Thursday, September 10, 2009


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Lovelace, check your email!!
Who says there,s nothing on the new cops? Wait and see. Timing is everything my friend.
It is very interesting when an arrogant narcissistic ego manic like Mitchell thinks he has nothing to fear. Hiding behind Brown will not help you soon.

You failed to control a captain (Perdock), a lieutenant (Garzoli) and a sergeant (Garzoli again!). Now who is next to embarrass you? You can't control your managers, cost the county ten's of thousand's of dollars and now the Attorney General will be breathing down you back. You had your little ego fun kicking Lande around and now your past is coming back to haunt you.
I think the newest LCSO cops are the dirtest...why hire Steely when LPPD wants nothing to do with him?? *******Kev Burke 4 Sheriff*******



Does anyone have any issues with the word verification process it changes nothing in regards to your anonymity or security, it is designed to stop to some degree the multiple posters, let us know if anyone has any issues.

I'll be there!
******Rivero for Sheriff*****
We knew you would be Rivero for sheriff, we knew you would be.. We love ya man. By the way keep your dang moniker for now you are so damn persistent you beat us in to submission on that one. Congratulations not many can do that to us!!!:-}
By the way if anyone cannot post for some reason using the word verification, send us a message to our e-mail
Did it work?
I heard today that Derek Navarro is going to sue the SO department for his job back because he was fired before they did an IA investigation on him...and the alleged victim; (his 14 year old babysitter-at the time) of his alleged sexual abuse; hasn't showed up to the court dates. I surely hope this is not true; has anyone heard? Well, this is the story Derek Navarro is telling his friends. If he has any.....Looks like Hopkins is being negligent again. I read the investigation report of this girl and couldn't get past the second page, was very disgusting. PS it's public information. Can't imagine she made it all up; If she did she could make a million just by going editor; and sell it to paperback.
Victims under age 18 in particular aren't required to be in court for preliminary hearings unless there is a specific need for it in the eyes of the prosecuting attorney. Happens maybe 5% of the time. So the fact that the minor victim hasn't been in court is no surprise. It would be more of a surprise if she had been in attendance at all the prior court dates since it has draged on, and on, and on some more.
It's 10PM. Where is the stuff?
This Tuesday morning there will be news of another very serious situation uncovered in Mitchells regime of corruption, this will be complicated and have far reaching potential consequences, it will raise another host of difficult and serious questions. It will point to continued investigations and cause you. We believe the initial article, of which there will be many, will be the facts and Mitchell/DA initial comments. The facts will be solid, as we all know and we believe Lake Co News is ready to post this story.

We have said this once and will say it over and over, do not take a snapshot of the current politics and environment and think it is not going to change in dramatic ways. We will also say again, there is even now much more to come.

We will discuss when the first article is posted the details as we know them, the people, the underpinnings of this continued out of control organization we call the SO.

you can view the opening of leno online besides the jokes were all about Edwards and the sex tape his mistress is trying to stop
So then, you must be Elizabeth Larsen; right.......she's gonna have all the info on her website, Lake Co News....she's posting the are EL I bet. Do I win?
You just gave it away...
Boy another one of them sharp detective types post 1019, We believe that makes it 17 total guesses, no prize for you, but give us your address and we will send an autographed 8x10.

By the way we thought Leno was on at 11:00 our bad.
that 8 x 10 offer is a ruse no one I know who you said you were sending ever got one, shame on you for false declaration, what else have you said that was not followed through?

9:20 Thanks so much for your post....I didn't know this; so that part and most all of what I heard is probably bogus.....his last court date 2 wks ago was continued. We are keeping track of his ass....he's gotta go down; way bad dirty cop.
The article is up on Lake Co. news one of several which will be published over the next several weeks. There are many details, which are currently undisclosed. Our inside sources indicated that that there a number of problems with the overall situation as reported.

We will be quite direct, Mr. Wright was put on Admin. leave, the undisclosed reason for that is that Wright was discovered in one of the f-pods watching porn. During the event in which he was discoverd he was also reported to have been masturbating in that same pod. You will notice the search warrent was served on the 15/16th of the month, but Wright was on admin leave far before that. And then terminated on appox. the 9th. This is part of the information Mitchell does not want out.

After being terminated a MacPherson Don is reported to have conducted the inventory check, now you must remember this is the same Macpherson who on his watch it was found out the 16 flack jackets came up missing, and he is still employed, and no trace of the jackets has been found. There are much bigger issues involved in this, and Mitchell of course is going to start out giving all the attempted right answeres.

Wright is yet to be arrested, and following is placement on Admin leave to a trip to Idaho, Idaho by the way is the hot bed of our country for guess what thats right hate groups, such as the white power groups and other affilations such as that.

It appears again that we have a major cover-up in the works, and the details and timing are critical. Why is Wright yet to be arrested why given the seriousness of what was found, is he still walking around? We understand the DA process, of investigation, yet this man was running weapons and has yet to be arrested.

Other inside information is as follows, on the following post.
Again, we have a totally mismanaged SO organization that is now putting the public at risk. The pat answers Mitchell gave are his typical cover-up technique. As usual you will find that there is much more to this then meets the eye. Lets ask some questions, how long has this been going on, it appears that it has been for a couple of years. We also know that an individual who will be delt with at a later date leaked part of this informtion to Mandy at the record bee, several days prior to this breaking in the Lake co news article, being the not to astute individual, this idiot went directly to Mitchell and asked about this situation. This of course gave Mitchell plenty of time to try and cover all bases as possible. Mitchell was compelled to go to ATF as the information was leaking out at an alarming rate internally.

Here we have a man, running weapons, stealing powerful weapons and known to have them in the public domain, and at great risk to the public, and guess what that is correct, Mitchell locked down the Rims reports and never gave the public any heads up, even after he was told by Wright himself of his movement of the weapons, did you ever wonder how those people in the LA bank robbery got the weapons and flak jackets? That's correct from people like Mr. Wright. Our wonderful corrections officer.

And now Mitchell is saying he is implementing procedures so this stuff doesn't happen? Oh great thanks great job leading your department. Another example of why this guy must go.

You may have noticed this was not given to Hopkins by Mitchell, hmmmm wonder why that is.

Again we have the porn issue brought up in the local SO, when will this stop, what the heck is going on within this department of Mitchells, and when will the Board of Supervisors do their job and as these people to step down.
No Surprise Rusty Wright was always a loose cannon and has a real dark side. He would talk about killing cats and dogs, and no red flag went up the Mitchell Sheriff's Dept. this was in 1996 and 1997 and reported to the Lt. and Captain. I was surprise to hear that he was a rangemaster. How many other weapons are missing.
Many more details have been left out of the initial report as we have said you may have noticed that some of the weapons and ammo are not carried by the sheriffs armory, wonder where they might have come from? How about the national guard armory. Now you wonder why Mitchell had to call in the ATF, this goes far deeper then what you are now seeing ladies and gentlemen, far deeper. Other information waiting to be discovered is when did Mitchell and the gang decide to call the ATF how much time passed, and what did Wright do on his Admin. trip to Idaho? That is after being caught in the f-pod? It appears Wright knew the cover was coming off his scheme and went to Idaho for what? Says he doesn't have a lot of the stuff, says he gave 50 caliber weaponary to a friend?
Mitchell said his department issues .40 caliber magazines, but not .45 caliber magazines, so it's not believed the item marked “Restricted LE/Govt only” came from the sheriff's office.

Try the national guard armory, of which the Rangemasters have the keys to. Be very very careful here folks, Mitchell is going to try and wiggle out of this mess, but in its most simplest terms, it is another total lack of leadership and his people being out of control.
Oh by the way ever see the horse ranch Wright lives on and the expensive horses? Hmmmm how to do you pay for that? Big money in running weapons, and oh guess what Idaho is a hot bed of activity for these types of things..Hmmmmm
Once again Mitchell and his boys shows us the tax payers their fail leadership until something happens. Wright got fired faster then Perdeck or Garzoli. there still on the payroll and enjoying there paid vacation with no lost of vacation time. What's up with that Rodney Mitchell ???

Here are more details of the investigation: These are the people who served the search warrent: Some interesting folks:

Search warrant written by: Brian Martin
Serving the warrent: Andy Davidson
Cory Paulish
Cindy Radumis

Well well that is an interesting cast of folks isn't it.

Why did Mitchell lock down the reports on RIMS three reports locked down, is it because Mitchell was trying to keep this under wraps till after the election? Well our internal source indicates that Mitchells comments were he wanted to step on this, and does not want it to come out till after the elections. This comes from a high source within the sheriffs department.
Case # if anyone is interested is 10010242, The search warrent number is: 10-008 Rusty wrights actual name Russell Wright. All this is available to the public upon request if anyone is interested in getting these documents, they are available to the public.

Now is the time to get to the BOS meeting following this amazing set of events which again point to the total mismanagment of his departmet, when will it stop, when will carnage on our county be stopped.

How long would have Mitchell tried to keep this stepped on? Reports from the inside says that Mitchell is livid that this leaked out and he is on a witch hunt. He is being undercut from the inside out and can't stand it.
How does Rusty Wright afford that fine horse ranch anyway, a correctional officer makes around 3000 to 3800 a month?

