Thursday, September 10, 2009


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Now to continue, there are several conditions that Mr. Baxter will have to overcome. First of all to Big Pimpin stop it you sound ignorant, as we have said over and over the landscape of the elections is going to change over and over, what you see now will not be the case in the future. That having been said lets be clear and frank, some of what we will post was going to be presented to Mr. Baxter in our meeting, but we will post now for clarification and demonstration of our position.

First Mr. Baxter you will have to overcome your age, if we may be frank, the people in this county and in all county's with a sheriff department always want to know their new sheriff is going to be here in office for a number of terms, not for the short term.

Second, let us be clear, there will be the perception that Rivero has smoothed out the rough road, and cleared the corruption underbrush, and those who are following him are using the smooth road he has plowed to their benefit. This will be a difficult perception to overcome.

Third it will be perceived that those entering the race now do so because there is blood in the water, Mitchell is bleeding badly, and for the first time in many years he is vunerable. In fact he is and he will lose the election the manner in which that happens is the only question. So Mr. Baxter comes in lives here retired now, has land we believe comes from his father, worked in a large police force, and see's our small lake county sheriffs office as a place to hang his hat for a bit. That is a very self serving approach, and not one that says I am here for the people.

There are many more dyanmics to this election, which we will speak to Mr. Baxter about next week. But we want to be very clear, Mr. Baxter you do not have to placate Mitchell with fine political words, it is not necessary, if you are going to run in this race you will not win it with good PR and kind noble words, it ain't going to happen that way. You must attack Mitchell with all you have, take him for what he is and for what he has done to this county. Do not let him play you Mr. Baxter, and believe us he will try. While he talks to you nicely, you will walk away with a slit in your throat and ask yourself why you are bleeding.

We hope we have not offended you, and we hope we were not to forward, we look forward to our next discussion next week.
2/6 7:21pm. I am pretty sure that sheriff did not make the call that Frank did not qualify for the position, and that decision came straight from HR.
You may be sure post 2:50 but if you think for a minute he does not have sway and give fine reasons for why they should make a decision and can shall we say "effect" those decisions then you underestimate the level of control he has had over our government in this county, including HR, just look at the BOS, that speaks a thousand words.
I just hung up the phone with by brother-in-law who was a San Jose police officer for many years, now retired. He knows Mr. Baxter, worked with him and had the following comments. "Jack has integrity, he's honest and loves his profession, he doesn't play games and being an outsider just may be your answer. If you question Mr. Rivero because your worried he may be a hot head or loose cannon, Sheriff Mitchell bit his own butt, then I feel that Jack is probably your best choice". He had more to say but I'm late for a Super Bowl Party and must run. I'll be back!
Now we say again the landscape of the election will be far different in the next few months, we anticiapte that Mitchell may not make it to the end of the elections, and if he does, he will be very damaged goods, so you have to look at this in a totally different light. No one should get jumpy and climb on a new band wagon out of now-where, the fact the Mitchell may have been able to already play Baxter a bit, may not be a good sign he may not have had to deal with a guy like Mitchell before nor be in this level of corrupt environment.
Here is a prediction for you all:
Within 90 days, our beloved Sheriff will drop sick, file a stress claim, suck about 18 months pay out of the citizens, get a disability retirement out of PERS, and that will end the chapter.
Anyone want to make a bet on this?
I doubt Mitchell or anyone else will play Baxter. He is no ones fool and has been around a long time. Do you really think Mitchell is the first crook this guy has dealt with or the first guy who's tried to lie to him. I would think every murder suspect he's ever dealt with has tried to fool him. You do this guy an injustice by under estimating him before you even meet him.
We won't take that bet post 3:21, by the way if your post is to try and hammer on Lovelace think again this is not a forum designed to hammer Lovelace. We post below our position statement, if you want to just post and hammer Lovelace, go back to grade-school and play with your other friends, read with intellect what we have posted.

No single individual can go head to head with these criminal organizations, but collectively we can see to it that they are disbanded and that new, prudent leadership emerges. We urge all individuals to post what information they have, keep abreast of the content on this page, and stay true to the cause of removing these people from power and restoring our freedoms and liberties.
Didn't Mitchel put a memo on the counties web site saying Rivero was qualified to take the sgts test? The memo was from Mitchel to some women in county personnel. Was this referring to the first or second test.
We did not say we underestimate Mr. Baxter we were painting the proper landscape, and making sure everyone understands the nature of Mitchell. What we said stands. And Mitchell has proved it over and over. It was a cautionary note not a lecture. Slow down don't get so excited. No we do not do him an injustice we provided words that are a service.
Why are you attacking lovelace who is the stated coordinator of the site. They may swing a little far at times but that's human nature when we have strong feelings. I thank them for what they are doing which is getting everyone to open their eyes and see whats going on in the SO. Then do something to cure the desease.
Thank you post 3:36, the attacks from the still holding on corruption supporters or those who from the start did not like Rivero, usually those on the inside. Thanks for your support. We do put the hammer down hard at times, but we must remember "pain is the hammer that breaks the heart of stone"
Mitchell sounds smooth. Perhaps slick is a better description but thats the nature of career politicians. I agree with a previous writer, retire Mitchell, g out on stress from guilt but get out. You are an embarassment to your department and your continued presence just makes them all look bad.
Isn't a snake thats smooth
Many of the corruption supporters post here, but they as well are those that have never done a thing in their lives to try and help people, to do the hard and risky work that must be done, we take all those comments with a grain of salt and consider the source, in fact we do find joy in beating them up at times, it is a bit of a glitch on our part but none the less we all have our faults, the great success of this site the citizens and Lovelace is in our accomplishments and of that we stand tall.
Im not related in any way; been here in this county for 23 years; and I believe everything printed here; from whoever, about the BOS is absolutely correct. They have always turned their heads the other way;
and never question Mitchell...One Grand Jury report bashed the Sheriff and the day he had to face the BOS; he gave his little sing and dance routine; and the BOS states: "We Concur" Oh shit...too!
If the BOS isn't taking any of our [the public] comments about them; they better think different...get a hint; hopefully they all go down one at a time; telling them what we think and that we see through them is plain gratification! I also remember Mitchell spoke at some women's club and in the article HE SAYS..Oh no; to clear up rumors; innmates at the jail don't wear pink underwear! He is such a LIAR
We are surprised at how before we started this adventure we had heard what a good speaker and man of excellent word usage Mitchell was. We got to tell ya, this guy is 2 on a scale of 10, not to quick and poor word choice, seems to stumble over his words quite a bit and sounds always so defensive. Not to impressed never have been.
Do inmates at Mitchell's jail have to wear pink drawers?
Recommendation when it comes to the BOS, Rushing is up for re-elect, her only strength is on the environment aside from that takes no action, is weak in moral acumen and refues to attack Mitchell, far to worried about Mitchell, actually scared of him I think. Go on the attack with her, she should be your first target, and each of the BOS should be removed one by one.
Mitchell, you are no sheriff Joe (Arpiao). Actually I wonder if you are really a sheriff. Are you getting a kick back from Fruit of the Loom for your campaign?
I agree. Vote out all the incumbants and start all over again. Maybe once they see that the jigg is up we'll see good candidates come forward. When you finally piss off the people you can pack your bags cause you r gone.
Read Mitchell's statements on the sheriffs web site and if that's not trying to be defensive i don't know what is.
Quite the yarn spinner old Mitch is. Is there no one in his staff with the guts to stand up for whats right?
Notice of going to moderation mode, due to the belief that the majority of corruption supporters will shall we say take in a bit to much beverage this evening and night, we will set the system on moderation mode, your post will be held in limbo until the majority of the Lovelace group return from the evenings festivities. Therefore continue to post but they will be placed up to view later tonight. Sorry for the slight interruption in the continuous thread but we will return you to regular programming this evening, everyone be safe tonight.
We are in moderation mode...
I was given the impression this blog was not endorcing Rivero then enters Baxter and all of a sudden now making Baxter look like he is over the hill, trust me people of his age bracket have years of good service to still give to me he does sound like someone I would be listening to hear more of His ideas, He does not have an ax to grin or anything to prove other than He is qualified and wants to give back to the community. Also I had read the folks here didn't want someone in the position for a long time, and then I read as if they thought Baxter was too old.
Any way My point is stand back take a look at the guy and give him as much attention as anyone, and the part about Rivero paved the not really he just was someone who happened to show up after the party started.
I am not a fan of anyone who wants the job.Lord knows I would not want it.

it has been a pleasure reading all the good info lately without too much colorful words....thanks Lovelace you run a tight ship/blog
Posted 3:54. Look at his command staff members, If you put them all together, they wouldn't have the guts of a rat. They are so afraid of him that they can't stand up to him. That's Mitchell management "just keep playing along with me and telling me that I am right". Mitchell just keeps showing us his lack of leadership. He made himself look (sound) real dumb during the debate.
Rivero kicked his ass all over the place last night.

