Thursday, September 10, 2009


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Great post 409 send it on to the e-mail, the album we are putting together is crazy to say the least. The momentum is growing. By the way xx we have removed your posts several times as we know what xx post like and we know who it is. If we were pulling down the real xx they would let us know, we have it set up that way. So nice try, and if you really are xx let us know via the e-mail account as usual. The BOS meeting tomorrow is an important one, this situation has got to change, and this is the BOS opportunity to do the right thing, make a statement, let the people know you have heard us over the past many months. Put out your recommendation that Garzoli be fired now, ask for nothing less and let Mitchell know the party is over on this game. The state, the DEA, the FAA have said go away, if you as the board can't do what is right then for your citizens stop asking us to do it!!!
XX and your point is?? Obviously you don't have a facebook page.
Dave Garzoli is now conducting business as an insurance salesman

Dave Garzoli insurance license number is 0G74659

Dave Garzoli is working for Mark Davis Insurance Agency located in Lakeport and Ukiah.
Best deal I ever got
written by December 21, 2009
Dave's my insurance agent and he saved me almost $750 per year. So love him or hate him, I'd use him again. Flood, home and auto insurance was all cheaper with him.

I second that!
written by December 21, 2009
Dave was the first insurance agent I have ever had that took the time to explain to me what a "split limit" was. It was then I realized I was way underinsured. He sold me a policy that was TWICE the coverage of what I had for $300 less than I was paying FARMERS! Give him a call for sure. Money talks BS Walks!Oh and his secreatary will schedule an appoint with him when he is OFF DUTY! for you haters!!!
Not to jump on the "facebook" band wagon but posts 4:09 and 4:45 are examples of why most Law Enforcement agencies in other parts of the state have policies in place that do not allow their employees to have "my space", "facebook" and other "social networking" pages. As always, Lake County Law Enforcement's management are backwards and not up to date on what is taking place on the internet. Even Clovedale PD has a policy in place over this issue. So Lake County's DA and Law Enforcement employees will continue to "facebook" away and be a continued source of embarrassment to the people of Lake County by allowing anyone in cyber-space to read and see any and all of their stuff e.g. macho (holding a gun) pictures, tatoos and drunken party antics. Way to go people!
Old 12-07-2008, 08:17 PM
Garzoli_187 Garzoli_187 is offline

Real Name: Dave Garzoli
Join Date: Jan 2005
Location: Lakeport, CA
Posts: 367
Re: OT: any pilots here?
Just checking that's all. I got my helicopter license recently and thought I'd see who else was into flying.
Post 641 read the transcripts of the forum page on the insurance issue associated with Garzoli, in a single instant such as yours you may be satisfied, the facts of the matter are that Garzoli indicated he was going to use intimidation tactics to get people to buy insurance, that is not me talking that is Garzoli talking, so we have one of two situations, either he smoked you, and you bought the scam, or you were treated correctly, we don't really care which one it is, as we are quoting what Garzoli said exaactily he was going to do. Do you want us to re-post the conversation, as we can do that. In the end it really does not matter you have to look past your own personal association and look at the whole, this is a guy who is a scam artist, crashed a helo, gave illegal rides to kids, and lied out his ass. He wanted to use and did use public money for his training and no amount of your safisfaction in him changes that.
Post 641 your an idiot, don't throw your bs at this blog we see through it like a clear piece of glass, no one buys it, I don't give a damn if he saved you 1000.00 or 2000.00 dollars what it really means is that you were dumb and over paying in the first place, Garzoli isn't responsible for your stupity. Don't even try to paint a picture of the wonderful Garzoli, it ain't going to fly.
Post 641, the fact of the matter is Garzoli got his license and used the public dime to do it, he talks about that in the transcripts, stop being a shill for Garzoli, it makes you look real stupid.
Don't anyone buy insuranace from Garzoli, he got his license on the public dime, he doesn't set the rates the company he works for does, it is sickening to see such idiots post as if he is gods gift to insurance, get a clue people, you look really dumb posting such crap.
I want to be post 8888...and I agree with the anti-garzoli stuff. LOL
I wouldn't let garzoli walk my dog!
Way way to much cut and pasting, if you have a point make it, we are not here to cut and paste 17 pages of overivew, you read the overview give the fine points and or your opinion, and use your own words, stop with the cut and pasting or we will delete that many paste comments in a row, no one can even figure out what the heck the point is you are trying to make.
If you let Garzoli walk your dog make sure you don't let him walk it by Martins house he might shoot him with a pellet gun.
Well Garzoli, could scare you into buying insurance because of the crime stats that point to a lot of pellet gun injuries to dogs in Martins area!! LOL
Too funny, 8:18 I was just thinking the same thing ROFLMAO!
Why are the citizens so much more witty then the corruption supporters, don't think I have laughed at one of their attempts at humor yet!! I laugh about other things when they post but not the humor.
Hey silcone 7 or 8 or 9 are you out there? Understand you are a wee bit upset at the reactions of people to you and yours, as in your husbands, well well, you have been walking around for to many years thinking your sh*t don't stink, well the smell got pretty bad, and I got to tell you the photo album of you and yours is a sight for sore eyes, why don't you stop whinning so much about the effect this group and Lovelace is having on you and recognize the blame your husbands have for putting you in this position. Some blood must be spilled when change is on the wind, you will have to live with it till the job is done.
I hope you left those posts about Garzoligate up long enough for Mitchell and the BOS to read. They need to be reminded that we don't forget.
Maybe you won't feel the same way when you see what the BOS is going to do at the meeting tomorrow.
Mitchell tries to make his site look like the entire law enforcement community supports him. Look who will not support Mitchell.

Not one person from Clearlake Police.
Not one federal or state Ranger (LEO)
Not one sergeant or police officer from Lakeport PD
Not one Deputy DA.
Only one Deputy DA investigator (but not her husband).
Not one BOS.
Not one from the firefighters.
Not one city counsel member from either city.

6;41 You can't be serious to buy insurance from Garzoli! No way I would not buy anything from someone like him. He is very dishonest so why would you trust him when he lies, cheats and steals. Oh and 6:41 your BS stinks!
8:30, yeah we know you don't forget, but you forgot the other part, you don't get it right either.
so the kid is over and i can use his computer. i heard this site was back up running again but the kid has a life so he says and had plans. he came by at supper time complaining i need a microwave and i told him how to use the stove. now on to the business at hand what ever happened to the x buffalo man who was moving on to greener he leaving or quitting or what. if those that want to lead get lost along the way then we need some better leaders. the da is chopped liver and the nice man who gives cheap rates to helpless ladies gets my vote don anderson is his name. the sheriff job has me scratching my head so will anyone help me decide cause the kid still complains about me not having a remote for the ol tv. he not much good but i love him any ways.
Okay you want one? Here is a few for Rivero:
Deputy Carlos Zepeda
Officer Guillermo Amigo
Commander Kit Crenshaw

Now, you show me one officer from LPD, CPD, State or Federal Ranger. How about at least a firefighter. Can't so put up or shut up!

