Thursday, September 10, 2009
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Dinius got screwed ig time and he deserves every dollar he can get out of these crooks. I only hope Mitchell, Hopkins and Perdock are made to pay out of their own pocket and are not covered by the county (us).
I don't think he's a Mitchell supporter, he's pointing out Mitchell using his intimidation and retaliation power to crush a NON supporter. He said the only two punished were Bealnd and Moreshed who are ALSO the only two not being sued by Dinius. I can't wait to see those two testify on behalf of Dinius. What sweet revenge for them.
I don't think he's a Mitchell supporter, he's pointing out Mitchell using his intimidation and retaliation power to crush a NON supporter. He said the only two punished were Bealnd and Moreshed who are ALSO the only two not being sued by Dinius. I can't wait to see those two testify on behalf of Dinius. What sweet revenge for them.
Post 8:31- If you think for a moment that the public is not aware of this site or what is going on within our county for that matter, you should stop thinking! My god wake up. I don't even need to leave my house and I get informed of what is going on around here. It's like a good soap opera, you can go away and come back and still be on top of it. Bismarck has not cost this county, Hopkins has. Just ask him for a accounting and I'm sure he will tell you, hmmmm can't do that cuz I don't keep records. This is your fricken dollars unaccountable for. Are you going to sit there and say thats ok? That is not the only case tried where its cost the tax payers many of $$$$$$$. Enough is enough. He must go! And He can hold Mitchells hand while they both leave the county as far as I'm concerned. The world knows what is going on, wake up and smarten up!
8:56. My comment was not that what's going on is wrong, only that the mom and pop voters don't know about the info on this site. That was the pointof the comment. Sure, we know about the crap Mitchell and Hopkins and others are spewing, but we are the faithful in that regard. To use a trite phrase, "joe the Plumber" sitting at home on Cobb or Lucerne, or wherever, knows that stuff goes on, but knows no details, and frankly, may not care that much. That's why it's important to not just preach to the choir on this site, but to get the message out to a wider audience. That was the point. You and I can sit here and complain and bitch and shout IN CAPS all day, but still, the majority of voters are not aware of this. Remember the demographics of Lake County. The single bloc of voters are seniors. They are registered Dems and Reps, for the most part. They don't pay a great deal of attention of local politics, except as it effects their jobs and businesses day in and day out. Most thik Mitchell is a great guy, because he gets his picture in the paper and schmoozes at the local get-togethers. I'm sorry if you don't agree, but that is still the majority (50% +1) of the Lake County Voters. Now maybe, just maybe, enough are paying attention to make a change. But history says that's not likely unless a big enough fire gets lit under their butts to make them want a change, to recognize corruption and get out and vote for that change. Even at this point in the early 21st century in Lake County, most voters don't rely on the internet for a news source. Even if they do, they are not aware of the info posted here. That was the point, and still is. It's fine to say "We're here! We got Info! Oust the bad guys!" But if most voters don't hear it (and in my opinion they don't) then another avenue must be taken in addition to this.
Okay, so 44 of the deputies supported Mitchell. How many of those have I read about on this blog? How many of those deputies are yet to be exposed? Yes, if the good ones support him fine as they have every right to do so. When we are in that voting booth or filling our our absentee ballots with are alone!
44 of the 63 members endorsed Mitchell. How many endorse Rivero in a secret ballot? Or is there another conspiracy afoot here, that those who might have endorse Rivero were afraid it would become known who they are? Is that the point? Or is it the point that 44 or 63, or 2/3 of the deputies working don't trust Rivero as a leader? Or are 2/3 of the deputies working also corrupt, but just haven't been found out yet? Or is it they know things about Rivero we don't?
Lets see, Frace counts the votes, Frace is the DSA president. Frace is friendly with Mitchell. Now if a deputy chose Rivero what do you think would happen to him. Can you say Bealnd? Moreshed?
Is Rivero going to fire all these corrupt sheriff employees that are still left when the smoke clears? Is Rivero going to go after Mitchell for a career of corruption? How is he going to clean up LCSO or is this election talk to show what a corruption fighter and champion of the masses.
Mitchell has told quite a few people that when he is re-elected he is gooing to get rid of Rivero for calling himn corrupt and making him look bad. How does he think he's going to do that? If he had anything on him don't you think he would use it now to eliminate the competition. Or is he going to frame him for some crime or set him up as he's done in the past?
We need Mitchell out before he can destroy anymore lives.
We need Mitchell out before he can destroy anymore lives.
The CO's don't vote and are not part of the DSA. Maybe you are including everyone on administrative leave. Wake up the vote was taken by a bunch of Mitchell's scared little rabbits not by the entire department.
and we thought name calling was not tolerated, or yea as long as it is Lovelace supporters it is allowed, double standard.
I don't think the DSA vote had anything to do with Rivero or anyone else. This bunch is running scared just like their boss. They are afraid to cross him based on his past record of going after those who do. Frace and the other DSA officers are out front so they would be the first to go down when Mitchell gets pissed off. There is no open and fair election there just more smoke and more of Rod's heavy handedness. This is just why we are here to run he and his kind out of office before they can do any more damage.
Hey 9:19. The big shit is that there are not 186 members of the DSA. 186 includes, if that number is correct, correctional officers, management and civilian staff, who are not voting members. So the big shit is that of the 63 members, meaning actual deputy sheriffs, not civilians for CO's, then the number does mean somthing. Know your facts before you comment next time.
the kid came by to do his laundry. so his computer is mine tonite. pecker still hunting for the letters on the keyboard because some things will never change. our sheriff is cooked and the new one is baxter or rivero. baxter may be old but he is nine years younger than me. rivero is angry but has some good points. the old goat is still making up his mind but i will tell you one thing 65 is young and baxter has more experience. if the coppers represent us folks and the new sheriff is honest the road ahead is smooth.
8:31-8:06-8:18 & Directly To 8:31 Any other Mitchell, Hopkins, Perdock supporters that think no one cares what they did to Mr. Dinius, Use the search engine
This is Lovelace, folks listen, the DSA is meaningless, we know that when the total number of people go into that voting booth in that entire sheriffs organization, the majority will not vote for Mitchell, everyone knows that SO's civilian employees CO's etc. they will in the majority reject Mitchell, The little DSA vote is meaningless. Of course our newspapers will be sure and post an article on a meaningless, because more and more it looks like they don't have much teeth. But in the end, the DSA is a defacto group.
9:59 you do realize you are not going to get a single person to swing to your ignorant side of the election. So knowing that is true, why are you hear, you have nothing constructive to say even concerning your choice for sheriff. It is almost har to imagine, you really would say yes, Mitchell is a great guy, honest, forthright, genuine, and a real good guy. Really, do you understand how utterly stupid you sound. Hey that's cool just wanted to give you a heads up.
The driveway that Buffalo Brown graveled is on or near Boggs Lane off Bell Hill Rd. Sorry, I've been busy, I will try to get the address before the week is over.
9:09 I'm a senior that happened to find this site from my daughter. All of us seniors have sons,daughters. friends and grand kids that we visit with on a regular basis. I can't speak for the others of my age, But in my circle this topic is discussed a lot. Don't forget that we are property owners and collectively pay a lot of taxes in this county. If anyone is interested in local politics it is us. Don't write us off because we are old. I'm sure your parents are old too.
Post 909, are you not reading the blog, Rivero understands what has to be done in the county we have already layed that out. Step one is knock on doors, and we mean thousands of doors. You know Rivero went to Hidden Valley 2 days in a row, hit 150 houses, got 150 signitures on the in lieu of paper, and not one person turned him down for the signature. If you are going to win an election in lake county you have to shake hands, up every street and every alley. It is true that 60 percent of people who you say the name Dinius would not have a clue what you are talking about, the purpose of the flyers we are distributing is to begin to effect that demographics of the county, for those people when you knock on their door face to face, you generally get a vote. A lot of us have campaign experience and we will put it to use. We know who Mitchell has gotten his votes from in the past. You are right don't get us wrong, there is a whole set of approaches to get to that demographic. Not only that this county is majority democrat, however they are middle of the road democrats with some far left and those votes are already Riveros, nearly the entire downtown of upperlake is not voting for Mitchell. Any way not to go over the whole game plan, but we do want to see on the site, is those suggestions and ideas that can penetrate and get votes away from Mitchell.
So Rivero grabs 150 votes in two days, and a few DSA guys are not voting for Rivero or Baxter!!! Whoa that is big news.
Oh by the way, the place where Garzoli gave the helicoptor kiddie rides was in Scotts Valley. Not sure whose property yet, but I'll keep working on it. Maybe some one can help me here? Any SO's live in Scotts Valley. It was a large party, lots of people there. And yes, Howe was taking pictures.
The reason the DSA does not want to work with Rivero because when he spoke at the Kelseyville meeting, he told them to their face (I was there) that a bunch of them were corrupt and won't make it when he is hired. In their face, right to the point, of course those punks are not happy the little house of cards is going to fall over, remember we are will continue to paint the corrupt picture of the DSA, there is still so much heat to come, hell the DA investigators don't want to be associated with them. So ya Rivero smacked the hell out of them, and now we hear the tear-drops
9:09 My daughter approved my post 10:11 and suggested that I add that A lot of us still drive and can afford to visit the senior centers out of our area to spread the word, so to speak. She suggested to remind you how upset parents get when their children disrespect them.
You may be correct in stating that this blog may not reach enough voters here in Lake County; but I believe the Dinius case will secure a change of guard here; because most of our people are going to support the decision of the Trial Jury;
and in no way will believe in the DSA or their endorsements. That's just how it is....that set the force in action....and the people will not forget Dinius..A suggestion though; contact Frank Taylor of the "The Outlook" he writes great stuff; allowing a diversified amount of news. Im sure he would love the business; and Im sure if Lovelace met with him they could secure an outlet for Lovelace's materials from this site. It could be a great resource.
and in no way will believe in the DSA or their endorsements. That's just how it is....that set the force in action....and the people will not forget Dinius..A suggestion though; contact Frank Taylor of the "The Outlook" he writes great stuff; allowing a diversified amount of news. Im sure he would love the business; and Im sure if Lovelace met with him they could secure an outlet for Lovelace's materials from this site. It could be a great resource.
Post 10:11 - My point exactly.....Two of my dearest friends work at two different senior centers. The one in the Oaks and the one in Clearlake. This topic is the highest in all conversations that go one each and everyday. Did you hear this or did you hear that. Alot of them believe that info is being kept from them and they are really upset about it. LOL one woman went as far as saying that "That young mans good looks aren't gonna get him any farther".Alot of seniors belong to the different organizations within the community. Tops, Lions, Moose, Elks, Church, volunteer at the hospitals ect. Believe me, they certainly do get around now. Frank Rivero is the only one that has made it a point to approach these seniors at a few of the mentioned places. Don't hold your breathe on hearing or seeing Mitchell. Now Baxter has just begun and he more than not will make his presence known.
There are 186 employees at LCSO and 66 are deputies. Only 44 voted for Mitchell and that is a very small percentage. No deputy is going to hand over his vote for Rivero knowing the person receiving the vote will talk to management. If they did, they are committing employment suicide. Remember Bealnad, Ringen, Morsehed or even Lande (who was publicly chastised by 3 FTO's when Lande only accused a sergeant).
To post 11:32 and reference post on seniors on post 10:11, the lovelace group wants to say thank you so much for your post and insight from the seniors following this site and tell you how much we do value your opinion. Our group had a conversation yesterday concerning the seniors that live not only in our county but everywhere. Here is what we want to say to you, we remember (being past our youth as well) when gray hair was a sign of wisdom in our society, many of us have or had grandparents who were the ones we went to in time of need and counsel. They the grandparents were thought of as wise and having lived many years more then us had seen the passing of time and events, and we were taught they were the ones to ask the questions of, to be counseled by, and listened to. Their grey hair use to mean wisdom in our society, now society does all it can to face lift, to color ones hair, and the seniors are far to often forgotten, what shame and an ignorant approach to life. We value you and your opinion most of all opinions, and we are grateful that you have choosen to follow our site, and help us to remove the corruption of Mitchell and Hopkins from our county. You know corruption, you have seen it grow many times in the events of your lives, and you more then anyone can speak to the terrible destruction and harm it can do. Please pass our site on to all you know, and please post on the site, gives us your opinion and insight we and Frank Rivero value who you are and what you have to offer our community. As well if any of your group wants to send an e-mail to our account, if you do not want to post on the public thread please do so. Your guidance is appreciated and valued. We try to keep the site clean and acceptable to all who follow it, and will continue to do so, with so many people posting it is sometimes hard to do. Thank you again for all you do as seniors in our community and our county.
Rivero has knocked on 150 doors so far and got 150 signatures. He has spoke at two debates, senior centers, Elk Club and business events. The other three have not spoken publicly at all. Yes Baxter and McCarthy were at two of Rivero's speeches, but they made no attempt to speak to the group. Rivero has a clear plan and is posted on his website. The other three have not.
