Thursday, September 10, 2009


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Yes yes, Kudos Lovelace!
OK Lovelace....
Im gonna send u a Funny Pic to go along with your Cat Comment.... (but tread lightly on that now!) **grin** Cause you know.... Its my "Thing".. SQ
Tag... You It.

And I just love how these Corrupt Bozo's cant figure out who is behind this site, so they keep trying to bait you to "come out". Idiots, couldnt find their own asses with both their hands, Mitchell's and Hopkin's hands too! Just one big Circle Jerk up there. Oh, If they only knew...... Stay Tuned Kids for another Episode of as "The LCSO Turns"
Sure was a waste of money for all that computer training we spent on Garzoli.
The best part, if I heard it right. It was a 7th grade drop out that outed him.
yeah, all that helo training too.....
After all the money we wasted on Garzoli, I hope he doesn't expect a gold watch when he leaves.
Is Garzoli still on the force or what?
He went off the force but he is still on the payroll, Go figure.
our site is now number 2 with just sheriff m typed into the google box, pretty amazing, gaining lots of ground that is the idea. Thanks to all the good citizens of this county!! The change is happening!!
So you want Mitchell as Sheriff. You don't care that he failed to manage three sergeants on the night of the Dinius/Perdock boat crash. That instead of calling Napa (which might have been there within an 30 minutes) Mitchell elected to wait three days and then call someone all the way from Sacramento. How about Mitchell not locking unauthorized persons from that case (he did it before on several reports) or comforting Perdock but not the victims.

How about not having another person review the DEA grant. How about Mitchell saying he did not know Garzoli was operating the helicopter when he had "PILOT" printed on his jumpsuit that he wore at management meetings. What about Mitchell's own staff knew children were riding on that helicopter. Now because of this, we might have to pay back the entire grant.

What about Mitchell's pick for supervisors? A Captain with no street supervision experience, a lieutantent engaging in sexist remarks, sergeant's making fun of minorities and FTO's challenging a former recruit knowing he never spoke harsh about them.

Mitchell has shown over and over he is a failure as a manager. A good test is to talk with former or retired deputies from his department. I have not yet seen one of them come forward. From Hooper to Carlile or even McMahon.

Oh and ask Ed Bean at the DA's Office on how Mitchell yelled at him after he was involved in officer involved shooting.
The only issue we have now with Garzoli and Perdock is that they are still on the payroll, neither will ever be in uniform again, that is a done deal, we are quite concerned tthey are still taking in the public dime, but the pressure is way up on that deal, so it wont be long for the final termination, Mitchell is just squeezing out the last he can out of our pockets
I hope Mitchell and his agents do come out and unmask Lovelace. That will show just where their prioriities are and how much of our time and the tax payers money they piss away to attack their detractors thus validating everything that's been said about them. My guess is that one Lovelace might be identified only to melt away and be replaced by ten more. They will never go away Rodney at least not until you do.
Lovelace: what was it I said that you needed to delete me?
A prediction: Mitchell will allow the administrative leave to drag out until the one year POBR limit has passed then we are stuck with them OR he'll drag out the AL as far as he can then he'll allow the two amigoes to resign and save their retirement before he has to fire them.
I know someone in the Lovelace group, figured it out at an event and I haven't even told my spouse. This mission is far to important so my lips are sealed. Even if the Lovelace group is outed I don't see them hanging up the hats and walking away. Their mission is ongoing and I suspect that if those involved today are outed, new faces will jump on board. Mitchell, it's your fault and outing Lovelace won't end your troubles.
El Predictor, OK I'll unmask myself. I'm really "el profeta" Senior Sheriff....
We are all LOVELACE Big Rod and you'll never silence all of us. This is not Iran Iotola Mitchell so you and your revolutionary guard will never silence the masses exercising the right of free speech. Check out the US Constitution dear leader. I know you would like to ignore it but this will be your downfall and an end to your malicious violation of the civil rights of others.
James if we did it was by accident, sometimes we mis-hit the keys if we did sorry, re-post our bad.
James. Is this a clue for Iatola Rod's secret police monitoring the net.
This is Lovelace, our group is not even remotely concerned about being "outed", you corruption supporters want to give that a run go for it. When we come out it will be on our terms, not yours the tide has changed the citizens are in charge, Imagine if we had started this so many months ago, and we were found out early on, none of this would have worked, we had to gain ground, and establish the cause expose the corruption and push the citizens agenda, and that we have done, and that we will continue to do. You want to come after us bring it. At this point if we decided it was time to revel who we are it would create even a greater cause, and we have far enough support where the corruption supporters would not be able to touch us.
Mitchell has accomplishments now that's a real joke. He runs a dysfunctional Department. His management style is keep trying the same old thing, and someday is will work out. He promotes someone only to later demote them because he fails to supervise them. He promotes cover-ups to protect his butt kissers. He's built a wall between the Citizens and Law Enforcement (his Department) He failed to call for help for three days after the boating accident. He allows Perdock access to his boat after the accident. He allowed Perdock access to the RIMS computer system. He keeps Garzoli and Perdock on the pay roll for months and months, but fires Wright in only a few months. Mitchell lack the common sense that a rat has!! After he loses the election, the truth will comes out about the admin. I somewhat feel sorry for some of the command staff that will go down with him. NO I DON'T NOT REALLY.
The truth about Sheriff Mitchell and his illegal and/or unprofessional activities needs to come out before the election. The voters must have the opportunity to learn what he's doing and what he has done so we can make our choice. Even Mitchell supporters need a chance to see what's going on so there is no chance of him being re-elected because of public ignorance and apathy.

Mitchell hides in the closit. His office is closed to the people while he whines that we don't understand him or we are taking things out of context. Fortunately we do understand him and its long past time for everyone to see clearly what's going on so we can vote this man out and end his regime of intimidation, vindictivness and secrecy.
kxtv 10 in Sacramento is reporting the arrest of former Lake Co Deputy Jan Layfield on suspicion of lend and lascivionus acts. It's being reported that Layfield "fondled the Victims breasts and day humped her several times. If I remember correctly Layfield was one of Rodney's bright boys.

Don't feel sorry for Mitchell's command staff or anyone else who chooses to turn a blind eye to his shenanagins (Sp?). Their lack of integrity and guts makes him just as bad as he is.

They are in for a big surprise if we get a sheriff that will not put up with their brown nosing and self serving attitudes. They are going to have to go down with Mitchell or convince the new sheriff that they can change their ways and embrace a new attitude of public service and openness where its understood that they work for and are accountable to the people who may their salary.
Sorry that's "dry" humped her
Add Layfield to the list but don't forget he's innocent until proven guilty. Still suspicious. I wonder what he may have done here while forking for Rod.
Did Layfield learn this from Rod?
Excellent post 937 that is the watch word for our group and the citizens, accountability and transparency with the citizens of this county.
Here is the Layfield article on 10 news site sacramento, they did not mention his lake county history in the article.

A former Solano County Distict Attorney's Office investigator was arrested and faces charges after alleged incidents of sexual abuse against a dependent adult, according to a Vacaville police spokesman.

Jan Layfield was arrested Tuesday on suspicion of lewd and lascivious acts, Vacaville police Sgt. Chris Polen said.

Polen said authorities believe Layfield committed inappropriate acts with the victim over a period of several months. According to the allegations, Layfield "fondled the victim's breasts and "dry humped" the victim several times over the alleged period.

Polen had no information on the relationship between Layfield and the victim or the circumstances that eventually led to Layfield's arrest. More details on the case were expected to be released Friday, Polen said.

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nformation taken from the search warrant and statement of probable cause, written by Brian Lawrence Martin. It ia an amazing piece of spin work, for the individual who want to know that reason was for Mitchell and his boys to ask that the warrant be locked down we will give that to you know, since it appears that the Mitchell corruption supporters want to test Lovelace's investigative skills and the documentation, here is the reason listed,

Quoting the amazing Mr. Martin: The public disclosure of information contained in this affidavit would alert any unknown persons of the existence of this investigation, and provide them with a reason and opportunity to destroy or conceal any evidence that could be used in this, or any other investigation. Therefore, I request all documents in this case be sealed pending further order of the court.

