Thursday, September 10, 2009
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8:28...For me, if they are so certain of their information and righteousness, why hide behind anonymity.
Come on 8:26, I don't post my name on here for the same reason you don't post yours, darlin. Lets agree to disagree. You seem like a great person and I am sorry we are on different sides of the fence. My hope would be that some day we could work together for the same outcome.
8:33 Get real. Lovelace is a group of people living in Lake County and if certain leaders knew their indentiy their lives would be hell. Surely you get that.
This is Lovelace, we are not concerned about anyones opinion of our anonymity, not in the least, it is the same old crying we have heard a million times, we have our reasons, namely safety, and we researched enough of what has happened in this county to know the correct approach, or success, and the coming together of the good citizens and cops in this county is proof enough, so whine all you want, the proof is in what we are changing, and what we will change, we expect those who are corruption supporters will whine about our approach, lake county has not seen this before, and we have only just begun this effort, when it is all said and done, Lake County will be a respected community and we will have a forward thinking LE, and they will be working in concert with the citizens of this county, hang around if we don't take you down and you will see
Perdock Killing Lynn Thorton, and getting away with Murder is the Straw that broke the Camels back... (or should I say Mitchell's Kingdom)... And then with a few residents, and former LCSO Employee's coming out to tell their Stories.... It's Snowballing... Its picking up Speed, more people are finally getting the balls to stand up for whats right (Thanks to a couple of Menopausal Middle Aged, Kick Ass Gals, and one Retired Marine who took the first hit, and have paved the way for the rest of the Community to join in on ending Mitchell's Reign of Terror!
And that Snowball is going to run over the Good Ol Boys with more Force than a Baja Outlaw Speedboat flying over a Sailboat... Lynn's Legacy... Let's not let her death be in vain..... KARMA IS GOING TO BE A REAL BITCH
The People Should not Fear the Goverment
The Goverment Should Fear the People!
And that Snowball is going to run over the Good Ol Boys with more Force than a Baja Outlaw Speedboat flying over a Sailboat... Lynn's Legacy... Let's not let her death be in vain..... KARMA IS GOING TO BE A REAL BITCH
The People Should not Fear the Goverment
The Goverment Should Fear the People!
8:35...Perhaps that is true...The reasons you state, but then why go from there and make claims you know can't be verified or challenges you know can't be met? I don't care one way or another if you maintain your anonimity, but it seems hypocritical to then challenge people to verify your comments, comments that can only be verfied by knowledge of your identity.
I was in line at the Lakeport Post Office a few day's back in walks Mitchell with a package. Shame on the clerk, clerk says I know your busy I'll take care of you. He doesn't even pause to check the line there's a senior in front of me and a couple of other folks in front of her and he blows in & out. Not even a nod of thanks to us. A simple deal how do you know there's nothing pressing for anyone else? Goes to show no class in this guy.
< Re Post> This is to the Mitchell supporters. In the event that Mitchell loses and you have a new boss. What conditions would you like to see changed? Not who but how many top command positions would you support removing/changing? What advise would you give your new boss on what must happen to promote conditions in your dept that will regain the public's trust and respect?
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : February 24, 2010 5:47 PM
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : February 24, 2010 5:47 PM
Post 833 for right now it is the anonymity that gets us our information, we can move about freely, no one knows who we are, in this county if you are known you get nothing, you get blackballed, we are not going to let that happen, oh believe us, in due time we will if you will come out and when we do it will be one hell of a party, Join us we are on the side of what is right, we have choosen this time and place to take a stand, and with the citizens of this county it will be done// This is Lovelace, more to come tomorrow, as we have a little oh shall we say meeting to attend.
Mitchell dosen't care about you or me. He is so self absorbed that he could care less about you or yours. Learn it now and know it!
10:41 you are just restating what I've been thinking for some time. Lovelace and Rivero for Sheriff are Mitchell's boys or playing into his hands. If you are really so stupid as to back rivero then you deserve what you get. Why noty go out and recruit the the dog catcher for sheriff.
Rivero, its time for you to go back to san francisco and burn stiffs. You wouldnt know what being a cop is and you weren't shit in SF. Now you are tryinbg to be the big frog on the small ponmd and we have your number. Go back to Castro Street and leave the Lake Co. natives alone so we can tend to our own business. You are not one of us and you never will be.
Ease off gang, we are getting excitted over nothing. Mitichell is our target not Rivero. First things first. Get rid of the real threat first.
What a day of postings, so hard to keep up. My take is: Baxter for Sheriff because of his experience, Rivero is a good guy but lacks the experience and backing, citizens are upset with wasted tax dollars here and nation wide, and then we have the posters who have nothing to say but want to be included. Hats off to Lovelace, you have a ture folowiing of concerned citizens.
I agree. When this is all over I hope to meet the Lovelace group and buy them a drink. You are doing a great service in getting us all involved plus this provides great entertainment for tax payers. Good night Rod, you are SOL. Take the not to subtle hind, you are out so its time to skulk out the back door before you end up in your own jail.
Curious, where Board of Supervisor Rob Brown fits in, well he sits on the sheriffs Advisory Council and does business under
Rob Brown Bail Bonds
Colusa County Bail Bonds
Lake County Bail Bonds Lakeport
Lake County Bail Bonds Clearlake
Mendocino County Rob Brown Bail Bonds
800-503 Bail
Rob Brown Bail Bonds
Colusa County Bail Bonds
Lake County Bail Bonds Lakeport
Lake County Bail Bonds Clearlake
Mendocino County Rob Brown Bail Bonds
800-503 Bail
Did you know that Rob Brown's Advertising Sign for his Bail bonds Biz is right above the Phone provided for the new arrests while they are waiting to be booked? Kicking back in chairs, watching TV?? (and its not because I have ever been arrested that I know this!!..) And you wonder who is in bed with whom???? Im telling you... Its Peyton Place up there... one way or another, they all have been in bed with each other. Just think of all the Pillow talk!
Mitchell should do the right thing and just step down. Then he can go to work for his buddy Rob Brown writing Bail Bonds. Mitchell will do a great job writing bonds, he doesn't need any leadership abilities, can put money in his pocket under the table tax free. He'll be able to help Garoli and Perdock bail out. After there arrests. However He'll need to call Rob Brown after his arrest, because he can't write his own bail bond. So Rodney just step down.
I think Mitchell released the RIMS report himself. Without thinking as it's normal for him to do. He just wanted Morshed's head at any cost. The power trip of Sheriff Mitchell continues.
Mitchell will throw all of his Deputy's under the bus before he will ever take responsibility for his own actions... and he DOES HAVE ACESS TO EVERY RIMS USERS Password/Log In.... and can pretend to be anyone he wants to be... and "Claim" that the person he wants to mess with did it. And dont believe a word he says about RIMS reports not being able to be changed! Bullshit! They do it all the time. It will log the time and initials of "who" logged on, rather it was Mitchell or the real owner of that log in, but it wont show what was removed/changed. Any report that is important, the boys print a copy and hide... that way when there are changes.. they can prove it! I think Beland knew a thing or two about that!! Or.. when your co-worker gets up to take a break... and forgets to log off... sit at their desk and really mess with them!!!
Lets get this clear,our government is not to lie of cover the lies up. For them to do so allows the ends to justify the means. To find so many justifying the actions of Mitchell and the rest, speaks of the corrupt entrenchment within the system. You see what you get with this lase of accountability, its a personnel matter,we can't talk about it. The board of supervisors, grand jury,count counsel and Hopkins are up to their eyeballs with this deception. For our government to lie to us for any reason brakes our bound with them. To have a attorney general not look at this is a travesty of justice and it's the greater harm. Just getting rid of Mitchell and Hopkins is a start but the corruption in the minds of all that stay has not been cleaned. Their as phony as the oath they took.
First we want to make a statment, this search warrant and all other documentation we are gathering is the beginning of the new house being built, no longer will cover-up and games be allowed in our county, the change is starting, to Mitchell/Hopkins and all county officials those times are over, we will watch every step you take, this report on search warrant number 18 and all other documentation we gather will be the norm in this county from now on. We the citizens will not stand by complacent and allow you to conduct yourself without oversight and communication with the citizens. You are not an elite group, privy to information not seen by the citizens, you are public servants to those who pay your salary. Never again will this county and these citizens be subjected to your corruption.
There is much to be said concerning the documentation on the search warrant. First is we discovered that Mitchell requested that this search warrant be "sealed" so that no-one in the public sector could see it nor the documentation associated with it!!! This is an outrage, and we will give Judge Mann his due credit in this regard as he denied Mitchells request. Judge Mann should however never have signed this warrant it is baseless and has no probable cause that would hold up in any court. The Lovelace group will be filling this documentation with a state commission that will investigate the issuance of this search warrant, this is a different commission then the commission on judical performance who is investigating Judge Martin, but has the same powers of enforcement and punishment as the performance commission. The reason for this is Judge Mann is a retired judge filling a spot in the county and it must go to a different commission for retired judges.
Brian Martins narrative on cause, is a nightmare, over and over he lists Morsheds EEOC complaint as a reason to suspect him for posting the RiMS report, Then why wasn't Rivero's house searched as well. Brian Martin said Morshed was "disgruntled" and that was cause to think he was responsible. And ladies and gents, that is it, along with a bunch of other minor verbage is the "cause". Judge Mann this is a travesty, you have allowed a man's life to be total turned upside down for this reasoning. The truth of the matter is you were on a fishing trip, and the "return" of the siezed items points to this. A memory card from a digital camera???? Pictures, what possibly does that have to do with posting a RiMS report??? A memory card from a digital picture frame device??? Oh ya that has a lot to do with a RiMS report!! Going Fishing, his daughters computer, A PG&E electric bill???? Ok explain that reach for us??? Movie DVD's????? These items along with several computer storage devices, and another computer. That's it folks, Going fish fish going fish fish going fishing....
