Thursday, September 10, 2009


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Think frank will move out of the county when he loses? Wonder if he will move on to another LE agency and try to swindle them with his bogus claims of racism? Just like SF and here. To bad for him it isn't working here! LOL
7:54 PM ..and he can take with him his RUN AMOK phrase where he rolls his mouth over the words, hey perhaps he will take beady eyed Lande with him
Be present April 5th! This is something none of you including you wanna be lower than life cops wanna miss. This gathering will have you all foaming out the mouth. So many surprises in store and once again our dear friend Dan along with other media surprise surprise will be there. Once again this will make national news and the county will only have Hopkins and Mitchell to to thank. Bring your picnic baskets Yogi it may be your last meal! I'm so excited......Just can't hide it........lmfao I have waited for this for so long!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Dan Noyes does a good piece
No ! He is more like a Piece A POS

Bruces' being arrested and booked for his drunk driving happened almost a year ago the Boat accident was 4 years so if anything is old news it is that accident and yet it keeps getting dragged over and over like a one horse and pony show to keep certain names coming to the top.

Trust those who know Rivero is not going to do anything for this county bringing in Dan Noyes who is only a one trick pony who is always in search of something to keep him on the news people look at him like the TMZ show both are crap TV. And will make Lake County more mail for Our out of town realitives saying WHY DID YOU LET THAT IDIOT BACK INTO THE COUNTY.
russ is that you , heard you were trying real hard to get rotten rod re-elected . if he loses is he going to come work for you . how is your new business coming along .
8:33 PM Frankly, I don't know Bruce nor do I care about his arrest, that's his business. However, I do care about the boating accident and the fact that the person responsible wasn't charged in the death of Lynn Thornton. Why is it so hard for you to accept that our leaders failed miserably and the citizens have every right to continue fighting for justice for Lynn’s loss of life and her son’s peace of mind? Knowing that the man responsible for not filing charges against Russell Perdock, none other than Jon Hopkins is no longer in a position to ever allow this BS to ever happen to another family is the very least we the citizens can do to finally have a resolution to this injustice. The people will not rest until Jon Hopkins is removed from office.
Let the games begin!!!!!!!!!! Yep, Rivero will shine once again and I'm lovin it. Lets see if Mitchell pats ole Hopkins on the back this time lol. Those two have really done it this time and once again, their intelligence has alot to be desired. Hope I get called to jury duty this time hehehe! Hopkins GUILTY>>>>>>>>>>MITCHELL GUILTY>>>> Wrong Doing...cover-ups and falsification plenty of it....So got you wondering whats up, be at Library Park on April 5th for the unvailing!
Sheriff Mitchell, it sucks to have skeleton's in your closet, and it also sucks to be you. I am all eyes about the 5th. What will the topic be, ohhh nooo, LOL!
Who is the genius that wrote this? "did you know that most departments in the county pay $10 per internet connect towards LCNEWS". My bet it was Brucey. He is about as bright as a moonless night in the country. Departments that are connected to the county network pay $10 per connection to the Information Technology department to cover network costs. Oh, I know, I bet LCN secretly owns the Information Technology department. Is that it Guano Man?
March 31, 2010 8:53 PM

Myra doncha have a lap dance to do for Your BFF
Maybe he and Lande can share a room? They should get a place big enough for Guano Man too!
9:09, is that all you got?
"If Rivero is smart, he will be letting everyone know he is bowing out. Finally coming to his senses after seeng his poor support and realizing his "poor me" and "race card" antics aren't going to work.
# posted by Anonymous : March 31, 2010 7:36 PM "

You obviously have not had the (dis)pleasure of meeting Frank. How do I know this? Because you wrote "If Rivero is smart...". If you had met Frank even briefly, you would know that is one thing he is NOT.
Rivero is busy working these days on his housethe valid rumor is he is going to use as a rental, and here we thought the time off was to get his campagin in order, take a drive by and see him working at the house.
Thank you for another night of entertainment! I just love LOL at stupid people. No one does stupid better than Guano Man. You are awesome Guano Man!
So let me get this right. You like Mitchell and not Rivero. Lets try comparing some of the highlights.
Mitchell: Could not control Perdock, Garzoli or Morshed.
Rivero: Not one past employee has come forward to complain about him.
Mitchell: Allowed Perdock to interfere in a homicide boating accident.
Rivero: Per Mitchell, "Frank is a good deputy sheriff and a valued member of the department."
Mitchell: Refuses to release the EEOC findings.
Rivero: Demands that Mitchell and/or the BOS release the findings.
Mitchell: Refuses to debate Rivero again.
Rivero: Asked Mitchell several times for another debate.
Mitchell: Lists persons on his site as supports who are not.
Rivero: Verified each supporter listed.
Mitchell: Retaliates on anyone who questions management.
Rivero: Demands accountability.

Want more?

Hey March 31, 2010 9:20 PM
If you're a deputy, you need to enroll in an English class fast. You must be Frace.
Here’s a great quote from tonight’s debate:
“Luminary? I don’t know what that is.”
-Rodney Mitchell
March 31, 2010 9:16 PM
Proof read your typing first. Another deputy that can't spell. Frace, give it up.
Main Entry: lu·mi·nary
Pronunciation: \ˈlü-mə-ˌner-ē\
Function: noun
Inflected Form(s): plural lu·mi·nar·ies
Etymology: Middle English luminarye, from Anglo-French & Late Latin; Anglo-French luminaire light, luminary, from Late Latin luminaria, plural of luminare lamp, heavenly body, from Latin, window, from lumin-, lumen light; akin to Latin lucēre to shine — more at light
Date: 15th century

1 : a person of prominence or brilliant achievement
Mitchell, why didn't you call Napa Sheriff's from your cellphone at the scene of the boat crash?
Mitchell, why did you hug Perdock, but not say a word to Lynn Thronton's family?
Mitchell, why did you allow Perdock's mechanic into the boat barn?
Mitchell, why did you fire Beland for telling the truth?
Mitchell, why don't you release the EEOC findings and prove Rivero was a liar?
Mitchell, why did you have the 3 FTO's on the LCSO website bad mouthing Lande when you knew all along that Lande never accused them of racial profiling?
Mitchell, how is reactive response "racial profiling?"
Mitchell, why did you not read the DEA grant before signing it?
Mitchell, how could you not know Garzoli was a pilot? He had "PILOT" on his flight suit!
Mitchell, why are listing people on your website that are not supporting you?
Mitchell, why did you allow Garzoli to make sexist remarks to the Evidence Tech?
Mitchell, why did you allow Garzoli to hang that sexist photo of his wife on the office wall?
Mitcheel, why did you have the police brutality photo on the wall next to your door?

is that all you got?
Mitchell, why did your sergeant's not arrest Wright when when he had stolen property on him?
Mitchell, why did your sergeant's and deputies allow Wright to fire unauthorized weapons on the range?
Mitchell, why didn't take action against a detective who had improper contacts in Sacramento (Figure that one out)?
Mitcheel, why did you allow Howe to place children on a DEA funded helicopter and was Garzoli at the controls?

Sixteen years of Mitchell failing to Supervise his Command Staff !!!
Sixteen years of Mitchell not giving any direction to his command staff!!!
Sixteen years of discrimination!!!
Sixteen years of selective treatment of certain individuals within the Department !!!
Sixteen years of Mitchell not caring about the Citizens of Lake CO.
Sixteen years of Mitchell failings will come to an end, when we elected RIVERO SHERIFF.
Mitchell, I still do not understand your response, "To an extent." Either you did or did not know about Garzoli's flight lessons. First you said you knew and now it's "To an extent." Do you stand on your word or do you hide behind them.

Did you know Brown was aware of Garzoli's sexist remarks towards an evidence technician? Instead of an IA, Brown just told Garozli to go an apologize. That can't be, since not only LCSO policy but county policy specifically states that every reported sexual harassment WILL be fully report. Why was this not investigated?

