Thursday, September 10, 2009


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The question is, why did he have the items hidden in a bag in the truck? Why did he even have a taser that was not even issued to him. Why was that taser even in his possession since it was suppose to be in the jail?
Your comrade in arms yesterday and a suspect today, huh?
Mitchell and his command staff are afraid to release the EEOC investigation. It shows that Mitchell accepted/know what was going on in the LCSO. and He fail to acted like so many, many other times. I agree with 0933 A.M. we need a new Sheriff to build trust with the public. The Public does not trust Mitchell. OUR NEW SHERIFF will be Mr. Rivero Oh by the way Rodney I have lots of questions for you. I feel that Mr. Rivero is very Truthful and will be a great Sheriff.

We should have a t.v. show called "the screw around cops" I think that most of the LCSO Deputies, Sgt, Lt. and Captains could be the stars of it. the only question I would have is who's being screw by the Sheriff, besides the troops, and tax payers of Lake Co.
Lovelace here, wanted to get a few posts up and update a few items and then throw out some stuff on Mitchell opening an "investigation" we have a few thoughts on that one. As well as a few other items.

Post 8:17 we liked that idea of the posting of those individuals whom the internal folks think are headed for a bad fall, we think we have the majority of those names and they have been posted many times, but it would be interesting to see who else might be suspect.

Post 9:10am Rivero's excellent meeting last night destroys your theory of sameness in relation to Mitchell, it in fact is night and day. Rivero knocked em dead last night, and changed the minds of many people. He was on his game, and his overviews of the citizens oversight groups and de-centralization of the force are excellent ideas, and concepts that will work. We have heard that ignorant bantering concerning sameness on the site already and it does not hold water.

Post 9:33 you are correct across the board, the trust is gone, I mean really we talked to merchant recently who was upset about some unsavory folks hanging out by their business, they said I cannot call the sheriffs department, so I called the supervisor. Well there you have it, a merchant cannot call the sheriffs department with a criminal problem, now there is trust for ya.

Post 9:57 that was an excellent accurate articulate post, very well stated, we would like you to post a message to our e-mail account and talk to us in private, if that is possible, you do not have to use an e-mail source that identifies you if necessary, but please give us a message, we would like to talk with you further. Thanks

More to come
Post 11:30 Thank you for that post, your advice is correct, we have an open door listen to anyone policy, and would appreciate anyone coming to us, if just to talk or to pass on any information, as all of you can describe, when we are givin information we can and do act on it from a number of different sources and angles.

Post 11:30 that was an honest post, and we believe that if you go to the town hall meeting coming up at the Moose in the Oaks you will get a chance to meet him, and firm up your opinion of his ability to be the next sheriff.

Post 11:54 oh ya we know all about Hopkins laying low, we have posted that many many times, it isn't going to work, and the Dinius civil suit will bring his ass right back into the spotlight, but just for the record we are working on a number of angles on Hopkins, none of them pretty, and although he doesn't see it coming, he has a lot of heat that is going to come his way as a bit of time goes by.

Post 12:44 you are right the question of his non-arrest is critical would you or I get the same freedom's if found with what he was found with. As well remember the critical nature of the timing on notifications, when was the ATF notified, why did the arrest of Wright happen on the day of the article posting. How long did he have and move weapons from his house, was it a year two years, where did he go in Idaho, the hot bed of white hate groups and gun and weapon running in our county. Lots of questions and lots of timing issues that need to be explored.
Post 216 alright here is the deal on Rhodes who by the way was at the democratic meeting last night where Rivero spoke. Rhodes is out, dull, slow, not articulate and and has a bit shall we say (santa rosa) of a tainted past that does not bode well for him. Let's just say Rhodes is less the dynamic.

Oh another piece of information Mr. Baxter was at the democratic meeting last night, this is the gentleman who might be entering the race for sheriff. Here is the deal on him, he is out fishing, seeing what Rivero is all about, how he speaks what kind of opponent he is and so forth. He got an eye and ear full last night. He has not done much aside from picking up the paperwork, and we do not believe he has actually committed himself to running. He seems like a decent guy comes across alright it is reported. No great shakes at this point and as well no amazing presence either. So we will ho humm it for now and wait and see what happens.

Post 2:31 all we can say is you hit the nail on the head.
I am posting from a "favorable" view if that is a way to put it. I have some things I know, and I want to tell you guys to ask a question or two. I will say no more of who I am or from where I get my understanding of this situation.

The reason for Wrights termination? Someone should ask Mandy of the record bee that question, and ask her why she knows what she knows and will not report on it. Ask her if she had a conversation with Mitchell. Mandy should be asked if she is a reporter or if she is covering up something, like what someone who was a confident of Mitchells would do.
9:33 is X
I have walked down the streets of San Francisco many times. I see hookers, pimps, crackheads, panhandlers, drug dealers, and bums begging for money. I smell fresh urine and garbage. I see used condoms, syringes, and garbage. Porn stores and pawn shops are abundant. Traffic is a nightmare. Counterfeit merchandise is available for purchase everywhere you look. Cops don't really do a whole lot about it. Is this the type of San Francisco law enforcement we're talking about bringing to Lake County? Maybe I'm picky about my community, but I could do without all those things that are present in a city watched over by San Francisco type LE and their citizen's advisory panel.
Well Post 4:45, I think we will just wait and see if that posting gets any response, today or tomorrow, I guess if anyone out there has access to Mandy in any way see if you can get that question to her. Thanks post 4:45...Interesting...

Alright well let's follow that little tid-bit up with a comment from the Lovelace group concerning Mitchells (investigation) this seems like a smoke screen to us. If Mitchell had the RiMS "locked down" on those reports, someone would have to unlock it to see them, now if that is the case then would it not be a simple matter to go to the system and see who logged in to access the reports. May be we just don't have a clear view of how it exactly works, but any input on that would be great. Now it is not unusual for a boss who has lost control and his people across the board are turning aganist him, to fire off a message trying to get people to think he is looking for them and do it in this manner. Any opinion out there on this idea?
Seems like a whole lot of hocus pocus to us. What you got going on Mitchell? Just a whole lot of hot air, or are you out to find these multiple many many many sources that are destroying your corrupt department.

The Lovelace group will be sending out a set of e-mails in the next few days to Mitchell Hopkins and the supervisors, these messages will state to them in clear and defined terms what we and the citizens feel needs to happen and how it needs to happen. They will be sent out from a totally remote location, and a location that we will never be at again, and that will be untraceable to us. We are increasing our pressure, we will not say now the exact information that will be in them, but they will be to the point and the gloves will be off. Ya we actually have been playing nice guy, guess you all did not know that huh. Heck guys we have just been puttering along on this, we haven't even cranked it up yet. The fun is just beginning. We would like to ask you all to submit to us the various information and ideas you feel we should put in this correspondence.
't Post 4:59 don't be so foolish and small minded, you have just described every major city in our country. These little spins are so weak, really if that is just a method to say Rivero is going to bring that to our county you really reaching. Oh by the way one thing he will fix, is the porn everywhere concept which in our case is in our LE now and will be stopped by Rivero. Try again man, but please stop posting such small attempts it causes us to think you don't still believe we are smarter then the average bear. Speaking of bears how is that look see at the bear/human skeleton case going anyone heard, sounds to us like something is being covered here, a whole lot of stuff being sent to Davis for a bear skull and a whole lot of people involved in it.
Mr. Rivero did a great job last night. He has a plan to rebuild the trust between Law enforcement and the Public, something Mitchell and his crew has never done. A little P.R. goes along way.

Love to see the x-man posting, thanks buddy, and keep the faith baby your time is coming. Glad you "handed off" what you did, it helps the cause. Ya buddy we know all that stuff, bet you did not think we were watching you huh? Damn those Lovelace people are everywhere..Love ya man, we will get it done for ya.
4:59 Your post sound like petty jealousy. Did you apply to a real law enforcement agency like SFPD, LAPD or NYPD and told you were to country or just could to pass the entrance exam. Rivero graduated valedictorian of his SFPD academy class, and more importantly, had the guts to challenge Mitchell before he was weakened by all his recent scandals. Rivero is a true reformer and the Peoples Sheriff!
Doug Rhoades wore bowling shoes to court today. Bowling shoes! Is that what you want for DA, a man who would wear bowling shoes to court?
What the upcoming elections will boil down to is $$$ Who has it and where did it come from. If all you folks who just seem to have hours to type this stuff (mostly boring and repeitisous (sp) would go out and earn a few bucks, and than contribute to Rivero he can get elected. Money wins elections ALWAYS because the average Lake Co. resident doesn't waste his/her time reading all this stuff. Lazy scum bags read it and bitch and moan about cops, but THE VOTERS who need to earn a living to put bread on the table don't have time.

