Thursday, September 10, 2009
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Post 7:19
It is HIPPA. Health Information Patient Privacy Act. And yes, there are many people who work in the health arena who give out information on patients even though it is against the law.
There are also doctors who prescibe drugs to their friends and have law enforcement help them out when they need it. It is a conflict of interest. It is against the law, but it is done at Redbud and the procurement department of the medications at Redbud have already spoken about this bad little habit.
Doctors at Redbud using the taxpayers to further their agenda by scratching the backs of LE? Just ask CHP Mike Walker and the people he hired exactly how many times he showed up on a job site of a Redbud doctor in a vehicle paid for by the taxpayers. If you told on this "upstanding officer of the law" he would harass you and write you a ticket.
So much for adherence the HIPPA laws, huh?
We are talking Redbud Hospital. Home to the test place of Perdock, who, by the way only had half a Coors light and had his blood drawn at Redbud. LMAO.
Then of course there is the two minute ride from Redbud Hospital to the Lower Lake substation that took him and his "officer du jour sucker" an hour to arrive to the storage locker where the blood sample was kept and Perdock had the key? How is THAT possible?
How could Perdock leave Redbud Hospital with his own blood sample? HIPPA laws? Maybe only Mitchell and Perdock was allowed to see his medical chart, huh? Thank god it was 0.00 which of course isn't possible unless he was a reptile. Normally a person has some fermentation because of the food ingested. Did Perdock skip the pizza at the pizza parlor for his son's birthday and go straight for a half a can of Coors?
Welcome to Mitchell's world of corruption.
Someone suggested a movie about this place? No one would believe outside of Lake county that it happened. Of course the residence of Lake county KNOW it happened.
In any other community they would say it was too off the wall.
To think that Lovelace even has more comments and is holding back.
Could it even look worse for Mitchell? Oh, yes! There is more to come. Lots.
It is HIPPA. Health Information Patient Privacy Act. And yes, there are many people who work in the health arena who give out information on patients even though it is against the law.
There are also doctors who prescibe drugs to their friends and have law enforcement help them out when they need it. It is a conflict of interest. It is against the law, but it is done at Redbud and the procurement department of the medications at Redbud have already spoken about this bad little habit.
Doctors at Redbud using the taxpayers to further their agenda by scratching the backs of LE? Just ask CHP Mike Walker and the people he hired exactly how many times he showed up on a job site of a Redbud doctor in a vehicle paid for by the taxpayers. If you told on this "upstanding officer of the law" he would harass you and write you a ticket.
So much for adherence the HIPPA laws, huh?
We are talking Redbud Hospital. Home to the test place of Perdock, who, by the way only had half a Coors light and had his blood drawn at Redbud. LMAO.
Then of course there is the two minute ride from Redbud Hospital to the Lower Lake substation that took him and his "officer du jour sucker" an hour to arrive to the storage locker where the blood sample was kept and Perdock had the key? How is THAT possible?
How could Perdock leave Redbud Hospital with his own blood sample? HIPPA laws? Maybe only Mitchell and Perdock was allowed to see his medical chart, huh? Thank god it was 0.00 which of course isn't possible unless he was a reptile. Normally a person has some fermentation because of the food ingested. Did Perdock skip the pizza at the pizza parlor for his son's birthday and go straight for a half a can of Coors?
Welcome to Mitchell's world of corruption.
Someone suggested a movie about this place? No one would believe outside of Lake county that it happened. Of course the residence of Lake county KNOW it happened.
In any other community they would say it was too off the wall.
To think that Lovelace even has more comments and is holding back.
Could it even look worse for Mitchell? Oh, yes! There is more to come. Lots.
Oh please we have seen Hopkins three sheets to the wind and jump in his car, and many others, no one is saying some people are not careful, but the facts are the facts, and all of us know there is a code and method utilized by LE to not hit their own with DUI's. The CHP use to have a special number on their plates, and that was found out so it was removed. 3 times the alcohol abuse rate and 4 times the wife beating rate, you got to step up on that one and except the corruption in that area for what it is, you look bad trying to protect such an obvious problem.
I can't believe that ALL CHP officer's beat their wives. I have meant a nice coulple of CHP's myself. No abuse. Nice family . . .
Hopkind you csn do what you will I personally do not like him for some very obivious tax payer reasons
Thanks 11:04 and we are planning a lot more to keep that trust, remember anyone who wants to send an e mail to be considered for coming into the group you may do so, it will be an extensive and cautious approach on our end to verify who you are and if we can trust you, which I know you all understand the reason for. But we are going to be expanding operations and additional help will be needed.
Ok 11:09 no none said ALL chp officers beat their wives, we said that LE as a whole has 4 times the wife beating rate as the general population and 3 times the alcohol abuse rate as the general society.
As far as the whole Hopkins three sheets to the wind thing. . . who hasn't hoped they wouldn't get caught? but who really plans on voting for "HOPPY" any how???
Well Hoppy is done you are correct about that, you would have to carry around a stupid sign if you voted for him at this point.
Fassler good Cop got put on admin leave for over a year and then fired ....all beacuse he did what this bog is trying to do .......
Okay, rumor has it that Katy Sweeny thinks Mitchell is a pc. of s**t as told to me by some friends. It is him who wants more e.g. press. She has not fallen for it and is trying to ignore him...just thought you would want to know!! PS..She still sucks as a reporter..FYI!!
11:38 "maharajah" were water skis and Niemec & friends were all into to them. They had a logo made up with "Maharajah" and it was known that it was a pass for any friend of the group!
Katy is playing you, she is pulling your leg, she like the job of getting her articles in the news front page makes her more money so I know you cannot believe her since you dont care for her
Haha I cant believe the bartlett springs story got out so fast! These two,oh excuse me I mean three cops that are involed aren't as smart as they claim.I have first hand information on this story you all have a little twisted. 1st off yes there was a SO car over the edge. No hummer tho....(haha that was funny) But it did involve a few drinks! Yes a reliable source and they, the SO are trying so hard (as we speak) to cover this up..........want a little clue? Can we say Dutra and Ski "the DIU SGP." oops! Did I say too much.oh wait, lets add alittle more.Those two are the ones nobody can name because all the SO cars look alike. No two cops sit around better then them two! Oh and the back road! make sure someone watches the exit by the oaks,and keep your eye out for the toe truck with no lights on as well.Don't think Mitchell doesn't know about this either. He got a late night phone call and is running around like a chicken with his head cut.I have more....How bad do you want it
11:00 the SO has no independants graders. For instance Sgt. Brian Kenner tested in front of his best friend and college roommate Captain Rob Howe. After the test they went to Rob's house to celebrate Brian's promotion. He was allowed to test after receiving a below standard on his yearly evaluation and getiing kicked out of detectives by Det. Sgt. Jim Samples, how "independent" is that? Brian's big answer during the interview was to tell Rob how he will teach the troops how to hunt big game, what a laugh!!! Now all he hunts are the channels on the stolen TV in the Sgt's office at the Main Office. Check his CAD logs and see how many hours of the shift he spends inside the office and get back to me.
I knew you would appreciate seeing this
I knew you would appreciate seeing this
1135 yes you are correct a good officer who did what any honest officer would have done and reported it to his superior that some officers were seen "sampling evidence" in the evidence room. I think there was even a photo taken of this. The GOB won out and officer Fassler is no longer an officer, I think he's a paramedic today around Clearlake. Lost a good officer.
Okay 10:55, Lovelace has earned my trust the same way you people lost mine: by their actions! I have watched over the last few years the way LE treats people. How you just assume someone is guilty. You cover for your own and the rest if us are looked down upon. Yet we are the people who pay your wages. I am law abiding and so are the people who I consider my friends. I can not trust you. I don't know exactly who Lovelace is but they know who I am. They are on the right side of justice and they are trying to protect me from you. I know who you are, I know your faces. I have seen your actions and heard your lies. You do not protect anyone that doesn't suit your agenda. There are no tweeks here, just hard working people and any paranoia is all your own.
Tim Fassler
if You ever read these blogs, know that you have nothing to be ashmaed about you did the right thing but did not have proper backing by the higher ups,they are gone now retired, your friends wish you the best
The Old Community Patrol Group
to those who didn't know Tim he was one of the good cops always on the move getting the job done as a Clearlake Police officer, he made a report such as this bunch has done but the difference he had little backing was was put out on administrative leave for well over a year and then the new Chief came and swoosh..Time gone...
if You ever read these blogs, know that you have nothing to be ashmaed about you did the right thing but did not have proper backing by the higher ups,they are gone now retired, your friends wish you the best
The Old Community Patrol Group
to those who didn't know Tim he was one of the good cops always on the move getting the job done as a Clearlake Police officer, he made a report such as this bunch has done but the difference he had little backing was was put out on administrative leave for well over a year and then the new Chief came and swoosh..Time gone...
someone blogg about speed chase around Kits Corner thought a suicide but not-family had stated otherwise. Can the drivers name be released?
Why are you bring Clearlake PD into this? That place is a mess of their own. You think the SO Is bad,why isn't anyone watching them? I know that place isn't worthy of much.But it's still alittle scary if you have to go there.Even that cop Brady (however you spell it!)I heard he's the worse one.He can be paid money by one person to go and slam another. That department is A SHAME! I've heard nothing but bad things that guy and others have done to people,and it's sad to know no one has/will do anything about that.I'm sure those cops are used to the trash in that town.But MY GOD! what gives them the right to treat people in such harsh ways.Just like the post above: assuming someone is guilty,or that you do not protect anyone that doesn't suit your agenda. All these stuid cop see only black or sould all be ashamed.Cops are known now for their great ways of how they ruin lives...Whatever happened to protecting them???????????
Good to see the old community patrol group posting. Not sure if anyone has gotten any more information on the Bartlett Springs situation or not but if so post it please. Gearing up for the 11th protest march, be sure all of you get every single person you can down to the highschool, we need to make a loud and resounding statement to these guys, Also we need to post a time for the start of the protest does anyone have the time that the debate is going to start. We also want to be careful they don't try to pull a time change or place change on us. I wouldn't put it past them.
Post 4:11 the corruption runs deep through-out the growing police state not only in this county but across the country as a whole, what we are doing is being done by hundreds of people in many many cities.
Post 4:31 the post is fine, please clear the gaps inbetween the paragraphs and post it again so it does not take up so much page space thanks
FLASH TO LAKE COUNTY CITIZENS FOR JUSTICE: The following is some very interesting information about Garzoli, we have an individual working with us who does excellent investigation work. What follow are a couple of posts that Garzoli put on a couple of internet forums a few years ago. And they are quite interesting indeed, we believe this shows the true color of Garzoli, read carefully and make special of the racial slurs towards indians, and his general overall comments and what he says. This guy is and has been rotten to the core for a long long time.
First Post: Notice here what he says about cop haters and well all of it actually.
03-14-2006, 04:03 PM 03-14-2006, 04:03 PM
Novice Real Name: Dave Garzoli
Join Date: Jan 2005
Location: Lakeport, CA xxxxxx Seems like Dave has been looking to move for a long timexxxxx
Posts: 358
Mid Career Employer change-Should I do it?
OK here is the situation..BTW...if your a cop hater hit your back button, this thread is not for you.
I have been a Deputy Sheriff for over 16 years at the same department (Lake County California check out the recent arrests and most wanted-Its pretty cool)
Any whoooo....... I was just promoted to Lieutenant a couple weeks ago,
the second highest rank in the department not including the elected
A month ago I had applied for a job( two actually for a Lt. position
and Sergeant), out of curiosity mainly, with the Citrus Heights Police
department. Well I got offered a job as a Sergeant providing I pass the
background investigation, which should not be a problem. Citrus Heights
is a Brand New Police department and officially takes over law
enforcement service (from the sheriff's office) in the city on July 1.
The city has TONS of money and the pay and benefits are HUGE compared
to here. As a top step Lt. where I am at now I will make $61K a year,
and there is no overtime as it is a salaried position. As a top step
Sgt. at Citrus Heights I will make a base pay of just over $80K with
the ability to work overtime. The City pays 100% for family medical
coverage (Currently I pay $703 a month for family medical) Citrus
heights pays 100% of your retirement contribution (Currently I will am
paying about $140) also, Citrus Heights has a $1500 relocation bonus
and you bring your seniority with you-becuase it is brand new.
Here is my issue: I am a big fish in a small pond. A small rural
backwards ass pond with crummy pay and benefits (as compared to the
rest of the law enforcement world) We live in a small town with no
shopping or restaraunts, that on a Sunday the streets are empty. My
kids are doing great in school and are so well adjusted that when asked
"Hey ya want to move to Sacramento? They say sure well make new
friends!" Housing prices here have skyrocketed because we have become a
bedrooom to the San Franciso bay area. We own a house here but we are
growing out of it and we cannot afford to upgrade here on my current
(or future) salary without selling everything we own and never leaving
home. What scares me is I am comfortable and this would be a huge
change and we all fear change.
I have friends that have left this agency long ago for larger richer
departments and have never looked back, and are now telling me "what
the matter with you? Get the hell outta there!!"
