Thursday, September 10, 2009


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If anyone is interested: There will be another broadcast of the Talk Show Rivero appreared on. It will air again Thursday the 7th at 2pm on local radio station 88.1

Those of You who plan on ride share as a driver have amble insurance to cover you incase of an incident. The law state anyone commuting with passenger to a rally can be held liable for damages. Be Safe Check Your Insurance.
To 1/2/2010 9:01 How dare you threaten the public with "brackets" or handcuffs if we attend your stupid DSA meeting! Hey FYI dude, I have kids in Kelseyville SD and I don't want my tax dollars spent cleaning up after your meeting, your people using KUSD toilet paper, electricity etc. for a meeting I am not welcome at. I will be calling the school district and telling them not to "gift our public funds" by allowing your union to use our facilities! You are not paying one cent to use the building! Mc Queen and Cockerton better rethink this BS or they may end up in front of the grand jury. Rememeber there are eyes and cameras everywhere in this world. You like to make threats little men w/big guns, well here is one for you all! ANY bad behavior toward anyone who happens to be there and you my friends will pay the ultimate price by committing financial suicide! Smile for the cameras!
Will someone post the time of the meeting at K-Ville high on the 11th, there will be some information on ride sharing, and other things concerning the protest in the next few days. Please plan on signs being make if you can, and bringing them. Those that have children who are concerned about this corrupt organization, bring them as well, it is a great study in nonviolent civil disobedience and to teach them how the citizens can stick up for their own rights in this country.
6:53 - Although I agree with you on informing our children that there are many different ways to stand up for our rights. I have to disagree with bringing them to a gathering to demonstrate how. Although are intent is to be peaceful, one never knows what can errupt, and I for one certainly wouldn't want to place my children anywhere where they may become a victim in harms way.
I am a bit on the fence on this one, I as well agree it is good for our children to see the citizens step for our rights, and if there was concern for untoward actios happening, we would not want them to be in harms way, but it also sends a message out to the corrupt forces that this is families that are concerned, this is not just a bunch of thugs protesting because they can, but that it serves a vital and important purpose in the process of freedom and justice, I guess each individual will make their own choices on that one.
Personally not knowing the law, my question would be this. If a minor child is at a gathering such as this, and it were to get out of control, (Child gets injured somehow) would or could the parent be charged with child endangerment? With the manipulation of laws these days I feel this should be addressed.
Someone raised the issue of LCSO Brian Martin's wife, who works at Victim Witness, going to the debate. It was mentioned that since she works with the D.A.'s office she was able to attend. I don't believe that is so. Don't the people that work at Victim Witness belong to the same union the other non-safety employees belong to (OE3)? If that is the case, every person that works for the county is able to attend if they want. And since none of those people are "law enforcement", then the rest of the public should be able to attend.
Ok you have lost me. What are you supposed to be protesting? A group rents a school auditorium to host a candidates' forum, attendance is limited to members of the group, questions are submitted by the group, and the press is invited to cover the event. Why is that a problem? What about that merits protest?
Post 12:52, if your comment is in response to my questioning Brian Martin's wife attending the debate, I don't understand why you don't understand.
The deputy sheriff's association said the only people invited to attend were "law enforcement." Brian Martin's wife works for Victim Witness and is not "law enforcement." Also, the only persons invited, besides some select persons from the press, were members of law enforcement unions within the county. So, again I state, if she, being represented by a non law enforcement union, is able to attend then every other member of that union should be able to attend. And since they are not "law enforcement", the public should be able to attend.
12:52 They are NOT renting anything for this meeting, these Union members just asked to use it. It is public domain and these Union people can NOT exclude anyone! It would be like having a meeting in the park and telling the public they can not stand there and listen. They are doing this during NON school hours and most school districts will loan out their buildings for various groups to use for meetings, FREE! Post 1:04 you are correct and if Cyrstal Martin is going to attend, then any county employee should be invited along with any state employee e.g. teachers, school janitors, anyone who gets a state paid check and has a Union.
This is such a simple concept to grasp, I am surprised so many LE corruption supporters appear to be lost on this one. Listen very carefully these are public employees paid for by the public, two people are attending in this debate, which is what it has been called, they are Mitchell and Rivero, the two people who are running for public office to which the voters are going to choose one or the other. Publicly reporting media (with the exception of the dolt katy sweeny) who can't be called a reporter, but is in with the sheriffs office, and Liz from Lake Co. news are going to be there. Sounds very public to me. The building being used for free is a public high school. That public highschool is bought and paid for by the public. This would be like saying I am a senator and I am going to debate another senator running for my position, but I am going to debate him behind closed doors with only other senators present. Doesn't make much sense does it. Now if members of the SO want to know where these canidates stand in regards to their own personnel concerns. The SO's personnel concerns are not part of the publics concerns. Those in the SO have already come to the conclusion that they are either voting for Mitchell or Rivero. Now this also isn't an issue of who the DSA is going to support, because they are in Mitchells back pocket, so it isn't serving that purpose. In fact I would hope that Rivero says to the DSA, I don't need nor do I want your endorsment, because you are far to corrupt, and you essentially are a non-entity due to your collusion with Mitchell. Internally as an SO organization, you can banter around the in's and out's of this election on your own time, and with each other as you want. If you wonder something about Rivero's position on something ask him, that's simple enough. But at this point in time if Mitchell is going to be there, and Rivero is asked to attend and the subject of discussion is the election the this my dear friends is a public event period. End of story.
Hate to intervene on a somewhat different subject line, but wanted to touch on a few items which have been discussed earlier on in the blog. We have a great number as has been brought up, of Hispanic citizens in this county, and for far too many years they have been abused in this county. The stories of abuse are endless, they go back many many years. Some of these include Mitchell in concert with the local fair manager sneeking INS agents to grap Hispanics at the fair events, while Mitchell denies this we know it to be true by first hand reports. Rivero and Ringen and Lande reporting on the abuse of Hispanics, DUI check point profiling aganist Hispanics, and the list goes on and on. We are reaching out a welcoming hand to the Hispanics of this county, calling them to this forum giving them a safe haven to talk and tell us their stories. We want to let them know they have safety here and they have support here. They will be a significant voting block in the upcoming election, and we want and need their support and we support them and the difficult times they have gone through under the Mitchell regime. And if you have stories to tell we want to hear them. Many many Hispanics have remained quiet out of fear over the past years and they no longer have to be silent. If you feel uncomfortable posting on this public thread, you can use our secure e-mail account which is, and we will recieve your message through that means. Also we are asking the great Hispanic community of this county to join us at the 11th protest at K-Ville highschool, and in union with us speak with the voice of one to bring down this corrupt organization.
Results of BOS meeting on Garzoli issue: Formal Letters are being drawn up by counsel - Farrington & Smith included. Being sent to the DEA - FAA and Atty. Generals offices for review. Now here is the clincher. Hopkins can intervene and do anything with the case he deems fit as DA. Does this make sense? Afterall, isnt he in cohurt with it all as it stands. Dinius - Mitchell and the public! Doesn't Garzoli have inside influence with the DEA? What a joke this is. I appreciate the BOS doing what is right within their jurisdiction but look what the AG already pulled on Dinius - Look what Hopkins pulled on Dinius> or maybe a reversal to get even by going after Mitchell hmmmm. Just dont know!
So as we speak Rod is giving his verson to Kathy from the Bee.
As to the debate they also invited Jon Hopkins, Andersen and Roades to listen in and neither is employed as an LEO.
Yes post 2:47 we had earlier posted our concerns about Hopkins desire to go after Mitchell, and it is something that is going to have to be watched very carefully. Given the current environment in the county and the lack of trust, it would seem wise if Hopkins stays out of it, and lets the other agencies review the situation, the issue with the DEA is a huge one, as some may know, the DEA was involved in the flights Garzoli took Brendon Burkhurt the local representive for the DEA took flighs with Garzoli and some of these were training flights! Also there is another name which is Shawn Jones who actually is a grower who decided to be an informant, he went on flights with Garzoli as well. Shawn Jones as since disapeared and no one knows his whereabouts hmmmmmmmmm, So this is a bit of a sticky situation, this information has been passed on to the BOS and they are aware of these individuals, so time will tell what happens in that regard. We have very little confidence in the AG of course as they seem to have their thumbs where the sun don't shine. Indeed Hopkins may try to save his ass by going after Mitchell it will not look to good for him to not attack him, since Mitchell threw him under the bus with the Dinus trial, so he may be motivated to do so. However it is his job to do this and he should not think we are going to cast any votes for him just because he complies with the law.
Oh god Mitchell giving his version to Katy jezzzzzzzzzz this should be a joke when the article runs tomorrow can somebody get a hold of this non-reporter and tell her to not even attempt to cover Mitchells ass on this one. Well listen everybody if she posts something in the Bee go after her in the comments section and tear her up, everytime she writes something she gets ripped apart, so let's keep an eye on this one.