They aren't on welfare, they arnt't cops off duty and arn't L.C. employees sucking up to the public trough and waisting time while at work. THAT IS YOUR READERSHIP. Voters work two or even three jobs. IN FACT I would bet a buck to a donut that not even 10 % of the voting population has read even one word posted here. So'oo if you want your guy to win, send money. Serious money wins elections, and a thousand small donations will trump a hundread large ones. Sure, Mitchell needs to go on down the road, but the average person in L.C. doesn't know this. It takes money to beat an incumbent. It takes money, not a bunch of folks on a web site going on ad nausm. Get with it!!Send money, write letters to the editor.
/s/ interested outsider
Post 6:15 you are correct in your overview, now just a couple of points of interest, This site has moved the county further in the last few months then anything this county has had in 15 years. This site is responsible for what you see in the papers which the citizens do read, that is part of our plan. This site is responsible for the current Russell Wright situation, and several other incidents which has destroyed the credibility of Mitchell. Our goal has been and will be the taking down of Mitchell. You are correct in that many many people in the county have not seen this site. Many in this county do not have access to the internet period. You may not have a clear view of the ads we have posted in the local papers, the contacts we have throughout the county, the cause we have created and the following that is growing. Now being that we have excellent campaign acumen in many areas and many of us have been in large businesses we understand something about an election in this county, the action that is even more important then money in a small county, is "knocking on doors" just ask the two recently elected supervisors what the most important aspect of the campaign was, they will tell you without hesitation it is knocking on doors. Now the reason this is so important is because of your statements concerning the demographics of the county. So you might want to give us a bit more credit then just being a bunch of folks blasting away on a blog. We all have jobs dear friend. We suspect jobs that would be deemed a bit more extensive then the one you might hold. Not that we want to hammer you to hard, as you do make some good points we agree with and we hope you will continue to post with us as we value sharp intelligent people joining the cause. But remember we have connections to voter registration people, and many other avenues you failed to mention then just the money. By the way we generally we do not allow caps to be used on the site, but we let it go sometimes in your case we will. However we will defend the people posting on this site, and would admonish you for a bit of a negative presentation concerning those people. Please, continue to post with us, and thank you for your input.
Hey Evie S you have been outed! Quit posting from your work place on here and other places because you and Wells are going to get your bosses sued!....Lets see what the IT guys said hummmmmmm Ferell gas IP number. Didn't get it from here but somewhere else you posted some big time libelious stuff. Hey Wells, everyone knows you are a "want to be cop and informent" in a cop family. Hold on ass***es I am saving the best for last.....wait for that other shoe to fall! Oh baby, and fall it will when I own everything you own.
Lovelace, sorry to bring my post on here (6:46) directed at the people in the afore mentioned post. I got some really good news today and found out who did what, when and I had to post it...thank you! HSF ;) I will e-you tomarrow...Kudos
Well well HSF, we look forward to your e-mail as usual, Hey wasn't it nice that Mitchell now considers us a "Media outlet" quote from record bee. Hey not more then a few weeks ago, we were the scumbag, hippie, freaks, on a stupid blog site telling lies and being so unfair to the local corrupt LE. Now we are a media website, hey thanks Mitchell for the upgrade in status. Sometimes its wise to show respect to your perceived enemies. Mitchell the offer is out to you to, send us an e-mail to our account, and we are more then willing to talk with you. Or contact us through a representive, all lines are open, we are serious, at some point in time there is going to be a terms of surrender event that will have to take place. We do not relish or savor hurting anyone, but if you continue to go down this road, it will be more and more difficult for you. We are serious are objectives are not to destroy lives but for the good citizens and great LE's that are in our county it is to protect them and provide an environment for the public working in concert with the LE's. To that end we will not stop until the objectives are acheived. Please take our offer serious. This is the Lovelace group.
We are going to remove a few post folks, please don't take it hard, it is getting a bit out of hand with language, lets discuss and communicate, much needs to be accomplished. Only through clean direct interaction can we do this.
We think we are clean now, at least only some *** on parital words lets keep it at that level, if we have deleted something you want to re-write in a constructive manner please do so.
If you need to remove some of mine, it is okay...HSF
When the case is locked out, the only way to access it is with access number. Once in the report, an audit trail states who reads, changes, deletes, lockes and views reports by the deputy's initials. It looks something like this.
CBL Viewed 02/02/2010 234bites
Mitchell now wants security with the departments computer system. Wait! Wasn't it just last year that he said he wanted transparency and that was the reason he did not lock down the Dinius case?

Now we have correctional officers supervising deputies, deputies supervising correctional officers and who knows who is supervising dispatchers.

Great leadership Mitchell. Ever read the US Army NCO manual?

****Rivero for Sheriff***
i still wonder if it isnt mitchell himself or one of his buddies leaking information. Just look how he tries to justify his actions on the SO official web page. An example being when he put the demoted pilots groveling email on the site further humiliating the guy. it makes me wnder.
You have to keep in mind that Mitchell's ego is larger than the entire county. He gets great pride in throwing someone under the bus, than trashing him/her until there is nothing left.
Sheriff Mitchell, you need to review Iononi's, "Supervision of Police Personnel" which spells out leadership in simple terms that even a sheriff can understand. If you can't find that walk across the jail lot to the armory and ask for barrow a copy of the NCO or Officers Guide. I'm sure they would be glad to help out.
Mitchell seems to be dumping people left and right. At this rate its going to be just him with no one else to fire. This sure seems to validate many of Frank Rivero's accusations of corruption. Management incompetance for sure. He should be ashamed of the way his office is run and he has no one to blame but himself. Maybe he needs to fire himself while he's at it.
Are any of Mitchell's assistants talking or are they afraid of walking a beat in Cobb. I'd love to hear what these people have to say and I just can't imagine they are happy with the way their office is run and what the people think of them. urely they are not all bad and there must be someone with enough character to stand up and not just one deputy.
Speak up Captain, Lieutenant, this isn't the USSR, or is it.
I've been saying that for several months and got slammed for saying it. Now people are seeing Mitchell for his true colors.
******Rivero for Sheriff****
Are we forgetting our DA? How much are these people going to cost the tax payers of Lake County before we do something. Mitchell is not the only premadonna who needs to be outted for their actions.
We live in a beautiful area but do we want to keep everyone else out. Our cities and the county does not seem to be business friendly. Businesses come and go. The county makes it very hard for those who want to start a business or build a home. They are quick to put their hand out to collect fees. Now we see the DA jumping n the little guy or the wrong guy while making a fool of himself in court.The sheriff sinks his own ship and most people find it hard to trust our elected officials.

Do we want new business and new people moving to the community or do we want to keep it for ourselves.

Why does a deputy have to stand on his own knowing they will do anything to get him? Why must concerned citizens have to wear a mask in fear of retaliation by the very people we put in office and pay? This is a disgrace and must to be tolerated by Americans. If you are reading this and are a part of the problem you need to go before you are washed away by a giant wave of citizen disatisfaction. off to rattlesnake island with you all where you can join your fellow bottom feeders.
What is of interest is todays news that the county is spending too much money, so there will be layoffs. well, the wost is yet to come. By the time they pay off the Dinus case any others that are yet to be decided, the county won't have enough money to pay the gas bill. Seems to me that we need to replace the whole dam board of Supes. These are the people who we elected to watch over money and the people who are wasting it. Come on tony, step up lie you used to when you first got elected. Don't joing the G.O.Boyz
Again we post the overview of Hopkins, do not think for a minute we have forgotten about Hopkins, even though the focus over the past couple of weeks is on Mitchell, we are working on a number of situations concerning DA Hopkins, one of them is very complicated but quite damaging indeed, it will take a bit longer for that one, but as a hint we have collusion, a lack of lawful enforcement, and a whole host of actions that will bring a heavy load his way. That was an excellent post 9:11(nice timing with the 911 eh) and we agree with you 100%.
Again we post someone ask Mandy at the Record Bee what her discussion was with Mitchell when she went running to him instead of being a reporter. Why hasn't she posted the information she has which she knows is the absolute truth. Yes it is damaging to an individual, but it is necessary that we have news outlets that do not play games with the information the citizens need and deserve to know. Freedom of the press is critical to the public's justice, But that press must have total integrity, we will not stand for collusion in the ranks of the press. Yes there are times when information is withheld, as there is not confirmation of actual facts or more background is needed. This is not that case. Mandy come clean we will drop the hammer and tell it ourselves if you do not and you and your source will not be happy. Mandy you can contact via our e-mail account, and we will talk, perhaps we are missing something, perhaps you have a reason, but you must be clear with us, and we will be clear with you.
OK, whats up Record Bee Mandy? Are you here to provide the community with accurate news reporting or to provide Sheriff Mitchell's spin on the news.
Just to quote/correct/answer a few people who appear to be either “real cops” who are insecure or non-LE with a lack of knowledge.

“Again, someone with no post certificate who's not able to arrest anyone”

Pursuant to 834 PC, virtually ANYONE can make an arrest. You don’t need to be a “real cop” with a “real POST certificate” to arrest someone. And a POST certificate alone means squat.