Rivero made it clear from the beginning that he did not want the DSA or management support. He wants the be the peoples Sheriff.
Rivero made it clear from the beginning that he did not want the DSA or management support. He wants the be the peoples Sheriff.
The DSA endorsement of Sheriff Mitchell means nothing to the voters, taxpayers of Lake Co. The DSA just shot themselves in the foot once again. They locked us the public out of the Kelseyville DSA meeting. We will remember this when they come and ask for our support someday. I wonder what Mitchell has given to the DSA to get there endorsement, We know that it's not his leadership ability, We know that is not his ability to stop corruption from within the Department, We know that is not his ability to save us tax dollars, maybe it's something else. Oh yes maybe it's the admin leave policy "a paid vacation" with no ending date for up to a year, or maybe he'll keep closing his eyes and ears to the needs of the taxpayers, voters of Lake Co. or maybe it's the way Sheriff Mitchell pushes the BOS around. Rivero has our support.
You know Perdock is SUPPOSED to be home and not starting up a business, but being that Mitchell is the coroner Perdock has evidently been promisedn a place with the good old boys.
The business will be called Tag 'Em Bag 'Em because Mitchell did such a sloppy job of covering for Perdock last time Perdock killed someone he promised him a job where Perdock got PAID for the coverup!
Way to go Mitchell!
The business will be called Tag 'Em Bag 'Em because Mitchell did such a sloppy job of covering for Perdock last time Perdock killed someone he promised him a job where Perdock got PAID for the coverup!
Way to go Mitchell!
Hello Denise, we had wanted to hold this posting till our group might meet with you but in this case we cannot. We saw with great angst the Record Bee photo op of you and Mitchell on the front page of the paper at the battered womens event. It is sad to say the least that you and Mitchell both choose to take the political limelight from those women who did the hard work, from the main women Gloria and her friends whose name did not even get mentioned, just yours and Mitchells, what a terrible shame, and a sign that this game of politics has changed who you are so terribly. Gloria and her friends deserve an apology for such an untoward and terrible act of self gratification you and Mr. Mitchell showed that day. Please issue a public apology to Gloria and her friends for your behavior, we know Mitchell will not, but perhpas there is still a small bit of what and who you used to be within you. If not and somehow in your own mind you justify such a political ploy, then you are indeed a lost and hurting soul. Sad is the time when a persons values are over-ridden by ego that their decisions are so terribly wrong. We say again before you destroy totally who you use to be, do the right thing, we have yet to see it. Even a person who has no name as in unknown person got press in the photo. But not the women who did the hard work. This apology should be posted in the Record Bee and of course we are tired of seeing that paper be a prop for campaigns in this county. Do the right thing Denise, or within you will pay the price.
Hello Denise, we had wanted to hold this posting till our group might meet with you but in this case we cannot. We saw with great angst the Record Bee photo op of you and Mitchell on the front page of the paper at the battered womens event. It is sad to say the least that you and Mitchell both choose to take the political limelight from those women who did the hard work, from the main women Gloria and her friends whose name did not even get mentioned, just yours and Mitchells, what a terrible shame, and a sign that this game of politics has changed who you are so terribly. Gloria and her friends deserve an apology for such an untoward and terrible act of self gratification you and Mr. Mitchell showed that day. Please issue a public apology to Gloria and her friends for your behavior, we know Mitchell will not, but perhpas there is still a small bit of what and who you used to be within you. If not and somehow in your own mind you justify such a political ploy, then you are indeed a lost and hurting soul. Sad is the time when a persons values are over-ridden by ego that their decisions are so terribly wrong. We say again before you destroy totally who you use to be, do the right thing, we have yet to see it. Even a person who has no name as in unknown person got press in the photo. But not the women who did the hard work. This apology should be posted in the Record Bee and of course we are tired of seeing that paper be a prop for campaigns in this county. Do the right thing Denise, or within you will pay the price.
Nah, you are off base on Tag 'Em Bag 'Em. Mitchell and Perdock are not breaking the law because in their law it is IF you can get away with it it must be legal.
The fact that Perdock has pulled a business license shows CLEARLY that he is breaking the law.
Ooooops! How will he get away with this?
His daughter? She is I am sure innocent in all of this, but "daddy" is just showing her the ropes.
I think he calls it a win-win situation, however, with Perdock's hatred of women his daughter will feel his wrath.
She needs to cut ties and losses and make it on her own or her father's past will haunt her all her days. It isn't her fault that "daddy" can kill another peaceofficer, a woman, and have NO remorse. After all, Lynn, was just a woman. (At least in Perdock's eyes...)
But then with women being so "cheap" to Perdock I am sure Alexa would be doing the work like her mother did and Russ getting the credit. Russ is lazy and not too awfully bright.
Perdock's daughter knows he didn't make no stinkin pancakes and he doesn't need no stinkin badge either!!!
The fact that Perdock has pulled a business license shows CLEARLY that he is breaking the law.
Ooooops! How will he get away with this?
His daughter? She is I am sure innocent in all of this, but "daddy" is just showing her the ropes.
I think he calls it a win-win situation, however, with Perdock's hatred of women his daughter will feel his wrath.
She needs to cut ties and losses and make it on her own or her father's past will haunt her all her days. It isn't her fault that "daddy" can kill another peaceofficer, a woman, and have NO remorse. After all, Lynn, was just a woman. (At least in Perdock's eyes...)
But then with women being so "cheap" to Perdock I am sure Alexa would be doing the work like her mother did and Russ getting the credit. Russ is lazy and not too awfully bright.
Perdock's daughter knows he didn't make no stinkin pancakes and he doesn't need no stinkin badge either!!!
Hey Denise Rushing! Ask Mitchell and Perdock what they do to women who report child porn in the ranks. The women who do don't make it to the women's shelter. They go the way of the children in the porn film. The ditch is "good enough" for these women who are "crazy enough" to report it.
Wake up Denise!!! After killing Lynn and covering it up do you REALLY think Mitchells cares one bit about battered women? Get real!
Wake up Denise!!! After killing Lynn and covering it up do you REALLY think Mitchells cares one bit about battered women? Get real!
Post 7:16 by Lovelace.
A society will be remembered by the way it treats its children and it's seniors.
A society will be remembered by the way it treats its children and it's seniors.
Frown upon, to close for comfort, call it what you want but isn't Deputy District Attorney, Rich Hinchcliff married to District Attorney Investigator, Denise Hinchcliff and mother-in law Giny who sat on the Grand Jury just last year.
Now that the age thing has been cleared up we can move forward. I was getting a little anxious because age discrimination is illegal and the whole purpose of this site is to rid our county of the evil not participate in it. We all should keep an open mind as one never knows what may surface in the morning.
Good Morning Mr. Mitchell,
This is the Lovelace group of concerned citizens, perhaps you have heard of us. We wanted to post a quick message to you, as much has been bantered about these past few months and we wanted to clear the air. Much has been said concerning our thoughts about how we the citizens view you and your organization, and we did not want you to come away with the wrong idea. The fact of the matter is we believe you have through your lack of leadership and the corrupt environment you have created in our county caused great harm to the image and viability of our county. As you may now have figured out, we have grown a force of people in our county that will at all costs work for your and DA Hopkins removal, we will reach into each and every hidden corner of the corrupt system you have created, no stone will be left unturned Mr. Mitchell, no event from this point forward left unseen. The time has come for your fiefdom to end, it will be our goal with our quickly growing citizens group to bring this nightmare to an end. As you can tell by the use of this e-mail we can now reach deep into the hidden rooms of your fortress, the walls are crumbling the defenses falling down around you. We urge you to fly the white flag and do the right thing by removing yourself from office asap. We have asked you to do this several times and you have refused, we have told you there is more to come, and that it will be painful to you, and it has been, and we tell you again, your ship is leaking, and people are talking, and posting and your house of cards is falling down. We are looking into matters concerning you Mr. Mitchell that you would never have thought would reach the light of day.
We ask you about your role in the Dinius incident, and you would not suspect we know of the converstions you have had, we know of the cover-up, and all this we have not reported on yet, we are telling you know, think of everything you hope will surface, and we can tell you it will, down to each conversation and every action you have taken in this matter.
We ask you about the EEOC situation, and you will refuse comment we know more about the results then we have posted. You must come clean on this Mr. Mitchell the time is running short.
Mr. Mitchell we could go on, we can talk about the Morshed situation, and we know exactly how you are going to try and handle this, it will not work Mr. Mitchell transparency is upon you and your days are numbered.
We can go on and on, but you should not focus so much on our group but on the severe condition of the confidence within your own organization that is now so divided, you cannot possibly save your self or your organization.
We have much more to come Mr. Mitchell you might be wise to watch very closley our site, it is speaking a story to you, if you are wise you will reading the ending of that book and leave the last chapter to the citizens because it can be written one of two ways, either you are in the end play, and destroyed or you leave the story now and are not included in the last chapter.
Below is a post that was just sent to Denise Rushing, you will understand its message.
We bid you good day Mr. Mitchell and we will be in continued communication with you as your last days in office unfold.
Good Morning Mr. Mitchell,
This is the Lovelace group of concerned citizens, perhaps you have heard of us. We wanted to post a quick message to you, as much has been bantered about these past few months and we wanted to clear the air. Much has been said concerning our thoughts about how we the citizens view you and your organization, and we did not want you to come away with the wrong idea. The fact of the matter is we believe you have through your lack of leadership and the corrupt environment you have created in our county caused great harm to the image and viability of our county. As you may now have figured out, we have grown a force of people in our county that will at all costs work for your and DA Hopkins removal, we will reach into each and every hidden corner of the corrupt system you have created, no stone will be left unturned Mr. Mitchell, no event from this point forward left unseen. The time has come for your fiefdom to end, it will be our goal with our quickly growing citizens group to bring this nightmare to an end. As you can tell by the use of this e-mail we can now reach deep into the hidden rooms of your fortress, the walls are crumbling the defenses falling down around you. We urge you to fly the white flag and do the right thing by removing yourself from office asap. We have asked you to do this several times and you have refused, we have told you there is more to come, and that it will be painful to you, and it has been, and we tell you again, your ship is leaking, and people are talking, and posting and your house of cards is falling down. We are looking into matters concerning you Mr. Mitchell that you would never have thought would reach the light of day.
We ask you about your role in the Dinius incident, and you would not suspect we know of the converstions you have had, we know of the cover-up, and all this we have not reported on yet, we are telling you know, think of everything you hope will surface, and we can tell you it will, down to each conversation and every action you have taken in this matter.
We ask you about the EEOC situation, and you will refuse comment we know more about the results then we have posted. You must come clean on this Mr. Mitchell the time is running short.
Mr. Mitchell we could go on, we can talk about the Morshed situation, and we know exactly how you are going to try and handle this, it will not work Mr. Mitchell transparency is upon you and your days are numbered.
We can go on and on, but you should not focus so much on our group but on the severe condition of the confidence within your own organization that is now so divided, you cannot possibly save your self or your organization.
We have much more to come Mr. Mitchell you might be wise to watch very closley our site, it is speaking a story to you, if you are wise you will reading the ending of that book and leave the last chapter to the citizens because it can be written one of two ways, either you are in the end play, and destroyed or you leave the story now and are not included in the last chapter.
Below is a post that was just sent to Denise Rushing, you will understand its message.
We bid you good day Mr. Mitchell and we will be in continued communication with you as your last days in office unfold.
Wow did you read the comments in the Record Bee posting of the DSA vote, all negative, amazing, no a single positive comment, the DSA is indeed a lame duck group. Excellent.
that sound you heard is Sheriff Mitchell hitting the DELETE KEY BEFORE HE READ YOUR TRIPE.
hey what gives you are always removing anyones postings with CAPS yet you use them frequently
hey what gives you are always removing anyones postings with CAPS yet you use them frequently
As Beleand fights for his job back and Morshed stays locked in his house, I wonder what will be told. I looked at the suit filed again Lake County and those two are not on it. Does this mean those two will be testifying against the county? Mitchell needs to fix this up fast before we end up paying a lot of money.
oh people if you only knew the real Donna Perdock,ask her why she is not employed at the Lower Lake School, why she does not have a valid DL yet continues to get nailed for driving without one. Her hate goes deep and would say whatever it took to get revenge for a failed marriage and her alcohol problem became public
check this out
check this out
I was a member of Lake County Search and Rescue for almost 6yrs. In that time I watched Sheriff Rodney Mithell, take, take, take and never say thanks, thanks, thanks!!!
Just ask Rod how he got his dirty little scumbag fingers on a private half million donation MADE to Search and Rescue. He took the money, earmarked it for 'rescue' missions and now the Board for LCSAR has to request to use money from the earmarked account, all because the LCSAR ASSOC is affliated with the Sheriff's Dept. He was sure to tell Basor to let us know that the money was and could be used for anything the Sheriff wanted as long as it was classified as 'rescue' and could deny us use of the money at anytime. SAR members had/have to jump through hoops to access this money that they deperately need to carry out rescue missions successfully for this county.
