabeth Larson was reporting what she was told (by Rod Mitchell).

Later in an interview, Rivero cracked a joke about the absurd sentence concerning a young woman listening to a police scanner while working on a computer. Larson (or Mitchell) wrote that it is believed the woman was trying to learn about the wives and families of deputies from the police scanner.

Rivero laughed and said, “Since when do wives have their own channel? Since when do officers talk about their wives over the radio?”

Others said Mitchell has been breaking his own rules by talking to people about why he fired Deputy Jim Beland.

I believe Mitchell is also violating his own laws that he swore to protect when he took his oath of office by asserting things about an officer before the internal affairs investigation about that officer has been concluded. Even then Mitchell is not allowed by law to talk about personnel matters within his own department.

Franciso Rivero’s sense of humor may keep us all objective and smiling through this campaign. I believe Elizabeth Larson owes the young woman an apology for not getting her side of the story before posting it.

Joan Moss
this is the response from Liz Larsen


This is absolute trash. You don't know anything about my research or the writing of that piece, or what I did or didn't do. It's obvious you're parroting incorrect statements fed to you by the Rivero campaign.

By the way, Deputy Rivero and I have already discussed his incorrect statements about where I got that information -- it certainly wasn't from the sheriff but from public records.

I've never been under the impression that you were particularly bright, objective or ethical -- now I'm sure of it.

Don't EVER contact me or my news organization again, for any reason.

Elizabeth Larson
This is the response from John Jensen LCN, oh by the way it was spoon fed, we know.


Look here you nincompoop that story wasn't spoon-fed to LCN. It came from public records. Haven't you even heard of those after all your years.

I was shocked that Rivero didn't understand how search warrants work, I'm saddened that you don't.

Way to let everyone know you haven't got a clue about journalism or public records acquisition AND that you are being nose-led by a candidate. Touchdown, perfect nitwit trifecta! The great news for is that LCN is that is abundantly clear that none of the supposed competing journalists have even the slightest glimmer of understanding of public records. Love it, love it, LOVE IT - you made my day.

Time to turn in your reporter's cap. It never was a good fit and everyone knows you prefer activism anyway.

Incredulously yours,

John Jensen
this is Joan Moss's response this is the last correspondence in this exchange.

Statement concerning letter to editor and Elizabeth Larson and John Jensen’s response

I wrote my letter to the editor regarding Elizabeth Larson’s story on my own, without consulting anyone in the Rivero Campaign before I sent it in for publication. I do not believe Lake Co News or any one media can make or break anyone running for election in Lake County.

I attended the public fund raiser at Rob Roy’s Country Club, took notes, and added Francisco Rivero’s quotes and jokes to lighten up the situation.

Since Ms Larson forbid me from ever contacting her newspaper again, I sent the letter and the e-mail responses by Larson and Jensen to and other media.
News is not a business. News is the truth, here and now! but a newspaper is different.

If you depend heavily on Wal-mart advertising, you are not likely to publish articles critical of Wal-mart. If you rely on US Army advertising, you are not likely to write articles critical of the US Army. If you rely on Baskin-Robbins advertising, then you're not going to go bashing ice cream. That's common sense.

That's why it's impossible to have an unbiased newspaper. But you should pick your allegiances wisely. If your allies like to skirt around the truth, then you might find that your interests betray your news.

Ain't that true, Lizzy? BTW i haven't gotten contacted by any lawyers. Won't take the case, will they?

Happy Easter!
liz i used to read your paper until i had to stare at hopkins' ugly mug. could you take that down please?
Well, it appears that Liz Larsen and John Jensen are very thin skinned. I would hope that everyone decides not to visit their web page.

It's obvious you're parroting incorrect statements fed to you by the Rivero campaign.

You must be kidding me, since the above is the statement of a reporter (Liz), and in fact after reading what Joan's response was which in total shows there was zero connection to Rivero, never was a connection to Rivero, this is terrible on the part of LCN, and show massive bias aganist Rivero, I believe an apology is in order on LCN's part, and we could as well not longer trust them to be unbiased. This is terrible!
if a blog can ruin a relationship, then maybe that relationship isn't very strong.
And there is the powerful and intelligent statement of the corruption supporters as in post 301, so sharp are these guys!!
Glad 301 came down, it was really dumb, thanks Lovelace
What is the difference between Lake County News and this blog? Both provide information to the public. This blog is demanding Larson not accept paid advertising from Mitchel or Hopkins. This blog says they can't trust LCN because they take ad money, yet this blog has continually provided free advertisement for Rivero. If you apply the same thinking then one can not trust this blog. Why doesn't Rivero take out an ad with LCN? I'm sure they would take his money.
I see that Francisco Rivero has received the endorsement of the Lake County Democratic Central Committee. To me, that means a whole lot more than Rodney’s endorsement by the Deputy Sheriff’s association. After all, those guys work for Rodney; how gullible does Rodney think we are?
There is no such thing as bad publicity except your own obituary. Brendan Behan

I'm quite sure the good folks over at, as well as their advertisers, appreciate your assistance.
During the Dinius trial I thought Liz did a good job reporting and it seemed she was fully aware of the blantant cover-up by Sheriff Mitchell and brought out many objective items that showed cover up. Not sure what happened, but I started to see control over her by Mitchell. To bad.
The 8"smatterings" and a whole lot of other people will be voting to remove Mitchell and Hopkins. I think you will see it overwhelming AGINST Mitchell and Hopkins. Just my opinion.
4:01 I think you left a name out A SHEFIFF ROD MITCHELL AND RUSSELL PERDOCK SUPPORTER AND DAMN PROUD OF THEM. Probably a different tune if it was one of your loved ones that was killed. If that was the case you would be satisfied with the way the investigation was handled? Let the person that did the killing walk free and still get paid? I think you are in a very small minority. June 8th cannot get here soon enough.
401 I would be proud to Dave. Did they show you where the caps lock is in computer class?
No caps please.
I would once like to hear from a Rodney supporter some reason (utilizing lower case letters, please) why they would support him. And I don’t mean “Sixteen years of promises kept” because that’s a cliché platitude. How can you justify in your mind the handling of the Dinius case? Do you just not care because it wasn’t your family that was affected or do you somehow rationalize that it was handled somewhat acceptably? Personally, I’m voting for Rivero. Let me give you some examples of reasons for this, perhaps you could respond with something substantive in return…

1) Rivero wants to involve the citizens in a review board. This means that an IA could involve a sheriff in the future while that’s simply not possible now.

2) Rivero wants to reallocate funding so that the child and elder abuse detective positions are filled once again instead of wasting funds on things like helicopter flying lessons.

3) Rivero is committed to training law enforcement personnel

4) Rivero will stop cronyism and favoritism so that all LCSO employees can expect fairness in their treatment

5) Rivero has a plan to move cops out of the Lakeport office and into the communities so that they become more effective.

These are just some examples. Can any Rodney supporters tell us some reason why we’d want four more years like the last 16? I’d really prefer to hear from some Rodney supporter who doesn’t have a financial stake in Rodney (employees, contractors and such) if there is any such person.
The supporters who endorce and will vote forSheriff Rod Mitchell don't speak for him, anything you would want to know is very clear and easy to read on his reelection site invluded with a video and many talking points.

A voter for Sheriff Rod Mitchell who has no financial gain or is emploued by the county.
5:02 Well that answers that. I guess if you can't say anything good, Don't say anything.
If you don't want to be censored? Take your dribble to Topix. OH. already tried that? It didn't work there either did it?
I have a Question...
And Id love to have Rod Mitchell, stand up like an Honest Man and answer my question.. but Im sure one of his F'Tard Cronies will respond instead. And of course, Hopkins.. (since we know you never read the blogs or pay attention to the posts ) feel free to jump on in this Question.

Lets go back to that Night that Lynn Thornton lost her life, and change some names.

OK.. On the Saiboat, We have Rod's Daughter Becky sitting where Lynn was. We have Becky's Boyfriend Sitting where Dinius was, the rest of the crew comprised of their friends and same results as all the real Legal BA's.

Then in the Baja Outlaw, driving all balls out & wreckless we place John Jensen in the drivers seat. (same results as Perdocks with the legal BA) "0"

Would the results in regards to who was charged with what, be the same???

ROD... THE PUBLIC IS NOT AS STUPID AS YOU THINK! If that exact incident as just described had happened, with the names changed... Jensen would have been railroaded, charged, convicted and already be serving a Manslaughter Sentence in San Quientin.