I remember watching you stand in front of all of us at the National Guard Armory. You talked about how you would wake up at night worrying about that CO on graves working the pods or that deputy on the beat. What happened to that guardian of the deputies and CO's.

Remember your speech during and after election? You said this department was to top heavy. You cut out the lieutenants and captains then made Chief Deputies. The chain of command was simple and easy to understand. Then you reinstated the lieutenants and captains. Soon as you did that, the department gets slammed. Bismark Dinius, Garzoli, Morshed, Ringen, Lande, Beland and Wright. All of this in three years.

Mitchell you need to rethink and evaluate you managers, clean them up or dump them. It takes only one more public incident and you'll not only loose the race, but most likely be explaining a lot of things to the Grand Jury.

Before departing for work, I still remember a certain detective who went to Sacramento to interview a homicide witness. Remember the misconduct he did and you just simply moved him out and into patrol? Wait until the public learns what that detective did and what he is doing know!

aw there is your usual second macro let ur rip Maddie
Mitchell, why is there not one police officer or sergeant from Lakeport PD supporting you? Not one deputy DA (or for the fact the DA Hopkins), only one DA investigator and not even one employee from the Clearlake Police Department's total personnel staff (even the Chief). I also do not see any firefighter or ranger from the state or fed's?

Seems to me that the only cops supporting you are those who you have a control over.

LMFAO, what a response. What's wrong Garzoli, Frace, Macedo? That's it?

If you go to Mitchell's website, look at his endorsements. At first it looks impressive until you look at who IS NOT on the endorsement list. This does not mean those people are voting for Rivero, but it does show their distaste for Mitchell.

Capt. Perdock
Capt. Crystal Esburg
Marybeth Strong
Lt. Gary Hall
Sgt. Gary Basor
Sgt. Garzoli
Sgt. Ostini
Sgt. Paulich
Sgt. Perry
Sgt. Rivera
Sgt. Ward
Det. Luke Bingham
Det. Costanza
Darrin Daskam
Emil Devincenzi
Bill Djernes
John Drewrey
Todd Dunia
Dave Fidjeland
Carla Hockett
Vern Huggins
Eric Keener
Scott Lewis
Mike Morshed
Det. Pfann
Brain Smith
Det. Thomas
Frank Walsh

Mitchell's supporter proudly are listed for anyone to see.
You should ask why are Rivero's so called supporters too embarassed to be known by their friends and family so remain yep you guessed it anonymous
Just got off the phone with a good friend of mine. I guess there was a debate held tonight in Lakeport, with the 3 running for Sheriff, and the 3 running for DA. The usual, the canidates get up and introduce themselves, then the crowd gets to direct questions. According to my friend (I guarantee you dont ever want to be on her bad side, and she has a long memory.. you know those firery red heads!) Mitchell made a statement that his Department was "Transparent" with nothing to hide. So, she gets up and directs the following question to Rivero & Baxter.. (so Rod dosent get to comment back)... Something to the effect of.... "You just heard Sheriff Mitchell say his Department was transparent, as a former Employee of the LCSO, the only thing that is transparent is the "Clicks" of employee's who have been there for so long, they do anything they want and can get away with Murder.. Literally, and how would the New Sheriff go about dismantling those who think they are un-touchable???"

What I would have given to see that one! Guess Rod turned red, was writing her name down, (like she cares!)Baxter mumbled and jumbled an answer... and Frank took the ball and ran with it.. telling eveyone a "Click" within the LCSO equals the Good Ol Boy's Club. Just got 3 more phone calls, everyone rates the debate the same... Anderson/Rivero in first place, Rhoades/Baxter in 2nd place, and Ol Rodney/Hoppy coming in last. Guess she got Hopkins too, by asking Rhoades and Anderson if they get elected, would they keep track of the costs associated with these big trials, as everytime she has tried to find out where her tax dollars are going,, Hopkin's says he dosent keep track of the costs. Guess Anderson got up and says.... Hopkins knows how much he has spent on the Dinius and Hughes Case.., and yes that should be public information. Guess Hopkins sat there looking like Opie who just got his hand caught in the Cookie Jar.

Sounds like some people had fun! Its too bad more former employees dont have the balls to take on the system. If a petite, middle aged red head can do it... (as she says.. she has a son who is a Bronze Star'd Special Forces Army Sgt fighting the evil in that damn desert far away, she will just hold the fort down at home doing the same). Her daddy was one hell of a Mule Trainer... so she spent her life dealing with Jack Ass's... And I guess she still is!!

Now..If you are a former LCSO, that didnt fit in, for whatever reason....Now is the time to come out and tell your story...Or, if you dont want to post it openly, atleast send an email to us. The Good Ol Boy's think they have one up on Rivero... Oh, if they only knew!!! DONT FORGET MONDAY, 11 AM LIBRARY PARK. Frank isnt backing out... Wear your Easter Sunday best again for one more day.., cause this has some major media attention going to be in attendance! And Rod may be shitting out Colored Easter Eggs... bring your baskets! (And old Sampsonite Suitcases for Rod & Hoppy) Hoppy Trails to you... Till we meet again....
Good Night Folks!
Goth girl

Till tomarrow!!
Look at Rivero's website idiot. All verified as a supporter, unlike Mitchell or Baxter.


Karina Acosta
Astrid H. AfKlinteberg
Attorney Randall Aiman-Smith
Danny Aguilar
Officer Guillermo Amigo
Gary Angst
Ruth Angst
Mike Anisman, Retired L.A.P.D.
Beth Armstrong
Trishia Avery


Ed Baker
Lawrence Baron
Philip Bayles
Sandy Bayles
William Bennett
Former LCSO Sgt. Jim Beland
Gina Bezoni
Joy Birum
Herb Bladel
Kim Bladel
Carlos Blandino
Nick Borges
Bob Brossier

Carol Brossier
Batsulwin Brown, Elem Nation
Mark Burkdoll

Renee Burkdoll


Patricia Wyche Calore
Tom Carter
Kim Chamberlain
Ross Christensen
Commander Kit Crenshaw
Elisabeth Constantine
Nicole Coombs
Brad Copper
John J. Cordova
Katherine Cordova
Rosemary Cordova
Judy Cortesi
Ariel Cottrell
Ralph M. Cunningham
Rebecca Curry


Mark Dalton
Dennis John D'Ambrogio
Samuel DeBone
Una DeBone
Dennis Duff


Martin Espinoza


Larry Fabisch, Retired Lake County Code Enforcement Officer
Amythest Faria
Tim Farmer
Chaitanya Foux
Helen Frankenthal
Lorindra Frances


Amir Garrison
Russell Reza-Khaliq Gonzaga
Will Gonzalves
Attorney Ron Green
Judy Greeran


Annie Hall
Laurie Killion Hastings
Linda Hebert
Stephen Hebert
Rachel Hey
Neil W Humphrey
Zoe M Hunter
Nick Hurst


Anke Ihnken
Jessie Ivey


Heidi Jeffers
Cheri Johnsom


Nicola Kapala
Stephanie Thornton Kiernan
Charlie Korda
Baba Kosan
Nicolay Kreidler
Jill Krovitz


Deputy Brian Lande
Gary Lande
Kevin Lande
Nancy C. Lande
Kristina Lauricella
Alicea Ledbetter
Dotty LeMieux
Letty Carrasco
Becky Levi
Osher Levi
Kathleen Lindsay
Joshua Luber
Tom Lynch