Much more to post on the details. Now here is the clincher, internally at the SO office that found no evidence what so ever the Morshed had anything to do with getting into the system to pull the RiMS report, none what so ever. In talking to another SO he indicated is opinion by saying this, Oh gezzzz here we go again, now that this did not work, Mitchell will put this guy through internal IA after internal IA till he gets worn out or quits!!!!! Internally they talk to one women who was logged into the system, but her reasoning was well justified. That is it folks, and we get a full blown search warrant issued????? This could cost the county a lot of money. If a lawyer is attained and looks into this the county is going to have another problem. Now the further question is the BOS currently aware of this risk, are they wise and aware enough since they are in charge of the money? We doubt it very much, the citizens are doing this work, we are the ones exposing these situations.
There is much to be said concerning the documentation on the search warrant. First is we discovered that Mitchell requested that this search warrant be "sealed" so that no-one in the public sector could see it nor the documentation associated with it!!! This is an outrage, and we will give Judge Mann his due credit in this regard as he denied Mitchells request. Judge Mann should however never have signed this warrant it is baseless and has no probable cause that would hold up in any court. The Lovelace group will be filling this documentation with a state commission that will investigate the issuance of this search warrant, this is a different commission then the commission on judical performance who is investigating Judge Martin, but has the same powers of enforcement and punishment as the performance commission. The reason for this is Judge Mann is a retired judge filling a spot in the county and it must go to a different commission for retired judges.
Brian Martins narrative on cause, is a nightmare, over and over he lists Morsheds EEOC complaint as a reason to suspect him for posting the RiMS report, Then why wasn't Rivero's house searched as well. Brian Martin said Morshed was "disgruntled" and that was cause to think he was responsible. And ladies and gents, that is it, along with a bunch of other minor verbage is the "cause". Judge Mann this is a travesty, you have allowed a man's life to be total turned upside down for this reasoning. The truth of the matter is you were on a fishing trip, and the "return" of the siezed items points to this. A memory card from a digital camera???? Pictures, what possibly does that have to do with posting a RiMS report??? A memory card from a digital picture frame device??? Oh ya that has a lot to do with a RiMS report!! Going Fishing, his daughters computer, A PG&E electric bill???? Ok explain that reach for us??? Movie DVD's????? These items along with several computer storage devices, and another computer. That's it folks, Going fish fish going fish fish going fishing....
Much more to post on the details. Now here is the clincher, internally at the SO office that found no evidence what so ever the Morshed had anything to do with getting into the system to pull the RiMS report, none what so ever. In talking to another SO he indicated is opinion by saying this, Oh gezzzz here we go again, now that this did not work, Mitchell will put this guy through internal IA after internal IA till he gets worn out or quits!!!!! Internally they talk to one women who was logged into the system, but her reasoning was well justified. That is it folks, and we get a full blown search warrant issued????? This could cost the county a lot of money. If a lawyer is attained and looks into this the county is going to have another problem. Now the further question is the BOS currently aware of this risk, are they wise and aware enough since they are in charge of the money? We doubt it very much, the citizens are doing this work, we are the ones exposing these situations.
Based on the above post, we saw a comment saying hey you did not mention anything about probable cause, Our point was very clear, there s no cause, look at the amount of times we talked about cause in our post, and the final point being, there is no cause, that is the point, now be a big boy re-read it and you will see the simple point. In the narrative of Martin, he mentions an EEOC complaint and a disgruntled attitude. That's not cause folks not by any stretch of the imagination. Regardless of one opinion high or low of Morshed, this action is wrong and very well may be illegal, Judge Mann will go under investigation, and Mitchell has blown another situation in to a possible problem for the county, and it is due to his reaction aganist another officer he choose to attack, for going aganist the grain of the corrupt system.
Dave Garzoli Insurance Services over in Ukiah may have an opening but I don't think he'd hire Rodney.
What did I say, watch them find out Morshed had nothing to do with it. It appears by Lovelace's investigation that management was upset simply at Morshed's EEOC complaint and used that as a complaint for a search warrant. I've heard of retaliation, but I've never seen the judicial system used in this fashion to retaliate simply for an EEOC complaint. Morshed disgruntled? Show me a deputy at LCSO is not disgruntled?
Now remember it was Rivero too who filed an EEOC complaint, but he has been off sick. Warning Frank, I know you're going back to work real soon. Watch your back because I'll bet my paycheck you are next.
Mike, don't take this lying down. Have Ranies & Lucia hit them hard.
****Rivero for Sheriff***
Now remember it was Rivero too who filed an EEOC complaint, but he has been off sick. Warning Frank, I know you're going back to work real soon. Watch your back because I'll bet my paycheck you are next.
Mike, don't take this lying down. Have Ranies & Lucia hit them hard.
****Rivero for Sheriff***
We agree Rivero for sheriff, this pattern of retaliation is very clear, we also wonder about the reasoning of Judge Mann, and how the collusion between the judges and the sheriffs office is used to effect these types of unwarranted actions. The citizens quest for absolute transparency is critical in these in-grained corrupt systems. The BOS is not capable of watching the store, and all of these actions cost money and lawsuits. It is time for the Board to expand and define these areas of oversight, this will be part of our next expose which will center around creating a defined set of SOP's directly relating to all aspects and actions of the DA and Sheriffs office that has cost or potential costs associated with it. The current HR areas of the county do not track nor understand the potential ramifications of such actions, therefore they spin out of control and its to late. We have got to bring a greater level of understanding and oversight to these areas of our local government.
By the way, we checked with some people on the inside at the courthous and found out that no less then 5 people have requested this search warrant during the past few days. Now if that isn't a redflag we don't know what is. And remember we have clear written documentation of Mitchell asking that this warrant be sealed from the public!!!!! For what reason would Mitchell want that done? hmmmmmmmmm
By the way, we checked with some people on the inside at the courthous and found out that no less then 5 people have requested this search warrant during the past few days. Now if that isn't a redflag we don't know what is. And remember we have clear written documentation of Mitchell asking that this warrant be sealed from the public!!!!! For what reason would Mitchell want that done? hmmmmmmmmm
It might be that Mitchell was thinking about POBR. A peace officer's personnel file is not public record. Now if Martin was smart, he should have called Morshed in the office and asked permission to search his residence for those items. If Martin could not obtain permission, hold Morshed at the office and go for the search warrant stating Morshed's reluctance to assist in this investigation. That would have looked a lot better in response to POBR.
Is there no end to the blatent crimes this sheriff and his storm troops get away with? I hope the news people are reading this blog and get on the story. Mitchell has to be exposed in public for his actions.
8:17...You clearly have no idea of the logistics necessary to obtain a search warrant. It isn't as simple as you make it out to be. Not only would it likely be an illegal detention to hold someone for as long as it took to get a search warrant (There are circumstances where it wouldn't be) in a case like this, it would be a serious error to think you could prevent the possible destruction of evidence as word almost certainly spread. Instead, I would have obtained the search warrant, called him in, asked for permission and if he refused immediately served the warrant. Which I suspect, if the information ever comes out, will be very close to the way it actually happened. Either way, POBR doesn't come into play for criminal investigations, only internal affairs. In this case there are almost certainly concurrent investigations going on.
Lovelace, the justifications for sealing the warrant are almost certainly contained in the affidavit. If you have a copy, you likely know exactly the reasons. Why not post them and remove the doubt, and innuendo...Or is that your goal?
Lovelace, the justifications for sealing the warrant are almost certainly contained in the affidavit. If you have a copy, you likely know exactly the reasons. Why not post them and remove the doubt, and innuendo...Or is that your goal?
7:56, yes it is convenient for rivero that he's off "sick" but not too sick to keep him off the campaign trail. I'm confident I could find more deputies who think what rivero did was wrong than you could find who think the Sheriff did anything wrong.
Lovelace, the PG&E bill is used as proof of occupancy and control over the location that was searched. Please tell me you know this and are just trying to be obtuse? Otherwise your lack of understading related to how investigations and prosecutions occur is quite profound.
Can't We all just get along? so many inuendos so little facts. If You knew what I knew You would just mess your depends. Big News Coming Out Tomorrow!!!!
*******Sheriff Rod Wins Election*************
*******Sheriff Rod Wins Election*************
10:09 You my friend are idiot. The sound you hear is the citizens like me starting to see celebrate the fact Rod will be gone. YEA!!!!
Morshed was on duty. It is simple to do two things if he refused to all a search. One, assign him to a desk while obtaining a warrant or simply secure his house after he refused and get a warrant. Just like a homicide. Morshed can't go in nor anyone else. Come on Garzoli, thing like a cop not like a manager.
< Re Post> This is to the Mitchell supporters. In the event that Mitchell loses and you have a new boss. What conditions would you like to see changed? Not who but how many top command positions would you support removing/changing? What advise would you give your new boss on what must happen to promote conditions in your dept that will regain the public's trust and respect?
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : February 24, 2010 5:47 PM
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : February 24, 2010 9:43 PM
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : February 24, 2010 5:47 PM
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : February 24, 2010 9:43 PM
This is to the Rivero supporters. In the event that Mitchell wins and you have a the same boss.WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO DO
10:35...If you have the probable cause to get the warrant, why wait? Why take the chance? I guess in your world he has no access to communications, by order? Of course anyone with any experience, knowledge or common sense would realize that in a criminal investigation that would amount to a detention. I'm not who you think, and I'd offer a snide comment about thinking like a cop, but it's clear that you aren't so there's no sense in it. In fact, you sound like a certain candidate.