That is it folks and of course you can see why the request was turned down. My God according to Brian Martin any and all search warrants should be sealed from the public. That is it that is the reason, they just want it shut down, period. It says would alert any "unknown" persons, what the hell is an unknown person, is that just like everyone who is "unknown" we don't even have a known person who they might be concerned about, just all "unknown" people. And could effect "any other investigation" is that like all other investigations, or like something specific. He and Mitchell are essentially saying we don't want anything disclosed to the public, and that is that. This verbage in and of itself is a crime to even have tried this. Now you can begin to see why we need change, why we need transparency, because if left up to Mitchell and his gang, you would have none.
in the affidavit that was written by Brian Martin, one of the other reasons they used for going after Morshed was that he used a usb storage device when he was logged on to the computer in the SO office, they made it sound like it was real cloak and dagger stuff, so funny. Well it just so happens that RiMS is mounted on the SO computers just like Microsoft word would be loaded on your home computer, it is common practice to plug a storage device into the SO computers as along with the RiMs system, schedules, and other common information is on the same computers, Many Many officers plug in storage devices to download schedules and other items that are necessary. There is no connection to stealing the RiMs report just because a storage device was plugged in to the computer. You could be looking at a schedule and then switch over to the RiMS system to look at a report. This is unbeliveable that they spun this tale to get the judge to sign off on the warrant. In fact Mitchell uses a storage device when he goes on the computers, We believe he uses a blackberry for such processes. This is a nightmare of spin in this report, by the way here are the names of all the people who were logged into the system on the couple of days access was looked at, or were on duty at the time.

Elona Porter, Robin hauff, Corey Paulich, Jason Findley, Rob Howe, Eric Keener, Ben Moore, Todd Dunia, Jose Zepeda,Bill Djernes, Mauricio Barreto, Chris Rivera, Darren Daskam, Gary Frace, Frank Walsh, Don Mcpherson,

Then Martin goes on a long diatribe about the whereabouts of these people or suspected whereabouts as if to say so I Brian Martin have eliminated all of these individuals except Moreshed. Going fishing here going fishing....

Now all this being said and done, here's what you have, an Officer with an EEOC complaint in, who Brian feels is disgruntled, that was like all other cops on the computer with a storage device, and like roughly 10 or so other cops looked at the RiMs report on Rusty Wright, of course many of the SO's would take a look at that as it was pretty big news, the fact that there was a storage device used is meaningless and done all the time.

Essentailly folks that is it, the warrant won't stand up in court, the cause won't stand up in court, Mann should have never signed the warrant, and We wonder if Mitchell has not just gotten the county in another pot of hot water. Nothing heard from the items they took from Morsheds house, which as we said should take oh about 1 day to check out.
For all you GOB's & Gals....
Over the years, you guys have "canned" so many good employee's because they had ethics, and didnt "fit" into your little "clicks".... those numbers are staggering.... some just walked away, some tried to fight back... and others just have a really good memory, with documented times,people,places,etc and are just waiting for the right time... It's not like we didnt learn anything from working for the LCSO! We seen how you went about screwing people over to hide your dirty little secrets.... And Paybacks are going to be a real bitch! I guess you shouldnt hire people who can out smart you at your own game! Even if it does take a little time for KARMA. Better go stock up on the KY... cause its gonna hurt! Bend Over!!!
Why don't you just post the warrant? It's public information unlike the stolen police report. That way we can all read it and decide for ourselves. Isn't that what "power to the people" is all about? I'm not doubting you have it, but going to the court house and paying for copies of a document hardly demonstrates any "investigative" skills. Instead what we're getting is the interpretation of person with whose qualifications to make such a judgement are significantly vague.
So about time to come clean on Morshed, huh, nothing found on the phony warrant, and nothing to report, ok Mitchell/Martin, we see it this way, either announce that you blew it and you have nothing and let the lawsuit begin, or trump up a whole bunch of internal IA crap and try to get this guy to leave, same old story same old practice, only difference now is were watching, every single move you make, The BOS should already be asking Rodney about status, it only takes a day to check the crap you pulled out of his house. So what's the answer.
A little disgruntled there Renee?
Hey renee have you changed your mind about cats being property yet? Or still living in denial?
By the time Rodney Mitchell's victim get through the civil law suit process our county will be broke and we'll have no money to pay all his guys on administrative leave.
10:48, a forensic computer examination of all those devices only takes 1 day? You must have access to a dedicated lab!
Elona Porter...Mitchell's ex-sextary now evidence tech
Robin hauff... Party Jail Chick
Corey Paulich.. Big Bad Detective
Jason Findley... Big Fat Jail Dude
Rob Howe... GOB
Eric Keener.. (on the fence Deputy) better get off the sinking ship!
Ben Moore...?
Todd Dunia...?
Jose Zepeda..Jail Dude?
Bill Djernes..?
Mauricio Barreto...?
Chris Rivera GOB
Darren Daskam GOB
Gary Frace GOB
Frank Walsh GOB
Don Mcpherson...Former Boat Cop, Head Range Master, GOB. How big was that blade you shoved in Rusty's back??

Personally Id love to see a Random Drug Test on every Agency in this County... but then we might not have anyone left to even answer the phones......
How much monney is Mitchell spending on internal law enforcement compared to exernal?
Hey Renee whoever you are, thanks for posting, these guys always need someone to pick on so you take the whining off of Lovelace and they whine about you. The denial is in the minds of the corruption supporters, hey corruption supporter let me hear you say one simple statement, Mitchell and Hopkins must go, they have destroyed their departments, internal chaos is everywhere cops are arguing with cops, and the leadership has caused and allowed a totally disfunctional organization, you can at least agree to that right?
WAKE UP SUPS, Sheriff Rodney Mitchell is out of control and we are the victims. When are you people going to put a leash on him? Do your jobs and take control of our county services.
They do 1054 and it is in Napa, and in fact they can request a rush inspection. Listen we are not talking high end stuff here, to check the basic storage devices is a quick simple process, don't try the Mitchell spin on us we know the system and how it works across the board.
The deputies sling arrows at each other while the brass sits quietly with their holded like good children.Funny they have nothing to say even those who Mitchell has allowed to fall on their swords are hoping he'll take them back.
If I agreed with any of your statements I wouldn't take the time to post here. Kinda like your labeling me a corruption supporter. That might apply if I supported rivero.
Hey Don McPherson, how's about that storage locker in Lowerlake thats the area isn't it, what have you had in that Locker Don, wouldn't be illegal weapons and flak jackets would it. Oh you wish you knew who I was, but you know what you time is coming to, covered all your tracks didn't, oh no wait a minute known you didn't, gee someone will get back to you a bit later.
10:59, Ahhh, you think the high tech task force in napa, which no longer gets support from Lake County will somehow handle this above and before all their other cases? LOL. You really don't understand how it works do you?
I wonder if the new sheriff will send Mitchell's county computer in for a review. That should prove interesting and maybe even provide evidence for his prosecution. That is if he doesn't walk out the door when it under his arm.
Post 1101 your statement is disjointed and makes no sense try posting again, no one has a clue what you are saying.
As a Lurker on the site here, I find this all very entertaining in a sad way. Seems this LOVELACE Group has the old establishment's panties in a bunch. Trying to guess who is who. Seems to me if they had nothing to hide, they wouldnt be so worried, wouldnt care, and wouldnt even bother posting on your site. Not exactly the actions of an upstanding public servants.
Where are all the expensive flak jackets stolen from the sheriffs office. Why doesn't Mitchell launch an investiugation on this.
10:56, come on, you're being disingenuous when you claim to not know who renee is. What that demonstrates is a willingness to lie if it suits you.
11:03 you are lost, they already have the evidence has been in their hands since a day after the warrant, so smart ass again, you don't have a clue, and it would not matter who it was sent to, it is done, and no one wants to release the information. Remember we have the return on the SW we know exactly what they took, most all of it has no bearing, pictures, memory chips for camera's, DVD's movies, only a couple of actual USB devices, you the same kind all the cops use, including your buddy Rodney. Come on man you got to do better then that, were are punishing you real bad right now.
Those who condone or make excuses for public corruption get just what they deserve. Unfortunately we are the real victims of these criimes.
11:06 you are reaching, reaching reaching, we love it when you think you know what we do and do not know. If we knew Renee, we would tell you, she if it is a she is doing a great getting you guys riled up, we say keep it up. Nice try though.
You are exactly right 11:05, we have made that point over and over, we know how in the past this corruption system has worked their sole goal is to discredit whoever goes aganist therefore we set up this model. It has them so confused Mitchell has forbid them from going on the site in the SO office. We love it when a plan comes together.
11:07, yeah, your a legend in your own mind. Since morshed went on leave (rivero too) your "inside" information has trickled to a halt. All of those storage media can hold documents. It's not so simple to just "open" them in a computer when you're talking about breaking encryption and maintaining a chain of custody. That your standing by that claim demonstrates your complete unfamiliarity with the processes used to search and secure evidence in these type of cases.
Come boys and girls from the SO. What's being said in the office and what's really going on? Trust us, we're all pals here and soon the dictator will fall.
I guess I could find a Wig and some size 12 High Heels.
Might not be too pretty.
Any suggestions for that 5'Oclock Shadow?
I hear in the bay area there are those kind of "Speciality" Shops
Maybe Mitchell shops on line at work? That would explain why he never knows what the boys are up too!
Rodney's Information Mismanagment Scam
Wow 1114 you are a real kick in the pants, but you know what if you want to think morshed and rivero are the "inside" guys you go for it. We think that is great, now run along and run down that keen investigative road, you are on. Boy we sure are worried about that one. whew we better shut down the site, the "inside" guys are gone. lol You know what else is funny we told you exactly what has happened to the items taken very clearly all you can say is its not true, but dear friend you can't present a different approach, you sir are a corruption supporter who has no way to go. you keep posting and we will keep beating you up, but we warn you it starts to hurt after a while.
LOL, What have I said that wasn't true? The rest of your comment is a strawman. I've never said you should "shut down the site" I simply pointed out the "stories from the office" stopped at the same time Moreshed lost his access. Take that how you want, draw whatever inference you want. I'd prefer you leave the site operational, I enjoy the distraction.


