Thursday, September 10, 2009
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Smith said the BOS controls the money? Does he or they know how much we paid to train Garzoli for a job he doesn't feel like doing anymore?
The BOS said they control the money, but the also control personnel rules. Start changing some such as any manager involved in retaliation or harassment shall be reduced in position or removed from office. What most persons don't know is Lake Co has no policy for general harassment (not to be confused with sexual harassment). Napa, Sonoma, Sacramento and San Francisco considers harassment by a supervisor a disciplinary action and SHALL be investigated.
That wouldn't work here because they investigate themselves and the BOS dosen't have control of the money either.
That doesn't get the county off the hook. There is the hostile work environment caused by employers or coworkers who harass, intimidate, discriminate against or generally screw over others. aka sheriff mitchell
R4s DB.....You need to get back with Morshed. He certainly was demoted for the improper sexual conduct, appropriately so. If you really were who you claim to be, you'd know this. Morshed's girlfriend, and his choices, are pretty much the cause of his demise IMO. Her brother and mother too.
Post 8:40 Is it a hole big enough for an the Olympic pool that is being planned at Austin park in front of the police department and between the flag and the grammar school? If Mitchell and the MOB is that good at digging holes I am sure this project in the works could use a hand. Restitution, huh? Or is Mitchell just good with A. holes?
If he is just good with A. holes then and his cohorts that were supposed to be coworkers can take the list from Holtom and Dinius and start digging now. The more the merry I say... and by the way, why stop at the Beautiful City of Clearlake? This could catch on!
And no... we won't be serving them beer or WHINE. Those pudgy boys need to lose the gut.
If he is just good with A. holes then and his cohorts that were supposed to be coworkers can take the list from Holtom and Dinius and start digging now. The more the merry I say... and by the way, why stop at the Beautiful City of Clearlake? This could catch on!
And no... we won't be serving them beer or WHINE. Those pudgy boys need to lose the gut.
How about Rivero's convenient medical issue that allows him to go door to door and politic while receiving tax free pay. Must be nice.
Proof that Rivero is everything he claims others to be...A game player. Perhaps most of his "claims" are more likely projection (Of what he would do) rather than the truth about what others are doing.
Rivero is off on his own time (not disability for fake injuries) unlike the rest of you. He would have a lot more time to take off if he had not given 180 hours of comp time to Jim Samples when he fell sick and was going to lose his medical coverage because he could not work. He never asked him for anything in return. Did any of you pricks offer Samples any of your comp time? The answer is no, not a f'ing one of you. 10:31 your a turbo AH.
10:45, sorry charlie, that's bull S. He is on medical leave, receiving tax free pay. Since I don't work with Samples, your attacks are not only hollow, they are completely unverified.
10:49 try again this isnt Rivero, but what he did for Samples is well know and some of us see it for what it's worth and what it says about him.
10:56 buy votes? Rivero gave Samples his comp time three years ago. He must have been planning this for a long time. Amazing!
11:02, I didn't know there was a statute of limitations on favors owed. Which I might add is exactly how the GOB operate. What's that old saying again, something about projection?
On Ostini, the county had to pay up because of Ostini's constant racist blabbing mouth.(first case) Rod Mitchell should have fired him back in 1996-97. Ostini lied and obstructed justice in the Dinius Case. (Second case) The county will have taken care of his legal fees twice both for civil rights violations. Good officer, I don't think so.
EEOC Report...Ostini's racist blabbing mouth, lawsuit and the county lost. That itself shows Rodney Mitchell has allowed racial slurs for 13-14 years and done nothing about it.
11:21, actually it's proof of exactly the opposite. Ostini was disciplined. Seems like your logic is a bit faulty, but I'm sure some here will like it.
If everyone is done fighting I wanted to share with you that I spoke to Jack Baxter tonight. He is out of county on a teaching assignment and is anxious to return to Lake County this weekend to begin his campaign. If you have any questions his email is He has a lot to offer and is available to answer your questions and listen to your concerns.
Dennis Ostini is a good man. Frank Gudmunson and Crystal Esburg started all the the B.S. in the S/O. Crystal wanted Ontini's job as Jail Commander and she got it. Frank used the "N" word alot while working with inmates. Mitchell can't even Supervise himself, how we he continue to run the Sheriff's Dept.
Mitchell continues to protect Garzoli, Perdock and his little Command staff boys and Crystal. Mitchell's failed leadership is going to cost us the Tax Payers a ton of money. It's won't cost Mitchell anymore that his job, He'll move back to Sacramento and tell everyone that he was a wonderful Sheriff.
Mitchell continues to protect Garzoli, Perdock and his little Command staff boys and Crystal. Mitchell's failed leadership is going to cost us the Tax Payers a ton of money. It's won't cost Mitchell anymore that his job, He'll move back to Sacramento and tell everyone that he was a wonderful Sheriff.
Noticed a few posts above from one of the corruption supporters, still a few idiots around I guess, you would think at this point in time, they would have realized the old corruption ship is sinking, it has a hard list to the port side and a hole in the starboard side, and taking on water...Question? Can rats swim? Rivero by the way had surgery, and not elective this had to be done. There is difference between a medical conditon that is healing and not taking the chance being on the beat and having to wrestle someone to the ground, vs talking with the people and knocking on doors. In fact we believe that speaks well of Rivero he is out after surgery going to meetings talking with the people, and putting out a lot of effort despite needing to heal. So let's call it what it is, a hard working dedicated man, who won't let a medical surgery stop him from campaigning for change and justice in this county.
Morshed was not demoted for sexual misconduct, he was only suspended. His demotion was due to another issue. I hope the warrant stuff backfires on Mitchell and cost him a ton of money. Remember Morshed also filed an EEOC complaint on Mitchell. Is this the famous retaliation we often hear about?
Rivero had surgery and is almost healed. Although he can’t handle fighting a person into custody yet, he is able to simply stand and talk. He will be back to work very soon. Besides, you don’t think Mitchell isn’t on the clock when he talks? I also forgot that little bit of good LCSO support. Yes when Sgt. Samples was fighting cancer, it was Rivero who stepped up and donated more of his leave than any other deputy “combined”. This was done just after Rivero got off the FTO Program. Running for Sheriff or the racism charges were not even an issue back then.
Ostini admitted to the wrongful remarks and took his demotion like a professional. One the other hand, Garzoli got no discipline and Morshed just got a suspension.
*****Rivero for Sheriff****
Rivero had surgery and is almost healed. Although he can’t handle fighting a person into custody yet, he is able to simply stand and talk. He will be back to work very soon. Besides, you don’t think Mitchell isn’t on the clock when he talks? I also forgot that little bit of good LCSO support. Yes when Sgt. Samples was fighting cancer, it was Rivero who stepped up and donated more of his leave than any other deputy “combined”. This was done just after Rivero got off the FTO Program. Running for Sheriff or the racism charges were not even an issue back then.
Ostini admitted to the wrongful remarks and took his demotion like a professional. One the other hand, Garzoli got no discipline and Morshed just got a suspension.
*****Rivero for Sheriff****
Did someone say PARTY! I want a parade too! A "Power To The People" celebration walking around the courthouse then on the the Sheriff's building.
Rivero, Your doing the right thing by trying to get the corruption out of lake county and make the place a safe place to live. I commend you for this. My experience with law enforcement in the county shows me many others in law enforcement don't have the courage to step up like you.
Citizens shouldn't live in fear to contact police, submit a tip, or help solve a crime. The people must trust you and rely on you to do the right thing.
You must realize how much the corruption affects the community. When you falsify a police report, or idly sit by while you feloow officers do (practice code of silence) then this does more damage then just that one incidence.
WHo can one turn to when he citizens have to live in fear of the law enforcement that is supposed to be protecting them?
PLease examine why you originally got in the LE. It is not too late to help make the county a safe place to live and create a better life for those who want to enjoy all the good things the place has to offer, and not live in fear of those here to protect and serve.
Citizens shouldn't live in fear to contact police, submit a tip, or help solve a crime. The people must trust you and rely on you to do the right thing.
You must realize how much the corruption affects the community. When you falsify a police report, or idly sit by while you feloow officers do (practice code of silence) then this does more damage then just that one incidence.
WHo can one turn to when he citizens have to live in fear of the law enforcement that is supposed to be protecting them?
PLease examine why you originally got in the LE. It is not too late to help make the county a safe place to live and create a better life for those who want to enjoy all the good things the place has to offer, and not live in fear of those here to protect and serve.
We all know that Mitchell is done, no make that overdone. If McCarthy drops out, our choices remaining are Rivero or Baxter. When we need a doctor a general practioner fits the bill but when our symptoms are life threatening as is our situation with the current regime, we need a specialist. Remaining loyal to a candidate because he entered the race first and took heat is admirable but does that make him a specialist. Who’s the best man for the job? We don’t need a band-aid, we need major surgery.
The DSA has no shame….. Officers you are completely on your own in terms of justice for members. If the DSA endorses Mitchell, it will only prove that the DSA protects those that oppress their workers and gets away with murder. Who would want to be represented by that? And worse, who would want to pay dues? DSA, I thought you stood by justice! Officers….. If this happens, know in advance where you stand…. better walk straight and continue to be in denial about the injustices’. luck to you.
1128 Could you put trust in an unknown or go with the man who stood his ground? Rivero put his job on the line for the people by running against Rod Mitchell. If Mitchell is re-elected then the people loose one fine officer. Name any officer who has call Mitchell out, other than Rivero. Go ahead name one, just one?
And who says Baxter is a solution, he could have a heart attack in office then what? A number two GOB gets in and we have the same s as before.
McCarthy? He's considered a frequent flyer isn't he? I mean he comes and goes every couple of years -doesn't stay anywhere very long. So you make the best choice people.
And who says Baxter is a solution, he could have a heart attack in office then what? A number two GOB gets in and we have the same s as before.
