Thursday, September 10, 2009


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We appreciate and act on all information
I would like an 11 X 16 to hang on my office door
6:05 If this is true, can you provide the name of the outside agency? Also, what calibar weapon does the officer carry and what calibar weapon killed the man? Was there a grove test done on the weapon(s).
Hey I do believe we need on eof those photos to hang with all the other service men and women in the courthouse. Afterall, This group is doing a great service to this community. I'm sure my son and daughter won'tj mind a bit!
Don't forget the former Hommer and his brother-in-law (not sure of his name)
Yvonne and Mike Morshed
Rick and Martina Santor
Any connection between Gavin and Darren Wells?
Doug Rhoades and Joe Dutra
That's a possible connection of 27 people so far on this blog since Jan. 25
The ex Navarro brothers make 29. I'll keep a master list and update later. Think of more names please. I wonder what a mathametican would think of this ratio for our little county compared to a larger metropolis?
Witch ones work for Public Works?
what does public works have to do with the sheriff department or da office
7:16, Hommer bro-in-law with Howe
Lloyd Wells(LCSO) sons are Gavin(LCSO) and Darren Wells(LPPW). Brother is Lkpt Fire Chief. Gavin Wells wifey is LCSO dispatcher.
Are all 27 from 2 departments was my question.
This is a comment from the Record Bee Topix. It is a good question.

"When will Perdock be brought to justice for killing Lynn Thorton? Everyone keeps asking that question. It is time for an answer."
"Nepotism," as I understand the term, means favoritism in hiring and/or promotion based on family ties. Does someone out there have a different definition, or are you saying that Joe Dutra, for example, was hired as a deputy because Doug Rhoades is on the PD contract? Or that Craig Woodworth is the acting chief DA investigator because his wife works at Family Support? None of the people named actually even work in the same departments, as far as I can tell. I kind of have to give this nepotism stuff a big ho-hum.
More questions about the man who supposedly killed himself: Was he removed by ambulance or air? Where was he taken? Did he go to the hospital or directly to the coroner's. If by air, why, if he was already dead? I can tell that the smartass answers are from rookie cops. They always have a smart answer except when taking the detective test - then they flunk out.
If you want that information, simply go to LCSO and pay for a copy of the report. If you can't get it, have the Record Bee or Lake Co News get it under the freedom of information act. You're making as much sense as the second shooter in the Kennedy Assassination. Or how about the moon landing was made on a movie set.

Get off this junk and concentrate on what you have control over with you vote. We need Mitchell and Hopkins out. Stop the mismanage of incompetence.
543 keep asking those questions..
The guy's name was Ryan Williams, he was an absconding parolee, and you people are nuts if you think Andy Davidson shot him.
Just read the coroner report. That will shut your trap and get back on track of taking Mitchell and Hopkins down.
You know what 10:49 you are starting to piss me off....ALL of this relevenent to TAKING Mitchell & Hopkins out and unless you are LOVELACE I can post ANYTHING I want!!
It was Andy Davison, who shot Ryan and Joe Dutra and Rookies Frank Walsh and Gary Frace were involved in the KILLING of Ryan Willaims!! If Lovelace doesn't like what I to post, they will remove it but you ASSW**P don't have the authority!!
We don't have an issue with the discussion of the death of this individual, this open discussion often points to other avenues and concerns that may need to be addressed. Failed leadership can be described from a number of directions, remember the captain is in charge of all the crew and organization. In regards to the Nepotism issue, we have stated over and over, the level of nepotism in this county needs to have total transparency, and watched very closley, this would go for any county. Judge Martin, Brian Martin, family in the DA's office and it goes on. We understand that in a small county there will be some level of this situation, but it must be examined, watched and the public must be ensured that no decisions or judgements occur as a result of some relationship.
The discussion even though heated can be done here. Post your points and if they are countered it may be that an agreement on the issue will not be come to. Just leave off the profanity, we want open discussion, there will always be two sides to some stories. And you should be careful which position you take, because other facts surface that greatly change the situation.
Thank you Lovelace, the Ryan Williams thing is about transparency because loved ones have question....your humble servant.....
sorry...loved ones have questions!
It is just that the family and friends of Ryan Williams are claiming that he had 3 gunshot wounds...why would they say that? And why hasn't there been anything in the news about "???" any investigations; any information about what happened....seems they didn't want any public information; just seems strange.
I wish someone would get the autopsy report so we can know if any of the family or friends are right? It's was too hush, hush....
People who live by kits corner say they heard three shots fired...what about that??
side issues away from the topic at hand which is what LoveLace agenda is only to derail what you are trying to accomplish I would just move on and close that discussion.
Ashley his sis, herself told us that he DID NOT kill himself....sorry I am nosey person and I want to know the REAL truth, not the Frace, Dutra and Walsh version!!
11:18....Why the hell are trying SOOOOO hard to change the subject Hummmmmmmm Something to hide ....Sarah?? Jenn??? Rachael?? Your men killed an innocent, so say the family....
I will leave Lovelace to decide if MY comments are important or not.....cop protecter...we know who is with us or not!! Hey Lovelace..if you really feel the questions into the death of Ryan's death doen't seem weird just delete them...
Good nite all.....I could care less!
relatives are the last to want to think or believe their loveone no matter what walk of life they choose would ever do anything never know what someone will do in a situation until it happends and I am sympathic for your loss.
To 7:52, sounds like Patty White to me. It is interesting you conveniently failed to mention two more ties to law enforcement from Child Support. What about the former Child Support attorney, Jacqueline Snyder being married to Detective Martin Snyder from CPD, and Deana Clausen being married to Lt. Craig Clausen from CPD. Oops, I guess those were just left out by mistake. I think you are just jealous because everyone mentioned actually has a spouse who works!
"In regards to the Nepotism issue, we have stated over and over, the level of nepotism in this county needs to have total transparency, and watched very closley, this would go for any county." What has been described on this blog is not nepotism, as defined above, it is simple coincidence. "[T]he level of nepotism in this county needs to have total transparency" - what does that even mean?
Lake County News in the Letters From Readers section (1/27), has published. An "Open Letter To Sheriff Mitchell", from Lynn Thorton's brother. He makes interesting points.
See just what I thought, the Ryan Willams stuff is just a way of sidetracking off the issues. Dutra, was on Day Shift in training when that happened. Frace and Walsh wasn't even employed with LCSO them. Suicide was the cause of death. You just can't except a felon with a long criminal history and on the run would do it.
If you don't think things like that happen, 1985, a CHP office stops and arrests a person for DUI in Kelseyville. When he turned to take care of the passenger, that passenger drew a knife and stabbed himself in the chest, killing himself.
Read the coroners report or shut the f@*%P#@ up!
If Ryan Williams had been shot 3 times and the SO wanted to cover it up, then the cover story would explain why he was shot 3 times. Since Williams either had a handgun (or the SO had a drop gun, if you prefer) that would probably have involved Williams pointing the sidearm at Davidson. But knock yourselves out with the conspiracy theory stuff, its highly amusing to those of us with jobs.
The concerns for situatios like Ryan Williams are difficult to work out on a blog such as this, the conversation is necessary, as it adds to the overall picture that is being painted. One can sometimes look at a set of events and decided that there may be more to what is happening in our county then just what is on the surface, no we will not come to the known factual conclusion in these talks, however we can make connections, such the issue we are looking into with Barbara Laforge, it is interesting that two SO's have told us as we have begun to look into this, that they find it odd that in a county this small with a murder such as that, that it still is unsolved, sometimes events added together can spell corruption, we do not known of any untoward actions from a factual basis at this time concerning these two situations, but we like to keep an open mind in discussion.
7:18 I don't know if I would crow to loudly about having a job, we have jobs as well, but those can be taken away quite quickly, and your ignorant comment has no merit on the ongoing discussion. If you are in SO or DA and that is your post, you should in fact be real careful about boasting concerning your employment status, things can change in an instant. You can take this as a subtle warning, of something in the pipeline, that we think may end up a flash report to the citizens. All in all there is much to be explored in our little corner of the woods, and we don't lay much credibility on those that have tried to downplay the investigations concerning the activities of our LE and DA offices, each time they do we drop another hammer down, it seems as if when we do see resistance, it generally has turned out that there is an issue.
Here is the letter from Lake Co news concerning Lynn Thorton. A terrible tragedy, and as you can see a smoke screen again thrown up by Mitchell, so sad that this has to be reported concerning our sheriff and DA.