If he only knew who else within the Department is tired of his crap. And it's no one out on leave right now! Just dont know who you can trust anymore! And who is on your Payroll that leaks info. It may even be that person you trust the most, smiles at you, and pats you on the back, telling you it all going to be OK. Just something to think about.
Rodney is my sheriff.......Not
1124 now you have made no sense at all. How do you think we got the information that all the cops use storage devices? How did we get the post of McPhersons locker in lowerlake. In fact we are getting more information, come on man, we are crushing you, we can give you more examples of the information flow, it comes in everyday. Now you might want to retract your statement cause we just blew your theory away, and you are starting to bore us.
Oh in fact we just got a call, from the "office" as you like to call it. hmmmmm guess that all dried up boy you are right!! Man you really schooled us! ;-}
lol great RIMS Rodney in major shit, we will leave the profane because it is to funny, Lovelace has that option you know.
Hey when we have our party after chasing the corruption supporters out of town, Rodney and Martin might sit in the dunk tank, that would be fun with the exception of the fact we are going to be throwing gernades taken from McPhersons house. But heck it would still be fun!!
Hello Hello hey where did the information all dried up guy go to. Tail between the legs I guess. Oh well it was fun while it lasted.
11:48, all cops use storage devices? Any post that claims an absolute is usually wrong. The info about McPherson's storage locker means what exactly? That he has stuff in storage? WOW, now that is a revelation! Come talk to me when you've actually got someting. You think there's illegal stuff in a storage locker, come forward and provide that information, including the source and actully DO something to prove it. Otherwise it's simply an unsubstantiated rumor. If it's true and you actually do accomplish something towards routing out corruption, then you can have a feather in your cap.
The info about McPherson's storage locker means what exactly? That he has stuff in storage? WOW, now that is a revelation! <<<< Who owns the stuff in the locker, that's the revelation. Maybe they should check out 496 PC (Knowingly possessing stolen property)....
You have to keep the Humor up with these guys, It's like Mayberry, and dealing with Barney Fife on Meth. Guess some of those long overtime shifts they just need an extra "kick". Hypocrites. Do the same crap off duty, that they then go on duty and arrest people for. But thanks to a few calls from the "Office"..(dont bother checking logs, he called on his personal cell) We just might have another scandal about drug use. Someone should write a book on this, you can't make this stuff up!

Hell, CHP laughs behind their backs all the time....
Atleast there is one Honest and Professional Group of Law Men in this County!
Rooting out corruption - Rodney, here we come....
1154 patients my dear friend that post was for McPherson, he knows what we are talking about, it is no rumor just ask him, he knows. In fact we have quite a bit of information, know you don't get our sources, might we remind you that the greatest anonymous source in our history, was "deepthroat" utilized by the two New York city reporters to expose the Nixon administration and watergate, it was 30 years before his name was revealed. Now we can promise you there won't be that long of a wait.
Remember CHP has qualified managers and trained supervisors who encourage leadership unlike LCSO who has none.
On the CHP although we will be going after them when this job is done, that is more associated with the phony DUI checkpoints, but that is for later. The fact of the matter is the realtionship between the CHP and the good cops in the SO is a good one and they work together, but like Burke the CHP upper management has written off Mitchell and they do not even speak to him. They do not want that association or connection. So now Rodney has alienated himself from 2 of the other LE agencies in the county, ya this guy has credibility.
What about the reports of illegal sterpoid use by LCSO SWAT deputies? Is there anythinbg to that or more rumors?
11:59, OK, well do you think posting that information did any good? If there was something there it's certainly gone now, and now all you'll ever have is unsubstantiated rumor. Great "investigation" there. As for asking him, that's kinda naive to think he'll just admit it dont you think? Especially if he's as corrupt as you claim.
OK Burke, what's up. Tell us where you stand since its been rumored that you are Mitchell's pal and a supporter.
12:03, that's a completely false statement.
1206 you don't really get the model we use and the multiple steps we employ when we posting information, you can be assured there is "method in our madness" but you know what, you keep on underestimating us, everyone else has from the beginning, we like it that way. You remember the detective show "columbo" thats us, we let people think we are pretty dumb and don't know what we are doing, and then we smack them down, just like you. See it works. We don't post willy nilly for the heck of it, you can be assured we have much more on Don, you just don't need to know what it is. You see sometimes when you rattle a cage all kinds of things run out. Listen we really think you should stop taking such punishment, what we really think is you want to join us, lets do this, why don't you send us an e-mail to our account can talk offline and see if we don't have common ground, we think deep inside you know we do.
12:07 - I hope you are right about the steroid use but since no one trusts the SO I wonder.
Oh the steriod use is true, and ahem well several oh shall we say those that have been in realtionships have reported on the oh "small" effects the use has had. ;-}
Oh no 1210 it is a very true and if we went back in the archives we could post for you the SO's that came on and reported that exact situation. Behind Rodney's back they are distancing themselves more and more. They cannot wait for the county to rid itself of this guy. And it is true the CHP cops and the good SO cops do work well together. Sorry my friend facts is facts.
Take a look at some of the older pictures of the likes of Davidson and a few others, how the hell do you grow your head size!!!lol...Bobby bonds came into the league at 165 lbs left the league at 265, two hat sizes bigger and 3 shoe sizes bigger. Oh ya its true, no doubt about it.
A big storm is coming Rod. It won't do you any good to hide in your office, the storm will blow you away.
I'm wondering how the whole snitch thing works? You rat out your friends and get paid by the SO and turn around and spend the money on drugs.
Ask the Rod, he has snitches inside and outside the department.
Rodney, how was your lunch? Cheese sandwich with the other rats.
I have watched the blog all day, there has been nothing deleted. Can you spell "smoke screen". 1:13
We just deleted several post, we have explained this several times but for those that are a bit slow we will explain it again, this is not a whine at Lovelace blog, in here let us post the title from the top of the page:

This is a forum for detailing the corruption in Rodney Mitchell's Lake County Sheriff's Department and Jon Hopkins' District Attorney's Office.

