Thursday, September 10, 2009


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January 19, 2010 5:52 PM It appears that you were as surprised as I was to find out about the site.
Yeah I'm using company time. If Mitchell can, why not me? Yeah I'm profiling, not racially profiling like you do!

Please quote where I said all Hispanic's hang out in Kelseyville. I said I spoke to several Hispanic's in Kelseyville, or are you implying that "you" believe all of the Hispanic's live in Kelseyville. Before you speak of profiling why don't you ask your leader what racial profiling is? because he didn't answer it correctly in the debate? I looked at Samples eyes and even he was confused.

Racial Profiling is a "proactive" approach at violating a persons civil rights. Racial Profiling has nothing to do with obtaining a description of a 211 suspect. But that is how Mitchell defined it during the debate, or did you notice? Having a description of a suspect is a "reactive" not "proactive" response to a crime. Racial profiling has been used to watch a certain group or an individual, but not a reason to stop a person based on race alone. ICE and TSA have been doing this for years. The officers wait for a reason to stop a person such as crossing illegally, seeing a check point and turning away at the last moment or going in and out of the bathroom several times before entering an airport check point.

I'm sure you couldn't have missed Mitchell's response? No way you Mitchell supports can be that stupid! Come on, please tell me you caught that slide of hand (or mouth in Mitchell's case).

By the way, I'm still waiting for you to give your name.
In the civil trial, The pooled money was awarded as follows:
$760,000 to Thornton's son.
$18,000 to Weber.
$13,000 to Dinius.
And a big fat goose egg for Perdock.In other words, the marine industry experts, who deal with such
tragedies all the time, have made it clear that they believe Russell
Perdock was primarily responsible for the accident and death of
January 19, 2010 5:52 PM It appears that you were as surprised as I was to find out about the site.

Yes, I'm surpirsed so if you have the web address please provide it.
During the helicopter incident did Lt. now Sgt. Garzoli work directly for Sheriff Mitchell or did he work for a Captain. That would be the normal chaion of command. If that's the case what did the Captain know and when did he know it? Why didn't he share the information with his immediate supervisor the Sheriff himself. Is Garzoli being made to take a hit for his superiors who all deny knowledge of anything? If the Captain and the Sheriff didn't know anythjng about this they were not doing their job. Ifd they did know they are passing the buck and letting the little guy take the hit.

It doesn't matter that the depaties and supervisors don't like Garzoli or don't respect him. If the sheriff did know he souldn't be the scape goat for their failure to do their job. Be fair to the guy even if you don't like him. Review the facts and let the chips fall where they may before prouncing him guilty. The fact that he may or may not have been a micro manager was comthing that needed to be addressed by his superiors, Captain or Sheriff. What's wrong with this picture. If he is found guilty then they need to hold him accountable along with his supervisor through the ciain of command to the sheriff.
Post 6:00 Please, you want to talk about handwriting on the wall, this is a done deal, no it is not premature, not even close, Ray Charles can see this one, you really are not serious are you, the only positive of the actual trial, is going to be the increased exposure of the cover-up and the tactics of Mitchell and Hopkins, this is not going to be a pretty picture. When you take in to consideration the way these Civil suits work, when ever you had a criminial case in which the defendant is so clearly found not guilty the civil suit is 99 percent of the time an instant knock out, no question about it. I mean if you can come up with something anything that would or could be used in defense of Hopkins or Mitchell bring it on. But man you are going to have to dig real deep or lie real bad.

Stop with the defense did you not read the Forum communications which are several pages back in the blog, of the Helo pilots taking to Garzoli telling him he is crazy for what he is doing, and when yoiu take the entire snap-shot of Garzoli, it spells nothing but arrogance, ego and trouble, I have not seen a post up here from an SO current or former that does not think Garzoli is a snake in the grass, I think that is a fore gone conclusion by all who know him.
Can anyone give a overview of what happened in the BOS today on the Garzoli matter. I think we already know what was going to happen, can anyone give the details of the letter etc .
5:37, Yes my opinion is that Mitchell can do a far better job than Rivero. 16 years of leadership compared to Rivero's, uh, none. Because a mortuary does not count in my book. And it would make sense to think that every LE department has its bad apples and sometimes they do not surface right away. I'm still looking for that perfect person out there but can't seem to find one. What you don't seem to understand is that you have not done ANY research into how Rivero does the job in LC. If you did, you would wonder, like I do, why he is still employed there. Creating that which he is trying to create within the department ranks, for his own personal gain, is wrong.
The Robert Zehrung post is suspect for two reasons, who does he say he still considers a friend, and who did he say recruted him personaly from sac county????


January 19, 2010 6:13 PM I couldn't remember the web address, A friend told me that after a week or so all the posts were for Rivero so they shut it down. I'll try to find it for you.
Mitchell won't need a website, remember he uses the county website to promote his agenda
Post 01/19/2010, 6:55 pm, I find your comments amusing. Your comment of "Mitchells 16 years of leadership to Rivero's, uh none", is very funny. Your comment should have read, Mitchell's 16 years of failed leadership, compared to Rivero's successful leadership in the private sector for approximately 14 years. There are dire consequences if you are are poor leader and manager in the private sector, like FAILURE and BANKRUPTCY. Unlike when you are a "leader" of a public entity like a Sheriff's department. Let's see, what happens if you are a poor leader of a public entity? When the issues finally come to lite and you are not able to hide the mismanagement of the department any more and the public is able to see what has occurred over the years, They vote you out! That is what is happening now. Mitchell has led this department down the wrong road and has brought disgrace upon this department and the county. He has had 16 years to do whatever it was he thought he could do. He has done nothing. Time to go back to what he knows, being a banana scrubber
Post 655, oh man you are one scary dude you actually would look at the current lcso, and say yes I will vote for Mitchell. Wow, umm do you realize what your saying? Oh wait no you don't, brother get a clue, I guess Merdock was a cool dude to huh? Nixon there was a guy to back. You sir are not able to be communicated with.
January 19, 2010 8:00 PM
Love the comments and couldn't agree further. As I've said numerous times, If you want mismanagement, cover ups and/or sexual misconduct just vote for Mitchell. If not, vote for Rivero, it's that simple and there is no other choice..

