Thursday, September 10, 2009


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I have been calling people on Rodney’s web site that are listed as endorsers who I know or who own a business that I’ve patronized. Several were completely surprised to hear that they were listed as endorsers. I call B.S. on Rodney’s list of endorsements.

For one thing, his web page popped up already populated with a bunch of names. He couldn’t get one person to sign his in lieu of petition; why would so many people sign up to endorse him and not sign the in lieu of petition? Notice how Rivero’s endorsement page started with a few signatures and there are more added each day as people stop by? Mitchell’s list appears to be pulled from the phone book.

Secondly, the endorsement of the Deputy Sheriff’s Association is meaningless. For Rodney to parade his employees in public when they have no choice but to superficially support him demonstrates his lack of integrity.
Hey 11:49; when you talk about self-delusion, consider the Mitchell supporters who still think that Rodney handled the Dinius case well. There is true self-delusion. The fact is that Baxter got on the radio and just talked about what a great guy he thought Rodney was. Perhaps you could respond with something more substantive than childish name calling.
Lovelace check your email.
What is Mitchell's website?
First office Ringen is not ***Rivero4Sheriff***. Ringen comes on this site often and has no problem putting his name on it. Keep trying.

Mitchell's website is

If you find someone on Mitchell's site listed as an endorser and is not, post his name here just like we did with Baxter website. That way we know exactly who did not support Mitchell. Then we'll watch his site slowly go off line after he is caught.

I too thought that Mitchell’s list of endorsements looked really suspicious. So I went through the phone book to see if these “Residents of Lake County” actually exist. In fairness, one would expect some to have unlisted numbers and others may go by a nickname. Whether these people actually endorsed Mitchell (He uses the term “Support Mitchell” which has a lesser standard) I can’t say. However, here’s what I came up with for the “M” section. You can, of course, verify what I’m saying here quite easily.

Ben MacDonald (possibly, matches initials listed)
Lorri MacDonald (No such name listed)
Joe Magliocco [Listed]
Marian Magliocco (No such name listed)
Duane Mahan [Listed]
James Mallard (No such name listed)
Mark Malone (possibly, matches initials listed)
Sally Mandrones (No such name listed)
Ted Mandrones [Listed]
Mary Manning (No such name listed)
Charles March (There is a Chuck March listed)
Rosemary March (No such name listed)
Claudia Marchese (No such name listed)
Tony Marchese [Listed]
Charles Martin [Listed]
Hecter Martinez [Listed]
Philip Mascari (No such name listed)
Kelly Mather (No such name listed)
Todd Mayes (No such name listed)
Anna Mayfield (No such name listed)
Jim Mayfield [Listed]
Joe Mayfield [Listed]
Roger Mayo (No such name listed)
Garret McAfee (No such name listed)
Susan McCamish (No such name listed)
John McCarthy [Listed]
Richard McCausland (No such name listed)
Anne McClory [Listed]
Dan McClory [Listed]
John McCormack (possibly, matches initials listed)
Jamie McDowell [Listed]
Nish McDowell (No such name listed)
Patricia McFarland [Listed]
Dorothy McGrath [Listed]
Eileen McGuire (No such name listed)
Paul McGuire (possibly, matches initials listed)
Susan McGuire (possibly, matches initials listed)
Steve McKelvey (No such name listed)
Jane McKnight (No such name listed)
Mary-Grace McMahon (No such name listed)
Adam McMilin (No such last name listed)
Jerry McQueen [Listed]
MaryAnn McQueen [Listed]
Sierra Meade [Listed]
David Meadows [Listed]
Claudia J. Medinas (No such name listed)
David Meek, Sr. [Listed]
David Meek, Jr. [Listed]
Frank Meisenbach [Listed]
Lois Meisenbach (No such name listed)
James Merriman [Listed]
Debra Merritt (No such name listed)
Ken Merritt (No such name listed)
Jennifer Mickey (No such name listed)
Kim Miinch [Listed]
David Milano [Listed]
Lisa Miller (possibly, matches initials listed)
Fran Mills [Listed]
Jack L. Miner [Listed]
Dr. John Minotti [Listed]
Pat Minotti (No such name listed)
Jill Minudri (No such name listed)
Helen Mitcham (possibly, matches initials listed)
Jack Mitcham [Listed]
Dale Mitchell (possibly, matches initials listed)
Michael Mitchell [Listed]
Sherrie Mitchell (possibly, matches initials listed)
Hedy Montoya [Listed]
Kristy Moore (possibly, matches initials listed)
Nora Moore (No such name listed)
Scott Moorhoule (No such name listed)
Dwayne Morgan (No such name listed)
Jeremy Morgan (There is one Jerry Mogan but he’s listed right below)
Jerry Morgan [Listed]
Cheryl Morin (No Such name listed)
Jessica Morita (No such name listed)
Marc Morita (No such name listed)
William Mower [Listed]
Duane H. Mullen (No such name listed)
Marky Murray (There is a Mark Murray listed)
10:15 AM, Tom Carter is presumed innocent until proven guilty. A concept Rivero seems to understand and respect and one that you should learn.
So is the name Ted Mandrones the same as in Piedmont's brother-inlaw?
And McQueen that isn't the same McQueen that was Dean of Yuba College is it?
3:44...George McQueen was the former Dean of Yuba College. Nice try, so far only Rivero has criminals supporting him.
Hey 3:31, just ignore the fact that these are NOT all people who support Mitchell. The point (and I think you probably do get this) is that Mitchell has again lied. Nothing that he says or that is said on his behalf can be believed because he is innately dishonest. Flash your dim whit around all you want, On June 8th the people will toss his lying butt out (and I think you probably do realize that).
3:50 Mary Ann & George McQueen-former dean of Yuba College and convicted then jailed embezzler.....
3:57 3/26/2010 You mean the wife of a convicted embezzler who is still with him. She enjoyed the trips to Europe and items bought on the trust fund money....some $300,000.00 plus. He took the fall but she knew he didn't make that kind of money!
3:35...That's a legal standard, not a personal one. He's a criminal. What rivero understands is that most people won't recognize the name, and based on his endorsement page, he needs all the help he can get.

Oh, and here's the definition of criminal....

1 : relating to, involving, or being a crime
2 : relating to crime or to the prosecution of suspects in a crime
3 : guilty of crime; also : of or befitting a criminal

Sounds to me like the shoe fits.
2:34: Ringen puts his name on what he wants to put his name on. The rest is anonymous. You are not who you say you are, ergo, you are liar, and your denials are viewed in that context.
at 8:02 BATMAN wrote: Everyone should remember that both our local media sources have far to close a relationship with our media.

Read the sentence carefully. You'ss see that it's idiocy run-amok
I see you've mastered the copy/paste thingy! What, can't think up your own comments. It just make you look dumb!
LOL. I can cut and paste it again if you'd like?
Flash flash flash: To the citizens of lake county the endorsement page of Mitchells is falling apart at the seams, it looks like an individual contacted Jim Jonas to express his anger at being on Mitchells page as an endorser, and Jim said that he does not endorse Mitchell or anyone, and he was going to have his business taken off Mitchells page. He did not sound to happy about it according to this citizen who called. The citizen was calling to cancel his order with Jonas!!! If this is true then it brings in to question the entire listing on Mitchells page. We just put a call into Jonas, and did not get jim, but who we did talk to said, I don't think Jim would do that and may not have even known it was on Mitchells page!!!