Thomsen: Open letter to Sheriff Mitchell regarding Lynn Thornton
Written by Roger Thomsen
Tuesday, 26 January 2010
Sheriff Mitchell,
In regard to your report in the Lake County News, on Nov. 4 about the procedures followed after the boating incident on April 29, 2006, in which my sister Lynn Thornton was killed, I would like to tell the people of Lake County that your concern for our family and justice for our sister Lynn is a myth.

Throughout this ordeal, there was not one attempt made by the sheriff’s office or the district attorney to contact our family. Even our letters to you and District Attorney Jon Hopkins went unanswered.

When we called the sheriff's office upon learning what had happened to our sister, your office – after realizing who we were – HUNG up on us seven times. We have the phone records to prove it.

Were you hiding something? It would seem so. Respect for our family? No indication of that? This is how we have been treated by your office, and the office of DA Hopkins from the very start of this ordeal.

Sheriff Michell, you stated that you “embraced” Russell Perdock the night of the tragedy. This statement turns my stomach. My sister lay dying in the hospital while your professional demeanor faded away and the effort to keep Russell Perdock clean at any cost began.

Regarding the answer to question No. 14 in your responses to the community's questions, you state you did not cite Russell Perdock for the violating boating laws because he was not observed by officers doing anything unsafe. It seems to me the vast majority of criminals who were tried and convicted were not observed in the commission of their crimes. So I do not buy your answer.

My sister was killed, and you made the preposterous claim that no officer witnessed the crime. Tell me, isn’t Russell Perdock an officer of the law? Isn’t he bound to report the who, when and where of any crime either on or off duty? After you “embraced” Russell Perdock did you ask for an official report? Was he not bound by law to report the truth? We are talking about the taking of a life, not a traffic ticket.

What I am trying to get through to you, Mr. Mitchell, is that you dropped any pretense of professionalism in this travesty of justice. Your words of sympathy to our family falls on deaf ears. How do you sleep knowing a fellow peace officer has died, and you were unwilling to get to the truth? Is Russell Perdock that important to you and DA Hopkins?
"If you are in SO or DA and that is your post, you should in fact be real careful about boasting concerning your employment status, things can change in an instant." You should change the name of this blog to Bring it, Lovelace, if you can (Hint: you can't).
Barbara LaForge was murdered in Lakeport, so that's LPD, not the SO. They know who did, everyone knows who did it, but proving it's another tub of pudding.
Hey lovelace, are you saying that people who work for the DA or SO may be fired for excercising their rights under the First Amendment? That's a bold position.
Calm down everyone. If you haven't done anything wrong you have nothing to worry about. On the other hand Lovelace is saying hold on to your seat cause he's driving the bus.
1105 and 1107 this should be a concern, if I heard correctly the autopsy report states 3 shots and the bullets resemble those carried by SO. If true, yes it does raise questions that need to be answered. Don't stop asking the questions.
7:48 AM

Does that tub of pudding contain the X?
Oh, Lovelace is on a bus all right, the short yellow bus.
The family and friends of Lynn Thornton will not stop until Mitchell and Hopkins along with all the other corrupt pieces of crap are brought down. Dinius will prevail in his suit and the citizens of Lake County will walk the streets once again with faith and belief in LE as well as our county officials.
This has become our mission and we will not stop until we the people are satisfied. The God type attititude within all departments will become that of a begger!
Poster 8:36
Lovelace is on the short yellow bus in this regard: Lovelace will make SHORT work of the corrupt in the LCSO and the courts AND the corrupt are certainly YELLOW cowards and not too awful bright and they will be BUSted. Mitchell is developmentally handicapped at best, and his little pals in the cover up for him are vicious little braggart creeps. That's how they got caught!
The truly disabled that are assisted on the so called short yellow bus are gentle souls, so you really need to get a life poster and more importantly soul.
Poster 8:36 your head is a vacuum and your thoughts and opinions suck. Get on or under an out of county bus and be gone. Do us all a favor.
Post 836 - I take insult to your comment about a short yellow bus. If this my friend is the mentality of the Corrupt LE and officials you should be hung. Even us who do ride the short yellow bus, have compassion for others, and probably are alot more intelligent than you. Is this how you view the citizens of your county? To Lovelace, whoever may you be. Please do all of us on the yellow short bus a favor. Find these guys, we certainly don't need nor want them within our county nor acting in a official compacity. Thank You!
Thornton's family has a major reason to be mad. Mitchell comforts Perdock and talks with the deputies at the scene. He never consulted with Thornton's group. Beland was fired for his testimony, Ostini left Perdock's boat unsecured all night, Morshed lies on the stand, Perdock lies of his whereabouts and sends P.I.'s and a mechanic into the barn against Ostini's concerns. Mitchell over rules Ostini, Mitchell fails to properly take security concerns with the report and fails to control Perdock.

Hopkins charges Dinius was manslaughter, than felony DUI (based on the death of Thornton) and refuses to listen to investigators or the public. Instead of allowing Dinius to plea to misdemeanor DUI on a boat, Hopkins looses the entire case.

Vote for Rivero and see management run scared. Vote for Mitchell see more mismanagement and incompetence.

*********Rivero for Sheriff********
Gary Frace has been with LCSO since 2006 so he was a Deputy when Williams was killed. Futher investigation is definately needed in that case.

For project: Nepotism Exposed
LCSD Darren Daskam is the brother in law of David Lance, Corrections Officer.
Brian Martin is the son of Judge Martin.
Lloyd Wells son is Gavin Wells, Gavin's wife Kricket is Dispatcher at LCSO.
Hommer and Howe's mother in law is Cheryl Smart who works for the city of Lakeport.

For project: GOB Buddy System
Howe's wife is long-time close friends with wife of Kenner, LCSD and Taylor of LPD. Frace is close friends with LCSD Dutra, Davidson, Cook and Walsh. Hommer, Frace, Sobieraj and Santor -- all very good friends.
be reasonable, just because all of those have developed a friendship most likley because most of them work or have common interest does not make them corrupt or GOB I know all of them and I sure hope no one lumps me into a GOB just because of Our Friendship
I am sure you do know all of them. You would also then know that those freindships were developed in childhood or prior to any employment with LE.

It is reasonable to ask the question, how can they be impartial in their job if they have such close ties to one another outside of the work place. Can you say that no preferential treatment is given when it comes to promotion, advancement or even employment to begin with? When the ADA's are busy partying with LE on the weekneds, it leaves reasonable doubt as to can anyone get justice in our county. These are all reasons that the friendship circle should also be exposed.
7:12, if you simply find out where the bullet entered the guys body and the path it took, I believe that alone will tell you he was NOT shot by the deputy. Unless maybe if he had his head tilted all the way back and was looking straight up at the headliner in his car. Oh ya, and had his mouth wide open facing the deputy. Like 543, I also watch COPS. This making me an expert, I can tell you no one does that while running from the cops. ;o)
11:17 - Quit wishing someone else would do it. get off your lazy butt and go get it yourself.
Three shot were heard! You can hear the panic in the deputies voices as they are calling into dispatch. It was davison, frace, dutra and walsh. Why would the family be so set against the findings? Why not be upfront with the whole thing. Perhaps Ryan shot himself and the deputy hearing/seeing the flash, thought Ryan was shooting at him and returned fire. That doesn't mean the deputy killed Ryan outright but after the fact..if you will. Sad for everyone. But being upfront with the public should have been first and formost. And you guys wonder why no one can trust you to be honest.
Since the county government is one of the largest employers in the county, if not the largest, then it is not unreasonable that relatives be employed there. When dating one often looks to their peers. County employees also date/marry school and hospital employees. Also, once married, the one partner may be informed of upcoming positions, since they are posted in every county office, and may encourage their spouse/loved one to apply since a lot of the other employers around here don't offer insurance. As long as one is not supervising the other it is allowed. I am sure this applies to most small counties.
American * Observer needs to verify their drop in metting pieces the one is todays paper has a local Democratic meeting featuring....SGT FRANCISCO RIVERO.who did the promoting in rank..........?

when you wish upon a star..........YOUR DREAMS COME TRUE
216 what are you getting at, you make no sense.
To be promoted to the rank of sergeant in the military, one must display a leadership ability, to excel in your position and lead by example. When the captain of a ship can not control his leaders, the crew will fail. If a general demands his staff lead by example and they do not, its brigade crumbles. Does this sound familiar? If you were an officer in the military than you have heard this statement at least a thousand times.