Ya its a double standard isn't it. And Rivero indicated his wife should be able to attend since Martins wife is attending under the guise of the victims witness program, which of course has nothing to do with those in this debate. What a joke.
Let's talk CCW permits for a moment, I believe this has been brought up as a topic of discussion before, and it is quite interesting, It appears the Mitchell is handing out CCW's for political favor and votes. Well we have the method of finding out who has gotten a CCW, and those people will be contacted and we will be tracking if those folks are Mitchell voters. Not that we can look at what they do in the polling booth, but there are other methods of investigation such that will let us know who they are, and if they are Mitchell supporters, reports are that 95% of the CCW's are not necessary and all are Mitchell supporters. So again, we have Mitchell using his position for political favors and handing out CCW's like they are candy at the fair.
We should remember that there is still to be a conversation with Garzoli behind closed doors and he is going to be asked to roll on Mitchell, now this may wait till the new investigations are done by the various agencies, or that may happen today or in the next week or so. It will be interesting to see how that turns out.
It seems like you folks are operating under some misconceptions about the candidates' night on 1-11. I talked to a member of the Kelseyville school board this afternoon and he told me that the DSA etc. had in fact paid money and rented the auditorium. I talked to a gal who works for Victim Witness (Carrie or Jerri, not really sure of her name) and she told me that the Victim Witness people do have a separate, specific bargaining unit and that they are considered law enforcement because they are part of the DA's office. Hopkins, Anderson, and Rhoades are invited because they are candidates for the office of DA - they are part of the event, in other words, and will be taking questions as well. All this is easily checked if you are interested. I hope this information is useful to you.
OK - What's a CCW?
A concealed weapons permit.
Sorry, a permit to carry a concealed weapon.
I am still wondering why no one has come up with an actual person to run against Sheriff Mitchell who can demonstrate "effective leadership", "accountability", and "supervision" and that can accept the fact that they are not the best applicant for a promotion. Come on people, slam Sheriff Mitchell and DA Hopkins but fail to identify a successor? Watch the question and answer and then make an acutal educated decision.
Does anyone know what Rivero's position on CCW permits is?
This is interesting! I hope someone is writing a book. Hollywood could not even produce this! Do your press releases and get the media there on the 11th.
Maybe we could select someone and make them a write in candidate.
This is pretty simple guys the public needs to be invited period, It doesn't matter what the SO's think nor the DSA, the DSA is corrupt, and those SO's who are the good ones don't have a say in the Mitchell regime. The debate is not a debate but an attempt to corral Rivero without the public seeing and hammer him. The voting block of the SO's is a minor, and when a new sheriff is in place all of them will be reviewed and determinatins made as to their honesty and integrity. Rivero, is not interested in the opinion of the DSA nor is anyone else, when is that going to be clear to you guys.

You can whine all you corrupt LE's want, you simply don't want Rivero because he is going to upset your little apple cart of corruption and the prospect of that is not to appealing to you. Actually unless you got a Mitchell look and act alike you will not be happy and all the citiens know it. The public is going to be there by the way in force if not in the meeting outside the door letting you know we disagree with your childish antics.

Rivero if he is elected is sharp quick has great credibility, and has specific plans for a citizens group and basically a new and full undertaking for re-vamping the entire organization, so get use to it, your little party is over. Period.
Sounds as if this may become the Hatfields and the McCoys! CCW permits? To whom and why? Will there be security at this gathering since we already know LE will be carrying? Guns should in no way be permitted inside the building...I can see it now some crazy disgruntel employee or sheriff mitchell finanlly losing it. Anything is possible.
Look, the candidates' night is a private event put on by private organizations. They have a right to set the ground rules. It does matter what the DSA etc. think because it is their event. Anyone can rent a room and invite candidates, rather then complaining about this one why not put your own event on? You can then set your own rules, invite the public, exclude who you want, whatever. That's the beauty of being in America.
Gee the SO must have a big bunch of money! Just saw 6 brand new sheriff cruisers being unloaded at Holder Ford. Gee I would think that the county would hold back some funds in order to repay the DEA and settle with Dinius!
Hey 5:53....yeah they paid rent to the tune of $10. bucks! Rent or no rent it still does not change it from being a "public domain" thus the public can access it during non school hours. Your board member is wrong! The fee was waived and I got that from the KUSD unions. They are not in favor of the debate being held at KUSD because they don't want their school district to be involved. They felt it should have been done in Lakeport because Lakeport is where the sheriff's office lies. I was assured that had they have known about all the fuss, they would have gone to Supt. Mc Queen and asked him not to allow it. They feel that school property is not the place for this kind of non-public meeting, especially in light of the public's outcry and the purported "citizen's protest" that may take place.
Correction: WILL take place
If the groups paid rent they have exclusive use of the space for which they paid rent. That is the point of paying rent.
Has it occurred to you Rivero supporters that the reason the rank and file at the SO as represented by the DSA are not overly enthusiastic about Rivero as a candidate is that he publicaly called them a bunch of racists? Here's the thing, Mitchell is vulnerable (for good reason) and if he had done things differently Deputy Rivero may have picked up a lot of support from the deputies. But he chose to participate in that Dan Noyes report in which he very clearly and unequivocally branded the department as a bunch of bigots. He has since back-pedaled a bit which raises other issues. Frankly I am not a big Mitchell fan but Rivero has not given me a reason to vote for him. His plan to deal with the budget cuts? Homeland Security grants! Wow that's brilliant! His priorities? To remove unnecessary hurdles to the hiring and promotion of qualified minority and female applicants, actively seek their applications and expedite their hiring and promotion - no problems with that plan (that was on his website, he's since changed it, but believe me it will come in as evidence in the first reverse discrimination lawsuit). Doesn't it give you pause that the people who work with this guy apparently don't think that he should have the job? Does that mean they are corrupt? Or does it mean we better hope a better candidate shows up by March 12?
We need at least six candidates for sherrif so Mitchell can come in 7th.
835 how many people do you need in your face testifing they have seen, know of or have experienced racial profiling within the SO? By the way not all LCSO target individuals.
This "Candidates Night" is nothing more than a gig put on by the DSA. Rod Mitchell is a public official seeking reelection and has refused a public debate with Rivero but chooses closed doors over the public. It's a gig.
Protest all you want. You still ain't getting in to see it. The DSA is not the sole organizer of this event. It was a collaborative effort by ALL of the LE unions in the county. As far as keeping it secret, not happening. The local radio station has been invited, and accepted the invitation, to broadcast the event live. You will be able to listen in LIVE on the air. Do tell me, how is THAT secretive?
You know this argument is getting tiring, and it is so bad. Denial, deni8al, listen you can scream at Rivero till you are blue in the face or whoever throws his or hat into the ring. The one thing you cannot deny is Mitchell must go. You cannot with good intellect ever say, oh no Mitchell is the man for me. You simply have to admit that. It is simple, now if you want to argue the viability of Rivero aganist someone else fine, do it, but far Rivero is more stable, he is going to establish a citizens oversight group, it goes on and on. But argue those points if you want, the point you cannot argue is the lack of leadership and the total nightmare the sheriffs department is in. In a regular business environment as a ceo or president or vp positon this guy would have been tossed out on his ear years ago. So cut with the whinning it gets old.
What do you think that citizen's oversight group would say about shooting at an unarmed man? Rivero is anything but stable. Rivero won't have the support of the employee's. Mitchell has made some seriously bad calls. Another candidate needs to step up.
Qualification for Sheriff:

Supervise managers and heads of departments:
Lt. Garzoli and Capt. Perdock great examples.

Make policy to increase public support:
Bismark Dinius great example.

Provide leadership:
Sergeant's allowed to make racial slurs and have sex on duty.

Improve law enforcement:
Over 20 years of only four beats in the county, no computers in the cars and only one radio channel for the entire county.
Rod Mitchell had zero experience-Rivero has stepped up to the plate, he has put the public first and his family second for now. Rivero is for setting a foundation inwhich citizens who have complaints can be heard by a committee and resolved. Rod is still at zero he refuses to speak about the issues. Rivero wants to make good changes within the department and the old good ol'e boys are rebelling. Without Rivero LC is left with the same crap as before. So I will be voting for Rivero for Sheriff.
Just got word from a reliable source that the DSA is obtaining ONE DAY WORK PERMITS for all of their spouses so that they can bring them to the debate at KHS. We MUST STOP THIS!!! Contact Frank and Lovelace to see what can be done to prevent this from happening. There needs to be a full investigation into this.
Well, let's see, 9:37, as of yet no one has testified to observing racial profiling. Talking to a yellow journalist is not testimony, it is not a statement under oath and penalty of perjury. So the answer is, one would be a start. And it would be helpful if that one were not a candidate for sheriff, his campaign manager, and someone who is involved with the campaign. It would be helpful if a members of the community purportedly targeted would come forward, which to my knowledge has not yet happened. It would be helpful if there were statistical evidence, such as a disproportionate number of arrests involving a particular ethnic group.In short, until I get some actual, objective evidence then I am unswayed.
So what, guys in the SO are getting their wives hired for one day by the SO, having them join the bargaining unit, just so they can attend the forum which is being broadcast on KPFZ? Even for this blog that's kinda silly.
Well the pressure is building isn't it first it was an event a debate with just the SO's DSA Mitchell and Rivero and now since the pressure has been but on them by the citizens, the radio show has it the media numbers are increasing, and the whole picture looks different. That's the first point, all you corrupt boys would have loved your little closed door session to beat up Rivero. Not, now we have pressured you into far more exposure then you ever wanted. Now take the next step the public needs to be invited, and not just the public as in those who have received a CCW from Daddy mitchell.

Second Point the protest on the 11th is not just protesting the exclusion of the public from the debate, it is a gathering together of the citizens to a location where they know the majority of the corruption supports are, and voicing our concern for all the ills of the county, the Dinus trial, Garzoligate, profiling, by the way a large contigent of Hispanics from our community will be there, the fine lady who has been helping them through the years is organizing their group. We are there to protest the corruption, the totality of the terrible leadership of Mitchell and Hopkins, all of it, we are there as a community who has had enough. We know again have our county under investigation by other agencies, when will it stop. So lets not think we are there just for the public aspect of the meeting. It is for all the corruption of the Mitchell/Hopkins regime.
Couple of more points from the Lovelace group, and listen very carefully, We told you what was coming, we told you big heat was on the way. Oh you went after us like we knew nothing, like it was just folly. My my we broke the 100,000 news story, we broke the disability issue which by the has been corrected on the county end and now Judge Martin is under investigation as you know. We having been hammering you guys over and over. We will say it again, we have a lot more to come before the election, it is not a pretty picture, now corruption boys you can keep going down the same denial road, and trying to get at us. Or you can listen, your days are numbered, and it is going to get worse, now we are people of our word, and we have told you this over and over. Last time you don't want to be associated with this group of thugs. We are in the midst of investigations that make what just happened with the 100,000 look like small stuff. So you keep playing your games we will keep beating your ass, you are no match for this we are warning you.
Well well the DSA has invited Rhodes and a couple of other cock roaches to the meeting so this is who the DSA is in bed with. Wow well lets repeat a little post of information from a couple of months ago, in fact let's play a game, between these two fine examples of DSA support Rhodes and Andersen. How about that training trip to Santa Rosa fellas, you know the one where for 2 weeks your wife was at home, and you were with another women so much that those watching you thought it was your wife. Thats a class act, now we know who you are because we already posted it. But just for fun let's see who guesses, I know I know its Rhodes. Yes indeed a fine outstanding man of service, like all the other corrupt people in the LE/DSA/DA..oh my gosh the list goes on and on...The ones we feel sorry for are the good cops waiting and waiting for this nightmare to end. It will friends it will.
Listen folks don't let these spin doctors fool you, these corrupt guys wouldn't except a single person to replace Mitchell if Jesus Christ himself showed up, they would hammer him and they know it. It isn't Rivero don't let these punks fool you. They don't want to lose what they have, in the corruption circles. They don't want a citizens oversight committee, working in concert with the organization, they don't want any of this. So don't let these punks try that little trick on you, we can see right through that small town ruse.
Does the name Dave Herrick mean anything to anyone?
The judge? Yeah, he's a judge. A judge with a buzz cut.
Just wondering if the habit he had back in the 70's while becoming a attorney, if he still has it now! I'm sure Judges are tested for drugs aren't they?
While not by any means a coward, Doug Rhoades does not have the guts to cheat on his wife. She would cut his testicles off and pin them to his ears like earrings made of testicle.
Yea, whatever post 7:41. That is how he met his current wife, he was cheating on his first wife. Also, it is true about him having someone on the side when he was going to Santa Rosa for law school.
Thats probably how he will end up with a third wife. Once a cheater always a cheater!
By no means a coward? What a lie that is! Ask anyone that worked with him on the street, that guy had a yellow streak up his back a mile wide. He would not respond until he heard the other deputies say on the radio they had the situation under control.
Today's Record Bee;

"My ignorance is my responsibility," Mitchell said. "My ignorance about flight helicopter training did not prompt me to ask what is logging flight time.' I didn't have a basis."