Now let us post our position statement:

No single individual can go head to head with these criminal organizations, but collectively we can see to it that they are disbanded and that new, prudent leadership emerges. We urge all individuals to post what information they have, keep abreast of the content on this page, and stay true to the cause of removing these people from power and restoring our freedoms and liberties.

Ok for you slower corruption supporters now that you have the idea, this is not a whine at Lovelace blog. Oh by the way, what really bothers you is that you are not in charge, that's right we are. We are the citizens you are responsible to us. We don't do what we do by your dictates. Several Pro Mitchell sites have been tried but no one posts and they die a slow death, just like your support for Mitchell is dying, get used to this friends this is the citizens county not the corrupt LE's this is our blog, we have the information you do not. This is a brave new world now, and the change is coming, you better get used to it.
You see many times we do this because it re-conditions you correctly, you must be re-trained into understanding who is in charge, the citizens not you. You are trained to deal from a position of power, that power is now gone, and the tide has changed. If you post substance it stays up, if you whine it does not. We have to work very hard at keeping the site clean, if we let you corruption supporters have your way you would destroy it in a few hours, but alas that is not going to happen my corrupt friends, you will be re-trained into the reality of the citizens being in charge, you are the public servants to the citizens, just keep repeating that in your heads over and over, it will come to you.
By the way that goes for corrupt citizens as well.
When we say corruption supporters we mean all those that support the corruption in this county, through your ignorance.
Mrs Mitchell please quit being anoying, I though better of you.
ohhh phone call coming in, we have a group meeting we will go to moderator mode, for a bit, keep posting we will post your comments as we conduct your meeting.
If you were not on the site, we had another dummy trying to multiple post, another disgruntled corruption supporter so we have dispatched the offender, we are in Moderator mode, keep posting we are in a meetiing but will put your post up asap.
RB topic: NAACP Presents gift to City of Clearlake
Ageela Bakheit requested to hang the frame photograph of Pres.Obama at City Hall. Why don't you try to have Mitchell replace his front door picture from San Diego Forethought to Obama's photo. Well I am telling you this. He would have Sgt. Ski and Sgt. little Richie Ward drive you to the closest County line with a lot of screen tests along the way, and while you are in their car, Mitchell in his white sheet will burn a cross in your front lawn. He is the biggest racist in this Nation, and you support him for sheriff! Time to vacate your seat and move back to Richmond, don't forget to take your son along.
My god lets hope Bakheit is not that ignorant, is she really supporting Mitchell, can't be that stupid, well maybe so. It is amazing the level of ignorance in some of these people. This is why the change we are instituting must be in place and we must take the county back from these total idiots.
OK BOYS UP @ LCSO... We just got some inside Information, that you are refusing to do your job today.. (too rainy and you guys are made of sugar going to melt?) We have a Realator Lady who had her 2500.00 Victorian Bulldog Stolen by 3 Punks that attend the Clover Alternative School. She has the address's where the Dog has been taken... Its on 15th Street in Lucerne... Do I need to give you guys the numerics too?? First time she called the SO.. whoever she talked to, said it was just a infraction, and they were not going to respond. BS! PC 496 Stolen Property with a value of over 400.00 is a Felony, And I cant remember off hand but somewhere in PC 487 G?E? or F is something about the theft of a dog.

I gave her the number to get ahold of the Shift Supervisor, and another "inside" number. I told her to document everyone she talks to and what their response is.

So... Do what you get paid to do... Or this WILL TURN INTO BULLDOG GATE.
I will keep everyone posted as what follows this afternoon.
Keep us updated on that on post 2:30 thanks for the info.
Anyone heard anything from Burke?
Didn't we fight this out last night? That doggies and kittys are property! So go get em LCSO people, do your job! just don't send Martin...he's not a "dog" person.
Nothing from Burke, tried a contact this morning, but no one was home, will try again in the morning.
Still in moderation mode?
All dogs and cats shall be deemed personal property and may be the subject of larceny and malicious or unlawful trespass. Owners, as defined in § 3.2- 6500, may maintain any action for the killing of any such animals, or injury thereto, or unlawful detention or use thereof as in the case of other personal property. The owner of any dog or cat that is injured or killed contrary to the provisions of this chapter by any person shall be entitled to recover the value thereof or the damage done thereto in an appropriate action at law from such person.

An animal control officer or other officer finding a stolen dog or cat, or a dog or cat held or detained contrary to law, shall have authority to seize and hold such animal pending action before a general district court or other court. If no such action is instituted within seven days, the animal control officer or other officer shall deliver the dog or cat to its owner.

The presence of a dog or cat on the premises of a person other than its legal owner shall raise no presumption of theft against the owner, and the animal control officer may take such animal and notify its legal owner. The legal owner of the animal shall pay a reasonable charge as the local governing body by ordinance shall establish for the keep of such animal while in the possession of the animal control officer.
ok guys and gals, no caps no profane, we are in Mod mode till the kids get tired I guess Rod let them out of school early today. Keep posting they will go up ASAP.
If it is unlawful to shoot a bb or pellet gun in Lake port. When is it lawful to shoot a bb or pellet gun in Lake port? Can I shoot at targets on my property in the back yard?
in the affidavit that was written by Brian Martin, one of the other reasons they used for going after Morshed was that he used a usb storage device when he was logged on to the computer in the SO office, they made it sound like it was real cloak and dagger stuff, so funny. Well it just so happens that RiMS is mounted on the SO computers just like Microsoft word would be loaded on your home computer, it is common practice to plug a storage device into the SO computers as along with the RiMs system, schedules, and other common information is on the same computers, Many Many officers plug in storage devices to download schedules and other items that are necessary. There is no connection to stealing the RiMs report just because a storage device was plugged in to the computer. You could be looking at a schedule and then switch over to the RiMS system to look at a report. This is unbeliveable that they spun this tale to get the judge to sign off on the warrant. In fact Mitchell uses a storage device when he goes on the computers, We believe he uses a blackberry for such processes. This is a nightmare of spin in this report, by the way here are the names of all the people who were logged into the system on the couple of days access was looked at, or were on duty at the time.

Elona Porter, Robin hauff, Corey Paulich, Jason Findley, Rob Howe, Eric Keener, Ben Moore, Todd Dunia, Jose Zepeda,Bill Djernes, Mauricio Barreto, Chris Rivera, Darren Daskam, Gary Frace, Frank Walsh, Don Mcpherson,

Then Martin goes on a long diatribe about the whereabouts of these people or suspected whereabouts as if to say so I Brian Martin have eliminated all of these individuals except Moreshed. Going fishing here going fishing....

Now all this being said and done, here's what you have, an Officer with an EEOC complaint in, who Brian feels is disgruntled, that was like all other cops on the computer with a storage device, and like roughly 10 or so other cops looked at the RiMs report on Rusty Wright, of course many of the SO's would take a look at that as it was pretty big news, the fact that there was a storage device used is meaningless and done all the time.

Essentailly folks that is it, the warrant won't stand up in court, the cause won't stand up in court, Mann should have never signed the warrant, and We wonder if Mitchell has not just gotten the county in another pot of hot water. Nothing heard from the items they took from Morsheds house, which as we said should take oh about 1 day to check out.
information taken from the search warrant and statement of probable cause, written by Brian Lawrence Martin. It ia an amazing piece of spin work, for the individual who want to know that reason was for Mitchell and his boys to ask that the warrant be locked down we will give that to you know, since it appears that the Mitchell corruption supporters want to test Lovelace's investigative skills and the documentation, here is the reason listed,

Quoting the amazing Mr. Martin: The public disclosure of information contained in this affidavit would alert any unknown persons of the existence of this investigation, and provide them with a reason and opportunity to destroy or conceal any evidence that could be used in this, or any other investigation. Therefore, I request all documents in this case be sealed pending further order of the court.