Mitchell's management has failed to follow those simple examples of leadership. Mitchell has proven he can not supervise his staff. Perdock's mess, Garzoligate, racism comments, sexual misconducts and retaliation run a muck is the signs of a poor leader.

Vote for Rivero and see management run scared. Vote for Mitchell see more mismanagement and incompetence.

*********Rivero for Sheriff********
On Monday I was talking to my lawyer and he asked me who I was going vote for sheriff. I told him Rivero. He replied that he though Rivero was a little "out there" and that his peers really weren't for Rivero. I told him "no offense" but that his peers are of little concern to Rivero's election because "Joe Public" thinks all the lawyers in this county are in the same bed with the corrupt DA, judges and LE. The amount of Joe Public who will vote for Rivero compared to a handful of lawyers, judges and LE that might vote for Mitchell, will make Rivero a shoe'in. Sometimes I think my lawyer calls me so I can give him a good ol' fashion really check. Me and my family will be voting for Rivero and for Don Anderson for DA. I knew Don when he was a cop and he was always respectful and caring. Rhoades was always full of himself back in the day, imagine him as DA. Also Dutra as his son-in-law hurts his cause. I am willing to give Rivero his chance. NOTHING (no offense Frank) could be worse that Mitchell's mess.
However, if LPPD Chief Burke wanted to throw his hat in the ring, he would have my vote! He keeps a clean house and is a very smart man.
Lawyers with information about Rivero's peer group and what they thing? My experience with the lawyers of Lake county is that they collude and are corrupt. I wouldn't trust ANY of them at this point and I did trust not only my lawyer but the corrupt of the LCSO and paid the price.
I was refering to my lawyers peers i.e. other lawyers. Rivero's peers are not the same my post.
There are very vocal deputies, sergeants and staff that oppose Rivero. I hear it every day in the office, the substation's and the parking lot's. There are numerous deputies that support Rivero, but they keep low and don't say a thing. Mitchell has shown by example (Beland and Lande for a few) of what happens to anyone who talks negative about Mitchel and his staff.

Rivero is very passionate about what he believes in. Anyone who can stand up to the San Francisco Medical Examiner over a 15 year court battle shows passion, integrity and motivation. Rivero showed it again at LCSO. He first tried to brush off the racial comments, but when he decided to come forward, Mitchell decided to argue using the media. All Mitchell had to say was not only an internal IA disproved Rivero's complaint, but so did the EEOC complaint. For some reason Mitchell refuses to do that.

Vote for Rivero and see management run scared. Vote for Mitchell see more mismanagement and incompetence.

*********Rivero for Sheriff********
This is the Lovelace group, as to the yellow bus, short, long, whatever you want to describe it as. After the events of today, we will say this, sorry it will be vague. Your either better get on the bus, or its going to run over you. We know we are being quite vague and we do apoligize for that, but we do want to keep everyone at least updated as to the time extent of our activities when we have a day like today. We conducted several meetings with certain individuals, and they were quite productive. Cover-ups are one of the most difficult avenues to explore, so there is much time involved in verifying information and specific details. The risks involved as you approach critical mass get more and more intense. We will leave it at that for now. Please be aware of our gratitude to all of you for your support and help during the past few months, we now know you all will be rewarded and the county will be brought down a road of change and evolution. The time is approaching where all will clearly see the deeper nature of our work and the information that is being uncovered.

By the way we have confirmed that an attempt to sabotage the upcoming radio debate is in place from the Mitchell regime. We have contacted an individual to informe KPFZ of this plan and to have them perform a screening process on the calls and be aware of the plan that has been put in place. Inside people in the SO confirmed this information today, and we have acted on it.
By the way we want to send out a thanks to the individual who gave us that information and the trusted individual who is going to assist us in assuring that we have direct contact with KPFZ and this plan is stopped.
Rivero's peer group are the citizens of Lake County. He has visited many many businesses and citizen's groups; has attended their meetings; has had intense conversations with them; asking them their opionions on matters; and everyone he meets and talks to is VERY IMPRESSED with him. Those are his peers; the public; the citizens of Lake County. He has covered so much ground work already; and much more to come. I do not believe that this response from him is solely because he is running for Sheriff; he truly is dedicated in wanting to change the county that he lives in... to make it a better place to live, to be more compassionate and he is instilling trust within his community as he realizes there has been an extreme "loss of trust within the community" How does he know that?
He gets out there and asks people...he hears their story..he listens.....I've seen him......that is how he knows what everyone wants and needs. This has been my observation.....and I am out in the public; I am a business person; I have been introducing Rivero to my customers and my community and everytime I mention Francisco Rivero, they tell me, "Oh yes, I met him at our meeting (or where ever) and think he is really a great person; they loved talking to him and really enjoyed meeting him. That's the kind of person we need running our Sheriff's Department. Someone who IS transparent, who IS compassionate and who IS willing to communicate with the citizens of this county... to be truthful and honest. That's how I see Francisco Rivero.....We need this/his "new" view on things.....change is good and always has been; people who resist change are complacent and enjoy being complacent....because they don't have to become better at what they do...they can slide by "business as usual".....He's a brave guy! Thanks Francisco!!
Well it sounds like your meeting went good. Glad to hear it. Mitchell and Hopkins must be replaced. Their replacements must be able to rebuild the department. He will most likely need to bring in new managers or give the current ones corrective action that will result in severe penalties if they do not conform to those standards.

Vote for Rivero and see management run scared. Vote for Mitchell see more mismanagement and incompetence.

*********Rivero for Sheriff********
So the attempt to "sabotage" the radio forum is by organizing a bunch of people who support Mitchell to call in? Rivero is not going to attempt to have any of his supporters call in? That seems like a reasonably innocuous campaign tactic to me. I think Mitchell and/or Rivero would be dumb not to do that.
1:10 maybe there was panic in their voice because the just saw someone commit suicide. It isn't something a person sees every day. Not even a deputy. There would be panic in my voice too. And don't try to tell about deputies being trained to calmly handle a situation like that. NO ONE can be trained to not be effected by something like that. These men and women are people. Not robots. None of them were happy to see that man die. None of them!!
Shut up Gary...tell Sarah to quit editing your reports or posts! I realize it was tramatic for you guys but you sounded like a bunch of school girls crying for mommy. There was no calm thinking there. What happened to that well trained deputy sheriff! Oh and all that crap on LCRB topix...what was it..."Hang in there Andy"!(Davison) Your buddies: Gary, Joe and Frank. As if we didn't know it was Gary Frace, Joe Dutra and Frank Walsh. Then you made out like you knew Ryan soooo well, you don't know s**t! You were losers in high school and Ryan was cool.
Lovelace, check your email. Thanks ;)
Lovelace has direct contact with is that any different than what you are accusing Mitchell of?
Because Lovelace isn't running for sheriff idiot.
Vote for Rivero and see management run scared. Vote for Mitchell see more mismanagement and incompetence.