Gaia Ma
Robert MacIntyre
Scott MacLeod
Mark Mahoney
Susan Malakie
Shannon Malone
Erik Mann
Florencia Marchetti
Satya Gita Marga
Bobby Marinelli
Myra Martinelli
Lenny Matthews
Marla McConnell
Jeff McLaren
Allie McShine
Ashley McShine
Eileen McSorley, RN
Jupiter Mendoza
Saundra Merch
Jon Meyer
Pat Meyer
Michele Mihalyo-Rice
Martin Miller, U.S. Coast Guard Licensed Captain
Dr. Rouben & Judith Mirbegian
Janelle Moco
Ezequiel Zeke Mondragon
Janet Mondragon
Mary Ann Montgomerty
Traci Munion
Rick Munroe


Shannon Wendell Nance
Dean Nicolaides
Felix Nunez


Freeden Oeur
Roz Omid
Israel Ortiz
Cynthia Ott
Jeff Ott, Rn Bsn


Carolyn Papworth
Tony Papworth
Jesse Parsons
Claudine Pedroncelli
Melissa Perez
Nancy Perrin
Katherine Perry
Lori Pierelli
Jim Pitkin
Pam Pitkin
Heather Powers


Marty Rademaker
Omer Regina
Eric Richardson
Linda Riedel
Retired LCSO Sgt. Kip Ringen
Maria Rivero M.D.
Ed Robey, Former District 1 Supervisor
Sophie Van Ronselé
Tom Rose
Brian Rushing


Heather Salmon
Samantha Santana
Dave Santos, U.S. Coast Guard Licensed Captain
Katherine Schmeiser
Margaret (Sally) Schumacher
Bryan Schwartz
Mike Scott
Stuart Scott
Helen Scroggins
Jim Scroggins
Collin Seaman
Mellissa Seaman
Umar Alpharo Shareef
Bill Shields
Richard Shikman
Katie Shine
Kathleen Sidener
Scott Simkover
Ariana Sivan
Cinzia Solari
Jennifer Sookne
Inika Sati Spence
Carol Stanbuk, Executor to Lynn Thronton's Estate
Daniel Stellenwerf
Kathy Triplett Stockton
Nelson Strasser
Mirsad Suljkanovic
Bobby Sullivan
Maureen Surridge
James Swatts


Roberto Teani
Mickey Thibodeau
Susan Thompson
Rick Thomsen
Victor & Georgeann Tintorri
Michael Tooley
Pete Tribe
Kris L. Triplett-Moreno
Joyce Tucker
Ray Tusken
Rosemary Tyler


Flaca Valencia
Keith Van Ness
Alvina "Babe" Vecellio, Community Activist
Toni Vecellio
Jesus Velasco
Claudia Vetesi
Valerie Vinzant


Jason Muir Walker
Craig Waters
Sterling Welsh
Robert Whitley
Velma Whitley
Kyle Williams
Tina Williams-Churchill
Nicholas Wilson
Diana Wolf
Callia Wolff
Chris Woolsey


Dr. John Zebelean
Carlos Zepeda
Wendy Zepeda
11:02 You just can't stand the fact that I canceled your vote all by myself.
Mitchell, why doesn't at least one minority support you for Sheriff and only one female?

Mitchell, why doesn't at least one minority "deputy" support you for Sheriff and only one female?

Hey Post 11:02 Dumb Ass
And this isnt even near the updated page of supporters!!!!.

Now Go crawl back in your cave. Its better to be thought of as an idiot, than to open your mouth (or in your case, post something stupid) and remove all doubt!!
of which you just made the case.

Hey ***Rivero4Sheriff***
That's not even the complete updated list....
Goth Girl
email me when u get a chance
I bet Mitchell is going to do the workers comp retirement system !!!
If the truth was told, Mitchell himself would be in prison.
11:35 next time Jon is out sampling call him in. Ok?
CALL ME!!!!!!!
Got some info on what we discussed... You got my Card

Goth Girl
call me too
My Daddy told me never to talk to strangers!
Hopkins and Mitchell worked together to save Perdocks job so he could become a Janitor/house cleaner. Now Perdock the Janitor is going to cost them both their jobs. A little bit of Justice, But not enough.
Hey Dave, Hopkins and Metchell helped Perdock become a Janitor. What do they have in mind for your future?
Goth Girl
8:30 Yup,And it feels good, You should try it. Maybe setting a alarm would help.
since it traveled over your head, I was making the point of the previous posting as being Yur dream moments.
You all see the results of, "O what a tangled web we weave when first we practice to deceive."Sir Walter Scott. How deep the infection is has shook my faith in this local government. The trust has been lost. So this is what we have become and except from our leaders. There needs more cleaning up than just Mitchell and Hopkins.
Lake County News has that the DA charged a person with 2nd degree murder for driving recklessly and and killing someone, the DA not sure if he was under the influence. He had a long record for reckless driving. Not a whole lot different than a chief deputy driving recklessly and killing Lynn Thorton. Not on a police record but Russell Perdock stated he had driven many times in the past the same way he was driving his boat the night Lynn Thorton was killed (very fast for conditions). But for some reason he is not held accountable and is still being paid by the county. Time for a change. Mitchell and Hopkins out and Perdock needs to be held accountable.
Does Rivero know that he is supposed to be at Library Park on April 5th? I do not see it on his calender on his website.
maybe it is an April Fools joke
Hopkins and Mitchell say they don't pay any attention to public opinion, They will on election day. By By.
The Only Joke around here is Mitchell and Hopkin's!!!

Dont worry all you Good Ol Boys... Frank will be there.... Along with MANY Special Surprise Guests & Commentaries, Media & Clowns(Hopkins,Mitchell & Co)...
Id like to think of it as Lakeport's first Public Hanging in a Century,(figure of speach!) with certain individuals having ropes around their necks, sitting on horses, while Rivero gets to slap the horses on the ass, and away they go!... and those who we have given enough rope to hang themselves will just be Windchimes Swinging in the Wind!!

Now to the F'Tard yapping about Home Repairs, yet another one who doesnt know whats really going on.. and thats just fine.. just bleach your hair blonde so we can really call you clueless. Or maybe you should get glasses...or start talking with your mouth instead of talking out your A-Hole.

And for the post Goth Girl=Myra?! Now thats Funny!! No Wonder so many people get away with murder in this county... Its only the really stupid ones that get caught! So.. Keep Guessing Detective!!

Stay Tuned....
Same Bat Time, Same Bat Channel!
Goth Girl
Goth Girl, I like your style.
R4S - the only thing your "list" of people not on Mitchell's site means is that HE follows the rules! He doesn't campaigne while at work. I would be willing to bet that he just has not had the opportunity to speak to those people while off duty. You posted your "list" a while back, and since then MANY of those ARE now on Mitchell's endorsement page. Again, your "list", like you and Guano Man, means NOTHING!
Hey Post 8:26...
Maybe they could just give Dave the job of "Door Man" at the Gemini Club Monthly Swap Meets! As according to some well placed sources, it seems no females wanted to play with Dave, and he was just a sad Wall Flower, literally WILTING away...Now that could really be a blow (pardon the pun) to ones ego! I guess the Big Helicopter was just a dick extension!
is that list above from previous customers from SF businesses?
O.K. that was his twin double working away at the house trying to get it done and rented out, don't want to lose any investment $$$$ and why would he ask you Lake County at poverty level citizen to contribute to his campaign when he is rolling in dough, SUCKERS!!!!!!!!!!
dam he should at least pay for you anonymous shirts, if you had some reach support for him you would put your names on the shirt
Anyone that thinks Mitchell isn't campaigning on duty is living in a fantasy world. Every time he goes to a meeting, every time he goes to a luncheon, every time he speaks at a BOS meeting, he is campaigning. From the first day he was elected until this very minute, that is all that he does. Feeding the public with his B.S. so he can be re-elected. It has nothing to do with the betterment of the county, only him keeping his job. And, by the way, did Mitchell drive his county car to the debate last night? I know he has been seen buying groceries at Safeway in the past and then placing those items into his county car.
Hey post Apr. 1, 12:26pm, you sound jealous that he has done well for himself and is able to afford to purchase a rental and apparently you can't. I see it as a successful man that is not afraid to get his hands dirty and works on his own things.