That is it folks and of course you can see why the request was turned down. My God according to Brian Martin any and all search warrants should be sealed from the public. That is it that is the reason, they just want it shut down, period. It says would alert any "unknown" persons, what the hell is an unknown person, is that just like everyone who is "unknown" we don't even have a known person who they might be concerned about, just all "unknown" people. And could effect "any other investigation" is that like all other investigations, or like something specific. He and Mitchell are essentially saying we don't want anything disclosed to the public, and that is that. This verbage in and of itself is a crime to even have tried this. Now you can begin to see why we need change, why we need transparency, because if left up to Mitchell and his gang, you would have none.
We are moving on from the dog vs cat posts, except to track if Martin is going to be charged or not. we attempted to get a hold of Burke today, to no avail, we will try again tomorrow, we are in Mod mode right now, as the Mitchell kids have been wanting to play, since they cannot carry on an intelligent conversation with facts and information, we will cut them off for now. Keep posting except dogs vs cats, and we will put the posts up asap.
As another update for you the counts were in on the in-lieu of signatures that were due in yesterday, as of yesterday here was the counts:

Rivero had appox 1500 signatures
Baxter had 30
Mitchell had 0
Marty is out
Endorsements that have come in: are as follows

Ed Roby throws his hat in the ring for Rivero
Ron Green throws his hat in the ring for Rivero

No other announced endorsements

Some hint thet the DSA is wavering, reports from a couple insiders indicates the the DSA after a constant pounding is indicating they may not put out an endorsement at all. At least this a step in the right direction they see Mitchell as very shaky right now, and don't want to lose to much credibility if they throw their hat in the ring for Mitchell, this does not make Mitchell an happy man. However you must remember with the bad name the DSA has right now, it might be a negative to have them endorse you, so Rivero has already said take a hike I don't care if you do or don't and from the inside again they indicated they were not to happy with Baxter. So that leaves them in a position of being meaningless in the upcoming election.
This is actually good news, it show the hard work Rivero is putting out, he is as they say pounding the pavement and knocking on doors, it was indicated he went to hidden valley for two days straight and gathered 250 signatures, not a single person turned him down. This is the correct game plan we have to remember there are alot of people in this county who if you mentioned the word Dinius they would not have a clue what you were talking about. So you have to get in their face knock on doors and do it non-stop.
Isn't it interesting how our local media outlets haven't posted a single article on the Morshed incident, not a single word, something isn't right on this, do they think it isn't news, are there alliances in place the citizens don't know about? hmmmmm
Well that means we have corruption in the LE, corruption in the BOS and corruption in the media???? My gosh, what has this county come to???
It is appearing more more like Mitchell is going to become a non-issue, good job Lovelace keep it up we are with you!!! ;-)
Hey everyone don't forget Hoppy, we can't stop beating on him either, of course the Dinius lawsuit is going to hammer him. But it's still fun, now Hoppy do you wish you didn't make the sailor comment on the steps of the court house. he he
Hey by the way didn't HSF mention Tee-shirts, sure would like to know what they look like hey maybe we can start a "Lovelace" line of clothing, kool!! Watch out Abercrombie!!! lol
What is Hopkins up to now you ask? Read the comments. <<
Oh great septic tank prosecution, so Hoppy has a septic problem, jezzzzzz we could have told him that his whole office alomg with Mitchells is a septic tank, wonder if the guy was working on them to...
I'm surprised that Hopkins didn't press charges on the homeowner for flushing the toilet that caused the problem with the septic system.
Maybe he will make some announcement on the court steps on this one, stating the man is oh full of s**t or something, you try and taint the jury pool. But boy he could never go after the serious crimes like Mitchell and his boys could he.
You couldn't pay ME enough to get a permit to work on someone else's septic. And I certainly would not pay for that privilege.
Hopkins didn't take over the Dinius trial until the last two weeks?? Yet he is on the septic case from the very start??? Looks like Hopkins has finally realized what his limits are.
To Mitchell and Hopkins supporters, You can go here with your sob stories and support. Try and tell them how you think Mitchell,Hopkins,Perdock and their supporters did no wrong.<< >> Just another WORLDWIDE site.
Hey does anyone know what happened to the Sheriff's reserved program that the Sheriff office had?
The septic problem was in the sheriffs office

Mr. Brown, why don't you think about how you would answer this young mans questions about why you will not do the moral and ethical right thing by asking Mitchell and Hopkins to step down, his picture hangs on the courthouse wall, we are sure he would be quite curious as to your answer. His story is below.

Hello,I am a 24 yr old mexican/native american who grew up in lake county. You can see my picture hanging up in the courthouse with all of the other Lake County Veterans of War. It has been a struggle for me since returning home from my second tour in Iraq, but nothing has bothered me more than the news report on the sheriffs that are supposed to be protecting my community, my home. But then i remembered... being a kid and everytime we would pass a lake county sheriff they would put there orange lights on my dad. He would always say, "Watch son, there gunna do it again." Sure enough.. the lights flashed sometimes even before they passed. He said that a deputy told him that "they" had there eyes on him. When i asked him why, my dad had told me that he doesnt know why, but when he came from San Jose in the early 80's they would pull him over just to ask what he was doing there. Thinking back i can remember incedents such as this and its time for a change. We are a proud patriotic family, a Veteran of the Vietnam War who lost his leg there, and a two-time Veteran of the War on Terrorism... who knew that i would have to continue when i got back home??? How can i help???


We can get the fathers name from the young man I am sure, we do not know at this time if he has passed or is still alive, we suspect he has passed but have not asked him. We can only assume that by putting it into perspective it would mean check to be sure he was not some kind of bad guy or something? Let's assume once put into perspective and it is determined he was your average Mexican or American Indian, with no negative history, which we suspect is the case. Then what would your next overview be. Thanks for responding we felt very compelled by this young man's story. Mitchell has hurt our county badly Mr. Brown, the positive feedback from the community and those from the state capital on down would be quite impressed by a supervisor who stepped up to the plate and did the right thing. As we all know at this point in time it would not be seen as a "political" move on the supervisors part to make this statement, it is done across our country, when an individual strays into this level of poor leadership and decision making, potentially costing the county millions, a statement is generally issued that says we would think it best if you steppped down. We hope you do the right thing, and thanks for responding to our citizens group, we appreciate it very much. We were told you and perhaps one other supervisor would respond, thus far two have as anticipated. We will try to get you his name. The family has indicated that at this point in time they are fearful of exposing themselves in regards to actions from the sheriff's department, so we will ensure them of their safety if we revel their information to you, if you agree that it is ok.
I'm back! It's picking up mommentum. It is a matter of time, maybe two weeks? this person may go to jail. It is a crime, more and more people I know have and are coming forward. They are testifying and being honest. This person is a greedy person, a fraud, a cheater and people are suffering. I know many of them that reside here in this County, you will all have the truth soon. I lost my job....
She knew I knew
And now the others will testify, she knew they knew....

I am dissapointed in her!

It is a person providing services in the health care industry. I know this person who posted, and it is all true!
Also you have to tell K Cox about all grants and have his approval to apply. You also have to be able to show how you will document,keep statistics and what the outcomes are on what you collected money for - or you could have to pay back the funds.
Do you think that the tax payers of LC will pay back the funds on the helicopter? Do you think the LCSO will report to DEA about the abuse??
8:58, if you have that deputies name, you should contact a supervisor, and if you're still not satisfied with the response, go higher. Even if you don't (have the name) they should be able to figure it out if you have the date, time and location. Many of the stops are recorded by in-car cameras, so if the behavior was unprofessional or improper, there will be evidence of it. If you follow through with a formal complaint, they have to respond to you in writing once the investigation is complete to let you know the outome.
9:08, No we won't have to payback the money. The DEA already said they consider the matter closed. It was reported by Lakeconews.
February 26, 2010 8:59 PM
So what you are telling me is Mitchell DID sign off on the DEA grant and knew how Garzoli modified it to get his pilots license? Wow that is even worse than not reviewing the grant at all!