The members of SAR also invited Rodney Mitchell to our meetings SEVERAL times so that he can see what a dedicated group he has serving his county in rescue missions. He never showed up and would send Perdock in his place, who, mind you, always looked very bored and like he had something better to do, like go drink a beer, he looks like an alcoholic....just look at his red skin, classic alcholic look. He was probably drinking the night he killed that poor lady on the lake!!!!
I ended up leaving SAR a few years back because I felt used. I donated time, money, experience to this county only to have the bafoons running the show ruin it politically for me and many others. I got sick of all the mumbo jumbo associated with our very sad run Sheriff's Dept.
Just ask Rod how he got his dirty little scumbag fingers on a private half million donation MADE to Search and Rescue. He took the money, earmarked it for 'rescue' missions and now the Board for LCSAR has to request to use money from the earmarked account, all because the LCSAR ASSOC is affliated with the Sheriff's Dept. He was sure to tell Basor to let us know that the money was and could be used for anything the Sheriff wanted as long as it was classified as 'rescue' and could deny us use of the money at anytime. SAR members had/have to jump through hoops to access this money that they deperately need to carry out rescue missions successfully for this county.
The members of SAR also invited Rodney Mitchell to our meetings SEVERAL times so that he can see what a dedicated group he has serving his county in rescue missions. He never showed up and would send Perdock in his place, who, mind you, always looked very bored and like he had something better to do, like go drink a beer, he looks like an alcoholic....just look at his red skin, classic alcholic look. He was probably drinking the night he killed that poor lady on the lake!!!!
I ended up leaving SAR a few years back because I felt used. I donated time, money, experience to this county only to have the bafoons running the show ruin it politically for me and many others. I got sick of all the mumbo jumbo associated with our very sad run Sheriff's Dept.
I find it interesting that the biggest union at LCSO is the Correctional Officers and I've seen no vote for any party from them?
Post 9:56 is dead on. I too know people who were in SAR who told me this exzact same story about the money and Mitchell. Right on, thanks for putting it out here.
They too will roll over for Rodney because they dare not cross him. Soon he'll be passing out premarked ballots since he has ordered them to be free of independent thought.
How much of this money rerouted from its intended purpose has gone into Mitchell's own pocket?
Was this LCSAR money a federal grant like the helicopter scam? It sounds like he's been at this all along and the public is just now getting wise to his tricks. Again how much has gone into his own pocket.
Was this LCSAR money a federal grant like the helicopter scam? It sounds like he's been at this all along and the public is just now getting wise to his tricks. Again how much has gone into his own pocket.
The SAR monies were from a private donation! 12:15, Everyone in SAR hates having to beg Mitchell for monies left to them by a private citizen/group!
A good question. He said he liked Rivero's idea's but he also hammered the law enforcement supervisory experience needed.
Just a temporary sergeant. Ah but as Sheriff, he is not supervising the deputies, he is managing the managers, doing the budget and other non law enforcement duties. Seems Rivero has a lot of experience in that market. Tell me the last time Mitchell even made an arrest because RIMS don't show any!
You guys sound like the Jerry Brown for Governor. Since Meg Whitman only ran EBay, she can't be a governor. As you can see, there are numerous positions in government that does not take a person in that field to run. Gray Davis was a governor with extreme government experience only to be replaced by an actor/body builder. Oh and how about Governor Ronald Regan. Seems your "HE HAS TO HAVE COP SUPERVISION EXPERIENCE" doesn't hold water.
You guys sound like the Jerry Brown for Governor. Since Meg Whitman only ran EBay, she can't be a governor. As you can see, there are numerous positions in government that does not take a person in that field to run. Gray Davis was a governor with extreme government experience only to be replaced by an actor/body builder. Oh and how about Governor Ronald Regan. Seems your "HE HAS TO HAVE COP SUPERVISION EXPERIENCE" doesn't hold water.
If the SAR monies were from private donations made out to LCSAR then Mitchell has no business taking the money for himself or any purpose other then SAR. That does sound illegal.
If I donate to the Red Cross I don't want my money funneled off to some other group or purpose.
If I donate to the Red Cross I don't want my money funneled off to some other group or purpose.
How about Mitchell's experience as Mayor of Clearlake? Seems some people have forgotten about that little tibit.
As Sheriff, he should know more about law enforcement not less. Rivero has zero experience, oh yeah he worked Narcs in San Francisco in the early 80's. A time, I might add, when corruption was at its worst at SFPD. Now he's got less than 3 years of current and relevant law enforcement experience. Oh yeah he was #1 in his class? Wow, that and $1.50 will get you a cup of coffe. Who's peddling meaningless dated factoids?
Running a business? Gee, I know lots of people who run successsful businesses, but that doesn't qualify them to be Sheriff.
As Sheriff, he should know more about law enforcement not less. Rivero has zero experience, oh yeah he worked Narcs in San Francisco in the early 80's. A time, I might add, when corruption was at its worst at SFPD. Now he's got less than 3 years of current and relevant law enforcement experience. Oh yeah he was #1 in his class? Wow, that and $1.50 will get you a cup of coffe. Who's peddling meaningless dated factoids?
Running a business? Gee, I know lots of people who run successsful businesses, but that doesn't qualify them to be Sheriff.
Mitchell's not taking the money from SAR, where'd you get that silly idea? Oh, look where I am, Conspiracy Central, nevermind, dumb question.
R.K.M. (Rough Klansman Mitchell)
Your negligence and reckless leadership has brought the Sheriff Dept. perilously closed to an operational disaster. Your criminal activities have sent this county to the brink of bankcrupcy. You have terrorized and dehumanised the citizens of Lake County long enough. And you want to be our sheriff for four more years! The mobbing got to stop now, vote F.R.
Your negligence and reckless leadership has brought the Sheriff Dept. perilously closed to an operational disaster. Your criminal activities have sent this county to the brink of bankcrupcy. You have terrorized and dehumanised the citizens of Lake County long enough. And you want to be our sheriff for four more years! The mobbing got to stop now, vote F.R.
I know Jack Baxter personally and worked with him for many years and i can tell you he says what he means and does what he says he will. He and I have been coming to Lakeport for many years to visit my Dad Ted who is an assistant police chief from Redwood City. I was surprised when he told me he planned to run for sheriff so I started watcvhing the local papers then got onto this forum.
Baxter has many years of first line supervisory experience in patrol and investigations. He served as the Chief Adjutant in one of the largest PD's in Ca. He also successfully reorganized and administered the police mounted unit. His field experience was working in the busiest areas of the city as the Watch Commander of a Division with over 250,000 residents. He never ran a funeral home and never unpacked boxes for Safeway but he has a strong record of hands on leadership in a department with one of the best reputations for innovation and community service in the country. He is a no nonsense commander but one who never forgot where he came from and never lost his sense of humor. I think if you meet him you will be impressed.
I see no ax to grind as Mitchell likes to say but I do see a man who is willing and able to give something back to the community that does not exist now.
He is just as disturbed about what is going on in the sheriff's office as everyone else and he's not about to let any veiled or open threats influence his desire to do what's right. I'm proud to say he s my pal and you would be lucky to have such a man.
T. Moudakas
Baxter has many years of first line supervisory experience in patrol and investigations. He served as the Chief Adjutant in one of the largest PD's in Ca. He also successfully reorganized and administered the police mounted unit. His field experience was working in the busiest areas of the city as the Watch Commander of a Division with over 250,000 residents. He never ran a funeral home and never unpacked boxes for Safeway but he has a strong record of hands on leadership in a department with one of the best reputations for innovation and community service in the country. He is a no nonsense commander but one who never forgot where he came from and never lost his sense of humor. I think if you meet him you will be impressed.
I see no ax to grind as Mitchell likes to say but I do see a man who is willing and able to give something back to the community that does not exist now.
He is just as disturbed about what is going on in the sheriff's office as everyone else and he's not about to let any veiled or open threats influence his desire to do what's right. I'm proud to say he s my pal and you would be lucky to have such a man.
T. Moudakas
A temporary sergeant is nothing and how long was he a temp? That requires no supervision. Its just another weay for Mitchell to get free work out of his people.
Mitchell's experience as Mayor of Clearlake. Just look at Cearlake and you decide. Mitchell has proven himself to be a self righteous little dictator who cares nothing for the people. He just wants to think of himself as a big shot strutting around patting people on the head. We see right through him and I don't like anything I see.
What's wrong with you people who want to follow Mitchell around like lemings. Look at the mans record of mismanagement and suspecious side deals. Look at how he makes excuses for everything and sees no wrong in himself. The worlds f****ed up, not me. You just don't understand or see the big picture. You are taking everything out of context. That's BS and he's finally run out of rope.
Well well well, Marty is out of the race, let's we predicated that oh about a week or so if not longer ago. We heard from some who said we did not know what we were talking about, we heard the usual knuckleheads hammering Lovelace, and as usual the proof is in the pudding. Now perhaps you nay-sayers will begin to realize that we bring a lot of campaign experience to the table, we understand the needs of the citizens. This campaign and they way it will be managed is far different from the past years, who and how you contact the voters is totally different. The core voting group of Mitchells is dead and gone, the DSA holds no clout, the simple formula of the past no longer applies. When will you understand that the campaign experience the Lovelace group brings to the table is far beyond anything this county has seen, we have looked into all aspects of what must be done, and we have choosen the right individual to do the job, now hear this clearly, no longer does it matter what the DSA or others in the sheriffs office believe is the right choice for sheriff, we know there are very few Mitchell supporters, and for the first time the public understands that the issue has nothing to do with the DSA's opinion they represent only corruption, and by there vote the generate no votes from the public. This is very clear, you can try as you might to disagree with our approach and yet you again will find we were right. We can only explain it so many times if you have ears you will hear if you do not you will not.
It is amazing post 3:02 that the denial and ignorance can run so deep, over and over people like you try to explain it to them, we try to get them to see, and they do not, is it ego, stubborn, out of touch, lack of intelligence, or what we do not know, it is sad to see, but perhaps the lessons will be learned as the results of the elections and the outcome of the Dinius trial and these other factors finally breaks the back of this corrupt organization.
Slam Rivero for what he says he did during the 80's and for his lack or experience in police work but what did Mitchell have when he ran for office? He was a reserve deputy in Sac, a Deputy in LCSO for a short time then a LC Sergeant for three years. BFD. He's been winging it since he took office and now its all come back to haunt him. He's covered his mistaken for years and things explowded in his face when he tried to cover up for Purdock and was found out. That opened a lot of eyes about this sheriff.
Lovelace, aren't you taking yourself a bit serious? Keep up the good work but cut the crap. You sound like Rodney. Stick to putting out the truthand stop blowing smoke.
Dinius is going to cost you and me, the tax payers of Lake County a lot of money. We may have to rename this Dinius County and who do we have to blame? Our Sheriff and our DA. That's just the beginning of law suits being looked at over their BS.
Dinius is going to cost you and me, the tax payers of Lake County a lot of money. We may have to rename this Dinius County and who do we have to blame? Our Sheriff and our DA. That's just the beginning of law suits being looked at over their BS.
I hope Rod and his clowns are made to pay out of their own pockets for what they tried to do to that man.
Sheriff Mitchell did nothing wrong and he's done a lot for the sheriffs department and for the merchants of lake county. If we lose Mitchell we lose all respect for our local police. You are running scared and it shows and I hope Rod comes out swinging soon.
Lovelace, what did Rod do with the SAR donations? Wouldn't it be a crime to take that money and use it for his own purposes? Where the hell has the Grand Jury been when they looked into the sheriffs office.
"If we lose Mitchell, we lose all respect for our local police"??? What planet have you been on 3:18? The respect for local LE is longggg gone! Sheesh!
We were alarmed and concerned when we saw the photo on the front page of your newspaper showing Denise Rushing and Sheriff Mitchell grandstanding at the battered womens house for the purpose of a photo op on the campaign trail, we are more alarmed at your particpation in such untoward practices. We are concerned and watching closley your newspapers activities in regards to bias. This was terrible at best Gary, we the citizens of this county demand you issue a public apology for your papers actions and direct that apology to Gloria and the good women who worked so hard to make this happen, as well the citizens of this county need to know your election bias will be stopped now, and your reporting will be fair and balanced. We will not stand for this level of interference on your newspapers part, this is the citizens election not your papers. Gary you need to do the right thing and step up to the plate on this one.
We were alarmed and concerned when we saw the photo on the front page of your newspaper showing Denise Rushing and Sheriff Mitchell grandstanding at the battered womens house for the purpose of a photo op on the campaign trail, we are more alarmed at your particpation in such untoward practices. We are concerned and watching closley your newspapers activities in regards to bias. This was terrible at best Gary, we the citizens of this county demand you issue a public apology for your papers actions and direct that apology to Gloria and the good women who worked so hard to make this happen, as well the citizens of this county need to know your election bias will be stopped now, and your reporting will be fair and balanced. We will not stand for this level of interference on your newspapers part, this is the citizens election not your papers. Gary you need to do the right thing and step up to the plate on this one.