Financially speaking both short term and long term there is no good
reason to stay here-the salary is better, the retirement is better,
there are bigger schools, shopping and colleges there.
Why am I being such a G&^ D!@% candy ass about this? Come on talk some sense into me.........
PS: If I do take the job, anyone need a roomate for a few days a week until my house sells here I buy a new one in Rocklin???!
First Post: Notice here what he says about cop haters and well all of it actually.
03-14-2006, 04:03 PM 03-14-2006, 04:03 PM
Novice Real Name: Dave Garzoli
Join Date: Jan 2005
Location: Lakeport, CA xxxxxx Seems like Dave has been looking to move for a long timexxxxx
Posts: 358
Mid Career Employer change-Should I do it?
OK here is the situation..BTW...if your a cop hater hit your back button, this thread is not for you.
I have been a Deputy Sheriff for over 16 years at the same department (Lake County California check out the recent arrests and most wanted-Its pretty cool)
Any whoooo....... I was just promoted to Lieutenant a couple weeks ago,
the second highest rank in the department not including the elected
A month ago I had applied for a job( two actually for a Lt. position
and Sergeant), out of curiosity mainly, with the Citrus Heights Police
department. Well I got offered a job as a Sergeant providing I pass the
background investigation, which should not be a problem. Citrus Heights
is a Brand New Police department and officially takes over law
enforcement service (from the sheriff's office) in the city on July 1.
The city has TONS of money and the pay and benefits are HUGE compared
to here. As a top step Lt. where I am at now I will make $61K a year,
and there is no overtime as it is a salaried position. As a top step
Sgt. at Citrus Heights I will make a base pay of just over $80K with
the ability to work overtime. The City pays 100% for family medical
coverage (Currently I pay $703 a month for family medical) Citrus
heights pays 100% of your retirement contribution (Currently I will am
paying about $140) also, Citrus Heights has a $1500 relocation bonus
and you bring your seniority with you-becuase it is brand new.
Here is my issue: I am a big fish in a small pond. A small rural
backwards ass pond with crummy pay and benefits (as compared to the
rest of the law enforcement world) We live in a small town with no
shopping or restaraunts, that on a Sunday the streets are empty. My
kids are doing great in school and are so well adjusted that when asked
"Hey ya want to move to Sacramento? They say sure well make new
friends!" Housing prices here have skyrocketed because we have become a
bedrooom to the San Franciso bay area. We own a house here but we are
growing out of it and we cannot afford to upgrade here on my current
(or future) salary without selling everything we own and never leaving
home. What scares me is I am comfortable and this would be a huge
change and we all fear change.
I have friends that have left this agency long ago for larger richer
departments and have never looked back, and are now telling me "what
the matter with you? Get the hell outta there!!"
Financially speaking both short term and long term there is no good
reason to stay here-the salary is better, the retirement is better,
there are bigger schools, shopping and colleges there.
Why am I being such a G&^ D!@% candy ass about this? Come on talk some sense into me.........
PS: If I do take the job, anyone need a roomate for a few days a week until my house sells here I buy a new one in Rocklin???!
All right this is the clincher, you let Mitchell or anyone else tell you his boys havent been profiling for all these years, the date of this comment is 2000, this is an actual post on the same thread as the first post the same forum, fully documented and connected directly to Garzoli a sheriff at the time. This is so bad that it actually floored us. Get this comment of Garzoli's out to the Indian people and to the Hispanic people as soon as possible. For so many years these groups including African Americans have been hammered by Mitchell and his band of thugs, this is living proof of it you will not believe what you see here. We are looking for suggestions of where these posts should go to as well.
David G View profile More options Feb 28 2000, 3:00 am
Can anyone answer this question for me? Why should the "NA" be able to
use gambling or whatever for "Self Reliance". What makes them anymore
deserving of these special "rights" than any other homeless or
disadvantaged person in california? What about mexicans, blacks etc,
that live in the ghetto? Why not let them open a casino to help other
blacks and mexicans be self reliant??// so they can go to the doctor or
be better educated??? I live in a small county that currently has 3
casinos. There were four but the "tribe" shot it to pieces and then
burned it along with half the houses on the Rancheria down in a war
that lasted two weeks, and costs the local government and state
hundreds of thousands of dollars to deal with. And after all that, the
govt is going to rebuild their houses (that they shot uop and burned
intentionally) for free?? What the hell kind of crap is that???? the
remining rancherias that have casinos, have yet to be cleaned up. They
still have the same piles of garbage lying around the front door of
their broken down shacks, BUT THERES A BRAND NEW $40K SUV PARKED IN THE
MIDDLE OF THE MESS!!!! Im against all of this indian self reliance.
What our ancestors did hundreds of years ago is no longer an excuse
for their own lack of self reliance. The want ads in our newspaper is
filled with jobs and because of their race are eligible for minority
preference in hiring!!!!!!! There is no reason for casinos unless they
are going to pay substantial taxes to the local government and or it is
legal for anyone wanting to open a casino. One more thing. I know from
first hand experience, that with the three casinos in my county, the
biggest problems the casinos have is keeping the native americans that
work there and that live on the rancherias from stealing them blind!
Local law enforcment is constantly investigating dealers cheating with
other tribal memebers, embezlling money etc. They should just get a
real job, for they are not struggling becasue of their race they are
struggling because of their personal work ethics values
All right this is the clincher, you let Mitchell or anyone else tell you his boys havent been profiling for all these years, the date of this comment is 2000, this is an actual post on the same thread as the first post the same forum, fully documented and connected directly to Garzoli a sheriff at the time. This is so bad that it actually floored us. Get this comment of Garzoli's out to the Indian people and to the Hispanic people as soon as possible. For so many years these groups including African Americans have been hammered by Mitchell and his band of thugs, this is living proof of it you will not believe what you see here. We are looking for suggestions of where these posts should go to as well.
David G View profile More options Feb 28 2000, 3:00 am
Can anyone answer this question for me? Why should the "NA" be able to
use gambling or whatever for "Self Reliance". What makes them anymore
deserving of these special "rights" than any other homeless or
disadvantaged person in california? What about mexicans, blacks etc,
that live in the ghetto? Why not let them open a casino to help other
blacks and mexicans be self reliant??// so they can go to the doctor or
be better educated??? I live in a small county that currently has 3
casinos. There were four but the "tribe" shot it to pieces and then
burned it along with half the houses on the Rancheria down in a war
that lasted two weeks, and costs the local government and state
hundreds of thousands of dollars to deal with. And after all that, the
govt is going to rebuild their houses (that they shot uop and burned
intentionally) for free?? What the hell kind of crap is that???? the
remining rancherias that have casinos, have yet to be cleaned up. They
still have the same piles of garbage lying around the front door of
their broken down shacks, BUT THERES A BRAND NEW $40K SUV PARKED IN THE
MIDDLE OF THE MESS!!!! Im against all of this indian self reliance.
What our ancestors did hundreds of years ago is no longer an excuse
for their own lack of self reliance. The want ads in our newspaper is
filled with jobs and because of their race are eligible for minority
preference in hiring!!!!!!! There is no reason for casinos unless they
are going to pay substantial taxes to the local government and or it is
legal for anyone wanting to open a casino. One more thing. I know from
first hand experience, that with the three casinos in my county, the
biggest problems the casinos have is keeping the native americans that
work there and that live on the rancherias from stealing them blind!
Local law enforcment is constantly investigating dealers cheating with
other tribal memebers, embezlling money etc. They should just get a
real job, for they are not struggling becasue of their race they are
struggling because of their personal work ethics values
We have another post that will be forthcoming shortly that tells a tail of unbelivable deception on Garzolis part. It has to do with Helicopter flying and conversations which took place between various individuals and Garzoli. It is stunning to say the least, and points to the whole issue of our tax dollars and the deception between the DEA Marijuana and the various individuals who take advantage of grant money. In one of the sections Garzoli is warned by another individual to be careful if taking training lessons on grant money, it is beyond the pale irony, and it appears Garzoli did not take their word of caution. Unbelievable, we are checking some facts on this post and will get it up as soon as we get a couple of questions answered from our investigator who is on fire right now with information he is digging up.
We have another post that will be forthcoming shortly that tells a tail of unbelivable deception on Garzolis part. It has to do with Helicopter flying and conversations which took place between various individuals and Garzoli. It is stunning to say the least, and points to the whole issue of our tax dollars and the deception between the DEA Marijuana and the various individuals who take advantage of grant money. In one of the sections Garzoli is warned by another individual to be careful if taking training lessons on grant money, it is beyond the pale irony, and it appears Garzoli did not take their word of caution. Unbelievable, we are checking some facts on this post and will get it up as soon as we get a couple of questions answered from our investigator who is on fire right now with information he is digging up.
Ask Dave if that is him. You wouldn't believe anyone on this site if your career depended on it. Be sure to let us know what Dave said.
Anyone watch those video's that Mitchell put up on his sheriff page? This guy is defending "HIS" Dept.with technicalities? THAT'S IT?? How embarrassing! that's all Rod can come up with. He even tries throwing in there that if this really happened (as Lande claims) people would have came forward. NO they wouldn't. Because it's their word against these dumb cops. If you want to waste tax payers money at least try giving a little proof. Numerous people say they have seen racism in this Dept. There is crocked cops everywhere. You really think we'll believe your Dept. isn't? HA! If you say you got statements from these mexicans,than where is it. You sure run your mouth. So where's YOUR proof??
Oh its Dave, do not question the integrity of the information we post as the Lovelace group, this information itself tells you it is Garzoli, and our investigation is absolute in its documentation. When you read the Helicopter post it will be even more clear to you. Again the Lovelace group will not stand for questioning the integrity of our information. Pull out of your denial, and wake up man, this is real, open your eyes!!!
You want more here is the first of two parts read this conversation it will blow your mind. lThis one is a very long conversation so will post in several parts. We are leaving out the names of the individuals responding to Dave.
From Garzoli Dave
08/13/2008 7:55 PM
a summer long lease/contract for a 300CBi (with aux tanks) & CFi to
work with me in a counter drug role while training for private ticket.
Please PM or email me for details.
Dave just curious. What do you mean by counter drug work? Do you mean
looking for dope or doing surveillance? Also, looking for dope is not
as easy as it looks from a pilot stand point. You are very low, slow
and can get yourself into trouble very quickly. If you are wanting a
CFI to do the flying while you spot and the CFI has no prior experience
flying this type of mission you may be asking for trouble. Plus, you
will not be getting any training done towards a rating under these
flight conditions. I am not trying to rain on your idea but I do not
see how one has anything to do with the other.
If I am reading your request wrong please forgive me.
08/13/2008 9:57 PM
hour looking for dope an hour training.... or vice versa. I've been
riding co-pilot with a good friend who is a 16000+ hr CFI for 13 years
and along the way he has taught me to fly. What I am lacking is FORMAL
intensive emergency procedures and ground school only because until now
I have not really been serious about getting a rating. We fly around
looking for weed and having all kinds of fun doing it. I have an annual
budget of nearly $100K to rent a helo to spot weed and I have always
used a 206 or 500, which is where I logged all my time(albeit dual).
If I can't work a way to get a private rating with this kind of access
to helo's then so be it, frankly I am content to just get to fly
turbines for 20+hrs a year, but my friend is the one encouraging me to
git er done so to speak. My goal would be to get a private rating and
after that do the weed flying solo in a leased 300 to build time toward
a commercial and in 15 years or so have 1000hrs and be a pilot for a
retirement job.
I am very fortunate thus far to have had access to and have flown
AS350's and a BO105. All this time has GOT to be worth something
shouldn't it? Bu
You want more here is the first of two parts read this conversation it will blow your mind. lThis one is a very long conversation so will post in several parts. We are leaving out the names of the individuals responding to Dave.
From Garzoli Dave
08/13/2008 7:55 PM
a summer long lease/contract for a 300CBi (with aux tanks) & CFi to
work with me in a counter drug role while training for private ticket.
Please PM or email me for details.
Dave just curious. What do you mean by counter drug work? Do you mean
looking for dope or doing surveillance? Also, looking for dope is not
as easy as it looks from a pilot stand point. You are very low, slow
and can get yourself into trouble very quickly. If you are wanting a
CFI to do the flying while you spot and the CFI has no prior experience
flying this type of mission you may be asking for trouble. Plus, you
will not be getting any training done towards a rating under these
flight conditions. I am not trying to rain on your idea but I do not
see how one has anything to do with the other.
If I am reading your request wrong please forgive me.
08/13/2008 9:57 PM
hour looking for dope an hour training.... or vice versa. I've been
riding co-pilot with a good friend who is a 16000+ hr CFI for 13 years
and along the way he has taught me to fly. What I am lacking is FORMAL
intensive emergency procedures and ground school only because until now
I have not really been serious about getting a rating. We fly around
looking for weed and having all kinds of fun doing it. I have an annual
budget of nearly $100K to rent a helo to spot weed and I have always
used a 206 or 500, which is where I logged all my time(albeit dual).