*********Rivero for Sheriff********
"You were losers in high school and Ryan was cool." And a fat lot of good that did him.
The truth was he was upset over a "love lost" and everyone knows how painful that can be. Yeah a "fat lot of good it did him" but he wasn't a jerk, just confused.
Lovelace, check your e-mail. It appears that you have a once-in-a-lifetime business opportunity, thanks to a certain member of the Royal Family of Nigeria.
"The truth was he was upset over a "love lost" and everyone knows how painful that can be. Yeah a "fat lot of good it did him" but he wasn't a jerk, just confused." He was an absconding parolee with a .357 handgun. I'd say that makes him a jerk.
In fact, I would say that makes him an asshole.
Ryan Williams case deserves an independant investigation. 1 shot to the _____ and 2 _____is more than an execution. Is there a report of officer firing his gun? What about what witnesses saw or heard? Thats why it needs to be investigated because sheriff Mitchell won't bother to answer the families questions and the level of suspicion within the sheriffs office now. Report is .25 a page and can be picked up at the LCSO. It is said the autopsy alone raises big questions.
Nice, his grandfather was LE his whole life and you judge him without knowing him at all. I know a lot of ass***es with hand guns. Some with a badge and some without! I'll put my money on the ones without the badges.
OH, I forgot....supposedly...he was aready dead.
357? LCSO doesn't carry revolvers. Davidson carries the standard 40 cal Glock. I've never even seen Davidson with any kind of revolver.
Ashley, thank you for your service! I got your back girl! I'll take care of these yahoos who were down on your told me the truth and I will make them pay!
F**king cop lowlifes....anybody got their addresses? Dude I FOUGHT for my country, I'll fight against tyranny! Watch your backs MF's!
My nightmare is a limpdick making idle threats?
Man shoots himself during traffic stop
Written by Lake County News Reports
Tuesday, 28 July 2009
Note: This story contains information that some people may find disturbing.

KELSEYVILLE – A man shot and killed himself early Saturday morning during a traffic stop near Kelseyville.

Ryan Randall Williams, 28, of Kelseyville died from a self-inflicted gunshot wound to the head at the scene of the stop, according to sheriff's Capt. Rob Howe.

Howe said that Sgt. Andy Davidson was traveling northbound on Highway 29 a mile south of Soda Bay Road at approximately 12:28 a.m. Saturday, July 25, when he recognized the vehicle traveling in front of him as possibly belonging to Williams.

Davidson confirmed through Central Dispatch that the vehicle was Williams’. Howe said Davidson knew that Williams was on parole and was wanted for a parole violation.

When Davidson activated his forward facing red light, attempting to stop Williams at the corner of Highway 29 and Soda Bay Road, Williams slowed, turned on his blinker and turned onto Soda Bay Road near Kit's Corner, according to Howe.

Then Davidson activated his siren and overhead emergency lights, and Howe said Williams slowed and pulled onto the shoulder of the road but did not come to a complete stop.

Williams started to accelerate and pull back onto the roadway. Howe said Davidson accelerated onto the roadway, past Williams and tried to block his vehicle. At that point Williams’ vehicle accelerated and hit the driver’s side rear bumper of Davidson’s patrol vehicle then traveled in the oncoming traffic lane.

Howe said Williams’ vehicle left the roadway and was traveling parallel to the patrol vehicle on the embankment on the opposite side of the road. Williams then swerved back down the embankment, across the oncoming lane and collided with the driver's side of Davidson’s patrol vehicle. Williams' vehicle then left the roadway and crashed into a heavily wooded area.

Following the crash, Williams was found in the vehicle with severe head trauma, and a loaded handgun with one expended cartridge was also found in the vehicle near Williams’ feet, Howe said.

Williams was extricated from the vehicle and prepared to be flown by REACH to Santa Rosa Memorial Hospital. Despite life saving efforts on scene, Howe said Williams died as a result of his injuries prior to being flown out.

The investigation revealed that Williams' head trauma was not caused by the vehicle collision, but by a single self-inflicted gunshot wound. Howe said it appeared that when Davidson attempted to stop Williams he decided to take his own life.
All I need to know to judge Ryan Williams is that he was an absconding parolee with a handgun. His family was not able to stop him from being an asshole when he was alive, so now they are trying to blame someone else for his death. Boo fucking hoo.
I know Lovelace isn't running for sheriff, idiot, but if he/they have a direct line, how can any of the mitchell supporters call in? Oh wait, that's what it's all about, idiot. I was just beginning to like your posts, but since you called me idiot... well.

Lovelace, again, I ask you stop letting him do the ****rivero for sheriff****, you punish like a bad mom, ie, saying stop that to the kiddies and as soon as you turn your head the children are back to doing it!!!
Ref: Idiot,
Can't stand the truth, go to another site. I won't be dropping the Rivero for Sheriff. You've asked that several times and turned down so bite me.

All you Mitchell guys have to do is clog the lines, ask petty ass questions to Mitchell than ask Rivero complicated questions based on internal research that Rivero has no access to. It's a ploy used in politics since the invention of the phone.

Vote for Rivero and see management run scared. Vote for Mitchell see more mismanagement and incompetence.

*********Rivero for Sheriff********
And you don't think the public is smart enough to see right through any tactics such as this. You don't think this would only prove to be more harm for him already in the position he is in with the public. Let it flow however it flows. Rivero has made it a point to get and about within the publics eye, answering questions, and listening to. We the public will see right through any manipulation Mitchell trys to pull, just as we have with all his past bullshit. He has already suck his ship, let him pop his floatie!
You're right, the public will see right after that. Specially since that type of trickery is posted here. What to do if this happens? First, call LCSO and find out who is in the office. The sergeant's number is 262-4228. Then post it on this site for Rivero to retrieve. Second, two can play at that game. Keep calling, use auto dial and keep the pressure up. Once you get on the air, confront Mitchell. Don't let him get away with that.

Vote for Rivero and see management run scared. Vote for Mitchell see more mismanagement and incompetence.

*********Rivero for Sheriff********
This means nothing to me. Radio Talk Show. My day will come when I finally have Mitchell in public. When I can ask the questions I want answered, and I can look him in the eye and know he is lying although I already know thats all he does. The public can watch his facial expressions and body language as well.
There will be no hanging the phone up when things get to tough nor will there be any technical problems. This is what I'm talking about!
Host: Lake County Democrats
Type: Meetings -
Network: Global
Date: Thursday, February 4, 2010
Time: 7:00pm - 9:00pm
Location: Lakeport Senior Center - 427 Konocti Rd. Lakeport

We will meet Thursday Feb 4 at 7pm at the Lakeport Senior Center.

Our guests are Victoria Brandon, Sierra club Lake Group, discussing a state parks funding ballot initiative.

Sgt. Francisco Rivero, candidate for LC Sheriff and Atty. Doug
Rhoades candidate for LC D.A. Both offices will be voted on in the June 2010 election.
Okay, Tim is a good boy! He has always been a nice person to me. The rest of you are just being jerks!
I Like Timmy too!
Sorry, Tim about any poltics...even if not mine! Follow your heart sweetheart, the one wheeling and dealing!
Can anyone answer this? Two years ago DA Hopkins spent $200,000 investigating and prosecuting a Lakeport policeman for misappropriation of public funds. His crime was he spent about 20 hours over a five year period going outside the city limits, having sex on duty and taking to long of coffee breaks (surprising). A loss of about $600 worth of time to the city (if you believe the DA's theory). Hopkins did not like the policeman because he was only a patrolman and he had testified against the DA in another case that Hopkins was railroading one of their enemies.

Hopkins swore he would prove him guilty and prosecuted him without mercy and sparing no costs to the tax payers. The jury found the policeman NOT GUILTY of all charges and thought the seven week trial was a waste of time and money.

