Tuesday, October 12, 2010


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what is this RC Adam 12 TV re-runs? On subject eh.
When will the replay be again?
Nov 2nd @10am
Oh happy Day, when kkk fell, when kkk yelled, we were in love hehehe,
Thanks Clint, for putting the frosting on our cake lol. Your a total lunatic, you should hauled away in a straight jacket, never to be seen or heard from again! Joke is on Mitchell... hey Rod, great pal you got there lmfao, What a display of company you keep that had to have lost you many many votes! Sleep tight, I know I will lol...GO FRANK.......
Go Frank is right, go back to the creamatorium
Looks like Hopkins is trying to help mitchell by holding the Grazoligate investigation until after the election. The investigation was done for him all he had to do was determine guilt, but then that would look bad for mitchell if his part in the plan for a helicopter unit was found out before the election. In what other job do you get to stay with the company for 6 months after you have been fired? mitchell will have 2 whole months to do his cover up and set up road blocks for Frank. We should get rid of this lame duck thing. Give them one or two weeks notice and let their replacement share their office to make sure there is no cover up or missing keyboard keys. IMHO.
And what 8:51? Wait for Mitchell to show up lmfao.....he's toast!
Does Rod have his hit list ready for KKK to follow through on? Wowza, if that wasn't a star performance tonight on Herbs show!
Only problem is, nobody will be buying tickets to your production clint lol.
I'm starting the party planning for the first stage. That will be at the courthouse on the 2nd. Have a feeling this will be another long night for us, so I will be bringing the hot coffee and donuts. Figured LE would be there and this is one of their favorites. See, I can be nice lol.
Oh and did I mention those come with bibs? Thats for when you all start pucking when the counts come in>
Yep got on special one in mind for ole Rodney. That would be the bear claw since he will be needing it to make his way out of the courthouse!
Oh heck 9:15, I would at least give him the jelly roll lol
Someone referred to Rivero as a bulldog and he'll soon bite Rodney on his fat ass. Lookout GOB's you might get bit if you keep your lips on his butt.
I see the family McMahon are back on the Blog spreading smack. What a couple losers they've proven themselves to be and now everyone else has their number.

Just a matter of time and Mitchell will be voted out and your chances of comeing back to the LCSO will be gone Pat. Poor MG will be back in the jug wondering what you are really doing in Napa where she can't keep an eye on you. Oh well, maybe you and Rodney can go into business together, he is an experienced box boy.
They say when someone threatens suicide we should pay attention and take themselves seriously. Lets hope that's true in the case of KKK Clint Fitzgerald.
Hey Pat, are you and MG going to hold a wine tasting party for losers with Rodney as your guest of honor?
Mary-Grace, when was the last time Rodney and Beckie invited you and Pat to their home for dinner? That's what good friends often do but then they won't need you so why would they bother. You might continue praying with Rod the good Christian and loving family man but then he'll lose the election so he won't have to play born again Christian he'll be to busy looking for a job. Maybe he can sell used cars, they welcome people with no scruples who can look you in the eye and lie.
Will there be a suicide watch on Mitchell when the election is over? Maybe he and Clint can do a twofer.
You people are SICK! It's one thing to root on your favorite candidate, but it is absolutely disgusting when you try to encourage someone to commit suicide! OMG, it's just an election - nobody needs to die! Sick I tell you - SICK!!!
951 - You are right and my black humor was not appropriate, I apologize to you for offending your sensabilities but at the same time I was not the one who got on the radio (KPFZ) this evening shouting that I was gooing to kill myself, Clint did.

Truthfully I would never wish that on anyone not even Clint although I have no use for him. I do hope he will get the help he needs if he in fact believes what he says. As for Rodney I would not wish that on him either even though I have no respect or use for men like him. I would hope he will leave office showing class and being a gentleman and go on to live a long and happy life.

I doubt he's a big enough man to leave office as a professional and a gentleman. I don't believe he is capable of doing so.

The most important thing is that soon sheriff mitchell will be voted out and we can go ahead with a new attitude in office. Hopefully he'll be successful in making that office one that we can trust and respect. If not then we'll meet again in 4 years and vote him out too.
Will there be a suicide watch on Mitchell when the election is over? Maybe he and Clint can do a twofer.
# posted by Anonymous : October 30, 2010 9:45 PM

If you think that little remard was sick what do you say about the lies and slander constantly being spread by Mitchell and his gang about Rivero and anyone who supports him? Are they not SICK too or is it OK for them because he's a good Christian loving family man when he's not out sparking someone else's wife.
Oh, are we getting a little testy? Where is your sense of humor or is it exhausted now that you have come to see your pal Rodney is out?
Rivero goons, what a joke. You see and hear all the things Mitchell and his gang are doing and have done yet you blast Rivero and his goons. Crawl back under your rock with the rest of the Mitchell worms and continue living in your little fantasy world until Tuesday.
Wqhwn riverso realizes he has lost and the SO's don't want him back, he can go back to SF and play in the ashes
One sorry low life scum? Are you talking to me or Mitchell who surrounds himself with corruption and racists like Clint who once again made a fool of himself on the radio tonight. You may as well just keep quiet and stop making yourself look foolish. Go out and tear down some more Rivero signs and save him the trouble after he wins this election. This way it keeps you busy and out of trouble and you can feel good in the knowledge that you are behind a corrupt professional politician until he gets knocked off by a mere deputy.
Riverso three run ins with the Miami Police now that is something to look up I did on my own and it is true and he still owes money not finished paying on that fine, if I can find the info anyone can I checked it out and Mitchell is not lying.

wake up Riverso was only trying to be Sheriff he did not realize he would get so many druggies and alkies to follow him.

hey not my opinion just what the truth is out there look it up. and keep to the real topic of who is really quealified to run Lake County
1008 Yopu are stuttering now can you imagine how you'll be on Tuesday night.....
Which Mitchell moron is on duty at the 11th hour? Forget it dope, it didn't work before and its way to late now. We all see through you.
Is that you Clint? TYhrough licking your wounds after being slapped down again by Rivero. I guess people like you will never learn so it must feel good to make yourself look stupid.
Isn't it time for Mary Grace to wake up from her wine overdose and come on here babbling?
When this is over MGM can start her own Blog, Rodney for Jesus amnd Clint can run for office with a guarantee of a colored in every pot.
fyi asswipe i have never removed or defaced any politician signage I don't play that game so back off yourself Buster.