If I can't work a way to get a private rating with this kind of access
to helo's then so be it, frankly I am content to just get to fly
turbines for 20+hrs a year, but my friend is the one encouraging me to
git er done so to speak. My goal would be to get a private rating and
after that do the weed flying solo in a leased 300 to build time toward
a commercial and in 15 years or so have 1000hrs and be a pilot for a
retirement job.
I am very fortunate thus far to have had access to and have flown
AS350's and a BO105. All this time has GOT to be worth something
shouldn't it? Bu
Part 2 post Garzoli Helicopter conversation
08/14/2008 12:20 AM
for the clairification. It makes a little more sense to me now plus I
read the Online Ground School thread just now and filled in the rest of
the gaps.
First off, is any part of the $100K allocated for dope season flights
funded with any Grant Funds? If so you may want to be very careful
doing anything other than flying dope missions. If the money is funded
soley by your agency with no grant funds then why not convince your COC
the need and benefits of you completing flight training. If approved
then why not go to the company where the 160000 hour pilot works and
finish your training in one shot with that company and CFI?
Next, after you obtain your rating, I would seriously caution you on
doing any dope flights on your own until you have logged at least 500
hours. I am sure that the 16000 hour pilot makes it look pretty easy
and I am also sure that while he is low and slow, based on his
experience, he is making decisions and executing manuevers that he is
not telling you about because it is second nature to him. After
obtaining your rating then have that 16000 hour CFI let you fly in the
PIC seat so you can build the time and experience with him as a back
up. You will find that while you are in the PIC seat he will then begin
to expand on your technique and teach you more about caution areas or
modes of flight. Again, until you reach about 500 hours I would be very
careful about doing any solo searches on your own.
Next I would start working on your agency the idea to purchase a 300. A
$100K yearly budget (Excluding the purchase price of a used 300) would
allow you to not only conduct the dope searches but also give your
agency the ability to use the A/C during high priority calls throughout
the year. I could expand on this more but the post would be very long.
I believe I read you were in Calif and if that is true you may want to
reach out to Spike and a few others who could give you more info and
ideas in accomplishing your goals. The sky is the limit and you are in
a good position to get what you want to accomplish but just becareful
not to rush anything. There is a reason why certain hours of flight
experience is mandated by the insurance companies.
Feel free to PM me if you want to chat more. Good luck and keep that
energy and drive moving forward. d
08/14/2008 2:02 PM
08/14/2008 12:20 AM
for the clairification. It makes a little more sense to me now plus I
read the Online Ground School thread just now and filled in the rest of
the gaps.
First off, is any part of the $100K allocated for dope season flights
funded with any Grant Funds? If so you may want to be very careful
doing anything other than flying dope missions. If the money is funded
soley by your agency with no grant funds then why not convince your COC
the need and benefits of you completing flight training. If approved
then why not go to the company where the 160000 hour pilot works and
finish your training in one shot with that company and CFI?
Next, after you obtain your rating, I would seriously caution you on
doing any dope flights on your own until you have logged at least 500
hours. I am sure that the 16000 hour pilot makes it look pretty easy
and I am also sure that while he is low and slow, based on his
experience, he is making decisions and executing manuevers that he is
not telling you about because it is second nature to him. After
obtaining your rating then have that 16000 hour CFI let you fly in the
PIC seat so you can build the time and experience with him as a back
up. You will find that while you are in the PIC seat he will then begin
to expand on your technique and teach you more about caution areas or
modes of flight. Again, until you reach about 500 hours I would be very
careful about doing any solo searches on your own.
Next I would start working on your agency the idea to purchase a 300. A
$100K yearly budget (Excluding the purchase price of a used 300) would
allow you to not only conduct the dope searches but also give your
agency the ability to use the A/C during high priority calls throughout
the year. I could expand on this more but the post would be very long.
I believe I read you were in Calif and if that is true you may want to
reach out to Spike and a few others who could give you more info and
ideas in accomplishing your goals. The sky is the limit and you are in
a good position to get what you want to accomplish but just becareful
not to rush anything. There is a reason why certain hours of flight
experience is mandated by the insurance companies.
Feel free to PM me if you want to chat more. Good luck and keep that
energy and drive moving forward. d
08/14/2008 2:02 PM
Post number 3 on the Garzoli Helicopter, we know it is a lot to read by the little pearls of insight are just amazing
Dgarzoli, Along
with Dwaine’s perspectives, I would like to add the following. While I
don’t doubt your abilities, I can’t stress the importance of dedicated
flight training. IMO, solo flying looking for dope will not enhance
your overall skills as a pilot. Nor will it improve your judgment
especially if you’re planning to enter into the commercial segment upon
retirement. Yes, there is a definite skill-set required to fly dope,
but it’s only a fraction compared to the total skill-set required to
save your butt when things go wrong. And, it would appear you have that
dope skill-set nailed down anyway. I suggest, even if you have to pay
out of your pocket, go to a local flight school and appropriately
obtain your ratings. When you fly solo, don’t go looking for dope, go
to an airport and do traffic patterns. Take-offs and landings are the
most critical phase of flight so you should practice this as much as
possible. Once certificated, you can then build time while you’re out
flying dope. Again, I’m not trying to deter your goals. But, in my
experience, one of most common misconceptions I’ve came across with LE
pilots is the belief they are well prepared for the commercial sector
upon retirement just because they have thousands of hours of flight
time. Coming from the commercial sector myself, I can attest its apples
and oranges in many different aspects. Therefore, don’t cut yourself
short by narrowly focusing your experience. Expand your envelope as
much as possible and when you can, practice Emergency Procedures with a
CFI. Believe me, when the engine quits, you want hundreds of autos
under your belt, not just a few. Besides, you’ll be hard pressed to
find a legit operator who’ll rent to a newly certified private pilot
and let him go out lima-lima looking for dope. You can PM me if you
have any additional questions.
Dgarzoli, Along
with Dwaine’s perspectives, I would like to add the following. While I
don’t doubt your abilities, I can’t stress the importance of dedicated
flight training. IMO, solo flying looking for dope will not enhance
your overall skills as a pilot. Nor will it improve your judgment
especially if you’re planning to enter into the commercial segment upon
retirement. Yes, there is a definite skill-set required to fly dope,
but it’s only a fraction compared to the total skill-set required to
save your butt when things go wrong. And, it would appear you have that
dope skill-set nailed down anyway. I suggest, even if you have to pay
out of your pocket, go to a local flight school and appropriately
obtain your ratings. When you fly solo, don’t go looking for dope, go
to an airport and do traffic patterns. Take-offs and landings are the
most critical phase of flight so you should practice this as much as
possible. Once certificated, you can then build time while you’re out
flying dope. Again, I’m not trying to deter your goals. But, in my
experience, one of most common misconceptions I’ve came across with LE
pilots is the belief they are well prepared for the commercial sector
upon retirement just because they have thousands of hours of flight
time. Coming from the commercial sector myself, I can attest its apples
and oranges in many different aspects. Therefore, don’t cut yourself
short by narrowly focusing your experience. Expand your envelope as
much as possible and when you can, practice Emergency Procedures with a
CFI. Believe me, when the engine quits, you want hundreds of autos
under your belt, not just a few. Besides, you’ll be hard pressed to
find a legit operator who’ll rent to a newly certified private pilot
and let him go out lima-lima looking for dope. You can PM me if you
have any additional questions.
Last post on the Garzoli helicopter, this one is funny as Dave is asking the moderator to remove something he said.
08/14/2008 3:54 PM
0.2I was one of the CFI's who flew you, (or your predecessor), back in
the early 90's. I have since flown for a full time LE operation, (with
spike before he moved on). In hindsight the flight we did was a waste
of tax payers money. We flew circles all over the area just NW of Napa
area, (lake county I believethat is two logbooks ago), and we were
really not looking for dope. I have to agree with the others here-you
have no business learning to fly AND look for dope at the same time.
Leave the flying to the professionals, OR pay your way to get trained
and hire an observer. There are lots of people here willing to help
point you in the right direction.xxxxx Teach a man to fish and he will eat for a lifetime. Teach a helicopter
pilot to fish-and he will sit on a boat and drink beer all day....
08/14/2008 7:02 PM
Yeah you guys are right. Forget it. Can mod delete this post Please?
08/16/2008 9:15 AM
I don't know if the mods will delete it, but I'll keep it near the top just to make you nervous.....:P
08/14/2008 3:54 PM
0.2I was one of the CFI's who flew you, (or your predecessor), back in
the early 90's. I have since flown for a full time LE operation, (with
spike before he moved on). In hindsight the flight we did was a waste
of tax payers money. We flew circles all over the area just NW of Napa
area, (lake county I believethat is two logbooks ago), and we were
really not looking for dope. I have to agree with the others here-you
have no business learning to fly AND look for dope at the same time.
Leave the flying to the professionals, OR pay your way to get trained
and hire an observer. There are lots of people here willing to help
point you in the right direction.xxxxx Teach a man to fish and he will eat for a lifetime. Teach a helicopter
pilot to fish-and he will sit on a boat and drink beer all day....
08/14/2008 7:02 PM
Yeah you guys are right. Forget it. Can mod delete this post Please?
08/16/2008 9:15 AM
I don't know if the mods will delete it, but I'll keep it near the top just to make you nervous.....:P
"Can mod delete this post Please?" Now you know how Tiger Woods felt, Only it's not so funny now is it?
Yes I too would like to know how you knew it was Garzoli that wrote it. Can you give me the link to the site you got it from?
Before we continue we have information on the upcoming protest at K-Ville highschool on the 11th. The debate starts at 6:00, but that is not the big news, the big news is that Rivero will be there at 5:00 he is going to speak to the public, he is going to field questions from all the citizens who are there protesting. He has said he believes this is the peoples county and the people need to be heard from. He says it doesn't matter what happens in the actual meeting, the important meeting is himself and the public communicating together even if it is in the parking lot where all are gathered to protest. His speech and fielding questions fron the public will be starting at 5:00, be there and we will be re-posting this several times. As well the press will be there at 5:00 and will be reporting on Rivero's speech and the citizens question and our conversation with him.
As a last note as you know Rivero was on the radio last week and fielded open questions from the public, Mitchell was asked to be on that same show and yes he refused to come. Tell me who has credibility.
As a last note as you know Rivero was on the radio last week and fielded open questions from the public, Mitchell was asked to be on that same show and yes he refused to come. Tell me who has credibility.
Well the last post we have we have to hold on for some verifications, it is so bad so damaging that it cannot be expressed, appox 7 paragraphs of conversation from Garzoli to others, which is well we do not have the words to express it, but stand by for it, it is career ending, and cannot actually be believed. Not sure if we will get it up tonight, but I believe we will be able to later on late night. It is actually even scary to us, and we have seen a lot.
By the way you get no links you get no further information on our investigations or how we manage to do this. You make your choices on what you believe or want to discredit, to us it doesn't matter, you will deny till the house falls down. By the way the house is falling down.
Let them digest the first part for awhile. Wouldn't want them to get heartburn, Besides that I think Daves line is still busy.
We are working on some verifications, and you are right this is a lot to digest, we are having problems taking it all in. Should the last post go up, it will blow the lid off a lot.
Lovelace, Your humble servent here. Haven't written to you since vegas (wink) I am emailing you within the next half will find it very interesting about Garzoli/Mitchell. I am telling you here because I know you receive a large amount of emails and it takes time to read them...look for mine! Thanks PS burn after reading HA!...sorry I couldn't help myself ;)
Do not bother asking for the details of our information the majority of that information would damage our ability to use certain people and methods. We are sorry for that, but you will have to live with the reality of a corrupt and dangerous LE condition therefore we have many people and methods to protect. All in due time all in due time.
2:24 This is 1:48 How can I communicate with you privately?
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : January 7, 2010 2:57 PM Just think about it, You could have been the first to know. Wait till Dave hears that you weren't interested in getting the information first. I sure wouldn't want you watching my back.
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : January 7, 2010 2:57 PM Just think about it, You could have been the first to know. Wait till Dave hears that you weren't interested in getting the information first. I sure wouldn't want you watching my back.
Post 6:56 - If you are, who I believe you to be :) - you left a message on my home phone yesterday about signs for Sunday. My phones are shorting out and it makes it difficult to make calls. I will be home if you want to drop those signs off so that I can deliver them on Sunday. Call me again this evening if you get this message.
Maybe I'm stuck on stupid here, but wouldn't this type of posting if truly done by Garzoli be most useful to Farrington at this time. He could submit these along with his letters to the AG - FAA and DEA although we already know his buddy is part of the DEA.
The problem is, people have been forging stuff since the Sumerians started making chicken scratches on wet clay. So how do you know that these posts which purport to be from Garzoli are not forged? To make something like this admissable in court for example you have to lay a foundation with expert testimony. Lots of people at this point have a motive to phoney this kind of thing up - not the least of them being the SO itself. If they can fool you into printing this stuff and then show that it's clearly fake then they can discredit you, a cointel kind of operation.
7:09 I tried to give it to you and you didn't want it. It's not too late to be in the letter as the letter hasn't been written and approved yet. That's why it came out now. Don't forget you had your chance.