McCarthy? He's considered a frequent flyer isn't he? I mean he comes and goes every couple of years -doesn't stay anywhere very long. So you make the best choice people.
12:10, I don't think the problem with the DSA is state wide. I believe it is this local chapter and their Ex. board. I would bet the state Ex. board has no idea what these locals are doing. I will say for certain that the deputies here in LC are not being represented as they should. Re-call your DSA Ex. board and vote new people in.
12:24 PM We shouldn't be casting our votes because we feel sorry for someone. Yes, Rivero stood his ground but that doesn't make him the best qualified for the position. Baxter is new blood with an impressive background, healthy with no plans to drop dead. Rivero won't be leaving the deparment and Mitchell won't win.
Why would Baxter be any more likely to have a heart attack any more then you or I or Rivero? The guy is 65, healthy and active. He told me himself he had just completed an extensive annual physical which found more problems or concerns. Do you want to farm us all out to the old folks home once we turn 60? Maybe we should worry about one of the candidates being struck by lightening or run over by a garbarge truck so we should vote for someone else. Get real.
Rivero is our hero, he stood up to Mitchell. He filed an EEOC complaint. He's come out and accused Mitchell of corruption, graft and incompetance but has he proved? Rivero was a SF Cop for 4 years then let to go into his own business. He came to Lake county and became a deputy for three years, a total of 7 years. How does that qualify him to be the head of a department? Look what happened when we elected Mitchell with similar qualifications and where he went.
The job of sheriff is an important position which we see has been filled by an incompetant manager. This is not a job of tossing the ashes of an indigent person over the side of a boat. I don't want to see someone with a clear track record of affirmative action type law suits come in and spend his time fighting everyone he thinks is offending him. Riding the racial bandwagon is not going to work in Lake County. The people are tired of these people taking short cuts to get ahead no matter how much nerve they may have when it comes to fighting with their boss.
The job of sheriff is an important position which we see has been filled by an incompetant manager. This is not a job of tossing the ashes of an indigent person over the side of a boat. I don't want to see someone with a clear track record of affirmative action type law suits come in and spend his time fighting everyone he thinks is offending him. Riding the racial bandwagon is not going to work in Lake County. The people are tired of these people taking short cuts to get ahead no matter how much nerve they may have when it comes to fighting with their boss.
Baxter is interesting, but since he stated he was running, he has publicly said nothing. The other night, Baxter showed up for a meeting in Clearlake Oaks where Rivero had spoken. Again nothing from Baxter.
Rivero made claim of racial miss-justice. To this date Mitchell not only refused to release the EEOC findings, but profiled four deputies on the LCSO website. Those deputies were upset about Lande's racial violation complaints. Unfortunately, Lande never accused those men and Mitchell knew it (as did Andrews). Lande only complained about Sgt. Ski.
Rivero stood up to Mitchell face to face and in public. Remember on the radio when Mitchell had to admit he didn't ask for outside help on the Dinius case until three days later!
Rivero has always cared for other deputies even from day one. Shortly after being off the FTO Program, Rivero voluntarily gave Sample (who had cancer) almost all of his leave. What did Mitchell give? NOT A SINGLE THING. In fact nobody in management came to Samples aid, it was a sergeant that put it together.
For Sheriff, Rivero has spoken to several groups throughout the county, appeared on radio and in a debate in front of numerous law enforcement agencies. Mitchell only appeared on radio and the debate, but walked out quickly afterwords. Rivero even spoke to a few organizations from tribal communities. Mitchell? NOPE..
Rivero has a clear cut plan that is clearly posted on his website. Other than "We are conducting an investigation" we have not heard ANYTHING from Mitchell on how he is going to clean up a tarnished department.
****Rivero for Sheriff***
Rivero made claim of racial miss-justice. To this date Mitchell not only refused to release the EEOC findings, but profiled four deputies on the LCSO website. Those deputies were upset about Lande's racial violation complaints. Unfortunately, Lande never accused those men and Mitchell knew it (as did Andrews). Lande only complained about Sgt. Ski.
Rivero stood up to Mitchell face to face and in public. Remember on the radio when Mitchell had to admit he didn't ask for outside help on the Dinius case until three days later!
Rivero has always cared for other deputies even from day one. Shortly after being off the FTO Program, Rivero voluntarily gave Sample (who had cancer) almost all of his leave. What did Mitchell give? NOT A SINGLE THING. In fact nobody in management came to Samples aid, it was a sergeant that put it together.
For Sheriff, Rivero has spoken to several groups throughout the county, appeared on radio and in a debate in front of numerous law enforcement agencies. Mitchell only appeared on radio and the debate, but walked out quickly afterwords. Rivero even spoke to a few organizations from tribal communities. Mitchell? NOPE..
Rivero has a clear cut plan that is clearly posted on his website. Other than "We are conducting an investigation" we have not heard ANYTHING from Mitchell on how he is going to clean up a tarnished department.
****Rivero for Sheriff***
I don't feel sorry for Rivero or anyone else. Mitchell has made his own bed. Rivero stood up against him and alienated himself from many of his coworkers and the community. Rivero is a hard worker as we can see from his agressive campaigning but he threatens to get rid of everyone he sees as corrupt. What evidence does he have or is he just going to clean house and start over. These officers in the SO are not all corrupt and shouldn't be blamed for the sins of Mitchell and his gang. I don't want to work for a man who is so consumed by hatred for his co-workers and his boss. He talks a good story but what has he done flip off his boss. How long will it be before he flips us off if we don't agree with him. I don't want a different kind of Rodney Mitchell.
Lets get Rivero a red cape and tights. He's faster then a speeding bullet and leaps tall building at a single bound. Give him credit for sharing his sick time with another but that does not make him a sheriff. With his attitude I think we are going to see a lot of internal resistance which can further cripple that department. You just cant walk in and say you'll do it my way or its the highway. A good manager must have the ability to motivate people and be a leader. I don't see Rivero as a leader just because he flaps his lips at Mitchell.
The only deputies who have something to fear from Rivero are the ones with a "past". The hard working guys/gals who have clean noses have nothing to fear. Those who have misused their badges are well know by all. Rivero is well spoken but he also knows how to listen and he's done a lot of that.
I just called Jack Baxter at the cell number he posted. He said he is coming home on Friday afternoon and baring an unforseen heart attack or lightening strike. He will be on Herb Guera's radio show Saturday night at 5: so we'll have a chance to ask questions.
Dont kid yourself the deputies who are clean are still just as worried about Rivero and his unproven accusations as they are about Mitchell and his regime of terror. One little dictator for another. Seems they both see everyone as being against them and thats dangerous.
Riverosupporter @7:58, you are wrong about Morshed. He was demoted based on the sexual misconduct, and again, if you are who you claim to be you would know this. So either you're not who you say you are or you are deliberately misrepresenting what occurred. Either way, it doesn't speak well to your credibility. What other issue was he demoted over? I know he's had several, some of which led to his failure to promote. Now we have this new one, which if I'm putting 2+2 together properly, sounds like it's pretty serious, your defense of him seems to be supporting someone who, like you, has integrity problems and has violated the confidences of his co-workers. I guess birds of feather do flock together. Morshed's EEOC complaint is BS, if it is anywhere close to what's been reported here. His banter was just as bad.
Ive been followoing this debate since it started. Some posts are funny and others are downright mean. I don't like seeing peoples families being slammed because you don't like their spouse. I don't like seeing all the inhouse back biting we've seen here. I don't like what I hear about Mitchell and the way his office is run.
Im sick and tired of the same old race card that gets thrown out everytime a so called mionority person wants something and wants to get it the easy way. Vote for me because Im a minority and my people have been treated unfairly. That should qualify me for a promotion or better job or to be allowed into college ahead of those with better grades. This is really getting old. Label me a racist if you will but Im sick of the free ride some people want. Stop using the race card and compete on your own qualifications so we can vote for the most qualified person.
Im sick and tired of the same old race card that gets thrown out everytime a so called mionority person wants something and wants to get it the easy way. Vote for me because Im a minority and my people have been treated unfairly. That should qualify me for a promotion or better job or to be allowed into college ahead of those with better grades. This is really getting old. Label me a racist if you will but Im sick of the free ride some people want. Stop using the race card and compete on your own qualifications so we can vote for the most qualified person.
Should Morshed be forgiven for poking some wench in his police car be forgiven so we wont have a comp[laint filed. To bad he's not hispanic or black so he could use the stress from his oppressive past as an excuse.
Is the county going to end up paying off victims of sexual misconduct and people who are offended by insensitive deputies? Are we going to have to use our tax dollars to pay for the insensitive picture of a deputy choaking out some person hung on his wall? I'm offended by the term Jose Doe allegedly used by insensitive racist deputies. Can I jump on the band wagon to collect my share?
Yeah, too bad he is a "towel head" and that will work the same as being hispanic or black. Where have you had your head!
No white sheets for me and no special treatment for hispanics or anyone else. Equal treatment for all with no free rides. The white sheet crack is typical of those who always go for the race card first.
Don't get me wrong I'm not saying minority citizens are any less qualified then anyone else because thats just not true. I'm saying forget the race card and run on your merrits.
Don't get me wrong I'm not saying minority citizens are any less qualified then anyone else because thats just not true. I'm saying forget the race card and run on your merrits.
Rivero tested for sergeant twice. The first time there were 3 aplicants and he finished 3rd. Turns out, based on his probation, he was inelligible for promotion based on county personnel rules. The second time there were many more applicants and guss what? He finished at the bottom of that group too. Finishing 3rd in a 3 person test is not necessarily indicative of a standout employee.
The above is also something you won't hear from rivero supporters.
The above is also something you won't hear from rivero supporters.