If you try to tell me you would have gone ahead and had Becky's Boyfriend charged...You are a BIGGER LIAR than we thought!! So... Have at Mitchell/Hopkin's Posse... Lets get some Answers!!
Goth Girl
So if Perdock had been prosecuted he would have been "railroaded?" Geez I wish you mental midgets could be consistent.
5:31 Yea, So What? You don't like it Go Away. No one is twisting your arm to stay here. Are you so weak willed that you can't control yourself? Go start your own thread somewhere else. OH Ya. You tried that and it didn't work?
Hey Post 9:09 am..
So, when I do the math, during the time in the mid-90's that Mr. Baxter was playing Cowboy, he was in Law Enforcement, Correct? (sorry, I havent read his bio or web site)... So, if he did stiff some Saddlemaker on the Custom Awards, Then it sounds like we have another Hypocrite, Crooked, and un-ethical Law Man, just like Mitchell who's name will be on the Ballot! Someone needs to go back to work at Safeway stacking Produce, and the other one should go back and hide in retirement, before old bill collectors come a knocking!!! Id love to see both of their personal Financial Records & Credit Reports....
5:46 This is from last night. Tell us again about how lucky Dinius was that Perdock wasn't charged. This time tell us what would have happened "IF" Perdock had been charged??<<Have you heard of jury nullification? Probably not. It is a big word. Look it up. That's what happened in the dinius case. That man should be greatful that perdock was not charged. (which I happen to think he should have along with dinius) It perdock were also charged, it would not have received the publicity and ended in jury nullification. Dinius would be doing time right now!
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : April 1, 2010 7:55 PM By the way I believe this was your post.
Ok let's try to help you corruption supporters out, who think that it is amazing to post what you believe to be hidden names. Don't want to take the wind out of your fun, but let's try this and see if you get the idea. Bruce, Tom, Brian, Goth girl, x, xx, xxx, James, HSF, etc etc....Here let me do it again, Bruce Forsythe, hey how about that used my last name. Now listen closley no one cares if you post names, they are taken down because you are posting old old news, and you have no content your posting. Nothing worth leaving up on the site, no one cares if their names are used, the Lovelace is group is far more people then you are listing, do you want us to post all the names of the Lovelace group? Guys it is boring, post content focus on the removal of Mitchell and Hopkins, and don't worry so much about us. The names are unimportant and they have been posted a hundred times on this site, so be original and post content.
Whats Behind "Mitchell's Door" makes Linda Lovelace's Movie "Behind the Green Door" look like a Disney Film.
Alright lets try to help you knuckleheads out, the name Lovelace is associated with deep throat, this was the name of the individual who was the anonymous activist who was working in concert with the two New York times reporters in uncovering the Nixon Watergate break in, thus the name Lovelace is associated with the importance of anonymous reporting and investigation. You should know that the New Yorks times reporters were hammered for not saying who he was, however they and he knew the danger of telling his actual name. In fact just for a history lesson for you corruption supporters it was 30 years before his name was told. Ok so now you have a little recent history lesson, and an understanding of our use of the name Lovelace. Now back in the corner and put the dunce cap back on. We will call you for your next lesson.
Sorry 614 you are far to boring, but listen let's ask another question now can you figure out, without going on the internet who Oliver Wendell Douglas is? Let's see if you can do it.
By the way, no profane words, no caps, stay on point, post content. Those are the basic rules let's see if you can follow those simple guidelines.

Here is our position statement:

No single individual can go head to head with these criminal organizations, but collectively we can see to it that they are disbanded and that new, prudent leadership emerges. We urge all individuals to post what information they have, keep abreast of the content on this page, and stay true to the cause of removing these people from power and restoring our freedoms and liberties.
5:13, that is an insufficient response. Mitchell’s web site says nothing about why we should elect him. I forced myself to sit through his entire video and I didn’t hear one thing about why he should get my vote. I see a lot of pictures of dogs (who apparently are not around anymore) but a puppy picture is not a reason to vote for him. Perhaps a few more examples are needed for clarification:

1) Mitchell botched the Dinius case and placed the blame on an innocent man in order to protect one of his own.

2) Mitchell knowingly permitted Garzoli to embezzle funds for his flying lessons

3) Mitchell has placed far too many people on administrative leave, wasting department resources on paying people not to work.

Perhaps you could give some examples like these? Please “emploue” a spell checker though.
If Mitchell cared so much about dogs, Why does he condone Martin shooting his neighbors dog with a pellet gun? I suppose according to 5:46 The neighbor should be grateful he didn't use a hi powered rifle.
5:43, that’s a very good point. Of course, we all know that if the roles were reversed, Rodney would still stand by his man. Another question we may ask is “what if you or I was involved in a collision with a police car?” A cop racing around in his squad car runs into your parked car and kills someone in your vehicle; would you be charged with manslaughter? Any one of us could become the next Bismarck Dinius and none of us are safe when there’s so much corruption in the LCSO.
MY alignment with Lovelace? their trying to make where we reside better.Exposing the dishonest bureaucrats in local government. The Dinius case has sent good people to recoil with shame with what we saw. for people to have that much power to alter the course for justice. Thank God the jury saw their lies and deceitful arrogance to save one of their own.WE are using only words to express our displeasure. You may not like what we say but in truth that is what you have become LIars ,corrupt.and dishonest to your oath. I"m not the problem you that would keep the status quo are.
Great post James, you really hit the nail on the head. Thank you, as usual you speak on the side of truth and justice and we appreciate so very much your understanding of the conditions as they exist in this county, we are lucky to have you with us.
Always remember folks it is not the messenger that is important it is the message. Don't worry so much about names, but look more at the message. You become so overcome with knowing who people are that you miss the message. This is how lake county has always worked, attack and discredit the messenger because we do not like the message. We knew that going in, we saw and investigated what had happened to others, we knew the method and the madness, and we knew it had to be stopped and we had to ensure that for us this was not the case.
Mitchell has sixteen years of total failures. Sixteen years of wasting our tax dollars, Sixteen years of lying to us the voter/taxpayers, Sixteen years of mismanagement of the Sheriff's Dept, Sixteen years of Mitchell's cronyism and favoritism to his buddies and those that kiss his butt, Sixteen years his Mitchells cover-ups of crimes or civil right violations committed by members of his Dept. Sixteen years is a long time, to wait for justice, Mitchell should be thankful that we a weak D.A. in Lake Co.
Touche post 708 touche!!
Who is Koford?
This is for all those Corruption supporters that claim that this site is responsible for the negative feelings for Hopkins and Mitchell. The citizens didn't trust them before this site ever came up.
Does anyone think that Mitchell will be around on Monday at the Park in Lakeport? I think he'll have some spotters watching and listening to Frank and checking out Franks supporters.

Pat Mahone is from Napa SO. Why is he listed with the others? They are all in the LSO column. What do all the *s mean? Or Use to say?
* Deputy Pat McMahon
* Officer Dave MacDonald
* Investigator Denise Hinchcliff
* Officer Roman Montanez
* Officer Gary Enyart
* Officer Curtis Madrigal
Where we stand: MADD supports law enforcement agencies nationwide in their efforts to reduce drunk driving fatalities and injuries. We support high-visibility law enforcement crackdowns during high-risk holidays including Labor Day and the end-of-year/New Year’s holidays, saturation patrols and roving patrols and sobriety checkpoints.

High-visibility enforcement remains the cornerstone of successful efforts to reduce drunk driving – and the American public supports these efforts by law enforcement agencies as they patrol the roads, day in and day out, to protect the public from drunk drivers.

High Visibility Drunk Driving Crackdowns
•MADD supports twice-yearly drunk driving crackdowns and heightened law enforcement before high-risk periods – Labor Day and the December holidays.
Saturation Patrols
•A saturation patrol is a concentrated enforcement effort that targets impaired drivers by observing moving violations such as reckless driving, speeding and aggressive driving among others things.
•A saturation patrol is generally spread over a larger geographic area than a sobriety checkpoint.
Sobriety Checkpoints
•Sobriety checkpoints are a technique where law enforcement officials evaluate drivers for signs of alcohol or drug impairment at specific points on the roadway.
Sobriety Checkpoint Facts
•Vehicles are stopped in a specific sequence such as every other vehicle or every fourth, fifth or sixth vehicle.
•Checkpoints are typically publicized in advance and signs are posted at the approaches to the checkpoints warning drivers that a checkpoint is ahead.
•Police must have a reason to believe the driver stopped at a checkpoint has been drinking before a breath test can be conducted.
•If the checkpoints are conducted properly, cars are pulled over at random according to their order in the sequence which diminishes the possibility of racial profiling.
•Law-abiding people are sent on their way within minutes.
•Average stop time is about the length of a cycle at a stop light.
•The primary goal of a sobriety checkpoint is not to arrest people, but rather to deter people from committing DUI.
•Sobriety checkpoints help stop drunk drivers who would likely remain under the radar.
•The publicity from checkpoints reminds people who drink that drinking and driving don’t mix.
•Research shows that for every dollar invested in checkpoints, communities save between $6 and $23 in costs from alcohol-related crashes.[1] [2] [3]
•The annual cost of alcohol-related crashes to society is over $100 billion.[4]
Where we stand: MADD supports law enforcement agencies nationwide in their efforts to reduce drunk driving fatalities and injuries. We support high-visibility law enforcement crackdowns during high-risk holidays including Labor Day and the end-of-year/New Year’s holidays, saturation patrols and roving patrols and sobriety checkpoints.