“Wright had no business having an armory key since he was only a correctional officer, he wasn't/isn't LE or considered a "Peace officer".

Wright was a Peace Officer, under 830.1(c) PC, who carried a firearm within the scope of his employment. His CORRECT designation while employed was DEPUTY SHERIFF. And as a Rangemaster for the dept., had every reason to have a key to the armory.

“How in the hell can someone who is not a certified peace officer or correctional officer be promoted to sergeant or captain over real cops? Something smells and it's not the lake scum. Who has what on who or who is taking care of who?”

Section 830.1(c) Any Deputy Sheriff of the County of……Lake… a peace officer…..

Hope this helps clarify a few things for the "real cops".
The son, friends of our family was killed in Pakistan 2-3-2010. This is a reminder that some just give their time and others give their all.Semper Fi my friend and your God go with you.
Mitchell like to promote people he likes, those that promote his personal agenda. With all the promotes and demotes that has happened within the Sheriff dept. this again shows Mitchell failed leadership. He know these people before promoting them, they have worked for him and have agreed with his personal agenda. That's the only way someone can get promoted. Mitchell himself believes that once promoted that person (officer) must continue to kiss his butt and close their eyes to things that happens within the LCSO. If they stand up to him or do the right thing e.g. former sergeants Jim Beland, Kip Ringen, former Deputy Lande and current Deputy Rivero (hopefully the next Sheriff) there lives becomes a living hell under Mitchell failed leadership. Alot of bad things happens within the Sheriff Dept. under Mitchell's watch. His failure to fire Perdock, Garzoli, the list goes on and on. The Citizens of Lake Co, The employees of the Sheriff's Dept. is crying out for a new leader. My question to Sheriff Mitchell is how in hell did Crystal Esberg become a Captain? Oh I forgot he like new LIPS.
Since Hopkins took office I have been on a jury twice. Both cases were no case at all. They were a waste of tax payers money. The DA had literally no case. The investigations were childish, to say the least. Obvious sources of evidence, were neglected, and downplayed. The Da's attorney lumbered along on her own course, without any supporting evidence, hoping to just B.S. the jury into a conviction. Quite frankly it was hard to believe anybody would take such a case to trial, with no evidence. In both cases the defendants attorney made the Da's stooge look like a fool. In both cases the accused were known local troublemakers that would have drawn jail time if there was even a hint of a case. This is wasting the taxpayers hard earn money, and should be stopped.
To: CI-3...confirming 2:00, Tell CB to bring package with him, we will see you there, good luck...This is Lovelace
Regarding Hopkins we are watching several DA situations in our state as we develop certain models for bringing pressure to bear on Hopkins. Posted below is a report on the Fresno DA, one thing we want you to take note of his the Judges hammering of the DA and forcing the issue with them. A DA going after a cops ex wife, sounds familiar? The only thing we are missing in our county is judges that will step up to the plate like this one did. This is an example of why the people in our county must take the fight to Mitchell and Hopkins as we do not have the support in the judges or the BOS to do what is right in this county. But hey the BOS said they are going to monitor GMO crops. Boy do we feel better. As we said the king and his court sit at the fine meal, while the bombs fall outside and the castle walls are falling down.

By Dennis Hart, reporter fresno radio 580

One day after a judge harshly criticized the Fresno County District Attorney's Office, the DA decided late Wednesday afternoon to drop the vandalism charge against a Fresno Fire Department spokeswoman.

It is a huge victory for Shandra Rodems and her attorney, Jeff Hammerschmidt.

"I'm very happy about it," Hammerschmidt told KMJ News. "This case never should have gotten this far. It never should have been filed."

Months ago, the DA filed a vandalism charge against Rodems after she admitted using a key to scratch the pick-up truck she co-owned with her estranged husband.

Hammerschmidt claimed she was being singled out for unfair prosecution because her husband is a Fresno police officer.

A judge had ordered the DA to turn over records of similar cases to see if she had been singled out.

But late Wdnesday, the DA's office said because it does not have the resources to look over thousands of caes, it will drop the charge against Rodems.

On Tuesday, a judge said the DA's office had been stonewalling on turning over the records, saying: "I've been given the bird by the District Attorney's Office."
Looks like our citizens are being "given the bird" by Hopkins over and over....Remember lets work the phone lines on tonights debate, we still have not heard that kpfz has a system in place for fair call rotation, Tim, Andy, you better get this right we are watching you.
To the individual who received the Garzoli, e-mail forum communications be sure you have turned that into the investigation agencies. Don't hold it....
Aparently someone thinks he's smart about LCSO. Let me set the facts straight. You wrote, "Wright was a Peace Officer, under 830.1(c) PC, who carried a firearm within the scope of his employment. His CORRECT designation while employed was DEPUTY SHERIFF. And as a Rangemaster for the dept., had every reason to have a key to the armory'

ALL Correctional officers are peace officers BUT ONLY ON DUTY, just like an Animal Control Officer. Once they finish their shift, they no longer have the authority to carry a weapon (unless the Sheriff has issued them a CCW). Rusty was NOT a deputy sheriff, he was a correctional officer. He tried to be a deputy, but failed the Field Training Program. He was given his job back as a CO. A Correctional Officer does not go through a full academy. Instead they take a shorter, modified course. Again, Rusty IS NOT A FULL TIME PEACE OFFICER.
Now this is fuckin funny!!!! Look at this brabd new booking which is on the Sheriff's Page. The booking officer is ........ drum roll please! Rusty Wright!!!!!!!! Wow, good job agin Mitchell. What fanstic control.
Could someone tell me where this radio station is located? I would like to meet and greet Mitchell with my voice and picket sign. Also, I would like to shake the hand of our next Sheriff Rivero!
9:51 - I thought Wright was out on leave? Why is it he is out arresting people? This really takes the cake.
"Let me set the facts straight"? You're kidding, right?

First off, not all Correctional Officers are PEACE OFFICERS. Some fall under 831.5 PC (Custodial Officer with a gun), just as Lake Co. employees DID. My earlier post was in response to someone who stated he wasn't a Peace Officer. But you seem to acknowledge the fact that he was.

Secondly, you are sadly mistaken about them not having the authority to carry a weapon after their shift ends without a CCW. 12027 PC clearly states that 12025 PC does not apply to ANY PEACE OFFICER LISTED IN SECTION 830.1

The section does not specify subsections (a), (b) or (c) of 830.1. Therefore all of them are covered under 12027 PC. They do not need a CCW to carry off duty.

Please show me any part of 830.1(c) PC, that uses the term "Correctional Officer" to describe what Rusty Wright's designation was before termination. Because it clearly states DEPUTY SHERIFF.

Someday, you Patrol Deputies aka "real cops" as you put it who continue to belitte your co-worker's, will understand that according to the Penal Code, Correctional Officers are DEPUTIES too. I know this is hard to grasp, as it minimizes the authority gap.

You are correct in that they are required to take a shorter academy. But that doesn't mean they are not Peace Officers or need a CCW to carry off duty. And I don't recall myself or anyone ever stating that Rusty was a "FULL TIME PEACE OFFICE". This fact is irrelevant.

My guess is the guy who wrote the post I am responding to is most likely a "real cop" who was assigned to Hill Rd. and hated it. Now he gets off by belittling his co-workers who where the same patch.
Good to see you have their backs!
Post 8:20 Do you mean the email about Garzoli getting bored looking at child porn or is there another one I don't know about? Very interesting stuff. Garz wrecks a Homeland Security bird, one of Obama's, huh? The bill goes to the taxpayers, but the story of course will hit Washington, D.C. (As if the racial profiling story didn't reach New York and the Dinius fiasco didn't reach world wide news!)
It just is amazing how many Sheriff Mitchell's partners in crime are in hot water these days. Then again I am sure it's just a personal matter... or did he say a personnel matter. Seems these "Rambo Rump Rangers" don't know whether they are coming or going and Mitchell gets confused on exactly what to cover up.
I have not met Frank Rivero yet, but he is just sounding better and better to me. It isn't exactly rocket science to chose someone other than Mitchell, who is due the Darwin award.
Oooops! I meant "wear the same patch".
2 days ago a LE officer went to the zealous investigators of the Wright case, to inform them that Wright had tried to turn his equipment in prior to the search. He admitted he would not take the stuff. This officer may now be in trouble. I ask you, did anyone even ask him if Wright had tried to turn in equipment?? I bet not. Sounds like they want a case so bad that the right hand does not know what the left hand is doing.
Don't let this guy full you. Lake County Correctional Officers ARE NOT peace offices covered under 830.1-PC. To prove this, here is a copy of that section related to correctional officers. You will see Lake and Napa are not in this section.