9:25, why don't you show me who has more endorsements from voters? I think that's the important statistic you're desperately trying to avoid.
Voter in lieu of signatures:

Rivero 1400
Baxter 53
Mitchell 0
I hate to tell you this >>>> Mitchell's buddy but Rivero has a lot of people who are making sure he will win this June, whether you see their names or businesses or not, they are still there. So, stuff that up your buttocks Mr. Wonderful!
Oh please, you can't get a better "slam" going than talking s**t about Myra? You know what VON, I am starting to believe what I was told about you>>>>>that is that you are a B**** and nothing more. Hey I hope McPhea is having a good time with ya! Lord knows no one else has!
Yep just like I thought, I love it when the pro Mitchell supporters put their foot in their mouths. He wanted "JUST ONE" cop that supported Rivero, not thinking (or reading) that Frank has several. Sort of like Mitchell talking about how great he is, but not even able to read a grant before signing it.

Getting worried Mitchell? Seems Rivero is about to take your job.

Mitchell talks about how much the local cops support him. It is only one association. No police officers from Lakeport or any cops from Clearlake Police or any firefighters. Seems firefighters don't like people who blows smoke or burns their friends.

Voter in lieu of signatures:

Rivero 1400
Baxter 53
Mitchell 0

As for Mitchell's endorsements,

Not one person from Clearlake Police.
Not one federal or state Ranger (LEO)
Not one sergeant or police officer from Lakeport PD
Not one Deputy DA.
Only one Deputy DA investigator (but not her husband).
Not one BOS present or past.
Not one from the firefighters.
Not one city counsel member from either city.

You know, this site is getting out of control...How dare 11:35 call Von a bad name....That is horrible....She is a friend of mine, she is a good person...If you really knew her you would not say that....get a grip...
I support Rivero but feel no need to have it out there in writing. Same holds true for us Rivero supporters as for you Mitchell supporters, we don't want you to "slam" us on here either. If this blog is so sleezy, why do you come here and read it? Kinda like potato chips....can't just eat one.
A little advice post 10:29, if you don't want people to take pot shots at your BFF Von then don't post crap on here about Myra. Fair is fair. No one really cares about their issues/family/friends, you are off topic and on the wrong blog to mouth off about someones dislike for the sheriff dept. most of the county does not like the sheriff's dept...that IS the reason for this blog DUH!
Von you shouldn't be on here bloggin you should be looking through peoples personal files "shame shame" We know all about your conniving ways
11:04, you should feel the need to put your name out there. Endorse Rivero now! It’s clear from the in lieu of signatures that Rivero has much more support than Mitchell (1400 vs. 0) but now is the time to get your name listed. If each of us doesn’t do everything we can do end this reign of corruption, then we’ll have nobody to blame when Mitchell reinstates Purdock after the election. This is the first time in 16 years that we’ve had any say in the sheriff’s election; please add your name to the list and we’ll tell Mitchell that we’re not going to tolerate his corruption any longer!
Sure, Mitchell was endorsed by all those who work for him; we’ve seen what happens to LCSO employees that don’t support Mitchell. As far as I’m concerned, those endorsements and the endorsement of the Deputy Sheriff’s Office don’t mean squat.
Lmao 11:49 that is funny!!
There’s a new thing on Rivero’s web site that says a lot about Mitchell’s “Ethics”. Check it out; it seems like pretty clear cut facts that Mitchell’s stooges can’t really dispute
Lovelace please remove the entry about Von and all the horrible things being said...Personal attacks are horrible.....Let's stick to the facts and not personal feelings....
Yes I agree it is obivious it is Myra's Mom sprewing all the hate or possibly Myra herself,is she out of high school I hear she lives up on Cobb with Mommie and Mmmie hates all SO ecept for her daughters main squeeze. Von is an upright person and does her job well, most X's do not speak well of their previous mates, but new BFF sure hate the lady X's
So 12:57 asks Lovelace to remove posts about Von, yet post 1:13 comes on here and starts it all over again. Post 1:13 you are not helping you friend Von by continuing to write crap about Myra or her mom. The topic is "get rid of Mitchell & Hopkins" NOT the "Morshed marriage went to s**t" Blog.
I see that the employees of the DDA Office are back from lunch.
Ok folks enough of the back and forth hammering on the Von, Myra, he said she said posting. Little back and forth is alright, but time to get back on track, and Lovelace has some news to report and information. We will put a post up in a few minutes. We got T-shirt news, we got phone news, we got Morshed Mitchell news, but first we want to ask for everyones input on the BOS meeting and Garzoli. Back in a few.
Ok this is the Lovelace group, first subject at hand we are going to be "expanding" our services by bringing on line a "hotline" phone. When we get everything in place this we will give out the number, this phone can be called to call in tips on corruption information, to call in for siutations where something is going down and we or others need to know about it. It can be used if a corruption support or bad cop is out on the street and you are watching something go down that we need to know about, it will give the citizens instant access to one of the Lovelace group, or messages can be left to advise us of inside or citizen information. We also felt we needed to provide a means for those folks who do not have access to us on the internet, and this will provide the means for them to contact us.
T-shirts update, the proofs are done!! And we are going to get a certain amount printed, and have them available at locations we will describe once we have the shirts in our hot little hands. The response has been great so far, and we think this is going to be very cool.

We are creating our next flyer as we speak and it will be a two color hard hitting flyer, we anticipate distribution of the flyers within the next week, and we are increasing our run amount, as we are going to expand the distribution area on this one!!
Since we came back on line we have been getting a lot of g-mails from folks on the inside, it ia amazing to see the numbers of Good sheriffs who are starting to step up to the plate, we think this trend is going to grow as Mitchells chances of winning become less and less. These people assisting us and we appreciate it very very much. Giving us information on the tenure and feel inside the department. We believe now is the time to kick it up even more, so we are setting some other plans in place to keep the pressure on. It appears that for the first time with Rivero out and on the streets almost everyday, the tide is rapidly changing. Mitchell will have some of his base demographics of knuckleheads who don't know any better voting for him, but the overall democratic ticket is strong and the only thing Mitchell has is the hard right wing ticket, remember that this county is heavly democratic, many of those are centrist demos, and this fits right into Rivero's gameplan. It is suspected that if a poll were taken now, you would see Rivero with a 10 to 15 percent lead over Mitchell. There is much work to be done folks signs are being made and bumber stickers are being distributed, the ball is rolling, lets get on it and keep up the pressure.
Alright here is some significant information, as of this moment everything Mitchell tried to find on the Morshed search warrant was not to be found, not on the memory disks, not on the computers, not on the search of all other items, nothing found, 0 nada, zip, zilch. It is reported from the inside that Mitchels only choice was to buy time buy creating a story and sending it off to the DOJ, this buys him time to keep screwing with Morshed, and come up with other things he could harrass him with. This is why you have heard the story change of why he originally went after him. This looks like another Mitchell cat and mouse game and the inside says this has not turned out the way he wanted, he is going to try and keep it going till after the electtion. Two SO's are indicating they don't think Mitchell has a leg to stand on, but believe he will create an issue and press a whole different story and set of things to try and go after him with. Sad to say but true.
We will keep this post vague, we are doing a lot of updates for you this afternoon, but a lot has been happening. There has been a meeting with an "outside" news agency, the individual with this agencie has been given a major overview of what is happening in our county. We are to be sending them documentation of several items, in the next couple of days. Part of the reason for doing this is we cannot trust the local media with this level of communications any longer, as our efforts increase we had to create a source that was outside the county, so our level of integrity and information is safe. When we give this type of information out, it can be woven into the stories and articles that will be written as the election progress's.