High-visibility enforcement remains the cornerstone of successful efforts to reduce drunk driving – and the American public supports these efforts by law enforcement agencies as they patrol the roads, day in and day out, to protect the public from drunk drivers.

High Visibility Drunk Driving Crackdowns
•MADD supports twice-yearly drunk driving crackdowns and heightened law enforcement before high-risk periods – Labor Day and the December holidays.
Saturation Patrols
•A saturation patrol is a concentrated enforcement effort that targets impaired drivers by observing moving violations such as reckless driving, speeding and aggressive driving among others things.
•A saturation patrol is generally spread over a larger geographic area than a sobriety checkpoint.
Sobriety Checkpoints
•Sobriety checkpoints are a technique where law enforcement officials evaluate drivers for signs of alcohol or drug impairment at specific points on the roadway.
Sobriety Checkpoint Facts
•Vehicles are stopped in a specific sequence such as every other vehicle or every fourth, fifth or sixth vehicle.
•Checkpoints are typically publicized in advance and signs are posted at the approaches to the checkpoints warning drivers that a checkpoint is ahead.
•Police must have a reason to believe the driver stopped at a checkpoint has been drinking before a breath test can be conducted.
•If the checkpoints are conducted properly, cars are pulled over at random according to their order in the sequence which diminishes the possibility of racial profiling.
•Law-abiding people are sent on their way within minutes.
•Average stop time is about the length of a cycle at a stop light.
•The primary goal of a sobriety checkpoint is not to arrest people, but rather to deter people from committing DUI.
•Sobriety checkpoints help stop drunk drivers who would likely remain under the radar.
•The publicity from checkpoints reminds people who drink that drinking and driving don’t mix.
•Research shows that for every dollar invested in checkpoints, communities save between $6 and $23 in costs from alcohol-related crashes.[1] [2] [3]
•The annual cost of alcohol-related crashes to society is over $100 billion.[4]
Where we stand: MADD supports law enforcement agencies nationwide in their efforts to reduce drunk driving fatalities and injuries. We support high-visibility law enforcement crackdowns during high-risk holidays including Labor Day and the end-of-year/New Year’s holidays, saturation patrols and roving patrols and sobriety checkpoints.

High-visibility enforcement remains the cornerstone of successful efforts to reduce drunk driving – and the American public supports these efforts by law enforcement agencies as they patrol the roads, day in and day out, to protect the public from drunk drivers.

High Visibility Drunk Driving Crackdowns
•MADD supports twice-yearly drunk driving crackdowns and heightened law enforcement before high-risk periods – Labor Day and the December holidays.
Saturation Patrols
•A saturation patrol is a concentrated enforcement effort that targets impaired drivers by observing moving violations such as reckless driving, speeding and aggressive driving among others things.
•A saturation patrol is generally spread over a larger geographic area than a sobriety checkpoint.
Sobriety Checkpoints
•Sobriety checkpoints are a technique where law enforcement officials evaluate drivers for signs of alcohol or drug impairment at specific points on the roadway.
Sobriety Checkpoint Facts
•Vehicles are stopped in a specific sequence such as every other vehicle or every fourth, fifth or sixth vehicle.
•Checkpoints are typically publicized in advance and signs are posted at the approaches to the checkpoints warning drivers that a checkpoint is ahead.
•Police must have a reason to believe the driver stopped at a checkpoint has been drinking before a breath test can be conducted.
•If the checkpoints are conducted properly, cars are pulled over at random according to their order in the sequence which diminishes the possibility of racial profiling.
•Law-abiding people are sent on their way within minutes.
•Average stop time is about the length of a cycle at a stop light.
•The primary goal of a sobriety checkpoint is not to arrest people, but rather to deter people from committing DUI.
•Sobriety checkpoints help stop drunk drivers who would likely remain under the radar.
•The publicity from checkpoints reminds people who drink that drinking and driving don’t mix.
•Research shows that for every dollar invested in checkpoints, communities save between $6 and $23 in costs from alcohol-related crashes.[1] [2] [3]
•The annual cost of alcohol-related crashes to society is over $100 billion.[4]
7:55 Hey Little Rodney Mitchell don't go their. We the voter will demand an investigation of you after the election for crimes committed by you and your command staff. Sixteen years of total failures.
Must have touched a nerve with Pat.
Hey FireMan are you here?
Sorry all every once in a while an idiot from MADD comes on and cuts and pastes his prohibitionist theory , so we went to mod mode. post your comments and we will put them up asap.
NoBody has been able to figure out who Oliver Wendell Douglas is? Come on, this is big someone post the answer>
So heard Bill Brunetti (oldie from Bruno's) is Rodney's campaign manager. Great job you two, after the election put him in charge of the beets.
Just saw Mr Haney 'round the corner....
Ya post 901 you are on it, come give us the answer!!!
809 jon likes his red wine when will a brave officer pull that car over and test him?
green acres ?
Bingo must be in the front row. Green Acres as we all remember zsa zsa screeching Olivers name on the small town sitcom. I loved the forest ranger the best!!!
853 ok Eddie Albert 1960's green acres or perhaps more telling a fighter pilot who bailed out of his plane in world war 2.
You guys are good, ok what was the handy man's name,the younger lanky tall kid?
Just checked the cut and paste mad poster is still trying, we may leave it in mod mode for the night, will let you know, go ahead and post as usual.
Ya the forest ranger sounded alot like Mitchell when he is trying to explain a problem in his department. LOL
914 Actually, Zsa Zsa never screeched "ollllliver" -- but Eva sure did...
eb dawson?
By the way, Rivero is the offical choice on the democratic ticket mailing that goes out to the majority of the voters in lake county. This is big and is a lot of votes in the county. The democratic party has made the right choice.
Ahhhh Eva thats right, not zsa zsa, eb dawson, ya thats right, now what the hell was drukers real name, you know the guy that ran the drugstore?
Anyone have the answers to 8:03 ?
Here is post 803
Pat Mahone is from Napa SO. Why is he listed with the others? They are all in the LSO column. What do all the *s mean? Or Use to say?
* Deputy Pat McMahon
* Officer Dave MacDonald
* Investigator Denise Hinchcliff
* Officer Roman Montanez
* Officer Gary Enyart
* Officer Curtis Madrigal
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : April 2, 2010 8:03 PM
Lovelace Group:

Collectively you came to the conclusion and announced support for Rivero for sheriff. My One Million Dollar question is……Who do you support for DA? When you put your heads together and mull this question please consider the following:

Don Anderson is a man of integrity, he has knowledge of the law, he is respectful, he’s honest, he’s sort of like the average citizen without the polished politician persona and that’s why I’m drawn to him. He’ll work behind the scenes, get the job done and not worry about the getting his picture in the paper. He’s focused on improving our county and doesn’t have family members in conflicting occupations. My cousin told me today that she had heard almost 20% on Don’s cases are taken pro bono because he believes so strongly in justice for all.

If you decide to support Rhoades, I’ll get over it. I support Lovelace because your group has informed and opened the eyes of the average citizen. Of course I don’t believe everything I read here but where there is smoke there is fire.

Keep up the great work and Happy Easter to everyone!
We are leaning towards Anderson and will be putting out our endorsement next week
This from Hoppy's site. The most important to him.....<>........ What about the impact on the victims life? After HOPPY everyone else comes first.
Hopkins says he trained both "National" and "State DA's"? Did he pay out of his pocket? Or did we pay for him to train DA's for the Government? and the state? I thought Hoppy was a Local DA. Just think of the job Hoppy "Might" have done if he hadn't spend time and our monies training OUTSIDERS? Yea Right, We don't need our DA spending his time and our money that way. NO More HOPPY!
Pat McMahon was a deputy with LCSO and currently lives in Hidden Valley. As a deputy, he was transferred to the Narcotic's Task Force paired with LCSO deputy Rob Howe. During a narcotics convention, McMahon got drunk at a local bar, pulled her loaded gun out and pointed it at Howe. 18 months later, he was promoted to sergeant. A few years later he was promoted to lieutenant. He arrived at Deputy Davidson's house after Howes wedding. He was so drunk that he passed out on Davidson's property. It was a few months later that he took a job with Napa Sheriff's.

Great pick Mitchell. Promote a guy who can't handle his booze and put him in charge of deputies. And you wonder why people say you're a bad manager.
Read the R/B about Judge Martin letting a man out of jail for 12 hours to visit his wife, the victim mother. The man Plead guilty to "lewd acts with a child". If this guy gave a dam about his family, he would not be in court today for lewd acts. What a joke Lake Co. Justice, has become.
good morning all this is the Lovelace group, the funny folks at Madd have left our graces, we really enjoy when they try to bot us, as we have a little system in place that alerts us to such attempts, but hey they always get an A for trying.

it is Easter weekend, and many folks are with family and friends, in town and out of town, we hope it is alright with everyone, we are going to have a couple of people doing techy stuff Saturday and Sunday, So we will leave the system in mod mode for the easter weekend, and let everyone take a break. We will post the comments that come in and as well the is open so send any messages or information you need to and we will check those throughout the weekend to.