My advise to Mitchell be would just retire and stop putting your ass in your mouth. Take Perdock, Garzoli and the few real friends you have with you!!!

Post 3:54
That is the point. No one has the guts to stand up. This indeed is sad for EVERYONE because courage is not when everything is going right, it is when things go wrong and Mitchell has people enabling, encouraging and financing his dysfuntion. He is paid by the people he is supposed to protect and for every action there is a reaction. The HARDER the corrupt go after you the bigger infraction of the law there is. I have known this and I did stand up and I am not going to stop having the guts to expose the truth. Then there will be retrobution and all may be surprised to see the form that it takes.
I am safe, thanks to you, and not sorry! You are doing a great job!
I have no fear of these criminally mentally ill ghouls. I don't pander to the fear, hate or greed. I will not.
Go to the Edge Church in Lakeport. There was a man of color passing through lake county and he was arrested and held for months. He came BACK to Lake county to speak at the church and tell of his experience here. He was brave to come back and speak. He spoke in the month of June 2007, and his story compelling. Talke to the pastor there and he will fill you in. I was at this church and listen to this man's horrifying story about racial discrimination. Mitchell and his little jail jockeys? He thinks he is in Alabama in the early 50's. I can only imagine who is washing his sheet/uniform! Mitchell is a racist.
Miss. Rushing strong point has be the environment. She has lots of weak points to, such as not stand up for the right things us the "tax payers." She does not stand up to Sheriff Mitchell, D.A. Hopkins or Code enforcement, Etc. Shes is a one way person, what can "she get out of us the voters". a vote or two before kicking us the in the butt, and forgetting about us,
until she needs something or a vote or two. I will not vote for Rushing now or ever again.
We now return you to your regular scheduled programming, we are off moderate, post at will.
Congrats. to the saints they are no longer the aint's, first SB win, good to see the underdog win.
lovelace your next
If Dutra is Rhoades' son-in-law, then Rhoades just lost my vote, and here is why. Dutra arrested a homeowner who was assaulted on her own property by a trespasser and submitted a complaint to the DA against the homeowner for felony "elder abuse", even though the homeowner only minimally defended herself when the trespasser got out of a vehicle that was blocking the homeowners' driveway and committed assault and battery on the homeowner. The trespassers were allowed to walk free. Bingham and Beland were also involved in this one, and there is a MAV tape that shows Beland lying to the other officers about the homeowner's statements that were clearly on the tape minutes before his, and also shows the officers refusing to charge the trespassers with anything. The tape also shows the officers assisting the homeowner's 17 year old child and the trespassers to break into the daughter's car that she had been grounded from using, so she could drive it to the trespasser's home. The sheriffs provided a slim jim and a flashlight for the trespassers use. The DA tried to charge the homeowner's husband with vandalism for attempting to push the trespassers vehicle off the property, but the jury acquitted him after deciding that the law allows a homeowner to take any force necessary to remove a trespasser that is threatening their home/person. Dutra was one of those officers, two of whom have been implicated in other issues, and he was the arresting officer, who ignored the rights of a homeowner over a trespasser. The homeowners were informed that they "hadn't asked for the trespassers to be arrested/cited, even though the MAV tape and 911 call and logs clearly show that they asked. What doesn't show on the MAV tape is that the instant Bingham arrived at the property, he pointed at the homeowners and yelled, "Stand over there and keep your mouth shut, or I'm going to cuff you and throw you into the back of my car." At that point, the homeowner said no more, except when questioned.

If Dutra is truly Rhoades' son-in-law, then my vote goes to Anderson. The less ties to the corrupt LCSO, the better.
Don Anderson has my vote because he is grounded and has integrity.
Okay, Rhoades is Dutra's "step" father in law but he raised Sarah non the less. Mr. French died recently but was not that active in Sarah French-Dutra life. Rhoades was still the main influence in Sarah Dutra's life.....go figure!
Mandy, Mandy, Mandy////you are a POS as a reporter
Mandy, my paid monkey could write better than you...DB!
10:15 - Not saying whether or not Rhoades is good or bad because I don't know him. That being said, your comment is a bit on the weak side dont you think. Look at it. If I raised a child and that child left home to live a life of their own making their own decisions and decided to go down the wrong path, does that make me a bad person? Really, better find another arguement on that one!
Lovelace- would you be able to post a document to prove Mitchell lied on the Radio last night? Also going to speak with liz to check and see if she to can run it. G
For the person who wanted DOCUMENTS proof that Mitchell lied during the radio debate, here you are:

Mitchell said the county has NEVER reimbursed a deputy for wrongful discipline. I guess Mitchell forgot the famous Ringen law suit. Follow the link:

And we still have Beland's case in court. Oh and more to come.
********Rivero for Sheriff********
Mitchell was under stress. How can he be expected to remember everything or to keep his story straight. Humm, what would he do in court?
The point is if you don't lie, then no problem with your memory. We would understand a oversight. You, Mitchell participated so you could cover for one of your own with the Dinius case. That's about as low as you can go. You lost my trust over eight years ago when I found out you were willing to do the same for the board of supervisors and lesser employees. You told my wife and myself we would not believe anything you said and she told you "That right." So let me be the first to tell you, I will be happy to hold the door for you on your way out.
"Mitchell said the county has NEVER reimbursed a deputy for wrongful discipline." Nope, that's not what he said.
What I find interesting is that no one has mentioned Mitchell's offering to set up a series of public forums with Rivero, 4 a month I think he said. I think that's because Mitchell has decided (after the LE forum) the more he's in public with Rivero, the better. And I agree, he is a much better speaker and sounds more far more professional. Also Frank tends to pull things out of his ass, which Mitchell can then call him on. It will be interesting.
Hey Rodney it's time clean out your desk. The more you open your mouth, the more votes you give to Rivero. Remember all your friends that you surrounded yourself with, you know all the yes people. Ask them to come and help move your belongings out of the Department. (don't forget to take the cover-ups with you) Ask your buddy Rob Brown to post your bail after your arrested, remember that it's not the crime committed while in office, it's the cover ups that will get you. Go home early today and tell your family all the bad things you've done as Sheriff. Let them hear it from your mouth and not the media for your time is running out.
Posted at 7:43 AM.
I don't know what debate you heard, but Rivero handed Mithcell his head. Rodney and his crew didn't handle the Dinius case right or Garzoli's. Mitchell showed his lack professionalize when asked about the Dinius case. Dam it's to early for anyone to be smoking dope.
I could careless how many debates They have. No way for me to get over the Binius case or the lying for all the other liars in this local government. To clean this system up would take a large broom,with honest people pushing. Mitchell is only slick because he has had allot of time to hone the lies. If he would to to Mr.Binius what he did,what makes you believe that he would not do the same to you? His oath did not get in his way when he chose the dishonest for the honest, did it Mitchell?
The debate has been posted.
Thanks post 9:46 were going to disneyland!!! Lovelace here we are doing some clean-up this morning clearing some of the trash talking, figured that would happen after a night of festivities...We will be posting a significant overview of the newest canidate in the race Marty Mc. and the events of the first time he ran back about 15 years ago. Hold your views this will be an eye-opener...
Hey G, send the docs to be posted to the e-mail account, and we will work on getting them posted, depending on what they are, Liz may post them as well, if you like we can check with her when we receive them. None the less send them on to us and we will go from there. Thanks for the help.