This is the citizens putting the hammer, anyone with further on this please post. We are starting to think, Mitchell did not get the appoval of any of these people. Everyone call each and everyone of those business's listed and complain like hell to them. This whole endorsement thing is looking like a real scam job on Mitchells part. Good Job everyone let's roll.
Hey everybody, just ignore the cut and paste man, as usual the Mitchell supporters are showing their greeat wisdfom.LOL We will leave his amazing and deep posts up there as it appears to make him happy, just by-pass his post and go to the real stuff. We have seen these guys a hundred time in the past. Quite funny actually.
Oh and by the way, it is the same person, looks like all one of Mitchells supporters on here. LOL
Rivero was excellent by the way on the Radio show this morning. And guess what one of the questions was it had to do with endorsing by our local business's, and the hosts both said the only way an endorsment should be up on an elected officals page is with full disclosure of the business relationship with the county, so there is get this "Transparency" for the citizens. Rivero was sharp, the phone lines were loaded up and he did a great job. This guy is on a role. Not one negative call by the way the entire hour!!!
I will bet money the Jonas endorsement is off that page before the weekend is out!! LOL Oh Mitchell you been lying again.
Rivero will be Our next Sheriff of Lake Co. Sheriff Mitchell has proven time and again how incompetent he is. He has failed in every possible way. Mitchell built a wall between Law Enforcement and the Citizens of Lake Co.
So many criminal acts were committed, behind the wall by members of his Department.

Mitchell has abused his power and some of his employee's that stood up to him. Mitchell promotes only those that are his YES boys and girls. Mitchell has no leadership abilities. Mitchell protects those, that protect him and him alone.
We want to let all the citizens that today we put in Anita Grants hand the entire Garzoli communications that were on the internet, these are the communications where he actually admits to flying and training on the grant money. We have these communications on CD, and can print them whenever we need them. Since Grant has indicated she will be assisting Hopkins on the situation, we felt we needed to get this information to her. She is also now aware of the Garzoli Audio career change we have posted on this page. For those of you who may not have heard it yet, it is stunning. It is under the red button just click the link and take a listen. It is great stuff, If anyone has not read the 12 pages of the Garzoli communications and his admittance of guilt let us know, we will post up some ot the excerpts from it, and what the other pilots told him, i.e. he was going to crash and that what he was doing was illegal. We gave this information to the BOS to see if they would act on it, and it appears they have not and did not, so we went straight to the source.
Nope, no Jim Jonas.
Hey dummy it is already down! LOL
It has already been taken down!!! That was fast
lol, ya I saw it myself, and now it is gone excellent, now lets go to work on Borgi and Fowler!!!
Corruption supporter you are looking real dumb right now, maybe you should push away from the bottle and move on!!
Hey lovelace yes please post some of the Garzoli stuff, I remember seeing it, but forgot it was here, it was amazing stuff to read, such a dope Garzoli was, or is actually!
And the citizens answer for us!!! Thanks from the Lovelace group, we get tired of beating these guys on the head!! :-}
4:44...Then post a link that proves it. Otherwise you're as full of hotair as the rest.
Know you are not a corruption "support" that is supporter, and that you are. Hey Lovlace, let me beat em up for a while, it is kinda fun, and easy to!!
Lovelace will return in a while. Hammer em for us!!
You couldn't beat your way out of a wet paper bag. I'll gladly debate you with facts that aren't made up.

Oh and yes, it is kinda fun and much to easy...When it involves you. Whatsa matter? Did you take your ball and go home? Feeling outclassed? Come on, I'll take it easy on you.
Again no we did not hammer on spelling and grammer, we hammered you on using the wrong word. Now go away you are getting very boring.
Hey I wouldn't worry to much about Tom Carter, I don't know or care if he is or is not part of the Lovelace group, he is a great guy, you might want to watch your step with Tom, he is sharp, and knows more people in this county then anyone I know. He has supported Upper Lake for many years, and by the way my understanding is his case is going excellent, in fact it looks like in the end game, he is going to beat them badly. They the DEA thought they has something that was never there, and in fact he does not appear to be a bit worried. So again corruption supporter your dreams of the Lovelace and the citizens demise shall never come to pass, so aorry, now like Lovelace said go away you are boring.
Tom Carter has done more for this county then you ever will, little man!! The amount of votes he will bring to the booth for Rivero is amazing and far out weighs your single vote for your buddy Mitchell. LOL
Hey X great to see you posting again!!! Where you been? Your input is always valued. Keep it up. As you can see we are having with a Mitchell Dummy, getting him all wound up. Pretty fun join us if you want!!
You know what the greatest thing is, this guy is who Mitchell has as supporters. ha ha ha that is the irony of it all. Keep it up dipstick we love it!!
Criminals supporting Sheriff Mitchell let's see Russell Perdock, Davie Garzoli, etc,. all supporting him from behind the wall. Mitchell built between the Citizen of Lake Co. and the Sheriff Department.
Rivero is on a roll, we have been checking a few demographics out. Let's review it. He has locked in the hispanic vote the American Indian vote, he is the choice on the democratic ticket mailing. The entire city of Upperlake is locked and loaded, he got more in lieu of signatures then anyone. He will take Nice, and Lucerne that is a foregone conclusion. He is hitting the streets like a mad-dog, Clearlake will go Rivero's way along with Middletown and Hidden valley. Mitchell better start looking for new employment cause this thing is ramping up to be a big Rivero win. And with Mitchells endorsement page falling apart what more could you ask for!!!
Hey 503 posting come on and play. Just try and say something really important and truthful about Mitchell. You know something that I can hammer you and him on.

Great radio show today by Rivero, sounded great, and he does have the answers when the citizens call. He had all positive calls this morning. He really is on his game right now!!
Hey corruption supporter, I would not mess with X he will eat you for lunch!!! Thanks X put the hammer down on this guy, he never posts any content worth anything, so it might get boring!! Love ya man!!
How do you say "dumb ass" in Lake Co. Just say "I support Sheriff Mitchell"

To Post 5:07PM Wow, of course this is you, aka Pat McMahan
558 would you like to play with the BIG DOG. he'll bite you big time!!! Yes it's boring around here now sorry.
Here is something to think about. In one of Dave's posts, Dave said that the county paid for his forensic computer training "That he doesn't use anymore" And the computer training cost the county more than Helicopter pilot training would have. I don't have any computer "training" But I know that once it is on the internet it is there for a very very long time. After the county spent all that money training Dave He should have been made to attend ALL the classes... We will never get our money back for that one.
I don't know about you, But if I had just made Lieutenant I wouldn't apply for a Sergeants position in another city. For some people I guess there is never enough. But then that is how the criminal mind works I guess.
Posting 622, That's one of the problems within LE. We the taxpayers pay for the training and get nothing out of it. If Mitchell was a good manager of our tax dollars he would have made Dave stay in the computer forensic assignment, but not Sheriff Rodney K. Mitchell. He doesn't manage our money well or at all.
Posting 6:39
When your an ineffective Lieutenant as he was. Your always looking for a new Department to go to. Pat's short comings are as long as Mitchell's failures are. A very long list for both of them. Pat was trained under Mitchell as a Sergeant and Lieutenant. So that why that both think a criminals.
Posting 649 and 659

6:59 There must be a pattern there because that is what Dave did. He applied and got the nod and didn't go. He wound up Sergeant anyway. I bet now Dave wishes he had taken that job.
Well then let's put up a couple of "notable quotes" of Mr. Garzoli off the internet forums he was talking on. Lets start with the Insurance forum; "I plan to use my knowledge of local crime trends to exploit peoples emotions to get appointments"... He then goes on to say "After all we will have not caught the suspect yet and you certainly would not want to be the next victim or WORSE (Life Insurance) now would you?"