You are on the outside looking in and know nothing of the indise operations of the sheriff dept. all that I have read is slam dunks against family and friends of the Sheriff and making disparaging remards about the health condition of Mrs Mitchell, that is lower than low, all America wanted in the last Presidential election was CHANGE and you see how that has gone to a sack of crap for the working man, taxing us and giving freebie to the illegals and druggies SHAME ON ANYONE WHO WANTS CHANGE as a reason to remove someone as normally the new one SUCKS WORSE THANT ANYONE WHO HELD THE OFFICE
did you know that God deals with people who hurt His people? I have read some of the slams toward MaryGrace and Patrick McMahon and you know nothing about their personl life but what others who have had law run ins have told you, that is what is wrong with this blog, so much crap I know the family and you make me laugh to read all the misinformation of what is posted.
the insulta bout drinking not true

Diane S
Hidden Valley
This is the Lovelace group, this display tonight from KKK was to say the least hard imagine a person could be that over the top, there was someone in the background egging him on a women if you listen closely you will hear her, Herb and Frank handled it well, let him vent till he was out of breath, and then he would wind up again, he almost sounded like he was going to spin right off the ground. A very strange display, Klint needs significant help, there is a problem there and he is over the edge. I am sure he would deny this, and refuse any intervention, but it would be the best thing at this point.

We will be on the Blog on election night posting the results as they come in, we invite all comments as the night progresses, it should be an amazing evening to take the Blog to its final goal of its original stated purpose. It has been fourteen months and it will be a great ending to this phase.
1255. You seem to forget. You're not talking to one person. There are many citizens that you have no idea who they are, on this blog. You only know, maybe, the ones that give their names, or made-up names. You know there have been hundreds of varying thoughts added here over the last year. So don't think you can put everyone in one group. You knew that, someday, Mitchell's reign had to come to an end. It just took the means for people to communicate, and the internet made that possible. they never had a way of expressing themselves in the past. The LCN and RB have shown that, with their biased reporting. I can only see fear in any person that thinks someone should stay in office this long. Even the president, and governor have a limitation of two terms. There was a reason. So people like Mitchell could not, over time, take control of a county he was elected to serve. So relax, go with the flow. If you are a good person and want the best for Lake County, you shouldn't have any problem with Rivero as Sheriff.
Good morning everyone I just had to add before heading off to work, that KKK on the radio was the most amazing break-down I have ever heard. ;-)
I for one will be glad when this is all over so that all of the dumb asses on both sides can STFU and we can start to heal what has become a broken county. All I hear from one side is "Rivero is a criminal, not white, etc" and the other side "anyone who supports Mitchell is a scumbag, a GOB, the wives of cops are whores and drunks etc" Knock it off you are obviously losers with no lives.
553 the dumb asses are behind Mitchell-when you instill lying to protect your co-worker-phoney investigations to appear that you've done your job (Mitchell) and then pinning it on an innocent person-Dinius wasn't the first. Dumb ass, I hope they are prosecuted for being a corrupt cop -and serve time for it.
553 You should share your remarks with Clint Fitzgerald a known Mitchell supporter, or Mitchell himself.

Nov.2 will be a great day ringing in Rivero and joyous for removing Mitchell.
Sunday and three days left counting today. Talk to anyone you can during this last 3 days, tell them to listen to the Rivero radio show on Tuesday on the replay, Do what ever you can to promote our victory on the 2nd, remember we do not want just a win we want a landslide victory a clear and defined mandate from the citizens that the time has come for our government and LE to return the reins of power back to the citizens. The Mitchell regime has hurt our county and attacked the citizens, and kept us in the dark ages for to long. It is time for the clouds of change to open up and let the bright light of transparency and justice shine down on our county, which we have not seen for 15 years.
We have just received this communique from Jurgen our great supporter in Hawaii, who spent many years here trying to stop the evil empire, he is sending this letter to Mitchell and to the citizens of this county. We will post in 2 parts.

"Sheriff we don't need your kind in our County"

Rodney, you fired a lot of local citizens including my daughter and you always kept a few selected friends to cover for your blunders.

You won't believe this, but now it's time to fire you for good. I wrote an opened letter to you about 8 years ago, and as you see nothing has changed. In fact, you progressively got worst. You have stumbled from one blunder to the next with no accountability. I don't want to bore you with the length of my letter which I wrote in April 2003 but I will write a few sentences out of that letter. See for yourself if you think you should be elected since you were installed the last 3 times. I personally think that you are a human pest as a politician. Don't forget local hiring is very important. How many local deputies did you hire the past 16 years? Is it 5 or 6 and you want our vote! For me, your biggest mistake of course, is the coverup of Dinius Bismark and all the other blunders you have made as a dictator. Also, sending my daughter as a C.O. Guard to San Quentin with a loaded weapon and she was not even 20 years old. My mistake was, I did not complain at the time to the Attorney General or the San Quentin Warden. They would have been surprised to see that you don't know the law, which states that no one under 21 years of age can carry a loaded weapon. It was kind of funny to read the names on your endorsement list. I call them Mitchell's markers or your “owing favors”.
Post 2 from Jurgen:

The real travesty is that for the last 16 years the public is represented by a sheriff who is not fit for the job we elected him to do. As you know, you interviewed the Basic 6 class of 2000 at Marysville Police Academy and you showed up with a chocolate “Snickers” bar in your gun belt to interview potential deputies, which turned into the biggest joke among all of the cadets. I think this was a complete disgrace to the Lake County Sheriff Department. Again you seem to forget that when we voted for you we gave you a job to do. You should go by your own mission statement dated 02/01/01 paragraph #5. To accomplish this mission, quote: “We will provide law enforcement services utilizing sound HIRING practices, training and education” end quote. As you can see, this is where the 32 violations originated (see Grand Jury report 2002). You also stated “The buck stops here” well Sir, I don't agree with that remark. The buck will stops with the Lake County voters, this Tuesday. Rodney, you are a racist. Google George Wallace, Montgomery-Alabama 1963 the “School house door” speech. You are not George Wallace, you are Sheriff Mitchell and the year is 2003. Racism has been over with for the past 40 years. Giving that, you obviously go by “Who you know not what you know”. Sir, you don't have what it takes to be a Sheriff, Supervisor or decision maker, your sense of direction is completely missing. Your hiring and firing results in under staffing and ensures job security for the $65,000.00 overtime pay per month as seen year after year. With this racial discrimination you are leaving the doors wide open for huge lawsuits and you would not be stuck with that amount in what could be millions of taxpayers money wasted. You really should give up your part time editor's job (Hugo Chavez) at our local Nu Paper, the Record Bee censored. What ever happened to the freedom of the Press Elizabeth Larson?.