We also talked to two lawyers and one public defender, all three indicated they watch this blog several times a week, and that it has been a great assistance to them, as they are able to place questions before the citizens concerning the cops that are corrupt and it helps them to develope defense stratagies for their clients. They all said they were very happy the site is back up and running. We and the citizens are happy they are utilizing our site, and we thank them for their support.
Will someone please post the results of the BOS meeting on the Garzoli matter? I could not make it in to the courthouse this morning...Thanks
Thanks for the updates Lovelace!!! The tide is turning, big time. Go Rivero!!!
Update, be aware citizens, we have just received word that the Federal forest service rangers in our area and Mendocino, have just been ordered to increase their tickets to citizens from an average of 50 in a year to 500!!!! That's right they are trying to increase revenue and they are going to try and do it on the backs of the citizens, be aware and don't let them take your money.
Hey everyone, great blogging, Rivero is having a town hall in April on the 20th in UpperLake at the oddfellows building in downtown Nice. This will be a great opportunity to meet and great Frank, we already know Frank own's Upper lake in the elections, and this will be a great chance to prove it. Put it on your calendars 4/20 Frank Rivero at Odd-Fellows!!! Be there!!
What no evidence on Moreshed? UH OH Mitchell I see another law suit coming your way and i as a citizen of this county am tired of this nonsense you create. Lovelace thank god the old timers in my neighborhood all agree we must have a change with the sheriff and they are spreading the word.
Lovelace, is "Vote for Rivero" going to be anywhere on the T-Shirts?
Sorry the is in downtown Upper Lake not nice. The oddfellows building in Upperlake on 4/20, it is going to be great!!!