But here is the reality, now that this has been exposed you will find Wright getting arrested we believe in short order. Without this exposure we do not believe this would have happened, because of Mitchell knowing he has internal folks leaking information, he was compelled to bring in the ATF, the question still remains how long was it before the ATF was notified, and if the National Guard armory was not involved would any notification to ATF happened, you see Mitchell will say he did this contact because he is a good guy, but we know the real story from the inside.
Here we have another instance of Porn in the work place, the Lake Co. News report says he was not fired for the Weapons situation but something that happened internally, a personnel matter huh? Porn in the work place again in our sheriffs department, when will it all stop, when will the BOS ask for him to step down. When will it stop?
Hello corruption supporters where are you?
silence is golden they say!!
As Mitchell said the situation is dyanmic, in other words it is out of control, as the next week or so goes on, you will find more and more of the facts we are telling you coming out. Mitchell is going to try and cover this big time. Be careful and read between the lines, you are not going to get the full story without digging, and understanding this is much bigger and more out of control then what Mitchell wants you to think.
given the severity of the situation if Wright was a common public person would he still remain unarrested? I doubt that very much, how much weapons in the pipeline has he now been able to hide, or sell, how much damage done while he remains unarrested. During all this time. This is a serious risk to the public, and we have this guy walking around for a month unarrested. Would the common citizen remain unarrested?
If Mitchell had it his way, none of this would have come out. He would have kept it hidden. You don't think Mr. Mitchell the public needs to be informed of this level of risk?
Ask around you'll find out why Wright was terminated, it wasn't for the weapons issues, that is still pending, by the way isn't using public funds such as watching porn, illegal? Do you just get terminated, not arrests on that aspect of it let alone the weapons?
lovelace thank you for the information you put out on this site. so rodney is livid this news leaked out! good now he can start to feel the pain he and his crooked cops have put our county thru. i did attend the kelseyville meeting to meet rivero and when rodney walked by he was afraid to make eye contact with the public! what a rat! what a disgrace it is time rodney to step aside.
How many complaints have to be sent to oversight agencies in order to get their attention (AG, FBI)? Is the public to stupid to see what is going on in their community? I don't think so. Again how much evidence does an oversight agency need before they investigate?
The truth will be behind,"Its a personnel matter." So you see what that arrogance brings with power unchecked. The buck never stopped at the board of supervisors. Arrogance and incompetency. "Power corrupts and total power corrupts totally." Lord Acton (1834-1902)
and you want to hear somemore..calling press first
Well it's a shame 2A down the drain in Cali. Blame game and jealousy appear to be the focus of this Russell guy. So what if he has nice horses, at least he feeds them! So he has weapons, big deal. I do not know him, I do not care about his personal items. This thread is all over the place, stay focused on Mitchell and Hopkins...
One situation all of you seemed to have missed is the date this all came around. This is an important date because it shows how long the Sheriff's Office kept this from the public.

Remember when Mitchell said he wants transparency and that is why he DID NOT lock the Dinius case down. Now that another felony case is opened involving another member, this time Mitchell locked down the case.

Please pay attention on the area where McPherson conducted an inventory of the M16's. Notice that there is no date when he did this? Why would McPherson conduct an internal inspection on the M16's in the first place?

Why didn't Brown immediately get the armory keys? When you are placed on Admin Leave you must surrender your keys. If Brown knew that Wright was the subject of an investigation involving the armory than that should have been the first key he should have looked for. It looks like the entire case is screwed up because NO weapon was recovered. Now it is just hearsay the weapons actually exists because Brown and Mitchell messed up.
Get off the weapons shit you libs! Who cares?
It is not the weapons, you dumb ass! It is the incompetence of Mitchell's management. I am pro gun and I can see that the above comments have nothing to do with the guns per se. It has to do with Mitchell and his lack of leadership.
Look, I can care less if Wright has a tank in his backyard or had stolen computer parts from a computer room. The search warrant and the investigation that Mitchell's management conducted was for an illegal weapon and parts. Due to their incompetence to immediately lock down Wright, he was free to walk around and even left the state. Brown and Howe should have got the keys for the armory as soon as the suspicion was raised. If it was a computer and Wright worked in IT, than the keys not only to the office, but especially the IT rooms keys would have been recovered ASAP.

I ask again, what date did this start? Did management or McPherson know about this for months or even a year before reporting it? Is that the only reason why the case was locked in RIMS?

PS: I am an avid gun lover. I have several, but I didn't steal them from my employer.
Oh once again Mitchell's management screws up. Now lets see what we have:
Lt. Garzoli operates a helicopter without permission and crashes it.
Lt. Garzoli writes a DEA grant to get his helicopter pilots license.
Lt. Garzoli posts a sexually inappropriate photo of his wife on his office wall.
Capt. Perdock lies about being at a bar in the Dinius case.
Capt. Perdock accuses investigators of misquoting his statements.
Capt. Perdock access the Dinius case against orders from the Sheriff.
Capt. Brown fails to get the keys to the armory from Wright ASAP.
Capt. Brown allows Wright to be on Admin Leave without serving the warrant.

Oh and more to come I'm sure.

Vote for Rivero and see management run scared. Vote for Mitchell see more mismanagement and incompetence.

*********Rivero for Sheriff********
I have heard rumor that McPherson knew about the missing items sometime back in JUNE or JULY of 2009!
The break in on the Sheriff's side of the range happened late last summer, or early fall. Don Mc Pherson stated at the time the only thing stolen was one set of body armor belonging to him and being stored in one of the Sheriff's Con/Ex boxes. The locking bar was cut or broken. None of the lock on the buildings appeared to have been tampered with. The buildings and Con/Ex box on the Konocti Rod and Gun Club side of the range were not touched.
Hummmm..........Why would anyone "store" their body armor in the con/ex box at the range? One would think it would be better to have your body armor at your house or at the office so it would be readily available when needed, since he does not wear it on a regular basis. Or maybe store it at the armory in town since he lives in town. Odd. Smells a little too.
I don't think there is a big enough backhoe to cover this up.
If anyone knows Russell “Rusty” Wright, Personally Let him know that he can post his side of the story here. Or use the secure E mail. If Rusty feels like he has been "mistreated" by Mitchell I'm sure the Lovelace group would be interested and possibly be able to help him.
Just a thought. How old is Perdock now? Is it possible that they will try to keep him out on Admin Leave long enough for him to hit retirement age? Granted, if he resigned now he could still collect the retirement at 50 but if he is terminated, he will lose all but his own contributions.
That's exactly what they are doing. They waited until the statute ran out to charge Perdock in the Dinius case. Perdock was out on medical for 45 days back in Aug I think.
The longer Perdock stays on Admin leave. More voters will vote for Mr. Rivero. We the Voter don't like Mitchells cover-ups, his lack of leadership keeps giving and giving to Mr. Rivero to become Sheriff. Keep shooting yourself in the foot Rodney. Love your management style Rodney
Rusty Wright is one of the nicest guys I have ever known. There is no dark side there at all. He was a LCSD before he was forced to deploy for the Nat. Guard after 9/11. The horses belong to his wife, that is her passion. His family has always owned a great deal of property in Kelseyville and Cobb. I think if you looked at a lot of LE's homes, you would find all kinds of firearms they are not suppose to have. Sounds like Rusty got thrown under the bus because he had a toy someone else wanted.
February 2, 2010 1:02 PM If what you say is true. This might be the only place he can get and gain support. You appear to know Rusty. If so let him know about this site. Maybe through you he can get his side of the story out.
If it looks like a duck, sounds like a duck and walks like a duck, it is usually a duck. If it looks like corruption, sounds like corruption............. Your days are numbered Rodney & Hopkins. Get the hell out now. We are all waiting for the Dinius attorney's next move. Lake County BOS, start taking your positions serious and show some respect for the citizens of the county.
I was told the body armor in the Con/Ex was Mc Pherson's from his tour with the National Guard, not his duty armor from the S.O.
It seems like we are being asked to swallow an awful lot, to believe that all this incredible stuff, that has come to light in a very short time, is just good citizens coming forward. Either somebody on the inside is leaking a lot of information, or someone with a heck of a lot of money has hired a high end P.I. too turn over a lot of rocks.
Backhoe big enough to cover this mess up? I had a 680 Case backhoe that the LCSO arranged to have stolen from me I wish I could give it to the Lovelace group, but you know... the corrupt of the LCSO beat you to it. Then again that was what I got (theft of my personal belongings and attacked) for thinking Mitchell worked for the justice system. I trusted the LCSO. Mitchell is about as bad as it can get. Keep digging... you guys are doing a great job.
Hey, 1:13, is that duck, or Luck, I don't think this craziness just squirted up out of the ground lately. I'm pretty sure it was well established when Hopkins stepped into the D.A.'s office. We have attorneys in that office that couldn't win a case in kangaroo court, in a kangaroo suit.
They just booked Rusty = Russell L Wright at 1:52 into Hill Rd. jail. :(
Rusty's 50BMG sniper rifle has been common knowledge in the LE community for at least five years. Anybody that uses that range, that says they didn't know about it, is a damned lier. You can't shoot something that loud at a range, that close to town, and convince people it is a normal rifle. They are throwing Rusty under the bus for sure. This is a classic look over there move.
Rusty, and his wife, are some of the nicest people I know.
If the BATFE searched all the LE people in the county, who knows what they would turn up.
WOW! What timing. Mitchell gets interviewed yesterday by Lake County News concerning this and they arrest and book Rusty Wright today. Don't you find it a bit strange that after Mitchell was confronted with trying to keep this quiet that all of a sudden Wright is arrested. Absolutely amazing............
If anybody in the S.O. thinks they are going to be left on this sinking ship after Mitchell is in the water, they better either have a picture of him in bed with a live man, or a dead woman.
And Or Hopkins?
GR& THEFT:MONEY/LABOR/PROP > $40 1 487 (A) PC 15000
Why does his arrest information say he was arrested for 487 (A) PC
grand theft, money,labor/property $40.00...that is weird.
I’m feeling anxious, disappointed and sad and I haven’t done anything illegal. How much more crud will surface? How many more lives will be effected by all these secrets now be exposed? How will Lake County ever recover? How can we ever again trust law enforcement in Lake County?
487a. (a) Every person who shall feloniously steal, take, transport
or carry the carcass of any bovine, caprine, equine, ovine, or suine
animal or of any mule, jack or jenny, which is the personal property
of another, or who shall fraudulently appropriate such property
which has been entrusted to him, is guilty of grand theft.
(b) Every person who shall feloniously steal, take, transport, or
carry any portion of the carcass of any bovine, caprine, equine,
ovine, or suine animal or of any mule, jack, or jenny, which has been
killed without the consent of the owner thereof, is guilty of grand
This is the Lovelace group, as we predicted the moment the truth came out boom he is arrested. We have worked very hard on this investigation, this was several weeks of information gathering, first we want to thank the inside people who assisted us in uncovering this nightmare. This my friends is only the beginning we are under threat right now and we now know Rodney is trying to figure out who we are and how it is we are able to move into this arena and control the informtion flow coming from his department. We are on guard right now. We need the support of the citizens now more then ever. We have repeated this over and over, we have much more to come, how about this for example we have certain photo's in our possession, these photos show SO's in their own house with money and drugs. Thats right evidence in their house, because individuals are in grave danger if we expose these photos we are at this time working on how to proceed. We have further information that continues to amaze us. We the Lovelace group will not stop. We have information that will come out later describing how county officials gave Rodney a heads up on this a couple of days before it broke, we will bring a heavy blow to these people and it will not be pretty. There is so much to this current story, be aware more facts will surface. We broke this story and it won't be the last, we want to thank Lake Co. News for taking this information and running with it. We needed a source to give this information to and thus we choose this outlet. Much more to come, still tip of the ice berg, the Lovelace group will continue on this campaign, till the work is done.