I'd like to revisit the issue of seemingly endless administrative leave with full pay being enjoyed by several high ranking LCSO people. Its my understanding that once a department begins an IA investigation on an employee that they have 12 months to complete that investigation or the case gets dumped. In ther words they only have one year to ride the free train. Has it been 12 months since Perdock perjured hiumself in court and the SO began an internal investigation? How long has it been since the DA lost Dineas case was lost in court which should have been when Mitchell ordered an IA investigation. If he in fact did order anything.
The 12 month limit comes from the "Public Safety Officers Bill of Rights"
The 12 month limit comes from the "Public Safety Officers Bill of Rights"
ROFLMAO means "rolling on floor laughing my a** off" I was laughing at 2:38's post about his underwear being tight ;)
3rd out of 3 doesn't mean he's a dummy either. Coming out at the bottom of the romotional list doesn't indicate he's any better or worse then the others. It just indicates others did better on that particular test then he did at that time. That is supposing Rodney and his gang didn't tamper with the results because he was a Cuban or a b ig mouth. Also his becoming the validictorian of his police academy class doesn't mean he's a better cop then the rest. Only time on the job will indicate who is the better cop or the hardest worker.
Rivero's experience is extremely longer than you seems to want to acknowledge.
Mitchell was a box boy, vegetable clerk at Safeway before becoming a cop. No leadership, military or management experience. At LCSO he was a patrol sergeant before becoming Sheriff. Still no management experience. He then served until today. You will find so little management experience that this might be the reason LCSO is so messed up.
Now what you keep failing to acknowledge: Rivero graduated first in his SFPD police academy class and was honored with the SFPD Academic Achievement Award (unlike Mitchell). He had a distinguished career at SFPD serving in patrol and investigations. He received over 25 Captain’s Commendations and the coveted Police Chief’s Commendation for his exemplary police work. Rivero was also a successful businessman. He served as President and CEO of Pacific Interment Service, a business he founded. He also battled a corrupt SF politician in a 15 year court battle before winning that almost cost him his business. Instead, he turned the business around and built it into a thriving industry employing numerous employees. His business went from a rented shop on the wharf, to two owned funeral homes and crematory in probably the most expensive real estate areas in the Bay Area.
Eat that!!!
***Rivero for Sheriff***
Mitchell was a box boy, vegetable clerk at Safeway before becoming a cop. No leadership, military or management experience. At LCSO he was a patrol sergeant before becoming Sheriff. Still no management experience. He then served until today. You will find so little management experience that this might be the reason LCSO is so messed up.
Now what you keep failing to acknowledge: Rivero graduated first in his SFPD police academy class and was honored with the SFPD Academic Achievement Award (unlike Mitchell). He had a distinguished career at SFPD serving in patrol and investigations. He received over 25 Captain’s Commendations and the coveted Police Chief’s Commendation for his exemplary police work. Rivero was also a successful businessman. He served as President and CEO of Pacific Interment Service, a business he founded. He also battled a corrupt SF politician in a 15 year court battle before winning that almost cost him his business. Instead, he turned the business around and built it into a thriving industry employing numerous employees. His business went from a rented shop on the wharf, to two owned funeral homes and crematory in probably the most expensive real estate areas in the Bay Area.
Eat that!!!
***Rivero for Sheriff***
At this point anything Mitchell might do would not surprise me. I guess Rivero was lucky he only came out last and didn't get fired or demoted to school crossing guard for complaining about th first test.
It is curious that Mitchell wrote a memo to the county praising Rivero for being such a good employee then turns around and now he's a no good malcontent.
It is curious that Mitchell wrote a memo to the county praising Rivero for being such a good employee then turns around and now he's a no good malcontent.
Rivero himself stated he worked in SF for 4 years before going into business for himself until 2007 or so. Then he said he's been a deputy for three years. You do the math. Either way he has been a working police officer for under ten years so don't make something that isn't true. Let him run on what he is or has done not on what you wish he was.
He has no more LE experience now then Rodney did when he first ran for sheriff. At least Mitchell was a sergeant before being elected to sheriff. Look what that did for him.
He has no more LE experience now then Rodney did when he first ran for sheriff. At least Mitchell was a sergeant before being elected to sheriff. Look what that did for him.
February 24, 2010 2:14 PM
Nope once again you're wrong, dead wrong and try not to turn the tables. Morshed was suspended not demoted. He was demoted AFTER not taking a mandated report and that is up to debate also. I'm not covering for Morshed, in fact if he did release that report he needs to be fired on the spot, but it's not the first time Mitchell has went after someone wrongfully.
Nope once again you're wrong, dead wrong and try not to turn the tables. Morshed was suspended not demoted. He was demoted AFTER not taking a mandated report and that is up to debate also. I'm not covering for Morshed, in fact if he did release that report he needs to be fired on the spot, but it's not the first time Mitchell has went after someone wrongfully.
Rob Brown for Sheriff, Over my dead body! Hey Lovelace, this is G. Need for you to get ahold of me, you got the number. Got someone who needs for you to contact them ASAP. G
Rivero is no dummy. I don't question that. Being #1 in his class sounds good but that's book work and no indicaor of what type of well rounded cop he might become in the future.
I'm retired from SFPD after 28 years. I worked patrol and then became an Inspector before retiring. I can tell you the qualifications you state are really nothing special. When Rivero was there we didn't have a detective rank. Detectives were all Inspectors. He was a police officer, period. He was not a supervisor or a commander. These awards you cite are really no big deal and nothing more then an average cop might receive during a 4 year period. It sounds like you are very impressed with his accomplishments which I see an nothing special for a big city cop.
I asked people I know who are still working at SFPD about this man. Only one had ever heard of him and he said he had seem him walking around one of the stations. His impressioon was that Rivero was very impressed with himself but others were not as impressed. He was still considered a rookie cop with a lot to learn then he left long before he could become what was considered to be an outstanding cop. Maybe he could have been but he chose to be an undertaker and make more money.
Balls, I think he has. Common sense I question. Patroling Middletown for 3 or 4 years doesn't make you a well rounded cop. Only time does that.
I'm retired from SFPD after 28 years. I worked patrol and then became an Inspector before retiring. I can tell you the qualifications you state are really nothing special. When Rivero was there we didn't have a detective rank. Detectives were all Inspectors. He was a police officer, period. He was not a supervisor or a commander. These awards you cite are really no big deal and nothing more then an average cop might receive during a 4 year period. It sounds like you are very impressed with his accomplishments which I see an nothing special for a big city cop.
I asked people I know who are still working at SFPD about this man. Only one had ever heard of him and he said he had seem him walking around one of the stations. His impressioon was that Rivero was very impressed with himself but others were not as impressed. He was still considered a rookie cop with a lot to learn then he left long before he could become what was considered to be an outstanding cop. Maybe he could have been but he chose to be an undertaker and make more money.
Balls, I think he has. Common sense I question. Patroling Middletown for 3 or 4 years doesn't make you a well rounded cop. Only time does that.
Rivero is what we need. Someone who got a taste of LCSO supervision, but not contaminated by Mitchell's political mentality. Management experience is what Rivero has. If you think law enforcement experience is greatly needed, here is a question for you? Since taking office, how many arrests had Mitchell made or criminal investigations he conducted? According to RIMS, none. I can only remember him chasing a traffic violator.
***Rivero for Sheriff***
***Rivero for Sheriff***
Rivero's web site stated he joined SFPD in 1984. He spent four years there before going into business for himself. He came to LCSO in 2007 and became a patrol deputy. You count the years on the job. He was not a sergeant a supervisor and he was not an Inspector. He was not a boss he was a patrol dog like many of us.
Maybe he could be the Chief of the Middletown Police Department if you want to form your own department. Sheriff, I don't think so.
Maybe he could be the Chief of the Middletown Police Department if you want to form your own department. Sheriff, I don't think so.
3:02, If you are the same person who posts under the R4S moniker, you're still wrong. Repeating it over and over again won't make it any more true. Morshed was demoted from his sergeant position for sexual misconduct. Nothing you say can change that fact. Again, someone who is in your position should know the truth about this, so why you keep insisting on repeating this falsehood is beyond me. And again, someone with the "experience" you claim to have with LCSO would know that no one in Morshed's position can be "Fired on the spot." You seem to lack some pretty basic understanding of the POBR and due process to actually be a peace officer with any experience under your belt.
Post 3:14 - Only time makes you a well rounded cop. How many years does Mitchell have in? Garzoli? Perdock? Does this also include DA's? How about Hopkins, how many years? Am I to guess you consider these well rounded? And how about yourself? 28 yrs. How well rounded are you? As in any Job, performance is looked at. Most, 30-60 days probation and you can pretty much tell. The only thing I see well rounded about these people are their guts and their asses from sitting on them all day. Rivero on the other hand, whether 3-4 yrs or 28, has shown the people within a short period of time, he is not only willing, but WILL get off his ass, make himself known to the public, do whatever it takes to get a job done according to the law and stand up and fight for what is right. Right for the people. He has my vote!
Mitchell is the sheriff not a deputy. His job is not to make arrests unless he chose to arrest Perdock who was his second in command. I don't care how many arrests the sheriff make, that's not his jobn. I want the sheriff to be a manager, a leader, a good roll model.
Hell, Sgt. Ringen was said to have made 18 arrests in 18 years according to statements on this blog. If thats true he must have been blind, lazy or hiding in the office closit for 18 years.
I see RIMS being quoted time and again. RIMS holds stistical data. It hold whatever they put in. Arrests don't make a good well rounded leader or manager.
Rivero got a taste of LCSO supervision or lack of from the workers perspective. He's not a supervisor, he's not doing a Sergeants job. I tend to agree he probably got the shaft from Mitchell and his dopes but that doesn't qualify him to be the sheriff.
Experienced Cops don't see his police resume as being anything special and certainly not outstanding. Mitchell's past is no better and his performance is worse. Even Rivero spent tme as a big city cop while Mitchell stacked boxes.
Experience as a funeral director does not make a police manager or leader any more then experience as a box boy qualified Mitchell. Mitchell fell on his face and has become corrupted by his power and now sees himself as the little king.