By the way I heard Frank has more excellent endorsements coming in from the citizens, look for them on his web-page.
thanks so much post 611, and to post 611 as well, we had not planned to have vote for Rivero on the first run of shirts, but that just might be a great idea, for the next run...Thanks
District Attorney Jon Hopkins has agreed to investigate a deputy's use of federal grant funds for flight training.
Did officer Moorshed go back to work?
No Morshed is on admin leave and Mitchell will try and keep him there till after the election.
Big news not sure if any of you saw the article in the Record Bee in regards to pit spitin. This took place at the olive festivel, Jeff Smith (not the supervisor) the endorsing Mitchell, told Mitchell and Rivero that they had to have a pit spitin contest. Most of this isn't in the record bee by the way. Mr. Smith said that whoever could spit the pit the farthest would be the one who won the election. I guess he thought this would be an easy one for a good old boy like Mitchell. Well Mitchell sucked up the pit, and looked a kid with a sour bomb in his mouth and spit the pit 19 feet. Rivero pop's a pit in his mouth and blasts it get this 41 FEET!!! Crushed Mitchell, and spent the rest of the night workin the crowd, did a great job and handed out a couple of hundred cards, and was really doing a great job. Mitchell stuck to his cronies, and in fact looked a bit irriated at the work Rivero was doing. So not only are we going to have a great sheriff, he can spit a pit a mile!!
That's just great! Hoppy's going to Investigate Garzoli? He will find a way to say that because the person at the airport put fuel in the helicopter Dave was able to fly it. So it is the fuel attendants fault. You can be sure that Hoppy will find Garzoli did nothing wrong No matter if it takes until after the election. Hoppy knows he is going to lose the election so he will leave us with a parting shot. Wait and see.
I was at the Olive Festival and watched Mitchell try to spit the Olive Pit. His buddy Rob Brown watched him and also tried. The best part was 2 ladies in front of me watching obviously mitchell haters. She said to her friend i just want to spit a pit in his face and they both laughed and of course we laughed too.
I was at the the festival too. We were watching the pit spitting also and when Rivero spit his pit further than Mitchell's, some old guy standing next to me said "for such a blow hard, Mitchell ain't much of a spitter". Right then the beer I was sipping damm near came out my nose! LOL!
I wouldn't be to sure on that one post 7:23 - I believe it to be just the opposite. I mean look at it. He first makes the comment it would be a waste of time to investigate the matter and costly. Now its thrown back to the BOS, and he says he will do it. Why? The majority of the work has already been done by the county on the tax payers dime of course, now all he has to do is find one more thing if anything and prosecute him. It's already known that what Garzoli did was wrong and at the tax payers expense. Hopkins will ride on in and use this to his advantage making it look like he did all the work and found him to be guilty (Just what the public wants) now what better way to show the public right before elections trying to score some points. Well, any individual with any common sense knows this and it will backfire on him. G
Everyone must put the pressure on Hoppy, you would think he would take the opportunity to nail Mitchell for throwing him under the bus so many times. Now the continued problem is Garzoli will stayed on payed leave, continue to run his insurance business, and get double the money. What a shame that this BOS cannot do the right thing. These people are so corrupt, Rivero will change all this crap, and the current powers in place are going to take everything they can for as long as they can. What a shame, and what a scam placed on the citizens.
You are exactly right G, the real sadness of all of this is in post 944 during all this wasted time, the citizens are paying this guys salary. What a shame, and what a sham. I am so tired of it, so tired of the corruption, of the hidden agendas, I hope Lovelace continues with the help of all of you and me, to bring justice to these corrupt, son of a bitches... Sorry Lovelace, but it gets me so mad seeing what is happening. And to think the likes of K ville lumber and kathy fowler, support this scam. How terrible do these people have any morals any sense of what is right, any heart? I think not.
Hey lovelace would not have thought you would send out two females to do your dirty work. Are these gals your runners. First I see them talkin to Anderson, then I overhear them takin to Overton and handing her some paperwork that was overheard to be incriminating for a CLPD. I heard them mention your group so I figured you sent them. Whaz up with that?
Hey post 956- if you were so curious as to what they were really talking about, why not ask them yourself. Afterall, your ears were big enough to easedrop on someone elses conversation, what would stop you from butting in too!
Hey 9:56, what a sexist comment! What? Do you think a woman can't do a man's job? A woman gave birth to you..right. Let's see a man pull that off!
HAHAHA 10:01 the first couple contractions and a man would be crying for his mommy!
Agreed post 10:00 pm - He was probably out there spying for the opposition trying to find out just who lovelace is lmfao! And to post 10:01 - If it's the two gals I am thinking it is, post 10:00pm better watch out!
Okay Ladies I concurr(sp) but I have had a bad back and that is right up there. *wink*
Don't get to mad. He most likely is Garzoli making sexist remarks again. Hey Garzoli I still remember you telling the Evidence Technician she could not do the job because she wasn't a man!
Oh yes....I agree, those two ladies are not to be messed with. ;)
I agree with G and their way of thinking on the Garzoli incident. The work has been done, we wanted it to be investigated the BOS turned it over to someone else and they rejected it throwing it back. So the BOS looks good to the public having the investigation continued by Hopkins and Hopkins gets a pat on the back for a job he didnt do or even want to do in the first place. Just more of our money and more in his pocket! I want a accounting of this case!
You need to make a shirt
Sorry 10:19 but I didn't start it...I agree as long as the other person stops with the insults...peace!
The BOS got the letters back a month ago. Why have they been sitting on them? I believe they all got together with a new plan to stretch it out to the point that we forget about it.
I know a neighbor who suscribes to that phone service Vonage is that what you refer to?????
I see the trolls at Hill Rd. jail are bored. Get back to work and leave the taxpayers alone!
Remember how long it took Hoppy to decide when and what to charge Dinius with?
not an employee at any jail or anywhere in the county too bad so sad it sucks to be wrong
You can have Hopkins never cared for him he is too polished
It was a pun, dear. When I said "Von" I meant Von Morshed. You know Von-age=Von with age on her..hahaha! Sorry Lovelace sometimes I can't help myself!
Wrong Post 10:24 - They already know we are not going anywhere and are memories go a very long way!
Ok I can see this is not the time to come onto this site! I thought the kids would be in beddy with teddy by now but guess not. Looking for some intelligent conversation on issues and hopefully the adults will be back on later. Nitety Nite kiddies!
As long as Garzoli is under investigation he stays on administrative leave with full pay. How come regular criminals don't get paid while being investigated. They are innocent until proven guilty too.
I'm here and just ignoring their BS >>>>> post away 10:36!
Cool! 10:55
So now that I am in my second bottle of whine...I mean wine, is someone going to give us some enlightenment(sp)?
Everybody assumed from the beginning that "Lovelace" was male, or an all-male group. I wonder why that is.
I am having tee shrits made up for Rivero. On front it will say "Want accountabity?" and on the back it will say: "Vote for F. Rivero for Sheriff!"
S**t, I wrote "shrit" instead of "shirts"...Freudian slip..haha!
I would like Sheriff Mitchell & D. A. Hopkins to be removed from office. They are corrupt & should have to pay for their criminal activity just like anyone else. It would be really nice to have a change in this County.
In the Lake County News today Hopkins said Garzoli could face a felony. Also the theif Garzoli might have to pay back wages he was paid during his flying lessons. Garzoli can not get away with this he is a dumb cop who thought he could screw the public over. He better sell lots of insurance because we want every penny back that you stole Dave!!!! Also looks like he could get terminated oh what a great day that will be.
You got to read the Lake County News. Hopkins is going to investigate the helicopter incident possibly as a felony. The BOS also mentioned the Mitchell himself might be looking at charges. Oh could this get any better. I can't wait!
In the article:
Farrington pointed out that they had an admission from Garzoli about the activities, which to him moves beyond the realm of allegations. If substantiated, Farrington said the board has terminated department heads for lesser offenses.
Good morning this is Lovelace, we will have a comment with vital information we have given to the BOS and e-mails we have sent concerning the facts and situation surrounding Garzoli. We will post that update later this morning. This is a significant change in the BOS operating procedure, and it is due to the pressure of the citizens and the information that has been given to the BOS in the past week. The fact of the matter is based on the pressure and information we have put on the board the past week, they had no choice but to step up to the plate, they were called out. We will update you soon.
Garzoli from hero to Zero. LOL What a fraud he is.
Stay tuned, some disturbing news will be released soon regarding Capt. Brown. Seems Mr. Brown has been a very bad manager and a few deputies have come forward to complain. This should be very damaging to Mitchell and possibly career ending for Brown. More to come.
And let us not forget his drunk driving accident that occurred in the early 1990s where he crashed into the Clearlake Redi-mix building on Soda Bay Road. His dad, then a CHP officer, was able to get that covered up and nothing happened to Brown.

Get your questions for the district attorney debate ready and send them to Larson's e-mail account by the 26th.
Debate starts Tues. March 30th at 7pm in the BOS Chambers in Lakeport.
713 the only reason Hopkins would say he would investigate is because of the election. Once the election is over so is Garzoli's investigation,it ends the day after elections.
7:13 Hoppy has to agree to charges against his buddy Mitchell. They both are on their way out so all you can look forward to is another slap in the face in the end.
Garzoligate Ain't Nothing, Perdock got away with murder.
Great question Murphy asked. What is the statue of limitations? Hopkins has a real bad habit of stalling until they run out!
Hey all, here is some interesting inside information concerning the Garzoli Investigation. First of all the one aspect of this that the public does not know, is concerning why the DEA won't move on this and considers the case closed, as they said. The main Federal agent in the DEA of our area is one Brendan Burkhart, the DEA likes to keep his name under wraps. This individual is very very close friends with guess who that's right Garzoli. We know that Burkhart knows the entire story and we know that he knew every thing that Garzoli was doing. As we said they are very close friends. This is a combination with another individual who is known other the Santor at LPPD, Santor is not to be trusted and is on the local Drug task force team. If anyone wanted the full story to come out concerning Garzoli, these two people would be able to tell the tale. This connection to Burkhart is the reason the DEA won't move on this. They do not want the exposure to what Burkhart knows to be exposed. We are going to be passing this information on to the BOS to ensure it gets to Hopkins. We have to document what information gets to Hopkins so he cannot claim he did not know of any of this during his Investigation. Now as another connection, we know that Mitchell and the sheriffs depatment in collusion With Garzoli, Burkhart and Santor, gathered information and have for many years to go after local people in a number of different ways and they have done this for many years. So there is a little bit of inside info. for the citizens. We will post further in a few minutes.
You may have noticed that the BOS yesterday had a different approach. Now ask yourself a question since they wou ld say they have no further information then when they sent the request to the FAA/DEA/and AG, why now are they being so forcefull? Well here is the reason why, We let them know that we know what information we have sent to them and they cannot not cover-up the fact that they know. Some of this information is the Garzoli forum conversations on the helo forum as well as the Garzoli career audio on KGO, when you hear that audio you know without a doubt that Mitchell knew everything that was going on. This is why Rushing said first Mitchell said he knew nothing, then said, not to the extent, well well Mitchell is it nothing or is to an extent? Mitchell got caught lying and now with out a doubt the BOS knows it. We also know that the BOS had in their hot little hands all of the forum information and conversations, why do we know, because we gave it to them. We know what the chain of events was that got it into their hands.