It's comforting to me to see there are two maybe five Mitchell supporters that post compared to the numbers that want to see change.
Why won't you answer the the questions in post 10:35 Is that the best you can do is answer a question with a question? My grand son can do that and he is 5 years old.
You can go to the other candidates sites or soon to be sites and see what ideas they have going forward. What I hear, because you won't answer the questions is that you don't think anything is wrong in the dept and you wouldn't change a thing. If Mitchell runs on the ticket of no change he and you will lose.
No one's stopping you from hearing or believing whatever you want. My comment speaks for itself. I guess we'll find out after the elections.
11:43 So what you are saying is that there is a lot cya going on behind the scenes? Are you saying that the voters are too stupid to see through your post? The reason most voters are upset is because of the secret operations that go on that we pay for. When it comes to our tax dollars and how they are spent that should not be a secret. Please explain how you think it is in our best interest to have our tax money spent in our name with no accountability?
"My ignorance is my responsibility," Mitchell said. That was the excuse Mitchell used about Garzoligate. Evidently his Ignorance is more widespread then anyone thought.
12:03, If I may, I don't read the comment as CYA or "secrets" going on. I read it that there are laws and standards which prohibit the release of information. Regardless of the person in the position, those laws and standards will remain, and releasing that information would be prohibited or detrimental to the investigations.
12:08, so who's responsible for your ignorance? Of course he said that, and it doesn't sound like an excuse, but rather an acceptance of responsibility.
12:08, so who's responsible for your ignorance? Of course he said that, and it doesn't sound like an excuse, but rather an acceptance of responsibility.
Good job, When ever the CAPS come out it shows that they are being controlled. I wonder if they write their tickets in CAPS to try to intimate the public?
12:08, so who's responsible for your ignorance? Of course he said that, and it doesn't sound like an excuse, but rather an acceptance of responsibility for his ignorance?
It's one thing to be ignorant of things out side of your expertize. After being a expert sheriff for all these years he should not be ignorant of any thing that happens in his own dept. The sheriff position is a full time job. To admit ignorance of things in your dept is admitting you are not doing your job. Where does the buck stop in that dept? Ignorance of the law is no excuse in court. Just as Ignorance should not be a excuse for poor job performance.
12:45 Sounds like a union leader to me. Look what he has done for the members of his union. How does any of that help the person on the street? It's self serving not public service. Don't forget that tax payers are who is paying the dues to keep your union providing all those self serving benefits.
Really? All that enhances the services that are provided to us, the citizens of Lake County. These things had nothing to do with the union, which negotiates for wages and benefits. Kip Ringen was in charge of the union for a long time, and deputies compensation here is among the worst in the state. That should tell you something.
By the way the Sheriff is not a member of the deputies unions. Judging by your comment you weren't aware of this fact.
On that list that goes on and on, Where is community service on the list? Go over that part about Employee performance standards please. Only try and do it with a straight face.
1:04, Sounds like a desparate attempt at baiting. If you were genuinely interested in those answers, and not just a snarky attack, you'd already get it.
I should have said Mitchell's union. The question was what has Mitchell done to make things better? Then you list what the union has done? Did you leave Mitchell's accomplishments out on purpose?
1:10, those are not union accomplishments. The union negotiates for wages and benefits. Why don't you tell me where the deputies stand in comparision to other counties w/respect to wages and benefits? Higher comp banks and sick leave buy back are MOU items, but the DSA wouldn't have gotten them without the Sheriff's support.
I see we are being inundated by Mitchellpropaganda this morning.
12:45's list of the great things the dear leader has done really is not impressive. I did like the part about **Employee Performance Standards** He continues to demonstrate his high standards by his action or inaction over the past two years which have resulted in one major screw up after another.
If this over defensive post is coming from a union leader then it becomes clear they want to change or see no need for change. To bad because its coming sooner then you think.
12:45's list of the great things the dear leader has done really is not impressive. I did like the part about **Employee Performance Standards** He continues to demonstrate his high standards by his action or inaction over the past two years which have resulted in one major screw up after another.
If this over defensive post is coming from a union leader then it becomes clear they want to change or see no need for change. To bad because its coming sooner then you think.
Lake County is one of the lowest as far as wages and benefits are concerned when compared to other Caliofornia LE agencies. That's a disgrace considering they have the same job as any other cops. Times are tough ans things are tight for everyone but I believe they deserve more.
Will the public support any increase in pay and benefits I don't think so because of the communities lack of trust for the sheriff and his operatives. You have a long way to go to earn the publics trust and its long past time you started earning it. Mitchell will never gain that trust but there is still hope for the deputies.
Will the public support any increase in pay and benefits I don't think so because of the communities lack of trust for the sheriff and his operatives. You have a long way to go to earn the publics trust and its long past time you started earning it. Mitchell will never gain that trust but there is still hope for the deputies.
That's gratitude for you. Things Mitchell has improved...
Take home car policy
Higher uniform allowance
Higher banks for Comp Time
Sick Leave buy back for qualified employees
Two location changes for the main office
new dispatch center
New jail facilities/Expansion
Expanded substations
Better range qualification
Employee performance standards
Took over OES
The list goes on and on. We as tax payers pay for all of those things and they thank Mitchell?
Take home car policy
Higher uniform allowance
Higher banks for Comp Time
Sick Leave buy back for qualified employees
Two location changes for the main office
new dispatch center
New jail facilities/Expansion
Expanded substations
Better range qualification
Employee performance standards
Took over OES
The list goes on and on. We as tax payers pay for all of those things and they thank Mitchell?
Just in to the local news desk. Mitchell's campaign has started and he and his staff have been seen in the cemetery trying to identify potential voters..... More to follow soon.
Just in to the local news desk. Mitchell's campaign has started and he and his staff have been seen in the cemetery trying to identify potential voters..... More to follow soon.
I say that this local government is rotten to the core. You that lie and cover the lies up as if manifest destiny. You save who you are and what you became at a higher cost tomorrow. For you to defend the actions of those that would use their power in a inappropriate manner testifies to your dishonesty. If you have the intestinal fortitude to state who you are and why Mitchell is the better man.I am and I say officer Rivero for sheriff and be done with all you malfeasance creeps.
Gratitude? Come on Rod. Are you waiting for us to bow down and thank you for all the things you've done TO us? Oh thank you dear leader you are the best, we love you, please forgive our temporarly loss of consciousness. We want to be on your team again so please don't make me bring back my take home car.
Cool down 1:28, you just don't understand the dear leader because you are only an ignorent citizen voter. The issues our dear leader faces every day are far to complex for the likes of you so stay home and watch Jerry Springer and let Rod do the thinking for us.
Well lets just look at the other side of the coin:
Mitchell failed to review Garzoli's grant.
Mitchell said he didn't know Garzoli was piloting the helicopter. What? Can't read "PILOT" on the jumpsuit.
Mitchell waited three days before calling another agency to assist in the Dinius case.
Mitchell interacted with Perdock during a criminal investigation stating he was comforting Perdock. To bad he didn't comfort the victims.
Mitchell could not control Garzoli from accessing the RIMS report.
Mitchell failed to lock out the Dinius case.
Mitchell fired Beland, buy kept Morshed.
Mitchell had Ringen put behind a dest in front of Mitchell's office and gave him duties that had no law enforcement value. Clearly retaliatory for the EEOC incident.
Mitchell allowed Thomas, Andrews, Ski and Martin to challenge Lande on a public LCSO website, when he knew Lande only complained of Ski. That is why Andrews left out Ski's name.
Mitchell refused to release the EEOC findings and refused to admit he had a copy.
Mitchell failed to promote any minorities.
Mitchell must have known Garzoli was giving children a ride in the helicopter since Howe did.
Mitchell failed to place proper security measures in RIMS to lock on the Dinius or Wright cases.
Mitchell allowed Garzoli to lower to sergeant, but allowed him to keep his seniority.
Want more????
***Rivero for Sheriff***
Mitchell failed to review Garzoli's grant.
Mitchell said he didn't know Garzoli was piloting the helicopter. What? Can't read "PILOT" on the jumpsuit.
Mitchell waited three days before calling another agency to assist in the Dinius case.
Mitchell interacted with Perdock during a criminal investigation stating he was comforting Perdock. To bad he didn't comfort the victims.
Mitchell could not control Garzoli from accessing the RIMS report.
Mitchell failed to lock out the Dinius case.
Mitchell fired Beland, buy kept Morshed.
Mitchell had Ringen put behind a dest in front of Mitchell's office and gave him duties that had no law enforcement value. Clearly retaliatory for the EEOC incident.
Mitchell allowed Thomas, Andrews, Ski and Martin to challenge Lande on a public LCSO website, when he knew Lande only complained of Ski. That is why Andrews left out Ski's name.
Mitchell refused to release the EEOC findings and refused to admit he had a copy.
Mitchell failed to promote any minorities.
Mitchell must have known Garzoli was giving children a ride in the helicopter since Howe did.
Mitchell failed to place proper security measures in RIMS to lock on the Dinius or Wright cases.
Mitchell allowed Garzoli to lower to sergeant, but allowed him to keep his seniority.
Want more????