Hell, Sgt. Ringen was said to have made 18 arrests in 18 years according to statements on this blog. If thats true he must have been blind, lazy or hiding in the office closit for 18 years.
I see RIMS being quoted time and again. RIMS holds stistical data. It hold whatever they put in. Arrests don't make a good well rounded leader or manager.
Rivero got a taste of LCSO supervision or lack of from the workers perspective. He's not a supervisor, he's not doing a Sergeants job. I tend to agree he probably got the shaft from Mitchell and his dopes but that doesn't qualify him to be the sheriff.
Experienced Cops don't see his police resume as being anything special and certainly not outstanding. Mitchell's past is no better and his performance is worse. Even Rivero spent tme as a big city cop while Mitchell stacked boxes.
Experience as a funeral director does not make a police manager or leader any more then experience as a box boy qualified Mitchell. Mitchell fell on his face and has become corrupted by his power and now sees himself as the little king.
Local Business in support of Mitchell: Marie's Feed and Grain, Lakeshore Dr., Clearlake. Sorry there Marie, you just lost my business and that of my family and friends. Go ahead hand a sign in your window ----------You will be out of business after all these yrs.
I respectfully disagree with working Middletown. The area Rivero usually patrols (called Beat 7) consists of the Clearlake Riviera, Lower Lake, Hidden Valley and Cobb Mountain. He doesn't do this always, he also patrols Beat 4. That is the North Shore from Paradise Cove to the Elem Rancheria, the surrounding area of Clearlake and all the way to the Colusa County line. Beat 7 has the most population in the unincorporated areas in Lake County.
I'm told by several police managers, those awards are a big deal and shows the constant aggressive action of an officer. Rivero was a detective in Narc's and is almost unheard of for a police officer to be a narc in such as short time. I admit neither remembers Rivero doing anything extremely outstanding.
So, Rivero has police experience, detectives experience, a temporary sergeant and is a minority (oh I said the nasty word). Lets not forgot there is no minority in LCSO chain of Command.
***Rivero for Sheriff***
I'm told by several police managers, those awards are a big deal and shows the constant aggressive action of an officer. Rivero was a detective in Narc's and is almost unheard of for a police officer to be a narc in such as short time. I admit neither remembers Rivero doing anything extremely outstanding.
So, Rivero has police experience, detectives experience, a temporary sergeant and is a minority (oh I said the nasty word). Lets not forgot there is no minority in LCSO chain of Command.
***Rivero for Sheriff***
Remember this I'm not running for sheriff. I'm commenting on this race and sharing my thoughts. It doesn't make any difference that I had 28 years or 28 days on the job. Am I a well rounded cop. I'd like to think I am based on a number of varied assignments. I will say it took many years before I felt I might be. What I am is a voter and a tax payer just like you. I'm not wearing blinders or following like a leming just because the man with the flute hates Mitchell.
Most, 30-60 days probation and you can pretty much tell. << If by this you are saying you can tell a good cop in 30-60 days you have your head in the sand and bviously you were never a cop.
Do I see mitchell, Perdock and Garzoli and a number of others in high places as well rounded cops. No, I do not. I see them as small town politicians and petty people. Do we want this type of person to be responsible for protecting our families? I don't.
How many big criminal cases have any of these men done? How many different assignments have any of these people had. How many people have any of them supervised at any one time? What is their reputation within the LE community. Do they have any?
Mitchell might say he supervises the entire office and in fact he does but not very well. He's proven repeatedly that he is no supervisor, no leader, no manager, just a politician who sways whichever way the wind blows.
Most, 30-60 days probation and you can pretty much tell. << If by this you are saying you can tell a good cop in 30-60 days you have your head in the sand and bviously you were never a cop.
Do I see mitchell, Perdock and Garzoli and a number of others in high places as well rounded cops. No, I do not. I see them as small town politicians and petty people. Do we want this type of person to be responsible for protecting our families? I don't.
How many big criminal cases have any of these men done? How many different assignments have any of these people had. How many people have any of them supervised at any one time? What is their reputation within the LE community. Do they have any?
Mitchell might say he supervises the entire office and in fact he does but not very well. He's proven repeatedly that he is no supervisor, no leader, no manager, just a politician who sways whichever way the wind blows.
I have a great knowledge of POBAR. Morshed was suspended, not demoted for his sexual conduct. Keep posting that does not make you statement right. Yes I said "demoted on the spot" as a figure of speech. Management has up to 12 months from when "Management was first aware of the incident" to recommendation for discipline, not the exact date of the incident. After that comes Piches Motion and than arbitration. Also 3301 states the 12 months period is waived if the incident is of a criminal offense. Call our LDF lawyer used most by LCSO deputies, Rains & Lucia. Now if I haven't been with LCSO this long, how would I know that. Hey call Ostini, he's been on the DSA board before as Secretary and can verify this.
Now since I responded so fast there is no way I could have just looked this stuff up.
***Rivero for Sheriff***
Now since I responded so fast there is no way I could have just looked this stuff up.
***Rivero for Sheriff***
So, Rivero has police experience, detectives experience, a temporary sergeant and is a minority (oh I said the nasty word). Lets not forgot there is no minority in LCSO chain of Command. << How was he a detective in a department that had no such rank. Where was he a temporary sergeant? Was he the senior deputy on a shift? That doesn't make him a supervisor. He was not a sergeant or temporary sgt in SF because there is no such thing. He does fancy himself as a minority which you choose to hang your hat on. BFD that does not make him a qualified manager or leader no matter what you would like to say.
LCSO has no minorities in their chain of command. That's not our fault that's Rodney's. Perhaps they had no qualified minorities to select from. Maybe they just ignored qualified minorities which seems to be Mitchell's MO. In any event being a minority does not qualify you to be a leader or manager. I would like to see equal treatment and let the best person win no matter what the race. Again I say put the race card away, that argument doesn't hold water anymore and people are getting tired of hearing it. Run on your accomplishments and qualifications not your color. I don't want another Mitchell I want a professional who will not put up with the BS going on right now in our county. I want someone who will do the right thing which we have not seen in years.
LCSO has no minorities in their chain of command. That's not our fault that's Rodney's. Perhaps they had no qualified minorities to select from. Maybe they just ignored qualified minorities which seems to be Mitchell's MO. In any event being a minority does not qualify you to be a leader or manager. I would like to see equal treatment and let the best person win no matter what the race. Again I say put the race card away, that argument doesn't hold water anymore and people are getting tired of hearing it. Run on your accomplishments and qualifications not your color. I don't want another Mitchell I want a professional who will not put up with the BS going on right now in our county. I want someone who will do the right thing which we have not seen in years.
Agreed! - Your one question, What is their reputation within the LE community? I say, Their reputation with the community as a whole is not good. There is no trust and at this point no respect. The community as you can see throughout these posts are no longer going to accept this and soon will no longer live in fear of them. It's not just this blog, go out, talk within those in your community and listen to what is being said! Even at the seniors center this is a major topic.
February 24, 2010 3:46 PM
I couldn't agree more, but with small towns with low pay we can't get a Chief Jordon or Chief Gascon or even Glen Craig. I can't see following a lost broken horse or a Honda with no clutch like Mitchell anymore. I bring those two examples because I believe you are a former SFPD sergeant. If I'm right, just tell me what vehicle you drove and your rank.
***Rivero for Sheriff***
I couldn't agree more, but with small towns with low pay we can't get a Chief Jordon or Chief Gascon or even Glen Craig. I can't see following a lost broken horse or a Honda with no clutch like Mitchell anymore. I bring those two examples because I believe you are a former SFPD sergeant. If I'm right, just tell me what vehicle you drove and your rank.
***Rivero for Sheriff***
....Rivero for Sheriff.... You quote POBAR and your vast knowledge of the law which I am not arguing with. My question was how long has Perdock been off on aministrative leave? Is the IA investigation over and was he charged and served with a notice of intent to discipline? Has 12 months passed without Mitchell taking some type of actioon or is he doing a dance until 12 months pass so he must drop the case and we are stuck with a liar as his #2 man.
I wonder if a real attorney were to take these suspicious discipline cases being pushed by Mitchell how long it would take before Rod had to eat them. I wonder if the SO will be forced to take back these people or to promote these people because they got treated unfairly in the first place. If an employee deserves to get demoted or fired do it and don't drag it out.
I wonder if a real attorney were to take these suspicious discipline cases being pushed by Mitchell how long it would take before Rod had to eat them. I wonder if the SO will be forced to take back these people or to promote these people because they got treated unfairly in the first place. If an employee deserves to get demoted or fired do it and don't drag it out.
God I wish I could answer the Perdock question. It seems to be a common answer that he went on admin leave after the trial. So that means we have past the 12 month period unless it is a criminal offense the IA is investigating.
I also agree on the discipline comment. Punish him, demote him, reinstate him or do something other than make the public think nothing is happening. It serves no face by extending a deputy for this long.
***Rivero for Sheriff***
I also agree on the discipline comment. Punish him, demote him, reinstate him or do something other than make the public think nothing is happening. It serves no face by extending a deputy for this long.
***Rivero for Sheriff***
Jezzz who cares what I drove to work. If I drove a SF shopping cart it makes no difference. I tried to explain to you that no such rank exists as you state. Let the man stand on his own accomplishments not the BS you would make up. Our purpose here to to get rid of Mitchell and Hopkins and their gang and to identify the most qualified person to replace them.
Obviously you are stuck on your own perception of that a good leader is and I disagree. I just ask you and all the rest of us to think and be open to see all sides. We must open our eyes and ears and not allow people like Mitchell to allow us to get off track.
Obviously you are stuck on your own perception of that a good leader is and I disagree. I just ask you and all the rest of us to think and be open to see all sides. We must open our eyes and ears and not allow people like Mitchell to allow us to get off track.