So now you see a much more forcefull BOS on Tuesday, why because they are being forced to be. You may have noticed that Brown made the statement that what ever comes from the investigation we will have to live with it, this is Brown hoping that cover-ups can continue and that Hopkins does a half ass job, and it gets swept away. Sorry Brown not going to happen.

As a little more inside info. Brown when he talks to certain people would have you think he brought the Insurance forum information to Mitchell and told Mitchell he has to get rid of Garzoli, or he would quote "never be able to fire anyone again"...This is what Brown says he said to Mitchell, however if that were true wouldn't brown have been on the bandwagon a lot earlier to take action on Garzoli, but he wasn't was he. hmmmm
As all of you know we have said over and over that you will never see Garzoli or Perdock in a sheriff uniform again. Many people tried to hammer Lovelace for that and we stuck to our position, even when the silly rumors were flying around that Garzoli's re-instatement was eminent. We knew the corruption supportors were full of it when they said it. So we stuck to our position, and we will say again, you will never see either of these two in a uniform again. Period!!
It is interesting that the BOS tune has changed, and they would tell you they have no further information then when they requested the reports. Well I guess transparency as the Lovelace groups calls it and getting the word out, has changed the tune of the BOS, finally the citizens are having an effect, my thanks goes out to the Lovelace group. Thanks for the postings, I wonder is there anyway Hopkins is going to be able to interview under oath if you will this Burkhart punk from the DEA? As well would he be able to get a statement from Santor of LPPD? A truthful one that is?
Russ Perdock,Pat McMahon, Berkhart, Garzoli and now Mitchell have all been caught lying. As long as they are allowed to investigate them selves you can be sure they will tell the truth.
By the way if you don't know it the local drug task force office is right in the Longs/safeway parking lot, across from Perko's you will notice a set of totally blacked out windows, this is where they do their planning and decide on what untoward actions they are going to do next. If you are by there give em a wave in front of the blacked out windows, they will see you, but you won't see them.
1:02 the drug task force moved out of there a long time ago. They may still pay the rent and store stuff there but no one is home. All of the businesses at that end of the safeway mall have moved because safeway wanted them to. Safeway plans on moving the credit union down to that end so they can build their new gas station where the credit union is. I was told that the drug task force was dis-banded for lack of funds.
So with the help of Brendan BurKhard, another blooper who knew what Garzoli was doing but didn't bother to report it.
When the media gets a hold of it tell them to put Burkhards name in big bold print he deserves nothing less.
Well I am not sure about that post 1:42 the individual I talked to said he still see's unmarked's at that location. They still think they work out of that office, however you could be right, if their information is old, and that they have moved out of that spot, I was told that about 2 weeks ago when it was pointed out to me. I was also told that the drug task force is alive and well. If anyone knows further on that post it.

I have just sent information to the g-mail account of Lovelace, and each time I have done this they have acted upon it, they do a great job when you send them information. So I urge all of you if you have something to do the same.
Could someone give the exact spelling of Burkhart's full name if they know it. I have seen it spelled a bunch of different ways. I urge anyone who has information on this guy to post it. There is not much out there being a fed. and conducting himself the way he does, but I would like to do some research on this guy. So the correct spelling of his name would be appreciated.
My opinion is that the citizens need to keep on Hopkins real hard, he isn't going to make it through the elections and with them being so close, he is going to want to do a half ass job or stall this out. Mitchell patting him on the back as they walked away from the court house is not a good sign. I simply don't understand why with as much hammering as Mitchell has put on this guy he doesn't put the knife in Mitchell.
Post 4:57 if your going to make a statement make a statement, your post makes no sense if you are intimating that some status of Morsheds has changed then why not just say so. We are taking your post down, try to post simply what it is you are trying to say. If you are in SO and are scared, then you are pointing to the very reason Mitchell has to go, because you can't even stay on the site long enough to post a decent understandable message. Feel free to try again if you really do have something to say.
To who ever posted I think it was yesterday that you were going to be doing some t-shirts with vote for Rivero on them, could you let us know on the blog when they are ready, are you just doing a couple or? Anyway we know some folks that would like some, you may want to get with Rivero as well, as he may want to use some campaign monies for that. I would check it out.
Brandon Burkhart
Excellent thanks for the proper spelling of Burkhart, anyone with infor on him is appreciated.
Hopkins will do nothing to Garzoli, The D.A. has the absolute right to charge or not. I am betting he will do his investigation, determine that there is insufficient evidence to convince a jury that Garzoli INTENDED to defraud the taxpayer. No criminal charges, no trial. Mark my words...
Has anyone heard anything from Baxter? He has to be the most quite politician I ever heard. Rivero is going all over the place talking to people, shaking hands and talking about what he will do when he takes over Sheriff. Unlike Mitchell who just enjoys being a liar to the public. Hey Mitchell, why won't you debate Rivero again?

9000 posts!!
Brandon Burkhart
111 Vista Dr.
Best Friend: Dave Garzoli
Read about these two yahoos when they investigated Eddie Lepp, Garzoli was driving all over Lepp's property without a warrant. Burkhart identified the strawberry patch next door as Lepp's Marijuana field. He said he was afraid to go to a surveyor for fear they might know Lepp. Eddie Lepp was railroaded! Federal Judge Patel said Burkhart's investigation was pure sloppiness. And this is the guy who trained Garzoli. No wonder the DEA wants to cover this up.
The DEA is corrupt too.
What is the information on Capt. Brown? Is it still going to be released? Thanks.
The Drug Task Force is alive and has moved from the Safeway shopping center. The little skaters can know look in the windows and not be chased away. Lovelace comes in all sizes and shapes. Those skaters worked for us boys. Remember the redhead? We'll find were you moved to next. Stay tuned.
The Drug Task Force is alive and has moved from the Safeway shopping center. The little skaters can now look in the window without being chased away. Lovelace comes in all shapes and sizes. Them skaters worked for us boys. Remember the little redhead? We will find out were you have moved to next. stay tuned.
The kiddie copter rides were in Scotts Valley, not Cobb.
I thought Garzoli could'nt have a job while he was on admin leave?
Who cares about the task force. Get all the drug dealers and put them behind bars.