For the person asking about Garzoli's chain of command, he answered directly to Mitchell. At that time is was in charge of all Invesigations including General Crimes, Welfare and Narc. Although he and Brown were lieutenants, they did not answer directly to a captain.
To: January 19, 2010 6:59 PM
Zuhrung was a very respected man. If you are a LCSO deputy, ask Curran, Macedo, Kenner, Hockett or even Bauman. If you work the courts, ask any public defender. I don't think you'll find any negative comment about Zurhung. Hey even I liked Mitchell until the Dinius case. Mitchell recruited numerous deputies, but I don't think you'll find any of them that will support him now. If you read Zuhrung's response closely, his current respect for Mitchell is low since Mitchell would not step up to the plate and take responsibility for his mismanagement.
If Brown did get escorted from the Sheriff's Department in Santa Cruz County after threatening Lande, is he the subject of an Internal Affairs Investigation? I would think the Santa Cruz administration wasn't very happy afterwards if that happened; maybe the Sheriff there called Mitchell to complain about Brown. We'll never know since its a "personnel matter."
Oh you got to be kidding. Do you think in your wildest mind that Mitchell would do anything to Brown? Look at all the stuff Garzoli and Perdock did. It took major complaints from the public to get Mitchell to do anything. You really think one complaint, especially regarding Lande's treatment by Brown would go anywhere? I know you're not that stupid, are you?
Mitchell recruited numerous deputies? That may be true, however
I know for a fact, and have discussed this with 3 SO's that Mitchell
Has chased away 15 to 20 great young SO's in the past 10 years,
It is a shame.
So we have to go to moderate guys come on
Lovelace continuing: I wonder how many of you know that we have had direct contact with individuals who tell us that many supervisors over the past few years and recently have received messages from officers inside the force telling them to watch there back as Rodney and the corruption force is getting angry. This is an actual fact. Now we know this has happend to several supervisors many times, and have they brought this out into the open? No, now you want to talk to us about being couragous, and stepping into the light. Think again, we you supervisors revel ALL this information and do not keep it under wraps then perhaps you can throw stones at us. We have accomplished more and uncovered more in the past few months the both our local papers put together, and filtered information to a number of entities in our local government. So we would warn you not to be to quick in trying to hammer us.
Were not into the posting games guys, we have a lot to do while we monitor the blog, give us a break, Thanks.
When I worked for the county I noticed people would hire on here then go to another county in the same position. Maybe that's what happened to the 15-20 that left.
to 832pm,

I never said Zehrung was not respected, however, birds of a feather flock together, don't they.
To:January 19, 2010 9:25 PM
Oh I agree, no argument here. They get duked into coming here, find out what it's like and race off into the sunset.
Has anything changed in seven years?>
Rivero's form? I asked him about this. He told me the web designer had problems with it and will have it back up shortly. I don't know about ALL of those comments, because last week there were only two. Also keep reading and you'll see he has challenged Mitchell to more debates, but Mitchell is afraid and so far had refused all requests.

What the heck is Birds of A Feather. Are you staying Zurhung is a bad manager like Mitchell? Well you might want to talk to the DA's Office or his fellow PI, Sean Navarro or any of the Public Defenders. Zurhung is probably the most successful PI in Lake County.
they train and leave known fact....a young guy with perhaps strong ambitions goes to a bigger sity younger generations are not too keen living in the rural area we have,the middle age and older want to be there. I don't blame the guys and gals for leaving but they should go train on someone else dime and join that dept, if you check the Porac book and see the salaries in all the other citys nearby you can see the enticment to go.
Post 9:41 No no no, I think those 15-20 left because Mitchell wouldn't offer CPR classes;
or maybe they left because Mitchell didn't offer any training at all; Oh, no they left because they wanted
higher paying deputy jobs in other counties; {I guess they didn't realize what they were going to be paid here
in Lake County before they took the job} Mitchell has been telling this story to the BOS and
the public for 15 years. His excuse as to why deputies leave his department; for better pay elsewhere.
This statement is a coverup.....for years.....ridiculous that anyone would believe this.
You must be Mitchell, Post 9:41....or you have been brainwashed by him; to really believe that when you worked for
the county, you "noticed" pleeeeeeeeeeeze..............
Oh 10:14 please....let Frace, Walsh and Steele go else where!!
Letter to be sent to the attorney general regarding helicopter use, asking them to investigate misuse of public funds. Also being submitted to DEA and to FAA. Thats what the Board decided to do. See article in Record Bee.
To all Mitchell's backers.Hear this I know that slug that would not protect my rights with the board of supervisors. You would keep that parasite after all that has gone on? Then you have to be a butt buddy or kin. what ever you a sorry mess.
Posted on the record bee article

Let's go ahead and translate this one for you all. The amended letter is stating we do not trust the DA and believe Hopkins is in collusion with the sheriff, and the local corruption is so bad that we cannot trust them and we cannot trust that Mitchell is holding the DA Hopkins hostage, which is why Hopkins has never gone after Mitchell. There see how easy that is, as a reporter ya just have to speak the truth.

Sweeny, why don't you give as a write at we will give you some schooling on how to be a real reporter. You can post to our g-mail account out of the public view if you like, either way we can school ya a little bit on the proper way to get story information, you ask a few tough questions, get the inside information, write a story, that kind of thing.
Farrington asked about the last time that a request had been made to the attorney general's office for an investigation. Rushing said it related to the prosecution of Carmichael resident Bismarck Dinius, 41, who was acquitted last summer of felony boating under the influence. He was at the tiller of a sailboat hit from behind at night by Russell Perdock, an off-duty sheriff's deputy.