3:06, you're leaving out his election to Clearlake City Council as Mayor. Yeah, that guy Mitchell, what nerve! LOL!
I think LPPD Chief Burke runs a tight ship! Since his recent house cleaning, his officers seem more relaxed and they always have a smile for the residence of Lakeport. Mitchell and his deputies could learn a thing or two from Burke's example. "To the one that much has been intrusted, even more will be demanded".
3:23.....he has them earmarked for 'rescue' type purchases for the Sheriff Dept. He DID take the money!!! Of course the money can and is being used by LCSAR, but they must approach him for the money, with bids, etc and basically jump through his hoops for approval for purchase.
LCSAR is their own organization, governed by their own board....they are affliated WITH the SO because that is the only way they can get a 'call out' for rescue or missing/lost people in this county.
Mitchell also made it possible for SAR to buy a First Response vehicle to respond to searches, however, he made it impossible for members to drive the vehicle as the SO had it equipped with a weapon, so no civilian can drive it. A 45k Expedition handed to the SO thanks to LCSAR. Last time I saw this vehicle it was being driven by Basor and there was NO call out, he was in that tells me he is using it for beat work.
Let it also be known that the donation was from a private party's will. She had left the 2 million dollars to 4 different organizations (I believe) and LCSAR was one of them. I believe she chose SAR because, now I could be wrong, but she was or a family member was rescued/recovered by LCSAR members. All 3 of the other organizations and SAR received 1/2 million and I believe LCSAR was the only group NOT handed the money directly. Also let it be known that the money was put into a trust, which LCSAR, was asked to only use the money collected from interest on the money in trust, which I believe worked out to about $45k/yr. So not only does Rodney control the large sum of the donation, he controls the interest on the trust. This is all public knowledge and can be found down at the courthouse.
Rodney Mitchell IS the ONLY person who can release funds to LCSAR through this donation of money.
This large donation was exactly was LCSAR needed to get the much needed equipment for rescue/recovery missions in this county. They deserve this money. But....they can have it if they ask politely AND if Rod thinks that is what they should be using the money for.
Money is earmarked------rescue
There are many things that can fall under rescue.....swat team equipment, boats, vehicles.
I'm no longer in SAR so I do not have an updated status of the money's but I'm sure in the few years I've been gone, nothing much has changed.
LCSAR is their own organization, governed by their own board....they are affliated WITH the SO because that is the only way they can get a 'call out' for rescue or missing/lost people in this county.
Mitchell also made it possible for SAR to buy a First Response vehicle to respond to searches, however, he made it impossible for members to drive the vehicle as the SO had it equipped with a weapon, so no civilian can drive it. A 45k Expedition handed to the SO thanks to LCSAR. Last time I saw this vehicle it was being driven by Basor and there was NO call out, he was in that tells me he is using it for beat work.
Let it also be known that the donation was from a private party's will. She had left the 2 million dollars to 4 different organizations (I believe) and LCSAR was one of them. I believe she chose SAR because, now I could be wrong, but she was or a family member was rescued/recovered by LCSAR members. All 3 of the other organizations and SAR received 1/2 million and I believe LCSAR was the only group NOT handed the money directly. Also let it be known that the money was put into a trust, which LCSAR, was asked to only use the money collected from interest on the money in trust, which I believe worked out to about $45k/yr. So not only does Rodney control the large sum of the donation, he controls the interest on the trust. This is all public knowledge and can be found down at the courthouse.
Rodney Mitchell IS the ONLY person who can release funds to LCSAR through this donation of money.
This large donation was exactly was LCSAR needed to get the much needed equipment for rescue/recovery missions in this county. They deserve this money. But....they can have it if they ask politely AND if Rod thinks that is what they should be using the money for.
Money is earmarked------rescue
There are many things that can fall under rescue.....swat team equipment, boats, vehicles.
I'm no longer in SAR so I do not have an updated status of the money's but I'm sure in the few years I've been gone, nothing much has changed.
3:39, so where was the money coming from before this large endowment? Oh that's right, the sheriff's department. The only reason you're affiliated is not for call outs, it's for support, OES, and quite a few other things. Which is why most search and rescue operations across the state are affiliated to the local sheriff's department. A condition I might add that pre-existed this money. Sounds to me like you had a difference of opinion on how the money was supposed to be spent and bot your panties all in a wad over it.
Plus you're maligning Basor, a guy who just got back from using his own time off to rescue victims of the earthquake in Haiti. Something he did with the Sheriff's blessing. Now you complain that he's driving the search and rescue rig? Hmmm, seems to me as the Sar Coordinator, andy time he is on duty he should be driving that rig, unless of course you or someone you know is accurately able to predict when there will be a search and rescue operation. That seems unlikely now doesn't it? And your complaint really looks pretty petty know doesn't it.
Post 3:39, if the monies are in a "trust" the trust documents should have verbage as to whos money it is. If the money was left to SAR that organization should be named in the trust documents. The SAR board could regain control, unless of course "Mitchell" is named as "trustee".
This Sar thing is really basic if you cut through the muck and mire, Mitchell without oversight had to much control, period. Not being a man of integrity, of course the funding is going to be screwed up. It is such a simple approach when you throw Mitchell into the heap. You see these are all leadership issues from Garzoli to Dinius, from Wright to his photo op in the record bee, the simplest terms to use are the fact that a corrupt leader is in the middle of all this garbarge, what a shame and what a good thing he will be gone soon. See how simple it is.
Mitchell has done nothing wrong? How about managing only three deputies at a crime scene involving a friend/manager. Not calling an outside assist for three days and not locking down the Dinius report.
How about reviewing a simple DEA grant BEFORE signing! Is that really that hard? We don't expect him to do research on it or even write it, but can't you at least have a captain or another lieutenant double check it?
March 3, 2010 3:18 PM
Lets not forget Mitchell allowing Garzoli to operate the helicopter. You can't deny that since numerous deputies have seen Garzoli wear the pilot flight suit right into staff meetings and a captain who placed children in that same helicopter.
Then we have the Wright fiascoes. Simply lock a report involving an IA so that no deputy can see it except the investigators. Mitchell's personally promoted sergeants were on scene and caught Wright with stolen LCSO property but no arrest was given. Why?
And you still say Mitchell had done nothing wrong?
How about reviewing a simple DEA grant BEFORE signing! Is that really that hard? We don't expect him to do research on it or even write it, but can't you at least have a captain or another lieutenant double check it?
March 3, 2010 3:18 PM
Lets not forget Mitchell allowing Garzoli to operate the helicopter. You can't deny that since numerous deputies have seen Garzoli wear the pilot flight suit right into staff meetings and a captain who placed children in that same helicopter.
Then we have the Wright fiascoes. Simply lock a report involving an IA so that no deputy can see it except the investigators. Mitchell's personally promoted sergeants were on scene and caught Wright with stolen LCSO property but no arrest was given. Why?
And you still say Mitchell had done nothing wrong?
Sgt.Basor is one guy I will say "HANDS OFF BAD MOUTHING"
I have worked with him as a citizen learning how the SAR program runs when there is a call out. Believe me that man, knows his stuff,
I had heard he was the best and then to watch him face to face was totally amazing I agree, he knows more about search and rescue and just what to do for any event, and if he is driving the vehicle around it is called being totally prepared as a call out can and does come at any time and he can be ready on the dime when it happens.
I encourage any of you to look up the next Mass casualty event locally and see how some of the locals train for the real thing.
P.S. Gary is one of My 2 fav Emergency folks, Willie Sepeda at the Fire Dept is my other.
I have worked with him as a citizen learning how the SAR program runs when there is a call out. Believe me that man, knows his stuff,
I had heard he was the best and then to watch him face to face was totally amazing I agree, he knows more about search and rescue and just what to do for any event, and if he is driving the vehicle around it is called being totally prepared as a call out can and does come at any time and he can be ready on the dime when it happens.
I encourage any of you to look up the next Mass casualty event locally and see how some of the locals train for the real thing.
P.S. Gary is one of My 2 fav Emergency folks, Willie Sepeda at the Fire Dept is my other.
Incident Command Center is totally awesome I went into it when it was at the fair grounds and we are so lucky to have had the funds to get it along with the tow vehicle for it It is self contained.
March 3, 2010 4:02 PM
Lets get something straight. First off I'm not SAR just a deputy. You are right that Mitchell controls the money because his office is in charge of that money. The Sheriff is responsible for SAR and you are right. You are DEAD WRONG about Mitchell giving Basor his blessing. Basor had to take leave after Mitchell refused to release him. He also got NO support or thanks from Mitchell or the BOS after he returned. I even sent a letter to the BOS requesting that they publicly praise Basor and even that did not happen. Mitchell made no comments at all in the paper (which I still have), nothing on the LCSO website or in the BOS minutes for that week. Basor used his own time to help and had to leave his family to do it.
As for his truck, it's a standard Ford Expedition (not even a police package). Basor is the head of SAR and a sergeant (not a beat deputy). His Expedition is specially equipped to go to the scene for a SAR call out and start a Incident Command Center without waiting hours for the SAR trailer. Also, if you look at the SAR equipment, there is a new (well it was two years ago) heavy duty four door 4x4 pickup and how do you think how it was paid for?
Lets get something straight. First off I'm not SAR just a deputy. You are right that Mitchell controls the money because his office is in charge of that money. The Sheriff is responsible for SAR and you are right. You are DEAD WRONG about Mitchell giving Basor his blessing. Basor had to take leave after Mitchell refused to release him. He also got NO support or thanks from Mitchell or the BOS after he returned. I even sent a letter to the BOS requesting that they publicly praise Basor and even that did not happen. Mitchell made no comments at all in the paper (which I still have), nothing on the LCSO website or in the BOS minutes for that week. Basor used his own time to help and had to leave his family to do it.
As for his truck, it's a standard Ford Expedition (not even a police package). Basor is the head of SAR and a sergeant (not a beat deputy). His Expedition is specially equipped to go to the scene for a SAR call out and start a Incident Command Center without waiting hours for the SAR trailer. Also, if you look at the SAR equipment, there is a new (well it was two years ago) heavy duty four door 4x4 pickup and how do you think how it was paid for?
perhaps some citizens could send a note to the local news paper and let it be done in print coming from citizens mean alot to the guys.....praise for a job well done is always in season.
709, I just sent a letter to Larson at Lake Co News. I also sent one to Ferrington and Brown. It's your turn now.
Thanks for the work Gary, you're a good man.
Thanks for the work Gary, you're a good man.
The driveway that Buffalo Brown graveled is on or near Boggs Lane off Bell Hill Rd. Sorry, I've been busy smoking crack I will try to get the address before the week is over or I pass out from the head rush.
Another great example of how Mitchell treats his deputies. A great way to thank a man and he doesn't. Is it because Basor is not one of the GOB's?
Mitchell had no problem praising Sgt Chawasaski, Keeping Garzoli or Perdock out of jail. Another great reason for Mitchell to be removed and replaced by Rivero.
Mitchell had no problem praising Sgt Chawasaski, Keeping Garzoli or Perdock out of jail. Another great reason for Mitchell to be removed and replaced by Rivero.
I've never met Gary Basor but he definately sounds like he's a good man. Behind every good man is a good woman so hats off to his supportive wife too.
Still no reply from Burke?
Burke is busy runnin Lpt not monitoring this blog or responding to a set up question based on political intrigue......
Burke is busy runnin Lpt not monitoring this blog or responding to a set up question based on political intrigue......
Gary is a stand up guy wrapped up in a very corrupt Sheriffs Dept. However he is not 'head'of SAR, he is a Liason
There a few stand up people in that Sheriffs Dept. Mitchell is the leader and has the final say so in the money donated to the unit.