Monday is going to be a big day, so we will have the system up and running as usual and we are anticipating a barn burner of a day.

lets just say for conversation that Mitchell and Hopkins truly believed MR.Dinius was at fault and all was on the up and up. I would have a problem with that because I know who is in charge of the boat. In this case it would be the owner, Their lack of knowing or checking would not speak well of them. IF they had gone after Webber that might have stuck. The friendship with Officer Perdock overshadowed better judgment What ever the case may be they were incompetent and need not be rewarded but let go.I did not take their trust from them they gave it up,Lovelace are you going to give me fliers to hand out at the courthouse? THank you lovelace.
Hey James yes we are going to have those flyers for you, almost done with a new version, great stuff, we will contact you before or on Monday.Great post by the way thanks!!
There is a bit of confusion on the exact location of the Monday press conference, at library park or in front of the old museum, so if someone can clear that up that would be great.
Hopkins doesn't plea deal, get that! I will not plea bargain to Mr. Felony. Taxicab driver was summoned, stabbed, robbed and then who knows if he was still alive when his car was pushed into the lake. If true, stabbed and drowned was the way of his death. This was murder a felony not manslaughter. Jack's max sentence is 11 years and does 1/2 time out in 5 years. This was Hinchcliff's deal and Hopkins had to approve it. Just more of the same crap John, you speak with 3 tongues. Vote for Anderson he has so much more integrity.
Location, location for press conference with Dan Noyes and Rivero

255 North Main Street, Lakeport. The press conference will take place in front of the Museum. Not library park.
"If I'm an advocate or activist, it's for the public's right to know:' she says. But she believes shining light in dark places is getting harder as those in power control the free flow of information. "That's why it's more important today to be a journalist than any other time. If those in power call you an activist, maybe you're just a really great journalist."

Liane Casten is the founder of Chicago Media Watch.
from what I've been told its at the old court house or museum at 11:00 AM on Monday, April the fifth.
Good Morning Oliver!!!!

Per the High Sources.....

This Press Confrence will be held in front of the Museum, in the Park directly below the Court House right along Main Street. So, If everyone will cross post on other sites, blogs, etc... to avoid any confusion.

Wendell, XX, G,
Im sure I will be talking to you all later.
Happy Saturday!!
Goth Girl
A rally will follow Rivero's press conference at 11 AM in front of the Lake County Museum. The rally will be at 12 Noon, Library Park.
Got my signs and postcards for Rivero out, what a postitve response I got from all those I spoke with. So many frustrated folks out there who feel so betrayed by Mitchell and are so upset with Hopkins. Most stated they voted for both in the past, but not his time! This is so good to hear, and many are seniors. Glad to see that they are finanlly catching on to how crooked these two are! 4X

Museum is on the corner of North Main St and 3rd Street, Lakeport

11 am Mon Apr 5 Press/Rivero
This is the Lovelace group, the funny folks at Madd have left our graces, we really enjoy when they try to bot us, as we have a little system in place that alerts us to such attempts, but hey they always get an A for trying.

it is Easter weekend, and many folks are with family and friends, in town and out of town, we hope it is alright with everyone, we are going to have a couple of people doing techy stuff Saturday and Sunday, So we will leave the system in mod mode for the easter weekend, and let everyone take a break. We will post the comments that come in and as well the is open so send any messages or information you need to and we will check those throughout the weekend to.

Monday is going to be a big day, so we will have the system up and running as usual and we are anticipating a barn burner of a day.

I knew Joe Womnchka. He was a good man and a great father. He didn't deserve to be killed for a few dollars by a guy who recently got out of jail and was a carrier criminal. I watched his son try to live with what happened. I tried to reach out to him as a father figure, but he was to disraught to accept my attempts. I watched him struggel over the next few years. It was sad to see him get a little sideways sometimes. I haven't seen him in a long time and hope he is ok. People like Morgan Jack need to be locked up for life. People like Hinchcliff and Hopkins need to see the face of Joe's children everytime they think of letting someone off so lightly for such a heinious crime. Shame on you both! Rivero and Anderson have my vote.
Thank you post 631 you in truth touch the heart, thank you for your insight.
here here POST 6:31
Post 9:58am... "Hopkins doesn't plea deal..."
Yea, his claim to not "sentence bargain" (as he calls it) is a crock. It's the biggest lie. Hopkins... you are a liar to the third degree. This enrages me to no end... the lying and the plea bargains. Wish I could be in Lakeport Monday, but I'm out of town. I'll be there in spirit. Before I left, I plastered fliers all over Cobb. I'd still like a t-shirt. What ever happened with that?
Does any of this sound familiar?
the county settled a lawsuit by a deputy sheriff who alleged he had been passed over for promotion in retaliation for having complained to his superior officer === the article mentioned allegations of wife swapping and alcohol abuse among deputies === county Judge ruled the superiors could not be sued for job discrimination and said their actions in disciplining and not promoting were within their discretion and they were immune from liability for their official actions. === the deputy was a cult leader who uses his power to absolutely control his subordinates in all aspects of their life, apparently to keep them from opposing his abuses of power, including interfering with the administration of justice, failure to perform his sworn duty, unequal enforcement of the law, violation of department policy, and his own inebriation on the job. === deputy openly opposed his superiors illicit regime and repeatedly complained both verbally and formally to his higher-ups about his commanders behavior and that he was engaged in other illegal behavior === the superior retaliated by filing false negative performance evaluations and refusing to back him on calls involving armed suspects === deputy was passed over for promotion six times === superior corrupted deputies in his command effectively making them accomplices in his abuses of power === drummed out of the department === superior got promoted, apparentlly intending to interrupt the ongoing scandal and bring him closer to supervision by giving him important duties === in doiong so the sheriff my have been within his administrative discrection, but may have overlooked possible violations of California penal code === by implication or explicit threats of professional retaliation,under duress as defined in Penal Code Sec. 261 (2) (b), a felony punishable between 3-8 years in state prison === that absent consideration the deputies would not have performed in hopes of favor of their superior officer === superior was transfered and then placed on admine leave === 300 plant marijuana grow that sergeant was partners in was not allowed to be busted === field training officer had sex with trainee in patrol car === deputy nominated for deputy of the year but passed over for promotion six times === sheriff transfers to diffuse but not resolve situation === AI never opened === sheriff "out of the loop" county counsel refuses to show report === report should be reviewed for possible criminal activity === more admin leave === moved to office building so he could watch him more closly === CPC Section 518 defines one form of extortion as obtaining an offical act of a public offical induced by a wrongful use of force or fear, or under color of offical right. Sec. 519 further defines fear as may be induced by a threat to either (3) To expose or to impute to him or them any defomity, disgrace or crime; or,(4) To expose any secret affecting him or them. === obtained offical acts in the form of loyalty and silence from deputies in his command under color of offical right and threating to expose them .

Nope you guessed wrong. It's not Rodney and his band of cronies. It's right next door in Mendocino Co. It sound like a rampant disease. Is this your playbook Rodney?

Excellent article by Richard Johnson of the Independent.
(take note local media)