The status quo has got to go. My question: Is this Citizens Academy a huge back scratching for campaign contribution in order to get a gun permit? According to Mr. Green's interview by James Bowman, his answer was: “Sorry by invitation only”! Don't forget this letter was written to you April 2003. I recommend term limits voting for unopposed sheriff. Help stop this racist, money wasting Good Ol Boy, dictator, and his gestapo regime from being elected.

My utmost respect to Bruce and Brian Tom and everyone at the Lovelace Team, Lake County needed you desperately. Thank you very very much. To all my friends, acquaintances and former customers, please vote Frank Rivero, for a long needed change.


Jurgen Schorfheide
Thank you Jurgen for your support through these past 14 months, from 3000 miles away you have watched and supported and given us some great cartoons of Mitchell and his gang of thugs. Thanks for everything, it is now up to the citizens on Nov. 2nd to finish the job.
Like most of his letter, Jurgen is a kook. Of course an adult can carry a loaded weapon. There is no law against that. What a flake. You guys got plenty of "Clints" in your midst.
As a matter of fact, by law someone can be hired as a peace officer at the age of 18. The law changed from the age of 21 to 18 in the 70's. But you will find very few, if any, people under the age of 20 hired as a peace officer. The reason is maturity and life experience.
So, Jurgen's comment about his daughter carrying a a loaded firearm under the age of 20 means nothing.
To buy a handgun in the state of California you have to be 21. It's the law. http://ag.ca.gov/firearms/pubfaqs.php One would think if you have to be 21 to buy a handgun you would also need to be 21 to carry it.

Regarding age to be in law enforcement. Counties vary. Most require age 20 1/2 and time of application and 21 at time of swearing in. You can apply at 18 if you meet the other education, citizenship and other requirements.
Jurgen is your Clint. Be proud of him.
Well nice to see you admit your downfall with Clint, thank him for sending votes Rivero's way. Jurgen is not even in the ball park with KKK he is sharp quick and he beat Mitchells ass for years up here, Mitchell hated him because he was so effective in attacking him. We laugh at KKK Mitchell ran from Jurgen. Dream on. Jurgen has been a great supporter and far beyond the likes of KKK.
Jurgen Schorfheide

yet another out of towner supporter for Riverso who is a sour grapes carring whinner. His opinion means nothing.
Mitchell gave Jurgen's daughter Claudine 2, count 'em, 2 chances with the Sheriff's Dept. before he finally had to let her go but that wasn't the outcome Jurgen wanted so he has been throwing a tantrum ever since.
What you mean to say is you don't like his opinion because it speaks the truth, now what is your opinion of the guy KKK who supports Mitchell, I assume you are a racists as well and KKK has your and Mitchell's full support?
Jurgen Schorfheide
if he is trying to make money as an artist, he is wasting his time those drawing are so bad and I mean aweful no wonder he moved out of lake county
Ya we can trust the chances Mitchell gives LOl lets ask Beland, and Moreshed, and Smith and Wright, and the 10 civil lawsuits with Mitchell's name on them, and we can talk about changes given. LOL
Jurgen's Cartoons are great, and very well done, they have really stuck a thorn in your side haven't they?
Does the fact that Jurgen is a Jew make anyone who thinks he is a kook a racist?
no I am too mature to be amused by cartoons, losey ones or good ones
Beland was already on report for poor job performance, provential intervention
Anyone who doesn't support Rivero is a racist.
Morehead who used the back seat or was it the trunk hood for his RIDE A LONG activities, grounds for dismissal
1020 that is something a Rivero outlaw would say, thanks for affirming it
Smith, don't wanna go there his making the front page twice said it all. as for Wright again if you read the arrest and story you would know, also if you worked for the SO you would know ALL but since you depend upon supporting what you heard sobeit
If Beland was on report for poor performance, than why wasn't he promoted? Was that not what Mitchell did to Kenner?
no contraire that is not how it happeds see I posted rumors become fact with Rivero people
I read Mitchell's list of endorsers and noticed the name of my father's old friend who died two or three years ago. Tomorrow I will check with the family, and with their permission, I will print it.
Hehehe I just love it when you Mitchell supporters get your panties in a wad. The truth hurts and you better start figuring out how to lick those wounds. Sending a 20 yr old woman to do a mans job, but of course there was no man within the dept. to send right? Speak of out of towners, now thats a good one. These are good citizens who use to live here at one point or another. Why did they leave, hmmm take a good look at Rodney and his long lasting effects on such good folks. Sure hope you Mitchell thugs are packing your bags so that you too will be out of towners soon. Then maybe the true and real folks might consider returning. Thank you for you letter Jurgen and your support of what we all know is the right choice! VOTE RIVERO!
Support that is not support carring around baggage of his grown daughter, sour grapes let go and live, reaching back to a place where you once lived is just trying to keep a pot stirred with hate. No bags packing, not going any other place this is Our home forever. But your Rivero well he will just apply for the Chief job in Lakeport, lucky them.
Then ya better get use to the FACT Rivero will be leading the LCSO and things will change post 11:05. Now, you can either accept this or continue whinning about it. We really don't car either way! Hate is a very strong word. And the people of this county feel very strongly about getting rid of Rod and all the others who have created this amoungest its citizens!
Oh that is not carrying around baggage dear Mitchell supporter that is remembering the wrongs of the past and taking action to make the pay-back substantial enough to right all the wrongs of Mitchell's terrible past actions. Carrying baggage would be for something not true, that you can't let go of. For example you will be carrying the baggage of your terrible actions and Mitchell's terrible actions during this campaign, and to lose and have done all of what you racist and ignorant souls has done will be the baggage you carry in anger I assume for many months to come. Now I have question for you, you really and be honest are not going into Tuesday thinking you have a chance right? I mean is Mitchell feeding you the we have a chance crap is he? You do realize the end game is here? Time to tip over your King like a gentlemen and shake our hand in your defeat, based on what this group has proven they can accomplish you don't want to hold a grudge do you? I don't know that it would to wise. Think about it.
Mitchell supporters are guardedly optimistic while Rivero supporters are cock sure. Who will be more disappointed if things don't go their way?
It is important for the Mitchell supporters to admit when they are out of their league. You know there comes a time when you have to know you were outclassed, out maneuvered, out thought, and if you will out executed. You got hit by surprise had never seen anything like it, and never could react to the action, it came to fast and to hard. The history of Mitchell was to much to overcome. Again I think most would offer a helping hand up off the canvas, and if, and that is a big if, you can learn a more progressive far reaching way of thinking, you would be welcome on board. But if after the election you continue to whine and cry you will simply be minimized on to the sidelines to watch, or carry water perhaps.
Actually, Rivero people are doing what they have been doing all along as they act cock sure. They just say things hoping that it will cause what they say to come true.
There is never any disappointment in taking action post 11:37 remember the Blog was started way before there was any talk of an election and the Blog will go on after the election. This has been stated over and over. The issues and incidents that have been brought out and into the light are of critical importance to the county. Mitchell is the lynch pin of the corruption and racist hate in the county. You can be as optimistic as Mitchell tells you to be, not being able to think for yourself, but alas your hope is based on a mad-man, how could you knowing his record lower yourself to support such a vile and hateful person? Your credibility as a human being is lost if you do that. You do see that don't you?
It is called confidence in doing what is right post 1139. Confidence that we are on the side of right, and you are on the side of wrong, you know that, and we know you know it. Now for you to admit it, would be a far reach wouldn't it? But again you will come along kicking and screaming hoping, as you can't pray for help, I think Mitchell shut that door to assistance a long time ago.LOL All evil empires must fall dear friend, and Mitchell's time as come, it is as simple as that.
Sorry we had two in Spam filter one was Clark's one was anonymous they are now posted.
Hey Mitchell boys, tell us again why did Becky transfer the property to solely Mitchell, they are still married, cozy, why transfer the property? You know the saying being on the dole? Hmmmmmmm does that have something to do with it?
The names of Rod and Becky are both on the three parcels listed by the Lake Co Assessor's office.
So who's gonna take the picture of mitchell's face when he first hears the news of his loss?! God I'd pay money to see that!
Sorry friend the deeds are the deeds and the transfers are the transfers, the 100,000 loan out of Ukiah was the loan, and you cannot argue with the county paper work, go to the Lake County portal and you will find the information in black and white, now why did that happen? Or are you saying it happened by the paperwork and then it was reversed, why don't we see any paper work on the reversal? Something ain't right here friends and we need to know what it is.
1220 if you felt that was a deciding factor in your vote for him you could have asked it at any oppurtnity there were many debates, oh that's right your license is revoked so you couldn't make it any, just sit here and shoot off your keyboard.