Quick note, we were again very surprised at the less then professional presentation in terms of speaking acumen that Mitchell displayed. For some reason Mitchell was touted as a great orator, and good with words, we have never been to impressed with this aspect of Mitchell, in fact we would love to go one on one with this guy in a debate, slow, does not appear to be to quick a study, and presents in a very defensive manner.
10:04 - Had the person that Bingham told to keep their mouth shut been talking in such a way as to aggrivate the situation. My guess is, yes. I have been in a situation where the cops were called. When the other person involved and I started exchanging words, we were both told the same thing. We were not yelling at each other just arguing our points back and forth. I didn't like being told that but later realized why the deputy did it. He needed to have control of the situation. Needed questions answered. Which wasn't happening with us bickering with each other.
I have noticed a lot of the personal attacks have stopped. Most seemed to be without merit, so glad to see the blog clean up and take a more professional approach. If you have been doing the clean up, lovelace, thank you!!! Maybe people can get down to the facts and move in a positive direction now! :o)
7:43- It's about time Mitchell faces the public. Kinda tired of him hiding behind the scenes. Gezz, the guy didn't even acknowledge the citizens in the parking lot the night of the Debate in Kelseyville, how insulting that was! Now by him coming out and facing the public we can at least watch him squirm and turn red in the face when caught in his lies! Looking forward to Rivero pulling crap out of his ass like you stated, because that is exactly what Mitchell is full of!
Ms.lovelace please dont use the word we,everytime you say something about someone or somethig you say we.Well unsless you have talked with someonr and they agree with you then you can say we.I have been reading this blog ever since it was started and im with you about getting ride of the trash that runs our county i have even blog a few times i live next door to someone your group wants to burn on the cross.So when you say we that means me aswell and i dont always agree with what you say.
February 8, 2010 10:35 AM You be sure and let everyone know when you do agree before we post so we can use we. That way if you don't agree with what I post I will know in advance. Thank you
11:20 We don't think you are fooling us.
Well, 10:35 I am not lovelace but I agree with everything they have to say. That being said, they can use the term "we" because now there is more than one of us.
This is Lovelace going to post up a few items, in regards to the most recent posts, as to the posts 10:35, 11:20, and 9:23. The Lovelace group is a group of people, that is the reference of we when we post such as we do now. That group is the individuals who are directly related to the clearance to use the site as Lovelace and or having Administrative clearance to enter the blog and delete, place the blog in moderation, do clean up work, change various attributes of the site and is password protected. Sometimes the Lovelace moniker is used in the posting such as this one will be, and other times due to IP randomization and other security functions we do not to protect our identity. None the less, there are then a large number of citizens those who are within the SO and government offices themselves, those that are citizens at ground level on the street who do a great deal of research for us and provide critical information, those wonderful and dedicated people know who they are and the work they do is critical to the success we have had over the past few months. Those individuals contact us through the e-mail account if we have posted something wrong, or if they feel it should go in a different direction etc. we listen to those folks very closley, and we invite anyone who wishes to join us in a more in-depth manner, and we "check out" those folks very carefully before bringing them into the fold as it were, to let us know by e-mail. So the "we" aspect when we use that terminology is fairly defined, and we thought it would be important to clarify that for everyone.
So to post 10:35 hope that gives you a better understanding of the nature of the word we. As well "we" have a number of people who post on the public thread who use certain "markers" on their posts that we have asked them to use, or that they have created on their own, that lets us know it is them posting, this allows them to post anonymous, yet still let us know who they are.

Finally we want to thank post 9:23 for recognizing the great difficulity in keeping the site clean with clear and well presented objectives and conversation/communication..Everyone must realize if we allowed the site to run free without oversight, it would become a mess in a couple of days. We knew this going in as we had talked to a great deal of citizens groups across the state and country to be sure the model we were going to use was going to be professional and remain functional...As most of you can recognize this site has become the premier site for citizen communication and our numbers far exceed both the record bee and the Lake co news combined, as time goes on we will see these numbers climb even more, and this is important as those posting know that a great deal of the citizens of this county are seeing what they post, who have internet access. Also we are developing plans to get the information out to all those who do not go on the internet or read the papers, and who would simply vote for Mitchell because they always have. There are many many people in this county who live here and vote, that don't even realize the Dinius trial happended. That level ignorance is sad to say the least and we know Mitchell is counting on those votes, we have news for him, it ain't goiing to happen that way this time, we will penetrate into that entire demographic of the county and take those votes away from him.
could someone post the contact phone numbers for lake county news...Thanks

Could someone also post who the current memeber of the Grand Jury are...Thanks
that's members sorry
Post #9:23 your right he walked by without a hello but one thing that caught his eyes was my sign that stated. "I'm still here and you're still a liar."
As most of you may remember the Lovelace group sent an official complaint to the commission on judicial performance state of California concerning the Disability sentencing issues surrounding Judge Martin and Sgt.Townsend of the SO. We have been in communication with the commission and the case has now been assigned to an attorney at the commission, the case was initially reviewed on the 23rd of December and then assigned to an attorney a short time later to to open the investigation on Judge Martin and these civil rights violations. We will keep you updated as to the investigation and eventual outcome of the commissions findings.
As for Garzoli - has anyone given any thought to the Federal Aviation Regulations he has been violating?? Hmm He has been operating that Helocopter as a commercial pilot when he isnt even rated in the Aircraft let alone being commercially rated in it. Any of those FAR violations would require suspension if not flat revocation of ALL his existing airman certs.
Wouldn't the FAA handle that? They are investigating his case so I would think they would not only point that out but follow up on the violations!
I don’t live in Lake but have property there. I’m an XDA in the Central Valley but a local friend told me to look at this site, I have been trying to keep up, but there is a lot to try and get straight. Tell me if this is right???

You have mismanaged local law enforcement, a crooked Sheriff, a poorly run DA Office (they may be intermingled) and within blocks two other very questionable but not so publicized enforcement agencies, one city one county.

This is what I’m hearing- Not sure of the order

1. LT. Garzoli wrecks a car early on in his career going 120 with a FTO in the vehicle. He is a deputy. No high speed chase, not in trouble and later is promoted. He then embezzles $$, takes his kids up in a helicopter during grant $ time and crashes it, gets put in the jail to work and he is still working
2. SGT Harvey has sex with an inmate at the jail. He was a deputy.
3. Deputy Navarro has a relationship with his 14 yr old girlfriend.
4. Deputy Andrews talks too much to his girlfriend.
5. The C Deputy Perdock possible DUI & killing of a person on a sailboat. The DA prosecutes the other boat driver and fails to investigate Perdock in time - who never is put on leave while the incident is investigated. Deputy Beland gets fired over telling what he remembers as true.
6. Deputy SGT Moreshed gets caught having a sexual relationship in his patrol car, demoted, but still working. His wife works at the DA.
7. Deputy SGT Ringen is told by LT Brown to write-up something about the other officers talking racial slurs regarding this guy Rivero, who is now running for sheriff. Does Brown investigate this?? Ringen was respected – heck I even know who he is.
8. Rivero and Moreshed test higher than others for SGT, but don’t get it.
9. A female CO gets let go while on probation is rehired as an aide- and then is let go there while on probation.
10. SGT McFearsen looses equipment out at the range, which is sold on the black market.
11. Something about a guy named Ski & Dutra. I’m not sure how they fit in, but they are character parts. Dutra plants drugs in someone’s car.
12. The jail is run by non-qualified Deputy personnel and SGTs who don’t want to be there.
13. The paper is notified before CO Wright is searched. Later a warrant is issued and he is arrested a few days later for cuffs and equipment belonging to the sheriff office. He is just driving around with this in his car.
14. Holand is now under investigation for telling LT Brown that Wright tried to turn the stuff in. Holand had been interrogated to tell all for several days but this never came up.
15. The sheriff is sleeping around on his wife, his daughter is questionable and the old DA was also having an affair.
16. Someone from one of three departments who have access took stuff locked on the computer RIM and gave it to the media and the sheriff is now investigating his own again but he does not know who did it.
17. The feds come to do a raid on Upper Lake and the sheriff denies knowing about it but two patrol deputies out of the total of three on duty are parked at the end of the driveway.

Are you guys up there sure your not writing a Novel?? Although not funny if all this information is true, this could be Desperate Housewives. Maybe I should take up writing a TV pilot, it could be filmed near the lake and the County could actually make a dollar.
1:59 Contact # for Lake County News is 274-8650 or 245-4550.
Grand Jury, current Bron Locke. Grand Jury information 279-8619
P.O Box 1078, Kelseyville Ca 95451. New Grand Jury will meets in June.
Why Desperate Housewives? I don't watch TV, but I would say it is more depearately stupid Mitchell Mob Mentality. His little gang is so used to shooting themselves in the foot their arms that weild their guns with must be getting tired. The plot, quite honestly is sickening and keeping the hopes of a wonderful people down and out because of s sanctioned "free for all" turf war.
It will be a great day when this "element" is down the road and productive pursuits are again in our community. Mitchell and his mob need to lose everyting they own. Never mind jail. It's too good for them. Put them to work and under survelliance in the street. Make them work at minium wage until their debt is paid in full. The taxpayers have paid enough!
Hey post 3;25 Lovelace is claiming the rights to the movie and novel when its all said and done so back off...:-), We may allow you to be the ghost writer however...Let us know!!!
This is Lovelace, we have a theory, based on the pressure we have placed on Mitchell concerning the folks on admin leave, and the internal heat he is taking, and in trying to shore up his very bad position, we may see some folks given the old heave ho shortly. Do not be surprised to see a couple terminations in the very near future..This was brought up as a question to Mitchell on the radio debate and it was done for a specific purpose, we think that purpose will be served....
325 Lake County Officer on duty was obtaining flight lessons with the use of DEA Funds paying for a flight instructor for a couple of years.4. Andrews isn't he the officer who said on the night of the boating accident Captain Perdock had been drinking-to his girlfriend she testified as this.5. The person was just retired officer, Lynn Thornton who died 2 days later at UC Davis. Your correct that Capt. Perdock wasn't put on any admin leave and he is said to have participated in his own investigation. (present on Monday) But Sheriff Mitchell didn't call in an outside agency to to the investigation, the investigation was by Captains Perdock own undersheriffs. (are you in shock) Officer James Beland was fired because he spoke up and said he wanted to Pas Test Captain Perdock but the other officers refused that stating the calibration had not been done in over a year.
6. Sheriff Morshed's exwife works in the District Attorneys Office as an investigator.
10. The postiion was given to an officer who did poorly as a detective, it's said.