What was Mitchell thinking? How in the hell could he allow someone (especially a manager) to get a pilots license on the DEA grant? Even if he wanted a LCSO pilot, why pick a lieutenant? It seems that a manager is suppose to do that "manage" not be in the field doing patrol/investigative work.
Does Cox have to review the request or simply be informed, such as an email saying LCSO has applied for a CAMP grant through DEA for $$$.
9:15, no, not necessarily, it's an annual grant that is completed by the marijuana eradication unit. Signatures are generall just a formality.

As for allowing a manager to do it, well I agree.
So it still goes back to not reading the grant. Do you think that if Mitchell, Howe or Bauman had read the grant and noticed a request to train a LCSO deputy to be a pilot, do you think they still would have signed off on it?
I bring this up because a trainee has to have a FTO review his report. A deputy has to have a sergeant review his report and a sergeant has to have someone review his report. So why would a request costing over 100k not be reviewed by someone? The reviewer is not required to get all the information, forms or supporting documents, he only has to review it. Lets not forget that grant also covered that expensive flight suit. And the kids riding in the helicopter is a question all in its own.
It goes to trusting your employees. If I recall correctly, there was discussion about allowing Garzoli to "log" flight time, which morphed into "pilot training" in the grant. Either way, it's not clear evidence that there was anything more than a misunderstanding of what was approved.
I believe sergeants can approve their own reports. There comes a time when employees achieve enough rank and are expected and trusted to consider what's best for the organization. No one person could possibly review all the paperwork, plans and expenditures that go through that place on a daily basis. You could try to check up on everyone, everyday, but you'd never get your work done.
Ya just a simply litte misunderstanding, goodness the ignorance and blindness runs deep. Oh hallowed Mitchell we pledge or allegiance to you, we prostrate our selves in front of you. Nothing have you ever done wrong oh wise leader. No Issues caused by you, great leader it is, it is, the Lovelace group!! Oh the travesty that those common citizens would question you oh great leader. All things can be explained away. Do you guys even hear yourselves have you no self respect, small little minds trying to cover such an exposed and terrible leader. Well in order for a system such as Mitchell has gotten in place he had to gather around him those blind and trusting men, who cannot see the injustice, and our blinded by their own ignorance. Your time has ended we to get a kick out of watching your last defenses, and we suspect you will do this till this is over and your leader is gone. So be it. This is Lovelace, we have enjoyed watching your antics and helpless attempts at supporting a lost cause.
February 26, 2010 8:59 PM
I'm sorry, but don't agree with that. LCSO once had the opportunity to obtain two helicopters from the military for free. That offer was turned down and was voiced again back in 2000 by the BOS agreeing again not to get a helicopter.

I have read the Dinius case on the LCSO website (had to go back and verify). Ostini had his reports reviewed several times and I believe he was even once a lieutenant. I did notice Bauman's was approved by him, but it was a minor report. I then accessed a report from 2007 written by Sgt. Davidson and that too was signed off by another sergeant.

Checks and balances must be in place. All Mitchell had to do is assign a captain to review just the lieutenant's reports or even ask another lieutenant to review it. To much stuff was overlooked in that grant. Mitchell should have also raised question when Garzoli walked into the staff meetings wearing that expensive flight suit with "pilot" printed on it. What does Mitchell think Pilot mean's?
8;58 Hey the stupid cop who pulled you over must of been Chris Rivero;
that's his MO...he treatens most people like that. depends on his mood.
He's done this before, I recognize the verbs right from his own mouth.
He also lies; the story about his wife got hit by someone without insurance that is such a f*** lie HAAAAHAAAHAA stupid idiot. The cops always tell that stupid ass lieing story; what a bunch of idiots.
File a complaint for real; maybe this time he'll get fired. They have no right to treat people this's time to
Your not cool at all copper; quit your job now
sorry Chris RIVERA
Ed Robey oh and longest person to serve as a member of the BOS.
Well it's to bad Mitchell's beat wife in Middletown can't get even one signature.
Okay Ski, time to get off the computer now.
Most Board of Directors have to sign off on grants. That's how it's done in the fire districts....the BOD's get a copy of the grant; especially if there is $ involved..has to be signed by the Board. So I imagine the BOS saw the grant and then approved it, and it has to be agendized so you can look it up. It probably was approved ahead of time by Cox or Anita Grant; but also had to be signed off by someone in SO who then recommends it to the BOS or the County same thing. The BOS rubberstamps everything Mitchell brings (and Im sure they didnt read it) to them thats been their biggest mistake.
Rivero had the wonderful group of ladies from the South Lake County Fire Sirens helping him gather his signatures in Middletown. The ladies are powerful people and win at any thing they put their energies towards.
Go Sirens!
Rivero Wins Sheriff's Election ! whoo hoo!
Post 11:20 I think it is a HOOT that you think that Mitchell can/will win this election. He needs to be ousted so that he can be sued civilly and he will have NO WHERE to hide. He bit off more than he could chew and most taxpayers don't appreciate someone they paid for thier protection who openly lies, cheats and steals. So, the Lovelace group has befriended an inside source? Perhaps more than one.
Sheriff Rod Mitchell Loses the Election and he and his "friends" are fun from the county naked. Get used to it!
Perhaps that is what you should have considered BEFORE you gained allegiance to this wannabe Sheriff who has angered, and rightly so, people of intelligence and intergrity.
There is enough information about the corruption now that the Lovelace has access to to permanently put you out on the street and you will NOT be able to survive.
As far as I know there are no homeless shelters in Lake County and if there were the doors will be closed to you. There will be no place you can run or hide and JUSTICE and KARMA will be the only thing on your plate. It will be sweet for the people, like the Lovelace group to serve you the sour gruel that you imposed on the innocent.
Bon Apitite!
Saturday 'Law Show' hosts sheriff's candidates
Written by Editor

Saturday, 27 February 2010
LAKE COUNTY – On Saturday KPFZ 88.1 FM's “The Law Show” will host sheriff's candidates Marty McCarthy and Jack Baxter.

he show will begin at 5 p.m. Saturday, Feb. 27.

McCarthy and Baxter, two longtime law enforcement professionals, will run against incumbent sheriff Rodney Mitchell and challenger Francisco Rivero.

Mitchell and Rivero had a lively debate on “The Law Show” several weeks ago and now these two candidates will have their turns at getting their messages out to the public.

Phone lines will be open so you can ask questions. Call the studio at 707-263-3435 or toll-free at 800-763-KPFZ (5739).

Before the election season is over, show host Herb Gura hopes to have all four candidates on together to battle it out on the air.
Jack Baxter has signed on with Doug Rhoades.
After being at Officer Rivero's town hall meetings three times,please permit my observations. You that have not been derelict with your duties have nothing to fear. You that have been slackers, shirkers, just going through the motions, you will have to earn you pay. For you that for what ever reasons have a hard time warming up to him I truly understand.The fear of the Chesty Puller types scared the crap out of me as well. In closing I say this,if not this time?, then when? You have no shame that your leader would aide one of your own so someone else would pay the price?
You know the grand jury did investigated several complaints including an allegation that Jon Hopkins abused prosecutorial discretion by writing a "Brady letter" regarding an officer's credibility to his commander. The report noted that such letters can seriously damage a law enforcement officer's career. The letter, which blocked out the officerrs name, noted that the case of perjury against the officer had been forwarded to the District Attorney's office, but it wasn't prosecuted due to the insufficent evidence. Or so he says.
This is the Lovelace group, we have quite a few updates for everyone, we will post them in multiple post's this morning as we have a number of updates and some very good news about our progress as we move forward in our cause to bring justiced and transparency to the citizens of our county.

