Thursday, September 10, 2009


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Mc Mahon....out side of what Patrick does on His own FREE time what ya got Willis......nothin'
Sounds like someone is upset :-( can't get what your after what a shame :-)
January 24, 2010 11:22 AM There you go Profiling again. I would have thought you learned your lesson.
If someone thinks that Friel is Lovelace THINK again.
Friel openly colludes with other laywers and Judges.
Friel is on of the good old boys in sheeps clothing. Friel is not qualified to walk a dog let alone do anything for the citizens of Lake county but take advantage and feather his own nest "pretending" to represent clients that he strips down for profit. He is the errand boy to the injustice system that is in the courts of Lake county.
11:19 - I too thought like you are now, that is until I started asking my own questions to different upstanding people within this community. I then decided to get involved within the community, charity - children- committees ect. And this is what I got! Made me open my eyes a wee bit more and start to really watch - listen and research. Although, some of these blogs are not reality, the majority of them are. People express themselves in various ways and some to great extent. This is the anger they are feeling for the years of going unheard. This site gathers all info, pieces it together, throws out what not to be true or fact and follows up on the rest. It has done some pretty amazing things so far and all I can say at this point, is continue watching, listening and waiting like the rest to see what comes next! Then you can form you own opinion based on what you may learn and hopefully be satisfied with the outcome of what these good folks are doing. Not all on here are LE or DA's or envolved with the courts. Not all are so called criminals, past criminals or inmates. Not all are so called tweekers or druggies. There are some like myself who have never in their life been arrested because I abide by the law. There are some like myself who have children and grandchildren who we have raised to abide by the law. And there are some on here, who just want the justice system to work according to our constitutional rights as citizens and there are those of us who will pave the way for the younger generation to live within a community of officials whom they can trust. G
January 24, 2010 12:21 PM Everything you pointed out justifies the cause and need for this site. Most of us post from strength and hope for change. Some post from fear of change.
January 24, 2010 1:00 PM You just want everyone else to to be upright and honest. Why don't you lead by example?
Post 11:19- No One = YOU
10:34, don't play dumb...they were referring to your hair color!
"We think post 11:14 is red. Red give a write on our private e-mail write to us, we know who you are and it is safe. We will talk with you, and you do not have to post on the public forums looking for information. You can help the citizens of this county."

All right, Hawkshaw, if you're so smart and you think I am "red" (whoever that is) and you know my secret identity, why don't you just e-mail me?
In responses to:Mc Mahon....out side of what Patrick does on His own FREE time what ya got Willis......nothin'

McMahon pulled a load weapon and pointed it at another deputy while on official department travel. McMahon violated the law by being publicly intoxicated to the point of passing out in a ditch at Davidson's house. McMahon at that time was an acting Deputy Chief. Remember, Perdock was off duty too. Garzoli said he was receiving training flying the helicopter in an off duty status.

If you are a manager, you are paid a salary. If your conduct off duty is embarrassing to the department, that is a violation of not only LCSO policy, but County policy.

*********Rivero for Sheriff*******
717 James Henderson is right on and is stating the absolute truth.
I know for a fact that there was not a complaint form available and no one knew where to get one. A couple of years ago, I contacted Anita Grant regarding the lack of policy; The complaint form must be made readily available and there should also be a citizen's complaint board to review them. This is law.....

Post 749 - 751 - 815 DITTO, DITTO, DITTO

Post 10:49 The story here is the truth. It was recently in the Record Bee I believe last summer.......You need to look it up; as it is the truth
and already went through the courts........did you just move here?
You pro Mitchell supporters, can't prove a thing I said is wrong. I've been supervising at LCSO for a long time and have seen the mismanagement of Mitchell. I even remember how Mitchell treated Ostini and Jones once he made Sheriff.

Good cop? Okay here are a few:

Kenner (although I don't approve how he was promoted).
Chris Rivera
All the clerks
Willie (okay he's a firefighter, but is well liked in the department).
Linda and Mike
And I can name more.

****Rivero for sheriff****
I do have to say the Lake County News is alot more accurate and understandable!
Here is problem between LCLE and the public. Any given cop deals with an incredible number of dirt bags. They deal with those people accordingly. The problem manifests itself when any given cop become desensitized and starts treating EVERYBODY like a dirt bag. Each arrest should be dealt with on a case by case basis. Some poor working class schmuck with no criminal record, what so ever, makes a mistake and gets nabbed for DUI. He gets treated just like the rest of the scum bags from beginning to end. Where his animosity comes in, is he observes the lies and misrepresention performed by not only the arresting officer but all his cronies including the DDA/ADA and the judge, just to make THEIR case. So now here is what the LCLE establishment has created: An honest law abiding, tax paying citizen who now has a horrible taste in his mouth for every cop with a badge. Multiply that by that number of DUIs every month and now you have community who have been turned against the very group supported by their taxes and should be allies not adversaries. When was the last time you have ever seem a cop/wife/parent etc on Lakesheriff for DUI? Make no mistake, I am not minimizing the seriousness of DUI. However, I take exception with the treatment a person receives.
Having observed the actions of off duty LCLE and their family/friends at concerts and bars, it make me wonder why they get a pass. Police, police thy self.
202 It's not fair of you to dis-credit or judge a man for straying from his marriage' (although not the right decision) this has been happening in every social situation, for centuries. A devasting, abusive and destructive marriage partner can drive a man to explore other waters.
And I also realize this is not constructive but;
That doesn't mean he's not a good cop.
# posted by Anonymous : January 24, 2010 2:20 PM
As a former Marine with more than enough time served. I can tell you the harm that inapt leadership will cause on a unit of personal. This county has allot of piss poor leaders telling good people what to do. I know I beat this dead horse to death but you need to understand.This dishonesty that their allowed to lie or cover the lies up, is because of "its a personnel matter." So you expect honest people from a corrupt system. It is a cancer. That is why we are amazed at their arrogance. The stupid thing that stand out to us are missed my them. I am hear to tell them that there not God. I hope the rest will also.
Henderson, there is no such thing as a former Marine.
"10:34, don't play dumb...they were referring to your hair color!"

Yeah, then shouldn't it be "flesh" or "shiney"?
Post 1:47 we do not have your e-mail address, or we would, since it does appear that you are red, send us your e-mail and we will. We are not your enemy, we are trying to assist you. If our offer is not valid to you, that is not a problem. We will move on, but we suspect you have some motivation for always posting concerning what the issues are with Hopkins, we think you are trying to figure things out, trying to see what kind of organization you have gotten yourself into. We suspect you are not one who is "in the know" within the DA system, and are not sure exactly what all the banter is about. So send us off your e-mail and we can talk if you want to.
Rivero for sheriff poster please send us off an e-mail we would like to talk to you offline, send to

Chris Rivera has an anger management problem; therefor he sits behind a desk; He's not a good cop or needs meds.
Post 1:01 great post and great line, thanks
2:52 PM Yes there are ten's of thousand's of "former Marines". You might have the comment wrong. You are an "X" Marine if you're kicked out. You're a "former Marine" if you were discharged honorably. A former marine can get activated and that why we say, "once a marine, always a marine" an "X" Marine can not.
Simper Fi
Chris Rivera works Patrol as a patrol sergeant, he is not behind a desk. He ran detectives, CAMP, OES and was a general crimes detective. He always takes the time to help a new deputy.

Unlike Mitchell and Perdock, I have never seen or heard of Rivera having an angering problem.
*******Rivero for Sheriff******
Administrator, please contact him via email at his site.
*****Rivero for Sheriff****
Hey Hey post 11:17 that's not very nice, we do have the money, you still want the photo? Its autographed? Last chance.
Lovelace says kudo's to Jan...We concur nice lady.
You are correct post 11:19, exactly, thanks for the post.
You will always find people out there that will slam a good cop, but will never have the balls to do it face to face.

Rivero is still on duty, not under any investigation as a suspect or being sued by an person/organization. If you anti Rivero people or Mitchell believe he lied about racial injustice, than why have you not taken ANY action against him? I'll tell you why, because the EEOC findings prove his statements are true. If not, simply inform the public what the EEOC findings are?

The men and women of LCSO needs a leader who can control his management and at the same time have faith in them. I only have two words to prove Mitchell is not that person "GARZOLI & PERDOCK".

***Rivero for Sheriff********
Wow great post 12:21, well written, and well said, thanks for the comments and keep posting please.
Ok we have to go through all the guesses, quite a few up there, Lets see actually we haven't heard of most names, we have 5 more unless we missed one or two in the postings. Carter, friel, gall, Michelle and the Rancher? Not sure about the rancher one. Well we could say all were good guesses but we don't know em, so not sure what the method of coming up with them was. We have to admit it really is going to be hard, we really don't want to give to many hints either as it would not be as fun. So will leave it at that. However if you have what you think is a great guess, you can post it on the g-mail account as well, that way you know we are not blowing you off because it is on the public thread.
Post 212 that is an excellent post on the DUI situation, we have had extensive discussions on the travesty called DUI's and the nightmare organization called MADD or Madness as the majority of the public refers to them now. No time now to attack them, we have and pretty much destroy there credibility, they usually get real mad when we expose them, and start with the childish multiple postings, so if you all see them start it, just disregard and move to the regular posts, but great post thanks.
Overall we as has been pointed out have said over and over we support the good cops in the LE, in fact we feel they are prisoners by their own boss. Locked up in a corruption invironment, that leaves them little options. We are working hard for them as well as the citizens of this county. We urge them to send information to us at Many have sent us valuable information, and it is appreciated. Any out there who want to assist on bringing down Mitchell and Hopkins please post on the e-mail if you feel more safe.
Thanks Lovelace, just stating the facts as they applied to me. G
No thank you G, you are the kind we love to see post here, and you do a great job, and you are a great help to the citizens of this county. This is going to be an interesting ride, to say the least, we would caution those who continue to deminish what is happening, as in due time what is going to come out, is going to be almost not believable. We do not mean to be over stating the situation, but there is something deeply wrong right now, and it is slowly coming to light, due to all the help of the citizens, and people like you.