Ski is be blamed as the one that used racial slurs and profiling.
Dutra is the son-inlaw of Doug Rhoades whom is running for the District Attorney position. Hello
Lt. Cecil Brown is the same officer who went to former Lake County Sheriff Officer Brian Lande's place of employment made a big stink there and it's said, he was escorted out a by Santa Cruz Sheriff officer off their property.
I hope that helps you.
Dutra is the officer that came twice to take a report about theft of my possessions and then there was NO report. He knew it was a heist, and because I wasn't a good old boy, I couldn't have my insurance compensate me for my loss because the LE refused to report and then release information because of the loss. LCSO orchestrated this and Dutra, their man, help facilitate this.
325 Brian Lande filed a complaint and Sheriff Mitchell on his website acknowledged it, but he refused to post Brian Lande's response why we don't know.
Post 3:25 add to your list, when after high school me and Tommy Andrews used to do big lines of crank all the time. He doesn't do it anymore and neither do I, but dig into his arrest records and she how many of his old crank buddies have turned into snitches. Way to go Tommy.
those of you birching that mitchell didn't stop and say hello to you, while holding "your a liar" signs and the like, you can't be serious... really? I think you would do the same. Not posting in support of anyone here. Just trying to keep it real. Lets concentrate on the big picture here. The nit-picky (and unrealistic) stuff like that is what makes people think this is just a lynch mob with a personal ax to grind, and do not take it seriously.
thanks for the recount 3:25. aka kip.
deputy dutra also responded to an incident I reported. my yard was full of leaves from my neighbors tree. I am not able to rake leaves because of my disability. I asked the guy next door to gather and dispose of the leaves, but he refused. That is when I called the sheriff, and the sheriff sent deputy dutra. although he did not force the next door neighbor to clean of the leave, he was very curtious and professional. He even came back on his day off and cleaned up the leaves in my yard. He is a very nice man.
6:02 I went to the school on that nite with my husband and 2 other couples. We went to see what is really going on in our county. We had never met Rivero before and wanted to hear both sides. Wow Mitchell could not care less that all those people were their. He was put out because he had to park so far away . If he really wanted the votes of any of the people in the parking lot he should have tried to not be so arrogant. He lost 6 peoples vote that nite.
The new Grand Jury Foreperson for 2009-2010 has been changed;
He is Fred Christensen; can't find my list of the new jurors yet.
6:21 are you kidding? Dutra came to your house and raked your leaves? Fat chance.
6:02, I notice you on here from time to time. You always put down people for telling their stories. One of things that brings people together for a common cause is that there are others out there with simular stories. I feel people have the right to vent their frustrations about the corrupt LCSO and their supporters. What is "nit-picky" or petty to you is not to me or mine. I've seen it written before so I'll write it again: if you don't like some of the things written here, go make your own blog that is all sunshine and lollypops about pappa mitchy and his boys. No lynch mob mentality here...just honest hard working smucks who are having our tax dollars misused by a corrupt politician and we want it to end.
6:39 I concurr! ROFLMAF!
3:25 is an XDA? If that's even true, it's not hard to figure out why it happend.
6:21, your post is suspect, and I suspect you are dutras wife. That is not a law enforcement matter, deputy would have told you that, and im sure lake county remembers what happened when caudillo was going back to some womans house after he had a call for service there.
Has anyone asked asked Don Anderson about his affair with his secretary? Everybody in Lakeport kn ew about it. And while you're at it, ask him about his affair with a dispatcher while he was a deputy. She wound up pregnant and left the SO. You might also ask him about his indiscretions while he was married to wife Peggy... If moral fibre is an issue, you might want to ask these questions.... As for Jack Baxter, he seems like a nice man. That's not enough to make him sheriff, but it's enough to at least not write him off without inquiry. As for Marty McCarthy, ask him about his failed run for sheriff in early 90's. Seems he had a weird platform that bordered on fortune-telling. Just a few thoughts from someone who as been around for a few years. Oh, and that Rhodes-Dutra connection? I'm frankly damn glad I'm not resonsible for my son-in-laws crap. That's a pretty week link. I saw Rhodes in court a few weeks ago, and anytime Dutra was mentioned, he got out of the case. Either that's an acknowledgement or just a way to avoid conflict, which he would have if he was involved in such a case. Anyway, I don't have an ax to grind here, but want everything to be open. We should be looking at the best people for these jobs, whether it be Baxter, Anderson, Rhodes, McCarty or anyone else. Let's vet them all, and see what falls away.
Yep, for sure 7:40. Hey 6:21, first off LCSO dispatch would have asked you what the problem was and when you told them that there were illegal leaves in your yard, they would have informed you that it is a civil matter. Then after you hung up, the dispatcher would have rolled on the floor with laughter.
What does "Let's vet them all, and see what falls away." mean 7:49??
6:02 - Honey sorry to say I was not out in the parking lot holding any sign what so ever. I'm a citizen of this county and have been for many many years. I wanted to get out and hear what these folks had to say in hopes I would be able to get to hear from both Rivero and Mitchell. Rivero gave me the consideration of introducing himself to me, answering my questions, and telling those of us there a bit about his intentions. Unlike, our Sheriff Mitchell who walked right on by, head between his legs and didn't acknowledge anyone of us. Like the above post, he lost whatever possible chance of a vote from me also. Mitchells day will come if he plans on running for office, that he will have to face the citizens of this county. There is no hiding any longer! I will confront him with all the questions I have accumulated throughout the years and actually watch him lie to my face instead of on a Radio! But keep on sticken up for the poor sap. At least he has one supporter!
Correct me if I'm wrong, but after listening to the debate on Rivero's site I have a few corrections/questions. I sat in on the entire Dinius trial. I am a friend of Lynn Thornton's family.

Mitchell told Rivero that he no deputy has ever complained about their report being changed in RIMS. I remember Beland testifying about his report being changed. Then Fry or Frey (I forgot his name) testified that he accessed Beland's report but just read it. If Fry just read it, What was the big thing about Beland's report being changed?

Mitchell told Rivero that he waited until Monday to Call Sacramento Sheriff's. Mitchell said he had to get permission by another agency to take on the investigation. Rivero was getting to the right question but came a little short. I am sure Mitchell or someone on scene had a cellphone. Being the Sheriff, why did he not just telephone Napa Sheriff's and make the request from the scene?

My brother's friend is a CHP office in the West Sacramento and we talked about this case. He told me that all CHP officers investigating a accident gives the driver a PAS test even if the driver agrees to give his blood or breath. Something to do with adjusting a timeline between the BAC at scene and the hospital. What was the big problem with just giving Perdock a PAS?
7:40 - i am an older gentleman and have a hard time getting around. I was very angry at that guy next door before deputy dutra arrived. Now I have a wonderful neighbor that does clean up her leaves that fall in my yard.
and of course I know that raking leaves is not their job. He was very kind to help me.
Did he return your trash cans to your yard?
Well, well, well. Rivero did a great job on Mitchell. Seems a lot of persons are extremely upset about how Mitchell handled the Dinius case. Did you hear Mitchell squirm on why he wouldn't release the EEOC findings? There was about 1 five second delay before the show ended and Mitchell didn't say a thing.

Frank was right. Mitchell could have called CHP and asked them to handle the scene until an outside investigator arrived, Frank said CHP was nearby? I did not know that! I see no difference between a crash on the water and on the street. You just secure the vehicles (this time boats), get statements from all involved and witnesses and than let the experts take over. Frank asked several times about Napa but Mitchell did not answer.