"I was aware that Sgt. Garzoli was logging flight time.' I didn't know to what extent he was operating the helicopter and when and where," Mitchell said. "And the board is aware that Sgt. Garzoli has accepted responsibility for this."

Mitchell thinks Attorney General investigators have more independence and expertise with flight regulations and they should do the investigation, he said.

"It would be a cleaner circumstance for all concerned if an agency as independent as the Attorney General would give the matter a review," Mitchell said.

Mitchell said he thinks Perry did a good and fair job preparing the report.

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Ignorance is the state in which one lacks knowledge, is unaware of something or chooses to subjectively ignore information.
So, Mitchell puts it all on Garzoli, has anyone asked Buckholtz why he didn't prewarn Garzoli, his son-inlaw? Garzoli has said, he had Mitchell's blessings and Rod says he knew nothing. It's time Garzoli to say what you need to in front of the public and the timing would be perfect prior to the election.
Buckholtz is one of the original "good old boys" of the generation of corruption prior to this one. There is a clear pathology to this. The finger pointing and "passing of the buck" continues.
Well Garzoli is married to Bucholz daughter... how else do you think he got away with all this crap for so long... you marry into it!
I wonder if we will hear anything in the news about a Deputy wrecking his car over the last few days?? And guess what, he was sent to Red Bud Hospital to get his blood drawn.... BUT IT WAS NOT A LEGAL BA KIT!!, hence, no chain of custody, (sounds familiar) by just doing a "In House" blood draw for an Alcohol level, I guess you get to by-pass all those other controlled substances!!!!!!! Dumb Asses... REGUARDLESS.... IN ANY INCIDENT INVOLVING AN OFFICER, A LEGAL BA SHOULD BE DONE TO KEEP THINGS ON THE UP AND UP!!! They sure aren't getting any smarter are they!!! If I was the Deputy in question, knowing the scrutiny the SO is under, (and I was clean) I would be DEMANDING A LEGAL BA TO PROVE ALL IS ABOVE BOARD!!!!
Reference to:
Well, let's see, 9:37, as of yet no one has testified to observing racial profiling.

Lande, Rivero, Ringen, Chacawaski, Ward and others HAD TESTIFIED to EEOC and to a Internal Affairs Investigation.

So what's the matter Lake County, afraid to show the EEOC results?
Agreed, Rivero has you supporters blinded. Create a mindset that the Sheriff's Department is full of corrupt and racist Deputies and, what, lets run a racially motivated campaign. Why not? The man can't rate high enough on a promotional exam, graded by independants, and yet he should be Sheriff? Take of the blinders and view credentials. Talk to co workers, they are not all bad, and get a better understanding on the better candidate. Watch the Q and A. Oh ya, thanks for deleting my earlier post on qualifications.
11:00 the SO has no independants graders. For instance Sgt. Brian Kenner tested in front of his best friend and college roommate Captain Rob Howe. After the test they went to Rob's house to celebrate Brian's promotion. He was allowed to test after receiving a below standard on his yearly evaluation and getiing kicked out of detectives by Det. Sgt. Jim Samples, how "independent" is that? Brian's big answer during the interview was to tell Rob how he will teach the troops how to hunt big game, what a laugh!!! Now all he hunts are the channels on the stolen TV in the Sgt's office at the Main Office. Check his CAD logs and see how many hours of the shift he spends inside the office and get back to me.

Regarding the question and answers on 1/11. The DSA, who dislikes Rivero, came up with these question that are "secret." Yeah right, you think France, Gregore, Martin and the rest of the gang have not given those question to Mitchell in advance to prepare him and kiss his A? Fat chance. The Dabate is a total ambush yet Rivero will still attend because he has what you are most afraid of, cohones. See you there, I'll be there early to get a front row view of the action. By the way, learn to spell independent, your ignorance is unbecoming, Frace.
The wheels on the bus went round and round all over Garzoli.
Sorry 11:21, I don't know what CAD logs are so I don't know how to check them. Are you telling me nothing but GOB's were on the selection panel? I thought Kevin Burke worked for the City of Lakeport. Petty that you are so concerned about bagging on someone for spelling errors. Here you go then, who is France? Moron. The man flat out scored badly. Vote for him for Sheriff, just shows where your priorities are. Personally, I want the best candidate and from what I hear, it isn't Rivero. Throw someone else's name in there, but make sure they have some Valued Experience and stand a chance of being an admired and respected leader.
Hey 11:40, whats the matter Hommer, slow morning? Wifey leave ya alone with the kiddies? Just butt out, its not like you'll be in Law Enforcement too much longer anyhow. Where are all your buddies now? Sell that backhoe yet? A bit pricey don't ya think! Oh I'm sorry, Taylor didn't invite you and the wifey to the 1/11 "debate". Maybe because you gave is sis-in-law a DUI even though you had known forever that she was driving around on a suspended lic. for a prior DUI. Oh wait, it wasn't you who stopped her, it was your sock-puppet LPPO Steele. Yeah, you let her sit for hours at the sub-station to see BAC would drop but she still blew over 2.0 hummmmmmm Well, if you haven't noticed, you have made the black-list! Good Job!
12:12 hows it feel to be cotton rock sucker! Not really a question more like a valid statement, rolling over on one of the better ones at LPD too bad he was the new kid on the block and they never could handle him being all they wish they could be.
12:24 since when do you dictate what I can post here? Gee you people are such control freaks! I can post anything I want to talk about in regard to any Law Enforcement Dept. and the only person who can press the delete button sure isn't you!! What did I hit a little close to home? I think so!
no just like now, he is not the answer the debate will show that first hand
"by the way a large contigent of Hispanics from our community will be there" Thanks for the heads up! Now we can get the Border Patrol ready!
A republican in support of corruption? I find that hard to believe.
12:40 I thought you didn't do racial profiling?
Who was talking about Rivero? 11:21 & 12:12 was talking about Frace and Hommer with a little dash of Steele. Now who is "name shopping"? Now who wants to "change" the subject? You are so shallow and you just can't see the forest for the trees. With Karma comes a time when you have to pay for your "meansprited" actions. As the bible says: To the one that much has been entrusted, even more will be demanded. Much was entrusted and abused and oaths were taken and ignored and when thing aren't in a nice little package you cry and whine....too late, partys over!
12:40 Premeditated Racial Profiling with intent to do bodily harm and violate civil rights? Looks like a conspiracy to me.
Yeah no racial profiling huh? What do you call 12:40, LSCO has fork tongue.
Nice comment 12:40, you only prove that there are LE and/or their friends/family that think this way! Thanks for proving we are right!
"by the way a large contigent of Hispanics from our community will be there" Thanks for the heads up! Now we can get the Border Patrol ready!
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : January 6, 2010 12:40 PM Of course Mitchell would claim no knowledge of anything due to the fact that "My ignorance is my responsibility," Mitchell said.
I am a sergeant and I'll tell you the promotion selection is a joke now. Yes Burke was on the board, but why was Howe on it? 50% of the scoring comes from the interview with the sheriff, 25% is from the board and the last 25% is from a take home written test. I found it funny that Howe was on the board. In the past, nobody was allowed to test if your yearly evaluations were "Below Average". When I tested, there were no employees from LCSO on the board and all had good evaluation. Since the sheriff decided to restore the lieutenant and captain positions, management has gone in the crapper. Maybe that is why a captain or lieutenant no longer has to have a least a bachelors degree.
If there is no racial profiling or racial slurs made by members of LCSO, why not release the EEOC findings?
Does Rivero have a degree?
12:36, Still with the deflections. Sorry, sounds like I touched a nerve. Look at those exclamation points. Easy now. Again, issues at hand. Q and A will help you out a lot. To the second 12:36, hit the nail on the head. Rivero is not the one.
1:15, A seargent where? I do agree, below average evaluation was the wrong precedence (who cares how I spell it) to set.
Seems like there is a poster (ABS or ABSer) on TOPIX posting how he doesn't like the good old boys feeling at Piedmonts. so what
1:57, Rivero wont get that feeling because the voters are going to realize he is not the one. Good post other than that.
This is my first post to this blogger. I have a very large family of employed, law abiding, tax paying citizens. I am not sure about Rivero yet. I want it to be known to all Lake County businesses and business owners. Our family will boycott any business that supports Mitchell in the elections. Futhermore, the same goes for Hopkins over the Dinius ordeal. The Mitchell people may think this is just a lot of talk but we have many friends that feel the same way. Rivero may not be the answer but he looks better than what we have. If a third party steps in as a candidate we would look at them also. Thank you
Well quite a few posts to catch up with. This comes from the Loveace group. Were are going to move real slow for some of you this time. First of all concerning the postings by ED his posts usually get deleted, as Ed never has anything of substance to post except we are all wrong. Next, you guys can throw insults at Rivero all you want, again now we want you to get this, it would not matter who was going to upset the apple cart the corruption supporters would not like him. Period. All of you know that. Again and again we tell you Mitchell is out, as a leader he has failed terribly, none of you can deny that unless you simply choose to look ignorant, which it seems many of you do. Done deal whine all you want it isn't about who is replacing Mitchell it is the joy of watching Mitchell bury himself over and over. You will have to blame Mitchell if you don't like Rivero or whoever, because it is Mitchell that is setting the table for his replacement. LOL