To the BOS do you need anything further before you put out a vote of no confidence and ask Mitchell to step down.
This corruption hits the public also; officers that don't know the laws or fail to perform their duty; because they lack training;and or are predjudice....or need to solve a case no matter what; and then let Derik Navarro run rampant because he has an addiction problem and loves little girls; plants drugs in people's cars; false arrest....and leaves a trail of victims that loose everything because of poor management within the sheriff department. This is true and happened...and Mitchell is still around ruining lives instead of protecting the public in which he serves. He's a criminal; no doubt; aiding and abetting...that's who he is.
Ahhhh and the parade of stars continues, hello is someone watching the store, Oh Rodney, what is the real truth in regards to the national guard armory? Oh Rodney, how long did you know of the potential danger to the public and hope to keep in under wraps. Oh Rodney what was the termination reason? Oh I know another cop watching porn in the f-pod... Oh wait that is private information, Oh Rodney tell us about the 13 missing flak jackets on good old trusty Mcphersons watch. What happened to those, oh jezzz were they used in the LA bank robbery, who knows. Oh Rodney how is it that on Admin leave good ole Rusty took a trip to Idaho the hot bed of white hate groups and a know collection point for ex-cops and their weapons. What did the national guard say when you informed them of the Rusty having keys, are you sure the 50 cal ammo didn't come from there Rodney. Rodney why wasn't Rusty arrested for Porn watching on the public dime. Oh Rodney given the severity of the situation why wasn't Rusty arrested at the time of the search warrent. So Rodney are you saying to me that if I was caught with all of that at my house it would be no problem. Rodney when a person is breaking down weapons, isn't usually for shipment, no one ships an entire m-16 whole to the people who buy them do they Rodney? Oh Rodney why wasn't Holland arrested when he turned in his illegal weapons, oh I see because he fessed up, ok so when I fess up the next time I am carrying illegal weapons everything is cool right?

Oh Rodney what is the total time estimated that Rusty was moving weapons and ammo out of his house, oh is it one year, or two years. Hey Rodney who came to you from a local news source and asked about the porn situation? Is that why you were so put off when then a few days later Liz Larson is asking you about this?

Rodney Rodney so many question so few answeres, the replys to the softball pitch from Lake Co news, makes you sound like a fine outstanding leader. But Rodney what about all these questions, oh I see you didn't know we had all this detailed information.

Rodney who do think is inside your organization leaking all this information to us? A bit worried are you, well you should be, cause we got stuff on the burner and people are talking, oh my are they talking. Your people don't like you Rodney, and you are going down. Your department is leaking information like deepthroat did, oh look we mentioned a connection to Lovelace.

Piece of advice Rodney, don't play tough, it won't work the leaks won't stop and your in deep trouble, Rodney the trouble is going to keep coming. We repeat this is just the beginning. How about an answer to some of those questions Rodney?
post 2/1 @ 9:37am - Your giving yourself away typing RiMS correctly. Very few do that. Most don't have a clue that the "i" is lower case, and type "RIMS".
Oh what it is news that we have a ton of SO's reporting information to us. What the heck did we just say in the post above. What exactly is that giving away. That an SO or correction officer is throwing Rodney under the bus? Good we want Rodney to know that, we want him to fear, and we want his paranoia to drive him up a wall, and if he isn't looking behind his back by now, just wait, Rodney is going to become the great conspiracy theroist in the county. It has been said a thousand times, the picture you see now isn't going to be the same, as time goes on. We give Rodney credit he can take a lot of blows and stay on his feet, but he is punch drunk now, and we have a lot to throw. Either that or he is plugging holes in the damn, but at this point he has used all his fingers and is working on the toes.
I once had a chicken farm in Lakeport. Next to the chicken farm lived a family of foxes. One morning I noticed some chickens missing and fox tracks in the dirt. So I asked the head of the fox family to investigate these missing chickens. He said he would take his brother and cousin with him. Upon his return all three had chicken feathers in their mouths and chicken bones sticking out their butts and leg bands stuck to their noses. All three claimed that the chickens were there and they had nothing to do with it. I said OK because I know I can trust the foxes.
Great analogy post 5:03, indeed the fox is watching the hen house. The elephant is guarding the peanuts, and the dogs are keeping an eye on the ribeyes. Geeee how could anything go wrong.

Did anyone on here go to the BOS meeting today?


Oh and did anyone send in e-mail per the Lovelace post when they gave the e-mail addresses?

That would be dam on above post vs damn, but damn is really what Rodney is saying to himself right now. :-}
Rodney Mitchell knew about the porn, the drugs and guns and all from the beginning and tried to bury the messengers. Guess the cover ups don't wash with the entire law enforcement of Lake county. There are good officers who are doing a great job and will be relieved that the Mitchell regime has fallen.
Now to connect the dots of "who is who" and which public and private "officials" of the regime knew about the corruption and profited by it outside of the immediate "good old boys" arena.
The beat goes on! Good work Lovelace and all. Thanks. Here come the spring cleaning team with a brand new broom that sweeps and gets in all the corners.
you guys are idiots, Mitchell is damned if he does and damned if he doesn't. I think the lack of response from the "corruption supporters" is because no one gives a damn. You've proved yourselves unreliable and idiots.
Thanks post 5:38 and were going to add a little bleach to the solution to be sure all the corruption is washed away. We do hope for the best from those good cops on the beat in this corrupt organization who are having to suffer through this mess, hang tough guys and gals, where doing everything we can, now if we could just get those BOS members to step up to the plate. Well we know it won't be Farrington, he is out getting his Bar exam taken care of, has things that are a little bit more important to him then being a BOS. Just biding his time here to the detriment of the citizens. How is it that the whole county building and employees knows this about him, and nobody says a word. This guy could care a less about the citizens of this county.
Golly gee post 5:44 your right, just leave it all alone pay no attention to the man behind the curtain, everything is fine, there are no problems. Its all good. Just our stupid imagination. You are a sick man.
Corruption supporters are not online now, because the little game is up and they know it, oh they care they care alot, we have every memeber of the BOS watching this site, and just about every member of the LE as well. Don't try to snow the snowman baby, we have been around the block a few to many times, for punks like you.
Chicken farmer here again. I locked up the chickens for their own safety and had the fox family watch them. The next morning I found some of the chickens out. I asked the chickens how they got out and they told me that they did some favors for the foxes. I said, Like what kind of favors. And they said the foxes were tired of watching porn so we had a little physical and a little oral fun and they let us out. Out of jail free.
lol I like the chicken farmer
There's a lot of dirt hidden in them corners, its right under the porn mags. and the 50 cal ammo.
Some of those chickens are now in hiding wanting to come home. When I feel safe and I get all the foxes cornered, I'll bring them home and they will identify the foxes.
I heard it was more than a few guns. How many guns did Rusty take to Utah? When you say "fox gaurding the chickens" do you mean as in Andy Davidson. Someone needs to check his house. While your at it check his bank account. I work at his bank. He seems to have to much money for a deputy. Yea maybe I'm breaking the law but I was taught to fight fire with fire.
I play disc golf next to the shooting range. We hear that 50 cal being shot all the time. We hear fully auto guns. Where do these guys get off? (besides the F pods I mean)
Wright always appeared to me to have a few screws loose. He was a CO and then we sent him to the police academy. After that, he failed the Field Training Program and was sent back to the jail. He loved guns a little TOO MUCH!!

I question the timing of the warrant arrest. How can an Exclusive article come out and a few hours later Wright is arrested. I'm sure the detectives has probable cause to arrest Wright, but Mitchell either sat on it, or decided that since Wright quit than the problem is taken care of. When it hit the news, Mitchell had to arrest Wright. This stinks and is the reason Mitchell must go.