Thanks again.
Lowerlake attorney Ron Green tells it as he sees it, on Hopkins. Read letter to the editor in lakeconews 1-24th. Love to see people taking a stand.
RE: Chris Rivera; may be a good LE trainer; and OES coordinator; but his repore with the public needs much to be desired/ My daughter was stopped by him in 2007; in Lakeport. He was in an unmarked car following too close to my daughter. There were two cars ahead of her; one turned off suddenly pulling into Piedmont. She had to slamm her brakes on and he apparently almost hit her. He pulls her over at K Mart; yelling and screaming at her; acusing her of reckless driving. She was very scared to see a cop acting in this manner...she tried to explain the car in front of her stopped suddenly; although Rivera claimed he didn't see any car stopping. He then told her to get the F--- out of Lakeport as I will have every cop here looking for you so we better not see you again.
Oh, and then when he walked up to the car; he accused her of being on Parole??? How rude and unprofessional; by the way we tried to file a complaint against him........and we couldn't find a complaint form anywhere......they are protected and his actions were totally unacceptable. But I knew a guy in LE; described Chris Rivera to him and that is how we found out who he was. Look out for this cop.
Here is the opinion from attorney Green which was posted in the Lake Co. new today. Wonderful piece well said, and to the point. Hopkins must go, my goodness could it be any clearer.

Green: Know when to say 'no comment'
Written by Ron Green
Friday, 22 January 2010
In a newspaper story on Jan. 15, 2010, concerning the Dinius suit against District Attorney Jon Hopkins and other Lake County authorities, Hopkins is quoted as saying: "There's absolutely no truth to anything they say."
Well, Jon, when you stick your glass jaw out like that begging to be hit, I feel that I simply must oblige.
So, Jon, disregarding all the other allegations, are you saying that I just imagined that you published a lengthy open letter pushing your view of the Dinius case in the Lake County News and the Record-Bee while the jury was being selected? And, I suppose I imagined that it referred to Dinius as a "drunken sailor"?
Hopkins made a mess of the Dinius case because of stubbornness, incompetence and extremely poor judgment. Based on his demonstrably false statement that "there's absolutely no truth to anything they say," it is clear that Hopkins is continuing to exercise very poor judgment and just doesn't know when to keep his mouth shut and say "no comment."
Ron Green is an attorney who lives in Lower Lake.
Kudos Ron Green for stating the obvious. Jon Hopkins EGO has gotten him nowhere but exposure for what he is really about and it isn't justice.
He is egocentric (mentally ill) and that is a formula for disaster in public office.
Yes the story about the rancher is true and yes it is Santos. A similiar story is about the folks in Clover Valley goes the same way. The DA refuses to give the evidence to the defendants. The judge ordered them on friday to do so. Some of the defendents come from southern Calif. Does the DA not have their s*#t together or are they just jerkin people around. Either way this crap needs to stop. Stop wasting our taxpayer dollars. It's time to hold some of these lying cops and DA's accountable. Let some of them spend some time in jail. It's time to take back or county. Enough of Hopkins and Mitchell!
Re: Rivera. You're full of it. Anyone would (especially a father) would have filed a complaint. Management has no love for him and would have investigated it well. Instead, he is on patrol, a supervisor and nothing you can say changes that. Go lie somewhere else.
Fergie, remember when you borrowed money on your house to buy your girlfriend a car? Your wife found out when the bank called her to verify the loan. Then you used the equity in your house to buy another house and moved out and left your wife holding the bag. I hope she is able to get out of foreclosure. You seem like a real lowlife. My question is, How does someone on your salary qualify for two houses plus a Harley and all your other toys? See you at Levi's.
Do you really think Steven Carter would run this blog and risk losing his sweet Public Defender contract? He needs to be investigated too.
I can not express enough of the mismanagement under Mitchell. Managing your managers is your number one priority. Mitchell should have moved as far away from the Dinius case as possible. While on scene, he did not call for an independent investigator such as Napa or Mendocino. His response was "I didn't want to micromanage." If you don't step in on a major situation as this, I hate to see what it takes for you to micromanage. You should have never allowed that report to be accessed by all employees or Perdock and you should have never allowed a mechanic access to the Perdock's boat when it is still considered evidence.

You choosing of supervisors were also poor. Perdock was known for his retaliations, Brown never supervised in the field, Kenner was kicked out of Investigation for poor performance, Garzoli hung a sexually explicit photo of his wife on his office wall and crashed a patrol car at 100MPH, injuring his passenger for life.

If you want change, vote for Rivero. If you like mismanagement, don't do a thing.

*******Rivero for Sheriff********
Re: Rivera. Sorry to disagree; but this story is true and can be backed up. I am her Mother; and I wanted to file a complaint; but didn't want any retalliation and as you state, I knew nothing would change him; just things I heard about him mainly that he is a hot head. My daughter thinks he must have spilled hot coffee on himself when he slammed his brakes to miss hitting her.....
I tried to file a complaint at the Sheriff's office once they wouldn't let me. They said they would get back to me. They never did. A reletive of mine did get a form about a year ago. He had to argue with them for a half an hour to get one. It seems they have to sign the complaint forms before they give them to you. He was angry at the way they treated his wife. After the experience he decided not to file the complaint because of how much harassment he got just from asking for the complaint form. How about a citizens complaint board?
5:27, Fergie is a great cop, got out of the SO along time ago, saw that it was messed up. as for his personal life, i would say, IT IS NONE OF YOUR DAM BUSINESS
5:58 PM You must be the GF. How's the car holding up?
5:58 wrong answer
Re: Rivera. That story is sooooooooo far from the truth. Rivera has such a wonderful personality and would never ever treat someone like that, even if someone paid him 1,000 dollars. Rivera has young daughters of his own and would not treat someone with such disrespect. Rivera has so much empathy towards the public and you'd feel like crap if you knew how much this guy defends the public and the way the citiens should be treated. He is such a people person. How dare you make such accuations. I'm not saying your story didn't happen, what I'm saying is it was NOT Rivera. Not a chance....
Post 6:36 you have to be either Rivera or a relative, there is no way with even 1/2 a brain you could make such a totally ignorant statement such as that. Either that or you better take the blinders off as you are going to drive off the cliff with the rest of the corruption supporters, in reference to post 5:40 and post 4:34, we had heard this same story, we do not remember who to reference on it, but it is absolute truth. Thank you for posting the information it cleared up a few things we were looking into.
Hey post 4:57 can you give a more detailed overview of the "rancher" story, we would appreciate it. Thanks
Oh post 5:58 it is our business and we will indeed make it our business, the places to hide are becoming few and far between, we will seek out the truth where ever it may be hidden. If you don't like that idea, then you better become disconnected with the corruption LE folks and supporters. Remember a little blood must be spilled when the situation becomes as it is in our county.
Post 5:57 you are correct concerning the citizens complaint board, we have already outlined the basics of what the Citizens oversight committee will look like from various models across the country. Rivero has outlined the same idea on his webpage, remember that many counties have gone through this kind of thing, and are now counties who have an excellent working relationship between the citizens and their local police force's. It is a difficult transistion because those in power do not want to lose that power, but it has to happen and those in place as leaders Mitchell and Hopkins must go for the process to begin.
Many people are looking into what appears to be a life style that is far beyond the normal means of a local sheriffs officer. One of those connections is information we are currently looking into concerning the "hunting trips" the sheriff boys have been out on, during these trips they actually are reported to have locations of MJ grows, given we would assume by Garzoli and his illegal flying adventures, when they come upon those grows there is a bit of rough housing that goes on, and money is taken and people are warned about saying anything. There are many actions such as these we are getting word on and working very hard right now verifying these and other situations that have been brought to our attention. By the way we may just have come upon a few contacts who will provide photos of these hunting events, there are certain criteria that have to be met, but if it works out and we can come to terms we may have some interesting photos to post.
I've seen Rivera go out of his way many times to help citizens and non-cops. If someone want to bad-mouth him, be my guest, but back it up with facts. He's one of the good guys, despite what anyone might say. Good history, good cop. Someone will slam me or him for that, I'm sure. Anyone with an axe to grind can complain about any cop, I'm sure. But again, back it up with something substantial. I doubt if anyone can. And a simgle incident after twenty or more years doesn't cut it. I'm sure anyone could find just one thing wrong after that long serving the public. Focus on the real problem: Mitchell, Garzoli, Rivero, whoever. But make sure the good guys get left out of the tar and feather group. Oh, and by the way, I'm not a cop nor associated with the SO in any way.
Oh and by the way, I'm not either.
And BTW, the Rivera story first posted above was from the mother? Who's side is she supposed to take? Plus, this is not an eye-witness account,b ut a story related by a mother from what her daughter told her. Now who are we supposed to believe? What the daughter related to the mother after being stopped by a law enforcement officer? Who has an axe to grind? Who might be a bit biased? Shake this out and think about it. Not every cop is bad, and in MHO Rivera is not one of the "bad" guys. Again, not a cop.
The mother also said "she knew someone in LE and described Chris Rivera and thats how she knew it was him". Chris fits the description of half the department.
I don't believe it was him.
Grand jury slams public defender
Report says privately run system flawed, needs immediate overhaul

Lake County's privately run criminal-defense system is fraught with problems that may result in indigent defendants getting inadequate representation, according to a Lake County grand jury report released Monday.

"A new system for defense for indigent defendants needs to be implemented immediately," the report states.

The scathing report could encourage costly lawsuits and court appeals based on claims of inadequate representation, said Paulino Duran, Sacramento County Public Defender and past president of the California Public Defenders Association.

According to the grand jury, lawyers hired by the private company that acts as Lake County's public defender often fail to meet with clients before court appearances, are inadequately trained and frequently quit, forcing clients to find new lawyers and the courts and prosecutors to reschedule cases. The result is constant court delays, according to the report.

At the grand jury's urging, the county earlier this month notified the company, Indigent Representation Administration, that its contract would be terminated in 90 days.

Company co-owner Stephen Carter said the report is "full of lies."

"Indigent Representation Administration has been providing excellent defense of indigent defenders since 1999," he said. "I consider this civilly actionable. I believe several members on the grand jury have behaved in a rogue manner."