It can be proven where the post came from. During the Dinius trial we put up a website and followed who and how many times visited. We were actually able to track a certain individual posting that led us to the county courthouse. This is how we were able to find out that county employees were posting on the tax payers dime. We took it to the board of supervisors at that point.
I note you deleted my last two posts, both after 6:00 pm today. Apparently any comments are welcome unless they dissent.
To all requesting to post to Lovelace, please do so, you post to
We are interested in all information to be given to us, if we have missed recognizing anyone who wishes to post to us, we are sorry, the g-mail is getting quite busy. We are grateful for all the support and excellent information.
To all needing to post to us off the public thread please post to the e-mail listed above, your information is very important to us.
Post 6:56 yes yes please post it to us, we await your information. Thank you
We are interested in all information to be given to us, if we have missed recognizing anyone who wishes to post to us, we are sorry, the g-mail is getting quite busy. We are grateful for all the support and excellent information.
To all needing to post to us off the public thread please post to the e-mail listed above, your information is very important to us.
Post 6:56 yes yes please post it to us, we await your information. Thank you
Post 7:14 we are not a bit concerned about your ignorant theories of how we come upon this information, rest assured my friend that it would be foolish of you to continue in your denial. We have said this many many times there is much more to come, when will you become a believer. We warn you over and over.
To post concerning Farrington, and the information, they can get access to this page, frankly we don't believe the BOS as a whole has the intelligence nor fortitude to accomplish what we are accomplishing, they can go down the road to what ever degree they want to. The information is there, we are moving with it and we will not stop.
To post concerning Farrington, and the information, they can get access to this page, frankly we don't believe the BOS as a whole has the intelligence nor fortitude to accomplish what we are accomplishing, they can go down the road to what ever degree they want to. The information is there, we are moving with it and we will not stop.
Tuft probably thinks if he works for the law...He is the law. Put a note in his mailbox: FYI; Mr. LE: there is a leash law in Lake Co. and "your" neighbors would appreciate it if you would abide by it....Thank you! Step #2 put this in the Penny Slaver for his friends to see.....HAH!
We have just recieved big information that there is a potential story that is going to be posted in the record bee tomorrow concerning Mitchell, we believe the top is blowing off soon. Cannot at this time say much more, but if it does hit the pages in the morning, it could be very very big. We as well have just recieved more amazing information on Garzoli, we are currently overloaded, working as fast as we can may be a late night. The house of cards is beginning to crash, stand by.
Why is Tuft, an employee of LCSO "NOT" obeying the CA leash law????
Tuft is not a LCSO employee. He retired several years ago. He was a good cop who was injured in the line of duty and the county screwed him. I enjoyed working with him and respect him. The leash law only applies on public property. His dogs running around his property, his long driveway or the private roadway leading to his and his neighbors property does not require a leash to be on them. All the law requires is that they be licensed (either on or off private property).
Tuft is not a LCSO employee. He retired several years ago. He was a good cop who was injured in the line of duty and the county screwed him. I enjoyed working with him and respect him. The leash law only applies on public property. His dogs running around his property, his long driveway or the private roadway leading to his and his neighbors property does not require a leash to be on them. All the law requires is that they be licensed (either on or off private property).
9:39 It took you over a hour to come to the defense of your friend/ex cop. Lets see how long it takes you to come to Perdocks defense. Time starts now.
Okay lets just look at the facts and as I said before, I encourage any LCSO employee to defend Mitchell.
1. A Sheriff must supervise his management. Mitchell did not supervise his management or even sergeants on the scene of a serous incident.Mitchell should have immediately stopped the Dinius boating case investigation and call Napa or Sonoma Sheriff's Boat Patrol (several even live in the Hidden Valley Area).
2. Mitchell should have never allowed Garzoli (a lieutenant)to be operating a helicopter or even actively work a field deputy/detective position. Bauman, Howe or even Brown doesn't do that. That job is for Brooks and to be supervised by Sgt. Samples.
3. Mitchell should have reviewed the DEA grant.
4. The FTO video should have never been done. The accused was Ski, not Martin, Thomas or Andrews. It was clear by Andrews statement given TWICE the skips Ski's name.
5. The EEOC findings should be made public (not the officers names).
6. Sex on duty should be a termination offense.
7. If you are going to challenge Lande on the LCSO website, than show his response since that is what all four deputies want.
Even if all the deputies on the race charges were cleared by LCSO, a EEOC result is better to clear them than a LCSO investigation that is so public. I seriously don't believe SJSO did anything other than escort and translate.
1. A Sheriff must supervise his management. Mitchell did not supervise his management or even sergeants on the scene of a serous incident.Mitchell should have immediately stopped the Dinius boating case investigation and call Napa or Sonoma Sheriff's Boat Patrol (several even live in the Hidden Valley Area).
2. Mitchell should have never allowed Garzoli (a lieutenant)to be operating a helicopter or even actively work a field deputy/detective position. Bauman, Howe or even Brown doesn't do that. That job is for Brooks and to be supervised by Sgt. Samples.
3. Mitchell should have reviewed the DEA grant.
4. The FTO video should have never been done. The accused was Ski, not Martin, Thomas or Andrews. It was clear by Andrews statement given TWICE the skips Ski's name.
5. The EEOC findings should be made public (not the officers names).
6. Sex on duty should be a termination offense.
7. If you are going to challenge Lande on the LCSO website, than show his response since that is what all four deputies want.
Even if all the deputies on the race charges were cleared by LCSO, a EEOC result is better to clear them than a LCSO investigation that is so public. I seriously don't believe SJSO did anything other than escort and translate.
DAVIDSON Someone posted this earlier about a car chase around Kits Corner one vehicle left the road and went off the cliff. The driver died. The officer in persuit was said to be Davidson. Supposedly, it was suicide. Others say differently. Do you know his name?
Post 10:11 Are you talking about Ryan Willaim who supposedly committed suicide while the SO was in hot pursuit. This happened close to Kit's Corner. Close family friends claim he was shot by SO. People living near by claimed they heard three shots echo through the canyon. Ryan was the grandson of Sheriff Roxson (ret) There was never any follow up about it. If you go back on topix for LC Record bee far enough you can find the topic and then you will see where a close friend of Ryan's sister Ashley, was absolutely adamant that the SO shot him and that it was NOT a suicide. I was told Davidson and Frace were two of the three officers involved.
The article on [type in Lakeport, 95453] news comes up stating he (Ryan Williams)
had three shots; two to his chest, one to his head....states there is an investigation.
Boy they have kept this one quiet.......don't know what to believe.....that's seriously scarey.
had three shots; two to his chest, one to his head....states there is an investigation.
Boy they have kept this one quiet.......don't know what to believe.....that's seriously scarey.
I think its time to purchase me a scanner. Had one up here years ago and knew everything that was going on.
9:39 It took you over a hour to come to the defense of your friend/ex cop. Lets see how long it takes you to come to Perdocks defense. Time starts now.January 7, 2010 10:00 PM Hey Russ, Now you know how it is. Your friends aren't coming to your aid. How many times in the past did you drop everything and come to your friends side to help them? Why do you think your friends won't come to your defense? I know it must be lonely for you now to be all alone. Do you still stop by the office from time to time? Why do you think your old friends treat you differently lately? I'll tell you why. In a short time from now they are going to be asked some hard questions regarding something you thought would never be found out. Two of them want to be on the winning side this time around. I'll grant you they are still straddling the fence right now. But when the hard questions come one if not both will fall.
I guess that is what everyone was talking about....question..who/what is RKM as per Garzoli's email to the sheriff... on the record bee site.
Sounds to me Dave is running pretty scared right now. Also sounds to me that he is trying his best to take anything off Mitchell that he can. Now why would this be? Pressure? Intimidation? GOB protecting a higher GOB? Its a shame that I have lost so much faith in this Dept. I sure as hell don't know what to believe anymore. But I will say this. They both, and I say it strongly, need to be held accountable for their error in judgement! They BOTH need to face the consequences of their actions or lack of. They BOTH need to pay the price back to the tax payers, and they BOTH need to be booted!
Dont't know but they are obviously protecting another name for whatever reason. Or their involvement with in some form.
Let it be known or else, maybe? Like the above post said, intimidation, one GOB protecting a higher GOB. Sounds logical!
Ok post 12am - like finding a needle in a haystack. Under the topix forum in the record bee what is the title to look under? Or is it the lake county news?
On Sept. 2, Garzoli sent Mitchell an e-mail apologizing for his use of the helicopter. On the same day the county discussed an audit of Garzoli's helicopter use, someone released the sergeant's e-mail to the Board of Supervisors. Maybe I'm wrong but the Radio interview was 9-6-2009??? How can you send a E mail 7 days before the event????
12:09 enter 95453 zip in upper right corner; a list of articles comes up; hit on 'more articles'until you see the "Williams" article. 2x's
So Garzoli is writing to the sheriff aka Rod Mitchell yet in the email he refers to a RKM which I suppose is is Garzoli a delusional sociopath?
1:08 Mitchell put his RKM in place of names that he redacted. Before it was conveniently LEAKED to the BOS. Email sent on 2nd Radio show on 9th???
On Sept. 2, Garzoli sent Mitchell an e-mail apologizing for his use of the helicopter. On the same day the county discussed an audit of Garzoli's helicopter use, someone released the sergeant's e-mail to the Board of Supervisors. Maybe I'm wrong but the Radio interview was 9-6-2009??? How can you send a E mail 7 days before the event????
What the hell, this seems like I am missing something or you are right this does not make sense, anyone have any ideas here?
What the hell, this seems like I am missing something or you are right this does not make sense, anyone have any ideas here?
Well the Lovelace group nails another one, called the Record Bee article before it broke, thanks for the help on that one to a great supporter and help to us.
Time to keep the pressure on full tilt, we still havent posted much information we received yesterday, We are reviewing the latest with mouth's wide open, and working on the order we might present this, well it's late Lovelace worked late tonight, as did many others, tomorrow will be an interesting day to say the least.
Time to keep the pressure on full tilt, we still havent posted much information we received yesterday, We are reviewing the latest with mouth's wide open, and working on the order we might present this, well it's late Lovelace worked late tonight, as did many others, tomorrow will be an interesting day to say the least.
Here is a brief warning from an individual in communication with Garzoli, and warning him about using any aspect of his cop position to run his insurance business or adventure.
>>One thing I saw where you might want to be careful. Just as you are
>getting a legal opinion about using deputy coroner on your cards, be
>careful not to cross the line with your flyers. I understand California
>has some strict regulations, and you want to make sure everyone
>understands that you, the insurance agent, is leaving them and not you,
>the cop. Getting it wrong could easily invite some winnable lawsuits
you, Farmers, and your police force.You have no idea how right you are
and that will be thoroughly vetted prior to any inclusion in my
marketing material.
>>One thing I saw where you might want to be careful. Just as you are
>getting a legal opinion about using deputy coroner on your cards, be
>careful not to cross the line with your flyers. I understand California
>has some strict regulations, and you want to make sure everyone
>understands that you, the insurance agent, is leaving them and not you,
>the cop. Getting it wrong could easily invite some winnable lawsuits
you, Farmers, and your police force.You have no idea how right you are
and that will be thoroughly vetted prior to any inclusion in my
marketing material.
Below is a message sent to and commnunications with a farmers insurrance contact concerning Garzoli's Insurance Business right now we are just throwing up a few different of the light weight posts in the Garzoli communications, working on the larger items for tomorrow.
David R. Garzoli
Detective Sergeant
Lake County Sheriff's Department
Here is my situation.........been a cop for 20 years, minimum 8 more
years to retirement, more likely 12-15 to max out retirement benefits,
but frankly I am tired of this thankless government work. Have couple
friends in insurance, one indy one farmers, both doing VERY well. The
Farmers friend steered me to the DM/recrutier and my indy friend
supports using farmers to learn the business before striking outon my
own. I submitted the app through Farmers and was approved and am taking
my state tests next week.
David R. Garzoli
Detective Sergeant
Lake County Sheriff's Department
Here is my situation.........been a cop for 20 years, minimum 8 more
years to retirement, more likely 12-15 to max out retirement benefits,
but frankly I am tired of this thankless government work. Have couple
friends in insurance, one indy one farmers, both doing VERY well. The
Farmers friend steered me to the DM/recrutier and my indy friend
supports using farmers to learn the business before striking outon my
own. I submitted the app through Farmers and was approved and am taking
my state tests next week.
What about the deputy who has rented various properties in NIce and Lucerne under a couple of different names (wife, stepdaughter), gutted the interiors (without the owners permission)and turned then in to grow houses? He thinks because he is offloading his product to co-ops in Ukiah and Santa Rosa that he's being secret!
My son-in-law was in court Monday in lakeport and he says he heard two bailiffs talking about another bailiff who came to work drunk and had to be driven home - any word on that?
I hope that what ever investigation is under taken that it be complete. I think interviews of SO staff will clearly show that Sheriff Mitchell knew about or should have known about the training takeing place.
08/16/2008 5:47 PM garzoli to@@@@@@@@@
not sure why a program something like Mon thru Friday the CFI flys for
two hours while I look for dope. The next two hours we go to the
airport and train. Have lunch discuss lessons learned. one hour
spotting dope, 1 hour training so on and so forth. You get the idea?