Stay tuned, this is Lovelace
T-Shirts are still coming, we have the manufacturing on-going and are setting up the distribution points. Both of the last two comments are excellent. We are very sure that our level of corruption we experience in Lake County, exists in many counties, some of the organizations that are fighting the same battles are helping us in our model and approach. This is not a fly by the seat of our pants effort, there is a plan, there are plans for the future, and we have defined actions set in place and we will execute them at certain intervals, for example, don't think for a moment that our attack on LCN, was just willy nilly timing, there are certain actions that are taken when you are dealing with an election situation in a corrupt county. The press must have pressure brought to bear on them so the more critical election coverage towards the end of the election is fair and balanced. They must know that they are being watched, and you have to do that by pretty hard means in order to get peoples attention. Thanks for the support.
Post concerning the web page in regards to sheriff mitchell resign, could you repost the link, we lost it. Thanks*/
I finds one of the most interesting aspects of the corruption supporters is their inability to grasp reality. As time has gone by over the past 7 months the evidence aganist Mitchell has gotten greater and greater, imagine the frustration they must be feeling, to see each day go by, and Mitchell make worse and worse mistakes, the total downfall of his department, and the internal strife is enough to make them lash out in anger but it is really frustration coming out as anger. It is a shame, but for some of them they will come around, it would be very hard to walk into the voting booth and actually check the Mitchell box, you could not have a very high self esteem to do so. This is their frustration.
Oliver Wendell Douglas was a fictional character in the TV show "Green Acres." He was a lawyer from New York City fulfilling his dream of living in the country.
the truth is coming, just wait and see. i was blind , until i found the truth. thanks KR
Wow, this has been a very interesting day. Just love Holidays. Family and Friends, Great Company, Excellent food and lots and lots of conversations. I must say though, the topic most discussed was this up coming election. I never dreamed that my Grandparents would ever change. Low and Behold, they have seen a new light. I have been able to help them to understand just what has been going on here in Lake County at least for the past 4 years. You see, they are lifers here and have believed for many of years that all was well. They don't get out much these days and only hear of what goes on around town from their Kids and Grandkids. We all sat around talking about how much things have changed, and why some of it has.
They made a call to a dear friend of the families for years. Got the inside scoop as to the corrupt taking place and asked why they were never told of this until now. The friend replied, we wanted to allow you to continue with your fond and happy memories. They actually cussed for the first time. The Hell with fond memories we will always have those. We have a right to know what is going on and we will do our part in voting until we die. Mitchell is now out and so is Hopkins. Rivero is in and they are torn between Rhoades and Anderson. They say Anderson is such a nice looking fellow and seems a bit on the shy side. And Rhoads sounds like he knows what he wants but they are not sure its for the people lol. God I love my Grandfolks!
To Lovelace: Could you post somewhere on the Home page the date of the election in which we can remove Hopkins and Mitchell? Mitchell sounds horrendous, and i personally have had dealings with the DA's office, as a result of which i want to make SURE i'm ready to start campaigning for a new DA at least a month before the vote takes place.
To everyone: We'd do well to decide among ourselves which candidate to support for a new DA, so we don't split the clean-up-the-DA's-office vote. Anderson's doing so much work pro bono sounds great; what's Rhoades like?
The election is Tuesday, June 8, 2010.
Post 1058, what a great post, that is exactly the demographic that has to be talked and hands shaken, door to door, those people retired here in everything from single wides to big retirement houses do one thing always and that is vote. They are from the time where voting was seen as your absolute responsibility. And vote these people do. Rivero has the majority of the Hispanic, American Indian, and all other ethnic groups, Rivero owns Upperlake, Hidden valley, spring valley and Pillsbury area's. Those people such as the parents and grandparents are the last key to the election.

We believe that what you can expect now is a more of a desperate approach from Mitchell, he is sensing that he is losing ground. Nothing will be beyond him as he gets more and more desperate. This is typical for people in his positon, as he begins to loose grip on reality. He will have to be watched closley.
june 8th is the election date, Mitchell and Hopkins will then be lame ducks for several more months before their term ends. We are at this point leaning heavy toward Anderson, we think this is going to be the best combination to bring the necessary change.

807 is a great post!
Post 11:50 Was this Covelo? Apparently the sheriff's department went "Covelo" and upon discovery of this wife swapping thing, like the Gemini group in Lake County the parties involved either committed suicide or shot each other saving the taxpayers a bundle. I have a friend who lives there and says things without the sheriff's department are MUCH better. Neighbors take care of disputes and don't call ANY law enforcement. Seems to work for them! Than again, Lake County law enforcement use a tactic to remain working. It's would be the same scenario if the CDF set fires for job security once there were no fires to battle. It adds to the excitement and they would be local heros if no one knew that they lit their own fires to secure employment. As one poster stated, her husband, who was groomed in the LCSO was far more dangerous than ANYONE he apprehended because people trusted him he could get away with murder and no one would suspect. The same thing is going on today, but a few attempted murder cases have bravely come forward, and not without retrobution. Sadly.
HAPPY EASTER! And that is even extended out to the Good Ol Boys!
Enjoy it, because its going to be your last!!!

Saturday, G & Co, Goth Girl & XX all got together and got alot accomplished. (-"
Oh, if you boys only knew.... but you will! Soon Enough.
And after a day of hard work, enjoyed a great Dinner together, with great conversations leading to even better plans.....

So, everyone enjoy your day!
Oliver, Batman, X-X6, G, James, and the rest of the Lovelace Group, Especially you!
XX... My, what a nice Sledge Hammer you have!
Just because we may have been a tad quiet... dosent mean we are collecting dust....
Be Worried...... Very Worried.
Hey Rod, better keep looking over your shoulder... KARMA is sneaking up on you!

To those who are dear to me.. I love you for your Support & Courage XOXO
And to some of the "Boy's" still on the fence.... there still is time to jump that sinking ship of Rats!!

Till Tomarrow......
Goth Girl
Hopkins IS LAME ALREADY, My vote is not even for Him,spend money on tax payers $ and has no idea of how much, does he run his personal finances that way?
This is the Lovelace group,

it is Easter weekend, and many folks are with family and friends, in town and out of town, we hope it is alright with everyone, we are going to have a couple of people doing techy stuff Saturday and Sunday, So we will leave the system in mod mode for the easter weekend, and let everyone take a break. We will post the comments that come in and as well the is open so send any messages or information you need to and we will check those throughout the weekend to.

Monday is going to be a big day, so we will have the system up and running as usual and we are anticipating a barn burner of a day.

Hey Goth girl, good to hear about your Saturday meeting dinner and work!! Hey wait a minute XX, sledge hammer?, I think we should have been invited to that meeting!! ;-]..
Today a Cold wind is blowin in a storm of change for Monday, a sign that the season of change is upon us the long winter of corruption is ending and the dark clouds of Mitchell and Hopkins are giving way to a new day and spring.
MUSEUM location of press conference.
MONDAY APR 5TH 11am The address is 255 No. Main Street / crosses with 3rd street in Lakeport. The museum is on Main St, it has an old cannon, trees and is a park like setting.

At 12 noon there is a rally at Library Park- Library Park faces the water frontage with piers and docking available and does not have a museum on the property.
I hope this information is of help to you coming to listen to Rivero.
Re-verify this for everyone, if there is any confusion as to post 918, then send comment, otherwise this is the definitive answer as to the two locations. Let us know.
Hello all, I have been talking with alot of "old timers" over the weekend about the election Mitchell, Hopkins, and our local corruption. They say that although the Mitchell organization has always been a mess, they have never seen him in this bad of a state. They think that Mitchell is not to be trusted, and that he is going to go to whatever means he can to throw a wrench in to the spokes of Rivero's campaign wheels. They have said they have seen him operate over many years, and he is nasty and at times desperate if he feels he is being threatened, these old guys have been in the county a long time, and have alot to offer from their history and insight into the MO of Mitchell and Hopkins. They feel that even if these two hate each other they will try and work together to save their own asses. Their parting words were keep a close eye on these two, nothing is off limits morally or ethically, far more so then what we may even think!!!!
As one that has reached the age of reason and far beyond you can't pee on my back and tell me its raining any more. I may have come from a time when you would trust those in government,the do or die bunch but this group in this system of Lake county has abused power and lost the reason they serve.With the arrogance to have no shame I trusted and all you bureaucrats did was pee on my back. This old man will tell all that there a bunch of lying sacks of garbage and I own no honer or trust to that bunch in power now, They broke their oath no only to MR.Dinius but to me. Please vote out Mitchell and Hopkins.
Good post james, we feel one of the most important groups in this county is that group that has been around long enough to know the difference between piss and rain. We remember a time when gray hair was the sign of wisdom and was respected. The older person in the nuclear family was the one that was sought out in times of trouble or when the need for advice was present. To much of society has started to discredit those with time and grade under their belt. Nothing is a better teacher then time and experience. Thank you for your post and your support of this necessary change and cause. Part of the campaign focus is to touch as many of the long time residents in this county as possible,and we know you are more then one vote, you are many votes by all the people you will talk to and inform of this terrible corruption.
James, it is: Don't Pee On My Leg and Tell Me It's Raining. That is a title of a book that was written by Judge Judy, but my sources say she "lifted" that title. There is a sequel and it is written by a local with a very big gavel and it is truth and justice that will prevail. Vote out Mitchell and Hopkins is a MUST. Then we will see a little fireworks display of all of those involved. Firing works. Then it becomes a civil matter and then the taxpayers don't have to bear the burden of their illegal games.
Council? You have input?
See you around, James. You make us proud. Thanks.
To all I would hope you would not think that I'm just babbling on. I admit to
vigorously protesting the dishonest in this government. This government has called me a harasser while they did all the lying and covering up.There lucky this old Marine is not insane or they would know what real harassment is.Please vote them out. I thank Lovelace again and if you give me just one flier I"ll pay to have the others printed.As I give my name I stand by what I say, This government is up to their eyeballs in dishonesty from top to bottom.If not why would they have "Its a personnel matter." so to hide behind?
May your God take care of you all. Semper FI to Loveace.
I have noticed that since they reported "outing" of Lovelace, which of course was not even close to an "outing" as Lovelace is so many people, from so many walks of life in this county, that the corruption supporters have really started to hit the blog hard, it hasn't worked, and also the number of postings and comments has increased since the evil ones thought they had shut down this site. It is amazing that those who would want to shut down the site have only increased its value to the citizens...Thanks Corruption supporters!!!
I see Baxter has a sign on State Property on the on ramp northbound 11th st and HWY 29. I think its illegal to post signs of State Property.
Lovelace check your email, all of them. *wink*
Got it post 12:45 and responded back, thanks.
Hey Jensen what are you doing posting over on Topics? Your MO is easy to spot, u should watch what your doing? Someone is tracking you, it doesn't look good for a reporter to be doing the very thing they scream about.
Hey James, give the Semper Fi to the Wimper Fi's of Mitchell, Perdock and Hopkins. They got to go... and they are going to come down. Put the shoe on the other foot and give them the boot!
This is the Lovelace group,

it is Easter weekend, and many folks are with family and friends, in town and out of town, we hope it is alright with everyone, we are going to have a couple of people doing techy stuff Saturday and Sunday, So we will leave the system in mod mode for the easter weekend, and let everyone take a break. We will post the comments that come in and as well the is open so send any messages or information you need to and we will check those throughout the weekend to.