According to the grand jury, its report is based largely on input from the county's three judges, court staff and attorneys.
January 24, 2010 8:22 PM Yup! That's WOW alright.
Now Stephens statement sounds alot like Hopkins, doesn't it.
Sounds like he is lining his pockets while the indigent are suffering.
Re: Rivera. I've been a supervisor for a long time. I'm not Rivero nor Rivera, but I've worked with both and have no problem with either.

This is a perfect example of a criminal thinking he/she can get some self pleasure by slandering a cop. Rivera has done a large amount of community stuff and he has busted a lot of marijuana growers. That brings a lot of enemies.

Although I think Mitchell and his management are a bunch of incompetent bullies, I won't just stand aside and watch a good man get slandered, but I'll give you some advise. I have included Supervisor Ferrington's email address (this incident happened in his district). He will handle your complaint and I will let him know to expect your message.

*******Rivero for sheriff********
Additional: If a cop can not be identified in that situation, I can find him. All I need is the date and time. The department's dispatch record can identify the cop. If he didn't use his radio, I just need the date, was he in uniform and the color of his car. I'm not sure, but I also believe Rivera was still out on sick leave in 2007 in a body brace.
8:46 let me add some fuel to your fire about Friel. As I was browsing around the internet, I came upon some pictures. It showed Friel at a party with a gal pal who happens to be Kim...ex wifey of now retired LPPO Rick Erikson. He was all colluded up with the corrupt LCSO boys! Want a copy of my pictures? Lovelace can get them from me, I trust them. It was pretty shady to see Friel all co-mingled with the likes of Hommer, Frace, Steely, Brown, Wells, Davison, Santor etc.
Well, one sure way to check and see how often Carter and staff otherwise known as IRA (Indigent Representation Administration)are meeting with their clients is to check the visitor's log at the jail. You won't see Carter's name too much. He only takes high profile cases cuz administering the contract taxes him so. Just ask the attorneys that have quit because they get tired of getting dumped on by him.
When I guessed Friel, Carter or Gall as part of Lovelace I was only doing it based on their close proximity to the South courthouse. I don't know these 3 guys and I am sorry I mentioned them since 2 of them are now being slammed.
January 24, 2010 8:22 PM There my friends is someone that could not run his own site even tho he has tried. Those that can, "do" and those that can't do, "Complain."
Friel has come under fire for his own actions hanging out with cops and corrupt cops at that. That is just what I want, a lawyer whos hanging out with cops, DAs and dating a LCSO dispatch person. What kind of pillow talk goes on there? Oh and Lovelace wouldn't want him because they are anti-corruption...remember!
January 24, 2010 9:18 PM>>>> Not 8:22 PM>>>>>There my friends is someone that could not run his own site even tho he has tried. Those that can, "do" and those that can't do, "Complain."
Someone asked about "Andy" as in Davison. He hangs out with the corrupt regulars: frace,dutra,walsh,wells and newbie steely etc. Elvis Cook is also somewhere in that mix. Fergie, really isn't that bad but likes the young stuff as did Erikson, Hommer and Paarsh.
I have some problems with off duty activity of cops. Mostly I agree off duty stuff is the cops own concern, unless it involves bringing embarrassment upon the department. Such as Perdock's boating, Garzoli's helicopter training and McMahon pointing a loaded weapon at another cop in a public place.

Seems I haven't heard Rivero involved in any questionable off duty activity. Now that could change if elected, but nobody can guess the future. You can only quote the past as I've done numerous times.

******Rivero for Sheriff********
To the poster who said "what LE does on their off duty time is their business" is full of S**t. What I DO on my off duty time is my business too, but they sure like to get up in my business fair is fair!!
I dont hear of rivera crashing a helicopter during his years in the marijuana unit, oh wait, he was not using public money to learn how to fly.

*********Get a new Sheriff****************
There are immoral things and illegal acts.

If a couple makes a vow to each other in the eyes of God or TO God and then "corrupts this marriage" with outside sexual activity when it is understood by both that it is to be a monogamous union that is against, perhaps, God's law.

The way I see it it may not be illegal, but personally I don't use God to maniuplate another person in to false security.

Is it against the law? It depends if you are talking LE law to Mitchell or God's law to your belief in God and your partner. Cheaters notoriously hate to be cheated on because they lose control. Liars always have control because they never can be trusted to tell the truth.

I figure if you have to hide it you probably shouldn't do it.

If you are actively involved and paid to be an impartial gatherer of the facts that is what you should do.

The oath of the Lake County Peace Officers is to have an unsullied life.
That is ON the job and OFF the job. It is very specific and it is an oath.

I suppose if Perdock "got off" with the killing of Lynn Thornton with the help of Mitchell's boys in his view it wasn't illegal to kill her.

Cheating on your wife of husband without their knowledge isn't against the law and what you don't know doesn't hurt you unless you contract AIDS from a partner who cheats, man or woman.

Maybe it should be illegal to have AIDS, but not to spread it. Pretty stupid to think that any cheating man or woman would stay by ANY vow.

Being married USED to be criteria for a good job because with the vow the person had matured and started thinking about others instead of just self interest. That person had "grow up" snd was worldly.

You can not legislate common decency or common sense. Mitchell appears has neither and isn't qualified to "watch over" our county. Somehow the truth eludes him, but who could say that was illegal?

Mitchell is developmentally disabled and it is like handing a two year old a 357 and the keys to the city. I would never vote for a two year old OR Mitchell for the same reason. Illegal activites? Apparently he just doesn't know the difference in his person or professional life.
Post 2:23 You sure revealed yourself as a law enforcement offocer who promotes straying from his wife. Okay, so we know now that you can make excuses for your behavior based on the fact that you THINK that you have the right to cheat on your wife without thinking that is being a lousy lover yourself. With that logic it explains why you might do children too, since there was no adult around that was satisfactory for your special needs. It is your kind of psychotic thinking that scares "normal" people who actually can take a vow and keep it.
So go the criminally insane.
There ARE couples who grow apart or for one reason or another allow the other partner to leave the relationship, but "getting a little on the side" is not what a good cop does IF he is a good cop. That also included women cops. To make "normalize" for your own excuse is just that. If you are to chose between an excuse and a reason it would be better to have reason and a cop must be able to reason.
So, do you and Mitchell double date? I mean honestly, Mitchell has lost good people that refused to coordinate his trists and that, Mr. "Cop" costs the taxpayers money. It isn't theft, but it is dishonesty and breaks down the morale of people who actually DO keep their vows.
I feel sorry for your wife. Obviously she married a spoiled self centered little boy. If she had your attitude and got a "little on the side" you would cry like a baby and run home to your mommy. Grow up. You think not getting what you want immediately means you can get what you want without retrobution and still have respect as a "married" man?
Do the world a favor and get a vasectomy and then "put a hat on it" you've been swimming in the shallow end of the gene pool. Real men don't "fool" around. Neither do real women.
Good morning everyone!
I'm surprised to see no Pro Mitchell supporters over the night. Maybe they are finally seeing that Mitchell's mismanagement must stop. In a county of 18% unemployment, we can find more than enough persons eligible to replace that incompetent management. With Perdock and Garzoli out of the office, now Brown, Hall and Bauman are next.

Voters will choose Rivero because he had stood up to Mitchell's incompetence and will not put up with the bully type of supervision.
*****Rivero for Sheriff****
PS: Love the ******Get a new Sheriff*****
So steely made it over to LCSO, is that correct? If so anyone know when it happened, and was he not with LPPD? And why no longer with LPPD if that is the case, and information would be appreciated.
All I know for sure is that steely's last day with LPPD was last week. Don't know the reason, just that he is no longer employed there. Anybody else have more info?
Inside info says that when Hommer was blown out, by LPPD Steele, felt he lost to much corruption support, and a "housecleaning" was underway, steele being close with Dutra, Frace etc. decided he better run for cover, Mitchell seeing he was losing the core of his corruption team, i.e. Perdock, Garzoli, etc. thought he would bring him in. Birds of a corruption feather as it were. Mitchell could not risk bringing in another strong player such as a Lande into his house of cards, so the natural replacement was Steele. That's what we got, anyone else got a different take?
Steels going to LCSO is a very bad mood. In my entire career with LCSO, I've never seen anyone go from LPD go to LCSO, it has always been the other way. Two retired LPD officer's went to LCSO, but that was for part time or seasonal employment because LPD doesn't offer that.

First off, LPD pays extremely more that LCSO, LPD doesn't pay into Social Security and the retirement is one of the highest in the entire state (same as CHP). To make a bone head move to LCSO and loose all that money with a wife and kids don't make sense. Now take into consideration the major mismanagement going on with LCSO and the only thing I can come up with is Steels had some major personality problems with his fellow LPD officers.
what a crock of CRAP WITH A CAPITOL C Stelle left for other reasons and none of which you 643 posted you like to twist the truth and once again that is what it is.

people move on when they see an injustice done to a fellow brother
Question, if photos were available showing sheriff and LPPD on private land in civilian clothes let's say on a shooting or camping trip, and those pictures were taken on private property, and showed these guys with plants they had pulled out of the ground or were looking at. Does that not throw into question any "busts" that took place due to illegal search etc. It would seem to me that if this were the case, it could throw a real interesting set of questions into play, and add support to the idea that these guys were out on witch hunts as it were, illegally and thus anyone could question the integrity of any arrests or searches that had happened.
whomever posted about being a player and not getting caught sure pulled this blog admin leg big time, they posted what you want to wallow in, deceit, whoreing and scamming, you bought it and that made the case for what is allowed here for entertainment.