PLEASE CONSIDER THIS ALL....... Mitchell has all his friends on paid administrative leave once the word got out and he was forced to stop ignoring things. What if he lets these cases drag out past the one year mark and by that time no finding has been made. Could we be forced to take these people back since they were not officially found guilty of a crime or wrong doing? What a joke on us and Rodney tricks us again and sits in his office laughing.
ricero supporter at 3:50: Well now you're really showing your ignorance...It's not a "piches" motion it's a Pitchess Motions and it has absolutely no place is the disciplinary process for deputies. I think the term you were looking for "Skelly Hearing". I guess for someone with a "Great knowledge" of the POBR, you probably should have looked it up.
On another note, you mentioned Clearlake Riveria and Lower Lake as being in Beat 7. Well that's just flat wrong too. They are both in Beat 6, Lower Lake being beat 6b and the Riv's being 6c. How long are you claiming to have worked there? And you don't even know the beats yet?
On another note, you mentioned Clearlake Riveria and Lower Lake as being in Beat 7. Well that's just flat wrong too. They are both in Beat 6, Lower Lake being beat 6b and the Riv's being 6c. How long are you claiming to have worked there? And you don't even know the beats yet?
At the risk of sounding paranoid I wonder if Mitchell and his supporters are working to turn his detractors and enemies against oneanother with the purpose of splitting the vote and hoping to slide in through the back door again. Lets not get distracted from our goal of ridding Lake County of AH's like Mitchell and his boys.
Former SFPD cop. I agree. Have a good day and maybe we'll see each other at one of Rivero's speeches.
***Rivero for Sheriff***
***Rivero for Sheriff***
4:22 I noticed the Pitchess motion comment myself and questioned its appllication in any IA type investigation. Thanks for picking that up.
oh and it's not POBAR (Althought I will give you that it's phonetically pronounced that way), it's POBR, or Peace officers bill of rights. Vast knowledge?
Who cares what the damn beats are? We must care about politicians who beat the tax dollars out of us through fraud and mismanagement. Its fun to zing oneanother over little things, typos, errors but its not what we are here. Get rid of Mitchell and his butt boys/girls.
Isn't a pitchess motion a motion to look into a deputies personal file and has to be made in front of a judge?
Take a look at the Public Safety Officers Procedural Bill of Rights Act, the CPER Easy Reference series.
You are right about the Pitchess motion which can be made by an attorney looking for previoous use of force complaints in an officers p[ersonnel file. If granted a Judge may review the file, not the attorneymaking the motioon. He can then confirm there are X number of sustained use of force complaints or there are no use of force complaints sustained. Its most often used by attorneys as a smoke screen or harassment of individual officers.
We need to determine if Perdock and the gang on AL have been officially served with a "Notice of Intent to Discipline" and have they been afforded their right to a "Skelly Hearing" with the Sheriff. What is Rodney going to do or is he going to do anything. I smell high chickenery here and once its done we can go jump in the lake because we won't be able to do anything about it and Rod covers his boys again.
Watch out when we do jump in the lake so Perdock doesn't run us down with his speed boat.
Does the word "CHUMP" mean anything to you? That could be us gang.......
Watch out when we do jump in the lake so Perdock doesn't run us down with his speed boat.
Does the word "CHUMP" mean anything to you? That could be us gang.......
For clarification a pitchess motion is a court hearing that allows a defense attorney to view portions of a peace officer's personnel file. Something the department controls, and can view at any time they choose. A Skelly hearing is an opportunity for an officer meet with a disinterested department head or representative to provide any circumstances in mitigation after a "notice of proposed disciplinary action" is served. After the skelly hearing comes the implementation of discipline, then arbitration, then a court hearing.
So not only is the rivero supporter wrong about pretty much all of that, he/she is also wrong about why Morshed was demoted.
So not only is the rivero supporter wrong about pretty much all of that, he/she is also wrong about why Morshed was demoted.
I hope we aren't failing to give Rod credit for being devious and beinbg a sleeze politician. While we crow about Rivero's history or Baxter's age old Rodney may be pulling another fast one on us so we must remain alter and never forget why we are here and what our cause is. Get rid of Rod and his crooks.
4:31, my, my, how quickly you jump to name calling. Me a dumb ass? That's kinda ironic coming from someone, who with a vast knowledge of "POBAR" [sic], was so wrong. Yeah, I made a typo, ricero, you just were flat wrong. And just because there isn't a deputy assigned to beat 6, doesn't mean those towns are in beat 7. Which is what you said isn't it? I can go back and get it if you want to debate it further.
Thanks boys and girls for the interesting and informative afternoon. Time to go to work and pay for my vices.
Just a thought, Rivero4Sheriff has stated over and over again he has over 10 years with the SO. Just how many deputies fall into this catagory? Shouldn't be to hard to figure out his/her indentity. Not that it matters much but I'm beginning to question if he's really on the force.
Why do we care who it is. That place is loaded with snitches and back stabbers who have no quams about distorting the truth to make their point. Maybe we need to flush the entire office down the drain and start over.
Clearly the person posting as R4s is embellishing their experience and knowledge. Sounds like a certain candidate he supports.
Expose to follow. I have it on good authority from a confidential informant that Rodney Mitchell has been seen sticking pins in a Frank Rivero doll while hiding in the mens room toilet stall. The baxter doll was injected with cholesteral in the hope of causing him to short out before he gets home.
Expose to follow. I have it on good authority from a confidential informant that Rodney Mitchell has been seen sticking pins in a Frank Rivero doll while hiding in the mens room toilet stall. The baxter doll was injected with cholesteral in the hope of causing him to short out before he gets home.
No it isn't him, I know their wrting style and the same person was posting while Rivero was on the radio.
Sorry, stepped out to get a drink. Hey someone finally caught the POBAR -v- POBR. It only took you four hours to figure it out. Does it matter if I spelled it wrong? Oh but wait, 3301 gave it away didn't it? You're so smart you should run for Supervisor because Rivero has Sheriff.
This is Lovelace we will be posting a number of items in the next couple of hours, we have attained the Search Warrant, narrative and return documentation from the Moreshed Search Warrant, we are reviewing the documentation now, and will be posting some quite interesting information. Houston we have a problem, and Mitchell may have really stretched to bounds of probable cause and mis-calculated big time on this one!!!
We have been in and out of the courthouse today(don't try to figure out by that statement who you might have seen today, we use "moles" who help us out for those things). We will post shortly.
We are very happy to see the commuications that happened today on the site, an excellent day of back and forth, postings, no caps and only a couple of posts using profanity. Thank all of you for that. It is a sign the change is beginning. Much of course needs to be done, and it will be, but the signs are showing progress.
We have been in and out of the courthouse today(don't try to figure out by that statement who you might have seen today, we use "moles" who help us out for those things). We will post shortly.
We are very happy to see the commuications that happened today on the site, an excellent day of back and forth, postings, no caps and only a couple of posts using profanity. Thank all of you for that. It is a sign the change is beginning. Much of course needs to be done, and it will be, but the signs are showing progress.
So lets look at today's "Day in the Life a Sheriff".
Can't supervise Perdock.
Can't supervise Garzoli.
Can't review a grant.
Can't read the word "PILOT" on a jumpsuit.
Can't release the EEOC findings.
Can't get a sergeant to supervise the range.
Can't get a captain to do interview a witness with being escorted of police property.
Can't get a captain to keep kids off a DEA grant helicopter.
Can't get a cop/thief arrested right.
Can't get re-elected.
**Rivero for Sheriff**
Can't supervise Perdock.
Can't supervise Garzoli.
Can't review a grant.
Can't read the word "PILOT" on a jumpsuit.
Can't release the EEOC findings.
Can't get a sergeant to supervise the range.
Can't get a captain to do interview a witness with being escorted of police property.
Can't get a captain to keep kids off a DEA grant helicopter.
Can't get a cop/thief arrested right.
Can't get re-elected.
**Rivero for Sheriff**
Hey lets all get together and sing to Mitchell,"and so, the parties over." Oh sorry might be to old of a song for most of you.
4:59, Oh, I get it, you knew the right information, you just innocently posted the wrong info, then became defensive when you were called on it. How about you just start telling the truth from now on? Or limit your comments to something you have actual knowledge about. It will go easier on you in the long run. If you are in fact a deputy, your job is in jeopardy if you are found deliberately posting false information. Ever heard of Brady? How about conduct unbecoming? I'm thinking a chronic underachiever with an inflated sense of self-importance.
Oh, I have it on good authority that your comments about Brown being ecorted out of Lande's department are as accurate as your beat knowledge and POBR expertise.
This is to the Mitchell supporters. In the event that Mitchell loses and you have a new boss. What conditions would you like to see changed? Not who but how many top command positions would you support removing/changing? What advise would you give your new boss on what must happen to promote conditions in your dept that will regain the public's trust and respect?
First we want to cover some of the post for the day, we have a few opinions: First we want to make something very clear concerning Rivero and his time spent in San Fransico as a copper. A couple of us were in the city last weekend, and we wanted to go to one of the substations, we choose the Vallejo street Substation to take a look. Here is our impressions, we say this to all cops who have worked SF or currently do. You have to be a well rounded solid individual to work in San Fransico. The first thing that strikes you is the people and the traffic, and the congestion and the vast numbers of different people, from very strange to very rich to very poor. It runs the gambit in that city. We got the chance to talk to a couple of cops who were on the beat. You do not get a moments rest when you are on shift. Always something going down, it is non-stop. You must be a people person, be able to quickly look at a situation and react correctly, you must be able to deal with totally strange and bizarre people, calm them down, and find solutions. Hard ass knock you on the ground tactics are not acceptable in this city, this comes directly from the cops we talked to. You have to deal with all manner and make of people. The citizens oversight system in the SF force is well received according to these cops. We will say this, you better give Rivero and anyone who has worked that beat all the credit in the world, it is tough duty, and you can't make mistakes. You have to be calm in the most agitated situtions, and work with people, communicate with people, and it can be quite dangerous at times. Anyone in our opinion who disparages any cop who has had that duty is crazy. We were quite impressed with what cops have to do in that city, it is not for the faint of heart. And you better be sharp as a tack.
you guys and girls are so'oo lame. The only way to get rid of Mitchell/Hopkins is to bring forth thier transgressions TO THE GENERAL PUBLIC. The General Public are not even aware of all this B.S.. They don't have time to read a bunch of rehtoric. The only people who read this are LE on their off hours, cop hating scum bags (who can't vote ) and a bunch of LittleOldLadies with nothing else to do.