*********so where was the money coming from before this large endowment? Oh that's right, the sheriff's department. The only reason you're affiliated is not for call outs, it's for support, OES, and quite a few other things. Which is why most search and rescue operations across the state are affiliated to the local sheriff's department. A condition I might add that pre-existed this money. Sounds to me like you had a difference of opinion on how the money was supposed to be spent and bot your panties all in a wad over it.*********
in response to this ridiculous statement...the money that was used for SAR before the donation was money not FROM our sheriffs dept, but money raised SOLELY by the organization and the Sheriffs Dept, aside from giving us a place to meet, had no part in funding searches AT ALL! They did NOT purchase equipment, they DID not give a place to STORE this very expensive equipment, they did NOT give us funds for training, they just called our call out coordinator and the unit does the rest. The members supplied their own money for this. I know because I was a member for about 4yrs before this donation was even given to the unit, I can't even tell you how much money I invested in SAR, it was a worthy cause, until it felt like we were being used. And why would I have a difference in opinion as to how the money was spent, on myself? lol. I wanted the unit and we voted as a whole, to supply ourselves with necessary, needed, reliable equipment for searches. I wanted a vehicle, I wanted it search equipped...and understood why the vehicle should be driven by Gary (and he did deserve a nice vehicle, as he dedicated many years and energy to SAR......)however, the vehicle COULD be left at the SO and be picked up for a search as does all the other trailers needed for a call out, SAR has pretty fast responders and it does not take hours for trailers to get to a search, unless it is out of county. And the complaint isn't petty, asshole, it was a complaint of many members, some of us just voiced it more than others. I'm sorry if you don't think taking the 1/2 million away from a very deserving group of people isn't theft, I'm sure you'll side with Perdock not committing murder on the lake, then, right?
as for 6:55.....what do you think the unit did BEFORE the responder vehicle was purchased? The unit was using an old ambulance that they purchased with their own monies, and in no way did the SO help out, other than maintaining the insurance and giving us a place to park the ugly beast. The new vehicle was initially supposed to be for the units first responder team to use for immediete call out, so the very dangerous and costly and unreliable ambulance could be retired, not for the Sheriff's dept to take over. And yes, SAR has new equipment, but ask them how hard it was for them to get that equipment, probably at least a year, because of the way the donation was handled and who's hands it ended up in. Now if the money was in the hands of the SAR ASSOC then it would be voted on by the board, approved by majority vote, and the funds would be distributed as voted on. Instead, the board/members must still vote/approve and then submit paperwork to the SO and wait for approval.
Mitchell is dirty, end of story.
There a few stand up people in that Sheriffs Dept. Mitchell is the leader and has the final say so in the money donated to the unit.
*********so where was the money coming from before this large endowment? Oh that's right, the sheriff's department. The only reason you're affiliated is not for call outs, it's for support, OES, and quite a few other things. Which is why most search and rescue operations across the state are affiliated to the local sheriff's department. A condition I might add that pre-existed this money. Sounds to me like you had a difference of opinion on how the money was supposed to be spent and bot your panties all in a wad over it.*********
in response to this ridiculous statement...the money that was used for SAR before the donation was money not FROM our sheriffs dept, but money raised SOLELY by the organization and the Sheriffs Dept, aside from giving us a place to meet, had no part in funding searches AT ALL! They did NOT purchase equipment, they DID not give a place to STORE this very expensive equipment, they did NOT give us funds for training, they just called our call out coordinator and the unit does the rest. The members supplied their own money for this. I know because I was a member for about 4yrs before this donation was even given to the unit, I can't even tell you how much money I invested in SAR, it was a worthy cause, until it felt like we were being used. And why would I have a difference in opinion as to how the money was spent, on myself? lol. I wanted the unit and we voted as a whole, to supply ourselves with necessary, needed, reliable equipment for searches. I wanted a vehicle, I wanted it search equipped...and understood why the vehicle should be driven by Gary (and he did deserve a nice vehicle, as he dedicated many years and energy to SAR......)however, the vehicle COULD be left at the SO and be picked up for a search as does all the other trailers needed for a call out, SAR has pretty fast responders and it does not take hours for trailers to get to a search, unless it is out of county. And the complaint isn't petty, asshole, it was a complaint of many members, some of us just voiced it more than others. I'm sorry if you don't think taking the 1/2 million away from a very deserving group of people isn't theft, I'm sure you'll side with Perdock not committing murder on the lake, then, right?
as for 6:55.....what do you think the unit did BEFORE the responder vehicle was purchased? The unit was using an old ambulance that they purchased with their own monies, and in no way did the SO help out, other than maintaining the insurance and giving us a place to park the ugly beast. The new vehicle was initially supposed to be for the units first responder team to use for immediete call out, so the very dangerous and costly and unreliable ambulance could be retired, not for the Sheriff's dept to take over. And yes, SAR has new equipment, but ask them how hard it was for them to get that equipment, probably at least a year, because of the way the donation was handled and who's hands it ended up in. Now if the money was in the hands of the SAR ASSOC then it would be voted on by the board, approved by majority vote, and the funds would be distributed as voted on. Instead, the board/members must still vote/approve and then submit paperwork to the SO and wait for approval.
Mitchell is dirty, end of story.
If I was busy smokin crack it,s because you aren,t doing your job. You should be out doing your job and bustin the crack dealers instead of stealing from the pot growers. Your day is coming, I know where Rob Brown spreads his gravel and I know where you sell your stolen dope, what you don't give to your wife anyway. You don't have long, get while the gettin is good.
as for 6:55.....what do you think the unit did BEFORE the responder vehicle was purchased?
It used the Jeep Cherokee driven by Sgt. Macedo with over sized tires, CB, wench and others. Macedo ran SAR for years then handed control off to Basor, even before Basor was a sergeant. The Expedition can also be used (and has been used) for hostage negotiations, scuba recovery and law enforcement needs in rough/snow area's. The Expedition is a replacement for the Jeep, not an addition. The Jeep was retired and given to the Boat Patrol unit for backup or towing their personal watercrafts.
It used the Jeep Cherokee driven by Sgt. Macedo with over sized tires, CB, wench and others. Macedo ran SAR for years then handed control off to Basor, even before Basor was a sergeant. The Expedition can also be used (and has been used) for hostage negotiations, scuba recovery and law enforcement needs in rough/snow area's. The Expedition is a replacement for the Jeep, not an addition. The Jeep was retired and given to the Boat Patrol unit for backup or towing their personal watercrafts.
Hey, Matt Knutson, nice award for busting the largest number of pot plants. You do have an advantage over the other guys though, they usaully get their search warrants first. Nice picture though.
Rob Brown is the biggest douche bag in LC and his retaining wall on 11th & Mellor is not enginereed. Hey look at what you are doing. Hey planning dept. is ol' Rob getting preferential treatment??????????
I was in Upper Lake today (nice town since the remodel), and I saw a sherriff (in uniform in his personal silver/gray truck) pull in to get his mail right into a handicap parking spot. Looked like some kind of task force or something, no insignia or other markings. All black handcuffs and accsessorys. Pants tucked into boots, large belly, red hair. Man, if you or I parked in that handicap spot it'd be instant ticket. The old double standard.
Rob Brown, perferential treatment? You mean like having only your bail bond company's name next to the phone at the jail? I know some bail bond people, it's a tuff business. They don't really make that much money. Buffalo ranch, commercial house on 11th st, how about that house you bought in Oaklahoma when your son was in college. Hmmmm just wondering.
Sorry, didn't get the number, it was raining cats and dogs. (sorry about the pun) I'll keep my eyes open.
do you REALLY think Mitchells cares one bit about battered women? Get real!
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : March 3, 2010 7:39 AM ...
hell no he doesn't. that's why loser, kidnapper, violent sex offenders run free here.
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : March 3, 2010 7:39 AM ...
hell no he doesn't. that's why loser, kidnapper, violent sex offenders run free here.
Anything lately on Morshed, Garzoli or Perdock? Has anyone gone down to the court clerks office and gotten a copy of the property receipt from Moshed's search?
What have you been doing for the past year, smoking crack? Mitchell had a photo posted next to his office door, of a Hispanic male with a bloody face being slammed to the ground by a San Diego cop. And the big one, Mitchell refuses to release the EEOC findings. How about Gregores comments to Rivero, but Mitchell or his staff did nothing.
Rivero filed his EEOC case before he announced he was running for Sheriff and informed the public during the I-Team interview. He actually filed to run this year, not last year.
Just visit WWW.RIVEROSHERIFF.COM for a full break down off what Rivero plans on doing. The Citizen's Overview Committee is one of them.
What have you been doing for the past year, smoking crack? Mitchell had a photo posted next to his office door, of a Hispanic male with a bloody face being slammed to the ground by a San Diego cop. And the big one, Mitchell refuses to release the EEOC findings. How about Gregores comments to Rivero, but Mitchell or his staff did nothing.
Rivero filed his EEOC case before he announced he was running for Sheriff and informed the public during the I-Team interview. He actually filed to run this year, not last year.
Just visit WWW.RIVEROSHERIFF.COM for a full break down off what Rivero plans on doing. The Citizen's Overview Committee is one of them.
Excellent opinion peace in Lake Co. News. on the recent DSA phony vote, we post it below and we say good job to Martin Steele
Martin Steele: Time for a change of leadership
Written by Olga Martin Steele
Thursday, 04 March 2010
Lake County Sheriff’s Association likes the status quo but that just won’t do.
The Lake County Deputy Sheriff’s Association’s position is clear. They like things just as they are; hence the majority vote of its members to endorse Sheriff Mitchell.
Although they did not have the required two-thirds vote needed to endorse a candidate for district attorney, the majority of votes went to Jon Hopkins and Doug Rhoades, a clear signal they like their own and either don’t want, or are afraid of, the change new leadership will bring.
Hopkins is the sitting district attorney and Rhoades, a candidate for district attorney, works closely with the deputies in his public defender role and has a family member on the sheriff’s staff.
That’s too bad because the citizens of Lake County deserve better and a change in leadership in the offices of sheriff and district attorney is needed.
There are many examples of poor leadership in these offices and both share in the most notable example, the handling of a boat crash and fatality on Clear Lake. Bismark Dinius, the operator of a near stationary boat, was charged while Russell Perdock – an off-duty sheriff's chief deputy who ran into the Dinius boat at breakneck speed at night – incredibly, was not.
Ultimately Dinius was acquitted but the ordeal left a stinging and lasting reflection on both offices and the lawsuit soon to follow is the constant reminder of the true cost of bad leadership. Negative publicity and careless use of vital resources in crippling economic times is attributable directly to the dismal leadership of incumbents Mitchell and Hopkins.
This case was a sad commentary on these top government offices and, unfortunately, Lake County in general. Not what we need when we’re trying to reduce spending to save jobs, elevate our economic standing and boost tourism.
It’s time for a change in leadership and one day the good deputies who voted for the status quo will be the better for that change. In the meantime the weight of a growing perception that Lake County incumbents have overstayed their welcome will continue to cast a shadow on the local law enforcement community.
The primaries are on June 8. The only way to hold Sheriff Mitchell and District Attorney Hopkins accountable for their actions is for the voters to replace them. Fortunately, the people, not the endorsement (or the lack thereof) of the deputy sheriff’s association, will decide who goes on to the general election.
Martin Steele: Time for a change of leadership
Written by Olga Martin Steele
Thursday, 04 March 2010
Lake County Sheriff’s Association likes the status quo but that just won’t do.
The Lake County Deputy Sheriff’s Association’s position is clear. They like things just as they are; hence the majority vote of its members to endorse Sheriff Mitchell.
Although they did not have the required two-thirds vote needed to endorse a candidate for district attorney, the majority of votes went to Jon Hopkins and Doug Rhoades, a clear signal they like their own and either don’t want, or are afraid of, the change new leadership will bring.
Hopkins is the sitting district attorney and Rhoades, a candidate for district attorney, works closely with the deputies in his public defender role and has a family member on the sheriff’s staff.
That’s too bad because the citizens of Lake County deserve better and a change in leadership in the offices of sheriff and district attorney is needed.
There are many examples of poor leadership in these offices and both share in the most notable example, the handling of a boat crash and fatality on Clear Lake. Bismark Dinius, the operator of a near stationary boat, was charged while Russell Perdock – an off-duty sheriff's chief deputy who ran into the Dinius boat at breakneck speed at night – incredibly, was not.
Ultimately Dinius was acquitted but the ordeal left a stinging and lasting reflection on both offices and the lawsuit soon to follow is the constant reminder of the true cost of bad leadership. Negative publicity and careless use of vital resources in crippling economic times is attributable directly to the dismal leadership of incumbents Mitchell and Hopkins.
This case was a sad commentary on these top government offices and, unfortunately, Lake County in general. Not what we need when we’re trying to reduce spending to save jobs, elevate our economic standing and boost tourism.
It’s time for a change in leadership and one day the good deputies who voted for the status quo will be the better for that change. In the meantime the weight of a growing perception that Lake County incumbents have overstayed their welcome will continue to cast a shadow on the local law enforcement community.
The primaries are on June 8. The only way to hold Sheriff Mitchell and District Attorney Hopkins accountable for their actions is for the voters to replace them. Fortunately, the people, not the endorsement (or the lack thereof) of the deputy sheriff’s association, will decide who goes on to the general election.
This article is just wonderful and covers it all. Congratulations for a fine overview of what is happening. Everyone keep it up; EXAMPLE:
Senator Chris Rengel of NY decided to "Jump instead of being pushed"
reported on CNN; yes, Chris Rengel has taken a leave of absence from his position due to the intense investigation upon him by the Ethics Committee. Same thing will happen to Mitchell in due time; Jump or be works. Good work Lovelace.
Senator Chris Rengel of NY decided to "Jump instead of being pushed"
reported on CNN; yes, Chris Rengel has taken a leave of absence from his position due to the intense investigation upon him by the Ethics Committee. Same thing will happen to Mitchell in due time; Jump or be works. Good work Lovelace.