Now let's take a look at a professional pilots response to Garzoli's talking about training on the county dime:
We will put this persons response as it is stunning!

Doesn't sound like Garzoli listened, now in Garzoli's own words:

"I am not sure why a program like two hours while I look for dope, two hours we go to the airport and train, one hour spotting dope one hour training" is so Rreeking ridiculous????? I know several VERY WELL accomplished piolts who did this very thing.


Man that guy put the hit on Garzoli, anyway there is 12 pages of this, it was posted on the site several months ago.
Anybody plan to ask Hopkins why he thought it was okay to drive his county car to two different political events (campaign) in Clearlake this week? This was at the same time he thought it was okay to investigate Garzoli for misuse of public funds? Can you say hypocrite? I thought you could.
6:59 Dave disrespected the citizens of Lake Co. from day one. Only Mitchell and Dave's father-in-law retired Captain Buchholtz would have promoted him to a Sergeant and then to a Lieutenant. Any other LE would have fired him while he was on probation. Misconduct of officers while on duty is not acceptable in other Departments. Only under Sheriff Mitchell and his good old boys and girls group would accept his behavior. He should have been gone years ago.

7:33 BTW I'm not Pat either. LOL, LOL.
7:33 Only you would be proud of what you did in the Lepp case.
It doesn't work for him on Topix either.
8:00 Try to say something intelligent, you sound very dumb and do not make sense.
Pat got put in his place in court, That's where it matters.
8:23, I doubt that very much
BTW, Yes he did.
Google his name. It is there for ever.
BTW, And for all to see.
What about Dave's E mail to Mitchell? Was that not a confession?
If Dave was telling the truth on the radio and Dave was telling the truth in his E mail then he must be taking lessons from Russ?
It has been reported that Garzoli wrote in a helicopter forum that he gave up the computer gig because he got tired of looking at kiddie porn. Does anyone know of a connection between Garzoli and Wiley?
Pat McMahon. Berkhart, And Garzoli were all involved in Eddy Lepp's Trial At Some Point, And All Three Messed Up.
Wiley was friends with all of them including the court. Hopkins said he doesn't sentence bargain? Wiley went from four felony's to two and got house arrest and probation? Why send one of your own to jail when you don't have to?
Hey we all know the Garzoli connection to the DEA Burkart(sp) and we thus know why the DEA considers the case closed. They don't want it to be looked into. Well I can tell you that as of 2 days ago, the Burkhart connection has been given to county counsel, and Hoppy is being made aware of it. This information has also been given to out of county media. We are also working on pretty good information that there is a bad connection of three people, Garzoli, Santor, and Burkhart, these 3 are trouble in river city. If you could put Burkhart on the stand and he would not lie the entire picture would become very clear.

The worst thing about the mysterious e-mail is its arrival on the day the BOS was looking into the incident. That's about as perfect timing as the Wright arrest on the day the story broke. There is an underlying story to that as well, one of the supervisors knew of the Wright situation, as they were told about it by two citizens, this supervisor made a first move of going to Mandy at the record bee, when Liz got to Mitchell he told her Mandy had already been to him on the matter, but actually Mandy only had part of the facts, and Mitchell thought he was home free, because he wanted to cover it till after the election. But Liz indicated she had more information to Mitchell, this she received from certain people that got it through deep inside the Mitchell kingdom she told him of what she knew, then Mitchell makes a quick arrest the day Liz is putting out the article.

And there you have it.
That fellow citizens on post 9:16 is what you get from the Lovelace reporting group that is transparency, that is the depth of information you will not find in the local media, and that is what must become the norm! Thanks Lovelace for creating this stage for the citizens to get the truth out!
Here's an interesting parallel. Eddy Lepp thought he was going to beat his case too.
9:39 The only parallel is all of you messed up.
No Eddy didn't think he was going to beat his case, he simply fought the good battle, in that instance it was a question of state vs federal rights, you sir should understand the importance of state independence, and the federal governmnet intruding into all of our lives. It is ignorant ass's like you who are willing to give all to big brother, and then before you know it litle by little we loose our rights, our transparency and our justice, while idiots like you sit on your ass and think it is funny. Then all of a sudden you look around and cry foul, the funny thing about it is, you caused the very condition by not having the depth to understand situation like Eddie Lepp, you don't see the forest for the trees, and can't figure out in the end what happened.
Who was it that trespassed on private property? And then when confronted you all jumped out of the truck with guns drawn and hid behind your badge yelling I'm the sheriff, I'm the sheriff?
Judge Patel made sure to follow up with a question specifically
confirming McMahon’s recollection of these details, just to be sure that there was a real divergence in the witnesses’ stories at this point.
She got that confirmation smoothly, and a knowing glint in her eye
served as the only signal that she knew at least one witness in her
courtroom was having difficulty with the truth.

It was no big surprise for the judge to see a discrepancy in the stories – after all, she has doubted the legitimacy of the sting operation from the beginning. But Judge Patel did appear to find it peculiar when
McMahon revealed that the pictures that McMahon gave to Tenenbaum had
been up on the Lake County Sheriff’s website, available to the public to access at will.

“They were what we would call ‘trophy photos,’” the sergeant explained.
“Individual law enforcement officers at the scene would have cameras and take pictures. We would take them because it’s remarkable – 32,000
plants on the side of the highway.”

Although he used the term “we,” McMahon didn’t mean to refer to himself. As he claimed, he took none of the photos, saying, “I was too busy to
take pictures.” But, he asserted, all of the photos that were up on the Lake County Sheriff’s website were taken by law enforcement officers.
When asked whether these pictures could be considered evidence, he
casually agreed that they might be.
11:28 You’re referring to a simple little clerical error. Don’t suppose that a misspelled name is equivalent to a list of falsified endorsements. If you’re going to nit-pick, you should realize that the links at the bottom of Rodney’s web page don’t work. Perhaps you should start an internal affairs investigation and place all those responsible for the bad links on administrative leave.
The DEA may consider the Garzoli case closed. However I think that if we the people (taxpayers/voters) put some pressure on congressman Mike Thompson and others. The DEA may have to take a real look at the case regarding "misuse of Public Funds". So let's start calling his office and writing letters about this abuse of taxpayers money under Sheriff Mitchell.

12:10. Do you have a link for that story?
Just a quick morning reminder, we have been getting a lot of information through the secure e-mail system over the past week, from inside and outside, for those of you who have information and do not want to post on the public thread, use the g-mail account This has turned out to very effective for us and for the gathering of inside information, we appreciate it very much. We think Mitchell would be quite surprised to know who inside his regime his throwing his ass under the bus.
8;55 There once was a guy named Rod
He and his boys like to commit Fraud
One day the people spoke up and said
Rod we are tired of your Fraud
so the election came and he was soon gone
Does anyone have any information on a possible termination at the SO it was reported yesterday it may be c. brown. We had also received some information that there was something stirring in the SO, any updates please post.
Think of some good questions you want Jon Hopkins to answer and submit them to mandyfeder@yahoo, who is still taking questions for the debate Tuesday night at the courthouse. Call 263-5636x32.