My question is this, if Hopkins will spend $200,000 for a $600 crime that the jury thought was bullsh**t, why has he not prosecuted or even start an investigation of Lt. Garzoli when he misappropriated over $100,00 in public funds that the tax payers may have to pay back? What, is it an election year?
I believe that cop was Erickson. I don't remember it going to court, but I wouldn't be surprised. It is another reason to get Hopkins out of office.
I'm confused. You slam Hopkins because he did not prosecute Perdock, and you slam Hopkins because he did prosecute Erickson. Make up your minds, already.
7:34 Go back to bed, even a child understands that you prosecute the guilty. No one has the right to use the courts and waste taxpayers money for revengeful prosecution.
Good day to all. Let me start by stating, the problems of this local government will not end with the departure of Mitchell and Hopkins. The dishonesty is built into the system. You have see what the, its a personnel matter has allowed Perdock,Gargoli and the other reprobates no accountability for their action and will just move on with the money. That is with out the attorney general looking at this county.So as the song would say "the beat goes on."
Good Morning
There is an old saying, "cut of the head and the body will die."

Mitchell is the head of the Sheriff's Office. Everyone in management (except Marybeth Strong) was promoted to their present positions by Mitchell. from Lt. Hall to Capt. Bauman, none of them are good supervisors. In a past case, Management had to eat crow after accusing Ringen of tailgating and lying. Not only did Ringen take them to court and win, but his case is now case law in the POARC/LDF files. Mitchell turned a small little traffic misunderstanding into discipline that ended up in Superior court. Here is another misuse of taxpayers money.

Lets now add this all together. Mitchell mismanaged the Dinius case, dragged several department members into his little battle of racial charges and then we have the continued mismanagement of Garzoli (or should I say Garzoligate).

Vote for Rivero and see management run scared. Vote for Mitchell see more mismanagement and incompetence.

*********Rivero for Sheriff********
Lets take a minute to look at the racial charges filed against the Sheriff's Office and what Mitchell did.

You have a peace officer (Lande) and one public defender accuse only two deputies of racial profiling. Those deputies were Ward and Sgt. Chacawaski. Although Mitchell knew that Andrews, Martin and Thomas were never named in the complaint, they were used on a county public website to slander Lande (who never accused those deputies in the first place). Almost all patrol cars have video camera's that we call MAV's. According to the two deputies, the MAV did not work during the time of the incident. I wonder if that was verified. There were several patrol cars at the DUI checkpoint, but there was no mention of a check done on those MAV's to see if profiling was being committed. Even if the MAV's are not turned on, they are in a constant recording loop. In this case, Mitchell assigns Capt. Brown (a person Mitchell promoted from sergeant to captain)to conduct the investigation. Someone on this site said Brown was escorted off the Santa Cruz Sheriff's Office property after questionable methods used to interview Lande. According the Mitchell, the investigation cleared the two deputies, but I found no comments about all the MAV units being checked. Brown then clears the two deputies of any wrongdoing.

Another deputy then files another complaint of racism along with Rivero. Now we have two additional racial incidents being filed against LCSO members. During Mitchell's numerous media events, no mention is made into these charges. An EEOC complaint is filed almost a year ago, but to this date, Mitchell refuses to state what the outcome was.

Mitchell assigned Capt. Brown to do the internal investigations. Any deputy would tell you, that Brown and Ringen has had a history of internal arguments. Brown assigned Ringen to a desk job, but not just a desk job, a desk directly in front on Mitchell's door. Ringen was given minor clerical duties showing that Brown uses assignments as a form of discipline. Instead of assigning an investigator who has no bias into the case such as Capt. Howe Lt. Garzoli or Capt. Bauman, he assigned Brown. Instead of playing another game with Mitchell and Brown, Ringen was already past maximum retirement and just retired.

This is a typical type of action Mitchell is known for. When he or his management doesn't like a deputy or supervisor, Mitchell find a reason to start an IA on that person and then assign that IA to a supervisor who has a personal dislike for that person. Mitchell will allow minor offenses to build into an IA where other deputies doing the same thing is not only allowed, but encouraged.

Vote for Rivero and see management run scared. Vote for Mitchell see more mismanagement and incompetence.

*********Rivero for Sheriff********
It seems that it is time for new leadership across the board (with the exception of Chief Burke). Mitchell, Hopkins and Clearlake Chief Mclain all need to be shown the door and given the boot. These guys are doing nothing but looking after their own interests while destroying the agencies they work for. Mitchell just denies everything, Hopkins is too blinded by his own ego, and Mclain is just an inept idiot with his own private driver (er, second in command). Maybe it is time to wipe the slate clean and completely start over..
I'm confused. You slam Hopkins because he did not prosecute Perdock, and you slam Hopkins because he did prosecute Erickson. Make up your minds, already.
# posted by Anonymous : January 28, 2010 7:34 AM
7:34 Go back to bed, even a child understands that you prosecute the guilty. No one has the right to use the courts and waste taxpayers money for revengeful prosecution.
# posted by Anonymous : January 28, 2010 7:40 AM

Post 12:45 At 7:40 AM I responded to 7:34 AM. You refer to 7:19 AM. If YOU weren't so eager to jump to conclusions you most likely wouldn't have make the mistake. You need the Pepto Bismol pal not me.
I think that person was talking about 7:19p.m. and 7:40p.m. on the 27th. That is just an assumption, not that I want to get on anybody,s bad side and be called an idiot or a sh** for brains. I pity Lovelace's spouse or Rivero4sheriff's.
Hughes case upheald, funny crazy the guy who got burgerlized and did not get charged for murdering the other two who invaded him now on trial for murdering someone else, not skating on this one..IRONIC

you reap what you sow
Don't pity who you do not know
I am not associated with Lovelace, never met him/her nor do I have any idea who he/she is.

I have been a sergeant with LCSO for some time. I've been a deputy for 10 years. I've watched Mitchell over the years drive good cops out, keep bad ones and even promote them. My views about the Sheriff's Department differs a bit from Lovelace, but given evidence I would reconsider. My case is with Mitchell, his mismanaged, out of control, and no experience management.

Vote for Rivero and see management run scared. Vote for Mitchell see more mismanagement and incompetence.

*********Rivero for Sheriff********
Another waist of taxpayers money. This was in The Lake Co News today. This time the suspect admitted to shooting, but was not charged with murder. Can't Hopkins at least file the right charges?

Although Edmonds stated to investigators and in court that he shot Foster and Williams, he was not prosecuted in the case.