Better ask Rivero a good one, "How come his wife moved out to Cobb with His Son"? left him in Middletown...........only look like they are back together for the campaign. People on Cobb who go to the local post office and delim mart talk. anyone know the Martinelli's store, lots of info gained from there.
Hey does anyone know of a good haunted house somewhere tonight or anything good going on around the county??
Oh me to 1233, I have been trying to see what his response when ask will be as to why he lost, he can't say it was a dirty campaign by Rivero, God know's he can't say that. He can't say it wasn't because of Dinius and his record of performance, he could try to say oh it is just the political climate all incumbents are being voted out. One thing he won't say is I got my ass kicked I deserved it, and Frank deserves to win, and I screwed up running my campaign, the hate and race hit pieces did it to me, and my record is so bad I could not overcome it.
LOL ok 1234 that is going to change the election outcome. Great stuff, do you now see why you are losing????? By the way it(deed transfers) are not a deciding factor at all, in fact it doesn't matter to the results at all, do you think we will not call Rod on these things regardless of it being a campaign or not. Of course we would, but we still haven't gotten and answer. Why don't you step up and tell us why? Give us the old song and dance eh.
Yeah haha 12:37 its a sad thing for mitchell because he can't except the fact that WE vote and choose who WE want in office...But you see,mitchell doesnt get that. he's mad becuase WE are voting him out and its not up to his stupid GOB to decide...The real ppl of this county are decided and its going our way for once! these silver spoon pricks need to pull their heads outta their asses are face the REAL world as it REALLY is!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
There are many in the Mitchell campaign who readily say that if Rivero wins he will have earned it. It is obvious to anyone that he is and has been working hard. Rod realizes he should have been campaigning earlier and harder and is now trying to play catch-up. Concerning whom we all blame it is Hoppy. Rod was never involved with any of Hoppy's decisions as the popular narrative purports and he was very troubled by Hoppy's decision to prosecute Dinius. Now it is obvious what problems Hoppy has caused him.
And now Hoppy is trying to make it up to mitchell by holding up Garzoligate. To revel mitchell's involvement in the grant to start his "Helicopter Unit" before the election would have been another nail in his campaign coffin.
That is one way to tell the story 1248, but remember the DA had %5to overcome a lot Mitchell blunders, Hugging Perdock at the crash site, not allowing a PAS, giving Perdock access to the evidence room, it may be that Mitchell did not want him to go after Dinius, but he sure as hell did not want him going after Perdock, so when you lay it all out, Mitchell did not give Hoppy much chance did, he Hoppy should have known the right thing to do was go after Perdock, but Mitchell made that a nightmare, now no one with the death of Lynn Thorton was going to say oh golly just an accident, so it was a quagmire from the beginning. I would say Mitchell holds 75% of the blame. It is not that Mitchell started campaigning to late, it is that he campaigned wrong, bad approach, should have kept it clean, and straight up, he listened to Joe Ford, and perhaps the cowboy Rob Brown to much in the campaign, until Rob dropped out trying to make sure his own ass was covered in a Mitchell loss. He campaigned to hateful, he did not do enough to nail KKK Klint, who has hurt him bad, Rhonda Rully was a nightmare attempt that hurt him bad as well. If he had run a clean, campaign, and played his cards as a decent guy despite what would have been thrown at him, he would have had a much better chance, however his record could not be overcome so he felt he had to try and bring Rivero down to his level, I suspect another Joe Ford type old school move. Just ran a bad campaign and could not overcome his record.
Hoppy had something to do with Rodney's demise. But Rodney needed no ones help. He did it on his own. He is not responsive to the common man that helped put in to power. He responded to his rich doners and his Good Ole Boys. On tuesday the common people will speak and the tale will be told. As well as across the United States, the common man is tired of the career politicians who forget who is paying their salaries. Meanwhile, their paychecks continue to come out of our pockets while they pass law that continue to favor themselves and the corporations they work for. We have had enough, and we will show you on Tuesday. Rodney and the rest of the politicians will begin to see a change. Don't forget who you work for. Don't forget whose interests you should have in your heart. Elected officials serve the people.
Rivero will show himself to be a great example of this new attitude. The rest of the politicians need to take heed.
Well said 130
Don't give me that crap about how "Rod was never involved with any of Hoppy's decisions". I am sooo tired of hearing it said that "the DA prosecutes and the Sheriff has nothing to do with it." Well, the DA can't prosecute (as in Perdock) if the Sheriff doesn't build a case against someone. The fact that he didn't prosecute Perdock is even worse than the fact that he prosecuted Dinius.
Breathe, grasp, breathe, grasp, feel those lungs tightening up. Dispair, Despiration, Despiration, Dispair, your heads are spinning, relax it will all be over very very soon! A new dawn is coming for the people of this county rise above and will once again walk in peace with their heads high. I do not look down upon you, I look over at you and say farewell! VOTE RIVERO
Mitchell supporters must feel like they are headed for the death penalty. I for one would not know that feeling but its got to be gut wrenching! To know your king and the kingdom for which you all have benenfited from, about to crumble before your eyes. Please don't feel to bad that you have all lived off this community and its people, rejoice in a much better society. You can still be apart of it you know, but you will have to first regain the trust and respect of the new kings peoples.
You claim Mitchell is a great leader and Rivero is not. Yet Rivero has not been a Sheriff and Mitchell has for 16 years. 16 years of blunders and mismanagement.