Ask that question on county vehicles, endorsements, Perdock, you have an opportunity to hear what two other attorneys would say, use it to your advantage.
Here is a set of questions we are going to submit for the questions, now let's see if any of these actually get asked:

1. Mr. Hopkins are you qoing to look at the long and close relationship between Garzoli and DEA agent Burkhart, since Burkhart knows exactly what happened with the training using grant money?

2. Mr. Hopkins have you listened to the Garzoli audio video from his KGO call in where he admits the issue between Mitchell and himself?

3. Mr. Hopkins has county counsel given you the Garzoli transcripts off the internet helo forum where Garzoli admits to flying and training on the public dime?

4. Mr. Hopkins will you question Mitchell concerning his lie, when he said he knew nothing of the Garzoli flights, then said "not to the extent".?

5. Mr. Hopkins do you wish now you would not have made the "infamous" drunken sailor comment on the court house steps?

6. Mr. Hopkins you have one of the worse guilty as originally charged conviction rates in the state, why is your record so bad in this area?

7. Mr. Hopkins what was Mitchell's involvement in the decision to charge Dinius and not Perdock?

8. Mr. Hopkins how should the county handle the deep and difficult level of neoptism that exists in the government, and what level of disclosure should be created for public viewing?

9. Mr. Hopkins will you give updates every couple of weeks on your progress will looking into the Garzoli situation?

10. Mr. Hopkins does the pat on the back that Mitchell gave you after the BOS meeting suggest you two are in collusion and cover-up, and you really did not want to be forced to look into the Garzoli situation.

Well there is the first 10 we could go on and on, perhaps the more we submit the better chance they will use one eh?
Has he been drinking early this morning? Oh that's right corruption supporters breakfast is orange juice and vodka got it.
Ok we will leave dipsticks post's up, it seems to make him happy. Hey what ever we can do to help out the mentality of the lower class corruption supporters. Just the nice guys we are.
7:12 You can see how incompetent McMahon,Garzoli and Berkhart are as a team. You would think at least one of them could get it right.
Well there is the first 10 we could go on and on

McMahon took pictures off the sheriff's site that could have been considered evidence? And sent them to his "informant?" And then lied about it? McMahon is now working on Mitchell's Campaign Staff, Would it be fair to say that Mitchell is using McMahon's "many talents" to try and get reelected?
11:29 Your right you are not in our county, So stay out of our business. Maybe a call to your "boss" is in order?
There once was a dude named Mitchell,
who go himself in a pickle,
when garzoli crashed,
they went right after his a**
and next year, Mitchell won't
make a nickle!
There once was the DEA,
and Garzoli thought Hey, Hey
I'll learn how to fly, kiss Lake
County bye, bye
and just make the taxpayers pay!
Congrats to Tom Carter. Hope all is going well AND hope that you put the criminals in their place. Behind bars or out on the street without a clue what hit em!!!
Please get on track. Do we want a new sheriff and a new DA or is the main focus childhood behavior?
Mitchell kids are at it again.
Back story, I lived in another state long ago where I was raised. The DA of my County tried a case against an accessory to a crime similar to Hopkins trial of Hughes. The same thing happened, the man who actually killed the would be burglar killed an innocent woman because she walked across his yard after dark two years after the original murder. The press went nuts, newspaper, television, radio, they butchered the DA. He ended up resigning amidst an official inquiry, the bottom line is he ignored the fact that the man who killed two people had a history of mental illness and drug abuse and everyone in the County believed had the DA not resigned charges may have been filed against him.

I doubt that charges can be brought against Hopkins, however, it could happen. But what can be done is contacting every newspaper, tv station, etc across the country and share this story with them. Bring some heat down on Hopkins. He lives for his face being on television and having his name in print, let him die by it! I've begun contacting various news outlets from their websites and so far all of them have a contact us link to submit information. Hopkins should have and could have foreseen that a man capable of murdering someone who was already shot and fleeing is certainly capable of murdering someone innocent. I encourage everyone to visit news outlets, go on the offensive and put Mr. Hopkins on the defensive. He sucks as a prosecutor, let's see how good he is at defending himself.
It is amazing to me to see how many people are willing to go down with the sinking Sheriff/DA ship, you guys come on you've got to look at this thing with a clearer view. Oh wait a minute, that's right they said the titanic was unsinkable. Stupid me! Here come's the ice-berg, hope you can get to one of those life rafts cause you all ain't going to fit, if your smart join us now, it's not to late.
Tues. May 2nd Mitchell said
Sheriff Rod Mitchell did not release information about the crash until 6 p.m. Monday, two days after the crash, and then issued a press release after being asked about the incident by reporters.
The sheriff said there was no delay in reporting the boating accident. He said his office does not normally issue press releases on Sundays.
"It's typically done the next business day," Mitchell said.
Wed.May 3rd Mitchell said

Mitchell defended the length of time it took for him to issue a press advisory about the accident. Nearly 48 hours passed from the time of the accident to the release issued Monday afternoon.
Mitchell said he thought it best for him to gather the available information and write the press release himself, rather than staff members junior to Perdock. Mitchell said he was concerned about the appearance of a conflict of interest because Perdock is the department's No. 2 administrator.
"I'm his boss. I don't have to worry about that," said Mitchell.......In the meantime, Mitchell said Perdock will remain on the job.
"Everything about this case, however, is off-limits to him. Everything," said Mitchell.
Mitchell said Perdock is a trusted assistant, who's been with the department for nearly 20 years. "He's a good, decent man," said Mitchell.
Blood alcohol samples were voluntarily given by Perdock, sailboat owner Weber and a friend, Bismark Dinius of Carmichael.
Mitchell said the samples have been sent to the state Department of Justice, where it could take several days or longer before the results are known. "Given my chief deputy's involvement, I wished I had them in front of me right now," said Mitchell.
To those of you that doubt this blog will have a positive effect on our communities, think again. I've been contacted twice with offers to help resolve my conserns.It's been over two years that I've had to live with the non-action from LE but if what I've been told in the last few days is true, justice for my cause is right around the corner. I'll post the outcome and until then, take note that the good apples out number the bad ones.
I have looked at all the postings from the very beginning, you guys have postings from former LE like the Ringen post and many others currently working inside the DA and sheriff's office, nailing Mitchell and the corruption in the system, this is just my two cents but in the long run, I think the local LE and their bosses are in big trouble, I have been hearing alot on the streets lately concerning this blog, so that's why I went on here. This will be interesting to watch. Good luck, and by the way I was in law enforcement for over 15 years, and I in my few years up here have never seen such a dis-functional spinning LE organization. The organization I was with, was for the citizens and we worked in concert with them not as enemies. And believe me the local citizens of this county are a lot sharper then where I was. My suggestion to the folks posting here, is keep it up, and to the Local LE, you need to think twice about what your upper management has done to you.
Carol Stambuk is the Executor to Lynns Estate. This is the correct information. Don't know about Carol Stanbach. I'm sure Rivero has people working on his site and as soon as it was made known that there was error, he corrected it, unlike Mitchell and his I Don't Care Attitude, and lack of oversight of management! G

