Wednesday, November 3, 2010
Lake County Government Watch
MAY 15TH, 2013
Muhammad Ali...The Greatest RIP
MAY 15TH, 2013
Muhammad Ali...The Greatest RIP
July 11th, 2014(updated)
This is the Lovelace Group of Lake County and this is our Blog page. This Blog is dedicated to the good citizens of our county and with their help and dedication to change and transparency. This site now has 6 years of existence. It started several years ago dedicated to the removal of two public officials holding office in our county. Sheriff Rodney K. Mitchell and District Attorney John Hopkins. As our group began to look at the actions and incidents of corruption, elitism, and crony-ism that was entrenched in our local governmental system it became clear that something must be done to change the course of the past 15 years. Lake County is one of the lowest rated counties in the state from health criteria to water quality. Meth is still a severe issue, tourism is dying, and housing value is stagnant. Our lake is dying due to total government mismanagement. Change is needed. A model was created, this model was based upon the use and concept of social communications and Internet dialog to promote public awareness and further the cause of radical change in our community. By various means we brought our site to the attention of the citizens and public officials in our county. Now approaching one million comments, several elections, and an amazing county, state and country wide audience we are pressing forward for even greater social change and policy restructuring within our county. Environmentally and from a governmental failure, our county is dying.
What has been accomplished thus far would have been hard to imagine 48 months ago. Sheriff Rodney K. Mitchell has been removed from power, District Attorney Jon Hopkins has been removed from power. One of the driving forces for the exposure and removal of these two corrupt individuals is a terrible incident involving a boating accident on our local lake when a sheriff's deputy named Russell Perdock drove his speed boat at high speed in the middle of the night over the top of a sail boat just leaving the docks with running lights on killing at a far to early age a beautiful women name Lynn Thorton, at the helm of the sailboat was Bismarck Dinius. What followed is hard to imagine. Then sheriff Mitchell and DA Hopkins charged Bismarck Dinius with the death of his passenger Lynn Thorton and protected their deputy Russell Perdock, charging him with no crimes. During the course of the criminal trial cover-ups, illegal actions, jury tampering, and a host of other issues spelled the doom of Mitchell and Hopkins and the total unanimous jury acquittal of Bismarck Dinius. A federal civil rights trial of massive proportions has been settled in San Francisco federal court with several million dollars going to Mr. Dinius. Both Mitchell and Hopkins were key individuals in the attempted prosecution of Bismarck Dinius and cover-up of the truth of the accident. With this incident in mind we launched the sheriff Mitchell Watch Blog, of which our URL remains the same but our Blog name has now changed to Lake County Government Watch. During the adventures of our first year we were able to elect Sheriff Frank Rivero into the sheriffs position. For 4 years running the GOB network has attacked sheriff Rivero. A phony Brady process by DA Donnie Anderson, a Trumped up recall attempt by Brian Martin and Rob Brown, and a vote of no confidence by the BOS were some of the constant attacks by this elitist network. Now in the recent election, the local media showing no journalistic integrity has assisted in taking our sheriff out of office, he is being replaced by a Good Old Boy who is directly connected to former sheriff Rodney Mitchell. Although we will have one or two new supervisors in district's 2 and 3, we are saddened with the loss of sheriff Rivero. Sheriff Rivero was of Cuban blood. The severe racism still embedded in the power brokers of Lake County and their family and friends remains a major issue. However we are steadfast in our dedication to you the people of this county and of furthering transparency, honesty, and government integrity in our county and beyond.
What we have found during the course of our own investigations in the county is stunning to say the least. It was discovered that a local Internet paper called Lake County News run by Liz Larson and her husband John, in our opinion were in collusion with local government officials. We then exposed this paper for its biased and fascist operations discrediting their reporting and any semblance of credibility they once had. The Record Bee has done no better and due to a massive amount of pressure local editor Mandy Feder is leaving the paper. Both papers outright attacks on Sheriff Rivero scraped the bottom of journalistic integrity. One of the more significant discoveries also exposed several of our local Board of Supervisors to the citizens scrutiny. Most significant is Rob Brown, whom we continue to bring the light of transparency and exposure to his actions and Neanderthal approach to governance.
As together we continue our Blog and our efforts towards community awareness and change we want to thank the many citizens from deputies current and former to just good folks helping and offering assistance.
This process of change in a county or government system run through an entrenched multi-generational nepotistic, wink wink, system of government(GOB's or Good Ole Boys) is difficult to accomplish, new ideas and change are not embraced. Those that have the power and control will not give it up easily. Thank you for joining us here, we are the voice of the voiceless of which in today's world there are far to many whose voices are not heard.
Finally as of this editing, we are but a few days away from 2,000,000 page views in 6 short years, in this a county of 60,000 and change. All of you are the reason we hit that milestone.
The Lovelace group of concerned citizens
This process of change in a county or government system run through an entrenched multi-generational nepotistic, wink wink, system of government(GOB's or Good Ole Boys) is difficult to accomplish, new ideas and change are not embraced. Those that have the power and control will not give it up easily. Thank you for joining us here, we are the voice of the voiceless of which in today's world there are far to many whose voices are not heard.
Finally as of this editing, we are but a few days away from 2,000,000 page views in 6 short years, in this a county of 60,000 and change. All of you are the reason we hit that milestone.
The Lovelace group of concerned citizens
«Oldest ‹Older 4201 – 4400 of 4994 Newer› Newest»
Dang, Two more?
Two more members of the Wife Beater Shirt costume clan met at their favorite meeting place today. SO Recent arrests
Come Sept. They will hold their meetings at the fairgrounds.
Applied for Reservations in livestock building
R.V.S.P For Your space.
Check out the latest members,,,
,,,6/22/2016 18:30.... 6/22/2016 20:25...
# B.Y.O.B.
,,, June 25, 2016 at 8:26 PM ...
Wanna look shame in the eye?
,,,Please Confirm your 'User ID'
,,,@ arrests...
,,,9/1/2014 08:55...
# Thank You.. B.Y.O.B.....
In the case of creating the position for Brian Martin to become Assistant Chief to Rob Howe the Chief of Probation.
The Board of Supervisors did that.
,,,The question is......
Who was it that instructed the BOS to Create and Fund the Previously Non Existent position of Assistant Chief to Chief Rob Howe of Probation?
# "Nepotism"&"Cronyism"
,,, June 25, 2016 at 8:48 PM ...
Compared to 800,000?
The Lake County Board of Supervisors approved auction sale of all eight parcels of Holiday Harbor for a loss of almost $800,000.
The winning bid for the resort and marina in Nice came from Tim Vi Tran of The Ivy Group, representing Bella Lago Development. The offer was $1,200,100 — $100 more than the minimum price set by the county but less than what the county’s Redevelopment Agency purchased it for in 2008.
# The Art of the Deal?
How did the BOS know when they spent 60,000 to attract tourists that the biggest tourist attraction in Lake Co.would be street construction?