Saturdays, I pay you for private ground school. 4-6 hrs a day flying
during the week ground school on saturdays?
Why is a program like this so freeking ridiculous????? I know several
VERY WELL accomplished pilots who did this very thing.
08/16/2008 7:19 PM
don't know how your department works, so I may be way off base here,
but it sounds to me like you're trying to get your department to pay
for you to learn to fly without their knowledge.
I would also venture a guess that your department is tax-payer funded,
which would also make your proposition extremely questionable at best,
since you're using tax money for personal gain. In the Army this is
what would likely be classified as fraud waste and abuse, and it would
get you in lots of trouble. I think the best idea presented here is for
you to come out and ask your department to send you to school to get
your ratings. Present it to them in a way that would save them money.
If your annual budget is $100,000, it wouldn't take a whole lot of
number crunching to convince them that it would be far more cost
effective to just buy their own R22 or H300, and have you learn to fly
it. What does a decent H300 go for these days? $175K? So for what
they'd spend leasing a helicopter for 2 years, they could own their own
machine and have their own pilot (you). The longer they own the
helicopter, the more money they would save. It would pay for itself in
just a few short years with money not being wasted on leasing an MD500.
Also, they would be able to recoup a large amount of their investment
if and when the time comes to sell the aircraft. Just an idea.
Again, I don't know details, and I could be way off base here (sorry if
that's the case), but it really sounds like you're walking a very thin
line here with your ideas about learning to fly while you're supposed
to be doing your job. Just my $0.02.
08/16/2008 7:40 PM
08/16/2008 5:47 PM garzoli to@@@@@@@@@
not sure why a program something like Mon thru Friday the CFI flys for
two hours while I look for dope. The next two hours we go to the
airport and train. Have lunch discuss lessons learned. one hour
spotting dope, 1 hour training so on and so forth. You get the idea?
Saturdays, I pay you for private ground school. 4-6 hrs a day flying
during the week ground school on saturdays?
Why is a program like this so freeking ridiculous????? I know several
VERY WELL accomplished pilots who did this very thing.
08/16/2008 7:19 PM
don't know how your department works, so I may be way off base here,
but it sounds to me like you're trying to get your department to pay
for you to learn to fly without their knowledge.
I would also venture a guess that your department is tax-payer funded,
which would also make your proposition extremely questionable at best,
since you're using tax money for personal gain. In the Army this is
what would likely be classified as fraud waste and abuse, and it would
get you in lots of trouble. I think the best idea presented here is for
you to come out and ask your department to send you to school to get
your ratings. Present it to them in a way that would save them money.
If your annual budget is $100,000, it wouldn't take a whole lot of
number crunching to convince them that it would be far more cost
effective to just buy their own R22 or H300, and have you learn to fly
it. What does a decent H300 go for these days? $175K? So for what
they'd spend leasing a helicopter for 2 years, they could own their own
machine and have their own pilot (you). The longer they own the
helicopter, the more money they would save. It would pay for itself in
just a few short years with money not being wasted on leasing an MD500.
Also, they would be able to recoup a large amount of their investment
if and when the time comes to sell the aircraft. Just an idea.
Again, I don't know details, and I could be way off base here (sorry if
that's the case), but it really sounds like you're walking a very thin
line here with your ideas about learning to fly while you're supposed
to be doing your job. Just my $0.02.
08/16/2008 7:40 PM
think that the reason your idea is being opposed is because it seems
that you want to kill two birds with one stone. Looking for dope and
loggin the time as dual received as well. If you are only going to log
the time you are actually doing the training, that's not so bad. Also,
you mentioned getting your private and then doing the drug work to
build up to 1000 hours. You'll need a CPL for that.
Also, flight training is serious. You have to be dedicating the time
you spend (log) actually doing the training. Not doing something else
with "training" going on in the back ground. The way that you present
it in your last post seems fine, like I said, as long as you only log
the ACTUAL training. You need to have the skills to deal with whatever
emergency you may encounter, especially if you plan to have any other
lives (not to mention ones on the ground) in your hands ya know?
The other thing that may rub people wrong is that it seems that you
have the resources available to use taxpayer money to fund your flight
training. If you are paying for the training part and it is not coming
from the 100K that has been allocated to you for a specific job, then I
apologize but otherwise, it's wrong and if you don't see that then do
you even have the morals to have the job you have?
I don't mean to be harsh, just telling it like I see it and maybe I am
off here but like I said, if I am, I apologize.
Now if you are doing it legit, than the hours you would do (not
logging) flying with a pilot to spot dope would be great experience.
Especially if he could vocalize everything he is doing as he is doing
it and wht. That way, you would understand why people are saying that
it would be dangerous for an inexperienced pilot to do this job flying
low and slow, in a 300, and I know NorCal gets HOT (you'll learn why
that's important in ground school).
Whatever you chose, good luck and above all, take SAFETY over
08/17/2008 1:26 AM
think that the reason your idea is being opposed is because it seems
that you want to kill two birds with one stone. Looking for dope and
loggin the time as dual received as well. If you are only going to log
the time you are actually doing the training, that's not so bad. Also,
you mentioned getting your private and then doing the drug work to
build up to 1000 hours. You'll need a CPL for that.
Also, flight training is serious. You have to be dedicating the time
you spend (log) actually doing the training. Not doing something else
with "training" going on in the back ground. The way that you present
it in your last post seems fine, like I said, as long as you only log
the ACTUAL training. You need to have the skills to deal with whatever
emergency you may encounter, especially if you plan to have any other
lives (not to mention ones on the ground) in your hands ya know?
The other thing that may rub people wrong is that it seems that you
have the resources available to use taxpayer money to fund your flight
training. If you are paying for the training part and it is not coming
from the 100K that has been allocated to you for a specific job, then I
apologize but otherwise, it's wrong and if you don't see that then do
you even have the morals to have the job you have?
I don't mean to be harsh, just telling it like I see it and maybe I am
off here but like I said, if I am, I apologize.
Now if you are doing it legit, than the hours you would do (not
logging) flying with a pilot to spot dope would be great experience.
Especially if he could vocalize everything he is doing as he is doing
it and wht. That way, you would understand why people are saying that
it would be dangerous for an inexperienced pilot to do this job flying
low and slow, in a 300, and I know NorCal gets HOT (you'll learn why
that's important in ground school).
Whatever you chose, good luck and above all, take SAFETY over
08/17/2008 1:26 AM
Final post and a few notes: As you read this you will note how it appears the people he is talking to are very cautious about this guy, they can tell he is unsafe, of course that came back to haunt him, and they cautioned him concerning the whole program and flying and that what he was trying to do, was at points illegal. This guys(garzoli) was a loose canyon they could tell and they called him on it, of course as we now know he did not listen, note the reference to child porn near the bottom of this post, he says being trained as a foresnic computer investigator, is is that the connection to child porn? In that line of work? Now we know this issue of porn has been brought up many many times concerning the LE, we are not indicating what reference this part of his comment is refering to but you can take note towards the bottom of this final post.
so agencies like LAPD, Sac Co Sheriff, CHP, DEA and other public
agencies that train their own pilots on the taxpayer dime are guilty of
fraud? WTF? For the record, I have already done everything you guys are
suggesting, presentations RE: cost savings of operating a 300/R22 or
R44 VS 206's & 500's, training our own guy(s) to operate one,
future purchase/lease of our own, savings etc., and have been approved.
The only difference is I am looking for a trainer & equipment to
come here rather than shipping me or another guy away to a full time
school(even more costly). In the event I am unable to put together a
workable safe program, then shipping someone off will be the next
Everything here is on the up & up. Clearly my earlier post wreaked
of my [i]personal[/i] excitement that I was finally may be able to
reach a goal I have had my whole career but could never afford on my
own. I came here looking for a service not have my integrity questioned
and get into a debate over how we fund our helicopter program or pay
for our training. I have been on this line of work for too long and
have accomplished too much to risk by doing something underhanded(not
to mention the fact that I make way more money now that I would even as
a 1500hr helicopter pilot with 20 years seniority-based on the pay
scale chart in this website somewhere, so what was the big "personal
gain" again that equals fraud?). How does the fact that I happen to get
some personal satisfaction out of my job and end up with a skill I
[i]may[/i] be able to use in the future equal "dishonesty."? We have
guys who we trained to use polygraphs and CVSA's who retire and make a
living with it, we train guys to get commercial drivers license who
retire and drive trucks, we send guys to armorer school and retire (or
outright quit) and open gun stores; hell they trained me as a forensic
computer examiner once(which cost more than a private pilot program at
most flight schools-is this fraud too?), which if I hadn't grown sick
and tired of looking at child pornography I could probably put to use
outside this line of work making more than I would as a pilot. Is that
all fraud too? I, like you, just love to fly helicopters.
Thanks for all the help.
so agencies like LAPD, Sac Co Sheriff, CHP, DEA and other public
agencies that train their own pilots on the taxpayer dime are guilty of
fraud? WTF? For the record, I have already done everything you guys are
suggesting, presentations RE: cost savings of operating a 300/R22 or
R44 VS 206's & 500's, training our own guy(s) to operate one,
future purchase/lease of our own, savings etc., and have been approved.
The only difference is I am looking for a trainer & equipment to
come here rather than shipping me or another guy away to a full time
school(even more costly). In the event I am unable to put together a
workable safe program, then shipping someone off will be the next
Everything here is on the up & up. Clearly my earlier post wreaked
of my [i]personal[/i] excitement that I was finally may be able to
reach a goal I have had my whole career but could never afford on my
own. I came here looking for a service not have my integrity questioned
and get into a debate over how we fund our helicopter program or pay
for our training. I have been on this line of work for too long and
have accomplished too much to risk by doing something underhanded(not
to mention the fact that I make way more money now that I would even as
a 1500hr helicopter pilot with 20 years seniority-based on the pay
scale chart in this website somewhere, so what was the big "personal
gain" again that equals fraud?). How does the fact that I happen to get
some personal satisfaction out of my job and end up with a skill I
[i]may[/i] be able to use in the future equal "dishonesty."? We have
guys who we trained to use polygraphs and CVSA's who retire and make a
living with it, we train guys to get commercial drivers license who
retire and drive trucks, we send guys to armorer school and retire (or
outright quit) and open gun stores; hell they trained me as a forensic
computer examiner once(which cost more than a private pilot program at
most flight schools-is this fraud too?), which if I hadn't grown sick
and tired of looking at child pornography I could probably put to use
outside this line of work making more than I would as a pilot. Is that
all fraud too? I, like you, just love to fly helicopters.
Thanks for all the help.
Well well good morning, I see one of our assistannts has done their morning work of what we decided to post, I think this is going to be a busy day on the blog. The noose is tightening.
By the way we have received the outline why Katy Sweeny got the sheriff mitchell story in this mornings paper. It aint all as it seems none the less that will be for a later post.
By the way we have received the outline why Katy Sweeny got the sheriff mitchell story in this mornings paper. It aint all as it seems none the less that will be for a later post.
More amazing helicopter conversation, these guys are essentially telling Garzoli he is going to crash if he continues in his way of thinking, and man they question how he is approaching this from a funding perspective, wow talk about predicting the future.
You must also be aware that a mandatory requirement to be current on
all of your qualifications must be maintained before you can exercise
those that you intend to use for your "work". Your hours don't count
unless you are current when you fly them. If your currency expires in
the meantime you must be flight checked to an appropriate standard. Who
is financing that?
You're indicating a number of aircraft types that you have and might be
employed on, and your number of hours that you anticipate yearly is not
realistic, I perceive, to what you think they may be and include
currency. Who is going to fund your currency hours when you are not
"weed seeking"? Have you considered that expense?
Your staggered program appears to be a hurdle rather than an advantage.
I don't think also that you are aware of all of the imminent dangers
that may arise from your aerial patrol profiles. Low, slow and a
possible threat means you are left with what you have at the time,
where you are, there is no plucking a Genie out of the bag to do the
impossible. Lag (control and power), IGE, OGE, temps, density, wind,
momentum, tail rotor effect, torque performance, clearances, in or out
of translation, all of these in the situation you describe must be in
hand instinctively, while you are looking at the ground. And most weed
patches don't have a pad or runway, not downunder anyway!
Maybe you do understand this already, but if you are piloting a mission
aircaft, flying the aircraft comes first every time, the mission is
second. Spotting the weed will not land the airframe successfully in
one piece if you have an emergency of any type.
There's no such thing as a part pilot. It's a full commitment or
nothing. Not being nasty, but a little knowledge in this arena is
definitely dangerous. Push your parent organisation to turn your
experience into an asset and get you trained and licenced as a
dedicated process, not hit and miss.
You must also be aware that a mandatory requirement to be current on
all of your qualifications must be maintained before you can exercise
those that you intend to use for your "work". Your hours don't count
unless you are current when you fly them. If your currency expires in
the meantime you must be flight checked to an appropriate standard. Who
is financing that?