Why doesn't the lovelace group, if it even exists, just start a recall movement and dump his ass out on the street. If he (Mitchell) has done even half the stuff you bozo's claim he has done, he could easily be recalled.
I strongly suspect that this whole thing is just a sham, allowing people to vent, and take away energy from the the true goal. VOTE NO ON ALL INCUMBENTS
Sign me a non believer
Why doesn't the lovelace group, if it even exists, just start a recall movement and dump his ass out on the street. If he (Mitchell) has done even half the stuff you bozo's claim he has done, he could easily be recalled.
I strongly suspect that this whole thing is just a sham, allowing people to vent, and take away energy from the the true goal. VOTE NO ON ALL INCUMBENTS
Sign me a non believer
Hey post 5:11 cut with the threat crap, this is an open forum, this is our forum not yours, you want to get head-strong, back off, You are not a threat to anyone on this site, Lovelace does not take kindly to punks coming on here throwing crap around. You don't want to take us head on punk, you will get run over. Don't piss us off, or you won't post on here. No cop, no citizen, no one, gets threatened on this site for posting, period.
4:59, Oh, I get it, you knew the right information, you just innocently posted the wrong info, then became defensive when you were called on it. How about you just start telling the truth from now on? Or limit your comments to something you have actual knowledge about. It will go easier on you in the long run. If you are in fact a deputy, your job is in jeopardy if you are found deliberately posting false information. Ever heard of Brady? How about conduct unbecoming? I'm thinking a chronic underachiever with an inflated sense of self-importance.
# posted by Anonymous : February 24, 2010 5:11 PM
Oh, I have it on good authority that your comments about Brown being ecorted out of Lande's department are as accurate as your beat knowledge and POBR expertise.
# posted by Anonymous : February 24, 2010 5:13 PM
This is to the Mitchell supporters. In the event that Mitchell loses and you have a new boss. What conditions would you like to see changed? Not who but how many top command positions would you support removing/changing? What advise would you give your new boss on what must happen to promote conditions in your dept that will regain the public's trust and respect?
# posted by Anonymous : February 24, 2010 5:13 PM
First we want to cover some of the post for the day, we have a few opinions: First we want to make something very clear concerning Rivero and his time spent in San Fransico as a copper. A couple of us were in the city last weekend, and we wanted to go to one of the substations, we choose the Vallejo street Substation to take a look. Here is our impressions, we say this to all cops who have worked SF or currently do. You have to be a well rounded solid individual to work in San Fransico. The first thing that strikes you is the people and the traffic, and the congestion and the vast numbers of different people, from very strange to very rich to very poor. It runs the gambit in that city. We got the chance to talk to a couple of cops who were on the beat. You do not get a moments rest when you are on shift. Always something going down, it is non-stop. You must be a people person, be able to quickly look at a situation and react correctly, you must be able to deal with totally strange and bizarre people, calm them down, and find solutions. Hard ass knock you on the ground tactics are not acceptable in this city, this comes directly from the cops we talked to. You have to deal with all manner and make of people. The citizens oversight system in the SF force is well received according to these cops. We will say this, you better give Rivero and anyone who has worked that beat all the credit in the world, it is tough duty, and you can't make mistakes. You have to be calm in the most agitated situtions, and work with people, communicate with people, and it can be quite dangerous at times. Anyone in our opinion who disparages any cop who has had that duty is crazy. We were quite impressed with what cops have to do in that city, it is not for the faint of heart. And you better be sharp as a tack.
# posted by Lovelace : February 24, 2010 5:13 PM
you guys and girls are so'oo lame. The only way to get rid of Mitchell/Hopkins is to bring forth thier transgressions TO THE GENERAL PUBLIC. The General Public are not even aware of all this B.S.. They don't have time to read a bunch of rehtoric. The only people who read this are LE on their off hours, cop hating scum bags (who can't vote ) and a bunch of LittleOldLadies with nothing else to do.
Why doesn't the lovelace group, if it even exists, just start a recall movement and dump his ass out on the street. If he (Mitchell) has done even half the stuff you bozo's claim he has done, he could easily be recalled.
I strongly suspect that this whole thing is just a sham, allowing people to vent, and take away energy from the the true goal. VOTE NO ON ALL INCUMBENTS
Sign me a non believer
# posted by Anonymous : February 24, 2010 5:15 PM
Dear Non-Believer;
You are an idiot
s/s Ms. Lovelace
# posted by Anonymous : February 24, 2010 5:11 PM
Oh, I have it on good authority that your comments about Brown being ecorted out of Lande's department are as accurate as your beat knowledge and POBR expertise.
# posted by Anonymous : February 24, 2010 5:13 PM
This is to the Mitchell supporters. In the event that Mitchell loses and you have a new boss. What conditions would you like to see changed? Not who but how many top command positions would you support removing/changing? What advise would you give your new boss on what must happen to promote conditions in your dept that will regain the public's trust and respect?
# posted by Anonymous : February 24, 2010 5:13 PM
First we want to cover some of the post for the day, we have a few opinions: First we want to make something very clear concerning Rivero and his time spent in San Fransico as a copper. A couple of us were in the city last weekend, and we wanted to go to one of the substations, we choose the Vallejo street Substation to take a look. Here is our impressions, we say this to all cops who have worked SF or currently do. You have to be a well rounded solid individual to work in San Fransico. The first thing that strikes you is the people and the traffic, and the congestion and the vast numbers of different people, from very strange to very rich to very poor. It runs the gambit in that city. We got the chance to talk to a couple of cops who were on the beat. You do not get a moments rest when you are on shift. Always something going down, it is non-stop. You must be a people person, be able to quickly look at a situation and react correctly, you must be able to deal with totally strange and bizarre people, calm them down, and find solutions. Hard ass knock you on the ground tactics are not acceptable in this city, this comes directly from the cops we talked to. You have to deal with all manner and make of people. The citizens oversight system in the SF force is well received according to these cops. We will say this, you better give Rivero and anyone who has worked that beat all the credit in the world, it is tough duty, and you can't make mistakes. You have to be calm in the most agitated situtions, and work with people, communicate with people, and it can be quite dangerous at times. Anyone in our opinion who disparages any cop who has had that duty is crazy. We were quite impressed with what cops have to do in that city, it is not for the faint of heart. And you better be sharp as a tack.
# posted by Lovelace : February 24, 2010 5:13 PM
you guys and girls are so'oo lame. The only way to get rid of Mitchell/Hopkins is to bring forth thier transgressions TO THE GENERAL PUBLIC. The General Public are not even aware of all this B.S.. They don't have time to read a bunch of rehtoric. The only people who read this are LE on their off hours, cop hating scum bags (who can't vote ) and a bunch of LittleOldLadies with nothing else to do.
Why doesn't the lovelace group, if it even exists, just start a recall movement and dump his ass out on the street. If he (Mitchell) has done even half the stuff you bozo's claim he has done, he could easily be recalled.
I strongly suspect that this whole thing is just a sham, allowing people to vent, and take away energy from the the true goal. VOTE NO ON ALL INCUMBENTS
Sign me a non believer
# posted by Anonymous : February 24, 2010 5:15 PM
Dear Non-Believer;
You are an idiot
s/s Ms. Lovelace
a good cop should be able to "quickly look at a situation and react correctly". I would agree with this sentence, so let's look at rivero. Shot at an unarmed man in Cobb, when there was NO actual threat. Good think he missed or his civil award would have looked like small potatos compared to what that guy would have gotten. Sure the shooting was found to be in policy, but if the department is so corrupt shouldn't that finding be in doubt? At that time rivero was "one of them" right?
# posted by Anonymous : February 24, 2010 5:00 PM
This is Lovelace we will be posting a number of items in the next couple of hours, we have attained the Search Warrant, narrative and return documentation from the Moreshed Search Warrant, we are reviewing the documentation now, and will be posting some quite interesting information. Houston we have a problem, and Mitchell may have really stretched to bounds of probable cause and mis-calculated big time on this one!!!
We have been in and out of the courthouse today(don't try to figure out by that statement who you might have seen today, we use "moles" who help us out for those things). We will post shortly.
We are very happy to see the commuications that happened today on the site, an excellent day of back and forth, postings, no caps and only a couple of posts using profanity. Thank all of you for that. It is a sign the change is beginning. Much of course needs to be done, and it will be, but the signs are showing progress.
# posted by Lovelace : February 24, 2010 5:02 PM
So lets look at today's "Day in the Life a Sheriff".
Can't supervise Perdock.
Can't supervise Garzoli.
Can't review a grant.
Can't read the word "PILOT" on a jumpsuit.
Can't release the EEOC findings.
Can't get a sergeant to supervise the range.
Can't get a captain to do interview a witness with being escorted of police property.
Can't get a captain to keep kids off a DEA grant helicopter.
Can't get a cop/thief arrested right.
Can't get re-elected.
**Rivero for Sheriff**
# posted by Anonymous : February 24, 2010 5:06 PM
Hey lets all get together and sing to Mitchell,"and so, the parties over." Oh sorry might be to old of a song for most of you.