A Detective is caught in a hotel with a primary subject in a homicide. That detective is now being considered for lieutenant.

A deputy points a loaded gun at another in public. The deputy is promoted the following year and even made it to lieutenant.

A deputy crashes a patrol car at 100MPH. The passenger is injured for life. That deputy is promoted to lieutenant.

A detective is kicked out of Detectives for poor performance but made number 1 on the sergeant's list and made sergeant.

A sergeant is caught having sex in a patrol car but he is only suspended.

The head of Detectives is called to a crime scene and said it was not a homicide. Later they find the knife in his back. That sergeant was simply transferred.

A lieutenant made sexist remarks to an evidence technician. She complains to Capt. Brown. Nothing is done.

A lieutenant posts a provocative photo of his wife on his office wall. Nothing happens to the lieutenant.

A correctional officer crashes his car and flee's the scene. He is now a captain.

Than you got Garzoligate and the Dinius mess.

Yeah great management experience.

come tueday night or wednesday be preparred for your surprize loss that Rivero and his supporters will be facing wondering what happened, you have given so much help to the people who had not make their minds up.

they have seen a taste of what kind of people are Rivero supporters and they are not that crude, hateful and vengeful. So again Thanks we could not have pulled the big upset without your unwavering help

Sheriff Rod Mitchell Re-Elected You can count on it!
oh crap been watching your board too much....EDIT....SHOULD HAVE SAID THIS IS AMERICA...............THERE ARE NO "KINGS"
Who did the most damage to Lake County's image???

Google DA Jon Hopkins,

Google Sheriff Rod Mitchell.

And now Getting rid of Rod Mitchell will go a long way toward restoring our image.
10:18 AM
2 count'em. 2 chances
Hey Pat, does that mean she rejected Mitchell sex drive twice?
LOL that is a funny one Rivero supporters are crude angry and hateful, you really are in a sort of dillusionary mind set. It is amazing to see these Mitchell folks spout this stuff out, you have KKK Klint campaigning for you and we are hateful, you have Rhonda Rully and we are crude, she was the poster child for crude. Angry you say? We have been doing this with smiles on our face for 14 months now, was KKK angry last night on the radio when he lost Mitchell another few hundred votes. Is Mitchell angry at the citizens attacking them libeling himself at every chance he gets. Was it not the Mitchell folks walking around with SFPD photos that were on Rivero's page of drug busts in the city, and you called them him dealing drugs in Miami!!! Please we will not believe that you believe what you just said, we will protect your own interest by knowing you are not that ignorant.
I'm not Pat, but I'm flattered because I think a lot of the guy and his wife.
No, you aren't Pat. You are just one more sleezy hate mongering moron like Pat and Mrs. Pat. You people complain when other come on here and attach Pat & poor MG but you forget these two are on here all the time doing far worse to Rivero and his supporters. These are the two slime balls who go out into the community door to door spreading lies and smear for Mitchell. Screw you and screw them too.
Flattered to be Pat? Well there is a real self thinking guy. Hey dumb ass got any ideas of your own, or you just have this great wish to be Pat. Jezzzzz man grow a pair think for yourself, you look like an idiot.
Hey Post 2:24. Did you ever think to proof reading what you write? In your first paragraph you say that Rivero will have a surprise loss. In your next paragraph, you complement the River followers. Has a big mistake been made in your posting, as it makes no sense. What do you really trying to say, and to whom are you saying it to? You then state that Mitchell will be re-elected, and we can count on it. Regardless of your major confusion, Mitchell will be the loser, and you can count on that. Regardless, you are another winner of a Glass Belly Button. Please use it asap so that you will be able to see what is taking place on the outside while your head is UP YOUR ASS. I really would like to know who you individuals are that possess such mixed up minds. You apparently have little knowledge regarding what is/has been taking place. It is ignorant fools like you that has helped to make this coming Tuesday a VICTORY day for Rivero and the good citizens of Lake County. And its mixed up individuals like you that helps to add some comedy into the blog. Have a fun day and enjoy your Glass Belly Button. Guess who this is???????
Looks like, he or she is an idiot.

If he's a SO deputy get drunk and stick a gun on your co-wporkers face. Rod will cover for you and then he'll promote you seeing what a brade crime fighter you are. Of course then he'll have to promote your victim to buy his silence. Later when you get caught pulling more crap and Rod has to can you he will recommend you for a job in another county to get rid of you. Spend a few years and Rod will bring you back as a Captain providing you and your wife swear to do his dirty work for him. Schmuck.
Maybe Pat is just trying to get back in Mitchell's wife swapping club.
My answers to a few critics.
Becky, I read your writing like a book. Calling me a Kook, a flake, a whiner and a Jew means nothing to me. Let me tell you a little bit about me. Having owned 4 different automotive businesses and approx. 26 steady employees for 25 years in San Francisco, 2 businesses in Lake County and about 14 rentals most of them in Hidden Valley Lake, I see no need to make any money as an artist, sorry to disappoint you. I did support the Lake County community for many years. For instance, I bought a Champion stear, a pig, etc... to support the 4-H kids club in Lakeport under V.I.P. Motors and donated the meat back to my employees and the needy. I supported the Lower Lake Fire Dept. at their auction by buying a high bid trailer without seeing it and donated it right back, at that time the auctioneers announced: Well, we have a very generous guy here. If you look inside the Lower Lake Brick House, you will see my name on a small plaque for other donations I made. I became very found of Lake County when I bought my first 20 acres on Morgan Valley Road from Mrs. Epidendio and that was in 1973. My special place at that time was the Branding Iron (cook your own steak) in Lower Lake. So tell me Mitchell, what did you do for the community other than showing mog shots of recent arrests on your web site every day? Rodney, your expect them to vote for you!
Once again, I urge everyone to stop Mitchell's dictatorship, Vote Frank Rivero.
Rodney I will send you an employment application from the San Francisco Sewage treatment station near the Zoo, they are looking for a head of security guard, or a taster. Good Luck!!
Jurgen Schorfheide
I hear there is a new sheriff coming to Lake County soon . Us Thugs and drug dealers are really looking forward to the change or so you dumb Mitchell supporters would have us believe that we are the thugs, really. Don't use drugs Im college educated and I vote. Rivero over Mitchell any day. I know Mitchell is a liar I know his supporters lie I know that Rod will be gone, gone very soon but perhaps not soon enough.
In Your Face----- RIVERO FOR SHERIFF!!!!
Way to fire Jurgen!!!
Just proof that a college education doesn't necessarily equate to intelligence.
Who Rodney?
408 you claim to be intelligent, your voting for a liar, that is really intelligent
the more you get higher learning the dumber about life a person becomes so keep on attending you have not reached your full credit for BULLSH**ER
Screw you and screw them too.
# posted by Anonymous : October 31, 2010 3:22 PM