The 12:40 concerning the boarder patrol is almost unbelivable to see. It is the core of the racial issues at the sheriffs office. A slip of the tounge we don't think so. Post 2:53 you cannot seem to grasp what we have indicated, take your ignorant emotions out of it. If you look at the current demographics in the county, Rivero or anyone who is going to go aganist Mitchell, is getting the entire Hispanic vote, nearly all the Indian vote, and there are people right now currently working with those groups to get them registered and voting. Rivero has the majority of merchants and all of those who rely on the local growers and cooperatives in the county. Rivero has the baby boomers almost in total all those who moved into the county during the housing boom, they came from the big city, they do not like the concept of Mitchell and the GOB's... Mitchell has only those in law enforcement that are part of his regime, not many. Non of the current BOS or other's will endorse Mitchell for a moment. We can go on but were sure you get the point, it doesn't matter if you guys like Rivero or not, it does not matter if only the LE mitchell supporters don't like him, they can't effect the election numbers. It is done, Mitchell is out, you don't even want to have an election, ask your guy to step down now, and remember we have got so much more coming his and Hopkin way. Oh my, and remember each and everytime we have made this statement we have back it up. So stand by, but were warning you again.

By the way we welcome the Hispanic committee with open arms they have been in harms way far to long. And now Mitchell is going to pay the price. When you corruption supporters see them at the protest, start counting heads, cause you can take those votes away from Mitchell right out of the shoot.

Let's roll, if you guys want to play bring it. But it isn't going to be pretty for you.

Oh we forgot to be fair Mitchell will have his phony CCW's to good friends he needs the votes of, so we give him those votes. Hope that makes ya feel better.
Man what a great post 3:30 you really said it well, it's not often Lovelace says you presented that idea better then we did. But you did, please keep posting here, we appreciate straight forward knowledgable people like you joining in with the conversation. As you can see the sides are drawn, if it helps your decision many of us have talked with Rivero for extended periods of time. As far as a comparision to Mitchell, well as you said it is not even a question of course he far exceeds Mitchell. He agrees with a fully functioning citizens group that works in concert with LE, and is miles ahead of mitchell in tact and overall presentation. Again much of this will come out as the campaign moves forward. We don't know who or if anyone else is going to join the fray. There is some talk of Markham, but he is going to have to overcome a more significant good old boy image, and may already be entering the fray to late to garner enough votes. Great post and thanks for the contribution.
Oh my my read this portion of the lake co news article. Mitchell has thee foot in mouth problem again. This guy is out of control, and has been, he think he is a one man band and he doesn't have to follow any guidelines. What an arrogant ass this man is.

Beyond the money issue, Murphy referred to a Lake County News report from Monday that mentioned the sheriff's operational plan and a statement in it that the sheriff's office would oppose any legislation to legalize marijuana or reduce drug-related criminal penalties.

Murphy said an explanation is owed to the board and the public in general about how such an important policy decision could have been made behind closed doors.
“That's a very important policy matter. That's something that should have been discussed and if that decision was made it should have been made publicly, not hidden away in a report that not even this board was aware of,” Murphy said.

Farrington said the point was well noted, and he agreed that at a future time the board needed to discuss the operational plan.
Now read this portion from Lake Co News. Now look at what we are hearing from everybody the word "Transparency" we have been using this from the day we opened this site, and it is written directly into our purpose and position statement. Now after we have brought enough pressure to bear everyone is concerned about the "public" and transparency. My My the kids are learning. Well you know what they say "Pain is the hammer of the God's to break the heart of stone" I think I see a crack in Mitchells heart.

Supervisor Jim Comstock suggested the board's next step should be to forward the information to the state Attorney General's Office, which will make it clear to the community that the board is not trying to withhold anything, and will demonstrate full "transparency and full disclosure."
And one more time, "the letters which will be brought back to the board for public review before their sent. My my for public review, see these guys can be trained to do it the right way, and the way the citizens need it to be done. Just takes some pounding.