(c) Any deputy sheriff of the County of Los Angeles, and any
deputy sheriff of the Counties of Butte, Calaveras, Colusa, Glenn,
Humboldt, Imperial, Inyo, Kern, Kings, Lake, Lassen, Mariposa,
Mendocino, Plumas, Riverside, San Benito, San Diego, San Luis Obispo,
Santa Barbara, Shasta, Siskiyou, Solano, Sonoma, Stanislaus, Sutter,
Tehama, Tulare, and Tuolumne who is employed to perform duties
exclusively or initially relating to custodial assignments with
responsibilities for maintaining the operations of county custodial
facilities, including the custody, care, supervision, security,
movement, and transportation of inmates, is a peace officer whose
authority extends to any place in the state only while engaged in the
performance of the duties of his or her respective employment and
for the purpose of carrying out the primary function of employment
relating to his or her custodial assignments, or when performing
other law enforcement duties directed by his or her employing agency
during a local state of emergency.
a LE officer went to the zealous investigators of the Wright case, to inform them that Wright had tried to turn his equipment in prior to the search.

Read the report again. Rusty was never issued that taser and it was never even supposed to be issued to anyone. Rusty removed it from the jail without authorization and nobody can dispute that. If Rusty tried to turn in that gear, it would still be stolen property and it shows he was just trying to cover his tracks.

484. (a) Every person who shall feloniously steal, take, carry,lead, or drive away the personal property of another, or who shall fraudulently appropriate property which has been entrusted to him...
California Penal Code 830.55 (B)
A correctional officer shall have no right to carry or possess firearms in the performance of his/her prescribed duties, except, under the direction of the superintendent of the faulty, while engaged in transporting prisoners, guarding hospitalized prisoners, or suppressing riots, lynchings, escapes, or rescues in or about a dentention facility established pursuant to Section 2910.5 of this code or section 1753.3 of the Welfare and Institutions Code.
"You will see Lake and Napa are not in this section."

Did you even read the section you posted? Because if you did, you would see "LAKE" after Kings and before Lassen. Too funny! Guess a POST certificate is not a Law degree.

And I never said that Lake Co Jail Staff have the same authority as a Deputy defined under subsection (a). But they ARE Deputy Sheriffs, they ARE Peace Officers, they ARE sworn, they take the SAME oath, and they DON'T need a CCW to carry off duty. Read the Penal Code!

The POST academy is there to help you enforce the law, not interpret it.

Another case of "I'm right by virture of my position" and "ego supercedes common sense."

No wonder your dept is so messed up.
Question for Rodney Mitchell. When Dave Garzoli rank was reduced to a sgt. why wasn't his wage also reduced?
Penal Code Section 830.55(b) does not apply to anyone who works at the Lake Co. Jail. It applies to State Correctional Officers employed by CDCR and those who are contracted with them.

Again, the fact is they are Deputy Sheriffs as defined by 830.1(c). Correctional Officer is a term used within most sheriff's depts./counties. But pursuant to the Penal Code, their correct title is Deputy Sheriff. Some depts. have even adopted the term "Correctional Deputy" (i.e. Sonoma, Mendocino) to distinguish between a Patrol Deputy and a Detention Deputy. Call it what you want, but the section they fall under clearly states Deputy Sheriff.
It is like calling a Patrol Deputy Sheriff (830.1(a)) a cop or police officer. In Lake Co., the job description is different, autority is different...but title of Peace Officer is the same.

Lake Co. Detention Deputies (Correctional Officers) are armed, used weapons when performing their duties, but don't carry firearms within the Jail as it is against the law and LCSO policy unless authorized by the Facility Commander for the safety and security of the facility (like to subdue a riot).

Not to get distracted too much, I was referring to the comment of carrying off duty and needing a CCW...which 830.55(b) applies to officers while on duty.

It is sad to see a guy like Rusty get thrown under the bus by his fellow "Deputies", and then get belittled by the same ones.

And to address a few earlier posts, Basor would never plant evidence. One of the best guys I have ever met.
11:49 The Booking officer did say Rusty Wright this morning!! You are wrong and the crack statement is not needed. You must be a cop so just to let you know not everyone is in to drugs or porn. Oh i bet they got alot of calls on the booking name before they changed it to kenner. Boo! Hoo!
Hello Sgt. Townsend,
With all these dramas about you and Rodney, it's time to take your 6 months paid stress vacation again. By the time you get back hope you have a new boss demoted and new duties. Secure parking lot at the jail.
Post 12:15PM
Knowing Basor he would be the first one to plant evidence and lye about it. Rodney's colon sniffer laying in wait for promotion again.
February 6, 2010 12:49 PM "The public wants facts, not conclusions." What in your mind does that mean? We are finding facts that lead to conclusions. You don't like the facts that are coming out that will lead to conclusions. No matter how they are found Facts are Facts. You can't handle the truth.
From: Rodney Mitchell
Monday - June 22, 2009 4:55 PM
To: All SO users (everyone)
Subject: Mandatory Reading re: Logistics Section
Ladies and gentlemen,
Effective today, (June 22, 2009) and until further notice, Captain Russ Perdock will be on approved leave. Captain Crystal Esberg will assume command of the department's Logistic's Section in Captain Perdock's absence. Any messages or other inquiries taken by reception or dispatch concerning Captain Perdock and the business of the department shall be referred to me.
Be careful.
Rodney K. Mitchell
Sheriff/Coroner/OES Director
Who is taking over Garzoli's Flight training?
Rivera is not running for sheriff, unless you mean Rivero!

Reports must stay secured until the case is sent for prosecution. I believe that is why Mitchell is doing an investigation into the unauthorized release of a report and I agree it needs to be done.

Wait one minute!!!!! Mitchell said last year about the Dinius case, "I gave the direction to leave the report unrestricted and accessible to all employees to assure transparency for the employees of this department." In that case it was a fatality involving the highest ranking deputy, a captain. Now we have a case involving a low ranking correctional officer. This makes no sense.

Once again, as Sheriff, Mitchell's actions are not acceptable to the public.

********Rivero for Sheriff****
Here is another quote from Mitchell about the Dinius case.

Late Monday morning, 5/01/06, I was notified that this case report had already been viewed extensively by numerous employees from a variety of assignments in the department and I was asked if I wanted to restrict the case file to eliminate further access. I gave the direction to leave the report unrestricted."

Is this the stupidest move you have ever head of?

******Rivero for Sheriff****
You might wonder why I'm post Dinius stuff. I encourage anyone this evening to call the radio station and ask Mitchell why he made these discussions. It was never asked during the first debate. I'll try and post more.

*****Rivero for Sheriff****
Feb 6th Sat. 5 to 7 on 88.1 FM and the # is 263-3435 DEBATE
GREAT POST 1:42! I second that. :o)
Rivero Mitchell Feb 6th Sat. 5 to 7 on 88.1 FM and the # is 263-3435 DEBATE
This is Lovelace, a couple of updates for everyone, we have deleted a few posts and cleaned up a few things, to the corruption supporters who simply want to throw out the ignorant comments, concerning crack smoking, etc etc. we will delete those, you should understand something, you who post in that manner are assured you could not engage us in a debate or discussion from a mental perspective and stand a chance, we will honor those posts from either side, posted well without the un-necessary garbarge. No caps, and no profane language. Finally we make this statement anyone we mean anyone who wants to stand toe to toe with us and engage in conversation, you better come fully loaded and be able to stand your ground, frankly the majority of the Mitchell supporters we have seen on this site, would not last a minute with our group. We are quicker sharper, and what we have exposed and will continue to expose is proof enough of that.