Hey and did anyone else notice that almost every caller that had a question for Rivero disconnected before he could answer? Was that the Mitchell supporters trying to fix the debate?
***Rivero for Sheriff***
yeah 8:50 & 8:53 and I have beach front property in Arizon, I'll sale ya too!
"vet them all" just means check into each candidate, and see who is the best (or worst). That's all it means. Check into their backgrounds (that's what "vetting" means) and don't make judgments until you know what yo've got.
Well that is a new one on me but thank you for clearing that up. :)
8:32PM, you are correct. the reason to obtaining a BAC with the PAS is two folds. It gives you a time line to work on. It also is a second form of evidence in case the breath machine is broken, or a phlebotomist is too late for a blood draw and in the rare care the vial breaks and leaks out the evidence. It used to be said that a PAS was not evidence, but now it is acceptable in court if it follows the same testing as a evidential breath analyzer machine.
******Rivero for Sheriff****
Post 8:32 - Mitchell also lied about being on the scene and giving Perdock a hug. Was written in the original report but left out of the one on Sheriffs Site. Also, he stated that the RIMS system was never accessed by Perdock. Another lie! Shall we send him a copy of the court transcripts where Victor Haltom proves that Perdock accessed it at least well lets just say they stopped counting at 7 times. Now why would Perdock be accessing the RIMS when Mitchell stated he gave him orders not to? Transcripts are being summoned to send to Mitchell and they will be posted for all to see. The coward is in total denial and is going down. He will hide behind the Radio so that he doesn't have to face the public. Can't hide much longer if he has any hopes what so ever in this up coming election. And thats all he has is hope! G
Quote: Mitchell responds: 5+ X's "Well that depends on a variety of circumstances" duh dah duh ......
I'd like to know when the Deputies MOU was last reviewed and updated;
I bet it hasn't been revised for 10 years.....MOU's need revision frequently.....
revision?? you have "stupido" frace as your pres. dude can't even spell...dumb as dirt! because dirt is smarter!
Douglas hooper
Tamara Marks Hodel I miss that place, good memories.....laughing at 0200am and Von making voices over the jail hand helds....from dispatch...
December 28, 2009 at 9:39am ·
Karen Wilson Booking...Karen Wilson
December 29, 2009 at 9:59am ·
David Hoffman karen ! gotta 415 on the roof! hurry !
December 29, 2009 at 3:29pm ·
Jennifer L Williams LOL....Hoop! Loved working for Bobalucci!! DT Jail was the best, sorry but I hated working Hill Rd
January 29 at 11:38pm ·
Linda Schefcick Alexander you and me both Jen
January 30 at 6:46am ·
Troy Brierly Me too Linda. The DT was a "jail". HR was a day camp.
January 31 at 6:20am ·
Karen Wilson you are right Troy, DT was a jail. I hear its a joke now at HR
February 1 at 3:17pm ·
Jennifer L Williams Dt jail was a damned jail......Hill Rd was a garden of 290 Give me the hard core max guys any day.........they knew how to do time.
February 1 at 4:50pm ·
Von Morshed Hey Karen, I believe I have the patten on that line... Booking, Karen Wilson! xoxo
February 1 at 7:19pm ·
Jennifer L Williams Oh yeah...and the radio rm was heaven on the 12 overnight shift...
February 1 at 9:46pm ·
Troy Brierly How about being just beat down tired on grave shift and comepletely forgetting the code to get out the secured door in front! You looked like a tool when that happened!
February 3 at 10:55am ·
Ed Bean I closed that joint with Sara Rowley and Frank "the Tank" Camm....pretty strange when the last load of inmates went out.

February 3 at 9:08pm ·
Mary Sapeta-Alphin Oh my goodness Doug you haven't changed at all, nice to a photo of you.
February 3 at 10:20pm ·
Lisa Torrey ED!!!! HOw could you confuse me with SARAH??? I have pictures of you walking down the mainline the last night!!! Sarah went out on medical I think and I came to your shift!
Fri at 4:49pm ·
Jennifer L Williams The only real vivid memory I have is when Gudmundson escorted the 417F frequent flier ( the white guy with a made up indian name, flamboyant gay guy) to booking and said," ok sizzle chest, let's get you out of those pink tights" LOL...
Fri at 6:01pm ·
Ed Bean Sorry Lisa...I certainly didn't mistake you for Sara...I must be suffering from C.R.S. syndrome. If you have pic, I'd like to see...
Fri at 6:22pm · Lisa Torrey Ok Ed, I found our swearing in photo and I need to search further in the garage when it isnt sooooo cold!
Fri at 7:06pm ·
Greg Reese Nobody misses the stinch of the drunk tanks and smoke filled halls I'm sure! How about....What was his name???? Scott something coming in drunk every night asking.....849....849... Probably the only person on earth to spend a year in county for drunk in public! Lol
Fri at 10:06pm ·Douglas Hooper Yeah, Scott the one eyed, got run over by a truck, douche bag from Lower Lake, What wa shis last name?
Fri at 10:26pm ·
Lisa Torrey scotty patten wasnt it?
Sat at 7:38am ·
Crystal Esberg mark scott taylor
Sat at 8:21am ·
Monica J Quinn Ok, You guys are weiners.....the real JAIL was the Lower Lake substation.......when I yelled, "Jo, get out of the tree we have a booking."!!!!!! In the Frigging trailer no less!!!
Sat at 2:39pm ·
Gail Salituri HOPE i NEVER see you there ! LOL
Sat at 3:10pm ·Tom Andrews Nothing like tossing a guy in the drunk tank and he bounes off the wall and right back into your arms for the fight. Right Crystal?
Sat at 3:23pm ·
Troy Brierly I wonder who would win for most 647f bookings; Mark Scott or John Fenies? Probably some new fequent flyer since then.
Yesterday at 5:06am ·
Lisa Torrey Troy, dont forget Antonio Navarette.....The goat stealer!
Yesterday at 6:16pm ·
Greg Reese There would be no question.............Mark Scott Taylor!
12 hours ago ·
Von Morshed Dennis Roy Silverfields, ewe...
4 hours ago ·
Alisha Loper Stottsberry I vote Antonio Navarette. He did a year for 647F
3 hours ago ·
Careful what you say on the net, I't could get in the wrong.....I mean right hands!!! hahahaha
Dude, I thought the rest of us had issues.....I like the guy but he told me....... " you would never see his name here"....Dude, your people just YOU outed! Losers!
Remember when Mitchell ran for Sheriff the first time? He said he would (and did) do away with the top heavy management. He then did away with the lieutenant rank and renames the captain rank to Deputy Chief. Then what happens? One lieutenant quits, another is busted and demoted and the third one with the least amount of experience is promoted to Captain. Mitchell than decided to make another promotion round for lieutenant, but the men and women are so upset that want to be any part of Mitchell's management. Only one person applies, Gary Hall, and gets it by default.

So lets see, Mitchell goes back on his word, can't keep his lieutenants and only one sergeant in the entire department applied for lieutenant. I say that this shows another perfect example of mismanagement mistrust.

****Rivero for Sheriff***
8:32 Thorton family friend. As I remember it was officer Beland who stated he complained to his supervisor that his report on Russ Perdock had been changed by another officer accessing RIMs. It's also in the court transcripts that Rod Mitchell was present at the scene on April 29th as other officers testified in court.
The reason those two,Mitchell and Hopkins did what they did was because all the complaints to this local government,attorney generals offices,no one chose to do a thing about it.Thus they did what they always do.This time with the Dinius case the picked on the wrong person. So karma to them all. I was proud to have the sigh and after all the years was telling him so.
That must be why during the trial Hopkins kept questioning Beland about Mitchell in his report. I bet someone made Beland take Mitchell out of his report.
PAS tests are admissible if the device is maintained and the test administered according to Title 17 of the California Code of Regulations, or there are other indicia of reliability. But I seem to recall that the reason Morshed (who by the way is one of the deputies suing the SO for racial discrimination) told Beland not to give Perdock a PAS because he thought they had not been calibrated in over a year (Title 17 requires calibration every 10 days or 150 tests). PAS tests are completely voluntary. The officer has to read the suspect an admonition to that effect. Refusal to take a PAS is not admissible in trial.
Exactly 6:23 - This is why we are getting our hands on that one tiny piece of paper to show that Mitchell did lie and in fact it did happen. He discredited himself!! No one else to blame on this one!
You are correct about the PAS units. I've been with LCSO over 10 years. Beland was the only person who calibrated those units all the way to his termination. He would send out weekly emails to everyone about the status of the PAS units. In fact he sometimes was an asshole when he didn't have the PAS units to calibrate and would get mad. If you didn't turn it in, he would threaten to write you up.