***Rivero for Sheriff***
12:45 said<That's a false premise. Not knowing that one of your employees is exceeding the scope a grant has nothing to do with experience and managerial ability. Let's put you in charge of 150-200 people for 16 years and see how many of them get into trouble during that time. You are RIGHT "as I bite my tongue"I couldn't do that job today, But give me 16 years in that position. If you are saying that if it was 149-199 people things would have been different?"My ignorance is my responsibility," Mitchell said. I think that is the problem.
You know I just tried to honestly state a reason why Mitchell would want the warrant sealed and you come back with crap. Let me tell you Garzoli (or since you spoke about the range updates maybe you're McPherson), when finding a homicide, you always lock down the residence and write a warrant before gaining entry again.
It would be that simple. Ask Morshed for permission, if denied than park a car at Morshed apartment, keep everyone out (including Morshed) and get a warrant. It is done all the time and yes it is that simple.
It would be that simple. Ask Morshed for permission, if denied than park a car at Morshed apartment, keep everyone out (including Morshed) and get a warrant. It is done all the time and yes it is that simple.
It amazes me how posts that are not either totally for or against Mitchell, but ask serious questions disappear. You seem to claim that you have the documents supporting issuance of this search warrant, and think that there is no basis for the warrant. So how about posting the document so people can read it and make up their own minds? Are we just supposed to believe that there is no cause just because someone in "Lovelace" says so? I would like to make up my own mind. BTW, I am NOT a Mitchell supporter or fan, I think that he does need to go, but lots of the stuff posted on here about him is B.S., innuendo, and outright lies. There are obviously serious problems with a department that keeps demoting people, firing people, promoting unqualified people, and so on. These problems all rise to the top of the department, meaning the boss. There is definite need for a change of administration there. Now, my problem is to decide who is the best person to elect to bring about the changes needed. I do not know either Rivero or Baxter, but one of them will get my vote.
Wrong. A grant is a major request for a lot of money. Mitchell should have reviewed Garzoli's grant or at least have a captain review it. Having Garzoli walking around with "PILOT" on his suit is proof that someone must have known. How about Howe's knowledge of the helicopter rides. Look, Garzoli bragged about flying all the time.
Look, checks and balances must be in place. A trainee writes a report and a FTO approves it, A cop writes a report and a sergeant approves it. A sergeant writes a report and someone else approves it. Now a federal grant is done and NOBODY reviews it! What's wrong with this picture?
Look, checks and balances must be in place. A trainee writes a report and a FTO approves it, A cop writes a report and a sergeant approves it. A sergeant writes a report and someone else approves it. Now a federal grant is done and NOBODY reviews it! What's wrong with this picture?
1:39 Not knowing that one of your employees is exceeding the scope a grant has nothing to do with experience and managerial ability. *** It has everything to do with Mitchell's experience and managerial ability. It clearly demonstrates his lack of common sense, supervision and management. He is the top bananna and he should be holding the bag for everything done in his office.
1:55 Youi are right on the money. Here is the roblem. No one seems willing to supervise or to take responsibility which is a clear mirror immage of the boss.
Yes I agree that too. Rivero has shown his priorities quite clearly, but Baxter has done nothing yet. He was at the Clearlake Oaks meeting where Rivero spoke, but Baxter did not. If Baxter is going to run, than he needs to sign up and start running or state he can not longer run. Baxter has an impressive background compared to Rivero, but can he handle the stress. We well see....
Mitchell wanted the search warrant file sealed is to keep the media and the interested public in the dark. Secrecy is his MO and he's gotten away with it for years. On'y now are people stepping up to ask questions and demand answers. If he can't lie he covers up and denies.
Again the dear leader tries to think for us and give us what he determines we need to know. But we have take home cars so we're very very happy.
At times we've gotton off track and slammed the Deputies in general terms but do not forget theirs is a very dangerous job. Example: Two Fresno Co. SO Deputies and one Reedley Police Officer were shot this morning serving a search warrant in the rural south county. This incident is still unfolding at this time but it shows just what can happen. It can happen here.
This is Lovelace a bit later we are going to post further information taken from the search warrant and statement of probable cause, written by Brian Lawrence Martin. It ia an amazing piece of spin work, for the individual who want to know that reason was for Mitchell and his boys to ask that the warrant be locked down we will give that to you know, since it appears that the Mitchell corruption supporters want to test Lovelace's investigative skills and the documentation, here is the reason listed,
Quoting the amazing Mr. Martin: The public disclosure of information contained in this affidavit would alert any unknown persons of the existence of this investigation, and provide them with a reason and opportunity to destroy or conceal any evidence that could be used in this, or any other investigation. Therefore, I request all documents in this case be sealed pending further order of the court.
That is it folks and of course you can see why the request was turned down. My God according to Brian Martin any and all search warrants should be sealed from the public. That is it that is the reason, they just want it shut down, period. It says would alert any "unknown" persons, what the hell is an unknown person, is that just like everyone who is "unknown" we don't even have a known person who they might be concerned about, just all "unknown" people. And could effect "any other investigation" is that like all other investigations, or like something specific. He and Mitchell are essentially saying we don't want anything disclosed to the public, and that is that. This verbage in and of itself is a crime to even have tried this. Now you can begin to see why we need change, why we need transparency, because if left up to Mitchell and his gang, you would have none.
We have much more to post on the probable cause affidavit, and will do so a bit later, we just wanted to give you a taste of what this is all about.
Quoting the amazing Mr. Martin: The public disclosure of information contained in this affidavit would alert any unknown persons of the existence of this investigation, and provide them with a reason and opportunity to destroy or conceal any evidence that could be used in this, or any other investigation. Therefore, I request all documents in this case be sealed pending further order of the court.
That is it folks and of course you can see why the request was turned down. My God according to Brian Martin any and all search warrants should be sealed from the public. That is it that is the reason, they just want it shut down, period. It says would alert any "unknown" persons, what the hell is an unknown person, is that just like everyone who is "unknown" we don't even have a known person who they might be concerned about, just all "unknown" people. And could effect "any other investigation" is that like all other investigations, or like something specific. He and Mitchell are essentially saying we don't want anything disclosed to the public, and that is that. This verbage in and of itself is a crime to even have tried this. Now you can begin to see why we need change, why we need transparency, because if left up to Mitchell and his gang, you would have none.
We have much more to post on the probable cause affidavit, and will do so a bit later, we just wanted to give you a taste of what this is all about.
By the way post 212 you make a good point, and we have always said we support all the Good cops in the SO, and we are trying to help them as well, and they are letting us know they appreciate it, they are trapped in the Mitchell Regime, and part of our efforts are to free them from the stranglehold Mitchell has on them.
By the way we wanted to post one more thing, on the same page as the request to seal the documents, they also noted, and this is great!!! That one of their concerns for asking the judge to approve the warrant is because the wanted to protect Rusty Wrights civil rights!!!!!!!! LOL we swear to you it says that, we will quote again the amazing Brian Martin:
The warrant sought pursuant to this affidavit relaates to an ongoing investigation of theft and dissemination of computer data from the Lake County Sheriff's Department, and (here it comes) a violation of Russell Wrights civil rights...My goodness we did not know they cared so much for good old Rusty..
More to come
The warrant sought pursuant to this affidavit relaates to an ongoing investigation of theft and dissemination of computer data from the Lake County Sheriff's Department, and (here it comes) a violation of Russell Wrights civil rights...My goodness we did not know they cared so much for good old Rusty..
More to come
This is in reply to Supervisor Brown. Shofiede-Henderson agenda. Here is a sentence from a letter written by JS in July 2006. You can also see it under
"Of course I have an agenda to keep species like you
(who never resign they should be recalled) and remind you that America was founded upon a system to insure that government officials represent the public, not just their own interest." James Henderson, is it "High Noon" April 9th, 2004 Record-Bee. It will come soon.
"Of course I have an agenda to keep species like you
(who never resign they should be recalled) and remind you that America was founded upon a system to insure that government officials represent the public, not just their own interest." James Henderson, is it "High Noon" April 9th, 2004 Record-Bee. It will come soon.
I have to laugh every time I see the feeble attempts to bring down this site. Don't you realize that as a result of the injustice of the Denius trial The corruption of Lake County by Mitchell and Hopkins has gone world wide? People world wide are reading this site. There is a site called "Clean up clear lake sailing anarchy" "and Latitude 38" that is following this site and the local news very closely. Every attempt to vilify Mitchell and Hopkins actions or inaction's as the case may be goes world wide. Even tho their vote doesn't count here. In the court of Public Opinion it does. Lake county's image is being damaged worldwide by Hopkins and Mitchell. Those groups are not only interested in the damaged image we have. They are watching and showing their support in our efforts to take our county back.
same people most likely hang onto the TMZ show to catch up on all the dirt in Hollywood, same demeaner and mind set love anything that makes news
Hi Uncle Rod.... Your time is running out and its time for you to go so pack up you sock puppets and hidden recorders and get steppen.....
FLASH - News just in from the registrar of voters. As of today we still have four candidates in the sheriff's race, That includes the incumbent.
Earlier today Mitchell or one of his cult followers were on the blog telling us all the great things he has done since becoming sheriff. Not much for a three term sheriff and little or nothing that would help the community or restore lost trust and confidence in OUR sheriff's office.
Still I feel better knowing the loyal minuens have take home cars which can be taken away like a carot held in front of a jackass if they don't toe the mark. Now I do feel better.
Still I feel better knowing the loyal minuens have take home cars which can be taken away like a carot held in front of a jackass if they don't toe the mark. Now I do feel better.
Please Rodney, it's time for you to stand up like a real man and regain your self respect by resigning and going into rehab for ex-crooked politicians.
I'm waiting for the video tape to be leaked. Will Mitchell and Hopkins be wearing black socks and a watch?