# Traffic fines doubled in construction zones?
Dang, Yet another member of the Wife Beater Shirt costume clan meeting at their favorite meeting place. SO Recent arrests
Come Sept. They will hold their meetings at the fairgrounds.
Reservations aplied for Livestock Building.
R.S.V.P. SO Recent arrests.
Check out their latest spokesperson.
SO. Recent arrests...6/27/2016. 21:46
Looks like we have competition for leader of the Wife Beater costume Clan position.
Dang, Yet another member of the Wife Beater Shirt costume clan meeting at their favorite meeting place. SO Recent arrests
Come Sept. They will hold their meetings at the fairgrounds.
Applied for Reservations in livestock building
R.V.S.P For Your space.
Check out the latest member,,,
,,,6/29/2016 01:53 ...
# B.Y.O.B
,,,Humpty Drumpfy built a Great wall,
Humpty Drumphy sat on his Great Wall,
,,,Humpty Drumpfy had a great fall,
All his Republican supporters,
...and even the Speaker of the house,
Couldn't put Drumphy together again.
# You heard it here first...
Looks like we have more competition for leader of the Wife Beater costume Clan position.
Dang, Yet another member of the Wife Beater Shirt costume clan meeting at their favorite meeting place. SO Recent arrests
Come Sept. They will hold their meetings at the fairgrounds.
Applied for Reservations in livestock building
R.V.S.P For Your space.SO Recent arrests.
Check out the latest member,,,
,,,6/30/2016 22:42 ...
# B.Y.O.B
,,,July 3, 2016 at 9:28 AM ...
Those that forget the past are destined to repeat it...
That Wife Beater Shirt costume clan member you speak of needs a consent reminder of whence he came.
# support the victims.
,,,July 4, 2016 at 9:36 AM...
,,,July 4, 2016 at 11:01 AM...
,,,July 4, 2016 at 11:52 AM...
,,,July 4, 2016 at 3:18 PM...
,,,To Guest and his gang of four (AKA) Sybil...
When you respond to yourself do you respond out loud to yourself before?
or as you type?
Keeps me laughing LOL!
# It is better to keep your mouth shut and be thought a FOOL,
than to open your mouth and remove all doubt.
# no doubt.
,,,Blogger joe : July 5, 2016 at 3:18 PM (AKA) Guest..LOL!
Someday Guest maybe I will tell you how I know it is you...
# stupid is.
,,,Check it out Joe...
Dang, Yet another member of the Wife Beater Shirt costume clan meeting at their favorite meeting place. SO Recent arrests
Come Sept. They will hold their meetings at the fairgrounds.
Applied for Reservations in livestock building
R.V.S.P For Your space.SO Recent arrests.
Check out the latest member,,,
,,,7/6/2016 08:08 ...
# B.Y.O.B
,,,Every successful group needs a secretary?...
Dang, Yet another member of the Wife Beater Shirt costume clan meeting at their favorite meeting place. SO Recent arrests
Come Sept. They will hold their meetings at the fairgrounds.
Applied for Reservations in livestock building
R.V.S.P SO Recent arrests For Your space.
Check out the latest member,,,
,,,7/6/2016 14:16 ...
# B.Y.O.B
,,,July 10, 2016 at 6:05 AM ...
You are right, You are the only one that could be led to believe that
# Nonsense.
,,,Coming to LC soon...
Federal and State mandated Citizen Review Board.
No more SO. and DA. In house investigated coverups!
# Just Us, for a change.
New guy, Old guy, No Diff.
Ability,willingness and desire to follow orders trumps experience.
The BOS would never hire anyone they can't control.
# The more they change the more they stay the same.
Dang, Yet another member of the Wife Beater Shirt costume clan meeting at their favorite meeting place. SO Recent arrests
Come Sept. They will hold their meetings at the fairgrounds.
Applied for Reservations in livestock building
R.V.S.P SO Recent arrests For Your space.
Check out the latest member,,,
,,, 7/12/2016 11:25 ...
# B.Y.O.B
,,,July 12, 2016 at 5:11 PM ...
It is better to keep your mouth shut and be thought a Fool,
than to open your mouth and remove all doubt.
# no doubt.
,,, July 15, 2016 at 2:52 PM ...
You can show all the interest in me you want guest but I won't join your Racist,Bigoted, Sexist clan.
# Sorry to disappoint you.
,,,Martin asking for donations from the public,,"Again!"
,,,But what about????
...Show Us The Money!...
The Lake County Sheriff’s Office currently had $74, 809.02 in unclaimed money
stored at its Property and Evidence section. This money was taken into the custody
of the Sheriff’s Office between April 2001 and September 2010.
"If no claim is filed for this money it will become property of the Lake County
Sheriff’s Office on August 28, 2015".
For specific information go to and locate the unclaimed money link
All that money and Sheriff Brian Mitchell Martin begs donations from the public to fund his Dept. Obligations?
Way to go Mitchell clone.
# Greed?
,,,Anonymous GUEST: July 17, 2016 at 6:33 PM
You are welcome guest but I still won't join your Racist,Bigoted, Sexist clan.
# Sorry to disappoint you.
,,,Anonymous GUEST: July 18, 2016 at 5:39 AM
,,,"AKA" Anonymous : July 18, 2016 at 11:24 AM
It is not that hard to "feel superior" over others that are Bigoted,Racist,and Sexist.
# Hope you know the feeling,'Someday'
,,,Anonymous GUEST: July 20, 2016 at 7:57 PM
Why are you always wanting to share the pictures in your mind in public?
# Freudian slip?
,,,The real reason donald Drumpf doesn't want you to know why some republicans are slow to come to face him is
# oops.
donald Drumpf doesn't want them to know that his Drumpf brand special order Knee Pads were out sourced to China and they are on back order.
# good things come to those that wait. LOL!
,,, Drumpf just announced that his voters won't get their knee pads at the same time.
# Some sooner,? LOL!
,,,Anonymous GUEST: July 23, 2016 at 12:20 PM
Now Guest is upset cause his brand new non politician Special order Drumpf Brand Knee Pads didn't come with right and left labels. LOL!
# Made in China.
,,,(a) Consideration of proposed
Resolution to allocate an Assistant Chief Probation
Officer and eliminate a vacant Deputy Probation Officer
I/I I/III position; and (b) Consideration of request to direct
the Human Resources Department to immediately begin an open
recruitment for the Assistant Chief Probation Officer position
,,,At the time the BOS created and funded the previously non existent position of Assistant Chief to Chief Rob Howe.
The Juvenile Division consisted of a Chief Deputy Probation Officer, a Senior Deputy Probation Officer and 7 Deputy Probation Officers. One Deputy Probation Officer currently acted as the School Resource Officer (SRO) for Upper Lake Unified School District.
With all those "Experienced" employees already in the Juvenile Division.
Who would have predicted that Brian Martin, Rob Howe's partner in NorCal Private Investigations would be "anointed" to that lucrative paid position?