The good old AJ, what the hell would it take to get this idiot to respond. Let's hope this time he does, I mean what the hell is he working on at the moment, hell if he needs money we will take up a fund.

Sailors from around the world who supported Dinius went on Attorney General Jerry Brown's Facebook page to ask that he look into the case. Although he indicated at one point that he was looking into it, his office didn't take up a formal investigation.
If you go to Moonbeams Facebook.I lay this mess at his feet. Its his job to tell bureaucrats "no" when they get out of hand. So the arrogance goes on.
This was in the Lake County News. It's about time Mitchell, the pressure is on.

LAKEPORT – Lake County Community Radio, KPFZ 88.1 FM, will host a two-hour live debate between the candidates in the race for Lake County Sheriff on Saturday, Feb. 6.

The debate will be broadcast from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m.
That's if Kpfz can get it on the air. The Tim and Andy show are not the sharpest sticks in the wood pile by any stretch. Will see if the can actually pull this one off, its at the studio we hope, come on Tim help Andy, the red wire goes into the red hole, the yeller wire goes in dat der yeller hole.
Isn't amazing, the BOS is actually saying to the AJ we have so much corruption and collusion between sheriff Mitchell and DA Hopkins, that we cannot trust them to do the right thing on Garoligate, but oh we can't issue a statement to ask them to step down, oh no we couldn't do that what if he won the election, we would be scared. Stunning.

We just got done with an interesting conversation from an oh internal source at the DA's office. They are coming apart at the seams. Internally the DA employees almost collectively want Hopkins gone, many would come out and tell all but currently are to scared, The DA is filled with Angst about this blog, and believe it is someone like Rivero, Lande, and others who are running this. Of course those guesses have already happened, but the effect of the site is getting to them. We are working on methods to further the pain in both the DA and Mitchells offices and the fight continues, we want to give again special to those folks out there on the inside and outside for trusting us with this information, and to the public for bring the fight to them, great job.
Yep, the great management experience of Mitchell is quite a role of achievement.

Can't do a simple review of a grant. Not write it or even assist in preparing it. Just review it.
Can't stop managers from posting sexual explicit photo's of their wife on a office wall.
Can't stop a manager from accessing porn sites on other employees computers.
Can't stop a manager from accessing unauthorized reports.
Can't stop a manager from harassing a reporting parting to a racial discrimination charge.
Can't stop a manager from harassing employees.
Has a manager who lies to investigators and sergeant's.
Has a manager who interferes in a homicide involving the that manager.

Just some great achievements in Mitchell's portfolio. Now you deputies might not like Rivero, but he is putting his own money up to fight Mitchell, showed up to a crowd of cops against him and has shown he is very passionate about what he believes. I see no problem with his type of review of disciplinary actions(IA's). We have all seen or have been the victim of management's misjudgment. From Garzoli and McMahon's narcissistic approach to managing to Brown and Mitchell's misconduct.
This just in, anyone know Steely at LPPO, well as all of you know Hommer is gone from LPPO, lets just say for now pursuing other interests. But that is not the bigger news, as LPPO's Burke is not going to go down the Mitchell road, he is oh shall we say cleaning house. Steely it is reported by several confirmed sources as of this morning, is heading over to LCSO!!!! Say it isn't so, guess what Steely is friends with Frace!!! Oh good lord, is Mitchell actually going to bring this guy on. What trying to bolster the corruption ranks, as you start to loose your boys, Garzoli, Perdock. We have a warning to you Mitchell don't do it. We have ears inside and out, we are watching your ass real close!!
Just to show ya we are on all reporting minute by minute it is snowing as of right now. Oh better be careful not to give location the keen investigative skills of the Local corruption supporters could gleen our exact location.
It's snowing here too.
Yes Garzoli the MCC was part of the Homeland Security funds, but as you found out (I was standing next to you), the BOS were extremely upset when they found out you did this without BOS knowledge. Here is how they found out. Now for you people out there, if a department wants to purchase a diesel vehicle or SUV, you have to submit that request through the BOS. With the extremely heavy trailer, it needed a heavy duty truck. Well when that request was made, the BOS were extremely upset that a purchase of over $200k was not proposed to the BOS. Yes they would have had no problem telling Garzoli to go ahead, but this shows another regulation not followed by LCSO. Mitchell could have reviewed that request and gone with a trailer not as heavy.

Oh and as for the SUV purchases? LCSO has four SUV's. An old Jeep used by the Boat Patrol. One SUV was for Search & Rescue. Sgt. Basor was assigned the task of making the purchase order. Even though Basor had to spend over 10k to equip it for SAR use, it was done properly and with the BOS approval. The next two are Chevrolet Tahoe's and here is where another manager, Capt. Brown, could have cost a deputy a life long pain and suffering or even death.

Read next insert.
How can we get the BOS to post or give Lake news a copy of the letters? Maybe all they did was ask them to approve the "audit" they did. That is what Mitchell did in the Dinius investigation. The AG checked it for spelling and sent it back. I think without knowing what was in the letter it will have the same result.
Brown was informed that a correctional officer tested for deputy, passed and was being sent to the academy. That deputy was over 6'3" and over 200lbs (a guess on the weight). The problem was, he could not safely sit in a Ford sedan. Once he started on the street, he had to drive a 4x4 pickup that is not intended for daily patrol use. Now his FTO's, FTO supervisor and several others warned Brown (who at that time was in charge of Pator Operations) that a SUV was needed. Brown kept blowing those deputies off. It took over ONE YEAR to finally get that deputy a fully equipped Chevrolet Tahoe properly equipped with a police package. Shortly after that new deputy started, we got another deputy almost as tall as the first. Again it took over a year to get the two vehicles.