Farrington said he would work with the County Administrative Office and the County Counsel's Office to draft the letters, which will be brought back to the board for public review before they're sent.
Lovelace, I would love to see all of these polls that you took showing all of these statistics about Rivero's followers. Too bad you are so blinded by your anger towards Mitchell that you actually believe Rivero will save all. I guess anger does tnd to give one tunnel vision.
Gosh we hate to say it, but man post 4:18 you are dumber then a rock. Go back and read what we said, never was a savior quote used, we said two things now follow this real slow. Number one Mitchell is digging his own grave the party is over, bozo the clown could win this upcoming election, if Mitchell is even here for the elections. Next, we said Rivero is miles ahead of Mitchell. And oh by the way on the voting numbers we don't just post willy nilly, we have held extensive conversations with community members some of which are directly in charge of the organizations of their respective groups for the upcoming election. So hate to tell ya friend, but those are real numbers. Take that to the bank, no don't do that since you are such a Mitchell supporter kick in the money to help pay your buddies legal and helicopter bills.
Man it is amazing I just looked at every single comment on both the Record Bee and the Lake Co News, every single one is nailing mitchell and Garzoli, not one comment supporting either one. That tell a tale right there, and 90% of them are telling Mitchell to step down now. Of course we have been calling for this for over a month now. It is time for Mitchell to step down, and Garzoli to either sing like a bird who just got run over by a Mitchell bus, or go to jail. This is it folks the party is over, could he still hang on after all of this? Oh by the way, we got more coming if you want to keep getting hammered. But do the public a favor and step down now. Oh by the way some are saying both Mitchell and Garzoli are going to try the old medical leave trick they have used so many times in the past. That would be a joke. Hey Mitchells supporters were are youuuuuuuuuuuu....
Just got in and was reading the back posts. Took notice of the 10:35 post. I don't recall reading anything about a LEO crashing a car. Do you have a date so that I can look back into the papers. What is the name of the Officer. And most of all NO LEGAL BA was done! I can't swallow this one. After the Dinius case you would think they would be on top of doing things the right way. Just a in house blood draw would say to me that already something is fishy about this one too. Someone needs to follow up on this on!
I will find out this info.... been around the block a few times myself with the floors of the hospital lol. Besides, nothing and I mean nothing is or can be kept secret for too long around these parts. Too bad LE hasn't caught onto this one yet LMFAO
Still waiting on the time of the protest tomorrow! Morning -Noon or night?
Ya ya ya, lovelace, I understand, I get it. Still a vague explanation as to how you came up with your numbers. I guess I will just believe you. Anyhow, my opinion is this, Rivero is not far ahead, he is running neck and neck, but for other reasons I have seen in previous posts. Thanks for you explanation though.
5:10 you are right, if one could get that information on the BA or lack thereof that would be another nail in the coffin. Hope to here from you with some results. Actually would love to hear from you with something that pins that one down.
Does Perdock still have his keys to the evidence room?
Thats a personnel matter
I heard from a reliable source that the car went over the edge a few miles up Bartlett Springs Road. It's still up there. There waiting for a few days to retrieve it until the heat dies down.
Post 10:35 is talkin out their ass! there was no accident involving any officer that was taken up to the hospital for a blood draw. Just some shitass stirin the pot! Anything to put more doubt into the publics heads. Anything to make Sheriff Mitchell look bad. You should be ashamed of yourself.
Sorry to inform you post 5:51, your just another supporter and would say anything to sway the attention in another direction. I said I would look into it and it doesn't take me long to find out what I want to know in this county. I just so happen to live in a neighborhood of good folks who work up at the hospital. I have spoken to two of them already and all it took was a phone call. Yes, a blood draw was done on a sheriff. They couldn't believe this was all that was done after the mass attention on the blood draw on Perdock. They said if it was left up to them, they would have definetly done a BA, NO QUESTION about it. But, this is all that was requested by the Sheriff's Dept. I will get names when we meet to discuss this.
"Rivero or anyone who is going to go aganist Mitchell, is getting the entire Hispanic vote, nearly all the Indian vote, and there are people right now currently working with those groups to get them registered and voting." You do realize that non-citizens and convicted felons can't vote, right?
YES it was Rhoades. My good friend went to law school with him. His wife also told my wife about his long affair.
Gosh, 5:58, it is almost like HIPPA doesn't exist for you.
And there we have another racial quote from the corruption supporters. As in post 5:59 oh we know you try to make it sound less then that by the way you phrase the question, but I tell you what friend, keep it up, you lose your buddy mitchell a few votes every time.
Beland if you are out there, send an e-mail to the secure gmail account please...It is

We understand you are following this site. From Honest connection.

Thank you
Losing votes for Mitchell because the non-citizens and convicted felons are offended? I'll risk it.
What is HIPPA? And no I'm not the poster just never heard that before
Risk it man do it. Your ignorance is showing.
Actually, typo, it's HIPAA; it's the federal law which protects the privacy of medical records. Google it if you care. It's one reason why I think 5:58 is full of hot air, medical professionals should not casually give out the kind of info (s)he is talking about.
I was told the the Bartlett Springs Rd incident was a SO deputy having fellatio performed upon him. He appearently didn't set the brake right and slide off the road. He had to call a buddy to come and get the girl who he had hiding in the bushes. Nice!
7:20, You are an IDIOT. Trying to get your words expanded on? Try creating something a little more believable. Idiot!
I just repeated was was told to me by one of your own guys....don't kill messenger!
Its a shame when someone has to defend themselves against the harsh words of another. Its also a shame that someone has to generate such harsh words in an attempt to better themselves. It is becoming clearer and clearer that the harsh words and accusations generated by Rivero, Ringen and Lande are all be disproven. If one feels they have a "legitimate" problem with Sheriff Mitchell then air it. Otherwise you will end up looking like fools. Check out , it explains things rather well. The three amigos really screwed this one up.
It's amazing what one could see and hear sitting in the Waiting Room also. Kinda like sitting in a court room while the jury goes into their room and you can hear the arguements going on.
Sorry post 7:29 - I would and could not believe anything Mitchell puts up on Lake Sheriff. Half is edited to his liking and I have written him personally and have rec'd absolutely no response. This leaves me to believe he doesn't give a shit about what I personally would like to hear out of his mouth straight from his mouth that isn't bullshit!
Wait a darm minute, I don't agree with what 7:20 wrote but I have followed this blog for a long time. I have seen some stupid crap written by your side of the issue that involved people that weren't even aware of this site. Where were YOU to defend these innocent people?? Oh yeah I bet you thought it was funny..right? Not so funny when BS is made up about you/yours and written here for all to see whether it is true or not.
hey post 7:35 i asked in writing for his resignation and I to got no response lol, I wonder why
post 7:36 is directed at post 7:29
I heard from a reliable source it was that girl who used to work at Konocti who was on the news way back when. Anyone remember her name?
Are you taling about Moreshed girlfriend? mean over the Dinius case?
Thats the one
post 7:42 has been put on ignore
You mean Myra, she's is a good kid really and I'll take Moreshed over most! Oh yeah, ignore mode for post 7:42
I see a lot of lights up on Bartlett Springs Road. At least two of them are cop cars. Looks like the corrupt LE are on to us with someone reading this blog and trying to get up there and cover that shit up. I don't have a ride, but someone needs to get up there and confront those cops. DEMAND to know what they're doing up there and report back.
Safty in numbers!!!! I got no ride, but I'll go with whoever wants to go. Someone let me know and I'll meet you at Towermarket in LUcerne.
Post 7:50 did you see lights or what on the cop cars? Sure would like to see if someone got up there. Could someone give me the details of this BA crash incident in a nutshell, I did not catch the other posts.