***Rivero for Sheriff****
Ok, Yes I was in jail(but I really didn't do it) But what I did do was help take inventory of the weapons. Yep, the inmates took the inventory. Remember when the snake got in the armory and they sent us prisoners in to get it? We got an extra juice in our lunch.
how come no one ever seems to answer the question about attendance at the BOS meetings? Could it be that not one person on this blog is concerned enough to attend? Therefore no one can answer the question?
The enemy of my enemy is my friend.
6:47 PM Our entire county is in shambles and you're worried about a picture. Lovelace is blowing hot air out of anger and frustration. Good golly what next?
Lovelace, sneaky and dishonest. are you crazy? what have you done to stop the corruption in this county? I'm guessin your part of it. Why do you post anonymous, because your afraid someone might know your name for asking who lovelace is? 5:44 as well as you are the corruption supporters. After all that has been posted here today and on and you want to deny that somthing is going on? Read the Record Bee tommorrow(unless they're two days behind) and try to deny it some more. Pull your head out of the sand!(or wherever you have it stuck)
Ok Lovelace here, listen the hint was a fake hint to throw off the corruption supporters ok, really did you think we would actually say oh you have guessed correctly, jezzzzz the normal public got it, but not the corruption supporters. Ya and we were going to send out autographed photos to. Ok it was a joke, you now funny joke and as well served the purpose of spinning the corruption folks. We must admit it was a great poetic hint, and we were pretty proud of it.

Ok next subject blowing hot air, really, listen little man, we have accomplished more in the past 3 months then anyone has in the past 15 years. Period, this is not boasting this is the citizens coming together when given a forum. Ya we have done a lot of hard work a lot of investigations, and we have a lot of inside people helping us you would be surprised. You cannot get this type of information with out inside people. We knew going in what was going to be needed if we were going to expose this level and depth of corruption. So ya asshole we are blowing hot air, and you know what we are going to blow a lot more, you'll think it is the middle of summer.

The lovelace group broke this entire story, we gave the facts and situation to Lake Co. news, and Liz did a great job working real hard verifying the facts we described, she gathered all the Search Warrants, we gave the SW number, where did we get it from the inside of course, good people who care helping this is what it takes. The case numbers, the fact that Mitchell stepped on the RiMS reports, all of it we got it. We knew the Lake Co news story was going to be a bit soft for our liking, but reporters must be careful to protect their image and they are always very cautious in this regard. This is why we have now posted the more intimate details. Now if the record bee comes out with any story , we know how they got the information and we know the source. There is not a damn thing that paper can report that did not come from us originally. The funny thing is they don't even know it. So there is your hot air. And we have only just begun. Suck it up boys it is going to be a bumpy ride.
"“The rules apply to everybody,” Mitchell said."

I think the word verification is a good idea, but i don't see it up and running yet. It probably won't stop the copy/paste idiots ... it'll just take 'em longer.
652; That is sooo funny...thanks for that one; hey were you ever in D pod?
{pre-trial detainees{ you know, Innocent until Proven Guilty. The sink had slugs climbing up the drain and the walls leaking so much water the guards would put blankets down to soak up the water. And out of three showers for 40 inmates only one was working; as well as the shi***** wouldn't water pressure; did you know about that? Or remember how the heater would shut off for days like 5 at a time??
I think they call that unconstitutional.
No, they call it J A I L!!!!
The narrative report for all to see, I give it you to view. This is only one of three.


Copy of Taser Inventory 2008
Copy of list of Issued Tasers
Copy of LCSD Firearms Record & Repair Log for Taser #X00-470984
Russell Wright's CII hit (Manual Record/Not automated) (scanned)
Recorded interview with Chad Holland (scanned)

On 01/16/2010, Sergeant Basor, Sergeant Paulich, Deputy Radoumis and I responded to 8850 Wight Way in Kelseyville to conduct a search pursuant to Search Warrant #10-008 signed on 01/16/2010 by Superior Court Judge Stephen O. Hedstrom. Refer to LCSO Report #10010242 for details regarding the search warrant.

This residence is the home of Russell and Michele Wright. Russell is a former Lake County Sheriff's Department Correctional Officer. He involuntarily separated from employment with the Lake County Sheriff's Office on 01/08/2010. One of Russell's job functions while he was employed with the LCSO was the position of Rangemaster and Taser Instructor.

During a search of the residence, I searched the basement area. In the basement, I found a box of fireworks. The fireworks appeared to be the type that are illegal to possess in California and are described as follows:


The box contained four (4) cylindrical, paper wrapped fireworks. Each was approximately 1.5 inches in diameter and 4 inches tall. Each had a green fuse. The labels indicated that they were manufactured by "World-Class Fireworks". The names on the label were "Green Glittering with Crackles", "Silver Crackling Palm", "Red and Silver Peony", and "Silver Palm with Crackles". Each had a label that read "Warning. Shoots Flaming Balls." The back of the labels indicated that they were made in China and had a marking on each that read "Consumer Fireworks/ UN0336 1.4G".

There were three 12 count packages of "Howling Wolf Pack Rockets". One of the packages only contained 8 pieces, the other two had 12. The label showed a manufacturer to be "Phantom Fireworks". There was a warning that read "Warning. Flammable Rocket with Report."

There was a plastic bound bunch of Phantom Brand "Wolf Pack Bottle Rockets". The bunch contained twelve (12) individually wrapped smaller containers of twelve (12) each bottle rockets. The warning label indicated "Flammable Rocket with Report" and UN0336 1.4G Consumer Fireworks.

There were two fireworks on wooden sticks. The sticks were approximatley 22 inches long. The fireworks attached were manufactured by World Class Fireworks and were named "Space Visit." The warning label that appeared on these read "Warning. Flammable Rocket." There was another label below that that read "Performance. Triple Whistler with Crackles and Colorful Stars."

None of the fireworks bore the "Safe and Sane" mark.

I turned over the box of fireworks to Station 70 Fire Chief Willie Sapeta on 01/25/2010 at approximately 1130 hours at the AWP building. Sapeta advised me that he would prepare a report concerning the characteristics of the fireworks and dispose of the fireworks.
During the search of the property, I was notified by Sergeant Basor that he had located a green duffel bag inside a Dodge truck that was parked in the driveway. Sergeant Basor told me that the bag contained what appeared to be LCSO property. Sergeant Basor said that he had asked Russell about the property and that Russell had agreed to voluntarily surrender the property. I took custody of the bag from Sergeant Basor and put it in the trunk of my car.

I later examined the contents of the bag and found that it contained a new, in the box, Taser X26 Law Enforcement model, a padlock that was keyed the same as the padlock used by Jail Transport staff for belly chain locking (I was issued a key for these locks and my key worked on this lock), 3 "dummy" rounds of .40 caliber training ammunition of the same type used by LCSO Rangemasters in their training classes, a Kenwood portable radio charger, 2 portable radio batteries, 6 vehicle keys marked with vehicle numbers of Jail Transport vans, a red "Asp" brand training gun that was the same style as those owned by the LCSO, 3 sets of handcuffs, one set of leg shackles, and one belly chain with handcuffs and a padlock. All of the restraint devices were engraved with markings indicating that they were the property of the Lake County Sheriff's Department. The items in the green duffel bag were listed in this report as items 1-11, 14, & 15.

I noticed that the Taser box had the letter "J" written on the outside the box. I opened the box and found that the Taser appeared to have never been removed from the plastic wrapping inside the box. There was a sticker applied over the Taser itself holding it into the plastic molding and another sticker on the handle of the device. These stickers are removed by the user upon placing the device into use. Based on the fact that these stickers were still in place, it appeared to me that this particular Taser had never been removed from the original factory packaging.

I checked the serial number of the Taser (X00-470984) and called the manufacturer. The customer service representative that I spoke with (Kevin Bray) advised me that this particular Taser had been purchased by the LCSO as part of an order of 30 units.

I spoke with Sergeant McPherson on January 19th regarding the Taser. Sgt. McPherson is one of the Taser instructors for the LCSO. Sgt. McPherson told me that his records showed that Taser #X00-470984 was purchased out of the Jail's budget. He told me that the Tasers purchased for patrol were purchased out of a separate budget than those purchased for the jail. Sgt. McPherson told me that the patrol Tasers are kept in the armory in the basement of the LCSO evidence building, but he did not know where the Tasers purchased for jail staff were kept. He believed they were kept at the jail.

Captain Brown had told me that he had collected Department equipment from Russell when Russell was placed on administrative leave in October, 2009. Part of the equipment that Russell turned over was the Taser that he had been issued. Captain Brown told me that he gave the Taser that Russell surrendered to Sgt. McPherson (Sgt. McPherson later told me that he turned the Taser over to Captain Bauman, Captain Bauman told me that he had turned it over to Chad Holland, and Chad Holland told me that he had put it in a locked file cabinet where I located it).
5:44, I see you are back. We missed you all since last Thursday when your spokesperson Sarah Frace went: WAAAAAAAAAAAH, it wasn't me!!
Captain Brown told me that he had to send Russell Wright into his house three separate times to retrieve all of the Department's property when he notified Russell Wright of his placement on Administrative Leave in October, 2009. Captain Brown told me that Wright claimed he was unable to find his badge to return in October. Wright had told him that he would return the badge when he found it. Wright failed to return his badge for approximately one month and only did so when Captain Brown called him and demanded its return. In January, Captain Brown discovered that Russell Wright had failed to turn in his armory keys. Captain Brown subsequently recovered the armory keys from Russell Wright in January, 2010. Captain Brown told me that he felt that Russell Wright only returned property that he felt Department staff knew he possessed.