First someone had posted that Baxter had hooked up with Doug Rhodes, this was the posted verbage, unless Baxter has not done his homework on the viability of those in the race, he has just hooked up with the DA canidate who has the least chance of winning the DA election. We would find it hard to believe that Baxter has actually created some "alliance" with Doug Rhodes. If he actually has this would be a grave error and we might suggest he re-think is decision on that one.

We already reported the endorsments already in place for Rivero which includes Ron Green, who is one of the sharpest attorneys we have in the county, very well spoken and sharp. Ron Green continues to hammer away at Hopkins as in the most recent radio show Hoppy was at. He has also posted several comments and opinions in the local media outlets attacking the Mitchell and Hopkins organizations. As well as we have reported Ed Roby has thrown his hat in the ring for Rivero, Ed has been a long time BOS member, and will generate a large number of votes for Rivero via his endorsement.

More postings to come

Over the next week the Lovelace group will be putting the final touches on our largest investigation thus far. We will have to be vague in several areas but want to keep the citizens updated as much as we can concerning this next phase of our efforts. During the course of the next week, we will be submitting an extensive set of documents to several different investigative agencies, we have told that we should not revel the investigative agencies that we will be handing this information off to. We can indicate to you that this will be a very vast and detailed reporting based on information gathering and investigations which will included the testimonies of many citizens with direct involvement in documenting corruption and significant illregularities within the SO and DA's office, this will be the most extensive invesigation by several agencies ever conducted in Lake County. This process will take many weeks to complete upon submission of the documentation, and we will keep the citizens updated whenever possible. To those individuals who have agreed to assist us, from inside the LE and DA's offices to the citizens on the street who at great risk have agreed to assist us we are very thankful, your safety and anonymity has been assured and we have gone to great effort to ensure that this takes place. Thanks to all of you for working with us in these past several weeks, we and the citizens of this county are grateful for joining the fight for justice in our county.

As well these investigations will over-run into the BOS system as well it will reach into the accountability of county counsel, and financial areas within the government offices.
As many of you may have noticed the corruption supporters were trying and failing to overide our site yesterday. We received word through our e-mail account that the total number of those corruption supporters was two people. Yes two people, we want to thank those individuals for increasing our web site hit count, as it expands our ranking on Google, which now is number 2 on the search list when simply the words sheriff m are typed in. As usual the majority of their posts were the typical whinning posts concerning Lovelace, and of course when they post no substance they are removed, for some reason it is hard for them to understand that this is not a whine at Lovelace web site, but none the less we appreciate there efforts in helping us to climb the google ladder of exposure to the worldwide web. Your efforts are appreciated.
We are calling on any other individuals who wish to submit information to us that we have yet to receive, if you have been waiting for what you feel is a safe and secure opportunity to send information to us, now is the time. We have created a situation where agencies are now prepared to conduct investigations in a wide ranging manner, if you have been waiting for saftey in numbers and an exposure condition which creates safety for you, we have put this condition in place and you can send your information to our secure g-mail account. LE officers, DA personnel, and citizens who have been calling for everything from federal to local investigations now is the time to submit you information to us. We still have a small window of opportunity left to included further documentation.
Further update on the Google search engine results, here is some of the most amazing results due to the citizens efforts and the existence of our site.

If you type in Mitchell corr.........our site is the 2nd choice..This is amazing, as it now ties Mitchell directly to the word corruption and you only have to type in corr. Outstanding, so worldwide we are creating a connection directily to Mitchell associated with corruption.

This one is as amazing, if you type in sheriff mi our site is number 1 in the google search engine. Again when we started we were not even on the list. Wow, the efforts are paying off folks thanks for all your efforts.

Our next goal of which we are very close is that when simply the word sheriff is typed in we will be number one sheriff arpaio is currently holding that top spot, we suspect we will topple him in fairly short order.
We also received word yesterday that no less the 4 attempts of fairly concerted efforts to find out who we are have been conducted in the past month, all to no avail. As we have turned up the heat and our investigations have produced such damaging informtion the chaos and paranoia of Mitchell and Hopkins have increased a hundred fold. It is un-heard of in this county for this level of reporting on the corruption in our county to have taken place and still not a clue who we are or how we are able to operate un-touched by the forces who have always been able to attack other good citizens who have made this attempt at exposure. Knowing this ahead of time prior to starting our efforts we went to great means to ensure the safety of our people and those who have joined us.
So what is so amazing about those searches is that when you begin to type a search request in the Google search box, Google with each letter offers you the suggestions of the most hit sites, So all search requests world wide are scanned by the Google search engine, and suggestions appear based on number of hits on a site. To be the 2nd suggestion is amazing. Great job!!!
Therefore so everyone understands the importance of this, is that if for example you just punch in the word sheriff or sheriff m or whatever and send the google search engine to search a million different sites will come up, anything on any site that had the word sheriff would come up on the search results, which then causes people to scroll and look for what they want. The Google search suggestions are used by those searching 93 percent of the time, which of course means they will go to the sheriffmitchellwatch suggestion. Many corporations and other businesses would love to have this type of results when just a portion of their names were plugged in. We and the citizens have acheived this in an amazingly short period of time.
Election 2010: Candidates submit signatures, candidacy filing deadlines loom

LAKE COUNTY – Candidates for local government races turned in signatures to qualify for lower filing fees this week and are preparing for final candidacy filings due next month.

District attorney
Don Anderson: 249
Jon Hopkins (incumbent): 272
Doug Rhoades: 43

Jack Baxter: 56
Martin McMarthy: Did not take out in-lieu petition
Rodney Mitchell (incumbent): Did not take out in-lieu petition (paid fee instead of signatures)
Francisco Rivero: 1,182

Well look at that, Rivero is already leading and Mitchell had to pay the fee. I bet it is because he could not get the minimum signatures needed. LoL
10:40, nice guess but wrong. Read the part about, "did not take out in-lieu petition", and figure it out for yourself.
Yes it said "out-in-liue petition" but it also said "CAN instead pay the filing fee". Please point out where Mitchell got ANY signatures because I must have missed that.
This is a lopsided Blog if it enhances the Mob Mentality it sticks like glue, if it offends the powers that be on here Swooch is the sound of the Taflon pans sliding anything of that sort right off the board, wait it doesn't make it to the board because in Moderate Mode the Clown Behind the screen sees it and decides who gets the Brain and who gets straw. SO you will never see this and if it does get posted I will eat dirt. well chocolate cake
As you can see the dummy is back with his continuous same infor posting, since we have already explained the ignorance of this silly individual and knowing the citizens are wise enough to see past his small minded attempts we will leave his whinning post up, it will serve to deminish integrity and effectivness. And we hope it makes him quite happy. lol
It was not Rivero who arrived at the boating accident, interacted in the investigation, hugged Perdock, but refused to contact the victims and waited three days before calling for help. Which he could have gotten from Napa within 30 minutes.

It wasn't Rivero who failed to lock the Dinius or Wright case in RIMS.

It wasn't Rivero who allowed three FTO's to publicly challenge Lande when Lande only complainted about a sergeant.

It wasn't Rivero who failed to review a DEA grant.

It wasn't Rivero who allowed children to ride on the DEA grant helicopter.

It wasn't Rivero who failed to arrest Wright when he was in possession of stolen property (a felony).

It wasn't Rivero who allowed a lieutenant to post sexually explicit photo's of his wife on the wall.

It wasn't Rivero who allowed a racial poster to be posted next to the Sheriff's Office door.

It wasn't Rivero who refuses to release the EEOC findings.