Mitchell, that's another story. Get this piece of lying garbage out of office. He first states he knew nothing of Garzoli's flight training and now says, "Not to that extent." Well what extent do you know? How in the world can a person that supposed to be so high and mighty can't even read a grant before signing it? How in the hell did you ever promote Garzoli; he only totaled a patrol car just to get home, posts sexually explicit photo's of his wife on the wall and makes stupid sexist remarks (just ask the Evidence Technician).

If you can't do the job Mitchell, just step aside. And shame on you Bauman for not stepping up to the plate and running yourself.
Hey, Sara Dutra, I saw your old boss in Sacramento yesterday. He said you can have your old job back anytime, at the strip club.
Hopkins investigating Garzoli is like the fox gaurding the chickens.
And Mitchell said " My Ignorance is my Responsibility" about funds misappropriated by HIS Department!! Rodney wake up and take Responsibility now. Terminate Garzoli like some other officers who misappropriated funds in Lakeport.
It seems our illustrious sheriffs have no regard for dogs. Several months ago Two of our finest, Lucas Bingham and "Ski" were driving their black suv in the Oaks down a residental street a little to fast. The dog owner, realizing his dog might get hit tried to flag them down. Instead they sped up. They ran over his dog, amazingly the dog survived. Then they stopped and the owner started yelling at them until he realized they were cops. It was the same cops, who two days early had stopped him and questioned him about the legal medical marijuana he was transporting for his club. The dog owner decided to file a complaint with the Sheriff. A short time later his club was raided, but no charges were filed. He was told they have a year to file charges. Recently he was called and asked if he would donate to the drug task force. He told them, Sorry he didn't have a lot of money, he donated to the school because their budget had been cut so much. Four hours later he was arrested. And we wonder why Bingham waits four years to say anything about illeagal guns. We wonder why "Ski" smacks a "Jose". They run over dogs, they shoot dogs, they plant drugs, they steal, they crash helios, they misapropriate money, they steal guns and vests, they cheat and lie, they crash boats and kill people, all under Mitchell's command. Time to go Skumbags.
Just rec'd e-mail from Frank. Anyone wanting signs ect. email him with your addresses so that they can be delivered when ready to do so!
Wow!! That is a great post 8:00, you hit the nail on the head. Listen if Mitchell were a CEO or a president of another organization he would have been booted a long time ago. This guys department is in total chaos! Come on ask Borgie of K-Ville lumber if he would be satisfied if his company was in the condition of Mitchells? No way he could say yes, yet he endorses him!! You see the issues, we have a group of people in this county associated with Mitchell, who try to run the show for the citizens. They think they wield power, they don't want it to change. You know what I was told? We don't want your kind in this county, this from a business owner!! That sounded like an old southern boy talking, and it shows the level of collusion there is here! This is why they fight so hard to shut it down, this is why they over the last 15 years have discredited and knocked down anyone who has tried to raise a voice aganist them!! Well bullshit! (permission granted) this is going to stop, and that's what we are working for.
Franks got my info. I am talking a couple of big ones!!
The neighborhood in which I live said that if any of Mitchell, Hopkins or Rushing signs go up they will see to it they are removed immediately. Is that legal? Not that I support any of them and would love nothing more to see them come down lol.
Friends: Kick you in the ass when your out of line....just because you give me a pat on the back doesn't mean were friends!
Does anyone know what post 8:46 means.
They are talking about Phil Murphy's comment on RB topix where he claims that as he left the BOS meeting yesterday, he saw Mitchell reach over and pat Hopkins on the back. Phil claims it made him want to be sick.
Ah got ya, yup, that was reported by Murphy, the old hey old gob buddy we got's ourself in quite a fix don't we!! Jez I can't wait till these guys are gone!!
Post 8:39 pm,, concerning taking the signs down - it is a crime. It could be theft of property if you take them. Or it could be vandalism if you take them down and leave them. There are also some laws I am not all that familiar with that deals with political stuff that makes it a crime to mess with the signs.

I would suggest that you talk with your neighbors that put up signs for Mitchell and/or Hopkins. See if you can change their minds.

LMFAO; Ok MMMMMMMMMMMMMM, glad to see your gone! M must make much money making marvelous mystery messages!
For sure >>>> he sooo put his name out there "M" Wow, he is so cool with his big words. Look whos a dork!
As was posted: Task force has been gone from the safeway mall for at least two years. So no one disclosed anything that can hurt anyone. Oh and for the record, I have never been busted for anything. I am here to see that things get changed and Mitchell and Hopkins are gone...that's all I have to say about it.
Political SignsAs a candidate or campaign worker for either office or a ballot measure, this reminder about State law governing campaign signs should be helpful to you.

Section 5405.3 of the State Outdoor Advertising Act exempts the placing of Temporary Political Signs from normal outdoor advertising display requirements.

A Temporary Political Sign meets the following criteria:

Encourages a particular vote in a schedule election.
Is placed not sooner than 90 days prior to the schedule election and is removed within 10 days after that election.
Is no larger than 32 square feet.
Has had a Statement of Responsibility filed with the Department certifying a person who will be responsible for removing the sign.
A completed Statement of Responsibility [] must be submitted to:

Division of Traffic Operations
Outdoor Advertising Program
P.O. Box 942874, MS-36
Sacramento, CA 94274-0001.

Temporary Political Signs shall not be placed within the right-of-way of any highway, or be visible within 660 feet from the edge of the right-of-way of a classified "Landscaped freeway".

State law directs the Department of Transportation to remove unauthorized Temporary Political Signs and bill the responsible party for their
UNOFFICAL FLYERS, can be removed without penalty, but don't be causght doing it
If you own the property and someone puts an election sign on it. It doesn't matter who the sign is for, if you don't like it you can remove it.

If it is public property, don't touch it. That doesn't mean you can't put your sign in front of it! Sneaky but okay :o)
Good morning a quick morning update and then we are off to a couple of meetings. We want to emphasize or re-remind everyone to get on Mitchells endorsement page and be sure you find those business's that are supporting Mitchell, the likes of k-ville lumber, Kathy Fowler, Jonas, get their numbers and when you call them ask them would they be satisfied if their organization was being run the same as Mitchells? You can guess what the answer has to be. This rotten collusion of people is who wants everything to stay the same. They believe they own the citizens and the county, and we must let them know they do not. This is not their county by virtue of the amount of money or contracts the have with Mitchell or the county. This is the citizens county.

We have received some interesting reports of Mr. Brown being in some type of foreclosure issues, this information is on the public records at the court house and on line. We have gotten some details, but if anyone has any further information please update the blog. Reports are it is there are a lot of filings associated with this.