Lovelace: I rec'd a very disturbing message last night. I will be using the gmail to get this info to you. G
Ok- email has been sent. Let me know that you rec'd it, very important! G me, we talked outside the driveway at the high school the night the public wasn't invited.
Spent the afternoon at the Tulip hill winery, Lot of sampling going on. Some had too much sampling. Not one SO did a walk through. Not one drove by on hy 20.......Dedicated to Lake County: Sheriff Mitchell is proud to be a part of a county filled with good and hard-working people. He appreciates that agriculture is the primary fuel for the county's economic engine -- not merely some quaint fixture of a rural community.
G answered to your e-mail
7:22, Well you'd at least think he could spell her name right, since he had her listed twice. Oh, he also has Lenny Matthews listed twice, (Not alphabetically correct I might add). Tony Papworth is from Australia as is I suspect his wife who is also listed. How many of his endorsements are from Lake County? Inquiring minds want to know. Very few it appears. Looks nice, but I doubt they're registered to vote here. When you get down to it, it's typical of his character...All smoke and mirrors, very little substance.
Read the list again, it says Jerry and Mary ann McQueen, not George Sr. or George Jr. and his wife Marsha, who was accused of embezzelment. I know George and I don't believe he did it. Part was a loan and part was a gift. The paper work was not done properly and it made George look guilty. (I wonder if Martina Santor was involved in this case?) I know of another case in the south part of the Lake were another couple was listed as the benificery to a man who died and when the family protested the Judge froze the bank accounts and all the bills that needed to be paid are in limbo. The lawers said only in Lake Co. would a Judge do something like that without hearing both sides of the story. And why is it when some old person dies guys like Andy Davidson and a few others drop what they are doing and rush to the scene? And guys like Gary Frace get away with what they did. The whole Finacial elder abuse department needs to be investigated.
By the way, George did his time and moved away. While he was in jail he kept a daily log of all the abuses of the SO and jailers. George if your out there, gmail Lovelace about that book. Sorry to air out your laundry George, but now is the time when we can help each other out.
Post 10:16- FYI Tony has a hell of alot of connections here in this county. Have you heard of Sailing Anarchy? Well, how about fear and loathing? Look them up and you just may learn more than you think you already know! G

Lovelace will go check email now!
Batman call me at my office.

I liked George, he was good to my kid who was troubled at the time. I know he was convicted but there are always two sides to every story. 10:47 you are "spot on" as you like to to you! You know who.
BTW is that all you got?? 11:03!
I went to the Mitchell site to see what was there. I find it interesting all the K-9 dog photos.
Seems like Mitchell really likes dogs, yet he did not even discuss the dog shooting with Brian Martin, the dog that was ran over with Bingham - Seems to be such a joke with these guys.
11:10, check out 10:47 that is Lake County Law Enforcement reality!
This is G - replied to your email
11:03 - Put some visine in those eyes of yours. Read it again you dumbass! Go get the dictionary and look up the word connections and while your at it look up alot! He doesn't need to be living in this county to get the word out who he wants voted in. Sailing Anarchy is kinda like your GOB Network if you havent noticed. The difference is, they are for the people not the corrupt as I take it your for. Mark my words and the last laugh with be on you lmfao - G
I live in an RV park where tenants are not allowed to receive mail. An office i did business nevertheless sent a notice that my check had bounced to my physical address. (They're not the only ones; other businesses have felt that surely my residence address, being more specific, must be a "better" address.) When someone with a key to the inner part of the mailbox (probably the owner's agent) finds mail addressed to a tenant, they're throwing it away. So i didn't know my check had bounced until the matter had already been turned over to the DA. They were quick to pounce on that, but they haven't lifted a finger to investigate the mail theft. The investigator, whom i think of a John Uglymouth, didn't talk like an investigator for a DA's office--he talked like some thug who entertains himself by setting small animals on fire. This DA hires punks.
P.S. to 3/28 12:21 AM--I gave a letter about my case to the DA office's receptionist, and the office has no record of having received any written communication from me. So either letters aren't making it to the office or someone(s) in the office is also committing mail theft.
In re. 3/24, 8:00 PM--Anyone know what "...'Ski' smacks a 'Jose'" means?
Also--3/25, 8:59 PM--What's the list of businesses about?
Hey is Frace the Ace on Duty tonight? a turd and I can prove it!
Hey Frace can't fight his a** out of wet paper bag, he is the lyingest piece of shit I have ever known. Asswipe!
I'll give you his address....if you need it. :)
Roll out and talk to his woman & I;ll give you Dutra too as a bonus :)
Talk of CLPD. Carl Miller found to have open exposure to his facebook page. Incriminating evidence turned in on his posts. Since, he has set his page to private! Something about drinking and driving and bragging about it on his page is all I could get.
The next Sheriff must move the Department forward, not backwards like Sheriff Mitchell has done. The next Sheriff must build a positive relationship with the citizens of Lake Co. Sheriff Mitchell has built a wall between the Department and the Citizens. The Citizens of Lake Co. don't trust the Department or it's members currently. The Next Sheriff must have a POA(plan of action) from day one, to start rebuilding this relationship with the citizens. Every person regardless of their social status should be treated with respect and not like criminal. I hope to see Sheriff Mitchell at the unemployment office next January and see a new Sheriff elected. Sixteen years of mismanagement will come to an end.
Sixteen years of the Department not having an set direction will end. Sixteen years of broken promises will end. Sixteen years of Sheriff Mitchell getting paid for his failings will also end. Our next Sheriff will be RIVERO. Rivero has the plan and they will work.
Thank you for your time
Hey that list can go on:
Sixteen years of abuse of power will also end. Sixteen years of no management will end. Sixteen years of selective treatment of employees will end. Sixteen years of Mitchell closing his eyes will end. Sixteen years of Mitchell of cover ups will end.

8:10 posted by X

12:24 AM Wow! I've heard of a situation that a complete report turned in the DA's office disappeared along with evidence.
Question. How can you be proud of the SO, if upper management is corrupt? You can't unless your part of it.
Rod Mitchell's endorsements.
David Meek is this the same as Meek Construction?
Dr. Bill Kearney? He's a pharmacist and has Northlake Pharmacy no Phd or MD, no doctor.

Batman here just a few points for the people who seem to gather in herds and wander around the blogs, complaining about free speech. They never do any work mind you, just sit on their ass and hit the blogs with their corruption BS. Ok so listen we are going to make it real easy for you. You don't run the site, we do, you did not set it up we did, of course we have an agenda dumbass, here let me post our position statement for you then we will comment further.

No single individual can go head to head with these criminal organizations, but collectively we can see to it that they are disbanded and that new, prudent leadership emerges. We urge all individuals to post what information they have, keep abreast of the content on this page, and stay true to the cause of removing these people from power and restoring our freedoms and liberties.

Ok now that you have figured that out, here is what is on our front page

Sheriff Mitchell / D.A. Hopkins Watch
This is a forum for detailing the corruption in Rodney Mitchell's Lake County Sheriff's Department and Jon Hopkins' District Attorney's Office.

So frankly we don't want to hear your whinning, you are not in charge, you are not concerned about scope creep if you can figure out what that is. Our focus is very defined, and we must maintain some sense of direction while trying not to take to many posts down, with the exception of caps, and profanity, or totally unrelated issues. You guys can't spit straight let alone run a site. So shut up, go do something, join us, find a cause, stop being ignorant.
Below is s comment from an individual who posted this several months ago, we have since been in contact with him again, we felt it was important to re-post his first message to our site, it indeed was quite telling and accurate...Take a read.

Interesting blog, ladies and gentlemen, I live in the far north of this state and have been tracking these types of blogs for nearly a year now. I run a nationwide cop watch organization, we work pretty much under darkness as we find we get much more done that way.

This blog trend is growing 10 fold a month in most states I won't go into the reasons for this right now, but just wanted to give you all my two cents worth. Here it is.