As you see, Morshed is incorrect. This is copied directly from Mitchell's review report of the Dinius case. Pay attention to the end:

Follow- up: On 10/02/09, I reviewed the records that our department maintains of PAS accuracy measurements/calibration. The measurements are recorded on a form (provided to us by the California Highway Patrol) referred to as “Preliminary Alcohol Screening Device Accuracy Check/Calibration Log”. Those records reflect that each of the PAS devices available to our patrol deputies had been checked for accuracy the day before the collision. Moreover, each had been consistently calibrated every week before and after the collision. For example:

Device # 004134 Date of Accuracy Check: 4/28/06

Device # 004135 Date of Accuracy Check: 4/28/06

Device # 004136 Date of Accuracy Check: 4/28/06

Device # 004137 Date of Accuracy Check: 4/28/06

Device # 055300 Date of Accuracy Check: 4/28/06

Device # 055301 Date of Accuracy Check: 4/28/06

Device # 055302 Date of Accuracy Check: 4/28/06

Device # 1006701 Date of Accuracy Check: 4/28/06

Deputy Morshed’s testimony was inaccurate.
The citizens of Lake Co. do not trust Sheriff Mitchell or his Department Today. Under Mitchell's failed leadership, he has built a wall between the Citizens of Lake Co. and the Department that he can't manage or lead. He has closed his eyes to so many crimes committed by members of his command staff, Deputies, etc,. On the North shore We don't see Deputies out talking to the citizens, the Business owners, etc,. When someone does call the Sheriff's Office to report something, We get the feeling that we are interrupting them from doing nothing, asking them to do there job must be one of Mitchell's weakness, or is he training them to be his kind of Deputy, Sergeant, Lieutenant, or Captain ? You know the non-working kind.
good Community relations build trust. Once again Mitchell has failed.

Great commentary in the record bee by James Henderson, thanks James, keep the heat on them.
This is Lovelace
I live in Middletown and worked in Kelseyville. I don't know what Mitchell has done, but there were two deputies I will aways remember. Mike Tufts (hope I'm spelling it right) and Jim Beland. I can't remember a day would go by that Mike would be out of his car and talking with the business owners or hanging around the old Sheriff's Office on Hwy 29. He would always bring up his kids. When I worked at Kelseyville lumber, Beland was always walking around. I would see him park his car at Studebakers and walk to the bridge on Main Street and than hang out at the little park behind the computer store. Mike and Jim were very well known. When I would stop at the casino, I would see people run out the back door to avoid Mike. The bad guys talked shit behind his back, than ran out as soon as Mike walked in. Beland was the same way. The local drunks hanging in the park hated him as well as the wantabe gang members.

I've never seen deputies as hard working as Tufts and Beland. What happened to them?
It's clear that good community relations under Sheriff Mitchell means having sex with a citizen in your patrol car. We have that just look around.
I use to have a few SO patrol our area, stop, say hello and chat for a bit. It was nice that they took a interest. That being said, since the erruption of the corrupt accurasations, not one has stopped, said hello or have shown any interest! Now why would this be, and you all know who you are.
A response to post February 8, 6:08 pm. You state, "Thanks for the recount 3:25. aka Kip." Thanks for giving me the credit for keeping track of all of Mitchell's blunders that have been stated on the blog. Sorry, I can't take credit for it. Also, since you are most likely one of the people working for Mitchell and probably know me then you know that was not my writing style. If you do your investigations at work in the same manner, you probably have never had a case come to a successful conclusion. Try again, bonehead.
I see a woman in a patrol car around Kelseyville a lot now. I haven't seen her walking around the business district like Bland and Fudjulund did.
Kip you're a funny guy, keep it up. This is one deputy that would never back down from management. If anyone gets a chance, go to the LDF website and look under News Articles and under 2001 you will see "Lake County DSA". It is a great case. Ringen was accused of a petty traffic incident that Mitchell blew up into a big ordeal. Ringen not only had his discipline overturned, but he got money out of the county for Mitchell's blunder. Lets hope Beland and Rivero's cases do the same.
******Rivero for Sheriff*******
TODAYS PRESS DEMO. Ya think were in trouble?

The economy in Lake County, never hearty in the best of times, has gotten so bad that on Monday, the Associated Press reported that it had the 14th worst economy in December among the nation's 3,141 counties with at least 25,000 inhabitants. It ranked worse than the notoriously devastated economies of Riverside County and Wayne County, Mich., home to Detroit.
“Lake County is one of those places that is in big trouble,” said David Gallo, a professor of economics at Chico State University. “I don't really see what is going to bring them back.”
In the past two years, unemployment has more than doubled, to 18.5 percent. The bankruptcy rate has tripled to 1.4¬percent. And the foreclosure rate has quadrupled to 3.7¬percent, according to the Economic Stress Index released Monday by the Associated Press. The index uses those three measurements to analyze U.S. county economies.
Those trends might continue, Gallo said.
“They don't have any advantages,” he said. “They don't have great natural resources. They don't have cheap labor. And they don't have access to great transportation.”

There is more, did not want to take up so much space, this is not good!
So right and then add the blunders in the Sheriff's and DA's Office. We need jobs and that's what we need. The BOS wants to kill Lowel's and the new golf course at Hill Road. Face it folks, we need business to make taxes. The golf course has expensive homes going in and the course is a high end one. Businesses in Upper Lake and Lakeport would be benefiting the most.

Weather you like growth or not, we need taxes. Konocti Harbor is closed, the largest winery closed several years ago, both hospitals cut back staffing, county and both cities have hiring freezes and even the casinos have cut back. We must bend a little to get our tax bases up. We must bring professionalism back to our law enforcement and hold them accountable. Lake County needs to be the county you want to live in, not a county with high unemployment, high crime and little public safety.
The day to come will not be as long as the days remembered in my association with this County. What a mistake moving here!
Who ever copied and pasted the comments from the "So you survived the Lake County Jail" facebook page is a total looooooooser! I started that page in good fun, to keep connected with all the wonderful people I worked with. Those people put in many years of their life to protect "YOU" from the scums of society. So forgive us if we just wanted a place to reminisce or stay connected. The site is now set to private, so you need to get that life I talked about.
Okay, about post 11:24 last night. What was all that crap. Is that how they talk about people? Then they come on here and whine about comments made here on this blog but look at them. They are all up on Hill road on our dime just talking smack about people? What a joke LC SD/CO's are. I wish some of the people mentioned in that post would sue the hell out of the SO. They deserve it. They find humor in another persons problems, boy that makes them all look like idiots.
Hey 9:50, you screwed up big time. Face Book can be used in court...losers!
How Funny......thank you 9:50 for telling us where to go and find all that libelious stuff written about the public. Excellent!
There was nothing said that is remtely incriminating and all that was mentioned happened many years ago...Trust me if you worked in an enviroment where you had to serve meals and pass out underwear to child molesters and murderers, you would need some way to vent. And yes, we worked there on the tax payers dime and we did it well, took care of all the people in there, not all are truly bad but just got caught! I made many friends and met many ggod people on the Hill and cherish my memories so if I wanna talk about it I will and I dont care who read its! Get a life! Some of these posts are just nuts!
Besides, most of those poor souls mentioned have passed on.....
No... poster Feb 9, 2010 9:50 AM. You just wanted a place to libel the public. Do you have a clue as to how bad those comments make you all look. I am sure that some of your facebook friends were posting on county time and it can be proven.
Hello retards, the people posting those messages DON'T WORK THERE ANYMORE!!!!!!!! and it's public knowledge who is in jail, you can pull up their pictures on the web-site.....So how can they post things on county time???????? Not the sharpest tools in the shed are you?

Why don't you give me your name and I will talk about you on facebook...Then you will have a real case in court...
OK, lets give them a break! They are right that they need a place to vent. Is Facebook the right vehicle? Probably not...But I blame the department! Do they offer a place to debrief? I know most departments offer something after a critical incident, although it is mostly for the officers involved. There needs to be a safe place to vent for everyone in the department whenever they need it. They are only human and dealing with people who break the law day in day out, can wear on you. I don't care who you are, it would wear on you too. I believe most are in law enforcement for the right reasons and we need to acknowledge that they need a place of safety to talk about all the bad stuff they see on a daily basis.
Thank you, whom ever just posted above this...great way of words...Thank you for understanding.....
Be realistic here people...Unless you have ever worked in a jail, you dont know what these CO'S go through on a daily basis. Have you ever had to unite a phone cord from around someones neck? Have you ever been exposed to infectiones diseases like TB, crabs, lice, HIV, scabies, etc? Get called names like you have never heard before, get spit on, have food thrown on you, better yet, feces or urine? I think not. This happens to these people on a daily basis! So, unless you ever walked in our boots on those unforgiving cement floors, shut your trap!
Get a different job if it is so bad. Nobody is making you stay there. You sound like a bunch of burned out jerks.
We can't get different jobs, people on Welfare are counting on us......
Maybe the Grand Jury would like to read all the "comments" about treatment at the Jail since there is a complaint pending with them now; of the very same thing; two friends went partying in Lakeport/ one was designated driver...when the bartender got jealous of the young lady because a guy bought her a drink, she called Police ??? we don't know why; when "Hommer" arrived [some hidden connection] he "detained" her; although the other young lady tried to tell him she was designated driver; he disregarded her prescence and took the other lady off; the jail stripped her; left her in a cement cell for 4 hours; no water; no phone call; no special needs; laughed at her, made jokes and totally HUMILIATED this beautiful young lady...this is the treatment you may get even though "You are not arrested, only detained"
Well Grand Jury, please step up to the plate and do your job.....get rid of the CO's that were responsible for this in humane treatment. HOMMER got his......
even though the Police Chief denied that he did anything wrong...Yeah the new chief
Kevin Burke: "Unfounded complaint; Unfounded" Public intoxication ? At a Bar
because someone bought her a drink. A horrifying ordeal to say the least.
This face book stuff is the very reason most LE agencies in other counties have policies against employees having social networking pages e.g. face book, my space etc.
Also threating people that if you knew their name, you would libel them on face book is not very smart 10:55. It is obvious that you work at the jail.
type-o I meant "threatening" people,,,,,,,
11:36 which bar was this young lady in?
10:16 AM "And yes, we worked there on the tax payers dime and we did it well, took care of all the people in there, not all are truly bad but just got caught!" Sooo Mitchell,Hopkins,Perdock.Garzoli.and the others are not "truly bad" They just got caught?
Clearlake Club
10:25 Isn't that what this blog is all about? It's OK to bash people as long as it is law enforcement. You guys on this blog say you only bash the bad ones but who are you to decide???
No doubt the same bartender that spit in DDA Vu's drink and then laughed about it. Gross!
Lovelace says they totally support the good LE yet in a previous statement said that LE wives are silicone, trophy wives. Those must be the wives of the bad LE or the lucky ones. It seemed like a slam to all though.
Lovelace posted it or someone posted it on here?
someone posted it and Lovelace agreed with the post and said they wanted to help the trapped wives
Hey, on the radio Saturday, didn't Frank Rivero say he was going to institute a civilian review board to deal with officer discipline because that's what they have in San Francisco and it works so well? Oddly, the SF Chronicle published a story the very next day about how badly their system works:

"His was one of 68 backlogged disciplinary actions that Chief George Gascón inherited when he took over the department last summer. Collectively, those officers were earning about $5 million a year to work desk jobs.

Most were awaiting hearings before the Police Commission, which determines how officers should be punished - but has often let cases languish for years."

Read more:
Not all people employed by the SO are bad. They are wonderful people that do great jobs and are over looked because of the Garzolis and Mitchell types. No one was mistreated on my watch, ever.
"the jail stripped her; left her in a cement cell for 4 hours; no water; no phone call; no special needs; laughed at her, made jokes and totally HUMILIATED this beautiful young lady...this is the treatment you may get even though "You are not arrested, only detained"
Unless you know all the facts, this could be totally legal within jail policy and it is done to ensure the inmates safety.
minus the jokes and laughing ofcourse.
12:51 what about Von Moreshed?
What about Von? She's a DA investigator.
Oh, I was refering to the post on the last page that was from facebook. 12:51 claims none of the people posting were LC employees but I saw her name there.
Hello Maddog................give your keyboard a REST!!!!
I found the report about SFPD's oversight committee. The writer states that the committee doesn't work due to managements failure to support it. In a nut shell, the article states failure from management to support and properly staff the committee is the main problem. I found no mention that any politician was calling for a closure of the committee.

It could be I missing it, so here is the link to it. Lake County only has 187 members and not all of those are deputies. I believe due to our low manpower Rivero's proposal will work.
12:54 She kept asking to make a phone call and kept asking for water; she sat on the bench like they asked her; she couldn't stop crying.......that's why they did what they did....because she wouldn't stop crying/ talking. It was two female CO's; the one male that came on duty 4 hours later let her put her clothes back on;use the ladies room, make a phone call and gave her water. This lady is very proper, soft spoken and not violent at all...........
12:40 Go read the post again, it said the wives of the corrupt LE, are considered the silicone 7, they are the wives that have been posting on here, you remember Dutra's as in Sarah who got outed, and hubby didn't know she was posting or smoking pot for that matter, she is one of the two sarahs, who got caught and haven't see them on much since, by the way they took a trip to the city this weekend, how of course no one knows how we knew that buit we keep an eye on them.
All you guys are great........this is just too informative; for real, it's great!
This is Lovelace, we have a couple of requests, we are preparing our report to be submitted to the Grand Jury, and we would like any individual to post to us on the e-mail account only, of any situations that you know of that can be or are fully documented, and we mean fully documented, that you would like us to submit to the grand jury. We have checked each of the persons currently on the grand jury, and found no known connections to Mitchell or Hopkins. We would as well like anyones input if we have missed something concerning those that are currently on the grand jury. We have a number of items that we are going to submit for investigation, and they may or may not overlap with what you submit to us. This is going to another phase into our corrupt So office and as well may include any documentation you have submitted to the BOS which they have sat on or taken no action on, specifically related to Mitchell or Hopkins. Again submit this only to the e-mail account. The e-mail account is below.... We have the paperwork and have made the necessary contacts in regard to how we will submit this, the timing is critical as they can issue a report by the beginning of summer during the election campaign. Thank you all for your help.
This is Lovelace, this is our second request, we are going to be putting together a flyer or poster if you will, the heading will read:


The other will read the same thing concerning Hopkins

Then under the heading will the litany of bullet point items that are their worst acts we want exposed:

So we are asking all of you on the public thread to list those things. We will have conversation and discussion on all the items, and eventually narrow it down to the 15 or 20 items that should be listed on the flyers. So please start posting those on the public thread. Remember these must be documented offenses an example would be Hopkins announcement on the court house steps concerning the drunken sailor etc.

These will be used to penetrate the demographics which Mitchell and Hopkins rely on for their votes, namely those people who do not read the paper, and those that do not have a clue what has happend in this county, also those who for example are given CCW's and think Mitchell is great for doing it, and will vote for him yet their ignorance does not allow them to see what has been happening. Thank's for all your help on this, you can submit as many as you want it appears that about 20 or so will fit on the flyer page. So pick your top 20.
Funny people want to talk crap about Von but the ride along was an SO employee as well...still is. Shame on her!
**********RIVERO FOR SHERIFF******
Who will POST 255? The clock is running.
going to cut down the massive facebook listings, understand what you are doing, and agree this guy is what people say he is, but don't want to clog to much up on the blog with Hommie stuff, keep just a bit more scaled down, so we don't go a half a page on the thread. Thanks
Being a Lakeport resident, I believe the Police Department is a total waist of taxpayers money. It boils down to money now that the city and county are going broke. Lets look at this from a non cop point of view.
Lakeport Police does not pay into Social Security (LCSO does).
Lakeport Police retirement is one of the highest in California, 3% at 50years (LCSO is 2.0 at 50).
Lakeport Police purchases top end patrol cars equipped with power seats, radio and CB radios (LCSO does not).
Now add in Workman's Comp insurance, liability insurance, Medical and dental and you will see little tiny Lakeport pays their cops extremely higher than LCSO or even Clearlake Police.

Also look at officer experience. Currently they have a detective who's only experience is driving a patrol car.

I think the PD should be disbanded and its law enforcement contracted out. If done by LCSO, the City of Lakeport would have access to 8 detectives and one detective sergeant with an extreme amount of experience. LCSO has investigated numerous homicides and have cleared all of them. Lakeport has had only one murder in 10 years and they still can't figure it out. LCSO has two experienced traffic investigators, one even certified as a motor officer. When a call for service in Lakeport is of a high scale, LCSO usually always sends at least one deputy.

Contracting out law enforcement services is a lot cheaper. American Canyon, Sonoma, Winsor and a lot of other cities contract their law enforcement and saves a lot of money.
Nice bit of sophistry 4:22, replace a well respected agency with a corrupt one. Since Dinius was aquitted, Lynn Thornton's homicide remains "unsolved."
So Mitchell, you were caught with your foot in your mouth again. Why did you deny hugging Perdock at the scene when Ostini testified that you did?

Why did you wait two days (Monday) to call Sacramento? You had a cellphone, you were on scene and Napa is just over the mountain?

Why wouldn't you answer the EEOC findings. You denied having them and Rivero said he knew you did, but you failed to answer.

We need a real leader.
***********Rivero for Sheriff****
This is the Lovelace group the story below is from a young man whose picture hangs on the wall of the court house in Lakeport, he sent us an original message a couple of weeks ago, he is home now from a couple tours of Iraq, we have been in communication with this fine young man, and wanted to be sure we posted this story of his dad, and the times he remembers in Lake county. The connection to this is that a letter has been sent to the board of supervisors again telling them they must ask Mitchell and Hopkins to step down. They of course either refuse to answer to our messages or when they do it is in a negative who do you think you are manner. This is to bad, and the time will come when they will pay a price for not supporting the citizens of this county. We are going to send this story to them, and again ask them to justify their refusal to ask Mitchell and Hopkins to step down. We are asking all of you to send e-mails to all the supervisors, their e-mail addresses can be found on the county webpage. Please everyone do this tonight or tomorrow, we need to increase the pressure on these supervisors.