Lovelace, did you obtain a copy of the evidence sheet from Morshad's search warrant? 10 days has passed and it should be at the court clerks office by know?
I contacted the BOS to ask that they make a public statement to LCSO Sgt. Basor for his response to help with the search and rescue in Haiti. As you know, Mitchell refused to acknowledge Sgt. Basor's actions and/or his family life without him during that incident. Nothing was on the LCSO website or in any paper from Mitchell or his staff. Here is the BOS response.
FROM ROB BROWN: show details 8:49 AM (32 minutes ago)
I have asking Kelly to have this on the March 16th agenda.
FROM FARRINGTON: Kelly show details 10:41 PM (10 hours ago)
I will see that it is placed on the agenda within the next few weeks.
It is sad when a person from the public has to acknowledge a deputy when his own Sheriff wouldn't even let him go without taking vacation time. Another reason to dump Mitchell.
FROM ROB BROWN: show details 8:49 AM (32 minutes ago)
I have asking Kelly to have this on the March 16th agenda.
FROM FARRINGTON: Kelly show details 10:41 PM (10 hours ago)
I will see that it is placed on the agenda within the next few weeks.
It is sad when a person from the public has to acknowledge a deputy when his own Sheriff wouldn't even let him go without taking vacation time. Another reason to dump Mitchell.
and who's living in that house of Robs on 11th st? R u sure it's even owned by him? Or does the bank own it now???? worth checking out, I'd say
knowing Basor he most likely didn't want any hullaballu, he does what He does to help others and is not a self serving Humanitarian who happens to be a cop
10:45, First it was suppose to be his "bail bonds" office. Last I heard, his son lives/lived there. That retaining wall is illegal. I sat at Perkos last year and watched Rob Brown in what looked like a used county dump truck, dumping fill dirt at that 11th street address. Other times I watched him gutting the same house into a big dumpster. Hummmmm...hope he had permits for that remodel.
Wow, the BOS is going to look into giving Sgt. Basor a pat on the back now that we are making noise, what a bunch phonys. Where is his boss the Sheriff. That's news which makes the SO look good but Rodney doesn't want anyone looking good but himself. He's satisfied with news stories about all his boys getting busted. I'll bet he thinks he looks like a real crime fighter within his own office. What a schmuck.
Sgt. Basor, good work and thank you for a job well done. This comes from one of your real boss', me and the citizens who pay you. Don't think twice about Mitchell, he'ss be gone soon enough.
Sgt. Basor, good work and thank you for a job well done. This comes from one of your real boss', me and the citizens who pay you. Don't think twice about Mitchell, he'ss be gone soon enough.
10:45, I don't think anyone lives there, I believe that was the property in the paper for foreclosure
Really 11:28....Hard times for everyone. Even though I can't stand that man, I hate to see people failing. Could have been karma that got him, he owes her big time. Too bad for these people who's homes are foreclosed on, the bank still goes after them for the money even when the place sells, because everything is upsidedown.
The vigilence committee didn't work in San Francisco and it isn't going to work here either. Eventually they got run out of town by the real citizens.
12:23 PM I’m not anti-law enforcement. No one should fear a citizen overview committee. They will not have any authority, will represent the public and make recommendations. What is wrong with establishing a bridge for communication between the SO, DA and the public? By the way, as I sit here today I’m voting for Baxter.
If that's what a real citizens overview committee is I agree. That's not what SF has no matter what Rivero tries to tell us. They are special interests with an agenda of their own and they show it time and again.
We, the people of Lake County deserve to know and have a say in what's going on with our elected officials which we do not have now. Oppen the doors to these offices and let the public tell our employees what we want not what they think we want.
Give the sheriff and DA the authority to run their departments but we must hold them accountable for their actions.
Give the sheriff and DA the authority to run their departments but we must hold them accountable for their actions.
What's up this week with Perdock and Garzoli? Mitchell is still sitting on his thumbs, to busy with photo ops. I wonder why he didn't invite Rivero and Baxter to attend. I guess they just aren't a good looking as Rod.
too bad the poster part One and Two could not fit on the wall, it would show the guy robbing an elderly couple at gun point and then the cops showed up and a foot two if it was available it would show the guy pulling a gun on the cop and trying to jump over a fence he did not make successfully and slamme into the top picked
they say a picture is worth a thousand words well all you reader were able to see was one third õ
they say a picture is worth a thousand words well all you reader were able to see was one third õ
I've seen people say that Perdock and Garzoli are required to remain in their homes while on administrative leave with pay. Some people say these two are working in different businesses on the side which Mitchell ignores.
Garzoli was demoted from Lieutenant to Sergeasnt for his helicopter fiasco. Isn't that his punishment and if it is why is he still on admionistrative leave and not back to work. What else has he been charged with.
Purdock was't charged with anything after running over the sail boat. He did get caught perjuring himself in court which is a felony but he hasn't been charged with any crime. He's on administrative leave with pay.
Are they going to charge him with perjury or dismiss him for lying in court? Are we going to keep in under house arrest until a year goes by and Mitchell can take him back? If so what does he do wiuth a Captain / Chief Deputy who has a record of lying in court. Musty we review every case he's even been involved in to see if he lied here too in order to convict someone. Or are we going to be stuck with another unqualified Captain sitting around collecting their pay, doing nothing and keeping some qualified person from being promoted who can do the job.
Garzoli was demoted from Lieutenant to Sergeasnt for his helicopter fiasco. Isn't that his punishment and if it is why is he still on admionistrative leave and not back to work. What else has he been charged with.
Purdock was't charged with anything after running over the sail boat. He did get caught perjuring himself in court which is a felony but he hasn't been charged with any crime. He's on administrative leave with pay.
Are they going to charge him with perjury or dismiss him for lying in court? Are we going to keep in under house arrest until a year goes by and Mitchell can take him back? If so what does he do wiuth a Captain / Chief Deputy who has a record of lying in court. Musty we review every case he's even been involved in to see if he lied here too in order to convict someone. Or are we going to be stuck with another unqualified Captain sitting around collecting their pay, doing nothing and keeping some qualified person from being promoted who can do the job.
1:21, There is no question that Mitchell's poster wasn't telling the whole story but what he proudly displayed did not make LE look good at all. When it was brought to his attention he ignored it and refused to take it down.
Hey Rodney, tell us something good about yourself? Very interesting how you browbeat the DSA. Keep things as they are even if they are screwed up. They fear Rivero cause he's going to get rid of the bums and they don't know what the hell Baxter will do if he comes in with new ideas and makes them show and tell.
Anybody but Mitchell
Anybody but Mitchell
Rumor being spread around the SO by Mitchell's guys is that Baxtter came in to the DSA meeting and told them we would get rid of their take home cars and eliminate all CCW permits in the county. That's why they voted for Mitchell over the other two men. I was there and I didn't hear him say anything of the kind in fact he said he had no issue with take home cars if used properly and if it was not broken why fix it. He saw no down side to take home cars but wanted to see theirt equipment improved.
When asked by McPherson about concealed weapons permits he said each application would be reviewed individually. Those issued by Mitchell would remain good. He said he's a life NRA member and pro gun but he did want to have a chance to talk to CCW permit holders to make sure they were aware of the potential hazards if stopped by the cops so there wouldn't be a problem.
Nice try Rod.
When asked by McPherson about concealed weapons permits he said each application would be reviewed individually. Those issued by Mitchell would remain good. He said he's a life NRA member and pro gun but he did want to have a chance to talk to CCW permit holders to make sure they were aware of the potential hazards if stopped by the cops so there wouldn't be a problem.
Nice try Rod.
Mitchell likes to stretch the truth and alter facts and he has no problem making his butt boys do his dirty work. He has a long record of making things up about anyone who is a threat to him. I can't wait to see what lies he spreads about Rivero. He threatened one goy into leaving the race I don't think it's going to work with the others.
Captain Perdock was Mitchell's hand picked poster boy for future sheriff once he retired. He tells everyone he loves the man who is his best friend and now he turns his back on him. What a good friend.
The lying Chief Deputy Perdock already has a second job that he carried with the first. It involves facilitation of grand theft and covering for this activity. Don't think that perjury was EVER a worry to him. He just didn't have enough fire power (Mitchell has the fire you power) to keep all the bases covered, although Mitchell DID try.
As for Mitchell being a racist? Who didn't know he was a bully and a racist. If you are Italian and not on his payroll you are looked at as the Taliban and a "Sandn*****" and if you are Hispanic you are a Jose.
This Mitchell mentality of making and breaking the law that are on the law and deciding who is white enough for command has got to stop. That is anarchy and dictatorship mentality. The total and complete lack of remorse on Mitchell's and Perdock's part and the "officers" in their allegiance to cover up the killing of a woman peaceofficer is as clear a message as any could be sent that this regime is filled with the criminally insane. There is no other way to slice it and this TRUTH is not going away. The list of victims IS NOT limited to Lynn Thornton and I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that Lovelace, the group and the leader of that group knows this as FACT.
God Bless and Keep You Lovelace.
Lynn would be so proud of you all...
As for Mitchell being a racist? Who didn't know he was a bully and a racist. If you are Italian and not on his payroll you are looked at as the Taliban and a "Sandn*****" and if you are Hispanic you are a Jose.
This Mitchell mentality of making and breaking the law that are on the law and deciding who is white enough for command has got to stop. That is anarchy and dictatorship mentality. The total and complete lack of remorse on Mitchell's and Perdock's part and the "officers" in their allegiance to cover up the killing of a woman peaceofficer is as clear a message as any could be sent that this regime is filled with the criminally insane. There is no other way to slice it and this TRUTH is not going away. The list of victims IS NOT limited to Lynn Thornton and I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that Lovelace, the group and the leader of that group knows this as FACT.
God Bless and Keep You Lovelace.
Lynn would be so proud of you all...
It's good to see there are a few moles within the SO who are willing to come out with the truth even if they must remain annonomous. Lovelace told you the walls have ears and people are going to talk behind your back sheriff. You just can't muzzle them all.
Why hasn't anyone gone to the FBI with these complaints. These complaints are civil rights violations if nothng else. Maybe we should all start caslling and being a squeeky wheel.
FBI San Francisco
450 Golden Gate Avenue, 13th Floor
San Francisco , CA 94102-9523
Phone: (415) 553-7400
Fax: (415) 553-7674
FBI San Francisco
450 Golden Gate Avenue, 13th Floor
San Francisco , CA 94102-9523
Phone: (415) 553-7400
Fax: (415) 553-7674
Now that is interesting. A write in campaign until they look into things. Turn the heat up one more notch under Rods ass.
StaMarine is right on the money here. We do need someone who will be fair and reasonable with everyone both inside and outside the department. We don't need our good citizens harassed because of how they look or what color they are. Let the highway patrol chase the one tail lighters and loud mufflers, that's what they do. Let the sheriff chase the criminals who threaten us every day and I don't mean the dreaded pot heads either.
Look what's killing our citizens in Lake Co. Meth and drunk drivers. What are we doing about it. Its one thing to claim to be tough on crime and another to do it.
Look what's killing our citizens in Lake Co. Meth and drunk drivers. What are we doing about it. Its one thing to claim to be tough on crime and another to do it.
What's Mitchell doing about the real crime here. He's having his boys pick off Mexicans at DUI check points because they may not have a license or insurance. He's busy making up excuses for his screw ups and pointing the finger at everyone else. Well, sheriff you are a hypocrite and the citizens are pointing a finger at you. Guess which one.
1:50 PM Is Sheriff Mitchell allowing individuals within his department to campaign on our dime? Where is the leadership Rod? What happened to respect for the people who pay your salary? It’s not okay with me if you continue to campaign while in uniform or while you’re on duty. If this is taking place right under your nose you either condone it; welcome it or you are simply obvious to it. I was on the fence but now I will cast my vote to one of your challengers.
Mitchell is allowed to campaign on duty every day but he see it as just part of his job. Rivero posted a picture of himself in uniform standing behind his county car but I think he's to smart to campaign on duty. I'll bet you'll see Mitchell jam him for the picture one day.
Does Mitchell campaign in uniform or drive his county car to the wine tasting gigs with the local big shots and money men he brown noses?
Does Mitchell campaign in uniform or drive his county car to the wine tasting gigs with the local big shots and money men he brown noses?
Mitchell, respecting the people who pay his salary. You've got to be kidding. He laughs at us and thinks we are a bunch of dummys especially those of us following this blog. Don't be fooled, he is not our friend and he is not good for Lake County.
I don'y know about Mitchell allowing people in his department to campaign on our dime. Hell, most of his true allies are on administrative leave under house arrest. They spend their days bowing down to their sheriff rod dolls.
2:42 If what you state is true then a good majority of his department, the DA's office and Rodney himself are a bunch of dummies too because allegedly they all follow this site. I can't wait until the election so we can all move forward with damage control,a clean house and local officials with self respect.