Monday is going to be a big day, so we will have the system up and running as usual and we are anticipating a barn burner of a day.

11:00. It's a work day so a lot of us who want to be there can't. I'll swing by aroung noon or noon/30 to see what's up.
Yes it will be hard for some people, as it is a work day, we are hoping that some folks have it off via the extension of the Easter weekend, but do what ever you can to be there even if for a few minutes or on lunch break what ever everyone can do, as we all know it will be a very important time for Rivero and the next phase of his election. The news media will be there and the course of the election and the beginning of the necessary change for our county. Everyone appreciates all the effort and time given to this just cause.
Everyone, please bring whoever you can to the event tomorrow, bring friends, your mom and dad, aunts cousins whoever you can. Even if they are not as involved in the campaign or the work of the citizens and the Lovelace group, it does not matter, you can be sure Mitchell and his cronies will be hanging around and we need a strong and solid show of support for Frank. It is time for the citizens to step up to the plate!!
James very important can you send a message to our g-mail account, we will send you back message after we receive yours...Thanks
We hope everyone has had an excellent Easter with family and friends, We are on Mode mod until tomorrow, however we are putting up posts through-out the rest of the day and night. We have almost completed the changes we have been working on, and as well, there are a couple of more aspects to being on the mod mode that we will explain after the rally tomorrow. We will be back on regular posting in the morning tomorrow. We want everybody to be ready for the massive amount of communications that will be taking place following tomorrow's announcements, and be aware the corruption supporters will trying every method of spin possible to cover their asses. Do not let them get away with it, be ready on the Record Bee and LCN to blast the comment sections and let the corruption supporters we are out in force and ready.
Repost for page break

This is the Lovelace group,

it is Easter weekend, and many folks are with family and friends, in town and out of town, we hope it is alright with everyone, we are going to have a couple of people doing techy stuff Saturday and Sunday, So we will leave the system in mod mode for the easter weekend, and let everyone take a break. We will post the comments that come in and as well the is open so send any messages or information you need to and we will check those throughout the weekend to.

Monday is going to be a big day, so we will have the system up and running as usual and we are anticipating a barn burner of a day.

# posted by Blogger Oliver Wendell Douglas : April 4, 2010 3:41 PM

11:00. It's a work day so a lot of us who want to be there can't. I'll swing by aroung noon or noon/30 to see what's up.
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : April 4, 2010 4:28 PM

Yes it will be hard for some people, as it is a work day, we are hoping that some folks have it off via the extension of the Easter weekend, but do what ever you can to be there even if for a few minutes or on lunch break what ever everyone can do, as we all know it will be a very important time for Rivero and the next phase of his election. The news media will be there and the course of the election and the beginning of the necessary change for our county. Everyone appreciates all the effort and time given to this just cause.
# posted by Blogger Oliver Wendell Douglas : April 4, 2010 4:32 PM

Everyone, please bring whoever you can to the event tomorrow, bring friends, your mom and dad, aunts cousins whoever you can. Even if they are not as involved in the campaign or the work of the citizens and the Lovelace group, it does not matter, you can be sure Mitchell and his cronies will be hanging around and we need a strong and solid show of support for Frank. It is time for the citizens to step up to the plate!!
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : April 4, 2010 4:36 PM

James very important can you send a message to our g-mail account, we will send you back message after we receive yours...Thanks
# posted by Blogger Oliver Wendell Douglas : April 4, 2010 4:44 PM
We hope everyone has had an excellent Easter with family and friends, We are on Mode mod until tomorrow, however we are putting up posts through-out the rest of the day and night. We have almost completed the changes we have been working on, and as well, there are a couple of more aspects to being on the mod mode that we will explain after the rally tomorrow. We will be back on regular posting in the morning tomorrow. We want everybody to be ready for the massive amount of communications that will be taking place following tomorrow's announcements, and be aware the corruption supporters will trying every method of spin possible to cover their asses. Do not let them get away with it, be ready on the Record Bee and LCN to blast the comment sections and let the corruption supporters we are out in force and ready.
# posted by Anonymous Batman : April 4, 2010 7:46 PM
I second that motion post 436, everyone be there tomorrow
I think the Easter Bunny left some rotten eggs in Mitchells basket, go ahead Rod crack one open, it won't smell as bad as what comes out of your office now!!
PLACE TO BE at ll is the Museum on Main St to hear Rivero's press conference. Later on may move on to Library Park for a rally at noon.
You know if Hopkins and Sheriff Mitchell would have done the right thing and charged Perdock for the boating accident. If Mitchell would have been a true leader and forgot his friendships with Perdock, Garzoli, and others and done the right thing. Mitchell would have gotten reelected hands down. So we must say thanks to Mitchell and Hopkins and for all their failings. Thanks Rod and Jon.
Lovelace there may or may not be a connection with Mr.Mitchell and LCN, I'll let you decide to keep this or remove it.
This was posted awhile back by Adrian Vance.
"Sheriff Mitchell discusses Dinius debriefing"
I see a conflict here as a man identifing himself as Elizabeth Larson's huband called me the evening of Jan 1, 2009 815pm and threatened to "beat you up with the help of my buddy Rod Mitchell" as I had commented here that I thought she had been fired from the Record Bee given my experience with her.(documented at and wrote a letter to sheriff Mitchell and Deputy Steven Herdt met me in my home. I asked that he call on Mr. Larson to explain to him that such threats were felonies. He went away, but did not call back to tell me that he had which is SOP in law enforcement when handling threats.
The point is that there is a claimed close relationship between the Larson's and Mr. Mitchell and indicated by what I have seen not being able to prosecute such to my satisfaction in this county. This is a fourth such matter I think we need some sweeping changes here and more professional people in positions of responsibility. It is sad that this county has become a joke. It hurts all of us.

Is there a link between Rod Mitchell and Larsons LCN and isn't this a big conflict in election time?
Good morning, we have returned you to your regular programming, we are off Mod mode post as usual and everything goes up as before. The important point this morning of course is the press conference and the Rally afterwords, do what ever you can to be there. This is very important and we need to show a strong and solid force to the news and to support Rivero our new sheriff in town!
Today at 11 it is 255 No. Main Street corner of 3rd that is the location of the museum. The rally at noon is at another location about 1 block away which is Library Park.
who is calling for the press conference? Who is hosting the rally? being new to your blog begs the question. I need to know if Im crashing, protesting, supporting. Im certainly for ousting the sheriff and his armed Creeps
this is an open press conference for the public, and it is in opposition to sheriff Mitchell, it is to be attended by several news agencies including channel 7 I team reporters. No need to worry about crashing, come on down.
11:08 I just came back and their were lots of people! You are sounding dumb again!! You never have your facts right! LOL
I think Rivero did a great job at the pres conference today. I’m disgusted that Rodney thinks he can pull that kind of crap and that he apparently doesn’t think he has to answer for his crimes. It’s unfortunate that even after Rivero wins, there’ll still be more than half a year left in Rodney’s term; plenty of time to screw the citizens for everything he can get as he makes his way to the door.
What did Rivero say?
That’s just more Rodney supporter B.S., the same kind of lies that we’ve come to expect from anyone who backs Rodney. There was a big crowd there, as people will see on the news. Mitchell supporters are so full of crap it’s infuriating. Four people? You know that’s just a lie.
How many people showed up?
What media was there?
I'd say 100-120 people were there
I'd say there were 100-120 people, not a bad crowd for the middle of a work day. Dan Noyes from KGO-TV was there and some newspaper people.
So what was franks big announcement?
As always here come the haters. Go back under your rocks "friends of the corrupt". Your pappa mitchy is going down!
142, we aren't haters. don't care enough about any of you to hate you. we come here for the entertainment value!
1:45 is another example of how Rodney’s sidekicks just make up facts to suit them. KGO was right there, Dan Noyes was videotaping the whole press conference. You can say that there were 4 people there or 20, but the people will see you for the liars you are when KGO shows the crowd.
1:50, soon enough you will know what it was about, along with the rest of California/USA/world. Ya might want to check out the channel 7 new @ 6:00 p.m. tonight.
1:51 then stop posting. You can't even tell us why pappa mitchy should be sheriff again. You know he has done nothing but cause shame to our county. You just want to keep the status quo, no doubt out of fear. The fear that someone new might make you tow the line. What part of " the citizens are sick of you all" don't you seem to understand?? Pathetic!
Rivero’s announcement was that Rodney has filed an internal affairs investigation of him, alleging police brutality and sexual battery. It’s a bogus attempt by Mitchell to create a false scandal right before the election. Mitchell didn’t interview Rivero’s partner on the call or the woman’s husband (both of whom saw the arrest in question) before filing the complaint. It’s a trumped up charge based on an arrest two years ago that “Magically” appears right before the election. Then, they told Rivero that he can’t even speak about it or he’d be fired (while they leak rumors to the news). Rivero had the courage to stand up there and call this nonsense for what it is and to hold true to his promise of transparency. The woman that Rodney lined up for this has made at least one false allegation against a police officer before and as the details come to light, we’ll see that this was nothing more than a dirty and desperate political scheme on Mitchell’s part.
2:09 you sound so dumb and jealous.
Francisco Rivero held a press conference in Lakeport today to denounce Sheriff Rodney Mitchell’s filing of an internal affairs complaint against him. This follows on the heels of an outlandish accusation made against Rivero by an anonymous caller to a local radio station, an accusation that the radio announcer said “read like a political statement, bullet points and all.”