Both Rob Howe and Brian admitted in the Rivero recall meeting that they both "Quit" the SO.
Name other county employees that voluntarily "Quit: their county positions and were "Rewarded" with yet another county position.
# "Nepotism"&"Cronyism" in your face.
,,,Anonymous GUEST: July 23, 2016 at 6:44 PM
,,,Humpty Drumpfy built a Great wall,
Humpty Drumphy sat on his Great Wall,
,,,Humpty Drumpfy had a great fall,
All his Republican supporters,
...and even the Speaker of the house,
Couldn't put Drumphy together again.
# You heard it here first...
<< Home
Who's the talk show host on this talk show.And it is a talk show cause that is all we do on this talk show is talk.For instence, Brown is doing, we talk about him. Perdock is doing and we talk about him. Riveras is doing and we talk about him. WTF. Doesn't anyone one this talk show do anything but talk?
What a f%%king JOKE.Then we have the WA, I think he is a County plant, never know what he is TALKING about or who side he is on. And i use the term HE loosely.
Dang, Two more?
Two more members of the Wife Beater Shirt costume clan met at their favorite meeting place today. SO Recent arrests
Come Sept. They will hold their meetings at the fairgrounds.
Applied for Reservations in livestock building
R.V.S.P For Your space.
Check out the latest members,,,
,,,6/22/2016 18:30.... 6/22/2016 20:25...
# B.Y.O.B.
,,,June 23, 2016 at 1:38 PM...
Combine that with the arrest of local drug agent Christopher "Mark" Heath.
Heath, a Yuba County sheriff's deputy assigned to NET-5 for three years, was arrested on suspicion of trafficking 247 pounds of marijuana across the country.
# then you got my vote.
Combine that with the arrest of local drug agent Christopher "Mark" Heath.
Heath, a Yuba County sheriff's deputy assigned to NET-5 for three years, was arrested on suspicion of trafficking 247 pounds of marijuana across the country.
# then you got my vote.
Geez they only got 1,000 plants from my place. i had a house, well, septic, SCRIPS. They busted 7 places that day but my place was the only ones that got arrested. Go figure, they had a search warrant but it was for next door, cost 6,000 bucks to bail four out. went to court, charges dropped cause they screwed up. But what do i tell the people i was growing for. These educated people make up rules but do not.follow them. The task force would not even look at the SCRIPS. My attorney said this is the laziest police force he has ever seen.Bail bonds agency's make a killing in lake county. The biggest money making venture in lake county.
Brexit is winning! Halleluia! It was expected to lose. There will be a lot of fallout all over the world tomorrow.
Dang, Yet another member of the Wife Beater Shirt costume clan meeting at their favorite meeting place.
Come Sept. They will hold their meetings at the fairgrounds.
Check out the latest spokesperson
,,,6/23/2016. 22:17. ...
# B.Y.O.B.
Come Sept. They will hold their meetings at the fairgrounds.
Check out the latest spokesperson
,,,6/23/2016. 22:17. ...
# B.Y.O.B.
Interesting article in this months PORAC magazine, its a story of how one dispatcher was targeted by the dispatch manager, the PORAC arbitrator found she was "disingenuous, evasive, lacked credibility" she demoted the dispatcher from Asst. Dispatch Manager to Supervisor then fired him for not countermanding HER scheduling error to another supervisor then blamed the error on him. She also promised another supervisor "disciplinary immunity to create a situation for the supervisor to lie about what had happened with her error and blame the male dispatcher" - thus strengthening her case to fire him. Of course Ron Elkins was reinstated with back pay and the Dispatch manger didn't have any repercussions because she and Sheriff Martin's wife are BFF's. All I can say is what a piece of shit that gal is who runs the dispatch center and I feel sorry for anyone who has to work under her, especially when she has shown what a lying sack of crap she is. But when you're protected and it looks like encouraged to target employees by not being fired for these actions - well that makes her life just peachy. Congratulations Ron Elkins on winning your job back along with all the back pay. Dispatch Manager Teresa Jolin - shame on you for your lack of credibility and honesty. Brian Martin - shame on you for keeping her employed.
,,, June 25, 2016 at 8:26 PM ...
Wanna look shame in the eye?
,,,Please Confirm your 'User ID'
,,,@ arrests...
,,,9/1/2014 08:55...
# Thank You.. B.Y.O.B.....
In the case of creating the position for Brian Martin to become Assistant Chief to Rob Howe the Chief of Probation.
The Board of Supervisors did that.
,,,The question is......
Who was it that instructed the BOS to Create and Fund the Previously Non Existent position of Assistant Chief to Chief Rob Howe of Probation?
# "Nepotism"&"Cronyism"
,,, June 25, 2016 at 8:48 PM ...
Compared to 800,000?
The Lake County Board of Supervisors approved auction sale of all eight parcels of Holiday Harbor for a loss of almost $800,000.
The winning bid for the resort and marina in Nice came from Tim Vi Tran of The Ivy Group, representing Bella Lago Development. The offer was $1,200,100 — $100 more than the minimum price set by the county but less than what the county’s Redevelopment Agency purchased it for in 2008.
# The Art of the Deal?
Maybe the day he got served with the recall?
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : June 25, 2016 at 8:47 PM
The same Board of Supervisors failed at their attempted recall.
# Professionals?
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : June 25, 2016 at 8:47 PM
The same Board of Supervisors failed at their attempted recall.
# Professionals?
,,, June 25, 2016 at 8:48 PM ...
By the way the 800,000 loss came out of the Budget.
Lawsuits are paid from county insurance.
# Schooled
By the way the 800,000 loss came out of the Budget.
Lawsuits are paid from county insurance.
# Schooled
Ha ha let me see if I have this right the great leaders of the county and of Lakeport, said ok, lets wait till the biggest time of year for tourism, including the 4th of July and then let's tear the hell out of the streets, shut down the businesses and tear up the roads. Yup I got that right, that's what the dumb asses did. LOL and you wonder why this is the worst rated county in the entire state. Ha ha ha
How did the BOS know when they spent 60,000 to attract tourists that the biggest tourist attraction in Lake Co.would be street construction?
# Traffic fines doubled in construction zones?
You aren't even close. Thanks for playing!
What have the county BOS got to do with the city of Lakeport downtown improvement project? Nada.
Who did the city consult for years on this plan before pulling the trigger? The public who attended a multitude of meetings and focus groups.
Who is complaining? Malcontents who failed to participate until the project was set in motion - doh!
What have the county BOS got to do with the city of Lakeport downtown improvement project? Nada.
Who did the city consult for years on this plan before pulling the trigger? The public who attended a multitude of meetings and focus groups.
Who is complaining? Malcontents who failed to participate until the project was set in motion - doh!
Dang, Yet another member of the Wife Beater Shirt costume clan meeting at their favorite meeting place. SO Recent arrests
Come Sept. They will hold their meetings at the fairgrounds.
Reservations aplied for Livestock Building.