Muck You Very Fuch
October 30, 2010 7:26 PM


Just saying Clint sounds like a wackjob. Agreeing with your 5:52 post.

Didn't he get booted from that thing at konocti? Sounds like a good call on Franks part.

12:35PM A Good Hunted House
Please wait 2 more days, Mitchell's residence will become available. The Historian
Bye Bye Mitchell as##oles. Your time is done and good ridence. Im tired of your imtimidation so go off yourself just like KKK Clint promised he would do when Frank wins this election. A happy one finger salute to all you Mitchell fools.
These are some collected quotes concerning LCN and The Record Bee directly from the citizens when asked about the biased reporting during the campaign. Oh and one thrown in form Einstein in regards to their character. We just thought you would want to know what the public thinks.

Now this can't be legal can it? This is overt press corruption. Do they have free reign to manipulate news with impunity?

The difference between stupidity and genius is that genius has its limits.
-Albert Einstein

Yeah. This is borderline criminal. People better be fired over this. Of course, that's about as likely as them being objective journalists in the first place.

And the media can't figure out why We The People think they suck.

There's a place for Yellow Journalist like these two. It has to do with a window with bars on it but I'd settle for seeing them both cracked on the jaw.

It's our worst suspicions confirmed.

While being biased reporting the news is one thing, it's crossing the line when the "journalists" decide to fabricate the news.
350 all I see is ME ME ME and I I I and all the generosity was in the past tense so what you have done lately is stick your nose in Locals business You have no voting right but you input is considered just stirring the crap pot. You don't impress me at all, when I read your itenerary of all the money you flopped out it was smothered with ME ME ME and that is now how I roll the things I do for My area is not shouted from the roof tops it is done in a quiet manner as for Rod, If you were not his opposition you would have a better knowledge, I for one like the daily arrest blotter of crock and druggies and thieves, easier to know who is what and be aware of them.
also Megan's Law.

hey go on back and buy a cow or something wait perhaps a pig and roast it in honor of Rod Mitchell Election
..................because Sheriff Rod Mitchell Re Elected
Dream on schmuck, you have two days left windbag then your crooked sheriff rodney will be looking for a job.
Clint is that you?
444 couldn't agree with you more
For those that can't make up your minds - I suggest the following. The reason you can't make up your mind is that you know Mitchell should no longer be Sheriff of Lake County. You know in your heart and your head that he is not trustworthy. That he has brought shame to your county. You know all this and you know that you shouldn't vote for him and you don't want to but you're afraid. You are afraid of the unknown. You think what if Rivero is worse then Mitchell? My answer to you is this. If there was ever a time to vote someone new in, it's now. The Sheriff's position will be under so much scrutiny from the BOS due to Mitchell's horrendous errors and the upcoming numerous law suits (Federal and State) that there won't be any room for mistakes. If in 4 years you still aren't happy you can vote for someone different. BUT I tell you this- If you keep Mitchell in office now you will reward bad behavior. You will condone lying, cheating and GOD only knows what else. IF you want a safer place for yourself, your children and your community there is only one choice. VOTE RIVERO.
"Those who cast the votes decide nothing. Those who count the votes decide everything." Josef Stalin and Rodney Mitchell.
You know who I am? I'm glad you are not for Mitchell. Thank you
The Historian
Jeff Markham's daughter-in-law was arrested last night for DUI and drunk and disorderly. It seems there is no picture though of Olivia Perrigrina's booking at the Lake Co. jail. Did you pull some strings Jeff? Fill us in.
4:31 Ah, Becky Becky, it's you again.
You should spend some more time with your daughter and son. Take them out for dinner, order a cow steak or some pork shops, enjoy life even if you are hurting.
Really on Makham, can you give more details and what the situation was? That is quite interesting, if you can post the booking number do so, are you saying there is a booking but no picture??
517 your a dufuse, Dave Markham is not married. Olivia is his secretary, leave her alone she's on our side and she is a very good person. Shame on you for trying to get at Jeff through an innocent party. Go after Jeff if you must but leave Olivia out of it.
Just got in from visiting a couple of local businesses. Wanted to get the word out and a feel for voting preferences. Seems to me, Rivero has it in the bag. Although, I'm for Mitchell! The majority of folks will not forget the Dinius Case. The majority stated they hate politics and politicians but could not sit back without doing something about this wrong done by Hopkins and Mitchell. Majority stated they got involved for the first time ever and they are glad they did. Amazing what one uncovers as they do a bit of research and ask questions. Starting to wonder myself if I shouldn't switch here. There is alot I don't like about the way Mitchell has been handling situations yet still not to sure about Rivero. I do know as of my encounters today, Rivero has 6 votes to 1 which is mine!
554 what did the businesses have to say to you when they found out you were a mitchell supporter? Or did you leave that part out?
There are alot of people talking very enthusiastically about Rivero simply because he is the only choice for sheriff. He has the vision and plan for our future and not the GOBs. I for one am proud to say that I have already cast my vote for Frank Rivero.
I finally figured out what to dress up as tonight for Halloween, Frank Rivero! Because that is one scary looking guy. And god help us all if by some fluke he gets elected as Sheriff. Id rather deal with Rodney for another 4 years. I wouldnt count my Chickens just yet you all you Loveless Bong Heads who think this web site is the center of the universe, well, its not. I venture to say less than 1800 people even know about this site. I love my morning walks, talking to folks who know nothing of this joke of a blog, and are Voting for Mitchell. Trick or Treat
729 They do now that you spoke to them . Thanks for getting the word out about the site.
729 As you know the best advertising is word of mouth. Thanks again.
I direct them to the Dirty Rivero Site you fools!
Now go bite into some Apples with Razor Blades.
6:12, I bet Rivero's vision's are really wild after smoking some of Tom Carter's Weed!
Maybe you should try some Mary Grace. You could use a little vision.
You idiots are as sharp as marbles, you have the wrong person, and the wrong sex, Im not Mary Grace. Vote for your Cuban drug lord. I will stay with Mitchell.
753 Good mitchell will need help moving.
Sheriff Mitchell will probably lose the election to Frank Rivero. The main reason will be the cover up during the investigation of Russell Perdock in the killing of Lynn Thorton. Everyone and I mean everyone (Mitchell supporter or not) realizes that Dinius should not have been charged and Russell Perdock should have. Mitchell will follow Hopkins down the same path out of town. Vote Mitchell out.
ah hahahahahah ahahahahah oh man can't take it, Cuban drug lord, you know the Mitchell nuts are really coming out, Bite into apples with raxor blades???? Did he/she say that? LOL this is amazing. Then in a dad display of almost KKK Klint like quality he tries to disparage people personally. Wow a class act for sure these Mitchell supporters.