A overview committee is not a bad thing. It just gives the citizens of Lake County somewhere to go if they feel their complaint(s) have fallen on deaf ears. Those who think that Lovelace has no following are so very wrong. Not all followers post on the blog but they read it. Regardless of what is said and done, Mitchell and Hopkins are out. I will not vote for Rhoades because I think he has always been an ass. Anderson has always been a nice guy, he has my vote. I am still on the fence between Rivero and Baxter. I Like and trust Rivero but I plan on talking to Baxter because he deserves to be heard also.
My guess is that you are right and a lot of these guys are taking this site more seriously then they will admit. I know big Rod follows it ten puts people up to posting things. They should take this site very seriously. This is but the tip of the iceberg and soon Rods going to have to sit on it. People are getting tired of his BS and their petty ways. I would be embarassed to be a LCSO deputy now and I feel for the good deputies that are stuck working for such a dufus.
March 4, 2010 2:24 PM
The CHP seem pretty fair. You may get stopped, but you wont get sent down to the ref (loose your car) unless your acting stupid.
The county Sheriff normally does not actively work traffic. Look at Sonoma County S.O., I fine law enforcement agency IMHO.
Yes S.O. Deputies can and should stop cars, but normally there not on a ticket quota.
The CHP seem pretty fair. You may get stopped, but you wont get sent down to the ref (loose your car) unless your acting stupid.
The county Sheriff normally does not actively work traffic. Look at Sonoma County S.O., I fine law enforcement agency IMHO.
Yes S.O. Deputies can and should stop cars, but normally there not on a ticket quota.
2:58 That's exactly why this BLOG is so popular. People want to hear the truth that our elected officials don't want us to hear. Mitchell has made it clear that he has no interest in what we think and he considers us a bunch of hicks and dopes. He has refused all along to listen to anyone or to look into citizens complaints.
We must listen to everyone including Mitchell. Hear what they have to say, look at their background and qualifications. Talk to them and ask questions then make our own decision as to who is the best person for the job in the voting booth.
Mitchell and Hopkins have had their chance and they both blew it big time so its time to get rid of them and start all over again. If there are crooked people in the sheriffs office besides Mitchell they should take the hint and get out while they can. Perhaps they can go to work with Mitchell, Perdock and Garzoli and sell protection to merchants.
Vote your conscience but be informed and don't believe everything you hear.
We must listen to everyone including Mitchell. Hear what they have to say, look at their background and qualifications. Talk to them and ask questions then make our own decision as to who is the best person for the job in the voting booth.
Mitchell and Hopkins have had their chance and they both blew it big time so its time to get rid of them and start all over again. If there are crooked people in the sheriffs office besides Mitchell they should take the hint and get out while they can. Perhaps they can go to work with Mitchell, Perdock and Garzoli and sell protection to merchants.
Vote your conscience but be informed and don't believe everything you hear.
Hoppy, Rodney - OUT
Lets look at the entire BOS and think about dumping all these bums too if they do't shape up. To the Sups, stop the BS and get to work for the people.
Lets look at the entire BOS and think about dumping all these bums too if they do't shape up. To the Sups, stop the BS and get to work for the people.
StaMarine - The primary duty of the CHPis traffic enforcement. That's what we pay them for. No one likes getting a ticket but we need them.
The primary duty of the Sheriff is enforce the law, ensure our safety, run the jails and courts etc. OK so they can use a traffic violation to fish for a more serious crime. That's what they are trained to do for us. Being chicken shit and bullying people is not what we pay them for. You just don't always have to be a hard ass even to the real crooks. Everyone deserves to be treated with respect.
The primary duty of the Sheriff is enforce the law, ensure our safety, run the jails and courts etc. OK so they can use a traffic violation to fish for a more serious crime. That's what they are trained to do for us. Being chicken shit and bullying people is not what we pay them for. You just don't always have to be a hard ass even to the real crooks. Everyone deserves to be treated with respect.
Be Mitchell should only run the jail and the court security, that way the BOS can appoint someone as "public safety director". The BOS can hold that person accountable for failing to do things that Mitchell has failed to do like fire Perdock and Garzoli. A director that fails to leader the Department like Mitchell has could be fired at anytime. A director that fails to investigate close friend, etc, could be fired as well. Mitchell would only be in charge of the jail and the court security.
Mitchell runs the jail, is the Head Sheriff and toe tagger for the county. He uses these positions to extract from his victims ANYTHING he wants and with colluding lawyers a little help from corrupt cops on the take and bought (drunk) judges they could put away for life or kill the Virgin Mary. Who on the force is REALLY surprised? No one.
Thats an interesting thought. I've always believed that law enforcement officials should be appointed like a police chief and not elected. This way we can reach out to a qualified candidate pool and select the best and most qualified person for the job. We can also can them if they don't work out. With an elected sheriff you are stuck with them until their term runs out and there is nothing that can be done. They can get away with thumbing their noses at us and we're stuck.
With an elected sheriff its possible that we could get stuck with anyone. A good glad hander and brown noser can get in b y promising the world. If he looks good we vote for them. Rodney seems to be a nice guy and he looks good, tells us what we want to hear and promises the world which he never delivers. So we vote him in then he runs unopposed and people keep voting him in until one day we wake up and see what a poor job he's done all along.
Don't think the recent screw ups are anything new. We are just finding out about them and people like Lovelace are demanding truthful answers. Now we see clearly what an incompetant boob we've voted in before.
Let the truth come out. Rod the truth shall set you free and I know it will. When everyone learns the truth you'll be free of a job.
With an elected sheriff its possible that we could get stuck with anyone. A good glad hander and brown noser can get in b y promising the world. If he looks good we vote for them. Rodney seems to be a nice guy and he looks good, tells us what we want to hear and promises the world which he never delivers. So we vote him in then he runs unopposed and people keep voting him in until one day we wake up and see what a poor job he's done all along.
Don't think the recent screw ups are anything new. We are just finding out about them and people like Lovelace are demanding truthful answers. Now we see clearly what an incompetant boob we've voted in before.
Let the truth come out. Rod the truth shall set you free and I know it will. When everyone learns the truth you'll be free of a job.
2:06 The FBI has been gone to. It is a budget driven department like all the others and in San Francisco they pick the closest fruit and that means the tree in their back yard takes priority. In Covelo the corrupt sheriff department started committing suicide (or other?) and the residents there have their own guns and are keeping the peace I am told. It would be better than what Lake County has endured if the corrupt LE are involved with grand theft and battery and terrorism to businesses. That is called the MAFIA anywhere else.
The problem with that is They Are NOT Trained...that's why they don't treat people with respect; they have no respect....when was the last time the SO was involved in any formal training? When you do get stopped; and your not really doing anything wrong, they verbally/emotionally abuse you; swear at you; and tell you to get the
F*** out of town cuz if I see you again....blah, blah, blah unprofessional, professionals (wanna be)
F*** out of town cuz if I see you again....blah, blah, blah unprofessional, professionals (wanna be)
Mitchell looks like a "nice" guy and so did Ted Bundy. Bundy had a facade and so does Mitchell, but that house of cards went down with the Dinius case. Mitchell will pay one way or another and if he is the sheriff the taxpayers will have to pay his defense, right? Again we pay. Why wouldn't he be a crook. Mitchell knew he could get away with murder and Perdock did. Proof of the corrupt system and there is no escape.
The jury in the Dinius spoke for thousands of people that were following the case. Now that Perdock has not been held responsible for the death of Lynn Thorton and not brought to justice for purjury. The public has had enough. This is a huge silient majority that will speak with a very loud message on election day. There will always be unfinished work until Russell Perdock is brought to justice for killing Lynn Thorton. Hopefully justice will be done.
This is the Lovelace group, we want to follow up on a few items of posting first this afternoon. We want to echo the post from this morning which was Post 9:04, and several other posts such as post 3:10. We started this blog back in September, when we opened it we had no that is no one who even knew it existed. Look now at what the citizens have acheived, it is amazing. We have upwards of 150 posts a day and over 200 hits a day and it is increasing each day. We have been accused several times by the BOS in personnal e-mails hitting hard, and being relentless in what we are doing. They are correct and we will continue this attack, no holds barred, we knew in the beginning we were going to have to break a very hard and ignorant shell that was surrounding the government and LE in this county. The shell is now cracked and the old yoke of corruption is seeping out. We will not stop at any cost at any time, those of you who would appose us, you are fighting a loosing cause. This change will come, and we will evolve this county into a modern county whose citizens work in concert with the Local LE. To give you an example of this we attacked Denise Rushing/sheriff Mitchell and Gary at the Record Bee for the photo in the Record the other day. We went after them hard, via phone and E-mail, they were taken back, got defensive, and we continue to press our point. Gary's exact comments were,"I am not going to issue an apology" he said get this "it was just a picture some person had taken and no harm done" We then attacked him againk we told him he is responsible for the content in the paper and the bias effect it would have on the citizens and the election, and if he does not straighten up more pressure would be brought to bear. We told him we would be watching every step he takes. We contacted Denise Rushing, she was taken back by our determination to get our point across, she told us via e-mail."I did not know the picture3 was taken." We did not buy it, we told her, she is responsible for her agenda, that photo was of her, she must contact Gary, and tell him in the future do not post any photo's of me without permission. People will try to slip and slide around the issues, our goal is to attack and attack hard, we are causing each elected official to respond to the public, we have a set of e-mails that will be going out to the BOS and each county official, which essentially tells them that the games are over, you will respond to the citizens, you are not an elite group and your only responsiblilty is not to our own special interest group but to the county as a whole. Period.
You may have noticed how the BOS responded to those citizens that brought lBasor to their attention they would not have done so back in September. Even though you will always hear people rag on the citizens and this site, what is being accomplished is big, it is changing the very manner and way in which these people think and act, they of course would not admit this, but the changes are already happening. Denise Rushing told us she "does not want to debate us", we told her we are not moving on this issue for debate, we are doing it to raise your awareness, to increase your intellectual capacity to understand the needs of the citizens and to make you understand we are in charge you are not, when the citizens call you on to the carpet it is to teach you what it takes in a new system to be a BOS memeber if you do not like that then you should seek other employment.
We want to clear up a few things on citizens ovesight committee's go on the internet if you want and you will see the 100'sd of communities who use this system, the reason each and everyone of them is using it now is a major event turned the tide back in the citizens direction. For example can anyone guess why the LAPD has this system now? That's right the Rodney King incident. Each of those communities had a major event happen which raised the citizens awareness, and the result was a solid and functioning system of communication between the citizens and the LE. Rivero know's clearly how to fund it, the major components of it, how the representation of the citizens in the committee is done, and the model for monthly meetings, as well as communications and input given from the citizens, and get the LE actually asks the citizens questions, like "where are the trouble spots in the community", "What would you like us to concentrate on" etc etc. isn't that amazing, and very very functional. This is not a vigilate group of people telling the police what to do, this is not to pry into the personal area's of a cops life, nor to allow the cops to pry into the citizens lives. These are working models of an excellent system, and exactly what this county will do in the process of this change.
Despite the fact that a DSA endorsement totally back-fired on the DSA and Mitchell, and we think it is great that they did not endorse Rivero, as that would be a bad sign to the citizens. We heard from a SO this morning. Here is how they generated the vote, and this is exactly they way it went down. For almost a week and a half straight they brow-beat SO's into the voting process, many told them they did not want to participate. But they applied pressure on these people to put a vote in and for who to vote for. In fact the vote was so rigged that they actually had 4 people vote for Baxter, so it would look real. Literally, they did not want it to look rigged, by having a 100 percent vote for Mitchell, so they played a little game by shifting 4 votes into Baxter, and there you have it. Never is what it seems on the outside is it.
Despite the fact that a DSA endorsement totally back-fired on the DSA and Mitchell, and we think it is great that they did not endorse Rivero, as that would be a bad sign to the citizens. We heard from a SO this morning. Here is how they generated the vote, and this is exactly they way it went down. For almost a week and a half straight they brow-beat SO's into the voting process, many told them they did not want to participate. But they applied pressure on these people to put a vote in and for who to vote for. In fact the vote was so rigged that they actually had 4 people vote for Baxter, so it would look real. Literally, they did not want it to look rigged, by having a 100 percent vote for Mitchell, so they played a little game by shifting 4 votes into Baxter, and there you have it. Never is what it seems on the outside is it.
March 4, 2010 3:17 PM
I think were basically talking about the same thing.
Regarding traffic, as well as enforcement of any laws there is the spirit of the law vs the letter of the law. Just because someone has a modified import doesn't mean you automatically take pictures of their engine, send them down to the ref. which basically means you loose your ride. The legislative intent of that section is to reduce the number of actual street racing; which does cause a danger to the general motoring public.
Spirit of the law vs letter of the law. I would rather get yelled at then have my property taken. So far I have not seen abuse of this up here in Lake co, however Sac? OMG that's a different story.