Maybe if you used less energy moving your pie hole and put that energy towards doing something productive, you too might be able to get ahead.

Oh, what the hell am I thinking, you are one of those dumbass Mitchell supporters! None of you are going to get ahead until you get your head out of your ass and start seeing things clearly. I don't expect that to happen to soon.

Hey, 11:35, learn how to write a limerick. maybe you should study the graffiti in the lady's room next time you're bobbing for apples.

by the way Bruce is on vacation. this is his butler Alfred.
12:26 You are very foolish. I am a citizen and homeowner since when is it illegal to have more than one house and rent it out! This is about removing the corrupt Mitchell not what one owns. You sound like a jealous fool.
I am a self made comfortable income person and did not get any of My funds from winning a lawsuit much like what will happen here if You know whom wants to cry foul then you all can sit on it and twirl cause WE TOLD YA SO
Hey 12:13
You are a F'Tard. Pretty Funny!
Im not Myra, but Moreshed does have a nice Ass..gotta give that little girl some credit for atleast bedding down with a LCSO that dosent look like Jabba the Hutt!
So where is he shoveling snow at? Maybe we could go watch those muscles at work!
Oh, Only if I was younger!

Goth Girl, the One, The Only, True Original
by the way Bruce is on vacation. this is his butler Alfred.

pSSSSST Hey Alfred Baby wanna score some blue pills I hear they have plenty in Middletown, let me know

Green Hornet
hitting on Your Daughter BFF how icky, if you think he was the cream of the crop in the LCSO you need glasse, although he does show the part you like a lot
12:40, you guys always make yourselves look bad. The "we" must confirm you are one of Mitchell's corrupt deputies and you are off today, either because you worked last night or over the weekend....hummmmmmmm! Now, who is off today? Why are you so jealous because someone has something they worked hard for? Oh, I forgot you are on the taxpayer dime, no doubt because you couldn't make it in your own business. Mitchell is done. It won't matter whos names are not on some edorsement page, where people will count is at the polls. Get over it!
12:40 You sound mad about all the law suits in our county and YOU can only blame Mitchell for his dumb mistakes! Talk to the citizens they will tell you what they think about him and it is not good! Just a citizen here for change.
denial is more than a river far far away
Post 11:47 - If you were within you would know what was going on. Ya think those who are on Mitchells list really support him hahaha, I would to if I worked under him at the moment, anything to stay in good graces and keep my job. The final results are what counts and that goes on behing closed curtains hahaha! Ya think everyone within is as stupid as their boss? G4X
My my a spirited set of posts today. Love seeing the corruption supporters doing there poems and well and well doing their cute little poems. Now let's go ahead and review for a moment some of the current conditions as they stand. We have a BOS who at this point does not have a clue, for months and months they were told to ask Mitchell and Hopkins to step down, each time they were told by the Lovelace group there is more to come, each time they would not issue that statement, then more information comes out on Mitchell and Hopkins and they were told to issue a statement, again they refuse. So now we have the current situation and what is going to be brought out in the upcoming news release, and news conference, and they the BOS will look at themselves and say why didn't we listen to Lovelace, why didn't we listen to Batman, so again the opportunity will be there, and we will ask them again to advise Mitchell to step down and close his election. The question will be now will they listen?

Now let's talk about our local media(if we can call them that), what has been discovered is they really are not an unbiased media organization neither of them the LCN or the Record Bee. Let's ask a couple of questions why has neither printed the termination of Morshed? Would Mitchell want them to? No of course not, as the termination of Morshed makes the fact that Garzoli and Perdock still being employed and one of them starting his own business quite the problem. Looks quite strange indeed. Sooooo now we have LCN running expensive Mitchell ads in this small county at the top of their paper cause they need the revenue. So how unbiased can they be while they conduct that business??? We have found out that John Jensen seems to have a few problems, namely a hot head who is not really the sharpest stick in the wood pile, a person who lashes out thinking he is going to control the actions of others, and it suspected that the word facisim is not something they understand.

The reason for LCN's terrible display of anger is due to the fact that for many years no one attacked them, oh they were thought of as the Golden boys's or and girls if you. Oh that Liz is such a good reporter, then when the reality of their collusion and connections to the BOS and their strong desire to maintain their access to these people and the courts and documents, but with paying the price of not being honest with the public they get hammered. Ahhh they have never had that treatment before, and it took them by surprise. Well that is indeed what happens when the citizens take you to the carpet. And Oh by the way there will be some e-mails and other documentation concerning LCN that will be out this evening or tomorrow. Not a pretty piecture to say the least.
Oh by the way for you spelling buffs, thats "fascism"

Hey McPherson, how about those flak jackets and weapons in the locker, Mitchell ever look into that, and ah how were those oh shall we say "job's" you got around the armory? Hmmmmm on duty were ya. Interesting more on that to come later. Lucky guy, or in the end were you. A little pleasure in the past can be painful in the future.

Hey corruption supporters how ya feeling about right now, you still got time to join the winning team, we will forgive you of your sins, bring you into the fold, let you apoligize and then kick your ass out of the county, fair enough for the grief and pain you have caused the citizens of this county over the years.
Why would anyone support Mitchell !!! Sixteen years of mismanagement must come to an end. Mitchell didn't have a clue as a Deputy or as a Sergeant on how to manage things. I remember when Mitchell was training officer and may I say a very poor one. He was never a real hook and book type Deputy. He closed his eyes, so he wouldn't have to work an do his job. So now that you know why Lake co. has some real lazy LE. The next time you see Mitchell tell him thanks.
I have found the following overview of a narcissist's make up to be quite fitting for Mitchell:

Lacking empathy is a profound disturbance to the narcissist's thinking (cognition) and feeling (affectivity). narcissists can't reason well. One I've worked with closely does something I characterize as "analysis by eggbeater." They don't understand the meaning of what people say and they don't grasp the meaning of the written word either -- because so much of the meaning of anything we say depends on context and affect, narcissists (lacking empathy and thus lacking both context and affect) hear only the words. (Discussions with narcissists can be really weird and disconcerting; they seem to think that using some of the same words means that they are following a line of conversation or reasoning. Thus, they will go off on tangents and irrelevancies, apparently in the blithe delusion that they understand what others are talking about.) And, frankly, they don't hear all the words, either. They can pay attention only to stuff that has them in it. Therefore will lie about events that has them in it but they don't want it reveled. This is not merely a bad habit -- it's a cognitive deficiency.
Perhaps now would be as good as any time to speak about the sanctioning and distribution of porn through the LCSO and not to mention... child porn. Oooohhh... to awful to think about, but the reality, none the less.
R4S - the only thing your "list" of people not on Mitchell's site means is that HE follows the rules! He doesn't campaigne while at work. I would be willing to bet that he just has not had the opportunity to speak to those people while off duty. You posted your "list" a while back, and since then MANY of those ARE now on Mitchell's endorsement page. Again, your "list", like you and Guano Man, means NOTHING!
there once was a guy named bruce
liked to get sauced on the juice
he got in his car
but didn't get far
po-po picked him up on a deuce
LOL post 5:27 I wouldn't worry about Brucey, he loves you reading the dribble as you call it, now really you have to admit you can't be without this blog, it is what you enjoy and you really are lost without it. the real question will be based on the fact that it is his and Lovelace's work as a whole that is bringing all this to light, and the help of the good citizens of this county, what will you do once the first goal is achieved and the removal of Mitchell and Hopkins is complete? That should be quite interesting indeed. It is funny how you actually never have anything to post, but you keep posting. I think you will be hearing alot from Brucey and the rest of the Lovelace group as time goes by. So you should be quite content indeed. You are a funny little man, but you keep posting, and hey give us some more of those poems you write, I hear they laugh their ass off when you post them. If you knew the things they talk about when you post I suspect you would stop posting. So we don''t want that to happen but hey try to get some real content into your comments as you do get quite boring. Bet you can't wait for Friday and Monday eh!!
Hey 5:32 Get a life and a job boy !!! You may have a few deuces yourself. Bruce made a mistake and admitted to it. Perdock, Mitchell and Hopkins all tried to cover-up theirs, you know the Dinius cases. Mitchell's refusal to fire Perdock, Garzoli, etc,. So get a real life boy !!!
Posted by X
Oh come on you can do better then that, here let me do one for you.