oh BTW want to wish Steele congrats good to see you move on after what they did to you Bud,a guy serves the public for years and is Cop of the year and then POOF OUT THE DOOR, too bad so sad Lakeport will miss his services to the community.
Yeah right 8:56, steely got out while the gettin was good. Chief Burke runs a tight ship! Burke is here to protect and serve and he doesn't take his oath lightly. Steely was never the kind of officer Burke wanted. Steely likes to man-handle the women he arrests and there were many complaints. Steely would lecture people about being out for an evening if they had kids yet I saw him in a bar with the wife over the summer. Hommer was his trainer and we all know why hommer is gone. Steely thinks his butt buddies in the DSA will protect him over at the SO. Steely was a loner and a loser in highschool who now wants to push people around with his badge. Thank God Burke saw through Steely's crap ********Burke for Sheriff********
being out of uniform does not make a cop less a cop check the belts for the badges you guys on here are scraping the bottom of the kettle of your witches brew, someone is working overtime searching for crap to copy here so you will find what you are looking for because they are screwing with you
I use my name to let you know that I'm not lying for what I post. That can't be said of most that I have met in this local government. Don't trust anyone of them. You've have been warned.
okay 9:20 if a cop is always a cop, uniform or not...then I guess Perdock was a cop when he killed Lynn...right?
Hey 9:09 you can keep your bud steely, Lakeport has plenty of fine officers who treat people well. Steely can have the Clearlake beat and what goes with it.
Post 9:20 let's see if I understand what you are saying. We have documentation of LPPD and Sheriff officers, out of uniform, on private property, on a trip for a few days, not associated with an actual investigation, using the proper search warrents etc. by the way why were LPPD out with sheriffs, when those LPPD were not even associated with the task force, such as for example a Santor would be. And you say no problem no big deal a cop is a cop and it doesn't matter what they do or how they do it. So if on a hunting trip or shooting trip, and they "just happen" to come across a grow, they can just do what they want and it soesn't matter? Just wanted to make sure I understood your logic. Well can't call it logic, understood your thinking, well can't call it thinking, oh I know just trying to understand your corruption thought process, thought is a reach but will give that one to you.
Man post 9:09 you are as ignorant as they come, at least tell us where you work and in what capacity, as it is clear you are covering for someone, and trying to spin the steele situation to look a lot better then what it is. What's you MO, hmmmmmm
Hommer departure what is the real info on why he is moving on??????
Witch hunt post we took it down you are not answering the question. If it is a private "camping" trip, now keep this in your head, and there are no search warrents, but then that property is later hit. That sounds like an illegal situation. You can stop with the witchhunt stuff, and answer the question as it is described. Don't worry about badges on belts they are not there. So focus and try to answer the basic question, we cannot put it any simplier then that.
Ok well that is it, we have hit the nail on the head then because the only answer we get is a post that says, bla, bla, bla, great anwswer to the question, and glad to see you pulled out all the mental stops on that one.
10:02 He is moving on because he got fired!
Our corruption in Lake County is an age old problem. This should be required reading by our local corruption supporters. Plato had it right.

The essential problem was posed by Plato in The Republic, his work on government and morality. The perfect society as described by Socrates, the main character of the work (see Socratic dialogue), relies on laborers, slaves and tradesmen. The guardian class is to protect the city. The question is put to Socrates, "Who will guard the guardians?" or, "Who will protect us against the protectors?" Plato's answer to this is that they will guard themselves against themselves. We must tell the guardians a "noble lie".[1] The noble lie will assure them that they are better than those they serve and it is therefore their responsibility to guard and protect those lesser than themselves. We will instill in them a distaste for power or privilege; they will rule because they believe it right, not because they desire it.
Lovelace, if I understand your 9:01 post, off-duty officers were on a hunting trip and found a marijuana garden and subsequently used that information to obtain a search warrant for the property - is that about it? Because it is impossible to tell whether there is anything fishy about this without knowing more details. Officers can use any information they gain from a vantage point the public has a right to be on, so for example if the officers had permission to be on the property to hunt, then there's nothing wrong with that. Was the property posted (PC 602, F&G 2016)?)
I would like to add to the 2:02 list.
Maricio (not sure on spelling)
Ben Moore
add Van Oven to that list
No permission to be on the property, that takes care of question number one. That in and of itself is damaging enough. The photos indicate there was nothing associated with the officers being in the line of duty. We understand that if an officer is out and about and runs across something that is illegal, he or she can act on that through the LE system. No issue there. What we are talking about is officers going out on a "camping trip" not on duty, and knowing through illegal means the locations of grows. By illegal means we say that for example when Garzoli is "up" flying he spots a grow. From that point no search warrants are gotten, he just passes it on to his buddies who decide to go on the private property and raise a little hell. Hope that helps to clarify the situation.
I'm still a bit confused as to the facts here. If an officer (even Garzoli) spots a grow from the air, that's not a violation of the Fourth Amendment (I presume when you say "illegal" you "mean violates the Fourth Amendment"). What do you mean "go on private property and raise a little hell?" Was the property enclosed by a fence and posted (3 signs per mile)? What exactly are you saying happened? And there are photos of who (generally speaking) doing what?
Ok post 12:56 we are done with giving out further information, you cannot be that naive as to not get the drift of what we are saying. It sounds as if you might be getting a bit nervous, and are out on a fishing trip. Listen here is the deal, if in fact you are just a common citizen who is trying to gather all the facts so you can give us a good solid detailed answer that is great. However we are going to go on the side of caution at this point. The pictures with the smiling faces tell a story all their own. So let us make you this offer if you want to let us know who you are on our e-mail account and after we go through a multiple step process of confirming that you are friend or foe we would be grateful for the help and communication. We get the sense we are not going to see your e-mail. But assuming we are wrong, here is the e-mail account.
Post 12:30 I have a funny feeling your post is going to get eaten alive, if Martin is Brian Martin, then you are in gumby land with pokey. If a different Martin, then you may have a chance. But will let the citizens decide that.
12:30 Zepeda is with the Fire Distict ??? Get a new list we can believe in.
Post 12:30 told ya. You want us to take it down or do you want to take a beating. Your call.
Gee whiz post 1:50 not sure what about us holding all the cards makes us paranoid, and if you don't stop trying to send a coded message through the words BlA we are going to stop letting you post, we know what you are up to, the BLA word must mean you are on to us, thats it hey frankie close down the system the BLA poster is on to us. Shut it down, hurry the man is going to be at the door any minute. Paranoid, who is paranoid we are not paranoid, are you paranoid were not paranoid. What do you mean by the word "rat" hey man I think that means, really attractive turtle, is that code for launch the attack. Oh man we are out of here.
Did he just say "you bunches of hunches are street rat crazy"? Man these corruption supporters are sharp as a tack, boy can't get anything over on them. LOL
What the heck does any of this have to do with Mitchell or Hopkins?

let us get back on track. Mitchell can not manage his staff or supervisors. Mitchell can't even review a simple DEA grant or have another staff member review it. Mitchell can not even provide proper computer security in keeping unauthorized persons out of reports!
****Rivero for Sheriff***
There’s something happening here.
What it is ain’t exactly clear.
There’s a man with a gun over there,
Telling me I got to beware.
I think it’s time we stop, children, what’s that sound?
Everybody look what’s going down.

There’s battle lines being drawn.
Nobody’s right if everybody’s wrong.
Young people speaking their minds,
Getting so much resistance from behind.
It’s time we stop, hey, what’s that sound?
Everybody look what’s going down

What a field day for the heat.
A thousand people in the street,
Singing songs and carrying signs,
Mostly say, “Hooray for our side.”
It’s time we stop, hey, what’s that sound?
Everybody look what’s going down.

Paranoia strikes deep:
Into your life it will creep.
It starts when you’re always afraid.
You step out of line, the man come and take you away.
Post 4:58am Good to hear your side. But who are you to say what kind of MAN he is.....? Because he cheated?! That's not enough reason to say he's a bad cop or bad person! Well I got news for you look around and get your head outta the sand. Most people cheat because they don't love their wives or husbands. Most NEVER leave for security/material reasons not about love......and it can be the biggest mistake ever made?! but don't judge someone over their mistakes.
So Lovelace, the pictures you hold of smiling faces. Would that be because they of all those SO who were hunting/finshing and they caught a garden of go green? Hmm, wonder did that go green get turned in to the evidence room? Hmmm, or maybe they were smiling because they got themselves some green for their own personal stash! Makes one wonder doesn't it?
Sure does, post 2:52, sure does, this is starting to strike at the core of the corruption, and we have said it a number of times. This goes deeper then most can imagine, it is a slow process of unraveling the nightmare that has been taking place over the years, but each small bit of information connects another dot, the picture that is being painted as each dot is connected is stunning, and actually a bit scary. What make it even more interesting is that if these photo's added to the other evidence, paints the right picture there may be a lot of people who got arrested, were arrested through illegal search and seizure process'. Of course that totality has not been proven yet, but you can bet your arse we are going down that potential road. Time and further investigation will bear that out. Stay tuned, and thanks to all the people out there helping us. We are getting communications daily, still a long road ahead. Please pass on to everyone you know, to get with us, names, times, places, conditions, anything and everything could be of value don't disregard anything as not important, just get it to us.
Rivero 4 what we are talking about has everything to do with Mitchell and his mis-management of his people and his organization, the same with Hopkins, we are talking about corruption to the point of officers and supervisors stealing, searching, destroying peoples lives, and all under the watch of Mitchell. Remember Manson, never killed a single person, and in prison for life. When the connections are all done being made, it will spell the end of both these guys, we leave no stone un-turned, and many times it may seem off subject but remember there is method in our madness.
If this is truly the case it makes them no better than the robber caught for stealing from a collective in Lakeport who I believe got what 3 yrs! The only difference there would be that person had outstanding warrants!
Oh god you're not going to bring up Manson? Manson was convicted of the murders themselves through the joint-responsibility rule, which makes each member of a conspiracy guilty of crimes his fellow conspirators commit in furtherance of the conspiracy's object. That's why he was sentenced to death, but Sate Supreme Court Bird overturned all death sentences and this is why he got life.

The questioned asked about the deputies trespassing were also good and wasn't answered. Trespassing is covered under 602 of the Penal Code. This section is very large and I suggest you look at it first. Go to, click on Penal Code and type 602 in the search engine. The prior person asked the correct questions such as signs must be displayed at intervals not less than three per mile along all exterior boundaries and at all roads and trails entering the land. Now there are differences such as shell fish farms and others. He was not trying to upset you or call you a lair, he was asking question because you were to veg on your statement.