By the way, the majority of the Moreshed posts were deleted as we don't disagree with what you are posting, we have the same information, but post it with a little bit more tact is all. Thanks for the help.
8:01 put an offer out there, if anyone is going to head up please post on the blog, details of this reported incident in one post if someone can.
We are approaching 3000 the Lovelace group and the citizens for justice and transparency in our county thank all of you, for your support your courage and the will to go after the sheriff and the DA and those that are a part of this corruption. We are well on our way to bringing these people down. We are very grateful.
Oh by the way there was a 1000.00 prize for the 3000th post lets see who won, oh it was Lovelace how ever did that happen!
Well if Moreshed enjoys a younger gal, its not like he is alone. Hommer left the wifey while she was prego with twins for some young blonde rumoured to work for the SO. Fergueson dumped his wife for a 20 year old named Julia. Erickson was notorious for the young gals. Rhoades while an SO dumped his wife for Sarah Dutra's mother..... and last but not least...drum roll please...Jacob Steele went in reverse and married some old broad...ta-da!!!!!
I see a lot of lights up on Bartlett Springs Road. At least two of them are cop cars. Looks like the corrupt LE are on to us with someone reading this blog and trying to get up there and cover that shit up. I don't have a ride, but someone needs to get up there and confront those cops. DEMAND to know what they're doing up there and report back.
# posted by Anonymous : January 6, 2010 7:59 PM
Safty in numbers!!!! I got no ride, but I'll go with whoever wants to go. Someone let me know and I'll meet you at Towermarket in LUcerne.
# posted by Anonymous : January 6, 2010 8:01 PM
Post 7:50 did you see lights or what on the cop cars? Sure would like to see if someone got up there. Could someone give me the details of this BA crash incident in a nutshell, I did not catch the other posts.

By the way, the majority of the Moreshed posts were deleted as we don't disagree with what you are posting, we have the same information, but post it with a little bit more tact is all. Thanks for the help.
# posted by Lovelace : January 6, 2010 8:05 PM
8:01 put an offer out there, if anyone is going to head up please post on the blog, details of this reported incident in one post if someone can.
# posted by Anonymous : January 6, 2010 8:07 PM
We are approaching 3000 the Lovelace group and the citizens for justice and transparency in our county thank all of you, for your support your courage and the will to go after the sheriff and the DA and those that are a part of this corruption. We are well on our way to bringing these people down. We are very grateful.
Sorry post 7:29 - I would and could not believe anything Mitchell puts up on Lake Sheriff. Half is edited to his liking and I have written him personally and have rec'd absolutely no response. This leaves me to believe he doesn't give a shit about what I personally would like to hear out of his mouth straight from his mouth that isn't bullshit!
# posted by Anonymous : January 6, 2010 7:35 PM
Wait a darm minute, I don't agree with what 7:20 wrote but I have followed this blog for a long time. I have seen some stupid crap written by your side of the issue that involved people that weren't even aware of this site. Where were YOU to defend these innocent people?? Oh yeah I bet you thought it was funny..right? Not so funny when BS is made up about you/yours and written here for all to see whether it is true or not.
# posted by Anonymous : January 6, 2010 7:36 PM
hey post 7:35 i asked in writing for his resignation and I to got no response lol, I wonder why
# posted by Anonymous : January 6, 2010 7:38 PM
post 7:36 is directed at post 7:29
# posted by Anonymous : January 6, 2010 7:38 PM
I heard from a reliable source it was that girl who used to work at Konocti who was on the news way back when. Anyone remember her name?
# posted by Anonymous : January 6, 2010 7:39 PM
Are you taling about Moreshed girlfriend?
# posted by Anonymous : January 6, 2010 7:40 PM mean over the Dinius case?
# posted by Anonymous : January 6, 2010 7:41 PM
Thats the one
# posted by Anonymous : January 6, 2010 7:42 PM
post 7:42 has been put on ignore
# posted by Anonymous : January 6, 2010 7:43 PM
You mean Myra, she's is a good kid really and I'll take Moreshed over most! Oh yeah, ignore mode for post 7:42
# posted by Anonymous : January 6, 2010 7:47 PM
I see a lot of lights up on Bartlett Springs Road. At least two of them are cop cars. Looks like the corrupt LE are on to us with someone reading this blog and trying to get up there and cover that shit up. I don't have a ride, but someone needs to get up there and confront those cops. DEMAND to know what they're doing up there and report back.
# posted by Anonymous : January 6, 2010 7:59 PM
Safty in numbers!!!! I got no ride, but I'll go with whoever wants to go. Someone let me know and I'll meet you at Towermarket in LUcerne.
# posted by Anonymous : January 6, 2010 8:01 PM
Post 7:50 did you see lights or what on the cop cars? Sure would like to see if someone got up there. Could someone give me the details of this BA crash incident in a nutshell, I did not catch the other posts.

By the way, the majority of the Moreshed posts were deleted as we don't disagree with what you are posting, we have the same information, but post it with a little bit more tact is all. Thanks for the help.
# posted by Lovelace : January 6, 2010 8:05 PM
8:01 put an offer out there, if anyone is going to head up please post on the blog, details of this reported incident in one post if someone can.
They didn't have their red lights on, but I could see the sillouhtes of the lights on top. At least two confirmed on the way up, likely more, but just two confirmd. I can see at least 4 cars up there but cant tell for sure if there cop cars from down here. is there anything on the scanner. isn't there a back way out of there?
We just cut and pasted some of the last comments to sort of continue the thread, again anyone going up to bartlett springs or with information and details please post it. as usual you can click older or newest to look back on the thread or to go to the last post.
Dude! I'm still waiting to here about a ride over there. Anyone?
I think there is a back way out, been on it once but quite a few years ago. This is one thing we want to get in line as well is a group of folks with scanners who are networked to us, and we can give instant updates on pressing situations. All in due time.

By the way has Mitchell stepped down yet, thought he might have decided it was time, you know when you are playing a gentlemens game such as chess, when the time has come and you know your done you tip over your king and make a gracious exit. Mitchell/Hopkins time to tip the king over.
We are approaching 3000 the Lovelace group and the citizens for justice and transparency in our county thank all of you, for your support your courage and the will to go after the sheriff and the DA and those that are a part of this corruption. We are well on our way to bringing these people down. We are very grateful.