Please keep it up corruption boys, I love the laughs.
mitchell may blame Hopkins but when his future employer googles his name they will see the truth.
759, Ditto what you wrote. The Dinius trial and the Perdock coverup is why Mitchell should and will lose the election.
"These Are Historic Times In American Politics, Be Part Of Restoring Our Beloved Nation!"
Steve Eichler J.D. Exe. Director, Tea Party/TeaParty.org
809 From Strategic Deception to pure Desperation.
I love it.
809=== you sure showed your stupidity. Your guy Mitchell is going down. Rivero is a hero -- so Clint go away
I went to dirty rivero site and found the same stupid people there. It amzaing just how manipulative they can be. But what I noticed the most is that they won't even go to their own site. It has no real purpose just like their guy RKM , he has no purpose just EGO
Tuesday it will be EGONE
I suggest we take up a collection for Rod . The money will be used to send him as far away from us as possible after he loses on Tuesday. Will call it THe please Go away as soon as you can fund.
I can't stomach Rivero but I am offended by someone calling his a slime bucket. It's only an election people and only one man wins. Rivero has more faults than I can count on one hand and Sheriff Mitchell will win re-election but don't call Rivero a slime bucket, I know people very dear to me who voted for him, not me of course.
OK MG we'll be nice and we won't call Rivero names. We'll leave that to you, BNecky and kkklint.
9:05PM Are you kidding taking a collection, I'll drive Mitchell to Safeway in Sacramento for free, I promise I will not do the screen test, even Joe Arpio from Arizona want nothing to do with Mitchell, too much of a gangster.
If most people had any idea of the corruption in Lake County and the fools running the show they may never have moved here. Fortunately for all of us they didn't know and they did move here. Now with thinking people seeing things realisticly the crooks in county government will get the boot. First Hopkins then Mitchell. Who's next?
I'll bet Sheriff Joe would find a place for Rodney in his tent city. He's probably already got Rod's size XXXXL pink drawers waiting for him.
952 thank you for your dedication for the betterment of our beautiful Lake County. Can you be available on this Tuesday?
I think you'll have to drive Mitchell to the nut house on Tuesday.
Halloween Quiz!

Anybody know which masonic lodge has Mitchell for a member?
958 not the nuthouse he will have company , didn't you hear about Klint yesterday he's headed there. Want Mitchell to think about what he did not have aparty with Klint.
Tuesday. The voters of Lake County fire Rod Mitchell.
Wednesday. Rodney Mitchell becomes a lame duck sheriff and fires Rivero and anyone else employed by his office who has failed to support him.

January 2011 - Rivero moves in to his new office as Sheriff and gives Mitchell the bums rush. Rivero reviews all the SO disciplinary cases over the last three years to make sure these people were treated fairly and within the law and rules of the department. Many who were victims of the Mitchell witch huinbts return to work.
Sadly Clint is a lost cause just like Mitchell. Both have severe mental health issues.
I remember during the Dinius trial that Perdock was sort of cocerced to give condolences to Lynn Thorton's family out in the hall way of the court house. Has Sheriff Mitchell ever had contact with Lynn's family during the investigation of Lynn's death or given condolences to Lynn's family? If not, then Mitchell continues to show his true colors. Vote Mitchell out!
1000 unless You are Rivero and I seriously doub t you are that is not how it will roll out when the sheriff takes office, those who were fired have info in their files that will show more than the general public has knolwedge some things we read in the paper but you can be sure there must have been plenty of just cause to fire.
another FYI if it does turn out to be Riverso, you can bet you folks will not have any say so, Rivero hates taking oreder or following them...so you own wake up call will be come the day after Your hero maybe gets into office
10:46 I think its time you go to bed. to much candy or to much alcohol get a good nights sleep and try again
Just got in from taking the kids trick or treating. Did alot of tlaking along the way and to sum it up, Rivero has the majority of CLO. Two more days folks thats it!
1046 - Getting worried ha
It's time for the rats to desert Rod's sinking ship boys.
Well Rodney, your record of cover ups, vindictiveness and playing favors for special interests and your gang has finally caught up to you. You corrupt negative campaign free of any willingness for change just toped it all off. Don't you wish now that you had made Rivero a Sergeant?
again asswip you are wrong I dont drink unlike you and I don't eat candy you know that other thing besides what you do to rot your teeth
It's 11:18 PM, do you know where your sheriff is now? No matter, he'll soon be out of a job and we can all sleep soundly knowing that corruption in Lake Co. will soon come to an end. Goodnight Lake County
Herb's 88.1 radio show with Rivero and Clint calling in will be rebroadcast at 10 AM Monday.
Funny who will you blme when crime starts climbing like crazy under Your Heros watch, then you can blmae him, but hey no prob he is not getting his way this time Sheriff Mitchell will be re rlected
Boy 1154 looks like he might be tipping a few to many tonight. The shall we say finest of the Mitchell supporters were out tonight. Wow what a display of intelligence.
Hey post 11:54, you are just a negative thinking fool. Did you lose your glass belly button? Pull your head out and get back into the real world. I guess your world will end tomorrow when you will finally realize that you were wrong, and your fantasy dream is over and you have to crawl back under your rock for the next four years. I love to pick on losers, and you are one of them.
Guess who?????????????????????????????????
7:11 with you for a friend, who needs an enemy's turncoat
Here today gone tommorrow ------ MITCHELL
ex sheriff Rodney K. Mitchell, sounds so sweet !!!!
The good news for the deputies is, Rod will be shredding "The File" Now you boys can start with a clean slate.
7:23, I do not know who you are referring to, but at this point if anyone actually believes that the Mitchell campaign will be the winner, you are in for a big disappointment. If by some very remote chance Mitchell does win, I will be very suprised, but I doubt that is going to happen. Tomorrow will finally end the guessing game, and I will be happy when this negative crap is over regardless of who the winner will be. Have a great day.
Hey Mitchell, Lakeport P.D. is hiring.
Riverso is the former Cop he is more qualified for the Lakeport Chief Position...that is his back up plan.
this blog is not going any where, these people have a history of hate and gutter talking, they are not going to stop, they will just move on to some other poor sap to hammer
Forget LPPD, Mitchell, try your dictatorial style in some third world country.
Mitchell and his buddy Perdock can go in business together. It can be called the "clean-up, of cover-up business".
Having watched and very much enjoyed Jon Stewarts "Rally to Restore Sanity" on Saturday morning, I would like to suggest that Lake Co. do something similar after this election. It appears that the entire county could stand to restore sanity. I do hope that the people of Lake County vote for change in the Sheriff's office and that after that we can learn to treat each other respectfully after that whether we agree or not.
Good Post 10:05, It does show the type of person Mitchell is.