Want me to continue????
Excellent post 1102 exactly as we reported, and it tells a tale doesn't it. Of course we knew Mitchell could not gather any votes, as knocking on doors would not be a wise move on Mitchells part, his safety would be in jeopardy. These numbers are staggering to say the least, and we believe might point to who's heart and effort is in this race, the people need to be contacted doors knocked on and the concerns of the people discussed with those running for office. These numbers point to the efforts Rivero has made and we applaude him for his hard work.
I told You I could walk You.....Proved my would amaze you if You knew who I really baced, it is just offensive to many the way to so non challently toss anyone who is remotely or closely related to someone you want to take down, that is not fair game you go after who you want but use some class and facts not gossop someone heard and told their best frirnd, I could spill my guts and tell a lot of info I have heard just in passing but that is not my style. Be care who you try to take down You just might be bowing down to them later on hoping to be forgiven for trying to ruin them
Nice 1113 boy the facts sure do paint a different picture then these two corruption supporters who appear to be Mitchells only supporters!!!! Thanks for the post good job.
11:09, well that's a start, maybe now we can have a meaningful debate. I see that you've already descended to name calling. I'm willing to overlook that for now. My suggestion would be, instead of promoting and participating in ignorant name calling, try to address the facts.
TMZ please we do not want to be mean, but please slow down, post slowly and with some sentence structure no one can even tell who you do or don't support in your post. Re-read what you write before hitting the post comment button. Or perhaps you could type it in word and do a spell check then cut and paste it to the blog box. Thanks.
No caps please your post will be removed with caps or profane language
Post 1117 we really don't want to entertain to much of a conversation with you, you can post pertaint information if you like, but post facts don't whine at Lovelace, be professional as much as you can. However bantering back and forth with you will serve no purpose, we already know you will vote for Mitchell and that in and of itself tells us enough of the story. It is doubtful you could really engage us in meaningful conversation, and we do have a job to do which is bringing down Mitchell and Hopkins, that process is not built around conversing in an extended format with what appears to be Mitchells one supporter or two supporters posting on the site. Thanks
By the way this is not an elect someone site, we are posting information on Mitchell and Hopkins and giving updates on the election process, as that unfolds and as the election draws nearer we will turn more attention to that area, so if we get into a back and forth posting of Rivero or Baxter or any of the canidates we will delete the posts to maintain the integrity of what this site is working on we post below our position statement:

This is a forum for detailing the corruption in Rodney Mitchell's Lake County Sheriff's Department and Jon Hopkins' District Attorney's Office.

No single individual can go head to head with these criminal organizations, but collectively we can see to it that they are disbanded and that new, prudent leadership emerges. We urge all individuals to post what information they have, keep abreast of the content on this page, and stay true to the cause of removing these people from power and restoring our freedoms and liberties.
For those of you reading the blog, you can just scan past the repeated sillyness of the posts which are post 1128, 1126,and 1122, these are the same repetitive posting we had yesterday and the day before, so bear with him, however he should know we wont allow a continued repetitive posting of the same diatribe.
This is a forum for detailing the corruption in Rodney Mitchell's Lake County Sheriff's Department and Jon Hopkins' District Attorney's Office.
if that is your Mission then stop slam dunking the wives and daughters inlaws!
Ok folks we have quite a few people from the Lovelace group who will be online today, so we will go to Moderation mode, we gave these kids a chance, but the intelligence level is just not there to grasp basic concepts, so go ahead and post, we will get them up ASAP. Sorry you corruption supporters we keep trying to give you a chance, but alas, it is just above your heads.
Oh you guys are either short on memory or don't get it we hammer those wives and daughters in laws or who ever that participates in the communications, now remember Joe Dutra's wife Sarah, the one who smokes pot got the pot from Bubba and was caught and outed posting on the site. Don't even try to paint the nice girl image of some of these silcone 7 wives, it doesn't fly here.
It is curious and must be difficult to want to participate in this blog, but then not understand who is running the site, you would think that the two corruption supporters of Mitchells would at least be smart enough to temper the stupidity at least to the point where they can be somewhat constructive, such a shame as we gave them such opportunity to communicate, but it just doesn't seem to sink in. You have to play by the rules of the successful site, we know you don't have a site, and this is your only venue to communicate, but you must be at least smart enough to understand you are not in charge and this is not your site. But it just seems to be over your heads. We have to maintain a professional approach, and we expect those supporting Mitchell to do the same, but it appears they just cannot do it.

So we are in the good old moderation mode, post away and we will put your posts right up.
Lovelace thanks for shutting down those guys, either you can't understand a word they posted or it is the same as you called "whinning" over and over. Love what you are doing keep it up, I look forward to a new and better county because of your efforts!! Thanks
If Hopkins and the SO are so down on DUI Why didn't they join with the Team DUI presentation at Clear Lake High school? <<>Among those who were present: Judy Thein (mayor, City of Clearlake), Officer Steve Tanguay (California Highway Patrol), Leslie Thomas, Shane Idland and Karen Petz.

Thank you for taking your time out of your busy days and spending it on our campus.

We probably will never know those who will be saved but the feeling of being able to have a wonderful program and great people who are willing to take the time just shows how great our community is and how it responds collaboratively.

Lakeport Police Officer Stephanie Green is the school resource officer for the Lakeport Unified School District.
Well the answer is simple isn't it lip service is what it is called, talking out of one side of their mouth and not giving a damn in the reality of it. This seems to be the same pattern Mitchell and Hopkins have displayed over and over, what a shame. Give us back our county, vote vote vote when the election comes!!!
That's a great post 1258 you hit the nail on the head on that post. Thanks
In today Record Bee's fictious business section, I noticed a Russell Perdock posting a fictious business name under America eagle janitorial etc. Is that the same Perdock as in the Dinius thingy and on paid leave? Is he starting a business while on the county dime?? WTH!
perdock was the team dui representive from lcso .I guess nobody can fill his shoes .
Perdock was not. Come on and lets not spread lies. Sgt. Chawowski was the head of the DUI team which also included two LPD officers. I have to admit though, it would be funny if Perdock was in charge.
Wow that csnnot be post 2:28 will someone check that out, wonder if there is a way to determine if that is the case, does it say "Russell Perdock"? Now you might want to remember we suggested that Perdocks and Garzoli's termination may be kept underwraps, so if they were terminated then this might be legal, if not this is a big problem. But even if he was terminated then it lends its self to our theory that Mitchell held off on the termination until other work or assistance for these two could be put in place. please lets get some more information on this.
How many Russell Perdocks could there be in the county???
If Perdock is starting up a janitorial busniess and if by chance he gets a contract with the County of Lake in any capacity, I for will be so ****** Our leaders must know how the majority of the citizens in Lake County feel about Perdock. I will not go on a hunger strike but I will go on a property tax strike. My money won't be spent on Perdock.
Just so everyone understands why this possible Perdock situation is so important, is because the rules and policies of the SO and the county states clearly that it is forbidden to hold second jobs as a sheriff officer this is very common in business organization everywhere. This policy is to be enforced, and no Sheriff Officer can or is allowed to hold a second job while emmployed by the county. As we all know many officers have done this and the Lovelace group is making this a part of our requested investigations to the agencies we are in touch with we mentioned earlier today. If anyone gets verification of this being Russell Perdock our home boy, please post it asap and we will have more documentation of this condition, of which Mitchell is very aware of.
Excellent point post 302, we need to keep on this, this is what transparency is all about, this again is why we are taking the actions we are taking, the entire county has gotten out of control, and now it is going to stop.
Fictitious business name statement: File number L2010059 America Eagle clearners & janitorial 3755 Monterey Dr. Clearlake. Full name of registrant(s)Russell E Perdock, Alexa Perdock a general partnership. Filed 2/9/2010
Page B3 of the record bee, right in the middle of the page. How many Perdocks could there be in this county? If I was another R. Perdock and I wanted to start a business, I'd have my name changed!
Well this appears to be the proof, does anyone know who Alexa is? Lets get a confirm on this and we will report it directly to the BOS on Monday and again do their job for them. We said something was up with these two they have been spinning a tale of how bad Perdock was doing under such pressure. Post what information you have on this. We will jump all over this if the facts hold up.
Could be a daughter, new wifey or his could also be his father and mother??
We just checked with someone who was on the GJ several years ago, it is written directly into the county charter and the rules and regulations of the SO. This is not to be done, amazing. Post information if you have it.
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