R.S.V.P. SO Recent arrests.
Check out their latest spokesperson.
SO. Recent arrests...6/27/2016. 21:46
I enjoy when stupid people ignore what is going on right in front of them and then become incensed about progress when things happen.
It makes me smile. Downtown Lakeport is going to look fantastic.
To paraphrase Dean Wormer: Stoned and stupid is no way to go through life, son.
It makes me smile. Downtown Lakeport is going to look fantastic.
To paraphrase Dean Wormer: Stoned and stupid is no way to go through life, son.
Downtown Lakeport is going to look fantastic? Like, when? 2100? It's a virtual ghost town and many businesses aren't even open for business half the time. If we didn't have Park Place and K-Mart we wouldn't have shit. BTW, has Farrington Law closed his fancy storefront yet? I'm sure that will happen soon enough if it hasn't already. Nobody wants a lawyer who couldn't pass the bar exam.
By the way, when is the Board of Stupes going to listen to sensible citizens who want signage warning swimmers about the risks of cyanobacteria in our lake? Are they going to wait for a dog to die, or will it take a child's death for these morons to act responsibly?
While Florida had no swimming signs the real danger was the Alligators.
Can we expect No Lifeguard on Duty signs for the lake ignoring the real danger?
Can we expect No Lifeguard on Duty signs for the lake ignoring the real danger?
Cyanobacteria causes Amyotropgic Lateral Sclerosis, also known as Lou Gehrigs disease. This is how the county informs us about the dangers of our drinking water. It is like black mold folks.
The Lake many of us claim to love is a not a chlorinated swimming pool- it is a smelly and toxic stew of organisms both living and dead (just like our BOS). The world is full of sharp edges and slippery slopes. Signs only work for people who can read, understand and react accordingly. Not enough of those in LC to justify the cost of the plywood... jump on in folks the swimming is fine!
Looks like we have competition for leader of the Wife Beater costume Clan position.
Dang, Yet another member of the Wife Beater Shirt costume clan meeting at their favorite meeting place. SO Recent arrests
Come Sept. They will hold their meetings at the fairgrounds.
Applied for Reservations in livestock building
R.V.S.P For Your space.
Check out the latest member,,,
,,,6/29/2016 01:53 ...
# B.Y.O.B
"jump on in folks the swimming is fine!"
But please either be a good swimmer or wear a life jacket and for God's sake don't jump in the lake while hammered. Four drownings in the last month. Who cares about cyanobacteria.
But please either be a good swimmer or wear a life jacket and for God's sake don't jump in the lake while hammered. Four drownings in the last month. Who cares about cyanobacteria.
Who cares about CYANOBACTERIA? Stay the f00k out of the lake. WTF welcome to lake county. The dumb f00k capital of california which is the dumbest fooking state in the union, puts arkansas in
,,,Humpty Drumpfy built a Great wall,
Humpty Drumphy sat on his Great Wall,
,,,Humpty Drumpfy had a great fall,
All his Republican supporters,
...and even the Speaker of the house,
Couldn't put Drumphy together again.
# You heard it here first...
,,,June 30, 2016 at 9:28 PM ...
,,,Please Confirm your 'User ID'
,,,@ arrests...
,,,9/1/2014 08:55...
# Thank You.. B.Y.O.B.....
,,,Please Confirm your 'User ID'
,,,@ arrests...
,,,9/1/2014 08:55...
# Thank You.. B.Y.O.B.....
Looks like we have more competition for leader of the Wife Beater costume Clan position.
Dang, Yet another member of the Wife Beater Shirt costume clan meeting at their favorite meeting place. SO Recent arrests
Come Sept. They will hold their meetings at the fairgrounds.
Applied for Reservations in livestock building
R.V.S.P For Your space.SO Recent arrests.
Check out the latest member,,,
,,,6/30/2016 22:42 ...
# B.Y.O.B
This WA dude sure must be into wife beating, he is like a broken record. You remember records? they went round an round but didn't really get anywhere.Reading this blog i am more concerned about the drinking water that comes from our CLEAR lake. Now where did the name Clear come from when reffering to our recretional master piece.Don't forget the flesh eating omeba.
Obama's Attorney General, Lorreta Lynch caught having a secret meeting with Bill Clinton for a half hour on her plane at Arizona Airport? Wow, the corruption in this administration is amazing!
They ran into each other at the airport and exchanged pleasantries about grandkids ... woweee that's damning.
The Clintons got used to your nonsense decades ago, looks like they just don't give a damn.
Now you'll get 8 years of Hillary for your efforts. :)
The Clintons got used to your nonsense decades ago, looks like they just don't give a damn.
Now you'll get 8 years of Hillary for your efforts. :)
Lotta corruption going on in lake county too.Don't forget the barbarian Brotherhood that moonlight for the county.
321 is that like you said we were going to get 4 more years of Fecal Frank? LOL I bet you suck at the stock market!
,,,July 1, 2016 at 7:21 PM...
,,,Please Confirm your 'User ID'
,,,@ arrests...
,,,9/1/2014 08:55...
# Thank You.. B.Y.O.B.....
,,,Please Confirm your 'User ID'
,,,@ arrests...
,,,9/1/2014 08:55...
# Thank You.. B.Y.O.B.....
,,,Public Service Notice to all your wife's,daughters,nieces,granddaughters,...
,,,Two Fer?...LOL!
Dang, Yet another member of the Wife Beater Shirt costume clan meeting at their favorite meeting place. SO Recent arrests
Come Sept. They will hold their meetings at the fairgrounds.
Applied for Reservations in livestock building
R.V.S.P SO Recent arrests For Your space.
Check out the latest member,,,
,,,7/1/2016 20:36 ... 7/1/2016 21:26...
# B.Y.O.B
,,,Two Fer?...LOL!
Dang, Yet another member of the Wife Beater Shirt costume clan meeting at their favorite meeting place. SO Recent arrests
Come Sept. They will hold their meetings at the fairgrounds.
Applied for Reservations in livestock building
R.V.S.P SO Recent arrests For Your space.
Check out the latest member,,,
,,,7/1/2016 20:36 ... 7/1/2016 21:26...
# B.Y.O.B
Was amata, Don't wanta here about the shit thats in the lake that is our drimking water? And here i thought this blog was here to get shit done, bring notice to the corruption in this county? It doesn't work too good if you censor peoples opinions or their knowledge. If you need to censor then do the broken record.-CYAN= poison, O? nide = death??? Look it up.This is stuff that is in our lake where we get our drinking water from.What kind and how many chemicals do they have to stick in the water to make it drinkable... Notice i did not say safe. Let the people know this.
,,,At a loss for words...
,,,Public Service Notice to all your wife's,daughters,nieces,granddaughters,...
Dang, Yet another member of the Wife Beater Shirt costume clan meeting at their favorite meeting place. SO Recent arrests
Come Sept. They will hold their meetings at the fairgrounds.
Applied for Reservations in livestock building
R.V.S.P SO Recent arrests For Your space.