This is politically motivated scheme that reflects the worst of politics. Rivero is currently on an unpaid leave of absence and has not been on duty for three months, so this IA investigation was clearly fabricated and released just before the election in order to besmirch the distinguished career of Deputy Francisco Rivero.

Rodney Mitchell’s action epitomizes the type of abuse of authority against which Francisco Rivero has been campaigning. It is a desperate and libelous attempt to create false scandal in the hope of misleading the voting public. Rivero stated “These vague allegations are without any merit whatsoever. They are a complete fabrication, a blatant lie”. There was no indication about who was behind the false accusations and that information was notably absent from the IA documents Mitchell filed. Subsequent information has revealed that the complaint is from a woman who has a history of making false accusations toward law enforcement personnel.

“I am under orders not to comment on any aspect of the investigation or risk losing my job” said Rivero. So Mitchell has filed baseless accusations against Rivero and prohibited him from commenting on the matter until after the election.

“Running against the incumbent Sheriff in Lake County is akin to taking on a corrupt regime intent on retaining power at any cost. It’s why my parents left Cuba and it’s hard to believe it can be happening here in beautiful Lake County,” said Rivero. “I have, and continue to gain, the support of the citizens in Lake County and I give them a lot of credit. They’ll see through this scam and together we will put an end to the failed leadership of Sheriff Mitchell.”

“It sure looks like a conflict of interest for Mitchell and a thinly veiled attempt to de-rail Francisco’s campaign” said campaign manager, Lawrence Ross. “I don’t believe that Mitchell will be able to get away with this. It demonstrates that Rodney Mitchell knows no shame and will sink to any depth to distract voters from the scandals which have rocked his department.”

Ross went on to say “Francisco will not be deterred. He stands by his assertion that the Sheriff is running a corrupt organization, showing preference and favoritism in the way he issues overtime, promotions, and unevenly administers discipline. Also, through inaction and lack of leadership he essentially condones illegal practices of racial profiling and pre-text stopping of people because of the way they look or the condition of the cars they drive. Francisco promises open and honest leadership, fair and transparent decision making, and aims to return the Office of Sheriff-Coroner to its rightful owner, the citizens of Lake County.”

The citizens review board which Rivero has promised to implement would have avoided such a blatant abuse of authority. The current system allows Mitchell to file false allegations for his own political purposes and does not allow for the investigation of Rodney Mitchell himself because he authorizes and oversees all internal investigations.

We believe that the voters of Lake County will see this ploy for what it is; the desperate reaction of a sheriff who knows that the voters will reject his bid for reelection. It is a “Hail Mary” pass, an eleventh hour revelation meant to deceive the voters just long enough for him to get through the election.
I am not dumb or jealous If I was told to not disguess a legal matter, My mouth would be silenced, that is smart and keep away from people who you might spill your ennerds
Hello all this is Lovelace, we will be putting up a post in a few minutes, we would suggest that the corruption supporters watching should either leave or get a big box of tissues, because Mitchell just smoked himself big time. We will give you the full details in a few minutes. A great day today and the information and details are stunning to say the least.
Watch tonight's news channel 7 at 6 with Dan Noyes. Mitchell's playing dirty-
this is Lovelace, well post 219 gave an excellent overview of the events that occured this afternoon. Now we will give some details. First Dan Noyes was able to convince the individual who we now know the name of Rhonda is the first name, To come down to library Park, and meet with him, following his interview with her which he did at his channel 7 van his first comment was, It was heard that one of Noyes first comments was that she was wacked!! Now also remember how this back-fired on Mitchell, Mitchell felt that Frank would not take this action as it would mean that he could be instantly fired, Frank knew this, and Cecil Brown called Rivero 30 minutes before the announcement and told Rivero that he cannot talk at this event, due to the internal investigation, that order of course was not followed by Rivero.

Victor Haltrom(sp) AKA Dinius's lawyer now Franks as well, gave a scathing and damaging overview of Mitchell and he pulled no punches, he hammered Mitchell up one side and down the other. He reported that this is such a clear attempted set up that it is hard to imagine it would be tried. Its purpose and plan is simply to attempt to discredit Frank, and of course this has all back-fired.

Facts on Rhonda, and by the way lets go to work on this someone please post her last name we do not have it on us, we did see her booking photo and her name is known, we need everyone to go after all the information possible on this winner, and get it posted on the site. However some of the background is amazing, this one has claimed rape aganist an SO, and the sheriff's office threw it out as invalid, she made another abuse claim aganist the SO and they threw it out. But decided to go after this one, oh that's right cause it is Rivero. LOL

It was also discussed that Mitchells actions if found to be total fabricated and in collusion with this nutcase, could be criminal. It was also discussed that if in fact this is a false and deliberate attempt on her part she could also have committed a crime of filing a false claim aganist and officer.

More information is following keep an eye on the blog and post all comments and information you have, this story is going to continue to develop over the next few days.
Yes, I laughed as I watched Dan Noyes last time, but only because it was such fun to watch Rodney squirm. Dan Noyes digs deep and Rodney’s clearly afraid of him. All that fuss about the poster beside his office door and he still hasn’t gotten the point; he’s just going to stubbornly keep that poster hanging there until he packs his things in a cardboard box next January.
OK corruption supporters if you can't post other then the word poop and scoop in your sentences, then you post comes down, if you want to defend Mitchell, with facts and overview do so, we invite you to be logical, and the time has come for you to get off that sinking ship. But if you are still secure in your support of Mitchell and want to destroy your credibility try to post about how good this makes Mitchell look.
Why is it always about Rod Michell? Why cant Frank Rivero ever say what he is going to do for the county. He uses Michell for his digs. I want to hear what he is planing on doing for the county??????????
Then your haven't been watching or listening post 253 or you are a Mitchell supporter and trying to slide in the back door with a negative Rivero post. But we will leave your comment as it makes you look fairly dumb, Rivero has discussed his plans across the spectrum of the sheriff organization, and they are very defined, we are not going to educate you in total on this, as it appears you could not grasp it anyway. But if you have specific questions in any area, you can post the question, and it will be answered.
Post 253, actually after hearing and now understanding what Mitchell is trying to do, it is clear that Mitchell is actually handing out the hammer to hit him with. I have never seen such a bogus attempt in my life, it is stunningly stupid. At this point it is not hard to dig at Mitchell, in fact he is asking us to, and boy will we honor that request!!
Great stuff! Question: When will the channel 7 report be on for sure? Could someone confirm that for me please. Thanks!
This is the Lovelace group, it was also brought up by Rivero and Victor that Mitchell had already broken the rule of not discussing this or letting information out, a copy of leaked information that was posted on this site at 7:55 on Friday has been obtasined. Mitlchell attempted to begin to leak this as of last Friday. We went into Mode mod to stop the attempts, Two more attempts came in to our g-mail account which were exact duplicate postings of the 1st attempt. This of course did not work, Frank mentioned our citizen blog site sheriffmitchellwatch during the press conference.