This is why I questioned your site going off track. Mitchell and Hopkins should be the only concern right now. Lets get rid of Mitchell first. It might be that one of Mitchell's crew was rude and failed to properly advise you of the law. It also could be that what we call "a sea lawyer" gave you incorrect advise.
*****Rivero for sheriff****
I would like the get back on track. Hopkins prosecuted Dinius as the cause of the collision base only on the fact that Dinius' lights were not on. After he found conflicting statements, he should have just tried for drunk boating (which is what Dinis wanted to plea to from the start). This outraged the general public and made visitors (our main source of tax income) afraid to go onto Clear Lake.

Mitchell not only mismanaged the Dinius case, but now we have Garzoligate. Now what other misjudgment will we see in June!

******Rivero for Sheriff********
We appreciate the postings concerning the photos, etc, the legality of land searches etc. However we belive you all have gotten the wrong impression, this is not a situation of an actual person trying to find out if something was done wrong as he or she was arrested for a grow etc. This is an inquiry which is a lever for a further investigation concerning Mitchell and his gang of thugs, so we were not looking for the detailed technical aspect of the signs posted etc etc. Sorry if we confused you all, and we suspect it is because we have given you all the current knowledge base surrounding this question of ours. The answers were fine, however when the individual began to ask for further details that is why we shut it down. Hope that clears that up.
So not at all off track in fact it leads directly to Mitchells back door.

Another subject: We have received information that Mitchell and the gang of corruption boys are going to try and sabotage the radio show debate which is upcoming, the method will be to "line up" callers to stop pro Rivero supporters from asking questions of Mitchell that he does not want answered. Soooo we need to be sure we are on the phone lines and get our shot at questions as well, we are not sure how the radio station is going to handle this, but they don't appear sharp enough to think of these things, they could take a question for Rivero and question for Mitchell and rotate that way. But none the less we need to be aware of this plan Mitchell is trying to hatch.
LMFAO - What a childish thought. What next Rodney? Your mentality will get the best of you eventually. Why don't you stand up like a real man, face the issues at hand, either deal with them in the appropriate fashion, or if you can't, step down and out and let Rivero take over! My God, you should have grown up many years ago.
You want some candy lil boy?
FLASH TO THE CITIZENS OF LAKE COUNTY: The Lovelace group is sending out the letter you see below, the reason for doing this is a part of a multiple step process we have been researching and encompasses a series of steps designed to force the resignation of Mitchell and Hopkins, this action is being taken in concert with a number of different processes to which we will not indicate what they are at this time. The time has come for the removal of Mitchell and Hopkins and we are determined to do so, our county has suffered enough, and we will and are going to take and use every means at our disposal to accomplish this end. This letter is part of an overall investigation by the Lovlace group and with the help of the citizens of this county within the sheriffs and DA's offices and outside as well.

To: California Attorney General
Fm: The Lake County Citizens group
Subject: Investigation into Sheriff Mitchell and DA Hopkins

Dear Attorney General,

As you may now be aware our Board of Supervisors has sent a request to your offices concerning the situation of a helicopter crash while being flown by a local Sheriffs officer whose name is Dave Garzoli. You have been given all the necessary information for your review concerning this aspect of our concerns.

We the citizens of Lake County would respectfully like to request that your offices “expand” your investigation beyond the scope of the helicopter incident. We have very serious concerns related to the untoward relationship between our DA and our sheriff. We believe that our DA has not performed in his true capacity in investigating sheriff Mitchell. We believe that the recent “Dinius” trial bears that out clearly. We believe there is a high degree of collusion between these two individuals which is not serving the purposes of the citizens. Your offices were asked in the past to investigate the conditions surrounding the Dinus trial issues, and did not take action. Dinius was then proven not guilty and has now filed a lawsuit against our county, and we believe he is just in doing so.

The claim in the civil lawsuit points to a great number of issues concerning DA Hopkins and Sheriff Mitchell, some of which are illegal and we believe bear out the need for state intervention in this matter. The details of the Dinius suit are available to you. We as well have gathered a great number of citizens complaints and issues of legality to which we will not post in this letter to you but to which we would gladly provide upon request.

We currently have a judge who is under investigation for discrimination practices against the disabled, and we have a level of Nepotism that boarders on a serious question of conflict of interest in our local legal system.

Please, the citizens of this county need help, and we as well are asking our Board of Supervisors to request that these two individuals step down from their positions as soon as possible. There is virtually no communications between our Local LE agency and our Board of Supervisors, leaving the citizens of this county without recourse, your help is needed.

Thank you, due to the severe nature of the current environment we are unable to provide a direct name for you to contact, as this letter will be posted to the public, and the current level of fear of retaliation is high. Please contact us at our e-mail account which we have set up. Which is

We thank you in advance for your assistance in this difficult situation.

The citizens of Lake county
FLASH TO LAKE COUNTY CITIZENS, the message below has been delivered to all BOS members to Rodney Mitchell to Mr. Hopkins, and several individuals in the county offices. This is again a part of the multiple step process we are undertaking to remove Mitchell and Hopkins from office.

Prior to your Tuesday meeting the citizens for the return of justice and transparency wanted to send you another admonition concerning the citizens request that the board ask both Mitchell and Hopkins to step down. The citizens have made this request many times now and we believe it is in your best interest and the counties best interest to do so. We should mention that there is much more that will be coming out, prior to any election that will would take place, and to be proactive in this current situation is the better move. We have been told to provide even more documentation as to actual proof that not only do you need to ask them to step down, but that at this point the FBI needs to be called in. We are not sure how much more is needed. You have letters of threat being given to you, of which you cannot turn into Mitchell, you have indicated to the AG that you cannot trust Hopkins and Mitchell to do the right thing. Therefore the correct move is not to give that kind of thing to Anita Grant, as she is there to protect the county, so she is not going to do it. You have the opportunity to do the moral and correct thing for the citizens of this county, and still you choose not to. Rivero has indicated he will call in the FBI the moment he gets into office, so he believes there is significant issues to address. So we thought perhaps Plato may be the way to go, below is his writing on this very issue of corruption in the offices of Police and government. Now if you can deny Plato, we are not sure where to go from here.

The essential problem was posed by Plato in The Republic, his work on government and morality. The perfect society as described by Socrates, the main character of the work (see Socratic dialogue), relies on laborers, slaves and tradesmen. The guardian class is to protect the city. The question is put to Socrates, "Who will guard the guardians?" or, "Who will protect us against the protectors?" Plato's answer to this is that they will guard themselves against themselves. We must tell the guardians a "noble lie".[1] The noble lie will assure them that they are better than those they serve and it is therefore their responsibility to guard and protect those lesser than themselves. We will instill in them a distaste for power or privilege; they will rule because they believe it right, not because they desire it.

There for it is clear says Plato that the supervisors must act, and Mitchell and Hopkins must be asked to leave. (actually we added that last line in ourselves in case you didn’t notice)…Levity is good during difficult times. Smile were all in this together, the citizens just need your help.
Actually for you ignorant post that was just removed, my dear friend it is going to get a lot worse then this. Your type continues to deny all wrong doing, therefore your credibility is terribly lacking. You think for a minute we are not serious, what appears to be the issue is the corruption supporters have for so long heard about complaining and concerns and have either watched those concerns fade away, or you have been able to cover it up. No longer my friend, the citizens of this county will take their county back, and you sir will go down with the ship of denial, with Mitchell and Hopkins at the helm, each and every time we tell you we are taking action you deny it, then when we present the action you attempt to belittle it. We allow you to try and spin your webs of denial, just to see you do it, then we drop another hammer on your head. You are indeed a glutton for punishment. Don't think for a moment we are done, don't think for a moment we are not working everyday, and believe us again, and again we will say it, we have barley scratched the surface of this. But you keep denying it, you keep spouting off your mouth, punks like you are a dime a dozen, we dispatch guys like you all time, so keep talking, we live for bringing you and all the others to justice.
Zepeda as in Jose. Willie Sepeta is on the Fire department. He was on the original list someone posted. Should add Wright, Perry, White, Cappuro, Basor, and Bauman to the list.
How many plan on stepping up before the BOS tomorrow and stating that this is what they want? Hey, I know, maybe the smattering will do it.Try and get a no confidence vote from them, lets see who votes yeh and who votes neh. Any takers? I bet James Henderson would do it! How about it James?
Let's hear your list 12:30
Although I could not ask this on a radio show (in fear of Mitchell's reprisal) maybe someone could ask for me:

To gain the voters trust, a Sheriff needs to manage his staff. How was it, that you did not personally review or have someone else review the DEA grant that was written by a lieutenant. There were three captains and another lieutenant that could have reviewed it. Not assist in making or preparing it, just review it.

I read your response to Deputy Lande's complaint, but I missed your response to Rivero's complaint of racial discrimination. What is your stand?

*******Rivero for Sheriff*****
Oh Mitchell might come back and say he can not comment on an ongoing investigation, then ask if that is the case, why did you respond to Lande's complaint? Also, I am not asking what disciplinary action you are taking on the helicopter incident, I asking about you reviewing a seriously high monetary value US grant?
********Rivero for Sheriff******
The letter to the Attorney General refers to nepotism in the local legal system. Has anyone taken a look at the child support office? In that department of about 30 employees you will find Director Gail Woodworth (married to Craig Woodworth the chief investigator in the DA's office and investigating officer for the Dinius trial), Lori Garzoli (yes, you guessed it, married to Dave Garzoli and the star of the clam photo), Joyce Campbell (former deputy DA, Brian Martin's (LCSO) mother, Crystal Martin's (DA Victim Witness) mother-in-law and Judge Martin's ex-wife), Lisa Crane (soon to be Jim Crane's ex-wife) Marsha Chalk (married to Bob Chalk former Clearlake Chief of Police), and until a month or two ago, Denise Hinchcliff (married to chief deputy in the DA's office, Rich Hinchcliff.) That's an awful lot of nepotism and law enforcement in one department.
Nepostism, hell you forgot Gary Hall and his family linking all the way back to Capt. Buckhults.
Excellent post 7:48, you just let me connect a lot more dots to add to my ****** collection.
Vote for Rivero and see management run scared. Vote for Mitchell see more mismanagement and incompetence.

*********Rivero for Sheriff********
Vote for Anderson or Rhoades and get a DA that listens to the people. Vote for Hopkins and get a DA that doesn't listen to ANYONE.