However, Edmonds, 35, currently is facing a homicide charge for the Sept. 22 stabbing death of 25-year-old Montanan and recent Lake County resident Shelby Uehling, as Lake County News has report.
ATTENTION TO YOU ALL WHO CARE. This is the very first time I have posted and it is the very last time I will post. I will not cower behind "anonymous" and you will know who posted this one. Apparently I am being accused of old post, sorry to disappoint you, but I do not care enough to waste my time here. However it has come to my attention that I am being threatened for other people's post, who have been mistaken for mine. ONCE AGAIN, I HAVE NEVER POSTED ANYTHING ON THIS WEBSITE ABOUT ANYONE AND I NEVER WILL, EVEN THE SCUM OF THE EARTH DESERVE BETTER THAN THAT. YOU CAN REPLY IF YOU WANT, BUT I WONT BE LISTENING. I DONT CARE ABOUT YOU, I DONT CARE WHAT YOU DO AND, ONE MORE TIME...FOR THE RECORD, WHAT YOU THINK I AM POSTING...IS...NOT...ME! OF COURSE YOU WONT BELIEVE ME AND MAKE UP SOMEOTHER OUTLANDISH STORY, BUT I GUESS THERE IS NOT MUCH ELSE I CAN DO. SORRY TO DISSAPOINT, BY THE WAYTHIS IS THE REAL, LIVE AND TRUE SARAH FRACE
If Edmonds had been charged; as he should have, for the murder of Foster and Williams; another life would not have been lost. Edmonds would not have been around to kill another person. How does someone not get charged for murdering two men; shooting them in the back; was this a racial discrimination on the part of Lake County authorities?
It certainly looks like it......Why wouldn't he bd charged? He murdered them.
What is going on in this county? I feel sorry for the families of Foster and Williams; Never to have closure....And, this wasn't a home envasion; those boys knew Edmonds; they had sold MJ for him previously in the one young man lived in Clearlake at one time.
Well first of all lets be real clear here, we had already nailed Sarah several months ago, and indeed you were posting, here and on Topix, the reason you stopped is we tagged your ass, we called you out, you were smoking pot and your hubby didn't know it and didn't know where you were getting it from. So the fact that you are on here defending yourself, is you again, trying to cover your tail-end and we know it. Sarah sarah don't try to snow the snowman litte girl, people have been on to you for a long time. And please don't try to give us that tough bitch approach, you are a punk and you know it. Nice try no cigar.
4:16 Check your Sarah's the Sarah I believe your speaking of is Dutra not Frace...check your facts.
4:16 true it was Dutra not Frace sometimes its confusing because they're friends. Thank you Sarah Frace for responding. Instead of leaving this blog if you really are a good person why don't you stay on and help out. The proof is in the pudding. At least you got bigger balls than your husband.
And I stand corrected and do apoligize, I did get the names confused in regards to their last name, now what was posted on the Dutra is fact. and have not seen her posting since. Good follow up info on that and indeed, if she Frace wants to continue to post please do so, although based on her message it does not sound like she will.
Wow great sent of posts today, we have a bit of input this evening, to post 11:37 what you said is correct, you see the issue is that you cannot have corrupt people investigating corrupt people it is that simple, and this is what we have happening in our LE system right now. By the way Rivero for sheriff is truthful when he has indicated he is not a part of the Lovelace group. We appreciate his input of course, and we think in due time, and what may be a short period of time, we will be assisting each other in a number of areas.
Pretty interesting bit of information coming out this afternoon, it seems that Hopkins and Mitchell are literally at each others throats, it is reported that each of these individuals is looking for the means to bring down the other one, this looks to be a battle royal right down to the end, alas however it will be the end for both of them.
Post 12:39 Go ahead push us, ask us what we are going to do, you my friend, don't realize what you are saying, I can see another epsiode coming, where all of a sudden, the blogs will be going quite from the corruption supporters, really you did not think that the current problems are all right? There are some things coming down the pipe that make some of this other stuff seem like small potatoes. Go ahead ask us what we are going to do. In due time you will find out.
lovelace read your email
Post 12:11 you are totally clueless, the wives of some of these SO's are worse then their corrupt husbands just look about to the Sarah Dutra post and it will give you an idea. Some people in the inner circle of these wives calls the group of them get this: The silcone seven, fake women fake boobs, being typically nasty, they post on these blogs, they try to bring down these blogs, and we even saw the little girls standing around at the K-Ville debate looking at the group of people who were protesting outside, by the way their husbands were standing behind them like they were a shield or something we got quite a kick out of it. So lets not try to paint the nice innocent picture of some of these guys wives, sorry just ain't the case.
We found it interesting that a post up the page a bit, called us a single person and even indicated we were married, i.e. the spouse comment, jezzzz you are sharp as a tack. The Lovelace group is a large group of citizens, and we all are not married. Nice try though.
Ahh, Hopkins is out of town at a conference, so hard to see how he can be at Mitchell's throat.
So anyone can post any damn lie they want, as long as it's about a cop or a cop's relative, but when someone calls you on it you delete the post? You are a bunch of chickenshit losers.
Did you say Rick Ericson? Hommer tells marshals where witness is, witness gets subpeona, Ericson goes to trial, retires, Santor (Hommer's best friend) gets Ericsons job, Hommer gets Santor's job, Hommer discharges gun, and lies (or not),takes lie detector test (against direction of superiors), passes, pisses off sombody (Furgeson) gets fired, Ericson grows weed (legal) in Willits with witness (Josey), very nice indeed. Hommie lookin' for a new job? There's not much work in construction these days.
Sorry I mean ChicKenshit Loser
Post 5:32- you're going to have to change their name to the "silicone eight." At least one of them is on her second set of implants.
LOL great post 7:00 fell off my chair.
5:54 Don't be stupid, we did not say they were only at each others throats, today only, just today, come on, you have to do better then that to discredit an accurate post.
Erickson did not retire, he was fired. I don't know about all the Hommer stuff, but I will tell you what I know and here is another screw up of Mitchell's.

Hommer was a sergeant with LCSO. He was known as a person to send in and calm the waters. Mitchell sent him to the courts to fix some personnel problems. Then he went into the jail to calm the mass existences of correctional officers under Esburg's command. He then got transferred to dispatch and did the same. Hommer was tired and wanted to return to patrol, but Mitchell wanted him to go back to the courts. Mitchell would not bend so Hommer quit and went to LPD. Hommer was well liked, he had been on SWAT, Narc's and oversaw the volunteer and Explorer programs. A major loss to LCSO.

Now I'll be the first to say I don't know why Hommer is gone from LPD, but when he was at LCSO, he was a great cop, a big community supporter and a good friend. I do not think you will find one person at LCSO that will talk bad about him.

Vote for Rivero and see management run scared. Vote for Mitchell see more mismanagement and incompetence.

*********Rivero for Sheriff********
Hommer was a good cop. Ferguson was threatened by him. Hommer was huge loss to both departments.
Hommer was never a good cop. Not when he was with LCSO, not when he was LPD. He got fired for lying. He's a liar. He set up Erickson, he had countless complaints against him, and a beat girlfriend. Firing Hommer was the best thing that Burke has done.
Hommer was a good cop. Ferguson was threatened by him. Hommer was huge loss to both departments.
# posted by Anonymous : January 28, 2010 7:43 PM

///////////////////Yes he made a difference in that Agency the older term guys he could out doo on most anything, they had it in for him and I was sad to see he got the curb. But He is not a Loser he has moved onto better things and wherever he goes he will continue to made life better for those in his path.
Hommer came off as a nice guy but has a real dark side and is a great big fat lair.
Well this one is pretty easy, Burke has a lot of credibility, across the board. We have seen post support post but quite a few negatives, and it would appear, that Burke is the biggest factor. We think we might have the scale leaning to the negative on Hommer.
Hommer came off as a nice guy but has a real dark side and is a great big fat lair

You must be the one who was anxious to see him leave...outshinned you
Hommer was never a good cop. Not when he was with LCSO, not when he was LPD. He got fired for lying. He's a liar. He set up Erickson, he had countless complaints against him, and a beat girlfriend. Firing Hommer was the best thing that Burke has done.
//////////////# posted by Anonymous : January 28, 2010 8:11 PM

Homie came to work at LPD long after Erickson was poofed. He was resoected by anyone who knew him......LPD just has some jealous guys who couldn't wait to find something to get him out of their way
Lie detector test was showing he did not lie.....oh yea Homie went out on his own terms, He resigned..if you are going try and slam someone get your gossip right .

(Firing Hommer was the best thing that Burke has done)
to me Burke is the most respected and honest law enforcement person I have ever met or had the privledge to call My Friend. Very educated and has a gift of being a perople person
Hommer was a good cop. He made more arrests than any of the other cops and had more experience than all the LPD cops combined (with the exception of Burke). Lakeport is a small little community and there is no way those officers could obtain the experience of a deputy. Only one murder in 20 years and they can't even solve that, but I hope that some day they do. It has never been proven that Hommer quit or was fired, people only guess.