On 01/20/2010, at approximately 1100 hours, Captain Brown and I responded to the Hill Road Correctional Facility I spoke with the Jail Commander, Captain James Bauman. Captain Bauman advised us that the records for the Tasers were kept in the Jail Training Officer's (JTO) Office in a locked file cabinet. He told us that he had given what he believed to be Russell Wright's Taser to Chad Holland and it was stored in the Jail Transport office.

We responded to the Transport office. Inside a locked file cabinet There was a Taser with the serial number X00-401724. A later check of the Taser inventory records showed that this was the Taser that was issued to Russell Wright.

We responded to the JTO office and Captain Bauman unlocked a locked file cabinet. Inside the cabinet there were files related to Tasers. I found a list of Tasers and their serial numbers. This list showed that the Taser in the Transport office was the one that was issued to (Russell) Wright. I found another list of Tasers and their serial numbers. I located the serial number for the Taser that was recovered from Russell Wright's house. There was no indication that the Taser had been issued to anyone.

In the same file cabinet there were numerous manila folders. Each manila folder had a Taser serial number on it. There was a set of eight manila fol
ders bound with a rubber band and a "Post-it" note on the front of the stack. The "Post-It" note had "Un Issued" handwritten on it. Inside the folders there were forms titled "Lake County Sheriff's Department Firearms Record & Repair Log". The sheets appeared to be a running list for each individual firearm or Taser in the LCSO Jail inventory.
Amongst the stack of folders with the "Un Issued" note written on it, I located the file for the Taser that I had recovered at Russell Wright's house (X00-470984). The log for this particular Taser was blank indicating that it had never been issued to anyone. I made a copy of the blank log. I checked the remaining seven folders and found that the serial numbers on each of those folders corresponded with the list of inventory still in the Armory. I requested Captain Bauman to contact Chad Holland and have him meet with me. Holland responded to the jail at approximately 1400 hours that day.

Captain Brown and I spoke with Holland. We informed him that we had recovered some jail property, including a Taser, from Russell Wright's house. We told Holland that Russell Wright had turned over the Taser that he was issued, but kept another one. Holland confirmed that the Taser he received from Captain Bauman was put in the file cabinet in the Transport Office. Holland said that he did not write down the serial number.

I showed Holland the records of the inventories of Tasers issued to the jail. He told me that Sgt. McPherson had generated the spread sheet and that Russell Wright had handwritten the names of the people to whom the Tasers were issued. Holland looked at the writing and said that it was Russell Wright's writing. Holland said that "maybe one or two" of the handwritten entries were his own.

Holland told me that he, Russell Wright, and Captain Bauman were the only people that had access to the files since they put them in the locked file cabinet a couple months earlier.

I asked Holland where the spare Jail Tasers were located and he told me they were kept in the Jail Armory. Holland told me that the only people with access to the armory were sergeants, Russell Wright, and himself (Holland). I asked him what the procedure was to issue the Tasers out. Holland told me that Tasers were issued out in one of two ways. He told me that the most common way was when a Taser operators course was held, the instructor would retrieve enough un-issued Tasers to provide one to each member of the class. Upon completion of the training, the Tasers would be issued and the inventory records would be updated. He said that the second way that Tasers were issued would be in a situation where a new employee had previously been trained in the use of the Taser and could provide proof of that training, they would be issued a Taser.

I asked him what the serial number #X00-470984 would show. Holland said that the records reflected that the Taser should be in the armory and not issued to anyone.

I asked Holland if there was any legitimate reason for any person to be in possession of more than one Department Taser. He said there was not. I asked Holland what the procedure would be if someone had a malfunctioning or broken Taser. He told me that the employee would be issued a new Taser when they turned over the broken Taser. I asked him if there would ever be a situation where someone would be issued a new Taser without turning in a previously issued Taser. He told me that there would not.
Captain Brown, Holland, and I responded to the armory to conduct an inventory of the Tasers. The records in the JTO office indicated that the following Tasers should be stored in the armory: X00-470952, X00-470980, X00-470958, X00-470995, X00-469743, X00-470982, X00-469774, and X00-470984 (the Taser recovered at Wright's residence). The first seven Tasers were found in the locked armory in boxes. I noticed that all of the boxes had the letter "J" written on them, just as the box that I recovered from Wright's house had. Holland told me that this mark was put on the box to signify that they were jail inventory.

Based on the recovery during the search warrant service at Russell Wright's residence of the restraints engraved with markings indicating they belong to the Lake County Sheriff's Department, the training gun and training ammunition of the same type owned by this agency, and the Taser purchased by this Department at Russell Wright's house, I am requesting that the charge of PC 503-Embezzlement be filed against Wright. Wright was entrusted by virtue of his position as a Rangemaster to an area of the jail that is restricted to all employees with the exception of Sergeants and Rangemasters. The Taser was apparently removed from this secured area and recovered at his residence. The restraints were clearly marked and obviously not his property. Russell Wright had several opportunities to surrender the property since October, 2009 and failed to do so. The incident leading to the recovery of the property was not due to any action on Russell Wright's part to return the property, it coincided with the discovery of the items during the service of a Search Warrant.

Based on the fireworks discovered in his basement, I am requesting that the charge of H&S 12677-Possession of Dangerous Fireworks be filed against him.

This report is to be submitted to the Lake County District Attorney's Office after receipt of the report from Chief Sapeta regarding the fireworks.

Case Pending: Further Investigation.
The only thing the lovelace "group" did tonight was reveal the presence of an on-going investigation, likley compromising any real chance of recovering a trigger mechanism which would convert a semi-automatic rifle to a fully automatic rifle. Oh, I heard above that they take credit for the "investigation", but unless they were one of the officers named in the report, they deserve no credit.
You're an idiot Egan if you think "crank" is the same thing as "coffee"......I've never in my 50 years experienced someone drinking coffee and breaking/entering someone's home, assaulting someone for their cash in their wallets, or better yet drinking a cup of "java" and sleeping with a Coffee Dealer to ...get another cup of coffee, all the while leaving their children in the company of sex offenders, various criminals..who all "drink coffee"...Egan you are pathetic! get off this blog, what you say is a bunch of crap and waste alot of blog space.
I have known Rusty for years. Always a nice guy to me, but it was well known how much he liked his guns. I had heard the rumor about him being fired for accessing porn at work, but this adds a very intersting twist to it all.
Interesting. Maybe I missed it, but I don't see what prompted the search warrant in the first place?
LoveLace 02/02/2010 1830 hrs
don't pass judgement on Navarro, it is easy to brand someone as a dirty guy...keep watching and waiting and My money is on his getting charges that were slammed dunked against him dismissed and he has much info abour questionable employees doing unethical activiites regarding his cases,that will be right up your alley LoveLace how the not so good LCSO treated his case.

I am not him nor related, just someone who is in the know like many of your connections....I know what I know, and will leave it at that. Navarro is a good family man and husband, otherwise I would not comment I don't back Losers........and Navarro in due time will come out of the situation a WINNER
I have emailed you before so you know I am legit person not just out there running my choppers.
8:21 you are far to ignorant to be belived, this situation was a done deal, don't even go there, we exposed what had to be exposed. So you will agree that our facts were accurate, and now perhaps you did not read our post concerning Mitchell saying he wanted to keep a lid on it till after the elections. Oh that was from the same type of reliable source. Get real, try a different ploy that little gimmick isn't going to work.
8:35...If this situation was a "done deal" as you say, why did the report, which you have posted on your site, say, "Case pending: Further investigation"? I think that clearly shows at least the author of the report didn't think it was a "done deal". Nice job, and you call me ignorant, now that's funny. As for your anonymous source, that person has likely committed another criminal offense. Thanks for posting the evidence on the World Wide Web genius! But yes, I agree the facts listed in the report (If it hasn't been doctored by the person who stole it or posted it) are likely to be accurate. I would disagree that they were "your" facts though, unless again you were the reporting officer.
Dude, 9:17 if you/your could have figured out who Lovelace is or hacked this blog or it's email, you would have done so by now. Now who looks ignorant! World wide web...what a joke, everyone knows that Google won't give you/yours any info....something about freedom of speech. Pappa Mitchell got caught with his panties down. Thank you Lovelace, even though you teased me was worth the wait! Kudos from your HS&F ;)
If I cared to know who lovelace was you might have a point, but I realize that in due time the identity will be known. I would be foolish to attempt a crime to get the same information I will get some day. You're a fool if you think anything posted on the internet is ever truly anonymous. Freedom of speech? Now that's funny! You should bone up a bit on what the U.S. Constitution is and isn't.
Post 917 now you have become boring. We could totally destroy your last post, but there is no need to mend the words of the ignorant. They speak for themselves. You can not be convinced of anything, your close minded and unrepairable. Carry on with your illusion, we the citizens that do the work and try, will own the day.
Hey Einstein, I guess you missed the part that the author of the report stated he was "requesting the charge of PC 503 - embezzelment" and, "the charge of H&S 12677 - possession of dangerous fireworks be filed against him." At the end of the report he writes, "pending further investigation." That does not stop you from arresting him. Stop trying to muddy the waters and mislead the public.
I have seen people be libeled on here till the sun came up and there is not really anything they could do about it but suffer. I am not into libeling anyone...period! Anything I have ever posted here I can back up 100%. Lovelace, in my humble opinion is not about doing LE's work but about exposing LE who try and hide mismanagement and the wrong doing done by their own. There are some really great people out there in LE and then there are the stinky few with their own agendas.
post 9:55 is for post 9:43
Hey Einstein, requesting charges doesn't change the fact that by publicizing the investigation any chance of recovering the missing parts of the gun is severely damaged. It also doesn't mean the investigation is complete.
Civil Rights suits filed 2004-2009 some have been settled. It takes approximatelly 5 years for a case to be heard in Federal Court in San Francisco.