Further post to follow
Few updates, we have heard that KPFZ has implemented no procedures except to say we will play it by ear on tonights debate. We are very discouraged by this report. If indeed this is the case, then Tim and Andy's are as ignorant as we thought they were. Therefore all Rivero supporters will have to attack the phone lines, as we already know Mitchells direct plan is to have his people do the same thing. What a shame that our community radio station is actually the egocentric Tim and Andy radio station. It is time for any individuals contributing to the radio show to pull those contributions. Tim and Andy have had long enough to expand and evolve our radio station to a productive and exciting station to this end they have failed terribly, lets hope they re-think their position.
Ok post 3:15 you seem to not read others posts and then simply want to post your own, if you had read the post above Lovelace just posted you would have read no caps, since you simply want to use the word bombed in caps, we are going to remove it again, re-type it and follow the guidelines. You are a big boy you can figure this out, as well you should be careful with Rivero for sheriff, he appears a lot sharper then you and I got a feeling he is going to stomp you on this one. So if you want to take that risk, ad re-post without the caps do so. Rivero for sheriff does not run this site, the Lovelace group does, and I can tell you clearly you do not want to go head to head with us. So calm down, post correctily follow directions and you will be heard.
Well, Lovelace, actually its just a simple question. I will play your cute little game though. Simply put, "Rivero for Sheriff" holds Rivero in such high regard, I am wondering, since every employee who took the promotional test along with Rivero did so much better than he, does that not make them even better candidates? And, Lovelace, if your rules are to be so strictly adhered to, why is it that "Rivero for Sheriff" keeps concluding his posts the was you tell him not to? Double standards? Corruption on the blog? Hmmm.
As we have said all along there picture of the elections and the campaigns is going change many times and in many ways. You corruption supporters do not seem to grasp that, within a few days you again will see that the information Lovelace is capable of gathering and the vast reach of our information network is far beyond yours. Therefore understand this, there will be several other people entering the race for sheriff before the week is out. The dyanmics of this is going to eventually bring Mitchell down. The potential combinations of people running and the possible alliances that eventually will be formed will lead to Mitchells removal from office. You can ponder this, but we do not believe you have the election and campaign acumen to grasp the complication of how this is going to turn out. You will however be able to post here and say to us that we were corrent. The details of these other individuals will not be reveled at this time.
I for one would much rather work the street as a real cop then work the jail as a correctional officer. I can't imagine a worse job then having to deal with these shutins day after day. They have nothing to do but think of ways to make your life difficult and miserable. I for one aplaud the CO's for the job they do.
If you have trouble getting through the 263-3435 # try the
1 -800-763-5739.
Again post 6:36 if you actually read all the blog post's we decided the moniker Rivero for sheriff can remain, we made that statement on the public forum, we as well have a far greater understanding of the dyanmics that are going to change the entire picture, you do not, have the information we do nor the means to get it. Therefore you must follow our lead on this. Now when we saw that Rivero for sheriff was posting each and every time very accurate and factual and detailed information he earned the opportunity to use that moniker and we indicated that on the public thread. You should be a little clearer now we will leave your post even with your "cute little game" add on. But remember you are not in charge of this site, we are, and we work very very hard on it, and on our goal of removing Mitchell and Hopkins, we do the heavy lifting while you do nothing but post your comments, I would think since you think enough of our site to post on it you might want to give us a word of thanks for our hard work and trying to keep it a clean and viable avenue of information for the citizens of this county.
Lovelace, your message is clear and to each his own. Everyone is entitled to their opinion and, even though you provide more of an outlet for Rivero supporters than I prefer, I respect it. My point is that Rivero is a bafoon and I honestly believe that "Rivero for Sheriff" is probably none other than Rivero himself. I eagerly await info on any other candidate.

We are getting reports from where the human remains were discovered,a few days ago it has been indicated that the remains were sent to Davis, following their arrival and a check on the nature of the remains, 13 forensic experts were on the site gathering evidence. This was no bear skull, it was also indicated that the teeth in the skull may have been pulled out by means of plyers or other devices to hide the identity. The investigation is now ramped up and inside information is indicating something is up. Anyone getting further information in this regard please post when available.
Post 3:51 indeed that information will come out, you are incorrect Rivero for sheriff is not Rivero himself. But he is knowledgable of many facts and activities in the SO. I think your statement concerning Rivero and the name calling is inaccurate, but we will leave it up, as we have allowed others to use disparaging statements towards Mitchell in the past as well as Hopkins. There is a slant to our site of being negative towards Mitchell and Hopkins as that is why we started the site. We post below are position statement:

No single individual can go head to head with these criminal organizations, but collectively we can see to it that they are disbanded and that new, prudent leadership emerges. We urge all individuals to post what information they have, keep abreast of the content on this page, and stay true to the cause of removing these people from power and restoring our freedoms and liberties.
4:03 arguing with you is like fighting an un-armed man you are, well, in simplest terms boring, try posting content and your silly little comments will not have to be pulled down.
Post content we are not here to argue your opinion of our administrative techniques.
Woo Hoo the night shift is coming on duty
I am curious about the question regarding the other promotion candidates. As a voter, I need to be sold on Rivero and why he is the better man for the job of Sheriff. From what I read, his experience is lacking.
"*****anyone honest for sheriff********"

Now I like that. Good ol' unbiased opinion. We need more of that on here.
Lovelace, please record and post the debate!!!!
That's a good idea on recording and posting the debate, the Lovelace group will not be at a location to do so, but will be listening to the debate from that location. Wish we would have thought of that, I am sure they will re-play it, generally their shows are repeated. We have no clue how this is going to turn out, with Andy and Tim at the helm it does not look good.
4:16pm When Mitchell started, his experience was working in the vegetable department at Safeway in Sacramento and was a paid reserve deputy. Other than that, he was a deputy and than a sergeant. Wow big experience!
To: I am wondering, since every employee who took the promotional test along with Rivero did so much better than he, does that not make them even better candidates?

It is simple, Mitchell would never promote someone running against him. Oh and how about when Rivero scored high, than all of a sudden his score changes a few days later. That test was so rigged, take for example Morshed, who had good evaluations, has been a SED deputy, a detective and a former sergeant is listed last? Then Mitchell promotes Kenner after he had just been kicked out of detectives for poor performance.

*******Rivero for Sheriff********
What about his experience for the last 15 yrs?
If Mitchell's last 15 yrs were so outstanding he would be running unopposed and there would be no need for this site.
Someone said they believed I am Rivero. Well I'm not, but a big supporter. To prove your claim, send me a question at 5:30PM and I will answer. That will show you I'm not Rivero because at that time he is on the air with Mitchell for the debate.

But being a supervisor and with LCSO, I've seen a lot. Some on patrol, some in the office. I've sat back and watched Mitchell's mismanagement and bullying of deputies by him and his management. Mitchell is like Perdock's office. The light is on, but nobody is home.

**********Rivero for Sheriff********
"Rivero for Sheriff", you did not answer the question. How about all of the others that took the test? Sorry, Rivero is not the one. Next?
I have my radio on and redial is warmed up.
Because he has someone running against him means nothing. Anyone can step up if they feel up to it.

I am not saying Mitchell is outstanding, just comparing their background as it pertains to being a Chief Law Enforcement Officer.

And telling me how bad Mitchell is doesn't tell be how good Rivero is.
to Lovelace or who ever runs this mess.

You may be gaining audience but you are losing ground. Who in Gods name gives a rats patotti about who is a real deputy and who isn't. I thought this was all about getting rid of Luarel and Hardy???

Why not seperate the wheat from the chafe and get this site back on target. Maybe create another site for all those who want to argue samantics and who is screwing who. That way this site will remain viable and people who don't have all day won't have to sort through the drivel.
Interested but bored.
This site and a lot of people think Mitchell's background as it pertains to being a Chief Law Enforcement Officer. Is not a entitlement. Why is it you and your Mitchell supporters can't or won't explain why this site and peoples negative opinions of Mitchell and Hopkins aren't justified.
I understand that Mitchell has three individuals who will be running against him this time. I would suggest we listen that what each candidate has to say, evaluate their background and experience and their pplans for the future of LCSO should they be elected. Then make up your own mind as to who you feel would be the right person for the job.

There seems to be some very strong feelings about the sheriff and Rivero. Look beyond the emotion and give each person a fair shake so they may run on their own merrits.

Do you like the ways things have been run at LCSO for the past 15 years or would you like change. Just hope the change is positive change and not the same old BS. There is no question that this place needs to grow and to change the way they have been working up to now.
If you are that interested and bored, Start your own site. Oh Ya Tried that once and it didn't work? Something about Dirty Politics?
I don't think they are unjustified, but you can't base an offense soley on defense.

Tell me why Rivero is the guy to vote for. Seriously.

Because trying to get votes for him by just pointing out the competitions faults is sad, to say the least. It is real easy to criticize from the sidelines. I wanna hear why Rivero is the better of the two, not why Mitchell is the worse of the two.
Remember Mitchell was a Sergeant when he ran and was elected sheriff. He was lacking LW experience then so he has had to learn his job through trial and error and by relying him the Lieutenants and Captains who were above him at the time. So, in his time in office has he learned the job. Are we better now under Mitchell then we were before.

I see this place needing not only a top manager but a strong leader who can take charge and make difficult decisions while being honest and fair to everyone involved.
Post @ 5:02
This is one of the most important posts of the day---or week. Instead of worrying about which guy got promoted and which didn't even though this all happened 10 years ago, lets discuss the real reasons that we should vote for "X" and not "Y" And, lets do so with facts, not a bunch of drug induced halucinations or the "I hate all cops" routine. Furthe4rmore, I could not care less who is sleeping with who or when they do so. Please---give me facts!!!
/S/ bored but still hopefull
Let's say that Mitchell starts canning everyone for everything that is questionable. Where is he going to get a replacement? Lake County just doesn't have that many eligible people in it. And you can't recruit from other counties when your wages are less. Unless you want to live in a county with only 3 deputies on patrol, you need to be tolerable. Unfortunate, but true. The county can't afford to terminate, promote, hire and train everytime someone screws up.
I think Mitchell's history speaks for itself. Has he been a good manager or a glad handing politician? Rivero has been open about his criticism of his boss which is why he is running for his job. He's trying to present his ideas inspite of the smoke being blown around here. Others must have ideas too which I look forward to hearing so I can make up my mind.