This is Lovelace we will be posting a number of items in the next couple of hours, we have attained the Search Warrant, narrative and return documentation from the Moreshed Search Warrant, we are reviewing the documentation now, and will be posting some quite interesting information. Houston we have a problem, and Mitchell may have really stretched to bounds of probable cause and mis-calculated big time on this one!!!
We have been in and out of the courthouse today(don't try to figure out by that statement who you might have seen today, we use "moles" who help us out for those things). We will post shortly.
We are very happy to see the commuications that happened today on the site, an excellent day of back and forth, postings, no caps and only a couple of posts using profanity. Thank all of you for that. It is a sign the change is beginning. Much of course needs to be done, and it will be, but the signs are showing progress.
# posted by Lovelace : February 24, 2010 5:02 PM
So lets look at today's "Day in the Life a Sheriff".
Can't supervise Perdock.
Can't supervise Garzoli.
Can't review a grant.
Can't read the word "PILOT" on a jumpsuit.
Can't release the EEOC findings.
Can't get a sergeant to supervise the range.
Can't get a captain to do interview a witness with being escorted of police property.
Can't get a captain to keep kids off a DEA grant helicopter.
Can't get a cop/thief arrested right.
Can't get re-elected.
**Rivero for Sheriff**
# posted by Anonymous : February 24, 2010 5:06 PM
Hey lets all get together and sing to Mitchell,"and so, the parties over." Oh sorry might be to old of a song for most of you.
Hey post 5:11 cut with the threat crap, this is an open forum, this is our forum not yours, you want to get head-strong, back off, You are not a threat to anyone on this site, Lovelace does not take kindly to punks coming on here throwing crap around. You don't want to take us head on punk, you will get run over. Don't piss us off, or you won't post on here. No cop, no citizen, no one, gets threatened on this site for posting, period.
Alright reposting complete, 7000 posts!!!!!!!!! Outstanding, thanks to all of you, let's keep the momentum going we are just beginning.
By the way Mitchell has put the word out no looking at this site on duty, we think that is how it should be on the tax-payer dime, however he is not worried about the taxpayers dime as his reason for doing it. As well the supervisors set up a system to reject any sheriffmitchellwatch e-mails, it took us about 2 minutes to over-ride that stop gap, and all e-mails sent are being received by the supervisors. They will not, stop public input we don't care how much they hate anonymity. It will remain anonymous until it is safe and the changes have been brought into place.
Hey 5:22, it's not a threat, it's an assessment of jeopardy based on that person's own statements. If that person is identified, and then it can be shown they deliberately posted lies to bring discredit to the department, they can face disciplinary action up through and including termination. There's case law that addresses this almost exactly on point.
To Post 210k you sir are an idiot, Nice try no one buy's it you have to come up with something far better then that old line.
To G---post 3:07 can't find the contact information, please send info to g-mail account..Thanks
To Post 217, that to is an idiot post, racial profiling you bet, you want to tell the young man who came back from Iraq, and told the story about his father there has never been anything wrong in this county. You are trippin on some bad stuff, and in terrible denial, wake up man take off the rose colored glasses.
To the corruption supporters indicating the SO's on the inside are fearful of Rivero, you are spinning a tale and we don't buy it, we have in the last 3 days talked to 7 or 8 SO's there are many who are coming up to Rivero and saying "listen we are with you, but right now we cannot say it publicly, keep going." That is a fact. Yes there are those who will have issues if Rivero is elected, they know who they are, there is a process that takes place in any organization business or police when a new man takes the helm, certain shall we say "conversations" take place, and "suggestions" are made to certain people. Rivero or any other who takes over for Mitchell will have those same conversations. They go something like this, "listen you might want to start looking around for other places to work, we will give you a good recommendation and help you on your way, or you are going to get on board with the new plan and the new game, it is your choice". This is very common and not at all unusual.
To G---post 3:07 can't find the contact information, please send info to g-mail account..Thanks
To Post 217, that to is an idiot post, racial profiling you bet, you want to tell the young man who came back from Iraq, and told the story about his father there has never been anything wrong in this county. You are trippin on some bad stuff, and in terrible denial, wake up man take off the rose colored glasses.
To the corruption supporters indicating the SO's on the inside are fearful of Rivero, you are spinning a tale and we don't buy it, we have in the last 3 days talked to 7 or 8 SO's there are many who are coming up to Rivero and saying "listen we are with you, but right now we cannot say it publicly, keep going." That is a fact. Yes there are those who will have issues if Rivero is elected, they know who they are, there is a process that takes place in any organization business or police when a new man takes the helm, certain shall we say "conversations" take place, and "suggestions" are made to certain people. Rivero or any other who takes over for Mitchell will have those same conversations. They go something like this, "listen you might want to start looking around for other places to work, we will give you a good recommendation and help you on your way, or you are going to get on board with the new plan and the new game, it is your choice". This is very common and not at all unusual.
Really 5:30, what about deliberate lies post on here by deputies and their wives?? It should work both ways, don't you think?
5:42, deputies yes, their wives no. It does work both ways, but only to the extend where credibility is crucial to employment. Deputies wives are not employees.
5:30 it was a threat, read you post, we know a threat when we read one. We don't need a study on what you think your knowledge of illegal activity is or activity aganist rules and regulations. No one can be discovered from posting on this site, and that is the reason we set it up that way, your comment holds no merit, what you are doing is showing your own fears concerning the internal GOB network that is in place. if we wanted to worry about "case law" Mitchell and all his cronies would be out a long time ago. In order to discipline an individual you have to have your own place in order and your own actions. The pot calling the kettle black isn't going to work here. It is called balance and fair discipline, which of course we do not have in the current leadership. Period.
< Re Post> This is to the Mitchell supporters. In the event that Mitchell loses and you have a new boss. What conditions would you like to see changed? Not who but how many top command positions would you support removing/changing? What advise would you give your new boss on what must happen to promote conditions in your dept that will regain the public's trust and respect?
What if it's Lande or Ringen or I saw Hooper on here once? Oh and what if its Beland or even Navarro? Garzoli or even Perdock?
Listen we have already spoken on the issue of the wives of some of the SO's we caught Sarha Dutra on here smoking pot, hubby did not know it, and posting away and outed her, the silcone 7 is alive and well and we know they try to post on this site, we don't want to hear the crap about not touching the SO's wives, we will go after them if they enter the arena, it is that simple, don't paint a god damn polly anna picture to us on some of these wives, we know better.
You can go after them all you want, but unless they are employees of the sheriff, their job won't be in jeopardy if they are found to be posting lies.
Apparently post 5:15, you yourself have not been out and about. Have you been to the seniors center lately? Want the skinny on what these lil ole ladies and gents are saying? How about standing in line a one our of local stores, go ahead pick anyone. Gosh, went to church last sunday and guess what the topic was? So before you go gettin your undies in a wad, go on out and talk to some of the General Public! G
Oh what a night. Lets see if I get this correct. We have a retired SFPD that sounds very experienced. I like his remarks and wish him all the best. He does not support Mitchell nor Rivero. You sound like a good man, ever think of running for Sheriff?
Seems a few people have posted with my slogan on the end. Oh well I don't care, have fun. I agree with most of it. Mitchell is an "I can't" person:
I can't release the EEOC findings.
I can't discuss Perdock's case.
I can't discuss any one going investigation.
I can't supervise Perdock.
I can't supervise Garzoli
I can't supervise the range master.
I can't keep a high security report secured.
I can't be Sheriff.
***Rivero for Sheriff***
Seems a few people have posted with my slogan on the end. Oh well I don't care, have fun. I agree with most of it. Mitchell is an "I can't" person:
I can't release the EEOC findings.
I can't discuss Perdock's case.
I can't discuss any one going investigation.
I can't supervise Perdock.
I can't supervise Garzoli
I can't supervise the range master.
I can't keep a high security report secured.
I can't be Sheriff.
***Rivero for Sheriff***
6:05, well then please clarify which posts aren't yours, cause I'm thinking they all have the same certain style and they've certainly made you look pretty foolish. Of course this all could be more lies and you;re just trying to dodge the shellacking you took all afternoon.
First we want to make a statment, this search warrant and all other documentation we are gathering is the beginning of the new house being built, no longer will cover-up and games be allowed in our county, the change is starting, to Mitchell/Hopkins and all county officials those times are over, we will watch every step you take, this report on search warrant number 18 and all other documentation we gather will be the norm in this county from now on. We the citizens will not stand by complacent and allow you to conduct yourself without oversight and communication with the citizens. You are not an elite group, privy to information not seen by the citizens, you are public servants to those who pay your salary. Never again will this county and these citizens be subjected to your corruption.
There is much to be said concerning the documentation on the search warrant. First is we discovered that Mitchell requested that this search warrant be "sealed" so that no-one in the public sector could see it nor the documentation associated with it!!! This is an outrage, and we will give Judge Mann his due credit in this regard as he denied Mitchells request. Judge Mann should however never have signed this warrant it is baseless and has no probable cause that would hold up in any court. The Lovelace group will be filling this documentation with a state commission that will investigate the issuance of this search warrant, this is a different commission then the commission on judical performance who is investigating Judge Martin, but has the same powers of enforcement and punishment as the performance commission. The reason for this is Judge Mann is a retired judge filling a spot in the county and it must go to a different commission for retired judges.
Brian Martins narrative on cause, is a nightmare, over and over he lists Morsheds EEOC complaint as a reason to suspect him for posting the RiMS report, Then why wasn't Rivero's house searched as well. Brian Martin said Morshed was "disgruntled" and that was cause to think he was responsible. And ladies and gents, that is it, along with a bunch of other minor verbage is the "cause". Judge Mann this is a travesty, you have allowed a man's life to be total turned upside down for this reasoning. The truth of the matter is you were on a fishing trip, and the "return" of the siezed items points to this. A memory card from a digital camera???? Pictures, what possibly does that have to do with posting a RiMS report??? A memory card from a digital picture frame device??? Oh ya that has a lot to do with a RiMS report!! Going Fishing, his daughters computer, A PG&E electric bill???? Ok explain that reach for us??? Movie DVD's????? These items along with several computer storage devices, and another computer. That's it folks, Going fish fish going fish fish going fishing....