Hello,I am a 24 yr old mexican/native american who grew up in lake county. You can see my picture hanging up in the courthouse with all of the other Lake County Veterans of War. It has been a struggle for me since returning home from my second tour in Iraq, but nothing has bothered me more than the news report on the sheriffs that are supposed to be protecting my community, my home. But then i remembered... being a kid and everytime we would pass a lake county sheriff they would put there orange lights on my dad. He would always say, "Watch son, there gunna do it again." Sure enough.. the lights flashed sometimes even before they passed. He said that a deputy told him that "they" had there eyes on him. When i asked him why, my dad had told me that he doesnt know why, but when he came from San Jose in the early 80's they would pull him over just to ask what he was doing there. Thinking back i can remember incedents such as this and its time for a change. We are a proud patriotic family, a Veteran of the Vietnam War who lost his leg there, and a two-time Veteran of the War on Terrorism... who knew that i would have to continue when i got back home??? How can i help???
Like I've been saying all along, if the racial acusations are false, just release the findings. We now know you have the report and refuse to release it. It seems Lande, Rivero, Ringen and Morshed were right all along.
********Rivero for Sheriff*****
Are you going to have some people start doing poles? A good location is Kmart, Safeway, Walmart and Hardesters in Middletown.
Taking a pole is a great idea. It would be interesting to see if the two local papers would do it too?

***Rivero for Sheriff***
I am constantly amazed at some of the dumb ass comments on this site. The Lakeport PD have a reputation of taking no crap from anyone. they make good arrests, have a higher than average convicion rate (no thanx to the DA-but thanx to good backup investigations) are polite, not slovernly overweight, and so far few scandels. Why do you think that the majority of homeless, druggie, drunks, and drug pushers avoid Lakeport. As a 10 year resident, I can ertainly see the difference in law enforcemetn between Clearlake (D-) Unincorp (D) and Lakeport (B). Vote NO on all encumbents
By the way guys that is poll, and we are contemplating the idea of a consistent polling of the citizens when the elections get closer, it has not been done before, and is a great idea, it will take many volunteers to canvas the right areas. Ideas on how to accomplish this are welcome, as we get closer to the actual elections and we know who is really in the race etc.

Below is the message just sent to all the supervisors, concerning the young man's message above:

Mr Farrington, the picture of this young man hangs on the court house wall, read his story we have sent you and think about telling him why you can't simply do the ethical and moral right thing by asking Mitchell and Hopkins to step down, We are sure he would be quite curious as to your answer.

Hello,I am a 24 yr old mexican/native american who grew up in lake county. You can see my picture hanging up in the courthouse with all of the other Lake County Veterans of War. It has been a struggle for me since returning home from my second tour in Iraq, but nothing has bothered me more than the news report on the sheriffs that are supposed to be protecting my community, my home. But then i remembered... being a kid and everytime we would pass a lake county sheriff they would put there orange lights on my dad. He would always say, "Watch son, there gunna do it again." Sure enough.. the lights flashed sometimes even before they passed. He said that a deputy told him that "they" had there eyes on him. When i asked him why, my dad had told me that he doesnt know why, but when he came from San Jose in the early 80's they would pull him over just to ask what he was doing there. Thinking back i can remember incedents such as this and its time for a change. We are a proud patriotic family, a Veteran of the Vietnam War who lost his leg there, and a two-time Veteran of the War on Terrorism... who knew that i would have to continue when i got back home??? How can i help???
The last two posts were removed due to extreme ignorance, again you corruption supporters got to get a better tag line, then just trying to rag on Lovelace, and with the level of intellect we are seeing, you really don't want to get in a verbal war with us.
Tommy, You beat up someone in the jail? Must have been roid rage. Stay away from Frank and you'll be better off. His girlfriend says it shrinks up the package anyway.
Regarding the Dinius fiasco and the sad untimely death of Lynn Thornton, has anyone ever asked Mitchell or Hopkins if they would do things differently should a deputy or any high ranking official be involved in a similar accident either on the lake or elsewhere?
So it is the policy of this site that free speech exists only for those who agree with you? Good to know.
Hey Lovelace, are you going to remove everybppst that proves you are a moron? Because I notice you're leaving your own posts up, and boy do those make you
look like a jackass.
Looks like the cops (or their wives) are busy tonight. Take the blinders off. Yes there might be some things on this blog that might be a little off base but are you still trying to deny there's nothing going on in this county? Wake up man (woman). I think you will be some of the first to go when the new sheriff takes over. I'm glad you two Sarahs had a good time in the city this weekend. Now get with the program or move out!
6:21 & 6:29 This blog has a purpose so may I suggest you jump on over to Topix and show your ignorance there.
So you got a letter from a veteran, and his father was a lousy driver? What has that got to do with anything?
Some time after the moderation time, I made a comment that somewhow got left out. So: I typed my graditude for there finally being qualified candidate to run against Sheriff Mitchell. Now the other guy, you know, the loud pointless one, can step out of the race and Mitchell and Baxter can have a bonifide election. Go Mitchell....
7:05 You are one rude sad and sorry excuse for a human. You have no respect for our men and women who serve to insure that you have freedon of speech. If you can't say something nice and compassionate why bother?
So is doug hooper retired or still working the jail or somewhere in the SO??
7:11, this blog is full to the brim of vile nonsense and damnable lies about men and women (many of them likewise veterans of the military) who are serving right here at home to ensure your safety and the safety of everyone in this county. Yet I don't see you sticking up for them.
I'm very sorry that that young man had a father who was such a crappy driver that he got stopped every time he drove. There, is that compassionate and nice enough for you?
7:44 You are so very wrong. I support the good men and women but I do along with most citizens of Lake County, have a major problem with those who lack self respect and by their own actions make a mockery out of our judicial system.
Back to the business at hand. Mitchell has no control over his department. Daily I see his people writing trash about people they book into the jail. Okay, sure they've been arrested but without a trial they're only been accused. We are all equal, some have taken the wrong path and need intervention, but who in the hay do the employees of this county think they are? I'll tell you one thing, you are not the judge or the jury.
very nice post 8:06....I agree with you 100%!
Not the judge or jury............well if you follow the booking list day to day you will see the most of the bookings are frequent flyers and have had numerous of the same offense...................and convictions...hence those who see them day or week after week.............dont have to judge them the courts already have you have no idea how many people who are out on bail violate their terms of release.......incrediable
8:25 Regardless, that does not give them the right to humiliate the accused and pass judgment. Why is that so hard to you to accept? I just hope you are not in law enforcement. Intervention is obviously lacking, providing help those in need and especially to the repeat offenders. How else can we fix what is wrong in their lives?
I am confused. If I work at the jail I cannot make disparging remarks about the inmates; however, if I work for law enforcement, anyone can make up any lie about me and post it here, and that's ok.
"How else can we fix what is wrong in their lives?" Yeah, the poor little misguided tykes, all they need is someone to point out to them the error of their ways. I know, I volunteer you - they can all come live at your house, and you can teach them how to rise on the steppingstones of their dead selves to become productive members of society!
8:41 NO, it is not ok for anyone to lie, period. I have repect for the law and those employed in the profession, but I find myself believing some, not all, of the things posted about members of the department because I know many of those involved and sorry but the truth is the truth. I can only say that because of this blog I'm betting that those that have crossed the line in the past are thinking twice before they act.
Whether not you think Mitchell and Hopkins are corrupt, whether or not you think Rivero would be a swell sheriff and Rhoades would be a fine DA, you should wake up and smell the coffee. There is in this county an underclass of violent, tweaking, thieves and liars who have chosen to be that way. They do not want jobs, they do not want an education, they do not want to stop using drugs. They want a free ride on your back, whether through the taxes you pay, the stuff they steal, the welfare they lie to get. This is not Cloudcuckooland, folks.
I live among those who that person things we can help fix Oh hell no, they do not want to live a lawful life I hear them tell how they shop liffed things and it is a badge of honor for them, they march to the beat of a different dummer called thief, druggie, seller of prescription pills.
The LE are not rehabilitators they are the keepers of the lowest of the lowest in our County, God Bless the CO and the guys.gals who have to deal with them
I live among those who that person things we can help fix Oh hell no, they do not want to live a lawful life I hear them tell how they shop liffed things and it is a badge of honor for them, they march to the beat of a different dummer called thief, druggie, seller of prescription pills.
The LE are not rehabilitators they are the keepers of the lowest of the lowest in our County, God Bless the CO and the guys.gals who have to deal with them
8:45 PM It's not his job. We pay enough taxes for programs to do the intervention. Get off your high horse and try to get a grip on fixing the problems not denying what can be done to help the less fortunate.
By the way the people I posted about above are all on you guessed it PROBATION and still doing what they did before they got caught
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