To those that would think it untoward that we disclose the location of the task force location and you don't like that to bad! When you get the likes of Dutra, Frace, Garzoli, SKI, etc etc off the task force and out of the department then we will worry about integrity of disclosure. These guys and this group should have always concentrated on the crack and meth in this county, Instead they used their power with the help of the DEA to attack local growers and collectives. Ask Mitchell where his son is if you want to know how he feels, ask Mitchell what he told his son when he found out he smoked pot, that will tell you where these guys focus has been, and to use these powers to attack those who know to much is a crime in and of itself. Ask Brendon Burkhart about Garzoli, and what they did together. The list goes on, so don't bother telling us about how a task force planning building should not be disclosed. When they clean up their act, and work for the citizens not aganist them we will worry about disclosure.
Let's see if I have a kid who does what I don't approve it makes Me bad,then if I have a kid who does good I get credit for that each person within the family is accountable for their own actions.
You teach your kids and hope like hell they listen. I think that is pretty suckie to have a parent be totally blamed or help responsible for anything their kid does or does not do.
Let's hope none of your kids go against your wishes.
harassing a voter is a crime or have you and your kind forgotten about the First Ammendant Rights.
Hopkins donations contributions
Geri Brown Kelseyville
Fred Lambert
John Canaido
Northlake Pharmacy/Kelseyville Pharmacy KEARNEY'S
Clearlake Landscape Design and Highlands Landscape
Clearlake Auto Parts
Sully Packing
Rich Hinchcliff DEPUTY DA
Mountain Mortage
James Rothberg
Kathleen Serano Carlsbad
Jack Williams
Carol Germenis
Tom Cushing
Donna Thomas Real Estate
Susan Martin Kelseyville
Maes Family Practice

Rod Mitchell contributions
Dr. Levine Clearlake
Fries and Fries consulting
Phil Garner Clearlake Oaks
Cow Poke Cafe
James Walker

I'll go somewhere else to have my toes done, hire another landscaper, go to Kragens instead, give up pears, anyone but Mountain, buy a vehicle out of town, change physician's, take my percriptions to another pharmacy and buy a wine not endorsing Hopkins. Anything to stop the buck.
Dutra, Frace, Garzoli and Ski are not, nor have they ever been part of the Narcotic's task force. While Garzoli was part of CAMP, he was never part of NTF.
By the way, what is Mitchell's sons name?
Who did he buy his weed from? Brandon Burkhart, the guy that ripped off Eddy Lepp before Daddy Mitchell put Lepp away?
dog wouldn't get hit if owner obeyed law and had it on leash. too bad the owner doesn't give a crap about his dog and let it get hit. dog should be taken away from the owner for neglect.
Spot On 12:56 Don't run over animals, Shoot them with a pellet gun and they will get out of your way.
And if they don't, Then run over them.
There has been some concern about IP logging on the Record Bee and Topix. I would like to recommend that all the Lovelaces and Lovelace Supporters out there use software called Tor. it is available at and was developed for use under fascist totalitarian regimes to protect free speech on the internet. Who would have EVER thought that it would be useful here in the US of A?

Proxy servers can be complicated to set up, but the Tor Browser Bundle is so simple, even a boomer could use it. You could be browsing anonymously this afternoon, and the Record Bee would trace your comment to Argentina or the Czech Republic or something! and did i mention it's TOTALLY FREE?

This concludes our shameless promotion of happy, cozy, and safe on-line anonymity. Remember, with power comes responsibility! Go ahead and say what must be said, but for gosh sake be nice about it!
Mitchell talked alot of BS about other parents when he first took office during meetings. He also told us how wonderful his kid's were. Well if Mitchell's kids are smoking Pot today. Rodney K. Mitchell is a real BAD PARENT. Remember Rodney the things you said about others. Later
Don't shoot the dog, shoot the owner.
Don't shoot the owner, Shoot the one that shoots the animal.
A few days ago someone posted a list of internet manners including a list of abbreviations and punctuation symbols translating into words.
If you would kindly post it again I'll copy it before it gets deleted. Thanks
Is it too late to report the shooter to SPCA?
Could Garzoli be considered a White Collar Thief? Or a Common Thief? Some say there is a difference.
holy dog guts, batman! it seems that these guys truly think they can get away with anything. They killed his dog for kicks, they stole his weed for profit, they extorted him for "protection" money before they threw him in the can. What's next for this poor guy, is he going to wake up next to a horse head?
Waking up might be the best part. I wouldn't put anything past them at this point.
4:10 it's not deleted. It's just on the previous page. Just click on the "older" button.
The dog was in the yard just waiting to get in the car. It was not running loose. The officers knew what they were doing.
Garzoli flew the coptor looking for dope, maybe he's not officially Task Force, but a spade is a spade. And so are the rest of them.
Excellent post by a Lovelace member 2:38, part of the need for this level of security and systems which thwart the attempts of big brother to track us is the very corruption we are trying to stop. It is a sad commentary to need systems like Tor, but yet it is necessary. What we are experiencing here in lake county is not unique from the perspective of these same types of activities, what is unique is the level of ignorance that exists within the business's and their connections to Mitchell and other BOS and government leaders. or non-leaders should we say. This is the greater discovery that has come to us during the past 7 months. We see now that there is a conserted effort on the part of business's and government officials to keep the status quo in this county. They do not want change. They are going to get change, and this coming election will be the first step in accomplishing this. To all of you posting and doing the hard work, keep it up, don't let down your guard, we are growing stronger each day, and there is much more on the Horizon.

The Lovelace group is currently in the middle of several other agencies investigating almost every aspect of the corruption in this county, we must in these cases remain silent concerning those investigation, but be aware they are happening as we speak and as soon as we can bring them into the open we will.
You bet the rest of them are task force, we have happy little pictures of all those knuckleheads standing over pot plants and having a great time, don't tell me about who is or isn't on the task force. We got the pictures. Smile boys bet you did not know it would end up in our hands did ya!!
by the way great post 8:59, right on the mark and well written.
A few days ago someone posted a list of internet manners including a list of abbreviations and punctuation symbols translating into words.
If you would kindly post it again I'll copy it before it gets deleted. Thanks
# posted by Anonymous : March 25, 2010 4:10 PM

Thanks 4:35 but I didn't find it when I went to the older posts.