I remember during the Dinius trial that Perdock was sort of cocerced to give condolences to Lynn Thorton's family out in the hall way of the court house. Has Sheriff Mitchell ever had contact with Lynn's family during the investigation of Lynn's death or given condolences to Lynn's family? If not, then Mitchell continues to show his true colors. Vote Mitchell out!
London, England -- Alcohol ranks "most harmful" among a list of 20 drugs -- beating out crack and heroin -- according to study results released by a British medical journal.

A panel of experts weighed the physical, psychological and social problems caused by the drugs and determined that alcohol was the most harmful overall, according to an article on the study released by The Lancet Sunday.

Cannabis was ranked as one of the least damaging substances in the 20 substance ranking, according to the medical journal, in fact the positive effects associated with the anti-oxidant effect, and complex chemical compounds associated with positive medical applications serves it to be categorized as more positive then negative, according the study.
Herb's 88.1 radio show with Rivero and Clint calling in will be rebroadcast at 10 AM Monday.

Remember this time frame and listen to one of the most bizarre racist tirades over the edge KKK recordings in this election. And this a staunch Mitchell supporter, who was given a bumper sticker by Mitchell, and proudly wears his Mitchell for sheriff shirt where ever he goes.
I haven't smoked marijuana in over 30 years, because it's illegal, but I can testify to it's affects... Other than believing it should not ever be given to teenagers whose brains are still undergoing change, the only damage I have seen caused is to the waistline from getting the "munchies" and maybe a teeny tiny risk of affects to depth perception, so I don't believe in smoking and driving. But I believe it is great for people with pain, appetite or sleep issues due to health reasons, and would also go a long way toward reducing violence and mistreatment of others. Marijuana users are mellow, alcoholics and other drug abusers become more stressed, testy, or violent. Period. Vote Yes on 19 and work out the kinks with better legislation later. You have to start somewhere. Prohibition isn't working, just as it didn't for alcohol. We need our money for schools, police and firefighters. Thanks for reading. Happy November, and don't forget to vote for Rivero and Anderson tomorrow.
If I were McClain or part of his lunch bunch circle of troops, I would be very converned about all those dirty little secrets, they won't be secrets once The LoveLace Movement investigats where the Grand Jury left off
If Mitchell is gone or not Mr. Dinius is coming. Justice will prevail. His arrogance is his, no one to whisper in his ear." Your not god" Thus he thought he was.He forgot his oath.With all the dishonesty from the board of supervisors. They showed the way. To lie,cheat and cover up the lies is the way of Lake county. Good day to the citizens of Lake and to hell with the GOBS.
Issues the Corruption supporters have refused to reply to:
1. What happened to Rob Brown and why?
2. Why is Mitchell not following the SCARS requirement?
3. Why was Bryan Smiths termination papers back dated?
4. What role has Joe Ford played in the actions of Mitchell's campaign?
5. Why did Mitchell not require a PAS on Perdock in such a terrible accident?
6. What is the exact reason for the deed transfer from Becky to Mitchell?
7. What knowledge did Mitchell have of the activities of "Rach"?
8. What role and collusion did Mitchell have with LCN and Record Bee on setting up the false and misleading "CHP" headline in their papers?
9. How vehement a supporter is Ms. Hammers the Ad editor of the Record Bee?
10. What role did Bob Jordan play in reveling Rivero's personal file, and what of the information did he illegally release based on his own records he collected in his initial investigation when Rivero was hired.
11. What knowledge did Mitchell have of the distribution of the SFPD drug bust pictures that were shown to people indicating that this is Rivero dealing drugs in Florida?
12. Did deputies and others go to people's houses and falsely indicate they were LE from Sonoma asking people to vote for Mitchell, who were the individuals and who set up this lie and execution of this illegal activity?

There are many many more questions to be asked, but will leave it at that as to not overwhelm the Mitchell supporters intellect.
KKK will be on soon!!!!!
Stand by stand by, KKK will be on in a few minutes!!!!
Great overview by the last caller before Dallas, exactly the situation, and exactly the reason why Frank is going to win. Dumb question by Dallas of course Rivero cannot stay in the sheriffs office if Mitchell had won. Duh. and she didn't realize the he had already said this.
Here he goes!!!!
LOL he he he "you will not take away my right to hate speech", "you will not take away my right to hate speech!!!" Oh my God. unreal. he he he he he
"You son of a bitch, you will not take away my right to hate speech." Wow what a melt down.
In all fairness to Olivia if they are going to hold on to her booking photo then the sheriff should hold on to all booking photos. Equal treatment under Mitchell and Markham?
Olivia Markham Peregrina
Yes that has been a question I have not seen an answer to, is the booking information there but no photo, and if so why would it not be?
What is the link to the booking?
Does Mitchell still have his racist poster up next to the door? You know the one that was shown on channel 7 news?
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