Thank you all again, re-post
Oh by the way there was a 1000.00 prize for the 3000th post lets see who won, oh it was Lovelace how ever did that happen!
Bartlett has 2 or 3 back ways out. One towards the Oaks and one to Upper Lake and if you follow it long enough it will take you clear to Indian Valley then on to Covelo.
wonder which way they will take it out?
Forget atout the ride. Got one. Thanks tho. See you out there and I got my camera!
I am here and I have my scanner on, if I hear anything worth reporting I'll put it out here for ya!
Well, I was inclined to think that the stuff about a deputy getting some hum and driving off the road was more of the same drivel that appears to be par for the course with this blog, but now the name Morshed comes up and its suddenly credible. He's done that before on duty, he should have been fired then. Of course the fact that he is one of the two deputies suing for racial discrimination (the other being Rivero) (Morshed's Persian, apparently is the basis for the suit) has nothing to do with the fact that you're deleting all the bad stuff about him.
Most people are unaware of the rampant discrimination and oppression faced on a daily basis by the Persian community here in Lake County. Folks, if you think this problem isn't real, you got another thing coming. Everyday, the Office of Persian Affairs receives complaints about the Anti-Persian jack-booted thugs seeking ever new ways of keeping the Persian Man down. Some serious shit here!
Well if Moreshed enjoys a younger gal, its not like he is alone. Hommer left the wifey while she was prego with twins for some young blonde rumoured to work for the SO. Fergueson dumped his wife for a 20 year old named Julia. Erickson was notorious for the young gals. Rhoades while an SO dumped his wife for Sarah Dutra's mother..... and last but not least...drum roll please...Jacob Steele went in reverse and married some old broad...ta-da!!!!!
I'm preparing a freedom of imformation act request for the Office of Persian Affairs to see just how far this oppression of the Persian's go's. Anyone have any specific information about the oppression experienced by our Persian brethren in Lake County? They can't keep us from finding the truth. Even though the masons run this office, we'll find out the extent of the corruption in that office as well.
I knew a nice Persian man in college but the Persian's are now called Iranians, thus the discrimination! I am sure there has been a lot of gas station/mini mart jokes.
Admin. Please nuke post 9:10 off the planet!
What happened up on Bartlett? The lights all went off at the same time.
Where is Bartlett Springs
WORD: you can rent the gazebo in the Lakeport park but you can not stop the public from standing there and listening....thus you can not stop us from standing/sitting in side a KUSD building and doing the same. If you do, there will be a "class action" suit against the school district for not allowing the public entrance! I already have an attorney lined up! This is not a threat, it is a promise!!
Ok, last time I'm asking. What time tomorrow night? I attended the one for Dinius and they had a pre-meeting and it was well organized. If you want people to attend, a time would be nice or are only a select few going?
Rhoades is running for DA but son-in-law is SO Dutra/step daughter is a big pot smoker and best buds w/Sarah Frace as in Gary Frace as in Frace.... Pres. of DSA. Anderson is okay but his family has "old" issues! Halton would be my main man if I had to go up against the GOB's in this county!!
post 9:59, the protest is on 1/11 @ Kelseyville highschool in the evening...someone will get back to you with the exzact time!
Shut up Gary Frace ....low life! Illiterate block of wood!
not sure what meeting you are talking about the protest march is at the Sunday debate scheduled at K-ville high, not sure what you referencing on tomorrow's agenda.
Well if anyone gets any kind of an update on the Barlett situation be sure and post it.
Lights went out on bartlett springs because one of the GOB's is sitting at their computer reading everything printed and reporting to those on barlett springs. This is going to be a cat and mouse game people. Get those traps set ya hear!
Ok so the march is on Sunday. What time so I can arrange it with my sitter, please!
We are not sure of the time as of tonight, we will post information on the time so everyone is updated. I was going to check today and forgot, sorry about that but will get it as soon as possible, now it may be able to be found on the sheriffs page. Havent checked there yet.
Will be checking sheriffs log to see if anyone was dispatched out to bartlett or not at this time on this day. If we get witnesses that they were there and photos and it is not on their log, once again they have shot a hole in their own ass! So whoever or whichever GOB is reading and reporting, we have our grounds covered!
enough with the cat and mouse game . . . does anyone have anything real to report???
Post 9:28 as you requested, should be arriving at the dark side of the moon anytime now.
I will check sheriffs to see if there is a time Thank You.
I suspect people will have to check the police logs on that one to get a comparision of the log times vs the cops being up there, it just doesn't make sense to have cars there in the middle of the night. If real someone will have to verify the logs and dispatch times etc.
Its funny isn't it, every time we post a potential issue we get the you guys are crazy. Lets add them up we got the you guys are crazy on breaking the corruption in the disabled sentencing situation, guess what they have corrected the problem and Townsend isn't running the show anymore without supervision. That one will cost the county a lawsuit, we old youi judge Martin was going to be investigated oh we were crazy. Guess what Martin is under investigation from the California commission on judicial performance. Lets see we broke the Garzoligate 100,000 situation 4 days ago and knew it was coming 3 weeks ago. But oh no we were crazy. Well we could go on and on, but I think yoiu get the point, it appears the ones who are nuts are getting a hell of a lot done. Hmmm what does that make the one calling us nuts. Oh thats right ignorant.
post 10:14...Listen stupid, tactics developed by the KGB, depended on one citizen ratting out another and a paranoid central government! As well as the ignorants who go along with the state sponsored-partyline and who supply the goverment and their agents with information, wheather real or contrived, that can be used against the innocents. It is appearent that your symphathies lie with Marx and Lenin! The most beauitful thing about people like you is that they embrace the very system of goverment that would relegate you to second class citizenship or ultimately eliminate you and your wretched relatives completely.
since it's late and all, . . . can anyone tell me why Moreshed is still an SO??? It just doesn't make sense. I saw his patrol
car parked across the street too many times . . .
Ignorance is bliss isn't it post 10:35 they dan't see the forest through the trees. As we have said before Pain is the hammer of the God's to break the heart of stone. These guys need to be broken.
I suspect the question of Moreshed is best answered by why is Mitchell still the sheriff? Scary, but the times are changing the times they are a changing. Hell that could be a song.
Moreshed is a dam good cop period
as is many of the ones you have tossed under that big Mac Truck/Bus/Train
I think we all know why Moreshed was allowed to be an SO after the patrol car was parked across the street too many times . . . all the SO's are allowed a beat wife . . . right!!??
AS an anti LE person, I think Morshed is a pretty good guy and Myra has alway been a great gal!
The facts in our society are real and very scary, police have 3 times the alcohol abuse rate as the average citizen and 4 times the wife beating rate that is pure stats. The saddest part about that stat is how it paints all cops in such a bad light, the same as the bad cops in Lake County paint a bad picture for the good ones in the LE.

Oh and police get virtually no DUI's as compared to the general public on a percentage basis it is an outrage, three time the abuse rate and Virtually no DUI's nope no courruption here folks pay no attention to the man behind he curtain. The king has lost his clothes.
Don't forget the DA's, PD,s Sheriff and Judges.....what else is new????
Oh thanks Amy . . is this you? It's so hard to tell with these little girls these days . . .
Okay..since we are s**t talking..lets go! Frace's wife Sarah Frace was spending a lot of time at the new music store in Kelseyville and then became don't look like the other one....DNA testing my friend!!
That is funny and we like funny but again in fairness and for clarity of the Thread we are going to take it down. Still not even close to the Mitchell and his small package going down the chiminey at Tuckers house, we rolled off the chairs on that one. But in fairness we did take it down.
Stay off the caps boys and girls, can't hear ya yelling through the internet I swear its true, watch HEY CAN YOU HEAR ME, see wasn't any louder was it.
Your right 10:48 your right! Can you spell corruption.
Would you honestly drive intoxicated if you knew your livelyhood was on the line? Think about the chances of that!? Wouldn't you have less to drink if you realized that your job, house, family was on the line!!!?? I don't think it has much to do with statistics as it does probability . . what's the chances of losing everything for nothing . . . zero!!!!
Hey Admin. what to see some "mad" bloggers??
Don't follow the post 10:55 not sure what you are saying.
Thanks 10:56 such a cooperative poster you have become
I am not a Sheriff but I do know that I would not drive intoxicated if I were. I wouldn't even if I weren't. That just doesn't make sense.
Please call us Lovelace Admin is so formal.
10:58 what the heck does that post mean, uh I think er maybe ya.
Who are these Lovelace people anyway, such a mystery, has to be driving them nuts, everyone knows everyone in Lake County but no one knows Lovelace.
I have been at a few functions where officers of the law and government people were also in attemdamce and this is First Hand Info. I did notice it was one or the other of the couple who refrained from any alcohol drinks one couple happend to sit at My table and I notice around me others the same practive so for me I know what I know and they are not a bunch of idiots drinking and driving.

I have seen booking photos online of wives who wwere DUI'd a couple of times so I know they do arrest them and boo
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