If someone has the time to spare please post it again.
533 google "emoticons". like this
oh yeah. and using that software won't hide anything if you do not know how to secure your wireless network. have you enrolled in next semesters class yet?
Tor won't help someone that doesn't know how to secure their wireless network.
Boy you corruption supporter are even dumb concerning "securing the wireless network" hey smart ass before I tell you how stupid that comment is, and how easy it is to change your IP at your modem, why don't you describe to us how an unsecure wireless network would be picked up on. Assuming a person does not have it locked we will give you that advantage now go ahead genius give us the scoop. I would not challange the guy who posted the TOR information, he would eat you alive when it comes to internet security. And by the way, he said that in regards to Topix and the record bee collecting IP's so hey what is the connection to that and the wireless network? You know now that I think about it, you don't know much, we will leave your posts up just cause you look so stupid on them.
Man i bet the BOS is kicking themselves in the ass, wishing they would have asked Mitchell andf Hopkins to step down way back when the Lovelace group first told them to, can you imagine how good they would look in the publics eyes right now. Dummies dummies dummies!! LOL
Ladies and gentleman we are approaching 10,000 comment posts, amazing, and at the top of the google search engine as well. Who would have thought that all a group had to do is start going after these corrupt officials and the citizens would come on board and join the fight like this. And hey we have just started!!
6:08 Thanks! You've saved the day.
Hey Mitchell! Can't control Perdock, can't control Garzoli, can't control Morshed and can't control your own son. Yep you're a great leader and a manager (not)!

Funny, not one police officer from either city in the county will support Mitchell. Not one person in the entire Clearlake Police Department (including the Chief) will support Mitchell. Oh and Mitchell was even the mayor of Clearlake at one time. Talk about a kick in the butt!

Post 9:37 pm, what are you talking about? What are these issues that you speak of? As for getting someone from out of county to run, can't. They have to be a resident of the county and the final filing date has past. Besides, Rivero is a good candidate. And what the hell are you talking about "conflicts of interest for Rivero" at this time?

10:06 That 9:37and10:14 is AOL from Topix Showing how stupid he is.
Post 10:14, you are truly a dumb ass!

Poster 2:38 Ya know Lovelace, I don't know who you are, but I liked this post. Classy. I really don't care who knows who I am. I am not posting anon so no one knows who I "really" am. I am posting anon because I know that posts sometimes are gender based. Less credibility comes to those of the gentler sex. The truth is a really strong man is so strong he can be self assured and gentle.
I think our present "regime" are a collection of desperate people who are out of control so they want to control and they have NO concept of right or wrong and are developmentally disabled and dangerous and sad. It isn't going to solve any problem our community has with vengence because as Perdock stated... HE thinks he is the victim. He is the hero in his life movie and his buddies have decided that THEY will determine and be judge and jury in the field for a lot of voters who are too stupid to vote. There is no voter that is too stupid to vote. When they vote the have an opinion based on the facts or misfacts that have been collected. The problem with the current regime is that they have lost sight of the fact that in the field they are impartial gatherers of fact and not judge and jury and reciptents of rewards gained either illegally or legally. They are servants and they are paid to just get information. Their job is made almost impossible by anyone who lies on either side. If they (LE)were honest at least we would have a point of making a fair assessment in the court.
We know each other but you don't know how I know you, Think about it.
10:32 PM
Okay, whoever screwed with my IP # is a fool! I tracked you and you found NOTHING! So get off my jock and get a life! You looked at my stuff, and guess what? You found NOTHING! So go hunt another witch because this sweetie has "outed" your dumb F***ing a**! Sorry Lovelace but I caught these AH's looking at my ISP#....I love U and I will always be HSF!...Wink, wink ;)
Record Bee is now taking questions for DA email to mandyfeder@ yahoo. com or call 263-5636 x 32.
The record bee wants e-mails sent to them for the DA, what so they can pick an choose the soft questions for Hopkins I don't think so. Everyone should remember that both our local media sources have far to close a relationship with our media. Rob brown is on the phone to the media fols nearly every day. There is protection with our local media for the corruption supporters and they know it. In order for the local media to be able to continue to go in the courthouse and move about with fear of reprisal, they walk like they are on eggshells, this goes for both Record Bee and Lake co News, you can have your opinions one way or another on either of those. This is why we are now funneling information to an outside news agency, we want the documentation used in the up coming election, and it will be, and we want an outside source who is credible with the facts we give them and put them to good use. When we realized how inter-tangled the LE and supervisors were with the local Media we had to change our course, and have done so.

Hey HSF good to see you, all is well on this end, what's up with the IP deal send an e-mail and give us some updates. Hey we love you to, and as always you have our back and we know it. Much going on right now behind the scenes, we have been working on documentation being given to certain people concerning Garzoli, to ensure Hoppy does not say he didn't have the information. Sometimes our work is in the shadows so we can protect a few people in the process. It is amazing how many more people came out of the woodwork so to speak in the past couple of weeks events. To those assisting us on the inside the information is very helpful, thank you all, let's keep it rolling for the upcoming elections!!!!
Denise Rushing you were on this blog yesterday. That's great we like the participation, now all of you supervisors who come on here which we know each of you do once a day at least, don't be throwing stones at our anonymous postings, and that would be talking out of both sides of your mouth wouldn't it.
Is there more information available about Capt. Brown of the SO that was posted a couple of days ago?
Mitchell, I still do not understand your response, "To an extent." Either you did or did not know about Garzoli's flight lessons. First you said you knew and now it's "To an extent." Do you stand on your word or do you hide behind them.

Did you know Brown was aware of Garzoli's sexist remarks towards an evidence technician? Instead of an IA, Brown just told Garozli to go an apologize. That can't be, since not only LCSO policy but county policy specifically states that every reported sexual harassment WILL be fully report. Why was this not investigated?

I remember watching you stand in front of all of us at the National Guard Armory. You talked about how you would wake up at night worrying about that CO on graves working the pods or that deputy on the beat. What happened to that guardian of the deputies and CO's.

Remember your speech during and after election? You said this department was to top heavy. You cut out the lieutenants and captains then made Chief Deputies. The chain of command was simple and easy to understand. Then you reinstated the lieutenants and captains. Soon as you did that, the department gets slammed. Bismark Dinius, Garzoli, Morshed, Ringen, Lande, Beland and Wright. All of this in three years.

Mitchell you need to rethink and evaluate you managers, clean them up or dump them. It takes only one more public incident and you'll not only loose the race, but most likely be explaining a lot of things to the Grand Jury.

Before departing for work, I still remember a certain detective who went to Sacramento to interview a homicide witness. Remember the misconduct he did and you just simply moved him out and into patrol? Wait until the public learns what that detective did and what he is doing know!

10;15 Really who cares who LoveLace is they have made a big change. I do not know any of them and you say that they are criminals. Well look at our sheriff and Da and etc. they are also criminals. Hey maybe it takes one to know one but at least LoveLace is letting the public know what is happening in our county. It is sad now people refer to our county as lake of corruption. Good job LoveLace.
What's up with Baxter? Is he waiting to decide weather or not to pull out?
Baxter is a stooge sent by Rodney in the hopes of splitting the “I hate Rodney” vote, not a real candidate. If you doubt that, consider that Baxter has nothing but nice things to say about his buddy Rodney.
11:45 How did you catch them looking at your ISP number? I want to make sure they are not looking at mine. Please share with the rest of us.
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