Mitchell, what are you going to do to clean your own house and make this a full service operation which serves the people paying the bills. Or, do you feel everything is working just fine under your leadership? If so tell us why.
i wonder if theres a line of people scurrying to work to return the paper clips and pens before they are used to show what a tough boss and dedicated crime fighter mitchel is.
Who are the good proven leaders now working at the SO?
There is just not that many people who can pass the test, the background, the academy, and the FTO program in Lake County. If your shoes have holes in them, you don't take them off and walk barefoot. You keep them on until you can afford new ones.
I'm sure Lake County has a lot of people who would like to be deputies. Perhaps they are afraid to apply because of the constant string of scandles.

Lake County is a beautiful place to live with a much slower pace then we have in the cities. There may be people who would like to raise their families in this environment and who would be willing to take a lesser wage as a trade. Look to other departments and recruit lateral transfer officers who have already been trained but who are tired of the fast pace. People are out of work and people are looking for a career and security its up to us the citizens to offer it. There are people out there but no one is going to knock on the door until the door is rehung.

You want the best then you are going to have to pay a fair and competitive wage otherwise don't complain when you get a box boy for sheriff. We get what we pay for. This is not to say we don't have good qualified officers here but it seems these peoplke are trapped by internal strife. Pay attention Supsmuch of this is your fault too.
These deputies are not morons. Even large departments assist candidates to prepare for the testing process. Why don't we. The good people we now have can always be better with the right leadership and support. Don't blame the fact that we live in a rural area for the lack of qualified applicants. Hell, I wouldn't want to work here now.
You know this attitude of we must be hicks, dopers and criminals because we choose to live in the country gripes me. I'd like to see us stop painting all the SO employees with the same dirty brush because its not fair and its not right. As someone said earlier lets get off the attacks on peoples families or perceived injustice from years back and stick to the current facts. They are clear and they scare me. As Sergeant Joe Friday said, "just the facts mam"
Thank you posts 5:09 through 5:35 PM today, finally something besides all the usual cappola.

Keep it up folks, we need intelligent questions and facts, not rethoric, not Billy is screwing Nancy and not "I hate all cops" because they are mean to me and took my dope from me during an illigal search.
Well I guess the person who thought I was Rivero forgot to ask his question. Since Rivero is on the air right now, it is impossible for him to be me.

Mitchell's management is made up of men who are nothing more than bullies. Garzoli and Perdock is most likely the best example and now we have Brown.

****Rivero for Sheriff*******
He is? Billy is a bad, bad boy but what do we want from our sheriff?
The debate sounds like a Tom & Jerry catfight.
In response to "Tell me why Rivero is the guy to vote for. Seriously."

Rivero was a full time peace officer for SFPD. He graduated valedictorian in his class of 40 officers. He promoted to detectives and had a good run. During his SFPD career, he had no disciplinary actions.

He first operated a mortuary in civilian life and than expanded it to two. When he tried to get a contract with the SF Coroner's Office (NOT SFPD), the ME (medical examiner) refused to give him the contract (although his bid was the lowest). He took his case to court and spend an extreme amount of money on attorney fee's covering almost 15 years. He finally won his case. He never backed down and was not afraid of the politicians of SF.

Since his first love was law enforcement, he returned to it, but since he moved to Middletown, he decided being a LCSO deputy would give him more time with his son. He finished the FTO Program and was even an interim sergeant. Mitchell even said Rivero was a good cop.

Rivero tested for sergeant and rated number 2. Than a few weeks later, they scored his test again and was rated almost at the bottom with the only other minority person. Than Kenner, a cop who was only a detective and kicked out for poor performance was promoted above Rivero. Funny since the captain who gave the test, Capt. Howe, is that detective's best friend.

So rate his experience to Mitchell. Mitchell worked for Safeway, a paid reserve for Sacramento Sheriff's, a deputy with LCSO and promoted to sergeant. No business or management experience. Mitchell's pick of managers involved one who was fired due to sexual misconduct at the jail, a Jail Capt. Esburg (who couldn't run the jail and is now working in Training supervising full time cops), Perdock (who is on admin leave) and Garzoli (who is on admin leave). Now add that with the Rusty Wright incident and you can see why Rivero is a better choice.

********Rivero for Sheriff******
Rivero is kicking Mitchell butt on the Radio. Mitchell is scared and his true colors are showing. Mitchell is again showing his failed leadership and his ability to not tell the truth. Great job Frank
He is a Bully is a bad, bad boy but what do we want from our sheriff?

A man that can make good decisions, control his management and be held accountable for his actions.

*******Rivero for Sheriff****
******Rivero for Sheriff*******
For the love of Chris Kip, can you get any more lathered up?
Can you get your head any farther up Rivero's ass?
Correctional Officers working in the jails are real cops!!! they work around inmates all day, a very stressful job and a very rewarding job too. Most Deputies and other law enforcement officer couldn't do it. Keep up the good work.

rivero for sheriff: if you are a deputy as you claim, my guess is you are on duty sitting on your over expanded rear end while posting on this blog. get up, go to work and stop crying. You make me sick!
"Rivero for Sheriff" you really don't know what you are talking about. Rivero tested twice. The first time he came out #2 out of 3 and the second time he came out 8th or 9th out of 9. There is your Sheriff, "Rivero for Sheriff". Probably should have researched that one a little better. So, does that mean the others that took the test are better candidates? Oh wait, I am sure it was a conspiracy to move him down to 8th or 9th......Right
Well I am sitting on my ass right now and listening to the debate. To bad for you.

******Rivero for Sheriff***
Too bad lake county radio doesn't work in most parts of lake county...half of us can't even hear it....please replay on a better station that's more accessable to the public.
Nope once again you're just plain wrong.

Rivero test scores were moved to the bottom just like Morshed way after the first scores were put out (this is one charge on the EEOC complaint). How can a deputy with poor performance be promoted. Since I've been with LCOSt, almost all persons on the promotion list in the past got promoted. In fact, the last several times all the deputies tested were eventually promoted to sergeant (except one person who wasn't even a deputy). If you have no minorities in management, why would you pass up two two minorities, but promote a poor performing deputy to sergeant.

****Rivero for Sheriff****
sorry, LCSO not LCOSt.

***Rivero for Sheriff**
Truth told Rivero was not a Detective at SFPD since we had no such position. Her was not a sergeant or a supervisor he was a police officer. That is not a bad thing but please get your facts straight and cut the smoke. Rivero may very well have been #1 in his 40 person academy class but that really doesn't make him a better cop then #40. He is no fool and no dummy but he hangs his hat on things he never did.

As for the so cal;led debate I think he knocked the socks off Mitchell who can across like an arrogant politician with his buzz words.

Mitchell still looks like an incompetant manager who plays favorites and is not qualified for the job. Is Rivero qualified, thats up to us to decide on our own.

I heard a lot of dancing by the sheriff but little substance.
Score - Mitchell 0, Rivero ?
Was the sheriff asked why the EEOC results are not being released?
EYes, he kissed this off also, as usual he passed the buck.

EEOC investigative findings should first go to the person who initiated the complaint. If the agency or person being investigated disagrees they can file a rebuttal. EEOC should be required to report their findings to Rivero since they did the inmvestigation not Mitchell.
Be careful Frank that Mitchell doesn't try to run you off the road on your way home.
Now does this make any sense. Rivero took a test and passed Number 2 or three whatever, was denied the position because he didn't qualify for it! Yet those who do qualify for it can't pass
Was a rebuttal filed??
Was a EEOC rebuttal filed? Where is the report? In whose hands?
Ok now I am satisfied Mitchell is a liar! I sat in on the Dinius Trail daily, listened to all testimony of all witnesses including LCSO, listen to the presented evidence to back each sides claims. Mitchell was asked on the Radio tonight, why it wasn't in his report that on that night of the accident, he was on the scene for a very short time and hugged Perdock. His reply was that it never happened. BULLSHIT! It was proven by his own officers including that of Ostini who wrote the report!
It is in the hands of the BOS and Mitchell
Rivero challenged Mitchell to present it!
Yes, should we present Mitchell with the transcripts?
Downplayed everything he did. Including the Rims system which if had only knew the caller was at one time with the LCSO, what a joke that boy is!
I take it Mitchell refused to present the EEOC report. He shows his colors everytime he turns around. He needs to step down.
TFF - Put the ball in DA Hopkins court as to why Perdock was not even charged with Boating Safety at night. Caller stated Boating at night is no different than driving at night on our streets during bad weather. Think that one caught him off gaurd lol.
Personally, I thought the Debate tonight was a joke. Actually, the questions were more of that of angry citizens, which we all understand at this point. I think Herb makes a louzy talk host and it shows in his presentation of his hosts. Rivero came across strong and his intentions I could see the direction in which he would like to take the department, kudos for at least trying! Mitchell, well lets just say, I could careless about any future debates he is involved in and all he tried to do was downplay everything to the point of you can only do so much with what you have! I believe its over for him. Now, we have another possible canidate coming into the picture, Baxter from San Jose. Think I will start looking into this guys background to be sure he wasn't inlisted by a insider to throw things off.
Truth told Rivero was not a Detective at SFPD.
No I'm afraid you are wrong. He was a detective in the Narcotic's Division for several year. Don't mixes this up with Inspectors.