What happened with the secret recording device found hidden in the SO? Was Big Brother keeping an eye on the gang? Perhaps that's what they see as supervision and management.
This is Lovelace we are going to post further information, in the affidavit that was written by Brian Martin, one of the other reasons they used for going after Morshed was that he used a usb storage device when he was logged on to the computer in the SO office, they made it sound like it was real cloak and dagger stuff, so funny. Well it just so happens that RiMS is mounted on the SO computers just like Microsoft word would be loaded on your home computer, it is common practice to plug a storage device into the SO computers as along with the RiMs system, schedules, and other common information is on the same computers, Many Many officers plug in storage devices to download schedules and other items that are necessary. There is no connection to stealing the RiMs report just because a storage device was plugged in to the computer. You could be looking at a schedule and then switch over to the RiMS system to look at a report. This is unbeliveable that they spun this tale to get the judge to sign off on the warrant. In fact Mitchell uses a storage device when he goes on the computers, We believe he uses a blackberry for such processes. This is a nightmare of spin in this report, by the way here are the names of all the people who were logged into the system on the couple of days access was looked at, or were on duty at the time.
Elona Porter, Robin hauff, Corey Paulich, Jason Findley, Rob Howe, Eric Keener, Ben Moore, Todd Dunia, Jose Zepeda,Bill Djernes, Mauricio Barreto, Chris Rivera, Darren Daskam, Gary Frace, Frank Walsh, Don Mcpherson,
Then Martin goes on a long diatribe about the whereabouts of these people or suspected whereabouts as if to say so I Brian Martin have eliminated all of these individuals except Moreshed. Going fishing here going fishing....
Now all this being said and done, here's what you have, an Officer with an EEOC complaint in, who Brian feels is disgruntled, that was like all other cops on the computer with a storage device, and like roughly 10 or so other cops looked at the RiMs report on Rusty Wright, of course many of the SO's would take a look at that as it was pretty big news, the fact that there was a storage device used is meaningless and done all the time.
Essentailly folks that is it, the warrant won't stand up in court, the cause won't stand up in court, Mann should have never signed the warrant, and We wonder if Mitchell has not just gotten the county in another pot of hot water. Nothing heard from the items they took from Morsheds house, which as we said should take oh about 1 day to check out. Oh by the way the reason for taking the PG&E bill with Mike's name on it is because it proves he lives there.
We will be posting a bit more later but wanted to get that out to the citizens.
Elona Porter, Robin hauff, Corey Paulich, Jason Findley, Rob Howe, Eric Keener, Ben Moore, Todd Dunia, Jose Zepeda,Bill Djernes, Mauricio Barreto, Chris Rivera, Darren Daskam, Gary Frace, Frank Walsh, Don Mcpherson,
Then Martin goes on a long diatribe about the whereabouts of these people or suspected whereabouts as if to say so I Brian Martin have eliminated all of these individuals except Moreshed. Going fishing here going fishing....
Now all this being said and done, here's what you have, an Officer with an EEOC complaint in, who Brian feels is disgruntled, that was like all other cops on the computer with a storage device, and like roughly 10 or so other cops looked at the RiMs report on Rusty Wright, of course many of the SO's would take a look at that as it was pretty big news, the fact that there was a storage device used is meaningless and done all the time.
Essentailly folks that is it, the warrant won't stand up in court, the cause won't stand up in court, Mann should have never signed the warrant, and We wonder if Mitchell has not just gotten the county in another pot of hot water. Nothing heard from the items they took from Morsheds house, which as we said should take oh about 1 day to check out. Oh by the way the reason for taking the PG&E bill with Mike's name on it is because it proves he lives there.
We will be posting a bit more later but wanted to get that out to the citizens.
So to all the punk postings we saw earlier about hey Lovelace where is the proof you have the warrant, etc etc. we keep telling you don't screw with us, you are not up to it. That should shut the mouths of quite a few of the Mitchell supporters out there. But really if you are knocking Rivero or Baxter, are you really willing to come on this site and say to the public yes I am voting for Mitchell he is a great man. If that is what you really are saying, then just say it, now you are going to look dumber then a lightbulb doing it. But you know what its your image.
The secret recording device was called off, Mitchell got a secret phone call in the middle of the night saying it was just a joke, so nothing to worry about, was the message Mitchell put out, this is after Bauman sent out an email saying the friken FBI had been called. Wow this is one sharp oranization with great leaders.
R4 - Take a Look at the Lake County News article dated 9-3-2009 by Elizabeth Larsen which is an interview with Mitchell and Rivero. Rivero said he went to work for SFPD from 1984 to 1990 (6 years) then came to LCSO in 2006 to the present (4 years) which is a total of 10 years LE enperience none of which has been as a supervisor or manager.
Mitchell was elected sheriff in 1994 and has served for 16 years. Prior to this he was a LC Deputy for 3 years and a Sergeant for 4 years. Prior to being elected sheriff he had mininal time as a supervisor and none in management. His management skills were gained through OJT.
Rivero has never had the opportunity to be a LE supervisor or manager. He alleges to have been a SF detective however that agency has no such rank. He says he was an acting sergeant but when, where and how long. What does an acting sergeant do?
Mitchell's performance as sheriff over the last 16 years speaks for itself by a department tainted in scandal, cover ups and secrecy along with low moral, poor pay and benefity, alligations of corruption, favoritism and vindictivness. Under his administration he has repeatedly refused to take any responsibility for his actions or those of the department. He has bungled major cases under his control and blames his underlings. He has repretedly opened the county up for law suits and lost the confidence and trust of the citizens of Lake County.
No experience, bad experience, start thinking people and lets take off our blinders.
Mitchell was elected sheriff in 1994 and has served for 16 years. Prior to this he was a LC Deputy for 3 years and a Sergeant for 4 years. Prior to being elected sheriff he had mininal time as a supervisor and none in management. His management skills were gained through OJT.
Rivero has never had the opportunity to be a LE supervisor or manager. He alleges to have been a SF detective however that agency has no such rank. He says he was an acting sergeant but when, where and how long. What does an acting sergeant do?
Mitchell's performance as sheriff over the last 16 years speaks for itself by a department tainted in scandal, cover ups and secrecy along with low moral, poor pay and benefity, alligations of corruption, favoritism and vindictivness. Under his administration he has repeatedly refused to take any responsibility for his actions or those of the department. He has bungled major cases under his control and blames his underlings. He has repretedly opened the county up for law suits and lost the confidence and trust of the citizens of Lake County.
No experience, bad experience, start thinking people and lets take off our blinders.
Lovelace: I would also like to state they should have the courage to state their name. After all it would have Mitchell love them more and after he is reelected,who would know their reward.
Hummmm, I wonder if Mitchell has his office scanned for bugs every day or if he checks under his desk hoping to find LOVELACE lurking. Paranoya runs deep Big Rod. Who's going on administratve leave this week?
Mitchell knows the names of his cult members that come slithering into this blog hoping to identify members while singing his praises. You can bet we will reward them as long as he can use them then watch gang. I would not surprise me one bit if Mitchell himself isn't hiding in the shadows snooping and grinding his teeth over the disloyal statements made by some of his more informed people.
Post 4:11 if you are trying to put a plug in for Baxter that is fine why don't you just say it. It is easy to hammer Mitchell we do it all the time. You are not going to have that easy a time with Rivero, This is pretty simple if you are going to vote for Baxter say so. It is not going to do you any good to try and beat up Rivero, he has way to many good things going for him. You must know Baxter has a long road to hoe, we have told him this, Rivero is pounding on doors, and has a great start going these are just the facts.
Today is the day the in-lieu of signatures have to be turned a quick check as of late yesterday showed these numbers:
Rivero Signatures; Approaching 1500
Mitchell Sigs 0
Baxter Sigs: 30
Ed Roby is backing Rivero
Ron Green is backing Rivero
And the beat goes on, our point here is simple, we watch this very closley, we know the numbers and what is happening, we give you the facts, you can throw a bunch of crap out and hit Baxter or Rivero, the point of our site is the removal of Mitchell and Hopkins, we weigh all the facts and conditions surrounding the developments in the election and will post the facts as they come in. Our purpose is to attack Mitchell Attack Hopkins and remove them from office.
Today is the day the in-lieu of signatures have to be turned a quick check as of late yesterday showed these numbers:
Rivero Signatures; Approaching 1500
Mitchell Sigs 0
Baxter Sigs: 30
Ed Roby is backing Rivero
Ron Green is backing Rivero
And the beat goes on, our point here is simple, we watch this very closley, we know the numbers and what is happening, we give you the facts, you can throw a bunch of crap out and hit Baxter or Rivero, the point of our site is the removal of Mitchell and Hopkins, we weigh all the facts and conditions surrounding the developments in the election and will post the facts as they come in. Our purpose is to attack Mitchell Attack Hopkins and remove them from office.
Thinker LOL you are obviously a McCarthy of Baxter supporter, if not one of them, so why don't you say so- too busy thinking? You conveniently leave out Rivero's 18 years of experience in starting and running two of the most successful mortuary business in the Bay Area.
This is Lovelace we want to thank Brian Lawrence Martin for mentioning our site not once not twice not three times but 4 times in his phony expose he called probable cause. He also is claiming that now get this the purpose of people turning over RiMS reports to the site and posting them is because of the election. yup that is it Brian my boy all about the election even though you then even posted our purpose which our site states which is the removal of Mitchell and Hopkins and the site was started way before the election banter or before there were any people running aganist Mitchell. Doesn't quite connect does it Brian. Man we would love to do a little one on one with this guy, even though many have said he is pretty sharp, we just ain't seen it yet. Maybe Mitchell is rubbing off on him.