filed Nov 17 2009 Ivan Garcia vs Lake County Jail # 3:2009cv05403
Presiding Judge M Chesney Nature 42:1983 Prisoners civil rights
Nov 4 2009 Smily James Harris vs. Lake County Jail, Rod Mitchell, John Bassard,James Bauman,John Russell,Vincent Monreal,
Oliver Orr, Randy West. Prisoner civil rights
(Missed date) Patten vs. Conty of Lake et al
Plaintiff Jason McCord Patten Defenddant County of Lake, Rod Mitchell
Carla Hocket, Joe Dutra, Corey Paulick Prisoner civil rights
July 13, 2009 Harris vs Lake County Jail
Plaintiff Smiley, James Harris vs. Lake County Jail, Mitchell, Howe,
KC Grisby, K Andrus, S Jordan Nature Neglect of duty

June 18 2008 Arvind Baui vs. Lake County, LC Sheriffs Dept, Jan Layfield, Lake County DA 3:2008cv03014 civil rights 42:1983
Oct.2 2007 Beckway vs. DeShong et al, R Mitchell, Lake County Sheriffs Dept., Lake County.
May 18 2007 Brainerd vs. County of Lake, LC Sheriffs Dept
civil rights 42:1983 Civil Rights Act
June 7 2005 case 3:2005cv02310 Keiser vs. Lake County
Nature civil rights/discrimination/employment
March 31 2005 Larson vs. Lake County Jail
42:1983 Prisoner Civil Rights
Feb 15 2005 Statler vs Lake County Jail 3:2005cv00685
Prisoner civil rights
Dec 27 2004 Olson vs. Lake County Courthouse 3:2004cv05439
Nature Americans w/Disabilities/ civil rights
Dec 7 2004 Foster vs. Lake County Sheriffs
3:2004cv05167 civil rights
hey, we don't need no stinkin gun parts, who was posed to be whatchin the store?
Thanks post 9:36, and so much more to come. Though none of you know the individual, you should give them thanks they have helped in so many ways. Thank you for your belief and how much you care. Lovelace

Oh and all the information
Hey Einstein, you really are stupid aren't you. I never stated anything about it not causing problems about recovering the missing parts or stating the investigation was not complete. I just stated that it does not stop one from arresting the suspect at theat point. Dumb ass.
Nice to know you agree with me.
When we write a report at the end we put the deposition. Usually you would see: Pending, Arrest, Information or Complaint. If the author wrote "Pending" than more work needs to be done.

I am confused because in today's paper Mitchell stated the report was sent to the DA. If so, the report should have ended with "Complaint". It makes me believe that Mitchell got caught not doing anything, saw the story and had it rushed through the DA's Office for an arrest warrant. It could be that Mitchell was going to just fire him since they got the LCSO property back.

Here is another problem: I see there was no probable cause listed on the report for the warrant. Other words, what prompted the issuance of the warrant in the first place?
Anyone seen the Santa Rose Press Democrat. The Wright incident is on the front page.
8:31 It takes a long time to earn the reputation of being a dirty cop; and he was a dirty cop for a long time; yes, I know the truth about him; I saw him in action.
If he received unethical treatment from his fellow employees he deserved it as he was unethical himself; If his case was treated unfairly it was because he treated his own cases unfairly without regard for the truth;so now he knows how it feels and deserves every bit of the same; What goes around COMES AROUND....he's getting his payback, as they you think this 15 year old made all that her report, I dare you; Mr. KnowItAll and then give us your opinion of Derik Navarro.
the Shame the not so good ones are bringing upon the dept. Much appreciation to those doing their best to keep our county safe.
To those in it for the right reason KUDOS TO YOU...STAY SAFE WE ARE PROUD OF YOU
From the start I will tell you my innocence over the affairs of Lake county government. I had been under the assumption that the truth would be the predominant goal. Then with that truth justice would be the order of the day. Those in government not only lied about the oath they took but would use "its a personnel matter" thus aiding those they would lie with. This is at the feet of the board of supervisors. So none of this with the Dinius and all the others surprises give me wonder any more. Lovelace Thank you.
Someone posted that the grand jury stopped Mitchell and his black tie Ball.
Stating he used county money and used off duty offices with overtime pay. Is was on Lake County News. Do you have any news on your end.Thank.
Garzoligate, Perdock mess, Dinius and not Wright. How long must we put up with Mitchell's incompetent management.
Opps, didn't proof read. I meant "and NOW Wright."
Post 7:15
Garzoligate, Perdock mess, Dinius and Wright? How about Simpson and child porn? The list is growing and you didn't think Navarro was the only one putting our kids at risk. Wiley the juvenile defense attorney had child porn on his thumb drive and just think: Wiley was aught twice, light sentence, just who was he sharing it with and why did Mitchell and Hopkins cover for "these" people. Hmmmm???
there is a bump coming hit the older key to get to the thread that will be one page back.

Wright is a good guy and a gun enthusiest. Just like any wing nut range master. All range master have an almost sexual arousal over their fire arms. The sheriff better shake down all rangemasters and an employees. Because cops keep things. I guarantee he is not the only one that looks at porn, collects firearms and masterbates in that department. He just got caught>>>Russel Wright the escapegoat. Gee Mcpherson whats in your garage....Oh fireworks...thats your case!!!Wow Andy and Barney whats next missing ink pens from the office.
I am married to someoneone who worked out at the range helping out I assure you no extra arrosel or Playing Pee Wees Playhouse, My hubby doesn't have KINKY DARK SIDE. Don't brand all who work out at the range perverts that guy is just a sick twisted as Harvey was.
Pod 8:34 It isn't that all range masters have an "almost" sexual arousal over their firearms. It IS a sexual arousal for MANY of the ones that are insecure and need to be in power and are about ABUSE of that power.
They are bullies.

I am as good as ANY shot on the range is, but my testicles don't jump in their scrotum when I "down" a human. It is NOT what I live for. The avoidance of a "downed" human is what I live for.

Peace officers keep the peace, not create a world of hostility and chaos.

Your guarantee is that good old "Wright" isn't the only one looking at porn is right on target. There are the boys in the department who would kill for the entitlement of "their porn" and if they are so detached from reality to think that the taxpayers are not paying then to "get off" at work, then it is time they handed in their guns, bullets and badges.

Real men have peace in their homes and not just piece in the streets
patting each other on the back for their conquests in the field,

Although of course Garz and his little bit of art work is the artwork of what YOU percieve as a "real man" is indicative of what YOU think that tazpers are paying for. Also there is the "little" matter of the "downed" helicopter. Who's money paid for that bird? Garz?

Your reference to Andy and Barney? That was Mayberry. It was a TV show and now the corrupt of the LSCO has turned Lake county in to CSI.\

Somehow if Mayberry bored you I would prefer living in that make believe world than the fictitious one created by the Mitchell Mob.

Then again maybe the Lovelace people have FOUND those missing ink pens from the office with the help of ANdy and Barney and are putting that pen to the paper. Justice.

The pen IS mightier than the sword and the internet is a pretty good tool too.

Don't be a fool. Grow up. Get a clue.
I don't know about the rest of you, but I would love to see a little more Barney Fife, and a little less Rambo. If I see one more skin headed, jack booted, dim bulb, in his black storm trooper suit, I'll puke. What do these guys do Botox their faces so they can't smile. It's like seeing Nancy Palosi totally butched out.
Garzoli, Perdock, Wright, Mitchell, Brown, Morshed, when will this madness end?
Is this is not a forum for the Dinius case (yet AGAIN) or for Rivero to "anonymously" slam the current law enforcement to make his campaign shine brighter? (Which isn't working and only makes him seem angry, dysfunctional, immature, self-serving and a bitter person who can't get promoted and files law suits wherever he goes.) There are a lot of good men and women who want to protect and serve in this current LE, yet the very angry and hostile Rivero will stop at nothing to slam whomever he can and try to cause dissention among the 'troops'. Give it a rest. Maybe it is time for change, but Rivero - you are NOT it. Just because there may be a few bad seeds (as in ANY profession) that doesn't mean the rest are.
At the first sign of a problem I'll bet you anti LE folk will be the first ones to call 911 - and EXPECT them to come running. And they will, because they are professionals and they will do their job. Be thankful, because with all the bashing out there I wouldn't blame them if they didn't. Get out there and walk in their shoes for just one day, see what it's like, see how it feels. And NO I am NOT in LE but my dad was and I saw/lived what he went through. It is not easy and it is a thankless job. I also have many friends who are in LE or retired from LE and I am PROUD to call them my friends. Get a life people!
Glenhaven, CA
It always sounds better in your mind before you hit post comment. But it reads the same to us and we see through you.
February 3, 2010 11:55 AM Enough already Santa Rosa, CA "Not Glenheven" Nice try tho.
as an onlooker on this blog I have read what Rivero calls the rank and file and it bothers me to think how things would be (God Forbid) becomes Sheriff because how hard would it be to work for someone who has demaned so many to rise to the top of the pile, Dad always said "Be care who you step on...on the way up because they will be the same ones on your way down"
February 3, 2010 11:55 AM It still reads the same.
To: Is this is not a forum for the Dinius case (yet AGAIN) or for Rivero to "anonymously".
Sorry buddy but YES IT IS!! Ah what's the matter, your feelings hurt? Mitchell can't supervisor Perdock or Garzoli, tried to trash Ringen than Lande so now he he tries this media miscarriage of an arrest a correction officer? Hey I'm not saying he didn't do it, if Martin did the report than he did, but an arrest hours after it's out on the news! That report was filed "Complaint" so Get real..