*******Rivero for Sheriff******
Yes we are addressing the nepotism issue, the issue is not that in a small county you will not have family connections, the issue lies in the transparency necessary so that collusion does not occur. This is very difficult to accomplish, and when the corruption people get in power all hell breaks loose, the necessity is that it take a huge amount of transparency and oversight to have this much nepotism, without oversight is dangerous. Of course we are seeing the result of this activity on a wide scale in our county. So you are correct post 7:48 it has invaded every aspect of our current government system, and many have let it happen. This is partly why you dont see Anita Grant take any action, this is why the BOS is hesitant to take action, it goes on and on. It must stop, and we must have total transparency in the system.
You forgot Geri Brown at victim witness who is the wife of DA investiagtor Dave Brown!
That's scary 7:58, and as well for all the citizens out there if you have issues you would like to see us look at please post them we have brought a lot more people on board of late, and it is important that we gather the input from the citizens out there, of course we have our current priorties, and we want to keep the focus on the two corruption leaders, but if someone has details names etc and we need to look at it be sure and post it.
Lets see, how about the who's who up at LCSO dispatch.....and who is related to whom.
Based on our current letters and request to the board, we would like to see as many people as possible step up to the mike during the 3 minute citizens input, anyone who has the time to go to the mike and simply request that the board ask Mitchell and Hopkins to step down, would be appreciated. This is important to get the message across, and you will get the positive respect from those listening. Alot of the focus tomorrow will be on the Cristalago project but please we have set the table, get to the board meeting and take that 3 minutes to ask the board to tell them to step down.
The letter to the Attorney General refers to nepotism in the local legal system. Has anyone taken a look at the child support office? In that department of about 30 employees you will find Director Gail Woodworth (married to Craig Woodworth the chief investigator in the DA's office and investigating officer for the Dinius trial), Lori Garzoli (yes, you guessed it, married to Dave Garzoli and the star of the clam photo), Joyce Campbell (former deputy DA, Brian Martin's (LCSO) mother, Crystal Martin's (DA Victim Witness) mother-in-law and Judge Martin's ex-wife), Lisa Crane (soon to be Jim Crane's ex-wife) Marsha Chalk (married to Bob Chalk former Clearlake Chief of Police), and until a month or two ago, Denise Hinchcliff (married to chief deputy in the DA's office, Rich Hinchcliff.) That's an awful lot of nepotism and law enforcement in one department.
# posted by Anonymous : January 25, 2010 7:48 PM
Nepostism, hell you forgot Gary Hall and his family linking all the way back to Capt. Buckhults.
# posted by Anonymous : January 25, 2010 7:52 PM
Excellent post 7:48, you just let me connect a lot more dots to add to my ****** collection.
# posted by Anonymous : January 25, 2010 7:54 PM
Vote for Rivero and see management run scared. Vote for Mitchell see more mismanagement and incompetence.

*********Rivero for Sheriff********
# posted by Anonymous : January 25, 2010 7:55 PM
Vote for Anderson or Rhoades and get a DA that listens to the people. Vote for Hopkins and get a DA that doesn't listen to ANYONE.

*******Rivero for Sheriff******
# posted by Anonymous : January 25, 2010 7:56 PM
Yes we are addressing the nepotism issue, the issue is not that in a small county you will not have family connections, the issue lies in the transparency necessary so that collusion does not occur. This is very difficult to accomplish, and when the corruption people get in power all hell breaks loose, the necessity is that it take a huge amount of transparency and oversight to have this much nepotism, without oversight is dangerous. Of course we are seeing the result of this activity on a wide scale in our county. So you are correct post 7:48 it has invaded every aspect of our current government system, and many have let it happen. This is partly why you dont see Anita Grant take any action, this is why the BOS is hesitant to take action, it goes on and on. It must stop, and we must have total transparency in the system.
# posted by Lovelace : January 25, 2010 7:57 PM
You forgot Geri Brown at victim witness who is the wife of DA investiagtor Dave Brown!
# posted by Anonymous : January 25, 2010 7:58 PM
That's scary 7:58, and as well for all the citizens out there if you have issues you would like to see us look at please post them we have brought a lot more people on board of late, and it is important that we gather the input from the citizens out there, of course we have our current priorties, and we want to keep the focus on the two corruption leaders, but if someone has details names etc and we need to look at it be sure and post it.
# posted by Anonymous : January 25, 2010 5:58 PM
Actually for you ignorant post that was just removed, my dear friend it is going to get a lot worse then this. Your type continues to deny all wrong doing, therefore your credibility is terribly lacking. You think for a minute we are not serious, what appears to be the issue is the corruption supporters have for so long heard about complaining and concerns and have either watched those concerns fade away, or you have been able to cover it up. No longer my friend, the citizens of this county will take their county back, and you sir will go down with the ship of denial, with Mitchell and Hopkins at the helm, each and every time we tell you we are taking action you deny it, then when we present the action you attempt to belittle it. We allow you to try and spin your webs of denial, just to see you do it, then we drop another hammer on your head. You are indeed a glutton for punishment. Don't think for a moment we are done, don't think for a moment we are not working everyday, and believe us again, and again we will say it, we have barley scratched the surface of this. But you keep denying it, you keep spouting off your mouth, punks like you are a dime a dozen, we dispatch guys like you all time, so keep talking, we live for bringing you and all the others to justice.
To: California Attorney General
Fm: The Lake County Citizens group
Subject: Investigation into Sheriff Mitchell and DA Hopkins

Dear Attorney General,

As you may now be aware our Board of Supervisors has sent a request to your offices concerning the situation of a helicopter crash while being flown by a local Sheriffs officer whose name is Dave Garzoli. You have been given all the necessary information for your review concerning this aspect of our concerns.

We the citizens of Lake County would respectfully like to request that your offices “expand” your investigation beyond the scope of the helicopter incident. We have very serious concerns related to the untoward relationship between our DA and our sheriff. We believe that our DA has not performed in his true capacity in investigating sheriff Mitchell. We believe that the recent “Dinius” trial bears that out clearly. We believe there is a high degree of collusion between these two individuals which is not serving the purposes of the citizens. Your offices were asked in the past to investigate the conditions surrounding the Dinus trial issues, and did not take action. Dinius was then proven not guilty and has now filed a lawsuit against our county, and we believe he is just in doing so.

The claim in the civil lawsuit points to a great number of issues concerning DA Hopkins and Sheriff Mitchell, some of which are illegal and we believe bear out the need for state intervention in this matter. The details of the Dinius suit are available to you. We as well have gathered a great number of citizens complaints and issues of legality to which we will not post in this letter to you but to which we would gladly provide upon request.

We currently have a judge who is under investigation for discrimination practices against the disabled, and we have a level of Nepotism that boarders on a serious question of conflict of interest in our local legal system.

Please, the citizens of this county need help, and we as well are asking our Board of Supervisors to request that these two individuals step down from their positions as soon as possible. There is virtually no communications between our Local LE agency and our Board of Supervisors, leaving the citizens of this county without recourse, your help is needed.

Thank you, due to the severe nature of the current environment we are unable to provide a direct name for you to contact, as this letter will be posted to the public, and the current level of fear of retaliation is high. Please contact us at our e-mail account which we have set up. Which is

We thank you in advance for your assistance in this difficult situation.

The citizens of Lake county
We have gone through a page bump, so we re-post to keep the thread up to date, if any of your posts have been to far up the page, you can repost them, we are sorry about that.
Another subject: We have received information that Mitchell and the gang of corruption boys are going to try and sabotage the radio show debate which is upcoming, the method will be to "line up" callers to stop pro Rivero supporters from asking questions of Mitchell that he does not want answered. Soooo we need to be sure we are on the phone lines and get our shot at questions as well, we are not sure how the radio station is going to handle this, but they don't appear sharp enough to think of these things, they could take a question for Rivero and question for Mitchell and rotate that way. But none the less we need to be aware of this plan Mitchell is trying to hatch.
FLASH TO LAKE COUNTY CITIZENS, the message below has been delivered to all BOS members to Rodney Mitchell to Mr. Hopkins, and several individuals in the county offices. This is again a part of the multiple step process we are undertaking to remove Mitchell and Hopkins from office.

Prior to your Tuesday meeting the citizens for the return of justice and transparency wanted to send you another admonition concerning the citizens request that the board ask both Mitchell and Hopkins to step down. The citizens have made this request many times now and we believe it is in your best interest and the counties best interest to do so. We should mention that there is much more that will be coming out, prior to any election that will would take place, and to be proactive in this current situation is the better move. We have been told to provide even more documentation as to actual proof that not only do you need to ask them to step down, but that at this point the FBI needs to be called in. We are not sure how much more is needed. You have letters of threat being given to you, of which you cannot turn into Mitchell, you have indicated to the AG that you cannot trust Hopkins and Mitchell to do the right thing. Therefore the correct move is not to give that kind of thing to Anita Grant, as she is there to protect the county, so she is not going to do it. You have the opportunity to do the moral and correct thing for the citizens of this county, and still you choose not to. Rivero has indicated he will call in the FBI the moment he gets into office, so he believes there is significant issues to address. So we thought perhaps Plato may be the way to go, below is his writing on this very issue of corruption in the offices of Police and government. Now if you can deny Plato, we are not sure where to go from here.

The essential problem was posed by Plato in The Republic, his work on government and morality. The perfect society as described by Socrates, the main character of the work (see Socratic dialogue), relies on laborers, slaves and tradesmen. The guardian class is to protect the city. The question is put to Socrates, "Who will guard the guardians?" or, "Who will protect us against the protectors?" Plato's answer to this is that they will guard themselves against themselves. We must tell the guardians a "noble lie".[1] The noble lie will assure them that they are better than those they serve and it is therefore their responsibility to guard and protect those lesser than themselves. We will instill in them a distaste for power or privilege; they will rule because they believe it right, not because they desire it.

There for it is clear says Plato that the supervisors must act, and Mitchell and Hopkins must be asked to leave. (actually we added that last line in ourselves in case you didn’t notice)…Levity is good during difficult times. Smile were all in this together, the citizens just need your help.
Ok we are back in line, sorry if any post were moved, please re-post if we have kicked you to far back, thanks.