Maybe this is why so many persons questioned how a person can be promoted to Captain so fast with such little experience.
Record-Bee Forum Sheriff rebuffs claim of profiling Post 45
The all white sheriff dept.
Where is your comment NAACP Clearlake Chapter?
Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., would turn around in his grave for your innactivity
shame on you. Find a new president to run your chapter. Mitchell turns accusations
into allagations. RKM, as you can see these are all proven facts.
Has anything changed in seven years?>
please post the private email I have something to say in private after that do what you will with it, it is first hand info not he said she said or made up to make me look good.
Thanks for the post about your "source" in the DA's office. You are funnier then rubber dog poop! I am a Deputy DA and I can say with some conviction that that post is pure, unadulterated nonsense. We (DDAs, staff, and 'gators) are overworked and underpaid and we are constantly operating in crisis mode, but I can say that none of the DDAs is particularly unhappy with Hopkins, certainly not unhappy enough to want to trade him for Doug or (God forbid) Donnie Anderson. I can say that we are not filled with angst about this blog, because mostly we don't care. Sure, some of us like to read it, because its just funny to see some of the drivel that gets posted, but nobody actually cares. You go ahead and do all your super secret investigations and talk to your sources in the and the Feds and whatnot, those of us with actual responsibilities will continue to carry on our duties in the real world.
way to go DDA, I know most of you because we come into contact from time to time and you all do a great job I have sit in on many trials and regular cases you are the best, keep on keeping on.
Great news, those of you with actual responsibilities, please do, continue to carry on your duties to the world.
None in the DA's office is particularly unhappy with Hoppy? Taken a poll lately? Maybe it's been a while since you were handed a case and told to do it, regardless of how you felt about it, but about four in your office right now would strongly disagree. Oh, wait. Perhaps your buddy (the short, heavy, bristly haired one) did have such a case and told Hoppy he wouldn't do it. That's when he threatened to quit. And that, my friends, is how Hoppy got to personally handle the Dinius case...
Truth is relative, and it's all in your perspective, or at time, lack thereof. You may be too close to the trees to notice the forest is on fire.
I know most, if not all, of the deputy DA's (due to work from time to time). I think the DDA's post is his (or her) persepctive, but can't begin to speak for all the fine folks there (not necessarily including Hopkins). Many are disgruntled, but don't want to rock the boat for fear of either retribution, retaliation, or a worse DA (they do not like Anderson, from the comments I've heard). They seem to like Rhodes, but not enough to go out on a limb for him, or anybody else. So in the meantime, they do their jobs, as stated, under questionable leadership. If Hopkins would stay our of the way and let them do their real job, the department would probably be much better, and happier.
You think that guy was a DDA? Read it again and you'll see no attorney is that bad at typing. Now a DA Investigator? That's another story.
Still no EEOC results Rodney? Oh come on just have one person from the BOS's tell us it was unfounded.
To the arrogant 5:56 poster . . . go ahead and do your real job and continue not caring about the people who pay your salary. Hopefully soon your only job will be greeting at Walmart and feeding your chickens.
Post 5:56 concerning the e-mail to post to it is, Feel free to post what ever information you deem necessary, if possible and you feel safe post an e-mail for our return reply, but that is your choice. Thanks for the help.
Post 6:36, Post 6:43 is far closer to the reality then your la la land expose on the matter. We have seen post like yours a thousand times, the instant denial that comes out, then what happens people not so jaded come on and depict the reality we described. This was direct information my friend, we do not post information on our end unless we know it is accurate. So don't play with us. There is trouble in river city, and you know it. So much more coming, the fact of the matter is, you are with or without knowing it either out of the loop internally and think you are in the loop. Our you are naive we suspect a bit of both. Post already painted a different picture then your pie in the sky. You have lost credibility try posting again but be honest. You can laugh all you want, but we do the work, we try to help the citizens, and many many would post to you what we have done for them. Do you want to argue with the disabled that we went to bat for and put Judge Martin under investigation, and went after the sheriff department on disability. Don't play with us, we have tried harder to help the citizens of this county and will until both Mitchell and Hopkins are out. Mean while you sit on your backside and point fingers. You silly little man you just got your ass handed to you. Come back on and be honest try to communciate, it works.
We have just received word concerning Steele, we had mentioned him trying to get over to LCSO, Burke chasing him out. Quite interesting what we heard we are going to verify through a couple of sources, appears Mr. Steele is a bit of a potential profiler, Hey steele ever get told to get lost while you were trying to hustle a couple of hispanic kids, and got nailed by someone who caught you out back of an establishment in Lakeport. Ever go down a street when you were not suppose to be out of your area, get stopped and questioned as to why you were there, and told to get the hell out of the area, why were you on that street. Well just a little tid bit of information will post more detail later.

To the individual who just posted to us via e-mail thank you for the report, please keep posting to us.
To the poster of www.northstarcandlelight Has anything changed in 7 years?
I'm a friend of J. Schorfheide who was the owner of North Star Candle Light and web site, and also web site of Those web sites don't exist anymore for approx. 6 years. About 8 years ago, his daughter got layed off from the Sheriff Dept. Juergen and I became good friends since his daughter and mine were inseparable during High School. As far as I know for the last 6 years he lives on a navy converted large yacht and cruises the South Pacific and Hawaii. He has written some letters to Sheriff Mitchell and Rob. Brown I believe in 2002. These letters were also published in Lake County Free Press. Click on main page stroll down 13 letters and you will see letter titled: Our Role Model Supervisor Robert K. Brown and stroll down about 40 letters you will find his other letter named: Open Letter to Sheriff Mitchell. I believe he wrote those letters in 2003. There were other letters on his web site but I have no access to that. Juergen went ballistic when he found that his daughter duty at the jail at times were to transport inmates to San Quentin with a loaded firearm and she was not 21 years of age, totally illegal. He told me Mitchell should have known. He tried to get answers from Mitchell about that matter in a meeting but the Sheriff refused. Consequently his daughter was dismissed. I hope this will satisfy your curiosity about change in the last 7 years. I personally don't think so in fact it got worst.
You are welcome just wanted to alert you to factual situations that have been done to good people I care about. EA
Hey lovelace, did you mean to say post 5:56 up there at 8:02? Because post 6:36 is surely one of yours.
1/19 8:00pm and 8:08pm, rather than continuing to babble, do some research. You sound like a broken record repeating Rivero can run a mortuary, so he is best. Blah, blah, blah. Do some research and then, "Find another candidate."
No 6:36 isn't ours good post though, wish we could claim it, why you alright with post 6:36.