I think the "thinker" was meaning to use the moniker the "stinker" because he thinks his s**t don't stink but his farts are giving him away. Not the sharpest stick in the wood pile this one.
Can you answer this question? Did any of those people on your list just so happened to plug their USB drive into the computer at the very same time that the log shows them viewing the report?
Running a funeral home does not make him a LE manager. Lets get Rob Brown, he runs a bail bond business and a number of others. Should he be sheriff?
Post 4:43 There is a combination of things one looks at when it comes to an organization such as the LE there are a number of areas such as management skills which Rivero has and of course Mitchell has shown none. Business savy and budget management which of course Rivewro has big time running two successful businesses. the ability to deal with a vast number of different types of people, which you have to utilizle in San Fransico. The understanding of citizens oversight systems, of which none of the contenders has except Rivero, you really need to expand your thought processes if you are going to post and get any credibility.
Hey dipstick post 4:40 it does not matter, the point is more far-reaching then that, you are reaching. You cannot or should not get a warrant based on perception, the fact of the matter is multitudes of SO's do it all the time. You cannot single out an instance and then draw a defined conclusion, based on a need to go after someone, which is the case here. By the way try to bring that one to the courts and win, not even going to happen. And with a lawsuit the facts we posted would nail Mitchell for harrasement no questions asked, in fact don't you think it would have been more truthful if Martin had just sort of mentioned that fact in his probable cause report, you know the honesty thing. It kinda of helps, Judge Mann has a bit of computer knowledge but not enough to have been able to see through this spin, and Martin and Mitchell knew it, nice try put try another angle. We are talking about destroying a mans life here, pal, maybe you better go take a course in ethics 101 before coming back on and posting.
Hey dipstick post 4:40 it does not matter, the point is more far-reaching then that, you are reaching. You cannot or should not get a warrant based on perception, the fact of the matter is multitudes of SO's do it all the time. You cannot single out an instance and then draw a defined conclusion, based on a need to go after someone, which is the case here. By the way try to bring that one to the courts and win, not even going to happen. And with a lawsuit the facts we posted would nail Mitchell for harrasement no questions asked, in fact don't you think it would have been more truthful if Martin had just sort of mentioned that fact in his probable cause report, you know the honesty thing. It kinda of helps, Judge Mann has a bit of computer knowledge but not enough to have been able to see through this spin, and Martin and Mitchell knew it, nice try put try another angle. We are talking about destroying a mans life here, pal, maybe you better go take a course in ethics 101 before coming back on and posting.
Ahhhh Love to know the names of the Lovelace group, not going to happen right now boys, but you keep watching in due time when the work is done, you will know. It's going to be a great party.
Oh by the way we don't need the corruption supporters names, we already got their number, so no help required. But hey why not, stand up for what is right boys, no one is going to come after you, really I suspect we will already have those names in our information, so no matter. But Mitchell would love ya for it.
Stinker, I'm sorry if I offend. You think he does I think he does not so we'll each exercise our right as Americans and vote for the candidate of our choice. Hopefully the best person for that job and for us and the community will win.
As for my being a supporter of one candidate over another I am not. I do have a preference at the moment but I'm open to hear from everyone including Mitchell. Well, maybe not Mitchell but I wanted to sound fair.
Actually to be fair I was jabbing 888 Rivero for Sheriff *** over Frank's time on the job. We had a good time jousting over this yesterday and when I found a quote the Devil make me post it. R4, where are you, I miss you.
As for my being a supporter of one candidate over another I am not. I do have a preference at the moment but I'm open to hear from everyone including Mitchell. Well, maybe not Mitchell but I wanted to sound fair.
Actually to be fair I was jabbing 888 Rivero for Sheriff *** over Frank's time on the job. We had a good time jousting over this yesterday and when I found a quote the Devil make me post it. R4, where are you, I miss you.
You are failing to notice and apparently Martin missed this too - LCSO is not the only law enforcement department in the county to have access to RIMS. Check out who also has access and uses it every day.
Come on LOVELACE, you are doing a good job so far but please don't be like Rodney and tell falsehoods on this blog. My farts do stink and I may not be sharpest knife in the drawer, certainly not up to your high standards and intelligence but I try and I am interested in throwing out the bums in office.
Oh well, the thinker contionues trying to think in spite of the oder and my own dim wit. Still I too do have a vote and I do care so save your attacks for the Rodney Mitchell thungs who invade this site.
Oh well, the thinker contionues trying to think in spite of the oder and my own dim wit. Still I too do have a vote and I do care so save your attacks for the Rodney Mitchell thungs who invade this site.
This is Lovelace we are going to post further information, in the affidavit that was written by Brian Martin, one of the other reasons they used for going after Morshed was that he used a usb storage device when he was logged on to the computer in the SO office, they made it sound like it was real cloak and dagger stuff, so funny. Well it just so happens that RiMS is mounted on the SO computers just like Microsoft word would be loaded on your home computer, it is common practice to plug a storage device into the SO computers as along with the RiMs system, schedules, and other common information is on the same computers, Many Many officers plug in storage devices to download schedules and other items that are necessary. There is no connection to stealing the RiMs report just because a storage device was plugged in to the computer. You could be looking at a schedule and then switch over to the RiMS system to look at a report. This is unbeliveable that they spun this tale to get the judge to sign off on the warrant. In fact Mitchell uses a storage device when he goes on the computers, We believe he uses a blackberry for such processes. This is a nightmare of spin in this report, by the way here are the names of all the people who were logged into the system on the couple of days access was looked at, or were on duty at the time.
Elona Porter, Robin hauff, Corey Paulich, Jason Findley, Rob Howe, Eric Keener, Ben Moore, Todd Dunia, Jose Zepeda,Bill Djernes, Mauricio Barreto, Chris Rivera, Darren Daskam, Gary Frace, Frank Walsh, Don Mcpherson,
Then Martin goes on a long diatribe about the whereabouts of these people or suspected whereabouts as if to say so I Brian Martin have eliminated all of these individuals except Moreshed. Going fishing here going fishing....
Now all this being said and done, here's what you have, an Officer with an EEOC complaint in, who Brian feels is disgruntled, that was like all other cops on the computer with a storage device, and like roughly 10 or so other cops looked at the RiMs report on Rusty Wright, of course many of the SO's would take a look at that as it was pretty big news, the fact that there was a storage device used is meaningless and done all the time.
Essentailly folks that is it, the warrant won't stand up in court, the cause won't stand up in court, Mann should have never signed the warrant, and We wonder if Mitchell has not just gotten the county in another pot of hot water. Nothing heard from the items they took from Morsheds house, which as we said should take oh about 1 day to check out. Oh by the way the reason for taking the PG&E bill with Mike's name on it is because it proves he lives there.
We will be posting a bit more later but wanted to get that out to the citizens.
Elona Porter, Robin hauff, Corey Paulich, Jason Findley, Rob Howe, Eric Keener, Ben Moore, Todd Dunia, Jose Zepeda,Bill Djernes, Mauricio Barreto, Chris Rivera, Darren Daskam, Gary Frace, Frank Walsh, Don Mcpherson,
Then Martin goes on a long diatribe about the whereabouts of these people or suspected whereabouts as if to say so I Brian Martin have eliminated all of these individuals except Moreshed. Going fishing here going fishing....
Now all this being said and done, here's what you have, an Officer with an EEOC complaint in, who Brian feels is disgruntled, that was like all other cops on the computer with a storage device, and like roughly 10 or so other cops looked at the RiMs report on Rusty Wright, of course many of the SO's would take a look at that as it was pretty big news, the fact that there was a storage device used is meaningless and done all the time.
Essentailly folks that is it, the warrant won't stand up in court, the cause won't stand up in court, Mann should have never signed the warrant, and We wonder if Mitchell has not just gotten the county in another pot of hot water. Nothing heard from the items they took from Morsheds house, which as we said should take oh about 1 day to check out. Oh by the way the reason for taking the PG&E bill with Mike's name on it is because it proves he lives there.
We will be posting a bit more later but wanted to get that out to the citizens.
further information taken from the search warrant and statement of probable cause, written by Brian Lawrence Martin. It ia an amazing piece of spin work, for the individual who want to know that reason was for Mitchell and his boys to ask that the warrant be locked down we will give that to you know, since it appears that the Mitchell corruption supporters want to test Lovelace's investigative skills and the documentation, here is the reason listed,
Quoting the amazing Mr. Martin: The public disclosure of information contained in this affidavit would alert any unknown persons of the existence of this investigation, and provide them with a reason and opportunity to destroy or conceal any evidence that could be used in this, or any other investigation. Therefore, I request all documents in this case be sealed pending further order of the court.
That is it folks and of course you can see why the request was turned down. My God according to Brian Martin any and all search warrants should be sealed from the public. That is it that is the reason, they just want it shut down, period. It says would alert any "unknown" persons, what the hell is an unknown person, is that just like everyone who is "unknown" we don't even have a known person who they might be concerned about, just all "unknown" people. And could effect "any other investigation" is that like all other investigations, or like something specific. He and Mitchell are essentially saying we don't want anything disclosed to the public, and that is that. This verbage in and of itself is a crime to even have tried this. Now you can begin to see why we need change, why we need transparency, because if left up to Mitchell and his gang, you would have none.
We have much more to post on the probable cause affidavit, and will do so a bit later, we just wanted to give you a taste of what this is all about.