There once was a guy named Bruce
He drove a car like a goose
That got his neck in a noose
And then all hell broke loose!

You see post 5:32 you have to have more flow to the structure, like I do. You have to combine rhyme with a decent flow and sentence structure as I displayed above. Now I want you to post another one, and we will see how you are doing. You see how that one flows, and feels much better then yours.

I should know dear friend, I am Bruce (Batman) and I judge all poetry about me very hard. So you need to pick up the pace and try to get a little more original, I think we have seen that one many times. I want you to really reach now and stretch your mind, (don't break it mind you) but try a little harder you don't appear to be the sharpest stick in the old woodpile but I am willing to train you and try to bring you up to speed if I can. I know, I know, it is a lot of pressure working with a master like me, but just calm down, and we will try to bring you through this. Ok that is your homework now get to work!!
Maybe someone can follow this, I can't. Turning
to Mitchell, Farrington asked the sheriff if he had personally
authorized Garzoli to use the grant funds to acquire licensing and for
flight training.

“No, I was aware that he was 'logging hours' while looking for marijuana,” said Mitchell.

Was the sheriff aware of the actual cost of the training or using the equipment? Farrington asked.

said there's a cost associated with flying for marijuana, but added,
“At no time did I ever authorize the use of a helicopter specifically
for training purposes.”

So there was no intention to have an in-house pilot in the sheriff's office? Farrington asked.

“Not based on these circumstances, no,” Mitchell replied. "WHAT?"
Post 6:03 I think you might be missing the point here, after tomorrow and Monday, it is going to be a mute point, the disgrace upon Mitchell will make his continuing in the election a joke. Now you get it? You need to increase your basic reasoning skills to keep up with what is going on.
Post 558 you have to go back to the post on narcissist to understand it!! LOL it is the perfect application of the definition! Great stuff thanks!
Hi 5:58, thank you so much for that bit of dialog! It does seem a bit doublespeak-easy. If he was paying G-dog to fly around, then he certainly must've wanted an in-house pilot, eh? Of course he didn't necessarily need the kind of pilot that can auto-rotate like in the movies...

And what the hell does he mean by "Based on these circumstances"? Sounds a bit like "Can we talk about something else PLEASE? This is a touchy subject." You got him, Tony! Did you catch that?

I would suppose a catfish could vote if it's over 18 years of age, like this one:
See Mitchell at the unemployment office soon, no he'll do the workers comp retirement program they (we) pay for everything he needs. Worst Sheriff in the history Lake Co. Rodney K. Mitchell.
There is a cop named Rod,
who has committed fraud,
he is slick as a dick,
and truly a prick,
and we can't wait to see him gone.

When you go up to vote,
Remember to can,
Rodney the man ,
the one we all want to slam!

Take your pencil in hand,
and mark with a dot,
Rivero for Sheriff
he'll be at the top! :)

How did I do Batman lol G4X
did I win Did I win lol
So the site is about disgracing Mitchell to get people to vote for Rivero? Seems like an awful lot of mud slinging, innuendo and pure filth. But whatever floats your boat I guess.
yes you win for being the most hate filled human today, I bet your family is so proud of You and how You have the command of such great vocabulary, I wish I could feel sorry for you and the life you are living but no I will pray for you to find your way back to a more love filled existance,
Bruce has your blog sunk to this level of smut posting? I am past shock for what is being allowed, wheather or not anyone likes the sheriff He is Our sheriff and the position comes with respect,

I did not vote for Obama but He is My President regardless and I do not go around posting what has been posted here by your followers SHAME ON YOU AND THIS FORUM Do You think Rivero would be proud of his supporters writing such garbage
6:28 Here is your time to shine. Give everyone a list of reasons to want Mitchell and or Hopkins for four more years.
I dont' think this site is needed to disgrace anyone. Disgrace is an act brought upon one's self by one's doings.

Re: Monday in the park for Rivero. A lot of people who would like to be there will be working. A lot of people who would like to be there won't because they are afraid. It's at the polls where one can be anonymous that people will be able to take back their lives and community. And then who knows......maybe no more disgrace.
Wow, did anyone check the County website on some of those Rivero supporters. Might be some more booking photos to go with some of those names. But I suppose they were wrongly convicted. Guess it is a pretty good idea to solicit votes from those wronged by the man. Just remember, felons can't vote so stick with the misdemeanors. Damn G.O.B.'s RUN AMOK! LOL!
6:54 & 6:28 Here is your time to shine. Give everyone a list of reasons to want Mitchell and or Hopkins for four more years.
Take back their lives and community? Gag. What are they a bunch of sissy's and are afraid to stand up for themselves. Grow a set...... A bunch of damn excuses for a lack of support. "Oh, I scared, they might get me." A bunch of damn excuses running amok!
who the hell do you second class citizen think you are, you have not the power to do jack, you yes you who plays the part of many Rivero fans on here just need to wise up you are not the powerful OZ you think you are

************Hey corruption supporters how ya feeling about right now, you still got time to join the winning team, we will forgive you of your sins, bring you into the fold, let you apoligize and then kick your ass out of the county, fair enough for the grief and pain you have caused the citizens of this county over the years.
# posted by Anonymous : April 1, 2010 4:30 PM
657, you are missing the point. Its not so much Mitchell sticking around for another 4, its that Rivero will absolutely sick the ship that you seem to think is already sinking. The guy doesn't have a clue. Try running a legit campaign and not creating race and GOB crap. Score high and promote as opposed to blaming everyone else for how bad you did. There is nothing wrong with the SO that is not being created by Rivero and his cronies.
6:54 & 6:28 Here is your time to shine. Give everyone a list of reasons to want Mitchell and or Hopkins for four more years.
# posted by Anonymous : April 1, 2010 6:57 PM

You can read all those request over on the Sheriffs' re election site so scurry on over to that and see all the great people in Lake County who know what they know.
6:58 6:54 & 6:28 Here is your time to shine. Give everyone a list of reasons to want Mitchell and or Hopkins for four more years.
7:02, 6:58 6:54 & 6:28 Here is your time to shine. Give everyone a list of reasons to want Mitchell and or Hopkins for four more years.
Rushing asked Mitchell if he had any reason to believe that Garzoli thought he had approval to be flying.

“Not to the extent that it was taking place, no,” said Mitchell. "WHAT?"
7:14, 7:02, 6:58 6:54 & 6:28 Here is your time to shine. Give everyone a list of reasons to want Mitchell and or Hopkins for four more years.
"My ignorance is my responsibility," Mitchell said. That was the excuse Mitchell used about Garzoligate. Evidently his Ignorance is more widespread then anyone thought.
7:16 Does that mean Michell is on your SHORT list?
Anyone can talk crap behind a keybord, why so many Anonymous's.
Show your name then I may belive what you say.
Until then Rod Mitchell has my vote.
Franklin Toney
6:59, who are you calling "second class citizens?" I for one, am not second class anything. You and your ilk make Mitchell look even worse than he already does. You are the reason I support Rivero. He doesn't think he is any better than any other man. He is fair and trustworthy, something someone like you will never understand. Thank you for showing everyone that comes on here, why Mitchell and his buddies need to be gone!
7:21 Sorry Franklin, But I cancel your vote.
7:02, how dare you say “There is nothing wrong with the SO that is not being created by Rivero and his cronies”. What about the wrongs done to Lynn Thornton or Bismarck Dinius? The court found that Dinius was not guilty. Not guilty means that he’s not guilty. Yet, Perdock never faced any charges because Mitchell and Hopkins protected their buddy.