Thanks post 9:02 well we wish back in the day the attack would have unseated Mitchell, we would not have the problems we have now. We have always wondered why and how such a terrible man, terrible leader and corrupt person could have stayed in office so long. It is such a shame that he has had a strangle hold on the county for so long. Please pass this site on to all you know, we need everyones contribution, the reports are building the examples of corruption are getting to the point of unreal almost hollywood movie stuff. I suspect somewhere down the line a book or movie is in the making. Thank you for posting, and please keep it up.
We are approaching 4000 posts in a very short period of time, we are amazed and grateful, however we have received some information today that actually is scary in terms of what is being indicated. We have much to do tomorrow, but if the conversation we had today and what happens tomorrow holds true, we will have traveled down a road that is hard to imagine, only to give some idea of what we may be detailing, think in terms of a network of corruption far deeper then you would think, think in terms of documentation which indicates a system of vendeta's that can not be imagined, think in terms of SO individuals Ski Frace Dutra and others going on reported "shooting trips" and coming on MJ sites which another person scoped from the air, having that information and hitting those site, stealing money roughing up people. Think back to the tat on the arm of a SO indicating white power, think of a group like this at work in the county. We have names we are getting concerned that what is beginning to take shape is very very bad. We only post this as a notification that if these and other certain details turn out to be accurate, then the story we will break will not be believed. We take everything we hear with a grain of salt until it pans out. But we will say this, at this point with just the pure facts of the situation we believe the feds will need to come in, we are serious and we are not fabricating anything. We believe it has now gotten to the point of dangerous, the threats coming to supervisors, to canidates, and to others is a warning that we are getting to close to something many do not want found. We are not spinning strange tales here, this is real, more to come as we figure things out and put some pieces together.
This is better than any program on TV!
I need to TIVO this...
That's funny, kinda like a cliff hanger huh,,we wish it was just TV but its not, and in the end, its not going to be a pretty ending for some.
Ou good to see ya back over here, you know you can at least post that in your name. In case none of you know the above post 10:43 is from a disgruntled SO, he bounces around the various posting locations and protects Sheriff Mitchell, the problem is as you can tell he never says anything, we suspect he is a bit scared, and try's to work the blogs to protect either himself or those he has been associated with. But he kinda shoots a gun which has no bullets, so he just bounces around trying to discredit those places that are hitting close to home. We actually feel excited that he comes to our site all the time it means we are doing our job. As you can tell from his post above, it is just a quick hit to try and tell us what a great man Mitchell is, but does he realize how silly he looks, is the question we ask ourselves, Oh by the OU you might want to check out the "other site" you mentioned there is a little response there for you, oh we know you will, you can't help yourself can you. Now run along over there now, and we will see you back here later.
Thanks Lovelace, "He is none of those things" is like Mitchell paying you to look this stupid on the blogs. Funny stuff again from a corrupt cop.
WRONG 10:43; People have been protecting his position and no one has had the b---s to run against him or even to challenge him;
It's called the power of "Corruption" and the BOS is a part of it; He's only been in this position by default; and no other reason.
If you that are in the sheriffs department would indulge me, I say this, you that are on the short side of honoring your oath or have misconduct or issues over the Dinius case. I have met Officer Rivero and I understand your concerns if you have to answer to him. To you that have nothing to fear Officer Rivero will be the least of your problems.
6:36 and 6:43, yeah, my 5:56 post is my perspective. On the other hand, I talk to every other DDA and everybody on staff and most of the investigators at least once a day (unless, God forbid, I am stuck in trial in IV) and I believe that my post is a fair representation of the general consensus in the office, gleaned over months and years of casual conversation with colleagues. Could be I'm wrong, but I don't think so.
To all the posts above talking about Perdocks Blood Draw. After the fact it was overheard by the employee who was on duty the night of the sailing accident and who did the blood draw, that within her conversation she stated to another employee that she drew BOTH their blood. Now, as reported to all of us, Perdock was the only one transported to St. Helena Hospital (Red Bud). So, I ask why this particular employee would state BOTH? This only leaves me to assume with this kind of comment that not only was Perdocks blood drawn but someone else was with him and had theirs done also, which would also leave me to believe that it wasn't Perdocks blood that was submitted or used in the report.
if that person is found out for making wild statements like that shw would be terminated, medical personel are not ones who disguess patients infomation, persoanlly I think the whole story is careless gossip and unfounded someone trying to just get their 15 seconds in the headlights. Beland was the other person with Perdock and never any mention of such a dual draw.
Hey 6:36, I justtalked to Langan, and he says he's 5'10", and he resents being called short. He resents being called "heavy" and "bristly haired" too, but we pointed out that truth is a defense to libel.
People please, check your spelling and sentence structure before you post. It is very difficult to follow what you are trying to say. Thanks.
Personally, its the gossip that allows one to look into to be able to arrive at a conclusion. Gossip leads to inquiry, and inquiry leads to investigation and a honest investigation leads to the truth of the matter. Maybe, this is something that needs to be looked into. This person who made the statement may think that case is over and there is nothing that can possibly be done at this point.
Post 8:59 - I agree with you. This employee may just think this. Would this fall under the allegations of evidence and information witheld? If so, it would definetly help the case now pending that Dinius has filed right?
Boy, now if that info was found out to be true, that would put the Good Ole Boys right where the public has been stating they are. Corruption. That would put the seal of truth on all that has been going on within the dept. and open up alot more allegations along with investigations. Lovelace should look into this one!
Just read lakeconews, a little late, but am impressd that Sheriff Mitchell demanded a debate with Rivero, instead of just having his own air time. After reading Rivero's , uh website, I did not figure it to be too accurate as to Sheriff Mitchell refusing to take part in a debate. Now if Rivero goes along with the rules of a typical debate, Sheriff Mitchell will destroy him. If Rivero is loud and obnoxious like he was during the LE debate, I don't even think the moderator will be able to talk. Hopefully he will actually answer questions so that people will realize what a mistake he will really be.
Well you might want to go back several pages. You'll notice Rivero has been asking for a public debate with Mitchell for several months. He even did this with the people in front of the LE debate. Once again Mitchell had to give in to the pressure of the public.
Is this blog no longer up and running?
Oops. Now it is. Sorry!
A simple question calls for a simple answer. Garzoli crashes a helicopter on duty, is involved in possibly falsifying the DEA grant and has been involved in sexual misconduct. Perdock accesss reports minutes after being told not to do so, lies to investigators of his location and then states his own investigation staff lied. Sgt. Morshed has sex with a clerk while on duty and only received a suspension. McMahon points a loaded gun at Howe and is promoted to sergeant 18 months later.