What's happening on this site is very typical as the site begins to unfold, and take its own course. To all the cops who have posted on this, and I have read the entire thread, you are talking the same talk as all others do, in other states and this state. It usually goes like this for the ones defending their postion and or their boss. First you here the "people give me hugs, and shake my hand and I am a good little soldier, and I hate this stupid blog page, and you hippies and lowlifes, and Jailbirds are just toothless crazy's and on and on. Get over it, your a cop period, it's just a job, your not amazing, your not a hero, your a cop. You get no credit other then having a job, you get up every morning, have a cup of coffee, and march your ass off to work like everyone else. So cut with the cry me a river.

To those corrupt cops who post as if they are the intelligent ones, you ain't smart, you in fact have less of a clue then most, you just think you have it figured out.

In closing, who ever the good cops have been that have been willing to join this fray, and speak out, you have the power, you are the hero's
trust me I have seen this before, your boss and the powers in place will be going down.
To who ever started this blog, keep up the pressure, don't try to play this game their way, these guys are nastier then you might think despite everything written so far, they are on the inside even worse.

To others posting keep posting I will be watching this, and others as well, we are in a growing police state, keep aware, don't give any ground, archive everything on here and use it. Get it to others!!!!! Use every means at your disposal, I can tell you by the sound of the law inforcement folks on here, you have hit a nerve.
The time is running shorter then you think for the elections, for those that have not contacted Rivero and volunteered for helping him, please do so. Frank as well will need what ever donations you can afford to help us election cause as well as the hard street work that is necessary, knocking on doors, making phone calls putting up signs etc etc. There is s sense out there that is the current trend continue Frank has a real opportunity to close this deal on the first run in June. Remember the only locked in votes Mitchell has are those associated with his corrupt cops and the business owners who have endorsed him, the Borgie's and Fowlers of the world, who do not want change who do not want us to be here, and who do not understand what really has been happening in this county over the past 15 years of the Mitchell regime. So make sure you are signed up to vote, make sure that anyone you know gets signed up, we have to make a stand at the voting booth and no one can have a reason why they cannot vote this June. Contact Frank and do what ever you can to assist him.
Talk of CLPD. Carl Miller found to have open exposure to his facebook page. Incriminating evidence turned in on his posts. Since, he has set his page to private! Something about drinking and driving and bragging about it on his page is all I could get.
# posted by Anonymous : March 28, 2010 7:25 AM

You know what I have read some of the posting on Facebook and I can tell you someone is pulling your legs and things are posted so you can pass along bogus happenings, I think it is funny you took the bait.
Karl Miller is a great cop I happen to know him from a call I made a little while back, courteous, honest, straight forward and no nonsense approach to what I had to deal with.
If you want to pick at someone at CPD try the top Dog I along with many cannot stomach him, and the sooner he leaves the better off the dept will be for darn sure. Just check the topix blog many have posted there hoping he gets fired, the rank and file feeling about him if He only knew.

What ever happen to the CPD officer getting arrested in Colusa Co. for DUI. I think he was the one involved in the shooting.
Well Ed, just how do you feel about drinking and driving? Be careful in answering that question. How do you also feel about cops who drink and drive and get a free pass if stopped, or make it known ahead of time not to pull them over for they are out to quote "Get their Drunk On". Now go ahead and answer these questions and we will see just where your mentality is on this issue!



During the course of the last several months when our first model was developed and put into action our site and the involvment of the citizens has grown to level's we never thought would be acheived in such a short period of time. Essentially we, in our planning knew we had to set up a "stage" for the citizens, an avenue for communications never seen before in the past 15 years of Mr. Mitchells Regime in combination with Mr. Hopkins. The information that has come to us from a massive number of different sources has built and grown our site and the contributions of the citizens to levels and accomplishments this county has never seen before.

This message is to let you sheriff Mitchell, and you John Hopkins as well as the members of the BOS know we are very alive and doing very well. No longer will the will of the people be pushed down, no longer will the collusion and corruption have a place in this county. The issue's are vast and difficult to overcome, as for to many years has the status quo within our county goverment and LE been the rule of the day. The good news is the rules are changing.

We are now in the process of "networking" with other watch organizations throughout the state one of those is the Redwood Curtain to the north of us. Their position statement is below:

Redwood Curtain CopWatch, based in the north coast of California, is part of a larger movement of self organized CopWatch groups throughout the US. Our local efforts seek to intervene in the drastic rise of the presence, militarization, and violence of the police, and build support networks based on self-determination, caring, and concrete needs.

This organization along with several others is the start of a coalition of good citizens that are determined to put an end to the antics and corruption that has been demonstrated over the past many years in this and other counties. Our model from the beginning was based on an understanding that the systems of corrupt government and police forces are entrenched in a community through years of complacent and ignorant objection by the communities those entities are suppose to serve. Again this will no longer be the case in our county and each of you will be held accountable for your actions, this, along with total transparency and disclosure will be the new model in this county.
Mr. Mitchell, it is an easy task to look at the current condition of your department and see the utter failure of your organization, would you have been runniing a business as a CEO or president, the shareholders would have thrown you out years ago, consider the citizens the shareholders, and the end game is clear.

To the BOS, we, from our first days of opening our blog have asked you to ask sheriff Mitchell and DA Hopkins to step down, we knew it was the right thing to do, and you refused over and over your claim was it would seem political, and or you had a fear of Sheriff Mitchell, we suspect the later more then anything. Now it should be clear that if you had followed our advice your standing in the community would have been far better then it currently is. This is a sad statement of both your moral and ethical standards, and this to must change. Although we all know you are politicians first and servants of the people last, your model of operation will have to change following the elections.

We, in the beginning had conversations with nearly every supervisor, each of those supervisors had very negative opinions of both sheriff Mitchell and Mr. Hopkins, we have sat with some of you, talked with others and each and every time it was the same negative outlook on our county if Mitchell and Hopkins were to remain in power. We had one tell us that we better watch out as Mitchell was going to come after them! This is how you like our county to be run, this is the model you suscribe to? This indeed is a sad commentary.

In closing we will say to the BOS it is time to begin your planning for what will be the new system of operation in this county, funded citizens oversight groups, the citizens and the LE working in concert with each other for the better good of the community. Priorities established by the citizens, and actions being determined by the citizens. To the BOS members; the evolution of this county will take place, it has happend in many other communities and it will happen here. There is pain in this process and we know some of you are fearful of the changes and the open forum that will be necessary, but it will be done, and in time you will see the totality of our movement and when you join us in this directional change you finally will build an honest and transparent system of government which serves the people as its objective. We post below the single line description of the current conditon in our county, and that same condition that must and will change.

Corruption is authority plus monopoly minus transparency.”
Where I see it with the above post is this. If your wearing a uniform and want the respect of the citizens while inforcing the law, you can not on the other hand do exactly what you arresting others for doing while out of uniform. This is the double standard. This is part of the GOB Network and this will not be tolerated! Now poster are you sure it is Carl Miller? I think there might be two other Millers within that Dept.
TO all this is said by me and to the point This system is govern by dishonest bureaucrats that forgot their purpose with the oath took by them. It has become convenient for them to lie. not one of them have said that my words are not true or that I have been dishonest calling them liars. And with the passing of time more are finding out just how dishonest they have become. It has become a ends to their means to govern. Most may not know what is going on but we do know that it reeks to high heaven.I have said all these years you can't have good government with dishonest people. We are seeing part of their ends now.Thanks to Lovelace
So how about it, are LE allowed to drink and drive, DUI, then get away with it? You have got to be friggen kidding! If you were good at being corrupt, this site would not bother you. Have fun being sued, and kicked out of office and fire the yahoos!!! LOL!!!!
To the Lovelace group, I have lived in this county for over 25 years, I must say I did vote for Mitchell many times, not anymore in fact I am sorry for those votes cast in the past. I read the message sent to the supervisors and Mitchell and was really struck by it, and has caused me to put my first comment on this page. I will be passing this on to other people that I know. Thank you and keep up the good work!
Sheriff Mitchell, you have failed, people regret voting for you, and no longer want you as thier sheriff. Looks like you have made quite a mess, and the good folks of this county are removing you! You only have yourself to blame, but feel free to take your fellow corrupt boys down with your sinking ship! I am having fun watching you fail, and soon, it will be goodbye!!!!!! :)
Hey James glad to see you up and posting, we have missed you, hope you are feeling better. Please send an e-mail to the account and we will talk with you soon.
You said it right on Lovelace, now everybody get out and vote vote vote in June.