Image if you where diving somewhere tonight and a speeding cop car ran into your car and killed your passenger. Do you believe that they wouldn’t charge you for the accident? Any one of us could be in the wrong place at the wrong time and become the next Bismarck Dinius. There are many scandals rocking the SO but this one, of its own accord, is more than enough for us to rid the SO if these scum.

Some Mitchell supporters say “oh, Perdock is a really nice guy”. Perhaps so, perhaps not. But he should have owned up to his actions and neither Mitchell nor Hopkins should have abused their authority to protect him. Had Purdock been a man about it and shown some remorse, people wouldn’t have been so angry. But to charge an innocent man and blame him for Purdock’s mistake is unconscionable.
7:16, 7:21,7:14, 7:02, 6:58 6:54 & 6:28 Here is your time to shine. Give everyone a list of reasons to want Mitchell and or Hopkins for four more years.
Hey 654 pm and 716 pm
654 let us use the Jail Management System also. So we can check the names of Mitchell supporters criminal records. I know a few names on the list with criminal records, been around a few years.

716 the only experience Mitchell has is how to screw up a Department by mismanagement, Failing to Supervise Command Staff, failing a provide leadership, failing to Fire Perdock and Garoli for crimes committed while employed by Sheriff Mitchell, do I need to say more.

Franklin.....Mikey?? What Mikey?
Mitchell supporters can’t tell you why we should vote for him. Experience? He was a grocery store stock boy before he became sheriff. What positive things can be said of him? They seem to resort to a lot of name calling and posting nonsense on this forum in order to disrupt meaningful dialog about the SO scandals that continue to pile up.
So you have Perdock and Garzoli supporting Mitchell, The best known clearlake criminals around the world. Why won't they put their name on Mitchell's or Hopkins list? So much for transparency.
Mikey,Joe,Keith,Harlod,Judy,Lenny, or whoever. that was me asking, why so many anonymous's

Franklin Toney
The trouble is Franklin, Nobody cares who you are. I cancel your vote so you are nothing.
7:38, you are a liar. He was a deputy sheriff for almost 14 years, a sergeant, a field training officer and a detective before he was the Sheriff. Francisco River has two years of experience as a cop in the past decade. It's your candidate that severely lacking qualification.
Hey Franklin, Maybe you can get some help from your buddy's.7:14, 7:02, 6:58 6:54 & 6:28 Here is your time to shine. Give everyone a list of reasons to want Mitchell and or Hopkins for four more years.
i dont care... the other votes will do the job.
franklin toney
Have you heard of jury nullification? Probably not. It is a big word. Look it up. That's what happened in the dinius case. That man should be greatful that perdock was not charged. (which I happen to think he should have along with dinius) It perdock were also charged, it would not have received the publicity and ended in jury nullification. Dinius would be doing time right now!
Come on Franklin, Don't wimp out now.
how did you get your name on the plaque?
7:55 And what would Perdock be doing??? Kinda slid over that one didn't you? Thanks for your input Russ.
im not russ
Ya know Franklin, I was with ya until the "grave digger" comment. My 18 yr old cancels your vote...get lost!
8:02 Why do you think Racism and GOB is a GOOD thing. If Rivero is against it, Then Mitchell must be FOR it.
forget how to spell your own name Franklin? Poser!
Franklin If you think the voters want more Racism and the GOB system, Then you must be Mitchell or you are as Dumb as he is.
like u have never made a Mis-take
franklin toney
Sorry about that Rod.
Hey Franklin, Maybe you can get some help from your buddy's.7:14, 7:02, 6:58 6:54 & 6:28 Here is your time to shine. Give everyone a list of reasons to want Mitchell and or Hopkins for four more years.
7:55 And what would Perdock be doing??? Kinda slid over that one didn't you? Thanks for your input Russ.
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : April 1, 2010 7:59 PM
7:55 Do you want another go at it??Have you heard of jury nullification? Probably not. It is a big word. Look it up. That's what happened in the dinius case. That man should be greatful that perdock was not charged. (which I happen to think he should have along with dinius) It perdock were also charged, it would not have received the publicity and ended in jury nullification. Dinius would be doing time right now!
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : April 1, 2010 7:55 PM 7:55 And what would Perdock be doing??? Kinda slid over that one didn't you? Thanks for your input Russ.
No, not a grave digger. But a person that started a business from scratch and turned it into a multi-million dollar business is truly head and shoulders above Mitchell. Frank, wake up! Mitchell has mis-managed the S.O. and has caused what is occurring. The problems can not be blamed on the persons at the bottom. The problems are a cause of the leadership and it filters down. You should realize that after watching what has happened at the Oaks Fire Department.

Franklin was never the sharpest crayon in the box, one of those former Redwood Empire Life Support Ambulance Cull Medics that got cut loose when RELS went bankrupt. Now he just holds up a Shovel for Cal Trans... At least the shovel is lucky enough not to need medical care.
7:55 8:35...But do you want to be disgusted one last time? Remember the proverbial little boy who murdered his parents and then begged the court for mercy because he was an orphan? Taking a page from that book, it's our understanding that Perdock has filed suit against Weber, blaming him for the accident, claiming that it resulted in him being divorced, suffering emotional distress and all the usual legal blather..........The jury
simply confirmed the primary contributor to the accident and subsequent
death was NOT Mr. Dinius.The pooled money was awarded as follows:
$760,000 to Thornton's son.
$18,000 to Weber.
$13,000 to Dinius.
And a big fat goose egg for Perdock.In other words, the marine industry experts, who deal with such
tragedies all the time, have made it clear that they believe Russell
Perdock was primarily responsible for the accident and death of
Hey..Does anyone know...If that Jack Baxter guy... is he the same Jack Baxter that used to put on an Annual Memorial Steer Roping Event in Morgan Hill?, south of San Jose?
franklin Toney you are becoming quite boring and you have no substance to your posts, this is not a blog for small minded whinning. So unless you have something come out of that pea brain of yours we will have to delete your posts, you know kinda like your ability to take up usable air.
9:15. Really? Is that why Weber's insurance paid out exactly as much a Perdock's? Using your logic all three of them were to blame.
post 9:50 come on man sharpen up, Perdock is complaining about everything under the sun, he has got the BOS to buy into his whinning, but the citizens know better and when you look at post 9:15 a goose egg is a goose egg no matter how you look at it, and the indication of its meaning cannot be change, your scrambling now, best you leave it alone or your going to look worse.
Just pointing out the fallacy of the logic in your argument. That's all.
Ok post 9:53 posts that are removed are called whinning, for example look at what you just posted whinning, now come on put on the old thinking cap take off the dunce cap and post some substance.
9:50 How much did Perdock get again? Losers don't get anything.And a big fat goose egg for Perdock.In other words, the marine industry experts, who deal with such
tragedies all the time, have made it clear that they believe Russell
Perdock was primarily responsible for the accident and death of
I love how the cowards at this site delete your responses, then claim some type of victory as if they proved their case or something. What's for sure is the more comments you get deleted off of this site, the less able they were to address them without looking like a fool.
# posted by Anonymous : April 1, 2010 9:53 PM
Oh and P.S. I've told you this before when I was spanking you silly. Whinning and actually spelled whining.
Let me say that Frank is a good guy. He is very loyal to his friends. You have to prove to him that Mitchell is out of touch with the people of this county or he will stand with Mitchell. Frank remembers when Mitchell was actually working and would stop by the firehouse. That is a LONG TIME AGO! Mitchell still talks a good game but he is full of B.S. The only thing Mitchell cares about is himself and his paycheck. Frank probably is not aware of all of the other crap that Mitchell has done. Ask Frank when the last time it was he had any communication with Mitchell. I am sure it was years ago. Anyway, Frank, listen and look and learn. Mitchell is a parasite. He is sucking the life out of the S.O.