You're indicating a number of aircraft types that you have and might be
employed on, and your number of hours that you anticipate yearly is not
realistic, I perceive, to what you think they may be and include
currency. Who is going to fund your currency hours when you are not
"weed seeking"? Have you considered that expense?
Your staggered program appears to be a hurdle rather than an advantage.
I don't think also that you are aware of all of the imminent dangers
that may arise from your aerial patrol profiles. Low, slow and a
possible threat means you are left with what you have at the time,
where you are, there is no plucking a Genie out of the bag to do the
impossible. Lag (control and power), IGE, OGE, temps, density, wind,
momentum, tail rotor effect, torque performance, clearances, in or out
of translation, all of these in the situation you describe must be in
hand instinctively, while you are looking at the ground. And most weed
patches don't have a pad or runway, not downunder anyway!
Maybe you do understand this already, but if you are piloting a mission
aircaft, flying the aircraft comes first every time, the mission is
second. Spotting the weed will not land the airframe successfully in
one piece if you have an emergency of any type.
There's no such thing as a part pilot. It's a full commitment or
nothing. Not being nasty, but a little knowledge in this arena is
definitely dangerous. Push your parent organisation to turn your
experience into an asset and get you trained and licenced as a
dedicated process, not hit and miss.
We will have more postings later in the day, we have some research to do and will try to get more up as soon as possible.
I googled the roadway that Tufts house is on. You're right, sorry it is public and he has to have his dog on a leash if our there. Did you talk to him? I've never had a problem with him or his family.
Nice Record Bee article. It sure shows how Mitchell can't supervise his management. As you see Garzoli even comments about the flight suit he wore. If you haven't seen the suit, it has "PILOT" printed on it. What is the matter Mitchell, can't you even read the word PILOT? Of is that one of you "ism" responses.
whst is the big deal if the dog is off leash is a vicious dog? I could see the point if that is the case if it is just because he is a LCSO then I see Your real motive for wanting to follow the strict letter of the leash law
7:15, I don't see anything in prior posts that came from the record bee. The record bee only had one of Garzoli's email's to his boss. All the email posts above were not in the record bee and you can only read them here. As for sweeny IMHO she just wants to be on the front page.
Hey just got the word that the candiate debate is actually on Monday. Rivero will be there at 5pm to answer the publics questions. Yeah its true from the horses mouth. Someone is trying to keep the public away aparently. MONDAY 5pm Kelseyville High unless of course they try to make a quick change since we found out the real day.
I know a wonderful lady; she is a nurse; She actually takes care of terminally ill children. She was so abused by this LE system; the cops here and the DA a few years back. She was at the wrong place at the wrong time; but she was only assisting her son to get his things from his ex-girlfriends house; as her son knew her "new" boyfriend might be there.
So my friend, "the Mom" went with her son.....all hell broke out; the "new" boyfriend
attacked them both; and my friends tried to fight back. the "new" boyfriend got his head cut open; and my wonderful nurse friend was charged with "assault"
Just like the blogger who posted: I'm Not a Criminal; so I wasn't harassed by the cops; cuz I wasn't doing anything" WRONG,,,,, that doesn't happen here in Lake Co.
You must be a cop or know one, Mr. Blogger..........who's not a criminal...HAH
WRONG.......My poor girlfriend had to hire an attorney; who soaked her for $30,000.
dragging the thing on because he had to go on vacation right in the middle of things.....unbelievable I tell you, it was a nightmare or worse for my friend. There now is a lein on her home that she had struggled to buy for 8 years.
AND OF COURSE; she had a jury trial and was found NOT Guilty...She is Not a criminal.......but she was charged un necessarily....The boyfriend who had his head cut open was a previously convicted drug dealer; but they chose to charge/destroy
my nurse friend; who had never had a record....who was, is,and never: not a
criminal. Maybe if the "Mitchell Regiem" had policy in place; an investigative process in place or a more responsible approach to their "duty"; people here in this county would not have to suffer or be "victims" of a incompetant Sheriff..
So mister blogger who is not a haven't met up with the
wrong deputy yet, I guess...........
So my friend, "the Mom" went with her son.....all hell broke out; the "new" boyfriend
attacked them both; and my friends tried to fight back. the "new" boyfriend got his head cut open; and my wonderful nurse friend was charged with "assault"
Just like the blogger who posted: I'm Not a Criminal; so I wasn't harassed by the cops; cuz I wasn't doing anything" WRONG,,,,, that doesn't happen here in Lake Co.
You must be a cop or know one, Mr. Blogger..........who's not a criminal...HAH
WRONG.......My poor girlfriend had to hire an attorney; who soaked her for $30,000.
dragging the thing on because he had to go on vacation right in the middle of things.....unbelievable I tell you, it was a nightmare or worse for my friend. There now is a lein on her home that she had struggled to buy for 8 years.
AND OF COURSE; she had a jury trial and was found NOT Guilty...She is Not a criminal.......but she was charged un necessarily....The boyfriend who had his head cut open was a previously convicted drug dealer; but they chose to charge/destroy
my nurse friend; who had never had a record....who was, is,and never: not a
criminal. Maybe if the "Mitchell Regiem" had policy in place; an investigative process in place or a more responsible approach to their "duty"; people here in this county would not have to suffer or be "victims" of a incompetant Sheriff..
So mister blogger who is not a haven't met up with the
wrong deputy yet, I guess...........
FYI: Someone is trying very hard to disfuse the protest during the debate at Kelseyville High. We just got word that two seperate dates were given THURS and SUNDAY for the protest. These are WRONG! The actual day is MONDAY. This has been confirmed by one of the canidates. Frank Rivero will definetly be there on MONDAY at 5pm to answer any questions the public may have prior to the debate with Mitchell. At 6PM is when the debate starts.
ONCE AGAIN: PROTEST IS ON MONDAY - Kelseyville High School 5pm to ask Rivero questions and 6pm the debate starts.
ONCE AGAIN: PROTEST IS ON MONDAY - Kelseyville High School 5pm to ask Rivero questions and 6pm the debate starts.
Wow thanks for the heads up on the Monday for the protest, I was under the impression it was Sunday as well.
To the question of Perdock's blood.
The boating accident scene was near Konocti Harbor Resort. This is the boarding line for ambulance drivers to take their patient to Sutter or Redbud. Now, the scene was unstable with yelling and intoxication. Placing Perdock, Dinius and the boat owner in the same room for a blood draw would be like putting a cat in a room full of pitbulls, you just don't do it. So, Perdock was taken to Redbud and the others to Sutter for not only a blood draw but for their own safety. The blood sample was taken to the nearest evidence locker. Perdock to the Lower Lake substation that is only a few blocks away. Dinius' blood was taken the the LCSO Main Office that is only a few miles away.
The boating accident scene was near Konocti Harbor Resort. This is the boarding line for ambulance drivers to take their patient to Sutter or Redbud. Now, the scene was unstable with yelling and intoxication. Placing Perdock, Dinius and the boat owner in the same room for a blood draw would be like putting a cat in a room full of pitbulls, you just don't do it. So, Perdock was taken to Redbud and the others to Sutter for not only a blood draw but for their own safety. The blood sample was taken to the nearest evidence locker. Perdock to the Lower Lake substation that is only a few blocks away. Dinius' blood was taken the the LCSO Main Office that is only a few miles away.
Forget the blood samples, the question you should ask is, if Mitchell was on scene, why did he not intervene and call for a Napa or Sonoma Boat Patrol Deputy. You will find that several reside in the Hidden Valley area and one at Lake Berryessa. Their response would have been fast. When there is a shooting, LCSO does not do the investigation, the DA's Office does it. Also, a DA Investigator could have been called in to at least oversee the investigation.
# posted by Anonymous : January 8, 2010 5:48 PM
I totally understand Your posting and agree, those who want to crucify Mr.Perdock will not. They only see one side of the incident, it was an accidental death, Hopkins screwed the pooch by bringing charges against Mr. Bismark,
A citation or ticket whatever it is on the water they write tickets for should have been the answer instead of ruining more people lives by the slow moving of so called justice drag both through the media on a weekly or Simi weekly article.
I think enough people on both sides have suffered enough I suggest to move on and allow all involved to heal and get back to living their lives. Stop trying to kill them over and over. You may not agree with My take on it but Free Speech allows me to say how a person who has come to know both feels about the matter "Revenge does more damage to the person it is stored in, than the one it is poured upon".
PS I am in no way related to either person or a law enforcement person.
I totally understand Your posting and agree, those who want to crucify Mr.Perdock will not. They only see one side of the incident, it was an accidental death, Hopkins screwed the pooch by bringing charges against Mr. Bismark,
A citation or ticket whatever it is on the water they write tickets for should have been the answer instead of ruining more people lives by the slow moving of so called justice drag both through the media on a weekly or Simi weekly article.
I think enough people on both sides have suffered enough I suggest to move on and allow all involved to heal and get back to living their lives. Stop trying to kill them over and over. You may not agree with My take on it but Free Speech allows me to say how a person who has come to know both feels about the matter "Revenge does more damage to the person it is stored in, than the one it is poured upon".
PS I am in no way related to either person or a law enforcement person.
January 8, 2010 5:48 PM and January 8, 2010 6:53 PM Hopkins screwed the pooch by bringing charges against Mr. Bismark, After the Statute ran out for Predock to be charged. But then no one has to tell you that. PS No one is putting anything on Hopkins, Mitchell and Perdock that they don't deserve.
FYI: Someone is trying very hard to disfuse the protest during the debate at Kelseyville High. We just got word that two seperate dates were given THURS and SUNDAY for the protest. These are WRONG! The actual day is MONDAY. This has been confirmed by one of the canidates. Frank Rivero will definetly be there on MONDAY at 5pm to answer any questions the public may have prior to the debate with Mitchell. At 6PM is when the debate starts.
ONCE AGAIN: PROTEST IS ON MONDAY - Kelseyville High School 5pm to ask Rivero questions and 6pm the debate starts.
Yes, we are were under the impression it was on Sunday. But like I said, Monday has been confirmed by Frank Rivero along with Elizabeth Larson from the Lake County News. Bring sure to bring your jackets and coffee or cocoa it will be a tad bit nippy!
ONCE AGAIN: PROTEST IS ON MONDAY - Kelseyville High School 5pm to ask Rivero questions and 6pm the debate starts.
Yes, we are were under the impression it was on Sunday. But like I said, Monday has been confirmed by Frank Rivero along with Elizabeth Larson from the Lake County News. Bring sure to bring your jackets and coffee or cocoa it will be a tad bit nippy!
re: 3:06pm and 3:42pm
I've stated numerous times in this blog that LCSO will make criminals out of victims in violence situations. They are NOT the DV experts they claim to be. That includes the DA's office.
I've stated numerous times in this blog that LCSO will make criminals out of victims in violence situations. They are NOT the DV experts they claim to be. That includes the DA's office.
Yes, I would say 8:31 is getting a bit nervous eh/ bet you guys wish you had all the info this site holds. Must be just drivin you crazy eh. sure glad I'm not in your shoes bout now. Personally I have enjoyed coming on and viewing all the community has to offer. Enjoy your evening and weekend. Look forward to seeing you on Monday lmfao
As for sweeny IMHO she just wants to be on the front page.
that is what I told you folks the other day, she is picking up where that quacko Revelle aka Tiffany.........wanna be journilist.left off . If they can make the front page they get a bonus as it sells more papers...ask them...
warning does everyone know it is very illegal to post anyones emails or even pass them along.... it is a real privacy issue
that is what I told you folks the other day, she is picking up where that quacko Revelle aka Tiffany.........wanna be journilist.left off . If they can make the front page they get a bonus as it sells more papers...ask them...
warning does everyone know it is very illegal to post anyones emails or even pass them along.... it is a real privacy issue
you are one of the brighter ones....she most certainly got a bump in pay to get a pic with th eSheriff
Gain, just what in the hell does anyone think Mitchell has to gain at this point. The only gain he may receive is his wife doing his laundry!
I take offense to the negative remarks directed towards Ringen. He is more of a man than our current leader ever was or ever can be. Ringen has gone to bat for just about every division in this department, including custody. When the custody division had no leadership in their association, Ringen stood up for their rights even when his peers didn't support his actions. Ringen did it anyway because it was the right thing to do. He has always tried to protect other employees that he believed in with no regard for the consequences he may face because of it. He thinks of himself last, not first. Much unlike Mitchell's agenda. We need Ringen to run for Sheriff. It would be a landside! Thank you Kip! You are missed. As for Rivero, I don't know him well enough to comment on his possible election to Sheriff. I just know we need new blood in that position and a person with the guts to stand up to loud mouthed high ranking females. Know it all (just ask them) females that have ruined career after career but are never stopped because they have something "on" the Sheriff or someone else in management. I know for a fact that officers have spilled their guts in exit interviews with the boss and nothing was ever done. Just change the rules. Why actually deal with the issue at hand! Some officers were mentally and physcally ill from the treatment they endured and will never really recover. Some have gone on to other LEA and achieved great things. It may seem petty but lives and families have been ruined by these females and others. We need a Sheriff that doesn't "muddy the waters" when placed in the hot seat. In order to take the blame from himself, this guy will place suspicion on the very officers that helped get him elected. Loyalty to his employees? Never. #1 is where his loyalty lies. Loyalty to the Sheriff from the troops? He doesn't deserve it. Folks have busted their butts for him & the dept. for years. He doesn't deserve their loyalty & sacrifices. LCSO has damn fine officers because even he cannot make them sacrifice their high standards. And believe me, he has tried. A few rotten apples can sour the whole bushell. Watch your backs people. There isn't much too lose for the Sheriff. He knows he won't be re-elected so he may go for revenge. After all, he has allowed it (retalliation) for years. Officers fear retalliation. That's why they can't identify who they are. They have everything to lose. They have worked too hard, sacrificed too much to face dismissal and lose their beloved career and much deserved pension. So remember, when you attack a person's integrity, know your facts. Some officers place their worth on their honesty, integrity, service to the community and fellow officers. Don't wrongly destroy what is so precious to them.