Mitchells miscalulation was that he did not think Frank would risk his job by bringing this to the press and to the citizens. Now lets wait and see if Mitchell does fire him as that would be the last straw in Mitchells election!!
The channel 7 report will be on between 6:00 and 6:30, I would just pick up watching the news at 6:00, and it will be on shortly afterward, Also the nutcase Rhonda will be on the TV Noyes was able to film her and interview and indicated it will be a part of his report, so you will be able to see this fine outstanding individual Mitchell has choosen to try and use for his own ends. Wow what a bad idea on Mitchells part!
By the way that is Tonight on channel 7.
What I saw at the Press Conference today was more of Mitchell's dirty games. To arrest someone in DEC 2008 and to have an I.A. in April 2010 that a long time between the incident and the I.A. If Mitchell withhold the information from Dec 2008 until today. Mitchell's insane, does he know or care about the liability he put the County in for his failing to act within reasonable time period. Mitchell has just painted another picture of his failed leadership. Of course this was just another smoke screen for Mitchell to hide behind. Mitchell is like former president Nixon, "I am no crook", "I didn't do anything".

I didn't do anything wrong
lThe turnout today was fantastic, I don't think I have seen as many people at an event like this in Lake County. It was great to see all of the people and the support for the Lovelace group was fantastic, thanks to all of you.
I was standing by two gals who I believe said her name was Rhonda Ruley not sure of the last name spelling. I tilted my head to see the booking sheet these women had, if you saw what I did, you would know it has to be a set-up
Can we say former sheriff mitchell, the voters fired him !!!!
That is correct it is Rhonda Ruley, I saw the booking sheet as well. I do not know if that is the exact spelling of her last name but I think so. Anyone who can gather information on her would be appreciated. Thanks for the post 3:22
Here here, former sheriff Mitchell this guy just put a bullet in his own head!!!!!
Her name is RHONDA ANN RULLY and she likes to beat up on her hubby
Lynn Thorntons executor stood up and spoke to the people. The night of Lynns accident we had no idea who was behind the wheel of the baja boat. For all we knew, it could have been a garbage man. We are not cop haters as pegged by Lake County. All we wanted was the person whom took the life of Lynn to be held accountable. We support Frank Rivero and his promise when elected to see that justice is done so that we can move on!
The local station, channel 8, was also there. They interviewed a number of people and also filmed Rivero's press release. It should be entertaining to see when they air it locally.
Good job Frank. Give em hell.

And Joe Dutra was the first SO she said this about.But that fell through also
We got to see this lovely Rhonda's "Glamour" Booking Photo... She could go Bear Hunting with a Switch, then when she walked away from Dan Noyes, her ass looked like 2 Bulldogs fighting in a Pillow Case. Way to go Rod!!! Maybe you should hire her as your next sexetary!!!!
Goth Girl
Lets see if I got this straight. Well over a year ago, a female was arrested for domestic violence by Rivero and another deputy transported the female to jail. The female plea's guilty then more than a year later she files an IA complaint. Instead of jumping on the IA, it is assigned to a sergeant who is out of the country and it takes another four months before advising Rivero of the IA.

Why the incredible lack in time? Why did the victim wait over a year and AFTER pleading guilty? Why is there no injuries in the booking photo or any statement from the booking deputy? I hope the female knows that a cop can sue a complainant for making a false police report. Did Mitchell or Brown dig this woman up and coach her into making the allegation?

Here is her booking photo. I don't see any injuries!
Mitchell should just retire, that way he can tell his grand kids how great of a sheriff he was and that he very lost an election. We promise not to tell them Mitchell was/is the worst Sheriff in the history of Lake Co.
S..T Stain Captain Cecil Brown called Rivero 30 minutes before the Press Conference reminding him that he was under orders to keep his mouth shut. Gee Cecil, that worked well! Better get busy,, your gonna be writing IA's about IA's. Hey, have you IA'd anyone lately over a Bologna Sandwich??
That is correct post 335, it is a set up. What will be interesting is to see how the LCN and RB decide to spin this in their report. Will they post all the information concerning this being a set-up. Hard to imagine how they could not. Now part of the reason of hammering the local media is to ensure they watch their reports, they took a big hit this past week, let's hope they have learned and do not just post Mitchells response when they ask him for his opinion. That would be a real bad mistake.

Also be sure to read up the thread starting at about 1:30 this afternoon there is a lot of good information, being posted today.
I went, I saw, I listened, I heard! I have now made my mind up..I asked myself could this kinda stuff really be happening in my community? The answer is yes, and it is and will continue to, so long as we the people allow it. And yes, we have allowed it for way to long. For whatever reasons, we have! This has truly been a experience for me and my family. I can kick myself in the ass for the blinders I have worn all these years. Never political! Still don't want to be. I can honestly say, from the Dinius Case to date, the blinders have been off and I'm not surprised! I just hope and pray it's not to late to make the greatly needed change for the sake of my family, friends and those within this county. I will take part in this Election! I will VOTE! I will fight to have Mitchell and Hopkins removed! And I will VOTE for FRANK RIVERO! Thanks to all that are in support of this change! G4X
As a retired (to lake county) SFPD w/30 years service, I must laugh at this whole senario. SsssFfff politics make this seem like a walk in the park. During the days of Willie Brown and Co. this would have looked like a little girle party.

What I can tell you, is that your sheriff is the laughing stock of LE through out California and beyond. HOWEVER, that doesn't get your guy Rivero elected. Simply stated, the avereage Joe Public really doesn't care who is da sheriff because he (Joe P.) doesn't think he will EVER have to deal with da sheriff. (Same goes for the DA.) So'oo, if you want to win this election, you had better get Mr Average Joe Public on board. While I have not read most of what is posted here, what I have ead smacks of mad cops, disgruntled felons, and wanna-be important people.

Joe Public is not here---yet. Get him sturred up for Gods sake or your poor excuse for a sheriff will waltz right back in to his big confortable leather chair and laugh in your face. GOOD LUCK.
Can someone confirm that Rully actually filed a complaint against Dutra and what for?
Nice try 3:55. The little piece of straw that may have been missed, must be up your nose!
Oh your wrong 352, you have to do a bit more overview and study, not only is joe public here your intimations of the disgruntled felons etc, is way out of line, you can talk to any member of the Lovelace group and the citizens here, and I suspect you would be left out to dry mentally. There is much more to this then you know, there are investigations ongoing and many of them some of which cannot be mentioned now. Along with that the Rivero campaign understands the demographics quite well, and Frank is hitting the ground hard and shaking hands, the hands of the Joe citizen as you called them, and there is an effective and hard push to get to just those citizens. Me thinks you under estimate what this movement is and who is involved.
So if this Rhonda gal filed a complaint against Dutra it;s because he's a corrupt deputy and deserves to be fired. But if she files a complaint against Frank, it's because she's a nut-case and shouldn't be believed. Am I missing something here? Isn't that a double-standard? Not saying she should be believed in any case, but after what I've read here about bad deputies and how there's such and such evidence of same, it doesn't ring right. And just because this site support Rivero, am I to assume he could do no wrong? Or is any complaint, regardless of the source, just another example of corruption and an attempt to discredit Frank? Can I get some clarification about why some things are to be believed and others aren't? Or is is just believe what we want and disbelieve all else?
Sorry post 355 you need to deal with the facts, you post is down, because again all you did was try to hammer on Rivero, this is about the removal of Mitchell and Hopkins, so now again we will ask you, post away, tell us why Mitchell is to stay in office, tell us about your great support for such a fine man, tell us how clear and distinct this attempt by Mitchell is, you have to use some facts and give us content, if we let you all you will do is fill up the site with your whinning. Now come on post some content.
lake sheriff dot com: Ronda Rully 31670 12/22/2008
April 5, 2010 3:55 PM
Frank made racial complaints on an EEOC report. Mitchell to this date refuses to release the findings. Now Mitchell waits over 18 months to investigate this so called complaint? If this woman is so believable, why wasn't Dutra investigated? Rivero already said he was resigning if Mitchell wins so he has nothing loose by staying quite. This will be one IA that will be open to the entire public.

Watch Mitchell give it to a sergeant who has never done an IA.
Post 359 you almost got it right, try this....She files a complaint two actually at different times, each time Mitchell throws it out as unfounded, because it was aganist one of his good old boys, and that is fine if it is indeed unfounded, then in an easily seen to be unfounded attempt, he will go forward with it because it is Rivero. You see how you tried your little spin but it didn't work. Now go back and try again, cause you are not getting by with that weak attempt, you know what is up here, quacking like a duck, walking like a duck, my friend it is a duck, and a corrupt one at that.

Mitchell knew she was a nutcase back then and he knows it now, but this was an easy person for him to use. Clear as can be now isn't it.
Well post 3:59- It's called History! If you know the history of the individual in quesiton you can make judgement. Dutra, is a part of the equation within the GOB Network. Even if you didn't know the History, an average Joe Public, the questions still remain, Why was Dutra not investigated, yet Frank is? And why now, with Elections around the corner!
Oliver, it's time to get back to bed with Arnold. And you know who and what that was, don't you? Last name Ziffle, as I recall. The point (and I didn't post the 3:55 comment, is tell us why Frank is the best candidate. Not in relationship to Mitchell, but standing on his own without the diatribes...
Pulls no Shit, Takes no Crap and Transparent!
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