My point is 9:53 is proven by the comment in 9:50. Delete away cowards, it's the only small victory you'll get to claim.
# posted by Anonymous : April 1, 2010 9:54 PM

And prove again by the coward who can't spell at 9:56
"The evidence illustrates," Brown said, "that things are not always as partisan zealots portray them through highly selective editing of reality. Sometimes a fuller truth is found on the cutting room floor."

Read more:

Just ask Dan Noise.
Ok post at 1005 or 2205, I was a hack at RELS, and did spend 25yrs at ClearLake Oaks Fire, and yes now I hold a sign for a state angecy, and yes I did win the 1994 bullshitter of the year,the firemen of the yr in 1988, and the 2009 safety award for helping a 9yr old kid to safety and saved his life from Arnie him self, Im sure u read it in the paper.
But now I get pulled over for having a IRON PIGS bumper sticker on my truck and am told "WOW YOU MUST BE A TOUGH GUY , TO BE IN THE IRON PIGS, DO YOU WANT ME TO BOW DOWN TO YOU"... I was told I was pulled over for no turn signal. Good one F.R. ... but it was a bad stop. Im no JOE.

Franklin Toney
I dont care what anyone thinks. I can go to bed with a smile on my face, and a warm heart. I was a fan of F.R. until he pulled me over. Im not mad, just saying what I feel. Ive been wrong before.
Franklin Toney
come on Rudy... do you think Im wrong?
Franklin Toney
I caught a portion the TV broadcast of the DA debate. One thing that keeps coming to mind is a comment that Hopkins made about the blogs, referring to the Dinius case. We have offended Hopkins with our comments. How dare we speak our minds and express ourselves. I suggest that we all ask for forgiveness for our sins and then get on the phone, hit the streets, knock on doors, talk to strangers at the grocery store, attend any and all campaign events and let Hopkins we heard him and we just don’t give a **** what he says. I want equality, justice and honor in this county.
You mean Francisco violated your rights? Sounds par for the course.
Yes, It has been a long LONG time ago...
You know it has been, but what he did was wrong.

Franklin Toney
call me, if you want too.

Franklin Toney
Can't have been THAT long ago, he's got less than three years of current experience.
Franklin, move on as I did. I was pulled over for not dimming my high beams. I asked the deputy if he thinks my high beams are on now and he walked out about 6 feet in front of my pickup then I hit the high beams. He said “Gee I guess I was wrong”. Some people will admit they’ve made a mistake others make a mistake and have trouble admitting it. Life is just too dang short to sweat the small stuff. Our county is need of new leadership. I’m voting for Don Anderson for DA and for our next sheriff….well I feel defeated. I believe that if Don Anderson is elected he will work effectively with anyone elected as our sheriff so that is a comforting consolidation.
Batman... you hide behind your keyboard. grow up. They know who I am, tell us who you are... K.R. Im not mad, just pissed at what he did.
Franklin Toney
Good evening the below e-mail has just been sent to Mitchell Hopkins and the board of supervisors...

To Lake County Board of Supervisors,

It has been 8 months now since the opening of the sheriff Mitchell Watch site, which at this point has caused more change and attention in this county then ever before. We have, time after time asked you to do the right thing. Each time we have requested that you put forth a decree of asking Mitchell and Hopkins to step down you have refused. Each time we have told you there is more to come, much more. Each time more has come. We have given you documentation, we have had to report some of your actions to Anita Grant, we have given you documentation, informed you ahead of time of certain situations, and still you do nothing.

There is more to come, at this point we suspect we may have gained some confidence in you understanding these are not games we are playing, this is not random assumptions we are bringing to your attention. There is more to come, much more and we say to you again, you must do the right thing, the time has come for the BOS to stand up and show a strong show of support for the citizens of this county. We will let certain events unfold in the near future,and when they do, in the back of your mind will be our original admonitions of you doing what is right and what is just.

I am Bruce W. Forsythe, there was an attempt to discredit me, it did not work, there was an attempt to attack me, and attack my family, it did not work. Sheriff Mitchell attempted to discredit me, it did not work, I stand for what is right and what is the will of the citizens of this county, and I stand in concert with the members of the Lovelace group. We have had attempts to destroy our web site by local media, it did not work. We have had libel scare tactics attempted it will not work. We are changing the course and model of transparency and how this county and its elected officials will operate in the future. we ask you again, with the understanding that we are not going away,the time has come, do the right thing.
OMG there is actually someone out there who is perfect? Wow, never in my living days would I have ever thought perfect ever existed. Franklin, get out now, close this blog, you will become corrupt in conversation. Go apply at the LCSO I'm sure they would love to have you under their wing. You would definetly fit right into their mentality. But beware, we will be watching you too!
Bruce, I think your right,
Franklin Toney
Batman, wow, can you say narcissist
No Bruce, I will never work for the LCSO...
I think many of the people that work LCSO are great people, and trust them with my life. Im happy holding a flag...
franklin toney
GoodNight my friend. I will always respect you.