Let's see what happens on Monday in Kelseyville. Spread the word!
Let's see what happens on Monday in Kelseyville. Spread the word!
This is The Lovelace group this morning, couple of notes. Based on the latest postings and information including the record bee paper article. Not to mention the reportings of the last several weeks, it is clear the Mitchell is done, the only thing causing him to hold on at this point is his ego, and his arrogance. It is amazing to watch a caught fish floppying out of water gasping for political air, when as you walk around the hooked fish and kick it about on the deck. Funny acutally. The fish was caught off the boat of justice piloted by the great supporters of this blog, and the over 3000 and growing post that have brought not only Mitchell down, but Hopkins Garzoli and a host of others corruption people.
Several quick notes of the protest on Monday, bring everyone you can, the reporters of our local papers will be there, and if you can as already discussed bring as many signs as you can make, it would help if anyone has bullhorns or a bullhorn, for speaking to the crowd. It appears the turnout is going to be quite big or our little county and it should be a great event.
As a heads up, it has been reported to this site, that in regards to the Record Bee article, Mitchell has asked an individual to lie for him in posting an article, and when the information was coming out thaat the helicopter company was indicating that he had known about the incident, he wanted it left out of the article. Now on the inside of the record bee as this was going on, they decided to pass the information on to Katy, the reason for this is that as this blog had been reporting Katy had been given the label of pro-LE a deadly name plate for a reporter as they loose all credibility in their reporting. They decided to have Sweeny's name on the article the information was already available, and they only had to put Sweeny's name on it. This way they felt it would take the heat off her, and restore some credibility to her reporting.
On a different note, we wonder how many people are in the LE and DA office right now singing the wheels on the bus go round and round, it appears this is the new theme song for the local LE huh?
Several quick notes of the protest on Monday, bring everyone you can, the reporters of our local papers will be there, and if you can as already discussed bring as many signs as you can make, it would help if anyone has bullhorns or a bullhorn, for speaking to the crowd. It appears the turnout is going to be quite big or our little county and it should be a great event.
As a heads up, it has been reported to this site, that in regards to the Record Bee article, Mitchell has asked an individual to lie for him in posting an article, and when the information was coming out thaat the helicopter company was indicating that he had known about the incident, he wanted it left out of the article. Now on the inside of the record bee as this was going on, they decided to pass the information on to Katy, the reason for this is that as this blog had been reporting Katy had been given the label of pro-LE a deadly name plate for a reporter as they loose all credibility in their reporting. They decided to have Sweeny's name on the article the information was already available, and they only had to put Sweeny's name on it. This way they felt it would take the heat off her, and restore some credibility to her reporting.
On a different note, we wonder how many people are in the LE and DA office right now singing the wheels on the bus go round and round, it appears this is the new theme song for the local LE huh?
So no profiling says Mitchell from him or his band of bandits huh?
let Mitchell or anyone else tell you his boys havent been profiling for all these years, the date of this comment is 2000, this is an actual post on the same thread as the first post the same forum, fully documented and connected directly to Garzoli a sheriff at the time. This is so bad that it actually floored us. Get this comment of Garzoli's out to the Indian people and to the Hispanic people as soon as possible. For so many years these groups including African Americans have been hammered by Mitchell and his band of thugs, this is living proof of it you will not believe what you see here. We are looking for suggestions of where these posts should go to as well.
David R. Garzoli
Detective Sergeant
Lake County Sheriff's Department
David G View profile More options Feb 28 2000, 3:00 am
Can anyone answer this question for me? Why should the "NA" be able to
use gambling or whatever for "Self Reliance". What makes them anymore
deserving of these special "rights" than any other homeless or
disadvantaged person in california? What about mexicans, blacks etc,
that live in the ghetto? Why not let them open a casino to help other
blacks and mexicans be self reliant??// so they can go to the doctor or
be better educated??? I live in a small county that currently has 3
casinos. There were four but the "tribe" shot it to pieces and then
burned it along with half the houses on the Rancheria down in a war
that lasted two weeks, and costs the local government and state
hundreds of thousands of dollars to deal with. And after all that, the
govt is going to rebuild their houses (that they shot uop and burned
intentionally) for free?? What the hell kind of crap is that???? the
remining rancherias that have casinos, have yet to be cleaned up. They
still have the same piles of garbage lying around the front door of
their broken down shacks, BUT THERES A BRAND NEW $40K SUV PARKED IN THE
MIDDLE OF THE MESS!!!! Im against all of this indian self reliance.
What our ancestors did hundreds of years ago is no longer an excuse
for their own lack of self reliance. The want ads in our newspaper is
filled with jobs and because of their race are eligible for minority
preference in hiring!!!!!!! There is no reason for casinos unless they
are going to pay substantial taxes to the local government and or it is
legal for anyone wanting to open a casino. One more thing. I know from
first hand experience, that with the three casinos in my county, the
biggest problems the casinos have is keeping the native americans that
work there and that live on the rancherias from stealing them blind!
Local law enforcment is constantly investigating dealers cheating with
other tribal memebers, embezlling money etc. They should just get a
real job, for they are not struggling becasue of their race they are
struggling because of their personal work ethics values
let Mitchell or anyone else tell you his boys havent been profiling for all these years, the date of this comment is 2000, this is an actual post on the same thread as the first post the same forum, fully documented and connected directly to Garzoli a sheriff at the time. This is so bad that it actually floored us. Get this comment of Garzoli's out to the Indian people and to the Hispanic people as soon as possible. For so many years these groups including African Americans have been hammered by Mitchell and his band of thugs, this is living proof of it you will not believe what you see here. We are looking for suggestions of where these posts should go to as well.
David R. Garzoli
Detective Sergeant
Lake County Sheriff's Department
David G View profile More options Feb 28 2000, 3:00 am
Can anyone answer this question for me? Why should the "NA" be able to
use gambling or whatever for "Self Reliance". What makes them anymore
deserving of these special "rights" than any other homeless or
disadvantaged person in california? What about mexicans, blacks etc,
that live in the ghetto? Why not let them open a casino to help other
blacks and mexicans be self reliant??// so they can go to the doctor or
be better educated??? I live in a small county that currently has 3
casinos. There were four but the "tribe" shot it to pieces and then
burned it along with half the houses on the Rancheria down in a war
that lasted two weeks, and costs the local government and state
hundreds of thousands of dollars to deal with. And after all that, the
govt is going to rebuild their houses (that they shot uop and burned
intentionally) for free?? What the hell kind of crap is that???? the
remining rancherias that have casinos, have yet to be cleaned up. They
still have the same piles of garbage lying around the front door of
their broken down shacks, BUT THERES A BRAND NEW $40K SUV PARKED IN THE
MIDDLE OF THE MESS!!!! Im against all of this indian self reliance.
What our ancestors did hundreds of years ago is no longer an excuse
for their own lack of self reliance. The want ads in our newspaper is
filled with jobs and because of their race are eligible for minority
preference in hiring!!!!!!! There is no reason for casinos unless they
are going to pay substantial taxes to the local government and or it is
legal for anyone wanting to open a casino. One more thing. I know from
first hand experience, that with the three casinos in my county, the
biggest problems the casinos have is keeping the native americans that
work there and that live on the rancherias from stealing them blind!
Local law enforcment is constantly investigating dealers cheating with
other tribal memebers, embezlling money etc. They should just get a
real job, for they are not struggling becasue of their race they are
struggling because of their personal work ethics values
How would you like to be an Native American and have this guy called to assist you. Not a pretty picture.
Soes anyone have an explanation of this overview on the time lines?
If Dave sent the email on the 2nd of sept that is imposable because the
radio program was on the 9th of sept. Can you make sure the reporter
didn't get the date of the e mail wrong? If the date is correct then
there is something going on. I can change the date on this e mail if I
want to. The reason they want to send the email to the AG is because it
appears to clear Mitchell of giving Dave permission. If the e mail was
presented to the BOS in closed session on the 2 nd then Mitchell would
have had to redact the names before the meeting? If the BOS have been
aware of the e mail since the 2 nd then they have had plenty of time to
prepare everyone for their announcement.
If Dave sent the email on the 2nd of sept that is imposable because the
radio program was on the 9th of sept. Can you make sure the reporter
didn't get the date of the e mail wrong? If the date is correct then
there is something going on. I can change the date on this e mail if I
want to. The reason they want to send the email to the AG is because it
appears to clear Mitchell of giving Dave permission. If the e mail was
presented to the BOS in closed session on the 2 nd then Mitchell would
have had to redact the names before the meeting? If the BOS have been
aware of the e mail since the 2 nd then they have had plenty of time to
prepare everyone for their announcement.
It is doubtfull he will garner a single vote from the native americans, based on the negative approach that Mitchells officers express about the Native Americans. Reports are he has lost them all.
New reports coming from several sources that Mitchell asked to sit down with some local reporters and talk to them, he sat with an individual for a couple of hours, and had to be told that they would not lie for him!!!! He is trying to get certain things reported in the local news sources, and trying to work that angle. This guy is running very scared right now, and we have to keep the pressure up. The plan is working and we are gathering a lot of followers and momentum. We ahve a few more Garzoli post coming up towards the end of the day. Will be working on that, we are curious however on the above mentioned timeframe of the Garzoli e-mail. Doesn anyone have any input on that?
it is illegal to post anyones email I would be careful If you believe in warnings to illegal internet laws
So Mitchell is trying to work the press from behind the curtain, the sad part is we are not sure if the press has been doing this for him in that past and just now are pulling back due to his failing condition. Hmmmmmmmmm
Garzoli's "friend" the heliocopter pilot with 16,000 flying hours shouldn't be to hard find. That's a lot of hours. Someone in the flying community should know who that is. Get the word out, lets find him and ask him some questions.
Garzoli's log book from 1995 to 2008 says he only had 21 hrs of non MJ recon. You don't learn to fly a helio in 21 hrs. I smell a huge rat in Garzoli's log book.
Well to my surprise, Mitchell posted Lande's response on the LCSO website. Of course he then puts up a defense video for Chawcaski right above it. Wow Mitchell actually did something we asked. Now how about the EEOC findings?
Garzoli told Joe of Cutting Edge, "The Sheriff and the DEA knew about it." The DEA says they knew about it, and then didn't know about it, then they might have overlooked it, but then they said it doesn't matter because the case is closed anyway. How can you close a case that hasn't been opened yet? Do other Counties in Calif. have this kind of problem? It looks to me like we have a huge coverup going on here. The DEA needs to be investigated too. They are spending hundreds of thousands of dollars of Taxpayer money with no accountabilty. Vote out the courption. Come to the protest in Kelseyville.
A few years ago I was riding my dirt bike above Nice. I noticed someone behind me trying to catch up. I thought, Oh good, someone to play with. I can ride, so I took some pretty tough trails. My new friend could'nt keep up, so when I got to the top I stopped and waited to see who it was. To my great surprise the man came sliding up to me thru his bike to the ground, and drew his gun and came charging at me screaming like a madman. He accused me of stealing my own motorcycle. When I finaly got him calmed down he told me his name. It was Dave Garzoli.
I recently spoke to a friend that served as a juror in Lower Lake on a case that Judge Martin presided over. He told me it was the most unblievable thing he's ever seen. The Judge would'nt let the defense introduce any of their evidence. He gave no reason, he just would not allow it. My friend said it seemed the Judge had his mind made up before the trial ever started. I know you naysayers will say this is hearsay, but most of you know my friend because he plays in a local band and when you find out his name someday you will know it to be true.
8:06 From what I know, Mitchell was told a long time ago that the Record Bee people would not lie for him. People down at the RB are aware of stories of people being harrassed/bullied by LE for not playing the game. I think Friday's front page story made some RB staff a bit nervous about Mitchell's reaction to the article. I recall that the RB editor himself wrote a commentary a few months ago about his own daughter being profiled by a LPPO while sitting at the "pet park" reading a book. It seems that the editor's daughter wears her hair really short and has several tatoos and that is what drew the LPPO's attention. The RB editor called LPPD's Burke and asked him what it was all about and Burke just replied that he encourages his officers to "check people out"! But hey, LC LE doesn't profile, they just "check you out"!