Everyone get to the BOS meeting tomorrow and simply step up to the mike and ask the to tell Mitchell and Hopkins to step down, you have 3 minutes to say it, and the more they hear the more likely they will work with us.
On topix this afternoon a poster posted that they had been in a printing shop somewhere in the county. A lady dressed in a suit came in to make copies of a subpoena for the Record Bee "topix form" for IP addresses. This does not bode well for some people working in the court house. This could be over the Dinius gig, you know like hummm some of the posts by the DA, ADAs or DDAs or maybe ol' "wow" her/his self. Or could it be someone else who libeled someone who has a little $$ to spend. Hard to say but could cost some folks their job(s). I have posted on topix too but everything I have ever posted, I can back up either here or there.
Well Well, now that outta be very interesting. Is calling Mitchell and Hopkins incompetent morans libel lol. Guilty!
Rivero come on work with us, put your moniker in your name like you had it. We are working with ya, work with us just a bit. Thanks.
hmm... my post vanished
Here is the opinion from attorney Green which was posted in the Lake Co. new today. Wonderful piece well said, and to the point. Hopkins must go, my goodness could it be any clearer.

Green: Know when to say 'no comment'
Written by Ron Green
Friday, 22 January 2010
In a newspaper story on Jan. 15, 2010, concerning the Dinius suit against District Attorney Jon Hopkins and other Lake County authorities, Hopkins is quoted as saying: "There's absolutely no truth to anything they say."
Well, Jon, when you stick your glass jaw out like that begging to be hit, I feel that I simply must oblige.
So, Jon, disregarding all the other allegations, are you saying that I just imagined that you published a lengthy open letter pushing your view of the Dinius case in the Lake County News and the Record-Bee while the jury was being selected? And, I suppose I imagined that it referred to Dinius as a "drunken sailor"?
Hopkins made a mess of the Dinius case because of stubbornness, incompetence and extremely poor judgment. Based on his demonstrably false statement that "there's absolutely no truth to anything they say," it is clear that Hopkins is continuing to exercise very poor judgment and just doesn't know when to keep his mouth shut and say "no comment."
Ron Green is an attorney who lives in Lower Lake.
# posted by Anonymous : January 24, 2010 4:50 PM
Kudos Ron Green for stating the obvious. Jon Hopkins EGO has gotten him nowhere but exposure for what he is really about and it isn't justice.
He is egocentric (mentally ill) and that is a formula for disaster in public office.
# posted by Anonymous : January 24, 2010 4:54 PM
Yes the story about the rancher is true and yes it is Santos. A similiar story is about the folks in Clover Valley goes the same way. The DA refuses to give the evidence to the defendants. The judge ordered them on friday to do so. Some of the defendents come from southern Calif. Does the DA not have their s*#t together or are they just jerkin people around. Either way this crap needs to stop. Stop wasting our taxpayer dollars. It's time to hold some of these lying cops and DA's accountable. Let some of them spend some time in jail. It's time to take back or county. Enough of Hopkins and Mitchell!
# posted by Anonymous : January 24, 2010 4:57 PM
Re: Rivera. You're full of it. Anyone would (especially a father) would have filed a complaint. Management has no love for him and would have investigated it well. Instead, he is on patrol, a supervisor and nothing you can say changes that. Go lie somewhere else.
Perdock and Mitchell is another matter. Both should not even be allowed to supervise a boy scout. Mitchell is nothing more than the school bully. Perdock has been hated within the ranks for years. He is famous for retaliating. Perdock caused the collision and the jury saw right through the charges. Now we all have to pay for a narcissistic Sheriff, an DA not in touch with the public and a captain who thinks he is a victim.
# posted by Anonymous : January 15, 2010 8:43 AM
Sheriff Mitchell former D.A. Gary Luck and current D.A. Hopkins should be paying the millions and millions of dollars to Mr. Dinius. A Federal grand Jury MUST investigate the Lake Co. Sheriff's Dept. under Sheriff Rodney K. Mitchell for violations of civil rights and employees (current and past) as well as the Misappropriation of public funds. Did Sheriff Mitchell know about the on-duty flight training or not? If he did why wasn't the BOS informed? If Mitchell didn't know about the on-duty flight training, Mitchell failed (once again) to supervise one of his Command Staff members.
In response to Perdock having access to the reports, the software used by LCSO is called RiMS from Sun Ridge Systems. Just access it from any search engine.

RiMS is a database program that controls reports, statistic's and information. RiMS has the capability to stop anyone but authorized persons from reading a specific report or even an entire section of the RiMS program. For an example; RiMS can be accessed by Lakeport Police and Clearlake Police, but they can not access the reports prepared or stored in RiMS. I see no reason for a correctional officer, correctional sergeant, coroner clerk or even a office clerk to have access to the entire Bismark Dinius report. Have we done this before? Yes. We have had very sensitive reports involving deputies that were locked out to anyone but investigators.

Mitchell seems to have mixed up "Transparency" with "Security". Under his definition of "Transparency" with RiMS, I see no difference from a deputy or a jail guard accessing a case, a journalist or even a private person.
# posted by Rivero4sheriff : January 23, 2010 6:55 PM
Facts had been posted in the news several times. Mitchell could not manage Garzoli, who he personally promoted from deputy to lieutenant. Garzoli mismanaged the DEA grant and crashed a helicopter that he should not have been operating in the first place. Mitchell could not manage Perdock, who called his own investigators liars, accessed reports when told not to and lied about not being at a bar the night of the collision.

This is two major events (Garzligate and Perdockgate) that should have never taken place. Mitchell only had to review the DEA grant or have a captain review it. Mitchell should have locked the Dinius report so that nobody could have accessed it. We place deputies on Admin Leave all the time during an investigation, and when the investigation clears him, than he is put back on duty.
Read the Grand Jury Report 2008-2009 the Last half of page 208 and first part of page 209!! If Mitchell can refuse to answer Grand Jury questions What makes anyone think he is going to answer any of our questions??? Looks like Mitchell doesn't answer to no one???
# posted by Anonymous : October 1, 2009 11:06 PM
It's obvious that the Sheriff's and the DA's office is responding, some good and some bad. To the bad ones, I say: Tuck your tail between your legs and run. You are trying to cover up your own transgressions. Transfer out of the county while you still have a chance. Resign now. Leave before it's too late. You WILL be found out.

To the good people who remain, I say: We need your help. Get other officers to come forward, anonymously for now they wish. We need information and details. We are developing our own avenues of investigation and we already have a great deal of information, but we want to be able to provide as strong a case as possible.

In a small community like Lake County, secrets never last very long, so let it be known: if you run for public office around here, it had better be for the good of the people.
Let's make LC a better place to live! Spread the word!
How about not having a complaint form so a citizen had a record when they made a charge. The county of lake only put one in place a few years ago. yep they look out for us and why is there this personnel matter so they can hide all their dishonesty. Did Garzoli take money that was not his? Did not a officer refuse to take a report that there was lights on the sailboat? I have no problem stating, Mitchell and Hopkins work for a dishonest government and in truth fit right in
Well once again the grave shift decides to play on the computer instead of patrolling. Ski, Davidson, Kenner, why play on the computer? Just because it is raining doesn't mean you should slack in your duties. Sorry, but I slept and didn't watch you childish actions. Ski, you're to smart to lower yourself to this and you'd be surprised to find out who I am and what else I know.

Mitchell, can't supervise Garzoli, Perdock, Morshed, McMahon or and how about that little incident in the jail. Why is it that Esburg had to be moved out? Could it be from not only numerous complaints about mismanagement, but the mass resignations during her term. Now a correctional officer is occupying a peace officer position and the DSA does nothing.

Another reason to get Mitchell out.
By By Phil Murphy 5/11/02

Last August sheriff Mitchell and district attorney Gary Luck had one of their wildest dreams come true, they got their brand-new hand-crafted anti-nepotism policy passed by our easily duped BOS. Our two ace crime fighters had spent months radically reshaping the existing policy, and as heads of the revision committee had free reign to tailor the regs to suit their needs. The two main changes were #1. All nepotism disputes would be handled in-house by department heads instead of coming before the BOS, and #2. The nepotism regs would now be triggered by anyone living in the "same household", instead of applying only to family members.

The D.A. and sheriff wanted the first change so they could load their departments with family members of their staffs, and to basically let in-house favoritism run amok unhindered and undetected by their BOS bosses. And in the relatively short time the regs had been in effect, the sheriff in particular had flagrantly abused his new-found power to call them the way he saw them with no BOS oversight. But as bad as the favoritism angle was, there was an even darker side to their plan, and that was to use it to promote the narrow-minded and self-righteous religious beliefs held by our two conservative "Christian" lawmen.

That sad fact was made clear by the insertion of the second part of the new ordinance, which was clearly aimed at the sinner community, either gays and lesbians or unmarried hetro couples. Also caught up in the dragnet of morality offenders were any roommates of county employees, who were now elevated to the status of family member, that is until they ask for county-sponsored health benefits. That's where the obvious inconsistency came into play, one that would have been obvious to any law enforcement personal who were truly interested in fairness. But neither of the two "devout" Christian department heads were interested in fairness, especially when it got in the way of them finding a new and legal way to persecute the people they decided weren't worthy of God's love or a square deal.