***Rivero for Sheriff****
Glenhaven, CA
Sorry I didn't proof read my comments first, but you get my drift. This site is for getting MITCHELL and HOPKINS out of office. If you don't like the Dinius case coming up or Perdock, racial misjudgment or harassment by Mitchell's managers, than you are at the wrong site. As Lovelace has said, I can go right on and keep using my moniker. Don't like it? Post your name and lets see what mud I can slam on you.

Elect Rivero and see management run. Elect Mitchell and the mismanagement continues.
****Rivero for Sheriff***
This was on the LCSO website, written by Bauman:
As a result of an on-going criminal investigation involving former Correctional Officer Russell Wright, a criminal complaint against Wright was submitted to the Lake County District Attorney on Monday morning. On Tuesday morning, a warrant of arrest was signed by Superior Court Judge Arthur Mann and at about 1:30 pm this afternoon, Wright was arrested in Lakeport by the Sheriff’s Department without incident.
Wright was booked at the Lake County Jail on felony charges of grand theft, embezzlement by a public officer, receiving stolen property and possession of dangerous fireworks with a $15,000 bail. He posted bail and was released the same afternoon.
Look at this! "a criminal complaint against Wright was submitted to the Lake County District Attorney on Monday morning." Oh just after the media got their hands on it.

Look at the report. It appeared that it was completed well before Monday or even this month. Why did it take so long to file the complaint?
So let me get this right. Mitchell mismanaged the Dinius case putting all the blame on Perdock and fired Beland for just testifying, but Perdock gets paid leave. Mitchell couldn't manage Garzoli over the DEA/helicopter mess and puts him on paid leave. Now a deputy comes forward stating he saw Wright shooting an illegal assault gun on the range years ago and didn't do anything.
Holy cow, A captain, lieutenant, sergeant, deputy and now a correctional officer. What a cluster )#@%$%@

Elect Rivero and see management run. Elect Mitchell and the mismanagement continues.
****Rivero for Sheriff***
I bet it was Rob Brown Bail Bonds that bailed him out.....isn't that a conflict of interest; a Supervisor has a bail bond business......he makes decisions on what and how much to give the Sheriff's Department...Of course he wants the Sheriff's department to thrive and receive more funding; this will help increase his business.
Yes, our Supervisor Rob Brown has a very successful business; he is a successful business, you can't say that about all businesses here in Lake Co., but
Rob Brown, yes he's a very successful business man. Lucky Rob...he's trustworthy
because he is a "very successful business man"......
Brown lied with two liars in Lake County that I know of. He needs to go where all brown crap goes,flush him.
If you want to see what a GOB looks like, just look at ol' Robbie Brown.
With all due respect poster 11:55 I DID call 911 and the LCSO did the ground work with a little help of their friends to rip me off of EVERYTHING I owned. I am glad that your dad was a good cop, but puuhhhllleeeze the Mitchell "elite group" along with a crooked judge that he is "pals" with has done this to other people, not just me. They were slick and they were efficient and they left no prisoners. Lynn Thornton's cover up was just a little piece of this picture. It will be made clear to you. And no. I am a businessperson and a taxpayer and I obey the law. I didn't even have as much as a speeding ticket and I had brough LOTS of commerce to the county of Lake. I am through being terrorized by Mitchell and his two bit punks. (Oh, by the way, kid, two bits is a quarter!)
Tell me, how does the group decide which laws you are OK with people breaking? How do you decide which criminals you will protect, and which ones you expose on your blog? You gladly accept illegally disseminated documents. You proudly post the information on your blog. Even boast about the good things you are doing and frequently pat yourself on the back. You don’t have any problem covering up the identity of people within LCSO that break the law, as long as they are supporting your “cause”. Looks more like personal revenge than making change for the common good. If your motive was to “clean up” the department and get rid of the corruption, you would be exposing the criminals that are illegally providing you with information. Not encouraging and supporting them. You would not be posting illegally obtained information. You would immediately be deleting it. You are quick to slander and accuse others of being “dirty”. You need to take a long look in the mirror. You are as dirty as next guy.
Looks like Lovelace is posting anonymously now. Hmmm...
February 3, 2010 4:23 PM If you would have taken the time to review your post you would have seen how ridiculous it sounds.
What have the investigation efforts of Lovelace proven? Let's see..
1. Lovelace conspires with criminals
2. Lovelace will protect and cover up the identity of any person providing them with illegally obtained documents/information, as long as said information supports their vendetta. Opps... I mean cause.

Wow... very impressive Lovelace. You should run for Sheriff.
I don't think post 4:23 is ridiculous, I think it is right on target. The Lovelace group and their "operatives" are no better than what they are supposedly trying to rid this community of. Since they allow rivero4sheriff to still continue with his moniker it justifies the reasoning that they are pro rivero, which doesn't say much for rivero. Rivero4sheriff and all the lovelace groupies call everyone who don't agree with them assholes and idiots. From County IT techs to bank tellers, it seems no one is above reproach.
Hey February 3, 2010 4:23 PM
Wait, you complain about that on this site? My god man look at what Mitchell did before you even start taking about this site. You talk about illegal documents, but you seemed to have forgotten about Lt. Garzoli. You talk about the blog talk, but did you even look at Mitchell's comments on the LCSO website? Ringen, Lande, Rivero and Beland didn't break the law neither, but Mitchell has not problem throwing them to the curb. Covering up the names of LCSO deputies? after what happened to other deputies? You're right it is personal revenge. I take my job personally as do Mitchell and his management, but I do not commit crimes to do it.

Look at the Mirror? Yeah lets do that:
1. Mitchell said Rivero has no experience, but Mitchell was a box boy, a reserve and a sergeant before becoming sheriff. Rivero was a full time SFPD cop and ran two successful mortuaries.
2. Mitchell wanted transparency, but refuses to release the EEOC findings. He allows everyone to view the Dinius case, but locks out the Wright case.
3. Mitchell has superior management skills, but what about the Dinius/Perdock/Garzoli mess.
4. Mitchell can't even define racial profiling! His example is reactive response to a crime.
You want more???

Elect Rivero and see management run. Elect Mitchell and the mismanagement continues.
****Rivero for Sheriff***
I don't recall calling a county IT tech or a bank teller an asshole or idiot. I state what I know because of my supervision in LCSO for over 10 years. If you want to leave a moniker so that I can easily identify you than go ahead. Name it something like "****Mitchell for Sheriff***" it doesn't hurt my feelings.

Tell me Garzoli didn't have that photo on the wall behind his desk for all of management to see.
Tell me Garzoli wasn't wearing a flight suit with "Pilot" on it.
Tell me Garzoli doesn't have one the biggest ego's in the department.
Tell me Perdock is not revenge driven.
Tell me Perdock did not say all the investigators misquoted him.
Tell me Perdock did allowed his mechanic into the boat barn against Ostini's advice.

Elect Rivero and see management run. Elect Mitchell and the mismanagement continues.
****Rivero for Sheriff***
I'm saying that I think County IT is getting some of this information to Lovelace and a bank teller was talking about somebody in LE's bank account. I know for a fact that both these professions sign confidentiality agreements and if they break that agreement their employement is terminated....that's what I mean about not being above reproach...and these are the people that the Lovelace groupies encourage. Hey, yeah high five for encouraging this behavior, and you being a cop and all.
To you in this local government that would throw barbs at Lovelace,remember they do not have its a personnel matter that allows them to hide. You are corrupt and I for only one am happy to see you get what you richly deserve. You that are dishonest I hope your sweating bullets.
This is the lovelace group reporting to the citizens of this county. We are creating a post responding to the comments of the day, and will post it in appox 20 minutes...We have been quite busy today, but will respond to today postings shortly.
If you don't think I'm a cop, I really don't care. Lets me give you a little insight. Perdock's office light is still on.

I do agree that whoever released that report needs to be found. I do NOT agree on Wright's warrant magically being signed the day the news releases being a coincident. A former blogger stated Bingham knew Wright had the assault rifle for several years. I find it hard to believe that McPherson did not know of this or Pascoe, because the three are constantly at the range together. Why did it take several years to get to this point?

Elect Rivero and see management run. Elect Mitchell and the mismanagement continues.
****Rivero for Sheriff***
Well well, this is the Lovelace group, we have had a interesting day, and to say the least (attention corruption supporters) we are working on new information and investigation, but that will come later. For now we will comment on todays posts.

To those that are whinning about the Lovelace group, and the work we are doing, we could care a less about your opinion, we and the citizens and those within the Mitchell regime are taking risk, while sit on your thumb and whine, what have you ever done to help this county, you don't have a clue, but you know what keep complaining, we like it, it means we are doing our job.

To the post concerning your father as a cop. You little man you, who do you think we are getting our information from? The good cops asshole, the ones like your father was. How dare you disparage his name by attacking us. He did not teach you the meaning of honesty and integrity well its time someone does. Sit down and shut up, we are working for the good cops, and if we believe you your father was one. Don't you ever attack us like that, we are helping the citizens and the good ones in the LE. You better get you head on straight, because it is stuck where the sun don't shine little man, and we just stomped your little ass. The offer is this, here is our e-mail if you really care about your father you will join us.