Check out the latest member,,,
,,,7/2/2016 18:15 ...
# B.Y.O.B
,,,Public Service Notice to all your wife's,daughters,nieces,granddaughters,...
Dang, Yet another member of the Wife Beater Shirt costume clan meeting at their favorite meeting place. SO Recent arrests
Come Sept. They will hold their meetings at the fairgrounds.
Applied for Reservations in livestock building
R.V.S.P SO Recent arrests For Your space.
Check out the latest member,,,
,,,7/2/2016 18:15 ...
# B.Y.O.B
,,,July 3, 2016 at 9:28 AM ...
Those that forget the past are destined to repeat it...
That Wife Beater Shirt costume clan member you speak of needs a consent reminder of whence he came.
# support the victims.
At the risk of sounding foolish,I just wanted to know the relevance of posting the people wearing tank tops who were arrested. I did look up the one arrested 7/2/2016 for shoplifting. I've never heard of him and he seems to be just a man with some problems. I don't live in Lake Co. and perhaps that's why I'm not understand his significance . If possible can you tell me the connection between all of the people you highlight from the Sheriff's Dept. Website. Are they County employee's... Do they work for the State, or just people with addiction problems,mental health issues and are somewhat low functioning.Any insight would be greatly appreciated. Blessings to you all.
The great WAZOO merely likes to rag on people with more influence than he as it makes him feel superior. He apparently needs that.
Just a local idiot 936. An old man who is very bitter because life has passed him by. He could have moved out of this county years ago when he lost several jobs, but no, he just stays here and bitches. A sad life for this old man really. A nursing home and diapers are his next stop.
,,,July 4, 2016 at 9:36 AM...
,,,July 4, 2016 at 11:01 AM...
,,,July 4, 2016 at 11:52 AM...
,,,July 4, 2016 at 3:18 PM...
,,,To Guest and his gang of four (AKA) Sybil...
When you respond to yourself do you respond out loud to yourself before?
or as you type?
Keeps me laughing LOL!
# It is better to keep your mouth shut and be thought a FOOL,
than to open your mouth and remove all doubt.
# no doubt.
;-) question regarding the people on the Sheriff's Dept Website was a sincere and genuine one. It was never meant to criticize, anger or demean anyone. I honestly just wanted to know why they were selected or how they impact others in Lake Co. Thank you
,,,July 4, 2016 at 4:26 PM ... Guest...
You forgot to mention that "I don't live in Lake Co."
and why am I Trolling this site...
# Fooling no one...
You forgot to mention that "I don't live in Lake Co."
and why am I Trolling this site...
# Fooling no one...
4:38... I have grown children who live in Lake Co. and I have some concerns with Lake Co. Instead of wasting the viewers time,and accusing me of trolling etc. perhaps you'd agree to meet with me. If I have something to say about someone, I say it face to face with that person. Simply agree to it, and I'll contact those running this Blog and agree for them to release my info. Looking forward to meeting you
,,,July 4, 2016 at 6:06 PM...
If I have something to say about someone, I say it face to face with that person?
# Heard it all before...
P.S. The Blog does not have anyone's info.
If I have something to say about someone, I say it face to face with that person?
# Heard it all before...
P.S. The Blog does not have anyone's info.
,,,July 4, 2016 at 7:08 PM guest...
"what the sober man has in the back of his mind, the drunken man has on the tip of his tongue. "
# B.Y.O.B.
"what the sober man has in the back of his mind, the drunken man has on the tip of his tongue. "
# B.Y.O.B.
What an absolutely gorgeous display of all American patriotism this weekend has been across the entire nation. God Bless all the wonderful people showing their love for the greatest nation on the planet!!!
Dang, Yet another member of the Wife Beater Shirt costume clan meeting at their favorite meeting place. SO Recent arrests
Come Sept. They will hold their meetings at the fairgrounds.
Applied for Reservations in livestock building
R.V.S.P For Your space.SO Recent arrests.
Check out the latest member,,,
,,,7/4/2016 22:29 ...
# B.Y.O.B
Come Sept. They will hold their meetings at the fairgrounds.
Applied for Reservations in livestock building
R.V.S.P For Your space.SO Recent arrests.
Check out the latest member,,,
,,,7/4/2016 22:29 ...
# B.Y.O.B
July 5, 2016 at 6:39 AM guest...
morning guest...LOL.
"what the sober man has in the back of his mind, the drunken man has on the tip of his tongue. "
# B.Y.O.B.
morning guest...LOL.
"what the sober man has in the back of his mind, the drunken man has on the tip of his tongue. "
# B.Y.O.B.
We just found out that Hillary is not a criminal, she is just incompetent and careless. So let us vote her in as president...k...
,,,Blogger joe : July 5, 2016 at 3:18 PM (AKA) Guest..LOL!
Someday Guest maybe I will tell you how I know it is you...
# stupid is.
USA! USA! USA! Ammurica's probation for a profit industry is alive and well- see: Git along now little dogies, git along...
Offender funded probation. Works for me, course I'm not a criminal and I'd rather not have my hard earned tax dollars spent on scumbags who are. The courts should do that in California.
,,,Check it out Joe...
Dang, Yet another member of the Wife Beater Shirt costume clan meeting at their favorite meeting place. SO Recent arrests
Come Sept. They will hold their meetings at the fairgrounds.
Applied for Reservations in livestock building
R.V.S.P For Your space.SO Recent arrests.
Check out the latest member,,,
,,,7/6/2016 08:08 ...
# B.Y.O.B
I guess your emails only matter if your name is Clinton ... how frightened are you of the possibility of revisiting the historic economic growth we saw with Bill as POTUS?
The George W. Bush email scandal the media has conveniently forgotten
The George W. Bush email scandal the media has conveniently forgotten
Hey 8:19- you are not alone. Nobody wants to see public dollars wasted on scumbags or criminals- absolutely nobody. However, "Offender Funded Probation" is a myth. That's the corporate twaddle sold to voters when they, or their flacid representatives, are cajoled into placing public functions into less-expensive, less-regulated, less-competent private hands. When a privately held business can generate a profit warehousing the sick, the poor, the ignorant and the incompetent, guess what happens? We find ourselves collectively burdened with a growing population of folks who have been mishandled and utilized like cattle, i.e. your so-called scumbags. You can't reasonably expect the kiddies to pay for their own babysitters with their paltry allowances- the math doesn't work. Try more and better schools, more low-dollar entry level jobs, and more opportunities to actually be successful at something and to join society as non-offending, productive and law-abiding human beings worthy of the respect of wounded and overburdened tax-payers such as yourself. Doesn't this make better sense? What do you think?
,,,Every successful group needs a secretary?...
Dang, Yet another member of the Wife Beater Shirt costume clan meeting at their favorite meeting place. SO Recent arrests
Come Sept. They will hold their meetings at the fairgrounds.
Applied for Reservations in livestock building
R.V.S.P SO Recent arrests For Your space.