1:16 I so believe you, the same thing happened to friends of mine. Same judge except the trial was held in Lakeport. I had always though that in order for a fair trial the jury needed to hear everything. After that happened, I will always wonder when I am on jury duty if something is being hidden from us.
Something is always hidden from the jury. Use your critical thinking skills in order to arrive a the right decision. Never allow anyone to swade you in any direction. You make your own mind up and live with your decision!
The post's concerning Judge Martin are right on the mark. Remember he is under investigation as the commission on Judicial performance for the state of California has taken the case we requested. Now this reporting we sent concerning Judge Martin was focused in Three areas, his illegal rulings againist the disabled on sentencing in connection to the sheriffs department not accomodating the disabled, He is under investigation for forcing defendants to respond to a plea bargin without counsel, and the 3rd is the nepotism with the court/sheriff/DA system. We will update all of you when we hear what decisions they have come to. We will tell you we have been contacted and some questions are being asked, and we hope it means they are getting to the bottom of this crooked judge. Oh by the way, the other judges at this time are in our sites, and we have several issues we are exploring on that front.
The following is a response a helicopter pilot gave to Garzoli, when Garzoli was complaining that he was being told he could not train on the tax-payers time. He wasn't to happy do the pilot told him he was committing fruad. Can anyone tell me the DA hasn't gone after Garzoli and Mitchell at this point, and for that matter why Garzoli is not in jail at this point in time the picture is pretty clear.
08/16/2008 7:19 PM
don't know how your department works, so I may be way off base here,
but it sounds to me like you're trying to get your department to pay
for you to learn to fly without their knowledge.
I would also venture a guess that your department is tax-payer funded,
which would also make your proposition extremely questionable at best,
since you're using tax money for personal gain. In the Army this is
what would likely be classified as fraud waste and abuse, and it would
get you in lots of trouble. I think the best idea presented here is for
you to come out and ask your department to send you to school to get
your ratings.
08/16/2008 7:19 PM
don't know how your department works, so I may be way off base here,
but it sounds to me like you're trying to get your department to pay
for you to learn to fly without their knowledge.
I would also venture a guess that your department is tax-payer funded,
which would also make your proposition extremely questionable at best,
since you're using tax money for personal gain. In the Army this is
what would likely be classified as fraud waste and abuse, and it would
get you in lots of trouble. I think the best idea presented here is for
you to come out and ask your department to send you to school to get
your ratings.
Really right there the pilot says, looks like you are trying to get your department to pay without their knowledge. Yup that was the case, and Garzoli knew it.
Know read this post to Garzoli, this is another pilot just nailing this guy. He at the end suggests Garzoli doesn't have any morals. Boy these guys had Garzoli pegged. Of course despite being warned that didn't stop Garzoli did it.
08/16/2008 7:19 PM
don't know how your department works, so I may be way off base here,
but it sounds to me like you're trying to get your department to pay
for you to learn to fly without their knowledge.
I would also venture a guess that your department is tax-payer funded,
which would also make your proposition extremely questionable at best,
since you're using tax money for personal gain. In the Army this is
what would likely be classified as fraud waste and abuse, and it would
get you in lots of trouble. I think the best idea presented here is for
you to come out and ask your department to send you to school to get
your ratings.
08/16/2008 7:19 PM
don't know how your department works, so I may be way off base here,
but it sounds to me like you're trying to get your department to pay
for you to learn to fly without their knowledge.
I would also venture a guess that your department is tax-payer funded,
which would also make your proposition extremely questionable at best,
since you're using tax money for personal gain. In the Army this is
what would likely be classified as fraud waste and abuse, and it would
get you in lots of trouble. I think the best idea presented here is for
you to come out and ask your department to send you to school to get
your ratings.
Remember the protest on Monday, we cannot have a lot of people saying they are showing up, and then have a low turnout, we need everyone and their brother to be there, this could spell the beginning of the end for Mitchell and Hoppy. Then we will indeed throw a big party.
Every judge in and out of Lake County in this state has to weigh whether certain testimony will or won't be allowed as well as certain forms or pieces of evidence that may be deemed excessively prejudicial to the defendant in his quest for a fair and impartial trial. To whit, ya never hear EVERYTHING IN ANY TRIAL.
But post 5:04 those judgements of what does or does not get allowed in are guided by very specific prior rulings and cases, to whit, using your terminology, the judge accepts or deny's testimony or information to be reveled to the jury, a great number of appeals have been won based on the judges allowing or not allowing information. Therefore to question the or any judges conduct in regards to these aspects of a trial is not only justified by a very prudent action to take. To simply lay down a die because of your reasoning that "judges do this all the time" is fool hearty at best, hope your not a defense lawyer.
The other funny thing about the Garzoli communications is that he professes himself to be a computer whiz, but failed to realize that when you post on a public thread it becomes public knowledge and its always there forever. And then to top it all off he thinks no one in the county listens to KGO radio, and low and behold he is caught on tape, it appears as if Garzoli spent the majority of the taxpayers money working on methods of getting out of being a cop. Jeeeee that's money well spent.
By the way for those of you who have not heard the Garzoli career kgo audio, it is posted as a link "Garzoli Audio" under the big red button as you come on to the page.
By the way for those of you who have not heard the Garzoli career kgo audio, it is posted as a link "Garzoli Audio" under the big red button as you come on to the page.
From Daves E mail to Rodney where Dave blames the radio host??"...Sunday nite following my shift at Pillsbury I was listening to talk
radio and the host was a career coach. I have been dwelling on my
situation for months now and decided to call in and ask what a person
with my skills could do outside law enforcement. Rather than the host
simply answering my question he unexpectedly dug into my job status.
Because of my embarrassment and inability to accept responsibility for
the fact that this was all my own doing my knee jerk reaction was to
place blame elsewhere,
radio and the host was a career coach. I have been dwelling on my
situation for months now and decided to call in and ask what a person
with my skills could do outside law enforcement. Rather than the host
simply answering my question he unexpectedly dug into my job status.
Because of my embarrassment and inability to accept responsibility for
the fact that this was all my own doing my knee jerk reaction was to
place blame elsewhere,
By the way, Dave's Radio Interview was on 9-09-09 But somehow Dave sent Rodney the E mail on 9-02-09?
To post 5:16
No, I'm not an attorney, nor am I questioning the integrity of any judge. What I said is simple reality in most cases. Yes, case law has been made on many a judge's ruling. That's part of the process.
No, I'm not an attorney, nor am I questioning the integrity of any judge. What I said is simple reality in most cases. Yes, case law has been made on many a judge's ruling. That's part of the process.
Who did sign those checks by the way, still haven't gotten the answer on that one yet. By the way the DEA is ass covering big time on this one, these guys have been getting their ass kicked as of late and its good to see them scrambling, may be they will think twice before storm trooping into town. By the way to the DEA the next time you come rolling in with about 13 suv's and 4 helicopters, how's about having something to go after that's worth, you cats waste a lot of tax payer money looking for stuff to steal and assests to grab, by the way how did it feel giving 120,000 back to scott f. Nice huh. Hey sheriff Mitchell you really have been working with the DEA and turning in locals who know to much haven't ya, even those adhering to 215, cause that's just what you and your corrupt boys do isn't it. We are looking into that Mitchell, you better take cover, incomming!!!!!!!!!!!
Gary Meredith ex-owner of Cutting Edge Heliocopters says "I believe it was a mechanical failure in a practice training maneuver." What does he mean he believes. Where is the FAA report? Let's have the facts. Are other helio's of this make and model at risk to? Are other peoples lives at risk because of this obvious coverup? Everyone E-mail the attorney general and the Federal GAO and the DOJ. Its time to stop this maddness!
Im against all of this indian self reliance."
What our ancestors did hundreds of years ago is no longer an excuse."
Now Garzoli, that isn't a very nice thing to say. Of course Mitchell didn't know any of his boys were like this did he.
What our ancestors did hundreds of years ago is no longer an excuse."
Now Garzoli, that isn't a very nice thing to say. Of course Mitchell didn't know any of his boys were like this did he.
Gary is lying, cause Garzoli and Mitchell slipped him some cash, it was not a mechanical issue, it was Garzoli training on auto rotation when you loose power and did not have a clue what he was doing, you know I hate it when these guys think we the public just don't have a clue and they can fool us. My ass mechanical faliure. More like brain faliure on G's part. lol
The BOS needs to answer to why if all they are in charge of is the money that did not have a clue about this, were the hell are the checks and balances. These guys are trying to slip away like the good guys, and we ain't buying it.
Gary Meredith ex-owner of Cutting Edge Heliocopters says "I believe it was a mechanical failure in a practice training maneuver." What does he mean he believes. Where is the FAA report?
What was the date of this accident so I could look it up in the NTSB accident logs?...
What was the date of this accident so I could look it up in the NTSB accident logs?...
On June 25, 2009, at 1500 Pacific daylight time, a Robinson R44 II, N515DG, landed hard during a forced landing approximately 7 miles west-northwest of Lakeport, California. Cutting Edge Helicopters was operating the helicopter under the provisions of 14 Code of Federal Regulations Part 91. The certified flight instructor (CFI) and private pilot undergoing instruction (PUI) were not injured. The helicopter was substantially damaged. Visual meteorological conditions prevailed and no flight plan was filed.
The CFI reported that the helicopter had been fueled to capacity prior to takeoff. They were conducting a 180-degree autorotation with a power recovery. They entered the helicopter into a glide and as they made the turn, the CFI noticed that the oil and auxiliary fuel pump lights were on. The CFI then looked at the tachometer and attempted to increase the throttle. The power did not return so the CFI committed to a landing. During the landing, the main rotor blades impacted the tail boom.
The helicopter and engine were examined following their recovery from the accident site. The spark plugs were removed and examined. Their condition was consistent with normal operation when compared to a Champion Check-A-Plug chart. With the engine still installed on the helicopter and using the original fuel onboard the helicopter, it was powered. The engine test ran and no pre-impact anomalies were identified.
According to Robinson Helicopter Company (RHC) Safety Notice SN-38, Practice Autorotations Cause Many Training Accidents, “There have been instances where the engine has quit during practice autorotation. To avoid inadvertent engine stoppage, do not roll the throttle to full idle. Reduce throttle firmly for a small visible needle split, then hold throttle firmly to override governor. Recover immediately if engine is rough or engine RPM continues to drop.”
The CFI reported that the helicopter had been fueled to capacity prior to takeoff. They were conducting a 180-degree autorotation with a power recovery. They entered the helicopter into a glide and as they made the turn, the CFI noticed that the oil and auxiliary fuel pump lights were on. The CFI then looked at the tachometer and attempted to increase the throttle. The power did not return so the CFI committed to a landing. During the landing, the main rotor blades impacted the tail boom.
The helicopter and engine were examined following their recovery from the accident site. The spark plugs were removed and examined. Their condition was consistent with normal operation when compared to a Champion Check-A-Plug chart. With the engine still installed on the helicopter and using the original fuel onboard the helicopter, it was powered. The engine test ran and no pre-impact anomalies were identified.
According to Robinson Helicopter Company (RHC) Safety Notice SN-38, Practice Autorotations Cause Many Training Accidents, “There have been instances where the engine has quit during practice autorotation. To avoid inadvertent engine stoppage, do not roll the throttle to full idle. Reduce throttle firmly for a small visible needle split, then hold throttle firmly to override governor. Recover immediately if engine is rough or engine RPM continues to drop.”
NTSB Identification: WPR09LA312
14 CFR Part 91: General Aviation
Accident occurred Thursday, June 25, 2009 in Lakeport, CA
Aircraft: Robinson Helicopter Company R44 II, registration: N515DG
Injuries: 2 Uninjured.
On June 25, 2009, at 1500 Pacific daylight time, a Robinson R44 II, N515DG, landed hard during a forced landing approximately 7 miles west-northwest of Lakeport, California. Cutting Edge Helicopters was operating the helicopter under the provisions of 14 Code of Federal Regulations Part 91. The certified flight instructor (CFI) and private pilot undergoing instruction (PUI) were not injured. The helicopter was substantially damaged. Visual meteorological conditions prevailed and no flight plan was filed.
14 CFR Part 91: General Aviation
Accident occurred Thursday, June 25, 2009 in Lakeport, CA
Aircraft: Robinson Helicopter Company R44 II, registration: N515DG
Injuries: 2 Uninjured.
On June 25, 2009, at 1500 Pacific daylight time, a Robinson R44 II, N515DG, landed hard during a forced landing approximately 7 miles west-northwest of Lakeport, California. Cutting Edge Helicopters was operating the helicopter under the provisions of 14 Code of Federal Regulations Part 91. The certified flight instructor (CFI) and private pilot undergoing instruction (PUI) were not injured. The helicopter was substantially damaged. Visual meteorological conditions prevailed and no flight plan was filed.
Context: The parts of a written or spoken statment that proceed or follow a specific word or passage usaully influecing its meaning or effect. Rod. you said, "Anyone who has context who sees anything other than that is devoid of logic" I'm not gettin it Rod is this another "ism"? I think I'm becoming "Devoid of your logic". Maybe Dave should have written the E-mail the day before he crashed the helicopter instead of 7 days before the radio interview.
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