So let me get this straight. You state that whatever was posted on this facebook page was all BS and setup there as Bait? Bait for what? Is this the way our LE are doing their jobs now? From home on the computer? Gezz man, what a true DumbAss as stated above. Now this is some kind of role model that we the citizens want protecting us, from home, behind the computer and under the influence. You really made a point here ED just not for the right side! Once again on the Tax Payers Dime stated by ED himself! LMFAO No matter which way you turn buddy, your getting the boot!
Hey I am Ed and I did not post anything whoever is using my handle needs to knock it off as I am square with this blog just ask the LoveLace Group. Now that name stealing tickes me off really bad. So don't give me the boot I didn't do anything.
beside I have no contact with CPD or facebook or myspace for that matter a waste of my time reasing.
The Real ED
reading sorry new at keybord

As there has been a bit of conversation concerning IP addresses and changing them, the above link when you go to that page will show you your IP address, you can then unplug you modem/internet connection for 5 to 10 minutes, go back to that page and see what it says your IP address is. I have done this many times and unpluging my modem changes my IP every time. There are much more complicated aspects of IP's as in static IP's and such, however this is a tried and true method for a lot of people who want to change their IP at regular intervals, try it on your internet system and see if it works for you.
Ed check your e-mail, we were wondering what had happened, we can create a method of you posting using a different set up if you desire. If XXXX was nailing someone it wasn't personal to you, given that was not you, so hope we are square. You are square with Lovelace and XXXX is will be alright with that, she was hammering who ever that was though. :-)
are you people that afraid that someone is going to find out who you are? I am not, not at all.
Oh yes if you have DSL you ip will not ne deteced as to where you are look it up and enter your ip and then you will see it can be anywhere in the world.

Clearlake Oaks
Lovelace; IF you did not get my e-mail Rogin Loxley has it. Thanks
Ed - This is XXXX, the post was to whoever wrote it. I know knowing of you nor the person who did write it. Nothing personal towards you just the DumbAss who wrote it! Who by the way can't answer a few logical questions, so they must be part of the corruption supporters!
Batman and Lovelace check you gmail! G
Unfortunately, the DHCP server that you get your IP address from does track who is using which IP address and when.
That information is put out relative to the IP address's not as a perfect method of anonymity but as a step that one can take to hide the trail a bit better, there are many factors, but whatever people can do to help is why we post this information, there is a difference between the record bee gatheriing IP's and a full tilt FBI investigation, however we are not in the FBI scope of concern...:-}..These are all helpful ideas so that we reduce big brother involvment in what we are trying to do as citizens.
I am a female and have lived in Lake County for 36 years. I was victimized by a deputy of the LCSO when I was 28 years old. I did everything the right way and went through the "proper channels". A lot of good that did me. The SO and the DA's office both ran me out of town. When I finally got the courage to come back and speak up all they did was cover it up. To make matters worse, the deputy is STILL working for the SO. I really hope that Rivero is elected sheriff.
Thank you post 6:48 we know of many this has happened to, can you send an e-mail if we do not know who you are and your story. To
Also there waa a post earlier listing the e-mail address as blogspot, it is not the correct e-mail the correct is the one we just listed.
Can anyone give information on why Liz Larsens husband left the Record Bee, his name I believbe is Jim Jensen when he was at the B, there are some interesting stories surrounding this, any input would be appreciated.
This Post is for Pat McMhone, Last Friday after many years of not voting I registered to vote. Therefor in June I will be personally canceling your vote. And if your wife votes, My wife will cancel hers.
excellent post 6:58 and that is the way it should be looked at. We will cancel all the ignorant votes and come out on top in the end, thanks for the support and for posting.
Marty is doing 3 minute career make overs on 810 am until 10:00 Pm. Dave and Russ, If you start calling now you might get on the air.
Give it up bozo, post 8:20 PM. What don't you get about citizens coming together with a united front to rid our county of the non-responsive. I'm not officially a Lovelace member but I support their cause. When I cast my vote it will not be for Hopkins or Mitchell. You can live in your world of denial but many citizens are fed up with the status quo.
Lovelace is not alone. I am not lovelace but they are my friends although I have never met them. I bring to the Lovelace table my friends and family. Our vote will not be for mitchell or hopkins. As it stands we will be voting for Rivero and Anderson. You can laugh and say we have no friends but since you don't know who we are, you just might be surprized about our ability to get our friends to vote for Rivero.
Oh no, Rivero will win on his very own you will see. Mitchell he carries too...much baggage internal Agency investigations, wrongful terminations, civil violations and false investigations, to many about-faces and just not paying attention to his job. That spells troubles. Mitchell's troubles. Officers breaking the law, beyond the law and above the law but not equal with the law.
Even other counties know how bad the corruption is here in Lake County. We have one chance and that is Rivero, he has offered and we must make it work, he will clean up the SO and restore it, as it should be with respect. Rivero will have much more knowledge than Mitchell when all had to do was manage the vegetables. (so they say)

Rivero for Sheriff a change we all need
I'm not a lovelace and actually find the name lovelace really amusing but besides that I am not voting for Mitchell or Hopkins. Rivero and Anderson are getting my votes. And I am not voting for Luschinger or however you spell it. Way too many "businesses" behind her and no educators. She also used her candidate petitions as support petitions. A lot of people are annoyed that their names are showing up on her website. Not cool. But back to Mitchell. I just noticed he has a a big banner on lakeconews that says 16 years of promises. guess if I click on it, which I haven't, it will say 16 years of broken promises?
Listen post 8:20, you do realize you are the only corruption supporter posting today right. We don't want to sound to negative to you, but doesn't this show you something, you are like the last hold out in a fort surrounded, waving your gun as if you will stop an army of citizens from doing what is right. In some ways I think you want to join our cause, but your only way of hiding it is lashing out, but in such an ignorant manner i.e. quano man? etc.

post 8:45 and 8:31 thank's for smacking our old friend around, seems he needs a beating a day or something, actually he, no doubt, would be lost for something to do if he didn't have this to do. :-}
All for Rivero and Anderson! Dump Mitchell and Hopkins.
This is a re-post of part 2 of our e-mail communication to the BOS Mitchell and other county individuals. This morning. Part 1 can be found in this mornings comments.

Mr. Mitchell, it is an easy task to look at the current condition of your department and see the utter failure of your organization, would you have been runniing a business as a CEO or president, the shareholders would have thrown you out years ago, consider the citizens the shareholders, and the end game is clear.