Check out the latest member,,,
,,,7/6/2016 14:16 ...
# B.Y.O.B
2:53 PM
I think you are introducing oranges into the apple cart. If people want to commit crimes they can take what's coming. Every society has a criminal element and no amount of government coddling is going to fix that though it is true that countries with the harshest penalties have lower crime.
You can test your own theory by posing this question to yourself: 'have any criminals been educated in the best schools or had fantastic life advantages?'
I think you are introducing oranges into the apple cart. If people want to commit crimes they can take what's coming. Every society has a criminal element and no amount of government coddling is going to fix that though it is true that countries with the harshest penalties have lower crime.
You can test your own theory by posing this question to yourself: 'have any criminals been educated in the best schools or had fantastic life advantages?'
I'm curious, why was it okay/no biggie/forgotten/not news when Bush and Powell f'd up their emails? Bush lost like 7 million while he was under investigation and Powell had confidential comms in his personal email.
Bush had a private server in his basement? Then openly lied to congress and then lied about in the debates and to the American people?
Comi tells congress Clinton did not lie to FBI! But she lied to Congress and during the debates with Bernie! Congress is ordering FBI to investigate Clinton for perjury charge!
Flashback: Rove Erases 22 Million White House Emails on Private Server at Height of U.S. Attorney Scandal – Media Yawns
FLASHBACK: When Millions Of Lost Bush White House Emails (From Private Accounts) Triggered A Media Shrug
FLASHBACK: When Millions Of Lost Bush White House Emails (From Private Accounts) Triggered A Media Shrug
No wonder politicians lie to the citizens daily! We dont hold them accountable! We just accept their lies and go on? We need to incarcerate any politician, Republican or Democrat that lies to us! This is total garbage.
Mothers may still want their favorite sons to grow up to be President, but . . . they do not want them to become politicians in the process. [John F. Kennedy] Politicians exist in order to whisper sweet nothings into as many ears as possible. Facts, truth and reality have absolutely nothing to do with politicians. Politicians use as many words as possible to say as little as possible. Politicians are high-functioning sociopaths who genuinely believe their own sweet nothings until, of course, they change their mind. Politics, on the other hand, is concerned with social governance, i.e. the making and enforcing of rules intended to apply to all by a much smaller group of persons exercising power and persuasion. Note to 3;42: politicians bend the truth, tell half-truths, and can justify uttering blatant falsehoods because, quite simply, the ability to exercise power over other human beings is the most seductive and addictive drug out there. It even got Henry Kissinger laid!
Cops are killing us on camera now...
Obama's only success has been in dividing this country. His policies have casued world burning and our country gets closer to a revolution. Sadly, neither Clinton nor Trump have what it takes to fix this country. Dont let the government take your guns, your probably gonna need them.
Identify the policies you claim are responsible.
Is health care responsible?
Killing Osama Bin Laden?
Recovering from Bush's failed economy?
Is health care responsible?
Killing Osama Bin Laden?
Recovering from Bush's failed economy?
I get it now. Through infrastructure development, making healthcare a reality and a massive economic upturn Obama is dividing America from those who want to destroy America. Finally it makes sense.
Divide on good sir.
Divide on good sir.
Nobody died? Ask all those non-whites in Afghanistan and Iraq. Talk about lies and washed up old pussies how is Liz and JJ Larson?
Many are upset that blacks are disproportionately imprisoned. The same could be said for men in general as compared to the female population.
The stats would lead one to believe that men are discriminated against.
The stats would lead one to believe that men are discriminated against.
,,,July 10, 2016 at 6:05 AM ...
You are right, You are the only one that could be led to believe that
# Nonsense.
,,,Coming to LC soon...
Federal and State mandated Citizen Review Board.
No more SO. and DA. In house investigated coverups!
# Just Us, for a change.
New code enforcement officer is a very experienced guy out of Florida. Look him up on the county website 9:33.
Not gonna judge the guy unless he starts pulling the same illegal crap as the last CDD did. Maybe he will clean house of the remaining scum. Rambo Still around?
New guy, Old guy, No Diff.
Ability,willingness and desire to follow orders trumps experience.
The BOS would never hire anyone they can't control.
# The more they change the more they stay the same.
Dang, Yet another member of the Wife Beater Shirt costume clan meeting at their favorite meeting place. SO Recent arrests
Come Sept. They will hold their meetings at the fairgrounds.
Applied for Reservations in livestock building
R.V.S.P SO Recent arrests For Your space.
Check out the latest member,,,
,,, 7/12/2016 11:25 ...
# B.Y.O.B
3:56 PM
The BOS controls all employees. By definition; so in fact everyone they hire is under their control.
Are you retarded or something?
The BOS controls all employees. By definition; so in fact everyone they hire is under their control.
Are you retarded or something?
,,,July 12, 2016 at 5:11 PM ...
It is better to keep your mouth shut and be thought a Fool,
than to open your mouth and remove all doubt.
# no doubt.
They don't like being reminded of their outstanding failure so they delete the posts that remind them of what utter imbeciles they are.
Maybe the new code enforcement guy from Florida can tell us what happen to the seniors that were given 10 minutes to leave their home or go to jail back in 2014 and everything that they had in there life was stolen by the people hired by the county. They are gone, no sign of them in this county?
Soooooooooooo what was the cause of that good old Valley Fire????? Ha ha ha ha ha when elephants fly you will know.
The Robinson Rancheria Casino in Nice is on live TV on Fox Sports 1 boxing night. Hey wait is that Rob Brown I see in the audience? OMG it is and he he is putting on a Referee's shirt, he is trying to get in the ring, wait wait is that a whistle I see in his mouth. He wants to be a Ref, but forgot he was a sheriff, and still has his whistle!! Oh Rob, oh my!!....Direct TV is channel 219... Uh oh, who the hell is that with a camera??? It's it's JJ, he is yelling that he has rights to the broadcast. Their taking his camera from him, ohhhhhhhh JJ just punched an old man. Their throwing him out. He is yelling he is going to tell Brian on them. Wow!
,,,July 13, 2016 at 7:20 AM ...jj
Mr. Jensen has morphed into (yet another) local cartoon character. Public drunkards rarely make good business partners or good investments.
"As his wife, I'm grateful to the Lakeport Police Department for taking him safely into custody and avoiding anyone being physically hurt".
Is Lizzy saying that jj gets violent when he gets drunk?
Is that a wife beater shirt jj was wearing when jj was booked into Lake County jail for Drunk and Disorderly?
looks like one to me.
LOL! @ U again...
Mr. Jensen has morphed into (yet another) local cartoon character. Public drunkards rarely make good business partners or good investments.
"As his wife, I'm grateful to the Lakeport Police Department for taking him safely into custody and avoiding anyone being physically hurt".
Is Lizzy saying that jj gets violent when he gets drunk?
Is that a wife beater shirt jj was wearing when jj was booked into Lake County jail for Drunk and Disorderly?
looks like one to me.