Much more to post on the details. Now here is the clincher, internally at the SO office that found no evidence what so ever the Morshed had anything to do with getting into the system to pull the RiMS report, none what so ever. In talking to another SO he indicated is opinion by saying this, Oh gezzzz here we go again, now that this did not work, Mitchell will put this guy through internal IA after internal IA till he gets worn out or quits!!!!! Internally they talk to one women who was logged into the system, but her reasoning was well justified. That is it folks, and we get a full blown search warrant issued????? This could cost the county a lot of money. If a lawyer is attained and looks into this the county is going to have another problem. Now the further question is the BOS currently aware of this risk, are they wise and aware enough since they are in charge of the money? We doubt it very much, the citizens are doing this work, we are the ones exposing these situations.
First we want to make a statment, this search warrant and all other documentation we are gathering is the beginning of the new house being built, no longer will cover-up and games be allowed in our county, the change is starting, to Mitchell/Hopkins and all county officials those times are over, we will watch every step you take, this report on search warrant number 18 and all other documentation we gather will be the norm in this county from now on. We the citizens will not stand by complacent and allow you to conduct yourself without oversight and communication with the citizens. You are not an elite group, privy to information not seen by the citizens, you are public servants to those who pay your salary. Never again will this county and these citizens be subjected to your corruption.
There is much to be said concerning the documentation on the search warrant. First is we discovered that Mitchell requested that this search warrant be "sealed" so that no-one in the public sector could see it nor the documentation associated with it!!! This is an outrage, and we will give Judge Mann his due credit in this regard as he denied Mitchells request. Judge Mann should however never have signed this warrant it is baseless and has no probable cause that would hold up in any court. The Lovelace group will be filling this documentation with a state commission that will investigate the issuance of this search warrant, this is a different commission then the commission on judical performance who is investigating Judge Martin, but has the same powers of enforcement and punishment as the performance commission. The reason for this is Judge Mann is a retired judge filling a spot in the county and it must go to a different commission for retired judges.
Brian Martins narrative on cause, is a nightmare, over and over he lists Morsheds EEOC complaint as a reason to suspect him for posting the RiMS report, Then why wasn't Rivero's house searched as well. Brian Martin said Morshed was "disgruntled" and that was cause to think he was responsible. And ladies and gents, that is it, along with a bunch of other minor verbage is the "cause". Judge Mann this is a travesty, you have allowed a man's life to be total turned upside down for this reasoning. The truth of the matter is you were on a fishing trip, and the "return" of the siezed items points to this. A memory card from a digital camera???? Pictures, what possibly does that have to do with posting a RiMS report??? A memory card from a digital picture frame device??? Oh ya that has a lot to do with a RiMS report!! Going Fishing, his daughters computer, A PG&E electric bill???? Ok explain that reach for us??? Movie DVD's????? These items along with several computer storage devices, and another computer. That's it folks, Going fish fish going fish fish going fishing....
Much more to post on the details. Now here is the clincher, internally at the SO office that found no evidence what so ever the Morshed had anything to do with getting into the system to pull the RiMS report, none what so ever. In talking to another SO he indicated is opinion by saying this, Oh gezzzz here we go again, now that this did not work, Mitchell will put this guy through internal IA after internal IA till he gets worn out or quits!!!!! Internally they talk to one women who was logged into the system, but her reasoning was well justified. That is it folks, and we get a full blown search warrant issued????? This could cost the county a lot of money. If a lawyer is attained and looks into this the county is going to have another problem. Now the further question is the BOS currently aware of this risk, are they wise and aware enough since they are in charge of the money? We doubt it very much, the citizens are doing this work, we are the ones exposing these situations.
Post 6:05 well my skeptical corruption supporter we had someone watching her. Now you are not going to get the details of how that happened. But trust us little man, it is a fact. You want proof go ask Officer Dutra how pissed off he was, and uh ask Sarah if we know who she was buying her pot from. Hey pal we told you not to press us, we don't post crap on here. You better back off or you are going to keep looking real stupid.
If you need to e-mail to Lovelace, it is it is a secure e-mail system.
Hey G we got the e-mail, will look at it in the next hour and post back to you, thanks for sending it and thanks for the help!:-}
We the Citizens of Lake Co. needs a new Sheriff that has some backbones, leadership, etc,. The Current Sheriff Rodney K. Mitchell has NO leadership ability, the man should be in jail for the Perdock and Garoli cover-ups. He allow the range master not to supervise C.O. Russell Wright.
Please vote for Frank Rivero for Sheriff. He has the right plan to corect Mitchell mismanagement, and help keep us the Citizen of Lake Co, Safe.
Please vote for Frank Rivero for Sheriff. He has the right plan to corect Mitchell mismanagement, and help keep us the Citizen of Lake Co, Safe.
Not a problem! Oh and I already shot a email off to the named person for you to ask about the issue. Waiting for response and will let you know. But call the number I gave you for the other info. By the way, this is some tasty info on the Morshed case great work. G
6:43, hey pal, I'm certainly not afraid of you. You have no power to make me look stupid, only I can do that. So now you're following people? How sad is that. As for pressing you, I think it's fairly safe to do so. You're not the only one who's seen a copy of the search warrant. If you have it, why don't you post it for all to read. See, I'm inclined to believe a Cop, DA and Judge instead of the "lovelace group" with regard to what constitutes probable cause.
Hey Lovelace, check with your legal contacts regarding a Class Action Lawsuit on behalf of the Lake County Citizens. We the taxpayers have taken it in the shorts and I for one want my mis-used money back. I pay more in taxes than the average citizen in Lake County earns in a year so I feel justified in complaining. Just think we could use all the money and pave our roads! I'm not a little o'l lady or a scumbag and I try to read this blog daily but I have a job and get home late. Keep up the great work and thanks.
I agree 7:06, I am in the same boat as you. My taxes are more than the average person makes. I am dead tired of my monies misuse. I am down with a class action suit against those who have abused!
7:03, If that were true, you'd be able to point to something specific to support that, giving you more than a pathetic little one-liner to justify it. Really, I didn't expect much from most of the people who post here.
Hey 7:06, what the median income for Lake County? Or I guess to be clear, the average yearly salary of a lake county citizen. You see, I doubt yout comment is valid w/respect to the ratio of annual salary/taxes you paid.
Hey 7:06, what the median income for Lake County? Or I guess to be clear, the average yearly salary of a lake county citizen. You see, I doubt yout comment is valid w/respect to the ratio of annual salary/taxes you paid.
Sorry, you won't be hearing from Sara Dutra since her BFF Sarah Frace went waaaaaaaaaah, it wasn't me!
February 24, 2010 6:33 PM
Oh come on Garzoli, if you want to blame me for all of that, do ahead because I just don't care. He said what I believe. You've been destroyed by Mitchell and Brown. Sort of like when you took the demotion and left your mic keyed open saying all that crap on the air. Do you know Brown made a shot to Central to grab the tapes to use against you? Yeah I bet you thought Brown had your back.
***Rivero for Sheriff***
Oh come on Garzoli, if you want to blame me for all of that, do ahead because I just don't care. He said what I believe. You've been destroyed by Mitchell and Brown. Sort of like when you took the demotion and left your mic keyed open saying all that crap on the air. Do you know Brown made a shot to Central to grab the tapes to use against you? Yeah I bet you thought Brown had your back.
***Rivero for Sheriff***
I'll jump at a chance to recover some money. We paid nearly $30,000 to the Fed's on our W-2's and still owe them more! Class Action, yesssssssss.
:-) I'm not garzoli, but since you won't specify what comments weren't yours, I'm thinking that was just a ploy to try to avoid the shame.
From all ends of the county I hear a low chanting....class action, class action! Oh yea baby....oh yea Lovelace stands alone....not! You estupidos don't even know what is waiting for you! Lovelace has friends in lots of places, low & high!
7:43...So you think your iincome tax withholdings go to the county general fund? Hmmmm, That's new to me. I always thought it was property taxes. So if the median salary was say, 40K, your house would have to be worth 4 million. Not too many properties in this county north of that figure.
7:51 Don't play dumb, okay. I simply made a statement about federal withholding. My point was I pay plenty in taxes and I'm tired of my money being wasted at any level. I sand the "FEDS" I didn't say to Lake County Tax Collector, now did I. Miss the boat if you must and it makes you feel important.
Can I buy and sell your butt all day long? Well yes, sorry. Am I a lovelace fan?...well yes. So, have I made that clear? I think so.
I'm not playing dumb, I just find that most people who brag anonymously about how much money they are making are usually inflating it quite a bit.
Hey are all you Lovelace fan club members going to be at the Rushing Town Hall Meeting? If so, with what armor will you be bringing? I will say that this will be your night for shame.
8:06...Perfect example of inflating. You have no idea howmuch I'm worth. We call that talking out the side of your neck.
8:09 I have nothing I need to prove to you. I simply made a truthful comment and you can believe whatever you choose. We are over taxed because of mis-use of our tax dollars.
8:17...So now your retracting your offer? I mean you're the one who said, "look me up". I guess you really are afraid.
8:13, I don't mean to put you down, I am just pointing out that Lovelace isn't "hanging" with lowlifes. I am not talking about money I am making, I was talking about what I am worth..big difference.
8:22, you say your unafraid, but you;re posting anonymously and relying on something that's clearly impossible to verify...Like I said, post your info and I will be glad to verify. If it's true I'll even come on here and admit it.
That may well be 8:23 but I go by example and the example Lovelace has provided to me is a good one. If you can tell me one reason I should NOT trust them, I am all ears but I doubt you have the proof. However I have seen/heard the crap that goes on in this county for years...but hey, I am still open to listen.
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