When you are an aggressive cop, complaints follow, mostly by the suspects that have been arrested. I can guess that the negative comments were from people who got a ticket or arrested by Hommer.
complsints yes those darn Gosset's who did not care for Hommie for obivious reaasons already stated her a while back less I digress, He was just doing his job and people who drink and drive will get stopped and cited.
This is what I've heard on the site so far;

I've heard Hommer was fired for being off his beat visiting a beat wife in the Riveria's, shot a hole in the office and of course quit because he didn't get along with the other officers. So, which one was it? Nobody will ever know unless Burke or Hommer states why. It will not come from Burke because he then would be violating the state law and Hommer will not talk.

This is a dead issue. Can we get back on track and continue the bashing of Mitchell and Hopkins?
That's funny 9:24, we like that plan as well, the interesting news is that it appears Mitchell and Hopkins got them selves a real old fashioned fued going on. Its a tough call because they are going to still take a hammering before an election happens. So right now they may be thinking of trying to hold on longer then the other guy, or raising the public view of them by throwing the other under the bus.
I say draw our swords and on with the Mitchell and Hopkin bashing, tally ho, one and all to the games.
absolute power corrupts absolutley!!
I'd like to point out how we write a grant. Once we find one, we advise management for approval to put in for it. Once approved, it is the supervisors job to obtain all the data necessary for the grant. That is then reviewed by staff and by the finance manager. It is than handed to the sheriff for approval.

This means that Mitchell and all the staff should have known about Garzoligate.

Vote for Rivero and get changes. Do anything else and the incompetence continues.
*********Rivero for Sheriff*********
The above from a person who never wrote or oversaw a grant in their entire career.....Clearly.
As far as Hopkins and Mitchell hostile with one another? I don't doubt that now they have been exposed they are playing the blame game. Isn't that what irresponsible people do? Cover and blame. Perdock, their boy wonder, and crew are a prime exsample of that!!!
Sorry; must give this one last report;who wants to hear about Hommer, not me and Im nobody that is listed above.........Hommer is a complete idiot ( that's being nicely put) and should never be allowed back into LE again....for the record, Hommer was probably tired of a boring job @ the courthouse because he couldn't be out on the street bashing innocent people and using his authority fraudulently; to satisfy his "dark side" as 8:20 said it; look up the complaint against him with the Grand Jury; that's probably the straw that sucked the life out his career.....loose cannon he is......good riddance.......
oh...ask the city's attorney about the "fed" law suit the was to be filed against them for civil rights violations. Ask Jenn the bartender how many times he offered a a"ride" home and how many times he drove past her house. Kudos to Burke for ridding us of hommly! Don't go away mad, just go away!
Can anyone tell me what the skinny is on Ward? Is he a abusive cop during arrests? Whats his MO? Doing a follow up on a recent arrest. Been said that a recent arrest was made and the person was charged with Resisting peace officer resulting in (what does resulting in mean)? A senior citizen saw the whole thing and states the officer was very forceful unessarily. I told her about this blog and I would ask!
There's a lawsuit against him currently for excessive force; his excuse was the same; resisting arrest; although the guy was never arrested......broke his leg in 4 places....Ward has ??????
syndrome. He has a few lawsuits against him; go to Court Clerks window and ask to see all suits against Ward this will answer your question. You'll also see the lawsuits he filed against the county.
I read he sued the county after he hit a tree "that he claimed was too close to the road" he lost. I'd say he is very abusive not only this he doesn't know the laws in which he is suppose to enforce..lacks training. Get your claim filed within 6 months
Lovelace: With all due respect I could not give you or your group enough kudos. The demise of Mitchell and Hopkins no less others,only leaves the same dishonest system in place. It permeates our local government like a cancer. It ts extremely hard to get at the truth. This "its a personnel matter" so the innocent is protested may be one thing but to protect the guilty is another. The Dinius case has shown how those that would abuse their power, see no wrong on their part and in fact are asking for our vote. I have sent letters to the attorney generals office. This system allows the rights of the citizens to be abridged by this 'Its a personnel matter." I thank you.
James you are to be respected as much as our group and the other good citizens who are helping us, we will re-post the paragraph from our opening page position statement, as it speaks to the end of a collective group coming together in a common cause to fight this kind of corruption. We are determined and we know you are as well, there are many out there as helping, We want to thank you for your dedication to this cause and the return of our county to its citizens.

No single individual can go head to head with these criminal organizations, but collectively we can see to it that they are disbanded and that new, prudent leadership emerges. We urge all individuals to post what information they have, keep abreast of the content on this page, and stay true to the cause of removing these people from power and restoring our freedoms and liberties.
I would like to know more about this complaint filed on Ward. He was just promoted to sergeant and thinks he's the talk of the town.
Ward? You mean little Chawcowski? He is untouchable, just look at the racial profiling case. Ward is a contractor on the side specializing in building custom cabinets. None of the members of LCSO will complain about him, because he works on deputies homes on the side for almost free. He walks on water and is considered a far superior sergeant than even Samples and Macedo. I'd love to hear who filed this excessive use of force complaint. I'd take it to Mitchell personally and demand an IA.
Thank you again. For me with my case for those that lead to except the dishonesty. Knowing and not repairing this travesty to justice but to abridge rights with "its a personnel matter." Giving those that work for us rights to their maleficence, then for us that would report only the option, just to complain. I have no such right. This goes right to the board of supervisors.They have known and do nothing about it.The dinius case has shown the arrogance that comes from that view that "its a personnel matter." Why no change? Because it work for them. We would be in jail. I thank you again.
Mitchell has always failed to Supervisor his Command Staff members. The only way to get promoted by Mitchell is to kiss his butt. When he took over as Sheriff he kept the Buchholtz way of Management. ( kiss my butt and I'll let you do anything ) Stand-up to me and we'll make your life-a-living hell. Rodney protects only those that kiss his butt. The BOS has also failed to supervisor Sheriff Rodeny with regards to OUR tax dollars. I still believe the only a Federal Grand Jury can clean up the Mitchell Sh-t. The BOS should make public the EEOC report NOW !!!

Oh by the way Buchholtz is Garzoli's father-in-law. Is Buchholtz still running the LCSO ? Buchholtz and Mitchell management looks the same !!!

CPD must be doing OK
Want to read something FUNNY read the L.C.S.O. "Law Enforcement Code of Ethics" which states in part: I WILL never act officiously or permit personal feeling, prejudices, animosities or friendships to influence my decisions. With compromise for crime and with relentless prosecution of criminals. I will enforce the law courteously and appropriately without fear of favor, malice or ill will, never employing unnecessary force or violence and never accepting gratuities." Now that we've read it, let's think about it !!!!!!!. time up. How about Mitchell friendship the Perdock, Garzoli, and the BIG ONE "The Black tie Ball" lots of free GRATUITIES THERE.

I am sure that Buchholz is still contacted by Mitchell on a regular basis. He has had his finger in the pot since Mitchell was elected the first time.