Through a friend I was able to hear the last 15 minutes. Frank did an outstanding job.

Frank asked Mitchell to release the EEOC findings. Mitchell replied that the county has that case. Frank replied that he knew Mitchell had a copy of that report and he should at least release the findings without mentioning names. Mitchell did not respond.
*******Rivero for Sheriff*****
What was the the answer from Mitchell about Mandy's interview?
Mitchell said LCSO never had to pay after an arbitration hearing. I think he must have forgotten his number one enemy, Kip Ringen. Mitchell had to pay Ringen lost wages in way of mileage for taking away his patrol car. Oops Rodney, forget about that?
*****Rivero for Sheriff***
Who is Mandy?
****Rivero for Sheriff****
# posted by Anonymous : February 6, 2010 6:56 PM
sorry, LCSO not LCOSt.

***Rivero for Sheriff**
# posted by Anonymous : February 6, 2010 6:57 PM
# posted by Anonymous : February 6, 2010 7:05 PM
Truth told Rivero was not a Detective at SFPD since we had no such position. Her was not a sergeant or a supervisor he was a police officer. That is not a bad thing but please get your facts straight and cut the smoke. Rivero may very well have been #1 in his 40 person academy class but that really doesn't make him a better cop then #40. He is no fool and no dummy but he hangs his hat on things he never did.

As for the so cal;led debate I think he knocked the socks off Mitchell who can across like an arrogant politician with his buzz words.

Mitchell still looks like an incompetant manager who plays favorites and is not qualified for the job. Is Rivero qualified, thats up to us to decide on our own.

I heard a lot of dancing by the sheriff but little substance.
# posted by Anonymous : February 6, 2010 7:07 PM
Score - Mitchell 0, Rivero ?
# posted by Anonymous : February 6, 2010 7:09 PM
Was the sheriff asked why the EEOC results are not being released?
# posted by Anonymous : February 6, 2010 7:11 PM
EYes, he kissed this off also, as usual he passed the buck.

EEOC investigative findings should first go to the person who initiated the complaint. If the agency or person being investigated disagrees they can file a rebuttal. EEOC should be required to report their findings to Rivero since they did the inmvestigation not Mitchell.
The last thing that Rivero asked Mitchell about right at the end was him releasing his copy of the EEOC report findings and Mitchell didn't get a chance to respond because they ran out of time. Mitchell did say that it wasn't his report to release, that it was up to the BOS to do that. It didn't go beyond that.
Sorry folks doing a bit of page pasting to get the thread flow right, will do one more and post away...This is Lovelace
Well that was a homerun for Rivero, Mitchell was caught by surprise on the Baxter comment, he at this moment is trying to figure out how in the hell someone knew Baxter went to him. He tried to spin the conversation but the caller did not let him get away with it. Bottom line is the conversation happened as described, Baxter went to Mitchell to touch bases with him, Mitchelll said I don't want you to run, but if I am elected I will give you work to do. Great who the hell is paying for that Mitchell, and was that really the right response. Answer, loved how that caught him by surprise.

Mandy for those that do not know is the Record Bee wanna be reporter, who does no investigation of anything and runs to Mitchell with everything she hears, sometimes to the point of giving Mitchell heads up on situations that should be investigated and then released to the public or then to get his comments when you have the facts so he can't wiggle out of it.

Mitchell got asked about the long term Admin leave and all he could do was give a description of what Admin leave is, he was told we know he is getting alot of heat from the inside about what the heck he is doing keeping these guys on Admin leave on the taxpayers dime so long. Rivero then gave a great answer, on how a citizens oversight committee would play a role in the review process of Admin leave people, a great idea with merit.

Great night for Rivero
6:40 - he is kip ringen. former SO.
Ok Mandy now that we squeezed out of Mitchell the fact that you ran to him, and he admitted it, why did you do that with out a single minute of investigation on your part and by the way since Mitchell would not answer the question who was your source that caused you to go running to him. Who fed you the information and what was the purpose of for passing that informatin on to you? Just giving you a bone?
The entire two hour 88.1 FM radio show between Rivero and Mitchell was recorded and will be placed on for ALL to hear very soon.
Thanks for the information on the recorded debate, great job, appreciate it very much
I can understand Dave telling Mitchell it was ok to share a personal E mail to him as to show his Allegiance to Mitchell and the dept. When Mitchell embarrassed Dave in the press to shift the blame away from himself showed his true leadership. In the debate tonight Mitchell said he would sacrifice his career to do what is right. How many more officers that would give their all to support him will Mitchell sacrifice for his career?
This was a great accomplishment for Rivero. Mitchell had problems answering almost all the questions. Oh and for the person who said Mitchell didn't get a chance to answer the EEOC complaint? Yes he did, in fact you could hear them talking in all the way up to the music and if you pay attention, you can hear Mitchell in the background talking during the music.

The EEOC complaint is in the BOS hands and Mitchell's. There is no violation of POBAR to release the findings, only if you release the peace officer's name. As Rivero clearly pointed out, CHP does exactly that every quarter in a state report. Hey and how about Mitchell trying to pay off Baxter from running.
*******Rivero for Sheriff*****
What do you mean, Dutra ain't squat? He threw the crank bag in bubba's car. Doug Rhoades, you are his father in law, you need to ask him about this. I'm not so sure you will tell the truth about it though, Santa Rosa man. And no, Sarah Dutra does not work in Lurcerne, she works in Glenhaven for Ky and Shonna. She won't be able to read this though until she gets back from the city this weekend. Maybe she took her laptop, I'll let you know if she posts. And how about that white power tatto on your arm Joe? Does Rodney condone that crap? When Rodney goes you all need to go !
For the person who said Rivero was never a detective. Past this in your brower, look at Frank's photo's and kiss my ass.!/profile.php?v=photos&id=1027407686
Hey does anybody know the new SO who was recently a CO named Eric? He recently bought a house in Upper Lake as a first time buyers primary residence. He lived there for two weeks, moved someone else in and then bought another house in Lakeport. I wonder where he got the money to buy two houses in just a few months? First time buyers primary residence, I thought that meant you had to live there? That wouldn't be a broken law would it? Rodney, you and yours are under the microscope.
Yea Joey and take Gary (your neo-Nazi friend) with you.
Listening to the Radio Talk Show made me really hungry. What should I fix to eat....stuffed pork chops in sounding pretty darn good!
HSF, did you know whose brother (an SO) also works at ferrel gas?
Andy Davidson?
Hello, HSF here....was not aware of another SO moonlighting w/ferrel gas. Are we Still talking about Darren(sp)Wells, son of Lloyd Wells and brother to Gavin Wells....I heard Evie S. and him wrote a bunch of crap on "web site" and then got tracked back to FERREL GAS where they both work. Ferrel gas is looking at a BIG lawsuit because their employees did this on "work time"! Heads are going to roll because Ferrel Gas will not want to pay up!! Kinda sucks to be you guys.....You posted a bunch of crap and then it back lashed on ya!
Let us now talk about our good friend Mandy from the record bee: apparently she had a "two hour" converstaion(sp) with Mitchell on Friday where at times she was yelling at him and vice-vursa. Sounds like there was trouble on the home front! Someone lied to someone. Mandy, grow up and learn how to be a reporter and not a Mitchell sock puppet. I hear Corp. is going to fire your...butt!
isn't it obivious that there are to many captains within the LCSO with what 187 paid employees, yet the jail demands a volunteer? Sounds as if Mitchell blew his budget again.
poor little Sheriff Rodney K. Mitchell showed he's a loser on the radio debate. I think that Capt's Brown, Howe and Esburg should start applying for jobs like cleaning bathrooms,or maybe working with Rodeny at Safeway or Food Etc,. Mitchell years as Sheriff of Lake Co. is coming to an ended, and that's wonderful news to us. I Hope Frank puts a stop on all the admin levels (paid vacations) that Mitchell has allowed to happen.
If the BOS or Mitchell don't release to EECO report soon. We won't vote for Mitchell, Rushing or any incumbent. They are hiding the report for us the voters and the facts of the report.
I have never met so many that thought they were honest while they worked for a corrupt government. It just goes to show you, you can get accustom and justify anything. So now you know how the Third Reich began. The only power we have is to throw the SOBS out. All else is in their favor. "There is that personnel matter and can't talk about it." Just a legal way to be dishonest.
Ms.Rushing, I truly was in hope as stated by me, that she would be our Mr. Smith. It did not take long for her to become part of the GOBS. I repeat again, has there been one on that board say anything? You need to get real if you thing there for our bet interest. There is not one of them that things because the system is corrupt their honest. Flush them all.
The many years of mismanagement by Sheriff Mitchell is truly starting to come to a head. All the problems within the Sheriff's Dept. is going to cost us the tax payers a ton of money. I remember Mitchell was a poor performing Deputy, a piss poor Sergeant and the list could go on for ever. Mitchell surrounded himself with his friends when he became Sheriff Perdock, Buccholtz, Garzoli, Esberg, etc,. I think it's funny how his close friends all are taken him down. The Perdocks cover-up, the Garzoli hard landing and that cover-up, Thank God Buccholtz retired or there wouldn't be any employees working in the S.O. today. Esberg couldn't manage the jail, so Mitchell moves her to overseeing the Patrol, NOW that's another fine move. Mitchell should just retire due to all the stress he's under and all the cover-ups. When Rivero becomes Sheriff, maybe he'll ask the U.S. Attorney office to investigate the Mitchell administration and we'll see a list of crimes committed and covered-up by the Mitchell administration.