To the BOS, we, from our first days of opening our blog have asked you to ask sheriff Mitchell and DA Hopkins to step down, we knew it was the right thing to do, and you refused over and over your claim was it would seem political, and or you had a fear of Sheriff Mitchell, we suspect the later more then anything. Now it should be clear that if you had followed our advice your standing in the community would have been far better then it currently is. This is a sad statement of both your moral and ethical standards, and this to must change. Although we all know you are politicians first and servants of the people last, your model of operation will have to change following the elections.

We, in the beginning had conversations with nearly every supervisor, each of those supervisors had very negative opinions of both sheriff Mitchell and Mr. Hopkins, we have sat with some of you, talked with others and each and every time it was the same negative outlook on our county if Mitchell and Hopkins were to remain in power. We had one tell us that we better watch out as Mitchell was going to come after them! This is how you like our county to be run, this is the model you suscribe to? This indeed is a sad commentary.

In closing we will say to the BOS it is time to begin your planning for what will be the new system of operation in this county, funded citizens oversight groups, the citizens and the LE working in concert with each other for the better good of the community. Priorities established by the citizens, and actions being determined by the citizens. To the BOS members; the evolution of this county will take place, it has happend in many other communities and it will happen here. There is pain in this process and we know some of you are fearful of the changes and the open forum that will be necessary, but it will be done, and in time you will see the totality of our movement and when you join us in this directional change you finally will build an honest and transparent system of government which serves the people as its objective. We post below the single line description of the current conditon in our county, and that same condition that must and will change.

Corruption is authority plus monopoly minus transparency.”
Evening Pat
Hey Pat, What is your connection to Koford?
How come Koford isn't on Mitchell's list?
When I see Doug I'll tell him you said hi.
Hey 9:45 PM You aren't that fed up with this forum if you're posting here. Okay, you cast your vote for those non-deserving and I'll cast my vote my way and guess what? We cancel each other out and the rest of the crew keeps on chuggin along to victory. No hard feelings, I was raised to be kind to the underdog.
Flash to the citizens of Lake county, we have had this potential information for roughly a week now but held it to gather more information before posting. None the less for now we will post the following: It appears in a move of total arrogance and unfair discipline practices as usual for Mitchell Mike Morshed has been terminated from employment. It appears that since Mitchell was not able to get anything on Morshed concerning the items seized in the search warrant, a new and totally different set of charges were filed, these are bizarre to say the least, and has to do with a LCN article concerning hidden listening radios and whole host of other bizzare creations, by Mitchell. We held back initially as we found it hard to believe Mitchell would go to these levels to go after someone, while he continues to leave Garzoli and Perdock on admin leave, and the BOS sit and watch. Citizens post your thoughts and information. Again we felt it was better to hold off on this information for at least a week while we confired and then tried to put together the strang and odd reasons for this happening. More updates to come later today.

We are also working on another odd situation concerning the LCN and will be getting that information to you in the next day or so, as we gather the facts.

Good morning
One more law suit against the taxpayer of Lake Co. under Mitchell Admin. Mitchell truly has no clue on how to manage a Department or anything else. He allows Garzoli to misuse public funds (a crime). He keeps paying Perdock our tax dollars for not working (early retirement). He fails to supervise ranger masters. What a total failure this Mitchell is.

Although the subject of the morning is the Morshed incident, we wanted to let you know that Rivero has been hitting the streets hard, he was with the Veterans association this weekend, and had a great meeting with them, many people came up to him, he got a lot of support of his election cause, and there are a lot of unhappy veterans in this county right now, and it looks like they are throwing their support directly to Rivero!! Great Job Frank, the soles of your shoes are going to be worn out before this election is over!!!
Someone please pull up the LCN article, and post it on the blog, there are connections to this article and other untoward issues associated with this article the Morshed termination, the perceived facts of the article and some very poor communications that came from LCN to other individuals who it appears tried to call LCN on the validity of the article in that paper.
Here we go again with another law suit caused by our corrupt sheriff Mitchell. He keeps his boys Perdock and Garzoli on paid vacation! Perdock killed a person and Garzoli steals DEA money, crashes a helicopter he is taking flying lessons in with out permission and gives kiddie rides. BOS you need to wake up!!
805 This has to do with the old radio on the table. The old radio that hadn't been turn in because he was told to hang on to it. So, that means another wrongful termination if he can prove Mitchell was aware of it. Perdock can kill and commit perjury, Garzoli can fly and misuse the publics funds. Rod can lie to the BOS, fail his job and these ponies are still working.
They can commit attempted murder of MIA perhaps. Refer to Topix this morning. Someone is trying to come in with hard evidence. See the Topix before it is removed. An Alert for Rainbow Man.
A sad commentary indeed, and the other question is this. We all know LCN and someone in the Record Bee and the BOS knew of the termination, who instructed them to keep it quiet, this was part of the reason for us waiting to announce we wanted to see what the level of collusion was with our local media. They hide behind the media badge and it appears at the same time doing the bidding for the LE and the BOS. This is why an alternative source is necessary in this county, this is why this site has grown so quickly, the people needed a different source for information as it appears even the press wants to tell the citizens what they do and don't need to know.

One more note on the media idea, it appears to us that given the dyanmics of this election, would it not have been prudent for both the media publications to not take election ads, as you can see the LCN is posting a big banner ad for Mitchell right on their front page. We only have two media outlets in this county, and it appears their interest is in revenue generation, the media is suppose to be unbias, and in an election such as this they should have taken the high ground, not the money!!!
Please post the topix, address on the internet I tried to get their but could not, can someone please post the url address so I can get to that forum as well. Thanks
Under what Thread on topix?
"16 years of promises kept." Would you remind me when you informed us that you would railroad someone for another in your department if need be.TO hear you talk you knew nothing of all that was going on, you lead and they follow you. your troops show just how bad a leader you are. when cohesiveness is lost you get a new leader not reward the old one. I am proud to have looked you in the eyes and told you so ."You need to go." time and too many people you screwed with have caught up to you. You are the result of misused power for to long you allowed arrogance to take hold. You have corrupted all around you so they would keep you.
The only thing the record bee newspaper is good for is the wrap fish in. Lake Co. (LCN) news is not much better. Ms. Larson doesn't always get the facts. Both news papers are afraid to little boy Rodney and his habit of pay backs. If they would only stand-up to him and investigate things like good a media source would do.
Haven't been on Topix before, so where ever the current discussions are taking place, not sure how it works. Thanks for the help.
Yes, when you see that LCN is posting Rodneys ads, how much reporting are they going to do on Mitchell, if they hit to hard they will lose that revenue on the ads, this is the problem in our local Media.
you state flawed evidence that deemed they terminate Morshed? I would think they couldn't do that. There must be something else not reveled to the public. The powers that be are not going to set themselves up for a valid law suit. See if you can find out more than is posted so far.
What is this about attempted MURDER? Can someone please explain!
MIa is not the only one mentioned on topix. So is someone by the name of Renee Burkdoll. Something about a page. Does anyone have info on this?
Sixteen years of Mitchell failing to Supervise his Command Staff !!!
Sixteen years of Mitchell not giving any direction to his command staff!!!
Sixteen years of discrimination!!!
Sixteen years of selective treatment of certain individuals within the Department !!!
Sixteen years of Mitchell not caring about the Citizens of Lake CO.
Sixteen years of Mitchell failings will come to an end, when we elected RIVERO SHERIFF.
It doesn't appear LCN has any neutrality in this election. I thought they were above the RB. Now they run their opinion "ated" news. Must say Noyes was right about smelling some rotten fish here.
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