Now, if nobody has the balls to run against Rivero, how do you stop the mismanagement of Mitchell. I'm not asking for you to support Rivero or Mitchell, I just want an answer and since nobody else is running for sheriff, just simply stating Rivero has no experience doesn't answer the question.
I am amazed there are those of you after the Dinius case would keep the status quo. You see what "its a personnel matter" will do to your thinking. So as I tell all, just shut up and eat you cake.Those that have a God you might pray.
.....Perdock sleeping with Tami Turner!

and what the hell do you think Rivero is sleeping with when he and his GF are together,,,,,,,,,,,,get real and overlook who is sleeping with whom
Sheriff supporters someone make a web site to endorse Rod I am not a computer kind of person to know how to do it or I surely would make one that way all the negitive stuff they post for Rivero can be deleted like they do here with pro Rod items
told you i was not computer person I meant all the pro stuff they would post for Rivero coull be deleted like they remove what is pro sheriff here
Someone already made one and it failed, not that many people are pro-Mitchell...sorry!
Typing and posting really has nothing to do with being a computer person. It has more to do with putting logical thoughts together and being able to think clearly. Apparently you have gone to the school of logical thinking presented by Mitchell.
From: January 21, 2010 10:41 AM

Mitchell supporters and Rivero slammers, I am still waiting for an answer?
school of hard knocks
Its simple, one just needs to do some research on Deputy Rivero as an LCSO deputy and it will be clear that he does not practice what he preaches. I'm just saying not to cast your vote until you do soe research.
The California Supreme Court strikes down Marijuana limits.
I see no charges filed against Rivero. He has not been accused of falsifying grants, did not crash a helicopter, have sex with another employee while on duty, drive like an idiot resulting in a fatality or even threaten someone for their testimony. He never supervised anyone who did this either. I will also point out that if Rivero's accusations were false, why hasn't Mitchell or ANY management person taken ANY administrative actions. Could it be because the EEOC investigation states otherwise? Rivero was a temp. sergeant, detective and a business owner. That is the research I need.

Now, I can't believe you would support Mitchell. I respect the fact that you and some others do not like Rivero, so why can't you, the DSA or ANYONE bring forward a person to run for Sheriff.

There is your answer.
He absolutely practices what he preaches. I don't know where you are getting your information, but your dead wrong. And if you are going to say that you work with him or supervise him and there is a problem, then why haven't you reported it or written him up for doing something wrong or improper? Oh that's right, because you are talking out your ass! If you are in fact a cop, you will never be half the cop Rivero is. He has forgotten more than most of the guys at the S.O. will ever know.
1:57, I'm a little confused. Can you read your remarks again and explain who you are talking about?
You want toelect Rivero for WHAT HE DIDN'T DO that is luticruise, nothing is going to be done about him as a complaint during this time he would screm FOUL.
If you're asking about me, yes I've been a LCSO deputy for over 10 years. I did supervise Rivero as well as numerous other deputies. I never received a complaint from any deputy about Rivero. Did I see racial profiling as Lande reported? No, and I've worked with Ski, Ward and Gregore. Neither made any racial comments while I was around them.

Having said that, since I was not there (and neither were you), the public is never going to except an LCSO finding. Not after the Garzoli and Perdock mishaps. The EEOC is a separate entity not connected to LCSO. I still do not understand why Mitchell does not release the findings without mentioning names. Do you?
Post 2:05 pm, sorry, did not mean to confuse you. My post at 1:57pm was directed towards the post at 12:47pm.
It's funny how the anti Rivero's, Rhoades and Andersons can bitch, whine and make stupid statements, but they can't state their name or who would be better.

I like the guy who keeps blogging and challenging the anti Rivero people. They demand his name, but won't give their name. When he challenges there statements, they stop blogging.

So much for the anti Rivero people.
Having read the letter in the web site, Lake County Free Press "Our Role Model Supervisor Robert Brown"
and "Open Letter to Sheriff Mitchell", WOW, does anybody still want to vote for Mitchell?
Any common criminal would be better than this crooked gangster sheriff.
*****Mitchell resigns*****
Well I guess the 3:57 statement was directed towards me. Yep I support Rivero, because another four years of Mitchell is four years of incompetence. I've been called Lande, Rivero and Ringen and your wrong. I'll give Rivero his four years and if I don't like what I see, I'll vote for someone else. Maybe by that time someone else other than the Mitchell management will want to be sheriff.