Quoting the amazing Mr. Martin: The public disclosure of information contained in this affidavit would alert any unknown persons of the existence of this investigation, and provide them with a reason and opportunity to destroy or conceal any evidence that could be used in this, or any other investigation. Therefore, I request all documents in this case be sealed pending further order of the court.
That is it folks and of course you can see why the request was turned down. My God according to Brian Martin any and all search warrants should be sealed from the public. That is it that is the reason, they just want it shut down, period. It says would alert any "unknown" persons, what the hell is an unknown person, is that just like everyone who is "unknown" we don't even have a known person who they might be concerned about, just all "unknown" people. And could effect "any other investigation" is that like all other investigations, or like something specific. He and Mitchell are essentially saying we don't want anything disclosed to the public, and that is that. This verbage in and of itself is a crime to even have tried this. Now you can begin to see why we need change, why we need transparency, because if left up to Mitchell and his gang, you would have none.
We have much more to post on the probable cause affidavit, and will do so a bit later, we just wanted to give you a taste of what this is all about.
Please answer just one basic question:
How will all this bickering, threats and name calling work to inform the public (who never--ever read any of this stuff)of the corruption and illigal activities going on in the current Mitchell led S.O.
Just this one question, please, give me a good answer.
Non Believer
How will all this bickering, threats and name calling work to inform the public (who never--ever read any of this stuff)of the corruption and illigal activities going on in the current Mitchell led S.O.
Just this one question, please, give me a good answer.
Non Believer
There are many people who read this blog and they talk about it with their friends and family. Those friends and family pass on the info and on and on. People from all walks of life read the blog, some don't post and others do. I am sure Lovelace is more aware than say myself due to the high volume of e-mails they receive on any given day/week. In my line of work I come in contact with people all over Lake County and I make it a point to spread the word about this site. JMHO :)
Thanx 6:21
I truly hope that there are hundreads more just like you. Otherwise, the voters, mostly with their heads where the sun don't shine, will just go with the incumbent. There is much to be done, and time to do it will be limited. Hopefully, someone with great qualifications and electable will rise to the top and the community will support him-her.
Wannabe a believer
I truly hope that there are hundreads more just like you. Otherwise, the voters, mostly with their heads where the sun don't shine, will just go with the incumbent. There is much to be done, and time to do it will be limited. Hopefully, someone with great qualifications and electable will rise to the top and the community will support him-her.
Wannabe a believer
This is Lovelace we are going to post further information, in the affidavit that was written by Brian Martin, one of the other reasons they used for going after Morshed was that he used a usb storage device when he was logged on to the computer in the SO office, they made it sound like it was real cloak and dagger stuff, so funny. Well it just so happens that RiMS is mounted on the SO computers just like Microsoft word would be loaded on your home computer, it is common practice to plug a storage device into the SO computers as along with the RiMs system, schedules, and other common information is on the same computers, Many Many officers plug in storage devices to download schedules and other items that are necessary. There is no connection to stealing the RiMs report just because a storage device was plugged in to the computer. You could be looking at a schedule and then switch over to the RiMS system to look at a report. This is unbeliveable that they spun this tale to get the judge to sign off on the warrant. In fact Mitchell uses a storage device when he goes on the computers, We believe he uses a blackberry for such processes. This is a nightmare of spin in this report, by the way here are the names of all the people who were logged into the system on the couple of days access was looked at, or were on duty at the time.
Elona Porter, Robin hauff, Corey Paulich, Jason Findley, Rob Howe, Eric Keener, Ben Moore, Todd Dunia, Jose Zepeda,Bill Djernes, Mauricio Barreto, Chris Rivera, Darren Daskam, Gary Frace, Frank Walsh, Don Mcpherson,
Then Martin goes on a long diatribe about the whereabouts of these people or suspected whereabouts as if to say so I Brian Martin have eliminated all of these individuals except Moreshed. Going fishing here going fishing....
Now all this being said and done, here's what you have, an Officer with an EEOC complaint in, who Brian feels is disgruntled, that was like all other cops on the computer with a storage device, and like roughly 10 or so other cops looked at the RiMs report on Rusty Wright, of course many of the SO's would take a look at that as it was pretty big news, the fact that there was a storage device used is meaningless and done all the time.
Essentailly folks that is it, the warrant won't stand up in court, the cause won't stand up in court, Mann should have never signed the warrant, and We wonder if Mitchell has not just gotten the county in another pot of hot water. Nothing heard from the items they took from Morsheds house, which as we said should take oh about 1 day to check out. Oh by the way the reason for taking the PG&E bill with Mike's name on it is because it proves he lives there.
Elona Porter, Robin hauff, Corey Paulich, Jason Findley, Rob Howe, Eric Keener, Ben Moore, Todd Dunia, Jose Zepeda,Bill Djernes, Mauricio Barreto, Chris Rivera, Darren Daskam, Gary Frace, Frank Walsh, Don Mcpherson,
Then Martin goes on a long diatribe about the whereabouts of these people or suspected whereabouts as if to say so I Brian Martin have eliminated all of these individuals except Moreshed. Going fishing here going fishing....
Now all this being said and done, here's what you have, an Officer with an EEOC complaint in, who Brian feels is disgruntled, that was like all other cops on the computer with a storage device, and like roughly 10 or so other cops looked at the RiMs report on Rusty Wright, of course many of the SO's would take a look at that as it was pretty big news, the fact that there was a storage device used is meaningless and done all the time.
Essentailly folks that is it, the warrant won't stand up in court, the cause won't stand up in court, Mann should have never signed the warrant, and We wonder if Mitchell has not just gotten the county in another pot of hot water. Nothing heard from the items they took from Morsheds house, which as we said should take oh about 1 day to check out. Oh by the way the reason for taking the PG&E bill with Mike's name on it is because it proves he lives there.
Today is the day the in-lieu of signatures have to be turned a quick check as of late yesterday showed these numbers:
Rivero Signatures; Approaching 1500
Mitchell Sigs 0
Baxter Sigs: 30
Ed Roby is backing Rivero
Ron Green is backing Rivero
And the beat goes on, our point here is simple, we watch this very closley, we know the numbers and what is happening, we give you the facts, you can throw a bunch of crap out and hit Baxter or Rivero, the point of our site is the removal of Mitchell and Hopkins, we weigh all the facts and conditions surrounding the developments in the election and will post the facts as they come in. Our purpose is to attack Mitchell Attack Hopkins and remove them from office.
Rivero Signatures; Approaching 1500
Mitchell Sigs 0
Baxter Sigs: 30
Ed Roby is backing Rivero
Ron Green is backing Rivero
And the beat goes on, our point here is simple, we watch this very closley, we know the numbers and what is happening, we give you the facts, you can throw a bunch of crap out and hit Baxter or Rivero, the point of our site is the removal of Mitchell and Hopkins, we weigh all the facts and conditions surrounding the developments in the election and will post the facts as they come in. Our purpose is to attack Mitchell Attack Hopkins and remove them from office.
Is that the same Brian Martin that was accused of shooting a dog with a pellet gun? Please tell me that it is not true.
further information taken from the search warrant and statement of probable cause, written by Brian Lawrence Martin. It ia an amazing piece of spin work, for the individual who want to know that reason was for Mitchell and his boys to ask that the warrant be locked down we will give that to you know, since it appears that the Mitchell corruption supporters want to test Lovelace's investigative skills and the documentation, here is the reason listed,
Quoting the amazing Mr. Martin: The public disclosure of information contained in this affidavit would alert any unknown persons of the existence of this investigation, and provide them with a reason and opportunity to destroy or conceal any evidence that could be used in this, or any other investigation. Therefore, I request all documents in this case be sealed pending further order of the court.
That is it folks and of course you can see why the request was turned down. My God according to Brian Martin any and all search warrants should be sealed from the public. That is it that is the reason, they just want it shut down, period. It says would alert any "unknown" persons, what the hell is an unknown person, is that just like everyone who is "unknown" we don't even have a known person who they might be concerned about, just all "unknown" people. And could effect "any other investigation" is that like all other investigations, or like something specific. He and Mitchell are essentially saying we don't want anything disclosed to the public, and that is that. This verbage in and of itself is a crime to even have tried this. Now you can begin to see why we need change, why we need transparency, because if left up to Mitchell and his gang, you would have none.
Quoting the amazing Mr. Martin: The public disclosure of information contained in this affidavit would alert any unknown persons of the existence of this investigation, and provide them with a reason and opportunity to destroy or conceal any evidence that could be used in this, or any other investigation. Therefore, I request all documents in this case be sealed pending further order of the court.
That is it folks and of course you can see why the request was turned down. My God according to Brian Martin any and all search warrants should be sealed from the public. That is it that is the reason, they just want it shut down, period. It says would alert any "unknown" persons, what the hell is an unknown person, is that just like everyone who is "unknown" we don't even have a known person who they might be concerned about, just all "unknown" people. And could effect "any other investigation" is that like all other investigations, or like something specific. He and Mitchell are essentially saying we don't want anything disclosed to the public, and that is that. This verbage in and of itself is a crime to even have tried this. Now you can begin to see why we need change, why we need transparency, because if left up to Mitchell and his gang, you would have none.
Ok Mitchell, and buddy Brian, there has been well enough time to check out the items taken from Morsheds house, time to put up or shut up, either you got something or you just sent the county down another lawsuit, whats it going to be. Let's not drag this out, and by the way we appreciate you using sheriffmitchellwatch 4 times in your cause write, glad to see you watch our site so closley, however we are watching you even closer.
Does Hopkins know that Brian discharged a pellet gun in the city limits injuring a dog? Or is that something for the Chief of police to handle?