LOL! @ U again...
Dear Citizens of Lake County: We supervisors were just sitting up here all fat and happy on our perch way back when we simply dropped the ball (OOOPS!) and failed to even try to collect the public's abatement dollars spent on the sunken crane. We were having so much fun picking on that new Sheriff, plotting his overthrow and busting hippies that we just plain lost our minds there for a little while. Please forgive us. We are all hoping that our dear friend will now make at least one token payment to the County because our job as Supervisors is so very complicated and stressful, and our dear friend really wants to join our club and help the County out. As Rob said, it's not your fault, it’s our fault. We won't do it again- we promise. Signed, Smitty, Commie, Rob and Anthony. P.S. We love you!
The B.O.S. Who are supposed to OK stuff like Code Enforcement Abatement on citizens of this county was not told about the red tag, or abatement on the seniors in march of 2014 until june 2014 when the contractor wanted to get paid for his work.The contractor kept chasing their son off who was trying to feed cats on property, then gave cats away cause said the cats where abandoned. Don't people who work for the county know their jobs.
bruce, sorry that your car and stuff got burned up in Lakeport yesterday. Glad that the Red Cross is taking care of you and Wa. Hope you get a new shopping cart and get back on your feet soon. Take care brutha.
,,,July 13, 2016 at 7:41 PM jj...
The most recent tawdry chapter of his bloated and aggressive narcissism demonstrates how unimportant Mr. Jensen has actually become. Whether or not the County wishes to further subsidize Mr. Jensen's murky plans to become a pint-sized local media mogul remains an open question. Whether or not Mr. Jensen is able to conduct himself publically as a responsible, professional broadcast journalist is no longer an open question. Mr. Jensen has morphed into (yet another) local cartoon character. Public drunkards rarely make good business partners or good investments.
"As his wife, I'm grateful to the Lakeport Police Department for taking him safely into custody and avoiding anyone being physically hurt".
Is Lizzy saying that jj gets violent when he gets drunk?
3 AA? AL ANON anyone?
The most recent tawdry chapter of his bloated and aggressive narcissism demonstrates how unimportant Mr. Jensen has actually become. Whether or not the County wishes to further subsidize Mr. Jensen's murky plans to become a pint-sized local media mogul remains an open question. Whether or not Mr. Jensen is able to conduct himself publically as a responsible, professional broadcast journalist is no longer an open question. Mr. Jensen has morphed into (yet another) local cartoon character. Public drunkards rarely make good business partners or good investments.
"As his wife, I'm grateful to the Lakeport Police Department for taking him safely into custody and avoiding anyone being physically hurt".
Is Lizzy saying that jj gets violent when he gets drunk?
3 AA? AL ANON anyone?
Today is Bastille Day, the 4th of July for the French...
French Ban Fireworks at Euro Disney
(AP), Paris, March 5, 2003
The French Government announced today that it is imposing a ban on the use of fireworks at Euro Disney. The decision comes the day after a nightly fireworks display at the park, located just 30 miles outside of Paris, caused the soldiers at a nearby French Army garrison to surrender to a group of Czech tourists.
French Ban Fireworks at Euro Disney
(AP), Paris, March 5, 2003
The French Government announced today that it is imposing a ban on the use of fireworks at Euro Disney. The decision comes the day after a nightly fireworks display at the park, located just 30 miles outside of Paris, caused the soldiers at a nearby French Army garrison to surrender to a group of Czech tourists.
Q. What did the mayor of Paris say to the German Army as they entered the city in WWII?
A. Table for 100,000 m'sieur?
A. Table for 100,000 m'sieur?
When the french came to America somewhere between the vikings and the British they traded with the Indians. When the British came to America they killed the Indians and took. 170 years latter we became Americans but we weren't quite finished killing the Indians and taking.They say the Indians are dumb for trading with the dutch for Manhattan but they did not get killed by the dutch.The British have always been aggressors and conquers till the american took over.
Truck kills 80 plus people in France, and all you can do is badmouth the french people? The french under ground did more against the Germans during WW2,,, but why are we living in the past??? Cause this is flake county.
,,, July 15, 2016 at 4:20 AM , July 15, 2016 at 6:30 AM
,,,July 15, 2016 at 10:22 AM Not to late to reserve your spot...
,,Soon to be standing room only... LOL!
Dang, Yet another member of the Wife Beater Shirt costume clan meeting at their favorite meeting place. SO Recent arrests
Come Sept. They will hold their meetings at the fairgrounds.
Applied for Reservations in livestock building
R.V.S.P SO Recent arrests For Your space.
Check out the latest member,,,
,,,7/15/2016 04:45 ...
# B.Y.O.B
,,,July 15, 2016 at 10:22 AM Not to late to reserve your spot...
,,Soon to be standing room only... LOL!
Dang, Yet another member of the Wife Beater Shirt costume clan meeting at their favorite meeting place. SO Recent arrests
Come Sept. They will hold their meetings at the fairgrounds.
Applied for Reservations in livestock building
R.V.S.P SO Recent arrests For Your space.
Check out the latest member,,,
,,,7/15/2016 04:45 ...
# B.Y.O.B
,,, July 15, 2016 at 2:52 PM ...
You can show all the interest in me you want guest but I won't join your Racist,Bigoted, Sexist clan.
# Sorry to disappoint you.
He seems to be smart enough to realize that i was talking about the record. I am not Racist, i am not a bigot, and i sure am not sexist.Sorry you are so misinformed Mr. record.But thank you anyway for the vote of confidence.
,,,Martin asking for donations from the public,,"Again!"
,,,But what about????
...Show Us The Money!...
The Lake County Sheriff’s Office currently had $74, 809.02 in unclaimed money
stored at its Property and Evidence section. This money was taken into the custody
of the Sheriff’s Office between April 2001 and September 2010.
"If no claim is filed for this money it will become property of the Lake County
Sheriff’s Office on August 28, 2015".
For specific information go to and locate the unclaimed money link
All that money and Sheriff Brian Mitchell Martin begs donations from the public to fund his Dept. Obligations?
Way to go Mitchell clone.
# Greed?
,,,Anonymous GUEST: July 17, 2016 at 6:33 PM
You are welcome guest but I still won't join your Racist,Bigoted, Sexist clan.
# Sorry to disappoint you.
All one must do to feel superior on this site is call others bigoted, racist, and sexist. No evidence is necessary.
,,,Anonymous GUEST: July 18, 2016 at 5:39 AM
,,,"AKA" Anonymous : July 18, 2016 at 11:24 AM
It is not that hard to "feel superior" over others that are Bigoted,Racist,and Sexist.
# Hope you know the feeling,'Someday'
I don't know about that 1156, but wa wants to elect a criminal to the white house. He always talks about change this and change that but when it comes down to it he wants to elect just another criminal.