As I've said before, it's to bad you anti Rivero people can't even come up with one person to compete against Rivero. I'll take it you don't support Mitchell either since I have not seen you support any of his actions.

Well time to work those 12 hour shifts that the SDA picked. Wait until you work a night shift and have to be in court at 9:00AM.
Remember this...


By By Phil Murphy 5/11/02

Last August sheriff Mitchell and district attorney Gary Luck had one of their wildest dreams come true, they got their brand-new hand-crafted anti-nepotism policy passed by our easily duped BOS. Our two ace crime fighters had spent months radically reshaping the existing policy, and as heads of the revision committee had free reign to tailor the regs to suit their needs. The two main changes were #1. All nepotism disputes would be handled in-house by department heads instead of coming before the BOS, and #2. The nepotism regs would now be triggered by anyone living in the "same household", instead of applying only to family members.

The D.A. and sheriff wanted the first change so they could load their departments with family members of their staffs, and to basically let in-house favoritism run amok unhindered and undetected by their BOS bosses. And in the relatively short time the regs had been in effect, the sheriff in particular had flagrantly abused his new-found power to call them the way he saw them with no BOS oversight. But as bad as the favoritism angle was, there was an even darker side to their plan, and that was to use it to promote the narrow-minded and self-righteous religious beliefs held by our two conservative "Christian" lawmen.

That sad fact was made clear by the insertion of the second part of the new ordinance, which was clearly aimed at the sinner community, either gays and lesbians or unmarried hetro couples. Also caught up in the dragnet of morality offenders were any roommates of county employees, who were now elevated to the status of family member, that is until they ask for county-sponsored health benefits. That's where the obvious inconsistency came into play, one that would have been obvious to any law enforcement personal who were truly interested in fairness. But neither of the two "devout" Christian department heads were interested in fairness, especially when it got in the way of them finding a new and legal way to persecute the people they decided weren't worthy of God's love or a square deal.

But the bully boys bit off more than they could chew, because even though it squeeked though on a 3-2 vote the first time (Lewis, Robey and Brown "aye", Smith and Farrington "nay"), it wasn't long before their brazen abuse of their new power and some sage lobbying by key members of county government did them in. Giving benefits to domestic partners was a budget-busting non-starter, so there really was no other option than to go back to square one, and the guidelines of the old ordinance. Both county administrator Kelly Cox and county personnel director Drummond were dead-set against the new regs, and after the supervisors finally realized that they had been bamboozled by the sheriff and D.A., the revision was rescinded on a 4-0 vote (Lewis was absent), killing the plan for good

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# 01531 hits since July 19 2006
This message is from the Lovelace group: We had an interesting day today, we want to throw out some rather vague questions and name a few names, it may appear disconnected but their is method in the madness. Hey Andy how are you? Cecil and how are you? You gentlemen have an interesting history. Different subject now.

What information does anyone have out there on "hunting trips" into the forest, what were those trips about, Ski you here us, interesting hunting huh? Ski, who was there with you, we know, and we are looking real close at some interesting situations.

Any corrupt SO's getting a bit nervous right now. What is this group of cops and associated individuals who do not want this to go any further. Do you have a name for your group? we have heard a name and a few other things. Oh this sounds so vague we know, but just the beginning of a very big picture, that is not real pretty.

Anybody know Jim Samples? We do.

Ski Ski Ski why does your name keep showing up? Are you getting nervous, want to post a comment?

This name has been around alot, we heard it again, not sure of the last name spelling, Jason Furgeson, that will be close enough, Jason how are you? We don't like you, we hear you are real bad cops, we don't like you either Ski, we think you are a real bad cop. In fact we think we have recently uncovered a whole network of bad cops, hidden agendas, Vendetas, and undertakings that are very dark. You know we are rummaging through the old attic, and the rats that are scurrying about don't like the idea of being uncovered.

We will leave it at that for now, Sorry to be so vague, but in due time, anyone with any information that this post jogs in your memory please post.
Brian Kenner for head maintenance at the jail.
Kenner? Heck he can't even handle a detective's case load. A maintenance person would mean he would have to actually work.
Breaking NEWS!!!!!!!!!! Breaking NEWS!!!!!!!!!! Breaking NEWS!!!!!!!!!! Breaking NEWS!!!!!!!!!!

The LCSO have identified the poster Riveroforsheriff. This person will soon be put on administrative leave. I will be confirming this with other sources, however this information comes from a very reliable person. Stand by for an update. LOVELACE you MUST protect this person.

Breaking NEWS!!!!!!!!!! Breaking NEWS!!!!!!!!!! Breaking NEWS!!!!!!!!!! Breaking NEWS!!!!!!!!!!
The post at 7:23 is one reason why it is so difficult to take this blog seriously. Really, you have something to say or you don't. This juvenile sort of hinting around just makes you look like a jackass.
Private Helicopter - FAA requires 40 flight hours
Part 61

Instrument Helicopter - FAA requires 40 flight hours and 50 cross country PIC hours. (Assumes you have 3 hours cross country PIC from private rating.)
Part 61

Commercial Helicopter - FAA requires 100 hours PIC with 150 hours total flight time. (Assumes you have at least 35 PIC from Private and Instrument rating.)
Part 61