The only statement that I have not heard from the GOBS. "It's all Bush' fault." .
Mitchell had only one supporter call in by the name of Joyce. She tried very hard to discredit Rivero, which only back fired on her.
Carol, Lynn Thorntons best friend called in twice, hitting Mitchell with what he is going to do to Perdock now that Bismarck has been aqquitted. Response (Nothing) in the hands of the DA. Then asked Rivero, When he takes office what he will do to give Thornton Justice. Frank responded bring in the AG for a overall review of the case from start to finish and investigate it. Maybe 7 callers total and all revolved pretty much around the mishandling of Dinius case. Only one question revolved around growing of pot and 215. These weren't tough questions, Rivero gave great explainations as to what he would have done, and Mitchell downplayed it all and stuck to what he thinks he knows. Once again, Rivero is in the lead!
To the caller who's question revolved around the RIMS access. You hung up before you heard Rodney ask for the documentation that you stated you had proving access. If you have this, highlight the areas where it was accessed and mail a copy off to the sorry sap to prove he is a liar. Be sure to send it registered so that you know he rec'e it and so we don't hear he never got it!

Again and again Lovelace indicates how the current view of the elections is going to change over the course of the campaign season. As we said yesterday other contenders are coming into the race. Here is the next individual to enter the race, his MO is listed below and a brief overview. We would be interested in peoples opinions and knowledge of Marty. Now you should as well remember that (we will be vague here) for the sole purpose of removing Mitchell from office the combinations of alliances that can potentially happen between the various people running for office is quite dyanmic and will change and unfold as the weeks go by. Mitchell is going to lose the election, and regardless of how that is accomplished between those running there is mutual agreement that the 1st objective is the removal of Mitchell..As you could tell by the surprise question to Mitchell concerning Baxter last night which we set up, based on essentially being able to peer inside every move Mitchell makes he is not going to be able to squirm and and deceive his way into winning the election. His attempt to "buy off" Baxter by telling him not to run, and he will give him work should let Mitchell know his days are numbered and we are watching every word he speaks and every action he takes. Lovelace has worked very hard and with great risk at putting these operatives and conditions in place so that we can keep a close eye on him. Mr. Mitchell you should understand clearly now your days are numbered, and we have much more in the works to come your way.

Martin McCarthy who was an officer at Clearlake PD and later promoted to sergeant and retired from there in 1999. Went to work for Tribal Police Dept in Hopland and it says he has 20 years LE experience. He left there after 2 years (2003) to go back to Sacramento and then was employed by the University of the Pacific, Public Safety office. In 2007 he returned to the Hopland, Tribal Police as Chief of Police. He holds a BS in Criminal Justice Administration.
Chief McCarthy says he is committed to advancing the field of tribal policing throughout California.
Speaking of the upcoming Dinius lawsuit anyone ever wonder about the "timing" of the lawsuit in relation to the elections? Now it wouldn't be that the Dinius team has planned their suit and the major dirt that is going to come out towards the timing of the election process including a potential runoff process. No, would the Dinius team be that sharp and calculated? The answer to those questions is yes yes yes. The forces are arrayed in stunning coordination against Mitchell. We leave it at that for now, except to say that the (collusion) with that word being used in a positive manner and the communications between these forces is all geared towards Mitchells removal. There is much greater depth to this process then is seen on the surface.
Will someone find and post the contact information for the Dinius team of lawyers it is time for the citizens to offer information and insight to these people if they require it. Inside information that may be important and helpful should be sent to this team, although it is suspected they already have a wheel-barrow full of evidence, some types of information may still be helpful. Having been watching Hopkins and having the ability to see what their defense tactics are going to be is going to be a big help as it is. But the more critical input some may have can add fuel to the fire for the suit.
HSF did you say you were going to send off an e-mail to us?
To CI-3 great job, thanks for the package, per our yesterday post tell CB world of thanks, it will be rewarded.:-)
HSF, No it is Dan Davidson, Andy's brpther.
Laurence O. Masson, 2625 Alcatraz Ave. # 206, Berkeley, CA 94705 510-735-9691 Attorney for Dinius
Rodney, What was that chemical burn in lawn recently? What did it say? That lawn got replaced rather quickly. It spilled over onto your neighbor's (and your dentist) lawn too. I hope you didn't use county money to pay for that new lawn!
Lovelace; send your info to the First District Court of Appeals Division 3 to let the justices there know about the corruption; would help the cases that are now pending in the Appellate Court; which are against this very same thing; also naming Sheriff Mitchell, and numerous deputies.
Lou, How is the Barbara LeForge investigatetion going? It's hard to distinguish between the facts and the rumors isn,t it. Hey i have a good rumor for you, but I think I'll save it for later. It is going to really piss off the cops. Think "Eyes Wide Shut" OOPS, I think I just pissed off the Judges too.
Good news from Upper Lake, Home of the Tweeker Toothless Bear, The Cougars won the Academic decathalon for the 12th time , out of the last 13 years in a row. Congtratulations Kick butt at State! No tweekers here.
Congrats. to Upper Lake, Lovelace would like to recruit those kids to help us out, they are and have been sharp kids over the years and always do well in the decathalon's...Kudo's to all of you, Lake County is proud of your efforts. This is Lovelace
post 10:33 thanks for the information we will take that step. we have actually been contacted by a couple of agencies statewide and locally to open investigations, we are currently looking into each of these entities to ensure anonymity and no Mitchell connections. Appreciate the advise on the first district division 3
That is so awesome if you could get that information over's coming up soon; 350 McAllister Street, SF 94102
Presiding Justice William R. McGuiness.
I say this one more time. I do not know one place within this local government,that one could receive justice for those you would accuse.All hide the lies of those I reported.That is from the board of supervisors and on down. Not one has stood up and made a statement not here in Lake county Mitchell and Hopkins,take your dirty laundry else where. So many need to go for clean government to start.
Baxter sounds like the cure for the sheriffs department!
BP....OH Piiiilllleeeezzzzzzzeeeeee
Post 1:24 thank you for your above post this is Lovelace, perhaps we should review a bit of your post and ensure that the various interpetations and most of all representations are correctly portrayed and an initial understanding as well as an overview of reading between the lines is present to all the citizens posting and watching here. You are correct Mr. Baxter did contact us directly, we have exchanged several e-mails, and have agreed to contact him after his return from a seminar he is attending for the week. After contacting us he contacted Liz larson of lake co News and we are sure they will talk soon as well. In regards to his contact with Mitchell, when the term buy him off is used it is to be taken with a grain of salt from simply a word usage perspective. Lets be very clear hear, Mitchell is a cagey guy, we know how he works and the trickery he attempts to employ when talking with people. No matter what word usage you want to use, or what description you want to put forward, Mitchell in his own special way tried to buy him off. Now if that is done through a conversation which engages Baxter along the lines of don't run against me which was intimated by Mitchell and through a certain manner of presenting it made it sound like he would be able to provide some tasks or work for him then if it walks and quacks like a duck it is friend a duck. We are very cautious in this county, Mr. Baxter does not understand that yet nor does he understand the environment that promotes that caution. In this regard we would give Mr. Baxter a word of caution, if you think for a moment that Mitchell has welcomed you into the race you are mistaken..Period. We plan on having this level of conversation with Mr. Baxter along with a great number of other levels of conversation. He did meet with Rivero, very briefly at the democratic event a few days ago, Mr. Baxter gave him his business card, they talk only for a brief moment and that was it.

Now understand our distinct caution in this county, we might suspect that this comment which was posted as a friend of Mr. Baxters was Mr. Baxter himself posing as a friend. We know he is still in town and indicated such to us. Now we do not say that to indicate it is the truth but just so you understand the depth and nature of our caution.

We will post this and continue
Cure, lets hope someone has a cure. They do need some new ideas and a different management style and not the same old shit which has proven over and over not to work. At least we see that some people want to make changes so hats off to both of them.
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