I think were basically talking about the same thing.
Regarding traffic, as well as enforcement of any laws there is the spirit of the law vs the letter of the law. Just because someone has a modified import doesn't mean you automatically take pictures of their engine, send them down to the ref. which basically means you loose your ride. The legislative intent of that section is to reduce the number of actual street racing; which does cause a danger to the general motoring public.
Spirit of the law vs letter of the law. I would rather get yelled at then have my property taken. So far I have not seen abuse of this up here in Lake co, however Sac? OMG that's a different story.
To the question on the Morshed return from the search warrant, we have already posted all of that information, but for those that might not have seen it here it is the overview. The return that is the items taken from his house, were essentially 2 computers one of them a laptop, and number of memory devices, some even for camera's, a bunch of CD's and movie DVD's, and a couple of USB memory sticks. Now as you know Martin created probable cause by the process of elimination indicating that when it was all said and done that Morshed had looked at the RiMS on Wright and a had a USB in at the time. None of that is unusual, and many officers use USB memory when they go on the SO computer systems, but the fact that he did while he was viewing the Report was the cause Martin needed. Here is the interesting part, the good news is they find a USB system in the things they took from his house and when they check it there is nothing on it. We know this is going to be the case, and at that point, it is party over for Mitchell, Morshed will be able to go after them big time. This was a fishing trip by Martin and Mitchell, we all know that and they know we know it. Beland was fired because he was under an IA, he did not talk about the IA but to say there was an IA, and bam they fired him. He to will be bringing a wrath down on Mitchell. This is why Morshed will not say a word right now, he knows he is covered, and he wants his change to go after these punks in the biggest way, and you know what he is going to get that chance.
We posted all the information of the entire search warrant, by the way we were the group who got the search warrant number which is 18 by the way, when no one else could. Hmmm interesting isn't it, a public document that Mitchell wanted locked down, but the judge refused, and we were able to get it and start posting the information. Nice! Transparency, Transparency, even though this is a new concept to these guys and to the BOS they are going to have to get use to it. This is how business will be conducted in this county now and in the future!
We posted all the information of the entire search warrant, by the way we were the group who got the search warrant number which is 18 by the way, when no one else could. Hmmm interesting isn't it, a public document that Mitchell wanted locked down, but the judge refused, and we were able to get it and start posting the information. Nice! Transparency, Transparency, even though this is a new concept to these guys and to the BOS they are going to have to get use to it. This is how business will be conducted in this county now and in the future!
Hey Sta Marine, some of us in the Lovelace group were in the Navy, you do realize the Marines are under the control of the Navy right. We always liked rubbing that in to the Marine boys on the ship. If you look at your seal, it say "Department of the Navy". Were just playing with you right now, but wanted to make sure you understood who you were working for, you know the guys you called squids, and we called you Jarheads. You ran the jails on the ship, while we smoked pot and hid from you. There were a bunch of good guys in those Marines, and many smoked and partied with us, we had to give them the pot but what the heck it was a good way to keep out of the brig. I remember one Marine when a buddy one of us knows was in the brig, and the Marine walked up to the jail cell, with a bag of reefer, and said. "Now you see this is why you are a squid and I am a Marine, cause your in jail for smoking what I am going to go smoke while you are in jail" lol great times. This is Lovelace levity is good in times like these.
I did not want to say anything about Baxter, because with his experience I think he would be a good candidate for Sheriff, BUT I feel I must inform all of you what I just found and it is disturbing;
I viewed Baxter's website ( and saw the impressive amount of supporters he has for sheriff. Well I found it to good to believe. One was the San Jose Peace Officer's Ass. I called the POA and asked if they were in fact supporting Baxter. It seems not only are they NOT, but they are not happy about what I gave them. Please don't believe me, feel free to read their email response:
The San Jose Police Officer's Association is not endorsing Mr. Baxter or any other candidate for the Lake County's Sheriff's Office. The Lake County Sheriff's Association has Hometown Rule in that election. Please forward me the website address containing the information which indicates our association's endorsement of Mr. Baxter.
Thank you.
George Beattie
I viewed Baxter's website ( and saw the impressive amount of supporters he has for sheriff. Well I found it to good to believe. One was the San Jose Peace Officer's Ass. I called the POA and asked if they were in fact supporting Baxter. It seems not only are they NOT, but they are not happy about what I gave them. Please don't believe me, feel free to read their email response:
The San Jose Police Officer's Association is not endorsing Mr. Baxter or any other candidate for the Lake County's Sheriff's Office. The Lake County Sheriff's Association has Hometown Rule in that election. Please forward me the website address containing the information which indicates our association's endorsement of Mr. Baxter.
Thank you.
George Beattie
We did receive some interesting information on the BOS members this afternoon from someone very close to them, does a lot of oh work for them, anyway, it is reported that each BOS member reads this blog everyday, some of them it is driving them crazy. Denise Rushing has asked for a meeting with us on Monday at 10:00, we have set up the appointment, but would like input from the citizens as to what we should bring to the table. So send that to the e-mail account or post it on the public thread either way.
This information is quite concerning we just got off the phone with the individual who discovered the false information concerning the endorsements of Baxters on this website. This calls into question a great many things and we are very fortunate to have such excellent citizens looking into this matter. Great research, The citizens have to be very careful during these times, we know Mr. Baxter as well as all the BOS and government officials are watching this site each day. So let's keep it up, and again great job by one of our supporters and citizens of the county.
Can someone bring me up to speed as to why Morshed had his house searched and his is on admin leave? Thanks...
To the 5:49 post.
A question that many would like to ask the BOS is why is the EEOC report not being released?
A question that many would like to ask the BOS is why is the EEOC report not being released?
Thank you 6:15 we had that one in the books already, we believe right now the EEOC has not been reported complete but the individual we are going to ask about that is Rivero, it is his EEOC and he will know the exact situation at the present.
Googling gives me no response to that it down already? What's up with that?
Quick re-post so everyone see's this posting by a sharp citizen who checked on an endorsement on Baxters webpage.
I did not want to say anything about Baxter, because with his experience I think he would be a good candidate for Sheriff, BUT I feel I must inform all of you what I just found and it is disturbing;
I viewed Baxter's website ( and saw the impressive amount of supporters he has for sheriff. Well I found it to good to believe. One was the San Jose Peace Officer's Ass. I called the POA and asked if they were in fact supporting Baxter. It seems not only are they NOT, but they are not happy about what I gave them. Please don't believe me, feel free to read their email response:
The San Jose Police Officer's Association is not endorsing Mr. Baxter or any other candidate for the Lake County's Sheriff's Office. The Lake County Sheriff's Association has Hometown Rule in that election. Please forward me the website address containing the information which indicates our association's endorsement of Mr. Baxter.
Thank you.
George Beattie
I did not want to say anything about Baxter, because with his experience I think he would be a good candidate for Sheriff, BUT I feel I must inform all of you what I just found and it is disturbing;
I viewed Baxter's website ( and saw the impressive amount of supporters he has for sheriff. Well I found it to good to believe. One was the San Jose Peace Officer's Ass. I called the POA and asked if they were in fact supporting Baxter. It seems not only are they NOT, but they are not happy about what I gave them. Please don't believe me, feel free to read their email response:
The San Jose Police Officer's Association is not endorsing Mr. Baxter or any other candidate for the Lake County's Sheriff's Office. The Lake County Sheriff's Association has Hometown Rule in that election. Please forward me the website address containing the information which indicates our association's endorsement of Mr. Baxter.
Thank you.
George Beattie
We also notice he is listing Lou Riccardi twice once as an individual and once as the owner of a cattle company, tisk tisk, that is an old campaign trick. Jezzzz do these guys think us citizens just don't have a clue or what?
Doesn't sound like the San Jose Police Officers Association are happy campers right now. Also noticed he has the old corrupt Chief Gates from the old LAPD listed, Gates is a hardliner who ran the citizens into the ground with his corruption and untoward actions, really one of the main reasons LAPD was such a disfunctional department back in the day. He's an old right wing bigot!! That one should come down Baxter, that one will hurt you.
43 out of county Endorsements, 4 Local? I suppose that will get better as time goes by. My experience has been that the more a person professes to already know the less they feel they have to learn.
I was the person who contacted the San Jose POA. Due to their response, I contacted several other organizations listed. When I started, I noticed Baxter listed the Robbery Associations three times, but the organizations are all one. I sent several email requests for verification of endorsement, but they all returned as bad email addresses. The same for the San Jose Police Benevolent Association San Mateo Police Officers Association,San Jose Association Police & Fire employees and the San Jose PD Merge / H Unit Assoc.
I'm waiting for a response from the others.
I'm waiting for a response from the others.
Baxter also listed in his experience that he is the Executive Director, California Robbery Investigators Association, but that website lists the President as Bret Richards of L.A.P.D. Baxter is not listed as the President on the Northern or Southern branch either.
It does list Baxter on the site, but as the secretary of the Northern California group. He is not listed anywhere on the California Directors list (I guess that is the Executive Branch).
It does list Baxter on the site, but as the secretary of the Northern California group. He is not listed anywhere on the California Directors list (I guess that is the Executive Branch).
You hannered Mc Carty, he is gone (not because of You) you are now hammering Baxter you have so little spare time to live your lives oh yea You have no lives just looking for anything to discredit anyone on Your agenda.
Who's next> not a real question Ÿ
Who's next> not a real question Ÿ
Sheriff Mitchell has my full support. He is a good leader and an honorable man. you people do not know what your talking about. You make up lies and have no concern as to who it hurts. By the way, maybe you could hit spell check once in a while and not look so completely stupid........Just a thought
5:39 Rod, what are you doing up so early? I guess someone has to like the clown. Honorable man, in his dreams! What's so honorable about a creep that would cheat on his wife, steal from the tax payers and screw his own department? He's nothing but a hot steamy POS
March 4, 2010 5:43 PM
That's cool. Yes, the Marines are under the Department Of The Navy..For now. Some want to change that on the hill. Doesn't make any difference really. Marines and Navy are both "sea services". I was infantry 0351 and Sta platoon. I was indoct in with a 9916 mos, but I never flew a UAV. I was with scouts, but I have broken time. I later went in the Guard as 11B but I was like 42 back then. They gave me the 240Bravo in weapns squad light infantry. 8years, but I never went to actual war. Went on some cool deployments.
I have some resentment about not being career military. I gave it up for awhile to pursue a career in law enforcement. Thats another story. Before I was put through the POST academy by San Rafael, I was DOD police. IMHO it was awsome training. Also worked in another Marin agency and then Clearlake. CPD with Roger Scuitto was awesome. He took care of us, god bless him. Too bad it didn't work out. Ya, whatever I've been around. That's in another lifetime.
Mitchell really is not that bad of a guy. He investigated me once. He was objective, professional and fair. I respect the man for that. He probably doesn't remember, but I do. One of my guys were trying to sleaze ball the whole thing and another agency; the LCSD had my back. Too much.
I was well trained and I'm still arrogant about it. If you do not know the difference between a contact, detention and an arrest. If you can't quote 836 verbatim from your head I might punk you out. Don't even talk to me.
I build the sick imports now. I live a simple life and I dig it.
Officers up here are cool. They leave folks alone unless your a jackass. They have my respect. I watch things. Once a year or so I screw up and drive to fast or forget to put my reg sticker on. There not to anal, which is nice. They don't have the "quota" mentality.
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That's cool. Yes, the Marines are under the Department Of The Navy..For now. Some want to change that on the hill. Doesn't make any difference really. Marines and Navy are both "sea services". I was infantry 0351 and Sta platoon. I was indoct in with a 9916 mos, but I never flew a UAV. I was with scouts, but I have broken time. I later went in the Guard as 11B but I was like 42 back then. They gave me the 240Bravo in weapns squad light infantry. 8years, but I never went to actual war. Went on some cool deployments.
I have some resentment about not being career military. I gave it up for awhile to pursue a career in law enforcement. Thats another story. Before I was put through the POST academy by San Rafael, I was DOD police. IMHO it was awsome training. Also worked in another Marin agency and then Clearlake. CPD with Roger Scuitto was awesome. He took care of us, god bless him. Too bad it didn't work out. Ya, whatever I've been around. That's in another lifetime.
Mitchell really is not that bad of a guy. He investigated me once. He was objective, professional and fair. I respect the man for that. He probably doesn't remember, but I do. One of my guys were trying to sleaze ball the whole thing and another agency; the LCSD had my back. Too much.
I was well trained and I'm still arrogant about it. If you do not know the difference between a contact, detention and an arrest. If you can't quote 836 verbatim from your head I might punk you out. Don't even talk to me.
I build the sick imports now. I live a simple life and I dig it.
Officers up here are cool. They leave folks alone unless your a jackass. They have my respect. I watch things. Once a year or so I screw up and drive to fast or forget to put my reg sticker on. There not to anal, which is nice. They don't have the "quota" mentality.
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