To the chump posting about our illegal obtaining of documents, you idiot, you want to tell Liz Larsen who got the 53 pages of documents using the search warrant and case numbers, and had all the documentation handed over to her at the sheriffs office in clearlake she has broken the law. You punk, you have pissed us off, don't you dare come after us in anyway, we know more about the citizens rights and justice then you have ever known. you want to head to head with us, bring it we revel in the battle.

We think we have said enough for now, we want to thank all those helping us, and the fight will continue till the goal is acheived. We will not stop, and there is much more to come. Thank you all it has been a great run, and we have just started friends. By the way when we do not use the Lovelace moniker and it posts as anonymous it is done for a purpose. Don't be alarmed it is by design, everyone knows when it is the Lovelace group talking.
Lovelace, check you email.
I have no problem with how the Wright case was handled. I believe the deputies and sergeants did a good job, but I have a problem with the oversight of this case.

When a person is placed on Admin Leave, a sergeant or higher goes to that person's home and collects all of the issued gear. Am I to take it taht Brown was that person tasked with doing it. Everyone knows Wright is a Range Master and that he was issued keys to the range. Why was that not collected the proper way?

If the case was sent to the DA's Office on a complaint, it usually takes several weeks to get an arrest warrant (unless you walk it through yourself). If after searching Wrights residence and you found all of those items including the Taser, why was Wright not arrested on site? This is why I have a problem with an arrest warrant being signed the day of the news article.

Elect Rivero and see management run. Elect Mitchell and the mismanagement continues.
****Rivero for Sheriff***
Any thoughts that maybe the items belonging to the SO were planted? I'm wondering because if someone is already under the microscope why would they leave items in their vehicle that could seal their fate?
Glenhaven Ca, Cop's son, wrong, cops daughter, Sarah Dutra. She doesn't live there she works there.
There is no way Basor would plant evidence. I've worked with him for years and he has always been an outstanding person. Besides, Wright said he had some equipment belonging to LCSO before they opened it.
Michell is using this kid as a scape goat. Rusty is a good kid. His dad was my best friend. You need to look at your house. Is it dirty?
You may know more about the citizens rights and justice then we have ever known. But you have no soul. To do it or not to do it. You are self hating and destructive.
Mithcell can't manage anything correctly. Yes Capt. Brown screwed up by not taken all of the LCSO property from Wright. Brown needs to be investigated for screwing up by putting the citizens of Lake Co. endanger by allowing Wright to keep the Key. This is Sheriff Mitchell real leadership.
Poster 3:19 Yes, this a conflict of interest and NO BOS should be allowed to be a bailbonds person. God, what a wicked web!
This is a boat that the BOS can't bail out! How on EARTH can they turn a blind eye to this?
Now I believe "Mr. Businessman" who sets bail on the LCSO corrupt on the side of the Mitchell's mob needs to step down, but isn't that what James has been saying all along?
Isn't that the conflict of interest and racketeering practice that has got to be exposed and eliminated?
Of course James is "crazy" for going after them and posting his name, but then I guess I would have to be "crazy" too!
Mitchell is crazy IF he thinks that he and any of his elite group can get away with this. It just isn't going to happen on my watch and the house of "cards" will come down.
There are too many jokers in the deck, starting and not ending with Mitchell, and Lovelace IS the wild card.
Truth and justice WILL prevail and that TRUMPS anything Mitchell thinks he has up his sleeve.
To all the rats on that sinking ship I suggest you jump ship and scurry out of here. Anything would be better than the infestation that is in the courthouse and the LCSO at this point.
I'm going after the vermin civilly and there isn't anywhere they can hide.
I want them doing community service and maybe with a bracklet and a GPS device. They can work their debt off and many are in over their head. I say if it is good enough for their victims it is good enough for them to pay restitution from their own funds and not from the coffers of the taxpayers.
The affidavit in support of a search warrant (which Lakeconews virtually printed verbatim, apparently) and the declaration in support of the arrest warrant (i.e. Brian Martin's report) in the Wright case are on file at the courthouse and a matter of public record unless sealed by court order. Larsen is smart enough (and a good enough journalist) to figure that out, though the timing here makes me think she was tipped off by someone. So I don't think there's any hocus pocus there.
Some of the comments are just sick. It seams that you are happy to think that this is the norm. Are you getting off?
It is pretty clear (to continue) that Lovelace has nothing to do with the investigation or breaking the story, because Lovelace just likes to take credit for other people's work and hasn't actually done anything useful that I know about.
Good question 6:29. How convienent, it's all right there in a little bag waiting to be found months later. Did he forget to drop that off in Utah? How about transporting illegal weapons across state lines? He admitted to that but no charges were filed.(no warrant required when you admit to something) Trace his credit cards, find out where he went in Utah. And $15,000 bail, what a joke. And thanks Mandy, from the Record Bee, for tipping off Mitchell. At least that got Wright arrested. Mandy, maybe you should back out of your deal to run everything past Mitchell before you print it. Start acting like a real reporter. Citizens of Lake, we need to take back our county. Start e-mailing all the BOS members and the AG and the DOJ. Get proactive, do something now!
Ya post 7:06 you keep thinking that way, that is exactly what we want.
Post 7:05 you think someone tipped off Liz huh. Hmmmmm wonder who that would be. This is Lovelace.
Mandy Mandy Mandy, did anyone wonder why the record bee posted their article and said it was from "staff reporters"....Mandy use due diligence, investigate, get facts, you can hurt people in this type of situation, if you can't be a reporter get out, better yet go to Liz tell her you want to work for her, and ask her to teach you something.
Great post 7:07 you are on it!!!
Great post 7:03 you are correct Lovelace is the wild card, we will say to the citizens tonight, we are under pressure, the dogs are out the search is on, we have significant inside information indicating all holds are off, in Mitchells eyes we are wanted men. Keep the faith, we are keeping our heads down, and increasing our caution, we have notified various individuals of our situation, and are transferring information at this moment, so other individuals are aware of the current investigations we are undertaking and the current status should something happen to us. Not trying to sound dramatic, these are the facts and we are keeping a close eye out.
If at this point the citizens to not go after the BOS for a statement of no confidence then nothing is worth the effort, please go after the BOS and the AG and the feds, please we are approaching critical mass, the only protection is exposure. Everyone step up and take action.
We are receiving a large amount of confidentail e-mails and not to get to emotional, to all of you helping, bless you and thank you, for your support and for helping the citizens of this county. We are overwhelmed with your kind words advice and input, we cannot do any of this without you. Thank you.
Now is not the time for ignorant posts, post facts and pertinent information or we will drop your post like a rock in water. We want to make a statement.

There are several people we have had significant conversations with some lasting several hours, these good people are literally scared, what they are telling us cannot be believed. But their fear tells us they are speaking the truth, to those people stay with us, we are exposing events one step at a time, your stories are beginning to fit the larger picture. For so long you have been scared, and watched and great harm has been at your door step. We are working for you, your day is coming, many people have hammered you, MIA is an example, now that we have come this far we are understanding the many truths behind what you have been saying. We know you have been called many names and hammered over and over, In due time all the terrible events will be exposed. Stay with us the time will come.
6:29, I think you have something there. It just does not make sense to have something riding around in your truck that could be discovered at anytime by any LE agency. Also, whos to say he wasn't getting ready to return it to the SO. Something doesn't smell good on this one.
Ya the delete key is working do you want to post something beside Bloa Bla Bla? Step up you punk, give us something, make a god-damn statement, See if it stands the oversight of the citizens.
Hmmmmmmmmmmmmm post 6:29 and post 7:49 we gotta think about that one as well.
Lovelace is loaded for bear tonight feelin the oats, great job Lovelace, keep hammering were are with you.
I have known Rusty (Wright) since we were kids. He might wear a cowboy hat but it is a white one, he is a good guy! He is no wild card. He put his life on the line for our country. He is not like the rest of "30 somethings" at the sheriff's dept. with no military back ground and no discipline. They have made a big mistake in hurting a good local guy. Mr. Mitchell will pay the price on this one. If R Brown doesn't step up and help this guy out, then he won't be re-elected either. You might say this a good ol' boy a talkin and your right but Mr. Mitchell doesn't even begin to know who the real good ol' boys in this county are: The people who's families pioneered this county. You just pissed on the wrong people!
Oppps, get your panties in a bunch lovie? I was posting something for the oversight of the citizens. Leave it for them to read and decide. Or is this sensorship?
Martin does a good job at investigating a crime. Basor would never plant evidence and Cindy is to new at this to think of doing something like planting evidence.

Now how the warrant surfaced the same day as the news story is totally fishy. Once again Mitchell's misguided, incompetent management does wrong. You don't file a complaint and get an arrest warrant the same day unless you personally walk it through. If it was so important to walk a warrant through, than Wright should have been arrested AFTER they collected enough stuff for a felony (the taser). Now two Captain, Brown and Howe are overseeing this. Mismanagement again.

Elect Rivero and see management run. Elect Mitchell and the mismanagement continues.
****Rivero for Sheriff***
11:50Am " Just because there may be a few bad seeds (as in ANY profession) that doesn't mean the rest are"--
Well, MOST profession in Lake County don't require one to carry a firearm, and furthermore the inappropriate behavior that has been going on involving deputies in this county has been happening before RIVERO ever landed here. All we want is for it to stop! If one takes the oath to serve and protect, then one should be held to the fire of Justice when that oath is broken, especially when they believe they are above the law...and they ARE the law.
Wonder why Wrights Occupation is not listed on his booking sheet!
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