Hi Joe, how ya doing. For starters how about Lewis. Alcohol in his system crosses double yellow on a blind corner gets 90 days 2 yrs probation for felony Manslaughter?. His B.A.C. was 0.4 1.5 hours after accident. Officer on duty B.A.C. 0.0.It's not what you know, it's who you know. Oct 02 2013.
,,,Keeping it real...
Dang, Yet another member of the Wife Beater Shirt costume clan meeting at their favorite meeting place. SO Recent arrests
Come Sept. They will hold their meetings at the fairgrounds.
Applied for Reservations in livestock building
R.V.S.P SO Recent arrests For Your space.
Check out the latest member,,,
,,,7/20/2016 15:57 ...
# B.Y.O.B
Dang, Yet another member of the Wife Beater Shirt costume clan meeting at their favorite meeting place. SO Recent arrests
Come Sept. They will hold their meetings at the fairgrounds.
Applied for Reservations in livestock building
R.V.S.P SO Recent arrests For Your space.
Check out the latest member,,,
,,,7/20/2016 15:57 ...
# B.Y.O.B
,,,Anonymous GUEST: July 20, 2016 at 7:57 PM
Why are you always wanting to share the pictures in your mind in public?
# Freudian slip?
I don't know about this sight? some people ask logical questions that no one seems to know the answer, most people sit at home or at work and bad mouth each other which is by the way what is mostly wrong with this country. And this BLM. BS. can you imagine if we had a WLM. how bout a White Entertainment program, or a WHITE anything? You think the BLACKS are marching now.They need to take care of the hood first instead of blaming the white populous for their problems. Has for getting rid of the police. Does anyone know anything about MARTIAL LAW. Curfew from 6:pm till 6:am. if you are caught on the streets after curfew you will be shot. No law suit, no crying about brutality, no attorney. Just shot dead. We all have rules, just follow them. Remember this one thing. No one is perfect, just look in the mirror.
Stuff like this is exactly what i am talking about.No intelligence, just bad mouth some one. This is a great sight. (sarcasm)
Article in RB on BOS talk re MMJ tax makes supes sound like total idiots- just the way the alpha dog likes it. Two-point-five supes occupying five chairs. Grandpa is no longer clever enough to even shoplift a good idea from somebody else- isn't there a bumper sticker somewhere he can read with the answer printed on it? Capable of reaching a length of twelve inches at the time it is measured? My oh my, which hot and bothered Deputy County Counsel came up with that naughty fantasy? Anyone notice yet that all of the chairs in the Chamber requiring brains are now occupied by capable women? Bring on the matriarchy! There is hope yet! Pathetic and funny, but still tragic as the supes now have til August 9th to finish filling up their diapers on the tax. Why do taxpayers re-elect such fools over and over again? As Spock would say “The answer is obvious.”
Is this county ever going to get out of reverse? Nobody does anything in this county but talk and the officials take credit for it.
Obama has completely un farked this world and this country. He doesnt live in the real world? He down plays all these incidents becasue the they dont fit his talking points. Sadly, this is the new normal? I voted for him the first time, but based in how his policies were obviously failing I didnt vote for him on his re-election. I have also gone from being a Democrat to registering as an Independent. The Democratic Party have gone way to far to left for me. I could never vote for Hillary Clinton as she is a liar and probably should be in prison right now. America needs a huge change and soon.
,,,The real reason donald Drumpf doesn't want you to know why some republicans are slow to come to face him is
# oops.
donald Drumpf doesn't want them to know that his Drumpf brand special order Knee Pads were out sourced to China and they are on back order.
# good things come to those that wait. LOL!
Hmm, so its gonna come to Drumpf vs Crooked Hillary? Thats the best two leaders from both parties? Wow! Sadly, I'll have to vote for Drumpf over the Clinton Crime Family. :(.
,,, Drumpf just announced that his voters won't get their knee pads at the same time.
# Some sooner,? LOL!
DNC were actively working against Bernie Sanders in support of Hillary Clinton. The DNC emails were hadked and released. The whole system is rigged! I will never vote for Clinton!
There is gonna be 30,000 protesters at the Democratic Convention this week! They may riot? Democrats really screwed chosing Clinton years early.
Wa stoner, drunk old man logic:
Wa whines and pisses and moans that there are too many entrenched politicians and that all entrenched politicians need to go.
Then when a non politician steps up to the plate he whines and pisses and moans and says he is not going to vote for him and he would rather vote for a liar lifetime politician.
Stoner, old man logic at it's best!
Wa whines and pisses and moans that there are too many entrenched politicians and that all entrenched politicians need to go.
Then when a non politician steps up to the plate he whines and pisses and moans and says he is not going to vote for him and he would rather vote for a liar lifetime politician.
Stoner, old man logic at it's best!
,,,Anonymous GUEST: July 23, 2016 at 12:20 PM
Now Guest is upset cause his brand new non politician Special order Drumpf Brand Knee Pads didn't come with right and left labels. LOL!
# Made in China.
5:56pm Lewis should be charged with manslaughter DUI....what a travesty of justice if he gets away with it. This county is so corrupt it blows my mind.
,,,(a) Consideration of proposed
Resolution to allocate an Assistant Chief Probation
Officer and eliminate a vacant Deputy Probation Officer
I/I I/III position; and (b) Consideration of request to direct
the Human Resources Department to immediately begin an open
recruitment for the Assistant Chief Probation Officer position
,,,At the time the BOS created and funded the previously non existent position of Assistant Chief to Chief Rob Howe.
The Juvenile Division consisted of a Chief Deputy Probation Officer, a Senior Deputy Probation Officer and 7 Deputy Probation Officers. One Deputy Probation Officer currently acted as the School Resource Officer (SRO) for Upper Lake Unified School District.
With all those "Experienced" employees already in the Juvenile Division.
Who would have predicted that Brian Martin, Rob Howe's partner in NorCal Private Investigations would be "anointed" to that lucrative paid position?
Both Rob Howe and Brian admitted in the Rivero recall meeting that they both "Quit" the SO.
Name other county employees that voluntarily "Quit: their county positions and were "Rewarded" with yet another county position.
# "Nepotism"&"Cronyism" in your face.
So Wa gets rid of corruption by voting for an entrenched lying politician. Drunk, stoner logic at it's best.
Hillary Clinton and her Lt. Debbie Wasserman Shultz screwed Bernie Sanders! The DNC emails being leaked by Wikileaks are going to be blow up this whole thing! Trump is absulutely right, the democratic elite have rigged this election for Clinton. I and many other democrats will be voting Trump this year. You watch and see! SCREW HILLARY CLINTON!
,,,Anonymous GUEST: July 23, 2016 at 6:44 PM
,,,Humpty Drumpfy built a Great wall,
Humpty Drumphy sat on his Great Wall,
,,,Humpty Drumpfy had a great fall,
All his Republican supporters,
...and even the Speaker of the house,
Couldn't put Drumphy together again.
# You heard it here first...
6:44 I think your right about more and more Democrats voting for Trump than people think. Michael Moore just came out yesterday stating he thinks Trump is going to win.
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