They went after Terri Flynn over her horse...someone should contact Chief Burke/ Lakeport animal control over the dog shooting. A dog is considered property a cat is considered wild.
Call Chief Burke and watch nothing happen. Go ahead see for yourself. This is a great test. Will he protect the major league GOB, son of judge? Here is the real litmus test. You make the call.
Don't forget to post the response from the glorious Chief. Don't be a schmuck, he won't to jack, but go ahead and try.
Really, well looks like Lovelace is making a phone call tomorrow, no problem we will put it on the table, anyone know the best way to get through to him? Post it and Lovelace will give him a ring. This is Lovelace
Actually, the vets office might have already done it or at least contacted Lakeport animal control. Which by the way is one and the same. They report animal abuse...shooting the pooch is abuse...period.
Nothing personal Brian, I just feel that no one has the right to shoot a animal of any kind with a pellet gun.
Ha ha ha! Make sure you inclued posts 6:55, 7:07 and both 7:12's in your email to Burke... just for fun.
Take this personally Sgt. Brian Martin, shooting the dog was behavior unbecoming a LCSO Sgt and you have brought shame by your actions to the LCSO. You were not defending yourself or your family, you were defending a cat. I think you should be put on Admin. leave until it is investigated. Police, police thy self.
They have overlooking what they do confused with oversight of what they do. Oversight is a new experience for them.
I am not sure about the doggie thingy with Martin. I kinda wonder what would happen to me under the same circumstances. Is there really one set of rules for some and a different set for others? Some stuff here is fluff but other stuff seems real. I have friends who work for the afore mentioned vet and I am going to ask them if it is really true. If it is true then there could be a problem.
Seems like a valid reason to ask a judge to seal a warrant to me. Apparently even asking, in a document they clearly know can be made publically available, is evidence of a cover-up to some.
8:20 and you will go to jail unless it involves livestock. Last time I looked ol' Bry Martin didn't have any pigs, sheep, goats or cows on his property..within city limits and zoned res. not ag.....get real. Only thing getting "threatened" there was the pussy.
Quit posting from your phone dumbies, that crap can be traced though your phone company and then it get reported to your boss. You guys never learn.
Nope the store is being watched we just like the conversation, post 827 fell off the chair laughing, would like some postings on the morshed situation, take morshed out of the event, does not matter if you like him or the mistake he made or you dislike him///it is a pretty odd situation, what happens if there simply isn't anything, just sorry bud and now I will subject you to a constant hammering of IA's sorry about that search and siezure to much of this out of Mitchells leadership or lack there of
Congratulations LPPD on hiring a female officer!! Good deal, I haven't met her yet but hopefully I will at some point in time. Kudos to Chief Burke on yet again a job well done! You take care of your business and I commend you for that!!
******Burke 4 Sheriff******
******Burke 4 Sheriff******
Post 820 first question are you from the bible belt? We did not know, our site reached down into the belly of the deep south/Thanks for joining us, now put your gun down, and well have a chat/
8:27, please feel free to direct me to some supporting data for your declaration. By pussy, I'm assuming you mean cat, which would qualify as property. Say Adios to you your dog.
Will Mitchell say that he was ignorant about Brian's warrant? After all his ignorance is his responsibility.
8:49 Sorry darlin, but a pussy cat is considered by law to be "wild" a dog on the other hand is by law considered "property"...look it up genius. If you hit a dog and kill it, you "by law" must leave your "contact" info on the dead dog. For the same reason that you license a dog but not a pussy cat. So there is the supporting don't believe me, call animal control manana and ask them :-0
8:20 If you come in my yard threatening my safety or my property, I will put both my dogs on you. How ever your cat can visit mine anytime.
Hate to say it 8:49, 9:01 is correct. You can trap & turn in someones cat as stray at AC and they will put it down without trying to find it's owner. On your own property out in county you can shoot and kill cats all day with no ramifications. Your cat bites someone and no one can be sued. Your dog bites someone and they can file a claim against your home-owners policy.
9:01, I hear what your saying, but I also know that you are wrong. Cats are property, the distinction you're referring to relates to the leash law. However, if you can point me to the source for your claim, ie. the relevant law, I'll be happy to check my facts.
Just call animal control tomorrow and ask. Hate to say that cats can be fodder for cruelty but they are considered wild. I like my kitty too, she is sweet.
Okay it is a conundrum.....I hit an elk with my is tough s**t for me, my insurance company and the elk. However, I go out and poach an elk and get caught, I have to pay the state for that elk in fines because I did not buy a hunting license. So in essence, the state owns the elk. Why aren't they liable for my damages and my injuries from hitting their elk?
Hi from SoCal been following this off & on. My son just did a boating safety class as part of his Sea Scout training. Instructors used the powerboat/sailboat boating incident on Clear Lake as an example of reckless operation at night. Left out names but it's pretty clear. We recently had terrible accident involving local Coast Guard to their credit brought NTSB immediately to take investigation. Hope you get rid of those bums.
Soooo if the state owns owns the elk because the elk isn't domesticated and a cat is not domesticated, does the state own the cat??
9:38 I get it, You can't do anything for your self. I don't see you backing up your claim either, Par for the course. I'm not 9:33 But I've got your number.
9:44, Cats are not domestic? Is that your claim? I guess the yahoo's who wrote the lake county code were wrong...
(Ord. No. 1502, § 2, 8-27-85)
(i) Cat shall mean a domestic cat (Felis Catus).
(Ord. No. 2703, § 1, 10-26-2004)
(j) Feral Cat shall mean a domestic cat that lives in a wild state and cannot be socialized.
(Ord. No. 2703, § 1, 10-26-2004)
(k) Homeless Cat shall mean a domestic cat that has been abandoned by its owner, strayed from its owner, or is born feral.
I could be wrong, but I thought I read the word, "Domestic" in there.
(Ord. No. 1502, § 2, 8-27-85)
(i) Cat shall mean a domestic cat (Felis Catus).
(Ord. No. 2703, § 1, 10-26-2004)
(j) Feral Cat shall mean a domestic cat that lives in a wild state and cannot be socialized.
(Ord. No. 2703, § 1, 10-26-2004)
(k) Homeless Cat shall mean a domestic cat that has been abandoned by its owner, strayed from its owner, or is born feral.
I could be wrong, but I thought I read the word, "Domestic" in there.
Welcome SoCal, There are some around here that think no one reads the posts on this site. This site is worldwide thanks to folks like you. Stay Tuned.
I just did a search and only needed to type "Sheriff Rod" and guess what? The first website listed is this one!
ok were going to take the majority of the cat posts down, great conversation and somewhere in its initial stages it was concerning Martin, but with a bit of scope creep its a little off base
10:03, I did the same search
and it was not even on the first page. Perhaps you could post your search results?
and it was not even on the first page. Perhaps you could post your search results?
Lovelace saw a bumper sticker thaat said I love cats''''''''they taste just like chicken!!! Sorry Lovelace had to join in for a minute.
Results 1 - 10 of about 37,700 for sheriff rod mitchell. (0.13 seconds)
Search ResultsSheriff Mitchell / D.A. Hopkins WatchSep 10, 2009 ... This is a forum for detailing the corruption in Rodney Mitchell's Lake County Sheriff's Department and Jon Hopkins' District Attorney's ... - Cached
Sheriff Mitchell / D.A. Hopkins Watch: IntroductionThis is a forum for detailing the corruption in Rodney Mitchell's Lake County Sheriff's Department and Jon Hopkins' District Attorney's Office. ... - Cached
Lake County Free PressPlease call Sheriff Rodney Mitchell's office at (707) 262-4200 or (707) 262-4216, or write to the
Search ResultsSheriff Mitchell / D.A. Hopkins WatchSep 10, 2009 ... This is a forum for detailing the corruption in Rodney Mitchell's Lake County Sheriff's Department and Jon Hopkins' District Attorney's ... - Cached
Sheriff Mitchell / D.A. Hopkins Watch: IntroductionThis is a forum for detailing the corruption in Rodney Mitchell's Lake County Sheriff's Department and Jon Hopkins' District Attorney's Office. ... - Cached
Lake County Free PressPlease call Sheriff Rodney Mitchell's office at (707) 262-4200 or (707) 262-4216, or write to the
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Sheriff Mitchell / D.A. Hopkins Watch
Sep 10, 2009 ... This is a forum for detailing the corruption in Rodney Mitchell's Lake County Sheriff's Department and Jon Hopkins' District Attorney's ... - Cached -
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Sheriff Mitchell / D.A. Hopkins Watch
Sep 10, 2009 ... This is a forum for detailing the corruption in Rodney Mitchell's Lake County Sheriff's Department and Jon Hopkins' District Attorney's ... - Cached -
You guys don't understand how the google search engine works, it does it by word recognition, So now we have had so much growth, and hits that when you go to the Google search bar, and type in sheriff m and thats it sheriffmitchellwatch will come up as the number 2 choice, which is amazing not more then 2 months you had to type in sheriff mitchell, and it would come up number 12, so that is outstanding, and we are grateful to everyone for making this such a success for the citizens of this county.
There is nothing like being popular for all the right reasons, Google Rus Perdock, It looks like they are in competition of some sort.
that's not more then 2 months ago in above post. This is why for example when you just type in sheriff the first one up is arapio the sheriff out of Arizona, so when you consider that this is a worldwide search engine coming up number 2 is stunning. Were sorry corruption supporters its working and it isn't going to stop.
that's one of the ways we found all the Garzoli forum stuff on the net, he always used dgarzoli as his name on forums, insurance, helo, etc. not to sharp to say the least.
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