CFI Helicopter - FAA requires a Commercial Rating (SFAR 73 reqiores 200 hours in order to teach in a R22 or R44.)
Part 61
Thats not tru....Brian Kenner is very handy with your mom.
Eric Keener for Sheriff.
Brian Martin for Sheriff.
Ok let's be big kids, and not go to the post and remove mode. Thanks
Kenner quit the detectives.....he didn't get kicked out. Ask your mom....she knows.
Does anyone have any information about the pentagram dancing, goat horn wearing, ass virginity stealing network of bad cops that has been reportedly seen dancing in the woods? I heard from a reliable source that Garzoli is flying infrared banners behind a CIA owned and operated black helicopter during the wee hours of the night so that only those who have been issued super duper secret night vision GOB goggles can read it. Just as we suspected. This corruption runs deep, deep, deep. All the way to the oval office by cracky. This is true folks. Very dangerous situation that is being uncovered. But we're on to all of you goat horn wearers. You better run ascared. Rivero will chase you out like the Pied Piper. Oh, by the way....Mia told me all of this so it must be true.
Carla Hockett for Sheriff.
Sorry.....I meant Doug Hooper for Sheriff.
Lovelace.....why for every time i write "Brian Martin for Sheriff" you delete my post? Is it because I'm wearing goat horns?
Derik Navarro for sheriff. He'll be sure to bring the DARE program back in full force.
admin pid-2009019735-

admin pid-1012178286

admin pid-308908667

admin pid-427371379

admin pid-401702057
Does anyone know where I can get good deal on some gently used goat horns? I've checked craigslist, but can't find any that I like west of arkansas?
Anyone with goat horns for sheriff.
Goaat Horns with broken tops is all we have, will those do?
Stop already with the neener, neener coments...Just the facts please!
Baaaaaa have plenty of Sheep would import them in from Montana
I'll take a set with broken tops if the price is right. I can always stick some candy corns on the end. That'll be safer and taste good too. Goat Horns for sheriff.
I think the sheep from Montana prefer Men not boys.
I could even make due with sheep horns. especially if they're the long, curly kinds. I'll be quite the fashion plate dancing in the pentagram in the woods. Can I trade you some bat wings and newt eyes that I have laying around?
Candy corn for sheriff.
Wanna see my batwing?
sure will trade I have a caldran wanna meet for the exchange up on Walker Ridge,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,BAWAHAHAHA
No thanks I have seen a batwiing and they are very overrated
You gonna be there? I was at the last one. Give me a hint who you were. Were you wearing the coyote scrotum coin purse, or were you the one with the rattlesnake ass beads? I was the one with the tie dyed tortoise head jock strap. If you recognize me at the next meeting, be sure to signal me with the funky chicken dance under the full moon.
**********Insert name for sheriff**********
batwing for sheriff.
Okay, Breaks jerkoffs get back to work and quit pulling their make us all look bad with this shit.
Beads Beads I didn't know it was a dress up event left my beads at home and arrived only with bare minimun attaire
I am retired so are always on a break...........thats guys for a fun time will say hi the nect time our paths cross
I meant thanks most fun I have had reading this site
With this level of machurity, they should take your guns away and give you a squirt guns!
I told you guys to knock it off, don't make me go back there and unplug the damm thing!
You ASSume too much blaming them for anyone silly fun time postings....
come on the south end is the one with the sense of humor or so I was told
Machurity? LOL,
*****Machurity for sheriff*******
Just repeat the following phrase as you walk down the street: I am sofa king we todd did.
AI am sofa king we todd did.
"Machurity" was a pun based on your grammar...Go to bed little ones!
Wow you mean management reads my words? Sorry not impressed.
****Rivero for Sheriff*********
*****sofa king we todd did for sheriff*******
Blog Kings are sleeping
you LE pick on the blacks, Indians and the Mexicians and now the disabled retarded? You jerks. I'm so fucking retarded!= I am sofa king we todd did! You just lost Mitchell more votes!
******Anonymous for sheriff*******
Pick= arresting those who are breaking the law look at the arrest blotter and see the variety of peoples in Lake County doing what they do that gets them a ticket to Hill road
annie doesn't want to bne Sheriff
*****James Henderson for sheriff*******
And you think it is funny to make fun at disabled retarded people on here? What is the matter with you people?
I have been certified as both yet I am not a bit offended...besdies who even takes this site seriously
******Clint Fitzgerald for sheriff********
*********anyone who takes this site seriously for sheriff********
Because it is about hate and a lot of people don't post here but do read and you are slamming the retarded.
oh I get it what is the matter with me....I am disabled retarded
******Pot Head for sheriff*********
******Moreshed for sheriff********
Clint, I hope that is not you....even you wouldn't sink so low!
******Lt. Dangle for sheriff*******
******the person who hopes clint wouldn't sink so low for sheriff********
*******your mom for sheriff********
i hear frace owns a retard
I am sending a copy of this crap about the disable retarded to Mitchell so he can see what he/you people represent!
fraces retard just pays his rent
You people are dispicable!
You are wasting your time and msising out on sleep no LE were used in the making of this late night break of tossing the good guys all over the place they would not waste their time on here.......ME however I can sitting in my tv room watching Jay Leno and having the most fun ever on this site...AND I AM NOT IN THE LEAST YOU PEOPLE that is not a nice remark
******Jay Leno fan for sheriff*******
*********"you people" for sheriff**********
********fraces retard for sheriff*******
*********fraces rent for sheriff**********
*************moniker for sheriff********************
********you people are dispicable for sheriff********
$$$$$$$$$$$$ my daddy 4 sheriff $$$$$$$$$
*********dan noyes for dog catcher**************
********sorry Burke already has that job***********
no they have sold that truck to CPD no longer doing it themselves
i hear frace owns your mom
i hear fraces mom has retards too
You people really suck for making fun of others....
the only retard fraces mother ever had was him.....
Hey quit talkin about my mamma
Well once again the grave shift decides to play on the computer instead of patrolling. Ski, Davidson, Kenner, why play on the computer? Just because it is raining doesn't mean you should slack in your duties. Sorry, but I slept and didn't watch you childish actions. Ski, you're to smart to lower yourself to this and you'd be surprised to find out who I am and what else I know.

Mitchell, can't supervise Garzoli, Perdock, Morshed, McMahon or and how about that little incident in the jail. Why is it that Esburg had to be moved out? Could it be from not only numerous complaints about mismanagement, but the mass resignations during her term. Now a correctional officer is occupying a peace officer position and the DSA does nothing.

Another reason to get Mitchell out.
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