Franklin Toney
Many of the SO are great people and are respected by everyone I agree. It is the few others that give the Dept. a bad name.
Batman for all of you is Bruce W. Forsythe, I hide behind no keyboard. I am who I am, I care, you can post little poems of my DUI, I gained a great deal of understanding in what was my only arrest in my life, and believe me a number of people have checked my background, I have nothing to hide, I have been a family man for 34 years married, with two children and a wonderful wife. There is nothing unusual about me, but I do care, and with our group (Lovelace) and the help of the citizens of this county change will come, we all know in our hearts the time has come. We all know if we pause for just a moment and think about what is right and what is just that our cause is right. Stop fighting this cause, we see a day when in concert with the good and solid cop's in this county there is a relationship of trust and justice, working together this can be done. This cannot be accomplished with the current sheriff in place, and the current DA, it simply is oil and water it will not mix. The models of transparency and honesty must hold the day, and to that end both Mitchell and Hopkins must go. I know as well as many others that you that would fight the tide of change could someday sit down with an open mind and come to the same just conclusions, we look forward to that day. Yes these changes are difficult, the BOS is in denial, but they to will have to change, and they will with new people or changed people they will change. We wait for the day when the cops in this county are shaking hands with all the people and the people are understanding the difficult job that is being a cop, and in compassion those same coppers are understanding the needs and conditions of the common citizen. Those times will come, to that end we are sure.
If the above post would have been possible under Mitchell, It would have been done.
Well Goth G although we enjoyed the comment very much, we thought the verbage went outside the lines that us highly respected(sarcasm) evil koolaid drinkers should allow. The information is great, could you re-post in a more formal fashion (sarcasm) that we can leave up. ;-}
Exactly post 11:21 under the Mitchell rein, the front door of transparency closed and the back door of corruption opened.
In the R/B the District Attorneys office has allowed Morgan Jack to guilty to Voluntary manslaughter. From Murder and Robbery to voluntary manslaughter. Mr. Hopkins how can you sleep at night. Just one more reason we need to vote him out of office. The victim was a hard working family man just trying to provide for his family. Jon wake up someday and do your job, put the real criminals in prison for life.
Does anyone know what Dan Noye's will be reporting on April 5th. I will be underway on a boat at that time until later in April. Hopefully it will expose the sheriff for what he is.
LCN is now advertising Hopkins on their site. No longer will I respect them as being news worthy- you LCN will not stop my voice from being heard.
Let's compare the the Murder of the taxi driver to the murder Perdock committed and got away with. The victim Paul Womanchka was a hard working family man. Driving a taxi cab so that he could provide for his family, not living on welfare or being a criminal. Paul was just a hard working guy that paid his taxes hoping things would get better. But oh no Morgan Jack took his life and money. Robbing his family as well, forcing his kids to grow up without their father.
Lynn Thornton was killed by Captain Russell Perdock on Clearlake. Lynn was looking forward to retirement an her family and friends. Lynn worked hard and also paid her taxes. Perdock was never charged with a crime regardless of his reckless boating at night. He (Perdock), Sheriff Mitchell and D.A. Hopkins covered up Perdock's crime.
D.A. Hopkins, Sheriff Mitchell has failed us the voters and tax payers of Lake Co. We need a D.A. that will stand up for us, and protect us from the criminal in this world. The Morgan Jacks, The Russell Perdocks and so many others like them. The only punishment that Perdock got was a long paid Vacation from Sheriff Mitchell. No criminal charges from D.A. Hopkins. Now Morgan Jack from Murder to voluntary manslaughter. Whats next from rape to illegal entry. Hopkins and Mitchell must be voted out of office this year.
Pack your bags and be gone! Vote Mitchell and Hopkins OUT!
You are right X we have said over and over Hopkins has the worst conviction as charged record in the state. This guy has given up, He is not worth the public dime that pays him and a dime is to much!
The decision for LCN to take the revenue, and screw the public is terrible, one would have hoped that money would not have been the motivating force for them and not the citizens. This is a small community with a bloody election year going on and two main media outlets, they should have not put up those ads!! Now we can count on LCN to post nothing concerning these two lame duck canidates, that is negative. But boy Liz loved writing the Morshed article, and using Martins election crap and Rivero EEOC connections didn't she. Hmmmmmmmmm Houston we have a problem.
I have it from good authority that Jack Baxter was, in fact involved with the annual Memorial Steer Roping event in Morgan Hill. Apparently back in about 1995 or 1996 he (Jack Baxter) ordered up 30 - 40 breast collars which were to be given out as awards at the event. After receiving the breast collars, it seems he chose not to pay for them. The cost of the breast collars were somewhere in the area of $2000.00. I guess he figured he no one would remember. Hey Jack, could you clear this up for us? Is this true?
It is crystal clear to me that, money is the root of lake county's evil. They want money, and don't care who they step on to get it. This is sad, dangerous, and what is happening in lake county. It has been going on for many, many years, and will continue unless the citzen's stop it. Close the checkbook, vote mitchell and hopkins out of office.
Can anyone shed light on what Dan Noyes is going to report on the news at 6, on the 5th. I will be underway on a boat and therefore will not have internet until late April. Info would be appreciated?
No information will be released on the press releases nor the event on Monday, Mitchell although he is squirming in his chair, will have to wait, and any attempt to gather information before hand will not work. A press release will come out tonight, and be distributed to our site and other media outlets. The event on Monday will further the information and Mitchell will have to wait till over the weekend for the other information on Monday. Sorry, you should try to set something up to receive either letter of land line phone contact from the water. Cannot not think of any other method aside from carrier pigeon to get it to you if you will not have internet access.
Post 9:29 - I take it you are apart of the sailing community. Therefore, I will relay information to Paps and you can contact him prior to setting out for sail. Thanks for all your support!
BTW.Can anyone shed light on what Dan Noyes is going to report on the news at 6, on the 5th. I will be hiking in the Appalachian mountains and therefore will not have internet until late April. Info would be appreciated?
FLASH FLASH FLASH to the citizens of Lake County

Update on the Rivero announcement and press release, there will be no press release this evening on the situation Rivero is going to announce on Monday at 11:00 at Library Park. All information is being kept underwraps until Monday. The press will be there, and it will be quite interesting indeed.


Thanks for the cut and paste lesson Pat.
????????? POST 12:47
Wow, some great stuff overnight and this morning! Thank you Bruce for standing up, that takes guts. Also I think it make things safer for you/yours. You know what I am talking about. As far as the DUI thingy, who doesn't have a DUI? Who the hell cares anyhow! What Hopkins did with the "Jack" that killed the Taxi guy is just bulls*it! That will be the last straw for many citizens as far as Hopkins is concerned. I was surprized at LCN, I liked their reporting but now I no longer trust it. They should realize that once the election is over the monies from those ads will dry up. Keep up the good work! Thank You Bruce and the Lovelace group!
Thank you post 12:52 it is time for clarity and transparency, and with your help we will accomplish the task at hand, by the way I actually look a lot better then the DUI picture, Some have said I am quite the handsome guy, well that is what my wife tells me anyway, Just trying to make me feel better I think...:-}
Remember what I thought about you at first? LOL!
Indeed, LOL that is one we will laugh about for a long time to come!! I wish I could have walked up to you and caught you by surprise, it would have been priceless.
Come on guys this is killing Mitchell he is on his second box of depends.
Sorry about the error messages, everybody! We can't blame Mitchell or Hopkins for everything, can we?

We're all really excited here at Sheriff Mitchell Watch... this campaign is getting interesting. Mitchell has been making some serious mistakes in his campaign, and we believe it's due largely to "Shadowy Blogs"... and furthermore we believe this blog to be the shadowiest! I'd like to dedicate this Shadow Award to Batman, Goth Girl, and various folks who sign their name with X's! And Jeebus of course.

¡Feliz Pascua de Resurreción! I'm sure everybody knows that there is a really special thing happening on Monday. Have a great weekend! Relax, enjoy yourself, spend time with family. We as a community deserve a hardy pat on the back. And a vacation. Thanks again everybody!
That does not mean we are on vacation for the weekend of course, but indeed it is deserved!! Keep posting it is going to be a great weekend and Monday should prove to be interesting to say the least.
Attention citizens the following message has just been issued via-e-mail to LCN on behalf of the citizens and the Lovelace group.

April 2, 2010

To: All individuals associated with or in contract with LCN

LCN is described as Lake County News an on line
Media outlet operating in Lake County California
further to be described in this draft as LCN. Individuals
notified to include persons known as Liz Larsen, John Jensen
and any other AKA's or name descriptions or usages.

Fm: The Lovelace group of concerned citizens for transparency and justice

During the course of the time frame to include from but not exclusive to March 29th 2010 through April 2nd 2010 a set of events occurred to which you and or your organization contacted a member of our group to issue a complaint concerning comments left on the sheriffmitchellwatch blog site. Your (Liz and John) verbal presentation during those phone calls was both unprofessional and lacking in distinct facts and proper description. This along with events we have documented during this same course of time that were attempted were at the worst illegal and at best untoward.

An apology should be issued to the sheriffmitchellwatch blog page for your actions, anger, and threats. The documentation of these events, conversations and actions is in a secure location.

Your abuse request to Google was denied and no action was taken on Google or the Blogger associated site's part. Our association and the information you in the past have requested of us and that we in good faith assisted you with, was apparently not seen as valuable nor worth maintaining your integrity via your emotional and unprofessional outbursts. We had thought based on the work and investigation we had assisted you with that this reaction on your part and John's actions would not have taken place, we however were wrong.

LCN has an obligation to the citizens of this county and to those supporters of the Lovelace group. Media should have the election acumen to know that running ads for election candidates in a small community with few media outlets in a volatile election condition is and does not follow the lines of integrity and unbiased reporting that is necessary for the citizens to trust that the facts will be reported on and distributed in a manner which infuses confidence to the community. In this regard you have failed.

We are requesting that you remove and cease from revenue generation those ads and further more renew by those actions the confidence in the community that you are unbiased and fair in your reporting of this election and the other actions of local government and LE officials. Your relationships with members of the BOS and other government officials is to close and less then professional to say the least.
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