But the bully boys bit off more than they could chew, because even though it squeeked though on a 3-2 vote the first time (Lewis, Robey and Brown "aye", Smith and Farrington "nay"), it wasn't long before their brazen abuse of their new power and some sage lobbying by key members of county government did them in. Giving benefits to domestic partners was a budget-busting non-starter, so there really was no other option than to go back to square one, and the guidelines of the old ordinance. Both county administrator Kelly Cox and county personnel director Drummond were dead-set against the new regs, and after the supervisors finally realized that they had been bamboozled by the sheriff and D.A., the revision was rescinded on a 4-0 vote (Lewis was absent), killing the plan for good
The essential problem was posed by Plato in The Republic, his work on government and morality. The perfect society as described by Socrates, the main character of the work (see Socratic dialogue), relies on laborers, slaves and tradesmen. The guardian class is to protect the city. The question is put to Socrates, "Who will guard the guardians?" or, "Who will protect us against the protectors?" Plato's answer to this is that they will guard themselves against themselves. We must tell the guardians a "noble lie".[1] The noble lie will assure them that they are better than those they serve and it is therefore their responsibility to guard and protect those lesser than themselves. We will instill in them a distaste for power or privilege; they will rule because they believe it right, not because they desire it.
Those that took a oath and then hide behind "its a personnel matter" are tyrants. It breeds the arrogance of bad leaders to become worse. It fosters contempt for the citizen that would speak out. So put yourself in Mr.Dinius shoes and ask,could that not have been us? There that bad from the BOS on down. I say this, history tells us what is to be our fate without integrity. Those that would tell the truth will just wither on the vine.
Concerning Hopkins' open letter about the Dinius case, that was published after the jury panel was sworn and instructed not to read or watch any stories about the case. Considering that Dinius had engaged in a relentless barrage of publicity in what was clearly an attempt (arguably successful) to poison the jury pool for at least two years prior to Hopkins' letter, I think the letter was fairly moderate and appropriate. Is there anything in Hopkins' letter that was not supported by evidence at the trial?
Hey James, make it to the BOS meeting today and ask that they remove Hopkins and Mitchell. If they say its not their jurisdiction ask that they take a no confidence vote between them so that we can show the citizens just whos side they are on!
Correction post 6:38 - The letter came out during selection. Instructions go out to the possible jury members each day in court. His comment DRUCKEN SAILOR was totally misappropriate. That was not proven until trial was underway! And just so you know everyone agreed with the fact he had been drinking.
748 Hinchcliff LPPD, DA and grand juror. Isn't that cozy? All the Wells within the SO, county investigator Buckholtz connected to Garzoli.
646 Hopkins made his comments in print during the selection process.
Please tell me post 638 is not trying to defend Hopkins, no say it aint so, not defending the court house steps comment, now you are reaching, that will go over like a screen door on a submarine to a jury.
We need several people or actually as many as possible that can do it, at the 3 minute session in front of the BOS, to step up to the mide and make the simple statement we want the BOS to ask Mitchell and Hopkins to step down. They need at least one citizen to make the statement so that it does not appear to be politically motivated, who ever can get down to the court house and do it.
Once the Dinius panel was sworn the jury was admonished to avoid any stories about the case. So yeah, Hopkins released the letter during jury selection, but no one on the panel was supposed to read the letter because they had been instructed not to by the judge.
Oh I see post 7:46 because a jury is not suppose to read the papers its ok to say what ever a DA wants. Geeee I didn't know it was so simple, ya, Hoppy did nothing wrong your right. Get a clue man!!!
Post 7:19 - Isn't that what I said , during the slection? Scratching head lol
Post 6:43 that is like talking to the wind. I truly don't know what I believed before this bunch was ever true but I know now all that I was thought and put my faith into is not so. The only control the BOS has is the money and with that money keep a eye on how it is spent. You all see what good job they have done.So wish in one hand and crap in the other and see the one you get first.Its a personnel matter and dishonesty is the name of the game.
Whether or not a regular grand jury sits in a county whose District Attorney simply chooses not to make use of its indictment function, or in a county with an
additional grand jury sitting, the regular grand jury possesses all of the criminal and civil investigatory powers of any regular grand jury.
The term “civil grand jury” is frequently used as a shorthand way to refer to a regular grand jury that sits in a county where the regular grand jury’s indictment powers are not called upon. It is a convenient, but unfortunate, shorthand term that it makes it easy to refer to such a regular grand jury. The CGJA tries to avoid the term, however, and encourages grand jurors to do the same. The reason is that the term conveys the impression to the public, the media, the government officials over whom you have oversight jurisdiction, and perhaps worst of all, to grand jurors themselves, that regular grand jurors do not have the strong powers that in fact they do have. It can lead to a diminishing awareness of and commitment to your powers to investigate public official misconduct in office, to issue accusations, to direct the District Attorney to recover monies and to investigate criminal matters even if you will not be asked to issue an
indictment. In short, it can lead to a mentality that, in counties where they are not asked to issue indictments, all that regular grand juries do, or even all they are required to do, is to issue Reports. That is wrong and such an attitude can severely weaken a grand jury and, indeed, the strength of all of California’s regular grand juries in the future. It is also possible that if enough grand jurors think of themselves as possessing only reporting powers for a long enough period of time, the legislature may agree and significantly change the historic role of the regular grand jury.
The CGJA encourages regular grand juries to refer to themselves simply as “[County name] Grand Jury”. If an additional grand jury is impaneled let it refer to itself as an “additional”, “special” or “criminal” grand jury but reserve the unrestricted term “grand jury” for the regular grand jury.
The grand jury as it is here in Lake county is a farce and is only a tool for those in power. This is the same grand jury that only asked that supervisor Lewis repay the phone bills that he charged the county and never outed him. Nothing more than a extension of the status quo. If those of us that could see the injustice with the Dinius case and the jury agreed.Mitchell and Hopkins need to go rather than ask for our vote. The attorney general needs to look at them scrupulously.
Vote for Rivero and see management run scared. Vote for Mitchell see more mismanagement and incompetence.

*********Rivero for Sheriff********
Why is it that "lovelace" has not posted anything this afternoon? Is it because lovelace (Sean Collins) and Gregorian are both in settlement court?
Why hasn't anyone posted? Maybe everyone is worried about the apparent suboena for Topix IP's.
Vote for Rivero and see management run scared. Vote for Mitchell see more mismanagement and incompetence.

*********Rivero for Sheriff********
There is not any reason to be worried.
There really isn't a good choice for sheriff. The people of Lake County should search for a good candidate from outside the area; get him elected and clean house. Lakeport Police Department is on that track. We need a sheriff who doesnt know everybody and their father. Somebody who doesnt care who people know or are related to. Lets take out the trash!
Well well a busy day to say the least, couple of items, was anyone at the supervisors Tuesday in the morning during the 9:30 public input? If so was there anyone who stepped up to the mike and ask the board to tell Mitchell and Hopkins to step down? Lovelace could not be there in the morning but one of us was there for the afternoon section. Curious as to what happened in the morning section if anyone was there? Thanks

No need to be concerned about the apparent IP address/Topix situation, but we are curious about why people think that action may have taken place, Dinus trial? Mitchell fishing? what or what could it be. Think we may have the answer but want to see others input. Google by the way is quite aganist giving out that kind of information, and has in fact indicted they do not maintain that number of IP's remember that would be millions upon millions, we suspect if it was a very serious situation, some murder or some level or condition of that nature, they might try to help. Otherwise this is why we choose this method of setting up the blog.
Love the post 3:48 boy are you a quick study yup this is Sean Collins here, just got back from court, man you guys are sharp. But no you don't get the 1000.00 bucks, but again because of your continued attempts at guessing, we can offer you a autographed photo of Lovelace to hang on your living room wall, you know next to your Nixon picture. Hey it is the least we can do for your fine effort.
where can I pick up my autographed photo?
We are hearing alot today from some various "news" folks that strange things are happening right now, some things are in the wind, and we are working on being able to post some of it soon. But just a quick note. Oh Andy D. how are you, interesting the things you have been up to Andy. Ski, Dutra, Frace, how are you guys, feeling a bit anxious right now? Hmmmmm you guys got everything covered up real good huh? You sure? Wouldn't want to slip up you know, like miss something, not oh cover your tracks enough. Well well might want to do a double check on things, ahh actually a bit to late. We just have this feeling we will be touching bases with you guys in due time, in due time.
Post 4:20 it is your lucky day, we will send it to you free just post the mailing address and it will be in the mail post haste. Now do you want the 5x9 or the 6x12, framed or unframed?
I am thinking framed. Those are odd dimensions to find frames for. ;)
By the way we can get you 5 wallet size and 2 3x5's if that is your desire, however they are not autographed, we really do suggest the larger signed size, and they work great as gifts. Ask for them now and we will send you a new tee-shirt which is going to be our new business venture called "cops" it is a protection service for growers. Stands for Cannabis Operations Protection Services, ya we are going to have trucks for transporting, Insurance coverage in case of raids, and legal services if needed. Pretty cool huh!! I suspect we will wait for the acutal launch till after we get rid of Mitchell and Hopkins.
4:25 you are right of course we had the frames special made, from old growth sativa, out of east portgual.
Hey I wonder if Mitchell and Hopkins would like one, Mitchell could replace that photo outside his office.
Oh you mean the one that made him look like a total idiot.
Yup that is the one, does anyone know if the nutcase took that one down?
Lovelace, please check your email.
Assume we are talking about the same e-mail and have sent reply to you. If individual is different then our reply please post again.
I got it and replied.
I had to work today. How many people stepped up to the mic at the BOS meeting? And what kind of reaction did it get?
can you post the email address again for us please?
Yes find someone better if you can, but you shouldn't hope for something that appears is not going to happen.
Vote for Rivero and see management run scared. Vote for Mitchell see more mismanagement and incompetence.

*********Rivero for Sheriff********
I have a problem with the death of the man who was running from a LC Deputy. If he were commiting sucide, he would not be driving a car and if he were going to commit suicide while driving, he would use the car to do itrather than shoot himself while driving. 99% of male sucides are commited in the privacy of there own homes. This is a known fact from the AMA. This man was running from the deputy; when the deputy was parallel, he supposedly rammed the officer's car on the side. This doesn't make sense. Anybody who watches COPS knows that unless trapped, one wouldn't ram a car from the side. My belief is that this man was shot in the head from the side by the officer with his pistol. The natural reflex when shot or disabled is to turn left, which is why he hit the patrol car and I believe he was dead before he hit the trees. This man was never known to carry a gun. Talk about a coverup. Open your eyes Lake County.
I will tell you that LCSO did not do the investigation and deputy Davidson was cleared of any wrongdoing (unlike the Perdock mess). Also, what you describe is called a PIT maneuver. The PIT maneuver is not authorized under LCSO policy, but ramming is. Another blonder of Mitchell and his great management.
I don't even know what to say about your post 543. Watching COPS makes you an expert. ROFLOL! Maybe I will start watching Judge Judy and become a lawyer. Go back and read what you wrote and then try telling us your not an idiot... without LOL.
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