As for his current employment, he is partner in a private investigation company that employs Gary Luck (ex D.A.), Bob Chalk (ex chief of CPD), Dave Brown (ex D.A. investigator), Jeff Markham (ex captain of LCSO) and a couple of other guys that worked together in past years. They have a web site concerning their P.I. business. I think they call it Lake County Investigative Services, or something like that.
It is LACO investigations. And the other person involved with them is Ron Larsen (ex captain from CPD)
If a citizen wanted to hire a Private Investigator to Investigate a member of local LE, Who would they hire? I have lived here for years and know a lot of people. I have yet to know of anyone that has hired a Private Investigator. If the So and DA have their own Investigators what does this group Investigate? With all their credentials and Experience there should not be any unsolved crimes in such a small community. Don't tell me that if they aren't hired to investigate that they don't on their own. With their friends, connections in the departments they have personal experience with I can't believe they don't get, give,share information to help each other. How important would it be to the SO and DA to know what is going on out side of their departments? How many of you have hired or know someone that has hired this group? Have Mitchell and or Hopkins ever used this group for any of their Investigations?
Local attorneys hire them to find people, serve people etc.
I understand that part, Thanks, What about the ect?
Most of them and the Public Defenders office uses Rob Zuhrung and Deric Navarro. Zuhrung was a detective with LCSO and left the department due an off duty medical condition. I do not think you would find anyone that would talk negative about Zuhrung, he is a hard working and experienced investigator. Navarro was a DA Investigator, but he left the DA's Office several years ago. If you want an independent person with an outstanding record and no ties to LCSO or the county, he is the one.
Someone posted that Ward was being sued for excessive force. I'm looking for additional information on that.
When did I give up my rights under the constitution? When did I give that abridging so employees had rights over it? When did my first amendment right cease so those that are in government employment has "its a personnel matter?" Why are those that are charged not held to the same standard as they would hold me to? The Dinius case shows the total injustice to it all.
POST 3:07...Federal Court: Beckway vs Co. of Lake, Paul DeShong and Rich Ward
3:06, I think you mean Sean Navarro, not Derick. Derick is the pervert, he has a pending felony; while Sean is, well Sean hasn't been charged with anything.
To the 4:22 post can you give further details as to the Ward situation and the details of the suit. This is the Lovelace group, we are looking into a variety of situations and this one is connected to some of our investigatios, we would appreciate any information that is available, and or on any other suits or actual factual situations of Ward, and any non-action by Mitchell in regards to this individual, thanks for the help.
We have been quite busy for the last few days and will continue to be so over the next 4 to 5 days or more. If you have noticed we have been a bit more quiet then usual, your perceptions are correct.

Shhhhhhh it is the calm before the storm.
If anyone needs to post Ward information to the e-mail account, please do so as most know the e-mail is:
My mistake, I mean Sean Navarro.
I believe Sean has a little shared office in downtown lake port might be Anderson he shares it with a long with a few others, health food store down below, this place is across from the B of A. If I have this wrong let me know.
Mr. James Henderson
April 9, 2004 Record-Bee, Is it "High Noon" yet James, high noon will come soon. I am thankful you finaly have help from the Lovelace Group. Down with the crooks: Hopkins, Mitchell, Brown, Mann and Smith. All are members of Mitchell's criminal regime. Let's burn out the snake den of the Ku-klux Klansman of Lake County chapter
If you think Mitchell's management has been great. I would like you to review the 2005 to 2008 statistic's found on the LCSO website. It is another reason why Mitchell keeps mismanaging the Sheriff's Office. I will bet that the Mitchell supporters will run and tell Mitchell about this, and take this section off the LCSO website.

The statistic’s cover from 2005 to 2008

Total incidents up 16%
Total cases up 13%
Violent Crimes up 22%
Drug & Alcohol crimes up 31%

Vote for Rivero and get changes. Do anything else and the incompetence continues.
*********Rivero for Sheriff*********
Not so sure about Rivero?
Well than, vote for Rivero and get changes. Do anything else and the incompetence continues.
*********Rivero for Sheriff*********
That's it? That's all you anti Rivero's can come up with "Not so sure about Rivero?"

Another idiot. The statistic's are on the LCSO website listed below,so go read it and find out for yourself. Rivero wasn't even with LCSO in 2005 or 2006 so he could not help or hamper the stat's. Management during those dates are now either no longer supervisors, on admin leave or forced out the door. Only Bauman, Howe and Brown remain.

Vote for Rivero and get changes. Do anything else and the incompetence continues.
*********Rivero for Sheriff*********
It is breaking loose, you may begin to hear some strange and amazing information through the grapevinee and other sources, if so we will confirm or deny the facts and situations, these things are going to blow the lid off, if no word slips out we will remain quite till the time is right. And that will not be long.
If Hommer had a dark side why wasn't it found out during his back ground check by the Lakeport Police Dept ? or did the Lake Co. Sheriff Dept. hide it from them?
How is a background check done? And who does it? Once it's complete who approves or disapproves it?
Mitchell has to be stopped. I understand some deputies that do not like Rivero, but you can't argue with stat's that Mitchell's own management done. Lets look what happened over those years:

1 Mitchell did away with the School Resource Deputies.
2. Did away with the Special Enforcement Unit (SED).
3. Did away with the Elder Abuse investigator.
4. Worked deputies on grave yard to just one North and one South with one sergeant.
5. Added OES (oh but put Sgt. Basor back on the street)
6. Purchased a $200k Command Post trailer (but had to order a special truck exclusively to tow it).
7. Reinstated the lieutenant's position (which he did away with earlier).

Now add the Purdock abortion and Garzoligate.

Vote for Rivero and get changes. Do anything else and the incompetence continues.
*********Rivero for Sheriff*********
How is a background check done? And who does it? Once it's complete who approves or disapproves it?

For LCSO, a backgrounds check is conducted by two retired cops. They review the applicants financial, criminal, work and school history. Some of this history requires personal interviews. He then has the applicant complete a psychological examination, a polygraph and a medical exam. After the application passes, the request to hire is made to staff and than that person is given a conditional job offer.
Nothing wrong with that. Do the two retired cops have anything to do with Lake County Investigative Services?
For you older LCSO deputies. Remember when SED was working? They made large scale drug arrests not matched to this date. The biggest methamphetamine transport cases in patrol history and they kept the pressure up on Hwy-20 from Nice to CLO. Mitchell shut them down blaming poor funding. Since then drug offense have risen to a 31% increase.

Remember Keener working Middletown High, Wolf at Clearlake High, Zuhrung at Upper Lake high and Huggins at Kelsyville High. Wolf making so many arrests we teased her to turn in her patrol car for a van. Those were seasoned deputies that kept school crimes down. Then Mitchell ends the program, turns Clearlake High over to Clearlake Police. Huggins comes out of retirement to handle Kelseyville High with the schools picking up most of the funding. Oh and here is the great inconceivable move Mitchell did! Mitchell takes a rookie named Navarro and puts him in Middletown High. Of course he then was transferred him to the Community Resource Deputy for the entire Middletown/Hidden Valley area. We know what happened afterwords.

Now that's how to manage a good thing and flush it down the crapper.

Vote for Rivero and get changes. Do anything else and the incompetence continues.
*********Rivero for Sheriff*********
No, the retired cops have nothing to do with Lake County Investigative Services.
both of them are probably retired lake county so. Buchholz and ???????
Are they paid to do the background check? If so, Who pays them? Not that it matters, I'm asking for my nephew.
"Then Mitchell ends the program, turns Clearlake High over to Clearlake Police". What a dumb ass, Clear Lake High is in Lakeport, not Clearlake.
Clearly the rivero supporter is not who he/she claims to be! Anyone with half a brain and the "experience" they claim to have wouldn't make the mistake about the schools, and also would know that McMahon was the person who developed the SED concept at the department....Also would know they were disbanded after all three, Hall, Morshed and McMahon were promoted and there wasn't enough staffing. Funding was never the problem.
Getting the facts straight on this web site? I dont think truth and correct information is required to post here.
Oh excuse me dumb ass, I meant Lower Lake High. Does that really change the argument? Are you trying to say that removing those cops from the schools were a good move on Mitchell's account? If so, keep you dumb ass comments to yourself and visit another site.

Vote for Rivero and get changes. Do anything else and the incompetence continues.
*********Rivero for Sheriff*********
Well once again Dumb Ass you are wrong. SED was not disbanded after Morshed, Hall and McMahon. After Morshed's promotion and Ski replaced him. McMahon and Hall stayed in the unit. After a few months, Hall went out on an injury, came back after SED was disbanded. He went to Boats were he got sergeant. Mitchell than temporarily promoted McMahon to Deputy Chief. Now I'm not a supporter of those deputies, in fact I can't stand them, but Mitchell should have replaced the three once they were promoted.

Also dumb ass, you can't argue your own stats. Since SED, drug offenses went up 32%.

Vote for Rivero and get changes. Do anything else and the incompetence continues.
*********Rivero for Sheriff*********
i heard that someone else has taken out papers to run for sheriff. Who is it and whats up here.
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